#pls its so so good and im dead serious i had to pause at that line because it Broke. Me.
robitherat · 2 years
i said as much in an end note for a chapter in "tell me what you see," but i once admitted myself to a psychiatric hospital after a major depressive episode and stayed there for several days (this was years ago and i'm fine now). there was a separate children's wing at the hospital for inpatient and outpatient kids. we never saw the kids, but one day, in the little courtyard where we'd get to take breaks and do outdoor activities, a saw the words "i don't trust anybody" written in chalk on the sidewalk in a child's scrawl. that has always stayed with me and probably always will. it haunts me; it broke my heart.
and then after watching "marble hornets" and hearing about tim's time in the hospital and reading the forms more carefully and figuring out just how young he was when admitted, that "i don't trust anybody" in chalk came back to me. and i'm just like, "tim 100% would write that on the sidewalk at his hospital."
God honestly reading that part in your fic broke me, then reading that is was based on real events broke me all over again. I've thankfully never had an experience in a psych hospital (came close in 8th grade a couple times, but, yknow, 8th grade) but ive got some friends who have, and honestly I can't even begin to imagine the kinds of things those kids must face. I mean, hearing the stories about it is heart wrenching enough, but then you get things like that chalk message and it's like. Fuck. These are real kids. There are real kids out here that feel like they have no one and it fucking breaks me.
This is obviously a bit off topic from mh, but shit man. Just from an outsiders' perspective, and as someone who's dealt with severe mental illness and episodes and similar shit to an admittedly lesser degree, the fact that Troy, Joseph, and Tim were able to so accurately portray those types of issues without even necessarily meaning to when so many other storytellers fall short when thats what they set out to do is just. It's phenomenal to me. I mean obviously I can't speak for everyone and I definitely cant speak on some of the specific issues shown (or implied) in mh, but it seriously impresses me, and I think it says a lot that so many people with things like schizophrenia, DID, and the like are drawn to the series and specifically Tim's character. Like, I know Tim Sutton didn't sit down and say "I'm portraying a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder" but fuck if he doesn't show it. Like, theyre all just such talented actors and storytellers and the subtleties in the characters and their sheer relatability show that.
Just. This fucking show, man
(on a related note, please please please please please go read kit's fic Tell me what you see because it owns me. like a little purse dog does it own me.)
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jaideite · 5 years
Hc of Older Bakugo with baby fever? Just a thought.
B-Baby fever 🥺 yes this will be done !!!
this turned out longer then what it was supposed to be but it’s worth it for the scene at the end hehehe
dead tho I’m so sorry at how long this is I really got into it I—
Tumblr media
— it was literally the classic “save a baby” situation
— he could hear the kid screaming but where was the damn thing
— you had already left the building so there was no way to ask for some backup so he just went in
— eventually he finds it and
— uh oh
— its like a four month old baby
— he kind of just :/ because his gauntlet explosion thingies dont really allow him to hold things
— so he just kind of takes them off and leaves them, and picks up the baby and rushes out
— and just then the building explodes and you just see Ground Zero hurtling out the building and rolling on the ground
— he watches as one of his gauntlets flies out damaged and he just
— >:/
— but his main concern is the baby
— which he gently pulls the blanket off to reveal a soft face with pretty eyes staring him happily and tiny hands waving up at him
— he gives a soft smile and gently pokes its cheek and it giggles, gripping his gloved hand hand trying to put it into its mouth
— “Ah, ah, ah, no, that could get you sick.” He speaks softly, pulling his finger away and the baby just
— gummy smiles at him
— he smiles back like >:>
— the media is going nuts and they’re all smart enough to not speak and just take their damn pictures
— you kinda make your way over softly and your heart just clenches at the scene
— eventually he looks up at you from the ground and you crouch down to his level to see the baby too
— “hi baby!” You coo
— And this kid is just loving it man
— y’all are fine giving him the attention too because you’ve never really seen your husband interact with kids and he’s never seen you interact with them either
— it makes him wonder would you be good with his kids
— until you know he just spits on Katsuki
— you expect him to place the baby in your arms but he just sighs and grumbles about “damn stupid babies” and gets up
— the baby just sits on his chest and puts its fingers in its mouth and gurgles
— and your jusr gently take it from him
— “Awe you threw up? That’s okay, you’re probably a little sick, too. Why don’t we go see the good doctor and get you checked up?”
— he watches you in awe as you just work your mommy magic on the baby and walk away
— later on when you guys are home he just
— “You were really good with that baby.”
— you look over from whatever you’re doing on your side of the bed and smile “You too. It seems you have a knack for not making little kids cry.”
— “Hey it was one time!”
— “Katsuki that kid was twelve.”
— “Tch.”
— there’s more silence and then
— “Y’know it would be nice to have one.”
— “Hm?”
— “Litte you’s and me’s runnin’ around. . . heh. . .causing chaos.”
