#plus size swimming costumes
moonstruckme · 10 months
Steve Harrington Drabbles
☁︎ = headcanon ✩ = 18+, mdni ♡ = mae's asks
You visit Steve at Scoops ☁︎
Steve introduces Wednesday!reader to the gang
Steve x reader who's in Corroded Coffin
You help popstar!Steve keep from being recognized in public ♡
Coach!Steve x teacher!reader
Steve gets clingy after a one-night stand
Steve comforts you when people are idiots
You pass out (and Steve almost passes away) ♡
Steve teaches you to swim ♡
You and Steve are very high and even more in love
Steve loves you even when you're bloated
Steve x shy!reader
Steve has some trouble adjusting to your hearing impairment
Steve x black cat!reader during a lake day ♡
Steve comforts shy!reader during a rough few weeks
You're Steve's security blanket when he's high
Steve wants to take care of you when you're sick
Steve learns sign language for you
Steve wants to see more of you
Plus sized!reader doesn't trust Steve's intentions ♡
Steve comforts you when you have food poisoning
You and Steve brainstorm Halloween costumes
You and Steve deal with a shortage of space
Steve is your best friend who wants to kiss you ♡
Steve reassures you that it's okay to wait ✩
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thecreaturecodex · 7 months
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Image accessed from the Ultraman Wiki here
[Return of Ultraman is the third Ultraman series, the fourth in the Ultra series altogether, and the first that establishes any sort of continuity between one-off cameos. If the original Ultraman is the toku version of Green Lantern (space cop gives power to human fighter pilot), Ultraman Jack is the toku Spider-man before the actual toku Spider-Man. Hideki Go is thrilled to get powers and rapidly goes too far with them, and has to learn that with great power comes great responsibility. Plus, the series has as much of a focus on his home life as it does on his monster-fighting antics, and Ultraman Jack often loses fights and has to regroup and rethink his approach before winning.
Arstron here (referred to as Earthtron in English before Tsubaraya made official Romanizations for their many many kaiju) was the first kaijur that Ultraman Jack fought, and it's one of his most iconic opponents. Arstron has reappeared in multiple Ultra Series, has a lot of toys, and even appears in the opening credits of the next series, Ultraman Ace. Not bad for most transparent Godzilla knockoff of the franchise not actually made from an old Godzilla costume.]
Arstron CR 21 CN Magical Beast This creature resembles an oversized, slightly humanoid dinosaur, its arms short and legs massive. Rows of low plates grow along its spine, and it has a huge crescent horn growing from its forehead.
An arstron is an enormous burrowing predator that superficially resembles a theropod dinosaur. They spend most of their lives underground, hunting other large subterranean creatures like purple worms and supplementing their diet with organic minerals like coal and oil. Arstrons are territorial and belligerent, and the movement of dragons, kaiju or other enormous and powerful monsters through their territories may provoke them to go on violent rampages. Arstrons enjoy combat, and their rare interactions with other members of their species are typically sparring matches.
Arstrons care little for stealth, and they are pursuit hunters rather than ambush predators. Their burrowing is often felt in the form of small tremors before the monsters emerge to the surface. Arstrons prefer to use their breath weapons and spit fireballs in order to hunt—animals, monsters and humanoids killed by the flames are eaten carbonized, and arstrons typically char their food before consuming it. They use their teeth, claws, tails and scything horn primarily when fighting an enemy that is fire resistant and/or large enough to fight back. An arstron can launch itself into a frenzy similar to a barbarian’s rage, and if anything survives that onslaught, the arstron is likely to burrow back below ground and try to flee.
Arstron               CR 21 XP 409,600 CN Colossal magical beast (earth) Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., light sensitivity, low-light vision, Perception +27, tremorsense 120 ft.
