#plus none of her evidence made her look GOOD and that go me us good enough proof she wasnt lying
timeisacephalopod · 2 years
On a total side note tangent I will say I didnt read Heard's piece that Depp sued over defaming him but if I have my facts straight she didn't even name him in the piece she wrote so like if he read "I became the face of domestic violence" and came running out screaming "you're defaming me!" it was weird that everyone read that as Heard defaming Depp and not as a confession of domestic violence from Depp?? Like I don't know many people who would be so offended their ex said they were in an abusive relationship that they'd come running out of the woodwork to claim they were the unnamed ex that was written about and they were the victim of a hit piece that never mentioned them by name?
Sounds more like he intentionally used the legal system to further abuse his victim and it's really god damn weird that it took uncomfortable texts from Depp to Marilyn Manson of all fucking people for people to realize the guy who was really willing to say he was the unnamed abusive ex was, in fact, abusive.
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worriedvision · 1 year
Here is Part 2 of this Dan Heng fic I did where he was in a private relationship with the reader. Now I was gonna do a happy part 2... but it’s gonna be as far away from that as possible. Angsty, arguably more so than part 1 lol. Gender neutral reader. I know I said I’d do a happy ending but the angst in me shone through oops
When the strange person first made an appearance on the ship, you didn’t think too much of it. Thanks to your hiding skills, and your blind trust in the machinery you were in between, you managed to hide from the chaos that came from the enemies. You emerged after most of the evacuees came back to their usual spots, you getting back to work on the tricky piece of machinery that didn’t seem to be acting normally when a your phone pings. Upon seeing the request to report to base, you thought it would be a light scolding for being so risky with your movements. 
Nope, it was the opposite surprisingly.
Your location had been noted by Asta through the whole invasion, and she had been worried you were dead as you weren’t moving from a spot. She let this slip with Himeko, who knew about your relationship with Dan through a secret rumour ring. When she found out you turned out to be an expert hider through this incident, she decided to request you join the trailblazers. 
“But my area of expertise is on the spaceships mechanics, I’m not a good fighter!” You protest. “Plus, I’m certain several of my colleagues would be more than happy to take my place on the ship regardless.”
“But they don’t have your knowledge on the more dangerous areas of the ship. Your colleagues, for the most part, evacuated.” Himeko responds, Asta nodding. “As well as this, you’ve also demonstrated repeatedly your ability to work by your self.”
“Ooh, is this an opportunity?” One of your acquaintances gasps, running over. Immediately you knew she was hoping to get closer to Dan Heng, and you nod before opening your mouth to say she could go instead.
“Yes...However the opportunity is only open to _.” Himeko explains.
“Oh... Well, put a good word in for me.” Your friend asks, you nodding before she walks away.
“I can’t convince you otherwise, can I?” You ask, Himeko giggling before you respond. “I suppose I should take you up on your offer then.” 
Knowing Dan Heng, you knew he would mostly stay in his room if he wasn’t out on an expedition.
Thankfully, you managed to get on after Dan Heng. He seemed to be in his room for takeoff, to which you fail to let out a sigh of relief before sitting with Himeko as you braced yourself. 
When you got to the first location, Himeko insisted on you going with Dan Heng, March and the newcomer. March agrees, saying it would be your first trip and you’d have fun before Dan Heng shook his head at March’s words. 
The entire expedition was rather uncomfortable, if you say so yourself. You had opted to be the evidence gatherer in the areas where you could hide, and Dan Heng didn’t seem too happy about this. 
“If you get cornered, none of us will be able to help you.” The trailblazer explains, Dan Heng crossing his arms.
“Have some faith in them guys!” March cheers, turning to you with a beaming smile. “Make sure you’re safe, okay?” 
Dan Heng didn’t actually speak to you at all through the whole thing. The times you saw him, you saw how he and March were acting like an old couple. You were very jealous, but you hide it well enough to get back on the ship where you could go back to distancing yourself from him again. The times your group had to run, you noted how often he instinctively grasped March by the hand as they ran, you having to improvise or get saved by the trailblazer.
By the time you were back on the ship, Himeko had asked you a lot about your trip. A lot more than how much she asked anyone else, and judging by the way she was looking at you, you must have made it clear you still liked Dan Heng. 
“So, do you have an eye on anyone you like?” Himeko teases, taking a sip of her coffee. 
“March 7th is a good friend, and the trailblazer saved me when I slipped up a few times.” You bashfully admit.
“And Dan Heng?” Himeko asks, spotting the way you look away. “I can tell you like him in a deeper way. Please, indulge me.”
“That’s enough, Himeko.” Welt tuts, shaking his head before getting back to working on his tablet.
“It’s fine, really. I guess there’s no point in hiding it now...” You trail off, Welt looking up to listen to you properly. “Back at the Herta Space Station, I had a private romantic relationship with him.” You admit, sighing out before continuing. “I realised I felt very jealous of the people who approached him publicly, and he told me he didn’t want to go public with the relationship.”
“...Sorry, I think I overshared there, didn’t I?” You look up, seeing Welt looking blankly at you. “I think I’ll get over it with time, but I still feel jealous. March is a really good match for him, I can see why he isn’t ashamed of her.”
“Oh don’t be silly.” Himeko shakes her head, holding your hand. “You have your own skills. I brought you here for more than one reason.”
“Could you both promise me you won’t tell any of the others about this?” You request, both Welt and Himeko agreeing before you go silent once again. 
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gemini-magic17 · 1 year
Entanglement Chapter One
Kit Tanthalos x reader
This is my first time writing so I hope it is not too bad.
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"Why are you doing this? How could you spring this on me at the last moment when you know we are going to Tir Aisleen for the Queen's birthday", Y/n screamed at her parents for an explanation to what they had just done.
"Honey we weren't sure how you were going to handle this and we were planning on telling you."
"When mother?!? The week I am supposed to be married or hell maybe even the day of! I can't believe I had to hear about my own betrothal from my James."
"Your brother should never have told you and he knows that after all, it is our responsibility as your parents to do that. He should have kept his mouth shut", your father said.
Barging out of the advisement room leaving her parents to ponder what they had just said to her she went to track down her brother. It was only a short while until Y/n found him but she could always find him in the training yard. After all, that is where he spent most of his time when he did not have to perform his princely duties seeing as he will be king of Zemira one day.
"I see you are training as usual. Who is your latest victim?"
"Well little sister it's rather victims than victim", he laughs.
Out of nowhere a man with a gold shimmering helmet with details of snakes displayed upon it appears.
"I am afraid princess your brother here is lying to you," the man taking his helmet off revealing himself as none other than your sworn protector Ser Easton.
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"Is that so? Usually, you are the hunter dear brother when it comes to the training yard and the rest are just prey. Please explain to me why my brother who has had a sword in his hand since the age of six is now an amateur with a sword", Y/n laughs.
"It seems after the news about him telling you about your soon-to-be marriage had gotten back to the King and Queen he has been off his game today."
"I'm sure it did beca-- Wait how did you know I am supposed to be married soon", Y/n asked accusingly and the evidence of shock upon her face.
"Princess, I only know because of your brother he didn't know if he should tell you so he asked me for my opinion", Ser Easton explained.
"You told him that he should tell me"?
"Yes, I thought it would be beneficial that you know that you are going to be married very soon especially when we are set to sail to Tir Aisleen tomorrow".
"Thank you, Ser Easton, for telling James that he should tell me about this. You and him are always the two people I can count on whenever and wherever", Y/N smiles at him and her brother.
Changing the dreadful topic James asked his sister if she wanted to train together like they used to.
"I can't. You know how our mother feels about that. Always afraid I would get hurt especially after what happened when I was fourteen."
"It has been four years since then and when have you ever done what she says. After all, you are the rebellious one according to our Father and others in our kingdom. It will be fine she doesn't have to know", James begged.
"James you know she will find out she always does. She has eyes and ears all over this place nothing gets past her. Plus, I rather not get into another argument right now with her because I will never hear the end of it."
"Well, let's get another opinion", James turns to Ser Easton.
"Ser Easton, what do you think about this? Do you think Y/n should train with me like in the old days after all she was very good at it. Maybe even better than me", looking at Ser Easton thinking he is going to agree with him but does the opposite.
"My Prince, your sister is big enough to make this decision for herself, and persuading her to change her mind when it is already made up has never been something anyone could do. Not even your parents can do that. It is best to respect her wishes", Ser Easton expressed.
James looked at him as if he was saying you have got to be kidding me. Y/n smiles at what he says and bids her goodbyes to both of the men. Leaving the training she heads to the castle's library.
It contained hundreds of books on various subjects related to the history of the land to the history of magic. When upset Y/n enjoyed reading it calmed her in a way that would seem strange to other people. Seeing as others may train, go horse riding, or even sew to deal with any unwanted feelings. Stepping into the library she felt safe as though nothing could possibly harm her here, seems strange right.
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The rows of books displayed all around her give her that sense of familiarity. Having read numerous books from here and those that were still unread by her Y/n didn't know where to start. Thinking maybe the history of Tir Aisleen seeing as she would be marrying their--
Y/n jumped from where she stood and headed toward the place where the sound originated from. On the floor, she sees a dusty, old, leather book on the floor. Picking it up she could see by all the dust it had on it that it had not been touched in a long time. Matter of fact it doesn't look like anyone touched it at all. Opening it and reading the first few pages it seemed like it was a book of fairytales. Wanting to continue Y/n went and sat on a chair by some of the stacks of books. After reading for what seemed like a while she was halfway through the book when she came across one specific story that jumped out at her.
Scanning over the first few sentences Y/n reads out loud," In ancient times, when kingdoms were at war and peace could not be reached the use of the flying beasts that breathed fire had been used for destruction. Known as dragons, Kings sought them out to use for warfare yet, no man could control the winged beasts. Using dark magic they found a way to bind themselves to them as if they were one and the same. With their use everything burned, people died, and kingdoms fell within a day. As the war continued it only got worse dragons were being slaughtered and so did the ones they were tied to. Eventually, it seemed all the dragons were dead, and only three kingdoms survived the Great War after agreeing to a peace treaty. With no trace of dragons and none that remain it shall stay that way. However, it was said that the biggest dragon known as Calyx used in war by King Brixton was still alive and there was no proof of his death", Y/n can see a drawing of the flying beast.
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Turning the next page to see if there was any more information about this she was disappointed to see there was none. Before turning back to the previous page Y/n noticed that there were two pages stuck together. Carefully prying it apart what she saw left her speechless. On the first page, there was text written in a different language that looked almost familiar to her. Getting up from her chair and running to the opposite side of the library she went to the section on languages of the world. Picking up the book that held discussed over fifty languages she ran back to where she was previously. Knowing that she has seen that writing before she flipped through the book and found what she was looking for.
The language the text was written in was Ancient Decyros. Taking around thirty minutes to translate it seemed to Y/n that it was a prophecy of some kind.
Translation: "From fire and ash a girl born with the blood of the dragon shall bring forth rebirth. She will bring dragons back to the new world providing protection and homage to the flying beasts. To save the realm from imploring into unsavory darkness bringing light to all.
After reading this she was stunned not knowing what to think. Going back and forth in her mind is what this says true or has it already happened. It must have already happened or it is a false prophecy because dragons are gone they are no longer here. Y/n kept contemplating the matter and suddenly realized that it is late. VERY LATE. Putting the books back where they were she ran to her room and that is where she found her mother waiting for her.
"Honey, where have you been? You missed dinner I was worried."
"I'm fine Mom I was in the castle's library."
"I should have known that is where you go when you want to be left alone. I'm sorry your father and I should have told you sooner about your betrothal but we just couldn't find the right time."
"Anytime would have been the right time because at least I would know I was going to be married by my parents than my own brother having to tell me."
"You are right and I'm sorry", her mother says.
"Thank you. So, what is the Princess of Tir Aisleen like and when do I have to marry her", Y/n said.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
fluff with frat kyle dating a really pretty girl and he gets jealous when guys flirt with her at parties 🤭🤭 thanks bae ily
The Bends
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note: i love naming my fics after music i like...i was literally just about to write a jealous!evan fic and this request came in. perfect perfect timing.
warnings: jealous!kyle, fluff,
Kyle's POV
She was effervescent. She dazzled. Y/N's beauty was electrifying.
I knew from meeting her that I'd have my hands full. Not with her, of course. Instead, with the attention she garnered. She was a bright light that no one could take their eyes off of.
I consider myself so lucky to have her. When I asked her out, I half expected her to laugh in my face. Instead, she replied, 'I never thought you'd ask.' She always said things that would steal my breath and make me delirious. It was dizzying.
I watched her as she danced in her little black dress. Her hair bounced as she moved and the light hit her skin perfectly, keeping my eyes fixated on her.
We were at Tau Kappa Epsilon's spring formal. All fraternities and sororities on campus were invited. I went, naturally bringing Y/N as my plus one. She wasn't involved in Greek life, meaning none of these guys would know her. She was fresh meat to them.
The crowd was suffocating. TKE's house wasn't big enough to hold an event like that. But she still found a way to dance. She was like that. She was a bit of an introvert but with good music and a little something to drink she became the life of the party. Even in a scary situation, like not knowing any of these people, she still shimmered.
I left her to go get us some drinks. We decided to pre-game the party in Y/N's apartment. Arrive drunk and get home relatively sober. That was the plan. But once we got there, she decided she needed something more. I didn't trust the knuckleheads serving the alcohol to not give her something extra in her drink if she went to get it herself.
Instead of rejoining her right away, though, I was pulled away by one of my brothers.
Before I knew it, the wolves descended on her. Clutching both drinks across the room, half listening to Tyler drone on about our frat's probation, I watched as Ethan Davis from Sigma Chi sauntered up to my girl. The dude always thought he was the shit. I grew sick watching him stoop down to speak closely to her ear. She replied with a smile, looking up at him with her sparkly doe eyes. They chatted for a bit too long for my liking, and Y/N was beginning to look very uncomfortable.
As soon as his hand touched her hip, I was off. I placed both drinks in Tyler's hands and bounded through the throngs of people toward my girlfriend.
'Yo Davis! What the fuck, man?' I shouted, rounding on him.
'Hey, hey,' Ethan shouted protectively, throwing his hands up. 'What's good, bro?'
'That's my fucking girl. Lay off,' I said through gritted teeth.
'You can still score even if there's a goalie, Spencer,' he laughed, smirking in a way that made my blood boil. I looked at Y/N, upset evident on her face. I raised my fist and connected it with Ethan's cheek, sending the surrounding crowd into a frenzy.
'It's a fight!' someone screamed.
Ethan swiftly kneed me in my stomach making me double over. Before I could even react, his fist made contact with my eye. Then, he pushed my shoulders with both of his hands, sending me flying into the floor. Frat guys came from all corners of the room to break us up. Ethan's Sigma Chi brothers held him back and mine came rushing to my side.
Y/N darted to me the quickest, though. She and Tyler helped me to my feet, sparing my dignity if only slightly. She took my face in her hands, a look of concern overcoming her.
'Baby! Are you okay?' she gushed. I could only manage a nod. My breath still hadn't returned from the gut punch.
We left minutes after that, not before I got a stern talking to from other members of my fraternity about not causing a scene. We were already on thin ice as it was.
We were driven home by Y/N's roommate, who she called as soon as we stepped out into the cool night.
The drive was quick. Y/N fussed over me the whole ride home. I was pretty sure I was concussed. I couldn't manage even a few words back to her the entire way home. Bits of clarity came back to me when we walked in the door. I took off my shoes and headed straight for Y/N's room. After taking off my clothes, I crashed into her bed, face down.
The door swung open not long after.
'Okay, I got you water, Advil, and a snack. Are crackers okay? I can get something sweet if you'd prefer that...' Y/N prattled.
'I'm okay, angel. Just a bruised ego,' I assured her, sounding muffled with my face planted firmly in her pillows.
'Oh, honey, I am so sorry,' she effused, sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. I flipped over onto my side so I could look at her. She looked so radiant, even with the apprehension on her face. I sat up and pulled her into me, hugging her tightly. I placed a soft kiss on her head.
'I'll do anything for my girl,' I murmured against her head. 'Guys gotta understand that you're mine. Not theirs.' She moved to look at me, a slight smile on her lips.
'I am yours,' she affirmed.
'He was bothering you, right?' I confirmed. 'I didn't read the situation wrong?'
'Yeah Kyle, he was bothering me. He was complimenting my, and I quote, tight ass,' she rolled her eyes. 'I was glad you stepped in, actually. Sorry you got a black eye out of it.'
'Wait, I did?' I replied, shocked. I touched my left eye and felt a stinging pain. 'I guess I did.'
'Oh, this is all my fault!' she cried, putting her face in her hands.
'No, no,' I pulled her into me again. 'I'll do anything for you, my gorgeous girl. Anything. Helping you is worth a black eye.' She nestled her face into my chest. I breathed in the sweet smell of her hair. I could have lived in that moment forever.
'You're too good to me, Kyle,' she sighed, after a while.
'I promise. Anything for you,' I cooed, pulling up her chin and kissing her sweetly.
TEEHEE I liked this!!! Thanks for the request. My inbox is open if you'd like anything else! I have a Kit oneshot in the works atm.
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
Hi, just in case you're taking requests atm, could you write HCs for Ran, Rindo, Sanzu and Koko where their fem S/O makes them bento to take to work? Like how they would react to her and how they would react to other bonten members teasing them about it once they open it up? Thank you very much and I love how your writing just makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy. Have a nice day and stay safe ♥️♥️♥️
Taste of Warmth | Bonten Ran, Rindou, Sanzu, and Koko
- Their s/o makes bento for them.
warnings: none
genre: 🌸 fluff 🌸
A/N: This request is too adorable, thank you anon! Writing this made me wish I'm decent enough to cook. I just think that cooking for someone is an incomparable love language (◡ ω ◡)
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Ran Haitani
Your habit of making Ran his bento started when he insisted on making you breakfast. Which of course, ended up as a disaster.
The man was never a good cook. But compared to Ran, you at least have decent cooking skills
The first time you packed him bento for work was when he was rushing for a meeting and he didn't have time to eat breakfast.
You have no idea how happy and excited Ran was to open it.
When a break was called to one of Bonten's usual meeting, Ran would call everyone. Including Mikey, just to flex his bento.
He'd open the bento in front of everyone like it's a briefcase filled with gold.
"This is the Bento that Y/N made for me. And I'm just showing it to y'all because none of you can have it." he'd say that with a smirk on his face
Rindou will just give him an are you serious look.
A few members would probably find Ran's enthusiasm on your bento weird. But he wouldn't care.
For your boyfriend, your cooking's the best. So everytime he goes for work, he'll ask you to make one for him.
Who the hell cares if he's Bonten's executive? He'll bring and eat your bento anytime he wants.
After all, he can just beat up anyone with his rod - other than the main members - who tries to tease him about your bento.
Rindou Haitani
Rindou is really embarrassed to admit it, but he LOVES your cooking. Whenever you cook, he eats it every chance he gets.
When he's at work, he always looks forward to get home so that he can eat the food that you made.
