#plus I love sky and time as a duo
adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
Remember that Sky Saves Fairy Time fic y’all chose for me to work on next? Well, it’s finished!!
Look out folks this one’s angsty >:)
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aristaspark · 7 months
The reasons why I think Stella and Bloom's friendship is amazing and is not something we often see
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Or why Fate is trash
One aspect of Winx club I always loved growing up was the friendship between the girls. They all love each other, despite their very different personnalities and having some rough times.
While I could write an essay about almost every duo in Winx club, I do think that Stella and Bloom are the most interesting to analyze.
Even though they are part of a friend group, the show doesn't try to hide the fact that Stella and Bloom are each other best friend, they even say so themselves.
This friendship is truly groundbreaking when we think about it, for one simple reason: Bloom and Stella's archetypes usually hates each other when depicted together in media.
Hear me out.
Stella is the girly girl, the mean girl, the popular girl with a big mouth who can appear shallow. Plus, she's blond. She bases a big portion of her self-worth in her apperance. Basically, she's the Regina George of Winx Club.
Bloom, she's not like the other girls. There's nothing wrong with her, she's attractive and a sweetheart, yet she attracts attention for being different (in the show there are a few reasons for this, first she's from Earth and she's also the keeper of the Dragon Flame, making her a god-like existence in the story). She has messy hair, dresses in jeans, doesn't really care about her apperance... She's a fish out of water type of character, the character everyone can and wants to relate to. She's the Cady of Winx Club.
These two were designed to hate each other.
Taking into account Stella's nature, we expect her to hate Bloom out of sheer jealousy. Bloom doesn't try and gets all the attention, she's the new girl who turns out to be the one girl more powerful than her, she's also a princess. We could say that everything Stella can do, Bloom can do better.
And yet...
Stella would kill a bitch for Bloom. Never in the show does she display any sort of ill feelings toward Bloom, on the contrary, she spends her time trying to get her to be more confident in herself and her abilities. She's sweet with her and does her best to uplift her. I can say with confidence that Stella is the one person in the show who loves Bloom the most (tied with Daphne), like Sky doesn't hold A CANDLE to her.
When Bloom leaves on missions by herself she's worried sick, she's always clinging to her, teasing her, looking out for her. She's always the one there for Bloom when things get hard (when the Trix steal her powers, when Sky gets engaged to Diaspro, when she thinks of her family...)
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And Bloom, she just loves Stella. She's the reason her dream became reality (it was her meeting with her which caused her to learn her true nature), and Stella took her under her wing to make it easier for her to fit into this new world. She saw from the beggining that Stella was willing to lie for her, to fight for her and she couldn't help but love her, even if she had a big mouth and quite the personnality. Stella brought lightness and laughter into her world, she was her anchor.
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For real, just look at her reaction when Stella throws herself from the cliff in season two. She spends the episodes after that obsessing over finding and saving Stella.
These two can't live without each other even though one is the 'your typical mean girl' and the other is 'not like the other girls'.
Heck, everytime the villains freaking spy on the Winx these two are all over each other.
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I think the heart of their friendship is their first meeting. Stella was what Bloom had dreamed of all her life: she was a real fairy, the living personnification of her dreams. She's the one who made her dream a reality. As for Stella, she was saved by a human who risked her life and stood up for her even though she didn't stand any chance and didn't know her. Bloom was just lucky she turned out to be a fairy. Bloom then took her to her house and took care of her, without expecting anything in return, which caused them to bond instantly.
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That relationship was freaking transgressive for the time, and Fate's writers deserve jail for what they did to their friendship. Bloom and Stella fighting over a boy and Stella turning into the typical insecure and jealous mean girl? Hell no.
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Look at these queens 🥹
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Saw the post about the Chain and their god domains and my greek mythos obsessed brain got scritched so here is the Chain as Greek gods/mythos:
Time: The old man gave me such a hard time. absolutely going insane over him. He’s Hades. being one of the big three (this fucker split the timeline (almost like how the underworld is split)). Ive never finished MM or OoT but i believe the lore is that all the masks are possessed to put it simply, thus the spirits granting link his power, making Time a maestro of the dead. Many interpretations of hades also depict him as cunning, a trickster, while also being stern, much like our resident little shit (affectionate). Hermes was a big contender here for that reason.
Sky: This was a toss up but im gonna have to say Zeus honestly, mister Godslayer himself. less of a connection between their personalities honestly and more just focusing on their similar dynamics, skills, and symbolism. Obviously we have our favorite lightning motif, plus the position of leadership they both share - in the sense that zeus is more or less the leader of the gods and sky being the ‘leader’ so to speak of the timeline. Plus the parallels between demise and kronos, and zeus/sky’s respective roles there. It was between the big man or persephone.
Twilight: Artemis!! Our very literal leader of the pack. Goddess of the hunt, patron of animals, domain over the moon (cough twilight cough). Though, Demeter and hestia were fighting me here, the fursona won over the country bumpkin sadge.
Warriors: You are Athena! badass in the arena! /ref. Honestly, i feel like i should be assigning them their ‘obvious’ gods and then give them one that attaches to them more symbolically. Yes, everyone’s favorite captain is THE captain goddess. Cunning, strategist, warhead, intelligent, and alot of people forget that Athena is both charismatic and incredibly physically beautiful, in most adaptations. she was in the lineup for paris and guided the trojan war. I forget who it was on here that is a big “wars = helen of troy” truther but theyre absolutely so correct.
Legend: Also a tricky toss up, but i ultimately landed on apollo. Apollo’s known for being a sort of jack of all trades god, between his dominion over the sun, medicine, music, archery, and more. With the vet’s all encompassing experience, with his multitude of instruments and proficiencies in different magical items it made sense. Me, personally, I loved the stories of apollos shape-shifting mortal ventures more than say zeus or any of the other gods. Also, depending on your characterization of the vet, their supposed personalities line up quite well, with apollo being charming and somewhat arrogant/snarky with others
Hyrule: This feels left-field but rulie gets to be Persephone! Adept with magic, goddess of fertility and the harvest and just general growth (of nature), with the double edge of being the queen of the underworld. Ugh im so obsessed with downfall duo rulie is so tragic. left with a desolate wasteland, yet (depending on characterization) ushering in and doing his damndest to nurture life and growth. I love the headcanons where rulie is a survivalist through and through, proficiencies in botany and herbology, respect for the land and its inhabitants. 
Wild: Demeter! Wild is of the land, they are one and the same. The way his world is absolutely teeming with life, and the way he is molded to adapt and live with the land to complete his adventure,,, ugh its too good. He is the most in tune with the wolves, the bees, the cows, the reeds, the flowers, the dragons, the spirits, they ARE him. he woke up with NOTHING, except a vast land full to bursting with life and lessons. 
Four: Hephaestus, obviously. dont get me wrong, I love four so much, but anything else felt blasphemous (The way i could write essays about it—). He is the god of blacksmithing, if i assigned him anything else i fear he may just manage to kill me. 
Wind: Notos! God of the east Wind, known for the bringing of summer, cyclones, and warmth. love that funky little whirlwind hes so fun and spunky. being a god of wind was so on the nose it was too good. I didnt ever consider poseidon, winds too squishy and fluid for that. this kid is bouncing around like a cat 5 hurricane he is the wind, he is free (to cause chaos).
