#plz consider the last part if you guys have problem with Tae being b*rely legal
An anon sent an ask, but since they used a word that's banned from tumblr, the post will not show up, so i will post here:
TW: Ag3 gap mention
Anon ask: "As cute as GinTae is I just can’t ship it romantically. Gintoki’s pushing 30 and Otae’s b*rely legal. It’s sick. Keep all those old men away from her!"
Well, i'm not surprised for seeing a commentary of that nature, this will be a long post!
This may be controversial, but for me ppl with Tae age are ad*lts, idc if they were a teenager before or whatever, i seen them like that and will treat them like that, where i live this b*rely legal ting is just weirdo f*tish, bc here nobody cares how old you were before, just how old you're now.
Right now to Tae, generally this kind of relationship would make me uncomfy, but there multiple factors that didn't:
Gin didn't have to wait Tae become legal unlike certain ships, because he meet her as an ad*lt woman.
Tae is treated like any other women in gntm, yes she's younger, but this isn't a focus, it actually doesn't matter, different from other anime/manga where the youngness of the female character makes her more "appealing" since she's closer to being innocent and that stuff.
Gin doesn't disrespect her or see her as less for being younger, especially because every young ad*lt in this anime/manga is treated and seen as an ad*lt, they being younger doesn't erase that fact. Plus, he didn't keep pushing himself on her and he doesn't like to see her getting uncomfortable.
Power balance, yes Gin is older and stronger than Tae, but they have similar roles like being Four Devas, at the same time, Tae has more money, a house and owns a local. And it's important to say that Gin never uses his status as a Four Deva to disturb Tae or force her to stay with him.
So with gintae, there's no power imbalance, no disrespect, no gr**ming and no haras*ing.
Regarding how Tae is treated by narrative:
I think that people with a mentality like yours sorry if it sounds rude, that's not my intention, should be annoyed beyond ships, if the problem is that Tae is b*rely legal, then you guys should condone Sorachi for saying he wanted to marry her, for making jokes about Gin f*cking Tae three times, for having characters thinking that Gin liked her, for talking and reparing openly about her body, especially older man characters, for making her work at dawn, drinking excessively and having to deal with perv drunk men, for offering herself to be a pr*stitute and the list goes on...
Because where you're from, you probaly see ppl at her age as b*rely legal, but as i said other cultures just see an young ad*lt, who know the sh*t they do, Tae is never treated as b*,rely legal, just as an ad*lt woman, if she was a minor before it doesn't matter, it only matters that before time skip she was an ad*lt, but i understand why you would be uncomfortable with huge age gaps.
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