Then an idea popped in his mind: bento boxes.
He asked you to make one for him, trying to conceal the fact that he just loves your cooking.
"Oi, Y/N make me some bento for work, okay? And it's not because I like your cooking. It's just that the food at work makes me vomit." Rindou, just admit that you love Y/N's food. It's not that hard.
When eating the bento, Rindou would make sure that he eats separately from everyone. Including his own brother.
He'd make excuses that he needs to go somewhere else. But really, he's probably in some vacant room or in the car enjoying your food like a 5-year old.
Ran eventually found out this little secret of Rindou's because it's evident that his brother is hiding something.
The moment Ran found out, he laughed at Rindou and called him a "baby".
Rindou wouldn't hear the end of it from his brother of course.
Ran even asked Rindou to bring extra bentos from him. To which Rindou would reject because he'll be "the only one who gets to taste your cooking."
Despite Ran's teasing, he'll still bring bento at work.
He just had to shut up Ran about it by doing him a favor.
Sanzu Haruchiyo
When you first insisted that you'll make Sanzu bentos for work, he was taken aback.
He thought that it was weird for someone who tortures people to bring bento at work.
At the same time, he thought that it was a really sweet gesture. And no one actually has done it for him.
Of course, Sanzu would agree with you. Because how could he say no to his lovely s/o?
The first time he opened it up during lunch break, the executives would tease him for it.
"Ehhh? Never thought you'll be a mama's boy." Koko would tease.
"Poor Y/N has to send Sanzu to school" Akashi would even butt in.
Sanzu would get embarrassed from it and would snap at everyone who teases him.
"At least I get to eat my s/o's cooking while y'all still stick for cheap ass lunches"
The only person who wouldn't probably tease him is Mikey. He would probably even secretly ask for a little share.
Sanzu would happily give one of course and brag how good your cooking is.
Eventually, he'd get used to the constant teasings from the other members and would just eat the bento contently.
After all, they don't have the privilege of having your glorious bento boxes.
Kokonoi Hajime
When you made Koko his first bento, he secretly cried from happiness.
He never had the chance to be the center of affection of someone. And this coming from you hits totally different.
Plus, packed lunch will not only make his heart and tummy happy, but his wallet as well.
When it was time for a lunch break at Bonten, the other executives were surprised that Koko refused to order lunch.
Usually, Bonten would just order food or force someone to bring them food to eat. But this time, Koko didn't participate.
He'll just carelessly put the bento and the table and be like "yeah cause I have lunch, see?"
Ran, Mochi, and Sanzu would most likely be the ones laughing at him while the others would just throw off a surprised look.
"Seriously, Koko, a bento?" Sanzu would tease.
"Yeah, Sanzu. And your point?"
He'd also use "saving money" as an excuse.
Koko pretends that he doesn't care, but if you look closely, you'll see a faint blush on his cheeks.
Despite being a member of a notorious gang, Koko would still ask you to make him bentos because of course it's made by you and again, he would save cash.
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desiredmalfoy · 4 years
Pairing: Draco x Ravenclaw Reader
Genre: fluff with very (I mean very) light angst.
Note: No Voldemort Universe. Seventh Year.
Word Count: 1.1k
Since I couldn’t post my Fred fic, here is a Draco one I wrote today. I honestly wrote this during my break after a random idea popped into my head. So I’m sorry if it’s not my best work.
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(Not my gif. Credit to the owner)
Draco protects his secret girlfriend in front of everyone after someone is mean to you. Ravenclaw reader x Draco
Your relationship with Draco was unconventional. You had been secretly dating him for a couple of months now. Both of you had decided it was best to keep it secret for the time being due to both of you running in very much different friend groups. You both wanted to make sure you were hundred percent serious before letting your friends in on your relationship.
Plus the both of you loved the adrenaline and risk of seeing each other is secret. The nights you spent together, bodies intertwined together just like your souls were now. Nights pressed against the walls of the corridors as you both attempted to not get caught in the dark of the night. Hair disheveled, breathing hitched, eyes glossed over with lust.
You were everything and more to him as he loved every detail about you. Completely infatuated with your intelligence and beauty. Intoxicated every time he got to hold you close. He wasn’t perfect, but you didn’t need him to be when you loved every aspect of him.
The rush of being with him was never ending. Your love for each other is indescribable.
It was no secret within your house that you shared a rivalry with a fellow Ravenclaw named Ethan Jacobs. The two of you could not agree on anything or even have a civil discussion. Always looking to outdo each other in any way. Better grades, better marks on exams, being in a professor's good graces. The two of you made anything into a competition against each other. Your conversations were always filled with snarky remarks. Just recently, you had beaten him out for top of your Divination class, which completely enraged him.
He had always known which buttons to hit to irritate you. Although you did your best to ignore him. As well as assure your boyfriend later that you were fine and you can handle an idiot like him. You had been dealing with him with him for years. Which usually stopped Draco from doing something drastic. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t send Goyle and Crabbe after him every once in awhile.
Until one day he took it too far.
This year, Ravenclaw shared Potions class with Slytherin. Which meant you were luckily placed in the same class as Draco. The two of you sent each other secret looks throughout the lesson. Or your hands would brush together when you accidentally grabbed the same ingredients.
“Who can explain to me the ingredients needed to brew amortentia”, Professor Slughorn addressed his class as he paced the room. “How about you Miss (y/l/n)?”
“To brew amortentia the ingredients to add are powdered moonstone, pear dust, peppermint, ashwinder egg, and rose thorn”, you responded with a proud smile.
“Very good Miss (y/l/n)! Prepared as always I see.” Professor Slughorn enthusiastically responded to you. You could hear Ethan mumble something incoherent at the remark. “Now who can tell me what it does? How about you Mr. Jacobs?”
“It’s a love potion that creates a powerful obsession but it doesn’t create true love.”
“Very good.”
“Which is the only way (y/n) could ever get anyone to even look her way.” Ethan added quietly as Slughorn walked away from him. That earned a snicker from one of his annoying friends. It was just low enough to be out of earshot of the Professor but enough for you to hear.
“Can you ever shut your mouth”, you turned around with an eye roll. “You know the rest of us are simply trying to learn here.”
“It’s true though. I mean look at you. Who would ever willingly love someone…no...something like you?”
The room grew uncomfortably silent. This argument was different from the rest.
“That’s enough”, Professor Slughorn finally spoke up.
“Merlin, anyone who would willingly love you must be under some sort of spell. Poor bloke. “ Ethan continued to speak, completely ignoring Professor Slughorn’s direction to stop.
“I know an annoying prat like you isn’t talking.” Draco sneered as he came closer to you and Ethan. Directly placing himself in front of you. You didn’t even have a chance to speak up.
“Stay out of it Malfoy. This doesn’t concern you.”
Draco was now properly mad at the situation. He wasn’t about to let some idiot speak to you like that.
“I’m not going to stay out of it if it’s in regards to my girlfriend.” A shocked expression graced your features. This isn’t how you imagined the school finding out about your boyfriend. But here he was defending you in front of everyone. Your heart swelled with pride and love for him. You grabbed his hand and gave it a slight squeeze.
“I reckon she has you under a love spell mate. Don’t worry, there are antidotes for it.” Ethan’s attempt at a joke only triggered Draco further. For him to even insinuate something so outrageous about you angered him.
Without warning, Draco let go of your hand and grabbed Ethan by his collar and lightly lifted him off the ground.
“If I so much here you’re still bothering her, I will make sure your life is miserable for the rest of your pathetic excuse of an existence.” Draco spoke quietly so the thrashing Ravenclaw was the only one able to hear the threat. Everyone knew Draco Malfoy kept his word. Especially if it was to protect someone he loved.
Draco let go of him, causing him to fall to the ground. Ethan scrambled to scout away from Draco while still on the floor. Fear coursing through his body and that same fear evident in his eyes.
Draco could only smirk and find joy in this. Someone so inferior learning their place brought an unexplainable satisfaction to him.
The class completely enthralled with the scene unfolding before their eyes.
“I apologize Professor for what you have witnessed. You’ll have to excuse us.” Draco didn’t even wait for the shocked Professor to even respond. He grabbed your hand once again and pulled you out of the classroom. He dragged you into another unused classroom.
“Are you okay”, he asked with worry lacing his voice. He grabbed your cheeks and tilted your head up so you were staring directly at him.
“Of course I am. How couldn’t I be when I have someone like you to protect me.” You reached for his cheek as your thumb lightly grazed his jaw. He leaned in and placed a sweet and delicate kiss on your lips.
“I think it’s safe to say everyone knows about us now.” He said as he pulled away from you. Hands long gone from your cheeks as he pulled you in close to his body.
“Doesn’t matter. Now they know who my amazing overprotective boyfriend is. They should be afraid.” You joked as a laugh escaped your lips. The vibrations of your joy jolting his entire body.
“They should be. I’m sure they’ll know what’s coming to them if they do.” He kissed the crown of your head and held you a bit tighter.
“You know I love you right?” You pulled away slightly from his body to look into his eyes.
“You tell me everyday darling.”
“Good. Never forget it.” You placed your head back on his chest. His embrace felt like home to you.
Taglist: @daisyyy2516 @id-kill-to-be-an-assassin @slytherinambitious @bonkybabe @phatcrackdad @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @instabull @gwlvr
Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Back from the Dead
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Dean Winchester x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2292 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Dean coming back from hell to the reader, who is less than willing to accept that he’s back from the dead. 
“Who the hell are you?”
Dean stopped immediately.
The last thing he was expecting when he got to Bobby’s house was your company, especially given the circumstances, but it would have been impossible to misunderstand the meaning behind what was going on.
Not that you gave him much time to even think on it before he heard the all too familiar sound of you cocking your shotgun made your point for him.
If nothing else, at least he could be sure he taught you well.
You were good, you always had been.
“Y/N baby, it’s me” he tried, his hands up in surrender as he tried to turn around so that you wouldn’t shoot him. Had he taught you any better, you would have shot without asking any questions, but you weren’t at the top of your game.
How could you have been?
After all, you had just recently buried the man you loved, the man you were sure that you were going to spend the rest of your life hunting beside.
There was no way you could really be your best, especially not when someone, or something else, was wearing his meatsuit around.
“I’ll kill you, you Son of a Bitch” you threatened, not bothering to hide the pain and anger in your voice as you pressed the gun to his chest, not even wavering on the trigger as you looked in his eyes. It wasn’t him, you knew it wasn’t.
There was no way.
You had already buried him, and by this point, you knew better than to think he would still be in the same shape he was when Sam and Bobby lowered that coffin into the ground.
It was much more likely that something had robbed his grave and was using his vessel to torment you, and that wasn’t something that you took kindly to in the least. Not that Dean was surprised by that.
He had been in your place, he would have done the same thing.
“I’m telling you it’s me” he repeated, barely resting his right hand on the gun, pressed firmly to his chest. All this time, he thought you would believe him, thought you would know him right away but he guessed he should be glad.
You weren’t taking any stupid risks.
“Wrong answer”
As soon as the words left your lips, Dean figured that should have been it. You were angry, angry at the idea that something was wearing his skin around, and he wouldn’t have blamed you for putting him down.
Though, before he could, a third person entered the picture, just in time to save his life.
“Wait, it’s him, I already checked '' Bobby assured, grabbing the barrel of the gun before you could fire a shot, and as much as you wanted to argue, you couldn't.  
If Bobby believed it was him, it was.
Not that you were thrilled about it.
By all means, you should have been beyond enthusiastic about the only man you’d ever loved being back from the dead but you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy about it.
It was just so much at once.
You weren’t even sure how you were feeling.
Without a word, you reached out to snatch a bottle from the counter, and turned around, heading for your room.
You had been staying here with Bobby this whole time, not confident enough in any hunt to actually sign up for the saving people business and evidently, that was it. That was all he was going to get.
Bobby and Dean shared a single look, one of confusion and loss, before hearing your door slam behind you, no doubt a clear indicator of how you felt.
Here he thought you would be happy to see him.
“I tried to call her, but her phone didn’t work” Dean sighed, his eyes still locked to the spot you’d been in before you stormed off.
In fact, he’d taken every precaution he could before coming here but it wasn’t entirely his fault.
He didn’t know you were here.
He didn’t really know anyone would be here when he showed up. It was just the only place he knew to start, the only place he would have any hope of figuring out what had really happened to him.
None of this was to upset you.
That was one of the last things he ever would have wanted to do.
“Yeah, well, I don’t think she’s spoken to anyone outside of me since we put you in the ground” Bobby shrugged, thinking back to all the things you two had been through since Sam left.
It had been even worse since he took off than it was even after the hounds came for him.
You were just lost, totally and completely.
It had taken Bobby a month to even get you to really eat or sleep, outside of the absolute exhaustion that forced your eyes closed every once and a while. You were just a shell, in every way.
Without him, you were empty and you didn’t even realize just how much until you saw him again.
You weren’t supposed to ever see him again.
This was so far different than when he got in that car accident and John made a deal to save his life, there wasn’t supposed to be any way out of this one.
You knew that better than anyone, because you had tried every way you could think of to get him out of this.
Every day, for a year, you searched tirelessly to track down a way to save his life and you came up empty.
It wasn’t possible.
“Yeah, I was afraid of that” Dean muttered, the words much more for him than Bobby. He’d had plenty of time to think about this since he made that deal, and the possibility of what you were doing had crossed his mind.
...but he was hoping he was wrong.
He was hoping that you wouldn’t completely shut down just because he wasn’t there. Frankly, he shouldn’t have known better, but he didn’t really want to think about it back then.
When it came down to it, Dean had been so focused on bringing Sam back that he didn’t even consider how his being gone would affect you until it was far too late.
Now, he had to pay the price for it.
“Hey, it’s me” he called, bracing himself against the frame of the guest bedroom that he assumed you’d basically made your home since his departure. Based on that alone, he knew you may not have answered.
Though, he was pleasantly surprised when he turned the knob to find that it wasn’t locked. As soon as he turned it, the polished silver gaze was and the door swung open.
It wasn’t the warm welcome home he may have wanted, but it was about the one he deserved.
“Bobby’s got your stuff in a couple boxes in the hall closet, I’m sure he can get them for you” you sighed, only turning to look at him from where you were on  your bed when you realized he wasn’t going away.
Naturally, you assumed he was looking for his stuff, but it wasn’t in here with you. After he died, you could hardly even look in the mirror, let alone look at all the stuff he’d left behind.
It hurt too bad to do that.
“Thanks, but I was actually looking for you” he hummed, ever so cautious as he entered the room.
It was one hell of a change from the way he usually entered your room, but given the circumstances, he knew better than to do anything else.
The old way, his way, wouldn’t fit now.
He couldn’t come in and jump on the bed, or wrap you up in his arms and snuggle up when he wanted to get some rest for the night. He couldn’t press a kiss to your forehead, or breath in the scent of whatever cheap motel shampoo you’d used.
Right now, he couldn't do any of that.
All he could do was stand at an arm's reach and hope that you found it in yourself to look at him.
“Yeah, what’s up?” you asked, your eyes dropping back down to whatever one of Bobby’s ancient texts you were currently trying to lose yourself in. Anything would be better than looking at him again.
The last time you’d done that before today was before they put the lid on his coffin.
It just didn’t seem real that he was even standing here, and part of you was terrified that he wasn’t. That at any given moment, you could just open your eyes and he would be gone all over again.
You couldn’t do that again.
“What’s up? Is that really what you want to ask me, after everything?” he scoffed, finding this whole thing just as taxing and difficult as you were. Emotionally and physically, it was more than either of you could handle.
Not that you had much choice.
This was happening whether you wanted it or not.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again” you countered, closing the book as hastily as you’d opened it.
You both knew it was just a distraction from him, and a poor one at that.
“Come on baby, you know it’s me, I’m right here” he sighed, desperate to get you to pay attention to this. He was terrified that you wouldn't ever be able to speak to him again, not really.
...and even worse, that you would never be able to love him again.
Of course, that wasn’t ever going to happen. You would always love Dean, alive or dead, you just wanted some time to process this.
You needed time.
“And what happens if you disappear again? If I have to bury you again?” you scrambled, burying your head in your hands, a single tear leaving your eye no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
You were scared.
Beyond everything else, the anger and the hurt and the pain, you were scared that he was just going to leave you again. After all, he once promised you that he was never going to leave, that they’d have to drag him to hell before he ever left your side.
Of course, neither of you thought it would ever happen.
You had been so naive for so long, and if you’d been wrong then, there was nothing keeping you from being wrong again.
“That isn’t going to happen, I promise. Nothing is ever going to take me away from you ever again” he allowed, only closing the space between you to sit on the bed when he was sure that you weren’t going to stab him with that knife you kept on your bedside.
He never should have made that deal, not without warning you first, but he had to save his brother’s life.
The important thing was that, somehow, he was back here and he was never going to let anything separate the two of you ever again.
Not while he was breathing.
“I’m sorry about all of this, but you have to believe me, this is never going to happen again” he whispered, taking your hand in his own to give it a comforting squeeze.
This was an awful thing to put you through, an awful thing that he never wanted to put you through in the first place but there was only so much he could do to make up for it now. At the time, he did what he had to do.
It was a mistake, but you had to trust him.
None of this was ever meant to hurt you.
“You better hope not, because if it does, even Bobby won’t be able to keep me from putting your ass down” you teased, only half kidding as you squeezed his hand just as tightly, as if you had to prove to himself you were really here.
Aside from a little pressure on the end of your weapon, you hadn’t actually touched him since he arrived.
It didn’t feel like he was real, until this second.
“You know what, if this happens again, I’ll let you send me back there” he countered, a soft smile on his face as he let himself look at you.
In all the time that he’d been in hell, the only thing keeping him sane was knowing that you and Sam were out there, doing what you needed to do.
The fact that he was even able to sit in front of you now was far more than he expected.
You looked tired, which he could hardly blame you for given the circumstances, but you were still just as beautiful as ever.
“I missed you baby, more than you could ever imagine” he allowed, scooting that much closer once he was sure that you weren’t going to lose your mind on him anymore.
Dean understood the hesitance and why you wanted to be careful before you just trusted all of this again but the facts remained. He was here, and there was no use in trying to avoid just how much you loved each other.
It wasn’t going to go away, no matter what happened.
“I missed you too. Don’t ever leave me again” you replied, doing everything you could to keep your heart from shattering into a million pieces as you let yourself settle into his chest.
There it was.
His heart was beating.
In the same pattern, the exact same way as it always had. He really was back from the dead, and that was more than enough.
That was all you needed to know.
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mimicofmodes · 4 years
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“The Ladies Waldegrave” by Joshua Reynolds, 1780 (NGS NG2171)
I’ve complained before about two very big pet peeves of mine - corset stuff and Regency women being dressed in 1770s-1780s clothes - but one that may dwarf them because of how frequently it comes up in historical and fantasy fiction is the oppression of embroidery.
