#pool party jarvan
league-of-starlight · 7 months
Jarvan IV Voice Update concept:
First Move:
“For Demacia, we ride!”
“A king must fight the battles his subjects cannot.”
“Raise the banners!”
Long move:
“I was almost lost to my rage and grief. Even now, I feel tempted.”
“My citizens suffered from my lack of judgement. For them, I must be better.”
First encounter:
“You face Demacia’s King!”
“Stand firm, let us begin.”
“You can leave with no dishonour.”
Joke response:
“This is no time for jokes, onward!”
Taunt response:
“Bravado is a hollow shield.”
“Demacia never retreats!”
“For my father!”
“Another casualty of war.”
“I must recover, stay strong!”
“Continue the fight!”
“So long as Demacia stands, so shall I!”
“A poor decision.”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Garen: “Shall we spar like old times?”
Demacian Vice Garen: *Stifling laughter* “Garen, what are you wearing?”
Katarina: “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“What does he see in you?”
Kayle: “Are you here to judge me?”
Ally Leblanc: “Do not assume any measure of trust, witch.”
Lux: “Demacia will always have a place for you, whenever you are ready.”
Noxians: “Your people claim strength, yet fail to achieve victory.”
Pool Party skins:
“I don’t take a lot of breaks these days. A shame.”
Shyvana: “No transformation is forever, isn’t that right?”
“Fools only see the beast. I see the Demacian Heart.”
Swain: “Making a pact with a demon to have a new arm? How Noxian.”
Sylas: “Sylas. Do you have something to say?”
Xin Zhao: “My skills have not slipped, old friend. Shall I prove it?”
Darius: “As brutish as I expected.”
Garen: “I know about that Noxian woman. …Please explain.”
Sion: “I will be the last Jarvan you face.”
Swain: “Tell me, will those ravens eat your corpse?”
Tryndamere: “I know a man with a much better sword.”
Taunt Response:
Swain: “Instead of your arm, perhaps I’ll sever your head.”
Sion: “May my ancestor rest in peace.”
Sylas: “I will keep my promise.”
Talon: “A skilled assassin doesn’t mean a skilled warrior as well.”
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thehigherthetide · 7 days
today i will categorize every league of legends champion as either hot or not. some exceptions and exclusions.
aatrox: hot
ahri: hot
akali: hot
akshan: hot
alistar: hot
anivia: not hot
aphelios: hot
ashe: my favorite nsfw artist draws her so beautifully so hot
aurelion sol: hot
aurora: cute but not hot
azir: hot
bard: not hot
bel’veth: hot
blitzcrank: not hot
brand: ironically, not hot
braum: very awesome but not hot
briar: not hot
caitlyn: hot
camille: hot
cassiopeia: as she currently is, not hot
cho’gath: hot
darius: ugly
diana: hot
dr. mundo: not hot
draven: situationally hot, he looks good in his newer skins
ekko: not hot
elise: hot
evelynn: hot
ezreal: also situationally hot
fiddlesticks: hot
fiora: hot
galio: not hot
gangplank: ugly
garen: super ugly
gragas: ugly
graves: hot
gwen: hot
hecarim: hot
hwei: hot
illaoi: hot
irelia: hot
ivern: not hot
janna: hot
jarvan iv: only hot in pool party and nightbringer and maybe lunar beast
jax: hot
jayce: not hot
jhin: hot
jinx: not hot
k’sante: hot
kai’sa: hot
kalista: hot when she was alive
karma: hot
karthus: not hot
kassadin: not hot but i can see the potential
katarina: hot
kayle: hot
kayn: hot
kha’zix: not hot
kindred: hot, both of them
kog’maw: not hot
leblanc: lol ugly, lor hot
lee sin: not hot
leona: not hot
lillia: not hot
lissandra: not hot
lucian: situational
lux: not hot
malphite: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
malzahar: please give him an asu please i know he’s hot
maokai: not hot
master yi: lol ugly, lor super hot
miss fortune: hot
mordekaiser: hot
morgana: hot
nami: cutest girl in the world, not hot
nasus: not hot
nautilus: hot
neeko: not hot
nidalee: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
nilah: hot
nocturne: hot
olaf: lowkey hot
orianna: not hot
ornn: hot
pantheon: hot
pyke: hot
qiyana: hot
quinn: hot
rakan: hot
rammus: not hot
rek’sai: not hot
rell: not hot
renata glasc: hot
renekton: hot
rengar: hot
riven: hot
ryze: not hot
samira: hot
sejuani: hot
senna: hot
seraphine: not hot
sett: not hot
shaco: soul fighter shaco is kinda hot
shen: hot
shyvana: lol ugly, lor hot
singed: not hot
sion: not hot
sivir: hot
skarner: not hot
sona: hot
soraka: hot
swain: hot
sylas: hot
syndra: not hot
tahm kench: hot
taliyah: not hot
talon: kinda hot in the katarina webtoon
taric: not hot
thresh: hot hot hot
trundle: not hot, not even traditional trundle
tryndamere: ugly please ashe just give me one chance
twisted fate: only cutpurse is hot
twitch: not hot
udyr: not hot
urgot: not hot
varus: hot
vayne: hot
vel’koz: hot
vi: lol kinda ugly, arcane hot
viego: situational
viktor: hot
vladimir: not hot
volibear: hot
warwick: hot
wukong: lowkey hot
xayah: hot
