#poly tings
writtenbykatsworld · 3 months
Tip 1: Read Widely
It’s hard to become a great musician without having heard a lot of great music.
The same is true for writing. Reading a lot of books is a great way to get inspired and to learn more about the anatomy of a story.
It’s important to read in whatever genre you want so you can understand the conventions of that genre. If you’re writing a fantasy story, for example, you should familiarize yourself with popular fantasy novels and short stories so you know what readers expect.
On the other hand, it’s just as important to read a diverse variety of books. Exposing yourself to lots of genres and authors can help you learn about different writing styles and techniques.
Tip 2: Experiment With Different Formats and Points of View
Creative writing can involve countless different formats. You can write a story that looks like a diary entry, a song, or a Charles Dickens novel.
Maybe you want to write a story in the form of a series of instructions to the reader, like a cooking recipe or a how-to manual.
Or maybe you want to write a story in the form of a confession from one character to another, in a mix of first-person and second-person POV.
Try out different styles, even ones that don’t feel like your usual writing style. Doing this experimentation early on in your creative writing journey can help you find your own voice and figure out what works best for you.
Tip 3: Take Inspiration From Many Sources
No story is written in a vacuum. Every artist takes inspiration from other works of art, and you shouldn’t feel bad about writing a story that’s inspired by your favorite book or movie.
At the same time, though, it’s important not to write a story that actually plagiarizes an existing one. Directly copying the work of other creative writers is both unethical and illegal. Plus, it’s much less fun than writing your own stories.
A good rule of thumb if you’re looking for ideas is to take inspiration from many sources rather than a single one.
For example, maybe you like the sarcastic humor of one book, the sweet romance arc of another book, and the Gothic setting of your favorite TV show. When you merge those three things together, you’ll most likely create a story that feels unique and original, even though you took inspiration from existing stories.
Tip 4: Show, Don’t Tell
The phrase “Show, don’t tell” is a popular piece of writing advice that almost every writer has heard before.
Essentially, “show, don’t tell” means that you should immerse the reader in your story through sensory details and descriptive language instead of simply summarizing the story to them.
For example, you could tell someone, “My sister’s room is messy.” That sentence conveys the facts, but the person you’re talking to probably wouldn’t be able to picture your sister’s room in their head.
On the other hand, you could say, “My sister basically uses the floor of her room as a giant laundry hamper—it’s covered with so many sweaters and scarves that I don’t even remember what color her carpet is.”
This sentence gives your listener a much more specific idea of what your sister’s room looks like.
Tip 5: Write With Intention
Many newer writers put down words on the page based on what comes to mind first.
For example, let’s say you’re trying to describe a character. A new writer might note down whatever details they visualize right away, like the color of the character’s hair or the type of clothes they’re wearing.
This is a great way to write when you’re just starting out, but if you want to improve your skills, it’s important to learn how to write with intention.
Try to get in the habit of asking yourself: What details does the reader need to know and why? For example, what aspects of this character’s hair color and outfit could tell the reader something deeper about the character’s personality and motivations?
It’s also important to figure out what you want to convey emotionally. What do you want your reader to feel? Excited? Creeped out? Hopeful?
For example, you might describe a sunset as “blood-red” if you want the reader to feel creeped out, or as “glowing and bright” if you want the reader to feel hopeful.
Tip 6: Learn How to Edit
No first draft is perfect, even if you’re a seasoned writer.
Learning how to edit your work is just as important as learning how to write on a blank page. That’s how you can create a creative work you feel proud of.
One helpful tip is to try reading your work out loud. That can often help you spot places where your prose doesn’t flow.
AI-powered grammar checkers like ProWritingAid can also help you identify weaknesses in your prose and learn how to strengthen them. You can catch your grammatical mistakes, avoid unnecessary repetition, choose more evocative words, and more with our powerful tool.
Tip 7: Practice Overcoming Writer’s Block
At some point in their writing journey, every writer has reached a point where writing doesn’t feel fun anymore.
There are lots of different causes for writer’s block. You might be unsure what to write, afraid of failing, or simply burned out from writing too much.
It’s important to find ways to overcome creative blocks, so you don’t end up putting down your pen for good.
One useful technique is to change your environment. If you normally write at home, try writing in a coffee shop or in your local library.
Another technique is to try a different activity for a while. Go for a walk, take a shower, do your dishes, or try another hobby. Before long, you’ll find yourself wanting to write again.
Perhaps the most underrated method is to simply take a break from writing. Give yourself permission to stop for a while—it’s always okay to take a step back.
Tip 8: Study Writing Craft
Many new writers falsely believe that writing can’t be taught; you’re either good at it or you’re not.
But the truth is that creative writing is a craft, just like woodworking, oil painting, or ballet. You wouldn’t expect anyone to be naturally good at ballet without years of training, so why is writing any different?
One way to learn new creative writing techniques is by reading craft books. Some great books to start with include On Writing by Stephen King, Story Genius by Lisa Cron, and The Creative Writer’s Handbook by Philip K. Jason.
These books can help you learn the basics of how to write well. For example, you can learn how to construct high-quality sentences, how to avoid passive voice, and how to use poetic devices.
The more you learn, the more powerful your writing will become.
Tip 9: Invent Your Own Process
When you’re just starting out as a writer, it can be tempting to copy someone else’s writing process.
Maybe you heard an interview with a bestselling author who said you have to outline a story before you draft it. Or maybe you found out your favorite author writes 1,000 words every day, and now you think you have to write 1,000 words every day too.
But it’s important to remember that no two writers have the exact same writing process. What works best for someone else might not work for you.
There’s no right or wrong way to be a creative writer. Your job is to find a writing process that makes you feel fulfilled, productive, and inspired—and if your favorite writers don’t write the same way, that’s perfectly okay.
Tip 10: Don’t Aim for Perfection
There’s a good chance your writing is never going to be perfect. Mine definitely isn’t!
Remember that writing is about the process, not the product. Even if the final product is never perfect, the process has helped you grow as a writer—and hopefully, it’s also been a lot of fun.
You should decide what your main goal for writing is. Maybe it’s writing stories you might be able to publish someday. Maybe it’s telling stories about characters you rarely see in existing stories. Maybe it’s simply a fun new hobby.
Whatever your goal is, remember that you’re already on your way to achieving it. You don’t need to aim for perfection in order to succeed.
Have fun and happy writing!!! 🌊🪩🎧
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vividdreamsrock · 1 year
Well my future DR boyfriend appeared in my dream but not as himself exactly so uhhhh
Yeah I can’t even call that a win I have got no clue what that means?????
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treebranchy · 8 months
technically I could have my cake and eat it too. but that would make me an asshole.
0 notes
crackny2k · 1 year
need to actually stick to a schedule with my writing - doing an rp with some chasemarshprice and now it's all i wanna write
0 notes
thebarontheabyss · 11 months
This tale starts with your death.
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Read WIP here
(Current wordcount: 240k!)
You remember only the moth, carrying you through the cosmos.
And so, the Abyss beckons you.
Now, you are a spirit, immortal. After a meeting with the Grim Reaper, Death, you were gifted with a peculiar inheritance: a bar.
This mysterious establishment and the Abyss around it serve as a nexus, connected to every realm in existence. It's a haven where spirits and deities, devils and angels, converge to drink and revel.
Yet, beneath the surface, an unease stirs. A voice calls out in your dreams—a loneliness that echoes through the Abyss. Why does it seek you?
A motley crew of spirits and immortals, each hailing from distant corners of the realms, stands with you. Bonds are waiting to be formed, or even love that transcends death itself—perhaps even with Death themself.
Manage your bar, where serving a drink to a god or an eldritch entity is just another day's work. Unravel a cosmic mystery, go on a date in infernal Hell, witness the universe's creation, or unlock the arcane secrets of magic.
Your new afterlife awaits.
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A narrative-driven experience focused on character development and storytelling.
Play as any gender or none.
Shape your personality through meaningful choices.
Engage in deep and complex relationships with a diverse cast of characters.
Romance mortals and immortals alike - if you want poly, purely physical, or asexual - they will respond in kind.
Explore the afterlife, visit realms of immortals and gods, and uncover the dark secrets of the bar.
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M\F\NB (Poly or Monogamous paths) Death reveals a surprising warmth beneath their eternal duty.
Is there room for love within their everlasting embrace? Read more >>>
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M\F (Poly or Monogamous paths) This devilish being, a powerful magnet of desire, seeks more than power in the bar’s shadows.
Who dares to pursue the heart behind the flame?
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M\F (Poly or Monogamous paths) The Witch, with their feline companion, seeks a lost soul, their magic stirring trouble and passion alike.
Can a mortal love thrive in the spirit realm?
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M (Monogamous path)
A mercenary turned security guard, Hastur carries an immortal burden, guilt born of past battles and sacrifices.
Will your love heal his wounds?
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NB (Monogamous path) The spectral diva enchants with their voice, their performance a dance of beauty tinged with the sorrow of eternal life.
Can your love find a new song for them?
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M\F\NB (Monogamous path) A shade keeps the bar’s order, and his silence holds the weight of cosmic secrets and the tapestry of existence.
Will your heart fall for the being behind the shadow?
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With feathers dark and wit sharp, The Raven’s history is as rich as the bar itself. He offers piercing insight beneath a layer of humor.
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The stern soothsayer-turned-accountant Yaga guards the bar’s fortune while wrestling with her own spectral regrets and wisdom.
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Shelly, the bar’s assistant, brings life-affirming warmth but seeks a new family to fill the void of her lost one.
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Welcome to the cosmos: the tapestry of existence, a complex weave of ever-changing realms. Each domain is a thread in the grand design.
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Feedback on any typos, grammatical errors, or other textual issues.
Notes on any continuity errors to ensure a smooth and logical progression.
Thoughts and opinions on the plot, characters, and overall narrative experience.
Don't be shy about sending your feedback - as small as it may be. I'll be answering and taking each into consideration. You are very welcome to post your reviews here!
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The game explores themes of Death in various forms, including suicide.
Alcohol indulgence and its various side effects (hangovers, vomiting, etc.)
Sexual themes (currently only non-explicit)
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Thawing Out
summary: You and Sirius are in dire need of a new coach just weeks before the Olympics. Remus is a former figure skating prodigy forced to retire after a career-ending injury. Though it's not smooth skating right away, those stiff Olympic village beds are dying to be broken in.
collab with @ellecdc
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
cw: modern au, chronic pain
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
Remus still wakes before dark every morning. It’s automatic, an urgency and excitement that thrums through him like an old instinct, born from years of his alarm clock rousing him at this time. The rink is always at its best right now, when they’ve just finished resurfacing the ice and no one else is around. It was Remus’ favorite time to practice. 
Now, he has a new reason to get up. His hip clicks as he does it, so he starts his day with a couple of proactive painkillers. If he really wanted to be proactive he would stretch like he’s supposed to, but there’s no time and Remus doesn’t feel like it. He’ll pay his toll for the negligence later. 
The webpage of his Airbnb boasted a five-minute walk to the rink, but with his hip it takes Remus seven. It’s like an odd sort of muscle memory, an old routine from another life that feels as bitter as it does comfortable. He heads out early to give himself some cushion. The streets are empty but for bakers and baristas, the first hints of dawn tinging the sky a deep blue. When he turns a corner and the rink comes into view, the absence of his bag hanging from his shoulder is a phantom ache. 
The front doors are locked but the side one staff uses isn’t, the Zamboni driver already inside. Remus lets himself in, makes a cup of tea from the hot water dispenser they leave out when concessions are closed, plants himself on a bench, and waits. 
And waits. 
And waits. 
Remus has nearly nodded off when two pairs of shoes come bounding up to him. Well, one pair bounds. The other drags. 
“Hi, sorry we’re late.” You’re breathless and hauling a sullen-looking boy along behind you by the hand, but you manage a smile when Remus looks up at you. “I had to run over and get him out of bed. It’s good to meet you!”
You hold out your untethered hand. Remus might normally stand to take it, but he no longer feels like doing you the courtesy. Your grip is firm and warm. 
“You were supposed to be here at six,” he says. 
You wince. “I know. Sorry, Sirius is really not a morning person.” 
Remus thinks that he might put more stock into your apologies if you looked a tad more contrite. As it is, your countenance is almost cheery, a fizzy eagerness about you as you look between him and the ice like you can’t wait to get out on it. 
In stark contrast, the ill-tempered boy behind you seems not to have a clue where he is. He looks rumpled and disoriented, squinting in the rink’s fluorescent light. 
“Then why didn’t you pick another time?” Remus asks. 
He hadn’t realized he was still looking at Sirius, or that the other boy could talk, so it’s a surprise when he answers. “Wasn’t my bloody idea.” 
By the way you grin, Remus wonders if you’ve even heard the obvious bitterness in your partner’s tone, or whether it’s gone straight over your head. 
“I like the rink better early,” you explain. “No one else ever comes before the hockey practice starts at nine, and they’ll have just finished resurfacing the ice.” 
Begrudgingly, Remus nods. “I always preferred it about now, too.” 
He realizes immediately that his agreement was a mistake, because your smile grows into something far too brilliant for the early hour. Christ, what has he gotten himself into? There’s you, starry-eyed and effervescing all over the place, and your partner, who looks more inclined to fall asleep on your shoulder than put on his skates. 
And this is the pair skating duo Remus is supposed to take to the Olympics. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Watch that back foot!” Remus shouts across the ice.
Sirius doesn’t look happy about it, but he corrects the placement of his skate, transitioning smoothly into the next synced turn. 
“Good,” Remus murmurs to himself. 
Once Sirius got out on the ice and woke up a bit, he was good. He skates with the technical proficiency of someone who’s been in the sport since before they started primary school, and the intuitive artistry of someone who loves it. You’re much the same, though your virtuosity and obvious competence are consistently undercut by hesitation, the grace of your movements interrupted when you second-guess yourself. But these—technical prowess paired with devotion—are the basics of what makes a good figure skater. You’ll have to be flawless if you want to do well at the Olympics. 
And Remus has found many flaws. 
“No, no—shit!” Remus stands as you fall out of your jump again, catching yourself on your forearms. “You’re still under-rotating! Come on!” 
Sirius snarls a quick “Hey!” over his shoulder before turning his back on Remus, going to help you up. He speaks to you quietly, checking you over as you stand. Remus seethes. 
He has no clue why he’s been called out here to coach a pair. Remus doesn’t know pairs, has never been a part of one. He was a solo skater. And frankly, it makes him wary that what’s supposed to be the best skating pair in Britain has asked him, a former solo skater who’s been isolated from the figure skating community in general for the past two years, to coach them. But Remus does know figure skating. And he knows when skaters are making stupid mistakes behind their skill level. 
“What aren’t you understanding?” asks Remus as you skate back to the edge of the rink. He really wants to know. “It’s simple. You can do this.” He knows he could have. As easy as breathing, and he would kill to have the chance again. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” 
Sirius’ glare is sharp as knives. He steps off the ice before you can, positioning himself between you and Remus. Your lips purse with a knowing sort of apprehension. 
