#plumbing 101
philbridges · 1 year
Toilet Bubbles When Other Is Flushed #Shorts
Ok Drew. I don’t think he heard us. Go ahead and flush it, Drew. That is us flushing the other toilet in the house. And the air’s coming up here. So that means we have a vent that is not working. Now we’re on the hunt for a vent that is blocked. All right. Just let you know when you start seeing that bubbling anywhere else, you got a vent that’s not working. So keep that in mind. ????…
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theplumbingnerds · 1 year
Sink Selection 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Perfect Sink for Your Vaughan Home
Sink Selection 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Perfect Sink for Your Vaughan Home
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
My favorite example of "space tamales" with MENA/SWANA characters was in a fic where an author described Farsi as "a dialect of Arabic." My sister in Christ, they are not even related languages. Farsi is Indo-European (like English is) and Arabic is a Semitic language. The author claimed to be "really passionate about language learning" too, but apparently not passionate enough to just look up 101 stuff about these two major world languages on Wikipedia....
Another thing I see a lot with Asian (especially outside of China/Korea/Japan), African and SWANA cultures in particular in fic is this thing where the "traditional cultural elements" means they're luddites compared to everybody else. Like space futures where the Middle-Eastern character's family are still living in desert caravans with no modern tech or the African character's are doing that in some stereotype of a rural village with no running water or electricity.
Like you'd have hoped that the internationally popular movie Black Panther would've introduced more people to the fact that Afrofuturism = thing that exists, and more broadly that you can do a high-tech, spacefaring future that is culturally non-Western and what that might look like.... and yet people still get stuck on this.
The only non-Western cultures they seem to be able to envision as futuristic are (sometimes) East Asian ones, probably because of cyberpunk and anime.
It makes me want to see a reversal of this sometime. The non-white/Western characters' homes are these super futuristic megalopolises with flying cars, but you follow the French character home and it's still like pre-revolutionary Paris with giant wigs and horses-and-carriages and no indoor plumbing for some reason.
And the space!French will 10000% have a bunch of places that make wine in a 1700s way and are extremely annoying about it.
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smuttydreambarbie · 1 year
Does anyone have any underground bunker book, TV, or movie references that they enjoy?
I know Fallout, Gurenn Lagann, The Host, and I'm sure there's more but I need RECS.
I'm writing a post-apocalyptic story that starts in a bunker, where the first twist is that the world is actually fine once they venture above, they just got locked up to keep an immortal person safe underground. With that, I want to make sure i do it RIGHT. Food, shelter, jobs, plumbing, etc.
I need to teach myself a class of how to keep immortal and mortal beings underground for 100-200 years 101, basically. 😂
Even though this is a silly romantasy where they leave the bunker after like 4 chapters, and I probably do not need to be going in that deep😂
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the12thnightproject · 7 months
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Chapter 45: Winter Vacation Katsu shows Mitsuhide around Kyoto; then back in the 16th century he has another surprise for her.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
“Now, the further you turn this, the warmer the water is.” I glanced over my shoulder to see if Mitsuhide was tracking the instructions, just in time to notice that he was looking at me, and not the plumbing.
Or perhaps I should say he was looking at my plumbing area, which very likely was visible below my bath towel. I raised both eyebrows at him and he winked. “You are a rather undeniable temptation.”
While it would have been nice to stay cocooned on the couch all day, eventually practicalities intruded. I introduced Mitsuhide to modern kitchen appliances, laughed as he spent five minutes turning off and on the lights in syncopated rhythm, fed him breakfast (well, it was lunch at that point), and now we were having a crash course in water management 101.
While running water was a concept he could get behind, he seemed not at all interested in temperature control, or the intricacies of how it worked from the source. “I presume there are people whose jobs there are to know specifically how it fits together, but at the moment, I’m only concerned with using it in its designated function.” He stuck his hand under the stream of water.
I twisted the level to make it warmer, and when he didn’t comment, I left it at that temperature. “On that note, I guess you’re an easier visitor than Shingen. He’s driving Sasuke crazy by taking everything apart to see how it works.”
“You spend a lot of time with them?” That unfamiliar tone was back in his voice. I don’t believe that he was actually jealous – just that there was enough history between the Oda and the Takeda-Uesugi alliance to mean that I had been hanging out with the enemy.
Lowering the conversational temperature back to casual, I said, “They’re the only people I know here since I prefer not to become close friends with anyone who will worry when I blip back into the past. So maybe let’s consider this time a neutral zone, and you can go back to trying to kill him when we return to the Sengoku era.”
What happens in modern Japan, stays in modern Japan.
He didn’t reply, but simply surveyed the pattern of water as it streamed down the walls of the postage stamp size stall. “So um, anyway, this is wasting water, so I’ll leave you to it…” I trailed off as he swiftly tossed away his clothes and stepped in.
He was so beautiful with the water flowed down his body, outlining every contour of his muscles. I know I had just spent the night and morning with that body, with this man, but I would never take that beauty for granted.
He raised that one eyebrow, smirked, and crooked his finger at me. “You did say something about needing to conserve water.
I had said that, yes. “There’s no room- eek!”
He reached out and pulled me in, bath towel and all. “My love, there is always room for you, no matter where I am.” He undid the now soaking towel and tossed it into the sink. Now there was little between us but water, and even that evaporated to steam when he wrapped his arms around me.
“Kitsune, I am not opposed to shower sex in concept, but we need a bigger…” My back would probably slide down the side and I’d hit my head and drown…
He rotated me away from him and I grabbed the towel bar for stability. “Hold on to that. I imagine that is what it was placed there for.”
Yeah, I’m not going to speculate on what Sasuke’s parents do in the shower, thanks for that mental picture.
He reached around to cup my breasts, and then I felt his teeth nipping at the side of my neck. “Oh God, we’re going to die.”
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We did not die during shower sex… not any of the times we tried it.
