#pokemon sleep researcher ID
manaphy-propaganda · 8 months
add me on pokemon sleep!!!!
my name is sleepystar with a diglett icon!!
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I'd appreciate if you put your game name in the replies if you add me!
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runeofnoweyr · 1 year
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I can't believe of all things, a goddamn Pokemon app seems to be actually helping me with my sleep habits. It's been a week and I can tell I have more energy during the day.
So uh, anyone else is free to friend me on there? Pokemon being what it is, I'm sure there's some kind of bonus to having friends on it.
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I'm on pokemon sleep, feel free to add me! My friend code is 3737-8463-1887!
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sylvumbreon · 6 months
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Let’s be research buddies in Pokémon Sleep.
Here’s my Researcher ID!
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squirtle-bro · 4 months
Hey for anyone playing Pokemon Sleep, I’d love to grow my research community! Here is my Researcher ID:
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kateshappyplants · 21 days
I need friends lmao please add me if you use Pokemon Sleep! Here’s my Researcher ID! 1553-0980-9095
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pokemoncaretips · 1 year
What is boxing?
Ever since the discovery that pokemon could be converted into storage data and back again with no side effects, the "box" has been an integral part of how we store and trade pokemon.
Some people worry about the ethics involved, but I can allay those worries by going over the safeguards put in place to protect the pokemon inside.
First, security. The PC is tied to your trainer ID and unlocked by face and fingerprint scans. If neither match, the PC will lock until a verified league representative can unlock them. With state of the art security systems and a constant cybersecurity team working to secure them, though pokemon in their pokeballs can be stolen, the PC remains uncracked.
Secondly, comfort. We actually have a fascinating insight on what a box is like for pokemon by a zoroark owned by a researcher, who was asked some questions while in human form. Let me pull up the quote from the study:
"Quiet. It's quiet. Like a drifting sleep. No hunger. No thirst. A long dream. I know there is an outside. I do not care. Then light, and waking, and I am joyous. Rested. Outside to play? I want berries."
As evidenced by the quote, pokemon in a PC are in a state of suspended animation, requiring no food or water. There is some vague awareness of the outside world, but they don't seem to register the time passing too much. Battle injuries slowly heal after the recent major update, but illnesses are suspended.
Thirdly, long term storage. There is some evidence that long term storage, anything over three months, is potentially unsafe, with early test pokemon demonstrating disorientation and time-blindness after long term storage tests. As a result, a failsafe was built in. After thirty days, the PC sends an alert to the trainers pokedex, warning them their pokemon need to be released. If this alert is ignored or not responded to, after a further 24 hours the pokemon are automatically transferred to the pokecentre registered as the trainers emergency contact, and released to the temporary custody of the nurses there while the trainer is tracked down. If it turns out the trainer has become ill or passed, further action can be taken, but if it was pure neglect, there will be fines and a black mark on their trainer record.
I hope this has answered a few lingering questions over the PC box. When properly used, it is an excellent safe way to store pokemon for everything from "I inherited a huge dragon type and need it out of the way so I can think of what to do" to "uh oh, pokerus! I need to protect my other pokemon!" to "whoops, babies. I need to look for homes for all these." and with careful safeguards, it protects the mental health of the pokemon inside it.
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Plague Doctor Cindy!
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Hi, I drew this concept art sheet thing shortly after drawing the Butcher!Aurora art and I took a break after that. Sorry I didn't post this one immediately.
Edit: Some close ups and extra commentary have been added
Rambling below (TW: medical subject matter like diseases and surgery, death, delusions, and cannibalism)
Meta wise, she started out as a mad scientist for the sake of being a mad scientist by listening to Novocaine by Cree-P and GHOST, and Black Box Warrior-OKULTRA by Will Wood. I just imagined Cinderella going too hard or harsh on Lady Tremaine, her patient/ser-worker/co-star, with her research, experiments, and surgeries out of frustration, stress, and madness. Hell, I would not be surprised if she tried lobotomy at some point during her side jig/job as a doctor.
But ever since I listened to Butcher Vanity by Vane and Flavour Foley, Cinderella later grew to be more than just a plain old mad doctor as I revisited her Screen Universe para concept and explore what her deal is. From why exactly did she fall into this path, to her relationships with the characters related or relevant to her story. She became another tragic character. This time, someone who developed an obsession with finding a cure for the prions after it "ate up" her once villain co-worker friend with in-character or canon compliant delusions.
