#plural survey
sysciety · 1 year
(Rb for reach!) Asking that singlets wait for the results instead of voting please! This can be interpreted as when you started telling people in general (such as close friends) or in general if you're publicly a system - whichever is more significant to you
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trenchcoat-of-hats · 2 years
we made a survey to find out info on systems with bodies that have its own gender and/or sexuality!
results will be posted to this blog
it's inclusive to endos, but not exclusive to pro-endos, anyone who's a system can fill this out!
just gonna.. @system-research @pluralityresearch
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Plural Tumblr Survey List
This is a list of non-professional surveys that have been conducted by folks here on tumblr! We wanted to put this together to help catalogue and preserve the results.
If you know a survey you’d like us to include, please feel free send us a link to the post! We’re not including Tumblr polls in this list due to the sheer amount of them of them out there.
pluraldeepdive’s Plural/System Experiences Survey
pluralityresearch’s Plurality Research Survey
system-research’s Revised Exomemory Survey
CLOSED, viewable results
kipandkandicore’s Syscourse Survey
dragonfly-system’s Study on the Origins of Endogenic Systems
many-but-one’s System Partner Boundaries Survey
scaryterror-mogai’s Patterns in Being Formed in a System
our own survey on neurodivergence in nontraumagenic systems
polyphonic-brains’ Origins of Plurality and Levels of Dissociation Study
CLOSED, awaiting viewable results
deertism’s Plurality & Personality Disorders Survey
night-wyld-system’s Plurality, System, and DID/OSDD Experiences
polyphonic-brains’ Differences in the Internal Experiences in Traumagenic and Endogenic Plurals
This post will be a constant work in progress as we add new surveys we find. Please feel welcome to send us surveys you don’t see represented here - thanks so much!
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interstellarsystem · 6 months
(*13 and under for the sake of this poll! If they're older than 13 now, they still count, this only refers to their initial age upon joining/creation.)
We don't see much talk of this in the plural community, but it's something that should be talked about more. In-system pregnancy is often talked about as a tabboo most of the times we see it mentioned, and in-system children are to some degree as well. But there's so many systems out there with children in-sys that we thought we'd make a poll about it.
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flecks-of-stardust · 9 months
Independent Research on Experiences with Imaginary Friends
Hello Tumblr! Some of you may have seen this poll I made going around. As of writing this post, the poll is still going, so if you haven't voted and would like to you are more than welcome to do so. However, this post is to more formally announce the survey I made that expands on the idea behind the creation of the poll; you can access it here.
The survey polls on experiences with imaginary friends, but also includes questions about social experiences and neurodivergencies, in particular system experiences. You do not need to be a system to respond to this, and in fact I encourage singlets to also take the survey. People of all neurotypes and all ages are allowed to respond to the survey. The survey is primarily multiple choice with avenues to elaborate on your selections, but it also has three long answer questions. The whole survey should take around 15 to 20 minutes to complete. You are encouraged to be as specific as possible, even if you're not sure about how to answer a question.
All responses collected will be seen by my eyes only, and will be analyzed only by me; this endeavor is a one person effort. The data gathered by this survey will not be formally published. At best, if enough people wish to see the results, the results and analysis will be posted on Tumblr, on this same blog.
It would be much appreciated if this post is spread around, but I highly, highly encourage you to share the link to the survey outside of Tumblr as well. Data collection will cease on March 1st, 2024 or when there are 500 responses, whichever comes first.
Thank you in advance for indulging my curiosity!
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pluraldeepdive · 5 months
I'm opening up my survey, again! I'm especially looking for responses from people who identify as plural, multiple, or a system. 💚
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selfcarecollective · 1 year
Hi everyone! We attempted to try to make a survey update yesterday but accidentally deleted it. Currently the survey is at 257 responses! It got a few responses within the few days we were in active which is good! Remember to those who haven't, the survey is anonymity focused and the goal is to get the entire system community to take it! It's topic is about Syscourse and topics as such! We plan on the survey lasting until September 10th! By September 11th when we wake up we'll be closing response availability! Continue to reshare and promote the survey to whoever you can!
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system-research · 2 years
Welcome to our blog dedicated to researching systems and plural people!
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Here we will post polls, surveys, ect, that are aimed at gathering information about systems, headmates, innerworld, ect.
