grouperhq · 2 months
this shits got me ponderinggg😩😩
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younghosfavewhore · 4 years
mine forever . 1:27am
part 1 [a]   /  part 2 [s]
wc; 1.5k
plot; nctjohnny!boyfriend x femreader!girlfriend
the members of nct have been stirred up in dating rumors and scandals for the past month. when pictures of johnny meeting with a childhood friend begin to float around, you must remind johhny that he’s yours. forever.
prompts; [a]6 “She was nothing to you, was she? Then prove it.”  [a]20 “People talk- people will always talk...” 
warnings; (mentions of TAEYONG’s injury) fluff?!, jealous reader, angsty!!!
My eyes skim over the articles. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The headlines seemed to drag on forever, “Johnny Suh; NCT’s 5th member involved in Dating Scandal”. Another read, “NCT Johnny Caught with Foreigner; Photos Below” 
I couldn’t resist clicking the link that my cursor hovered over. The full article was now displayed onto my screen. The pictures loaded for a second, then they were displayed before me. And there it was, Johnny Suh -my Johnny Suh- at a cafe with a blonde-haired foreigner. I continued scrolling, which was probably a mistake, but I was in shock. Certainly they were doctored by some vengeful sasaeng. Another link pops onto my screen, “NCT Johnny Suh has Foreign Girlfriend? VIDEO FOOTAGE”
you’re fucking kidding me. 
A notification sound blares from my phone, the sixth one in the past half hour. I haven’t even picked up my phone, I know what the notifications are. There was no doubt in my mind that it was Johnny texting me a sad excuse for the video that’s now playing on a loop on my screen. I recognized her. Her blonde hair and small frame. It was his high school sweetheart; Madison. In the video -which was only about 8 seconds long- you could see him embrace her. They stood at the cafe table, drinks in hand, about to depart. Johnny’s long arms then spread out, welcoming her into a hug. He initiated it. Even in front of all these people, all these cameras. He hugged her. He knew exactly what he was doing. Another notification sound blared through my phone speaker. Why did this make me feel so threatened? So weak? I pick up my phone <6 unread texts from johnny❤> I open the messages, taking a deep breath as I do so.
johnny❤: baby?
    y/n? text me when you get this.
    ik you see my texts
    i know you’re upset please just text me
    i can explain, i promise…
    im omw to the hotel, we’ll talk when i get there, ok?
My eyes widen at the last text. Why was he on his way here? What made him think that I wanted to see him?
me: dont bother, i dont think i want to see you rn
I send the text with tears welling in my eyes. I was just beginning to fully wrap my head around the events that unfolded before me.
*ding* <1 new text from johnny❤>
johnny❤: please, y/n
  you know me better than anyone, don’t believe these rumors, y/n
Me: i saw the pictures johnny… and the video. what excuse could you have?
My head began to spin, no way did he think I was going to fall for his pity story.
johnny❤: this is why we’ll talk in person
  i have a lot of explaining to do, i know. just listen to me please
  i’m only 2 minutes away, ill explain everything i promise
Take a deep breath. I think to myself, convincing myself that maybe he would have a good excuse. After all, it's Johnny. Would he ever do anything to hurt me? I struggled to gain composure as I heard a familiar knock on the door. The lock clicked and the door crept open. I stood in the living room of the homey suite. 
“y/n..” Johnny’s voice breaks the silence. He peeks from behind the door.
My eyes meet his and I feel faint. What’s going to happen? I ask myself, not knowing the right answer as hundreds of thoughts fill my head.
He continues inside, closing the door softly behind him. He takes slow strides in my direction, and that’s when the tears well in my eyes. Why? I’m not sure, I’ve always been one to get overwhelmed easily, but this was new. His hand reaches out to take mine and I flinch away. The images of him taking another girl into his arms flashing in my head. 
“Why her? How--” My voice breaks and the tears finally fall from my eyes.
“It’s not at all what you think it is, baby.” His voice was soft and genuine. Almost desperate. 
