#plz don't be mad
p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
I might regret this later but ive decided to stop being so panicked when it comes to writing requests
I don't need to write every request and even though I appreciate every single one, sometimes I'm just not the writer for that specific prompt
so if I haven't written/posted a request you've sent in, there's a 50/50 chance it'll be written. it's not that I don't want to write everything that gets sent my way, it's just I don't have all the time in the world and having people come into my inbox to ask about a request that was sent in two months ago just makes me incredibly anxious.
this isn't a callout or a post saying to not send in requests bc you can totally still send more in but I just wanted yall to know that to keep my writing fresh and actually enjoyable, I sometimes have to pick only three requests among 50 to write.
I hope this isn't disappointing or rude but I've just been feeling very pressured recently and I don't want to loose my writing skill just so I can pump out 20 fics a month
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unclemimi · 4 months
Do I know my friend's birthday?
No, but I know his mind. I know what he thinks of me and I know what he thinks of himself. I know what he fears and I know what he enjoys
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Blood encounter with @asksniperjack part: ?
Blood: *teleports in front of his aunt AJ door knocking*
Sniperjack: *takes out her shotgun from her arm tackling blood* Huh? U!! *puts her cross stake on bloods chest where his heart is* one move ur dead
Blood: do it i double dare u aunty *smiles*
SniperJack: ? Huh? Wait? R u scared of me?
Blood: *tilts head* Why? Were family even tho ur from another realm my applejack lost her life helping my mom and i couldn't bring her back in time......so i been trying to find a new applejack that i could secretly call my aunt again if that's ok with u miss jack?
Sniperjack: ?...... I'll think about kid *gets off blood putting her cross stake away and her shotgun back in her arm*
Blood: u know i can give ur old body parts back
Sniperjack: ? Yeah, right, only god can do that. *turns back to blood, but he was gone* Huh? Hey, where u go, kid
Blood: *teleports in front of her* Right here, why?
Sniperjack: Huh? Where'd u go so fast? "She was semi curious how he disappeared so fast"
Blood: i got some fresh blood to drink. Why do u care?
Sniperjack: i don't just tell me how u got back here. *grabs blood by his skin*
Blood: uhm.....can u plz not rip my fake skin, miss jack? *chuckle nervously* heh.....
Sniperjack: fake skin?
Blood: Yeah, please don't rip plz heh.....because i really don't want to get new fake skin already because i just got this one, heh......
Sniperjack: ?? Uh? Ok? *Let's go of blood as he falls on the ground*
Blood: *teleports behind her*
"Sniperjack was shocked on wat she just witnessed as she got tripped by blood seeing a holy light staring at her"
Sniperjack: w-wat am i seeing kid?
Blood: My holy magic, i am gods vessel. "He puts his arm down, making the holy light disappear and holds out his arm" need help?
Sniperjack: *smacks bloods arm away getting up* i don't believe u u r not gods vessel u can't be no pony can be a vessel of god
Blood: i am, and my little brother is the vessel of Satan
Sniperjack: i think im getting a headache........
Blood: i fix that. *Heals her head*
Sniperjack: *passes out*
Blood: ah fuck.......
"Two hours passed, sniperjack woke up in her bed"
Sniperjack: Huh? Kid? *looks under her bed* kid? *hears some one in her kitchen walking down her stairs* kid?
Blood: In here miss jack i made u some lunch. i didn't know if u ate anything yet. My mom always said food gives u energy
Sniperjack: *sits down at the table seeing her whole table covered in food*
Blood: eat miss jack u need ur strength
Sniperjack: Am i gonna die from eating this food?
Blood: Miss Jack, if i was gonna kill u i would sink my fangs into u wink wink. hehehe, *sets more food on the table* eat miss jack
Sniperjack: Was that a flirting thing u said? *starts eating tasting old flavors* hmm?
Blood: ur face says it all, miss Jack Eat up *smiles using his magic rolling a fat blunt* uh care if i smoke my medicine in here?
Sniperjack: Sorry kid, no weed smoking in my house. u gotta go outside for that
Blood: far enough *teleports outside*
Sniperjack: *keeps eating* that kid might be my ticket to immortality or something greater hmmm?
