#poem anthology
the-orangeauthor · 1 year
Wip Intro : The Little Letters
Reworking an old WIP with some fresh inspiration. The Little Letters is a revamped and slightly adjusted version of Silent Words of the Eldest Daughters, just so it can better encompass the things we want it to say. And by we, I mean my cousin and I.
The Little Letters is an anthology of short stories and poems (mostly poems) about growing up as the eldest daughter / immigrant daughter , and what life is really like, finally saying all the things we held our tongues on. It’s personal and raw and a little scary but we are very much enjoying it so far.
Here is our working cover:
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The poems are split into a few broad categories which are:
A Future Forced and Framed
Sisters of Solitude
Hopeful Hearts
Reminiscing a Lost Childhood
Belonging to Somewhere
I’ll post a couple of the poems and if anyone is interested in being on a tag list then please, let me know!!
Image ID : A deep purple book cover with small purple blobs in various shades scattered randomly. Outlines of the blobs are slightly off centred. A gold rectangle surrounds the words ‘The Little Letters’ written down the middle of the page. Green leafy vines extend from the top right and bottom left corners of the page. End ID.
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pasoklron · 2 years
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This poem is a bit different. This is a Latin epigram written by my American friend, Ιουστίνος.
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asoftepiloguemylove · 2 years
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Joan Tierney Why Are You Haunted? / @/oceaii (tumblr) / Liv Ullmann Changing / The Elektra Complex / Rosario Castellanos Monologue of a Foreign Woman from "Meditation on the Threshold: A Bilingual Anthology of Poetry / unknown / @/violentcherries (tumblr) / @/nutnoce (tumblr) / Jean-Paul Sartre Nausea / unknown
i. Joan Tierney Why Are You Haunted? [ "This haunting is architectural. It is not about you. It is about where you are. There are bones in the foundation. This house is a graveyard. This house is a corpse. You are inside the corpse. That makes you the maggot." ]
ii. @/oceaii (tumblr) [ Black and white illustration of a deer. The deer looks forwards in the first panel and turns back to face the audience in the second panel. "Turn and face / the person you've become." ]
iii. Liv Ullmann Changing [ "I will never forget the loneliness I knew as a child. For a period in my life I hid behind a mask. Did not want to acknowledge any longing. / Now it is a part of me-something I can share. / Both the loneliness and the longing." ]
iv. The Elektra Complex [ "If you were to peel the skin of me apart as a fig's, you would finally understand. I am my mother's daughter. From poisoned seeds sprout poisoned fruits." ]
v. Rosario Castellanos Monologue of a Foreign Woman [ "I didn't want / to be the dead star / that uses borrowed light to survive." ]
vi. unknown [ Black and white illustration of two deer. They are both labeled with words. The deer in the background says "just be." The deer in the foreground replies "just being is the hardest part." ]
vii. @/violentcherries (tumblr) [ "the environment you are not thriving in is not yours forever / IT'S OKAY TO LEAVE / ... / IT'S OKAY to abandon the things you used to love" ]
viii. @/nutnoce (tumblr) [ Black and white illustration of a scorpion doing chores. It's tail just barely curls over the front of a clothes line. Various pairs of socks hang from the clothes line. It stands before a bucket with more clothes inside. "I come from the toughest, meanest place you can imagine. / I want to be gentle, I want to die gently, but / It seems that when life gets hard / I have to get harder to match." ]
ix. Jean-Paul Sartre Nausea [ "I am going to outlive myself. Eat, sleep, sleep, eat. Exist slowly, softly, like these trees, like a puddle of water, like the red bench in the streetcar." ]
x. unknown [ "1. Man is a MORAL animal. / 2. You can get human beings to do anything - IF you can convince them it is moral. / 3. You can convince human beings that anything is moral." ]
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If I had Three Lives by Sarah Russel
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
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ellen bass poetry of presence: an anthology of mindfulness poems: "the thing is" \\ marya hornbacher waiting (via @weltenwellen) \\ tory dent collected poems: "us"
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gingermintpepper · 5 months
So, now that Blood of Zeus has also been given its chance to tell the Demeter/Persephone story (and also, similarly, fundamentally misunderstood the themes of the Hymn to Demeter) can we finally, finally talk about Mother Love?