xerath: hot
xin zhao: hot but especially firecracker
yasuo: situational
yone: always hot
yorick: hot
zac: hot
zed: hot
zeri: not hot
zilean: not hot
zyra: not hot
0 notes
league-of-skins · 1 year
Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia
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League of Legends
Original Jarvan IV
Commando Jarvan IV
Dragonslayer Jarvan IV
Darkforge Jarvan IV
Victorious Jarvan IV
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Fnatic Jarvan IV
Dark Star Jarvan IV
SSG Jarvan IV
Hextech Jarvan IV
Pool Party Jarvan IV
Lunar Beast Jarvan IV
Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV
Nightbringer Jarvan IV
Wild Rift
Original Jarvan IV
Commando Jarvan IV
Lunar Beast Jarvan IV
Crystal Rose Jarvan IV
Dark Star Jarvan IV
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Hextech Jarvan IV
Glorious Armada Jarvan IV
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV Mythic Chroma
Calligraphia Jarvan IV
Legends of Runeterra
Original Jarvan IV
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
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notoriouslydevious · 4 years
Pool Party 2020 speculations:
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Pool Party 2020 skins just got teased on League’s official Twitter and I have a couple speculations on who they might be! (other than the obvious on the far left, Taliyah, who was teased earlier this year). 
Far Right: Definitely Orianna. Not doubt in my mind. 
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Some people on twitter are trying to say, “IT COULD BE CAMILLE” but think about Camille for a sec. EVERY OTHER SKIN SHE’S HAD ALWAYS KEEPS HER SCISSOR LEGS. THIS SKIN HAS FEETSIES & TOESIES! So yea, not Camille. 
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Next person over: 
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Definitely looks like a javelin or polearm next to them so my instant first guesses were: Jarvan or Xin Zhao. 
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Ah yes, the female in the middle. MANY, MANY people on twitter speculated that it was DEFINITELY going to be Syndra THIS TIME FOR SURE because: BALL. Thought it was weird that they’d only include one ball but it IS a teaser.  After watching the gif over and over, I noticed as this person kicks the sandal back over to the male character on their left, their ‘towel’ that they are laying on seems to be connected to their skirt. Syndra has trails connected to the back of her skirt so it might be her! 
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Other people saw the ball and thought maybe it was Ahri (but no tails and I dont think Ahri has tattoos- but who knows?).  Others saw the tattoos on the legs and thought of: Jinx: (but Jinx recently got Heartseeker so I don’t think it’d be her) Karma: She does have the leg tattoos And with the ‘towel’ being connected to skirt/shorts- karma has a short skirt in the front, long in the back.  Karma also has one anklet.  ***BUT**** the skin is WAAAAAAY too light to be Karma. 
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Neeko: Neeko DOES have tattoos and she does have an anklet (but she has them on both feet) BUUUUUUUUUUUT in all of Neeko’s other skins, her skin color is never “normal.” Like in Star Guardian, her feet & hands were green. 
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Dont know why Riot would change this now but who knows? There’s no tail- but she is a chameleon and could be blending in? Also the flower on Taliyah’s board looks a lot like Neeko’s flower in her hair, but it might just be a tropical flower. Maybe Riot took the odyssey Ziggs approach and just threw her in the skinline without putting her in the cinematic/trailer lmao). 
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Janna: (she did recently get guardian of the sands) the “towel” that the person is laying on, when they reach out to kick back the sandal it shows that it’s connected to their skirt/shorts. Janna is one of the only other female champs that their shorts/skirt have long trails on it. 
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Next Person Over: 
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It’s definitely someone small, so most likely a yordle. They seem to have sunglasses next to them that reminded me a lot of Heimerdinger’s and Corki’s goggles.
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There’s also something in the water that (to me) looks like a little turret, like Donger’s turrets.  Other’s thought maybe it’s Corki’s plane or Rumble’s machine- but Rumble’s machine is HUGE- too huge to be that little thing. (To me, personally, it doesnt look like it has a good spot to sit or that it could be steered- so I dont think it’s Corki, but who knows?) 