Nor did Shingen and Mitsuhide attempt to kill each other when the four of us got together. Oh, the two of them would never become good friends – they were too much alike in the wrong ways, not to mention too different in every other way – but they managed mutual politeness during a meal that Sasuke and I cooked. That got upgraded to professional respect when they discussed the Yoshiaki and Motonari threats, which then devolved again to a cutthroat game of Catan that had both Sasuke and I eliminated within the first hour.
My moderately awesome ninja buddy and I watched the game from the sidelines for a little while before we both decided it would be safer to retreat to watching Picard (neither Shingen nor Mitsuhide had gotten into sci-fi, as travelling over 450 years into their future was sci-fi enough for both of them).
During the weeks as we counted down the time before the Togakushi wormhole manifestation, we all made the most of our time. Aside from breaking in the shower (and the breakfast bar, which Mitsuhide and I discovered was set at a very convenient height) we did actually emerge from the house every day to explore modern Kyoto. Mitsuhide decided that since this was more or less an enforced vacation, he would spend his time pursuing the interests that generally got pushed to the side amidst all the war councils, interrogations, and spying: live theater and music.
While I never could convince him to give K-pop - or any rock music for that matter – a chance, he did discover an appreciation for jazz. An unfortunate appreciation, since I disliked that sort of music. At least we were able to have a lively and ongoing debate over the merits of both, which usually devolved into mutual distraction.
Even though we always had a lovely time wandering through Kyoto in winter, my favorite part of the days were our evenings. I could be as cutthroat about Shogi and he and Shingen had been over Catan, and it was as much fun trying to outthink him and it was to distract him. I never won… though I came close twice.
Nor had I neglected my personal mission to organize the Mikumos’ library (with their permission). When they returned they would find everything neatly filed and cross referenced both in a database, and also in a hard copy notebook. Unfortunately, even after spending a couple of hours a day digging through their archives, I hadn’t discovered much about my father. True, Sasuke’s mother had kept a journal during that time which pinpointed when Aki and Francisco entered their lives, as well as what the two were studying, but otherwise the journal was pretty dry.
“Discover anything useful?” Mitsuhide wandered into the room with two cups of tea. I gratefully took it. Though he still couldn’t cook, he made a damn good cup of tea. I took a sip… and promptly burned my tongue. Good tea, but very hot tea. I fanned my mouth. He tsked. “The hazards of impatience, Brat… shall I kiss it to make it better?”
“Cute.” Not that I would ever turn down a kiss, even though it did threaten to throw me off track for the rest of the afternoon. Once we broke apart, I pulled out Professor Mikumo’s journal and read her description of Francisco. “We’re hosting a Portuguese exchange student who is very interested in Sengoku trade routes and any attempts by the explorers to influence politics. Or rather that was what the letter from his academic advisor stated. Unfortunately, this young man’s grasp on our language is tenuous at best, and as no one here speaks Portuguese, all of our work becomes delayed as we try to discuss everything in sign language.”
Mitsuhide politely nodded. “Yes, it is his lack of understanding that led to the most fascinating purchase of my life.” He tapped his lips, and followed that up by kissing me again. Mm. We were in danger of taking the afternoon off (again… it was last week’s work derailment that had led us to discover that the breakfast bar was the right height for eating… something that’s not actually food). No… this is important. I hadn’t even told him yet about that priest. “Francisco.”
“Dear me, have you forgotten my identity so quickly?” I shall have to give you a refresher on that topic.” He slid next to me and pulled me onto his lap.
I stopped his hands before they could make their way under my shirt. “I think he… or the priest who tried to buy me… might have been the one who shot Aki in 1578.”
To his credit, Mitsuhide immediately flipped into business mode. “On what evidence?”
Er. Well. “For Francisco, gut feeling, mostly. He had gun in his desk when I took the letter… and it was not there the next time I looked.” Before Mitsuhide could devil’s advocate me out of that, I added, “He’s been in Japan, both modern and Sengoku for over ten years, and yet he still hasn’t learned the language?”
“He could indeed be that incompetent.” By now, I knew that Mitsuhide wasn’t necessarily disagreeing with me – he was merely pointing out where I needed stronger proof.
“Ok, yes, sure. But it seems to me that whatever missions there were to send people like Aki back in time – they would have wanted the best.” But why had Aki never questioned Francisco’s language deficiencies? It seemed a critical error on his part, an error from someone who usually didn’t make errors. Unless Aki was well aware that Francisco was faking it, and pretending not to know in order to watch him? But if that were the case why give Francisco the letter for me? Ugh, I was confusing myself. Still, I needed to at least get everything out on the table before Mitsuhide started poking holes in my already shaky theory. “Suppose everything Francisco did was not incompetence, but a charade. He never intended to rescue me at the auction. But if his plan failed, he could fall back on his idiot disguise.”
If I reframed my view of everything Francisco had done, it could all have a sinister interpretation.
And here came Mr. Logic. “Was not the slave auction your idea to begin with?”
“It was. Francisco just took advantage of the opportunity I gave him.” But Mitsuhide was correct. I had brought the idea to Francisco and basically blackmailed him into it.
“Hm, and we won’t be doing anything like that again now will we?” The ‘royal we’ had returned. His arms tightened around me. “Now, you said something about the priest? I did interrogate him rather thoroughly, and he had no connection to the disappearances.”
Had I been mistaken in identifying the priest as the man who watched my gymnastics competition? I pulled the computer closer and tabbed into youtube. “Look at this.” Mitsuhide was quiet, intent as the video played. When the camera angle switched to show the priest, I paused and pinch zoomed it onto his face. “Same man?”
He leaned closer. “It is possible. The hat makes it difficult to be one hundred percent certain.”  He frowned, and it seemed there was some anger being directed inward. “Though perhaps that is me not wanting to believe that my interrogation technique to be infallible. I should have-.”
My turn to shush him with my finger. “Well, you questioned him as if he was what he appeared to be, a rather vicious priest. If that in itself was a disguise… well you didn’t know about the existence of time travel, so he might have training that the average psychopath does not.” I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder. I really hoped he wasn’t going to beat himself up over this. “You can’t know everything.”