Ugh i love yapping about the mythologies. i may do this again except with minor gods/demigods (i will get back to that legend-achilles parallel i swear). I hope this was amusing to you
(I’m a huge Wars = Helen of Troy truther, I ain’t the only one, but I’ve yapped about it a lot akdkkdk)
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skyward-floored · 8 months
I think I’m coming down with a cold again and possibly have a fever but I’m here to scream about the update some more anyway! (and analyze a bit but mostly scream). Dawn part 7 here we go!
(All images belong to @linkeduniverse <3)
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First off I have to say this was my favorite panel I think, it’s so pretty. The faint glow! The colors! The cape over his shoulder! Amazing. This truly was Sky’s update, I loved every bit of focus he got. Jojo fed us well :D
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So it looks like I was wrong about Sky reading everyone’s mail. He just immediately took off after the mailman instead (and spent all morning chasing him ha!),
Side note but I love the npc guy. He’s simple but still Zelda-y. the character design in this comic is just👌
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Looks like the mailman has a list of who he’s supposed to deliver to, or at least that’s my guess. It could be a map maybe, but that probably wouldn’t do much good since he’s time traveling?? How does he do it. Don’t question the magic of the postman I guess.
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*green hill zone music intensifies*
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Shoutout to Sky’s face here, I make the same expression when I’m trying to chase after my nephew and stop him from eating crayons
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This looks like a postcard no joke, I'd frame this and put it on my wall. Plus the way the trees were done in the background is really neat, there’s something just really pleasing about this panel. Also the return of Sky: Just Standing There
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They’re all bein silly <3
...except for Four. Because I think him and Warriors both realize that Sky isn’t just telling them what he was doing all morning— he’s got something important to say, something they all actually need to know.
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(Downfall duo laughing together I love them)
Also I agree with everyone saying Warriors is close to snapping— they’ve all had a pretty stressful 24 hours, but Warriors has been breaking up arguments and repeatedly checking on everyone while they’re struggling, and... I don’t think he’s had a break. Take a nap bud, please?
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SKY TALKING TO FI MY BELOVED he's hoping there’s enough of her aware to help him dowse hhhhh. And then he’s so sad she didn’t seem to hear him waahhh 😭
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It doesn’t look to me like she truly helped much, but maybe Fi gave just enough of a nudge for Sky to find the postman’s footprints? Even in her sleep? She is glowing just a bit there... Interesting to think about.
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It’s confirmed that the postman uses the portals! And that the Shadow is alive and kicking! Uh-oh! (Also does anyone else think this one seems more... firey? Then the last one? Maybe it's just me).
And the chopped-off darknut head is still there too.... and I’ll bet you twenty rupees somebody is going to kick it when the Links go through the portal later. (My guess is Wild but I’d put my money on Legend or Wind too).
I’m also really curious where that portal leads... My guess is either Twilight’s Hyrule or Sky’s, based on what hints we’ve been getting, but I really don’t know. It’ll be fun to see!
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*Wind rapidly thinking of at least three conspiracy theories*: SUS
Also an amazing expression from him I’m laughing so hard, he really said 3:<
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Tag yourself I’m Four
Also Sky just chugging away at the stamina potion, poor guy XD he must be beat from all that running around, I hope he has some more time to sit before the Links get moving.
(And I mentioned this in another post, but Legend looks so alarmed at this information, as does Wild... it’s not going to be pretty when they cross paths with the Shadow again, that’s for sure)
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I love when Time breaks out the dramatic language... makes me remember that this guy is going to be the Hero’s Shade someday (who’s speech is 99% dramatic things).
Now the Links just have to decide what to do next... will they stay another day at the inn for Twilight’s sake, or get moving right away? Is Four going to confront Twilight about the dark magic he uses to turn into Wolfie?
So many questions... but in the meantime I will gladly continue to reread this amazing update, I really loved this one :D
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otherperson12 · 6 months
Masters of the Air: The Angels of Death
Chapter 1: Part One
Disclaimer: Bucky being Bucky and a simp. Buck being tired of Bucky.
Thank you @infernal-hues
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Bucky was satisfied with the newcomers. The beautiful ginger caught his eye. She had all his attention. By the words of the other girls, she seemed like a good pilot. That was a plus to her beauty. He had never been with a ginger before.
Buck had heard a little between the COs’ and everything looked fine.
Until supper.
“I can’t believe you both kept it from me!” Curt recriminated to the duo.
The news spread like fire. The only information going around was (and the only one that seemed to matter) about some beautiful singles —that was a regalement— skirts were in the base to stay.
When Curt heard, he knew Bucky (and obviously Buck) knew before anyone, so he went to them demanding some information.
Bucky laughed, “You can’t be mad at me. You love me too much.” He said with dove eyes at Curt and blowing kisses.
Buck laughed at them. “You were going to know sooner or later, Curt.”
That was supposed to be some kind of apology. But he did not want that.
“Why are they here?”, Curt asked.
Good question.
They both looked at Bucky who just winked at them.
The interrogation was the perfect excuse to get better coffee than the regular G.I Joe one.
Colonel Elizabeth Nixon was the CO of the 1st Female Fighter Pilot Group: The Angels of Death. She was one of the first female pilots in the Air Force and she won her rank from the bottom even when her family could have paid for it. The girls respected her as a their leader.
“Girls, listen up!”, she called from the center of the room, once the interrogation was done. Everyone looked at her. “As you may know, we will get into combat soon,” some cheers, “We are going to be stationed here at East Anglia with the 100th Bomber Group.” she informed. “Our mission is to protect this side of Great Britain island and not let the nazis get into London.” Then she had to drop the bomb. Ironic. “At the same time, we have orders to escort the bombers in every mission as needed.”
That was the first thing it came out of the boys’ mouth when they got the news.
After lunch, they all reunited in the conference room. Huglin had told them. Bucky was trying to hide his smile. And not look at Buck and Curt or he would really laugh.
“Those orders come from the upper command. It will help us to complete our missions and reduce the number of casualties.” He explained. “You just do what you’ve been training for so we can win the war. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir!”
Brianna did not want to be a babysitter.
“Just imagine their faces.” Priya suggested with a malicious smile.
Captain Priya Pilanka was from New Delhi, a squad leader like Brianna. She was as respected as hated just for her culture. The both of them bonded over their resentment for the british so they joined the yanks instead of having the UK flag in their uniform.
“This is not how I imagined it.” Brianna commented.
Priya knew what she meant. First, they did not want to wait more to go and fight, she felt anxious. And second…
“Giving you, women, a plane and a weapon don’t make you a soldier. You are just that. A woman who came to help, not to serve your country.” Brianna quoted under her breath.
Priya heard. She remembers those words very well. Their first day in training, almost two years ago.
Priya stiffed a little, “We just have to focus on flying and get the job done.”
They started walking to their new barracks when a voice called.
“Pilanka, Ross.”
Both girls turned and found Lieutenant Colonel Margarita Flores, (‘Mama’ for the girls) from Chile. She was a sweet woman, always taking care of everyone like a mother. She was a little worried about the news.
They salute her.
“How are you both?”, she asked sweetly.
“Anxious to get in the sky, ma’am.” Priya responded for them both.
Lt. Flores looked at Brianna, “I know is not what you expected. But don’t worry about it. You are better than any man. You are Angels, the best of the best.” She reassured them with a sweet smile. “I’m sure we’ll get a mission soon, so I want you both to get settled and go to eat. You are dismissed.” She ordered.
At the barracks, 1st Lt. Louisa ‘Lou’ Breaux had saved them both a bed next to hers. The three of them were a particular trio: the quiet scottish, the spicy indian, and the cute witch.