“No, you don’t talk to her like that,” Sirius spits. “It was a tiny mistake.” 
Remus raises his eyebrows, incredulous. “I’m trying to help her! It was a giant mistake, with a simple fix. You ought to be telling her the same, unless you’re okay with your partner snapping her ankle weeks out from competition.” 
“None of that means you get to fucking yell at her! Who do you think you are?” 
“I’m her coach,” says Remus, voice rising, “and—”
“Then coach her! Maybe if you’d give some actual fucking feedback instead of just nitpicking—” 
“Okay!” Your shout cuts through the space, echoing in the empty rink and silencing the other two. “That’s enough.” 
You haul Sirius back by his shoulder. Your grip doesn’t look severe enough to move him, but he goes, stepping back to your side. His eyes never leave Remus’. 
Your own gaze jumps between both boys, that same spark he’d seen in you earlier burning with a different light. 
“Let’s call it for today,” you say firmly. “Okay? We’ll try again tomorrow.” 
Neither boy speaks, though Remus nods. It seems to be taking all of Sirius’ willpower to bite his tongue. He gets the impression it isn’t something he succeeds at often, so Remus isn’t ashamed to say that it brings him a perverse sort of joy to see it now. His tiny bit of smugness fizzles out, though, when your eyes land on him. There’s something desolate in your expression that’s a salient deviation from how you’d looked at him before. Remus has the sinking feeling that he’s disappointed you. It’s more distressing than he can account for. 
“We’ll be here on time tomorrow,” you say in that same steady tone. “And my jump, I’ll work on it.” 
Remus nods again. You return it, and when you turn to leave, you drag Sirius after you by his shirtsleeve, picking up your bags along your way. Remus’ mouth feels dry. His lips are chapped, his fingertips hurt from the cold, and the sight of your skates sinking into the rubbery floor makes his hip ache terribly. 
It’s only once you’re nearly out of earshot that he manages to mumble, “Thank you.”
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xo-codbby · 3 days
thinking about poly werewolf!141 stretching you out for them
18+, cockwarming, anal, p in v, just sex honestly lmao
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it becoming a weekly thing for you now that they were heading into heat soon and you were the most willing to help them out and relieve some stress. when the touches become lingering and the kisses become fervent and soft growls and whines falling from their lips, you know its time
first it's price that breaks you in, soothing your sweet cries with soft kisses as he holds you. he's pressed under you, his back against the couch as you're in his lap. his lips peppering soft kisses against your shoulder blades as he buries his knot deep in your ass. it hurt at first but tinged with pleasure, you're already completely overwhelmed. him marking you at the back of your neck growling softly as he humps into you, keeping your body still and open massaging the soft bulge he managed to create inside you, "there's a good girl. y'look so pretty for us, sweetheart"
it's ghost who settles himself into your wet cunt, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as his eyes close momentarily. hands gripped around your thighs, filling you up. you feel every movement, locked on both price's and now ghost's cock. you were completely full, soft whimpers and moans falling from your lips as his tongue slowly licks your chest clamping gently on your neck as he sucks a bruise on your skin. humming in contentment. he groans softly when you squeeze around him, thrusting softly into you to ease his knot in further, "easy love, tight little pussy's swallowing me up so good"
then it's soap gently easing his swollen cock against your pretty lips, cooing at you to swallow as much as you can. you haven't been trained to go all the way down their shift just yet especially not over their swollen knots so you settle just sucking the head of his aching cock instead. he groans softly his hand in your hair gently humping into your warm wet mouth while he strokes your face massaging those cheeks around him further, "aw look at you hen, s'fucking beautiful takin my cock like you were meant for it"
gaz giving your pussy soft spanks enjoying the way you clenched around them while he lazily strokes his cock. his grin widening as you cum around them once more. his mouth sucking softly on your nipples feeling them harden against your tongue as he coos softly at your state. usually your hand will rub and stroke him but he's not too fussed, teasing or playing with one of the other boys as he kisses on you, "so needy, babygirl. easy easy, y'doing so good for us"
and when you're too tired to continue, they either wrap you up in a big pile all protecting you from different sides. petting your hair as they kiss over their small marks, holding you close to their bodies. or you rest against one of them while the other three play about with each other, either giving you a show or fucking around until they fall fast asleep in each others arms
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tojisun · 28 days
Logan having been punched in the mouth so many times that when he has you finally bent over, your both panting and full of aggressive adrenaline with your knees pushed up to your chest, his giant hands splayed over the backs of your thighs, he lets a bloody string of spit fall from his mouth and onto your exposed cunt from where he’s absolutely shredded the crotch of your costume.
THIS SEXY THING IN REFERENCE TO THAT? GODDAMN YEA cw: smut; f!reader; blood as lube; fucking in public; thrashing bcuz of oversensitivity - all consensual; a touch of poolverine/reader poly :3 this is v short im sorry! // divider by @/plutism!
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the guttural hunger ripples in waves as logan tears through your pants, each rip sending his hackles rising, the tension between the two of you brewing, until he’s got you fully bare and ready for him. your scent hits him hard, and he almost buckles down, his cock jumping underneath his suit, before he’s got your thighs cushioning either side of his head.
he takes in a greedy drag, nose flaring at the waft of your aroma—so wet and messy and all his.
logan’s eyes flick up to you for a moment—a question—and you give him the subtlest of nods, and it’s all he needs to pry his maw open. the thick string of blood and spit mixed together falls like a diabolical glob on your cunt, and watching him do this makes your breath hitch.
everything about this is rugged, animalistic, but it is also so, so hot. you try to rationalize past your need, telling yourself that this isn’t the right time to be fucked, not when logan’s bleeding all over your cunt, but a rough tongue presses flat on your slit and your thoughts are razed into fractures.
you keen, bucking in his hold, as your hands fly to grip anything you can, trying so desperately to ground yourself. logan doesn't let you, digging in like a man starved and aching; he ruts his bloodied mouth all over your pussy, hot tongue fucking past your folds and into the tight ring of your cunt, and slurps.
“fuck!” you cry out, fists tightening around whatever remains of your pants. your head falls backwards, exposing your throat as you scream.
logan can eat pussy, you’ve known that for years, but there is a curl of something primal in the way he eats you out tonight—all filthy and overwhelming, his silence making you feel ever more so like a prey being devoured. tears are already springing up from your eyes, beading, until a sob wretches itself from your throat because it’s—
it’s too good!
you’re babbling nonsense, you realize later, your words slurring when you beg and moan, telling him how it’s too much and how he needs to stop—“please ‘gan!”—as you feel your mind getting scrambled with the intensity of this all. you try to dislodge yourself from his hold, thrashing, but logan pushes you down with a firm hand on your belly, subduing every effort to rip his mouth off from your cunt.
you’re fully crying now, shaking, and you try warning him that you’re about to cum—the dregs of your ecstasy peaking with every lick and sharp teeth dragging to nip at your folds and at your clit—but you can’t. you’re too drunk off of the pleasure, and your body feels like a rubber pulled taut, ready to snap as your climax builds—
then logan’s pulling away with a snarl.
“no!” you keen, sobbing, trembling hands reaching to pull him back before your euphoria dies down, but logan’s already straightening up and folding himself over you, his bulk easily covering you. “i wan’ cum! logan, please—”
“shh,” he coos, like he isn’t wet with your slick and his tan skin tinged with the slightest of red. you see yourself on his beard, droplets of your slick glinting like little diamonds as he leans in.
he pushes your hair away from your face with a grin, and it looks mean but not unkind; just teasing because he knows how much your need has grown. he must have. no one knows your body more than anyone else, after all, and you are sure that he knew that you were there, on the throes of your orgasm, waiting for it to spill into a stuttering blanket of white.
“i’ve got you, darl,” he continues, like he didn’t just edge you off. “gon’ fuck you good now—prepared you nice f’me, after all.”
you hiccup, still glaring up at him with vitriol despite the promise, but you feel yourself loosening up as the tension leaves your body. he hums, still petting your cheek, and you grumble, looking away because you can’t stand the force of his attention—all that crinkled-eye smile and raggedly endearing taunts he chirps at you.
logan hums, satisfied at seeing you placated, then he’s moving back up again. the action draws air into your exposed cunt and you move to shut your legs close, at least even for a bit, but he wrenches them apart with a heavy hand pressing down on your inner thigh, and slots himself properly between your legs. you roll your eyes at him, dutifully ignoring the way your cheeks are warming up at being so exposed before logan while he’s still all clothed with his suit.
he chuckles with a fond shake of his head, and paws for the zipper on his suit. the sound of it dragging makes you twitch, feeling hypersensitive again. you feel him getting excited too, his chest heaving when he finally pulls his cock out from his pants. you stare at it, still so unused to the size because logan’s big, yes, and he’s big everywhere—from his thighs to his delts, and now his cock.
it’s girthy, webbed with thick veins, and leaking; pearly pre- beading on the head, and nothing has ever made your mouth water more than seeing it.
you want it in you, yes, but fuck, you want your throat stuffed too. want it fucked raw and ruined; want to be used by logan—
but your cunt is wet and itching, and you want to cum so, so bad.
you wonder what you must have looked because logan’s stuffing his fingers in your mouth, as though in placation, and you suck on them, greedy, not minding the faint taste of earth and salty sweat. it makes you even headier, filling you up with the reminder of where you two are, and you whimper, need bloating, because fuck, you need him now.
logan is still quiet even when he taps his cock over your clit, sending goosebumps to rise all over your skin.
“ready, pretty bird?” he asks like he can’t smell the desperation rolling off of you.
still, you nod, and you try your best to relax because you feel so worked up already with all the dragging—
then, logan’s pushing in, in, in, and you are gone.
you don’t even know how many time’s you’ve cum now, only that your cunt is oversensitive and your thighs are a sticky mess and your throat is hoarse, but it must have been hours because the sky has turned dark, almost pitch black, and there’s nothing else but you and logan—
the sound of boots crinkling against rocks makes you freeze, your sharp senses breezing past the euphoric pressure being pounded into your cunt, before you put a hand over logan’s chest, making him stop.
with only the sounds of ragged breathing, the two of you hear where the echoing footsteps are coming from. still perched on your back—and speared by logan’s cock—you tip your head up, not minding the upside-down perspective of your surroundings.
logan groans the moment a familiar red suit walks into view. wade’s got his mask pulled up just enough that you two see his grin, then—
“and where’s my invitation?”
logan groans again, while you give out a breathy chuckle, pussy clenching around logan’s cock. he bucks in with a confused grumble.
what? your throat is still pretty lonely, after all.
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wade was lounging atop a building when he sees his two favourite people fight— wait they’re— oh? oh.
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writtenbymoonflower · 8 months
Hi! Can I please request a poly!Marauders x reader where the reader has a secret admirer? The reader is receiving anonymous gifts and letters, making the boys anxious and jealous. If not, it's okay! Thank you, author-san!
omg i love this! thank you so much, baby, hope this is okay! gn!reader x poly!marauders
cw: jealousy and possessiveness, borderline harassment and stalking, hickey
1.1k words
You groaned loudly when you opened the front door only to be greeted by yet another bouquet of flowers. You begrudgingly brought the arrangement into the house, setting it on the countertop. 
"Again? That’s like the third this week, and it’s only Wednesday." Sirius said, exasperated and (almost) as annoyed as you. 
"Fifth, actually." You hated that you were complaining, you knew you were technically very lucky to receive all these gifts, it was just distressing. And to be frank, getting very old.
"Christ, this person is thirsty." Sirius’ voice was strained, clearly more anxious than he was wanting to let on. 
"At least it seems they don’t have much of a chance, anyone worth their salt knows that you hate roses, angel." James said, between mouthfuls of his sandwich. 
"I know," You cringed. "Who should I give these to this time? Lily has enough flowers to open a shop" You rolled your eyes. "Speaking of," You reached into your work bag and pulled out two boxes. "There were chocolates at my work when I got there yesterday, and a pair of earrings on monday." You walked over to where Remus and Sirius were cuddled on the couch. 
“Geez, dove. Are we gonna have to step up our game?” Remus said, voice tinged with jealousy. 
"No, this person needs to step down. Or at least give me a return address or something. All the notes say is ‘from someone who appreciates you, xx.’ It’s actually kind of distressing." You handed the smaller box of earrings to Sirius, "Are these your style, honey?" 
"What? You don’t want them?" He sounded surprised. Of course you didn’t! Why would you need presents from a random person when you have three boys who give you all the love you could ever need? (and in the way you like it)
"No, I would feel weird wearing them." You cringed, handing the larger box to Remus. "You can have these, I don’t even like cherry chocolate." Remus took the box like it was filled with poison, a disgusted tilt to his lips, just as Sirius dramatically dropped the jewelry box onto the coffee table. 
"I don’t know whose grubby paws have been on this box." He sneered. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, looking over to James who was still in the kitchen. He had set his sandwich down and was looking like a kicked puppy. It made your heart crack.
"Jamie, what’s wrong baby? Come here." You beckoned him over. He rushed to your side, placing his hand protectively on your shoulder and gripping you tight. You looked at your other two boyfriends, Remus’ jaw was clenched tight and Srius was still looking at the box and scowling. 
"I jus’ don’t like it." James said from your side, his voice was small like a child's. 
"Wait, hold on," You said, "Are you all actually worried about this?"
"Define ‘worried’ lovely," Remus said, his voice an awful mix of venomous and depressed. “I don’t think any of us like knowing there’s someone out there fighting for your affections.” His eyes had an angry glint to them. 
“Guys,” You said, your heart only breaking further. “You have nothing to be worried about, okay?” James’ grip tightened on you. “There is absolutely no competition here, I’m not even giving these the time of day. I don’t want anything to do with the gifts or the person sending them.” 
“But you would if we weren’t in the picture.” Sirius said quietly, all too insecure for your liking. You wormed your way out of James’ grasp, resulting in a whine being pulled from his throat, to crouch in front of Sirius. You grabbed his pretty face in your hands, looking into his sad eyes. 
“No, I wouldn’t. I’m not impressed by these gifts.” You took a deep breath, not wanting to confess the next part and worry your boyfriends worse. “They actually kind of scare me.” You admitted, making all their eyes snap to you. 
“Scared? Of what, darlin’?” James piped up. 
“I just,” You cringed. “I don’t like knowing that there is someone this obsessed with me and I don’t know who they are. And that they know where I live and where I work. I mean, who knows how much they know?” 
“Well now I feel like an arse.” Sirius grabbed you from the floor and hauled you onto the couch with him and Remus, wrapping himself tightly around you. “Here I was thinking this person was gonna get you away from us, not knowing they were worrying you.” 
“You’re not, I promise!” You reassured. “Honestly, if there was someone doing all this for you three I would be really jealous too.” You placed a hand on two of your boyfriends’ thighs, looking over at James, who was still sulking, now sitting on the coffee table in front of you. “But I can assure you, even if I found out who this person was, they, and no one else, would be able to take me from you three. You aren’t getting rid of me that easy. Besides, I don’t like stalkers.” You joked. 