“It is, in fact my job to know everything.” His hands massaged low circles around my back. “However, I have promised you… as well as Hideyoshi and Mai… that I will no longer take on the world alone. Nor is there much I can do about these two men right now. Not when we are here, and they are somewhere in the past.” He stood up, and took me by the hand. “Come on, Brat, you’ve worked all afternoon.”
I had at that, so I let him lead me into the den, where another of those snoozy jazz stations was playing something in the key of dull syncopation. I dropped his hand and made a beeline for the remote. No, I wasn’t planning to subject him to K-pop, but a nice movie night would be good. He beat me to it and held it over my head. “Oh that’s mature.”
Single eyebrow raise. “One person’s immature is another person’s success.” He tossed the thing onto a shelf that was above both of our heads. “Come here. This music, as opposed that shrill wailing you inexplicably like, is designed for dancing.” He pulled me into a dance hold. “Have I mentioned that I am quite fond of your era’s style of dance.”
Before I could again protest his depiction of K-pop as ‘shrill wailing,’ he had my head resting on his shoulder, as he pressed his hand on my back. His lean grace might have been made for this, as he expertly maneuvered me in a small circle around the center of the room.
Eventually, that slowed to a single swaying embrace as we clung to each other. The sun had long set, the only light came from the glow of the TV and the neighbor’s Christmas lights shining through the window.
I knew the steps of this dance we were doing, knew that soon, Mitsuhide’s lips would kiss my cheek, and then my mouth, until the dance became something else entirely.
But for the moment, I was perfectly happy melting against his body, in the more innocent hold.
We had time.
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Three weeks later, and four hundred and fifty(ish) years earlier…
As soon as we “landed” back in the Sengoku and split off from Sasuke and Shingen, we made our way to Azuchi. I had expected that Mitsuhide would settle in and immediately pick up war planning with Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. And while he had indeed spent the day and half the night conferring with them, we were off to Sakai the next morning.
Our machiya in Sakai was unchanged, it was Mituhide and I who were different. We were approaching the townhouse as ourselves, not as fake merchant and reluctant concubine. There was no need to put on any act.
The real Kyubei was waiting inside to greet us. He smiled and bowed formally as if we had been gone a year rather than just a couple of months.
“Did you keep watch on…?” Mitsuhide left the rest of the question trail off, which mean this likely had more to do with my mystery surprise and less to do with whatever Motonari was doing.
I unobtrusively tried to listen in on Mitsuhide’s conversation with Kyubei, but what little I could pick up was in kind of a master/vassal shorthand of half sentences. Eventually, Mitsuhide noticed me lingering in the corner. “Dear me, is a little spy trying to spoil her surprise?”
He should be well aware by now that I was not a fan of surprises, even one that he had promised was a “good” surprise, so I just crossed my arms and glared at him.
“Patience, Brat, I’m just confirming the timing of it all.”
Knowing that was all I was going to get out of him, I retreated upstairs and unpacked the few items of clothing I’d brought to Sakai with me. As I was changing out of my dusty travel clothes, Mitsuhide joined me – and once again he was wearing the long, dark wig. “I thought the disguise was retired.” Please don’t make me dress up as Kaya. I’d happily put away the Kaya identity for good, and at the moment was wearing one of Mai’s hastily altered kimonos. Though it wasn’t completely to my taste, it was a lot more casual than the elaborate concubine disguise.
Correctly sensing the direction of thoughts, Mitsuhide helped me adjust the fold on my obi. “It’s temporary. The man we are going to see knows me only as Kyubei. You, on the other hand, are perfectly fine.” He tugged on my hair, and of course the hairstyle instantly fell apart. Without Sho to help, I was useless in the coiffure department. “In any disguise… or, er, disarray.”
He helped restore my hair, and then, in a move reminiscent of his former disguise, he extended his arm. Without any hesitation, I took it and we walked out into the chill winter evening. “Are we walking?”
“Are you saying you would prefer to huddle up in a palanquin?” The teasing smile he gave me indicated that any future palanquin travel we did would be far less innocent than our last trip. “That could, of course, be arranged, but tonight, we’re not travelling very far.”
Though I puzzled for a moment as to whether or not that had been a clue to my surprise, his purposefully bland look offered no additional help. We were not heading in the direction of Francisco’s, so that possibility was off the table. Instead, we ended up in the local retail section – not the business area with merchant’s large import/export warehouses, but the smaller apothecaries, clothing shops and tea houses patronized by the people of Sakai.
Even so, when Mitsuhide stopped in front of an herbalist’s storefront, it seemed an odd choice. My confusion grew when he led me through the shop and up the stairs to the living area. Once we reached the top of the stairs, he stepped aside, allowing me to face the man who had risen from his dinner to greet us.
A man whose face I had seen nearly every day until I was nineteen… and after that, had only been viewable via a drawing. “Toshiie!”
While my brother stood there stunned, I threw myself into his arms. “I thought I saw you in Sakai last fall… but I figured I was imagining it.”
He allowed me a long hug before stepping out of the embrace. “I was going to rescue you… I just needed more time to…” He glanced at the teapot on the table.
“Rescue me? From what?” It sounded like Toshiie had… already known I was in Sakai?
He turned and faced Mitsuhide. “Him.”
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @selenacosmic @lyds323 @tele86 @akitsuneswife
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chroniclesofamber · 1 year
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Zelazny's 'Shadows', NyCon 3, The Statler Hilton, September, 1967
"Literature, of necessity, contains shadows"
[O]ne of his most crucial self-critiques was [Zelazny's] decision that he was “overexplaining” to the reader and should instead “avoid the unnecessarily explicit” and not “go on talking once a thing had been shown.” In a speech given at a 1967 science fiction convention he elaborated on this insight, declaring, “Literature, of necessity, contains shadows … A writer never writes an entire story … You live part of it yourself.” He went on to identify these shadows, gaps that the reader fills in, with the fabled “sense of wonder” that, to science fiction readers, defines the texts they love:
“Writing involves your taking everything in through those little cryptic bugs that crawl across the page and construct things around them. This is where that strange thing called ‘sense of wonder’ comes into play … It sort of enfolds this shadow area. Into those shadows you project those things you are looking for.”
