#polly shulman
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onlyasgoodasitgets · 6 months
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i could remember the synopsis, the cover art, the name of one (1) character, but NOT the author or title and i find it on the shelf of a literary arts cafe by chance
i read this over a decade ago on my first gen nook!!! i’m so excited
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vickysaurus · 7 months
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I like that the living books Eda created got her banned, but the carnivorous pastries were apparently fine. I hope Polly Shulman managed to send Eda an invitation to her birthday after the show was done and the connection between the realms restored. I think Eda would love to show up as a magician at a kid's birthday party and drive their parents crazy.
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Prelims round 1, poll 10
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The Library, Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast by Robin McKinley:
The Great Library, Thursday Next chronicles by Jasper Fforde:
The Great Library contains every book ever written, both as literal texts and as worlds with living characters who act out and protect their stories! It's about the metafiction! It's about narrative shape and autonomy! It's about metaphors that are alive and ready to fight back! Also the Cheshire Cat is there and Miss Havisham does illegal drag racing.
The Library Starship Alexandria, Krøniken om stjerneskipet Alexandria by Jon Bing:
The library ship Alexandria flies between the stars in the 1970s Norwegian children's book series, in a universe colonised by humanity - but travel between planets takes years, and communication is at the speed of the fastest ship. Alexandria and her sister library ships travel from world to world, bringing the totality of their stored databanks of knowledge to each world, free to use for a time, free to copy and keep - and when she inevitably leaves, her librarian staff settling into cryosleep once more, it is with yet another world's knowledge added to pay forward. Vote for Alexandria, not just because "giant library starship" is cool, but because her mission - to gather, preserve and share the totality of human knowledge - however unrealistic a goal - is at the very core of what libraries are and aspire to be.
Athenaeum, Nevernight Chronicle by Jay Kristoff:
All the books that never were! And bookworms!
Grimm Collection – New York Circulating Repository, The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman:
it's a library where you can check out fairy tale objects. there's also collections for science fiction objects and horror novel stuff. and it goes in depth to like what pages do and how the call numbers work which is pretty fun for a book about libraries to do
Bag End library, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien:
Not the largest collection, but in possession of THE primary sources regarding the Fellowship of the Ring and the adventure to the Lonely Mountain, as well as several other historical texts and translations that may otherwise have been lost to time without the care and keeping of Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam.
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tetw · 1 year
Ten Great Essays about Mathematics
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What Is Math? by Dan Falk - A teenager asked that age-old question on TikTok, creating a viral backlash, and then, a thoughtful scientific debate…
How Natural is Numeracy? by Philip Ball - Where does our number sense come from? Is it a neural capacity we are born with — or is it a product of our culture?
Infinity Plus One, and Other Surreal Numbers by Polly Shulman - In the whole intellectual history of humankind, says Kruskal, there have been only a handful of genuine totally ordered number systems: the naturals, the integers, the rationals, the cardinals, the ordinals and now the surreals.
Encounter with the Infinite by Robert Schneider - How did a minimally trained, isolated mathematician, with little more than an out-of-date elementary textbook, anticipate some of the deepest theoretical problems of mathematics—including concepts discovered only after his death?
The Mind-Bending Math Behind Spot It! by Linda Rodriguez McRobbie - The simple matching game has some deceptively complex mathematics behind the scenes
A Most Profound Math Problem by Alexander Nazaryan - On August 6, 2010, a computer scientist named Vinay Deolalikar published a paper with a name as concise as it was audacious: “P ≠ NP.”
The Chaos of the Dice by Raffi Khatchadourian - A backgammon hustler’s quest to gain an edge…
Titans of Mathematics Clash Over Epic Proof of ABC Conjecture by Erica Klarreich - Two mathematicians have found what they say is a hole at the heart of a proof that has convulsed the mathematics community for nearly six years…
Your Handy Postcard-sized Guide to Statistics by Tim Harford - The case for everyday practical numeracy has never been more urgent…
The Most Irrational Number by Jordan Ellenberg - The golden ratio is even more astonishing than Dan Brown and Pepsi thought
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i-am-church-the-cat · 11 months
2, 3, 17, 31 for the questions!!