Remus pulled you closer to him, gentle but still much more aggressive than usual. Your other two boyfriends had settled, but he was still heated. 
“Remmy,” You turned to face him. “I promise, you have nothing to worry about.” 
“I know,” He grunted, burying his face into your neck. You wanted to shrink at the ticklish feeling but you allowed him to stay there, knowing he needed it. Remus had a jealous streak, perhaps the most of all your boyfriends. James and Sirius were more subtle in their protectiveness, but Remus started marking you all like a wolf anytime someone let their gaze linger too long. You buried your fingers in his hair and scratched his scalp, trying to relax him. 
“As soon as I find out who this is I will get them to stop, I promise.” You said vehemently. You looked guiltily at all your boyfriends, “I’m sorry this is happening, it isn’t fair to you all.” 
“It’s not your fault, dolly.” Sirius placed his hand on your back. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, you aren’t asking for this.” You were about to hug him, but Remus held fast around your waist, you started to protest, but you felt Remus’ lips latch to a spot on your neck, nibbling and sucking hard enough to sting, but not hurt. The sound you let out was half giggle and half moan.
“Christ, Moons!” James barked, “You trying to brand them or something?” The three of you started giggling like children. Remus released your skin from his teeth, observing the red and purple splotch that was left in his wake. 
“Gotta make sure they know what’s mine.” He said, possessively. “Don’t worry," His eyes glinted furiously at your two other boyfriends, "you two are next.” 
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kinq-sleazee · 1 year
ok ok , so i don’t want to write a full blown structured ficlet with all the bells and whistles so can we maybe just chat a bit about poly krbk tings?
E. Kirishima X K. Bakugo X Reader
TW! MDNI - Poly , Aged Up, poor writing, seggs
Imagine being best friends with KRBK and just inserting yourself into their lives as a sort of “platonic” third until it’s not really platonic anymore.
Like these two men love you and respect your friendship but the irrepressible attraction between the three of you is just getting too hard to ignore. Especially after a night out at the bar leads you back to their shared apartment.
And maybe the alcohol makes you a little bold and you make some silly little joke like , “let’s just fuck it out of our systems” but you soon quickly realize that you’re the only one laughing.
Between the two of them you never really stood a chance.
Katsuki holds your chin—thumb slowly pressing into your mouth while peering down at you with those fiery eyes. He looks bored almost. Only quirking a brow when you swallow around the digit and moan at the taste. Sweet. From his quirk , no doubt. He talks down to you. As if admonishing a pet. Calls you names. Whore. Slut. Claims that you’ve been planning this all along—secretly waiting for the day to choke on his cock. “That’s all you are. A hole”. At this point he’s pushed three fingers in your mouth. Slowly fucking into your throat while saliva runs down his arm. “I wish you could see yourself, cupcake. S’fucking pathetic how desperate you look”. You want him so bad right now. It’s embarrassing, so you can’t help the tear that falls. “Fuck— you cryin’ , cupcake? So damn cute. Want ya to cry sum more. Fuck that little kitty so hard… turn ya into a poundcake.
Eijiro is nicer than his lover, at least it seems that way at first. He holds you against his front, you can feel his erection pressing into your back. Kissing from the nape of your neck to your shoulder. Bite marks and bruises littering your skin. However, your focus is on the deft fingers skimming up your thighs , rising the fabric of your dress above your hips and running the pad of his finger over your clothed clit. You can feel him smile against your skin. He calls you beautiful. His angel. Perfection. All while fucking the fabric of your panties into your needy hole. “Think you were made for me, darling. Gonna feel so good wrapped around me. That’s what you want , yeah ? Wanna squeeze on daddy’s dick, baby girl ?”
It’s not nearly enough stimulation and you’re literally begging them for something. Anything. You need it at this point.
They oblige. Swiftly undressing you and positioning you in your hands and knees.
Eijiro rubs his meaty cockhead against your quivering hole. It’s big. Painfully so. You whine and attempt to move earning a sharp slap to your thigh. “Didn’t you ask for this, darling ? Why are you running ? Tryna disappoint me ?” And you’re overwhelmed. Chest heaving , eyes blurry and babbling apologies. The redhead hums in acknowledgment and pushes in fully with one powerful thrust.
Bakugo doesn’t really care to hear your cries so he shuts you up with his cock. With a hand buried in your hair he pistons in and out of your mouth, setting a brutal pace. He stops ever so often to let you breathe or spit in your mouth but then it’s right back to choking on his cock.
They use you for their pleasure this first time. Rutting into you carelessly, sloppily chasing their orgasms. Of course they make you cum— Eijiro rubbing your clit and Katsuki pinching your nipples — but it lacks finesse.
When the post-nut clarity settles their able to really tend to your needs. Katsuki settles between your legs, whispering sweet praises to your “pretty little pussy” then running the flat of his tongue through your cum coated folds. Eijiro joins him, drinking up his own spend while sucking on your pleasure point and massaging Bakugo’s tongue with his own.
You’re dead tired and sensitive when you cum again but much to your despair and pleasure these two are just getting started.
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starsofang · 6 days
pirate poly!141 x f!reader tw: NSFW, MDNI, heavy topics such as death, blood, and past trauma mentioned masterlist a/n: thank you for all your support while i grow through a difficult time!! i appreciate all of you for being so patient and loving. long chapter for u!! <3
When a group of unhinged pirates invade your small village, you're whisked away from your peaceful home and thrown on to a voyage out at sea. Forced to obtain a new role as their medic, you have no choice but to accept your fate as you join their forces and aid them in their treacherous travels.
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Ghost didn’t remember much about his childhood. His mind blocked it out for him. But he did remember the pain and suffering he went through at such a young age.
He didn’t deserve that. Seeing his family, massacred in front of him. The blood mixed with the metallic scent that even now seemed to tinge his nose with a nostalgia that made him sick.
He was only a child, yet that was the day Ghost was born within him.
It was like an awakening. He saw how cruel the world could be through a pure lens and it tainted his vision red. Nothing was ever the same that day, and gradually, Simon was forgotten and Ghost was his new muse.
He could recall the nights he spent alone, digging through waste bins and slumping out on the streets like a dead dog. Stealing bread from shop merchants and having to run, barefooted to avoid getting beaten. Freezing to death on the street corner when winter came around and the pure snow covered the ground in a blanket.
It was scary for a boy his age. Dehumanizing. He didn’t deserve that.
He thought he was lucky when a ship crew came along, parading the streets to offer security. A job, a place to sleep, and meals — it seemed perfect for somebody who had absolutely nothing.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Ghost never saw Simon again after that day. He was lost somewhere at sea, hidden under the roar of waves. Ghost didn’t know where to look for him until soon enough, Simon had disappeared and Ghost replaced him. Graves made sure of that.
A captain, like hell he was. Ghost knew something wasn’t quite right about Graves the moment he met him, yet as a child, he was desperate. Once he was in, it was too late, and the broken pieces of him became completely irreparable.
Graves held a devilish aura about him, one Ghost could practically see radiating around him. Every step he took was one closer to chaos.
No matter the destination, Ghost was held on by a leash with Graves being the handler. The sights Ghost saw, some being from his doing, was something he’d never get back. It was as if reliving that very day where he lost everything.
Living amongst Graves’ crew was worse than living in hell. He would’ve preferred it. To be banished for his sins, to taste the sweet nectar of death, and live his eternity punished. Anything to stray from Graves and his ship.
When he saw the way you looked—the darkness looming over you, the distress in your eyes—he saw himself. And when he saw Graves, he saw the life that was stolen from him.
That red that clouded his lens when he was a child was all he could see. Pure, angry red.
Now, standing in Price’s quarters, that red only grew angrier. This time, for you—for putting you in the same position he’d been stuck in for years.
You didn’t deserve that.
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Your mind was a whirlwind of chaos. It was struggling to digest the information given to you. So much at once and you could barely manage to keep yourself together.
Everybody looked sorry for you. Ghost looked enraged. Price was lost. Soap and Gaz were remorseful. It was too much.
You hated that they looked at you like that. You hated when they didn’t look at you like that more. Having them worry, when for the duration of your stay it was like walking on burning rocks, it felt strange.
Their own worry caused yours as well.
“What is that?” you asked. “The mark of death. I— I don’t know what that is. What does that mean?”
You were becoming more frantic. The panic that ensued was growing, and you could tell it bothered Price. He was quick to grasp your shoulders, settling you.
“It’s complicated,” he explained quietly, hushing you. “That man you saw? His name is Phillip Graves. Some call him the Devil of the Seas. He’s a wicked pirate who feeds off of the innocent, their fear. None of us know what he truly is, not even Ghost, but we believe he’s apart of something sinister.”
“What, like he’s sold his soul? Made amends with the Devil? You are talking madness!” you exclaimed, exasperated.
“We are talkin’ truth,” Price corrected. He was as patient as ever, yet still held the firmness of a leader. “He’s that of a reaper. Souls is what he wants. The mark of death is his contract, you may say.”
“But you are not telling me what the mark does,” you cried.
Your head hurt. The world was spinning. You didn’t understand.
“I think it’s quite obvious what the markin’ is, dove,” the Captain said solemnly. “It is only by miracle it hasn’t happened to Ghost yet.”
“So I am to die? Is that it?” You flickered your gaze between each man. Your eyes told a million stories, and each of them were ones of fear and anguish. “I am going to die?”
“No,” Ghost snapped. You looked at him. He seemed as pain as you were, but the anger was taking over logic. “You ain’t dyin’. Not today, not tomorrow. M’not lettin’ it happen.”
“Ghost,” Soap tried, but he was quickly shut down.
“I said no,” he repeated resentfully. “Price, show her the map.”
Price turned to him, stiffening. It seemed he still didn’t quite want to let you know the full truth. Now, you felt it was to protect you rather than leave you out. It was too late for protection.
The Captain silently walked to his desk, pulling open the old drawer with a slam, shaking the table. He pulled out the map you’d seen so long ago, unrolling it and slapping it on the table.
“Come, dove,” he called, and you listened.
The men surrounded the desk with you, staring down at the map. The ink was still the same as it was before—islands crossed out with an X, while one remained circled.
“Suppose it’s time you knew, hm?” he asked, offering the smallest of smiles. You found that you missed his real one. The one he tried to hide when he found a joke of yours humorous.
Your nerves shot up. Your emotions were at an all-time high. You were scared, scared to find out the truth.
“These islands,” he began, tracing his finger along the map to point at the ones with an X, “are all land marked by Graves. Every single one, we went to in search of a medic. The one in the poem, remember?”
The one who heals the ill and poor
shall be the cure to all demise.
You weren’t sure how it linked to you. You’d never met Graves, nor had you met your pirate crew until they took you away. The connection wasn’t there. It didn’t make sense.
“Yes, I remember,” you confirmed quietly. “What does it have to do with me?”
“We searched for a medic from every village, yet when we arrived, they were famished with death, or on the brink of,” he explained. “All of the villages were all succumbin’ to Graves’ mark of death. We think he was attemptin’ to get rid of all villages as much as he could so we wouldn’t be able to find their medics. We don’t know how, but he knows we have the prophecy, and he doesn’t like it.”
“And how do you know the prophecy is related to Graves?” you questioned. “How do you know it relates to me?”
“Ghost got the prophecy a long time ago when he was still on Graves’ ship,” Soap piped in. His hands rested on the table and he leaned over the map, but his eyes bore into yours. “He was searchin’ for answers even then. This is all he got.”
You couldn’t imagine the desperation Ghost must have felt, knowing Graves had him under his despicable spell. Not knowing whether he was going to live or die.
Your heart ached.
“And me?”
The room went silent, as if your words burned a wound in them.
“Your village had the mark, yet nobody had suffered from it,” Gaz said quietly. His eyes were soft when he looked at you with the unmistakable glimmer of pity in them. “We knew you were the one we were lookin’ for.”
“My village was not cursed,” you denied, shaking your head. “There is simply no possibility. We rarely got outsiders unless they were coming to browse the merchants.”
It clicked in your head how quickly it must’ve happened. Graves, visiting your village under the guise of an innocent shopper, gearing his interest towards the various merchants that littered your small streets.
It would’ve been so easy for him. So terribly easy.
Your people died to Price’s crew, but the true evil was the man who gave the pirates reason to ensure a massacre.
“That’s why you did what you did,” you muttered to yourself in disbelief. “You killed them because of him. You killed Mary because of him.”
“The curse would’ve taken over the moment you left,” Gaz explained. “You were the shield protectin’ them without even knowin’. You’re meant to fulfill the prophecy, grantin’ you immunity until we found you.”
All this talk about a prophecy made you want to scream, cry, yell, anything. Why you? Why were you the one chosen, and why did it have to be you?
You wanted your life back. You didn’t want to be apart of this.
Before you knew it, tears welled up in your eyes. They stung, causing you to blink rapidly. You didn’t want to seem weak, but in this moment, you were.
“Dove?” Gaz called out, concerned.
“I don’t want this,” you cried, shaky hands balling into fists. “You—you knew I was apart of this and never told me. You kept me in the dark for this long, you hid me from the truth, and for why?”
“We don’t have all of the information yet, dove, please—” Price began, but you shut him down.
“Bullshit!” you shouted, and he reeled back in surprise. You had been outspoken before, plenty with the Captain especially, but he had never seen you lash out so fiercely. “You took my life away because you assumed I was the one in your ridiculous prophecy on a whim. You took a guess and went with it. I am hardly a proper medic, let alone worthy enough to be that person for you, so why have you chosen me?”
“You must understand, you were the only medic left alive,” Price defended. “We had no choice. We did what we had to do.”
“At my expense,” you argued.
“At all of our expense,” he retorted. “I did not care for your life when we stole it. I did not care for it when you were locked in the brig. I cared for Simon’s.”
You fell silent, whipping your head to look at Ghost. You’d heard Price call him Simon before, by a slip-up, but now he had said it purposely. Ghost simply looked away, arms crossed over his chest.
All that talk before and now, at your aid, he was as quiet as a street mouse.
“Without you, he will die. We do not know when. Graves hasn’t killed him due to the thrill of holdin’ his life in his hands. It’s a toy to him. He can take his life away at any moment, and I would not allow that, even if it meant ruinin’ yours.”
Price’s cheeks were reddened from the frustration and helplessness he was feeling. He was a Captain trying to save his crew’s life, uncaring of yours—in the beginning, at least.
Now, the mere thought of losing both had him kneeling like a pitiful dog to the Devil of the Seas.
“I do not wish to be here,” you murmured, taking a step back. Soap opened his mouth to retort, but you silenced him. “I need to be alone.”
The Captain gave you a sad smile, nodding his head. He was respecting your wishes.
“As you wish,” he agreed, and you made your way out of the suffocating quarters, returning to your shared one with Gaz and Soap.
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“Dove,” a voice called out. It was quiet, like it was whispering, yet to you, it sounded loud. You hated its voice.
It was black. Your eyes couldn’t adjust to the light, no matter how much you shifted them to look around.