— you gotta pause for a second and look over to him from where he’s laying because are y’all serious having this conversation
— “Katsuki...” you start slowly “Do you...want a baby?”
— Theres silence on his end, and the sheets ruffle. “Yeah...Yeah I do...”
— You blink at him in surprise not because of the baby thing
— It’s because you honestly thought he was going to throw a big fit about denying it
— but here he is, staring you in the eye and saying he wants a baby
— and you just
— “Oh, okay.”
— he kind of just stares at you and you stare back
— and then he kinda whispers
— “Are you serious?”
— “Are you serious?” You retort back softly “This is a big decision, and if we make it we can’t back out on it, you know that right?”
— He takes a long pause and hums, nodding and turning around in the bed saying goodnight and just ending the conversation
— you just ‘Mmm’ and follow, heading to bed and wrapping your arm around him softly
— it’s brought up a few days later when the report of you two holding the little baby is brought on TV
— “You didn’t even get mad like I thought you would you just let it slide and moved on.”
— “Life’s too short to be angry over that.”
— “Hmm. And if your kid puked on you?”
— “Depends on how old they are. If they’re puking on me at 12 their ass is getting grounded.”
— “No butt whoopings?”
— “What the hell would that do? Take away their shit—more effective.”
— “Why no whoopings?”
— “You’ve met my mother, correct?”
— The topic isn’t brought up until it’s mentioned again amongst your classmates a couple weeks later
— “Who knew Bakugou was so good with babies?”
— “Can it, Round Face.”
— “Honestly, despite his shit personality, he’d be a good parent, not gonna lie.”
— “Ugh, stop talking would you?”
— and then he overhears you waking to the girls
— “When do you plan on having kids, y/n?”
— You guys kind of just freeze and you give out a little chuckle and fiddle with your clothes
— “We’ve, talked about it...but haven’t made a decision yet...besides we’re still young, we’ve got some time.”
— “Ain’t no time like the present!”
— “Shut the fuck up, Dunce Face.”
— When you guys get home and cuddle up in bed, you kind of just start talking out of no where
— “Y’know I saw a lady and her baby earlier this week. She was so cute, a little mischievous but still cute. Her mother was just so annoyed but she had a smile on her face. It was so cute.”
— he peeks an eye open and listens to you just talk about all the times you’ve come into contact with kids—some good, making him let out a small laugh, and some bad, making him cringe a little until finally he asks
— “Y/N, do you want to have kids?”
— the room is silent until you speak again
— “Of course I want to have kids,” you speak softly, fiddling with his fingers. “But when I decided I wanted to be a hero...kids just kind of left the picture.”
— “...they could possibly come back into it.” He speaks softly and you stop, going still and closing your eyes
— “Do you really want kids?” You speak ever so softly. He kind of just closes his eyes and rests in the crook of your neck
— to you it seems like the whole world seemed to just stop
— and then
— “Yeah...yeah. I want kids too.”
B O N U S:
— so like after about eight, nine months almost a year of talking about wanting to have kids y’all start trying
— and you’re annoyed because oH mY gOd y/N jUsT gEt pReGnAnT —
— so it’s been like six months since you guys started trying and then one morning just about a few weeks before his birthday
— he makes you your morning tea you catch a wiff of it like you usually do
— and then all of a sudden he’s yelling at you for shoving the cup in his hands that tea was hot and you’re clutching the bathroom door and throwing up on the floor
— you’re pissed cause you didn’t make it and now you’re sick so you can’t go into work
— you just ‘huuuugh’ and move to the toilet as you hear your husband make a comment and move to clean it up
— eventually you feel his fingers combing your hair as you throw up your dinner which you’re pissed cause he made a good ass dinner last night
— “Did you get fucking food poisoning or something?”
— you just reply with a caveman like grunt and he snorts
— “Come on. I’ve got to get ready for work so let me get you fucking situated.”
— so while he’s out you make your way up to get some medicine and schedule a doctors appointment
— and so a couple days goes by and at this point you’re just puking left and right
— now you’ve got a bucket next to you full of puke every five minutes and you just feel ewk
— “I remeber why I married you.”
— “Katsuki if you don’t shut your mouth—“
— eventually your trudge into the doctors office and you get a shock
— “Your pregnant, Mrs. Bakugou. Congratulations.”
— “Oh. Oh okay.”
