#plz boss me
pencil-urchin · 11 months
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Let me dream.
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tealvenetianmask · 3 months
Hi all. Here's my take on why Stolas doesn't need a whole rebound relationship with the Better Than Blitzo guy or Vassago or anyone.
It baffles me when people frame his lack of sexual and romantic experience as a problem that needs to be solved through relationships with other people.
I get the idea that he's a sheltered, neurodivergent, and until recently, closeted, gay man going through a second adolescence- and that causes him to have expectations for relationships that are based more on fiction than reality. I really do. And I think the way out of that problem is to truly understand the person he's trying to have a relationship with. Not to learn about relationships in general by dating around in order to practice for the person he actually has feelings for.
I also find it pretty narrow-minded to assume there's some amount of experience (in terms of number of partners) that's necessary for someone to understand relationships. A lot of queer and/or neurospicy folks come to relationships late, and for some that means a lot of different partners, and for others that means falling in love with just one, and both are fine.
A certain number of partners doesn't make you more or less of an adult, and frankly I find it a little infantilizing to assume that Stolas doesn't know who he wants as a 36? year old man just because he hasn't met some threshold for what a "normal" sexual/romantic development is. He might be going through a period of self-discovery where he's overly excited and wrong about things and makes mistakes, but that doesn't mean he's an actual teenager.
Shit, I've had some shorter relationships that I would skip if I could go back in time. Did I learn from them? Sure. Could I have learned those same lessons without them and saved myself some time and frustration? Absolutely.
I don't mind that he made out with some guy at a party. I don't mind that he might hook up with that person. A little experimenting likely won't hurt. It doesn't mean that he needs to go through a whole other relationship in order to discover that he actually loves the person who he knows he loves.
Never mind that Blitz actually does hold the key to Stolas discovering a lot of his shortcomings. And figuring those out is Stolas's whole character arc.
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valkyrierhapsody · 3 months
"You don't owe me anything but you can't just ignore all that!"
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pealingpetals · 1 year
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everyone knows moxxie's the little spoon
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hortsvi · 29 days
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imaginaryskeleton · 7 months
Can't wait to see the submas fandom be delusional again and hype up the almost nonexistent chance of an Emmet cameo in PLZ-A
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aimishix · 9 months
Since Ghetsis is partially based on priests & has that whole religious/royal aesthetic, I wonder if he technically has the right to wed people. Not that he'd ever use this power for anything other than marrying Giovanni
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I completely agree with you omg- the idea of Ghetsis wedding people is so funny to me, he'd probably deny a bunch of people because "they aren't worthy enough to be wed by him." But if Giovanni asked then the answer is obviously yes. 💖
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linecrosser · 28 days
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cryminiz · 3 months
hot take or w/e: 99% of the main events of apology tour, tbh, would be better if the positions were switched.
because when you say "stoliz breakup arc where person A calls the other out for always making the relationship about sex and has an entire breakdown about how they feel the other person has never fully appreciated them in the relationship and never felt respected while the other person gets a reality check over their actions and has to realize how badly theyve been treating them" then its blitz on stage and stolas in the crowd. its the only way the plot makes sense
regardless of the whole "guys they were secretly childhood friends and um blitz was the one who actually made the first move to sex even if stolas literally leads with 'so you wanna fuck me????' so its all blitz's fault their relationship is just sex" Thing in s2 ep1.... it was stolas' idea to make their transaction of the book sexual.
he was literally the one going "hey btw i need my book back but you can keep borrowing it...... IF you fuck me into the bed until i cant see straight you sexy little fucking imp" so atp whoever first started the sexual aspect of their relationship is moot. stolas is the one who escalated it into a toxic benefits deal.
stolas is the one who consistently goes "my widdle sexy imp" and "blitzy witzy come fucky wucky with me" to ""playfully"" demean blitz without realizing how the imp doesnt actually like it. he has the power in the situation who just assumes blitz is cool with their relationship and the way he treats him.
stolas is the one who doesnt think about the societal implications of their relationship, because he puts himself in romantic daydreams and uses blitz as a coping mechanism to distract himself from how much he hates his life. he wont even consider blitz's complicated feelings on their dynamics from his perspective as an imp without stolas shutting it down like "hm, you sound TOO much like striker, so byeeee!" hes the one who needs a wake up call!
and while blitz is obviously not innocent in this relationship (avoiding intimacy, taking any chance he can get to escape dealing with his problems, blowing up and projecting his insecurity onto others instead of discussing his problems, keeping secrets, twisting it where it hurts to 'gain' one in an argument even if he doesnt mean it, etc)....