Your body felt heavy, as if something was weighing on you. Your lungs were tight, and when you opened your mouth for air, nothing came in. You slapped your hands over your throat, clawing at the skin.
Why couldn’t you breathe? You felt like you were drowning. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t take in an ounce of air, and you could feel your lungs beginning to protest.
A cold panic came over you, like an icy wave consuming you in its dangerous waters. You tried to move your legs, but they were stuck. They were too heavy.
All you could do was helplessly paw at your throat, praying to gasp for a breath, praying that the Gods had mercy on you.
“Dove,” it whispered once more. Where had you heard the voice before? You knew it, but your mind was blanking from the lack of oxygen.
“I’ll be seeing you, dove,” it mocked.
Dove. Dove. Dove.
You shot awake, a sharp gasp invading your lungs. The burning in your chest was harsh, and it was as if you truly hadn’t been breathing.
Coming to, you blinked the groggy confusion away, lifting a hand to wipe at your eyes.
Soap peered down at you, his eyebrows knitted worriedly. His hands were on each side of your shoulders, as if he’d shaken you awake, and when you realized you had been asleep, you only guessed that’s what he was doing.
“I kept callin’ ye but ye weren’t wakin’,” he said wearily. “Are y’alright?”
You glanced around the room, taking it in. Gaz’s bed. The clothes strewn on the floor. The mess on the small desk that you’d never seen occupied.
You were no longer suffocating in darkness. It was a mere dream—no, a nightmare. A terror.
You were safe.
“I don’t know,” you confessed breathily, still catching air.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you recalled the nightmare. You couldn’t remember the voice, not when you were fearing a death that was merely fake, but you knew now.
“Tell me,” Soap urged gently, taking a seat next to you on the bed. You sat up to join him, frowning at the floor. “It’s okay.”
You risked looking up at him, searching his eyes. They were soft whenever they looked at you, and they’d been like that since the beginning. He was always patient, even when you did things that cost him a scolding from Price.
You felt like you could trust him, more than any of them.
“It was that man,” you explained. “Graves. I think he is messing with my head. I dreamt of dying, like… like I was drowning. I couldn’t breathe. The whole time, I could hear his voice, calling me out. Mocking me.”
Soap listened carefully, taking in every one of your words. He cared, that much you could tell, and the situation weighed heavy on him. The worry lines on his face were proof.
Graves was tormenting with your mind, feeding into your fear. He knew you were terrified, and he enjoyed it. The way he mimicked what he told you, whispering it the same as before, it sent chills down your spine and made your blood run cold.
You understood now why Ghost was always a mystery—because he was scared, too. He just hid it better.
“I am scared,” you confessed shakily. “I do not want to die.”
“And ye won’t,” he assured, but you shook your head.
“You do not know that,” you argued. “None of you do. You have not given me a chance at life. I am stuck in this without a choice, and I am the new target. It’s not fair.”
Soap’s expression dropped into one of guilt. His focus shifted away from you, avoiding your eye, before returning back to you.
“It’s not,” he agreed quietly. “We’ve done to ye what Graves did to Ghost. Treatin’ ye like—like burdening scum, like ye don’t matter. I can’t express to ye how sorry I am for everythin’.”
You didn’t want an apology, but you accepted it nonetheless. It was the first anybody had truly apologized for the mess you were thrown into. Maybe it was something you needed without realizing. You felt a sliver of weight lifted.
“I never had a family,” you told him, staring down at your feet that hung over the side of the bed. The shoes Soap surprised you with stared back at you. “The village did not like my values or my lifestyle. It was hard being an outcast there, but it is even harder here.”
“Yer not an outcast.”
Looking back up at him, you found him smiling, a faint sparkle twinkling back at you.
“Not anymore. We thought ye were a little strange in the beginning, though,” he said, the end of his sentence bordering a tease.
You couldn’t stop your own smile from forming. Despite carrying the crushing weight of the world’s worries, as well as growing a headache with every word spoken from each of them ever since your arrival, you found yourself growing more fond over them the longer you lingered.
It’d been a bumpy road, and there were still miles ahead of you, waiting to unravel. But you couldn’t fully convince yourself that there wasn’t a part of you, yearning to belong with them.
“You are all very strange,” you retorted lightly. “I have never met such people as you before.”
“Thank ye.”
“It was not a compliment.”
Soap snorted, shaking his head at the banter. “The Captain is bitin’ tooth and nail in his quarters, thinkin’ he fucked this all up with ye. Never seen him that worried before, but with Graves bein’ around again, I don’t blame him.”
The statement caught you off guard, and you found yourself curious. “He is worried for me?”
Soap eyed you strangely, as if it had been obvious the whole time. “Ach. ‘Course he is. Cap’s got a good heart, even if it doesn’t seem like it.”
“I did not realize he cared for me after everything,” you confessed.
Soap hummed, looking down at his trousers and picking at a loose thread. “We all do.”
You stared at him dumbly, cocking your head in question when he didn’t elaborate. You had become acquainted with them, surely, you lived with them now after all, but you weren’t aware they truly cared.
When Price had told you they’d grown fond of you, you didn’t quite believe it. You assumed it was his way of convincing you to trust him, but it seemed that wasn’t the truth.
The two of you sat in silence, staring anywhere but at each other. The awkwardness grew, and it felt strange to feel that when the relationships had been too uptight even consider having those moments.
You took the time to weigh out your options. The Captain being worried, especially over messing things up with you, had you in a turmoil.
As much as you wanted to deny the path chosen for you unwillingly, you felt an obligation to please them. Yet, not in the way you initially thought.
You didn’t want to let them down.
Maybe you truly were as strange as Soap thought.
“Is he still in there?” you asked Soap. He perked up, nodding his head.
“Aye. He’ll be rottin’ in there before we know it.”
You pursed your lips, facing that inner battle once more before coming to a conclusion. “Would you like to join me, then?”
Soap raised his eyebrows, watching you stand from the bed. You shot him a warm smile, tilting your head at his confusion.
“For?” he asked.
“You all need a medic,” you said, giving a nonchalant shrug. “And I do not wish to die by the hands of a filthy pirate such as Graves. I am in this now, so I suppose I’ll simply have to deal with it, am I correct?”
Soap’s smile slowly grew at your sudden courage, standing up to join you. He reached out for you, and once you became confused, he looped your arm with his, grinning down at you.
“Sure are, dove. I’ll come with ye.”
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The Captain looked a mess when you entered his quarters with Soap. Ghost was beside him where Price sat at his desk, the map and prophecy still scattered on the table. The two of them were speaking hushed to one another, yet when the door opened and you stepped in, they went silent.
“She wanted to be alone, Soap,” Price protested, but you quickly shook your head, taking a step closer to the desk.
“It’s alright,” you assured. “I have had time to think.”
Price’s eyebrows raised and he glanced at Gaz for a brief moment before returning to you. “I see,” he hummed, nodding. “I have as well.”
You cocked your head, eyebrows furrowing. He gestured for Ghost and Soap to step out of the room, requesting privacy, and the sudden realization that you would in fact have to speak after your outburst made your nerves to churn.
Ghost gave your shoulder a light squeeze as he walked behind Soap, catching you off guard. When you looked at him, he stared forward, avoiding your gaze.
The door clicked shut as they left, and you stood uncomfortably in place, shifting on the balls of your feet.
“I owe you an apology,” Price began. “A true one. I may be a Captain, and I know in those regards, I come off rather violent. I can be a brute, I will admit, but I am also a man who knows times when he is right and wrong.”
He stood up from his chair, circling around the desk to face you. He leaned against the old wood, crossing his arms and clearing his throat. Upon quick inspection, you saw the faint smoke of his cigar swirling in its ashtray.
“I should not have treated you so unkindly since the beginning. I should have considered how scared you must have been, how alone it must feel,” he continued, eyes drifting off for a moment as if deep in perplexing thought. “I do not apologize for doin’ what I thought was right in that time to save my own, but I do feel sorrow for what transpired in your time bein’ here.”
You couldn’t help but wonder if Ghost had been the reasoning for this. He wasn’t a man of many words, but you knew the respect him and Price had for one another. It was safe to assume he’d speak with him privately regarding everything.
“I’d like to apologize as well,” you began, but Price stood up straight, quick to raise his hands in protest.
“You have nothin’ to apologize for—”
“I am sorry for lashing out the way I did earlier,” you cut off. Price stopped, lips pressing together. His gaze remained stuck on you, now that you had his attention. “It does not excuse what you have done to me, and I see you have realized that. If this is to be my life, I wish for compromise rather than seclusion.”
Price didn’t say anything at first. His eyes darted over your face, taking in your features. He saw the calmness you held compared to when you were last in his quarters.
You didn’t seem defeated, nor did you seem to simply agree for the sake of him and the others. You wanted this for yourself.
“I will grant you that,” he agreed in a hum, nodding once. “I do not wish for you to feel out of place no longer. You have had enough of that, I believe.”
You took in his words, and they made you smile. It was what you wanted to hear—no angry exchanges, no selfish banter. A simple compromise, one you both wanted.
“Graves came to me in a dream,” you told him. His expression soured. “I believe there will be plenty more instances where he will do that. Based off of what you have told me about him, I do not want to prolong his presence longer than I must. So, I’d like to be of help.”
Just as quickly as Price grew tense at the mention of Graves, he calmed down, shoulders relaxing when he realized your implications.
“Soap has not convinced you, yes?” he asked, uncertain. “This is your call. I may have taken you due to my own selfishness, but I give you the choice now. You do not have to be a part of it if you do not want. You are part of us now, but this is not your battle.”
“It is,” you disagreed, though remained a calm composure. For the first time around Price, you felt at ease in the same room. “If I am to be part of your crew, your family, then your battles are my battles. I may not have had a family, but I am certain that’s how it works. Does it not?”
Price stared at you; expression unreadable. It took mere moments for his lips to slowly curl up, granting you one of his rare smiles that seemed to radiate a certain light you’d never seen before. It caused your heart to pick up, though you were unclear as to why.
“That is how it works with us, dove,” he agreed softly. “Your battles are ours. You can count on it.”
“Wonderful,” you cheered with a smile of your own. “Shall we continue what wasn’t finished before, then?”
Price chuckled low under his breath, his amusement growing the longer you stuck around. He nodded, tapping his desk and calling you to it.
“Come on, dove.”
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cosmal · 2 years
waitttt aerial writing poly!marauders?? omg. how about them looking after sick or injured reader I feel like that could be so cute!!!! they’re all worrywart bfs tbh
emergency contact
summary james gets called when you faint at work. and then sirius. then remus. you feel awful
content poly!marauders x fem!reader
note this was combined with another request. I accidentally deleted it I'm super sorry but it was a request for poly x fem!reader where the boys come to your work after fainting!
You feel really embarrassed sitting at the end of the bar, ice pack held to your head, mouth wrapped around the straw in your drink.
Your embarrassment turns to worry when you see James walking across the room. He’s rushing, hair a mess, mud tracked up his calves. He’s still in his rugby kit.
You turn your head to look at your colleague. “Ash, you told me you wouldn’t call anyone!” You’re not really upset, you feel like a bit of a nuisance.
“It’s procedure, Y/N. I’m sorry.” She doesn’t sound very sorry. You don’t blame her.
“Sweetheart,” he says when he reaches you. He’s frantic, soft about it, but still upset. “Are you okay? They told me you fainted.”
“I’m really sorry,” you say instead of a hello. You feel entirely stupid.
“What?” He grasps your shoulder and squeezes hard. “What are you sorry for, honey?”
“I feel bad,” you say quietly, voice a little thick. You screw your face up and your head tinges. A dull pain that radiates down into the back of your skull.
“Please, don’t.” He says. Firm with a hint of worry he’s trying to mask. If James cries you think you might too, and you really wouldn’t put it past him.
You drop the pack to the bar and take his hand, fingers damp with condensation that transfers to his palm. “I’m fine. Promise.”
“You bumped your head?” He uses his free hand to hold your face, careful where he has his fingers. His eyes track over your face to search for any harm. You’re blood-free, luckily, though there’s a red mark blooming up and into your hairline. Most likely to bruise.
“Yeah.” Your eyes flutter closed because you can’t help it.
“You’re not feeling drowsy?” comes James’s voice.
“No, feels nice,” you chuckle, a tiny huff of air. “Your hands are warm.”
You don’t expect it, but suddenly, you’re hearing Sirius’s worried voice come from the other side of the room. You crane your head around James' broad shoulders to see him, haloed by the light coming through the front door.
“Why is he here?” you mumble, feeling worse by the second. It comes out worse than it sounded in your head.
Apparently, he hears you. “He is here because James had to call him.” He hugs you almost immediately. Big, warm hands come around to cage you in against his chest. You hide the good side of your face into his neck and huff. “Do you not want me here?”
You pull back quickly and really regret it. Blinking back the hot, pinching pain in your face. “What? No, I’m just…ugh.”
Sirius pouts, then hums a sympathetic noise from the back of his throat. He keeps his hands on your shoulders. “It’s okay, honey. Don’t worry about it, yeah?”
You close your eyes and incline your head to lean it down on his ringed-up hand. Your cheek all smooshed up against him.
“Is she okay?” You hear him ask James. He hums a yes. “She’s not concussed?”
“She doesn’t think so,” he says.
“She is right here,” you mumble. You pull back from his chest and swing your legs over the chair.
"I'm sorry, lovely." He looks like he wants to hug you again. "You're okay? Had some water?"
You nod. "Just really wanna go home."
"All right, let's go, yeah?" James takes your elbow to help you off the stool, and Sirius steadies you by the shoulder. It's kind of adorable how gentle they're being with you. Soft hands and pinched brows. They both make a funny sound when you wobble a little.
James grabs your bag and throws it over his shoulder and you all leave.
"I'm sorry, Sirius," you say before you get to the door. "Were you at work? You won't get in trouble for leaving, will you?"
"No, it's okay. Don't worry about that." He smiles.
You will. You'll no doubt feel bad for the rest of the week.
You bump into Remus on your way out. He holds the door open for you. He looks like he's run up the block. "Rem, baby, they didn't call you too?" You're not sure why you hadn't expected it. If he wasn't here, he'd definitely feel horrible.
"Dove, you're okay?" he pants. He holds your face in his hands and you try not to cry. You're not sure if having them all here makes you feel better or worse. "God, I was so worried."
The first tear leaves a hot track down your cheek. You push yourself into Remus's chest instead of answering and wrap your hands around his waist. He crosses his arms over your back.
He moves you out of the way of the entrance and you scuffle along with him. Your tears are slow, dampening his shirt, catching the brunt of your upset. You don't make any horrible sounds, just quiet, sticky tears.
He encourages your face back with a firm, pinching hand. You blink back the end of your cries. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare everyone."
"Don't worry," he says, corners of his mouth trembling into a sad smile. "It's all good. As long as you're okay."
"I just," you take a stuttering breath, "just got really tired. I probably shouldn't have worked today."
Sirius kisses the end of your eyebrow, right across your temple. "You've been working a bit too much, I think."