— It finally hit you in the car and you just
— you can’t wait to tell Katsuki but then you remember watching those videos
— and as your walking into the house you realize his birthday is in a two weeks
— so you could give it to him as a birthday surprise
— so immediately you start looking for cute ideas to do
— none of them seem to work until one popped up and you just ‘yes’
— so you’re calling all his friends his family and telling them to just all come and help plan this thing (you don’t tell them your pregnant you want that to be a surprise)
— you are so excited and can barely keep yourself from telling him
— he suspects something is up but your a woman he could have hurt your feelings and not told him wow that sounded sexist dont attack me pls
— he’s learned not to dwell too much when you say “nothing it’s fine”
— but anyways the big day comes up and you guys are in a panic because
— the balloons needed to be blown up
— the streamers aren’t staying up
— the cake hasn’t arrived yet
— everything is just a mess
— you just stare at the mess of your apartment in annoyance and anger and frustration and then you just let it all out
— and everyone’s kind of just shocked because your a tough girl you don’t usually cry
— but now your just curled into a ball and you sound like a four year old
— your crying gets only worse when the keys jiggle and in comes your husband
— he kinda just takes in the mess behind him and then realizes someone is crying so he just looks around and sees it’s you
— hes immediately concerned and crouches down to you and you just cry harder
— “What the hell happened?”
— “This! This—all of this! Today just went so wrong!”
— “Hey, we can still fix this shit up—“
— “No, no we can’t! This was supposed to be special we had all your presents and we were supposed to have a cake and we were supposed to say surprise when you came in—“
— “Surprise...” Someone mumbles and you just start sniffing and curl into him
— “It wasn’t supposed to go like this I was going to surprise you and tell you I’m pregnant but everything just turned out so—uuughh.”
— by now your just red faced and tear streaked and a sobbing mess
— but his hearing kinda stopped after you said pregnant
— You, y/n are pregnant
— “Y-Your...w-what—“
— you look up to meet his eyes “I was going to surprise you and tell you that I’m pregnant but now it’s out there so,” you just wave your hands around “yeah. I’m fucking pregnant. Happy 24th Birthday.”
— he just stares and so does everyone else lmfao and you just pull your knees to your chest and hide your face
— it’s silent for a while and you hear shuffling and a door open and look up
— it’s just you and him now
— “H-How long—“
— “Two months, but I found out a few weeks ago. It was supposed to be a surprise—“
— “Hey hey hey,” he starts trying to calm you down. He takes your face into his sweaty hands and kisses you “it’s...it’s fine...it’s alright...this is a better birthday gift anyways.”
— you sniff “I wanted to surprise you.”
— “Our kid is a big enough fucking birthday gift anyways.”
— you choke on a laugh and hug him, mumbling a soft “I love you.”
— he wraps his arms around you too and whispers a soft “I love you too...”
— “...and I love our baby as well.”
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skeletonwoman · 7 years
9. Cinema At Its Finest
honeslty, christmas movies are wyld and they literally all have the same casts and it’s just so impressive. also. this one is abt THEO RAEKEN AND EXCuse the horrific text talk but as that old text post says “its hard to make the words go [etc etc] so text speak easier or something” idk i can’t quote it perfectly whatever
You grimace as the delightful song starts filtering through your speakers. The credits are rolling, the girl got the guy, everyone is happy and the world is right.
And now you’re here, alone.
Snatching your phone from beside you, you open a text window.
Me: I mean
Me: Fr
Me: like I want a boyfriend so f*kn bad my guy
Me: But like I don’t
Me: I am strong and f*kn know that guys are bullshit
Me: but also pls love me
Me: y’know?
Me: like I f*kn hate movies but like
Me: ugh
Theo: u know I died and don’t have emotions anymore, right
Me: suck a dick
Theo: bby love me
Theo: why u text me anyway? Ur friends w girls
Theo: do u want me???
Me: ……………….ya lol take me now theodore raken
Theo: I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
Snorting, you beam at your phone before sighing and sitting up. Maybe you should’ve texted Lydia or Malia but they wouldn’t get it. A stupid notion, of course, everyone gets those feelings after movies but…
You grimace at the title before shoving to your feet and leaving the random holiday themed movie and your laptop behind.
“I’m here, I’m here, you can all relax,” you call, coming to a stop in the center of the room and Scott sighs.
“Finally!” Liam cheers, jumping to his feet and you turn to him with a smile, only to frown as he runs past you. “Pizzas here, guys!”
Scowling, you slump into his seat and sigh. Beside you, Theo grins at you before flopping back against your chest. You grunt at the sudden pressure but allow him to pull your arm over his front anyway.  You'd press a kiss to his forehead or something equally romantic and adorable if he wasn't wearing a Santa hat. As it is, you're having a tough time blowing the pompom away from your nose.
“That’s my seat,” Liam whines and you smirk at him.
“You wanna take my place?” You ask, nodding at Theo and he hesitates.
“I’d like to take Theos place,” he mutters under his breath and Theo growls, his clawed hand settling on your thigh possessively.
“Don’t talk to me or my undead son ever again,” you counter and Liam harrumphs but takes a seat across the room. “As your penance, you will get me a slice.”
“What? What’d I do?” Theo whines, already climbing from the circle of your arms to grab the pizza.
“You had a little peeing contest on me. It was gross.”
He hums, peeking at you over his shoulder and grinning. “Must be why you’re so stinky.”