That’s probably putting it a bit too strongly. It’s more like ... the annoyance of embroidery. Every character worth reading about knows instinctively that sewing is a) boring, b) difficult, c) mindless, and d) pointless. The author doesn’t have to say anything more than “Belinda threw down her needlework and looked out the window, sighing,” to signal that this is an independent woman whose values align with the modern reader, who’s probably not really understood by her mother or mother figure, and who probably will find an extraordinary man to “match” her rather than settling for someone ordinary. To look at an example from fantasy, GRRM uses embroidery in the very beginning of A Game of Thrones to show that the Stark sister who dislikes it is sympathetic and interesting, while the Stark sister who is competent at it is boring and conventional and obviously not deserving of a PoV (until later books, when her attention gets turned to higher matters); further into the book, of course, the pro-needlework sister proves to be weak-willed and naïve.
Rozsika Parker, in the groundbreaking 1996 work The Subversive Stitch, noted that “embroidery has become indelibly associated with stereotypes of femininity,” which is the core of the issue. "Instead embroidery and a stereotype of femininity have become collapsed into one another, characterised as mindless, decorative and delicate; like the icing on the cake, good to look at, adding taste and status, but devoid of significant content.” 
Parker also points out that the stereotype isn’t just one that was invented in the present day by feminists who hated the idea of being forced to do a certain craft. “The association between women and embroidery, craft and femininity, has meant that writers concerned with the status of women have often turned their attention towards this tangled, puzzling relationship. Feminists who have scorned embroidery tend to blame it for whatever constraint on women's lives they are committed to combat. Thus, for example, eighteenth-century critical commentators held embroidery responsible for the ill health which was claimed as evidence of women's natural weakness and inferiority.”
There are two basic problems I have with the trope, beyond the issue of it being incredibly cliché:
First: needlework was not just busywork
A big part of what drives the stereotype is the impression that what women were embroidering was either a sampler:
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sampler embroidered by Jane Wilson, 14, in 1791 (MMA 2010.47)
or a picture:
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unfinished embroidery of David and Abigail, British, 1640s-50s (MMA 64.101.1325)
That is, something meant to hang on the wall for no real purpose.
These are forms of schoolwork, basically. Samplers were made by young girls up to their early teens, and needlework pictures were usually something done while at school or under a governess as a showpiece of what was being learned - not just the stitching itself, but also often watercolors (which could be worked into the design), artistic sensibility, and the literature, history, or art that might be alluded to. And many needlework pictures made in schools were also done as mourning pieces, sometimes blank, for future use, and sometimes to commemorate a recent death in the family. A lot of them are awkward, clearly just done to pass the class, but others are really artwork.
Many schools for middle- and upper-class girls taught the making of these objects (and other “ornamental” subjects) alongside a more rigorous curriculum - geography, Latin, chemistry, etc. At some, sewing was also always accompanied by serious reading and discussion. (And it would often be done while someone read aloud or made conversation later in life, too.)
Once done with their education, women generally didn’t bother with purely decorative work. Some things that fabric could be embroidered for included:
Bed coverings and bedcurtains
Collars and undersleeves 
Neck handkerchiefs and sleeve ruffles 
Purses, wallets, and reticules
Book covers
Plus other articles of clothing like waistcoats, caps, slippers, gown hems, chemises, etc. Women’s magazines of the nineteenth century often gave patterns and alphabets for personal use.
(Not to mention late nineteenth century female artists who worked in embroidery, but that’s something else.)
You could purchase all of these pre-embroidered, but many, many women chose to do it themselves. There are a number of reasons why: maybe they wanted something to do, maybe they felt like they should be doing needlework for moral/gender reasons, maybe they couldn’t afford to buy anything - and maybe they enjoyed it or wanted to give something they made to a person they loved. That firescreen above was embroidered by Marie Antoinette, someone who had any number of other activities to choose from. It’s no different than people today who like to knit their own hats and gloves or bake their own bread, except that it was way more mainstream.
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embroidery patterns from Ackermann’s Repository in 1827 - they could be used on dresses, collars, handkerchiefs, etc.
Second: needlework wasn’t the only “useless” thing women were expected to do
Ignoring the bulk of point one for now and the value of embroidery - I mentioned “ornamental subjects” above. As many people know, young women of the upper and middle classes were expected to be “accomplished” in order to be seen as marriageable. This could include skills like embroidery, drawing, painting, singing, playing the piano (as well as other instruments, like the harp or the mandolin), speaking French (if not also Italian and/or German), as well as broader knowledge and abilities like being well-versed in music, literature, and poetry, dancing and walking gracefully, writing good letters in an elegant hand, and being able to read out loud expressively and smoothly.
This wasn’t a checklist. As the famous discussion in Pride and Prejudice shows, individuals could have different views on what actually made a woman accomplished:
“How I long to see her again! I never met with anybody who delighted me so much. Such a countenance, such manners! And so extremely accomplished for her age! Her performance on the pianoforte is exquisite.”
“It is amazing to me,” said Bingley, “how young ladies can have patience to be so very accomplished as they all are.”
“All young ladies accomplished! My dear Charles, what do you mean?”
“Yes, all of them, I think. They all paint tables, cover screens, and net purses. I scarcely know anyone who cannot do all this, and I am sure I never heard a young lady spoken of for the first time, without being informed that she was very accomplished.”
“Your list of the common extent of accomplishments,” said Darcy, “has too much truth. The word is applied to many a woman who deserves it no otherwise than by netting a purse or covering a screen. But I am very far from agreeing with you in your estimation of ladies in general. I cannot boast of knowing more than half-a-dozen, in the whole range of my acquaintance, that are really accomplished.”
“Nor I, I am sure,” said Miss Bingley.
“Then,” observed Elizabeth, “you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished woman.”
“Yes, I do comprehend a great deal in it.”
“Oh! certainly,” cried his faithful assistant, “no one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half-deserved.”
“All this she must possess,” added Darcy, “and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”
Mr. Bingley feels that a woman is accomplished if she has the ability to do a number of different arts and crafts. Miss Bingley feels (or says she feels) that it goes beyond specific skills and into branches of artistic attainment, plus broader personal qualities that could be imparted by well-bred governesses or mothers. And Mr. Darcy, of course, agrees with that but adds an academic angle as well.
But what ties all of these accomplishments together is their lack of value on the labor market. A woman could earn a living with any one accomplishment, if she worked hard enough at it to become a professional, but young ladies weren’t supposed to be professional-level good because they by definition weren’t going to earn a living. All together, they trained a woman for the social and domestic role of a married woman of the upper middle or upper class, or, if she couldn’t get married, a governess or teacher who would share her accomplishments with the next generation.
(To be fair, almost none of the trappings of an upper-middle/upper class male education had anything to do with the kind of career training that college frequently is today, either. Men were educated to know the cultural touchpoints of their class and fit in with their peers.)
There are reasons that an individual person/character might specifically object to embroidery, but it was far from the only “useless” thing that an unconventional heroine would be required to do against her inclination by her conventional mother/grandmother/aunt/chaperone. Embroidery stands out to modern audiences because most of the other accomplishments are now valued as gender-neutral arts and skills.
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“The Embroidery Frame”, by Mathilde Weil, ca. 1900 (LOC 98501309)
So, some thoughts for writers of historical fiction (or fantasy that’s supposed to be just like the 19th/18th/17th/etc century):
- If your heroine doesn’t like embroidery, she probably doesn’t like a number of other things she’s expected to do. Don’t pull out embroidery as either more expected or more onerous than them. Does she hate to sit still? I’d imagine she also dislikes drawing and practicing the piano. Would she prefer to do academic subjects? She probably also resents learning French instead of Latin, and music and dancing. Does she hate enforced femininity? Then she’d most likely have a problem with all of the accomplishments.
- If your heroine just and specifically doesn’t like embroidery, try to show in the narrative that that’s not because it’s objectively bad, and only able to be liked by the boring. Have another sympathetic character do it while talking to the heroine. Note that the hero carries a flame-stitched wallet that’s his sister’s work. Emphasize the heroine’s emotional connection to her deceased or absent mother through her affection for clothing or upholstery that her mother embroidered - or through a mourning picture commemorating her. There are all kinds of things you can do to show that it’s a personal preference rather than a stupid craft that doesn’t take talent and skill!
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mourning picture for Daniel Goodman, probably embroidered by a Miss Goodman, 1803 (MMA 56.66)
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gliphyartfan · 3 years
@yandere-linked-universe @stars-for-thought @linked-heroes @ice-cream-writes-stuff
@imprisioned-in-the-hole I loved your prompt and couldn't resist! Hope I did it justice!
Wind has a strong presence in this one, that wasn't planned by the way.
'I'll be fiine guys.'
She totally should have saw this coming.
'This is Wars' era, wandering the market won't that bad.'
Yep— these past few days had been too damn calm for the all of them,
'I'll be gone for an hour! Two hours tops! Promise!'
Of course something like this was going to go and happen.
'This. fucking. sucks!' She grunted, slowly slide down the rope she made out of the sheets in the room she was trapped in.
This is what happens when you jinx yourself.
'Everything will be fine!' Oh suuure, the first hour was delightful.
Saw some items,
Chatted with some folks,
Even got to pet a few dogs!
But the second hour-
'His Grace wishes to discuss some things with you.'
'Sorry, you got the wrong person. Plus I don't feel comfortable with-'
'That wasn't a request.'
She should have know there would have been someone behind her.
It's always when it's out of your mind that it happens.
And now she was trying to escape her own wedding. And the crazy Duke that wanted to marry her.
She wasn't a hero damnit!
'I'm gonna get lectured so badly after this!' She grunted as she reached the end of the rope, her feet dangling in the air for a moment as she tried to figure out what to do next.
'Damn you laws of physics and gravity!' She whispered to herself.
Physics and gravity decided to take her insult personally as the rope loosened its hold on the railing, causing her to fall into the bushes two feet below her.
'Urk-branch! Branch!' She hissed in pain, reaching underneath and removing the branch poking at her back.
As she rubbed the area, brushing the crumpled sheet from her head, she checked her hand to make sure she wasn't bleeding.
Before she could plan her next move, she stilled as she heard the heavy thuds and clanks of armour approach nearby.
The movement came closer, she used her place in the bushes to keep hidden. Slowly parting the leaves next to her with one hand, she used what visibility she had to discover that yes, it was a pair of guards and the conversation that flowed through the air confirmed they weren't Hyrule guards.
'Is the Duke really gonna marry that girl?'
'Seems to be the case. He's been very pleased with himself too. Looks like he's trying to get the wedding done by tonight.'
Double drat.
'I don't blame him, you've seen that girl? Bet he's eager for the wedding night.'
Okay. NO.
'Haha! A beauty like that for a wife would be quite the status boost.'
The guards walked past the bush and it's hidden occupant.
Had they looked back, they would have seen a displeased glare directed their way.
(y/n) huffed and looked around, trying to remember where the exit was.
With another glance around, she picked up her dress and slowly made her way out of the bushes, pausing momentarily before taking off the heels she was forced to wear
'I can't run and climb in this dress.' Trying to think about what to do next, she looked down at her clothes.
'Link please-'
'Don't tell me to calm down Zelda!'
Wind bit his lip as Warriors marched up to the princess' face and growled.
'Impa is having her men search the castle and surrounding areas, we will find her.' Zelda tried to reassure him, taking a step back when he glared.
'It's been a WEEK and you have nothing to show for it!' He ran a head through his hair, taking a deep breath to calm down.
'You know I've been busy with-'
'With the Grand Duke of the farther kingdom who is here as a token of peace and unity between kingdoms.' Warriors recited irritably. 'Yes, very understandably important when someone went missing under the watch of YOUR men.'
'She was last seen in the market, we have blocked the gates and are inspecting every individual leaving the city.' Zelda gave Warriors a look.
'And might I remind you that they are also your men?'
'Apparently not anymore with how you let them slacked off!'
'Excuse me-'
Wind sighed as they started arguing again.
They were getting nowhere.
'This is going nowhere.' Wind turned and saw Hyrule coming up next to him, watching the arguing duo.
'Any luck with the others?' He asked quietly, not surprised when Hyrule shook his head.
'Twilight is using Wolfie to catch any scents but the storm has made that difficult. Time is with Legend and Wild speaking to the merchants and Four is with Sky speaking with the guards.' Hyrule replied, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
Wind felt the same way.
None of them were able to sleep well since she went missing. The only reason they slept at all was because they needed to be rested enough in the event a fight comes their way.
But the lack of her presence was deeply felt.
'Any luck here?' Hyrule asked hollowly, already knowing the answer but still asking.
Wind simply gestured to the still arguing duo.
'Is she even still in town?' He couldn't help but ask, not wanting to think of the possibility that she was far away, but it was necessary.
'She has to be,' Hyrule reassured,smiling weakly. 'The town went on lockdown almost immediately.'
Wind returned Hyrule's smile with a weak one of his own.
They turned back to the duo, feeling more tired as they listened to the princess justify her duties.
'I am already dealing with the Grand Duke and I can't give anymore of my attention to this than I already have.' Warriors just gave her a look.
'I wouldn't be bothering so much if you allowed me access to his guest quarters.' It was Zelda's turn to glare at him.
'You know I cannot do that, he is a guest and has nothing to do with her disappearance.' Only Wind and Hyrule noticed the way Warriors hand twitched, as if desiring to reach for his sword.
Not that they could blame him.
'I am not accusing him Princess,' he said through gritted teeth. 'I am merely requesting-'
'That I allow you access to his quarters.' The displeased expression on the princess' face only matched the captain's.
'Annnd they're arguing again.' Wind muttered, watching them fall back into another verbal brawl.
'The only place we haven't looked is the guest wing.' Hyrule whispered, wringing his hands.
'You think we should sneak in?' Hyrule looked at the arguing pair and nodded.
'Yeah...it's better than assuming nothing is there.'
'Alright...Wars!' The angered captain looked at them, a scowl on his face.
'Rulie thinks he has a lead at the market so I'm heading out with him.' Wind kept a casual look on his face, staring Warriors in the eyes.
Warriors was quiet for a brief moment before he grunted and turned back to arguing his case with the princess.
But he was less tense than he was a moment before.
He understood what they were going to do.
'He'll keep her distracted.' Wind murmured, tugging Hyrule out of the room.
'And Impa?' Wind sighed and rubbed his shoulder.
'Still searching the market place I bet, we gotta be quick.'
And with that, they both headed to the guest wing of the castle.
The guest wing wasn't too far away, probably for the convenience of whatever foreign guests came to visit.
But it was walled off and the Grand Duke's personal guard was patrolling the area, forcing the duo to sneak their way in.
'I really hope we find something.' Hyrule whispers, the two stilling as a guard passed by their hiding place.
'Best place to look is the most obvious place.' Wind reassured. 'And the most obvious place is a area that's being guarded by enemy guards.'
Hyrule didn't correct him about the guards.
If she was here, they were enemies.
'Let's look through the rooms! Top or bottom floor?' Hyrule hummed.
'We're good at escaping from higher levels, and there's only two floors, let's start low and move up.'
They worked together, both alerting the other when a guard was close.
Soon they snuck passed the majority and reached the first set of rooms.
Then the second set.
Then the third.
They moved up to the second floor and quietly searched through each room.
It was in the Grand Duke's room that they found incriminating evidence on his desk.
'I can't read this language,' Wind whispered harshly as he glared at the papers in front of him. ' but I know (y/n)'s name anywhere!'
'Take it, we can sure it to the princess.' Hyrule whispered back, keeping watch at the door. He tensed when he saw a couple of guards round the corner. 'We need to go!'
'This is the last room and we haven't found her!'
'We found evidence and that's a better than what we had before, now move!'
It took some time to shuffle out the window and climb down, but they were successfully able to make their escape from the guest wing without notice.
'A lead, that's good.' Wind gasped, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
'But still no (y/n)' Hyrule bite his thumb nervously. 'I hope she's okay...'
'We can't lose hope!' Wind grunted, stretching his back and sighing.
'Let's go, we need to show these papers to the others before we give it to the princess-'
The sailor went rigid, eyes snapping forward, widening.
'What's wrong Wind?' Hyrule asked worriedly, hand on the younger teen's shoulder.
The teen bit his lip to keep his expression from crumbling and his breath was shaky,
'(y/n)...?' Hyrule's own eyes widened and his head snapped to look when Wind was staring.
There, in a torn dirty white dress, no shoes, and messy hair, was their beloved goddess looking around, visibly distressed.
'(y/n)..?' Wind raised his voice, hope as visible in his tone as it was in his eyes.
Hyrule's heart felt such relief as their beautiful goddess' head snapped in their direction.
The smile she gave them was simply magnificent as she immediately ran toward them.
The moment she was close, she wrapped her arms around the both of them and began to cry, relief filling her.
'You have no idea how happy I am to see you two!' She hugged them closer.
'WE'RE happy to see you!' Wind sighed happily, resting his head in her shoulder, both him and Hyrule hugging her as tightly as she was hugging them.
Just having her in their arms was a blessing they treasured so much.
'Where have you been? How did you escape?' She sighed and shook her head.
'I'd rather tell it one time.' She looked around.
'Please tell me the others are near by?' She whispered, absolutely exhausted and didn't want to deal with any more drama.
'Well...no. They are looking for you in town. We snuck into the guest wing to look for you.' Hyrule answered apologetically, heart clenching when she sniffled.
Wind frowned for a moment before he gasped in excitement.
'I'll rally them up!' Hyrule and (y/n) looked at him in confusion as he reached into his pouch.
'Wild has the slate! And if he has the slate-' he pulls out what he was searching for.
'Then we can reach him with this!' (y/n) tilted her head.
'A...stone?' Wind grinned at them, the pirate's charm dangling from his fingers.
'A COMMUNICATION stone!' (y/n) gasped in delight and gave Wind another hug.
'Call him! Call him!' Wind laughed and activated the stone.
'Um, I've been meaning to ask...' Hyrule quietly said to (y/n) who looked at him innocently. '...About your..outfit...'
Wind ignored them for a brief moment as Wild's tired voice came from the pirate's charm.
'What is it sailor?'
'Guess who me and Hyrule found!' Wind grinned as he heard gasps.
'You found her?! Is she safe?!'
'They found her?!'
'She's okay! We're by the-'
Wind turned his head so fast, he winced at the pop he felt, the loud yells coming from his charm filling the air.
'WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!!' (y/n) winced as she realized the panic she just caused
He couldn't help it, Wind laughed, soft and just a little hysterical.
Of course an insect had to pop up when they let their guard down.
'Where is she.'
'Sir, we have our men searching for her this very moment.'
'I want her found by TONIGHT, the wedding will go as planned.'
'Of course sir!' The Grand Duke scowled as his guard walked off.
He is so close to raising his status.just another day and he would have been on top of the social world. He sneered, like a child, storming down the halls of the guest wing.
'Should have simply left with her when I had the chance.' He ran a gloved hand down his face.
To think he had one of the heroes of legend in his grasp only for her to have slipped through his fingers.
He'll have to make sure to teach her a lesson.
'Sir!' He sighed irritably, turning to see another one of his guard approaching him.
'What is it? Did you find her?' The guard looked nervous.
'Sir, Princess Zelda is requesting your presence in the throne room at once.' The Grand Duke tensed and stared at the guard.