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Krulik considers this determination to avoid overelaboration “a central philosophy” of Zelazny’s writing. But what Zelazny posits in his speech, and what remains foregrounded even in a linear, plot-heavy work such as The Chronicles of Amber, is that readers experience the magic of shadow, and thus the sense of wonder, through language. Readers can imagine the streets, the plumbing, the business models of Amber as they see fit; the “emotional archetype” of the fantasy novel derives from Corwin’s story and how he tells it — both the worlds themselves and the ellipses that lie between.
Just as the reader experiences Amber through Corwin’s voice, the fate of Amber lies in Corwin’s hands, even after he decides he doesn’t want to be in charge any more. The outcome of the first half of The Chronicles of Amber comes down to learning who among the scheming, self-involved members of the royal family can master the Pattern — can, that is, control and focus their actions to execute a careful plan in order to achieve a goal.
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"...the Pattern I drew to the sound of pigeons on the Champs-Elysées..."
By walking the Pattern, Corwin regains his memory and Dara assumes her true form; by failing to master the Pattern, Brand is defeated; by failing to repair the Pattern, the patriarch Oberon is doomed. And when Corwin gains access to the Courts of Chaos, enabling his ultimate victory, he does so not through the old, broken Pattern but by making a new one, a process that calls forth memories of a happy interlude in his past — on Earth in 1905 Paris — even as it demands an excruciating precision:
“I did not meet with the physical resistance that I did on the Pattern … a peculiar deliberation had come over all my movements, slowing them, ritualizing them. I seemed to expend more energy in preparing for each step — perceiving it, realizing it and ordering my mind for its execution — than I did in the physical performance of the act. Yet the slowness seemed to require itself, was exacted of me by some unknown agency which determined precision and an adagio tempo for all my movements.” (542)
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Could there be a better description of the act of writing? If Zelazny began The Chronicles of Amber struggling to find his preferred artistic path, he ended the series’ first half with a reminder of the difficult requirements of both creative process and practical accommodation, and, arguably, a more mature vision of both. For Corwin, if Amber is not what you thought it was, it is well worth preserving. If the Pattern you thought was your legacy no longer works, the only thing to do — the only way to defeat the forces of Chaos — is to draw a new Pattern of your own.
— Cox, F. Brett, “A Series of Different Endeavors 1972-1979”, Roger Zelazny: Modern Masters of Science Fiction, 99-101, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2021
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cyarsk5230 · 1 year
By Emily Baker
TV Editor
I thought The Idol couldn’t sink any lower – then I saw the ending
A gross twist and a false rape accusation sees The Weeknd and Sam Levinson’s empty psychodrama plumb new depths
July 3, 2023 1:45 pm(Updated 6:44 pm)
After clashing with her team over her album's first single, Jocelyn pushes herself to the limit on the set of her new music video, while Nikki sees potential in backup dancer Dyanne; Tedros introduces Jocelyn and Leia to Izaak and Chloe.
Lily-Rose Depp as Jocelyn (Photo: HBO)
You don’t have to have seen a second of The Idol to understand its vibe. Grainy images from the drama – created by the man behind Euphoria, Sam Levinson, and Abel Tesfaye, better known as popstar The Weeknd – show Lily-Rose Depp as singer Jocelyn, always scantily clad, either hanging off the arm of her Svengali, Tedros (Tesfaye, whose performance is legions below sub-par) or looking longingly, despondently, dead-eyed into the middle distance. LA sunshine, sprawling mansions, sex, grit, bodies (but only women’s bodies). You get the gist.
After five episodes, The Idol has proved itself to have little substance beyond those murky aesthetics. Between horrendously cringe sex scenes, endless dance numbers designed to show off Jocelyn’s writhing limbs and bickering between her management and record label execs (the drama’s saving grace, if it has one, along with Depp’s brilliant performance), we’ve watched Tedros manipulate Jocelyn and his troupe of wannabes for power and sex. He is the show’s villain with not one redeeming quality.
But the last in the series is, shockingly, asking us to feel sorry for Tedros. The man who beat Jocelyn with the hairbrush – her mum used to hit her with – during a bondage session, the man who was revealed to have multiple domestic violence charges against him, the man who tortured Jocelyn’s creative director with an electric dog collar. How do the “sick and twisted minds” (as advertised by the drama’s promo material) of Sam Levinson and Abel Tesfaye turn Tedros into – in Levinson’s own words – “the victim”? By making Jocelyn the bad guy, of course.
While fighting for the upper hand in her relationship with Tedros, Jocelyn becomes determined to introduce her new persona to the world; Jocelyn's team discusses her increasing involvement with Tedros and his inner circle.
Abel Tesfaye as Tedros and Lily-Rose Depp as Jocelyn (Photo: HBO)
A twist reveals (or rather, suggests – telling a succinct story isn’t one of The Idol’s strong points) that Jocelyn has been aware of Tedros’s machinations this whole time, using him to further her career. Pissed off after finding out that their entire relationship was engineered with the help of her backup dancer Dyanne (Blackpink’s Jennie Kim) and now that she’s got what she wants from him – a new sound, new supporting acts, her tour secured – she can discard him: “You’ve served your purpose,” she cuts. “I’m done with you.”
Jocelyn’s transformation from a sympathetic, preyed upon young woman to a scheming, calculating bitch is misogyny 101. Rejection, or even mere disinterest, is kryptonite to sexist men who, like Tedros, believe their power over women is both a God-given right and beyond reproach. It’s the main thread of thinking behind the incel subculture, a group of men who are “involuntary celibate” and blame women for their lack of intimate relationships. The mass murders carried out by some incels – including Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured 14 others in California in 2014 – have been incited, the killers said, by being rejected by women. It’s a dangerous, harmful ideology to use as a plot point in a TV show driven by chauvinistic values.