Some close ups
The other state was meant to say production as well, but I'm too lazy to fix the typo now
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Cindy with the Bok-su pose is slightly cursed ngl, but it keeps living in my head rent free. The fact that they're both doctors doesn't make it any better ToT
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Eldritch Cinderelly (the note says healthy because their true forms's color and brightness changes if they get certain health conditions. In this one, she should have been a bit dimmer and grayer due to the Discontinuation Rot)
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Herbs and spices stuffed in the beak like a true plague doctor. Though, Cindy does this for different reasons. Instead of the original reasoning where the herbs will ward off the plague, she does this to replace the smell of burning and rotting flesh with as much fragrance as possible. It also puts her at ease
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Stolen Ideas Inspo :>
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How it'd look like under her apron/dress thing
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Goggles stuff for eye protection
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Eyes. Eye eyeballed (eh? eh?) her eye color because I can not find a good proper close up of her face and eyes in the official material and the coloring in the og movie looks a bit inconsistent at times.
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Screen shots from the ID server itself again of course
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OKULTRA cranking up the mad doctor inspiration (ft. Novocaine starting the whole thing prior to listing to OKULTRA)
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I think this one is still pre-butcher vanity arc
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Typical Disney para behaviour
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more Cinderella angst lore because yes
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A shit ton of other paras have not so healthy relationships with their characters at this point. They include, but not limited to some Pokemon characters, and SpongeBob.
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Health anxiety go brrrr
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This is from when Butcher Vanity arc or obsession hit around. It expanded her lore and everything. It was a game changer for this specific para tbh. I think this is about four months after posting the past Cindy rambles shown in the previous screenshots
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Ok, this one is from an ID adjacent server, but I feel like this is still a bit relevant to the whole thing
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(Also from the ID adjacent server) Ok, this one is kinda complicated since I mentioned another para who had something to do with a different Disney centered subplot that somehow affected the plot and lore of the entire paracosm. Basically, Snow White helped one of her ser-workers to found a cult and... everything went downhill and batshit insane from there. Ruined or fucked over the entire government and all... you may either dig through my casual account for the answer or ask through the Screen Universe blog about it.
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Bonus: A joke relevant to the whole Cinderella x Sleeping Beauty ft. prion plague debacle arc/subplot (I found this god damn image from Pinterest and I captioned it as "Cinderella and Aurora")
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TLDR: 1950 Disney princess becomes a mad plague doctor, grows into another tragic para, becomes vegan as a trauma response, loses her villain patient to the plague's delusions, goes off into a deep end after burning said patient, despises cannibals, and turns into their world's equivalent to a veteran in a "has seen the origins of modern day problems and the horrors of war" way but the war is the plague from the distant past.
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skylarkstarflower · 4 months
Looking for more research partners in Pokemon Sleep. Researcher ID is 5868-0948-4010. Thanks! ^_^
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
do you have any Noivern/Nougat headcannons?
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Noibat have incredibly poor eyesight, and mostly rely on echolocation to identify things in their environment.
The line is omnivorous, feeding on both insect-Pokemon and fresh fruit.
They are nocturnal and don't like being out in the sunlight. They are difficult to battle with because of this, as most official tournaments are held during the day.
Noivern can run on all fours.
Some important houses in Galar use Noivern in their crests.
Noivern were mistaken in early research texts to be part poison-type.
Noibat like to climb onto and hang off of the arms of trainers they like. Noivern will also attempt to do this once they evolve with considerably less success.
The line will make clicking noises around trainers they have a bond with, which is a form of less-destructive echolocation used for IDing.
Noivern confuse predators by flashing the undersides of their wings at them, which also serves as a form of aposematism.
Like Noibat, Noivern sleep upside-down. It's important to give them something proper to perch on, as their weight can easily destroy most ceilings.
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magz · 1 year
edit: magz meant pokemon sleep.
am gonna active again Pokemon Sleep app
Researcher ID:
Can add if want
(QR Code and screenshot below)
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yoshistory · 2 months
I just slept 16 hours total so I downloaded pokemon sleep to help encourage me to sleep more normally. If you wanna add me my research ID is 0409-3537-2091
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haberdashing · 10 months
I'd still love to have more friends on Pokemon Sleep! My researcher ID is 9211-6301-4403!
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amber-bnnuy · 9 months
**bzzt** **bzzt**
is this poketch working again? why couldn't it have been a newer model..
Oh! It's working!
The readers can see that, Amber. You don't have to start every post with "is this thing on?".
Hello people reading this, assuming people are actually reading this post.
We are here, still in sinnoh! We're in jubilife right now, and we're about to go check out our rooms in this hotel place I've heard about. I think I'm gonna rest here for tonight, and maybe make this some kind of home for me! they take the same currency here as in the other world too, right? i should be fine then, I've got like. a couple hundred thousand poké.
wigglytuff's guild unionized a while back and the pay was increased from just 10% of the money earned to 70%. about time, as well!
So yeah! Just making an update post to let you all know the current situation!
