#pool party xin zhao
league-of-starlight · 7 months
Jarvan IV Voice Update concept:
First Move:
“For Demacia, we ride!”
“A king must fight the battles his subjects cannot.”
“Raise the banners!”
Long move:
“I was almost lost to my rage and grief. Even now, I feel tempted.”
“My citizens suffered from my lack of judgement. For them, I must be better.”
First encounter:
“You face Demacia’s King!”
“Stand firm, let us begin.”
“You can leave with no dishonour.”
Joke response:
“This is no time for jokes, onward!”
Taunt response:
“Bravado is a hollow shield.”
“Demacia never retreats!”
“For my father!”
“Another casualty of war.”
“I must recover, stay strong!”
“Continue the fight!”
“So long as Demacia stands, so shall I!”
“A poor decision.”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Garen: “Shall we spar like old times?”
Demacian Vice Garen: *Stifling laughter* “Garen, what are you wearing?”
Katarina: “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“What does he see in you?”
Kayle: “Are you here to judge me?”
Ally Leblanc: “Do not assume any measure of trust, witch.”
Lux: “Demacia will always have a place for you, whenever you are ready.”
Noxians: “Your people claim strength, yet fail to achieve victory.”
Pool Party skins:
“I don’t take a lot of breaks these days. A shame.”
Shyvana: “No transformation is forever, isn’t that right?”
“Fools only see the beast. I see the Demacian Heart.”
Swain: “Making a pact with a demon to have a new arm? How Noxian.”
Sylas: “Sylas. Do you have something to say?”
Xin Zhao: “My skills have not slipped, old friend. Shall I prove it?”
Darius: “As brutish as I expected.”
Garen: “I know about that Noxian woman. …Please explain.”
Sion: “I will be the last Jarvan you face.”
Swain: “Tell me, will those ravens eat your corpse?”
Tryndamere: “I know a man with a much better sword.”
Taunt Response:
Swain: “Instead of your arm, perhaps I’ll sever your head.”
Sion: “May my ancestor rest in peace.”
Sylas: “I will keep my promise.”
Talon: “A skilled assassin doesn’t mean a skilled warrior as well.”
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thehigherthetide · 7 days
today i will categorize every league of legends champion as either hot or not. some exceptions and exclusions.
aatrox: hot
ahri: hot
akali: hot
akshan: hot
alistar: hot
anivia: not hot
aphelios: hot
ashe: my favorite nsfw artist draws her so beautifully so hot
aurelion sol: hot
aurora: cute but not hot
azir: hot
bard: not hot
bel’veth: hot
blitzcrank: not hot
brand: ironically, not hot
braum: very awesome but not hot
briar: not hot
caitlyn: hot
camille: hot
cassiopeia: as she currently is, not hot
cho’gath: hot
darius: ugly
diana: hot
dr. mundo: not hot
draven: situationally hot, he looks good in his newer skins
ekko: not hot
elise: hot
evelynn: hot
ezreal: also situationally hot
fiddlesticks: hot
fiora: hot
galio: not hot
gangplank: ugly
garen: super ugly
gragas: ugly
graves: hot
gwen: hot
hecarim: hot
hwei: hot
illaoi: hot
irelia: hot
ivern: not hot
janna: hot
jarvan iv: only hot in pool party and nightbringer and maybe lunar beast
jax: hot
jayce: not hot
jhin: hot
jinx: not hot
k’sante: hot
kai’sa: hot
kalista: hot when she was alive
karma: hot
karthus: not hot
kassadin: not hot but i can see the potential
katarina: hot
kayle: hot
kayn: hot
kha’zix: not hot
kindred: hot, both of them
kog’maw: not hot
leblanc: lol ugly, lor hot
lee sin: not hot
leona: not hot
lillia: not hot
lissandra: not hot
lucian: situational
lux: not hot
malphite: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
malzahar: please give him an asu please i know he’s hot
maokai: not hot
master yi: lol ugly, lor super hot
miss fortune: hot
mordekaiser: hot
morgana: hot
nami: cutest girl in the world, not hot
nasus: not hot
nautilus: hot
neeko: not hot
nidalee: lol ugly, lor kinda hot
nilah: hot
nocturne: hot
olaf: lowkey hot
orianna: not hot
ornn: hot
pantheon: hot
pyke: hot
qiyana: hot
quinn: hot
rakan: hot
rammus: not hot
rek’sai: not hot
rell: not hot
renata glasc: hot
renekton: hot
rengar: hot
riven: hot
ryze: not hot
samira: hot
sejuani: hot
senna: hot
seraphine: not hot