Defense AC 37, touch 3, flat-footed 36 (-8 size, +1 Dex, +34 natural) hp 400 (32d10+224) Fort +25, Ref +21, Will +16 DR 10/-; Immune energy drain, fear; Resist acid 30, fire 30 Defensive Abilities shake it off
Offense Speed 60 ft., burrow 40 ft. Melee bite +39 (4d6+15), 2 claws +39 (2d8+15), gore +39 (4d8+15), tail slap +37 (2d8+7) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks bolide blast, breath weapon (240 ft. line, 32d6 fire, Ref DC 33 half, 1d4 rounds), frenzy, maximize breath weapon
Statistics Str 40, Dex 13, Con 25, Int 4, Wis 19, Cha 14 Base Atk +32; CMB +55; CMD 66 Feats Awesome Blow, Blind-fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (gore), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Stand Still, Stunning Critical Skills Climb +24, Perception +27, Swim +24 Languages Terran (cannot speak)
Ecology Environment any mountains or hills and underground Organization solitary or pair Treasure incidental
Special Attacks Bolide Blast (Su) As a standard action, an arstron can spit a fireball to a range of 500 feet. When it reaches its intended destination, the fireball explodes in a 40 foot radius, dealing 16d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 33 halves). An arstron can use this ability at will. Frenzy (Ex) An arstron can enter a state of frenzy as a swift action on its turn, gaining a +2 bonus to attack and melee damage rolls, a +2 bonus to Will saves, 2 temporary hit points per HD (64 for a typical specimen) and a -2 penalty to Armor Class. An arstron’s frenzy lasts for 1 minute, whereupon it is fatigued for 10 minutes. An arstron can enter a frenzy at will, but cannot do so when fatigued or exhausted. Maximize Breath Weapon (Ex) By spending a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, an arstron can deal maximum damage with its breath weapon. When it does so, the recharge for its breath weapon defaults to 4 rounds. Shake It Off (Ex) Whenever an arstron fails a saving throw against a paralyzing, petrifaction, polymorph or immobilizing effect (including binding and temporal stasis, but not imprisonment), it can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn to remove the effect. Doing so takes no action. An arstron can attempt a new save to end the effect as often as it wishes, but can attempt to remove only one such effect per round.
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
How Class 1-A Reacts to a reader with a quirk Iike in H2O Mermaid
Your quirk allows you to waterbend, but at the cost of transforming into a mermaid everytime you touch water. And the full moon has you going all mermaid stir crazy. Part 2
The Girls
————— Shoto Todoroki has been catching up on a normal childhood since joining UA (through Class A movie nights) and has since discovered a profound love for The Little Mermaid and Avatar the Last Airbender. And so yes, post sports festival arch when he started out the whole “making friends” thing he immediately took an interest in becoming your friend. And y’all are besties now <33
Shoto thinks your quirk is the coolest!!! You’re so pretty when you’re practicing moving these giant spheres and ribbons of water! And, he loves seeing you swim laps in the Olympic sized training pool.
The two of your routinely train and spar against each other as part of your quirks are both elemental. You’ve been partnered together to practicing making complex shapes out of water and ice; and have much to Aizawa’s surprise and dismay the two of you have only succeeded in creating dazzling ice sculpture together. But now you make ice sculptures for all kinds of parties and events that UA hosts! The crowds love them! If there’s any costume parties the two of you always go for Katara and Zuko!! It’s the perfect costume duo.
You even have a plan on getting matching water/fire bender symbols tattooed after UA Graduation!! And Shoto is very on board bc he gets to piss off his dad and it’s symbolic of making fire his power: permanently. Plus a matching tattoo with his best friend? He’s signed up.
Izuku Midoriya thinks your quirk is so cool!!! It’s almost more like 2 quirks like Todoroki’s and so he’s spend a lot of time endearingly questioning you about it. Little bean immediately makes it a goal to become best friends with you! Izuku is the one that actually discovered that your toenail polish affected your scales. He noticed it in training after a girls slumber party and partly because you wore sandals the next day. Some of your scales and the iridescent shine in class that day had turned pink! The same color as your new pedi?? Hmmm
so now you have Izuku to thank for your collection of nail polish and the pinkish shimmer to your scales!!
Izuku also spend the entire summer before UA cleaning up that beach and he continues doing beach cleanups on the weekends throughout highschool. And once you found that’s where he goes out to on the weekends you invited yourself. And he loves to go together! He doesn’t know why he didn’t think of inviting you himself!? I mean, mermaid + the beach?? That’s a match made in heaven. Now the two of you go. A little jog around the beach and some cleanup before you gleefully sprint into the waves. He thinks you look so happy out there and sometimes he’ll clumsily splash in and join you. Gets scared out of his skin, but loves to see you pop up your head above the waves near him and hold a hand out of the water brandishing pretty seashells!! —————