“Honestly, I’m so freaking over you,” you growl, opening your arms as he lays back against you and taking the slice from his hand. “You’re a nightmare and a pain in the ass.”
“Hey,” he says with a scowl and you glare. “I won’t respond to your boyfriend texts next time.”
“Is that a threat?”
Beaming through your misty eyes, you set your laptop aside and snatch up your phone.
Me: wjy r all the movies abt boys
Me: like I love elle sm
Me: but im totally that other girl who snaked her in the beginning
Theo: wtf
Me: Legally Blonde
Theo: wtf x 2
Me: I want a bf n not a christmas themed one :/
Theo: just ask me out already jeez
Me: smd hoe I also want a dog and maybe a law degree
Me: def a dog and a law degree
Me: a bf could probs wait
Theo: ur killing my vibe
Me: What vibe? R u out w/out me????
Theo: I was napping
Me: sounds abt right. Come over 2mororow?
Theo: ok, feed me snakcs
Muttering to yourself, you stare at the elevator doors and wait. Clunky, industrial and orangey brown, they creak open and you step inside.
“Wait!” A voice calls and you hold the doors open, spotting Theo coming through the lobby doors. “Ah, my sweet, sweet were-pig.”
“I’m a were-tiger if I’m anything, mutt,” you hiss and he laughs, stepping in beside you. “Sucks about our plans.”
“We were probably just going to end up napping,” he says reasonably and you hum an agreement. “This is something to do.”
“I’d rather be at home napping.”
“Yep, me too.” He sighs and you grin. For a moment, you’re caught in his blue gaze and the doors slide open.
“Oh- hey! Come on in, guys,” Stiles calls from the doorway and you blink, frowning at the decided lack of holiday decorations in the interior of the apartment.
“Come on,” Theo whispers, his arm settling over your shoulders and tucking you into his side. As a pair, you waltz past Stiles and into Dereks lair. Definitely a lair considering the lack of holiday joy.
“You guys took long enough,” Malia complains and you sink down onto the couch beside her, Theo still glued to your side.
“I was doing stuff and didn’t see the message,” you mumble and Theo smiles lazily instead of responding.
“Anyway,” Scott says, clearing his throat and blushing, “we have a lot to talk about.”
Theo: girl
Theo: girl
Theo: girl
Me: I have a f*kn name
Theo: ok girl
Me: what u want, snake
Theo: mood.
Theo: y’know that mood. When post movie that’s cute or someshit
Me: omfg
Theo: my emotions aren’t as dead as my body
Me: ur boddy is very alive so
Theo: ikr fml
Me: aw boo
Laughing, you tuck the phone under your pillow and snuggle down among the blankets. This winter weather is just delightful, perfect for naps.
Stretching, you lean into the warm blankets and sigh. When they sigh back, you can’t help gasping and flailing. Kicking something, you hear a recognisable grunt and groan.
“You didn’t text me back,” he whines and you roll over and cringe. A pillow crease has left a red line down his cheek and you watch it disappear, fading like a scar over time- though in hyper speed. Why is he here?
“So you broke into my house and climbed into my bed while I was asleep?” He makes a softly protesting noise but doesn’t voice a denial. Instead, he gives you a sad look and cuddles just that little bit closer.
“I wanted to hang out,” he says softly and you grunt noncommittally. Who cares about hanging out- you were napping.
“Liam exists.”
“Liam doesn’t like me.”
“You know,” he starts, voice getting serious and you push your leg between his calves. “The pack only tolerates me cause you like me. None of them actually like me, they actively dislike me.”
“That’s crazy of them-”
“Thank you.”
“Thinking I like you. Why would I like you?” You tease and he growls. The sound draws a smile from your lips, only for a laugh to escape your belly when he turns his fingers into claw shapes and digs them into your sides. “Ah! Werewolf hands!”
Your bluff works but only for a moment when he pauses, pulling his hands back and inch to check. Proven wrong, he digs his entirely human fingers and nails into your sides once more.
“N- not fair!” You gasp out, shrieking another laugh. His grin is savagely delighted and you’re about to shove him off you when a knock on your door has the both of you freezing.
“I’m alive! All good! I saw- uh, a really good vine. Patrick Charlton…” You answer awkwardly, silence following your words as Theo fights to contain a laugh. Smacking a palm over his mouth, you clutch him to your chest and wait.
“Okay, don’t wake the neighbours.”
“Will do!” You agree quickly and heave a sigh of relief as footsteps sound down the hallway. Theo snickers against your hand and you bare your teeth at him.
“You absolute rat,” you snarl, still holding him tight to your chest and you feel him grin under your hand.
“You’re the one who couldn’t keep quiet,” he muffles and you have to let him go or you’ll break his neck.
“So you two aren’t dating?” Lydia stares, a crease between her eyebrows and an uncomprehending look in her eyes. All around the room stare similar expressions.