'Are you sure?' The guardsman nodded, stepping back when the Duke growled.
'Of all the times...' He looked back at the guardsman. 'Continue looking for the girl.'
After the guardsman nodded, he decided to get it over with and headed to the throne rooms.
'Grand Duke, thank you for coming at such a short notice.'
'Your Highness.' The Grand Duke bowed to her, as he rose he noticed the nine gentlemen standing to either side of her.
The heroes of legend.
The Grand Dukes greed brought to mind the rise in his status at what might be a possible meeting with the legendary nine.
He was to arrogant to realize the cold looks he was receiving from them.
She smiled, nodding in greeting. 'I apologize for disturbing your day Grand Duke, I understand how frustrating it can be, but I heard of a strange rumor recently and I had hoped you would clarify it for me?'
'Please rest assured Princess, I will do all that I can to assist you.' He said, smiling openly, the perfect gentleman.
'Splendid. Now,' She dropped the smile. 'Did you conspire to abduct the heroes' companion and force her to wed you?'
The Grand Duke froze, paling as the question registered in his head.
'Ah. Before I continue, allow me to properly introduce the gentleman before me-'
'There is no need your Highness,' calmly interrupted Time, coldly gazing down at the nervous Nobleman. 'He is as aware of our identities as we are aware of his.'
'And you seem to be very aware of the identity of our most dearest companion.' Legend hissed from his place next to Time, glaring daggers at the unsettled man.
The Grand Duke's expression twisted into fear, anger, and panic.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he cleared his throat. 'I'm sure I don't know what you're speaking of.' He calmly answered.
'Perhaps a misunde-'
' A misunderstanding? I'm sure.' Warriors scoffed, looking at Zelda with a raised eyebrow.
She sighed "Lets not fool ourselves here, we all know what this is about.' She stared sternly at him. 'You abducted the young woman known as (y/n) and were conspiring to wed her for...status?'
'She isn't very happy about being kidnapped.' Wild said casually, as if he was not wishing he could jam a bomb down the Grand Duke's throat and detonate it.
It seemed the arrogant man could barely handle being talked down in such a way. His clenched fists trembled in anger.
'I will not allow such accusations to be made against my person!' He looked at Zelda, face flushed in anger.
'If you believe that our kingdoms will be allied after this, I assure you that-'
'If your kingdom is full of noblemen like you, than Hyrule would benefit by NOT allying with you.' Warriors interjected, ignoring Zelda's stern look towards him, looking down his nose at him.
'You have no proof!' Warriors sighed and nodded.
'I suppose I don't.' He was silent until the Duke looked smug before he matched his expression with one of his own, pointing behind the Duke.
'But she's proof enough.'
'Oh, so I'm demoted to proof now, am I?'
The Duke went rigid, his mouth snapping shut on the words just spoken as he slowly turned his head-.
An dispassionate look directed right at him.
'Apologies my Angel.' Warriors smiled softly at her. 'No insult meant.'
'Hmm.' She raised an eyebrow, a brief glance at Warriors before looking at the Grand Duke.
'(y/n) I ask for complete honesty.' Zelda commands. 'Was the Grand Duke the man behind your abduction with intention to force you to wed him?' (y/n) nodded.
'Yes your Highness.' Zelda closed her eyes and sighed.
'Very well, I will arrange for his departure tonight.' The Grand Duke's face a unique combination of red and enraged yet also paling.
'T-This will not stand! When my king hears of this-.'
'We have already sent your king the information of your crimes.' The princess proclaimed to the unsteady nobleman.
'You are no longer welcomed within the borders of Hyrule Kingdom and are henceforth outlawed from ever returning. Impa shall escort you to the guest wing to retrieve your belongings.'
Zelda then turned and strode away, but not before sending an apologetic glance at Warriors.
He simply returned her look with a blank one.
(y/n) walked passed the royal knights that now surrounded Grand Duke and made her way to the group.
'I'm so glad you guys found me.' She said with relief in her voice.
'You ended up saving yourself dear.' Time chuckled, reaching up and cupping her cheek. 'And we were panicking like we lost our minds.'
'I was panicking when Wind and Hyrule popped up.' She admitted. 'Trust me, I was so happy and relieved to be found by you guys.'
'We'll always find you (y/n)!' Wind chirped, wrapping his arms around her waist, causing her to giggle.
'Well I guess it has it's uses.' She clapped her hands.
'I'm hungry and demand all the cuddles! I hated this week!' Wild was already pulling out his slate and looking through his inventory.
'I'll make a meal that'll taste so good, you'll forget this week ever happened!' (y/n) grinned in delight.
'That's what I want to hear!'
The Chain surround her as they guided her out of the throne room, the angry cries of the Grand Duke not worth notice.
Yet two members of the group lingered behind.
And they were eyeing the fuming nobleman with calculating eyes.
'We could have been a bit more...hands on with his punishment... ya know that don't you old man...?' Wind commented, his treasured wind waker in one hand.
'As enjoyable as it would be, I don't want to spend a moment longer away from Her.' Wind sighed but nodded in agreement , crossing his arms, tapping his wind waker against his chin.
'So the storm will kill him?' Time nodded, inspecting his Ocarina casually.
'I have more than enough magic to conjure one strong enough.'
'You've already had Wild damage parts of the ship correct?' Wind nodded. 'Than once I summon the storm, make sure the winds finish the job.'
Wind hummed. 'Kay.'
They both looked at the shrinking form of the dead man walking.
'Ugh, I hate bugs.' Wind huffed, a disgusted look on his face.
Time stared at the Duke until he could not see him no more.
'Hm..So do I...'
That night, the group of nine celebrated the return of their most beloved member, lavishing her with their affection and as she requested, all the cuddles she asked for.
(That night, reports were received by two kingdoms that notes a vicious storm appeared as the Grand Duke's ship sailed beyond the Hyrulian sea borders. Destroying the ship beyond recognition. There were no survivors.)
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slafkovskys · 3 years
Could you do how cam found out about the baby as a blurb? 🤍
warning(s): language, mentions of morning sickness, pregnancy, and birth
this is part of a series that can be read as separate works! find the other parts here: part one part two
you didn’t miss the look that the woman behind the counter gave you when she handed over the bag. well, the look wasn’t directed at you as much as it was directed at your ring finger and the lack of a ring there. you swallow the lump in your throat and send her the best smile that you could muster, “have a good day.”
“you too,” the smile that painted her fuschia colored lips was the same as yours, forced.
the doors slide open and you walk to your car as quickly as you could. with a shaky hand, you throw the plastic bag in your purse and throw your purse in the backseat, trying not to look or think about the contents of either. your stomach twists as you pull out of the drugstore parking lot, directing your car towards your house.
there were no other cars in the driveway which meant that none of your roommates were home and, honestly, you didn’t know how you felt. at a time like this, you wanted to be alone, but you also wanted someone to be there for you. a support system. someone who would be on your side regardless of the outcome.
you thought about calling him as you walk up the steps and turn your key in the lock, but you knew better. you knew that he was in the middle of an optional morning skate so any attempts that you made to contact him would go unanswered for at least another hour.
you couldn’t wait that long.
after taking the test from the box, you look at yourself in the mirror. you had barely been up for an hour and your hair showed it. you hadn’t even bothered to shower before setting off, just wanting to get it over with.
you set the test on the counter and slide down to the floor. the tile was cold on your hands, so, on some instinct, your hands come to rest on your stomach instead. if you were, there was no visual evidence yet, but the nausea that you had been experiencing for two weeks straight and the missed period told you just about everything that you needed to know.
you don’t set a timer. no, you had left your phone beside your keys on the kitchen counter so there was no way for you to do so. you just stare at the pink cap forever until you finally reach for it. you close your eyes then, your hand gripping tightly onto the stick that held the answer to the rest of your life. you take a deep breath before you open your eyes, “fuck.”
your heart starts to beat quicker as the plus sign stares right back at you. it’s not faint. there's no questioning it. there’s a very bold, very obvious, positive pregnancy test in your hand that you let fall to the floor before your shaking hand comes to cover your mouth, “fuck. fuck. fucking fuck. fuck.”
you don’t have time to process the information before your stomach lurches forward and you're leaning over the toilet bowl. the granola bar you’d shoved in your mouth on your way to the grocery store hadn’t lasted long and didn’t taste as great coming back up as it had going down. once you catch your breath, you use the sink to pull yourself up and grab your toothbrush. you stand there for a while, just scrubbing at your tongue to get the taste of morning sickness out of your mouth before you let your toothbrush fall into the cup and wash your mouth out.
the pregnancy test still lays on the ground right where you had dropped it and you pick it up quickly, moving across the hall to your room to bury it in a drawer along with its box before one of your roommates could find it. you make your back to the kitchen and grab your phone, going straight to your text thread with him.
the last time you texted him was just after one o’clock in the morning, telling him that you really needed to go to bed. you remembered the way he smiled on your computer screen and looked at you, eyes crinkled, “you couldn’t have just told me that?”
“i’ve yawned, like, twenty times in the last five minutes, cam. you can’t take a hint,” you had teased and he held up his middle finger before telling you good night. you remember the way your smile fell as the screen went dark and you wanted nothing more than to call him back, to talk to him some more no matter how hard your body was fighting to stay awake.
but that wasn’t what the two of you were.
his name didn’t have any hearts in your phone and there were no posts on either of your instagrams. you were nothing more than a username in his following list and a hookup when it was convenient for the both of you because you were just over an hour away from each other. you knew that you weren’t the only one and you were okay with that, but he was your only. you knew it was stupid to let your feelings get involved, but now there were more than feelings.
there was a whole other person.
you let out a shaky breath as your fingers dance across the keyboard. you erase the message at least ten times before you finally decide on something that wasn’t too alarming:
call me when you can.
east lansing was just over an hour from ann arbor and you spent the entire drive in silence, left to your thoughts. you had to park a little ways away from the library and you shove your hands in the pockets of your jacket as the air of a michigan february wraps around you. you make your way through the doors and straight to where he said he would be. his back is turned when you approach him and you clear your throat which causes him to jump.
“i thought you were gonna text me when you got here,” he chuckles as he pushes away from the table. he wraps his arms around you and his warm lips press to your cheek, “i would’ve met you outside.”
“i’m here like twice a week,” you mumble, pulling away from his embrace which leaves him looking at you confused. “i know my way around by now.”
“is something wrong?” his eyes follow you as you make your way around the table. you sit down in the seat across from him, wrapping your jacket tighter around you almost self consciously. his eyes follow your hands and that’s when your mind starts to shout, he knows, there’s no way he does. you didn’t say anything on the phone. how could he- “are you okay, y/n? you look like you’re gonna be sick.”
“i am,” you announce, barely having enough time to push away from the table before you’re taking off in the direction of the bathroom. you can hear him following behind you and you’re very aware of the looks you're getting from other students, but you don’t care as you push your way through the bathroom door and drop down in the first stall that you can. you hear the door being pushed open behind you and you don’t have to guess who’s pulling your hair away from your face.
“y/n, baby,” cam mumbles and it’s that word, that one word that’s been on your mind all day, that causes you to choke on a sob, “did you eat something bad? maybe it’s food poisoning-”
“it’s not food poisoning, cam,” you sniffle, using your hand to wipe your nose. you don’t turn to look at him as you utter your next sentence, “it’s morning sickness, even though it’s not morning anymore.”
“morning sick- you’re not pregnant, y/n,” he chuckles, but there is an underlying sense of worry in his tone. when you don’t respond, he stops laughing and suddenly turns serious, “you’re not pregnant, y/n.”
“i am though,” after the admission finally leaves your lips, you finally feel safe enough to pull your head away from the toilet bowl. cam’s grip on your hair loosens and you slowly push yourself off of the ground, “i found out this morning.”
“that’s what you wanted to tell me then?” he steps to the side when you move past to get to the sink. you nod, still not meeting his eyes until he clears his throat. you look up then to find him leaning against the stall door, arms crossed over his chest. you can’t read his expression, but his next words stop your heart, “do i know the dad?”
“personally,” you spit. “if it wasn’t yours i wouldn’t even be telling you, asshole.”
“you’re an hour away, y/n. i don’t know what the fuck you do when we aren’t together and it’s none of my business-”
“y’know what, cam?” you push away from the sink and point an accusatory finger in his direction, “you’re right. what i do in my free time is none of your concern, but you’re the only person i’ve slept with over the last four months so there’s only one possibility on who this baby belongs to. you can be such a dick sometimes.”
you storm out of the bathroom and he follows behind you, once again drawing the attention of the entire floor when you disturb their peace, “where are you going?”
“back home,” you grab your things from the table, “this was just a courtesy notification so you can never say that you didn’t know. don’t you ever speak to me again.”
it was later that night when you curled under the covers that you heard an almost too familiar rumble of a truck outside. you hear the knock on the front door, the muffled voices, and the footsteps drawing closer and closer to your closed bedroom door before it’s pushed open. he closes it behind him and you can hear his shaky breath, “i thought i told you don’t ever speak to me again?”
“i haven’t said anything yet,” you can’t see him, but you know that he’s got a stupid little grin on his stupid little face. “y/n-”
“third drawer, look under that sweatshirt of yours that i stole,” you mumble, curling up tighter under the covers. you hear his footsteps creak across the old wood floor and the sound of the drawer sliding open. there’s a sharp intake of breath and you fall into an uncomfortable silence. he crosses the room and you feel his weight drop down on the edge of your bed.
“so, we’re gonna be parents, huh?”
“we?” you scoff, “i didn’t know you spoke french.”
“y/n, i-”
“am a massive dick? an asshole? literal scum of the earth?” you ask finally poking your head out from under the covers. he’s still holding the test in his hands and is staring at it intently like it would change at any second, “i’m only saying those things because they can’t hear me yet. i googled it.”
“you’re keeping it?” he asks, turning his head to look at you. you shrug your shoulders.
“if i am, i didn’t want them to hear me calling their dad a dick. that’s not who i am.”
“i shouldn’t have said those things, y/n-”
“but i was- i am scared.” for the first time in probably the entire time that you had known cam, he genuinely looks like he was on the verge of tears. you sit up straight and pull your comforter over your chest, giving him your full attention. “when i was driving over here, i kept trying to figure out what i could say to make you not hate me. i’m not going to look at you and tell you that i’m ready to be a dad because i’m not. i’m- i’m nineteen, i can barely take care of myself-”
“what about me, cam? do you think that i wanted this?” you interrupt. “i mean, you’ve got hockey sure, but what about me? i have my own dreams. what am i supposed to do about school? yeah, this is just news for you, but your body isn’t going to be undergoing some major changes over the next few months. you’re not the one that’s going to be giving birth, cam. i understand that you’re scared, but i’m terrified.”
“can i…” he trails off, gesturing to the empty space beside you. you nod and he quickly fills up that space, tangling his fingers with yours. he has one of your hair ties on his wrist and you can’t help but pull at it while he sighs, “you’re right, y’know? i have no idea what’s going through your head right now. i might be scared, but that’s nothing compared to what you might be feeling. it might not mean much coming from the literal scum of the earth, but you’re not going to be going through this alone, y/n. we can be scared together.”
“i didn’t mean that,” you shake your head, looking up at him through your eyelashes, “what i said earlier. i- i was just mad. i don’t really think that you’re scum-”
“no, i am. you didn’t deserve that. i know that you wouldn’t…” he trails off, but he doesn’t have to finish his sentence. “is there anything that i can do to make it better?”
“will you stay with me tonight?” you ask and he hums. you play with his fingers, “and one more thing?”
“anything you want.”
“don’t make our child a umich fan.”
he snorts, leaning forward and pressing his lips to the top of your head, “sweetheart if you think that you’re going to make them a state fan, you’ve got another thing coming.”
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jiminrings · 3 years
OKAY LISTEN idk if someone or you already planned sth like this but how about y/n finally decides to confess/tell jk but someone else claims to be her before she could do it so * cue to the angst bc y/n sees the whole thing/she hears from her friends * and ofc koo eventually finds out bc that b*tch doesn't even have the fucking lunchboxes 😑
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
stem koo's the three-peat king for having the best research papers, but he's the worst when it comes to believing the right person
"i think i'm gonna tell him."
you say it to no one in particular, really, but you hear yoongi rISING from his nap on the couch
it wasn't meant to wake him at all
it was just an epiphany of sorts that popped into your head
physically felt as if your head would just bursT if you didn't say it out loud to affirm your own thoughts lmao
"for real???" he's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, very evident that he wouldn't wake up to finish his thirteen pending assignments but he 10/10 would wake up to hear your epiphany
yoongi is awake for the action!!!! lmao does professor roux from calculus think that he wakes up at the morning and doing shapes (or whatever they teach at calc) is the fIRST thing in his mind????
"interesting," he nods solemnly when you nod your head, reaching out for a fist bump before he plops to your shoulder, "i suggest dressing like a virgin wearing H&M when you confess. it would hit close to home."
yoongi's the touchy affectionate one between the two of you but you'll forgive him bc he's still sleepy
jungkook doesn't look like a virgin wearing H&M :((((
his clothes aren't from there lol
"say that you're a top verified contributor both in quora and brainly."
"nice idea," you snort as yoongs genuinely thinks that it'd get jungkook to propose on the spot, "but no cigar."
"pretend to love big bang theory."
"you're getting onto something here."
"your hobby is fact-checking rick and morty."
"yoongi wow you are on fIRE today-"
"your guilty pleasure is not wearing protective gear during experiments."
"where is this coming from??"
"OH!!!! i'll pretend to mug him or something and you can attack me!!!"
yeah yoongi's train of thought just crashed
you were pretty sure he was going on a science theme there wHY DID IT DERAIL
yoongi looks confused because you look confused, as if he didn't just give you the mindblowing idea,, free of charge
lol but no he really didn't
"i'm not doing any of that shit, yoongs."