This blog is aimed at being completely neutral as to get information on all types of systems. A disclaimer though most things will be separate such as having two polls asking the same thing but one being for OSDDID/traumagenic systems and another being non-traumagenic systems. We do that because having your system formed from trauma and having your system not formed from trauma are most of the time very different experiences.
A better explanation of how we plan to categorize the polls/surveys is in this ask.
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Another disclaimer is that both mods are OSDDID systems and because of that the main type of language we will use on this blog will be lean more towards disordered language. Such as saying system instead of a plural person. We will however refer to alters as headmates on this blog. But if anyone has suggestions on other words or terms we can use we will be glad to hear it.
We welcome asks and ideas to help us decide what surveys or polls to post! Such as asking for us to do a survey on headmates with blue hair and how common they are. While we do prefer the suggestions to be serious we will accept some silly surveys like that. We also encourage criticism and constructive criticism as we are not perfect and will mess up from time to time and we want to be let known when we do. (Preferably nicely but it’s okay if not).
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You may notice that this blog is very similar to @/pluralityresearch and that is because it is somewhat based off the main idea of their blog. We are making our own because we don’t like how biased the blog is towards non-traumagenic systems. So we made our own blog to be (the best we can be) completely neutral. That away everyone can participate without feeling like they are being ignored or looked over. Also due to recent events on that blog please know that if we ever mess up that we welcome people letting us know and constructive criticism.
Last part is our DNI. We don’t want transplural or transid people doing our surveys and we also don’t want @/jess-total-mess or those affiliated with them to interact either. (This is for our own mental health)
Tags for reach (let us know if you’d like to be removed!)
@circulars-reasoning @pluralpolls @syscoursepolls @plural-culture-is @pluralprompts @subsystems @multiplicity-positivity
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lifenconcepts · 21 days
HEY! Want to help my research?
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I won’t go too much into why I need this information but presuming you’re on tumblr I assume you’ll be happy to share - please answer some basic questions about your identity and existence! If you do, you’ll get a very big thanks from me :3 like a question game !!
Feel free to write it as detailed as you want but I deeply appreciate if you would be precise!
It goes as follows:
What sort of animal would you be and why?
What’s your stance on society/humanity? Have you ever had people bring you down, wether it be directly or indirectly?
We’re you ever ostracised as a child from communities or gatherings?
What’s your preferred way to spend some time to recharge, and when do you usually do it. (Bonus, does it actually leave you happy and content?)
Do you have trouble understanding your thoughts?
What are your core beliefs/principles to live by?
Do you consider yourself a good person?
How often do you think on mortality/the future and what it holds? Does it leave you scared or worried?
Are you currently content with your living situation.
Do you have a steady flow of finances / are you satisfied with how much you currently have and/or your job?
What’s your favourite food and why?
Would you like a pet? Any pet. Explain.
What’s your stance on anything sexual?
Do you find relationships necessary (personally to you)?
Have you ever thought that there may be some sort of other force or creature, wether it be something tangible or something divine, watching you? Does it leave you feeling uncomfortable?
Where do you feel safe?
Do you think other people are you the way you want to be seen? How do you want to be seen?
Have you come to terms with what you physically look and sound like? (Mirror, pictures, video, audio) Does it in any way comply with what you like?
What’s your preferable way to dress?
In a store, what aisle do you go to?
How would you respond to a crying child in your care?
How would you deal with a misbehaving dog in your care?
What differences are there, in your eyes, between human and animals?
If you could live in an isolated forest, far from any city, and surrounded by animals and nature but with no way to return - would you?
Would you be willing to transform into some sort of animal or creature, permenantly, and are there any preferences or worries you have regarding it?
Where would you like to live?
Do you yearn for something unobtainable?
Have you met the person you consider to be “the one”? This can be platonic (like a good friend), romantic, or anything else. Can even be an animal.
Do you hold any strange emotions or feelings or even memories that don’t seem to be yours? Do you know any place you could have seen it (online or real life) or why they may have formed?
How has being in school affected you?
How has work affected you? (if you don’t work, feel free to skip) mentally, physically, any way.
Do you have any hobbies and what do they mean to you?
Have you ever had some unexplainable pull to do something?
Are you supportive of people with different ideologies or opinions as you?
Do you think it’s possible to get every single person to have the same level of freedom and education and understanding?
What does the universe/world/‘god’ mean to you?
How often do you exist in nature and truly get a hold on it?