hes SOOOOO getting fucked over in this relationship. and currently, being in such a sex centered relationship with a power imbalance only serves to justify his own self-mantra that he has to be useful in order to be loved! he deserves to have a moment where he actually shakes off all of his insecurities and screams out I DESERVE BETTER! for once in his life. and not just turning to drinking or drugs or sex or living vicariously through millie and moxxie; really just screaming in front of a whole crowd like FUCK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL SO SHITTY!!! FUCK YOUUUUU
tldr; tops deserve rights actually and sometimes you gotta put a bottom in their place
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tech-obssessed-shark · 3 months
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(slash joke by an autistic person djjfjjfjfj- ngl he’s just so silly we need more complex autistic rep guys I need more gahaha)
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sneakyxthexclown · 5 months
when will someone love me the way Blitzø and Stolas love each other
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playcraze · 1 year
So a lust ring demon (?) can easily have a better relationship with a silly clown and love him no matter what, even if he's ugly af ???? Meanwhile a prince of hell be going through wattpad shit with some mf he only met once like 25 years ago. And they still wanna say Stolitz is cute 💀
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northlight14 · 1 month
Late night rambling, probs gonna delete this but holy shit helluva boss fandom apparently has transphobes in it and it’s really fucking weird considering how queer the show is
Saw Danny Motta posted a clip from his YouTube video reacting to the helluva boss short with Sally May on tick tock and he talks about how hot she is and literally the comments were just flooded with people saying shit like “who’s gonna tell him” and “you know she has a joystick right?” And “Millie’s sister is a dude”
Like…guys I hate to break it to you but he fucking knows she’s a trans woman. He knows and he doesn’t give a shit. Because why would he? Literally there is nothing in that video which could indicate that he doesn’t know and in the actual YouTube video of that reaction (or a different one potentially? It’s been a while) he literally talks about how Sally May is one of the few trans characters in the show and he thinks it’s cool she’s there for representation. Literally the only reason I can possibly think of as to why so many assumed he didn’t know is because he finds her attractive
The idea that people, specifically straight men, can’t find trans people attractive is so fucking weird to me. Like, trans people are fucking gorgeous and some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen are trans women. But because so many of them are scared of “being seen as gay”, an idea which is also just rooted in homophobia, it’s causing this whole attitude of it being weird to find a trans person attractive when it’s literally not. I even saw a comment saying that they were gonna pass on Sally May because he wasn’t sure if her being trans made her “the grey area” of being gay. No joke.
Even if it’s a matter of genital preferences which, ok whatever, you can still find someone attractive regardless of what they have going on downstairs. And in the case of Sally May, she’s a fucking cartoon character so I seriously doubt that’s gonna be an issue anyway because you wouldn’t be fucking her regardless of if she’s trans or cis. Plus she’s a lesbian so if you’re a guy you definitely wouldn’t be getting with her
Idk just y’all are so fucking weird for getting this pressed over a guy finding a cartoon character attractive
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glitch-the-artist · 11 months
I’m bored, give me some secret bosses so I can draw them with funny cat cowboy.
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sojutrait · 2 years
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may i present: the garrisons
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masschase · 2 years
⚜ Saints Row Bosses Ask Meme ⚜
It's a lot of questions but maybe that will incline people to pick multiple?
1. Is your Boss's name a secret? Do some people know but not others? Do they use a pseudonym? A nickname?
2. What games do you play this Boss in or what games are canon to the story you imagine for them?
The Third. What job/jobs was your Boss doing (if any) before joining the Saints?
IV. What is or was your Boss's relationship with <asker chooses character> like?
5. Were they born in Stilwater? If not, where are they from and how did they end up there?
6. What is their birthday or date of birth OR how old do you see them as in the games you play them in?
7. Do you have an OTP/OT3+/endgame pairing etc. with them?
8. Do they have other sexual or romantic connections?
9. What family does your Boss have or if they have a lot, what family are particularly important to them?
10. How has your Boss changed throughout the games/years?
11. One or more ways your Boss is similar to you
12. One or more ways your Boss is different to you
13. What is their gender/sexuality/romantic orientation/pronouns etc. (either all, or asker specifies)?
14. Which voice does your Boss have? Or if you imagine them speaking differently to one of the in-game voices, describe it.
15. Are there any small things about them in the canon that you've really run with in your headcanon?
16. Is there anything from the games you've drastically avoided or downplayed in your headcanon?
17. If you play them in SRIV... which of the romance options, if any, are headcanon to you? xD
18. Do they have a best/closest friend?
19. Does your Boss have a favourite gun or other weapon?
20. Do they have any tattoos? Are they from the game or something you created?
21. Do they have a second-in-command or are all their lieutenants equal?
22. Another question not listed here!
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