Last Person: We already know it’s Taliyah from one of the League streams:
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Welp, those are my thoughts. TELL ME WHO YOU THINK THEY COULD BE!
Hope this doesnt end up like the Cosmic skins lmao (rip Syndra/Lissandra/Elise. As pretty as Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux are, Syndra/Liss/Elise were robbed.)
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bestwitchsam · 4 years
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Jarvan Fuck Me , thx.
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amoreares · 4 years
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ive had this idea stuck in my head for days now, j4 has those massive floaties so i imagine that he just cant swim at all so he sits in the water like this while everyone laughs
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mizii · 3 years
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Wallpapers Pool Party
Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
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aurelion-solar · 4 years
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Pool Party Orianna, Taliyah, Syndra, Heimerdinger & Jarvan IV 🏖️
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alceous · 3 years
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Pool Party Jarvan IV Sketch Commission! Thank you to @kazerics for commissioning :D I enjoyed drawing him a lot and the pose is really fun!
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league-ref · 4 years
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PBE backup
High res: Senna | Irelia | Orianna | Taliyah | Heimer Dinger | Jarvan IV | Syndra | Nocturne
Please consider donating to our Ko-fi’s as we do this in our free time o/ Zhonja | Galactic Titty
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iluxie · 4 years
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Pool Party 2020 splash arts!
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fxlgurkinesis · 4 years
Lux couldn’t help but inhale deeply, the sun warming her skin, the fresh scent of sea water. the weight of petricite was lifted from her shoulders and it felt nice. it was relaxing, exactly what was needed, it seemed, as she looked around as some of the others played around in sea and sand alike. she couldn’t help laughing a little, in pure elation of the day, really.
now she finds herself wanting to relax. having participated with enough of the fun for now, she was content to just sit back and watch everyone have fun and make fools of themselves in equal parts. she turns her head, about to comment towards a particularly funny moment she’d seen towards her beach towel companion when her lips hang open - paused as she was about to speak.
her eyes widening slightly as she looks towards the royal completely relaxed upon the towel and sand. her lips close quickly, teeth biting upon her bottom lip to keep herself quiet as the visage of jarvan graces her eyes. it’s not that it’s been a secret that he was attractive, because that was far from the case. lux was very well aware of his charms -- and perhaps her eyes had strayed downwards to ogle at the exposed skin laid out, but only for a moment before her eyes fluttered back upwards -- yet that was not what had caused her to pause. 
really what had caught her attention, and the warmth on her cheeks that was certainly not from the warmth of the sun, was the relaxation along his face. lines of fatigue and stress smoothed over, even a light upturn along the corners of his lips - a soft little smile in slumber. it made lux’s heart pound hard, unable to help as her expression softens exponentially and her lips pull up in turn, equally as soft. 
and really, she can’t help it as she lifts a hand, ever so careful to smooth some wayward strands of hair back from his face, fingers drifting just so a little lower, smoothing over sun warmed skin, thumb stroking gently. she really can’t help the long sight from her lips, really she had it bad, she couldn’t even deny it. not that she would ever anyway, she knew he knew how she felt and vice versa. 
it’s with that overwhelming feeling that she can’t help but, after a quick little glance around, lean over as golden strands of hair cascaded over her shoulder, to press a soft little kiss against jarvan’s forehead. she was glad it seems he’s had a good day, he’s deserved it.
                                                                                    @lightshielded  😘
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ravenkult · 4 years
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POOL PARTY 2020 JARVAN CONCEPT by Julian del Rey https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1885o8
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seixren · 5 years
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Pool Party Jarvan IV
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ladybuvelle · 6 years
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// He protects his sandcastle kingdom.
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notoriouslydevious · 3 years
Goodbye & Good Luck Riot KateyKhaos
Yesterday Katey posted to her twitter saying that next thursday will be her last day at Riot (so most likely Sept 16th, 2021). 