"I didn't ruin anyone's day?" You sniffle way too sadly for anyone's opinion. Remus squeezes you closer with almost bruising fingertips.
"No, lovely," James says, sticky smile gracing his lips. "Don't worry about it, okay? We just wanted to be here for you. That's our job."
"Right," you say, voice catching at the end.
Sirius shucks your jacket on for you as the wind outside picks up. "Speaking of being here for you," he says. "Is James your emergency contact?"
"No, you all are," you tell him, a hint of laughter in your words.
Then, you start actually laughing. "Was he the only one to pick up?"
"I think so," he joins in.
"What if it was serious?" Suddenly, you're teasing.
"It was serious!" Remus balks.
"You didn't answer the phone!"
Everyone goes quiet. You burst out into the biggest fit of giggles, smiling so widely it hurts. "I'm kidding!" you say, struggling to speak. "God, stop. Look at your faces! Stop - stop it, my head hurts."
James cages you in against his chest, stealing you from Remus. "My poor baby," he coos. "Oh, they're awful, awful boyfriends."
"Fuck off," Sirius grumbles. "Just cause you're always on your phone."
"Don't listen to them, honey." He's awful. "You comin' in my car?"
"If you stop being mean, then yeah."
"Yeah, you fuckin' tell him, Y/N." Comes Remus's grumpy voice.
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ohwowimlonley · 8 months
poly!marauders x drunk!reader at a party and reader needy but they don’t want to help reader because they don’t want to do anything when reader basically unconscious of what’s happening because reader is drunk. So they try to explain to reader that they will gladly take care of them after they get better and go to bed. Thank you!
Small psa to all the people that have requested recently - im trying to get through all of them but some i want to write longer fics for and some im keeping in my inbox for blurbs! <3
You reach out for them blindly, fingers groping at dead air as you murmer their names. You’re strapped into the back passenger seat of James’ car on the way home from girls night. It’s safe to say that even three hours with Lily and Marlene drinking wine and gossiping about your boys had caused the three of you to go through maybe five bottles of wine between the three of you. Lily had called the boys to pick you up when it got too late, leading to them all but carrying you out to the car while you try to grab at them.
“Siri,” you muster up your sweetest voice, but it’s tinged with a slur and you can’t quite pinpoint where he is when you open your eyes to gaze at him. He makes a small sound from next to you, and his fingers finally brush yours, “you’re so pretty, d’you know that?”
“Oh yeah?” You can hear the grin in his voice, along with the other boys chuckles from the front seats. You squeeze his fingers and follow the line of his arm until you get to his jeans.
“Mhm,” you nod, clenching your fingers around his thigh and fumbling your way towards his crotch, “I tell the girls all about it, like how good you make me feel,”
“Alright, enough,” Remus calls from the passenger seat, leaning back to grip your arm and remove it from Sirius’ crotch. He shushes your whines at the loss lf contact, and fends you off as you lean forward and try to wrap your arm around his chest, “sit back, love, you know that’s not safe in a moving car,”
“But daddy,” you keen, tugging against your seatbelt and pouting around at your boyfriends as they gently keep you from touching them. As your last resort, you turn to James, “Jamsie, you’ll make me feel good, won’t you?”
“I’m sorry, sweetness,” he makes the briefest glimpse of eye contact with you as his head whips back to look through the rear window to check his clearance as he reverses into your driveway.
You don’t exactly remember the next five minutes of your life, it’s mostly a flurry of opening doors and light switches flicking before you’re sat squarely on your shared bed by Remus. The others aren’t far behind him, shutting the door behind them and busying themselves with clinking a glass of water onto the bedside table and finding pyjamas out for the four of you.
Your eyes brighten as James begins removing your dress, and you surge forward and plant a firm kiss on his plush lips. He indulges you for a brief moment before pulling away and tugging your clothes off, only to replace it with one of his tshirts.
“Jamesie,” you whine, wide eyes filling with tears as he moves away from you to begin changing himself, “why won’t you fuck me?”
“Oh, sweetness,” Remus turns in his spot as a tear dribbles down your cheek. He pulls the boys over to you and all of a sudden you’re crowded by your boyfriends.
“Baby,” Sirius takes your hand and crouches down to your level, “you know we love you, and we love makin’ you feel good, but you’ve had way too much to drink tonight,”
“No I haven’t,” you insist.
“Yes you have,” Remus does the same thing as your curly-haired boyfriend, bringing your fist up to smooth a kiss there, “how much wine did you drink with Lily and Marls? You know red is your weakness,”
“But- but that doesn’t mean anything, you can still fuck me,” you grip their hands tighter, nodding at your own words.
“No, baby, not when you’ve been drinking,” James, as always, has the most gentle voice of the three of them, “you’re not in your right mind when you’re drinking, right? You might say yes to something you might regret,”
“But we’ve had sex loads,” you complain, “and I’ve never regretted it before!”
“That’s not the point, sweetness,” Remus interjects, “look, why don’t we go to bed, and when we wake up, I promise we’ll make it up to you, okay?”
“No buts,” Sirius extends back to his full height and presses a kiss to your forehead, “go to bed now, okay?”
“And drink some water before you fall asleep,” James reminds you, reaching over and handing you the glass as you resign yourself to silence, pouting to yourself.
“Will you at least kiss me?” Immidietly, you’re overwhelmed with kisses all over your face, causing you to giggle drunkenly at their affection.
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accioscarheadthings · 19 days
ok I’m going to need a part 2 of that Kenma X kuroo X reader 😍😍😍 so good
↳ 𝗟𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗜𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗰𝘆 𝗽𝘁. 𝟮 - 𝗞𝗲𝗻𝗺𝗮 𝗞𝗼𝘇𝘂𝗺𝗲 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗞𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗼 𝗧𝗲𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗼
summary: where kenma and kuroo give you your first orgasm(s).
pairings: college!kenma kozume x athelete! fem! reader x college!kuroo tetsuro (aged up to 21)
warning: smut, minors dni, fingering, oral (f. rec), threesome, future poly relationship, marking, biting, fingering, multiple orgasms, spitting kink, mirror sex, slight choking, handjob, cunnilingus/cumeating, sub/dom dynamics, breast play.
author's note: this is the much-awaited part two that you guys wanted sm. make sure to read part one before you proceed. (not proofread!!)
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main masterlist !
coming to a decision, the three of you stepped inside kuroo and kenma’s shared apartment, and a mix of nervousness and anticipation coursed through your veins. they led you towards the bedroom, the air crackling with a sense of intimacy.
your eyes fell on a mirror across the room, its angle positioned perfectly to give you a clear view of the bed.
curiosity piqued, and you couldn't help but question it. when you did, kuroo only gave you a wink, saying, "you'll see soon enough,"
once the three of you were together, kenma stepped closer to you. he gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and kissed you deeply. 
this time, you took charge and slotted your lips over his, cradling the side of his face, causing him to moan into your mouth.
kuroo stood behind you, his hands coming up to brush your hair to one side, revealing the sensitive nape of your neck. you felt the warmth of his breath as he leaned in closer, and the feather-light touch of his lips as he planted a series of kisses along the back of your neck.
the sensation caused you to gasp pleasantly, your body involuntarily arching back against his.
you pulled back to catch your breath, “that kiss today,” you spoke, “and this now. Um, what does that make us?” you were cautious of every word you let slip.
kuroo and kenma exchanged a quick glance. the atmosphere in the room suddenly felt more awkward, and there was a sense of uncertainty in the air.
kuroo, ran a hand through his hair, his expression shifting from lustful to thoughtful. "that's a fair question,"
kenma nodded in agreement, his hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt, "yeah, we should clear the air,"
they both fell silent for a moment, as if contemplating what to say next, before kuroo spoke up again, "but first, can we...can we do something?"
you looked at them curiously, wondering what they wanted to do, "sure, what is it?"
kuroo and kenma exchanged another glance, communicating silently in a way that you couldn't quite decipher. after a moment, kuroo stepped forward, his eyes fixed on yours, "can we... can we sit down for a minute? we want to talk to you about something important,"
you nodded hesitantly, your nerves beginning to act up,"of course," you said, gesturing towards the bed. "we can sit down,"
kuroo and kenma made their way to the bed and sat down, leaving a small space for you between them. they both had serious expressions on their faces, hinting at the importance of the conversation that was about to take place.
kuroo took a breath before speaking, his eyes never leaving yours, "we want to be upfront with you about something. we both like you. a lot. we have, for a long while,"
you looked between the two in disbelief at their blank admission. two men who were interested in you? like shit. 
their confession had startled you, but at the same time, it made you feel a warm sense of belonging, “you not joking, are you?”
kuroo chuckled at your words, his arms still wrapped around you in a protective embrace. "why are you so surprised that we like you?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement.
“how could i not be?”
kuroo laughed softly, his hand gently caressing your arm, "fair point," he conceded.
kenma smiled beside him, his expression turning more earnest, "we get it, it’s a lot to take in. but we really like you, and we can’t pretend like we don’t anymore,”
"i... i don't know how the whole relationship thing works, let alone with two boyfriends," you admitted, feeling a bit overwhelmed.
"hey, it's okay," kuroo said, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your shoulder, "it's new territory for all of us, after all,"
kenma nodded in agreement, his expression warm and understanding, "yeah, we're all figuring this out together," he said, leaning forward a bit, "we'll take it slow and make it work,"
"yeah, i'd like that," you nodded meekly, “and,” you added, “i like you boys too. a lot,” a bashful smile tugged at your mouth.
kuroo's face lit up with a wide grin, and kenma's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and elation.
kuroo let out a laugh of relief and joy, "you like us too, eh?" he teased lightly.
kenma, feeling a wave of excitement and affection, took your hand in his, "yeah, we were kind of hoping that was the case,"
kuroo nuzzled your neck affectionately, his voice low and seductive, "trust me, we're going to give you so much attention and affection, you won't know what to do with yourselves,"
he pulled you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around you and holding you snugly against him. his lips left a track of kisses along your skin.
his hands wandered under your shirt, exploring your body gently, "what do you want to do next? do you need a break, or are you ready to go further?"
they both watched you intently, awaiting your response. kuroo's eyes were fixed on you, studying your expression and body language for any signs of hesitation.
kenma's eyes, filled with a mix of affection and desire, also remained focused on you, eager to hear your answer.
"i want you both," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
kuroo's eyes lit up at your words, and he grinned widely, "you have no idea how badly we've been wanting to hear that," 
kenma's expression mirrored kuroo's excitement, "yeah, we're more than ready," he says, his voice laced with anticipation.
"but, uh, i don't know what i'm supposed to do," you confessed, feeling a bit overwhelmed.
kuroo chuckled softly, his hands finding their way to your cheeks, cupping your face gently, "don't worry, baby," he said, his voice reassuring, "all you have to do is sit back and keep looking pretty for us. we’ll take care of you,”
he ran his hands up and down the length of our thighs, “we just need to establish a few things,” he leaned back, creating enough space between you for him to hold your gaze. his eyes met yours, and he spoke with a serious tone, "we both want to make sure you're comfortable with what we're about to do. and we need to establish a safe word."
kenma entwined his fingers with yours, "we want you to feel safe and in control. we won't do anything you're not okay with. so pick a word, any word, and we'll stop whenever you say it,"
“uh, red?” you offered contemplating.
"red it is, then."
kuroo grinned, a hint of authority in his tone,  "we may get a little carried away. we might get a bit rough,” his hands squeezed you hips under your shirt and you stifled your gasp, “and there's a possibility we might degrade you a little,"
fuck yes
his eyes lock onto yours, searching for any sign of hesitance, "but remember, if it gets to be too much, just say that safe word, and we'll back off immediately. understood?"
you shivered at their words, a mix of anticipation and excitement coursing through your body. the thought of them pushing your boundaries, of getting a bit rough and degrading, sends tingles down your spine.
“yes,” you nodded in understanding.
kuroo leaned in and closer the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a fierce kiss. his tongue darts out, seeking entry into your mouth hungrily, devouring your mouth with an intensity that took your breath away.
kenma moved closer to you, pressing his body against yours, and buried his face in the crook of your neck. his teeth grazed along the sensitive skin, leaving a trail of kisses and nipped as he slowly made his way towards your ear. he fumbled with his jersey and removed it, dropping it over his shoulder.
pulling back, kuroo reached behind his back and pulled off his shirt in one fluid motion, tossing it aside, presenting his bare skin to you, “so, have you ever touched yourself, sweetheart?
"no," you confessed, feeling sheepish, "i mean i've thought about it, but never acted on it,"
kuroo and kenma absorbed this information, their minds reeling.
it made sense now, the way you were so assertive and confident. you were untouched by the hands of others, a pure canvas waiting to be explored.
and the thought of being the one—ones— the first and only ones to guide you through the intricacies of physical intimacy, made their heart beat faster.
"we could teach you a thing or two," kenma offered, twirling a piece of your hair around his finger, and tucking it behind your ear.
kuroo had his chin resting on your shoulder, arms wound around your soft stomach, "only if you want to, though,"
"i want to. i want you both," you answer quickly. too quickly.
kuroo squeezed you tighter in his grip and kenma pressed a kiss to your lips. you leaned forward, capturing his lips with yours, eager to taste him again. you ran a hand up and down his pale skin, caressing his chest.
kenma hummed in delight, pulling back after placing a couple of smooches on your mouth. he stood from his seat on the bed and sank to his knees on his knees in front of you.
kuroo placed his palms on your thick thighs and spread them open, wide enough for kenma to settle on his haunches between them.
"no need to worry, sweetheart," kuroo murmured when your back tensed with anticipation, "we got you. you can say the word and we'll stop. ‘kay?"
kenma started to place a trail of kisses up your knee, gently resting one of your thighs over his shoulder. his long hair brushed against your skin, leaving a gentle and ticklish sensation after the touch of his lips, "but you'll have to use your words. we need to hear you,"
you nodded, chest rising and falling from both excitement and uncertainty, "yeah,"
and that's when it hit you. you stopped kenma with a hand on his free shoulder and leaned back into kuroo's chest.
the men focused on you. they weren't surprised when you withdrew, but concerned.
“what is it, darling?" kuroo brough your other hand to his mouth, and pressed a sloppy kiss to your knuckles, "you have to tell us otherwise we can’t help you,”
"i haven't shaved," you winced, "i mean, i trimmed, but it was a long time ago and after that, there was never the need to, so i just didn't,"
kenma sighed in relief, having worried that you were scared of them, "it doesn't matter, baby,"
"yeah," kuroo nodded, "but if you're uncomfortable we agree. but it's not something we mind. right, kenma?"