Katsuki Bakugou exclusively calls you Fish Face. To which you frequently reply by splashing him with water. And he paid no mind to you until he found you one night drunkenly waltzing around the dorms. I mean first he got kidnapped and now he had to live with these kooky extras?? Luckily for you, you had no memory of this night or what it is that you did. Although, you did ask a lot of questions when you woke up in your dorm room wrapped like a giant human burrito, but now it’s no longer a secret to your classmates. Now he begrudgingly keeps an eye and ear out for any mysterious mer-trouble at night. Not because he’s confused or concerned or anything. He’s just a light sleeper, yeah that’s it. He unknowingly is usually the only one woken up by your moonlight stirrings. As the primary cook in the 1-A dorm kitchen he appreciates your astounding praise and butt wiggles and hums of delight at the dinner table when he cooks up anything seafood. And, he’s got a list of good sushi places that non of the other nerds wanna go to. So he’s taken up dragging you out to lunch every so often. you frequently ask Katsuki to help haul you out of the pool because he’s one of the few strong enough to do it on his own. And he always acts like he hates it because he always says, “geez, fish face, why do you weight so much?” But will still come over to the edge of the pool where you stick your wet arms out and will haul you up. He’s forcibly encouraging you to go to the gym more for upper body. :’(
Overall he’s still snappy at large, but he can tolerate you and your tail. —————
Eijiro Kirishima thinks you’re so manly and so very pretty too. He never thought he’d be classmates with a real life mermaid. Like aren’t you supposed to be in his childhood storybooks and not in his highschool classes?? Thinks you quirk is a little goofy espically the whole touching water and moon thing, like isn’t that a werewolf thing? But admires your dedication to being stronger and trying to make the best of the mer-wolf stuff. Is totally happy to see Bakugou drag you over to the corner of the gym where he usually hang outs. Totally helps encourage and spot you while Bakugou makes you pump some iron, even if he’s not sure why it started. Kiri too, routinely gets asked to help get you off the floor or out of the pool when you fish out. When Jirou or Mina starts flagging him down from across the hallway he’s already turning to grab the wheelchair and rush to your aid. Calls himself the fishomobile with a big fat grin. Eijiro also loves to pick out rom-coms for movie night and will sit next to you and Ochako, except he’ll actually genuinely cry through it while the two of you only sniffle or laugh. He’s very manly about sharing his tissue box tho. has a soap that he watches on the reg. during his down time and you always seem to be passing through to get a snack from the kitchen when it’s on. You always join him on the sofa as he happily explains the convoluted plot
also this boulder LOVES sharks. Sometimes makes trips to your job and walks around looking at all the crazy cool shark tanks. you think he’s maybe gotten every single shark plushy that’s sold in your gift shop at this point. he has no regrets!! —————
Denki Kaminari thinks you’re gorgeous and super bubbly and he wishes that you guys would be put in more training exercises together! Calls you pretty much any water Pokémon name that comes to mind: Vaperon, Squirtle, Sealeo, Wishiwashi, Pyukumuku, Alomomola, Luvdisc, Goldeen, etc. although he usually just does the cute ones. also tried to retaliate against Bakugou’s calling you Fish Face and that’s how you got the nickname Fish Cakes. Bc hey why don’t you call her something a little nicer? it’s ok, it’s actually kind sweet. He’s always cracking the lamest jokes that get you snickering bc of how bad they are. It’s an admirable skill, honestly. the two of you keep trying to figure out how to safely do a team-up together with your quirks!! you brought the issue up to the big-brained thinkers in your class like iida, momo, deku, shoto, bakugou, and got nothing. Somehow it turned into another analysis of Pokémon team ups with the rich kids squad being left in the dark. resulting in you and kaminari battling Izuku and Bakugou. And for being frienemies they sure make a good team. Not to fear! Team ThunderStorm will try again someday. For now you and Kaminari are not allowed in the pool at the same time.
Tenya Iida thinks your quirk is very suitable to be a hero on the coast. He’s still mentally debating if it’s a good rainy season hero quirk or not. He’ll let you know when he come to a conclusion. appreciates your dedication to studying and training. You somehow make a pretty good work/life/school balance that he’s slightly envious of. Seriously how do you schedule so well?! What’s your secret?? Really sympathetic to your “water allergy” and is very good at managing liquids around you. Very frequently waves people with open water bottles away from you. You two take turns being stopwatch buddies for each other. There’s definitely a competition to see who’s faster in their element. Unfortunately you’ve been at a stalemate for the past few weeks. really can’t get over how you drink water like an astronaut tho. Using your quirk to drink without spilling. always making a loud sigh afterwards, low key drives him crazy. But he refrains, girls gotta do what a girls gotta do right?
Mineta finds you an easy target. I mean, gorgeous body, no clothes, and you immediately drop to the ground with no chance of escape when in contact with water. You know this grape is on the case. keeps acquiring a spray bottle to use to spritz on you whenever you’re in the dormitory, or library, or gym, or cafeteria, or you get the picture. always “apologizing” when he spills something in your direction. Asking to help you back up, to which you normally mercilessly punt him across the room with your tail. Or sometimes you’re too bothered to touch him and will just move the water around his legs so he can’t move while you army crawl away. although normally you and Todoroki aren’t too far apart so Mineta usually gets a decent chilling while Todoroki comes over to help carry/drag you around. you always give the frozen block of pervert a smirk and wave from over Todoroki’s shoulder. The boy tall enough that holding you this way doesn’t have him tripping on your tail. Let me tell ya’ it hurts when someone like Denki is trying to carry you out of there. *sigh* you really hope Aizawa see’s the classes petition and kicks that scum out soon.