Lou was another squad leader, from Lafayette, Louisiana. And probably a witch. When she said it was going to rain, the sky seemed to melt. When she asked for a sunny day in the middle of the winter, the sun would appear as if spring had come earlier.
“I got your sheets and your foot lockers.” Lou informed.
“Thank you, Lou.” Brianna gratefully, appreciated. Lou smiled at her.
Brianna was very excited about the idea of having a weekend pass so she could go to Edinburgh. After eating, she wrote a letter to her uncle, telling him she was back in Europe.
She walked around the camp looking for the post office. She did not want to ask for directions. The walk which supposedly was going to be calm, turned out to be the complete opposite.
“Hey, sweetheart!”
“Carrot! Do the drapes match the carpet?”
That one made her blush in embarrassment , but mostly boil herblood in pure rage. The cat calling continued until…
The calls stopped. So did she.
“That’s enough!” Some man ordered in pure anger.
It wasn’t a deep voice, but so firm it made her almost stand at attention.
Brianna was able to hear the scold.
She took her chance to run away from the situation. The ginger walked as fast and calm as she could. The last thing she wanted to do was draw more attention to herself.
She heard someone walking right at her 6 o’clock, following her. At her left she found the post office and quickly entered.
Bucky was walking around looking for troubles (Buck was sleeping and he did not want to third wheel Curt and some nurse), when he found them.
Well, he actually found her.
For Bucky it was the perfect chance to introduce himself to the newcomer. Until he heard the other soldiers.
He stepped in, did his thing and when he turned to her, she was walking away. Odd. So he followed the red head to the post office. And there she was, completely curved in some papers.
“Good afternoon, Major Egan.” The sergeant behind the counter greeted him.
“How are you, Tommy.”
Bucky saw her stand back little by little and face him slowly. She looked at him and his collar and stood more straight than before. She saluted him.
That had an interesting effect on John.
“That’s not necessary ma’am.” Bucky informed quickly.
Brianna put her arm down. She felt trapped. She delivered the letter and she wanted to go, but he was in the way.
Those small blue eyes were watching her intensely. It made her uncomfortable so she looked down to her feet.
John took his sweet time observing her. Her red hair was in a classic updo with her green cap, her straight pointy nose and small mouth. She had changed her flying uniform for her dress uniform.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. For what happened.” Bucky explained himself, pointing to the door.
Brianna opened her mouth and closed it, then she talked. “I am sir, thank you.”
“Let me walk you to your quarters. So there’s no more incidents.” He offered.
‘I’ve spent too much time with Buck. I’m losing my charm.’ He thought.
“That’s not necessary, sir.”
“I insist.” He added quickly.
Silence again.
“If you let me, sir, It would not be appropriate.” Brianna explained trying to get him to let her go on her own.
“If someone asks I’ll explain the situation.” He reassured her.
‘How insisting!’, she thought.
John felt over the moon hearing her voice for the first time, small and cautious. He knew that his insistence on accompanying her was part of his desire to be with her. Normally, he would drink, pick a girl and take her to bed and that's it (and with that, he had gotten his own haters club) but she didn't even want to look at him.
“Let me walk you.” He said again.
Brianna knew he was not going to let her go.
“Alright.” She finally said.
In his mind, Bucky was doing a little victory dance. He tried to look normal, but a smile slipped to his face.
He moved from the door and opened it so she could go in first.
Brianna and John walked the first twenty steps in complete silence. Until he opened his mouth.
“I’m John. John Egan. But everyone calls me ‘Bucky’”, he introduced himself looking at her.
Brianna took her eyes off the road to look at him briefly. She noticed his small blue eyes, which had a little mischief in them.
“Lieutenant Ross, Brianna Ross.”
Five steps more in silence.
“So you are a pilot.” Bucky said.
‘Doesn’t he have an off button?’, she thought a little desperately. She didn’t like being talked to, she didn’t like to talk.
“Yes, sir. I’m a squad leader .” She informed.
“Squad leader! That sounds important.” Bucky said impressed.
Brianna was irritated with the situation because obviously she had to answer to a ranking officer.
“I just do my job, sir.”
Bucky being Bucky, could not tell if she was just quiet and shy or she was getting pissed with him.
“You aren’t American.” He punctuated.
Brianna had spent years of her life trying to sound less Scottish, it looks like it did not work.
“Aye…” She said slowly, looking him in the corner of her eye.
Brianna found him already looking at her, a cocky smile and eyes full of mischief. She blushed as red as her hair, again, for being caught.
Embarrassed and now pissed, she walked faster trying to lose him.
He was having the time of his life, completely enamored by her cute reaction. She was shy, was his conclusion and maybe a little short tempered. John just followed her trying to be at her side again.
“Hey! Wait!”, he called. “I’m sorry!” He apologized. But she kept walking with her head down.
John saw her turn left, and then he saw a bunch of women hanging out of the quarters.
Everyone turned their heads as Brianna nearly ran into the quarters and slammed the door closed.
Then the eyes turned to him.
He stood there just looking at the door, hands in his hips and a smile on his face. He chuckled.
Bucky started to walk away with intentions to go tell Buck when the door slammed open, a full round of laughter and calling. Brianna ran out hiding her face in her hands, the tips of her ears boiling red.
She was followed by Priya, who was mocking her and Lou, happy as ever, jumping with every step.
“Don’ worry, major. You’ll see her’ again’!”, Lou informed.
He snorted, “I’ll really like that.”
“I swear to god, John, if you interrupt me one more time I’ll drop you in Berlin myself.” Buck warned him, eyes still in his book.
“That book will mean nothing when I tell you what just happened.”
Gale looks up to his best friend. A few hours prior when Bucky had said something similar, life at East Anglian had changed.
“Bucky”, Gale called at John.
“Leave those ladies alone”
Bucky laughed.
“Not any time soon”.
He walked away, but he stopped at the door.
“Brianna.” Bucky said.
Gale looked at him, not understanding.
“The name of my future wife, Brianna.”
‘Maybe Curt or Crank would like to hear about her’.
Final notes
First of all, I’m not Indian (my heritage is from all over the world) but I wanted to add a little of cultural variety. I once meet an Indian girl and she was like Priya. Strong and spicy.
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bella-atz · 10 months
𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀'𝐒 relationship with ateez
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જ⁀➴ masterlist
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these two seriously radiate the mama and daughter relationship. even though it may be a silly joke about how seonghwa is portrayed as the “mama” of the group, he truly does play that role. he is so kindhearted and gentle that he always tends to shower bella with so much love and care. he brings comfort to everyone and protects them. with his precious bambi, he praises bella for anything she does to contribute to the group, reminding his angel that she is perfectly enough. not to mention, she is his favorite child. 
