#plus you could tell he's wearing something entirely different than the administration outfits
rainofthetwilight · 1 year
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innittowinit · 4 years
Can you pick me up my uni burnt down?
Relationships: Sleepy bois inc (all fics i write are platonic)
Summary:  In which Techno goes to England for University, his building catches fire in the night, and he isn't prepared for the difference in climate between England and California. SBI fluff ensues 
Words: 1785
Language: English 
Ao3 Link
3:30am was when the alarms went off, pulling all of the students out of their dorms and into the bitterness of the night. Techno had barely had enough time to get himself looking decent before someone was pounding on his door and telling him to hurry up, that it wasn’t a drill, and so he pulled on some socks, not even bothering with finding his shoes, and rushed out towards the hallway to see a very distraught looking girl, they had a few classes together but he’d never bothered to learn het name. She was probably going door to door and grabbing all the people who the alarm hadn’t woken, that was sweet, he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty that she felt she had to stay to wait for him though.
And so now he was standing outside, wearing nothing but a thin t-shirt, some shorts and a pair of socks. Being from california, he hadn’t really been prepared for just how bad nights in the UK could get and now he was paying the price as the icy wind numbed his skin and the snow pelted down like there was no tomorrow. He looked back at the school as an administrator read off names from a register, there were larger than life flames bursting out of windows in the west building.
“Techno Blade? Is Mr Blade here?” “Present!”
After getting himself marked in he was left to himself, sitting on a bench that was wet with newly brushed off snow. Most of the other Students were calling parents or family members to come collect them, which only really filled him with dread. It was just now setting in that the school wasn’t just going to let them back indoors once the firemen handled the fire, he’d have to find somewhere else to stay for the night. It wasn’t exactly as if he could just call his parents to pick him up when he was in a different country completely.
With a sigh, he scrolled through his contact list. He had a lot of friends in the UK but which ones lived the closest and which ones would still be awake at this hour of the night. Tommy was probably the closest but he was not about to ask a 16 year old if he could spend the night at his place. Next was Wilbur, he was about a 30 minute drive away and while he felt absolutely horrible about having to get his friend’s help, he didn’t really have a choice. Hesitantly, he pressed the call button. He wasn’t sure what it was but phone calls gave him so much more anxiety than discord ones, even when he was calling his friend.
After 3 rings, he got an answer.
“Techno!” The brunette’s ever enthusiastic voice chirped, it sounded warm and happy, a stark contrast to the oppressing chill that Techno was enduring right now. “Hellooo..you busy right now?” “Not insanely, I’ve got Phil here helping me with recording the new song though. You good man? Shouldn’t you be asleep? class in the morning and all that” “Yeah about that.. I kinda,, need a place to stay for the night?” he sucked in his breath, anticipating rejection, he hated asking for help like this, it made him feel so weak. “The school is sorta up in flames” “Say the line Techno, it’ll be funny. Say it and i'll come get you” “...wow i wonder if it’s a baby boy or a baby girl”
With a hearty laugh he heard some rustling on the other side of the phone, he heard Phil's voice too but it wasn’t clear. He guessed Will was telling him what had happened anyway. After a while Wilbur spoke to him again. “Phil’s gonna drive out to get you since his car’s heating actually works, you better fit into the same clothes as me since I'm sending him with a change for you. Maybe see if you can wait inside a shop or something while he’s driving; because of the snow, i’d say maybe like 45 minutes till he’s there”
Techno nodded, taking a few seconds to realise that his friends couldn’t actually see him. “Yeah, thanks Will, i’ll let you get back to your song now”
He took his phone away from his ear but he really wished he hadn't, without his friends keeping him company the only thing he had to focus on was how painstakingly cold it was. His arms and legs were both bright red, aching to move them at all, god he regretted his pyjama choice. Pulling his knees up to his chest, feet rested on the bench, then wrapped his arms around his legs, desperate for any kind of warmth as he shivered endlessly. Techno wasn’t quite sure what it was about the cold but it always made him feel very sleepy, that mixed with it being so late at night wasn’t really helping at all
Head pounding, he looked back down to his phone, it was hard to move his fingers and the snow kept wetting his screen, but at least it was a distraction, something he could keep his mind on for at least some of the long 45 minute wait.
