#pokemon unused text
There is unused text in the pokemon Black 2 White 2 world tour for Hilda and Hilbert, implying they were originally supposed to be trainers you could battle
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ghostsandtoasts · 1 year
The Eternal Flower :)
Eternal Flower Floette is the Floette that AZ befriended, she has special form data in the game and a unique BST of 551, more comparable to the stats of Florges (552) than the other forms of Floette (371)
Like other unique forms that can only be obtained through events, Floette cannot be bred or evolved. Eternal Flower Floette has never been released and cannot be obtained without hacking.
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Eternal Flower Floette has had her form data in every game since Gen 6 with the exception of Gen 8 since the Florges line is unobtainable in those games. USUM gave her unique dex entries, and a sprite for the Alola dex. Floette’s shiny replaces the blue on her with pink.
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It was very important to me that these were transparent
Ultra Sun: The flower it's holding can no longer be found blooming anywhere. It's also thought to contain terrifying power.
Ultra Moon: Terrifying energy is concealed within its ominous flower, but Floette still swings it about innocently.
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Her signature move, Light of Ruin, is the most powerful damaging fairy type move outside of Z-Moves and Max Moves, with an accuracy of 90% and a base power of 140. If you used a Fairium Z with Light of Ruin, the resulting Twinkle Tackle has a base power of 200, making it the strongest fairy move.
Light of Ruin is the only fairy type move to do recoil damage, and was the only Special move that dealt recoil before Chloroblast, Hisuian Electrode’s signature move, was introduced in Legends Arceus. Light of Ruin does half the damage dealt as recoil, like Head Smash.
Light of Ruin has had it’s move data in every game since it was introduced, even though the only Pokemon who can legally learn the move is an event Pokemon who was never released, like many other signature moves, it cannot be rolled by using metronome, and has been completely unusable since Gen 8.
It’s move description exists in Let’s Go, SwSh and LA even though the Florges line is completely unobtainable. BDSP got rid of Light of Ruin’s description text, replacing it with the generic “This move can’t be used” text. The moves description was then updated in Scarlet and Violet.
Gen 6 - Gen 8: Drawing power from the Eternal Flower, the user fires a powerful beam of light. This also damages the user quite a lot.
Scarlet and Violet: Drawing power from the Eternal Flower, the user fires a powerful beam of light. This also damages the user terribly.
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iwontusethis255 · 8 months
THEORY: Dess is the one making the secret bosses and HEADCANON: She is similar to Missingno.
Dess is a very mysterious and unknown character as of yet in deltarune, and many people are unsure on her final role in the story. I propose that she is the one whos revealing the hidden truths to the secret bosses and driving them mad.
Point One: Lost Girl
Dess is absent throughout the two chapters, either missing or dead. But given the way Hometown speaks of her, it's more likely she went missing. Common consensus is that she fell into a dark world, but something went wrong and she fell darker, yet darker, now only remaining evidence of her existence as scared "unused" text in the files. In a way, she's kind of like...
Part Two: Missingno.
The Holiday Sisters are commonly associated with glitches, creepypastas, and other such things. What is one of the most well known glitches? Missingno. from Pokemon. It's the remnants of a scrapped Pokemon, discarded from the public. Though, because of it's glitchy nature, it's stats are incredibly high most of the time, sort of free from the confines of normal Pokemon conventions in a way. It also gives you items upon capture, and requires specific actions to encounter. Does any of that sound familiar? The secret bosses all are discarded objects, with themes of freedom, that require a quest to encounter and give items upon capture (not counting normal route)
Part Three: Coming Together
My theory is that Dess uses glitchy game shenanigans to spread the word to certain Darkners that they live in a game. Perhaps she's leaving a breadcrumb trail for The Angel (Player) to gain enough powerful gear to defeat the big bad and knight. (My theory on that is that Gaster is manipulating Papyrus into being a knight and opening dark fountains, both to help the player have fun, and to have them free Gaster from Angel's Heaven in the roaring, but that's another topic)
Give me your feedback and I'll try to answer any questions!
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jbird-the-manwich · 1 year
Be overworked real magic into dungeons and dragons or coding? And how can I do this also
To tell you the truth I've never really had a good opportunity to participate in dungeons and dragons. I played a few times with my cousins as a tiny falsetto child, but maybe twice. I usually ended up dying horribly and then reading the manuals they had instead, far, far more stimulated by the illustrations of tight shit, which Ironically enough, I did end up manufacturing ersatz for use in my own workings purely out of convenience many years ago. Though, It would be a lot of fun, to steal away with a DMs favorite dice and conjure them to behave Erratically In My Favor (Or My Enemies Disfavor) Or learn to read dice and use numerological breakdown equations to attempt to read the dms next moves and plan your strategies accordingly.
The most pop-culture magic thing I've done was in my early twenties when I used some jupiter magic to petition a specific hour of jupiter for hunting shiney pokemon. It did seem like I found quite a few more, but in the end I ended up feeling kinda bad about it because depending how you view planetary magic you're basically asking a planetary intelligence older than humanity to perform a function you could provide for yourself just as easily with a romhack. (I was emulating). I may still end up making my besty a shiney charm for pokemon go, as it gives her joy, and I like to show my affection with gifts, but that I would work with blood, so arguably only my ancestors might give a shit and they ought to know by now I ain't got good sense so.... we'll see.
As far as programming a spell itself, that's a biiiiit of a long stretch by my magical model that I adhere to. I'm primarily an animist, so for me, the thing is, say I call or conjure a spirit to do a thing. Sometimes a whole mess of them.
If you're of a chaos magic bent you could *try* sigilizing something, as plaintext, and writing a very simple proglet to echo that text to the console endlessly, or based on a planetary hour, or select a versicle related to the purpose and echo that, or all of the above, or even a script to open and close a planetary seal in a window at certain hours, or an ASCII snip of a planetary glyph, but to my personal models, I could just as easily accomplish most of those things without electricity with rocks and sticks and bones and ink and materia, and efficiency of resource use, both physical and computational, is my guiding star.