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cyanbugremix · 15 days
Hyy bug-fren 💙💙 I come with seasonal question 🖤
what kind of halloween costume would you wear? 🎃🦇🐈‍⬛
Hi Midas!!!!! Thank you for the question! 🖤🖤🖤
Hmm this year I'm probably going to go as a lady from the 1920s!
(I have finally collected enough pieces to have a 1920s costume: a straw cloche hat with navy blue cording around it, a navy blue 1980s dress that I thrifted and then changed to fit me better (it looks very 1920s in style), low heeled shoes, and a sorta long-beaded necklace (it's the longest one I got). Plus I have a fur coat if it gets cold again this year.)
Although, I will not be wearing that costume to college because I have an art class and I don't want it to get too messy. (I have opted to wear a Halloween themed headband instead).
But usually, I dress up as characters for Halloween :)
Last year I went as "Maximillian (Jenius) Sterling" from Robotech (1985), because my hair was dyed that exact shade of blue of his and was about the same length AND I had blue heart glasses to match the tinted glasses he wears.
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^^ Maximillian for reference
The year before that I had gone as Wirt from Over The Garden Wall!
As a kid, I would, in some fashion, dress up as Winnie the Pooh. (I think when I was 9, I just did a red t-shirt and wrote 'Pooh Bear' and made my own Winnie the pooh ears and glued them on a headband because I could not find Winnie the Pooh costumes in my size and didn't know how to sew full-on outfits.)
I think my least motivated costume was when I was around 13 and chose to wear a "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" onesie. Wearing a onesie for Halloween was the cool thing to do for a few years, and I had no other idea of what to dress up as, so my friends talked me into it. Good pjs for later tho
And I pretty much dress up every year for Halloween. The only time I didn't was freshman year of high school because I was A) being socially anxious and felt weird dressing up and B) I had the swim unit for gym class happening that week so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 year
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Ref images courtesy of @hollowsart
for the sake of explanation even though it’s just my sona I’m gonna refer to myself in third person lmao.
In canon Au Sai is a mutant that was a marine biologist (I am not that irl sad it was something I wanted to study tho :( ) and had the ability to go to deep depths that humans typically couldn’t descend to because of there body having gills under their fur and their fur being basically insulation for deep waters (they would come out somewhat dry after being in the water, think magic and but not perfectly dry) and this was how they found Ferrol.
In this other au I think they would still be a marine biologist but they never went out to the trench at that time, maybe a punishment from Norman for trying to be a smart ass when they accused Norman of dumping oil and trash into the oceans.
So they got down graded away from the aquarium and ended up having to do a lot of paper work write up at a different lab, this lab happened to be where geneticized animals where being tested on to see if they could more helpful in the future for human kind.
Being a mutant they weren’t all to keen working in this area and they where pretty sure that’s why Norman placed them in there but the plus side was they made decent friends with a couple of the scientists there and would often go and see what they would be working on and give there opinions and thoughts.
At some point of time testing on spiders had began, now because of this they avoided the main labs for a short time as having a fear of spiders they didn’t really want to be around them, until they got an alert email.
A genetically modified Theridion grallator spider had seemingly gone missing, as small as it was they weren’t sure what damages it could do since they had yet to test this out.
As they read this and thought about leaving for the day till they found it, they felt a sharp nip on there neck, instantly slamming a hand down on to there neck they then found the poor creature, ah, they knew the other scientists weren’t going to be particularly happy but they were at fault for this one, should of taken better care of it.
Over the course of a few days they began to find themselves going through some changes, sure they where a shape shifter but there body was doing things that they knew couldn’t normally do and it was then that the process of Jester spider began to come into play.
some lil bits of info
- There spider name is Jester Spider due to the spider that bit them being called a clown faced spider, they designed there costume around a jester but they also gain a more exciting and freeing personality when in costume, thus calling themselves Jester.
- When in costume Sai does not speak, they use squeaks and honks to respond to situations, this is beneficial for them as not using there voice makes it a lot harder to figure out who they are.
- They modified there webbing so it acts still like webbing but also looks like silly string, each shot comes out a different colour. it’s also bio degradable so will often waste away after a day or so as if it were never there.
- Out of costume they seem to be more relaxed and almost tired all of the time, they prefer to take it easy. In costume they are more hyper and playful but they are also really hard to read, this makes them a rather chaotic foe for enemies as they really can not judge there next move.
- Before they got bit there tail wasn’t really that strong, it could be used to help them swim but they couldn’t really do much else with it, after getting bit they seem to be able to use it like a third arm, it’s able to pick things up as well as able to hang them from high places if they don’t particularly want to waste webbing. 
- They have bells on there costume but for some reason can still move extremely stealth like, the bells only seem to ring excitedly during fights.
- They are extremely nimble although it does not look it from there size, but they can move and play the same way a jester would act and perform tricks.
