#pls help I drew him from memory and realized his face is definitely what inspired the way I draw Rook im gonna scream
pinkcadavart · 4 months
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Mr. Patricide over here
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Hi! Can I ask an ikevamp request where the boys find MC's sketchbook and is filled with drawings and doodles of them? If all of the suitors is to much, then just do for Jean, Will, Theo, Mozart, Leo and Comte. Have a nice day! ^^
Bruh this is a genius idea @jeanstan . First of all thanks so much for this request and second of all of coarse I will do all the suitors. Why? Because I’m awesome. No I’m kidding, I’m literally the most clumsy, airheaded  person on this planet. Think brain fried Kaminari energy. Also I’m really sorry this took this long. Anywhooo let’s get into it shall we. Tags:      @nad-zeta​
Ilevamp suitors finding mc’s sketchbook
you where just chilling in his armchair and doodling him when sleep over took you and fell asleep
being the gentleman he is he picked you up and set you down on his bed tucking you in nicely
then he noticed your sketchbook on the armchair
not even mr. Perfect-guy can resist tacking a little peek at it
so  he just looked at the page that was already open
an there he saw a pretty good drawing of him
Comte to his brain: take a peek you said. it will be fine you said. why are you looking through it. you said.
yup he ended up going through your entire sketchbook
he then wrote a little thank you next to your most recent drawing and set it next to you.
when you saw his little note you blushed, but at least he liked it
Leonardo da sleepy
you where both just sitting in the library
you got a bit hungry so you left to get a snack but you accidentally left your notebook there
you know this guy has a thirst for knowledge and that includes figuring out what’s in your notebook
he will pick it up and flip it open expecting to see notes or random drawings
nope nope he sees a bunch of drawings of him with notes like * damn that smile owns my heart* or * UUUUUUH why is he so annoyingly adorable*
This guy has the biggest smirk plastered on his face. when you come back into the room
“ I didn’t know I was annoyingly adorable Cara mia”
cue you turning tomato red
you where sparring ( or where watching the boys spar whatever fits)
after a few rounds you decided to get a drink and offered to bring drinks for the boys too
Jean excused himself and went to the bathroom and Leon was left alone
now your sketchbook was already just on the ground next to your hoodie
he didn’t touch it ‘cause he’s nice, but now..
he decided to take a peek
and he saw a sketch of him sparring
he flipped through it and found more pictures
him sleeping, him laughing, him teaching the kids the best thing that would describe him in this moment that meme: mha heart mah soul
and you catch him with the notebook in his hands
he just walks up to you and hugs you
little bean
he stumbles across it by accident, literally stumbles
you dropped it and he tripped on it
he’s like the f is this?
he picks it up and opens it
oh my Lord
he’s as red as an apple ( pun intended😏)
there are a bunch of doodles of him some where he’s holding Harry, some where it’s only him looking through his telescope or just off into the distance
you: Hey Isaac have you seen my...
Isaac: no I haven’t seen the notebook, idk about a notebook, what is a notebook even
poor boy
you just hug him and reassure him you’re not mad, when he mumbles an apology
precious bean yes Isaac, Jean and Vincent are all beans. COME @ ME
so you carried that notebook around everywhere you went and while he is not as attentive as Arthur he still noticed
so when you left your notebook in his bedroom after bringing him breakfast he couldn’t resist the urge to take a peek
when he sees a bunch of drawing of him he’s..torn
on one hand he’s moved and is actually happy that you drew him on the other he doesn’t understand why you would want to draw someone as impure as him akgkgakgskgfau LOVE HIM PLS
when you come back into the room you panic a little ‘cause he’s staring at it with a blank expression
but then he apologizes and your panic melt away
he ask you why you drew him and you if play the “because I love you” card he will be shocked and happy and confused and surprised...( the list is so long A decided it would be best to just ad an etc. over here)
you hug him and reassure him he is important and you love him
ok so he knew that the sketchbook was important to you right of the bat
being the annoying sweet person he is he decides to pester you more then ever
“ Whatcha got there Luv?” “It’s my notebook” “Can I see what’s inside” *flashes a severely annoyed look* “Arthur this is the 7th time today and i have the same answer. No.” “ Oh come on doll it’s just a peak” “It is closed for a REASON!”