"oh yeah???" he squints at you and hollows his cheeks, taunting you entertainingly while he worms his way to your lap to nap again
"what are you planning to do?"
holy sHIT this is nerve-wracking
she feels like she's gonna pass out the whole time that she's been rehearsing this in her head
she's been waiting outside the classroom for twenty minutes now and the bell finally rang and she can't believe it!!!! omg is it game-time now
everyone's filing out of the room and she could just feel that jungkook would come out of the room last-
you could do this!!!!
everyone's filing out of the room and you know in your heart that jungkook would stay behind, his routine being to politely chat with the professor before he leaves
you're a lil nervous alright
you're scanning the room and there's only a few people left and your eyes instinctively go to the mini desk next to the door and-
goddamn it
yesterday was when coach jeong was mad because someone from your team just hAD to bring beer!!! and not even have the common sense to put it on a discreet thermos or sth and you know!!!! to not drink it in public or in front of the coach!!!!
doing laps on the oval field will now make you hurl on command just by thinking about it
you physically did not have the cognizance to go and fetch the lunchbox to wash it,,,, or like even move at all
how are you gonna swipe the lunchbox now? now when the professor's packing up, jungkook's loitering around the classroom, and there's this girl who's-
who's this girl??
fuck it!!! here goes nothing
she's stepping completely into the room and making sure her block heels generate enough clacking,, hands already moving in practiced moments as she attempts in making it seem like she's rushedly putting the lunchbox bag into her tote — as if it's from there, and she's always done this
jungkook hears noises coming from the back of the room, eyes widening before he comes up the stairs in record time
"no. get your own."
he grips the girl's wrist, about to pry off her hands from his lunchbox
he hears her giggle sweetly, the melody being something he's heard before
"i did. after all, i did get you these."
hyeji's a pretty girl!!! a nice girl in jungkook's year that wears fit dresses and cartier bangles :D
she stands out really, sometimes literally because she appears in the school's flyers and advertisements
"hyeji," jungkook breathlessly connects the dots including the fact that she looks caught in the act; holding his lunchbox, her tote bag open, and a peek of another completely different lunchbox in her other hand, "i-it's been you this whole time?"
hyeji blushes, sheepishly tucking her perfectly shiny and neat hair behind her ears, "you caught me then."
kook laughs both in nervousness and giddiness, pushing his glasses up and suddenly conscious that he should've worn contacts, "b-but how? we don't share this class."
hyeji bursts into a giggle, blushed cheeks staining further than the five minutes she tried getting the perfect amount
"r-right! kinda amazing what depths you'd go for a person you like, hm?"
jungkook is about to pass out
a situation that he likes and is too giddy to find a reply for
he apparently doesn't need a reply, because a chair scrapes harshly against the floor and it brings him down to reality immediately
you cannot fucking believe what you just witnessed
you stand abruptly from the seat you've been frozen in with a great deal of urgency because you cAN'T stand to be in this room any longer
they actually forgot that the two of them aren't alone
that you're still here
little miss hyeji's just as shocked
you feel stupid and even more stupid that you're still holding a stupid notebook you even decorated
it has a doodle in the front and all the remaining pages are of the copies you've replicated on jungkook's sticky notes — the same ones you've been trying to make perfect just for him
"y/n!" he sputters when your backpack accidentally leans too much to your side and hits him on the way out
you’re feeling everything but fine and god you just hated that you always willed yourself to move oN
you’re beyond mad when you put on your jersey!!!
you’re irrevocably dejected when you put on your cleats!!!!
you feel cheated on when you zip up your duffel and walk all the way to the field!!!
it’s a combination of the type of frustration that makes you want to move plus the type that paralyzes you, the whole thing unlike anything you’ve ever felt before
you’re clearly in your head and frankly, you’re just too good
too good that there's no game at all because the only thing happening is you scoring
there's no passing going on or the sort
everyone is just :O looking at their captain to be in the most furiously determined state that they’ve ever seen you in
you don’t even realize that you’re the oNLY one moving in the whole field
“alright, alright — jesus christ! go to the bench and sort your head out, captain,” coach jeong literally has to JOG over to your spot to jolt you
oh there he is again
jaehyun just had to bench you didn’t he
sometimes it’s lost on you that jaehyun, just like seokjin, used to be your senior
he hated juniors with a burning passion and you’re the ONLY one he’s taken a tolerance for
((you lent him your umbrella and it coincidentially had to be a bad day for him tHEN that made him like you))
you’re having none of it though because this time, you’re the one who has the bad day and the captain title does nothing to appease you
“sure, coach.”
you mumble just as lively and walk to completely the fURTHEST side of the bleachers, being so far out that you could barely see your team
what are you supposed to do? simmer in the thoughts you so badly didn’t want to have in silence??????
the voice you least expected to hear perks up right next to you
what the hell is jungkook doing here now??
he looks lost, two hands clinging onto his backpack straps before tentatively looking at you again
“did i do anything to upset you?”
so he wants to ask that?
you snort automatically, suddenly wishing that you didn’t walk this far because you can’t make an excuse that jaehyun’s calling for you
"because my bag accidentally hit you on the way out? no, jungkook."
jungkook knits his brows in question, seemingly take offense to what you’ve just said to hom
"we're not exactly associated for me to be mad at you, are we?" you emphasize even further, not caring the least bit that your words have an edge to them
he deadpans, pursing his lips before sarcastically smiling at you
".... so you're upset at me?"
jungkook takes your silence for him to delve further, not paying attention to how your eye is begging to twitch at him
"i asked if i did anything to upset you, and you said no. but that doesn't necessarily mean you aren't. you could be upset at me even if i didn't do anything to you."
you sound like a real fucking nerd jungkook
"do you have any idea how condescending you sound right now?"
kook barely has a solid inch on you yet the nagging feeling that he’s belittling you makes you grip your fists tight, posture wavering
"so you do admit that you're upset at me?"
he’s not the most patient person either but something about you and the situation right now just makes him tick a little faster
your eyes narrow at what he’s aiming to get at, your hand on your hip feeling heavy at this point
"what does it matter to you if i'm upset or not? we are not-"
"i am associated to you!!! even to a degree!!! you walked me home!"
jungkook is the one who breaks first and he doesn’t look fazed to have opposed you so loudly, still standing by himself
"i would walk anyone home."
"no you wouldn't-"
"i would walk anyone who was as vulnerable and as anxious as you were, jungkook!!"
it is true
you’d walk anyone home within reason regardless if they were jungkook or not!!!
the guy in question only looks at you straightly, brows not stubborn but still just as unrelaxed
"good to know. then you're not upset at me, and i didn't do anything to upset you."
you only say just to spite him, about to turn your back and leave him completely to go back to your practice game
jungkook surprises you again and flips a switch just as quick as your mini argument of sorts escalated
"anyways!! i'm sorry for being a little off when i interviewed you that day. i got a 100 on that assignment, by the way :))"
what’s he still doing here?
he’s talking about his grades and whatnot to you as if literally twenty seconds ago did nOT happen!!
"why are you still-"
"and the one who's been giving me my lunchboxes confessed to me today!! for hyeji to be the girl giving me them, it makes perfect sense."
you shrug away the weirdness that jungkook’s moved on from the argument as fast as this, trying a take two for a peaceful conversation
this time, you’re the one who unknowingly flips a switch at her name — something so foreign and sudden yet something you quickly grew to hate
"i wouldn't be so trusting if i were you."
that seems to hit a nerve on him again, making him scoff in reply
"good thing you aren't me then."
what is ON with him????
"watch it. i'm your senior, kid."
you’re more irritated than the first and second time around that you’ve been agitated this day
"why? are you normally this self-absorbed that you wouldn't trust a girl who's confessed??"
you aren’t the most selfless person ever but god do you know for a fact that you’re not vain as jungkook’s insisting you to be
you hate him.
you hate this version of him that isn’t the same jungkook you’ve known to like ever since the start of the semester
"same thing as polygraphs not being a hundred percent reliable. anyone could tell the truth as long as you ask the wrong questions," you detail on further because jungkook loves details, right? might as well give him several
"or did you even ask?"
jungkook scowls as if you’ve insulted his mother and his entire lineage, face contorting into everything but warm
"what does it matter to you? didn't you just tell me that we aren't associated? why are you projecting all your moaning on hyeji?"
"you know what? maybe i am associated to you. i think i'd also tell this to everyone i'd walk home — maybe you shouldn't be too trusting, huh? maybe you shouldn't just let anyone walk you home."
the tears this time are more insistent to come out this time but you’d rather dIE than for jungkook to stain your pride like this
"no one should walk me home, besides you? is that what you're trying to say?"
for fuck's sake you aren't even finished with your point!!
before you could continue, jungkook shakes his head at you — the most disappointing shake of his head that it curses you soft
"what am i even doing? you wouldn't understand."
he closes the distance that’s been alarmingly shorter throughout the whole time, jungkook being the one to break it
"because no one gives you lunchboxes. no one exerts effort in making you cheerful — no one wants to go the extra mile for you, and no one wants to walk you home."
he's insulting you right to your face and that’s when your dam breaks, lips quivering impossibly as you stare him down with a genuinely pained gaze you didn’t know you carried
"you wouldn't know what i feel, because no one likes you."
jungkook gets the last word in.
he leaves you in the same field he's first approached you in nervousness.
today, he leaves it differently.
sweat isn't the only thing on your face but instead it’s the frustrating hot tears you haven’t had in awhile
your fists are balled but there's no power to the anger behind it
you’re almost always alone outside the company of the closest friends you’ve ever had — but this is the only time that you truly felt that you are alone.
today's a good day to give up on jungkook.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 5)
uh ohh, part 5 baby! im quite enjoying this story so far and i have some fun things planned for it, so i hope you’ll stay with me for them! in today’s part, our fav new celeb couple takes it all the way, though i chose not to include the actual sex part, however im still treating you all with some dirty stuff so enjoy!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 4.6k
warning: NSFW content
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New couple alert?
Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N have been spotted having lunch and grabbing coffee several times in the course of the past few weeks. All the outings looked casual and friendly, they gladly stopped for fans that approached them and the word has it that they’ve been getting closer to each other, though neither of them confirmed anything.
Harry Styles has been known to be single for a while now, only faint rumors swirling up sometimes, but none of them were proven to be true, the young actress is the first woman he has been linked to in a long time. Y/N Y/L/N has been focusing on her blooming career and has been single since her split from long time exboyfriend and fellow actor, Levi Hudson. The pair dated all through 2018, splitting in the beginning of 2019. Hudson has admitted their hectic schedules made it impossible to maintain their relationship while Y/N did not confirm anything.
Styles is going on his world-wide tour soon, while Y/L/N is currently between two projects. The young celebs seem to be enjoying each other’s company and fans have been quick to jump into speculations about their alleged romance, however there is no evidence as of right now.
“Thank you so much for your time, it was a pleasure to talk to you,” the young interviewer smiles at you, holding her hand out and you shake it with a warm smile.
“Thank you for having me! And I really like your shoes, by the way,” you point down at her electric blue pumps that you’ve been eyeing since the start of the interview.
“Oh, thank you! Got them from a vintage store,” she beams, a slight blush playing on her cheeks clearly a little starstruck from your compliment.
“Love those little stores.”
“Me too,” she giggles collecting her papers and notes. “Someone will contact you and your team soon about the photoshoot and I’ll email you a draft of the interview in about a week.”
“That’s perfect, thank you so much,” you nod at her grabbing your purse from the side table next to you. Grabbing your phone from the depth of it you smile to yourself upon seeing the text from Harry.
“Call me when you’re done with the interview Xx.”
You say your goodbye to everyone before heading out of the building. Lawrence is at the front waiting for you in the car and he greets you with a warm smile when you sit into the backseat. As he starts the car and heads back to your home, you call Harry, who picks it up after the second ring.
“Hey! How was the interview?” he beams brightly, his voice immediately making you smile.
“Great! This young girl did it and she had some exciting questions.”
“Sounds lovely. Can’t wait to buy a Cosmopolitan with you on the cover soon,” he says and you can hear the grin through his voice.
“Will look good in your hands for sure,” you chuckle.
“Right. So I have a question for you.”
“Go for it.”
“I’m doing this very small show at Beacon Theater this weekend, kind of a practice before the real tour begins and I was wondering if you’d be up to come. Would love to have you there.”
“When is it exactly?”
“Saturday at nine. I know it’s a short notice and I get it if you have something else going on, just wanted to ask.”
“I think I can make it work,” you smile, thinking back at what your day looks like on Saturday. “Can I bring someone?”
“Of course! Just let me know how many people so I can have the tickets sent over to you.”
“Thank you. It’s sweet of you to think about me.”
“You know I always think about you,” he murmurs and his voice sends a shiver down your spine. Crazy to think how much he can affect you with just his words, he just has a special spell on you, it seems.
“Still such a flirt, I see,” you chuckle, feeling your cheeks heating up as you hear his soft laugh on the other end of the line.
“For you, always.”
“Alright. I’ll text you about the tickets and thank you again. Can’t wait to see you perform finally.”
“It’s been due for a while now, right? Kind of promised you some tickets on Ellen, if I remember correctly.”
“You did!” you laugh thinking back at the time you met him. How funny that just one short game on a talk show led the two of you here. You have to thank Ellen though.
“Now I’m finally keeping my promise. Talk to you later then, Love. Have a great day.”
“You too, Harry.”
 You manage to convince Sydney to join you for the concert, she sounds excited when you ask if she had anything to do on Saturday. Seeing Harry perform before his tour kicks off is a thrill for her she wouldn’t pass on for anything, so she is really grateful that you thought of her as your plus one.
Harry has your passes sent over to your place on Friday and it comes with a bouquet of flowers as well as a card.
“Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. What’s your favorite song? I’ll make sure to perform it just for you. –H”
He never fails to make you feel like the only woman on the planet and you can definitely see why so many fall for him even without meeting him. The man has all the power to charm anyone with just a smile.
You put the flowers into a vase and leave them on your dining table before grabbing your phone and sending him a quick text.
“It’s Only Angel,” you simply write, hoping he’ll get it why you just wrote that. Luckily, he does.
“Straight to the setlist. Dedicated to You.”
 Finishing up the last touches to your makeup you bop your head to the song blasting through the stereo. It’s Only Angel, of course. You’ve had it on repeat all afternoon and now you can’t wait to actually see Harry perform it live.
Just as you are about to get changed, Syd arrives so you let her in with a beaming smile and when she hears the music upon walking into your place she cheers in excitement.
“Yes! This is such a jam!” she smirks, doing a little dance as you lock the door behind her.
“You look fantastic, Syd,” you tell her. The black short dress looks amazing paired with the lilac oversized blazer. Her makeup matches the same color and you are obsessed with the fishnet tights. She will surely make men wish she was into them.
“Thank you! Spent two hours figuring out what to wear, so I hope I look fantastic,” she giggles.
She helps you put together your outfit as well. Wide legged flaming red pants that make your waist look snatched, a black sheer top tucked into it with just a black bralette underneath. You already know Harry will be a fan of the skin you’re showing, you can’t wait to see his face when he finally spots you.
You quickly pack your essentials into a black Chanel purse along with stuff you need for a possible sleepover if things might take a pleasant turn, and you finish with everything just when the doorman calls up through the intercom that Lawrence has arrived.
“So, what’s the deal with you and him, if I may ask?” Syd questions in the car, not in a nosy way, more like a curious, friendly way.
“We are… getting close,” you say, tasting the word on your tongue. You haven’t labeled whatever you have going on with Harry, nor do you really know what it should be called. You’ve been trying hard to make time for each other as much as possible, making small lunch and coffee dates a regular thing. He came over to your place one evening for a movie and that’s the only time you were able to be alone with him, though nothing sexual happened. Yet. The real deal is yet to happen and if you are being honest you are running short on patience. It’s getting harder to hold yourself back and keep your hands to yourself as well when you are out with him, but you agreed to keep it lowkey out in the public.
Tonight, however, you have a feeling what you’ve been waiting for so long might actually happen and you can only hope Harry is planning the same thing. You are absolutely ready to bluntly ask if he wants to spend the night at your place.
“But you’re heading… somewhere, right?”
“I hope so,” you smile shyly.
“That’s amazing. I think you two are a match,” Syd smirks at you.
By the time you arrive to the venue the gates have been opened so people are busy getting inside, giving you the chance to walk inside through the backdoors without any fuss.
“Miss, Harry requested me to usher you to his dressing room when you arrive,” the girl at the door smiles at you with a clipboard in her hands and a headset covering her ears.
“Oh, alright,” you nod, turning to Syd. “You go ahead and get us a good place,” you tell her and she nods walking away with a wave as she heads up to the second floor that’s fully reserved for friends and family.
Following the girl down the hallway you are led to a room that has Harry’s name on it. She gently knocks on the door and a few moments later it flies open, revealing Harry in a colorful suit and a simple white button-down shirt. He looks breathtaking, hair fixed perfectly and the wide grin stretching across his lips when he sees you standing there.
“You’re here!” he breathes out, grabbing your hand and pulling inside, snatching you away from the preying eyes. Once the door clicks closed behind you, he is quick to press his lips to yours in a sweet welcoming kiss. Ever since your first official date he hasn’t passed on any chance to kiss you whenever you had the luxury of privacy to yourselves, which hasn’t happened too much, leaving you both with a growing hunger for each other every time you meet.
“Mm of course I am,” you smile against his lips before pecking them one last time and leaning back. “Looking great, Mr. Styles,” you grin, taking your time to wander your eyes down on him.
“Yeah? Like the suit?”
“Well, I love your outfit as well. M’gonna have a hard time not thinking about you on the stage.”
“Please think about me,” you breathe out with a coy smile.
“Don’t fucking say that to me, you are giving me a hard time,” he groans and you just chuckle at the tortured look on his face.
“Sorry,” you mumble, but your face doesn’t meet your words. He squeezes your waist gently, pecking your lips in a rush before he lets go of you.
“I need to go over a few things before we start, so just go ahead and join Syd. Meet me here after the show?”
“Yeah, perfect,” you nod smiling. “Good luck out there,” you wink and he grins at you with bright eyes. His hands grab onto yours before you head out, pulling you in for one last kiss before you leave.
You feel flustered and you take a few deep breaths on your way up to the gallery to find Syd who managed to get an amazing spot at the front on the left side.
They offer everyone up on the gallery some champagne before the show starts and looking around you see a few familiar faces, but no one you specifically know. You stick with Sydney who is over the moon about the show and you are kind of sharing her excitement.
When the lights go down and the music finally starts, you can’t help but join in with the screams that fill the theater.
You’ve seen videos of him performing, in One Direction and solo as well. You’ve seen pictures and you’ve heard the words about how amazing he is on stage, but none of those live up to the actual experience. The sensation that takes over you just by seeing him appear on the stage as the whole theater chants his name as one, it completely sweeps you off your feet and for a second you wonder how you could live a life without this experience.
When his voice starts to flow through the massive speakers you need to take a deep breath, a shiver runs down your spine and you chug down the rest of your champagne so you could get rid of the glass and hold onto the railing with both hands because you feel like you need to ground yourself before you shoot into the sky.
Song after song, he performs perfectly, bringing every single person in the audience to that euphoric state they’ve been probably seeking their whole life. The experience is surely one of a kind, something you’ll definitely be thinking about for a long time.
Time seems to stop, though it cruelly carries on even when you forget about it completely. The concert is nearing its end and Harry takes a breather as he places his guitar to the stand behind him. You watch his every move as he walks back to the microphone, his gaze moving up to the gallery, roaming through the people until they find you.
“This last song is dedicated… to my Only Angel,” he murmurs into the microphone as the audience erupts, blows up at once and your heart skips a beat when his eyes linger over you for a little longer before the music starts to play.
You faintly hear Syd screaming next to you, probably aware that the dedication was addressed to you, but you can’t tear your eyes off of the man on the stage.
He nails it perfectly, looking like an absolute rockstar that he truly is and for a moment you can’t believe you have his attention and interest. How can such a precious and unbelievably talented man be in your reach?
Because I deserve great things in life, you tell yourself, a little mantra you’ve gotten around to repeat every time you found yourself doubting your success and happiness.
The concert eventually ends and though no one in the room desires the end of it, Harry leaves and you are abruptly brought back to reality.
“That was… something else truly,” Syd breathes out as the two of you linger around a little longer, trying to come down from the high you just experienced.