"yeah, i wanna eat you out, either way," he blinked up at you through hooded eyes, licking his lips.
you felt your face flush and you inhaled sharply, "okay. we can keep going,"
kuroo fisted the edge of the jersey you were wearing, tugging lightly, "can i take this off?"
you nodded, lifting your arms as kuroo pulled the cloth off your head, and tossed it aside, running his hands up and down your sides, his cold palms against your heated skin.
kenma gently nibbled at your thick thighs, sucking bruises on them, "mm wanna mark you up down here. only for us to know, hmm?" he pressed a loud kiss to the crack of your other knee.
you relaxed on kuroo's lap, feeling the way he ran his hands over your body. his palms slipped under your sports bra, cupping the tender flesh and giving a gentle squeeze.
you whimpered at his action, head falling back to rest on his shoulder, "f-fuck kuroo,"
"these need to go too," he pulled the elastic strap of your bra, letting it snap against your skin, "may i?"
"yes please," you nodded urgently, gulping when you felt your throat dry up.
"ah," he slowly began to knead your breasts in his rough palms, "does that feel good, darling?"
you managed a weak moan in agreement, laying one of your hand on top of his.
kenma had reached the waistband of your shorts, "hips up, love,"
you complied with his words and arched your body off kuroo enough for kenma to pull down your shorts along with your panties, your slickness ready creating a wet patch.
cool air hit your bare pussy, causing you to shudder as you settled back down on kuroo's lap.
"fuck," kenma cursed, his jaw slackening. you weren't lying when you said you hadn't trimmed or shaved in a while. but he could make out the way pussy was spread out for him by his lover. the way your folds glistened with your arousal, your clit peeking through.
"such a pretty pussy," kenma breathed, his gaze unfocused, "all mine to devour. isn't that right, love?" his finger teased at your entrance, slathering your arousal all over your folds.
"y-yes," you managed an answer, "all yours- oh god, kenma!!" you gasped when he plunged his tongue into your core, dragging the wet muscle against your walls, lips mouthing to lap up your arousal.
he grabbed the back of both your thighs and set them on his shoulders, nuzzling his face closer to your pussy.
your hand immediately shot to his hair, tangling messily while you ground your hips blindly against his face.
kenma moaned against your wetness, flattening his tongue, and licked a long stripe all the way to your clit, puckering his lips against the swollen bud.
you gasped at the new sensation, shivers shooting to your toes and you fisted his hair clumsily.
"here," kuroo caught your hands with his and guided them to kenma's head.
kenma barely registured the movement, seemingly too lost in eating your pussy. he was ruthless. kissing, licking, and even biting, soothing the pain with a quick stroke of his warm tongue.
your hands were trembling from the ferocity of his actions. you let kuroo bunch up kenma's hair in your fist as he instructed you to, "you gotta hold his hair like this. in a ponytail. so it makes it easier for him to eat you out. and also you can control him. like this," kuroo nudged kenma’s head further between your plush thighs by his grip.
kenma groaned into your pussy, the vibrations causing you to moan and arch into his face, "s-shit, feels so good,"
kuroo smirked, loving the way your face contorted in pleasure, "that's right,"
he pressed his open-mouth against the side of your neck, mouthing and grazing his teeth to leave a mark. you angeled your head to the side to give him better access.
kenma pulled back with a big heave, chest rising and falling with each breath he took. he rested his cheek on your thigh, gazing up at you, "you taste so good. fucking hell,"
his mouth and chin were glistening with your arousal, and fuck he looked so hot.
without any warning, kenma leaned forward, breathing against your pussy. 
you shuddered, tugging at his hair, which you had in a ponytail.
the corner of kenma's mouth curved into an eager smile, "pull harder, baby,"
you yanked his head closer between your legs, "p-please, kenma. want m-more, don’t stop, ah,"
kenma puckered his lips in front of your pussy and let a glob of his spit dribble onto your clit. he watched in awe as it slid down your folds. He pushed his tongue into your pussy and spreading it all over, bobbing his head from side to side.
you writhed against kuroo, moaning pathetically, "f-fuck, kenma. i-i can't, mmph!" you felt a pressure build in your lower belly and a low buzzing filled your head.
your mouth was open slightly, nose scrunched and brows furrowed in pleasure. kuroo brought a hand up to your mouth and pressed his thumb against your lower lip, "open your mouth, sweetheart,"
your mouth fell agape and you took his thumb in your mouth and swirled your tongue around, hollowing your cheeks,
"such a pretty baby," kuroo cooed at you, pulling his thumb from your lips, watching the way they puckered.
his hand crept down and his thumb pressed on your clit, rubbing roughly.
you gasped, clamping your thighs shut around kenma's head in reflex. the man only hummed, gripping your thighs around his face.
chuckling darkly, kuroo eased your thighs apart, "as much as i bet that feels good," his thumb pressed down particularly hard on your clit, and he traced figure eights on them, "you need your air, kenma," he turned his attention to you, "you close, baby?"
"i-i think so," you stammered, melting into the embrace.
"look at us," kuroo caught your jaw, angling it forward until you caught sight of your reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room.
you perched on kuroo's lap, while he hand one hand sliding down to the base of your neck, and the other dipping between your legs.
the back of kenma's body visible between your legs, ankles hooked at his back. his hair in a ponytail withing your fist, while his head bobbed up and down as he ate you savagely.
it was a sight to behold. two men brought down to their lowest just to please you.
so that’s what the mirror was for.
"you see how beautiful you look?" kuroo continued, "fucking gorgeous," he rasped.
his hand closed lightly around the column of your neck, causing you to let out a strained moan.
Watching yourself getting fucked caused a wave of pleasure to wash over you, giving rise to goosebumps. your orgasm flowed through you in bouts of bliss as you sagged back into kuroo, mumbling something incoherently.
kenma swallowed around you, tongue swiping every drop while his mouth sucked every drop that slid out of your folds.
he pulled back, a string of saliva stretching from his swollen lips to your quivering pussy, his face squished by your thick thighs at both sides.
kenma was rubbing himself through his shorts, fisting his girth as he pumped with urgency, his mouth falling open is ecstasy. his hips stuttered and he came in his shorts, soiling the material with his release. his shoulders relaxed and cushioning his face between your thighs.
"c'mere," kuroo carded a finger through kenma's hair and yanked him up, bending forward and met his lips in the middle, tongue swiping against the corner of his lips to taste you, "mm,"
the sight of the two men locking mouths sent your heart racing, igniting a surge of excitement within you. you bit your lower lip, captivated by the spectacle unfolding before your eyes.
when kuroo pulled back, he adjusted you in his lap. his tongue traced your cum on his lower lip, "fuck baby, i can't get enough of you,"
"d'you wanna taste yourself, pretty?" kenma muttered incoherently, blinking down at you.
your mouth parted in silent pleading and kenma shoved his tongue past your lips, muffling the moan that escaped you.
your lips closed around his tongue, sucking languidly as you tasted your arousal on him.
kuroo slipped a single finger into your used pussy, the wetness yeilding a painless intrusion as he moved his finger around cautiously.
You’s mouth slackened against kenma's mouth and he gripped your face in his hand, the other groping your breast. he tweaked your hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger, relishing the whimper you let out.
"you're so tight, baby," kuroo breathed hotly into your ear, "imagine how your pretty pussy will be squeezin' my cock," he slipped in another finger and curled them in a 'come hither' motion.
you gripped his wrist, pushing his hand further between your legs. your thighs shut together, trapping his hand. your toes curled and uncurled from the pleasure.
kuroo rubbed the heel of your palm to your clit with just the right pressure, "pretty little slut," he sponged a wet kiss to your
the name caused a rush of shame... but also desire. something awfully filthy yet addicting.
"our pretty little slut," kenma corrected, cooing at you affectionately, "only ours to ruin. you like it when we call you our slut?"
"yes, yes, please. oh god, right there," your mouth fell open, eyes rolling back when kuroo grazed that spongy spot in you.
"here?" kuroo curled his fingers, fingers pumping in and out of you at an increased pace.
"y-yeah, i-i think m'gonna-"
you were already sensitive from your first orgasm and your second one hit you like a rock, leaving you shaking in his embrace.
"that's it, baby," kuroo eased you out of your high, "you did so good for us,"
kenma held your chin, peppering kisses all over your face while you tried to regain your breathing, "you look so beautiful, all spread out for us,"
kuroo eased his fingers out of your pussy, slick with your cum, and brought them to his lips, licking them clean.
you were leaning against his chest while you watched him suck his fingers clean, "mm, so fucking good,"
kenma thumbed a bit of your cum at the corner of his mouth and licked it, "told ya," he turned his attention to you, "how're you feeling. babe?"
"a bit sore," you admitted, wincing when a dull pain shot up your thighs.
kuroo gently made you sit on the mattress and when he settled beside you, you noticed his painfully hard cock straining against his shorts, his precum soaking through.
"kuroo," you reached out a hand without thinking, fingers grazing the outline of his cock. 
shit, he was big.
"ah," he hissed at your touch, "don't worry your pretty head about it, love. we'll take care of it," he grasped your wrist gently, pushing it away.
"does it hurt?"
"that's okay," kenma pressed a kiss to your forehead, settling on your other side, "we got it covered,"
you looked down and noticed that he was also getting aroused, "i want to help you," you spoke, your words dripping with desire.
kuroo’s smile softened, and he pulled you closer to him, his arms enveloping you in a protective embrace, “i appreciate the offer, but i don’t want to trouble you,”
"no, but i want to," you insisted, looking form one to the other, "teach me. teach me how to touch you,"
kuroo’s breath hitched at your words, a mix of desire and surprise in his eyes. he looked at kenma, who nodded silently.
he turned his attention back to you, his voice gruff, “are you sure?” he asked, his expression serious but filled with need.
you didn't answer him. instead you reached a careful hand over and palmed his groin, “please,” you pupils were dilated to the point where your irises were nearly drowned.
kuroo gasped as you touched him, “damn, you’re gonna drive me crazy,”
kuroo made you to sit on his lap again, "alright, pay attention,” he instructed, his voice firm but gentle, “we gotta get off kenma first,”
he took your hand in his, his palm engulfing the back of yours and made you cup kenma's clothed cock.
kenma puffed a breath, “mmm, yeah, just like that,” he hissed, his body automatically arching towards you.
your free hand tugged at his shorts, "can i take these off?"
kenma pulled both off with a swift, practiced motion, his movements driven by a mixture of eagerness and need. he tossed them aside, his breathing quickened and his eyes dark with desire as he looked at you, “i’m all yours,” he murmured, his voice low and huskier, “do with me whatever you wish,”
"show him some love," kuroo made you hand to slowly pump him, the base of your fist grazing his pubes with each stroke, "he's such a pathetic mess for you, baby,"
kenma’s eyes rolled back at his words, his hands clenched on the bed sheets.
kuroo's eyes were dark with need, clearly enjoying the sight of you touching his lover, “that’s it,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire, “take care of him, just like that,”
you let his motions guide you taking in the way the man writhed at your touch, you were in utter awe.
kenma's face was a picture of ecstasy, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open as you touched him. his hair was sticking to his forehead, damp with sweat as he gasped with pleasure. his body was quivering under your touch, clearly responding to every movement you made.
kuroo watched with intense focus, his own eyes darkened with need, “you’re doing so well, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire, “you’re driving him wild.”
you swiped your thumb on his tip, smearing the precum that was dribbling out of him, as you continued to pump his length.
kenma’s body jerked at the sensation, and he let out a guttural moan, “oh, god, you’re driving me insane,” he gasped, his hands clenching the bed sheets even tighter.
kuroo encouraged, his voice low and sultry, “you’re doing so well.”
kenma’s body writhed under your touch, his breath coming in gasps and moans, “oh, god, don’t stop, don’t stop,” he pleaded, his grip on the bed sheets so tight that his knuckles were turning white.
kuroo let go of your hand and gave you complete control to make kenma go crazy. you increased your pace tentatively, brows furrowing in focus.
kuroo brushed his fingers over kenma's collarbone, gently kissing and nipping at his skin as he watched you work your magic.
“what's the matter pretty boy?” he murmured, his lips trailing a path along kenma’s shoulder and up to his neck, "feeling needy?"
kenma whimpered at kuroo’s touch, his head falling back as he gasped, “Ooh, god, you’re gonna make me lose it if you keep doing that,” he said, his voice barely more than a whisper.
“you’re not the only one,” kuroo growled in response, his eyes fixed on you as you continued to pleasure kenma.
you gave the base of his cock an experimental squeeze, stroking the length of him with increased pace.
kenma’s body tensed and arched as he reached climax, his head thrown back and a guttural moan escaping his lips. he gasped as he came down from his high, “you’re amazing,” he fell on his back on the bed, looking at you with a mixture of exhaustion. his muscles were loose and relaxed, a testament to the intense pleasure he had just experienced.
his release left a sticky mess on his stomach and your hand, and he let out a satisfied sigh, his body still trembling with aftershocks. “damn, that was intense,” he breathed,
kuroo’s eyes darkened with desire as you turned your attention to him, “mmm, you’re eager for me, aren’t you?” he teased, his voice sultry.
“come here,” he murmured, adjusting you in such a way that you were now straddling him his hands roaming over your body, exploring every inch of your skin.
kuroo’s tongue gently licked kenma’s release off your hand, his eyes still darkened with need. his raven hair fell across his forehead, framing his face as he looked up at you.
kenma made a noise at the back of his throat, his spaced min unable to comprehend such a filthy sight.
he continued to gently lick your hand, coating it with his spit. he looked up at you, his eyes dark with need and desire, “that’s it,” he coaxed, “i want to make sure your hand is nice and slick for me, darling,”
a wave of heat washed over you, the feeling of his tongue against your skin was both sensual and possessive, an indication of his desire for you.
kuroo’s hands quickly moved to his shorts and boxers, pulling them down in one swift motion. he kicked them aside, his eyes still dark with desire as he looked at you.
you felt your throat dry up. while kenma was ridged, thick and flushed, a bit rounded at his mushroom tip with a slight curve. but kuroo’s length was both thick and taut, slightly bigger than kenma. his bulbous head leaking with precum as a vein ran at the underside of his cock. the sight of it was enough to send your heart racing
“like what you see, sweetheart?” he teased with a cheeky smirk on his lips.
but you had barely registered his words. you brushed your fingers over his sensitive top and traced the vein on his girth, unknowingly stroking his hard cock, cupping with your entire palm.
kuroo let out a low moan, enjoying the feel of your touch, "you're hands are so warm-fuck," he growled, his body arching towards you.
“now, start stroking me,” he instructed, his hands moving to your hips, pulling you closer to him.
he watched as your hand began to move, his breathing becoming faster and more erratic, “ah, that feels good,”
his body jerked at your touch, a guttural moan escaping his lips, “oh, yeah, right there,” he hissed, his eyes fluttering shut, “you’re a fast learner,” he panted, his hands squeezing your hips. “keep going, just like that.”
you pressed your thumb to his tip, feeling the way his precumslid down his length from your action, and continued your motion.
kuroo gasped as you traced his veins with your fingertip, his body trembling with pleasure, “oh, god, you’re drivin’ me crazy,” he groaned, his voice filled with need. keep going, just like that,” he whispered, his words coming out in short breaths. “you’re doing so good.”
he nuzzled his cheeks against your bare chest, his mouth finding and latching onto your sensitive nub. he arched his body towards you, seeking more of your touch.
his mouth was like a heavy, warm weight around your breast, his lips just gently mouthing, not quite sucking or licking but just creating a soft, constant pressure. it was like he was just savoring the feel of your skin.
kuroo could feel himself teetering on the edge, his body trembling with need, “yeah, i’m getting close,” he panted, his voce hoarse, “j-just a little more.”
you gripped him at the base of his cock and gave him two firm strokes, twisting and pumping which had him cumming hard, shooting ropes of his cum on his stomach and your hands.
kuroo was breathing heavily, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. his eyes were darkened with desire, his body still trembling with the aftershocks of his release.
he looked at you, his expression a mixture of satisfaction and need. clearly, he was still reeling from the intense pleasure you had just given him.