VERY overprotective. hongjoong will make sure bella is safe even if they are miles apart. however, he does know that she can take care of herself. atinys does find it cute how he is the biggest oppa to bella. additionally, she would ask him for advice and give her some inspiration. bella admires hongjoong as the hero of her life. 
as the lovable giant puppy of ateez, yunho is the sweetest and most playful to bella. he knows how to make her smile and laugh with his dorky behavior. plus, yunho influences bella to let loose and go along with the chaos because she was a shy girl during their early idol days. there are times it’s good and there are times it’s bad. the good, bella is secretly a comedian with so much wit that she can make the members laugh hysterically. the bad is she would become a crazy yet cute bambi. so, in conclusion, yunho can bring out a new side of bella. 
soft like really THE softest duo ever! they share a lot of similarities. from having perfect visuals to being the cutest cinnamon rolls in the world. it’s almost like they are the same person. but underneath their sweet, innocent, and pure persona, there is a wicked side to them. although the biggest difference between yeosang and bella is one is more clueless than the other. *ahem* yeosang. 
he loves and i mean LOVES her so much. when their big boss announced they were welcoming a brand new member, san instantly accepted bella. yeah, it did occur to him that it was an odd idea for a girl to be in a group filled with eight guys, but it didn't matter. san is one of the kindest human beings out there and he is bella’s certified hypeman because she is perfect in his eyes. everyone needs a choi san in their lives. 
when they first met, mingi expected bella to quickly be intimidated or afraid of him because of his cold-looking outer appearance. well, that is 100% incorrect. bella approached mingi with the most cordial attitude. she became his bestie who was willing to hold his hand if he got scared or upset, bring him joy, and protect him. mingi does find it adorable yet amazing how someone tinier than him is very strong. he appreciates bella with his whole heart 24/7. 
a sunshine protector and a sunshine. the fandom goes wild for these two. wooyoung is the best boy and the best moodmaker. he is also like a bodyguard to bella. wooyoung will fight back if anyone talks down on her or looks at her the wrong way. most importantly, there is never a dull moment in bella’s life when wooyoung is around. 
last but not least, the maknaes of ateez. the level of maturity from the 2000s line is hilarious. they often get mistaken as the “adults” of the group and the members can see it. also let me tell you about their vocals. it is HEAVENLY. along with san, they deliver like angels lighting up the gloomy sky. despite not liking affection or skinship as much, jongho will go soft for bella. her adorable self fills his heart with happiness. 
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aalissy · 5 months
Future Plans
Day 17 is finished! I hope you like it!! I loveee getting to write fluffy post-relationship Adrienette teehee! They're my fave! Lemme know what you think <3
Adrien and Marinette sat on the rooftop of Marinette's building, watching the sun dip below the Paris skyline. The evening breeze tousled their hair as they curled up together on her lawn chair, watching the sky slowly begin to darken. Marinette tightened her arms around Adrien, cuddling him to her as the wind sent a shiver of goosebumps up against her arms.
"So, what do you see yourself doing in the next five years?" Adrien asked, tilting his head back to look up at her, his green eyes brimming with curiosity.
Marinette grinned, her gaze drifting off lazily to the Eiffel Tower in the distance. This question was certainly distracting her from the cold. "What is this, a job interview?" she giggled.
“Shut up!” Adrien laughed and she enjoyed the rumble against her chest. “I’m interested!”
Marinette nodded, a spark of humor in her eyes. "Well, you know me, I’m crazy about fashion. I hope to be able to get an internship somewhere in the future. Maybe nothing too big or fancy but just enough to get me started. And then, going past the five-year timeline, I’d like to be able to open my own boutique... start my own fashion line... it’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of doing." 
She finished her statement with a happy sigh, imagining the beauty of having her own fashion business. The idea of owning her own boutique one day seemed impossible but magical.  
"That sounds absolutely fantastic, Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, turning to face her. "You know, we could collaborate on something together. Your designs plus my modeling skills could mean that we’d have the best fashion business in all of Paris."
Marinette laughed quietly before shaking her head. “I’m not going to force you to model for me, Adrien. I know you quit for a reason. It just wasn’t your dream.” 
“Yeah, but you’re my dream. I just want to be with you and if I could help you fulfill your wishes, that would mean the world to me.”
Marinette let out a soft cry before pulling Adrien up to her, crashing her lips to his in a passionate kiss. There was a pause for just a brief moment before he was kissing her back just as deeply. She ran her fingers through his hair as she deepened their kiss. This, right here, was everything to her.
“I love you,” Marinette murmured after she pulled back for some much-needed air. “So, so much. You have no idea how much that means to me, Adrien. You’ve been my dream too for a very long time now and I never thought I’d hear you say the same about me.”
“I love you too,” Adrien spoke breathily before connecting their lips together again. 
Slowly, they pulled apart, lingering in each other’s arms in the quiet of the evening. Adrien ran his fingers along her arms, warming her prior chill and her eyes fluttered closed at the touch. The city below seemed to slow down, giving them a peaceful moment amidst the bustling life of Paris.
"I can imagine us traveling together. When we’re older and are an incredible designer and model duo," Adrien mused, breaking the silence softly. "Exploring new places, experiencing different cultures. It would be incredible."
Marinette smiled, nestling herself back against the small lawn chair they were in and cuddling Adrien back to her chest. "Yeah, that really does sound amazing. We could visit fashion capitals, attend shows, and maybe even collaborate with designers from around the world."
The idea of blending their love for each other with their passion for fashion filled their hearts with excitement. They talked about attending fashion weeks in Milan, Paris, New York, and Tokyo, envisioning a future where their creations would grace runways and magazines.
"And imagine," Marinette added, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, "we could create sustainable fashion lines, promoting eco-friendly practices and ethical production."
Adrien nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with admiration. "That's a fantastic idea. We could use our platform to inspire some more positive change in the industry."
As the night deepened, they wrapped themselves in a shared blanket, watching the stars twinkle above. The quiet moments between their conversations were filled with a comfortable silence, a testament to their deep connection.
"I'm so grateful for moments like these," Marinette said softly, pressing a kiss against the top of his head. "No matter where life takes us, I know we'll always have each other."
Adrien leaned into her embrace, feeling a profound sense of contentment. "I’m so glad I found you."
They stayed on the rooftop, lost in dreams of the future, cherishing the love that bound them together. In that peaceful night, under the starlit sky, Adrien and Marinette found solace in each other's arms, knowing that their journey was just beginning, filled with endless possibilities and shared adventures.
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napswithwolfie · 8 months
LU Pokemon Au
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I literally know nothing about the downfall duo… and anything I do know is entirely from fandom so….. Imagine much like legend his entire team is tired and jaded, only fueled by their duty as the hero. They all still care but they just so goddamn tired from it all. Sweet Hylia just give the man a break.
And it wasn't till the end that I noticed half the team had rabbit ears or ‘V’ shaped visual designs. It's entirely by coincidence I swear!
Time Sky Warriors Twilight Wild ✌️Legend Hyrule Four Wind
Team descriptions under the cut 👋👀
✌ ️Victini: The victory pokemon. Victini shares legend's bitterness towards the goddess’, and anxiety to always prevail.
I honestly see victini as a mini legend, a literal bunny ledge if u will. They even have cute little wings! ... Would it be too much to give them a matching red vest 🤔
✌️ Delibird: A bond formed through hoarding. Sometimes legend would have to fight Delibird for his own items because the bird didn't want to share, though it's mostly to tease Legend, nudging him to loosen up a bit more.
✌️ Lucario: Lucario's EQ is high. Legend's an emotional wreck of a teenager. Aside from being a strong fighter Lucario is there to help emotionally support Legend. Carefully monitoring him, seeing through his snark to his true emotions, and knowing whether to soothe or give the Veteran space.
✌️ Sableye: Something about this gremlin seems right. I haven't played any of Legend's games but this choice feeeels right. All I know is sableye has a good eye for treasure and expertly appraises any loot and items they come across.
Sableye is also very critical of which accessories Legend wears out, styling him to make sure they match aesthetically.