sett: not hot
shaco: soul fighter shaco is kinda hot
shen: hot
shyvana: lol ugly, lor hot
singed: not hot
sion: not hot
sivir: hot
skarner: not hot
sona: hot
soraka: hot
swain: hot
sylas: hot
syndra: not hot
tahm kench: hot
taliyah: not hot
talon: kinda hot in the katarina webtoon
taric: not hot
thresh: hot hot hot
trundle: not hot, not even traditional trundle
tryndamere: ugly please ashe just give me one chance
twisted fate: only cutpurse is hot
twitch: not hot
udyr: not hot
urgot: not hot
varus: hot
vayne: hot
vel’koz: hot
vi: lol kinda ugly, arcane hot
viego: situational
viktor: hot
vladimir: not hot
volibear: hot
warwick: hot
wukong: lowkey hot
xayah: hot
xerath: hot
xin zhao: hot but especially firecracker
yasuo: situational
yone: always hot
yorick: hot
zac: hot
zed: hot
zeri: not hot
zilean: not hot
zyra: not hot
0 notes
notoriouslydevious · 4 years
Pool Party 2020 speculations:
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Pool Party 2020 skins just got teased on League’s official Twitter and I have a couple speculations on who they might be! (other than the obvious on the far left, Taliyah, who was teased earlier this year). 
Far Right: Definitely Orianna. Not doubt in my mind. 
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Some people on twitter are trying to say, “IT COULD BE CAMILLE” but think about Camille for a sec. EVERY OTHER SKIN SHE’S HAD ALWAYS KEEPS HER SCISSOR LEGS. THIS SKIN HAS FEETSIES & TOESIES! So yea, not Camille. 
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Next person over: 
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Definitely looks like a javelin or polearm next to them so my instant first guesses were: Jarvan or Xin Zhao. 
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Ah yes, the female in the middle. MANY, MANY people on twitter speculated that it was DEFINITELY going to be Syndra THIS TIME FOR SURE because: BALL. Thought it was weird that they’d only include one ball but it IS a teaser.  After watching the gif over and over, I noticed as this person kicks the sandal back over to the male character on their left, their ‘towel’ that they are laying on seems to be connected to their skirt. Syndra has trails connected to the back of her skirt so it might be her! 
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Other people saw the ball and thought maybe it was Ahri (but no tails and I dont think Ahri has tattoos- but who knows?).  Others saw the tattoos on the legs and thought of: Jinx: (but Jinx recently got Heartseeker so I don’t think it’d be her) Karma: She does have the leg tattoos And with the ‘towel’ being connected to skirt/shorts- karma has a short skirt in the front, long in the back.  Karma also has one anklet.  ***BUT**** the skin is WAAAAAAY too light to be Karma. 
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Neeko: Neeko DOES have tattoos and she does have an anklet (but she has them on both feet) BUUUUUUUUUUUT in all of Neeko’s other skins, her skin color is never “normal.” Like in Star Guardian, her feet & hands were green. 
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Dont know why Riot would change this now but who knows? There’s no tail- but she is a chameleon and could be blending in? Also the flower on Taliyah’s board looks a lot like Neeko’s flower in her hair, but it might just be a tropical flower. Maybe Riot took the odyssey Ziggs approach and just threw her in the skinline without putting her in the cinematic/trailer lmao). 
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Janna: (she did recently get guardian of the sands) the “towel” that the person is laying on, when they reach out to kick back the sandal it shows that it’s connected to their skirt/shorts. Janna is one of the only other female champs that their shorts/skirt have long trails on it. 
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Next Person Over: 
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It’s definitely someone small, so most likely a yordle. They seem to have sunglasses next to them that reminded me a lot of Heimerdinger’s and Corki’s goggles.
