#plums poem meme
animanightmate · 7 months
You can stop trying to find the best Kate Middleton joke, because it's here:
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Source here.
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thoughtportal · 8 months
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Hey! I hope this is alright to ask, but do you have a specific poet whose works you associate with RenRuki?
Boy, did you send this ask to the wrong person.
I am not a poetry person.
I mean, nothing against poetry, I am very happy for the poetry-enjoyers, there's a lot of good poetry in this world, but I can read at most 3 or 4 lines of poetry before my brain just shuts off. I have a good friend who is very into poetry and reads a lot of it, and I have tried, it's just not interesting to me. I know it cannot possibly be related to my auditory processing disorder, but it's roughly the same experience as listening to an audiobook or podcase-- of being aware that information is being directed at me, but being completely unable to ingest it without deliberately focusing on it in a way that is both taxing and deeply unpleasant.
Furthermore, the handful of poems that do stick with me to any degree are...not...topical. I sat down and tried to think about Poems That I Can Name, and came up with the following list:
Two Corbies (a medieval Scottish poem about crows eating a knight's corpse)
Dulce et Decorum Est, by Wilfred Owen, a WWI poem I read in high school about watching someone die by inhaling chlorine gas
Ozymandias, by Mary Shelley's husband. In my head, I thought this was a very long poem, like on the order of Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and it's 14 lines long.
Pachycephalosaurus, by Richard Armour, which I know by heart and will recite at the least provocation, much to the chagrin of my spouse and children.
That William Carlos Williams poem about plums, but only because it's a Twitter meme.
I mean, I will read a poem if someone posts one to Twitter or Tumblr, usually by either Mary Oliver or Richard Siken, and I will often say "yes, that was a nice poem," but and if pressed, I could probably name as many as ten poets, but please don't ask me to "associate their work" with anything.
The closest thing I have to a poem that I associate with Rukia, is actually from an Oh Hellos song that feels like a poem to me, which is:
But Death, she is cunning and clever as hell And she'll eat you alive
I do like many of the Bleach volume poems, but one of their major selling points is that they are short.
I am sure someone is reading this post who has read my fanfiction and saying, Polynya, if you hate poetry, why does it come up in your stories so much? Are you a fraud???
a) of all, yes, of course, always. I don't know jack about doing make-up or hand-to-hand combat, and I write about those things at great length, also.
b) A major theme I like to explore in my writing is the various ways people communicate with one another and how some are more effective than others and that some communicate things that were not, in fact, intended to be communicated.
At some level, I think Renji wishes he were the sort of guy who could express his feelings for Rukia through a romantic poem, but he also feels, deeply, that he is not, and that he is so far from being such a person that it's embarrassing for him to even try. (I love to imply, from time to time, that Renji considers Izuru to be peak boyfriend material and that he's a big nothingburger in comparison, this is very charming to me). Once every hundred thousand words or so that I write, I will give him (1) charming poetic thought, isolated from any actual poetry, which serves to help him process his own emotions and are not for anyone else.
On the other hand, I don't think Rukia wants poems written for or about her! I think that (like me), the idea of someone writing a love poem for her would make her want to claw her own skin off. Poetry is so deliberate. It is wrapping a message in an extra layer of intention, like gift wrap. To many people, this is very romantic, for example, I love the idea that Byakuya and Hisana exchanged poetry, both that they wrote themselves and or that they found in books that they curated for one another. I think Rukia prefers to be regarded at some subconscious level. Poetry is too direct, too raw. A proper love poem to Rukia is in the ringing of swords when fighting back-to-back, it's in a stride shortened to keep pace, it's in an a cabinet full of spicy pickles that the owner can't eat himself.
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archesa · 2 years
have anwen and/or galaed for the ask game, if you’d like! :D (and hope you feel better soon! <3) @kerra-and-company
Thank you 🥰 It's already better than this morning but i'm not out of the woods yet 😅
Anwen, my beloved:
01. Full name: Vicountess Anwen Evergreen (if Snargle is to be believed, Faren would be a Duke... Anwen's bloodline is nowhere as prominent and influent as the Farens but her parents did bestow upon her a title – mostly honorific – to go with her estate in the Reach)
02. Best friend: Meryw 🌲💙 (though one could argue that Meryw is her sister and Canach is her best friend 😅)
03. Sexuality: Quarterly bi! (courtesy of @lilypixy) Demi but so slow to work out her attraction that she only gets half of that label 🤣 !
