#pls bear with me i've just fallen in love with my gals lmao
sleepyfoodtruck ยท 3 years
back in the day (part 4)
final part of the meet-cute (?) lmao
i think i'm gonna re-write these and post them on AO3, not sure yet tho! i've never posted anything there
part 1
part 2
part 3
Graduation's in 2 months...
Coral sighed deeply as she marked another day in her calendar, bubbles rising up and popping on the ceiling of her cave. Two years had gone by so fast! Why, just yesterday she'd saved her bff's life after she nearly drowned.
Except it wasn't yesterday, that had happened about a year ago. Her friend didn't drown anymore, in fact they'd managed to up her "underwater record"; she could last for almost an hour now. A lot had happened since then! They'd go on walks every weekend, usually around the park and then get something to eat. Other times they'd skip class for the day and just hang out at the beach, Snowhill would bring a thermos with tea and they'd just talk and talk for hours. One time they even visited an amusement park! The rollercoaster was her favorite, a shame she had to ride it alone though.
She also visited a lot of places on her own free time. Usually, the goat would accompany her and try (and fail!) to take her to new places; on the times she was too busy, Coral would just get the directions and go by herself. Sure, she wasn't supposed to use her "temporary soul" without proper authorization, but who was gonna rat her out? She visited several museums and clubs, had gone to try a few restaurants by herslef and even returned to the amusement park once or twice.
Through it all, she also had tried to find her soulmate. Her time was running out and she really, really didn't want to come back to the sea empty-handed; she loved the surface! She wanted to stay there! Alas, it seemed it wasn't in the cards for her.
Every partner she'd managed to have would leave her within a few weeks. She'd meet someone, they'd talk, go on a date or two and then skip town as soon as she told them her species. At first she was rather upset, believing the main issue was her being an undine, but...
"It's because of the soulmate thing" Snowhill told her one such afternoon.
They were on their usual spot at the beach, sharing a thermos with "milk tea". She'd been dumped by her most recent partner, a siren that had lasted for a whooping two weeks before he decided they "weren't a good fit babe".
"You gotta be kidding...ugghhhh of course it's the stupid soulmate thing!" Coral groaned loudly, very upset and annoyed. She angrily drank her tea and angrily requested for more.
"I mean, it is a pretty big commitment" the goat picked up a small seashell "To be fair, we're barely 18. I don't know if I could commit to something like that either".
For some reason, that comment stung particularly hard. It didn't leave her mind for weeks.
Now, they were 2 months away from graduation. She was supposed to return the temporary soul and return to her life on the sea, as if nothing happened. But how could she do that? She loved the surface! It was so unfair, she didn't want to come back and live in the sea her whole life. The sunlight didn't hit as hard down there, there were no flowers or herbs, she couldn't feel the wind rush through her hair because there was no wind underwater.
Snowhill couldn't come visit either.
That was the absolute worst. She'd miss her best friend terribly, just the though of it made her tear up. They'd be through so much! Ever since that weekend, they'd become so much closer. Nowadays, Snowhill allowed her to touch her whenever she wanted; hand holding, side hugs, pats on the head and even full-on hugs. She complained and blushed and threaten with her horns, but Coral knew she was all bark and no bite. Occasionally, the goat even initiated contact herself. She was rather fond of one memory in specific.
It was after her second partner had left her, a lovely fairy that claimed she wasn't quite ready for a relationship just yet. The undine had been a mess, she was so sure this time it would work! She'd met her soulmate and she'd be set for life.
Snowhill hadn't known what to say, she'd never saw her in such a depressed state. Coral guessed it must've been shocking, considering her usually bubbly attitude. She skipped class the whole week and, surprisingly, so had her friend. The undine found herself on the receiving end of several hugs, nuzzles and even a few homemade poundcakes and cookies.
"Sorry it didn't work out" she had said one such day, offering her another cup of tea and a freshly baked lemon cookie "Can't say I know how you feel, 'cause I know my breakups aren't the same as yours. But, uh, I'm here if you need anything"
It had taken her a while to bounce back from that one, but her friend's support had helped quite a lot. Thinking that she would lose her, all because she hadn't managed to fin a soulmate on time was, ironically, soul-crushing.
Coral sighed again, swimming to the deepest part of her cave where her room was located. She laid down on her sponge bed and stared at the ceiling, a few glow-in-the-dark stars barely twinkling and providing a bit of light.
"There's nothing I can do about it anymore" she though, turning on her side and curling up around a discarded pillow "Guess I'll just make the most of these two months"
With that in mind, she slipped into an uneasy sleep.
Graduation's in a month.
Grumbling, Snowhill tossed her cellphone on the side-table, the calendar app still open and displaying the marked date with an angry red circle. The last two years had gone by so fast, she hadn't had time to process it all. One day she's the "lonely asshole from X class" and the next she's meeting her new "bestie for life".
She sighed, curling around one of her many giant teddy bears. It wasn't the ceremony itself that bothered her, but rather the implications that it brough. Leaving school, the pressure of picking a career path she'd be stuck with for life, start a savings account to move to her own place.