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There’s also something in the water that (to me) looks like a little turret, like Donger’s turrets.  Other’s thought maybe it’s Corki’s plane or Rumble’s machine- but Rumble’s machine is HUGE- too huge to be that little thing. (To me, personally, it doesnt look like it has a good spot to sit or that it could be steered- so I dont think it’s Corki, but who knows?) 
Last Person: We already know it’s Taliyah from one of the League streams:
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Welp, those are my thoughts. TELL ME WHO YOU THINK THEY COULD BE!
Hope this doesnt end up like the Cosmic skins lmao (rip Syndra/Lissandra/Elise. As pretty as Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux are, Syndra/Liss/Elise were robbed.)
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ask-nami-the-marai · 6 years
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welp, so lazy ==
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the-fire-drake · 4 years
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SKIN SALE - Week of May 4th Commando Xin Zhao Dark Crystal Ryze Debonair Ezreal Festival Queen Anivia Forsaken Jayce Full Metal Pantheon God Staff Jax Infernal Galio Justicar Syndra Nightbringer Lee Sin Omega Squad Twitch Pharaoh Nasus Pool Party Renekton Pool Party Zoe Shockblade Zed Send me your clips to be POSTED 📰 Follow @the_fire_drake for more⚡ DAILY Uploads ⚡ 🎲 IGNORE HASHTAGS 🎲 . .. . .. . #leagueoflegends #league_of_legends #ranked #pentakill #hecarim #ziggs #teemo #lux #zed #jinx #vayne #twitch #quinn #olaf #syndra #yasuo #rengar #graves #sona #shaco #summonersrift #riotgames #riot #lolreplay #ahri #challenger #jhin #katarina #leblancs https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zZ5mPFrBq/?igshid=3b1un0v9g98a
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bunnyandbirb · 7 years
Bunny & Birb’s Spiciness Ranking : League of Legends Men
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We play a shameful amount of League of Legends, and after this you’ll get the idea that it’s for all the wrong reasons.
For this week’s collab post, we decided to make a combined ranking of League of Legends male champions based on their level of spiciness.
We each made an individual list with rationale, and then ranks were averaged out to generate the final list. We also tried to rationalized our picks somewhat, and choose the most attractive skin for each.
The scale ranges from 1 (the most attractive) to 26 (least attractive). Then the average is obviously the average rank based on our individual ranks.
1. Talon - Average rank: 2.5 bunny: 4
Maybe it’s cus we can’t see his whole face that I think he’s attractive? I also just love assassins. SSW is the most attractive. He looks the most normal. Gives off an Altair from Assassin’s Creed vibe.
birb: 1
So I thought this guy would have potential, but wasn’t totally sure. His SSW skin is what removes all doubt and carries this dude all the way to the top. Black-haired rogue dudes get a thumbs up from me. (I also ship him with ma girl Quinn, and she deserves only the best.)
2. Ezreal - Average rank: 3 bunny: 2
I mean, he’s the most pretty boy of any of them. Has those nice Aryan features. Ace of Spades Ezreal has the cockiness that makes him worth it.
birb: 4
A generic anime bishounen type. I don’t know, I guess he just looks a little young for me? I’m also not recruiting for Hitler Youth. He definitely is one of the more objectively cute ones, though, so I can’t deny him that. Best skin is Ace of Spades, bonus points because he’s not blonde in that one.
3. Kayne - Average rank: 4 bunny: 5
Gotta love this edgelord and all his emo hotness. It’s like my high school dream. He only has one skin but it’s damn attractive.
birb: 3
While he runs away with the title of Edgiest League character, it cannot be denied that he (particularly dat skin) is attractive. Probably because he looks less like Sasuke in the skin.
4. Three-way tie - Average rank: 5.5
Vladimir bunny: 1
Academy Vlad appeals to all my shitty anime fantasies and I love him. He’s got condescending down cold. I’d call him senpai.
birb: 10
The whole vampire image was never really my type, and Vlad’s not an exception. Count Vlad is probably the most attractive one to me (once again, the black hair bias)
Ekko  bunny: 6
Ekko has that devious type of appeal. Like the type that would totally get in trouble but you dig it. Sandstorm is probably the most attractive, mostly cus his others just look bad.
birb: 5
Ekko has a decent voice on him (even if he doesn’t stfu when you play him) and I’d say he’s pretty cute. He would have success at a co-ed mixer. His (Darude) Sandstorm skin is far, far superior to his regular one.