✌️ Ditto: Legend has done it all, and what Ditto sees Ditto does. Ditto can transform into any item Legend has used in his adventures, and while can transform into creatures and humans it exhausts them quickly. Plus they have a preference for magical items.
Ditto doesn't rest inside their pokeball, instead opting to transform into one of legend's accessories ready to fight at a moment's notice.
✌️ Enamuros: The love-hate pokemon. Forced to travel to resolve worldly conflicts is something they both have in common.
Originally I picked suicune since they do something similar purifying contaminated waters across the world. But then I discovered Enamuros and they felt like a better choice for Ledge.
I hc all legendaries can speak human so… Enamuros, Victini, and Ledge spend many hours bitching about hylia and her grudge against them. 9 adventures is 8 too many.
Notes: So fandom agrees legend refuses to sleep. Well in the pokemon au it's because Darkrai curses him to dream of Koholint, and sometime during that quest he encounters Cresellia, who gives him a lunar feather (to help wake up? I haven't played the game eep)
🔴 Partner Pokemon: Victini
⚪ Smaller team: Victini, Delibird, Lucario
🔂Time 🐥Sky 🌹Warriors 🐶Twilight 🏹Wild ✌️Legend 🍃Hyrule 🧩Four 🌊Wind
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multishipper33 · 9 months
could i interest you in random shit, all of the time?
[this is a disclaimer/side note. Disclaimer: I am currently high on George Micheal & Desert Duo. Side Note: I will be posting the sillier, unrelated version of this to my Wattpad so if you know me on there you get the fun fact! Anywhat this popped into my brain a little bit ago. Fuuuun. Enjoy my peeps & pops!]
Careless Whisper.
Yes, that song.
Desert Duo.
picture it right here, right now
go on, you’ve got time
close your eyes
not really, keep on reading
the intro is flashing through all of the Life Series
and then we cut to 3rd Life Grian
blah blah blah he gets emotional
and then the chorus is Grian dancing with Scar in all of the life series, and you know where it ends.
at the end of the chorus, sl!Grian disintegrates into a ghost & his ghost continues dancing with Scar before pulling away, leaving him alone
we have a few key lines here, plus blah blah blah scitties!
“The careless whisper of a friend.” Oof, that hits you right in the gut. Whispering sweet nothings into his ear? Friend? Anyone? Hm?
“Was what I did so bad that you had to leave me alone?” Man, that one goes hard. Scar is all alone in Secret Life, after all.
now, we need something for our other Scarian season: Double Life!
they’re now tangled up in the soul strings, lives going down until they both die.
now, the screen divides into three parts. 3rd Life, Double Life, Secret Life. 3rd Life shows Grian while he’s still alive dancing with Scar’s ghost. Double Life shows their ghosts dancing together, the soulbond slowly tangling them together. Secret Life shows alive Scar dancing with Grian’s ghost.
then 3L & SL close in on DL, making it a two-way split.
the ghosts face away from the border, slowly disappearing as alive Scar & Grian from the various seasons back up against the border and sing the song. Careless Whisper.
“Never without your love.” Ooh, this is curious. They turn to walk away from the wall before this line, pivoting and doing the hand on the wall in the same place thingy as they sing that.
then, 3L Grian moves over to the infamous cliff. He whispers, hence the song’s name: “I know you’re not a fool.”
SL Scar watches this and chases after him but can’t reach in time, him banging against the wall as the border closes and makes him fall.
“Now I’m never gonna dance again, the way I danced with you.” Scar looks to the sky, patterns in the stars looking suspiciously like end credits.
So there’s my animatic idea! I can’t animate and I normally don’t share these things with anyone but I thought with all of the “Scar won aaaaa what will he be earth or eclipse” jazz it would fit right in.
uh thanks for reading this far
peacefully succumb to the void of unconsciousness, my peeps & pops!
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true-blue-sonic · 3 months
Aaaaand 🎯 + Lilac and Espio & Silver
Take your own time, of course 😉
Written as procrastination on my thesis presentation (the best kind of writing) :> 😂
🎯 for a story about a big (or small!) achievement
“Lilac!!” Silver cheers. “I knew you could do it!”
Proudly Lilac clutches the little golden trophy against her chest. The Chao races had gone in her favour today: no cliff had been too tough to climb, no lake too big to swim through and the sky had been the limit. Even the karate competition had gone well, her opponent tackled with the fiercest Chao battle cry she could muster and the resulting scuffle ending in her victory. Sure, at that part Espio had looked a bit embarrassed, but Silver had been cheering her on just as loudly as he is now: swooping her up in his arms the hedgehog nuzzles her delightedly, a smile beaming on his face. “Espio, look at our little winner!”
“Indeed. You did very well out there,” Espio praises her also, Lilac cooing at him with a heart above her head. Because they’d been training her so well! Proudly the Chao holds up her trophy for the chameleon to see, an impressed nod following. “What a marvellous reward. You deserve it for how hard you worked.”
“We gotta put it somewhere nice. Where everyone can see it! And Lilac’s gotta get lots of fruits and candy because she did amazing,” Silver decrees, Lilac peeking up eagerly at that. Sounds good! Even if Espio chuckles, a lithe finger booping Silver right on his nose.
“We can’t give her a sugar rush, tenshi.”
“Chao,” Lilac pouts at him, though the chameleon boops her little face next.
“My tiny, it’s not nice to have a sugar crash. Especially not on a day like today.”
She knows Espio is right, but Lilac still pulls the cutest angy face she can manage. At least one fruit and some candy, then! She can’t eat this trophy, her little nubs bapping at it to show just that. “Okay, okay, we’ll get you something tasty when we get home,” Espio caves as expected, Lilac promptly reshaping her orb into a heart. Yes!!
“She deserves it,” Silver backs her up. “I’m sure she broke some records here and there. Definitely ones she set in previous competitions.”
“Well, you’ve been working very hard to help Lilac with her flying. She was faster than Sonic out there,” Espio smiles at Silver, who laughs back warmly.
“You’ve been helping her with fighting, though!”
“…Yes, indeed. Though I think that going right for the opponent’s throat is something she got from you…”
Innocently Lilac chirps, far too tiny and cute for her papa to scold her on that matter. “Eh, surely not,” Silver shrugs with mischief in his eyes. “Anyway, we gotta go celebrate! And tell everyone!”
“That we must,” Espio agrees, Lilac lovingly petted over her head and the Chao nuzzling into the touch delightedly. Though, she would be lying if she said she wasn’t tired… “Or maybe get some rest first,” the chameleon adds as a yawn slips past her lips, though Lilac still murrs in protest at that statement as her orb forms into an irked spiral. She wants to have fun!!
“Lilac, we can party later after you napped. Otherwise you’re just going to sleep through it,” Silver does his best to be responsible this time, tucking her plus trophy away into his mane. “You can rest while we go home and Espio and I can set things up in the meantime, okay?”
Rubbing at one eye Lilac sighs, orb going back to normal again. Not what she wants, but what can she do… She can’t tell Silver and Espio, and even if she could, no doubt the duo would be far too worried over her to listen. Oh well, it means she’s loved, the Chao knows very well. Because Espio and Silver adore her, and it shows in everything they do and say. “Shouldn’t we hold the party tomorrow?” she can hear Espio whisper, Silver’s answer far more obvious.
“Lilac won’t want that.”
“So stubborn…”
“She got that from you.”
“What?!” the chameleon shoots back quietly, fond affrontedness clear in his voice. “Tenshi, if there is anyone-!”