*maybe* it could be useful, If you had a job interview, or impending incarceration, or a court date and wanted to know *something* was happening conceptually related to another pre-existing spell to feed it, but by my model of practice, this would still require off-code magic to make the spitting of characters to a console even remotely related to a spell intended to Do A Thing, and, Depending on how you view magic and transmission of intent you could hide stuff in the comments as a certain astrology app developer was said to do, but to my reasoning and practice, this is a waste of effort and a misunderstanding of a key element of what makes witchcraft distinct from other forms of magic - if a cute decor to your source code - as compilers don't include comments by default in any finished binary. Using an interpretive language would keep the comments intact with the instructions but they would still be stripped prior to VM code and thus excluded from execution.
You could, in theory, store a spoken spell as a string variable hardcoded in the binary and then call that variable to instantiate the spell in memory, perform some transformation against it so the compiler won't optimize away the "unused" string variable, and then do something with the transformation, say, walk the string a character at a time, summing their ordinal values, and printing the result every X milliseconds and immediately clearing the screen so the entire process is invisible outside a debugger, but this is an experiment I have not performed. Yes I accidentally just invented ascii sigils just now oh my god the disc horse I can hear the hoofbeast what have I done what have I done whyyy?!?!?!? WHY GODS?!?!
ohkay I've accepted it. *ahem*
It really all depends on how you use and view magic and your creative limits in regards to brainstorming how you might incorporate technology.
For my own uses, about the best purpose I could find for my programming bent in relation to magic was in the production of my digital grimoire I wrote to prepare print-pretty HTML output of spells I input as a write them for inclusion into my solid, meatspace grimoire, and offline use on any device with a web browser:
the output + indexing feature of which is complete, and is a very handy means of auto-calligraphing a spell onto paper via Thee Most Sacrede Inkjete Printinge Daimon Of Artaeaea, and it's lacking only the finishing of the plaintext console version that can run with no browser. It runs fine under LINKS2 on dos but that browser runs for shit on the newest handheld I own (I suspect a bug in the dos emulations network layer spamming the error console as the device has no network hardware, but have not poked around enough to determine if that's why yet)
The current revision even supports theming, formula storage, windows and linux, and supports a different theme for each section, with support for CSS themes, for which a proof of concept of layering and animation support is functional, for basically no good reason than I was high on eweed and was like 'hehe what if nyancat":
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I'm also currently working on retroprogramming an enumerator program to derive, accurately to occult theory, based on the qualities of arbitrary objects, correct planetary rulerships based on the doctrine of signatures and associated texts, but so far only the plant function is feature complete. The program itself isn't complete yet, and will support at least color theming:
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The photo is a very early prototype, and while I got stoned one week and wrote 90% of the functions when our internet shat out and I finally had 0 distractions from the task, I haven't fucked with it further yet. The current prototype runs under DOS emulation so I can run it on anything modern, including phones and handheld gaming devices. I may end up rolling all the pieces and parts into one program that can do the whole witchy business, possibly with a very simple natural language core shell I might call AGATHA in honor of ELIZA, the ancient ai experiment intended to simulate a conversation with a therapist. All of these are essentially iterations of the first whole program I ever wrote intended to store occult information. I called it arcana and it was lisa frank colors. I'll post a photo sometime.
i'm playing with the idea of learning enough lua to produce a more adorable version for Pico-8 or a FOSS work-alike for the planetary enumerator, but have not began this yet.
There are a few other features it needs to be generally considered a digital witchcraft assistant system, but ONE DAY.
I intend to release it all eventually, maybe on itch.io or something. Freebie wise, I'm also working on a set of scripts for AI to give them the same capabilities, but so far only bard can run it. My own model and method of Doing Pointy Hat Things relegates computers to reference tools, more or less, and not active participants, but, I mean whos to say you couldn't build a servitor as a text object on a flash drive or something? Experiment, chase results, lean into what seems like it works a little, until you have something that works flawlessly. Stepwise Refinement and all.
anyway thank you for the ask! it was a fun write-up.
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an-idiot-in-a-costume · 4 months
i made my own pokemon creepy pasta :D
I think you've all heard about those haunted pokemon game stories, ones about kids that commit suicide over a game song, or ones talking about a kid getting killed by a Pikachu on a mountain, but this, I think this was more than some hacked game, I think this was an awakening of some sorts.
About a week ago, one of my friends sent me a text message asking me if I wanted their copy of pokemon diamond, since they had just finished the game. I remember diamond used to be my dream pokemon game, but I never got to play it, so I decided to take it from them. I popped by their house a few hours later, mainly because we planned on hanging out anyway, and after we were done, they handed me the game on the way out, saying “I already deleted my old file, so you don't have to feel guilty about deleting it or anything.” After that, we said our goodbyes and I left and went home.
I was incredibly excited to play it, so the moment I got in my house I ran to my room and practically shoved the game into my ds, the game start-up was normal, the entire thing was, it was practically just like buying an unused version of the game. I choose piplup, and kept my eye out for any glitches or anything, just to make sure everything was just like a normal game and that my friend didn't just hand me a hacked game.
Eventually, I came to the 6th gym leader, Bryon, his steel type pokemon we're just a bit too over leveled for my team, so I went to a pokecenter to heal my pokemon, and just decided to talk to the other people in there. I came across an NPC named dean, he was your standard NPC that asked to trade pokemon, he said for a gallade, hed trade me a garchomp. I just decided I'd be a good training opportunity, plus a garchomp is a good pokemon, so I went and found a male ralts after a lot of hunting, and after lots of training and opening lots of poke balls for a dawn stone, I finally had the gallade that dean wanted.