Mainly, that Coral would go back to live in the deep, dark sea.
It was so unfair! Coral loved the surface, if anyone deserved to live up here it was definetely her. But what could she do, really? They'd tried everything to find her soulmate, all attempts were in vain as rumours started to spread through the school. And it wasn't your run-of-the mill rumour, but something that affected Coral's reputation severely.
"Don't date the undine from X class. She's gonna steal your sould and drag you to the ocean".
What a load of shit.
She'd been furious the first time she'd heard it, demanding to know who the fuck had started it just to give them a piece of her mind. Coral held her back, saying it wasn't a big deal and that she didn't really care; but Snowhill knew, she'd seen the hurt and panic in her eyes. That rumour alone had scared off any potential partners, it was impossible to try and find anyone who would want anything "serious" with her friend.
Coral didn't want her to intervene, so she'd respect her wishes. However, petty revenge wasn't discussed, so she'd set to work; she moved the douche's desk exactly 1 cm. every day. Poor idiot kept falling on his ass because his chair wasn't in the usual spot.
Snowhill twisted a strand of hair on her finger, staring at the ceiling. There was literally nothing she could do, no one wanted anything to do with her friend; hanging out? Sure, but if she proposed anything else they'd back off immediately. The goat had tried every other solution she could think of after that, but her skills weren't as advanced as she wished. Creating a fake soul was a stupidly difficult spell, one she'd been practicing for months and could never get to work; though, to be fair, her magic was more nature-focused. She growled, upset and frustrated with her lack of ability and at how unfair the whole ordeal was.
A knock on her door let her know she had a visitor.
"Come in" her mother came in and sat down next to her bed. Snowhill continued to stare at the ceiling, her thick eyebrows deeply furrowed "Mom, I'm a bit busy, can you come back later?"
"If you call "growling and puting at the ceiling" busy, then I think we have two very different definitions for the word" her mother chuckled, a sad smile on her face "How are you holding up?"
"How do you think I'm holding up?!"
"No need to rise your voice with me, young lady" she frowned "I'm not the one you're upset at".
"Ugh, I know...'m sorry..." she turned on her side, not looking at her mother "It's just..."
"I know honey, I'm really sorry we couldn't help your friend"
"It's...it's not on you, don't worry".
She was still frowning, but Snowhill noticed her mother had a rather thoughful look in her eyes.
"Uh, you wanted to tell me something?"
"Not quite. Just that I think you're not looking at this from the corret angle" she scratched behind her horns, the goat gratefully leaning into the touch.
"What do you mean?" she slurred, head petting always got her sleepy.
"...Your friend's an undine, yes? So she needs to find her soulmate"
"Because a soul can only be created or shared through a true bond, I know".
"So maybe you kids have been looking for this soulmate in the wrong place"
"Uh-huh..." she was falling asleep fast, her mom better tell her what she meant soon.
"I think your solution's right in front of you both, but you're a bit too oblivious to notice"
Nope, she fell asleep. The centaur sighed, looking at her daughter; the signales were right there. All that was left to do, was for them to notice and act upon them.
Graduation's today.
Coral shaked the director's hand, smiling brightly to the camera and holding up her diploma.
Graduation's today.
Snowhill walked down the stage, barely holding in tears and gripping the diploma so hard it was making an awful sound.
Graduation's today.
They shook hands with their classmates, took a few pictures in front of the huge flower vases decorating the stage and ate a few snacks from the refreshments table. Snowhill's family had dragged them to a small party to celebrate, they even had cake and a small karaoke contest. Of course, they were assigned dish washing duty; can't enjoy a party without cleaning up!
Graduation was today.
"Can I ask you a favor?" Coral said while handing her another dish to dry.
"Shoot" Snowhill stood on her tippy-toes to place the dish in the cabinets.
"Can, uh...can you come with me to the beach? I don't wanna be alone when the spell runs out"
"...S-Sure, lemme grab the keys and I'll drive us there".
If they saw the tears in each other's eyes, neither commented on it.
Graduation was today.
They sat on their usual spot, in a corner a bit far away from the main section of the beach; a huge, plain rock that formed a small "pool" which, in turn, connected them to the ocean. An amicable silence between them, broken occasionally by the sound of jiggling car keys or tea being poured from the thermos.
Coral dipped her feet into the small, warm pool, enjoying the last few moments she'd have actual toes and not a tail fin. A cold breeze picked up and she shivered, scooting closer to her friend for warmth.
"Hey, I got a farewell present for you" said the goat, pulling out a purple box from behind her "Was gonna give it to you earlier, but it didn't seem like a good moment".
"Awwww bestie, you shouldn't have!" she blushed a bit, a cyan color tainting her cheeks.
She carefully pried the box open, trying to not tear the wrapping with her claws too much. Inside a thick, multiple-colored sweater sat neatly folded; soft pinks and blues made the garment look ridiculously cozy. Coral gingerly touched it, confirming it was as soft as it looked, being even more careful to not pull a stitch with her claws. She lifted it to her face, breathing in deeply. It smelled like a forest.