2. lucky number?
22! It was my jersey number in softball and it just what I’ve stuck with.
3. favorite book?
The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman. Not very well known I don’t think but I love it with all my heart, reread it regularly.
17. sum up your personality in three words.
excitable, controlling, empathetic
Yeah I think that sums it up pretty well.
31. introvert or extrovert?
Introvert by miles, don’t put a guy (me) in situations
Thank you!
(ask me anything)
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hashirun · 1 year
Alin ang pipiliin mo, maganda/gwapo na hindi matalino o matalino pero hindi maganda/gwapo, bakit?
Lol this reminds me of Max Shulman's short story titled "Love is a Fallacy" which is about a top law student who coveted his roommate's girlfriend. He noted that all the successful and powerful lawyers have one thing in common: a beautiful, graceful, and smart wife. While beautiful and graceful, his roommate's girlfriend, Polly, was most definitely not smart. But he thought "It is, after all, easier to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than to make an ugly smart girl beautiful."
He struck a deal with his roommate to give up Polly in exchange for his dad's raccoon overcoat (which was apparently making a comeback thanks to the big men on campus). He then set out on a mission to make Polly smart before asking her out by giving her lessons in logic and reasoning. However, his plan ultimately backfired when, after Polly became a proficient logician, she rejected his confession and chose to get back together with his roommate because "He has a raccoon overcoat."
So what's the moral of the story? Never mind whether the person you choose is smart or beautiful, the question is would that person choose you as well? After all, it's hard to compete with questionable taste lol.
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Book 1: The Grimm Legacy " Borrow the magic if you dare!"
Book 2: The Wells Bequest "Do you DARE change the past?"
Author: Polly Shulman
Place: Amazon Or Kindle
Photo-op time 💚
#thegrimmlegacy #thewellsbequest #thegrimmbrothers #pollyahulman #magic #monsters #romance #love #fairtails
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fired-up-and-tired · 5 years
Okay, hear me out. I consider Enthusiasm by Polly Shulman a dark academia book.
Yes, it is quite lighthearted, but that just means it's a fun read for when you don't want something heavy. Here are reasons I consider it dark academia which are also reasons you should read it. (Slight spoilers ahead, nothing too bad.)
The whole theme revolves around Jane Austen, specifically Pride and Prejudice.
There is a strong friendship at the center of the story.
There's also a prestigious all-boys boarding school, Forefield Academy and the building looks like an enchanted castle.
A ball takes place at the school!!!
They attempt to sneak in to said ball.
They need to learn old dances for this ball.
They perform a play in the aforementioned school, that is based on Shakespeare dramas (A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet both inspired it)
A lot of it revolves around studying, extracurricullars and college applocations.
There is a whole lot of passion involved.
It has an underlying melancholic quality that is not overpowering.
The main character's first conversation with her crush is a freaking sonnet(!)
The guy the main character falls for is a dreamboat.
There is a greenhouse involved
It mainly takes place in autumn and winter.
Taught me an actually cool study tip!
I might add to this later if I think of anything.
So basically I adore this book so much and I think it deserves more love. Please let me know if you have read it so I know I'm not alone. If so, do you agree with me?
(By the way, it is available on Audible! But if you dm me, I can email you the epub version.)
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backlogbooks · 5 years
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This Again? Challenge | Day Thirteen: Circe 
All the retellings I could find on my shelves! I love retellings so, so much, especially when there’s a really cool twist on the original story! 
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thefandomnet · 6 years
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Film Adaptation of THE GRIMM LEGACY Series in the Works
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the-grimm-legacy · 6 years
Jaya: if i became a millionaire, id buy a million melons so i could be a melonaire
Marc: how do you have friends
Jaya: because im a melonaire
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wildemt · 6 years
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“The one who asks questions does not lose his way.”
― Polly Shulman, The Grimm Legacy // The New York Circulating Repository
Forgotten Childhood Books -> 5/??
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thumbedpages · 6 years
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Polly Shulman - The Grimm Legacy
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roggling · 7 years
Anyone heard/read of the Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman?
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