After a bit of traveling, I finally got back to that pokecenter and went to give dean his pokemon, but in the middle of the trade sequence, a text box came up with his name on it, saying “no.” The screen went back to the pokecenter, and another text box of deans popped up “I don't want a gallade, why did I ask you for one? Why am I in this pokecenter? I dont even have pokemon to heal.” Dean then just shook his head and ran out of the pokecenter.
This was the only weird thing that happened the entire game, but I wanted to know something,was this just ment to happen? So I texted my friend who gave me the game.
Me: hey, if you went to the pokecenter by bryons gym, did some npc while you were trading with them run out?
Friend: nah, that npc is the reason I got a garchomp
Me: seriously? Because when I tried to give him that gallade he said he didn't want it and left
Friend: bring it to like game stop or something that's where I got it.
The only problem was that I was pretty far from the nearby game stop, plus it was midnight. I decided to just go in the morning and continue the game for now.
Everything in the game was pretty normal, no glitches, couple of shinies, but everything changed when I got to Spear pillar, suddenly the whole game was in black and white, and small red pixels were seen going towards where giratina would steal Cyrus, but instead there was that npc again, and a cut scene happened. The NPCs name box no longer said dean, it just said npc, and he was yelling, things like “why did you give me consciousness!?” And “I didn't ask for this!” I couldn't tell if he was yelling at arceus or giratina or a different legendary. But suddenly a glitchy scream came from my ds speakers, and the npc fell over, I went up to them and hit A…
“This npc has died, they're lying in a pool of blood and missing an arm and both of their eyes.”
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Please give me honest criticism on it! Id also love to know if you guys think I should post this on the pokemon creepy pasta wiki too!
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Obscura #2: Pokemon’s Glitch City Ghost Girl
Many glitches have been found in the early Pokemon games, Missing.no, Bad Eggs, and “Brock through walls,” but one that doesn’t seem to get enough love is Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystals Glitch City Ghost Girl. You can find her if you cheat with a Walk through walls glitch, on an emulator that fails to emulate perfectly.
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If she battles you, she will sputter out nonsensical text, and when the battle starts, she’ll simply crash your game! But, Inputting another cheat code/tampering, you can give her the ability to battle you, and you learn this Ghost Girl actually has a name, Cara!
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She has only 3 Pokemon, Two Horseas and a Kingdra. With this, you figure out that her name and her Pokemon are actually taken from a trainer in the Dragon’s Den. However, upon defeating Cara, you’ll see this!
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A red Kingdra! Now, in terms of gameplay, this is about all you get. She appears, spouts nonsense, fights you, and then leaves. However, there’s a little more people connect her with, and that’s with some unused text that would appear in Ecruteak City. “Oh, no. Oh, no… My daughter is missing. No… She couldn’t have gone to the BURNED TOWER. I told her not to go near it… People seem to disappear there… Oh, what should I do…?“
This is to be a side quest that was ultimately scrapped. But connecting this to Cara here, one could theorize this is what happened: One day, Cara went to the Burned Tower, and somehow met an unfortunate demise. Now, she’s a ghost, doomed to roam Glitch City, a distorted nonsensical world for all eternity.
This is a Glitch I personally wish got a bit more recognition, but alas. That’s all for this obscura, thanks for reading~! ♥ Credits ------------------------------------------------------------ TCRF: Unused Text TheZZAZZGlitch: Information u/Redoulou: Screenshots Pixels after Dark: Screenshots & Information
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genderfluidkai · 1 year
ok my last post got a few notes sooooo. talking abt my revived morro au. putting it under a read more for the sake of not clogging up tags and dashes with a big chunka text
SO. to start the au off obviously Morro gets revived. i still havent decided HOW but he is, and he isnt very happy about it. he was finally just chilling in the departed realm and then suddenly he’s alive again in a body that hurts like hell, with nowhere to go
Somehow, the ninja find him and go get him. At first they want to take him to Kryptarium as they don’t exactly trust him to be on his own, even after he helped them during DOTD. They decide against it however, because he isn’t really much threat as a human. Sure, he’s got elemental powers, but he’s a malnourished 15 year old who can’t currently stand on his own, so begrudgingly they take him in instead.
Morro then proceeds to have his own redemption arc, starting to get along with the ninja and bond with them, though it takes a while for most of them (quickest is Zane and Cole, longest is the RGB sibs).
Eventually Morro gets adopted into the found family dynamic, so now Lloyd isn’t the only one collecting parental figures like pokemon. He’s very unused to it at first bc he just like, hasn’t had a proper family for so long, but he gets to be happy.
He also starts helping the ninja! He isn’t able to help physically in fights (I decided he’s disabled due to a combo of the conditions he was in growing up, how he died, and him getting extra fucked up by the magic that revives him- he uses both crutches and a wheelchair to get around), but he joins Jay, Nya and Pixal as the mechanics of the team because he ends up becoming very interested in it.
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necromonica · 1 year
so i have this Welcome Home AU that’s been spinning in my brain like its being microwaved
flet me get something out of the way first: i am a big fan of unused content and things that Are Not Supposed To Be There (I mean I’ve watched videos of Pokemon glitches for entertainment) and I do love to snoop around game files for anything cool to uncover (i’d blame games like Undertale and DDLC for that one) so when I decided to dig through some of PartyCoffin’s old content? my brain just went “ooo shiny” like a crow.
 Though I did make sure to check PartyCoffin’s fanwork guide and they did say to not spread old conceptual artwork (Prior to January 2021) so I’ll just talk about it through text instead. Be warned, this might be a long one.
So, I’ve taken to calling this the Scrap AU, because this AU includes some scrapped/old designs and concepts that I’ve thought about a lot. 
Now, First thing you gotta know: There’s Two Wallys (wallies? yeah) where one is that one with the rainbow jacket instead of the rainbow pants which has been nicknamed Walter by myself. This guy represents the religious aspect of Welcome Home that PartyCoffin has since removed which im pretty sure was a thing but i can never tell with my brain.