"did i do good?" you questioned meekly.
kuroo’s eyes softened as he heard your question, his expression still one of satisfaction. he could see the insecurity in your eyes, and he was quick to reassure you.
“sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice firm but gentle, “you were incredible,"
kenma, still in the aftermath of his own climax, looked up at you from the bed, “damn right,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse.
kuroo chuckled at the sight of your messy hand, coated slick with cum, “looks like we made quite a mess there,” he teased.
tentatively, you brought your hand towards your mouth, the hand still coated in kuroo’s release. 
with a flicker of your tongue, you hesitantly tasted him, the tangy, salty flavor exploding on your tongue. your eyes rolled back as you lapped up, a low whimper escaping your throat.
kuroo’s jaw dropped as he saw your eyes roll back in your head, a mix of awe and amazement etched across his face, "fuck," he swore, his voice hoarse with desire, "you’re so goddamn beautiful, sweetheart. can’t get enough of you."
“i don’t think we can take much more of this,” kenma groaned, his body moving to your side, arching towards you, his need for contact obvious.
kuroo’s eyes followed kenma’s movements, his own desire flaring at the sight, “yeah, me either,” he panted, his body tensing with restraint.
both men's gazes were fixed on you, their bodies taut with need, as they waited for you to make the next move.
kuroo and kenma exchanged a glance, their eyes meeting in a silent communication. they both wanted you, and the desire was obvious in their gazes.
“what do you want to do, sweetheart?” Kuroo asked, his voice a low, sultry whisper.
you swallowed, looking from one to the other with half-lidded eyes, "want you both to fuck me,"
kuroo and kenma both cursed at your words, their bodies responding with an almost primal need.
kenma groaned, his voice strained with desire, “this is a big step,” he added, his voice hoarse with need.
"we just want to make sure you’re ready for it,” kuroo’s hand found its way to your core, his touch gentle but firm.
with each movement of his hand, you could feel yourself becoming more and more aroused.
“oh darlin', you’re drippin' wet,” he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and desire. “this all for us?"
you nodded shyly, looking away in embarrassment, "i don't think i'll be able to walk tomorrow," you commented with a chuckle.
both men inhaled sharply at your words, their bodies responding instantly to the idea of leaving you sore and marked with reminders of their love.
“oh, we’ll make sure you remember this for days,” kuroo promised, eyes gleaming in mischief.
“you won’t forget us that easily,” kenma agreed, his lips finding your neck, kissing and nipping at your skin.
you shuddered, gripping as you nails dug into kuroo's shoulder.
kuroo’s voice lowered, his tone dropping to a rumble as he spoke, “s'okay baby. you don’t have anything to worry about,” he said, his hand tracing a path down your side, “we’ll make sure you take every inch of us, and you’ll love it,”
kenma’s hand continued to caress your thigh as he leaned in even closer, his breath hot against your ear, “you know we’ll fill you up so good, don’t you?” he whispered, his words dripping with desire, “you’ll be so full of us that you’ll be dripping. completely and utterly wrecked,”
kuroo leaned closer. he agreed, his voice rough with need, “you belong to us, and we’ll make sure you remember it,”
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astarioffsimpmain · 9 months
Cushioned Affections
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Gale x Astarion x F!Tav
Warnings: Poly relationship discussion; insecurity; mention of past relationship abuse
Synopsis: Tav is tired of waiting for Astarion to make his move, so she allows Gale to make his first. But will that put an end to her and her favorite vampire spawn?
Author's Note: I'm a day late, I know, but this fic is for the BG3 Holiday Fluffle 2023, hosted by @justporo with the prompt "Getting Cozy"!
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The chill that had settled over many of your nights in the last few months was slowly creeping its way into your days, infiltrating you and your motley crew through brisk winds that could cut through any armor and lay clothes, chilling you all to your very bones. The campfire became the favorite place of every one of your traveling companions - even Astarion, who usually preferred to observe the group’s frivolities from the entrance of his tent. But this evening, the aloof vampire had firmly wedged himself between you and your resident wizard, Gale, on one of the logs in front of the roaring flames. 
“There’s a perfectly clear spot next to Lae’zel, you know.” Gale mumbled, clearly unhappy with the current seating arrangements. 
“That seat could get me decapitated and I personally prefer to keep such beauty soundly attached, thank you very much.” Astarion replied haughtily, turning his nose up at the wizard’s suggestion before scooting closer to you, affronted. 
“Rightly assumed, spawn.” Lae’zel spat, not so much as glancing up from her soup bowl.
“Hah!” Astarion exclaimed triumphantly, sending a taunting expression Gale’s way as he wrapped his shawl tighter around his already cold body. 
“Well, I’m very glad you’ve joined us tonight, Stari.” you said, opening your arm to him and allowing him to snuggle close, a relieved sigh escaping his lips as your warmth enveloped him. “And Gale, thank you so much for the wonderful meal. I always forget I'm sleeping on the ground when you fix your soup.” 
The compliment settled in Gale’s cheeks as they tinged pink and a smile graced his lips for the first time since Astarion had forced the two of you apart. “Why thank you, Tav.” he sent a charming smile your way over the mess of white curls between you. “You flatter me too much.” 
“Yes, she does.” Lae’zel replied curtly, although she made no effort to hide her empty bowl. 
“Nah, this shit’s awesome, Gale.” Karlach piped up, already filling up her bowl for the third time. “Anybody need a warm-up?” 
“Me, if you would, Karlach.” Shadowheart passed her bowl across the fire to the tiefling, who grabbed it enthusiastically and held it between her palms as the flames beneath her skin crackled and popped to life for a few seconds before simmering down again. The contents of the bowl were now steaming as Karlach passed it back over to Shadowheart, who let out a pleased groan when the warmth hit her fingertips. 
“Thank you all.” Gale said, a pleased smile on his lips. “I’m glad I could deliver a measure of culinary satisfaction to our treacherously meager living accommodations.” 
“Darling, just say “thank you for the dick-stroking” and be done with it.” Astarion drawled, his eyes having lazily fallen closed once your fingers had wound their way into his hair. 
“I’ll have you know,” Gale’s voice rose as he spoke over Karlach and Shadowheart who had burst out laughing., “My honed verbosity is one of the most prevalent things that earned me a place as one of the most well-respected voices of wisdom in Waterdeep, and beyond.” 
“Oh yes, it was your tongue; of that I’m certain.” Astarion murmured, half asleep, and you bit down on the inside of your lip to keep the giggle from escaping as Karlach and Shadowheart descended into fits of cackling once again, while Lae’zel allowed the ghost of a smile to cross her lips. You even noticed Wyll choking back a chuckle over his soup. 
Gale shook his head disapprovingly, and you thought things may have gone too far until an amused smile crept across the wizard’s face and he shot you a quick glance with mirth dancing in his eyes. You smiled back at him, the chill of the evening all but melted away in the presence of your unlikely group of friends. 
After the fire had long since died, and many of your companions had retired to their own bedrolls in the shelter of their tents, you helped Gale clean up around the campfire, stacking bowls in on each other - deciding to wait for the warmth of the sun before taking them to the river to wash them out - and gathering the extra blankets to hoard for personal use. 
Astarion sat idly by, book in hand, while you both worked, only looking up from the pages and stretching languidly when you paused in front of him. “Well, darling, are you ready to hide away and curl up in our own little cocoon for the evening?” he cooed, batting his long eyelashes at you demurely. 
“Come on, Astarion, just say you’re desperate for a cuddle and be done with it.” Gale appeared over your shoulder smiling, pleased to have been given the chance to throw the words back in the vampire’s face. 
“Actually,” you stepped in front of Gale and swatted at him playfully. “Gale’s got a new volume of that Dark Elf tales I’ve been reading as of late, and he wanted to read a few chapters with me before we went our separate ways. Would you like to join us? I know how much you enjoy those stories.”
Astarion chortled dismissively, rolling his eyes. “I think I’d prefer freezing to death than getting anywhere near the “wizard of Waterdeep”’s personal stash.” 
You sighed, shrugging your shoulders and turning away. “Your choice. I’ll see you back in my tent afterwards either way. Although,” you pause, flipping your hair over your shoulder to match his dramatics. “It will be much warmer in Gale’s tent because we currently have all of the extra blankets. I do hope you’ll reconsider.” you teased, mimicking the vampire’s tonal lilt as you hoisted a few of the remaining blankets over your shoulder and walked off. In a few long strides, you caught up with Gale, who was struggling with his own bundle of blankets. 
“Do you think he’ll drop by?” his voice came out muffled, his face fully blocked from your vision by a mountain of fluff.
A giggle bubbled out of you, and you patted some of the blankets away from his eyes. A muffled “thank you” reached your ears. “I don’t know, but I hope so. I do wish he didn’t keep to himself so often; he shouldn’t be alone. But he has to choose to let in the warmth himself - and not just mine.” Gale nodded quietly - a rare occurrence - and led the way to his tent. 
You were ceaselessly amazed by the sheer number of books Gale Dekarios was able to keep with him; shelves upon shelves lined with volumes - everything from A Comprehensive History of Waterdeep to The Practicality of Learning the Weave and more - just waiting to dazzle you with the wonders inside. However, the books that caught your eye were front and center, at a perfect height for you - done intentionally, you had no doubt - was the Dark Elf trilogy, finally completed with a stunning hardback edition of Sojourn with a beautifully crafted image of the drow himself gracing the book jacket. 
“Gods, Gale, wherever did you find it?” you murmured softly, stroking the spine tenderly. 
"Ah, a wizard never reveals his secrets. But let’s just say, I do still have some influence in some of the cities we’ve passed through thus far, and was able to get my hands on a nice copy, just for you."
You clutched the book to your chest, beaming up at him from where you stood. "Thank you, Gale. Shall we read?" His heart skipped a beat, he thought, as he nodded and sat down amidst his pile of pillows and blankets and you settled in between his legs, your back pressing warmly against his chest as his arms wrapped around your front before his mind could even catch up with him. 
“Are- are you sure you and Astarion are just friends?” the words slipped from his lips and he cringed at himself, a large part of him fearing the question would bring you to your senses and he’d lose this intimate connection he’d found with you.
“No, I’m not.” you admitted softly and his heart dropped into his stomach, his arms wrapping tighter around you in anticipation of the loss. “But I’ve told him that I have feelings for you too, and I’ve told him that while I’m patient enough to wait for him, he needs to tell me to wait for him before I will. I’ve…” you paused, sniffling a little as the emotions welled up inside of you. “I’ve had my heart broken a lot by being led on, or by waiting for people who, in the end, chose someone else; someone more-” 
“Hey, shhh don’t do that.” Gale whispered in your ear, planting a chaste kiss there and squeezing you tight. “You’re plenty enough as you are, alright?” You nodded, breathing deep before continuing.
“I told him how much I care for him, and how much I’d like to have more with him. But I was also honest and told him how much I care for you, so I’ll tell you what I told him. If you need time, tell me to wait for you. Hopefully you’ll listen.” you mumbled the last part so softly that Gale could have missed it if he hadn’t been paying attention. But your words, your touch, your presence was his whole world right now, and he couldn’t possibly miss the sadness and longing left hanging in the air once you fell quiet. 
“Well… I hope he’ll come around soon. But in the meantime, I don’t need to wait. I know my answer right now.” he murmured against your ear, reveling in the shudder that traveled the length of your spine in his hold. You turned your head just enough to lock your penetrating gaze with his, waiting for him to say the words. You wouldn’t settle for interpretations; not any longer. “I care for you, greatly, Tav. And if you find it in that beautiful heart of yours to save a place for me, I’d gladly reside there for the rest of my days.” 
“Gale,” you whispered, your eyes clouding over with unshed tears of relief that flooded you like a sudden storm. He caught the emotions with his lips on yours, alleviating some of the weight of the emotional burdens that you had carried with you for all too long, and a sob escaped into his mouth. He swallowed the pain and lapped it up with his eager tongue, desperate to comfort your aching soul as his hands explored your body. You moaned softly into the kiss before pulling away, a little giggle leaving your lips as you nuzzled into his neck. You bit your bottom lip, your smile threatening to overtake the rest of your face as Gale's hands ran the lengths of your arms and back. "We're supposed to be reading." You chuckled, and Gale’s own laughter rumbled through your body in response. 
"Then let us read, my sweet." He pressed a kiss to your temple and plucked the book from your hands, opening it to the first page before conjuring a few mage hands to do the rest while he wound his arms tightly back around you and began to read aloud. 
You had enjoyed several chapters of the book together when a shadow moving outside caught your attention. You silenced Gale with a hand held in the air, your body tensing as you reached for your sword. 
"Uhm… hello?"
The soft, tentative voice coming through the flap had your muscles relaxing immediately. "Astarion," you exhaled in relief and pulled the tent flap open. He stood there in little more than his ruffled undershirt and pants, shivering ever so slightly from the cold; his eyes a catastrophic blend of hope, fear, and vulnerability as they locked onto you. "Oh gods, Stari, come in here, you're freezing!" You fussed worriedly, opening your arms to him like you so often did, and you didn't miss the sudden ease of his sharp facial features as he gave in to your embrace, pulled to it like a moth to a flame, and settled into your arms like he belonged there. He did belong there. 
You walked backwards, enough to seal the tent flap behind the elf, before your fingers found his curls as they always did, and he sighed happily as you scratched his scalp. He nuzzled closer to you, his icy cold nose finding a home in the nape of your neck as you calmed him. "I'm so glad you came." You mumbled into his hair and he merely hummed in response, pulling you flush against him and trailing his hands up and down your spine. After several quiet moments of quiet repose in each other's arms, you pulled back enough to look Astarion in the eyes. 
"I-" He spluttered, his gaze flicking to Gale then back to you. "I really wanted to get a look at this book of yours, Gale. As Tav said, I enjoy the dark drow stories myself." He brushed some wrinkles out of his white shirt awkwardly and you took the opportunity to shoot Gale a deadly glare. Play along, it said. Or else.
"Of course." Gale chirped, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Well, it truly is a beauty, isn't it Tav?"