“It’d be you,” Silver interrupts, before laughing and darting away, and Lilac sleepily coos into his chest fluff as he and Espio banter while making their way home. She’s very much loved, and not just because she won a big Chao competition, but because she’s got the best and sweetest Chao guardians in the whole wide world looking after her.
And thus she’ll be the best and sweetest Chao for them in turn, and they’ll all be very happy together forever, she is certain.
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nicolesainz · 10 months
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Within The Limits (Ben Chilwell x Jenson Button x OC)
Author's note: NEW SERIES BABES! I missed writing a full story, given that I always delete and redo my short fics, so this will be a probably 10-15 part story (if there's more, time will tell). This duo is very random, compared to the Mason x Carlos one I did last time, but I love these guys so much, so it was worth the shot. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Chelsea Winster is a double working reporter for Sky sports F1 and the Premier League. At the ripe age of 25 she's surrounded herself with people who love and appreciate her (some more than others), that's how the former world champion Jenson Button got wrapped around her finger. But little does she know that an England senior and Chelsea player will step up his game just to see her smile. Who will she choose? Double trouble is fun but not when it comes to heart matters.
Warnings: nsfw content will be included, each chapter will get a warning so don’t worry, lots of swearing, intensity, age gap, fluff (of course)
next chapter
“Can you stop eye fucking Jenson for a minute? It’s as polite as I can ask you” Lissie nudges me with her elbow and I shake my head, coming back to reality.
“Sorry. Force of habit” I blurt out without realizing and Lissie slaps her hand on her mouth, shutting it.
“Oh my god. I don’t wanna know. Let’s just move on” she says and we focus back on the qualifying session that is currently taking place.
For some reason, qualifying for the British Grand Prix is always more thrilling than in any other race. Maybe neck to neck with Brazil but that’s because in both countries the weather is unpredictable, like the results.
Lissie works for the F1 network, while I for Sky Sports so most of the times at qualifying or free practice, I get to hang out with her since everyone else is in the comment box.
The one time I was in the commentary box with Crofty, Martin, Jenson and Nico, I almost confused Max with Checo and was about to announce Checo as the poleman instead of Max. That’s because I was heavily influenced by the way Jenson’s veins were showing around his muscled arms. Ever since that day, I refuse to step my foot inside there ever again.
Another reason why I try but fail to keep a distance from Jenson is that every time we are alone, we somehow end up in the back of a dark room, kissing like teenagers and making out until I can’t feel my legs anymore. Let’s just say that’s a detail no one knows. Not even Lissie. But I’m sure she’s suspected something given that in the space of an hour I showed up with a hickie on my neck.
I’m not afraid to admit that yes, I am into older men as well. Mostly the ones with brown hair and stupidly cute blue eyes, twice my age and 2009 world champion with Brawn, currently holding a microphone and analyzing how it’s impossible for the Ferrari’s to be on pole.
“I domt can’t tell whether you’re looking at the right side of the screen or left. Do you even pay attention to who is about to get eliminated?” Lissie snaps her fingers in front of my eyes.
“I can do multiple things at the same time. And yes, I’m looking both ways, what’s wrong with that?” I reply but now my attention turns to my friend.
“I seriously don’t get how you can be into older men instead of youngsters. Like, almost week in-week out in England, you’re surrounded by 44 handsome gentlemen and you’re telling me you only have eyes for Jenson?”
“Maybe. I mean, come on, look at him! He doesn’t compare to those boys in the Prem. Plus, half of them are perverts and others have girlfriends or wives. Jenson is single and I spend most of my time in the paddock with him”
“Have you at least told your loverboy that they are sending you for almost full-time at the Prem? He’ll miss you but not more than me” Lissie gives me a big smile and I hug her.
“He’ll find out when he sees me commenting alongside Micah Richards or Gary Neville. Plus, I think for some reason, they’ve assigned me to commentate most of Chelsea’s game and I don’t know if that has to do something with my name” oh the irony. My dad’s favorite team is Chelsea so when he and mum found out they were having a girl it was the perfect opportunity for him.
“Oh lucky! All of the hotties play for Chelsea. Well, used to, but some of them are still there. Like Ben Chilwell. A fine Englishman and champions league winner. What more than that?” She winks at my playfully and I roll my eyes with her comment.
"Not my cup of tea, L. Plus, all of them are arrogant assholes go just pose when the camera points at them." I do like football, I swear, it's the players that get on my nerves. Such divas.
"As if f1 drivers aren't snob and attention seekers?"
"Well, they have a sense of humanity and logicality. Driving the fastest cars alive, risking their lives, abandoning family and friends to travel the world just to entertain others. Footballers injure themselves and then take 2 months trip to the Bahamas."
"Remind me again why did they assign you to the Prem?" Lissie is amused with my ideas that she's been scratching her head the entire time.
"For banter, maybe?" I shrug
"Oh those poor boys, the things you will be telling them after the games."
"Oh the way I knew that you couldn't get your eyes off the screen for even a second, satisfies me massively" Jenson whispers in my ear and I could faint right this instant moment.
"How can I? Especially when you are there. All bossy and classy simultaneously, explaining how the sport works better than anyone else" I smirk devilishly behind the crook of his neck.
"I still don't know for what reason you are attracted to me? My looks? My knowledge? Or my insanely good driving skills?" his hand lands on my thigh, caressing it up and down softly.
"All of the three" I sigh as I feel the hand going more upwards and uneasiness rushes over my body.
"Why so flushed darling? Does my hand on your thigh have this strong effect on you?" his lips kiss my jawline and a soft groan escapes my mouth.
"Oh I will miss this" I say as I hold on firmly to Jenson’s bicep and tighten my grasp around it.
“I’m not going anywhere dear, what are you talking about?” A small peck lands on my lips and I feel my lower lip being sucked by him.
I stop at my tracks and kiss Jenson sweetly before removing myself away from his lap, so I can tell him the truth about my job.
“I need you to be calm, m’kay?”
“I don’t understand. Is something wrong?” He looks worried and stressed.
“I’m being transferred. For the next two years I will be working full time in England.” I say out loud and it sounds like fake.
“Why? What? How? I mean, uh. Explain a bit further, please.”
“You know that I work for both the Premier League and F1. Well, Sky Sports decided to transfer me for two years back in England so I can commentate on the games and then they’ll decide where I will be permanently settled.”
“So that means I’m losing you? You’re not going to be around anymore?”
“Whenever there’s a weekend that I am free and F1 happens to be on, I will join you, just not as a commentator. I really hate that this has to happen”
I truly do hate it. For the past 4 years my life was about an airplane, no sleep, fast cars, statistics and Jenson. Now it will be 22 men kicking the ball for 90 minutes straight.
“I’ll come for visits too. Don’t think you’ll get rid of me that easily baby” he hugs my waist and grabs me back onto his lap.
“I wasn’t planning on it JB. Trust me.”
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silviakundera · 4 months
Joy of Life S1 Ep 39 liveblogging
wow Yan Bingyuan is such a fun guy to be around, and so cheerful too 😝
lmaooooooo I like this girl, just tossing Fan Xian's arm around her neck with the knife. Hilarious. She's too good for sourpuss over there
ok I will actually like Bingyan if it turns out the 6 Department heads ARE spies 😆
this girl repeatedly trying to get captured and ML delicately handing back the knife is a great bit. Let's bring her home instead! (So what if she's maybe a spy, nobody's perfect)
"I'm popular" lolololol I love him
Hi Saintess! Missed u bb 😘
So Shen Zhong is willing to defy the emperor's mandate but not the Dowager Empresses' ... yet
Adorkable bodyguard is still going at it! What # is he on?