The other one is a bit more dubious because it’s based off of that art you can see in Partycoffin’s portfolio with Wally wearing that specific suit (no rainbows? :( ) on that chair and quite frankly i’m about as indecisive with what he’s doing as i am figuring out if that art is considered concept or just the other wally in a cool new outfit.
I don’t have too much of a story yet other than that the final designs, the neighbours, weren’t the only one to get hit with the “probably very sentient” juice that their creators gave ‘em, but the concept designs too. those guys just wander around aimlessly, kind of sad that they didn’t get to see the light of day like their other designs. assuming they do meet the neighbours through reasons im not yet quite sure of, some of them would be happy to meet who they would’ve been neighbors with or see who they would’ve become, some are a bit upset and would rather not think about the fact that they’re scrapped designs, and others wish to take the spotlight for themselves (mainly the wally duo) so that they could be the one the kids adore, not realizing that the show hasn’t been on air in ages and basically everyone has forgotten they exist.
well besides from maybe a concept design sally and poppy wanting to help the neighbours and concept design frank being under the kind of upset catagory, that’s pretty much all i got.
hope this spins around in your head as much as it spins around mine.
oh, and partycoffin, if you do read these, i adore each and every one of your designs you make, complete or incomplete. mostly the complete ones but seeing concept designs is also pretty neat in its own way.
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sherokutakari · 10 months
My Official Thankmas 2023 Pokemon Violet Nuzlocke Rules
(This is a linked post. Stream is not yet live. This line of text will be removed when stream starts, but feel free to join chat early if you catch this post beforehand lol)
Join the Nuzlocke Stream HERE!
General Summary:
Standard Nuzlocke Rules Apply! That means:
Every pokemon must be nicknamed
You may only keep your starter long enough to catch your first encounter.
Encounters are forcefully limited (see "Encounters" below)
Pokemon that faint must be released. This pokemon is considered dead and unusable
Pokemon may not be overlevelled before battling certain opponents (see " Level Caps" below)
If you faint, you die
Only one Pokemon may be caught per route/area, with some exceptions (see below)
Encounters are determined by a set list for each location provided Here and inserted into a randomizer
The pokemon determined by the randomizer must be the one attempted to be caught.
Wild Pokemon MUST be defeated or fled from if a pokemon has already been encountered in that area.
Exception 1) Duplicate Clause: If the generated pokemon for an area is a repeat from a previous area, it may be rerolled.
Exception 2) Shiny Clause: If a shiny pokemon is spotted or encountered, the player may catch the shiny. This does not count as the encounter from this area.
Exception 3) The Thankmas Clause!: If a donator selects the option to allow me another pokemon in a previous area, I am allowed 1 more encounter per donation, with a limit of 3 pokeballs per donation.
5. If a wild pokemon faints or flees, the encounter is lost for that area.
6. Each successful mission permits one "Free Catch" (an additional catch in any previously visited area) for a total of 18 additional catches by the end of the game.
GIFT POKEMON: Pokemon received from NPCs and events are permitted, but must be boxed if past the current level cap
TERA CHALLENGE: Additionally, one Tera pokemon may be permitted per area, but are at user's risk. Once a den is selected, the pokemon within it *must* be battled, and attempted to be caught. Choose wisely if you take on the Tera Challenge.
View what Areas/Routes/Towns/et c. have already been visited!
Level Caps:
Pokemon in the party may not exceed the level of the opponent pokemon faced in any sort of challenge.
If a pokemon ends up overlevelled before taking on a challenge, it must be boxed until eligible for future challenges
Cortondo Gym (Bug): Lv. 15
Stony Cliff Titan (Rock): Lv. 16
Artazon Gym (Grass): Lv. 17
Open Sky Titan (Flying/Dark): Lv. 20
Segin Squad Base (Dark): Lv. 21
Levincia Gym (Electric): Lv. 24
Schedar Squad Base (Fire): Lv. 27
Lurking Steel Titan (Steel): Lv. 29
Cascaraffa Gym (Water): Lv. 30
Navi Squad Base (Poison): Lv. 33
Medali Gym (Normal): Lv. 36
Montenevera Gym (Ghost): Lv. 42
Quaking Earth Titan (Ground/Steel): Lv. 45
Alfornada Gym (Psychic): Lv. 45
Glaseado Gym (Ice): Lv. 48
Ruchbah Squad Base (Fairy): Lv. 51
Caph Squad Base (Fighting): Lv. 56
False Dragon Titan (Water/Dragon): Lv. 57
Elite Four 1 (Ground): Lv. 58
Elite Four 2 (Steel): Lv. 59
Elite Four 3 (Flying): Lv. 60
Elite Four 4 (Dragon): Lv. 61
Champion: Lv. 62
Team Star Leader #1: Lv. 61
Path of Legends Final Fight: Lv. 63
Team Star Leader #2: Lv. 63
Victory Road Final Fight: Lv. 66
Final Boss: Lv. 67
Just like last year, any Pokemon caught will also be added to a collaborative art piece, along with any donor-chosen Pokemon!
If you'd like to join in and come watch the stream, click here!
If you'd like to donate to our Thankmas Shenanigans and help World Central Kitchen to raise money to provide meals to those in crisis, click here, or type !donate in the chat of the stream linked above!
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nukenai · 1 year
Well it’s 1am but I absolutely have to finally write one of these posts, don’t read if you don’t wanna be teleported to a sad 1am post of mine from 5 years ago or be consumed by gigacringe (this post is not sad but cw for some as-expected negative mental health stuff/actions I’ll be mentioning, from my past.)