“Yeah. He is so fucking talented it’s almost unfair,” you chuckle running a hand through your hair.
“This tour will kill thousands of people all around the world,” she muses and for a moment, reality sets in and you realize that Harry will leave for his worldwide tour very soon, leaving you behind.
You get rid of the thought, not wanting to stress over something that’s not relevant just yet and you don’t want to ruin the evening either. Fears and stress can wait a little longer.
The two of you make your way backstage, walking into a bit of a chaos as all close friends and family want to congratulate to Harry and the band as well. Standing at the side you let everyone have their time, barely even seeing Harry in the sea of people in the spacious green room. Syd keeps you company as you wait and about thirty minutes later it seems like the crowd is starting to loosen up.
Harry spots you and excuses himself immediately from his conversation with a couple, heading in your direction with the widest grin you’ve ever seen on his pretty face.
“Congrats, that was mind-blowing,” you smirk as he reaches you, a hand curling around your waist as he leans down and places a kiss to your cheek, keeping it as moderate as possible, though you both just want to jump at each other.
“Thank you, Love,” he nods, a blush tinting his cheeks from your words. “Hello Sydney, so great to see you again,” he greets the girl next to you and they share a short hug.
“Hi! Loved the show so much!” she giggles in excitement.
“Thank you for coming.”
The three of you chat for a while before Sydney says she is gonna call herself an Uber, so after saying her goodbye she leaves you alone with Harry, as much as you can be alone with a bunch of other people around.
“I wanted to ask you something,” he clears his throat as his hand finds its way back to the small of your back.
“Go for it.”
“We are gonna grab a drink at some bar, but nothing over the top and I wanted to ask if you would want to join.”
“Sounds good,” you smile, feeling a little disappointed. This is not exactly what you wanted him to ask. Luckily, he is not done with his questions.
“Also… I-If it’s cool by you, I thought that… maybe you could come over?”
“Mmm, go over and do what?” you tease him, your smile stretching wider with each passing moment.
“I have plenty of ideas, Love,” he breathes out, making you laugh. “We could drop by your place if you need anything to stay over.”
“No need. Packed a bag,” you slyly grin at him, taking him by surprise clearly, but it’s surely a pleasant one.
“Always a step ahead of me, huh?” he smirks, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
It takes some time to actually leave the venue and head off to the bar with a close group of friends of him and the band. A secluded area was already reserved for you that has its own bar, so you could enjoy the evening without worrying about preying eyes of strangers or fans. You really weren’t in the mood to keep your distance from Harry, this way at least you were able to touch each other in a more intimate way without speculations swirling up immediately.
You get to know his band and some of his friends, they are all genuinely amazing people, but you weren’t expecting anything else. You figured he only surrounds himself with people like him. His hands often find your waist and he doesn’t shy away from kissing your cheek or giving your hips a gentle squeeze, just letting you know you have his attention and he appreciates that you’re there.
It’s nearing one am when the guests start leaving and soon enough you find yourself in the back of your car with Harry, heading to his place, while you try your best to keep your hands away from him. You wouldn’t put Lawrence through the trauma of having to see or hear something he shouldn’t.
But that doesn’t stop you from kissing, something you’ve been dying to do all night. Your hand rests on his thigh while he has an arm curled around your shoulders, keeping you tight by his side, delicately brushing his nose against your hair every time your lips are not connected.
“Thank you, Lawrence. I’ll call myself a taxi in the morning, have the day off,” you tell your driver who smiles in your way thankfully while Harry grabs your and his bags from the back of the car.
“Thank you, Miss. Enjoy your night,” he nods in your way as you shut the door closed.
You try to take your duffel bag from Harry, but he insists to carry it as the two of you walk inside his house.
“Want something to drink? Water, tea or something?” he asks, setting the bags down near his giant, comfortable looking couch. Your thoughts immediately wander to a dirty field, picturing him sitting on that very couch as you kneel in front of him, pleasuring him so good that his eyes roll back…
“Yeah, water please,” you say clearing your throat. Some hydration will come handy after the drinks you chugged down at the bar.
You follow him as he shuffles into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and a bottled water from the fridge for you, pouring some into the glass before handing it to you.
“Thank you. You have a nice place for yourself,” you tell him, looking around in his home.
“Thanks. Been working on it for a while,” he chuckles softly. “Feels a bit too big for just myself though.”
You finish the water and set your eyes at him, feeling your hunger for him grow with each passing moment. Placing the empty glass to the marble counter you take a step closer to him.
“You feel lonely often?” you question in a low voice. His eyes return to you and you are happy to see the same lust in them.
“Would say so, yes,” he nods, running his tongue over his pink lips before he reaches out and grabbing you by your hips, he draws you close to him. Leaning down his lips brush against the shell of your ear, a shiver runs down your spine when you hear his whisper in it. “Hope it’ll change soon.”
At a loss of patience, you grab his face and angle it perfectly so you can kiss him hard. And by hard, you mean real hard. He stumbles back from the force, but manages to keep his balance, returning the kiss just as vehemently as he receives it, a tug of war starting between the two of you.
His hands work fast on the sheer fabric of your shirt, pulling it out from the waistband of your pants, getting rid of it eagerly as his lips wander down on your neck, collarbones and chest. He easily turns the two of you around so you are pushed against the edge of the countertop, his hips pushed against you and it’s clearer that daylight just how excited he is to have you here tonight. Your eyes flicker over to the couch again and the desire to please him with your mouth just bursts, you can’t hold yourself back anymore.
So you push him away from you, grabbing his wrist and yanking him after you, heading towards the couch. You push him down and his lustful eyes follow every move of yours as you kneel in front of him and he realizes what you are about to do. He doesn’t stop you when you work to unbutton his pants, but his hand finds your chin and he pulls you up for a swift, but passionate kiss.
Once you successfully undid his pants he lifts his hips and you spare some time and energy, pulling them down along with his underwear, leaving him only in his vintage printed t-shirt as his cock springs free. You push your thighs together just at the sight of him, the way his eyes burn down on you, how his lips part when your gazes meet and the way he sucks on his breath when your fingers dig into his thighs near his crotch as you situate yourself closer.
“I believe I owe you an orgasm, don’t I?” you ask with a cheeky smirk before wrapping your left hand around the base of his shaft, giving it a gentle squeeze, just enough to get him even more excited. A whimpered moan slips from his lips and you lean closer, giving his cock a lick from bottom to top, wrapping your lips around the head as you swirl your tongue around it.
“Fuck hell!” he breathes out, clearly enjoying himself, hands fisting the cushion next to him, but you bet they’ll be buried in your hair soon.
You’re not an expert in the field of blowjobs, but it’s been your thing to come barging right through the door and jump the easy teasing whenever you were on your knees for a man. So with your hands fixed on his beautiful face, you sink down on him, his cock gliding into your mouth right until the tip reaches the back of your throat, earning the loudest moan you’ve heard from him. Shutting your eyes closed you keep him like that for a second until the urge to gag starts to set in, so you slide him out, your saliva dripping down his erection as your eyes meet his and you can tell you shocked him with your bold first move.
“Do that one more time and I won’t last for a minute,” he warns breathing heavily and you just smirk up at him before going into action again, this time only taking a smaller portion of him, pumping the base to make up for the lack of deep throating, but it appears that he enjoys just the simple part of it equally. As you keep bobbing your head, taking as much of him as you can without gagging, his right hand flies to your hair, taking a handful of it as he gently guides your head, keeping it in the rhythm that works the best for him and you happily let him do whatever makes him feel good.
When your free hand goes to gently massage his balls your name erupts from him in the most voluptuous way you’ve heard him call out for you. As if he just cried out for God himself.
“Y/N, fuck, I won’t last long,” he warns you, but that’s all you want. You need to see him come undone under your touch, you want to be the reason his breath hitches. Picking up your pace you see him whimper some more, head falling backwards to the back of the couch. It’s a heavenly view and you wish you could take a picture of his beauty as he enjoys himself on this intimate level. You’ve never wanted to please a man more than him and just seeing him in this blissful state makes you wet through your underwear.
When his breathing starts to get uneven, chest heaving wildly, you take all of him again, his head poking the back of your throat and you push your tongue against his length as you slide him out, picking up the same pace that you kept before, both hands working hard on him.
“Fuck! I-I’m gonna cum!” he warns again and just a few seconds later, you feel the evidence of his satisfaction spurt into the back of your throat, eyes falling on you as you give him one last lick before swallowing everything that’s in your mouth.
“Holy shit,” he breathes out pulling you up, eagerly kissing you without a second thought, his hands cupping your cheeks to keep you in place. “You surely know how to kill a man, yea?” he huffs making you chuckle.
“Think you can go for a second one?” you sheepishly ask, blinking up at him from under your long lashes.
“I’ll have enough time to recover while I eat you out like you’re my last meal,” he bluntly replies, and a moan almost slips from your lips.
“Show me what you got, Styles,” you challenge him and he doesn’t need more, he easily picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he heads straight to the bedroom.
“As you wish, Angel,” he mumbles against your skin, peppering your neck and shoulder with featherlike kisses along his way until he throws you to his bed, ruthlessly tearing the remaining of your clothes off your body.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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✖   —   summary:  porco wasn't surprised when you called him at three in the morning because you were too drunk to drive back to your place. he would always be there when you needed, both as your best friend and the guy who was completely head over heels for you. and both of them were sure zeke jaeger was cheating on you.
✖   —   pairing: porco/reader & zeke/reader
✖   —   tags/warnings: so far it’s sfw but rating will change in future chapters, college au, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, unrequited love, cheating, toxic relationships, friends to lovers
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chapter one: save your love
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“Thanks for picking me up, Pock. You didn’t have to.”
“Tch. Of course I did,” Porco replied, putting his arm on the back of your seat on his car and reversing, getting out of the bar’s parking lot. You took your time observing him and noticed the bags under his eyes. You shouldn’t have been surprised. What were you expecting when you called him at 3 am asking him to pick you up from the bar because you were too drunk to drive home?
Porco rested his arm on the open window of his car, his other hand handling the wheel with ease. There were very few cars on the highway and the chilly air refreshed your body just right, making the ride home a lot more comfortable than you pictured. You closed your eyes, basking in the feeling of safeness you always felt whenever your best friend was around, plus the sweet dizziness on your head from the vodka and Porco’s cologne.
“What did the fucker do this time?”
It didn’t last long.
“He didn’t do a thing.”
Porco scoffed. “Yeah, right. Are you really going to pretend you didn’t end up in that bar because of what Zeke’s ‘friend’ just posted on her Instagram?”
“Porco, please.”
“What was the caption again? Oh, right. ‘Movie night’, devil face emoji, fire emoji,” he recalled with a snicker, his eyes fixated on the road. “She even tagged him on it, her legs resting on his lap and shit. Was it the same girl he took to the cat shelter for some ‘volunteer work’ last week or another?”
You didn’t answer. You knew Porco already knew who she was.
“She’s very pretty,” you mused. “It makes sense.”
“Please, have you looked at yourself?” Porco asked, taking a right turn.
Jokingly, you took the rearview mirror and angled it towards you. Your mascara was a little worn off and there were only traces of the red lipstick you had put on before heading to the bar. Your hair was messy as well and you look like you desperately needed a bottle of water.
“I look like shit,” you laughed, putting the mirror back to its original place.
“Shut the fuck up, you look good.”
“Pock, look at me. Whatever is going on here,” you said, gesturing at your face, “ain’t good. If you think so, your taste is really lacking.”
Porco chuckled, eliciting a soft smile from you.
“I like to think I have really good taste.”
“If we’re being serious, you have way too high standards,” you yawned, extending your arms and feeling some cracks on your back.
“How so?” he inquired, arching an eyebrow.
“You haven’t been in a relationship since I know you, which is what— a year?”
“And I’m starting to think you’re afraid of commitment. Maybe you’re just afraid of a relationship,” you shrugged.
“Are you done, Freud?” he teased, sparing a quick glance at you before looking back at the road again.
“All I’m saying is you’ve had both beautiful girls and boys at your disposition and you have never even tried to date them. Well, no, my bad, you did take this one girl on a date. And what happened next?”
Porco chuckled. “Look, it’s not like that, we just didn’t click and—”
“You told her you were better off as friends and to this day I haven’t listened to a solid reason as to why you would drop such a pretty girl like her.”
“She just didn’t have what I was looking for,” he shrugged innocently.
“See what I mean? Unbelievable high standards. None of us is worthy of the mighty Porco Galliard, the lacrosse team captain who can fit seventeen marshmallows inside his mouth.”
Both of you broke in laughter, not caring about waking up someone from the houses alongside the road. You looked around and immediately recognized the neighbourhood, your laugh ceasing immediately. You patted Porco’s arm, trying to get his attention.
“Can you turn left at the next intersection?”
“We need to keep straight to get to your place.”
“I want to go to Zeke’s for a minute.”
Porco’s face twisted into a scowl. “Why would you want to go to him right now?”
“I— he told me he was watching movies by himself. I just want to check on him, we don’t even have to step off the car.”
“Hey,” he said sternly, catching your attention. “Don’t do this. You saw her Instagram post, you know what happened between those two. Are you really going to believe him after you just saw fucking evidence?”
“I know him,” you insisted. “He wouldn’t just flat out lie to me, not like that.”
“And the photo from tonight? How do you explain that?”
You took a deep breath, a sharp pain in your head making you close your eyes tightly.
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “Please, just— drive past his house. If his lights are out, then he must be sleeping after watching those movies by himself, just like he told me so.”
Porco scoffed.
“Porco, please,” you pleaded, squeezing his arm as you got closer and closer to the intersection. “Please.”
Rolling his eyes, Porco turned left as you asked him to and started driving to Zeke’s house, following your instructions. He didn’t try to come up with conversation again, instead, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he pulled up crossing the street, a couple of houses away from your target.
Your heart immediately relaxed when you looked at Zeke’s window: the lights were off. You let out a long, tired sigh, letting your forehead rest on the glove compartment of Porco’s car.
“I don’t understand you,” Porco sneered, resting his chin on his hand, his elbow pressed on the open window of his car. “Him having the lights off means nothing, he could—”
Porco turned to you as you sat back up, your eyes meeting his. He bit his tongue, silently cursing and looked at his wheel, setting both his hands on it.
“He could what?” you insisted.
“Nothing,” he quickly replied, passing a hand through his hair. “His lights are off. Can we go now?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you whispered, sitting back against his passenger seat and getting comfortable.
Right when Porco was reaching for his keys, a noise in the quiet neighbourhood startled you. Both of you raised their heads as a black car passed alongside them and parked in front of Zeke’s house. A tall, blonde girl exited the same house, accompanied by none other than your boyfriend. You recognized her as Yelena, who had begun appearing more and more frequently in his pictures at the same time he started posting less and less about you.
Zeke walked her to the car and you watched in horror as she pressed a kiss on the corner of his lips before getting in the car. He closed the door after her and patted the roof of the car twice before sending her off. Porco gripped the wheel tightly as Zeke stretched his arms and walked back home, dragging his feet without a care in the world.
Sighing, Porco turned to you, who were already dialling Zeke’s number.
“No, c’mon,” he said, trying to take your phone away but you swatted his hand away, putting a finger on top of your lips, asking for silence.
“Hey baby,” you greeted in your fake, cheery voice. Porco couldn’t believe after spending two years with you, Zeke couldn’t realize that when your voice got too high-pitched, it meant you were faking every word. “Yeah, I know it’s late. Sorry. Sorry. Yes, I just— I know. I know it’s too late to call.”
Porco could feel his blood boiling at every apology that came out of your mouth even after witnessing Yelena leaving his house not even five minutes ago.
“I just wanted to ask how you were doing? Were the movies fun?” you made a pause, your smile tight on your face. “Ah, I see. Wasn’t it boring to watch all by yourself?” you pressed and not even you could maintain your smile after hearing his response. “Mhm, I do know you prefer to watch movies alone. Anyway, it is quite late. Talk to you later, I love—”
You looked at the screen on your phone and noticed the call had already ended.
“Well, there’s that,” you mused to yourself before putting your phone back on your jeans.
Silently, Porco started his car again, driving away from the suburbs and heading to your place as he had intended in the first place. The comforting silence was now poisonous, his eyes flicking from the road every minute to check on you, who was looking outside the window with your eyes lost. your mind probably too full of thoughts that he couldn’t begin to understand.
It didn’t mean he didn’t want to, though.
He kept driving in silence until he reached your apartment, parking in his usual spot. He left the engine running, even if you knew he always waited until you entered the building to drive away. He unlocked the doors and let out a long sigh.
“Drink some water before getting to bed,” Porco reminded you, both his hands on the wheel.
You didn’t move a muscle, eyes lost on his glove compartment, the events of the night running around your head. Yelena’s Instagram photo. Zeke’s text telling you he was alone. Him kissing her goodnight at 2 am.
“Hey,” he called, startling you. “Are you okay?”
You opened your mouth but then closed it, not knowing where to start. You pursed your lips and tugged at your fingers in discomfort.
“Talk to me,” Porco insisted.
“Can you stay tonight?” you asked in a small voice. “Annie is out and I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts tonight.”
Before you could finish your sentence, Porco was already killing the engine.
It was a silent walk to your apartment. You checked yourself in the elevator's mirror, realizing how awful you truly looked. Your eyeliner was smudged along with your mascara and the bags under your eyes were more noticeable than ever. As you inspected your face, Porco grabbed your cheek between his thumb and index, playfully pulling it from side to side until you were laughing, asking him to stop.
When you entered your apartment, you immediately walked to the bathroom, in deep necessity of a shower. Porco knew your apartment like the back of his hand, so after a quick detour to the kitchen, he made his way to your bedroom. He saw your laptop on your bed, messy sheets and clothes on the floor, probably how you had left it after seeing Yelena’s post on Instagram and decided to go to your favourite bar and forget about it for a while.
Porco took off his shoes and started picking up your clothes and put them on your spare chair, your laptop now on your desk. While he made your bed, he listened to you using your hairdryer in the bathroom and figured you would be out soon. He took out his phone from his pocket and looked at this schedule. It was already four in the morning and he had classes at nine. It was okay, he told himself. He had a hoodie in his car he could change into the next morning, and no one would say anything about him arriving in sweatpants. Well, no one that cared enough about their reputation to try and make fun of one of the golden boys of the university, at least.
You stepped off your bathroom already wearing your pyjamas, a tank top and small cotton shorts. Being friends with Porco for so long, it wasn’t the first time he had seen you in your pyjamas but it was truly the first time he saw you so small while wearing them. Maybe it was because of everything that happened that night, your tired eyes or the way you were standing, but Porco had to fight off the urge to put his arms around your body and protect you. From what? He wasn’t quite sure.
He handed you a bottle of water he had grabbed from the kitchen and you drank it all in one try.
“The only true secret to avoid being hungover tomorrow,” he reminded you.
“I know,” you smiled, leaving the empty bottle on your desk. “C’mon, let's get to bed.”
