dewty2022-blog · 6 years
She was once
walking through the darkest path
wearing a heavy heart with a wrath
with no direction
an unreconizable destination
a bloody smile on her lips, accompanied by a carriage
a bizarre emotion on her visage
she was once a flower now a weeds
darker than your vision every night
lonelier than your sight
she's once a warrior, a dauntless one
a courage was nowhere to be found
when the knight was gone
the war came, the other side poured her with a raining bullets.
what a helpless lady
a poignant destiny
endless pain without mercy
What a murderous fate
Everyday a different level of agony
she bend down asking for alliance
that would bring her the sunshine
she close her eyes, the dark envelope her sight
Waiting for the end of fright night
he smiled, her sunshine smiled
she carried it for the first time
it's a dream he thought
But the reality aloft.
a purpose was born
her goal was drawn
they walk through the darkest path
With a shining heart
together they are holding tight
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