I really don’t think I can even begin to articulate how important Super Mario RPG is to me. When I was a kid - like I’m talking 2006-ish - my Thing(tm) was Earthbound. We didn’t say “fandom” back then. Besides Pokemon and Zelda, it became my THING and I fell so in love with it. A weird part of internet Earthbound culture back then was that you were mad at Super Mario RPG for making Earthbound sell poorly. I know, it’s insane, I was 15 cut me a fucking break.
So yeah that was all intrinsically linked with Smash, obviously. I was online during the pre-release of Brawl days, browsing places like /v/, and there was all this talk of this guy Geno. I didn’t know who Geno was! One time I did a Deviantart Journal “quiz” thing, and one question was, “Who is a video game character you hate?” My response was “I dunno, that Geno guy”. A friend of mine at the time was like “??? Like SMRPG Geno? How could you hate him?” and me being a teenager, I was like well, I’m annoyed that everyone talks about him.
Stuff got weird pretty quickly. An artist I had a goofy little crush on drew Geno. And I went, huh. Okay.
Then Brawl came out. I won’t even get into all of that because this is about SMRPG, but people ripped data off the disks and found unused stuff. Like unused music. I was mad about the unused Earthbound music, and the Ballad of the Wind Fish. Boo!
But then someone made a fun little album, called “Brawl - The Lost Tracks”. They got together “as official as possible” versions of the songs that had gone unused and only existed as text files on the disk. This included Beware the Forest’s Mushrooms (I’ve made angry posts before about how wrong the Cutting Room Floor page is about this track NOT being BTFM - ask me about it sometime and I’ll start screaming)
So one day I downloaded this little album. And I remember exactly where I was sitting, I listened to a couple of the EB songs like yeah, alright. Then there was a nice remix of the ballad of the wind fish. Then I saw beware the forest’s mushrooms and I thought, well. Why not. It’s a song. I like music.
It was the official arrange from the arrangement album. Until Memoria it was 100% the most beautiful rendition of the song to ever exist. And I lost my goddamn mind. I had never heard a song so gorgeous and I was instantly so upset with myself for being such a stubborn dork about SMRPG for so long (imagine that, me, stubborn!!)
So it all kinda hit me like a truck. I remember the day I first saved a piece of Geno fanart, like a day after I heard the song, and I was GOT. I thought oh, maybe he’s kinda cute, and it all just spiraled into hell. When I was a kid I was all into people drawing him as a Cool Anime Bishounen, but now I’m extremely cool and am like “Doll only, please!” unless it’s the goofy cute human design I have for him. But really I prefer doll. ANYWAYS.
During my high school years my life was... uh, rough. I was dealing with domestic violence in my home and we were more than once kicked out of our house and had to scramble to find a place to stay temporarily. While I was still just going to classes. I wound up failing my 11th grade English class because I often didn’t have access to a computer with internet or a printer and couldn’t do my assignments. My teacher didn’t ask why I was suddenly not finishing assignments, she just failed me. I went to summer school and it wound up being one of the best experiences of my life though. So, you know.
Throughout all this bullshit I like, had Geno. I had a reason to look up at the starry sky and make wishes and track meteor showers. It was something to like, keep my going again. Unsurprisingly I was DEEPLY struggling with my mental health. I was self-harming, and was just in general doing Very Fucking Not Great and felt like I had nowhere to turn. To this day my family like, doesn’t let me talk about this situation, and I received no help or support from any of them during this. Things are better now, but holy fuck, man. It was just my mom and I dealing with domestic violence and homelessness and no one was helping us.
But I had him. I had the “will he be in Smash someday?” shit. I had the Smash speculation community. I had SMRPG fans who were all like-minded cool people who loved how much I loved Geno, because they loved him too! He was like a fucking life raft for me in one of the worst periods of my whole existence and always felt like an anchor when things were spiraling out of control.
And it feels so corny to talk about it, because oh Nuke, you’re always dramatic about characters. But damn, did it fucking hurt when “friends” were just straight up fucking mean to me about Smash stuff for years on end. Damn did it hurt when I tried to express how important this shit was to me, and it was written off as me being ridiculous about a Video Game, you know? Would therapy have been good? Maybe. I tried it as an adult after being pressured into it by my ex and it was an actual nightmare because the only therapist in my area with hours compatible with my job who took my insurance was like 24 years old and told me straight to my face she didn’t want to talk about things I liked because she didn’t understand them. So maybe not! But I had this something, something so important to me, and it felt like everyone around me was so fucking Tired of me caring so much about something. It felt like everyone was tired of ME. And I was tiring of myself too, and it fucking sucked! It really did.
A couple years ago I finally let go of all the rage and sorrow in my heart and I’ve been doing so, so well. I found myself so suddenly surrounded by people who fucking care about me, and who are like “Oh, I don’t know that character, tell me about them! You love them so much!”, and people who invite me over to their house to just sit and watch Transformers or build model kits. People tell me to my face “I don’t think you’re annoying” when I compare myself to Rodimus, and I get actively invited to things. Wow! It’s been so fucking NICE. It sucks to have such nightmares in my past to compare this all to, but man, the difference is insane.
So it’s like. I wanted this to happen years ago. I wanted them to announce a SMRPG remake, or something, a few years ago when I was at my worst, when people were treating me like shit, when friends of my SO were being huge assholes to me only for my SO to say “hmm I think you’re making that up because you’re dramatic”.
But it didn’t. And I got through everything with my own strength. And now I’m at my absolute best, and I get this now. I get it once I’ve moved past all those miserable negative people who treated me like garbage. I don’t have to rub it in their faces and be like “Look, I got this far, I’ve made it and I won over all the SHIT”. Because none of them are here anymore and they don’t matter to me.
I got so many messages across all my social medias, even from people who I haven’t actually spoken to in some time (but still exist in internet circles with, you know how online friendships are), so many people saying oh my god, Nuke, I’m so happy for you, holy shit congratulations, this is amazing I can’t believe it.