- They don’t shape shift in costume, harder to do and they would be found out quick who they were.
- More mutant types are to be expected in this au and ‘Jester’ has been accused of favouring them over humans, which isn’t true but when humans are protesting mutants just living peacefully it’s a little hard not to choose sides.
- JJJ still calls them a menace so in defiance they break into JJJ’s office a lot and leave small harmless pranks around, they think it’s funny but only seems to annoy JJJ more.
- They have there own villains to deal with here but because of there unpredictable nature, villains tend to find ‘Jester’ very hard to deal with, espically since ‘Jester’ just tends to go in with no game plan other than stop villain and keep civilians safe, but villains aren’t actually ever sure if Jester would keep civilians safe just to stop them because they act so chaotic. (the answer is yes Sai will protect civilians even if it doesn't seem it)
- They can pull tech things they need out from under there hat, this includes web bombs, spider drones, etc, the fun part is they don’t ever actually know what they might pull out, so it could be helpful, might also not be.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
wips for march + received requests
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y'all know the drill. list isn’t in any particular order beyond me being optimistic my brain will let me do them in a particular order. and yeah paul and joanne just get to be my admin post gifs until the end of time. if you do request something after i post this i’ll add it to this list. this will likely not contain any 1k gala requests as those are a seperate beast entirely. also if any of y'all actually want to know more about some of these feel free to ask. i really do like talking about what i'm writing and it always invigorates me a lot.
come swim with me ( merman austin )
caught in a trap ( all remaining parts? )
you read your lines so cleverly series ( parts 4 and 5 at least. get to filming )
jealous fic with austin where you two had broken up during press tour. not famous reader. ( requested - kinda )
jealous fic with austin being jealous also not famous reader. ( requested - kinda )
is this a sexual buffet or a comeback special? ( incubus elvis )
frat boy austin ( requested )
my lover stands on golden sands ( selkie sequel ) ( requested - kinda )
quiet on the set ( first chapter )
austin x reader, austin taking more dominance during sex only to hurt reader by accident. ( requested )
asshole austin with costuming stuff ( requested )
olivia x reader sequel ( requested - kinda )
spark ( fameless big daddy electrician au ) ( requested - kinda )
belle and professor presley watching old movies of his ( requested )
pegging austin ( requested )
something involving belle decorating professor presley's office/class for valentines. yeah it's late but w/e. ( requested )
austin and plus size reader being in love and him comforting her through insecurities. ( requested )
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dresslily123456 · 2 years
How to choose the right swimsuit at dresslily
Whether it’s going to the water park, swimming or surfing in summer, swimsuits are essential, so today we share how to pick the right swimsuit for you at dresslily.
Tummy Control Tankini Swimwear Gothic Swimsuit Skull Flower Print Crisscross Summer Beach Bathing Suit
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This women’s swimsuit adopts three-dimensional cutting method. The back shoulder straps of the vest bra are crossed to prevent falling off. The pants are designed with a high waist, which can well wrap the abdomen. This design fits well with the curve of women’s chest and hips, so that women can move freely and are not afraid of walking light. This is also a sports fashion bikini,it’s dresslily’s best-selling swimming costume.
Plaid Skull Print Tummy Control Bikini Swimsuit Bowknot Crossover High Waist Bathing Suit
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Womens tankini top is take the two pieces ruffled design, looks very flattering and elegant, which can hide imperfections perfectly. The Long torso tank top with the removable padded bra can provide more support and enhance your shape. Then the cute knot in the front, wide and elastic straps, make you less pressure and more convenient to adjust the size.
Modest Sheer Swimsuit Laser Cut Out Solid Color Cinched Dual Strap Boyshorts Tankini Swimwear
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The design of wide straps, combined with shaped chest pads, very strong gathering effect, no binding, comfortable and comfortable to wear; pleated drawstring embellishment, to give you a unique visual perception, plus the abdominal chic hollow design, show your slender waist, increase the seductive power, and the internal production of hip boxer shorts, outline the curve of your hips, and prevent you from getting naked when doing big movements, such a safe conservative swimsuit you You will definitely like it.
Vintage Flower Underwire Swimsuit High Rise Chain Straps Tankini Swimwear Set
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Choose a brightly colored swimsuit. Because the bright fabric can make the chest look more plump, in the choice of flower color, try to choose large flowers, broken flowers such patterns, large flowers, broken flowers pattern is radial. Visually it has the effect of expansion.