So the wild rumor about the saintess and & Fan Xian is gonna be a cover for the alliance w the emperor
We keep being reminded about how scary Long Tao, so this will be interesting
finally some emotion from Yan Crankypants! "Is Xiao En still under your control?"
Fan Xian's face journey: 'er do u mean literally or in that way I high key collect frenemies like they're pokemon?'
They really do make an amusing duo. FX the nonchalant rogue, Bingyuan the morose & rigid patriot. Can FX chill him the fuck out by the time they reach home? Only time will tell
hah, mr doth protest too much Fan Xian IS planning to kill Shen Zhong for lil emperor. The rescue is ON.
Bingyuan wants me to care that He Daoren is gonna die due to this favor but idk why he expects FX or me to care that much. Dude is a powerful weapon on the enemy's side who was blackmailed (?) to perform 1 act and was clear he wouldn't help in the future. Plus he simply wasn't very interesting
Now if he murders the lil sis, I'll be sadface
Yan Bingyuan: and like nobody would believe you have any relationship with Shang Shanhu
Bodyguard enters, 'hey Shang Shanhu sent someone to ask when we're making a move.' FX, " Go back and tell him we'll respond in the next few days" 😂😂😂
Why would Ugly Beard think FX can find his dad? well idk Bingyuan but he found your cheerless ass
lol yeah what I just said. me & FX are like this 🤞
wheee more Saintess! They make a great frenemy pair. Same with the emperor.
"Xiao En was once an important official of Beiqi. Shang Shanhu is Qi's renowed general. .. So you formed a secret alliance with my county's famed general to break into prision, and you're letting His Majesty hear this?"
Fan Xian: "I'm not saying this to let His Majesty hear it, I am asking for help."
Beiyi emperor smiles.
FX, "We can be considered accomplices."
Honestly, FX have you considered just defecting from your united qing uncles and just settling down in beiqi? Clean house and you'll feel right at home. OH RIGHT THE GIRLFRIEND. Fine she can come too.
shouting to His Majesty's back and saluting, "congratulations your majesty, we can now be considered accomplices!" emperor points a finger at the sky lmaooooo I love these 3 together.
Is Shen Zhong gonna figure out the plot?😱
omgggggggg Fan Xian leaping on the back of Ugly Beard's horse and hugging his waist Im dying he's iconic
so Shen Zhong also has A Clever Plan 😬
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I have some food (oranges🍊🍊🍊) for thought - which people in the chain are blood-related, other than Time and Twilight?
Time and Twilight are the only Canon blood relations in LU, but maybe there are others? Personally, I'm don't think EVERYONE is related, some I see as Found Family, like the downfall duo, but I have cases to make (but if you or anyone thinks otherwise, you do you!)
Sky and Legend are 100% related, Hylia told me herself back when I found the triforce, and I believe it wholeheartedly🫶🫶🫶.
I know that the original line in ALTTP didn't mean to imply Legend and Fable are siblings and was the result of wonky translation from Japanese. Honestly, it took me a while, but I've grown to really love Prince Legend - I think this headcanon gives Legend's character a lot of depth. Imagine being hunted by the knights who are meant to PROTECT you, as you are the prince of Hyrule.
Sky is definitely the father of the entire royal line of Hyrule, it's made veryyy obvious in Skyward Sword. That makes him related to literally every single Zelda everrrrr he's like every princess's grand grand grand grandpa lol😂.
By proxy Legend is Sky's descendant. Sorry, I don't make the rules💁‍♀️
And to me they're kinda similar in some stuff: both carry the Fi as their chosen blade, enhanced/tempered the master sword, are total softies (🐇 Legend is proof), they love playing music, they saved goddesses/oracles in their quests, and they are both total gremlins lmao.
Their dynamic has a lot of unused potential- back when Leg got turned into Mr. Fluffy Pinky Bunny Sky was practically the only one allowed to see him when he was weak and at a disadvantage. Sky understands Legend- he sees past the facade right at the beginning, he knows Legend has a truly kind heart. They are family, your honor 🥹🥹
So, Sky and Legend being related - yay or nay for you?
P.s. I will probably send the next part tomorrow. This has grown too long loll
I do really like this theory/headcanon!! It’s got so much angst potential, plus I love the idea of Legend being a prince it’s so funny aldkdkkd
i like my family found, so i don’t really headcanon a lot of em are connected, but i do like that one alskdksk :)
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mleemwyvern · 10 months
Life Series Solar System- a Winner's Symbolism Ramble
So we all know the winners of a life series get assigned space motifs, right? We've got sun, stars, and moon solidly covered. What about the planets?
I'm Mleem, I go feral about symbolism in an unscripted block people series, and here's the list of which lifer I would assign to each of the planets. This list does not contain all lifers. I do not have ideas for all lifers. I have planets and I'm a space nerd.
All planets but Earth are named after Roman deities. Some domains of the god Mercury include trickery, thievery, and commerce. Sound like anyone? GoodTimesWithScam himself is right at home with all of that. It's also the closest planet to the sun [gestures at desert duo] and its very high temperature seems fitting for HotGuy.
Venus is the goddess of love. Love is stored in the Skizz. He's been the kindest person throughout his series, and puts his love for his friends over all else. Plus, Heart Foundation. Venus as a planet, however, is an extremely brutal and deadly place, just like how Skizz can easily succumb to bloodlust. He may be loving, but he is not harmless.
Gem is extremely associated with nature, with her cottagecore aesthetic being one of the reasons. But Gem also embodies the darker parts of nature- she is deadly and predatory. She is life in all its parts, fitting for our living planet. She's also a great duo with Pearl, our local moon!
Listen, I know Martyn's cosmic motif is debated, but I really think Mars fits him. First off, his name means "devoted to mars". Secondly, the hand of dogwarts and the victor with the most brutal win works very well with the planet named for the god of war.
The biggest planet, named for a god of storms and lightning. Electrical impulses, perhaps? True to its name, Jupiter is a stormy planet, with its very well-known Great Red Spot being a storm that never stops. Seems fitting for the guy who never, ever lets a grudge go. Also, fun fact- Jupiter has a nearly identical composition to that of a star. And they're both Scotts.
Yes, I know he built the earth, but hang on a second. While Saturn, in Roman mythology, is most well known for. uh. something horrible, he was also the titan of time. Something Bdubs is very, very associated with. Saturn as a planet is known for it's beautiful rings, which. Just feels very Bdubs to me. Maybe it's the canonical marriage in Double Life.
This is the one I'm least certain on. The Joel association is mainly vibes, pulling from the fact that Uranus in mythology was a sky god (the first one, before Jupiter showed up) and so was Joel in Empires. But really, it's mostly because he'd find the name funny. Someone had to be it.
Uranus is also sideways. The planet is on its side compared to everything else in the Solar System. This doesn't help the Joel vibes, I just wanted to mention it.
What better lifer for the planet named after the god of the seas, than the Ocean Queen herself? An incredibly distant planet, and a player that hasn't joined many series, Neptune also has a very interesting trait to its orbital path- very rarely, it will cross that of Pluto, making Neptune the most distant. And that brings us to...