I love you all so fucking much, I love Super Mario RPG so fucking much, all of you and this game are so important to me I don’t even know if 4k more words of rambling nonsense can express it. I am at such a good place in my life now, I want to spread that positivity and do my best to be good to people and to the world that has been so good to me these past few years. Despite how this year started, it hasn’t felt like a negative shroud over me. Just another challenge to overcome, and I’ve overcome literally everything put in front of me so far. Nothing is phasing me anymore and I’m doing so GREAT.
I’m so happy the remake is happening at a time when I’m at my best. I didn’t need anyone to save me before, and now this will just lift me higher. And I can truly enjoy it, as a joyful gift, as opposed to hoping it will be a life raft getting me out of a flood. I can truly enjoy it for what it is and what it’s meant to be.
A beautiful, delightful, very funny little video game, about Mario and all his weird little friends.
I don’t think I’ll even mind having to say goodbye to Geno at the end, again. Because I know now, there’s nothing stopping him from coming back.
And hey, SMRPG’s not a very long game. I can always replay it. And Geno will always be there.
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coolnamegenerator · 10 months
I'm so sick of social media and the socialmedia-fication of every internet platform with crowd generated content. I'm so sick of all those short clips. And auto play. We are so obsessed with looks. We are so sick with the aesthetification of every aspect of life. We are trained on certain images and scripts the way we try to train AI. Our heads are spinning with pretty pictures we've seen a thousand times. I'm so sick. And we are also looking for orientation and validation like little puppies. We are so anxious, so endlessly insecure. And there is a MASS of young people displaying themselves on the internet like zoo animals. If there is a single video with a viral reaction, I want that too. I have to participate, because the people have not heard it from me. "Someone has already done this" is not a reason to not post my own damn little vertical video about it.
I don't want the perfect bun, the perfect messy bun, the perfect lazy bun, the perfect way to apply eyeliner to hooded eyelids. How to grow your nails long (spoiler, don't use your hands). Did you know? type of content. No, I did not and my life is not better for knowing now!!!! I want a tutorial on how to do a thing or a recipe for a cake or pretty pokemon art on pinterest, maybe one or two outfit ideas, mostly though i want diy tips for home renovation. Shut up with your trends. I don't care what clothes men don't like, what hair styles trend 2023. And please let me just fucking age. It's already too late anyway for my forehead wrinkles. Stop showing me content I don't seek out actively and ethusiastically, ever heard of consent??? Stop showing me pretty stuff!!!! Stop reposting tiktok thirst traps and aesthetic content on other platforms. Or do, but only to make fun of it. Let me dress goblin style, I just want to be comfortable.
I love tumblr so much. I can just talk about my hobbies, shitpost and don't have to see pretty people all the time, that is so good for my mental health (i love y'all but please keep the text content coming and your pretty little faces hidden). I miss forums.
Vast parts of the internet have become unusable. So going caveman seems more and more appealing every day. This is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
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purefandomonium · 11 months
Unused Snippet from Connection
I came across this while working on the next couple chapters. I forgot all about it, but it's not something I'm going to keep in the story. So I figured I'd post it because it's still a decent "chapter." I think I wrote it kind of early on but ended up scrapping it because it didn't really fit in how I wanted. Anyway.
RED: I don’t think I ever asked, but what’s it look like out there?
RED: Outside, I mean.
Leann hummed. “That’s kind of a tough question. I guess it depends on how much you understand certain concepts.” She inspected the screen, curious as to how Red perceived that virtual world of his. She doubted he fully understood weather, or sunrises and sunsets, or temperature. The bare minimum she hoped he knew was light and nature, otherwise she was at a loss.
“You, uh, know what plants and stuff are, right?”
RED: Of course.
Something about that particular block of text emitted sarcasm.
RED: I know what the sun and moon are, and what animals are too.
“Do you?” She was genuinely surprised. The sun and moon made sense, but Red knowing about real world animals was odd. “I wouldn’t have thought any previous players would have sat you down and told you about the literal birds and bees.”
RED: I don’t know everything, but I do understand they’re essentially like Pokemon but with no special moves.
She could almost hear the ‘whoosh.’ Unable to stop the grin, she said, “Yeah, that’s sorta right. It’s just… Pokemon aren’t the most scientifically accurate example. And making animals fight is hella illegal.”
RED: …That’s strange…
“How so?”
RED: Do people… want animals to fight?
“Er… no, not usually.”
RED: Then why make a game entirely about making fictional creatures attack each other until one of them passes out?
Leann’s brain failed at conjuring an answer. She sat there, gently spiraling into life-questioning territory. The more she thought about it, the more disturbed it sounded. She couldn’t fathom how Red must feel. After all, he spent many years gathering innocent creatures against his will only to be forced to sic them on others until they beat the opposing creature into submission.
RED: Do you think they feel?
Leann was tugged back to the conversation at Red’s chime. Oh boy. It wasn’t hard to see where this was going. “I… I don’t know, Red. Do you think they can? You’re the one in there with them.”
RED: How would they even tell me if they were like me? The only sounds they can make are those blasted “calls.” Even if they were trying to tell me something, I wouldn’t be able to understand it.
RED: …Maybe they think I’m their tormentor. Maybe, to them, I’m this horrible monster who makes them fight for my own enjoyment. All they want is to run free and I’m the one holding them prisoner.
RED: If I can’t understand them, how could they possibly understand me when I tell them I don’t mean it and I’m just as much a prisoner as them?
She could feel rising panic at the words. “…Red, no. That’s not… For what it’s worth, I don’t think that’s the case at all.”
RED: How can you be so sure?
“Because if I know anything, it’s code. And the code for the Pokemon and the code for you are not the same thing. I don’t know what’s so different about you that you became self-aware, but I do know there’s no chance the Pokemon are.” She didn’t know that. She hoped Red wouldn’t call her bluff. “They’re just… How do I explain this?” She needed something believable. Suddenly, “They’re just placeholders. All they are is a stored sprite and a single sound. That’s it. They can have certain moves attached to them and that’s it. They aren’t designed with anything else in mind.