Because I can scream until I'm blue in the face about how modern, popular interpretations of the myth have become so focused on being 'empowering' to women by fixating on giving power to Persephone in her marriage with Hades and, in turn, disparaging Demeter, another woman, - the mother who grieves her lost daughter - that they've some how spun all the way around and gotten back to being misogynistic and reductive, but I feel like talking nebulously about the fact that it's Demeter and Persephone's story and not Hades and Persephone's story never gets the point across hard enough. So:
Anyone who was upset about Demeter's demonisation in Blood of Zeus S2? Read Mother Love. Anyone who is ever upset that retellings of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter constantly demonise, belittle, accuse and insult Demeter and her grief while making excuses to redeem and forgive her daughter's captor? Read Mother Love. Anyone who likes Hades and Persephone as a romantic tale but yearn for complexity outside of arbitrary romantic antagonists impeding the happiness of the couple? Read Mother Love!! Everyone who has even a passing interest in this tale whether it is for the romance, the mother-daughter connections, the themes of grief and loss and eventual comfort and compromise, the wrath of the mother transgressed, the justice that is served due to a mother's insistence in an unjust society, READ MOTHER LOVE!!!
Because it pains me that such a perfect retelling of Demeter and Persephone's story exists, that it focuses on the mother-daughter relationship by comparing it with the poet's own relationship with her mother and it is nearly obscure in the greek mythology community.
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rivusapoems · 5 months
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“casssandra climbs the palace steps unprompted. never before has death been greeted with so warm a kiss.”
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the-forest-library · 5 months
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these books have such a pleasing shelf presence
Book Beat - Oak Pak, MI
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lionofchaeronea · 6 months
An Epigram on Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
Anthologia Palatina XV.23, author unknown
If you wish to master grief, Open up this blessed book And come to it attentively-- Through it, you may easily see The richest way of thinking about What's to come, what is now, And what is past--how joy and pain Are no whit mightier than smoke.
εἰ λύπης κρατέειν ἐθέλεις, τήνδε μάκαιραν ἀναπτύσσων βίβλον ἐπέρχεο ἐνδυκέως, ἧς ὕπο γνώμην ὀλβίστην ῥεῖά κεν ὄψεαι ἐσσομένων, ὄντων ἠδὲ παροιχομένων, τερπωλὴν τ᾽ ἀνίην τε καπνοῦ μηδὲν ἀρειοτέρην.
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bookmarksandbonfires · 5 months
All of this talk about @taylorswift's new album is really just proving to me that people have no idea what poetry is??? Like every time I see a post online someone's put in the comments "wow how poetic touch me while your boys play grand theft auto" or "that metaphor is so obvious how can you say her lyrics are poetry" or whatever and like I get it. The Poetry you had to read in high school felt Incomprehensible and you were Bad At Analyzing It. I felt that way too, and I got a degree in literature.
But "Incomprehensible" is not in the definition of poetry. It doesn't need to be endlessly complex with allusions and metaphors you'll never be able to unravel. The Google definition (from the Oxford dictionary) is:
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All poetry has to do is be words that express meaning and have rhythm. (That's basically all songs.) There's nothing in the definition about how you should be unable to parse all the meanings behind it. If you hear a collection of words that make you feel something, that's poetry. It just is.
Or, to quote Wordsworth, poetry is "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings," which he believed should be written in plain language, and since there's a heavy Gothic/Romantic strain in Tortured Poets Department, I think it's reasonable we should default to a definition from that school of thought.
Poetry does not have to be incomprehensible to be meaningful. You can feel something because of the specific words in their specific arrangements, or the literary devices utilized, or even just the rhythm in which they are spoken. It doesn't have to have you getting out a dictionary or diagramming the sentences or spending hours trying to guess what the author really means. It can just make you feel.
I don't know if Taylor Swift is the greatest poet of our generation or whatever. But to say her songs aren't poetry because you think you understand them is belittling and reducing poetry to something it never has been.
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kiisuuumii · 1 month
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Dorothea Lasky, from "The changing of the seasons is life and death seen gently," in Thunderbird
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geryone · 2 years
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“Untitled”, Alice Notley, from Pathetic Literature
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glossc1 · 2 months
i think. i have some more antinous pieces left in me
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Ada Limon ~ Joint Custody
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atorturedpoetsquill · 5 months
First Rain
It was the first rain in months,
after an excruciating sun scorched,
the earth,
desperate for a soothing touch,
eagerly absorbed.
It came down like confetti,
falling from grace,
with unsettling chaos,
reviving the wilted earth,
nature's tender embrace.
It felt like a celebration,
the smell of wet earth,
rain-soaked streets and trees,
whispering secrets of rebirth.
Dancing raindrops on windows,
the cool air's gentle kiss,
envelops the atmosphere,
in a moment of pure bliss
by Willow
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xoxochb · 12 days
brand new full-throttle touch me while your bros play grand theft auto!!
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