04. Favorite color : Sapphire blue
05. Relationship status: Taken (by Trahearne)
06. Ideal mate: clever, thoughtful, gentle, supportive... Trahearne.
07. Turn-ons: Neck kisses, being swept off her feet
08. Favorite food: Orrian truffle risotto, New Kaineng Noodles (the extra spicy ones), white chocolate and raspberry cake 🍰
09. Crushes: Sieran, Trahearne (insert 'not sure if' meme : not sure if bi, pan, or just really into sylvari)
10. Favorite music: Balade, sung poems and festive music (she particularly loves the bell choirs of Wintersday because the crystalline sounds remind her of Aurene)
11. Biggest fear: "That one day through my actions I'd condemn someone to suffer in agony." - Her worst fear comes true both with Apatia and Trahearne. In a broader sense, she's terrified of failing to protect her loved ones, of outliving them...
12. Biggest fantasy: The dragon cycle has ended, Aurene is happy and at peace, her friends and family are safe from all harm and she's living her life alongside with her loved ones. There's a library with more books, scrolls and tablets that could be read in a dozen lifetimes, and the more they read the more volumes appear. Running out of time is not something either of them has to worry about, though. There's a garden that needs tending, and a plum tree with a blanket underneath and fairy lights in it, and always a glass of wine or a cup of tea at hand. — a little sneak peek of their "after" 😌
13. Bad habits: Takes more than she can shoulder and hides it till she breaks ; inadvertently ghosts people because she has time blindness and picks up relationships where they left out
14. Biggest regret: Being unable to save Sieran and Blish... there were other deaths she wish she could go back in time and do things differently to avert, but none feel more unfair than these two..
15. Best kept secrets: A generous and totally anonymous donation she made to the Shining Blade, in hope to commute some of a certain sylvari's service time.
16. Last thought: as in... her last thought, or the last thought I had about her? For the latter I was wondering which Aurene legendary to give her before the new content drops... whether to finish Aurene's Insight – that I could use on a LOT of my characters – or finish the shield or get her the greatsword... I love her wielding Caladbolg and I don't want that to change but a branded Caladbolg would be... somewhat bittersweetly fitting. I don't really know how to explain 😅
17. Worst romantic experience: The amount of stress she was under when she realised she was in love with Trahearne, the fear of losing him and the dark relief she felt when the many deaths they encountered were, at least, not his.
18. Biggest insecurity: She wonders if she could have done more to protect Aurene from the crushing weight of her destiny... to buy her some time, some peace, some safety...
19. Weapon of choice: Greatsword and shield
20. Role Model: The people she loves have shaped her throughout her life and keep shaping her as she journeys forth. Violet and Conrad Faren, with their kind heart and sharp spirits ; the memory of her parents, a legacy she wanted to honour ; Logan Thackeray, with all the dumb courage and chaotic energy of a golden retriever; Sieran, for her unbridled joy in discovery and for being the first person Anwen could really infodump to without seeming to tire her; Meryw, for the constance of her heart, the brilliance of her mind and the valiance of her soul ; Trahearne, for his openness, his dedication and the brightness of his hope.
Both @dumb-dumb-mander and you requested some insight on Galaëd so I'll make an Autumn Birch centric post tomorrow and tag you both, if that's okay 🥰🍂 gonna hit the hay, now!
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kinnoth · 2 years
Got tagged in a playlist meme by @zlutloki
*sucks teeth* oh boy. I, uh, don't actually know if I....enjoy music? Like I got into bandom a couple of times bc I'm brain damaged lol but if you asked me to explain why I liked the music by the bands I got into like .... I don't know if I could tell you. I don't know if I liked their music bc I liked their music or if I liked their music bc it was the output of dysfunctional people who didn't know how to talk to one another except through song you know? Like I think I own some pretty objectively bad music.