“You, on the other hand, are the player character. Of course you’re more important than the Pokemon. There’s way more code going into you than them. Besides, if they were sentient in any way, don’t you think you’d have noticed something different about them?” She let that sink in and hoped it would calm him down.
The panic she felt hadn’t been her own.
Red said nothing for a long while. He thought back on all the years he’d been trapped in the game, all the time he’d spent lamenting his fate, and not once did a single instance crop up where the Pokemon had done anything different. Even the glitched ones, though chaotic, had a set pattern they tended to follow. None of them ever deviated like he had.
RED: You’re right. All this time, they’ve never changed. They can’t be like me.
He wanted to laugh at how ridiculous he was being.
Leann was silent for several moments. “Is there a reason this bugs you so much?” This was the first time he’d ever mentioned the Pokemon to her. On the rare occasion they did come up, it was because she was telling him stuff about the current series or whenever she told him about an animal one of the creature’s designs were heavily based off of.
At best, Red seemed to harbor disinterest about the ones in his game. Seeing him get so upset over them now was bizarre.
Though he kept his true self hidden in the void, he could feel Leann’s gaze on his avatar. He sighed to himself. Sometimes thinking just sucked.
RED: It’s just… I always wondered why it had to be me.
RED: No one else became sentient. No one else sees this world for what it is.
RED: I’m surrounded by mindless drones.
“You sound like you got lonely,” she offered, tone gentle. She couldn’t blame him for getting so worked up. Being in his position would be agony for anyone.
RED: I used to love Pokemon. I didn’t really have a favorite, but I used feel a bond with each and every one I caught.
RED: I took pride in my team. I considered them friends. Before I…
“You hoped that maybe they’d be like you, right? Because they were friends to you before everything changed.”
RED: I tried to save them. I didn’t want them to suffer like me. I didn’t wanna make them fight each other, let alone things they had no hope of beating.
RED: …I know it’s stupid.
RED: Out of everything… I always thought they were the one thing I could choose…
“Oh, Red, I’m so sorry,” Leann said around the lump in her throat. The GameBoy felt heavy in her hands as she rubbed her thumbs along the sides, contemplating what could even be said to remedy Red’s mood.
RED: You don’t have to be sorry, Leann. Like I said: it’s stupid.
RED: Once I saw things for what they were, making them fight felt wrong.
RED: But I couldn’t stop it. And even though I knew they’d always come back after resets, it still hurt to watch them get torn apart by the same forces that tormented me.
She felt guilty for ever playing the game the way it was intended. She couldn’t look at the franchise the same after this. She remembered the whole thing with PETA, and while it was still the most ridiculous argument she’d ever heard of, it did carry a bit more weight to it now.
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aurtistic-ruby · 2 years
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The first drawn of a batch of fakemon i’ve been designing for the unused type combinations! Meet Ashalotl, the Fire Spirit Pokemon!
I decided to go for a salamander as the basis for the fire/fairy type combination, due to their mythological connection to fire. While designing it i had the idea of calling it “ashalot” as a phonetic pun on the pronunciation of axolotl, so i worked it into being an ash-grey axolotl with flames as it’s gills and fin, but still incorporating the yellow spot patterns of a fire salamander, including a triangular one for the alchemical symbol for fire. For abilities, flash fire and flame body just seem appropriate, so i didn’t spend time creating any new ones.
image description below:
Description: An ash-grey axolotl, with an open mouth toothless smile. it’s eyes are reddish-orange with flecks of yellow, and it’s forehead features a rounded yellow triangle. it’s gills are enveloped in orange flames, and the fin that would be around it’s tail is replaced by the same orange fire. it has 4 yellow spots on either side of it’s body. below it are the pokemon type symbols for fire and fairy, next to text which reads “Ashalotl, the Fire Spirit Pokemon“. image description ends.
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historianofgalar · 1 year
Ancient Pokemon: Relibo
A couple thousand years ago, a pokemon made of clay was made. Sadly, these pokemon have been extinct for many years, and only old unusable fossils have been found of them. But these pokemon were known as Relibo, Suferiageist, and Ufinyageist! In this post, I will be talking about Relibo.
The Clay Pokemon
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Pronounced: Rehl-ee-boh
Scientific name: N/A
Type: Rock/Ghost
Height: 3 ft tall, 8 in. wide
Gender ratio: 75% female, 25% male
Egg Groups: Human-lile, Amorphus
Relibo originates from ancient enchanted clay that made its way into a pot. This pokemon was very shy and would hide in its pot to escape and hide from people. But it was also dangerous and would steal the life force of anyone who would wall by it. Relibo use the claw to drag the souls with them into their pot to grow bigger to gain the strength to evolve. Old text states that seeing a Relibo was a warning from the gods.
(Ooc: forgot name Origin. I know I chose relic, but idk where bo came from. I still like the name though becauses it'a cute. Origin of fakemon explained in tags
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ultraericthered · 2 years
So, Sephiroth has a very minimal amount of screen time in Final Fantasy ViI. This helped to make him all the more impactful a villain. 
In the making of the game as we know it, there wasn’t much change to the Sephiroth scenes we ended up with aside from some lost text dialogue, most notably the unfortunately lost Safer Sephiroth solioquy at the start of the final boss battle and the mercifully lost explanation for the Red Dragon he’d give before or after that fight in the Temple of Ancients. But as it turns out, there was one scene with Sephiroth’s in-game model* that was left on the cutting room foor. It’s detailed in this Unused Text report and also in this article.
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On one hand, the scene is not necessary and was the product of a time where Sephiroth was going to matter more to the characters early into the story, with his role as the inevitable Big Bad being set up in a way that telgraphs to us some of what his deal is and how he’s connected to Cloud’s past, sort of like what Remake later did in an even less subtle and restrained way. So the article has it right that it’s for the best that it ended up getting cut from that point in the story.