Maybe part 2. If it's ok with sniperjack's mod and miss/sir mod, i hope ur not mad. i just love making stories even if i do secret stories behind others' blogs backs but i haven't gotten a complaint yet, or i haven't been blocked yet, but uh, i hope i can do more parts for sniperjack it was fun ^^ and im very sorry i made this without ur approval but i hope u like it even if i get blocked or a complaints from u ^^
Tag for sniperjack @asksniperjack
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luxtoony · 2 years
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part 1/ part3
Sooo... That happened.
Now you know what the fuss is about! Yay! (Or at least I hope it's clear enough)
I swear making them argue hurts me too, very very much. But I think that a conversation like this had to take a place. They are both stubborn dorks and both cannot take bulshit about safety, after everything they have been through. There is also the added weight of Leo knowing that Mikey died in the future, something he will keep struggling with for quite some time.(and I will keep exploiting it bc we got plenty of manly crying, but these guys need plenty of processing too.)
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amalgamateofficial · 4 months
New Amalgamate One-Shot!!!
Okay, so first of all, if you already got hit with a notification that Amalgamate updated, and you already saw that it was just an announcement and not a chapter, I beg for your forgiveness. The thought of upsetting, angering, or disappointing anyone makes me want to curl up into a singularity
And that's why I wrote an entire 10k words of an Amalgamate one-shot. It's my apology to anyone who saw the "chapter update" and got angry. I made sure to make genuinely new Amalgamate content for you all to make up for the lack of a new chapter ;_;
The new one-shot is called The Ones Who Don't Speak, and it's entirely from Shuichi's POV. It takes place primarily during chapter 8 of Amalgamate (I'm sure you can guess which scene), but for R E A S O N S, the one-shot contains spoilers for Amalgamate all the way through chapter 20.
I don't want to blast you all with announcements that are already contained in the one-shot and the "chapter update," but I'm gonna make another post on this blog later about all the Amalgamate Momocon stuff happening over the next week because WOW is this an INCREDIBLE week for Amalgamate! :D
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katiekatdragon27 · 3 months
Happy Pride chat, I feel like showing off my headcanons (and ships)
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Drawing these two's outfits with the colors of their flags was kinda a challenge (especially Wizard, that was a pain), but I think it turned out really nice.
Progress doodles and some small notes below the cut:
Aight, in case someone doesn't know these flags, Wizard is wearing the transwoman flag on her fur coat and hat with the lesbian flag being her blouse, and Rabbiteen is wearing the non-binary woman flag on her coat and the sapphic flag on her dress.
Wizard went down the he/him to she/her pipeline. She also went down the straight to lesbian pipeline too. Pipelines all around /lh.
Rabbiteen (and her brother) never really grew up with the concept of gender. Since I headconon that she was raised by Rabbids and they don't really have physical genders (it's more emotionally based), she grew up with that mindset. So, in all technicalities, she views herself as non-binary/agender, but knows that she is probably a woman, so it is a weird disconnect that is explained through the label. And she's sapphic cuz she's a woman kisser who is physically more feminine. (I hope that made sense, it's kinda based on my gender identity lol)
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If there are any other characters you want to see my personal headcanons (and ships) for, feel free to ask✌️
Have a lovely LGBT Month<3
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playcraze · 1 year
So a lust ring demon (?) can easily have a better relationship with a silly clown and love him no matter what, even if he's ugly af ???? Meanwhile a prince of hell be going through wattpad shit with some mf he only met once like 25 years ago. And they still wanna say Stolitz is cute 💀
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
AnE ch142 be like:
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wdym they are okay with letting Shiemi, Shura, Lightning and co sacrifice themselves while they go on to survive and avenge them “later”????!!!
Mephy what have you done to them, plz explain
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neptuniadoesstuff · 3 months
Cat Boi Greenbel (Aka the Moron in his Office)
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Btw imma make this my Screb pfp (if it let's me).