I can't tell you my favourite song; I don't know if I have one.
That being said I (illicitly) collected music for about 15 years like someone who knew the value of baseball cards but who didn't actually know anything about baseball would collect baseball cards lol
I used to obsessively download other people's FSTs even for fandoms and ships I didn't know. I think I accidentally ended up owning everything October Project put out between 2000-2003 like that
1) pipedown by babyshambles
2) little illusion machine by miles Kane ft the death ramps
3) deadwood by dirty pretty things
4) rock n roll star by oasis
5) United States of pop 2009 by dj earworm
6) chasing pavements by adele
7) peach plum pear covered by straylight run
8) you do by margaret whiting
9) cannonball covered by the gregory brothers
10) soldier's poem by muse
Tagging anybody who wants to do this. I'm not outing my problematic mutuals lmao
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dr-dendritic-trees · 2 years
wait hold on now i need to hear your thoughts on the plum poem
I HATE THE PLUM POEM! Its one of the worst poems ever.
It is literally just some guy saying... yeah... I was a jerk... I took your stuff.... I'm not actually sorry about it at all...
That's it. That's the poem. The poor person he is writing to won't get their own plums and may not get any breakfast.
I did rather like the meme though.
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Oh. Here I am. It’s late October, and I’m listening to my friend’s music and working. It’s dark outside. She’s dying her hair in my bathroom. My roommate is doing a puzzle on the floor, but she goes to help get the back even. I can hear them talking about hair colors and old memes. It’s gotten dark outside but we forgot to close the blinds, the lamp reflecting small pools in the plum sky, and I just did laundry, folding the towels into crisp corners. Hey, remember when this was all we wanted? When did growing up mean losing all the people you used to want to grow old with?
Remember when we thought building a home was the answer? We were right. I want to cry. It’s not your home, but I put up these string lights. I went to Trader Joes and I bought these marigolds, trimmed their stems, put them into old jars. I did that with these hands you held, once.
I steady myself on the counter, stuck in time, my mouth full of ice. I know this is what I wanted. I know it is better than anything else. I’ve arrived. I feel settled, and at the same time like nothing can be right because none of the people sitting around me are the people I imagined. Here is my future, but I’m so fucking sad. Why does everyone have to leave? I get up in the middle of the night, stand in my bathroom and let myself be a little afraid of losing them, too. I don’t want to lose these friends, this family, but I wish I could go back in time and warn myself. Warn myself to save you. Warn myself to hold on. Warn myself to learn to say goodbye.
I feel like I’m writing my own story, finally. I woke up at 8 pm the other day and went to buy ice cream at CVS with that friend, you know the one I wanted to get closer to but I thought she was too cool for me? Yeah, we hang out now. It was really okay, in the end. She thought I was cool too, just like you said she would. Autumn shivers at my green sweater sleeves, city lights blurring purple and pink underfoot. I smile at her in the dark, and it is coming awake after a realistic dream, realizing all at once you’re in the real world now, safe. Cognitive dissonance makes my head hurt. I can’t mourn something I just imagined having. Just wrote a letter when I was fourteen to someone across the world who I thought was my future, and now I’m in CVS experiencing it with someone else, and I don’t think you actually care. It’s so unfair. But I’m still so sad. But my heart is still breaking.
I can’t help scrolling down to your name in my contacts, knowing my friends would love you, aching for a future that looks exactly like the present but my knee is resting against your’s. Hey, I’ve built that future we wrote poems about. Hey, I still miss you. Hey, do you think of me sometimes?
I was sitting outside eating breakfast and feeding the pigeons yesterday, and I shut my eyes against the sun, and I instinctively reached for the ring you gave me, the one I used to wear every single day, and then it wasn’t there. You aren’t here.
Do you think of me? Are you building your own version of the life we promised to give to each other? Does it make you sad I’m not in it? 
I don’t know how to not miss you when I’m happy.
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thesarahshay · 1 month
There's a grammatical mistake I've been noticing a lot lately, and I'm wondering if it's some sort of trend or just my brain seeing patterns. It's not uncommon, but I've seen it weirdly often over the last few months.