Who else but our canary in the coal mine, first to fall all but once, to take the (dwarf) planet named for the god of the underworld. Death, and the underground. Demoted once-planet with cringefail swag, yet still beloved by many. The furthest away from the center of our solar system, and perhaps thats why he's so vulnerable to dying first. Maybe Lizzie and him crossed orbits, and that's why she fell first instead.
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freezegirl · 1 month
Hi! Deadpool here, call me Wade. What's it like at the increeeeedibly secular Sky U? My step-daughter (she doesn't know she's my step-daughter) is entertaining the totally style-crampin' Xavier's for her mutant future which-- okay, I get it, best school for well off white folk, but come on.
If any minor character can have a brand new life at this university, it's gotta be the bomb-dot-com, right?
new money, revelled, reviled / @disneybucks
"sky high as well as sky u was founded by theodore stronghold and his wife ann-marie but nowadays, principal penthesilea powers runs the show - you may or may not know her as powerhouse. turns into a comet. turns into a lot of other astronomical objects, too. each with their own innate power set. hence, powerhouse. she's kind of like our wonder woman." and easily khione's favorite person.
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"my parents actually wanted to send me to xavier's, believe it or not. i had to sell them on sky high and sky u. don't ask me how i did it. to this day, i still don't know. i'm glad i managed, though."
actually, she does. she did it by appearing on her mom's reality tv show: the famous lives of superhero wives, now streaming on netflix and paramount plus and hulu and a plethora of other streaming services (that do not delete their ip off of said platforms)!
he's actually her favorite and everyone is always so surprised when she reveals that. he's right up there, right next to cloak and dagger because she loves a good duo with contrasting powers, as well as rogue because, well, she knows what it's like when you hurt people when you touch them. and storm because she's storm. khione doesn't trust anyone who doesn't like storm. it's just on principle, you know?
"i would ask how it's possible that she's unaware about being your stepdaughter when she's your stepdaughter, but i'll finish the sales pitch first before we dive into that: so, our p.e. teacher is named tommy boomowski, alias sonic boom. everyone just calls him boomer, though, 'cause that's what he is. his voice is loud but other than that, he's pretty harmless. a bit of a himbo, really. um, we've got professor jeannie elast - stretches herself too thin all the time." is that a power pun? yes. "rumor has it she's got a crush on boomer but she hasn't given us a yes or a no so i'd have to get back to you on that."
maybe she should have drawn him a flow-chart. "then there's mister medulla, he's basically our xavier. except he does mad science. i don't think mister xavier does mad science. mad science is really fun, actually. it's just the lessons on telepathy that trip me up all the time." that is to say, khione's good at making sure her environment doesn't get turned into a winter wonderland but keeping out telepaths? (even when it's an exercise in class?) that's something else entirely, and what it is is headache inducing.
her friends will probably not believe her when she tells them this. which reminds her that she's gotta ask for a selfie before this conversation's over. (not an autograph, those can be faked. though, these days, there's a whole bunch of things people can fake. selfies included.)
"there's this one youtuber i follow - not a figure skater, for once, just one of those uplift-y people - and she was like: we're all major characters of our own life or something like that and i know that's a cheese-fest and a half but i also don't think she's wrong about that. not really." which is the warmest, gentlest and the most pointed way of saying: hey, don't be like that, calling someone a minor character is not the compliment you think it is. that's a lot, coming from this hydro-cryokinetic.
"in the interest of being totally honest because i think that your stepdaughter who doesn't know she's your stepdaughter needs to know the ins and outs before she commits - not every student will be cool." case in point: gwen grayson. "just last week, i turned one of my classmates into an icicle on the school lawn. again. he was being inappropriate. also, they're still working on updating the mental health part of the curriculum so you're screwed if you get, say, kidnapped by barron battle---" ethan bank. "---or katie baxter." khione herself. "so she's gotta have a good support system in place."
then, the coldest girl in maxville gives the merc with the mouth a warm smile and says, sincerely: "i think she's got that covered, though."
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Nightmare AU part 26
Panel 1:
Sky Coeur the detective:"I will propose to Nishya the dream cat in this afternoon..."
Polestar the star sprite:"Wonderful, i know exactly the best bakery for the wedding cake!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Wait, my big brother is getting married?I don't have any plans for the bachelor party, i'm such a failer little brother in the world!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"I've heard about a proposal possible a marriage?"
Panel 2
Luna the moon demon:"This time better be true, i haven't eat a piece of cake in ages."
Hester the photo marksmen:" Oh, and here i thought you want me to propose to you too Lunica... My dreams are crushed, woah..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Back off, masked man, my master deserve only the best!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We should buy them a wedding gift!"
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Le souris bonbon neige:"Why in the world the stuff is so expensive here?!"
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Because things that cost a lot of money is the usual nightmare in your world."
Felix Reddison:"That and rich people, some of us are rich so it doesn't bother us too much, plus we have jobs that are paid well, that are the employer nightmare in the real world!"
Red the fortune teller:"Let me guess, finding quality stuff is also a nightmare?"
Panel 4
Doctor bird:" I just need a few more wires and there this should be enough!"
Luciano the candle of secrets:"When will the machine be complete?"
Doctor bird:" I'm afraid i will need more lab rats since the others were disposable!"
Growlian:"I've heard that Doctor, our master won't be very kind to us if this machine of your doesn't work properly."
Duo the ballon prince:" What if we hunt down the marshmallow demon?"
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Growlian:"The marshmallow demon is perfect for the machine, yes...But don't harm her too much, she is mine, will become my perfect puppet."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"We tried to put her children in danger but that didn't get us anywhere, hasn't change her form at all."
Moon on fire:"Then i propose to do something more drastically, it won't be enough if we attack them, Melinoë the princess of nightmares can change them one against another."
Clause the assassin king:"Till then we need to lure them, killing more villagers for the machine will certain catch their attention."
Growlian:"I will send our special crows to spy on them, where they are we will know."
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Luna the moon demon:"So now that you are married what it will be? Nishya Coeur the dream cat, Nishya the dream cat Coeur or just Nishya Coeur?
Felix Reddison:" That is wonderful, you can take the brown with yellow room it has some roses painted as a pattern, what flowers would you prefer, have you thought about the food meniu?
Yan-naifu the ghost:"We have so many to prepare, our friends are getting marry!"
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Lumboo the light ghost:"I just heard the news, congratulations you two!"
Nishya the dream cat:"Thank you, Lumboo the light ghost, would you like to be one of our best man?"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Come on, Amstran the moon dancer, get a break, we deserve this! Working extra hard is not too good for our health!"
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Felix Reddison:"We are here to unite this man with this woman in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage..."
Luna the moon demon:"I always cry at weddings..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Woah, weakling, sniff sniff... So beautiful, this is the first marriage i attempt too... Woah..."
Felix Reddison:"Will take each other at good and the bad, at health and sickness, at poor and rich... Till death do them apart... If there is anyone who knows a reason they can't be married speak now or forever be silent!
Red the fortune teller:"My little sister is so beautiful and happy, i'm so glad she found someone!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Nishya the dream cat:With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Felix Reddison:"You can kiss the bride!"
Luna the moon demon :"Congratulations!Wish you the stone house and many children to come in the future!"
Nishya the dream cat:" I will never get used to Mrs Coeur name, hehe!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"I'm the luckiest mouse in the world, in so happy to have you Nishya the dream cat... Thank you!"
Nishya the dream cat:"And I'm the luckiest cat in the world, finally we are together as a family!"
Sky Coeur the detective:"This day is now on my collection as one of my happiest days album!"
Part 1 till part 25
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