Also reason why I made Greenbel a Cat Boi is bcs uh.... Listen do I need to explain? No. This is how I see him at times. (Also I made him look at an image of his Hubby, Harper, but Harp is now a Wolf/Dog Man-) (Yes I ship those 2, don't attack me dammit + its a ship i made up-)
Plz don't ask why I put the Trans flag & a few other flags on his tail, those are what I headlining him as even if he is a complete menace to society.
Characters in this picture (Jeremiah & Harp) belong to Rayark & Archpray. (Haven't drawn much MO: Astray art much so-)
Art: Mine.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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thatbigbisexual29 · 1 year
You're Perfect As You (PJO/HOO)
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ok ok ok ok ok so its the first time I'm doing this and this is comepletely random but HERE @carrie-tate I MADE A THING FOR NO REASON BUT HAVE THIS *blush blush blush blush* I've super super super super super love your PJO fan art and I really like them (also this couple gets like no attention but idk why they are like my favorite) and I know we've spoken like twice? but I just wanted to make this just cause also its reeeeeeally long sorry ok enjoy *shoves this at you then runs away and hides*
One could describe the perfect morning as what follows: Sunshine softly bleeding through the curtains, the warm light delicately kissing against smooth skin, and the warmth flooding into the bedroom. Sweet chirps of birds called from the outside and a gentle breeze rustled the tree by the window. Sheets and pillows strewn about on the mattress which was soft and inviting. And with a small excited gasp, you realized it was Saturday.
That's how Hazel Levesque would describe a perfect morning. And yet… something was missing. As she yawned and stretched, Hazel realized she was alone. Where was her boyfriend? He wasn’t hard to miss, especially due to his bulky size. (She loved waking up and clinging to his arm, knowing he was always too tired to push her away.) But she couldn’t feel his presence in the bed. Sitting up, she tried to get a look into the kitchen to see if he was making breakfast, but again she found nothing. She knew he didn’t work today, so where was he?
“Frank?” she called out. Before she could rip the sheets away, she heard a small mrrow? Lifting up the covers, she couldn’t help but smile as a small orange cat looked at her with a pleased expression. She giggled and scritched its head. “Frank, is that you?”
The cat meowed again and stretched, acting as if its arms were reaching for her. It stood on its legs and trotted closer, nuzzling into her hand. Hazel giggled again and laid down with the cat immediately worming its way in her arms, purring very loudly. She cuddled the cat close and hummed as she rubbed her face against its fluffy fur, stroking its tummy as well. If it was possible, the cat purred even louder.
“We should do this every morning, hm? Although, I’d prefer you as a fat, happy bulldog. I bet you’d really like belly rubs as a bulldog, wouldn’t you?” Hazel suggested, letting out a huffed chuckle as the cat meowed again. An hour passed and the cat slipped from Hazel’s grip and as it jumped off the bed, its form grew as Frank finally revealed himself.
“Noooo, more cat cuddles!” Hazel whined as she reached for her boyfriend. Frank chuckled, stretching his back then leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“Sorry, but this cuddly cat wants pancakes. You’d better get up and help or you won’t get any.” Frank kissed her head again and left her on the bed. She was up in an instant, following him out the door saying, “Like hell I’m not getting pancakes!”
Breakfast was made and eaten with lovely lo-fi beats to accompany them (Frank’s choice). Then, they began to settle down for the day. Hazel sat on the couch with her book as Frank laid his head on her lap while home remodeling shows played on the TV. As Hazel read, she carded her fingers through Frank’s short hair. She enjoyed the soft hums of pleasure that rumbled from his muscular chest.
Losing her train of thought, Hazel began to admire Frank’s form. He was built perfectly. He was muscular but not too bulky which was Hazel’s favorite thing. You could feel the pure muscle from his arm and he didn’t even need to flex. His entire chest was chiseled graciously from his pecs to his abs. His legs were something to marvel as well. It was embarrassing how easy Hazel blushed when Frank flexed his thighs and quads. But she couldn’t help herself. There was so much to love about him. And not just his body, she loved Frank because of how his kindness was unyielding. And the best part was that it was infectious. He was a loveable goofball that managed to get everyone giggling at his jokes or his silly solutions. Hazel was hopelessly in love.