As is the inclusion of a false rape allegation against Jocelyn’s ex-boyfriend, Rob (Karl Glusman), arranged by Tedros to get him out of her life. Fake accusations do of course happen, but they are entirely less common than the media would have us believe: only 3 to 4 per cent of rape allegations in the UK are thought to be entirely fabricated. Add it to the gross list of anti-women, misogynistic sentiment The Idol has pedalled for the past five weeks.
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Jennie Kim as Dyanne and Lily-Rose Depp as Jocelyn (Photo: HBO)
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While Tedros was banished from Jocelyn’s life, Vanity Fair journalist Talia (Hari Nef) published an article about him, detailing his sordid past and creepy cult leading him to lose his nightclub. Again, we’re supposed to feel sorry for the bloke, who has been tricked by a woman who played him at his own game, but – like most stories of “cancel culture” – all I can see is a man having to deal with the consequences of his own actions. If you ask me, he’s got off lightly.
Still, Tedros turns up to the stadium where Jocelyn will open her new tour. Midway through the performance (shot at LA’s SoFi stadium, using The Weeknd’s real fans at one of his shows), Jocelyn brings him out on stage, snogging him for all to see before whispering in his ear: “You’re mine forever. Now, go stand over there.” Does it make sense? Not at all! Does it make Jocelyn look just as bad as Tedros and, he, in return, the victim? You bet.
This final episode tells us everything we need to know about how The Idol sees women: manipulative and scheming, but also malleable and objects of desire. It’s a grossly oversimplified version of abuse, a vague plot point and excuse to see Lily-Rose Depp on her knees as opposed to an all-too-familiar feature of fame that deserves a needling.
There’s been no word on whether HBO has decided to renew the series, but this confusing, stupid ending certainly leaves the door open for Jocelyn and Tedros’s messy games to continue. It would be to the benefit of everyone – especially The Weeknd, whose reputation is hanging on by a thread – if this cycle of abuse came to an end.
HBOTV Opinion
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spewagepipe · 8 months
Plumbing the Depths: Ben Milton's subscribers' hot takes, Part 5
See Part 1 for context. Today's actually-extraordinarily-cold take is:
Lore is like manure: Spread it around, it makes for a rich environment for growth, but nobody likes a dump.
This is some fiction writing 101 type stuff, but thankfully it does give me a great springboard to finally discuss a certain long-awaited topic in greater detail.
Basic as this advice may be, my staunch opinion is that a complete game system should be ready-to-use, without the need for any specialized skills on the part of the players or GM. Unfortunately, the official rules for 5E D&D are, well, let's say "confused" in terms of how they suggest lore should be developed and distributed. To their credit, they say it's best to "start small", but they'll also have you summarizing hundreds of years of a dungeon's history before you add even the first chamber to a map.
Rather than offer the advice provided in today's take, I'd like to suggest a radically different approach: what if you eliminated this problem on a systemic level? What if there wasn't any lore to dump, and so there was no need to discern how much to deliver and when? How could we do that?
"Lore" tends to build up as a direct result of the same "prep" that I was discussing in the last two posts. But in an improvised game where things are being invented and discovered in real time, there's no opportunity for that build-up to occur. Facts are relayed to the group at the moment they are decided, in play.
Here's a narrow but concrete example: In Apocalypse World, rolling a middling result on a check made to locate and buy an exotic item results in a "complicated" purchase, with possibilities like this one:
[The item is] not openly for sale, but you find someone who can lead you to someone selling it.
This outcome implicitly marks the item as a sort of black market commodity, and has the GM invent some NPCs like a merchant and a contact. It's a small prompt, just enough to allow the GM quickly create whatever "lore" is immediately relevant to this moment in the players' story, and nothing more. The players aren't asked to digest any more info than what they need, and the GM isn't asked to create any more info than is feasible or useful.
Indeed, advance prep is pretty much impossible to do: if the players roll a critical success on this same check, then the item is available for normal purchase, instead. The status of the object within the lore depends on the result of this check, so the GM must wait to see the dice roll before they can commit to any one version of the fiction. At any moment, not even the GM can tell what will happen next.
This is a game designed to promote improvisation instead of railroading. The story – including the world and characters – are being synthesized at the table, in real time, by the combination of dice rolls, game mechanics, and players' (and GM's) creative choices. We are never mired in lore, railroading and illusionism are obsolete tools, no one has total control over the story, and we play to find out what happens.
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undertale-museum · 9 months
“Papyrus Domination”
Comic / @/amortem-kun
Content Warning: non-con, dub-con, soul fondling, downstairs plumbing, s3x, foncest, fellcest, etc
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
Another no Santa holiday special (honestly this one is a Christmas free zone) but I'm not skipping important preboot holiday reading.
DC Holiday Special 2010 #1
Sometimes the Bear - Anthro. I see this special is once again plumbing the depths of 'who?' Joey Cavalieri they couldn't get you to write me a Helena story instead?
Anyway, It's 'Solstice Celebration Dinner' time with the Cro-Magnons! The men of the tribe go out to perform the 'false hunt' ritual, but try to leave Lart, a young teen, behind 'to protect the women'.
Anthro and his father Ne-ahn encounter a tribe of man-eaters and Anthro convinces his father to make snowmen to convince the other tribe that they have many warriors.
Meanwhile, Lart encounters a bear and tries to kill it. After seeing off the other tribe, Anthro and Ne-ahn arrive and help with Lart's kill, and reward him with a solstice gift for being a mighty hunter.
Guiding Light - Jonah Hex. Twin highwaymen hold up a Rabbi and his son and kill the Rabbi (and steal a family heirloom of gold coins). The son stumbles back into town and Jonah Hex is hired to hunt down the highwaymen. They track them for 8 days, finally finding them as the highwaymen's fires keep bursting back into flame after being put out. The son gets to bury his father. (Yes, this is the Hanukkah story and actually it's an interesting adaption for once to my eye that isn't 101 level retellings).