“No! What? I would never.” You scoff, looking down when you feel Theo twist around and look up at you. Your arms hang over his shoulders and down his chest, his back against your stomach and his head pillowed on your chest. Or it was, moments ago. No Santa hat this time though- because he'd stuck it on your head instead.
“Rude!” He gapes, glaring at you. “What do you mean never?”
“What do you mean what do you mean never?”
“I thought my question was pretty clear.”
“And I thought I was too. Why? Do you want to date me or something?”
“What the f*ck? Gross, no.”
“Okay, what the f*ck do you mean by gross?”
“So you guys aren’t dating?” Malia puts in but you can’t even look away at this point. Theo. Theo just called you gross.
“You can’t get angry, you said you wouldn’t date me,” he argues and you blink at him, looking him up and down- sort of.
“I didn’t- I would but like…”
“What does “but like” mean?”
“It means what it means, jeez, back off,” you snap, pushing him off you but you can’t get him to budge too far. He’s too invested in this awfully embarrassing and public conversation. In fact, he rolls over completely so his chest is pressed to your belly and his arms are around your waist.
“So… Definitely not dating?” Scott asks and you spare him half a glare.
“Well we are now,” you grumble, glaring at your spectators, spectators who happen to be very interested in the various pulls of thread on their clothes.
“What do you mean “we are now”?”
“It means exactly what I said, honestly, I know dying can kill parts of your brain but I didn’t think this was a symptom.” You scowl at him and he glares, begrudgingly rising to his hands and knees and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
“You’re such a bitch. All the f*cking time.” His words are a whisper, sweet and gentle to the ear and you shoot him a dark look. Stilling, you’re caught like a cobra in a song. The unadulterated affection on his face, written in his eyes, has you transfixed.
as i schedule this fic, i am late to posting one from like 4 days previous woops
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axelsagewrites · 7 years
Raphael Santiago*Costume Party
I got this rrequest a while ago but didn't have time to do it.i didn't want to leave it unwritten so, first if all sorry to whoever requested it (they’re anonymous) and secondly this was meant to be a Halloween imagine but its just a costume party now. sorry.
Also I decided to make the reader a Herondale because...I felt like it.
Hope you enjoy!
Raphael X Herondale!Reader
Requested by anonymous:
can i request a raphael santiago/shadowhunter!reader? it's halloween n magnus throw a party, reader is invited n come as little red riding hood. she met raphael there n there is sassiness involved. afterward, reader went patrolling still in her custome, got ambushed by a bunch of rogue vampires who want to drink shadowhunter blood n raphael help her out n by helping i mean 'i just happen to be around n im not stalking u n stop calling me broody'. pls do this. thanks.
Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
Magnus Bane was a party person and didn’t care what time of year it was; he was going to throw a damn party! It wasn’t surprising when Magnus sent you an invitation to his party, you were one of the few shadowhunters he invited, but what did throw you off was that it was a costume party. You had known Magnus for over 3 years so knew not to question it anymore. That’s how you ended up dressing up as little red riding hood, walking to Magnus’s flat with people giving you questioning looks. I mean who says you can only dress up in October? Why not now?
I press the buzzer to Magnus’s flat and wait for the familiar buzz to let me in. however, a Magnus' voice booms out. “Who dares disturbed the high warlock of Brooklyn?!” Pressing the button I answer “You invited me, idiot.” There was a pause. “(Y/N)?” “Yup.” The door buzzed. I rolled my eyes and went inside. Once I was outside his apartment door I just opened it. He knew I was here anyway. Looking around I saw the loft was empty of people bar those setting the event up. The barman was just setting out the stools. In the middle of the room stood Magnus and a deathly pale latino boy. I raise an eyebrow at Magnus when he turned to me. “I forgot to tell you,” he began, walking closer. “parties a little behind. Won't start for another 20 minutes.” I roll my eyes. I fling myself onto his couch and place my feet on his coffee table. “Ok.” “Make yourself at home,” Magnus said in a flat voice. I grinned at him. “Always do.” Craning my neck I look at the boy, vampire, who was still standing there. “Who are you?” “None of your business.” He spoke coldly and walked over to Magnus. He began to speak quietly so I activated my hearing rune on my forearm. The vampire stopped talking and his face hardened. “Whats the point,” he began to whisper. “of trying to have a private conversation when a shadowhunters around.” “Dunno,” I said, checking my nails. “Yoy tell me?” This time he faced me as he spoke. “Since when did shadowhunters patrol parties and listen in on conversations?” “Since you didn’t tell me your name.” He glowered slightly. “Raphael. Raphael Santiago.” He walked closer to me. “And you are?” I stood and faced him. I smirked and held my hand out to him. “(Y/N). (Y/N) Herondale. Nice to meet you.” Raphael's expression didn’t change as he shook my hand. His skin was