"Definitely." You smiled in silent thanks and reached for Astarion's hand, pressing the pad of a finger into one of his and allowing him to do the rest. "Come on. We're on chapter 5, but I'll give you a summary of what's happened so far." You sat down beside Gale, and Astarion beside you, and you launched into the details of what Astarion had missed in the first five chapters, forgetting the world around you and all of its present dangers: the tadpoles, the mindflayers, the Absolute, all of it, and diving into the adventure yet again. Gale glanced over at the new visitor in his tent, initially with dubiosity; he'd had no intention of sharing you if that's what it came down to. However, his resolve wavered ever so slightly once he took in the vampire’s face as he looked at you. Gale didn't know Astarion could even look like that: his features softened, the harsh lines and wrinkles missing from his pale face, and his eyes wide with wonder and- Gale paused, realization slamming into him at full force as the vermillion glint of the vampire's eyes in the candlelight revealed his secrets. Gale recognized that look. It was the same look he had in his eyes when he looked at you. 
And as he watched, Gale saw the same look in your eyes, no matter which man they were trained upon. "Godsdamn it." He thought. "What in the hells am I going to do?" 
"That's all that's happened so far." You clapped your hands together as you finished catching Astarion up. "Shall we continue?" You turned your head to Gale who said nothing, only nodded and prepared to cast another set of Mage Hands. 
"W-wait, for a moment." Astarion stopped him hesitantly. "I'd- well, I'd like to say something first, Tav." 
"Oh, of course." You looked back at him, your eyes wide and curious. 
"I've been thinking about this for awhile, but I never really knew how to put it into words. However, I- ugh this is so ridiculously awkward with the wizard here too." He buried his face in his hands. 
"I can leave for a moment if you-"
"Gods. No, it involves you, sit down." Astarion huffed, waving his hand in Gale's direction. 
"Very well." Gale remained as he was, perched precariously on a pillow, his full attention on the vampire spawn. 
"I've realized lately that, that I've never had someone who cares for me before - not that I can remember, anyway. And no one that could possibly measure up to you." He said the words to your fingers, which he had wrapped up in his own and was fiddling with tenderly in his lap. "I don't want to lose you, but I didn’t know how to tell you so, even when you told me how. It didn't feel quite right, it didn't fit. But I can say it now." He tilted his head up and met your eyes steadily. "I care for you, Tav. I- I need time to process whatever this is between us. But I don't want you to think I don't want you, because I do. And, if that package comes with a certain pompous wizard," he leveled Gale with a humored smirk. "Then I believe I could be alright with that arrangement. As long as he plays by the same rules we do, that is." 
Gale shot you a quizzical look. "You have to be patient and respect all of his boundaries." You explained, and Gale’s face fell into a sorrowful understanding. 
"Of course I would respect your wishes, Astarion. I may be the victim of some over-active hubris, a wildly inconvenient condition, and an intellect much larger than my single head can contain, but I am not a man without respect and understanding." 
"So… by all of that you mean yes." Astarion quipped and Gale chuckled. 
"Yes, Astarion, I mean yes." 
"Wait, hold on a moment." You sat up on your knees between them, looking back and forth at the two men you'd come to love so much, settling on the wizard. "Gale, are you saying you'd be alright with a 3 person relationship? I didn’t know that was something you'd ultimately agree to." 
"No definite answers yet. I'm working on it. Much like Astarion, the thought of being without you is slowly proving too much to bear. And perhaps having you around won't be too bad in the end, Astarion." 
"Oh thank you kindly for those inspiring compliments, Gale." Astarion rolled his eyes, but the growing smile on his lips told the truth of his thoughts on the matter, and you squeezed his hand with a sudden giddiness. 
"Anytime." Gale made a mock bow before sitting back down in the mess of pillows. "Now, are we going to read or shall I kick you both back out into the cold?" His mage hands appeared and he handed them the book. 
"You wouldn't!" You gasped playfully, scooting closer to him.
"Yes, yes, you're right, I wouldn't. Come here, both of you. If you're going to see the drawings you'd better get close." You resumed your place between Gale's legs and opened your arms to Astarion, who crawled in between yours and curled up against your chest like a cat, his head resting on your shoulder, glancing up at the book every now and again to admire the artwork, then planting tender kisses along your jawline before settling back into you. 
After several chapters more and an hour had gone by, Astarion purred softly against your chest while Gale rubbed your arm with one hand and Astarion's back with the other. Your hands were where they often found purchase - amidst soft white curls that were as light as air to your touch - , massaging small circles on the elf's head as he dozed, and you didn’t know how you could possibly be happier. You sighed blissfully, allowing your eyes to finally fall closed. 
"Goodnight Gale, goodnight Astarion." You mumbled, already halfway gone. 
"Goodnight, Tav." Gale whispered in your ear as you faded into a euphoric sleep, curled up between the men you loved; the men who loved you; the men who could possibly one day learn to love each other.
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tasteracha · 1 year
a/n: my brain’s supply of what this 2min nonsense was about. why did they smile at each other like that. about a sports drink.
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warnings: piss kink (apologizes in advance), soft dom!minho, poly relationship 2min x reader, smut - minors dni
it starts like this:
you were sick a week ago, bedridden and weak-limbed for days and you would have been absolutely miserable if you didn’t have two lovely partners waiting on your every need. streaming hot soup brought straight to your bed, sweat-soaked sheets changed by one of them while the other helped you shower, endless supplies of water and juices and various drinks kept in a steady supply on your bedside table.
including those goddamn sports drinks. the ones that they still shove down your throat because what if you’re still dehydrated baby? can’t have you passing out can we? doesn’t matter to them that you haven’t been sick for a few days now.
you’re tired of the sticky sweet, slightly salty flavor of them. your eyes burn when they land on the colorful label, the smell of it makes you want to throw the bottle out of your high story apartment window. you’re surprised that your piss isn’t pure sports drink at this point. 
still, you drink them. the smile on their faces when you hand them the empty bottle is enough to keep you doing it. the way they take care of you, the way it makes them happy to see you comfortable? you wouldn’t trade that for the world. 
you’re on your third bottle when minho plops onto the couch next to you, immediately latching onto your side and pulling seungmin down into your lap from where he was sitting on your other side. his head lands on your lower belly and he gasps in surprise, squirming as he gets comfortable. his weight presses against your bladder, full of almost three sports drinks now, and it sends a ting up to your head.
“wait, babe,” you wriggle, trying to dislodge your arm from minho’s grip. “i have to go, give me a minute.”
“no,” minho and seungmin whine together, sharing a grin before settling deeper into you.
“c’mon,” you whine back, tugging again at your arm in vain. “let me gooo.”
“you can wait,” minho throws a leg over yours, thigh almost hitting seungmin’s face as he all but traps you into the cushions. seungmin raises a lazy hand and rubs at the bare skin of minho’s thigh from where his shorts had ridden up. you feel minho shudder a bit against you before relaxing, melting completely into you. 
you sigh and accept it. it’s so rare that the three of you get to sit in once space together and relax; with their album having released recently, they’re always running around on different schedules, performing on various stages and going through interview after interview and even when they come home together they’re so tired that they almost collapse on their feet at the door. when they’re not doing things together they’re off on separate ventures, meetings with choreographers or their producers to write songs or whatever their next project is for that week. 
so with the two of you wrapped around you like this, it does seem a bit silly to dislodge them just to use the bathroom. 
the two of them gently bicker over what to watch, seungmin arguing that you and him were in the middle of a movie before minho came in and minho firing back that he didn’t know what happened during the first half so wouldn’t it be fair to change it to something all three of you could enjoy?
throughout their argument, minho wordlessly hands the sports drink you had left on the coffee table to you, metal straw poised near your mouth. seungmin scratches a bit at his thigh when you take it from him reflexively, just how minho likes it, all while they continue talking at each other. you might not have noticed their behavior if the mere sight of the drink sends a warning signal from your bladder to your brain. 
what are they doing. 
minho glances pointedly at your hand, eyes flickering to your mouth and back, and he smiles in satisfaction when you raise it to your lips and take a tentative sip. you take another when you notice your throat did feel a bit dry, thirst battling with your need to pee in an utterly confusing way. you hope they don’t notice when you squeeze your legs together just a bit, holding off the need to pee in a temporary relief. 
minho meets seungmin’s eyes and the younger tips the drink back towards your mouth from where you had let it lower to your lap. 
“what?” you ask, a little breathless. “i’m not really that thirsty, love. i’ll drink it later.”
seungmin shrugs, turning his attention back to the tv. minho sends a glare to him, but it quickly morphs into a smirk when seungmin puts on the anime the three of you love and have seen four times through, exiting out of the movie. 
you’re still confused, but you let yourself melt back into the cushions and focus on the screen. whatever they were up to, you wouldn’t find out until they wanted you to. you’ve learned that lesson time and time again, and it’s taught you to just let things happen instead of wracking your head over it. the two boys were utterly unpredictable on their own but together? you didn’t stand a chance. 
“let’s take a shower,” seungmin suggests, breaking the comfortable silence the three of you had maintained for a while. a shower sounded nice, especially with the two of them - they always paid you the most attention, lathering you up so gently and rinsing your hair until you were practically purring in their arms. but. if you got up right now, you weren’t sure that you could hold your bladder in. 
you look down at the drink in your hand, intending to hand it over to minho to put away, but it’s finished. you don’t remember drinking any more of it, but you must have done it subconsciously when your attention was on the tv. you didn’t even realize that four episodes had passed already. 
the reminder of the sheer amount of liquid in your body makes your lower belly ache, and you’re this close to telling seungmin to go on without you. however, the toilet was in the same room as the shower - and now that your bladder is in the forefront of your mind, that was where you needed to go as soon as physically possible. 
“go ahead and get the water going, seungminnie,” minho says, voice soft and eyes fond. “we’ll be right there.”
seungmin moves off of your lap, disappearing in a flurry and while you thought the removal of his weight might have helped, it actually did the opposite. it was as if he was stopping you from feeling the full force of your aching bladder, absorbing the feeling into himself somehow, and as soon as he was gone it took over your entire body so intensely that you had to hunch over. 
“let’s go, baby,” minho all but coos at you, standing up but not letting go of your arm. he helps you up, letting you lean against him as the two of you shuffle over to the bathroom in agonizingly slow steps. 
“just give me one second,” you squeeze minho’s hand after he leads you through the double doors, stepping towards the toilet. you’ve been together long enough that peeing in front of them doesn’t phase any one of you, and even if it did you’re too desperate to care right now. 
“not so fast,” minho tugs on your hand and you stumble into him, the movement making you clench so that you don’t pee all over the floor. 
“min, c’mon,” you plead, voice coming out in a whine. “let me go, or i’m going to make a mess and you’re going to have to clean it up.”
“shower first,” he says, his tone making it clear that you didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. “you can do it, hmm? you can hold it for us, our good girl.”
his words send another pang throughout your body, this time through your pussy as it all falls into place. you can feel your heartbeat throughout your entire body and your knees feel weak; if he wasn’t holding you up they might have given out there and then. 
“i-i can’t,” you bite out, trying and failing to stand your ground. 
“you can,” minho says, firm and unmovable. you let him peel off your clothes, your entire body shaking and fever-hot all over. he sheds his own quickly, pushing you into the large shower and into seungmin’s arms. you’re glad for him, because otherwise you might have fallen straight to the tiles under the spray in a sad heap. minho slides up behind you and wraps his arms around your midsection, squeezing in a way that makes you gasp. 
the water dripping down your frames and swirling down the drain is transfixing, and you were so close to letting go if the embarrassment of pissing yourself didn’t stop you. you can’t look away from the drain, from the clear water that makes you wonder what it would look like if it was tinged yellow.
“hyung?” seungmin asks, breaking your trance, his eyes shining at minho as he looks at him for guidance. 
“take care of our girl,” minho nods, keeping you still when seungmin moves away. you expect him to reach for the loofah hanging by the shower head, or the bar of soap sitting in the caddy, but instead he sinks to his knees in front of you. he looks up at you with reverence, the shower spray hitting his back and the overhead light shining down on him making him look like some kind of angel. 
or a devil, your mind tells you as he leans forward to press light kisses to your thighs. minho wedges a leg in between yours, nudging your knees apart so seungmin has access to your throbbing pussy. he makes a delighted noise and dives in, tongue flicking at your folds as his hands keep your thighs apart. 
“fuck, seung,” you moan, muscles tightened as you try not to release onto his face. “i can’t hold it.”
neither of them pay you any mind; minho’s hands massage at your lower belly as seungmin laps at you like you’re his last meal, his tongue dipping inside of you and reaching points he never has before.
“p-please,” you gasp, not knowing what you were even asking for. for minho to let up on the pressure around your middle, for seungmin to move his face away from your pussy, for him to go harder and never stop. 
“do you need to go, honey?” minho says, voice right in your ear. it sends a lick of flames up your spine, and seungmin hums into you when you let out a list of syllables that you hope mean god, yes, please let me. “then come for us, and i promise you can go after.”
it’s like his words flip a switch inside of you, because immediately after he orders it you’re coming. your hips jerk against seungmin’s mouth, his nose rubbing against your clit as the fire climbs downwards and explodes into embers that take over your entire body. 
when the last of the shocks fade away, the pang of desperation from your bladder comes back in full force. your knees shake, you can feel your entire body trembling in an attempt to not piss all over your boyfriend who is still kneeling between your legs. 
“baby, come up here,” minho calls to seungmin, pulling him away from where he had begun sucking at your inner thigh. he rises to his knees in an unfairly graceful way and presses his body up against your front so you’re sandwiched between them. the gentle pressure of his hips pushing against minho’s hands makes you double over, your face squishing against seungmin’s chest as you finally lose control over yourself. 
you can feel the warm stream sliding down your legs, the sound of it mixing with the shower spray and creating some kind of weird harmony. you let out a sob, half from the utter relief you feel at letting go and half at the embarrassment of pissing yourself like this, even if they made you do it. you close your eyes and throw your head back against minho’s collarbone, mouth hanging open from how overwhelmed you feel. 
“i’m sorry,” you choke out, chest heaving in with your breaths and shuddering out. the flow finally tapers off, the last bits of release tricking down and swirling down the drain. “fuck, i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay, love,” seungmin shushes you, sliding a hand up your waist as minho presses wet kisses to the back of your head. “that was so fucking hot, you don’t even know.”
you watch with tired eyes as minho’s hand creeps around you to circle around seungmin’s dick, hard and upright, and seungmin sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth. his own hand snakes behind you, to minho’s cock, and they jerk each other off with you between them, pliant and jelly limped as you lean against them. they come together, both of their heads buried into your neck and their combined come spurting out onto your legs and sliding down like your piss had earlier. 
the three of you stand there for several moments, catching your breath and regaining the feeling in your legs. seungmin does actually reach for the loofah then, lathering it up with minho’s expensive soaps and spending extra time scrubbing at your legs. you float in a dazed mess as they rinse you off, wrapping you in a fluffy towel and then guiding your limbs into satin pajamas. 
“thirsty?” seungmin asks after he deposits you into the covers of your shared california king bed, and your parched throat aches to say yes. you almost do, but when you turn your head to look at what’s in his outstretched hand it’s - 
a bottle of the god damn sports drink. 
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