Holy Day - Green Lantern. This is a story about ritual violence for religious reasons. John Stewart is helping a new Lantern on an alien planet where this occurs, and reminisces about both seeing Ashtura and a Good Friday re-enactment (both involving a lot of blood).
Hero of Heroes - Superman. A Thanksgiving Parade! The Daily Planet gives out a hero award every year, and the various characters are discussing which superhero should win it. It looks like it is being awarded to Superman, but Clark makes a speech about all the sorts of heroes he's encountered, then nominates a kid, Alex, who rescued his family from a housefire and was horribly burned, proving you don't have to have any powers to be a hero.
The Gift - Spectre. Crispus visiting Tehran for the first day of Spring, the Persian New Year. He interferes with some criminals beating up the warden of an orphanage to save him and the children.
Holiday - Legion of Super-Heroes. Apparently in the 31st century we now efficiently celebrate a single festival day called 'Holiday'. I...don't think this tracks with other holiday specials I've read involving LOSH, but sure. In any case, due to a false emergency, the LOSH get to spend Holiday with their family (each other).
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philbridges · 2 years
How To Install Kitchen Sink Measuring Countertop
How To Install Kitchen Sink Measuring Countertop
Phil shows you how to measure for kitchen sink when installing a new counter top. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Intro00:22 Now to measure for the sink00:39 Want to find your center02:00 You want to make sure of the measurements before you cut the counter02:15 Even after 30+ years Phil checks himself03:00 Follow us 🙏 Subscribe, 👍, it helps a lot!!➤❓/ 💬: [email protected]➤ Follow…
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today's compilation:
100% Dynamite! Ska, Soul, Rocksteady & Funk in Jamaica 1998 / 2015 Reggae / Reggae-Soul / Reggae-Jazz / Funk / Rocksteady
Got a terrific batch of tunes for you all today, provided by top-quality UK label Soul Jazz Records, an outfit that's best known for re-releasing all kinds of crate-dug, dusty funk, soul, and jazz music from the 60s and 70s. Basically, when it comes to the super cool niche that specializes in plumbing the extensive and obscure depths of various musically rich bygone eras, Soul Jazz's slew of compilations are often regarded as being among the best.
And something else that Soul Jazz has specifically been afforded the opportunity to excel at is Jamaican music. In 1998, they were able to launch their acclaimed Dynamite! series, a collection of compilations that someone like Island Records founder Chris Blackwell has referred to as the "University of Reggae." National legend Coxsone Dodd, who ran one of the country's most renowned record labels and recording studios, Studio One, gave Soul Jazz access to their archives, and it's allowed them to put out a near-constant stream of Studio One material since the late 90s.
So, this here is the comp that happens to kick that whole relationship off. First released in 1998 as a set of 14 tracks, it was reissued again in 2015 with five more songs added. And it simply does not disappoint. Two things that you can always come to expect from 60s and 70s Jamaican music are tremendous instrumentals as well as covers of popular songs that are shaped, bent, and made to fit the country's own distinct musical aesthetic. And this compilation supplies that pairing in droves—though not exclusively—by jumping from songs like The Marvels' 1972 reggae rendition of Aretha Franklin's "Rock Steady," or Bunny Clarke's 1975 version of William DeVaughn's all-time soul classic, "Be Thankful for What You Got" (🎶Diamond in the back, sunroof top, diggin' the scene with a gangsta lean, gangsta Whitewalls🎶 ), to hypnotic instrumentals from the likes of Lennie Hibbert and his vibraphone-laced "Real Hot," and Jackie Mittoo's keyboard-and-organ-funk groove, "Stereo Freeze."
Now, I mentioned Chris Blackwell labeling this whole series as the "University of Reggae" before, but if you look at the tracklist here, this album doesn't really seem to represent your typical 101 class. There's no Marleys, no Wailers, and no Peter Tosh. I'd contend that most of these songs, while they're made by popular Jamaican artists—though not household names among the reggae-uninitiated—they don't tend to be among their most well-known hits. Some of these were released as A-sides on singles, but most of them appear to be non-singles and deep cuts off of different LPs.
So, for the most part, this isn't really one of those surface-level, already-done-dozens-of-times greatest Jamaican hits types of comps; nothing appears to be *especially* obscure, but most of these fantastic selections aren't what you'd expect to be on a reggae comp either. But then again, this whole strategy is what has gone on to make Soul Jazz Records such an exceptional label for three whole decades in the first place.
Either way, while I wouldn't consider this a Jamaican music starter pack, if you don't really know the first thing about it, this set will show you, to an extent, what it was capable of sounding like in two of its most impactful and formative decades, as it took cues from the US, with funk, R&B, soul, and jazz, and also concurrently developed its own unique sound through a succession of ska, rocksteady, and then eventually, reggae.
An amazing compilation of old school Jamaican fare, from a...dynamite...label whose output is always worth checking out. And to push this lame pun even further, I am totally...blown away...by this first installment in this long-running series. I admittedly don't have a sizeable collection of Jamaican comps, but this is definitely the second best one I've ever come across, and by far the most eclectic. 
(The best one I've ever heard is the Shanachie label's The Power of the Trinity: Great Moments in Reggae Harmony, by the way. On both Spotify and YouTube.)
Toots & the Maytals - "Night and Day" The Marvels - "Rock Steady" The Upsetters - "Popcorn" Bunny Clarke - "Be Thankful" Tommy McCook - "Green Mango" Lennie Hibbert - "Real Hot" Johnny Osbourne - "We Need Love" Horace Andy - "My Soul" Jackie Mittoo - "Stereo Freeze" Cedric "Im" Brooks - "Give Rasta Glory" Dub Specialist - "Granny Scratch Scratch" Bunny Brown - "I Love the Way You Love" Phyllis Dillon - "Woman of the Ghetto" Lloyd Robinson - "Cuss Cuss" Sound Dimension - "Drum Song" Ken Boothe - "Is It Because I'm Black?"