cold to the touch just like his gaze. My smirk didn’t falter though. “Tell me, do you go home through the bat flap? I'm dying to know the answer.” “Really (Y/N)?” Magnus questioned as he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Why must you be like this?” “What?” I question, smirk ghosting my lips. “Fabulous? Brilliant? Amazing? Geni-“ “Estúpido?” Raphael suggested. Now I glared. “Perra por favour{Bitch please}. I'm a blessing.” I turn to Magnus. “Back me up,” Magnus smirked and began to walk away, whistling. “Magnus!” I call. “Hey!” I chase after him as he retreats to the kitchen. “I am a blessing.” I and Magnus ended up talking for about 10 minutes in the kitchen before I heard the first person knock on the door. “C’mon,” I said as I slipped off the stool and went into the living room. However, I saw Raphael opening the door to a bunch of vampires. “Didn’t know you lived here?” I call over to him. “You don’t know a lot though,” Raphael smirked walking over. “But no I don’t live with Magnus.” “Never again.” Magnus shudder. I raised an eyebrow at the warlock. “Do you remember that time you met Ragnor? The green one?” I nodded. Thinking back to the man I liked to call green cabbage after a story Magnus told me. He was waaaay to serious. “He’s the perfect match for him. Only more snarky.” “I do my best.” Raphael grinned. “But not good enough,” I turned to Raphael as Magnus went to open the door to more downworlders. “Trust me; I’m the snarkiest and sassiest person you have the delight of the meeting.” “You sure about that?” I nod and cross my arms. “We’ll see.” “Yes, we will. Mr broody.” Raphael rolled his eyes and walked away. We went our separate ways but bumped into each other throughout the night. Many comments were made. Just a few examples are: Play dead Don’t you have some shadow puppets to chase? Fangs very much I ignored you fine the first time Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my lack of care Everyone has the right to be stupid but you're abusing the privilege I wish to make your acquaintance with my fist Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? That last one stung a bit. My mother had been seriously injured in battle a week ago and may not make it. I had already lost my dad before I was born. My mother was moved to the New York Institute while she was pregnant with me so the Lightwoods were ‘in charge’ of me at the moment. I held back the tears and rolled my eyes. I pushed past him and left. I didn’t notice the vampires following me till it was too late. As I began to take the shortcut through an alley a cold icy hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. “Well well, look what we have here? Little red riding hood.” The man grinned. His sandy blonde hair was matted and dirty. The vampires behind him didn’t seem in better shape. A dark-haired girl stood with what I can only assume to be a blood stain on her dress. The other 2 men were noticeably dishevelled. “Get off me.” I spat, ripping my arm back. The vampires hissed. “I always wanted to try angel blood.” The girl hissed at me. I only had a dagger on me so I did what I could. I broke his nose with one punch. After I heard the crack I said. “I'm no angel.” through gritted teeth. The vampires glared and charged me. The girl launched herself at me so I flipped her over my shoulder. I didn’t have time to think before the sandy-haired one was trying to claw my eyes out. I grabbed his wrists and twisted them until he had to go to the ground. However, the other 2 men pushed my shoulders down, knocking me to the floor. I tried to get up but the girl was still on the ground and grabbed my ankles, pulling my feet out from under me. I scrapped my face, hands, knees and pretty much all exposed flesh within the next few minutes as I wrestled them on the ground. Somehow I ended up with the girl sitting on my stomach, hands on my neck. The sandy-haired vamp was holding my kicking feet down and the last two kneeled on each arm. I spat at the vampire on me who just grinned. “How sweet you’ll be.” She whispered, lowering her mouth closer to my neck. “Leave some for us Kenzie.” One of the vampires kneeling on my arms said. However, a new voice joined in. “Or just leave her.” The vampires looked towards the end of the alley. I couldn’t see who it was but I recognised the voice. The one who I had been firing insults and sassy comments at all night; Raphael. “You always ruin the fun.” Kenzie pouted. “But we're not with you anymore. We’re our own clan.” “You still answer to the clave,” Raphael spoke calmly. Kenzie leaned up and glared at him. “Not if they don’t find out.” She turned back to me but Raphael spoke again. “Don’t you think they will be concerned when one of their own goes missing. She’s a Herondale, the inquisitors family. I'm sure she won't be happy to find out what you did. It will affect all us night children. You know what they do to us?” He questioned. They shook their heads and one of the ones kneeling on my arm looked scared. “They torture us with the sun. they burn us apart limb by limb until you try and yell out for God and the name chokes you to death. You will last 5 minutes. They’ll make sure. They want you to suffer. Especially if you touch her.” This shocked one of them so much that he stood and walked a few steps away. Now my right arm was free but was numb so I didn’t even try to move it. “Get back here Damien.” Kenzie