======================== ========================
Techno hadn’t even realised it when Phil arrived, he was glad the School administrators were on top of things because he would have just left him sitting there had it not been for a woman that came over to tell him his ‘dad’ was here to get him. Opening his mouth, he intended to spout off about how he wasn’t related to Phil but decided against it. He didn’t want to pick up a fuss and plus, the warm car was right there!
He got up off the bench, only really having his phone with him, and made his way to his friend’s car, his face made an expression of discomfort as he had to walk through the snow in wet socks but at least he’d be warm soon.
Phil had already laid a towel out on the seat, sighing in relief, Techno collapsed into the car. Only now realising this was the first time he was meeting his friends in real life. “I’m guessing i got the right guy then?” Phil chuckled, passing Techno a towel to dry off his hair with. “God you must be freezing with that outfit. We can sit here for a bit while you get comfortable”
Though he wasn’t talking an awful lot, Techno was incredibly grateful, here and back meant Phil had to drive over an hour. He’d have to remember to pay him back for gas. “Thanks Phil” he sighed, ruffling his hair with a towel, it felt so much better to be able to dry off and warm up again.
Next he was given a hoodie and some joggers, which Phil promised to close his eyes as he changed into them. The hoodie was fine, it was about the size he would usually buy for himself, but he had to admit the bottoms were a bit long; he’d always thought of himself as tall but didn’t Wilbur claim to be 6’5? Yeah he was sure he wasn’t going to be the tallest there by a couple inches.
The drive back to Wilbur’s was peaceful, they stopped in the Starbucks drive-through to grab them both a warm drink, and while Techno wasn’t really the kind of person to frequent Starbucks, he wasn’t in any position to deny warmth right now. He ended up just getting a hot chocolate, bundling himself up in the seat with the blanket Wilbur had sent with Phil, and finally feeling content. He had imagined meeting his friends so many times, he always imagined he’d end up getting overwhelmed and needing to step out but right now he just felt genuinely happy, he felt cared for. He knew if he was back at home right now, while his parents would have still come for him, they would have complained the entire time about how he was old enough to figure it out for himself, he certainly wouldn’t have been given dry clothes and a blanket.
“You’re really nice Phil” Mumbled a very very sleepy Techno, eyes glazed over as he tried his hardest to stay awake for the entire ride.
Phil just chuckled, the GPS said they were nearly at will’s, he was sure he’d want to see Will before falling asleep anyway, plus he didn't think he’d be strong enough to carry him in. “You gotta stay up a little longer for me mate, we’re almost there, i know you’d usually be sleeping at this time”
Arriving at Wilbur's house felt a little weird, opening the car door hit him with a strong breeze that only seemed to make him even more delirious as he tried to figure out how to stand up without dropping his blanket on the floor. Eventually he got it, bundling it up in his arms he gave a big yawn, becoming a little more awake as he tried to push the sleep away. No matter how much he wanted to just go straight to bed he knew he’d need to talk to his friend first, it would be a little rude to come to his home and not even speak to him.
Since Techno’s hands were full with the blanket that had been wrapped around him, Phil grabbed his towel and wet clothes before locking the car and leading the way inside; by this time it was past 4 in the morning and he was sure they were all just exhausted.
Honestly he wasn’t sure what he had expected Wilbur’s house to look like, it was clean he supposed. Listen, he was an English major, not some kind of house furniture major, he didn't really care what Wilbur had in his home.
“Hey mate, got Tech’” Phil stated as he flopped down on the sofa, leaving Techno to sit on the other side of Will, who had been watching some kind of movie, it looked like maybe it could be one of those sappy musical lovey dovey ones but he really didn’t care that much.