What things does existing invoke in you, how do you feel when consciousness, are there any primary functions that are more prominent than others? Do you have any specific thoughts about life? Do you feel aware of a certain taste your life has?
Do you believe in fate/destiny, do you have any experiences which prove that fate, and do you think it has good plans for you?
How do you respond to being hurt by another person? (Verbally or physically)
How do you deal with an accident?
Do you think there’s any ulterior purpose for us being alive, and do you have any idea of what you are meant to do? (Specifically you)
Have you had any paranormal experiences, and do you share them with others?
Do you believe yourself? What sort of personality would you say you have?
Did your parents treat you well?
What are your primary skills and how well do you know them?
Can you plan, and do you stick to those plans?
Do you dream in colour?
Do you think in images, words, audio, or energy? Or a mixture?
Do you remember dreams and how detailed are they?
What sort of activities do you and your family do together?
Do you have intuition/gut feeling and has it ever been scarily right?
What commonly known or said things do you hate or stand against?
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coins-for-the-moth · 9 months
Shameless Survey plug
So almost two years ago we made a survey on Blending. It got a few responses from a server we're in, but I lowkey want *more*. Sooo... here I go:
[Disclaimer: I seriously do not care about your syscourse stances when you're filling this, but if you insert hateful rhetoric into your submission, it will be deleted entirely and I will sleep soundly.]
If you wanna reblog and make it spread a bit further that'd be so cool!! :3c
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sysciety · 1 year
(Rb for reach!)
Didn't have space to put an other section so if none of these apply tag or comment it if you can. I'm asking more about general trends (ex: if for years you've had a co-host but you don't currently, voting yes is still ok) but feel free to vote what's most comfortable for you
There aren't any solid guidelines on the size categories so vote based on how you'd classify your own system
If your system doesn't use roles but you feel like there's someone who might fit that position feel free to vote either way
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frostfire425 · 1 year
I've made a small survey for writers because I'm curious about what my experiences would be categorized as...
You may take it here (the responses are anonymous).
If I get any noteworthy results, I may reblog this with an update.
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nyandela-catalogue · 6 months
Status Update:
Jonah - Asleep. Recovering decently well. Discussed the issue with Adam, who has agreed to avoid the actions that would lead to a repeat of today’s situation.
Adam - Asleep. Protecting Jonah. Feeling guilty for discussing source trauma + certain topics without explicit permission from Jonah.
Evelin - Resting. Less agitated with Adam, but still wary of him.
Sarah - Asleep. Borderline inaccessible, to me at least.
Ces - Resting. Surveying surroundings. Protecting and cuddling Mark.
Mark - Resting, but aware. Relieved the main stress of the day is over.
Lemon Bar - Relaxing nearby. Acting as my Overseer and as Quality Control. Ensuring comprehensibility of this post.
Recovery is under way. Issue has been identified and addressed.
If any significant changes are made and I am still frontmost, I will provide an update.
Thank you for your patience.
-Blueberry Muffin🫐
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
I want to write about writing systems in fiction, but I am not an authority on DID just because I'm a system. To compensate for this, I've been researching DID for years now and comparing it to representations in media as well as experimenting with writing different constructions of systems and seeing how they come across + how practical they are to write from a story perspective while being as accurate as possible and I've realized I've maybe accidentally made myself into an expert on the topic of DID in fiction specifically.
HOWEVER, since I've been focusing mostly on DID I don't have much on other dissociative disorders, so I wanted to ask you all what dissociative disorders and/or what traits not common in DID but common in other dissociative disorders do you find to be either 1. Woefully underrepresented in fiction or 2. Not well known in general.
(Not using polls for this so it's not restricted to 10 and might include things I'm not aware of. No deadline, spread this as much as you want/can, I'm just gathering data, it's not for a specific project)
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sinclair-scrambles · 2 years
Systems' nationalities survey?
We've been curious about this for a while now and was wondering if a survey like that has existed or not. Esp since we notice so many systems are living in the US and want to see how many are systems outside of US and North America.
Anyone can interact with this post
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pluraldeepdive · 1 year
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Results of a casual survey I hosted on reddit, discord, and uquiz. The majority of participants (54 out of 56) did not identify as a system or plural, so here's all the non-plural data. I will be hosting the same survey again later for only plurals/systems so we can get a nice comparison. Hope you guys find this info interesting!
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