The mistake is in knowing where to put the end quotation mark when referring to a thing by a phrase. For example, you can't remember William Carlos Williams' name, so you ask "Hey, remind me who wrote the 'plums in the icebox poem' that everyone memes?" It's more accurate to write "plums in the icebox" poem -- "plums in the icebox" is a phrase (or paraphrase) from the poem which you are quoting, and you put it in quotes to indicate that it's being used as an adjective. Same with hyphens, although I haven't seen that as much: "This is my recovering-from-a-breakup-movie" vs. "This is my recovering-from-a-breakup movie." If you hadn't used a phrase, you wouldn't normally connect an adjective to a noun with quotes or hyphens. "Who wrote that 'plum poem'" or "this is my breakup-movie" would both be odd or confusing.
It's a fairly minor error, and it's usually quite clear what you mean. It's just something I keep seeing over and over, and I'm curious if there's a reason for the trend.
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jerichomere · 3 years
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I wasn’t ready for a “this is just to say” poem in the middle of tumblr’s Martha Wells post
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sophieakatz · 3 years
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“William Carlos Williams Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” @sparknotes_ #writersofinstagram #poetry #thisisjusttosay #plums #willywonka #willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #charlieandthechocolatefactory #augustusgloop #parody #memes #writerscommunity #writers #poem #poems #poemsofinstagram #williamcarloswilliams #oompaloompa #amwriting #amwritingpoetry #writer #write #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #roalddahl #icebox #chocolate #poetryisnotdead #humor https://www.instagram.com/p/CPEjt-MH9BZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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memesonnets · 4 years
My love, I have a secret to confess  —
I’ve done a thing I beg thee to forgive.
If I have caused thee any great distress
I’ll be repentant long as I might live.
A thing I’ve done I now know was quite wrong;
I’ll beg thy pardon when the right time comes.
I reached into the icebox, and erelong
I did proceed to eat all of the plums.
The plums! Which thou wert likely saving there
to eat under the rising morning sun!
I ate them all! I did not think to share!
Oh, please forgive this thing that I have done!
Exonerate me, love, and pray don’t scold  —
they were delicious, so sweet and so cold.
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burritofucker6000 · 7 years
did william carlos williams love burritos too? evidence from his poem “this is just to say” points to yes:
I have eaten
the burritos
that were in
the fridge
and which
you were definitely
for breakfast (because they’re breakfast burritos)
If that was wrong I don’t want to be right
they were fucking delicious
so spicy
and so sexy
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thoughtportal · 5 years
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hmshermitcraft · 4 years
Also,,, awkward high school au time!
Their school has a valentines day dance, and everyone is tripping over themselves to ask one another to go.
Kerlais writes a really sweet note and plants it in Xisuma's locker. (X doesnt celebrate it normally. But this year, he will for Keralis.)
Zedaph buys his boyfriends flowers. Tango gets them chocolates. Impulse gets the plushies. It's sappy and over dramatic in the best way possible.
Grian and Mumbo both agonize over how to ask one another without the other one catching them. They're both oblivious idiots and catch one another in the act of sneaking gifts into the vents of the other boy's locker. Queue the spiderman meme esque pointing(And Iskall losing his mind laughing. He memes the hell out of them in the group chat.)
Iskall get's Stress' locker combo from False. (in exchange for Doc's. Wonder why?) He gives her a sweetheart succulent with a note asking her to be his valentine. She accepts by giving him a pink carnation. (She uses BDub's place in student council to make it happen, as student council is the one handling the carnation sale.)
Ren leaves a bouquet in Etho's locker. Poor Etho has a panic attack over it. (His ex from his last high school did that- it ended horribly.) He thinks it's a sick joke. X and Ren are sent to bring him back to class and Ren has to explain it was a genuine thing and he didnt mean any harm. (Ren vows to make recieving gifts mean positive things for Etho.)
Joe writes Cleo a really cheesy poem and reads it to her in the hallway. She punches his arm lightly and accepts. Then Joe gives her a really sweet love letter. She tears up when she reads it later.