Yeah you might have snapped at him a little but his ho guy ain’t giving up
so of coarse when you leave your notebook in his room he will act like he didn’t notice until you leave and then he will scramble out of his chair and nab the notebook
he opens it expecting a diary or just a bunch of notes only to come face to face with a bunch of pictures of him
he’ll raise an eyebrow and keep looking until he finds a very beautiful and realistic drawing of him sleeping with Vic and he looses his shit
he’ll run to you and pull you back into the room to cuddle and tell you how much he loves you no he’s definitely not crying
you don’t get what’s happening until he tells you he saw your drawing and you will turn slightly pink but honestly you just can’t be mad
ok so we all know that when he finds this notebook he’ll be stone-faced  
you ain’t getting no type of emotion out of this tsuntsun
that is until he’s in public
once he’s in his room oh boy
at first it’s just a hint of a smile, but it gets bigger and bigger until he’s smiling like a dork as he inspects your drawings
he’ll never admit it but the fact that you drew him really warmed his icy heart
he even finds one where he’s by a Christmas tree smiling and a little note next to it saying “I’ll make him smile like this one day”
he closes the book and puts on his stone face again and leaves his room
in the corridor he runs into you
“ Hey, Wolf?” “What do you want.” “Isn’t that my notebook?” “Yes it is.” “So why do you have it?” “....Inspiration.”
yup now he has that notebook with him on the piano and only let’s you get it back if you want to doddle in it some more
you where cooking in the kitchen, whipping up some pancakes for the brothers
Theo came in to complain that there wasn’t enough syrup on his pancake and you flashed him a death glare and told him to get some from the cupboard
as he grumbles to himself h notices your sketchbook  on the counter
and he proceeds to open it and go through it
he sees a bunch of pretty decent drawings of him and he’s surprised
he’ll act all tough but he’s really happy
“ Oi, Hondjie! What is this?” he shows you your most recent sketch. The one where he’s walking King with a faint smile on his lips.
you instantly go bright red
“ Put that down! You where not supposed to see that! There not good just put it down”
he’ll sigh and pull you into a hug
“ I like it”
smol bean
you left it in his room and he just wanted to take a peek
and he opened it up and saw a punch of sketches of him
they even had notes like “uhh stop moving you hand” or “how can someone be this pure”
he’s moved
will go and find you and apologize for looking in your notebook and will tell you how cute your drawings are
all in all he’s a sweet little angel but like who expected  anything else
funny how he can’t remember your name but can remember exactly were you hide the sketchbook when you can’t take it with you
yup this guy just went and took it
he has no shame
he flicked trough it and smiled to himself
the drawings where adorable and funny and he loved it
you strait up walk in on him with the sketchbook and he just smiled at you
you turn pink trying to explain why you drew them
buuuut he just twirls you around and pules you into his lap smiling and you go over the drawing together recalling happy memories  
did somebody say Sebastian appreciation hours
You can’t really hide anything from Sebas can you
you went out to get groceries and he was cleaning up around the mansion
you had left your notebook tucked behind one of the library shelves and as he was dusting he found it
he opened it not knowing it was your notebook
he realized soon enough though
he just starred at the pages full of drawings of him
you waked in and he just calmly put the notebook down
he asks why you drew him and you turn pink
as you try to formulate a coherent response he sighs and makes his way to you
he gently flicks your forehead and smiles
“I never said I didn’t like them”
ok so lets talk about our dear yandere boy Will
you hang out a lot at his villa
usually you are accompanied by Vincent
but today he remembered he had a painting to finish and left
you offered to walk him to the gate and he gladly accepted
however you forgot your sketchbook on the dining table
William instantly noticed this and couldn’t help but take a peek
he’s shooketh
the drawing are so cute  he really likes them
you come in and he smiles at you
your kind of embarrassed because 1 you didn’t want him to see that and 2 he asked you if you could draw in front of him
“ The way thou hand moves across this paper mesmerizes me”
you turn bright red but your happy he likes it
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marlacrane · 4 years
『COURTNEY EATON ❙ CIS FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like MARLA CRANE is here for HER JUNIOR year as a JOURNALISM student. she is 22 years old & known to be inventive, dogged, heedless & blunt. They’re living in GORHAM, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ mia. 23. pt. she/her.
