#polyam fam
procrastiel · 6 months
Petition to recreate this with Michael and David
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dragontamerno3 · 4 months
DS9 S3 E10 - Fascination
This is the kind of episode I love from Star Trek, something wacky and weird and cheesy, though I am going to be talking about how gross some of it is. I like it when my Trek gets silly.
First things first, I am glad that the Jake/Mardah stuff is over. Even if I am a little "icked" by how much he's interested in Kira. I *know* that wasn't him so, at least not intentionally, so I'm not holding it against the episode. It just gave me the ick.
I love how its been clear that Bashir and Miles's friendship has evolved, even if we're not seeing it all happen on screen, their conversation in this episode was a nice bit of banter. And then when Keiko leaves at the end and Bashir is just there to pick up where Keiko left off? They're very much best buds. But also I'm seeing more of the polyam fam thing going on and I dig it.
While I am not a fan of the Kira/Odo ship, I can definitely see how the show is setting it up and there are some cute moments for the two. Poor Odo not only had to sit through Kira walking away to be with her ACTUAL boyfriend, he had to walk in on Bashir and Kira making out in the most graphic way. Like ew, the way they were all over each other... ick lol
With that, I really wish we had more Odo/Lwaxana content. I think they would have been sweet together. He's clearly uncomfortable around her and I felt bad for how touchy she was with him, but whenever they actually stop and have a REAL conversation, they're so sweet.
I don't like any video of myself, but if I had been doing a reaction video, the scream, and clapping to the immediate sympathy that happened when Keiko and Molly stepped off the ship followed by Lwaxana would have been priceless. I have mama issues (among others) with Lwaxana but man do I love it when she shows.
Bareil being jealous of Jadzia was fun and probably the first time in the show I felt like there might be weight to the Jadzia/Kira ship. I look forward to more of these moments. Cause I always need more gay.
The Jadzia and Sisko stuff made me laugh but also cringe because I am sure Sisko was sitting there picturing the Old Man while Jadzia was hanging all over him even if Sisko sees the two as separate people. I was laughing and neuro spicy uncomfy flapping with every scene they were together lol
Miles and Keiko are once again the realest couple I have seen on TV in a while. I love how much he loves her, how far he's willing to go for her, and how much she returns both sentiments. Yes, they argued, but most people do. What matters was how they were willing to have a healthy conversation about how to fix things and how they were up for figuring things out. Together.
Also, the way Miles was about to ruin his entire career being another man not only touched his wife but made her uncomfortable? Yeah, Miles doesn't fit the "bad guy" label at all but he stepped into my favorite "Don't touch her" kinda trope in that second lol
I appreciate how easily Lwaxana accepted that everything was her fault. She's very much an anti aging kind person but she just nodded and apologized for the trouble she caused. She's grown as a character since her introduction on TNG and I love to see it.
7/10 - because it was fun af and might have been higher if there weren't big moments of ick for me
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Oh yeah; just because it's been like three days and I'm still not over it: my best friend was in a wedding scene for a TV show on Stan and neglected to tell me her polyamorous best friend that it was A TRIAD WEDDING until like 3yrs later, despite regularly talking about her experiences on that set with that cast and crew, until we were both on Pinterest looking at things for our little polycules future wedding plans.
And the reason was because I said 'I don't even know how the order for our triads wedding would go, like I can kinda picture it for a quad but it's not like I've ever seen one in media.'
AND THATS WHEN SHE TELLS ME SHE THE WEDDING SHE WAS A GUEST IN WAS A MLMLM TRIAD! (It's also in a show neither of us actually watch hence why I'd never seen the scene before... and if anyone's curious, it's tiger king on Stan. It's weird af and I noped out of watching it bc ptsd and it's not my sense of humour anyway)
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Mmm polycule something something
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diver5ion · 2 years
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Fagging it up crazy style 💪💪
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the-l-spacer · 2 years
Lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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lavendercakesverse · 2 years
Polyam day woah
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normally I'd have a positivity message but I am very sick. I am polyam so wooo day for me and OT3 - mod Lilac
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cam1na · 9 months
what keeps your soul tethered to the mortal realm?
your dying heart. your heart aches at the thought of leaving them behind. all you've ever wanted was for them to be safe; for them to be happy. your purpose is to be there, to protect them, to keep them safe from this cruel world. they will be okay. your need to be needed is keeping you from being free. you love so deeply, you care so much, but who is there to do the same for you? you can't always be there; it's a fact you can't accept, but in order to leave this realm, you need to make peace with it. you deserve freedom. you deserve to be free.
tagged by: stolen from somewhere on the dash tagging: @herleads, @beltraised, @contrieves & whoever else wants to!
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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decided we needed some new blood on this tub and thought, wait, i've got Drummer here and not her canonical spouses? what the fuck?
