#poems from Alsahra
A Paladin's Remorse
I watch blood drip from shining steel As widows and orphans scream Over righteous proselytizing zeal
Where is God in this hell we have wrought? Where is Deuhiim's divine loving grace? Where is His Holy embrace?
Is it in the ditch we set the pyre? Is it laced in the corpse scented plumes? Is it in their temples we set fire?
"Blessed, are thou, who share My love!" "O'believer! Through faith you are set free!" "Rest, ye weary, under My palm's canopy."
Words I read with starry eyes of youth Were hallow lies of hate and ire Peddled as divine words of truth
If this work of mine be the work of God If it truly be His sacrement Let me burn in the fires of Infernal torment.
    -Unsigned poem from a Paladin, serving in Deutoria's Divine Legion. Discovered under his hanged corpse, somewhere in the Vuhn'dahar Mountains.
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Nestled on the banks of Midoshi Beneath fervant green We drank of ourselves Lilted sips of wine from Lēsse
In the flicker of a moment Gazing deep into your eyes I watched an astral current Ebb and begin to rise
And in this stellar anomaly I saw a piece of eternity So radiant and bright My soul morphed in its Resplendent light
I saw a sea of stars so beautiful And far I could be the celestial Leün god, Ao'lar Or the heavenly dragon Tira'Kah Then to your Earth I fell With the same carnal desire That sired The mighty Ko'atl
You are the divine From across every sea So resplendent and sublime You threaten to devour me In the sacred flames that Burn throughout Time
The heat of your Transcendent soul Will keep me warm No matter how far I have to go
Remember me Sweetly For I will never Forget You
~unsigned poem by a traveling scholar from the Scottsdale College of History, Literature, and Lore in Pradjmita Vela~
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Primordial brimstone
Of a world reduced
To ash
Whispers of rebirth
After cataclysmic
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Tear down the Firmament
Force Paradise to be
In this hellscape
Of Creation
Let the Righteous gaze upon
What their past lives
Have wrought
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In the forest
Through the trees
Dwells an ancient
In anticipation
For Awakening
And what revelation
It will bring
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I see your face In smoke Dancing Atop my lotsuah pipe
Oceans in your eyes Drown me Deep In aphotic depths
Vines of your hair Choke me Tangled Drunk on orchid scent
Gaze of dagger's blade Stab me Impaled Never to have left
But here I sit Heart beating Alone With a deserter's regret
-poem recovered from the diary of Wei Haiaçhi: legendary hero, and unifier of the Four Noble Houses of Xiulan-
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A clash of steel
Stars of sparks
Flint spit from spiteful strikes
Blades sink into soft skin
Broken bones blugeoned
Under brute force
Blood fueling
Insatiable greed
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A thousand arms writhe
In a sultry dance
Of Mass Destruction
Clearing slate to canvas
For a new Divine Creation
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The Professor preached
Of lofty ideals
Just outside our reach
While in the den
Of mortal men
Haunted by his own
Immoral deeds
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