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[without me by eminem plays muffled from the next room as marla wanders thru the door w a mickey of vodka in her left hand and the communist manifesto in her right]
tws for drug use, mental illness
she has a happy childhood in a seattle suburb. she’s the youngest of two girls, and even though her mom works all the time, and her dad’s overseas, everything’s fine. until marla gets to second grade, which she hates, gets into a fight with a boy, and nearly bites his finger off. this time she gets off with a warning. then, later that week, said boy and her are working on this paper maché duck together, and the teacher's keeping an eye on them at first but has now dismissed them as totally getting along, and then the teacher glances at them again to find that they have vanished, and so have the art supplies. the two of them are found six hours later hiding in a park. they’ve been hanging out there all day, asking for a quarter from each unsuspecting parent or guardian they’ve seen. they’ve used this to buy as much food from the community centre vending machine as they can carry. their goal: wait until their parents are sleeping, steal the tent from marla’s backyard, and go live in the treehouse in his backyard. upon discovery, they’re both grounded for a month. marla is no longer allowed to read calvin and hobbes  ––  her mom is pretty sure it’s what inspired the escape attempt.
she and this boy, whose name is jasper, regroup once they’ve been ungrounded. jasper and her are both the sort of kids who bite their nails at the sign of a group project. their fight had been over who got to read the classroom’s only calvin and hobbes anthology. their initial truce had been based entirely around a mutual desire for treehouse living. now, they just want insurance. so they agree to partner up, always.
they’re bad influences on each other. apart, they’re both a little feral, sure, but they understand that certain things are not possible, and they avoid danger if they can help it. when they hang out, though, they egg each other on. jasper breaks his arm because marla dares him to climb the school; marla’s suspended after jasper dares her to pull the fire alarm; jasper and marla accidentally burn down a garden shed; jasper and marla scam five people out of their lunch money so they can go see a movie after school. (they pay them back a week later. they’re not total monsters. also, they were getting scared one of the kids was gonna tell on them).
jasper’s parents are moving. jasper’s moving with them, out to the country. marla hates it, but she steels herself. she can be independent. she’s nearly sixteen now, and it’s about time she started. but she’s going to miss him. he tells her that nothing’s going to change, which she tells him is bullshit. he takes this the wrong way, and they stop speaking to each other. this goes on for five months. marla’s lonely at first  ––  she doesn’t know how to talk to people who aren’t him. she starts dating this guy, and that opens things up a little bit. he introduces her to his friends, and suddenly she doesn’t feel as wild. she’s no longer a product of the outskirts.
one night she thinks fuck it, that’s enough silence. she sneaks out at one am, texting jasper to meet her halfway. she borrows her sister’s car. marla figures she practically knows how to drive. she’s done it a few times. and, to her credit, she makes it to where she and jasper are meeting. she also wraps the car around a pole. she emerges relatively unharmed, and she panics. jasper doesn’t show up. he texts to tell her he got caught trying to leave. she calls him an idiot. then she waits there, arms crossed, incapable of doing anything but dreading consequences, until it’s nearly morning. that’s when a cop drives by and the process of being in trouble begins. it’s a clusterfuck. this is when her sister stops speaking to her  ––  marla’s been on thin ice with her for a long time, but now it’s over. it isn’t so much that her sister wants to hold a grudge. it’s just finally too much. and marla gets it. for once, she doesn’t try and change things, or slip out of trouble. that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get into a number of shouting matches with her mom. her phone is taken away, as is all of her money, which goes toward buying her sister a new car. her laptop is sold in the name of the new car too. she can use the family computer if schoolwork absolutely demands internet access.