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Skang Swimming Costume Women's One-Piece Swimsuits Push Up Tummy Control Swimwear Retro Swimming Suit for Women Plus Size Bathing Suits U Neck Sexy U Back Beachwear Ruched Swimming Suit
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description Add To Basket Add To Basket Add To Basket Add To Basket Customer Reviews — 3.5 out of 5 stars 2 — 3.5 out of 5 stars 7 — Price — £12.99£12.99 £6.59£6.59 £3.99£3.99 £8.99£8.99 summer swimwear ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Colour Purple Green Black Grey Yellow Pattern Style Floral Floral Solid Fake chest hair Solid Neck Crew neck V neck V neck Deep v neck V neck Add To…
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summerviedubai · 2 years
Beach Body Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Plus-Size Swimwear
Summer is just around the corner, and that means it's time to start thinking about swimwear. For larger ladies, shopping for swimwear can be a daunting task. With so many styles, cuts, and colors to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. But fear not, as we have compiled the ultimate guide to choosing swimming wear for ladies 
Know Your Body Shape
The first step to choosing the perfect swimming costumes for women is to know their body shape. The most common body shapes for larger ladies are apple, pear, hourglass, and rectangle. Apple-shaped ladies tend to carry weight around their midsection, while pear-shaped ladies carry weight in their hips and thighs. Hourglass-shaped ladies have a balanced bust and hip measurement with a defined waistline, and rectangle-shaped ladies have a straight figure with little waist definition.
Once you know your body shape, you can choose swimwear that will flatter your figure. For apple-shaped ladies, a one-piece with ruching or a high-waisted bikini will draw attention away from the midsection. For pear-shaped ladies, a bikini with a patterned top and solid-colored bottom will balance out the hips. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of swimwear, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a belted one-piece or a bikini with ruffles.
Choose the Right Style
Now that you know your body shape, it's time to choose the right style of swimwear. There are many different styles of swimming suits for ladies in Dubai, including one-piece, bikinis, tankini, and swim dress. Each style has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to choose the right one for your body shape and personal preference.
One-piece swimwear
One-piece swimwear is a classic style that flatters almost every body shape. They are great for apple-shaped ladies as they can help to smooth out the midsection. They can also be high-cut to elongate the legs. For pear-shaped ladies, a one-piece with a low-cut neckline will draw attention to the upper body. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of one-piece, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a one-piece with ruffles or cutouts.
Bikinis are a popular style of swimwear that can be both flattering and comfortable. They are great for pear-shaped ladies as they can balance out the hips with a patterned top and solid-colored bottom. Apple-shaped ladies can wear a high-waisted bikini to draw attention away from the midsection. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of bikini, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a bikini with ruffles or a padded top.
Tankinis are a hybrid of a tank top and a bikini bottom. They are great for apple-shaped ladies as they can help to smooth out the midsection while still showing off some skin. Pear-shaped ladies can wear a tankini with a patterned top and solid-colored bottom to balance out the hips. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of the tankini, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a tankini with ruffles or a padded top.
Swim dresses
Swim dresses are a feminine and flattering style of swimwear that is great for all body shapes. They can help to smooth out the midsection and balance out the hips. They also provide more coverage than other styles of swimwear, which can be great for those who are self-conscious about their bodies.
Summervie offers a wide range of swimming clothes for women, designed to flatter every body type and provide maximum comfort and support. Their collection includes one-piece swimsuits, bikinis, tankinis, and more, all available in a variety of colors, patterns, and sizes.
Choose the Right Color and Pattern
Choosing the right color and pattern of swimwear is just as important as choosing the right style. Bright colors and bold patterns can draw attention to areas of the body you want to show off, while darker colors and smaller patterns can help to hide areas you want to conceal.
For larger ladies, darker colors such as black, navy, and dark blue are great options as they can help to create a slimming effect. If you prefer brighter colors, opt for jewel tones such as emerald green or sapphire blue. Stay away from neon colors or patterns that are too busy, as they can draw attention to areas you may want to conceal.
If you want to add some patterns to your swimwear, choose patterns that are small or medium-sized, as they can help to create a more balanced and proportionate look. Stripes and polka dots are classic patterns that can be both playful and stylish. Floral patterns can also be a great choice, as they can add a feminine touch to your swimwear.
Accessorize Your Swimwear
Accessorizing your swimwear can help to complete your look and make you feel confident and stylish. Here are some accessories you may want to consider:
Cover-ups: A cover-up can be a great addition to your swimwear, as it can provide more coverage and protect your skin from the sun. Choose a cover-up that complements your swimwear and fits your personal style.
Sunglasses: Sunglasses are not only stylish but can also protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays. Choose a pair of sunglasses that flatter your face shape and complement your swimwear.
Hats: A hat can provide shade and protect your face from the sun. Choose a hat that complements your swimwear and fits your personal style.
Sandals: Sandals are the perfect footwear for the beach or pool. Choose a pair of sandals that are comfortable and complement your swimwear.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the perfect swimwear for larger ladies can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Remember to know your body shape, choose the right style, color, and pattern, and accessorize your swimwear to complete your look. Most importantly, wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable, and enjoy your time at the beach or pool.