False leaves a note in Doc's notebook when he leaves their sports rec class. He finds it later and is absolutely baffled until he lets BDubs read it. He leaves her a note in her locker later on his way to engineering. (He keeps her original note- he's a jerk, sure, but he isnt heartless. And False is about to find out how much of a softie he can be.)
Scar and BDubs joke about the dance the whole time they do the carnation sale, then Scar mentions how he actually loves Valentines, and doesnt have anyone but Jellie to celebrate with. BDubs shyly asks him to the dance. (It takes Scar a moment to realize this isn't a joke. Then he accepts, genuine blush and stutter and all.)
Wels begs False and Stress to help him with a boquet. They do, on the condition that Wels presents it to his Valentine to Be during Drama. Of course, they're doing costuming, and Wels has to give it to beef while he's half dressed in a purple suit. Beef, thinking its Wels getting into character, jokingly tells him to give it to his college in crime, Stress as Lady Crimson. He is Decetive Plum after all. (Their school is performing Clue). Wels explains it's a serious gesture and Beef apologizes and takes the bouquet and accepts his offer with a kiss to the cheek. (The drama teachers, Steph and Mat, don't have the heart to tell them off seriously. Steph has to be the one to tell them to save the sap for between classes, but she's nice about it. They gush about how cute it is after class.) ((Yes, Steph and Mat from game theory. I apologize if this isnt allowed. They're only here for this one headcanon verse.))
TFC and Cub, being the awful yet hilarious teachers they are, are taking bets on the whole thing. And they volunteer to chaperone (as dates, they joke. The students love the bit they have going. Cub even gets TFC a box of chocolates.)
I think that's everyone. 2/2. Sorry its long!
What a chaotic bunch! Let’s hope Cub and TFC can handle them...
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queercraftingchonk · 3 years
Thanks to @yellingaboutmasseffect and @diaphanouso for tagging me in this lil' friendly meme~
Favorite Color: Varies, but purple is a frequent contender. From light lilacs to deep plums, it's all good.
Last Song: "Rise, Naianasha (Cut the Cord)" by Coheed & Cambria {who I might be seeing in concert if things go well!}
Currently Reading: I haven't been reading much beyond a variety of fics; it's been a couple months but the marathon of reading for grad school burnt me out a bit. 😅 I do have two books I'm reading slowly: Queer Magic: Lgbt+ Spirituality and Culture from Around the World by Tomás Prower, and I frequently return to Mary Oliver's A Thousand Mornings: Poems this time of year.
Last Movie: The Matrix [to celebrate the annual Get Really Baked & Watch the Matrix Day]
Sweet, spicy, or savory: ~Spicy~ please! Too many of my favorite things have capsaicin in them. 🥵💕
Currently working on: My long Shalibrations fic; the Mass Effect x Bloodborne fusion AU fic when the mood strikes me; the assignment I received for the Mass Effect Rarepairs Exchange; and getting back into doodling/drawing again. :3
I'll pass this along by tagging some folks I'd like to get to know a little bit better--but no one should feel any obligation. If any of you want, I'd be interested in reading responses from @defo-not-a-cop, @helltothenaw, @c-rowlesblogs, and/or @the-reddened
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indyflanery · 3 years
• Types of People: Horror Writers •
💀Mary Shelley: wears lots of deep burgundies and plums, favorite season is winter, dark academia aesthetics, competitive, stormy intimidating stare, impeccable grammar, loves pomegranates and renaissance art, aspires to smash the patriarchy.
💀Edgar Allen Poe: dark circles under the eyes and oversized navy blue sweaters, chews their pens, courage the cowardly dog fan, weird sleeping hours, writes poems about old crushes, listens to sad lo-fi, beanies all year round, sleeps with the window open.
💀Shirley Jackson: crooked smile, room cluttered with glass jars of weird trinkets, superstitious, messy hair, brilliant underachiever, likes bones and patchwork quilts, trust issues, dreams about running away to a hermitage in the woods, chaotic neutral.
💀Steven King: ring-neck tees and scuffed converse, dad friend, cowboy memes, loves mothman and exploring abandoned buildings, favorite season is summer, hard to tell whether they’re joking or not, knows local history, skull and crossbone doodles in notebook margins.
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