she hasn’t heard from jasper in a long time. her now ex boyfriend is still sort of a friend, but not the kind she can hang out with. there was one girl she really got along with at their school, but they made out at a party and the next day the girl wouldn’t really look her in the eyes. she turns seventeen, the birthday celebrated more or less alone, and does a little stint in juvie for keying a teacher’s car. she then spends a year at a community college, followed by radcliffe. she picks radcliffe because she’s accepted, and because it’s far from home. being at home fills her with this sick feeling now  ––  something went bad somewhere along the way, and she’s pretty sure it was her that made the wrong turn at the crossroads. not her mom, not jasper, not anyone else that had power over her life. and she won’t reach out to her friend, or to her sister, because that would mean admitting she cares more than they do.
she sort of wishes she could go back to being a careful person. she wants to understand boundaries. she also wants her life to have a purpose, and she likes writing, and she’s always loved nancy drew, but being a detective would’ve meant being a cop and she'd genuinely rather die, so she’s gone for journalism. she’s not loving the university experience, but it’s better than before, and it’s provided a lot of distractions that she’s grateful for.
headcanons / personality :
she can be a little abrasive.
she smokes weed whenever she can afford it, because if she doesn’t she tends toward feeling depressed and highly uninspired. she carries this apathy with her, and then every once in a while she’ll snap, and either get a lot better or a lot worse. klonopin is her best friend now.
she’s 100% a leftist and the way to her heart at this point is through communism memes. she’s slowly but surely making her way through the works of karl marx. she’d probably be done by now, but she keeps reading romance novels instead. (this is also a secret. she reads them on her phone and deletes them the moment she’s done so that nobody can know).
she lives to pirate movies, but claims that the only movie she’s ever seen is showgirls. this is because she dated a film major during her first year of college and found him so insufferable that she’s decided nobody can ever know she watches movies. she gets that he was just a jackass, and she shouldn’t judge anyone by their major, and yet................ that said, she has a secret letterboxd account (when she made it, she found her ex’s account and blocked him, just in case) and on it there’s a list of films in which richard nixon gets punched in the face.
deep down she’s actually very sentimental and sensitive, which is why she worked so hard to Not Be That growing up. she does her very best to never show that side of herself  ––  if someone sees her crying she’s just gotta kill them ! those are the rules. and after a while it got more and more difficult to actually access that side of herself. when she cries, it’s an Event.
she’s always broke. she’s also somehow always capable of scraping together exactly enough money to go out.
she knows that if jasper contacted her now, even after the years of radio silence, she’d do anything for him. they’re still friends, even if that friendship only exists in her memories. she realizes she could text him, but that would violate her strict double texting rules. and she’s afraid to.
she definitely makes bad decisions while drunk. like, all the time. speaking of which, she’s up for anything ! wanna attempt to summon a demon at 3 am? she’s ur girl ! wanna break into someone’s house and move all of the furniture over by about an inch before stealing away into the night? she’s already there !
she’s actually a good listener, which is one of the only positive traits she credits herself with. that, and creativity.
she’s a taurus but like . there is almost definitely some pisces / scorpio / sagittarius on her chart
she can play piano. she’s actually pretty good at it. or she was, back when she had access to pianos.
she really really really really really really wants a dog but there is no way in hell she can afford one
she’s bisexual
wanted connections :
(i mean. i will love anything, but....)