“How you doing Techno Blade?” Will yawned, laying his legs over Techno’s lap and his head on Phil's shoulder.
“Not too bad Wilbur Soot, what are you watching?” Another yawn, he ran a hand through his pink hair, chucking his crown onto the floor as he unfolded the blanket he had been snuggled into during the car ride, spreading it out across the three men.
“No clue, just wanted to wait up for you” The brunette closed his eyes, still awake but barely
“You're an idiot”
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taetaesource · 7 years
Out of the Ordinary
Chapter 1 
You won a lucky draw chance to meet BTS backstage and got to know Min Yoongi.  
“The sale is starting! The sale is starting! My wifi my wifi! Make sure you are not connected to anything, I don’t want anything to disrupt my fight in this war!!!” Your roommate was up since 8am and camping on the same website, refreshing the page over and over again. It was 1 minute to 10am, the time when the ticket sales to BTS fan meeting opened and your roommate was getting more serious and nervous than anything else. 
You could never understand what was the super big deal, though you had to give it to her that the boys were talented and good looking, spending hundreds of dollars sweeping up their albums, camping on the website and everywhere else and wasting hours queueing were just too excessive in your opinion. It’s not like they will ever get to know you. Whenever you said such things to Hee Ji, she would say that you just wouldn’t know until you get yourself into it, which you learnt was very true. 
The fight to get the tickets was tough and intense. In the 10 minutes of clicking, refreshing, waiting for the page to load, keying in personal details, keying in payment details, waiting for the page to load, getting bounced, and trying all over again, Hee Ji managed to snap up 2 tickets though her initial plan was to grab 4 which was the maximum number allowed. With only one extra ticket, she had difficulties selling it off and instead of diligently looking for a buyer, she would rather give the ticket to someone she knows so that the person could enjoy the event with her. And so, she decided to drag you along.
The night before the actual event, Hee Ji was totally excited. She had already spent the past few weeks buying gifts for the members, making LED boards, fans, headbands, writing letters and wrapping the gifts up. The night before she was picking her outfit and asking for your opinion. 
“What are you wearing tomorrow?” She asked while looking at her reflection in the mirror. She had two hangers on her hand, contemplating between a denim short dress or a pastel blue pullover. 
“I don’t know, they aren’t gonna be able to see us anyway? Our seats are so far away from the stage”, you replied while scrolling on your laptop. 
“Tsk”, Hee Ji gave up on talking to you as she did not want her excitement to be spoilt by your wet blanket. 
The next day, Hee Ji dragged you out of the house at 7am. She claimed that there was a lucky draw participation to get up close with the boys and you had to participate as well to increase the chances. When you got to the location, there was already a long queue but the booth was not opened. You suddenly realised that the counter was only going to be opened at 11am and it suddenly hit you that a lot of girls really had nothing better to do. Who knew what time the girls had started queuing, for all you know there were there since last night. The registration counter for the lucky draw was finally opened at 11am and it was finally your turn at around 12.30pm. You filled up a form that only required your name, identification number and contact number, something that could have been easily done through google forms online. You couldn’t believe you really wasted the whole morning for this. You were feeling annoyed and unhappy by then as you had been waiting in the sun for hours, and the meaningless registration process pissed you off. You were bored and extremely hungry. The fan meeting was starting at 2pm. You had only one hour left and everywhere looked crowded with young girls probably half your age carrying their army bombs, many of them wearing T-shirts that printed JUNGKOOK 97 and some other members’ shirts. 
Hee Ji could sense your boredom and annoyance so she tried her best to keep up the positive mood by pointing out and laughing at other people. You were not irritated with her, in fact you were happy for her but this event just didn’t interest you. Both of you grabbed a sandwich and some snacks from the convenience store and ate at the queue to enter the venue. 
The venue was huge and when you finally stepped foot into the place, you felt somewhat excited as well. BTS songs were playing loudly through the speakers and the stage had big screens with the boys’ posters and videos on. The mood was filled with suspense and excitement. 