Her arms moved before her mind did, setting her book aside and sliding her hand across Frank’s chest to his stomach. Frank let out a small gasp and smirked, fighting back a snicker. Hazel nearly squealed aloud but held strong, grinning back to him instead. She softly pet his tummy, turning his smirk into a bright smile. He put a hand around her wrist but his grip was so soft she barely felt it.
“Hehey, what are you doing?” he chuckled. He looked to his girlfriend’s eyes, fighting back a nervous giggle when he noticed the now mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Can’t I give my boyfriend a tummy rub? You seemed to like it a whole lot earlier~” teased Hazel, ever so slightly curling her fingers to make her giddy boyfriend jump. Frank did just that, twitching from her fingers while biting his lip.
“Y-You can… but…” Frank whined slightly and covered his furiously blushing face with his hands. Hazel laughed and shifted herself so she had both hands stroking his stomach.
“But what, Frankie? What’s the matter? Is there a problem?” Hazel’s honey smooth voice continued to tease as she now drummed her fingers against Frank’s hardened abs. Frank chuckled ‘miserably’ in his hands, lightly kicking his feet up as a very adorable reaction. The shapeshifter peeked at Hazel from his fingers and whined, “dohohooon’t…”
“Why nooooooot?” Hazel whined back but in a more playful tone. She gave a small pinch to his ab which made him squeak as he reached down to lightly push her hands away, but that proved useless.
“Because! It’ll tickle…” he said quietly, almost as if someone else would find out.
“I mean, that’s kinda why I wanna do it, dum dum,” she admitted. She started poking around Frank’s stomach that made him squeak once again and lean his head back, giggling oh so cutely. He gently thumped his heel against the sofa cushion to try and cope with the electrifying feeling. Hazel giggled and paused for a moment, taking Frank’s chin and gently directing his face towards her.
“I won’t do anything without permission.” That declaration from his girlfriend really sent him over the edge. Frank’s face went fully red as he covered his face again. After a pause he muttered, “m’kay.”
Hazel grinned and wiggled her fingers. Gasping like the first time, Frank started to chuckle sweetly, melting Hazel’s heart instantly. He covered his mouth with a closed fist, wrapping his arm around his chest as he tried his best not to lean off the couch. As Hazel’s fingers drummed and wiggled against his abs the more Frank’s laughter grew.
“Hmhm Hmhmhmhmhm… kkh… hehehehehehehehe! Hehehehehehehe! Hahahahahahahaha!” giggled Frank, now slightly arching his back off the couch.
Frank didn’t get tickled much since of his size and build, he suspected, but he didn’t mind when someone would try. Hazel found out his weakness on the Argo II and he didn’t necessarily say anything about it. No “please don’t tell anyone!” or “if someone asks me if I’m ticklish I know you’ll have told them” or anything like that. He always loved the games his mom would play with him, the stories she’d tell him as she tickled him silly. It made him feel… very warm inside. So having his girlfriend  just up and do this out of nowhere made his heart flutter.
“Such a giggly goose- wait, are geese ticklish? Would you know Frank? I mean, can we test it?” Hazel was now unintentionally teasing the poor shapeshifter who now giggles at a higher pitch as Hazel swirled circles on his belly. He tittered and giggled, lightly kicking the arm of the couch as he fought with his arms to not block Hazel out. She started poking and prodding up his sides which made him squirm back and forth like a salsa dancer.
“Haha, Frankie! You’re so cute when you’re squirmy! What if I get you here?” Hazel pondered as she climbed her hands up to his armpit.
“EEHEE!” Frank shrieked and shot his arms to his sides, trapping his girlfriend’s evil hands where they were, digging into his highest rib.
“Hahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahazelllll! Thahahahahat’s my tihihihihihihihihihickle spohohohohohohot! Gahahahahahahaaa! I cahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaan’t!” Frank’s laughter rang true through their small apartment. And Hazel positively died of cuteness and cooed right back to him.