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prickly-pores · 1 year
this app is such a time capsule for me. so many bad memories, so many good, so much growth has occured since i went on here daily for escape, inspiration, community, looking for meaning and solace. damn. my emotions are gratittude and pride rn. love to see it. 
life update wise time, this year, my little sister, newly18, moved in. I spent many weeks planning for, shopping for, and building her dream bedroom, full of bookshelves, fairylights, art, her first double bed, and even a window seat that I handmade using my growing tool collection, and i feel really good and warm about that. While i didn’t move out of home myself until i was sure she’d be safe, I was still worried for her. So its just good to be able to watch over her and keep guiding her through life n healing from the the scars of our childhood. I’m very grateful that my partner and I can provide her with a safe loving home environment to live out the rest of her teens. Especially given the housing and rental market these days. Having a the level of housing security we have is also just something i’ll truly never take for granted. 
I guess thats another thing I’m proud of this year. I’ve put so much blood, sweat and tears into making this house a home, I’ve taught myself so many skills from plumbing, tiling, plastering, carpentry, landscaping and how to use countless power tools. I’ve taken sledge hammers to walls, I’ve pulled up flooring and replaced it, I’ve trimmed out doors, I’ve hung doors, I’ve built cabinets and cabinet doors even benchtops from scratch, I’ve built so many bookshelves and painted so many walls, I’ve reupholstered, I’ve made and hung curtains, I’ve just taught myself so many skills and shown so much determination and pluck in the face of adveristy. I’ve pulled mutiple 80hr work weeks to finish projects I thought would be a simple weekend job. I’ve truly put my heart into this house and I am just so impressed with myself. True, I look around me now and see 101 unfinished projects, but I’ve progressed things so far, and for the first time ever in my life i’ve let myself really see my adhd as something to work with not against and the results have been astounding.... 
Relationship wise. no doubt about it. i am in deep. I used to think that deep love like this wasnt real or sustainable. or that it meant a type of unhealthy enmeshment. but i think ive realised, as scary as it is, u do just gotta be vulnerable, you’ve got to let them guards down to let someone in, to let yourself be cared for, to care for another, and i’ve never felt love like this before. every year that passes i feel closer to him than ever before. i dont believe in one off soul mates, yet our connection does feel like whatever people are getting at when they use that word. wild times. 
Overall checkin wise, I’m starting to feel more like my old self, or should i say my young self, that young girl who used to be full of energy, love and cheek. And that’s something I never would’ve imagined was possible. It really does get better... when you put the work in and find good people to surround yourself with, when u work thru your trauma with a therapist, when u have a partner whos willing to learn and grow with you, who serves as a corrective experience, as a model of secure attachment, age old wounds can begin to heal... 
anyway, its nippy outside rn and i just feel the biggest urge to go for a walk in a wide open field, climb to the peak, and yell into the wind. so imma go do that. 
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maheweg859 · 2 years
The Best Plumbers In Fredericksburg
Choose Haynes Plumbing if you want a reputable, high-quality plumber in Fredericksburg! With Haynes Plumbing, you'll get everything you need, including a highly reputable plumber with all the necessary licenses and insurance, as well as stellar online reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp. Additionally, their work comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. Call Haynes Plumbing after comparing prices from the competition.
There is never a good time for a plumbing issue, and Haynes Plumbing is committed to providing quality Fredericksburg plumbing. If they're being completely honest, they also realize that most people don't just sit around their homes randomly searching for "plumbers near me" on Google. Instead, you'll only call a plumber when something breaks, like your water heater or garbage disposal, or when a clogged drain starts to make a mess. You'll want to be certain that you have a reliable plumber on hand when that time comes.
Providing 6-star service on each and every job is something they take great pride in at Haynes Plumbing. No matter if you require a new tankless water heater or want to install a new shower in your bathroom, they are fixated on providing excellent customer service. In Fredericksburg, Haynes Plumbing is the only reliable option if you need a plumber.
Haynes Plumbing LLC 101 Shenandoah Ln Stafford, VA 22554 Phone: (540) 659-3295 [email protected]
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hottakehoulihan · 1 day
Pissing in the Snow and Other Ozark Folktales by Vance Randolph
Do I recommend it? No.
This is a book of dirty jokes (sexual or scatological humorous folklore), as collected, and each story collected is then discussed in a paragraph, mostly in how it is related to other jokes/stories and occasionally also with an explanation of why it's humorous.
A friend of mine told me about a book (possibly notional; I don't know how much I trust this friend and none of us can find it) that had jokes in it and had explanations of why the jokes were funny for folk on the autism spectrum. Doesn't that sound cool? "Pissing" is the closest I found. It's not really that, but I had hope.
Also, from the day I was old enough to read the jokes in magazines and online, I learned more about the unspoken "rules" and assumptions of my culture from those "mask off" stories than from any number serious lectures.
I think I may have snorted air out my nose a couple times at some of the ribald jokes, and I found a few others cute. Say out of 101 jokes (145 pages, not including TOC, bibliography, &c.) there were ten that were an improvement on staring into space.
A few observations, though.
Not many of these jokes had slutshaming, and for each of the (perhaps five) jokes that did, there were easily ten that were arguably sex positive. There were more jokes with incest as part of the punchline than slut-shaming.
Instead of ending with the punchline, most of these jokes had what I think of as a cool-down.
A random example:
#17 because I like that number, and it's about two preachers who are crowing to each other (covertly and in public) about how many members of the congregation they've fucked and then one gets mad and punches the other because the other indicates he's fucked the man's wife and daughter.
The old man just stood there with his mouth open fora minute, and then him and the young fellow began to fight like a couple of wildcats. Some of the menfolks run out and pulled 'em apart, but the revival was plumb ruined. Everybody says it is a terrible disgrace for ministers of the gospel to act like that, right in front of a church house. But the folks that live around there never did find out what them preachers was a-fighting about.