When the crowd settled in and the lights finally went off, you could feel the excitement of the crowd rubbing onto you and you felt lifted and excited as well. Although you were not completely familiar with the songs that were performed, you have heard of those songs blasting from Hee Jin’s speakers at home. The both of you sang, jumped and danced along to the performances, but honestly, 80% of the time you were just fixated on how splendid the boys looked and how talented the boys were on stage in real life. 
The boys also interacted with their fans, screened some special videos that showed their fun and humorous side and did some special performances. When the fan meeting ended after a good 3 hours, the MC of the event went on stage and announced that it was time to reveal the lucky draw winners and what they were in for. Hee Ji was full of anticipation for this part and you thought that there was no way either of you would have a chance as you saw that the venue easily had more than one thousand people, and probably a good one third of them were queueing for the lucky draw in the morning. 
“Now ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the lucky draw! We will be picking 7, yes 7 lucky winners, 7 lucky fans and they will, they will be MEETING BTS BACKSTAGE!!!!” The entire stadium roared. Hee Ji was screaming and she looked like she was about to cry in excitement. The crowd did not stop the overwhelming cheer when the first winner was picked and it took quite awhile for the crowd to settle each time a winner was revealed. The process took really long especially since the MC called out each name with much tease to the point that it got really annoying. By the fourth time, you were getting bored and impatient, “can he just shut his trap and draw the lot and just call the person out already??”, you turned to complain to Hee Ji who was crossing her fingers so hard you thought she might get finger cramps after this.
“And now, for the fifth lucky army, who will stand a chance to meet B.T.S! Who would it be? Will she be from the upper section? Or will she be from the standing pit? What if she is from this side of the house? Or what if.... she is right there??” The MC went round the stage, pointing to the different sections and teasing the people. 
“This lucky fan... She will be meeting BTS.... who will this be?” The MC went back to the centre of the stage where the lucky draw box was. A booth would be more accurate as it was as big as a phone booth with lots of white forms flying within. The MC pressed something and picked a form that flew into the small tunnel. He opened the form and pretended to look shocked. “This winner, the fifth winner who gets to meet BTS... And her name is...... her name is......” 
You heard your name being called. It felt surreal and you didn’t react to it until it occured to you that Hee Ji was screaming her lungs out and slapping your hands. The MC repeated your name but it sounded like noise in the background and you couldn't register what was happening. “IT’S YOU OH MY GOD THEY CALLED YOU! OH MY GOD IT’S YOU!” Hee Ji was jumping and screaming and telling you to get to the stage. “Oh my god, you should go instead. You want to see BTS!!”, you were surprised by your luck and told Hee Ji to take your place instead since she was their fan and not you, you did not want to waste the luck. Hee Ji refused to accept even though you could tell that she really wanted to be chosen, “you are the one that got picked, you should be the one who go up!” She looked happy for you and you felt a little sorry to her. 
You made your way awkwardly up the stage while the MC continued with the drawing of the last 2 winners. You felt out of place on stage standing next to the other 4 winners and waiting for another 2 winners to be called. They all looked young and excited. They were giggling and whispering to one another and you barely even knew how many members there were in BTS. 
After the last winner was called, the MC made all of you go through the pain of introducing yourselves one by one and telling the crowd about how you were feeling. You were glad that he did not ask any personal questions such as “who is your favourite member” or “what would you like to say when you meet BTS” because you were pretty sure many fans would be hating on you if they heard your answer and knew that you were not a true army. 
“And these lucky fans on stage here with me will be meeting BTS backstage, PLUS, a surprise... What will this surprise be? Ladies and gentlemen, these lucky winners will be meeting BTS backstage and they get to.... SPEND THE REST OF THE DAY WITH BTS!!!!” The stadium roared louder this time and you swore that you saw some fans down the stage who looked like they were about to lose it. If you were a fan you would have been as elated as the other girls standing next to you on stage, but right there and then, you did not know what to feel. 