Porco had slept with you before, sure. You had travelled to the beach together with some friends and your sleeping bags were always put next to each other, which only prompted you to talk all night, telling each other embarrassing stories from your younger years. You had also fallen asleep in Porco’s dorm before, after a party that left you too tired to go back to your place. He would always let you crash on his bed and you slept soundly, knowing you were safe if he was around.
Zeke had never liked that. But Porco couldn’t care less.
He got into bed first, scooting to the wall and making space for you. You laid next to Porco, facing him and sighed happily when your head finally hit your pillow
“Thanks for making the bed, Pock,” you smiled.
“Why are you still with him?”
You averted his gaze, your smile dropping in an instant. “I love him,” you muttered.
“Do you? Do you really love someone who is lying to you like this?” he insisted. You felt a knot forming on your throat. “You understand he was fucking Yelena, right?”
You nodded softly, hugging the pillow under your head.
“Then why waste your time with an asshole like him? What are you waiting for, what do you want him to do so you finally leave him? What’s your tipping point, huh?”
Porco’s voice was gentle yet firm as he tried to get to you. He watched you as you laid still, not willing to answer any of his questions. He wondered if maybe you didn’t want to know the answer either.
“You’re smart. You’re— fuck, you’re one of the smartest people I know. Why are you letting him treat you like garbage? Why are you allowing him to hurt you like this?”
Once again, he was met with silence.
“You’re are fun, beautiful and yet you’re drunk at 4 am on a fucking Wednesday because your boyfriend is cheating on you and not only that— he’s fucking her and letting everyone know. Why are you doing this to yourself?” he inquired, his voice getting a little desperate. “You should be with someone who treats you right, who— fuck, someone who knows how much you’re worth. Someone who would never hurt you like this.”
You couldn’t suppress a cold laugh.
“Yeah, like who?” you scoffed, nuzzling your face on your pillow.
“Like me.”
You snapped your head to Porco, eyes open wide and lips parted, trying to form words.
You looked at Porco, his eyes looking intensely at you. He opened his mouth and closed it almost immediately, shaking his head.
“No,” he said, almost to himself, shifting on the bed and propping up on his elbow, his body still facing yours. “I said what I said. I… I love you. Have loved you for quite some time now,” he admitted. You watched heat rising to his cheeks, tinting them deep red.
“I— I love you too,” you said softly. “You know that. I always tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life and that I—”
“You know I don’t mean it like that. I don’t love you as a friend,” Porco muttered, rolling his eyes.
You stayed in silence, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as your eyes scanned the bed sheets between both your bodies. Even if Porco was being crystal clear with his words regarding his feelings towards you, somehow it didn’t make sense in your head.
“Why?” you whispered.
“What do you mean ‘why’?”
“Why do you… well—”
“Why do I love you?” Porco asked, raising an eyebrow. He watched you nod softly. “Well, ‘cause it’s you. Ever since we met, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you, your weird sense of humour and your irrational fear of panda bears,” he said, making both of you laugh, helping in releasing the tension both of you were carrying since his confession. “C’mon, you honestly thought I was so full of myself I didn’t think anyone was worthy of dating me? Fuck, I—,” he let out an honest chuckle, passing a hand through his hair. “I was just in love with you. And trust me, it’s not fun going out on a date with someone when all you can think is ‘Oh, she’d love this place’ or ‘I would be having much more fun if she was here instead’.”
“You really did that?” you asked in a small voice.
Porco smirked, cocking his head towards you. You knew his confession was playing a big part but you couldn’t stop noticing how handsome he truly was. Sure, you had always known he was good-looking, you knew this when you teased him for not going out with other people, but you never realized how truly beautiful he was.
Looking at him lying on your bed, the moonlight coming from your open window and hitting his face, it was as if you were looking at him for the first time, noticing the smallest details you had been ignoring for so long. Like how his eyes weren’t hazel but golden and that he had a few freckles on his cheekbones, decorating his slightly tanned skin. His lips also looked soft, even for someone who had woken up in the middle of the night to pick up their drunk friend. The white t-shirt he was wearing exposed his toned arms, making you feel the need to bury your face on his chest so he could put them around you.
You hadn’t realized you were moving forward until you felt Porco’s hand on your shoulder, preventing you from getting closer. You should have known you wouldn’t have been able to notice his freckles from afar. Porco’s eyes went from your lips back to your eyes and you sensed how bad he was rethinking his choices as he gently pushed you back on the bed.
“Listen, I—” he started, his blush only getting more noticeable, now making the tip of his nose turn red as well. “I’m not going to be your rebound, neither someone who you fuck out of spite or to get back at your boyfriend. Fuck, I don’t even know why I told you this,” he sighed, putting down his propped arm and laying his cheek on the pillow next to you. “Just… do better. For yourself. You deserve much more than that monkey man who hasn’t realized he’s a four dating a ten.”
You giggled at his remark and he smirked, proud of himself. Porco and you looked at each other’s eyes, a soft smile lingering on your lips. Tentatively, you reached for his hair, his golden locks feeling soft under your touch. Porco stayed still as you played with his hair, even closing his eyes as you did so.
After a few moments, your hand travelled to his cheek, making him open his eyes again. Your thumb gently stroked his skin, soft and tender under your touch. Porco’s eyes were fixed on your face as you caressed him silently. Your other fingers started running over his skin with a feather-like touch, entrapped in the sweet moment between the two of you.
Porco turned his head just enough for his mouth to meet your palm. He pressed a kiss on it, his eyes never leaving yours. You felt your heart skipping a beat and a smile creeping on your face.
“Can I hug you?” you asked in a whisper.
Porco nodded, opening his arms for you. You scooted closer to him, sliding your right arm around his waist, bending your other arm and flushing your head against his chest. Your legs tangled together, not taking too long before finding a comfortable position.
Once you were settled, Porco’s left arm draped around your body, pulling you closer to him gently. He pushed his right arm under your pillow, loving how easy it felt to be like this with you. It was as if you were always meant to sleep like this, with your face against his chest and your hand on his back. He looked down at you and pushed some of your hair away from your face
“Are you comfortable?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, taking a deep breath and sighing contently against his chest. Porco’s cologne filled your senses and you couldn’t help but smile at the homely feeling.
He pressed his lips against your forehead. “Goodnight,” he whispered, closing his eyes. You imitated him and quickly fell into a deep sleep.
When Porco opened his eyes the next morning, he felt as if only a couple of seconds had passed since he had closed his eyes. He sighed. Well, it wasn’t the first time that he had sleeping problems but a part of him innocently hoped it would change after he got to sleep by your side. He looked at your sleeping face. It was way too innocent from him to think just because he got to rest by your side he would have had a good sleep.
He looked down at your sleeping face and couldn’t help but smile a little. He recalled the moment you leaned into him, searching for a kiss before he had to push you away. Porco exhaled, his eyes travelling to your lips. There wasn’t anything he wanted more than to kiss the girl of his dreams— hell, he had dreamt about that for almost a year now.
But not like that. Never like that.
Porco took his phone on your bedside table and checked the time. Seven in the morning. He yawned, burying his face in the pillow. He hated his inability to go back to sleep after he had already woken up. His first class was in three hours and while you didn’t have any classes in the morning, he knew you would probably wake up regretting having drunk so much the night before.
Carefully, he pulled away from you and headed to the kitchen. You had mentioned Annie was going to be out and he figured either she hadn’t come home yet or she was asleep as well. Just in case, he tried to be extra silent while preparing coffee. He thanked Annie was the closest thing to a coffee connoisseur he knew, because he couldn’t help but let out a happy hum when the smell of coffee filled the kitchen.
As he watched the coffee drip on your mug, he leaned on the counter, his mind going back to the night he’d spent on your bed. How your fingers traced his hair, how your hand felt against his cheek and the way you looked at him when he kissed your palm. Even if he had stopped you from kissing him, somehow the tender moment you shared had felt even more intimate. Like it was always supposed to be like that: just you and him.
It wasn’t until several minutes later that Porco realized he had been smiling the whole time. He had told you he loved you. You hadn’t pushed him away after knowing how he really felt about you— not only that, you had shown him tenderness by cuddling with him the whole night. Even if Porco was aware things were far more complicated than that moment, he also knew it was a step in the right direction. He could almost see you sitting on the counter in front of him, morning light hitting your face and your legs swinging while you looked at him with a soft smile.
A shuffling noise made Porco snap out of his daydreaming. He peeked from the kitchen door, thinking Annie was back home but instead he found you stepping out of the room, wearing shorts and a big hoodie while you checked your phone.
“Thought you didn’t have class until later today,” Porco said, walking into the living room and startling you.
“Hey Pock— and no, I— Zeke called. He said he wants to talk, that he needs me, so I… I called an Uber, I’m going to his place now.”
“Are you serious right now?”
You looked into his eyes and immediately back to the floor, his glare too full of the truth for you to endure.
“The Uber is waiting,” you said in a small voice. “Thanks for… driving me home and staying. I have to go.”
In silence, Porco watched you walk past him to your apartment door and carefully close it behind you. A part of him wanted to think it was nothing but a joke from your part, that you would open the door any second now.
The song of the coffee machine turning off let him know he should have known better than to hope.
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f1united · 3 years
Secret - DR3 Imagine
Part 4 to Zoo!
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3
Daniel Ricciardo Imagine
Summary: You share your pregnancy with his family
This contains mentions of pregnancy so please do not read if this is something you may find triggering!
Ever since you and Daniel had taken the digital test, he hadn’t left your side. The confirmation that you were growing a mini Ricciardo inside of you made him smile more than he ever had before, something that you thought was borderline impossible. He had booked a trip for the two of you to spend some time together before he was thrown back into the busy f1 season. It was as though you had just met for the first time, staying up late talking and not being able to keeps your hands off each other wherever you went. When you’d flown back to Australia nothing changed and you felt yourself falling in love with him all over again.
Daniel laid beside you in bed, one arm around your shoulders and the other holding up the precious scan photo of your little baby that had been taken yesterday. Ever since you’d been given it neither one of you could seem to stop looking at it in complete awe. Truth be told there wasn’t too much to see, you weren’t too far along but that didn’t seem to matter.
“Have you thought about how to tell your family today?” you asked, diverting you eyes from the picture to his. Today was the last day Daniel would see his family before you both headed back to Europe to finish preparing for the first race in just two weeks’ time. The annual barbeque had become a tradition and was always a lovely way to say goodbye.
You hadn’t told anyone about your pregnancy yet. You were somewhat scared that if people knew your little secret it would burst this bubble that the two of you had found yourself in. However, you knew that he probably wanted to tell his parents in person, and it was uncertain the next time that would be.
“Not really I just think I’ll know when the times right, they’re going to be so excited” you knew he was right. They would be so excited, and you didn’t have to even doubt for a second that they wouldn’t support the both of you.
“We should probably get up, they’ll be here soon” you didn’t want to move, you could’ve laid like this forever, but you did need to get ready and start the food prep. You slowly lifted yourself up, placing a kiss on Daniel’s forehead as he unwrapped himself from you. It wasn’t until you were on your feet that you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and let out a small gasp.
“Daniel look” his eyes snapped towards you and watched intently as you carefully touched the small bump. You hadn’t started showing much and you were sure that this was just being you hadn’t been to the toilet yet this morning but none the less it all started to feel a bit more real.
“Oh my god” Daniel climbed out of bed and stood behind you, placing his arms and hands over yours to hold the little baby too.
“I suppose I should go and pick out a floaty dress for the day” you smiled. It didn’t take long for everyone to arrive. You had let them all in while Daniel stayed in the garden with his barbeque and his beer. They never came empty handed and you gave them a hand carrying the food through to the dining table outside. His nephew was the first one to greet Daniel, shortly followed by everyone else.
“What does everyone want to drink?” you asked as everyone began to sit down. You figured this way you could pour yourself a soft drink without anyone noticing you weren’t on the alcohol too.
“Another one of these please” Daniel waved his beer can towards you and you nodded in acknowledgement.
“I’ll have a glass of white wine if you’ve got one please” His mum asked, shortly followed with an agreement of his sister while her husband followed suit.
You turned your attention towards his dad.
“I’ll come in and give you a hand” he replied to which you gratefully accepted.
“Isaac what about you?”
“What have you got” he asked as he ran around the garden.
“Oooooo where do I start, fizzy drinks, fruit shoots”
“Why don’t you go with Auntie Y/N and have a look” His mum suggested to which he nodded his head and ran towards the kitchen while you and Joe followed behind.
You opened the fridge stacked with drinks as Isaac held his hands up for up to lift him up. You placed him on your hip as you went through the different options with him until he decided on some lemonade.
“Now can I trust you to give Uncle Daniel his beer without drinking it before you get there?” you asked. “And then I’ll bring out your drink with mine?” The little boy nodded furiously as you handed him the can and put him down on the floor before watching him run off. You grabbed the lemonade and wine from the fridge and placed it next to the glasses Joe had just got out the cupboard. You felt your chest get warm at the site of Isaac passing Daniel the beer and giving him a hug in response.
“How have you been” Joe asked, snapping you out of your little daydream.
“Good actually” you replied, “Really good”.
“I can tell” he laughed slightly at how smiley you were. “I take it you won’t be having one of these” he nodded towards the wine he has cracked open and started distributing between the glasses. Your evident shock made him laugh once more. “Don’t worry, I got you a wine glass for your lemonade, no one needs to know” he gave you a small wink.
“Is it really that obvious?” You asked him as you finished pouring yours and Isaacs drinks.
“Not at all you just have this unmistakable pregnancy glow, Grace had the same thing when she was pregnant with Daniel. I don’t think anyone else has picked up on it” you breathed a sigh of relief at his honesty.
“We were planning on telling you all today” you admitted
“I knew as soon as he sent us those pictures of you away on holiday, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy. Grace insisted you’d secretly got engaged or eloped” you couldn’t help but laugh at his comment. You were so grateful for the relationship you had with Joe, and so was Daniel.
“I hadn’t even thought about that if I’m honest. We had the first scan yesterday” You pulled open the drawer to the left of you and placed it on the side. You knew you would have needed it close by to show the others at some point this afternoon, you just didn’t realise it would be so soon. His eyes filled up with tears slightly as he brought you in for a hug.
“Oh Y/N, I’m so happy for the both of you”
“I can’t wait to see him become a dad” you admitted as you buried your head in his shoulder in an attempt to reduce the tears.
“What am I missing out on here?” Daniel voice shocked the both of you as you let go of Joe and looked at the Australian walking through the kitchen towards you.
“We were just talking about how great of a dad you’re going to be” Joe smiled at his son as Daniel looked between the two of you slightly confused. “Oh come on she didn’t tell me I can just tell, I don’t know how your mother can’t. It just takes one look at the two of you to know there’s something going on. Plus, the last few times we’ve seen you, you haven’t been able to keep your hands off her belly. Usually they’re on her arse”. You let out a laugh at his comment as he gave Daniel a hug.
“Now lets go and eat, Dan can you carry some of these out?” Joe asked as you watched Dan slide the scan photo into his back pocket.
It wasn’t long before you all tucked into the food and spent the afternoon chatting about old memories and making new ones. A badminton tournament had broken out at one point, then Isaac had decided he wanted to go swimming so hopped into he pool with Daniel for a while.
It wasn’t until the sun started to set that you remembered you had dessert in the fridge.
“Ill come and grab them with you” Daniel stated as he got up from the table and held your hand as you both walked into the kitchen. The second you were out of sight from the others he pulled you in for a kiss. You giggled slightly at the taste of beer on his lips.
“What was the for Ricciardo?” you asked him as he hugged you tightly.
“What I’m not allowed to kiss my girlfriend anymore? The mother of my child?”
“Keep your voice down” you reminded him as he trailed a few kisses down your neck and collar bone. “Seriously what had gotten into you?” You giggled as he looked up to meet your eye, you could see the tipsiness dancing around them. “Your mum brought over some champagne for a toast to you leaving, I was thinking we could open it with dessert and tell them then?” Daniel nodded in front of you, almost immediately appearing to have sobered up as he planted his hands on your belly.
“I love you so much” he told you as he rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you more” you told him as you shared a kiss once more.
Joe began to fill up the champagne glasses once you’d both returned to the table as you began to cut everyone a slice of the cake you’d brought and it wasn’t long until Grace stood up with her glass in hand.
“I just wanted to raise a toast, to appreciating the time we’ve had with Daniel and to wish him all the best in the new season” Before everyone could cheers, Daniel stood up to and you felt your body become nervous with excitement as he held onto your hand tightly.
“Before we leave we just wanted to say how much we’re going to miss you so we have a picture that we want you to keep while we’re away” Daniel dug into his pocket and handed the image to Isaac first who was sat next to you.
“What is it?” he asked. You point at the small shape in the middle of the image.
“That right there is a picture of Baby Ricciardo” you moved your hands to your stomach and rubbed it slightly. “Who right now is sat in here” Gasps were heard all around the table as Isaac passed the picture to his mum.
“So it’s your baby?” He asked
“Mine and Daniel’s yes, it’s your little cousin” you told him.
“Oh my!” you looked over to Grace who was making her way towards you both with her arms wide open as you got up from your chair to embrace her.
“I’m going to be a nanny again” she cried as the rest of the table got up to congratulate you. “Joe get up your sons going to be a dad”
“Oh I know, she’s been on the lemonade all day” He chuckled. After the evening had come to an end and everyone had said their goodbyes you climbed into bed with Daniel and you both just smiled at one another as you realised that nothing was going to stop the love you both shared and that your baby might just be the most loved person in the entire world.
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
Choosing which prompt to send you from list was an impossible task!! They’re just all that good🥺 but if u feel inspired, maybe 15 or 76 would be really cute for stevetony?
Also, hope you have the best and loveliest day, friend 💖💝
thank you for sending one!! for #76 - "thank you for making me smile" - here's 1.6k words of getting together and absolutely terrible jokes
also i hope you have the loveliest day too 🥺
"I'm never listening to your advice again," Steve says the second he walks in the door. He lets it slam shut behind him and stomps off to his bedroom with another rough bang.
Tony and Bucky exchange a look on the couch, and Tony pauses their video game.
"Me or you?"
"Probably you," Bucky says. "Your advice is usually shit."
Tony scoffs, "Please, I'm a genius for a reason. All of my advice is amazing. Or are you forgetting that I'm the reason that you have a boyfriend right now?"
"One time in the last three years and you won't let it go."
"It'd be you and your right hand for the rest of your life if it wasn't for me."
Bucky rolls his eyes, "I would have made it work with Sam on my own eventually. But that's besides the point. I haven't given Steve any advice lately, so it has to be you. And in case you forgot, I don't even live here. He didn't know I was here when he said it."
"You don't live here?" Tony says with mock surprise. "Wow, you eat an awful lot of our food then."
Bucky grins, "It's payback for all the times you did the same to me before I moved out. Now go fix Steve. We'll rematch tomorrow."
"I didn't break him," Tony argues, even as he sets his controller down and stands from the couch. "I am a beacon of wisdom."
"You started a fire in the microwave twice last week, beacon."
Tony flips him off on his way to Steve's bedroom. He knocks once and ignores it when Steve tells him to go away.