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ladyleggings · 2 years
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: ( Quantity 25 10x13 ) Posh Hanger Burgundy Poly Mailers Bags Shipping Envelopes.
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byalanna · 2 years
The Benefits of Wearing a High Waisted Bikini.
The most crucial thing to do is to have confidence in order to appear seductive and make sure that your swimwear flatters your body type. Accepting and feeling at ease with your size is important. Try to be healthy rather than slim. Make sure you feel comfortable wearing it, whether it's a one-piece, high waisted bikini, or a two-piece costume. Your attitude and how confident you are will determine whether or not your swimming outfit looks well.
A plus size woman's best buddy may be a high waisted bikini. It provides complete covering, aids in hiding unwanted fat, and makes you appear leaner and more toned. Previously, these bikinis were only offered in monotone hues, but now, a number of apparel and swimwear brands, including Alanna Murray, are introducing a fresh and intriguing selection of high waisted swimsuits.
The following are some advantages of wearing a high waisted bikini:
1. Convenient Fit
You ought to choose for bikinis created from stretchy, breathable cloth. Stretchable material provides a better and more comfortable fit while breathable fabric minimises excessive sweating. Make sure your bikini is the appropriate size. This is much more crucial if you choose a high waisted design. This is because this style of bikini draws attention to your lower half, and when it becomes wet, a tight or baggy fitting will ruin the overall appearance. As they hold the shape with a superior fit, heavier materials should be chosen over fragile ones.
2. Elegant Designs
The high waisted bikini is really popular right now. Bikinis come in a broad range of styles and colours, and girls are experimenting with their appearance. You may select the pattern that best fits your personality from polka dots, animal prints, vertical and horizontal stripes, graffiti art, and floral patterns. Style may also be used to cover up defects! For example, you might use a full-coverage, high-waisted swim bottom with a colourful lemon design to cover up a flabby tummy, padded swimwear to add volume to a flat breast, a halter neck to highlight cleavage, and a skirt to cover up flabby thighs.
3. Maximum Coverage
High waisted bikinis give you complete covering, allowing you to conceal all of your problem areas, including love handles, a large waistline, a protruding belly, and heavy hips. Additionally, this design provides additional coverage for the bikini area, reducing the risk of infection when swimming. However, some women think it appears more like a beach diaper than a seductive swimsuit. If you fall into this category, don't worry—just get one with a little skirt and turn your long underwear into a flirty micro mini!
Remember that a beautiful bikini alone won't do; it must also fit well for your body type, complement your skin tone and hair colour, and most importantly, make you feel good about yourself. To finish the style, you should also accent it effectively with a bold necklace or a unique pair of handcuffs. So, all you need to do is enjoy the beach season in glitz and style by donning a beautiful high waisted bikini!
by Alanna, a website that offers the most recent women's swimwear designs, including plus size lingerie sets, high waisted bikinis, bandeau swim tops, white cap wave tankinis, one-piece swimsuits, and more.For more information visit- https://bit.ly/3SForRJ
Original source- http://bit.ly/3grZ5JS
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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“Fin Monster” © Jia Hao, accessed at his ArtStation here
[I just finished reading Folk Tales of the Maldives, which is a culture and mythology I knew nothing about before reading. Maldivian society puts a lot of stock in fishing, sailing and other seamanship, and like all seamen, they have a lot of sea monsters. The author of the book was less interested in monster stories than in collecting more “realistic” oral traditions (boo), so there’s a number of them that make cameo appearances that leave me wanting more. There are giant jellyfish that are so hard that boats (and even people) smash to bits when colliding with them. Pearlfish (which live inside the anuses of sea cucumbers) are the larvae of giant deep sea monsters. Most of the monster tales that get a full plot are about the furētas, which are shapeshifting reef monsters loosely equivalent to an ogre or troll. They eat people, are super strong, but dumb enough to be scared of people crunching on fried breadfruit. I slotted my version as a CR 8 to make it fit into adventures in the same place as D&D/PFRPG’s traditional “ogre-with-magic-powers-based-on-Asian-mythology”, the ogre mage/oni.]
Furēta CR 8 CE Monstrous Humanoid This giant is vaguely piscine, with spiny fins along its limbs, back and neck. It smells like a low tide and has enormous sharp teeth.
A furēta is an aquatic shapechanger that prey on people living on tropical islands. They typically live underwater, in caves and crevices on reefs or rocky shores, and move onto land to hunt. They can disguise themselves as humans, and may walk undetected into villages to scout for victims, whom they then ambush. Most furētas keep a handful of costumes, weapons and tools in a safe dry space, so they can more easily pass for humanoids. Furētas are somewhat foolish, and few of them know much about the humanoids they impersonate. Thus, they can sometimes be tricked into revealing their identities, or bluffed or intimidated by customs or technology they are unfamiliar with.