The entire stadium screamed and the girls on stage were jumping and screaming with excitement. The MC then told the winners to proceed down the stage and go to the side to do some administrative processes. This whole event felt surreal and you felt as though you were just going through the motion of going down the stage and following the other girls who were led by a crew staff. 
The stadium was clearing out and all 7 of you were waiting at the first row for the staff to tell you what was going to happen. Hee Ji came up to you with your bag and hugged you with great excitement. 
“Mianhae Hee Ji ah,” you said with a small pout. 
“Are you crazy?? You are going to see BTS in real life up close omg I can’t believe it! I am so excited for you! Please please help me to say hi to Jimin and tell him that he is so cool I LOVE HIM!!!” 
You laughed at how excited your friend was and told her about how afraid you were, “wish I could do this with you, I’m going to be alone the whole day and it’s going to be so awkward...” 
“I am sorry but are you the lucky draw winners? If you are not, we need you to leave this place now”, a staff came over and told us. 
“It is going to be so fun!!! Take lots of pictures and tell me about it when you get home!!” Hee Ji said to you before waving and leaving the place. 
The other staff checked each of our identity cards and ticket numbers. After the verification, the staff told us that she would be bringing us to see BTS in awhile. Apparently, we would be paired up with one member and spending the rest of the day with him. But the staff emphasised that this would not be a date sort of thing as BTS would be heading back to the company after this so it would be more like the member bringing you around their work stations, dance practice rooms and recording studios. Also, the staff stressed that the event was absolutely confidential and no recording or photography was allowed the whole time. No postings on social media as well so as to respect BTS’s privacy and the privilege of this event. The other girls were extremely excited and giggly and you were getting excited as the reality of this special chance was setting in you. 
The staff led all of you backstage and the girls were trying to keep quiet and and followed behind like little mouses. The way to the backstage was dark, narrow and messy and you finally saw light only when the staff opened the door to a room. It was BTS’s waiting room. 
“These are the 7 lucky fans who won the lucky draw chance,” the staff entered and introduced to the people in the room. 
The people cheered and clapped and those who cheered extra loud were the bangtan boys. They got up from where they were and crowded around the staff and the winners. The staff explained to them briefly about what this was going to be about and the boys listened attentively. They nodded and Jhope jumped in at the end and told the winners, “let’s have fun today!” causing the girls to blush and giggle in excitement. 
The staff then proceeded to pair the members up with the winners and you were paired with Suga. The other members were busy introducing and making small talks with their partners, even Jungkook entertained and made his partner laugh. You felt awkward as you did not know much about BTS and Suga was also quiet in general. He stood next to you and asked you for your name and asked if you had eaten in a low and muffled voice. You politely answered and nodded and did not know what else to say. 
BTS’s manager asked for 20 minutes with the boys before all of you head back to the company together. So while the boys were out, you were stuck in the room with the other 6 girls and the events’ staff and some stylists and makeup artists who were busy packing up. The girls were either talking to each other or busy on their phones. You felt suffocated so you decided to get out of the room after 10 minutes. 
You headed out of the big black metal door that led you to the back of the stadium. There was nobody around and the sun was bright and the air was warm. You felt as though you could finally breathe and it felt like a long time since you last saw sunlight. 
The metal door which you came out from opened again. A small framed man walked out in a confident yet sloppy manner. It was Suga. He was taken aback slightly when he saw you and he had a cigarette in his mouth which he took out quickly and said to you, “oh what are you doing out here?” 
“I’m just bored”, you said as a matter of fact and continued staring into the same space as you were staring at before, looking away from him. 
He did not come closer to you. In fact, he stood on the other side and lit up his cigarette while scrolling on his phone. You were surprised that he did not bother to make some small talk with you but you couldn’t care less as well though you kept glancing over to see what he was doing. You couldn't believe that a member of top boy group BTS was standing in front of you. And you couldn’t believe that he was also human. 
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