(BTAU!Michio is ex-ComStar, going by the backstory on the rando I hired before getting the ol' save editor out again)
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
Once again wishing I was a gifmaker so I could make a beautiful and tragic gifset of the polyam belter fam with Drummer's "I didn't love you because you fighters, I loved you because you were builders. I wanted us to be build something... together" over all the fam's scenes in a beautifully colored and tragically filtered set with fading black and white gifs and the death of Serge and the breakup of the fam overlayed with their happy times
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rocicrew · 2 years
reading naomi refer to drummer as saba's wife gave me a whiplash. ma'am that is your wife.
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I had a really hard therapy session yesterday, so hard that afterwards I was not okay.
I broke, terribly, the full force of absolutely everything my family had ever done just hit me and broke me.
And my very sweet boyfriend was here and we went and got coffee and drove and he let me put on my rage playlist and scream along... and I said to him eventually, I just feel like I need to scream but I'm not allowed to.
And normally I get the 'I know the feeling' from people around me.
But he just glanced over and said 'You're absolutely allowed to, you're not the first person to scream in this car and you won't be the last, you can scream. Thank you for the warning tho.'
And my brain broke because I am not used to be allowed to express myself ever, especially not like that and my response was that I need to process the fact I'm actually allowed to and that I might if my brain and body could actually overcome the years of training to not do that.
And eventually, we hit a song that brought up everything that happened and everything that I was suppressing and I screamed. It was high pitched af to both of our surprise. Amazingly didn't damage my vocal cords because my theatre training paid off. And I cried a lot, enough that I was genuinely shocked that I hadn't cried off my makeup.
And we went to my cousins who I'm moving in with next year and I found some calm before coming home.
But this man makes me feel so safe, genuinely more safe than I ever thought was possible, to the point where I knew and trusted him with the part of me no one has ever seen willing before. Because I know me, I could have, despite how close to breaking I was, shoved that scream down and hid my genuine emotional response to the extreme levels of pain I was experiencing and shoved all my fidgets and emotions in a box and pretended to be okay enough, just angry. Not the extreme levels of betrayal, heartbreak, rage, fear, frustration, confusion, horror, hatred, contempt, grief and guilt and all the other complexities of emotion that come with 23 years of trauma combined into a flurry of flashbacks and memories and realisations that yesterday was.
And I don't ever show that willingly, never have. Because I never believe anyone when they say that they can handle that part of me (maybe my cousin, he's very similar to me in a lot of ways, he just masks a fuckton less) but this time, with him, I did. I absolutely believed him when he said that I was safe.
And he didn't even flinch, he continued driving straight and when I was done reached over and offered me his hand and told me he was proud of me and it was okay for me to break and continue breaking, that he had me and he was glad that I was letting myself feel things and express them finally.
This morning we had the most amazing and intimate and sweet morning, and unfortunately I ended up having a panic attack at one point.
And I just turned around and held him. Because my brain went back in time to the physical and mental feeling of turning around and being betrayed by someone I had loved who was intentionally and consciously hurting me. And all I needed, all I really needed, was to just hold him and reassure myself and my brain that I was here and now. That the person next to me was my best friend and partner who loves and adores me and would never ever hurt me intentionally and works so hard to ensure my safety and comfort and happiness. I just needed to hold him and look at his face and reassure each other that I was safe and okay and unharmed.
He is my safety and my peace and my home in a way that I have never truly experienced before.
Because I love and adore my QPP, but we're both ND and traumatised and my trauma sets off hers and my screams and breakdowns would not be sensory or emotionally safe for her to hold space to like that.
They are both different kinds of home, but they're both home. And I am so so happy and emotional and feeling incredibly grateful and loved.
Polyamory is amazing because I get this kind of love. A combination of love and met wants and needs so perfect for me it feels like a dream come true.
Just, damn I love him and I'm so fucking lucky.
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crowacolyte · 9 months
"Where before there was just one thing I could not live without, now there were two. There was no division- my love was not split between them now; it wasn't like that. It was more like my heart had grown, swollen up to twice its size in that moment. All that extra space, already filled."
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diver5ion · 1 year
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lolahaurisfw · 2 months
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : Stardew Valley - Polyam Fam:;
Part 1/3: Demetrius x MILF! Reader, Robin & Reader.
Contains: F/M, Poly Relationships, Family Fluff, HC's, Pregnancy, Clingy! Shy! Teen Girl From Previous Relationship, Dad Isn't In The Picture, Curious! Toddler Boys w/ Your Current Mans.
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A/N: TYSM for this request! It turned out way longer than i thought it would. So I'll be posting all three separately so you don't have to wait for them to all be done before i publish. 😭
・❥・Family Life!
What a blended family you have! 🙀 So many kids from so many different pairings, it was hard for your oldest child to get used to at first. She's usually very clingy, definitely a "mama's girl", so she was uneasy at the idea of you having so many other people to take your attention away from her.
Plus, now she had to meet and join a whole new family. She was worried they wouldn't like each other.
But eventually it all worked out when they finally started talking!