“Then what is it? Huh?” My voice changed from calm to angry. I took a deep breath in an attempt to try to calm myself back down and I back farther away from him. “I... I was patient. I knew this would happen. I was understanding of the rumors, the lies. But this? These pictures? These videos?” I began to lose my cool. “How could you possibly explain this?” Anger was tainting my words, what was I saying? “If you want to be with her then just say that.” I spit the words out.
Johnny looks taken aback, rightfully so. “It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it, Johnny?!” I shouted, menacingly. “It isn’t adding up.” I plead as my voice cracks. “Please, just fucking explain yourself.”
He walks towards me again, I don’t have the energy to fight him anymore. He takes my hand and places a light kiss on it.
“I know you’re confused. I know you’re angry.” He doesn’t take his eyes off of mine. “People talk. In this industry, people talk so fucking much.” His tone was so gentle; he was hurt but still so gentle with me. “People will always talk, okay, y/n?”
I nod, tears streaming down my face at this point. 
“I’m in the wrong here. You saw the videos, I know, but there’s more to it than that.” He sits me down next to him on the couch.
“I just don’t understand.” My voice trembles. “With the other members, Doyoung, Mark, it was just gossip, easily dismissed. But…” My voice trails off.
“I know.” He sighs and pulls me close to him. “Those pictures were taken completely out of context.” where is he going with this? “Yes, it was Madison. And I’m sorry for meeting up with her without telling you, especially with everything that’s been going on…” He traced his fingers in small circles along my back, something he often did when he needed to calm me down. He sighs and pulls me closer to him, we sit in silence for a bit before he continues. “As you know, Taeyong… His injury?”
I nod my head against his chest. “I know…” I whisper in response. what does that have to do with anything?
“Well… Madison, when I met with her at the cafe,” He paused, awaiting a reaction but I didn’t give one. I wanted to hear him out. He continues, “She moved here a few months ago. It has nothing to do with me, or NCT as a whole.” He disclaims. “She’s studying abroad here for a journalist internship. She’s-”
“Get to the point,” I whisper, barely being able to hear him ramble on about her.
He places a kiss on the top of my head. “Everyone knew about Yong’s injury; the managers, the staff, even the stage crew noticed it.” I wince a bit at the thought of Taeyong having to deal with this kind of injury. “You were busy with studies and I didn’t want you worrying about me or the boys. I vented to Madison about it. She explained that she had ties to news sources that could have exposed SM for overworking him. So…” He sighs, “She threatened SM. Unless they gave us all a break or hiatus, she threatened to report it to national broadcasting stations.”
“Wait-” I interrupt him, the puzzle pieces finally fitting together in my head. 
“Let me finish.” He cuts me off in return. “I wanted to treat her to coffee while she was still in town, as a thank you. Nothing more. Because of her, me and the boys were able to finally get a break and Taeyong is finally getting rest.” He explains.
im such a fucking idiot, i think to myself.
I was speechless, how could I have been this stupid. I finally built up the courage to look up at him; his eyes scanning my face for a reaction. 
“I’m sorry.” It’s all I can mutter out in my state of embarrassment. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s ok. I promised to be transparent about this stuff and instead I hid it from you. I’m in the wrong too. I’m sorry.” He replies, softly. His hands trailed up and down my back.
I look into his eyes again, begging for forgiveness without saying a single word. He got the hint and leaned in to press a soft peck to my lips. 
“I love you,” I said, my lips brushing against his as our foreheads rested on each other.
He smiles before kissing me back. “I love you, too.”
“So, she means nothing?” The sudden, whispered, inquiry was cold in the quiet air.
There was a pause, a moment that I nearly regretted asking.
“She means nothing.” He said, his voice was gruff and direct.
“Then prove it.” The words rolled off my tongue, and before I had time to think, Johnny’s lips were pressed back up against mine.
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zanessaconfessions · 3 years
Okay random but I wanna know V's manager Evan's thoughts on her friends/relationships LOL. I think i've seen a few pics with Z and he who shall not be named and he's smiling but other than that like i wonder what he thinks of GG etc. (NO hate) idk just a thought. i'm sure he's just super supportive in gen of V and her friends but would be interesting just ponderinggg
i think evan has grown to be like a family to her so i guess if he approved whoever she’s friends or dates then i guess that’s good
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