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She was known as the Nami-Mommy throughout most of the community and worked on a BUNCH of skins.  She posted this on her Riot anniversary on June 30th of all the skins she worked on: 
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Since it's pretty hard to read from the picture, I'll do my best to list them all: 2014: Reaper Soraka Victorious Morgana Battlecast Kog'maw Captain Volibear Constable Trundle Winter Wonder Orianna 2015: Wild Card Shaco King of Clubs Morde Order of the Lotus Irelia Prehistoric Cho'gath Pool Party Rek'sai Pool Party Draven Captain Fortune Battle Boss Blitzcrank Arcade Riven Project: Yi Project Fiora Championship Kalista Warden Karma Warden Jax Marauder Alistar Marauder Olaf Marauder Ashe Marauder Warwick Demon Vi Slayer Jinx Void Bringer Illaoi Snow Day Syndra Blood Moon Elise Challenger Ahri DJ Sona Firecracker Jinx Sweetheart Annie Debonair Galio Headhunter Akali Urf the Nami-tee Archduke Nasus Definitely Not Udyr Order of the Banana Soraka Guardian of the Sands Rammus Arclight Vayne Risen Fiddlesticks Queen of Diamonds Syndra Ace of Spades Ezreal 2016: Challenger Nidalee Lunar Wraith Morgana Sweetheart Sona Heartseeker Orianna Death Blossom Kha'zix Hextech Ward Mecha Zero Sion Mecha Zero Ward Super Galaxy Kindred Super Galaxy Fizz Freljord Taliyah El Leon Gnar El Macho Mundo Deep Sea Nami Star Guardian Jinx Mechs and Minions Ward Victorious Maokai Elementalist Lux Elementalist Ward 2017: Heartseeker Quinn Love Dove Ward Festival Queen Anivia Dragon Sorceress Zyra Moo Cow alistar Dreadnova Darius Cosmic Blade Master Yi Cosmic Dawn Rakan Pulsefire Caitlyn Pulsefire ward SKT T1 Nami SKT T1 Syndra Pentakill Kayle Star Guardian Ahri Star Guardian Miss Fortune Star Guardian Soraka Beekeeper Signed Arclight Yorick Death Sworn Katarina Death Sworn Viktor Death Sworn Zed Mecha Rengar 2018: Sweetheart Rakan Sweetheart Xayah Lunar Empress Lux Lunar Guardian Warwick Lunar Guardian Nasus Dragon Master Swain Resistance Illaoi Pizza Delivery Sivir Dark Star Cho'gath (I went to HS with Brian, the guy they made this skin for ♥) SSG Ezreal SSG Jarvan SSG Xayah SSG Rakan SSG Gnar SSG Taliyah Pool Party Zoe Pool Party Caitlyn Pool Party Gangplank Mafia Braum (or now "Crime City" Braum) High Noon Thresh High Noon Urgot Divine Sword Irelia Enduring Sword Talon Infernal Amumu Count Kledula Trick or Treat Ekko Program Nami Victorious Orianna Pajama Guardian Soraka Pajama Guardian Miss Fortune Pajama Guardian Ezreal Pajama Guardian Lux Pajama Guardian Lulu Ice King Twitch Frozen Prince Mundo Winter Wonder Soraka Hextech Renekton 2019: Blood Moon Pyke Blood Moon Aatrox & Prestige Blood Moon Sivir Firecracker Vayne & Prestige Firecracker Sejuani Coin Emperor Tahm Kench Heartpiercer Fiora Heartbreaker Vi Papercraft Anivia Papercraft Nunu Arclight Brand Pretty Kitty Rengar Fuzz Fizz Corgi Corki Meowrick Dunkmaster Ivern Hextech Jarvan IG Leblanc IG Camille IG Fiora IG Kai'sa Dark Star Shaco Dark Star Karma Arcade Kai'sa Arcade Caitlyn Battle Boss Yasuo Demacia Vice Garen Demacia Vice Lucian Dragon Oracle Udyr Hextech Rammus Elderwood Ahri Elderwood Nocturne Elderwood Veigar Championship Ryze Valiant Sword Riven Majestice Empress Morgana Splendid Staff Nami High Noon Ashe Witch's Brew Blitz Bewitched Miss Fortune Count Kassadin Dawnbringer Karma Dawnbringer Nidalee Nightbringer Vladimir Nightbringer Lee Sin 2020: Mecha Kingdoms Garen Heartseeker Jinx Heartseeker Yuumi Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar Pajama Guardian Urgot Coven Zyra Coven Leblanc FPX Malphite FPX Vayne FPX Lee Sin FPX Thresh Spirit Blossom Yasuo Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia PsyOps Master Yi PsyOps Ezreal PsyOps Pyke PsyOps Viktor Championship Leblanc K/DA All Out Seraphine Cosmic Destiny Nami Battle Queen Janna Elderwood Xayah Elderwood Rakan 2021: Ruined Karma Ruined Shyvana Ruined Draven Space Groove Lux Space Groove Nasus DWG Jhin DWG Nidalee PROJECT: Sejuani Sentinel Irelia It honestly scares me that not one, not two, but now THREE people in the skins department are leaving back to back (Stellari, Zeronis in October of 2020 and now Katey.. like what the fuck is going on??? At least Steve Zheng is still getting commissioned.. I think). I will certainly miss Katey wherever she flips her fins. 🧜‍♀️♥
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