#plus I know my dialog ain't great but the exchange between the Unnamed and Auger was pure cringe
facelessxchurch · 3 years
I mean ngl, I think Auger is great, I just wish his victory over the Unnamed was more convincing and epic, like if Mevolent tried to save him and gave him an opening or something
I'm not sure why Mev would try to save Auger and the other children considering these are not children from his dimension. He's a warlord, I'm pretty sure he himself has murdered kids before.
Unless maybe it was just a kneejerk reaction from him or an-enemy-of-my-enemy is my friend kinda thing. I doubt during that fight he was in the right mindset to do it for propaganda reasons.
When the Unnamed is marching towards the kids that had thrown fire balls at him, he mutters 'my turn' and sends a a blast of black fire their way just for it to get blocked by a wall of jagged ice. By now Mev has recovered and put his helmet back on (bc priorities) and is climbing through the hole the Unnamed had blast into the cafeteria wall. The Unnamed seemed almost amused. "I see you're still suffering from delusions of heroism. But this isn't your fight. " "Whether it's by my hand or another's, you're going back to Hell today." Mev's voice is raspy, but has the desired effect as the Unnamed instantly side glances where that blasted Obsidian Blade is. Mev attacks, trying to drive the Godkiller Sword through his torso, but he side steps and tries to send a blast of fire into Mev's face, which he barely manages to doge in time.
They swirl through the room in a dance of magic and blades. The teachers rush the kids out of the room since it would be too easy for them to become collateral damage with the speed and ferocity those two demi-gods are going at each other. The Unnamed is attacking Mev fiercely, trying to drive him off enough that he can catch a glimpse of his actual target. Meanwhile Mev is on the defence, protecting himself with walls of ice and rock when attacked, just to send the crumbled remains flying at the Unnamed each time he tries to back off followed by a flurry of sword slashes, forcing him back into engaging with him. Each time the Unnamed tries to form a ring of black fire around him to protect himself and keep Auger at a distance, Mev puts it out with gusts of wind and frozen floors to give the boy a chance to land a hit. And eventually he does.
The Unnamed stiffens as the blade is driven into his back. Mev halts his attacks and watches his former master disappear, watches, to his surprise, the blade break. It takes a few breaths for him to compose himself, panting still as he stares confused at the broken blade and then at Auger who meets his gaze with terror when he realizes that, yes, the Unnamed is dead, but that 8ft warlord with a Godkiller Sword in his hand is still there and his only way of defending himself, the Obsidian Blade, is broken.
The other students are peaking through the door while the teachers rush through in a panic when Mev approaches Auger, yet stop in their tracks when Mev just ruffles through the boys hair and mutters a silent "You did well." while walking past him. A wave of his hand and the shattered remains of the Obsidian Blade gather in his palm and he somehow finds a pocked without a hole in his ruined suit to let it disappear in. "The rest of you, work on your defences. The strongest attack is worth nothing if you're dead five seconds into the fight." He speaks a little louder now, not even bothering to look at the teachers and students as he climbs back out of the hole again and takes off into the sky. Everybody else is just starring at where he just stood, absolutely flabbergasted by the big bad from their history book showing up to help them defeat an even bigger big bad and the absolute gall of the man to act as if they are already his subjects/students tho he did absolutely did win a few fans during this stunt.
Complete big dick Chad energy.
I like the visuals of the Unnamed mainly using (black) fire and is on the attack while Mev uses every element but fire and his mainly focusing on ice and wind while on the defence, painting them is opposites in this battle. Also Mev hates the Unnamed so much he'd take a step back and let someone else take the glory for dealing the death blow as long as he just dies. Also him pocketing the remains of the Obsidian Blade provides another reason for people to free him from the Eternity Gate.
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