Or others where the wind-down is equally chatty.
It's kind of charming.
I could rewrite every one of these jokes to maybe work today, but...but eh, a joke made from scratch would probably hit better, and most of 'em have already fallen right back out of my head (until something provokes 'em to return to mind, I guess.)
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urbanplumbingpros · 17 days
Plumbing Emergencies 101: When to Call for Help Before It's Too Late!
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Plumbing emergencies can strike at the most inconvenient times. From a burst pipe in the middle of the night to a suddenly clogged toilet, these issues can quickly spiral into bigger problems if not handled promptly. Understanding the warning signs of a plumbing emergency can save you time, money, and a lot of headaches down the road.
But what are plumbing emergencies? Know when to call for help is crucial to avoid catastrophic damage to your home. Not every plumbing issue demands immediate attention, but recognizing the difference can be the key to preventing extensive water damage and costly repairs.
1. What Defines a Plumbing Emergency?
A plumbing emergency is any situation where damage is actively occurring to your home or building due to a plumbing issue. It involves immediate risks to the structure or health of the occupants. Common examples include burst pipes, severe leaks, clogged drains, and malfunctioning water heaters. When these events occur, time is of the essence, and delaying repairs could lead to significant damage.
2. Common Causes of Plumbing Emergencies
There are many reasons a plumbing emergency may arise, and knowing the root causes can help prevent them. The most common culprits include:
Aging pipes: Old, corroded pipes are more susceptible to leaks and bursts.
Freezing temperatures: In cold climates, pipes may freeze and burst when the water inside them expands.
Clogged drains: If left untreated, clogs can escalate into severe backups, leading to flooding.
Improper installation: Poorly installed plumbing can fail unexpectedly, resulting in leaks and other issues.
3. Burst Pipes: An Urgent Emergency
Burst pipes are one of the most severe plumbing emergencies you can face. They can cause immediate flooding, leading to thousands of dollars in water damage if not quickly addressed. Common signs of a burst pipe include:
A sudden drop in water pressure
Water pooling under walls or ceilings
The sound of running water when all taps are off
If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to call a plumber immediately to prevent further damage. In the meantime, you should shut off the main water supply to mitigate the flooding.
4. Sewage Backups: A Health Hazard
Sewage backups are not only unpleasant but also a serious health risk. When waste can’t flow properly through the plumbing system, it can back up into your home, creating an unsanitary and hazardous environment. You might notice foul odors, slow drains, or waste water returning through your drains.
This situation demands immediate professional help to resolve the blockage and restore proper flow. Ignoring a sewage backup can lead to illness, water damage, and expensive repairs.
5. Water Heater Failure: A Silent Emergency
While not as visibly catastrophic as burst pipes or sewage backups, a malfunctioning water heater can still qualify as a plumbing emergency. If your water heater breaks down in the winter or starts leaking, you could be left without hot water, which can quickly become an uncomfortable and even dangerous situation.
Warning signs of water heater failure include inconsistent water temperatures, strange noises, and leaking water. If you notice any of these issues, it’s best to have the unit inspected by a professional.
6. Leaking Fixtures and Faucets: When a Drip Becomes a Disaster
Leaky faucets and fixtures are often considered minor annoyances, but they can escalate into much bigger problems. What starts as a drip could turn into a full-blown leak, especially if the fixture is old or damaged. Over time, even small leaks can cause significant water damage to walls, floors, and ceilings.
In addition to water damage, leaky faucets can drive up your water bill. Fixing small leaks promptly can prevent a plumbing emergency later on and save you money in the process.
7. Clogged Drains: A Simple Problem That Can Spiral
Many homeowners face clogged drains at some point. While small clogs are usually manageable with basic tools or cleaning solutions, larger blockages can lead to a full-blown plumbing emergency. When a clog becomes too severe, water can back up into sinks, showers, or even toilets, leading to water damage and unsanitary conditions.
If you notice slow drains or recurring clogs, it’s a good idea to call a plumber before the problem gets worse. Regular drain cleaning can prevent severe blockages and protect your home from damage.
8. Overflowing Toilets: A Mess You Can't Ignore
An overflowing toilet is an immediate plumbing emergency, especially if it’s due to a sewage backup. The mess and potential damage caused by overflowing water can be overwhelming. In some cases, the cause is a simple clog, but if multiple drains are backing up, the issue could be more serious.
To minimize the damage, you can stop the water flow by turning off the valve located behind the toilet. However, professional help is essential to resolve the underlying issue.
9. Gas Leaks from Plumbing Fixtures
Some plumbing emergencies don’t involve water at all. If your home has gas-powered appliances, a gas leak can be a serious emergency. Leaking gas is dangerous because it can lead to fires, explosions, or carbon monoxide poisoning.
Common signs of a gas leak include a rotten egg smell, hissing sounds near gas lines, or feeling lightheaded. If you suspect a gas leak, leave the house immediately and call both the gas company and a plumber.
10. When to Call for Help
It can sometimes be hard to determine when you need to call a plumber. While minor issues like small leaks or slow drains may seem manageable, they can quickly escalate into emergencies if left unattended. As a rule of thumb, call a professional if:
Water is actively flooding your home.
You suspect a gas leak.
Drains are backing up into other parts of your home.
Your water heater is leaking or malfunctioning.
Being proactive can save you from expensive repairs and extensive damage.
Conclusion: Take Plumbing Emergencies Seriously
Plumbing emergencies can cause significant stress and damage to your home, but knowing the warning signs and taking immediate action can minimize the impact. Whether it’s a burst pipe, a gas leak, or an overflowing toilet, recognizing when to call a professional plumber is crucial.
By staying vigilant and addressing issues early, you can prevent minor plumbing problems from turning into costly disasters. When in doubt, it's always better to call for help before it’s too late!
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