On the other hand....dammit, I think it should have made it into the game somewhere! It’s a great bit of pure, stark, heartpounding horror that OG Sephiroth typically delivered, and short as it is (thus not increasing Sephiroth’s screen time by much at all), it just feels like a missing piece of his run as a villain much like Ghetsis’ absence from Castelia City in Pokemon Adventures. So were it to be restored to the game, the issues to overcome would be 1: where in the story to place it instead, and 2: what could it add to the story aside from a cheap jump scare that would require it’s existence at that point?
For 1: there really could be no other spot in the narrative but during the second visit to the Gold Saucer, coming right up to the stretch of the narrative where we see a lot from Sephiroth. After Cait Sith’s betrayal, the game just suddenly fades back in to Cloud in his spooky hotel room, just...there like he’d been before his date started. Seeing as among the things that had happened recently, right before the date, was a group discussion concerning the mission to find and stop Sephiroth, Cloud having a nightmare that ends with Sephiroth slicing right through him, waking him up and giving the player control again, makes a lot of sense as something that would cap off that event.
For 2: aside from giving us one last quick but scary showing of Sephiroth prior to the shit getting real, fulfilling a final “Sephiroth as a harbinger for this stretch of your continent-crossing journey” scene, it would set up Sephiroth’s direct influence on Cloud. In the game as we have it, while something being very wrong with Cloud due to the Jenova cells within him and his own faulty memory was long built up, Sephiroth going “Wake up!” and taking direct control of Cloud’s mind comes right out of nowhere at the Temple of the Ancients. So this nightmare Cloud has could be like a Debug Room, particularly the infamous “Hades” Debug Room, in being trippy and ominous until Cloud realizes that this is a dream he’s having, that he’s asleep. Sephiroth’s voice then says “Yes. You’ve been asleep for some time now. The time for your awakening fast approaches.” Cue a giant sized Sephiroth descending and slicing right through Cloud, the screen goes white, and we see those words - “Wake up!” And Cloud wakes up. A literal nightmare and a literal awakening to foreshadow the more figurative nightmare and awakening that’s soon to come. Sephiroth is penetrating Cloud’s mind and violating him from within...and is just getting started. THAT would leave quite a big impression.
Again, the game is perfectly fine without such a thing, but it’s great to think of what some custom-made “extended cut” might’ve brought us.
* His character model was also meant to be seen as Cloud explains everything about what happened with Sephiroth to Vincent, but that was a visual choice that ultimately got scrapped from the game.
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studentofetherium · 2 years
card layout tier list
while i'm at it with the longposts, here's a tier list of trading card layouts (also this only counts the default because otherwise magic has like six million different layout at this point)
A tier:
these are my favorites. each excels at what they set out to do. the original magic layout gives the feeling of pages from a magic tome, describing monsters and spells alike. the disney TCG works on another level, as it's able to display all the relevant gameplay information while prioritizing the art and name yet making it a functional. the disney game will, like pokemon, be primarily sold as collector pieces for disney fans, and for that purpose, this is fantastic. i especially appreciate how it manages to fit all of the collector's information, not just the artist, trademark, and set distribution information, but also the expansion symbol. the original magic card design was perfect in its simplicity, but the disney TCG is perfect in being able to convey so much information yet keep it concise and clear. i will never play that game, but i am in awe
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b tier:
i especially love how the attack and defense on old yugioh monsters was presented. it has the same old tome feeling of old magic cardsbut feels refreshingly different. the problem is that for effect monsters, which didn't exist for several sets, their information is much harder to fit into the text box. thankfully, the replacement design, with a larger textbox, had a similar feeling, and remains a strong and iconic design magic's modern design also goes in this tier. visually, i think it's a step back from the original, but as a gamepiece, it's far superior. like the disney game, it's great at portraying all the information players and collectors need in a concise manner. it also shows off the art well and has a good downward flow. of the designs in this tier, it's definitely the best
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c tier:
here's where designs start getting iffier. i love the Future Sight border, but it is rife with gameplay issues, such as being unusable for right-handed players, as well as concerns about costs fitting in it. i like the way the border overlaps with itself in the oval and art, but it's otherwise hard to defend from a practical perspective however, it's still striking and visually interesting. it's remembered well for a reason and i would like to see wotc return to it, even if only for a secret lair or the like
pokemon layouts, new and old, haven't changed much from a practical level. i think they convey all the information that they need to, but a lot falls flat in terms of the layout. in both cases, the use of flavor text feels off. the collector's information in the corner is nice, but things like video game information is really unnecessary. the reason why it's there is because the pokemon trading card game is as much or more about being collector's pieces over game pieces. while there is a thriving competitive scene for the game and people do play it casually, most cards sold are because of the demand for fans of other parts of the franchise. as collector's pieces, i think they're compromised, since so much of the card is being dedicated to effects and the text box. things like flavor text or species information are neat and do add to the mystique of the card, but i don't think they're enough to make it better than a passing grade
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d tier:
the worst designs that i'll talk about today are Cardfight Vanguard and Weiss Schwarz. they're pretty similar in terms of design, as Weiss Schwarz is a spinoff of Vanguard. simply put, they both run into information overload. abilities aren't listed in a good order, type information is smushed together with attack, and things like shield, grade, or trigger are visually overwhelming. it's a trainwreck of design, which is a shame because the game systems themselves are pretty neat. i will say, at least, that i respect Vanguard more for having its own art and designs, and thus, aesthetic, while the art used in Weiss Schwarz is all screencaps and promo art being reused. i'm sure that makes the game much cheaper to produce, but it also makes it feel cheap. and once again, it runs into the problem of making a game meant as a game and a collector's item. if you're buying weiss schwarz cards, getting screencaps from the show or reused promo art can feel really underwhelming
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