Maru was the easiest to meet, she's very friendly, not much older than her, and loves meeting new people.
Robin was also so kind, she's truly so motherly, never wanting anyone to feel left out.
Demetrius took some getting used to, he's never exactly sure how to parent a child who isn't technically his, he fears overstepping or coming off like he's trying to force himself into their life. Which in turn makes him seem like he doesn't care, but he does! He's just not sure how to deal with these types of dynamics yet.
But they became close in time, he was just the father figure your daughter needed! He was always conscious about his mistakes with raising Sebastian, and he made sure to try and not repeat it with her.
Sebastian was the toughest nut to crack. He'd never been a people-person, and he couldn't help but feel a little more isolated when more people joined the family, putting even less attention onto him.
But when he realized your daughter was an introvert like him, and also didn't have her father around, he felt guilty for excluding her, obviously knowing how bad that feels. So, he eventually opened up and started to hang out with her and Maru every once in a while.
Sometimes your daughter would actually join Maru & Demetrius in the lab, learn woodworking from Robin, or play boardgames with Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail!
You and Robin also developed a close relationship! It was awkward for you at first, since y'know, you're dating her husband and now sharing a bed with them. But she never let you feel uncomfortable around her!
Any worries that jealousy or resentment could be brewing between you two were soon gone when you realized she truly loved your company. Maybe she even had a crush on you herself. 🤭
You, Robin, Maru and your daughter actually started having "girl's nights" every Sunday 28th. Which usually entailed going to dinner at the saloon, then the movies, and then having dessert & playing a board game before bed.
And in turn, that forced Seb and Demetrius to have a father-son day! Usually they'd go to Ginger Island and meet up with Sam and Kent, then hit up the saloon for dinner before going home to meet you guys for the board game.
Overall the moving-in stage of the relationship was awkward at first, but now everyone is closer than ever.
Especially since you soon got pregnant with twins!!!
Seb and your daughter were first scared at the thought of more siblings, knowing it would change the dynamic even more.
(But as soon as your boys were born, they loved them right away hehe.)
Everyone was soo ecstatic when you got pregnant.
It'd been a long time since anyone in the valley had had any babies, so nobody could wait to meet them!
Robin and Demetrius were so sweet and helpful.
Demetrius made sure you had a well balanced diet and kept up with some light exercise.
He would also regularly lift things for you, not wanting you to hurt your back.
Just lots of acts of service!
Like: cooking more often, carrying groceries, making sure you're taking your vitamins or medications, leg & foot massages, helping you shower or dress as the pregnancy progressed, etc... etc...
He always made sure to go to EVERY doctor appointment you made, even if it wasn't for anything baby related lol.
He listened to all of Harvey's recommendations, and made sure you listened too haha. He wouldn't let you farm, mine, drink energy tonics, or eat fish or deli meat.
And if you had any pets before you moved in, he'll be in charge of cleaning up after them now.
He's a bit overbearing and smart, but you knew what you were signing up for. 🤭
Robin is of course by your side too! Esp later in you're pregnancy, always checking in with you and seeing how your feeling.
Caroline and Jodi couldn't wait to be aunts again as well!
Overall, your pregnancy was great! You had so much love and support from your family and everyone in the valley!
Once your twin boys were born, things definitely changed, but not in a bad way!
On one hand you were very tired, even with the help of others, the boys were never easy to handle. (That was especially true as they became able to walk.)
But on the other, you loved being a mom again, and you enjoyed being able to spend some extra time with Demetrius.
He never neglected Robin or the other kids though, instead, he took some time off of work and focused on being more family-oriented.
He's such a good dad too. He'd forgotten how much fun it is to play with and talk to babies.
I think he'd be a good (temporary) house-husband too! Since Robin had to look after your farm for you, and the older kids all had jobs, it was up to him to keep up with most of the house.
But as long as you were clear and specific about what needed to be done, he was happy to help!
Everyone was also a bit more clingy with you post-partum, they just couldn't help but wanna be around the new cute babies!!
But you didn't mind, it was nice to have a lot of people available to hold the babies or help you with tasks when you were tired.
It was also sooo adorable seeing your daughter get to know her new brothers!
And things only became more fun as the boys became toddlers, they for sure inherited their dads curious, knowledge-hungry nature. 🤭 Always on the move and trying to escape your arms to go explore.
They love spending time outside with you and Demetrius!
Even though they're only just now speaking sentences, Demetrius LOVES teaching them about the local flora and fauna as if they understand what he's saying. 😭
It's actually so sweet though, you'll be walking your mischievous little ones on a backpack leash through the trail behind your farm, and Demetrius will see some forage or an artifact spot or smth, and he'll immediately stop and pick it up, holding it up to the boys' faces and start telling them all about it.
Meanwhile they're just trying to grab it so they can either throw it or try to it eat. 😭
But you can't help but watch with hearts in your eyes, seeing 3 of the most important boys in your life have so much fun together. <3
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