A furēta can stretch its body to supernatural lengths, letting it look above rooftops or claw at sailors on a boat from the water line. Their claws and spiny fins carry a vile rotting disease, which afflicts those who succumb to it with leprosy-like rotting sores. Most furētas hunt alone, but they do occasionally form gangs of friends and family. These associations are more competitive than cooperative during combat, with each furēta trying to prove themselves the strongest and the toughest.
In its natural form, a furēta is about ten feet tall, but they can stretch to at least twice that height for brief intervals.
Furēta                                                                                                CR 8 XP 4,800 CE Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic, shapechanger) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +16, scent Defense AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural) hp 105 (10d10+50) Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6; +4 vs. disease, poison, sickness and nausea SR 19 Defensive Abilities innate foulness, spiny Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee bite +15 (1d8+6 plus grab), 2 claws +15 (1d6+6 plus disease) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks elastic lunge Statistics Str 22, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15 Base Atk +10; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 30 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lunge (B), Power Attack, Skill Focus (Disguise) Skills Disguise +11, Perception +16, Stealth +7 (+11 underwater), Swim +23, Survival +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Stealth when underwater, +4 Survival Languages Aquan, Common SQ amphibious, change shape (humanoid, alter self) Ecology Environment warm aquatic and coastal Organization solitary, pair or gang (3-6) Treasure standard Special Abilities Disease (Su) Reef rot; claw or spine—injury; save Fort DC 20; onset 1 hour; frequency 1/day; effect 2d4 Con damage, affected character must make a second save or 2 points of Con damage are drain instead; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based. Elastic Lunge (Ex/Su) A furēta gains Lunge as a bonus feat. It may choose to gain an additional 5 feet of reach in exchange for an additional -2 penalty on attack rolls, to a maximum of 15 feet of reach and a -6 to attack rolls. A furēta may use this ability in conjunction with change shape. Innate Foulness (Ex) A furēta gains a +4 racial bonus on all saves against diseases, poisons and spells and effects that cause the sickened or nauseated conditions. Spiny (Ex) Any creature that strikes a furēta with a touch attack, melee attack or unarmed strike must succeed a DC 17 Reflex save or be scratched by one of its spines, taking 1d6+3 points of piercing damage and being exposed to the creature’s disease. Manufactured weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielders in this way.
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byronweichel · 2 years
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: ( Quantity 50 10x13 ) Halloween Monster Bash Poly Mailer Bags Shipping Envelopes.
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bryonyashaw · 2 years
𝘼𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 ‘𝙠𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙧𝙤’ 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙚 🛶
My dad bought some kayaks this summer so the kids and I have spent time at Covenham Sailing Club - him and my Uncle have also got a 'lazer 4000 dinghy' so been great entertainment watching them capsize.
There was also an open weekend so Trix got up and did windsurfing plus she's also been up there for Scouts and has her Kayaking 1 and 2 badges.
Fun fact - when my siblings and I were younger we used to go to Covenham as my parents had a speedboat. I vaguely recall a banana boat one day. I also broke my toe there on a sew-saw swing as a child wearing the attire of tights, swimming costume and wellies - which involved a trip to hospital while wearing said attire then the next couple of weeks wearing one slipper with a pompom on with my school uniform.
I had loads of DMs this summer as I posted via stories of us going - so to answer some questions - the Reservoir is open to members (and fee paying non-members with RYA level 1 & 2) throughout the year.
The centre has parking, with changing rooms and hot showers. There is also a bar, which is usually open around sailing sessions. Boat launching is from the slipway and there are currently three jetties for mooring.
The access gates to the Reservoir/Sailing Centre and Club House are usually open during Sailing Club sessions, however for security reasons the gates to the centre are locked outside of club sessions.
Keys are available to members upon joining.
Covenham Reservoir is a 200 acre reservoir and treatment works constructed between 1963-1978. The reservoir was built next to the Louth Navigation canal and acts as a pumped storage reservoir from the canal. The Reservoir is approximately 1 km by 1 km in size and the depth is approximately 20m.
You can also walk around the Reservoir (getting them steps in) which takes about half an hour. Always good to take a picnic up, the dog and walk the kids to tire them out while other kids are doing things too (but with kids and pets involved it takes an hour ngl)
There's also a variety of bird life if you like bird watching - the amount of ducklings about were adorable!
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stepbystepfashion · 2 years
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nadosecret · 4 years
Nado Secret is an online luxury lingerie company based in Malaga Spain. We are an up-and-coming leader in the field of luxury lingerie providers and employ a team of more than fifty talented and experienced individuals located throughout the USA, CANADA, UAE, and several countries in Europe.
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