hissed. “Don’t tell them my name!” He angrily proclaimed. “This was your idea!” They began arguing among themselves long enough for me to manage to move my arm. In slowly brought my hand to my crystal necklace. Only it wasn’t crystal but witchlight. It wouldn’t kill them but would blind them for a few seconds and burn slightly. “Raph, duck!” I yelled before wrapping my hand around the witchlight. He did just as the bright light shot from the witch light. The vampires hissed, apart from Raphael. Due to the shock, I was able to shove Kenzie off me and yanked away from the other vamps to stand. I held the witchlight towards them as I backed away. My foot hit someone. Raphael. I looked down to see him crouched hissing though slightly. I dropped the necklace and grabbed his arm. He stood slowly. “You ok?” I asked quickly. He nodded. Looking at the vampires they were all covering their eyes and writing slightly. “I forgot about witchlight.” Kenzie spat though her eyes were still closed. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of them just as the first one stood again. Though once he faced us we were already gone. Raphael had picked me up and used his vampire speed to get us away. We eventually stopped and I looked around to notice we were near the institute. “Thank you,” I said quietly. “But how did you find me?” “I wasn’t stalking you if that’s what you mean.” I raise an eyebrow. “I wasn’t,” he sighed. “I was going home when I heard the scuffle.” “Sure” I dragged out my words to annoy him. I succeeded. He rolled his eyes. “Quit being so broody. Not everything sucks.” “Stop calling me broody-“ “Stop being broody then!” I exclaimed. He shook his head though I swear I saw the corner of his lips twitch up.  “Goodbye Raph, and-“ “Raph?” He was the one to raise an eyebrow this time. I smiled slightly. “It suits you. And thank you for your help. Otherwise, I don’t know how it would have ended.” I began to walk away and he stood still. “I'm sorry if I crossed a line tonight,” He called. I threw a glance over my shoulder. “it wasn’t my intention.” “Whatever!” I called and walked away. I might have been swaying my hips more than usual. “Whats done is done!” I could hear his chuckle as I neared the Institute doors. I got a few looks as I walked in the institutes. Some questioning, some staring at the skin I was showing and some at the bruises and scraps upon the said skin. “What happened to you?” Izzy and Alec asked me at the same time. Though Alec had a frown on his face, most likely due to the injuries, and Izzy most likely due to the smile that ghosted my lips. “Just some vampires. Nothing I cant handle.” “How many?” Alec asked as I grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and brought up the picture. “4, these 4 to be specific.” I handed Alec my phone. “You took on 4 vampires with just a dagger and witch light?” Izzy questioned, crossing her arms. I smiled slightly. “I might have had some help.” I walked away, ignoring the looks I got and went to clean up. After I put some healing runes on, cleaned up and changed I sat on my bed. The word Raph was still sticky sweetly to my tongue. “Raph” I mouthed the words. Let's just say I took all the hotel dumort missions I could get.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: Can you do a married!au with Seokmin where he asks you to dance with him after a long day? Like super romantic and stuff? Thank you! 
warnings: super romantic, super cheesy, super fLUFF THAT I ACTUALLY HAD TO TAKE A BREAK FROM WRITING BC IT WAS SUPER SWEET!!!!
i hope yall enjoy this piece as much as i loved writing it <33333333
The sizzling of the stove and soft BTOB melodies crackled from your speakers, the only sounds that drifted from the kitchen
You were humming along to the harmonies, the cute pastel pink apron Seokmin bought for you last month wrapped securely around your waist as you twirled with a spatula in one hand but u didnt twirl that much ok pls dont burn the house down
You were about to reach the peak of the song when the familiar bell rang
You glanced at the clock and smiled to yourself
“7, just as expected”
You quickly wiped your hands on a nearby towel and scurried off to the front door
“Welcome home, honey!!!” you chirped
He had a slightly worn out smile but the second he laid eyes on you, his eyes lit up and the tired grin became the embodiment of the sun and blinded you lmao i luv death!!!
“AaAhHhHhHH, who’s this cutie pie??!!??!” he says with his pearly whites displaying and bear hugs you, rocking you back and forth can he just be a model for all toothpaste commercials
Im dead do u hEAR ME IM DEAD
Your face is squished into his chest and he keeps cooing at you like
“SEOKMIN P L S WE HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR YEARS ALREADY!!!!” you laugh, wrapping your arms around him awwwwwww :’)))))))))))))))))))))))
“YOU’RE JUST TOO CUTE <333333333333”
Gives you quick but a lOT of pecks on the head, cheeks, literally scattered every inch of your face
“Omg seokmin,,,, pls you are too much!!! But i like it” you say but you’re also pouting bc he kissed everywhere but your lips
He’s more than aware of that
“Oh? You want me to stop though?” he cheekily grins at your frown
You’re about to lean in when you smell something a little burnt
“oH CRAP MY BURGERS!!!!” gotta go fast
As you’re running towards the stove he follows shortly and he’s like oooo burgers omg????