Steve is sitting at his desk with his back to the door and his sketchbook open in front of him. He has a pencil in his hand, but the page is untouched.
"So, uh, what's up with you?"
Tony nods slowly, "Right, okay. Care to share what advice of mine went wrong exactly? Cause I gotta say I'm drawing a blank."
"I was talking to Buck."
"Oh," Tony says in relief, then he frowns. "How'd you even know he was here?"
"When isn't he here? Our fridge is always empty because of him."
Tony smiles and flops down on Steve's bed, propping himself up against the pillows with his arms folded behind his head. He pushes the back of Steve's chair with his foot, making it spin his way.
"So what did Bucky do?"
Steve looks like he's about to say, but then he bites his lip and shakes his head instead. "Really doesn't matter."
Tony looks at him for a long moment, taking in all those subtle tells of his. The slight downturn of the corners of his mouth and the crease between his brows, but they don't come with any tension in his jaw or shoulders, which means he's more disappointed than angry. His eyes never hide hurt, but there's none to be found in them. Whatever it was didn't crush him, and Tony knows just how to fix him when he's like this.
He pokes Steve's arm with his socked toes. "Hey, Steve, why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?"
Steve sighs, but there's already a hint of a smile. Further evidence to support Tony's hypothesis.
"Why, Tony?"
"In case he got a hole in one."
Steve presses his lips together and shakes his head. "That's not very funny."
"Why do bees have sticky hair?"
The look Steve gives him is long-suffering.
"Because they use honeycombs," Tony grins, and Steve relaxes back into his chair a little. "What kind of music do planets like?"
"Neptunes," Steve says, smirking a little, and Tony pouts dramatically.
"Nooo, how did you know that?"
"Used it on me two months ago. Remember when you broke the sink and you didn't want me to be mad at you anymore?"
"I also remember fixing the sink in the same day, but fine dwell on the fact that I broke it in the first place."
Steve laughs, and Tony feels the knot in his own chest loosen. He hates it when Steve's upset. It throws him off his own axis, because his world revolves around Steve's sun.
He gets up from the desk chair, and Tony shifts over to make room for him on the bed. They reach for each other's hands at the same time, interlocking fingers in the small space between them.
It's moments like these when the longing hits him the most. When Steve is this close, but it doesn't mean nearly as much to him as it does to Tony.
Sometimes he pictures what it would be like if he leaned over a little more. If Steve's eyes would flicker down to his lips, then away quickly like he didn't want to be caught. He wonders what Steve's cheek would feel like under his hand as he pulls his attention back, silently telling him it's okay to look.
It always stops there in his mind, right before a first kiss that he just knows would change his life. Guilt creeps in, because he should be happy with what he has. Happy with all of the pieces Steve lets him have now. It's more than most people will ever get.
"Thank you," Steve says. "You're the only one who can ever get me to smile after a day like today."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Tony asks, tilting his head to the side to look at him.
Steve bites his lip again, staring up at the ceiling. It takes a long moment for him to talk.
"There's somebody that I like, but they don't like me back. Not like that, anyway."
Tony's heart sinks, but he tries not to let it show. "You told them and they rejected you?"
Steve shakes his head, "No, I don't need to tell them to know how they feel. But Bucky said that I should find someone else to get over them, so I asked out that girl in my art history class."
"The one with the nose ring?"
"That's the one, yeah. We went for coffee this morning."
"How was it?" Tony asks, and more guilt accompanies the fact that he's actively and selfishly hoping Steve is about to say that it was awful.
Steve shrugs, "It was fine, technically. But then she tried to kiss me, and I sort of freaked out and ruined it. She looked at me like I was insane, and, god, it was so embarrassing, but I just couldn't do it when I know that I don't actually want anything like that from her. I didn't want to lead her on. It's not fair to her."
"Not fair to you either," Tony says softly. "You shouldn't force yourself to like someone you don't. And whoever the other person is, the one that doesn't want you back, they're missing out on someone really amazing, and they're stupid to let you go."
Steve smiles, but it's tinged with sadness as he turns his head to look at Tony. "I don't know about that. They can do better than me."
"Hey, no, don't say that. You're incredible. You're funny and smart and gorgeous, and I've never met anyone as kind as you in my entire life. There isn't anyone better than you, okay? And if they don't see that, then fuck them. Clearly, they're dumb as hell anyway," Tony rants, getting progressively louder as he goes and his free hand gesturing wildly.
"They're kind of a genius, actually."
Tony rolls his eyes, "Yeah, sure they are. Way to miss the point."
Steve's smile turns amused. "No, but they really are."
"What is this?" Tony asks with narrow eyes. "Are you trying to make me jealous by saying you know other geniuses? Cause I'm the only know-it-all in your life. I claimed the spot. It's mine."
"Definitely yours," Steve agrees, and he shifts a little to turn on his side. With his left hand, he tentatively reaches up towards Tony's face, and Tony's breath catches at the brush of fingertips against his cheek. "I think I might have been wrong, though, about how they feel about me."
It takes a few seconds for it to click in Tony's, but even when it does he doesn't believe it just yet.
"Why's that?"
"Apparently they think I'm incredible, and they get really angry when anybody else thinks otherwise."
Tony smiles softly, "Yeah, they really don't like that."
Steve's thumb strokes across his cheekbone, then his fingers drift back to run through his hair.
"They think I'm funny, too, but they've also got a terrible sense of humor, so I don't know how accurate that is."
Tony laughs, then says, "You know what I think?"
"What's that?"
"I think you should kiss them. Just go for it and see what happens."
Steve smiles, slowly leaning down, "You really think so? It could make things weird. We might not be able to be friends anymore."
Tony puts his hand on the nape of Steve's neck, drawing him further in until he's a scant inch away. "Trust me, they don't really want to be just a friend, anyway."
He finds out that Steve's skin is smooth and warm beneath his palms, and his lips are unexpectedly soft. His hands are constantly in motion, slowly mapping out Tony's hips and sides and back like he's memorizing the feeling. As if it's his one chance to learn what Tony feels like he won't let it get away from him. But it won't be the only one. There will be second, third, and hundredth kisses, because Tony knows better than to let someone like Steve slip away.
"Hey, Tony?" Steve whispers after.
"What's the best thing about Switzerland?"
Tony smiles, "What?"
"I don't know, but the flag is a big plus."
They stare at each other, and Steve is the first to crack, but his laugh makes Tony follow right behind him.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
okay but here me out: you're a prostitute hired by laurie bc she found out that andy is cheating on her and needs proof for a divorce. when you see him, the payment is merely a bonus
wait i love this but i wanna modify it slighty: you’re a private investigator hired by laurie to seduce andy to prove he’s cheating!
this got so nasty so fast omg watch out for really dominating andy, with lots of dirty talk and a little bit of manipulation if you wanna read into it
“you don’t have to go through with it, obviously,” she explained, “you just need to get him to admit he’s done it before, and he’ll do it again.  on tape, with this.”
she set the audio recorder down in front of you, and you smiled sympathetically.
“don’t worry, ma’am, this isn’t my first time with a case like this.  I have my own equipment that’s less conspicuous and more reliable.  I could even catch him on film if you wanted.”
“you can do that?”
“yep, I have cameras that look like pens, buttons, rings, earrings, glasses...”
“well, video footage would be even better,” she explained, excited yet somber.  “I mean, it would make a better case in the divorce.  it would kill me to have to watch it, though...” she trailed off, scratching the back of her neck.
“is there any doubt in your mind he’s cheating on you?”
“only because I don’t want to believe it.  but it’s become to obvious to ignore,” she shook her head.
“I understand.  it’s hard to stomach that the people we care about most would hurt us like that.  but sadly it is all too common.  let’s just say that as a private investigator, this is a huge portion of what I do... and I get very steady work.  you’re not alone, laurie.”
“thank you,” she smiled weakly. “can you do it tonight?  I want this over with.”
“um, as long as it’s pretty late, I have other tasks this evening.”
“oh, late shouldn’t be a problem, he’s out until 4 or 5 in the morning these days.  this is the address of his work--” she set a piece of paper in front of you-- “just follow him to whatever bar he goes to from there and you shouldn’t have a problem.”
she’d shown you a photo, so you knew what to expect.  you had to come straight from your last assignment following somebody else around the city, so you weren’t dressed for the occasion at all.  to follow someone, you needed to dress plain and forgettable; to seduce someone, especially someone like andy barber, you needed to be extremely memorable.
you brought a change of clothes in your car, which you hastily slipped into in your back seat-- it required some acrobats to put tights on in the back of a small car like yours, but you managed to get through.
not just tights, but lingerie and garters.  sky high heels, a skintight dress that made you feel like your whole body was on display.  a motorcycle jacket and dark lipstick to give the whole look some edge.  basically, you’d tried to look as different from his wife as possible.  married men who were fucking around on the side always wanted something different, something fresh.  you knew how to do that.
plus, the jacket had the hidden camera attached to the lapel, nearly invisible among the snaps and buttons.
the echo of your heels on the concrete floor of the bar made every head turn.  it was quiet, and apparently a pretty slow night with only a few men scattered here and there-- the only other woman was the waitress.
andy was sitting at the bar, nursing a beer, and he gave you a quick glance before doing a double take.  you tried not to smile visibly. gotcha.
you sauntered up to the bar, leaning forward and making sure to arch your back just so, showing off your ass. “vodka cranberry?” you requested, smiling when the bartender nodded and started pouring grey goose into a glass.
you took a seat decently far away from andy, “adjusting” your jacket to turn the camera on.  you wanted to make sure you caught him coming up to you, starting the conversation, flirting first.  he looked over at you a few times but never said anything, making you start to get a little impatient, before finally the bartender arrived with a second drink.
“from the gentleman at the end of the bar,” he explained as he handed it to you.
“oh!” you smiled, “that’s so sweet!  you can tell him to come say hi if he wants.”
and it was just a few minutes before andy got up and leaned against the bar beside you, looking down at you with dark, half-lidded eyes.
“thanks for the drink,” you grinned coyly, letting your gaze drift a bit.  he was really good looking, honestly, and he looked all kinds of right in that suit, too.  if it weren’t a job, this might be the kind of guy you would actually flirt with of your own accord.  then again, you knew better than to go for a guy who had a tan line on his ring finger-- you hoped the camera was able to see that he’d taken his wedding band off.
“I’m here almost every night and I’ve never seen you before.”
“I’m from out of town,” you explained.
“business or pleasure?” he asked with a little smirk.
“I guess we’ll find out,” you winked.
it didn’t take much more flirting and a few more rounds of drinks for him to ask if you wanted to ‘get outta here,’ and with a giggle and a nod you let him guide you to his car with a hand on the small of your back. 
of course, you thought he was going to drive the both of you somewhere.  you didn’t expect him to push you up against it and kiss you roughly.
it was so sudden, and you knew you should stop him, but you somehow couldnt bring yourself to push him back, not when the way he was breathing heavily against you made your head spin, not when you could feel his beard and it was so hot for no good reason at all, not when his thick hands were grabbing you at your waist just tight enough to make you breathless.
“get in the back,” he instructed when he pulled back, making you blink up at him in shock.  you knew you had enough, you knew you should make an excuse and leave, get this footage uploaded from your mini cam and onto your laptop so you could get laurie what she needed...
but instead you found yourself biting your lip and nodding, letting him open the door for you and hopping in before he climbed on top of you, shutting and locking the door.
“we can go back to my place,” you offered as he started to suck on your neck, pulling you closer.  
“cant wait that long,” he mumbled quickly before helping you push your jacket off.
and you could tell that the way he tossed it onto the floor made the camera perfectly angled to see what he was doing to you.  maybe it was the perfect evidence for laurie’s case.  maybe it was about to tape you in your most intimate state with no way for you to stop it.
certainly there was no way you could stop when he manhandled you onto your hands and knees, pushing your dress up to find your black lace panties, and the garters holding up your tights.
“fuck, look at you... that’s why you came out tonight, then?  to get fucked?”
you nodded a little, gasping when he slapped your ass.
“little whore.”
you didn’t think you’d like being talked to like that, but it made your pussy throb beneath the lingerie that barely covered it.
just when you thought he was going to give it some attention, he flipped you around again and pulled you into his lap. 
“get on the floor, on your knees, and suck my cock.”
how was he so comfortable telling you what to do?  better yet, why were you doing it?
you slipped down, barely finding enough room with your massive heels in the way, and started to palm at his cock through his suit trousers, moaning absent-mindedly when you felt the thick, hard, hot length hidden beneath.   your mouth was already watering.
you started on his belt, looking up at him occasionally to find him watching you with a cold, unyielding stare.  when you reached inside his boxers and pulled it out, he smiled at your little gasp.
“bigger than you expected?” he taunted.  you were speechless, only able to nod in response before he put a hand on your hair-- not exactly forcing you forward, but definitely encouraging you to go ahead and put it in your mouth.
“fuuuck,” he groaned with you licked the head and finally closed your lips around it, suckling gently as your eyes fluttered shut.  “no no,” he correctly instantly, “look up at me with those pretty eyes, sweetheart.  take it deeper.”
you moaned around him but obeyed, using your hand to stroke the portion you couldn’t fit in your mouth (which was more than half).  you started to back away when you choked a little, but he pushed you back down and moaned a little louder, “I like it when you gag,” he explained gruffly, smiling when you looked up at him again, your eyes watering this time.  “god, you look so good like this.”
he pulled you off by your hair while you took in a gasping breath, gripping his cock at the base and slapping you lightly on the face with it a few times.  when you put your chin by his balls, the head hit you on the forehead... it made your gut burn as you tried to imagine how that would possibly fit in you without breaking something important.
when he pulled you back onto him, bucking up into your throat as you choked and gasped for air, you felt need tingling up your spine from seeing him like this.  he was completely in control and yet looked totally wrecked as he fucked your face.  it made you so wet you couldn't stand it.
just when you thought he might come, he stopped suddenly and lifted you up onto his lap, pulling your dress down to admire your completely impractical bra.
he grinned when he saw your nipples were already hard, reaching up to tweak them gently until your hips rocked on top of him of their own accord.
“you like having your tits played with, sweetheart?”
“I like when you do it,” you blurted out.
“sweet young thing like you, you’ve probably never even been with somebody who knows what they’re doing.”
it’s not like you hadn’t had some adept partners in the past, but none of them were like this. nobody had ever made you this desperate.
“please fuck me, andy,” you whimpered.
“not yet,” he growled, ripping your bra and tossing it aside.
“that was expens--” you started to protest, but it fell into a moan as he latched his lips onto an exposed nipple, sucking and licking eagerly.
“f-fuck!” you stammered, gripping his jacket tightly as you tried to stop yourself from humping his leg out of desperation
but he wanted you to-- he grabbed your hips and pulled you down, guiding you to rub yourself on his thigh.
“go ahead, pretty girl, show me how bad you want it.”
you were pretty confident that even through your panties, you were going to leave a stain on his trousers. 
you could even feel his cock on the inside of your thigh, hot and still slick with your spit, so hard you wondered why he wouldn't just put it in you already.
“please please please, need it so bad,” you whined, “I'm so wet for you, baby, I'm so fucking ready....”
“I know,” he whispered, pulling you closer to put his lips right beside your ear.  “I know, baby, I can feel it.  I can smell it.  you smell so fuckin sweet...”
you whimpered and your head fell back, pleasure shooting up through your body in jolts as you rubbed your swollen clit on his thick thigh.
“want me to fuck you?  I’ll fuck you, babydoll.  hard and rough just how you need it.”
“yes,” you sobbed.
“I’ll give it to you so good you won’t be able to walk straight tomorrow, won’t be able to sit right cause I tore that pretty little pussy up.”
you gasped but you wanted it, god you wanted it so fucking bad you couldn’t even remember that this was supposed to be a job, not a hook-up.  but you didn’t care.  
“please baby, I’ll do anything just fuck me, please--” you cried, cut off by him grabbing you and pushing you onto your knees again, slapping your ass one more time before pulling your panties aside.
“god, you’re soaked,” he chuckled condescendingly. “you’re so sensitive, honey.  I bet you’ll go crazy if I touch you here,” he proposed, rubbing his thumb over your clit and making you jolt forward from the intensity of it.  
he leaned down to wrap his body over yours, holding you close with one arm around your neck as he whispered in your ear, turning your face slightly with a hand on your jaw.
“look into the camera while I put it in you, baby...”
you weren’t sure if it was realizing you’d been caught, or the feeling of him pushing into you that made your eyes water, but a tear fell down your cheek as he buried himself into you with a groan.  it was just the right type of pain; with how wet you were, even a cock as massive as his slid into you easily.  but it felt like you’d never been stretched so wide and you didn’t even know what to do with yourself as he pulled back and slammed into you.
“I never told you my name,” he reminded you, “but you knew it anyways.  and with what I do for a living, I can smell a p.i. from a mile away.  you’re not as slick as you think, sweetheart-- well, proverbially slick... cause literally, this pussy is so fucking wet for me.” 
you could only gasp and sigh as he pumped into you faster and deeper, reaching parts of you that had never been touched before, let alone ravaged like this.  you could feel his smile against your ear as he started to fuck you faster, his free hand palming at your breasts before reaching back to hold your hips steady.
“god, you’re so fucking tight... anybody ever fucked you this good, honey?  anybody ever taken you like the needy little slut you are?”
he bit down on your ear and you realized he wanted an answer.
“n-no,” you replied, “never.  nobody’s ever fucked me like this, andy.”
“anybody ever fucked you on camera before?”
you swallowed dryly. “no.”
“was it all an act, then?  all part of the job?  I don’t buy it.  I think this is who you really are, a desperate little slut who needs to be stuffed full of cock by somebody who can give you everything you need.”
his filthy monologue fell on deaf ears as you tried with all your might to look away from the camera on your jacket, knowing that you had totally blown your case as well as presumably destroying your reputation.  fucking a married man is one thing, fucking a married man whose wife is your client who hired to prove he was cheating?  maybe you could spin it as doing your job a little too well?
“I can tell you’re close, sweetheart, go ahead and come for me.  I wanna feel this pretty pussy squeeze me, milk my fuckin cock when you come.”
mainly you were just trying not to get too loud, afraid that the car wouldn’t be enough to muffle your noises in case somebody walked through the mostly empty parking lot.
“andy!” you yelped when you reached your peak, not really meaning to but it came out anyways, he chuckled a little, the sound morphing into a growl as you clenched down around him with each wave of pleasure washing over you.
“fuck, don’t fuckin stop, this pussy feels so good I think I’m gonna come inside...”
you were too out of it to protest; you would’ve gone limp and fallen down onto your chest if he hadn’t held you up, his cock flexing against your overstimulated walls as he painted your insides with his come.
he grinned as he stilled his movements, catching his breath for a moment before sitting up and pulling out, slipping your panties back on to keep his come inside for a bit longer.
it was all a blur as he helped you half-redress before he all but shoved you out of the car, stuffing his cock back into his pants before getting into the driver’s seat and starting the engine.
“tell my wife I said ‘hi’,” he winked at you as he drove off, leaving you with wobbly legs balancing on your heels while his come leaking down your thighs.
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