exes  –  whether they dated for a while or just hooked up once or twice tbh
enemies  –  these are easy because marla often does not consider consequences, so she could easily have done smth :/ to ur muse
friends  –  pls ! she needs them
unrequited crush  –  on her part, probably ? maybe they’re friends and she doesn’t wanna fuck that up but she’s starting to care about them in a different way. I Love Repression. what a good trope.
if anyone’s down for spontaneous tattoos............ she loves those (@chase hi, hello, come here)
a good influence would be fantastic
anyone else from seattle / the seattle area who maybe knew her in passing
um i really want this
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kin-your-heart · 5 years
Trying again njgnjgnj So it's a request for mod Akira for more specific questions. Can I get a reading about how Desmond felt about Archaedia? Like what made him go ''She's the one'' Also I got no memory of... what actually happened to her. Like Desmond mention she's dead but... what happened?
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Hello again, Archaedia! This reading was, by far, the wildest one I’ve ever had to do (and it was only because my dear deck Morgana decided it wanted to mess with me so that was fun). I hope it’s helpful for you! I’m putting it under the cut since the analysis can get pretty long.
So, I broke your questions down into three definite questions and drew one card for each, like so:
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1. How does Desmond feel about Archaedia? Nine of Wands
Fun fact about this card, by the way: Morgana had a tough time connecting to your energy at first, so I had to reshuffle a few times. But the answer to this first question was always the Nine of Wands. To me, this card represents carrying on despite your exhaustion and hardships. And I suppose this means that to Desmond, Archaedia was his respite from his exhaustion. As a Desmond who is always exhausted, god i wish that were me. She’s the reason he’s still going, still fighting for what he wants.* Even if the world is kicking him in the face (and, hoo boy it sure does!), he just. Loves his wife That much. He refuses to give up. I think that’s very sweet. She’s his inner fire.
*In Azran Legacy, he does say something that could poteeeentially contradict this, but I found a line of reasoning that would make sense. Since you haven’t finished the game, though, I can’t tell you yet. But don’t worry, I wrote it down! Ask me about it when we get there ;)
2. What made him realize that she was “the one”? Queen of Wands
Speaking of your Desmond being sweet, this is a very sweet answer to this question! Basically, she inspires him. Yknow how I said she’s his inner fire? This is exactly what I mean. He admires her passion, and he loves that she can inspire the same passion in him. If I were to guess at a specific moment that he realized she was “the one,” I’d guess that maaaaybe she helped him crack a puzzle he just couldn’t solve? Cause she wasn’t looking at it through a strictly analytical lens--she looks at the world differently, and that could have helped to get him out of the corner he’d backed himself into. I dunno. You let me know if this sounds familiar, lol.
3. What happened to her? Ten of Swords/Queen of Pentacles
Okay, answering THIS question was the craziest thing I ever had to go through. Morgana started throwing wack cards at me to throw me off my rhythm and it WORKED. Ah, but, whatever, I think I have the RIGHT answer now. MORGANA.
So, first thing I asked was whether or not she actually died. Cause we don’t know! And according to what my deck tells me...no, she didn’t! But it LOOKED like she did. I suppose she succumbed to some mysterious illness (there’s a lot of those in the PL universe where are the doctors) and eventually fell into a coma. How do I know this? Intuition + drawing a card (the Four of Swords). I also drew another card (the Eight of Swords) to see if she’d remember anything after coming out of the coma, which...turned out to be a no. Ya girl had amnesia. I’m not sure what she did after everyone thought she was dead and she couldn’t remember anything, but I’m going to guess it turns out to be decidedly Not like the events of Miracle Mask. Don’t worry, that’ll make sense later.
(Here are the bonus two cards I pulled, in case you want to interpret them for yourself, maybe:)
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Well, there you have it. If you have any memories resulting from this either confirming or denying the reading, feel free to send in a kinfession (or just DM me, lol)! Either way, I hope this resonated with you! Thank you for sending in more specific questions, haha!
- Mod Akira
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