“Aww! That’s your tickle spot, huh? Does it tickle in your tickle spot?” She giggled as Frank nodded honestly, whimpering and laughing in the same breaths. Hazel forced her fingers upwards and that had Frank in stitches. He hugged his arms tight over his chest, kicking his feet harder now and shook his head back and forth as happy laughter burst from his throat.
“Nooooooooooooooo! Ahahahahahahahahaha Hazhehehehehehehehel! Come ohohohohohohohohoh! Nohohohohoho armpihihihihhihihihits! Eeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! Okahahahahay okay! Plehehehehehehehease!” Frank begged as he started to lose his mind. Taking pity on her large boyfriend, she stopped her wiggling fingers. This let the shapeshifter take in a huge gulp of air, panting and giggling as air was restored to his lungs. Hazel was about to leave well enough alone, but there was one problem.
“Uh… Frank?” she asked. Mentioned boy looked up tiredly to find Hazel’s hands were still stuck in his armpits. “I, uh, I kinda need these, babe.”
Frank froze… then shook his head rapidly. Hazel laughed and tried tugging her hands out, but her only result was ticklish glee from her boyfriend. She laughed again and tugged one last time. Half to prove a point, and half to hear that sound again.
“Bahabe! You need to lift your arms!” Hazel demanded, smiling at the silliness of the situation.
“Nohoho! You’re gonna tickle mehehe!” Frank argued, amused with not only the situation but as well as the simultaneous tickles.
“I’m gonna tickle you if you keep my hands here!” Hazel and Frank laughed for a moment before both calming, taking in giggly breaths. “Ok Frankie bear. If you lift up your arms, I promise I won’t tickle you. Swear on my life. Got it babe?”
Frank looked at her, still giggling through intervals of breaths. He sounded like a hysterical out of breath toddler, it was so cute! Hazel couldn’t stand it, her forehead falling on his chest.
“Cohome on, Frank! It’s not that hard!”
“Give me a second! Ghosh, what hurry are you in? I'm the ohone losing my mind!” Frank giggled as he fussed over her. She couldn’t give him just one second to man up?? He finally, finally caught his breath enough to focus.
“On the count of three, ok?” He looked at Hazel who nodded. Frank took a deep breath and exhaled. “One… two… three!”
In one swift movement, Frank lifted his arms and Hazel ripped her hands out his armpits as Frank shot his arms back down.
“See? That wasn’t so hard. Big baby,” Hazel teased, kissing his nose. Her hazel hair fell into Frank’s face causing him to smile. He brought his hand behind her neck and gently pulled her in for a kiss. When they parted, Frank started giggling again.
“What is it?” Hazel asked, humored.
“You taste like coffee.” Frank pressed their foreheads together and kissed her again. It was Hazel’s turn to giggle because when they broke away, she responded with, “And you taste like maple syrup.”
The two hummed and giggled, nuzzling their noses together and kissing every so often. And whispering ‘I love you’ to each other like it was their little secret.
Perfect wasn’t just a way to describe a morning. It was to describe their life, their love. It was all… perfect.
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eggslamwich · 26 days
I'm immune to Kenjaku/Mahito hate posts that shit's just funny to me
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mikahorror · 3 months
i read the captive prince to get inspiration for my own wip but just ended up like this
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the whole book
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Reblog with a reference to your Mewtwo or Mew oc/sona and I'll make you a chibi using the poses I've done (using a lovewhilechibi pose as a base template for the Mewtwo pose), I will also accept descriptions of ocs with the colors/palette you want for them and where cause I know not everyone will have art of their oc
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1pcii · 9 months
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she's so cute 😭
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cinnamonpatty · 1 year
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[Don't separate them.]
I don't really have thoughts about this.. I like it Just...don't know what to say
Sorry, Sanford.
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setsuntamew · 1 year
Just know that if you post about Knives/Legato, I will find you and love you; plz let's be friends in our little corner of the fandom.
I forgive you for picking millionsummers as long as we can all be part of this together ✌
(I just think legknives is so much funnier and I'm a walking shitpost but plz whatever we wanna call it, I want to be part of it)
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