#poems to her
fairydrowning · 2 months
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– Noor Unnahar, Instagram account "noor_unnahar"
[TEXT ID: / [Lemons] / My father's mother loved lemons. Years after her passing, / we run out of everything, but never / lemons. / Nothing else shelters grief / better than memory. / It's my father way of saying, / even in your absence, you will be / cared by me. / END ID]
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ophanim-vesper · 3 months
A short-ish fancomic poem thing about my hc for Zelda
(best read from left to right)
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silent-insanities · 6 months
Sometimes I just want to run away from this life.
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caruccio · 2 months
Imagine sitting in a garden with her, she looks at the flowers and i look at mine.
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lxrdrxach · 6 months
I want to see myself happy again.
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hollis-art · 6 months
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Ode to Spot, by Data Soong
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When my mother told me she wished she had gotten a divorce before I was born, I could tell from her tone that this was different from all the times she’d look at me and ask God, like I was God, why he had punished her with me. It wasn’t about trying to make me wish I was a better child, just that I was not a child anymore and she felt she had to warn me not to repeat her life but continue it and perhaps by continuing it, set it right. Once she made me kneel facing the wall and stretch my arms as high as they would go, and watched my little back tremble until I could hold my arms no longer. When she asked me what I’d learned I remember I wanted to scream I hate you but knew somehow it would hurt her more if I screamed I hate myself, I hate myself, so I did, over and over, I knew when you watch a person you love collapse into themselves you want nothing more than to run into the boxing ring, the battleground of them, take all the blows they deal, all the shots they fire into the enemy of their own being. If I could I would without a second thought unravel the knot of my mother’s heart into something like sense, and if it’s true what they say about how when you have a child your heart begins to live outside your body I would undo my life and throw it to her like a rope, like I were a climber at the top of the mountain and she’d left something up there before making her way down and needed to go back for it one more time. If I saw my own heart, helpless and unknowing creature, living outside me, I would also want to tell it to kneel against the wall and raise its arms until it could account for what it had made of my life. In a note she left in my bag when I went to sleepaway camp she said to be my mother was the greatest joy of her life and I knew, even at ten, there were greater joys she had wanted, they lived in her dreams and disappeared when she woke to make my breakfast each morning, and I wanted so badly then to be those dreams, to disappear.
Helplessness’ Child by Kaylee Young-Eun Jeong
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wordswithloveee · 6 months
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poet4days · 7 months
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existingillusion · 5 months
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Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars
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notfavghost · 5 months
I want to hear my name on your lips, over and over again.
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silent-insanities · 5 months
Am I this hard to love?
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caruccio · 15 days
She kissed me and roses began to grow inside my chest.
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
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The bloodied moon cried for you, but you only heard the stars The weeping moon then bled for you, but you only saw her scars
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sarthhakkk · 1 month
In another lifetime, I would have loved cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and taxes with you.
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21stcenturysucks · 2 years
if i was a star and you were a star i would wink at you and blink at you and twinkle at you and the earthlings would call it science.
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