To recap, we're staying here for a little while and heading to canalave soon to try to research team chrome! I think I'll also check around this place to see if it brings back any memories of being human!
The staff here were surprisingly nice to me, and didn't treat me like some weird thing just because im a talking lopunny! they said that this was the second time this has happened this month, and that some pokemon not native to sinnoh were seen talking to each other, and one of them was speaking human languages! weird, right?
Anyways, we're heading to sleep now!
so I'm in the room now. arc, the neighbors are so noisy!! I can hear them even though I'm in the room next to them!! listen to this:
[ID: A low-quality video, presumably in 144p, of a lopunny against a wall. the lopunny appears to be holding the camera. The audio in the video is a bit hard to understand, but still understandable nonetheless.
... you two have been arguing for half an hour PLEASE shut up im trying to sleep!!"
End ID.]
.. I'll have to side with the girly sounding one.
... i don't think I'm getting any sleep tonight..
anyways I'm heading to bed now. goodnight, everyone!
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"Arven? Arven please answer the phone! This is the third time I've tried to call you, just to get voice-mail. Your friend returned to the Academy saying you both separated following the battle with the third Titan. Just... just call me right away, alright sweetie? Love you."
Sada did her best to calm her breathing. Arven never stayed out late without giving her a heads up. It was something they agreed on- a way to make sure he was safe and she wouldn't worry too much following-
Following the events of last year.
One Year Ago...
Sada was busy at work inside her lab at the lighthouse, currently on video call with Professor Augustine Sycamore regarding possible links between Terestalization and Mega Evolution. Arven was away on the Treasure Hunt, no doubt having the time of his life.
"Whats strange is how it only works here in Paldea, unlike Mega Evolution. Augustine, is it possible that-" Her Rotophone began ringing, flying out of her pocket and in front of her to reveal the caller ID.
[Incoming Call: Arven][Accept/Decline]
"I'll talk to you later, Augustine. Arven's calling."
"Au Revoir, Lucina! Say 'ello to your son for me!"
She chuckled and nodded, ending the video call before answering the phone. "Yes, Arv-"
Her blood ran cold at the wail her son let out. That wail was one of pure terror and anguish. "Arven?! Arven where are you?! What happened?!" Sada asked, already rushing out the door.
"W-We went into the Great Crater to l-look for Uncle Clavell and something a-attacked us! Mabosstiff is really hurt and h-he's not moving!!"
The professor cursed under her breath. He went to Area Zero?! Alone?! Entry to the Great Crater was prohibited for most students, but Arven was allowed only if accompanied by either herself or Clavell. And seeing as Clavell was currently in Area Zero and he was calling her, the boy certainly was alone. Sending out Aero, she did her best to keep her son calm. "Arven, sweetie, I need you to stay calm for me, okay? Where in the Crater are you?"
The sound of sobs came from the other end of the phone as he struggled to catch his breath. "R-Research Station One. I'm h-hiding inside." He finally managed out, hiccuping and sniffling. "Okay. I'll be right there. Stay inside. I'll stay on the line for as long as I can."
He whimpered in response. Aero took off, the Aerodactyl seemingly sensing the urgency and moving as fast as he could. Sada still felt it wasn't fast enough, pleading to whatever higher power would listen that this was just a nightmare, that this was just something her mind had cooked up. Her fears were confirmed when she saw her son run out of the research station towards her as she landed. He was still a sobbing mess, Mabosstiff's pokeball in his hands as he collapsed into her arms, sobbing and apologizing and begging her to save Mabosstiff. Her heart shattered at the sight of her child like this. Helping him onto Aero, she pocketed Mabosstiff's Pokeball and climbed on, the pair quickly soaring out of the Crater towards the nearest PokeCenter. Her son hugged her waist from his spot behind her, his face buried in her back as he continued to sob.
He ended up crying himself to sleep sometime after they got the news at the PokeCenter that Mabosstiff had been stabilized, but that they couldn't get anything else to work. Nothing they tried seemed to work. She sent out an email to Director Harrington about what had happened and not to expect Arven back at school for a bit. Currently, she was digging through old textbooks on Pokemon biology to find possible remedies to Mabosstiff's condition. Sada had already emailed several other professors in hopes one might be able to suggest something- anything- to help.
She never wanted to see Arven in such a state ever again.
She's shaken from her thoughts as Arven entered her office, yawning. "Sorry I'm late, Mom. My phone died-"
He's surprised when she hugs him tightly, trembling. "Thank Arceus you're alright..." "Mom? Of course I-" He stops, realizing why she's acting like this. Hugging her back, he rubs her back. "It's okay, Mom. I'm safe. I'm safe..."
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Inspired by a mutual's post— here's my pokemon sleep Researcher ID if anyone would like it!
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