And you’re like o ok its just slightly burnt nothing too serious phew
You’re in front of the pan doing your thing when he comes fROM BEHIND AND BACK HUGS YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“You cooked burgers today??? What’s the special occasion?” you feel his chest vibrating as he gently rests his chin on your shoulder
Ok im sorry i need a breather wow ok im crying omg this is real husband material pls someone hOLD ME
He turns his neck to the left and gives you another cheek kiss and you’re trying to decipher whether your cheeks are flaming from him or the proximity between you and the heat emitting from the stove
Maybe its both maybe its maybelline im sorry i rlly gotta stop bUT I LOVE THAT JOKE LOL
He giggles at the wide grin on your face and he just gives you aNOTHER ONE :’)))) PLS DATE OR MARRY ME SEOK
“Omg ok seokmin i love you but pls im about to finish w these burgers!!! Have a seat!! It should be ready in a few more minutes”
“:(((( but i missed you aaaallll daayyyyyy”
“We’ll have more time to ourselves after dinner hun!!!” you briefly kiss him on the cheek and turn back to the pan
Error: Lee Seokmin has combusted
He’s sitting back at the dinner table while admiring your back view and he’s literally the heart eyes emoji
The look on his face with the soft stare and the corners of his lips slightly lifted upwards aaaAAAWWWW
You present him with the final product on a plate, one in each hand of yours for the both of you
“Bon appetite!!!” you say as you place it front of him and place his utensils with it
His heart eyes are almost as intense as they were when he looked at you but he’s stuffing his face so it’s kinda hard to tell LOL
“Mmghglg so good!!!” he says in between huge mouthfuls
And you’re like :’))))) i luv my hubby also u have something on your face lmao
He starts venting about his day at work and how rehearsal was just insANE
“We practiced for 5 hours without a break,,, and then we took half an hour ish break,,, and went back to dancing for 4 more and repeated this cycle since 7am”
“Soonyoung told me this really lame joke”
“Why do you always laugh tho”
“That’s what friends do!!! Laugh at your bad jokes bc of how bad they are!!!”
“We also went in the studio to record more of the new songs”
“Jihoon kept wanting me to redo it,,,, i think we all did at least 15 takes. Individually.”
And his lil chatter mouth kept going on and on but you’re just happy listening to his voice
In the midst of ranting about how complicated the footwork is, he notices you just sitting there and staring at him
“You’re not gonna finish your burger?”
And you’re like oH RIGHT LOL
“I just always get so captivated when you talk,,,, it’s so soothing”
And at first he’s like “huh?” with a little confused look and then when he finally registers he breaks out into the bIGGEST SMILE EVER AND HE’S EMBARRASSED
As you and seokmin are finishing up your meal, he’s like aaa that was the best meal ever bless ur soul
You’re like alright time to clear the table and you get up and start gathering the dishes when he’s like wait!! and grabs your wrist
“Let’s dance” he says with a gleam in his eyes
“Seokmin we gotta do the dishes first ok? And aren’t you tired of doing your choreo for practically the entire day??”
“I’ll never get tired of you though :))” uM MY HEART I HAVE CHEST PAINS
“Ok,,, since you asked so nicely,,,,,,,,,” you reluctantly agree while you place the dishes in the sink
When you meet him in the living room he’s already at the speakers and scrolling through his phone to find a song
“Ah perfect!” he taps on the song and turns back to you
You’re both getting in position to slow dance and you’re just like
“This is the cheesiest you have ever been today,,,, are you sick?”
The familiar first guitar strings of “Photograph” start playing and he softly smiles at you
Wait can u guys actually play it rn
Like. right now. Now. at this instance.
Just pause reading and play it
You can continue now
“No,,, i just need you to know i appreciate you,,, whether you’re doing chores that i can’t do at the moment or just plainly lending me an ear,,,,, I love everything you do”
You’re so mesmerized by him that you can only gape back with your mouth slightly parted open
He shakes his head and chuckles, “you don’t have to say anything. Just relax”
As the song progresses you rest your head on his chest, your bodies comfortably pressed against each other as you slowly sway
He gives you another kiss on the top of your head and murmurs, “i’m so lucky to have someone like you” lsjddfsjdfjl my HEART MY H E AR T
“The person who has the luck is me, being able to find a catch like you” you respond, a small smile creeping on your face
He twirls you around, the both of you laughing without a care in the world
The song is about to come to an end when he dips you low and stares into your eyes LJSFDJDFJDFDF IM EMBARRASED AND THIS ISNT EVEN HAPPENING TO ME BYE
You’re both looking at each other so fondly and you barely notice how he lifts you back up bc you’re both leaning in
One arm is holding your waist up, and the other is caressing your cheek as your lips meet
His soft kiss has you weak in the knees despite how you should be used to them by now but he always takes away your breath every time
You break away, your foreheads touching
“,,,,,,,oH RIGHT THE DISHES you’re helping me wash” you say and drag him to the sink
All he can do is laugh and silently pray that he will always come home to this :’))))))))))))))))
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