"Did you make this?!" she tugged it on immediately, hugging herself "It's so warm!!!"
"Yeah. I, uh, figured you'd get cold down there, so..." Snowhill tugged on the sleeves of her own sweater "I-It has a spell, um, granny taught it to me. It's waterproof so you can use it h-her or in your cave".
"This is literally the most toughtful gift I've ever received!!" Coral hugged her tightly.
"Y-You're welcome" she hugged her back as much as she could.
They didn't let go for a while, feeling the other would disappear if they did. The sun was setting and Coral closed her eyes, she knew the spell would dissipate as soon as the sun was completely gone. She didn't want to let go, she didn't wanna go back to her dark and cold cave, she didn't--
"I'm gonna miss you".
She did wanna listen to this.
"Fuck, 'm gonna miss you so much" Snowhill hugged her tighter, hiding her face on Coral's shoulder "Y-You're literally the only f-friend I've ever had"
"S-Same..." Coral gripped the back of the goat's sweater, resting her head right between her horns "I hate this stupid curse. I don't need a soul to know I love being on the surface"
"I know..."
"...And, a-and I don't need a soul to know I love you a lot. Like, you're the most important person in my life"
Snowhill sucked in a breath, her eyes widening and tears pouring freely. She loved her? Her??? The grumpy goat that almost broke her foot on her first day? She sobbed, and sobbed harder once she heard the undine had started crying too.
"I love you too" she separated just enough to look at her face, noting how her ear-fins were dropping so low they almost touched her neck "You're my best friend. It...i-it feels like you're a part of me I didn't even know was missing"
"I know!!! That's why I talked to you that day" Coral laughed, her eyes a bit puffy from crying "I didn't know why, I still don't! But I just felt that you and I were meant to meet, y'know?"
"I'm glad you talked to me" Snowhill wiped her tears on her sleeve "These two years have been...t-the best years of my life. Fuck, I wanna be so mad at you. How dare you come into my life and then go?"
"I wish I could stay" the undine took a deep breath, hugging her friend again "If I could have one wish, it'd be to stay here with you"
They lapsed into silence again, crickets singing all around them. It was quite dark by now, surely the spell would fade out any moment. All that was left was to enjoy any little time they had.
So, they waited.
And waited some more.
They anxiously waited until the moon was high in the sky, sharing confused glances and drinking from the thermos every once in a while.
"Uh" the goat scratched her head, confused "Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want you gone but...shouldn't you have a tail by now?"
"I should!" Coral wiggled her toes "In fact, I should be gasping for air right now. I should've turned already unless--"
And then it clicked.
She gasped, a trembling hand covering her mouth. God, she was so stupid. How did she not notice? Seriously? All the signs were there, their first meeting was no coincidence and the fact she hadn't been able to find her soulmate--
"You're my soulmate" she whipsered behind her hand, eyes open wide and looking at the goat.
"What'd you say? Dude, you good? You're kind of freaking me out" Snowhill lifted a hand, a concerned frown on her face.
"You're my soulmate" she said louder "We're--you're--you're my soulmate!!"
Snowhill opened her mouth. Then closed it. Then lifted a finger and opened it again, her face pale and eyes (also) open wide.
"That's why you feel so familiar!!!" Coral stood up abruptly "That's what drew me to you, we're soulmate!!! God knows for how long, but we're soulmates!!"
"W-We're...I'm your...huh?" the goat looked up at her, clearly still processing the information.
"We're soulmates!!! I haven't turned back, that shoulda happened hours ago!!!"
Snowhill slowly got up, her legs shaking, and grabbed Coral's arms "No way. You've gotta be shitting me"
"You're not happy?" her excitement immediately vanished, replaced with a deep sense of despair "You don't wanna--"
"NO!! I-I MEAN YES!!" she shook her head, a grin slowly forming on her face "I-I have a soulmate!! You're my soulmate! M-My best friend is my soulmate!!!"
"Yeah!!!!" she smiled, barring her sharp teeth "My best friend's my soulmate too!!!!"
They hugged and cried some more, jumping up and down in excitement. A few people stopped to stare at them but, honestly, they didn't care. After a while however, it turned too cold to stay on the beach.
Giddy, they ran towards the car and hurried back to Snowhill's house. They had planned a whole revelation, make a huge deal out of it because of course, it WAS a huge deal.
"WE'RE SOULMATES!!!!" Coral yelled as soon as she opened the door, lifting their joined hands "I'M STAYING 'CAUSE WE'RE SOULMATES!!!"
"God dammit Coral!" Snowhill tried to frown but, really, she was still too happy about the whole thing.
The whole family stared for a minute before erupting into loud cheers. Snowhill's aunt dragging them into a huge family-group hug, surely the first of many.
"Oh thank god, it was about time" the goat heard her mother mumble "Was gonna tell them myself if they didn't figure it out today".
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