Zed bunny: 9
I mean we can’t see his face, so like he could be really hot. It’s a 50/50 chance. Shockblade is the most attractive since it proves he has real skin.
birb: 2
This pick is based entirely on faith that someone this edgy must appear equally edgy (and attractive). Also his movements have POWER and GRACE thus he must have a nice FACE. Championship Zed is shiny as fuck so it’s obviously most attractive skin.
5. Twisted Fate - Average rank: 7 bunny: 3
I think I find him attractive mostly because of his voice, though he’s pretty cool too. I wanna say Pax is my favorite just cus it’s rare af.
birb: 11
I like his drawl, the facial hair knocks off some points. Most attractive skin is Cutpurse, since it gets rid of his beard.
6. Two-way tie:  Average rank: 9
Jhin bunny: 12
I’m using his obsession with roses as the reason that he’s a little more attractive than some of the other guys. Also…. ITS HIIIIIIIIGHHHH NOOOOOOONNNNN
birb: 6
Despite the obvious V for Vendetta vibes, I do weirdly like Jhin’s voice. And his /joke is kinda cute so I’m taking that into account. He also has Very Good posture! He only has one skin aside from his normal one, but I do like that better.
Varus bunny: 10
I guess purple eyes are pretty cool and he does have an 8-pack going on, though I’m not sure what the front of his hair is doing. Heartseeker Varus got me falling in love.
birb: 8
His eyes are a little creepy but if you look past that he’s probably a nice guy. Gimme some of that Varus Swiftbolt action, though. I would probably romance him in a Dragon Age game.
7. Lucian - Average rank: 9.5 bunny: 7
His eyebrows are very nicely groomed and he has no weird facial hair. Striker Lucian is the most attractive just because I love soccer players.
birb: 12
I feel a little weird trying to figure out how spicy a guy raging around about his dead wife is, but whatever. He has some nice cheekbones. Hired Gun is probably my favorite skin, because I like his hair in that one.
8. Two-way tie - Average rank: 11.5
Yasuo bunny: 16
Uh, Yasuo really knows how to use a sword *wink wink*. Plus he has some very nice, flowy hair. I would like to date him to steal his shampoo. Project Yasuo looks pretty cool and you can’t see his face so it’s better.
birb: 7
Separating him from the people that play him, appearance-wise he’s alright. As long as he doesn’t windwall, I could stand to look at him for extended periods of time. I might be projecting my Rurouni Kenshin feels onto him, though. I’d maybe pick Blood Moon, for no real reason.
Jayce bunny: 14
If you’re really into dads, then I guess Jayce would be for you. But like, that’s not my thing and I will kink shame you for it. Debonair his the skin where he looks the most suave (but still very dad)
birb: 9
He really does just look like my friend’s dad or something. He’s just an average looking dude, which is somehow better than the majority of the people on this list. Debonair skins will always be attractive skins.
9. Darius - Average rank: 12.5 bunny: 8
I’m only putting Darius 8th for Academy Darius. He might look like the school bully, but he still looks pretty attractive in that skin. Normal Darius, not so much.
birb: 17
The only viable Darius skin is Academy, and he still just looks like that guy who beats people up just for an ego trip.
10. Garen - Average rank: 13.5 bunny: 13
His head is weird shape so he’s not higher but Garen does have a nice face. Rugged Garen is the most attractive because his head isn’t so tiny in that one (unlike Dreadknight)
birb: 14 
So Garen might be a bit of a pimplehead, but I look at something like Rugged Garen and say okay, I can fux with this.
11. Pantheon - Average rank: 15.5 bunny: 18
He’s less hairy than everyone below this. We also can’t see his face so no negative points there. Mediocre at best. Baker Pantheon is the most attractive cus there’s food involved.
birb: 13
I’m basing this purely off the fact that he wants to be a baker, and that’s kind of adorable. Favorite skin is obvious.
12. Two-way tie - Average rank: 16.5
Draven bunny: 11
His confidence is attractive I guess? Gotta love a guy who knows he’s great? Also have you seen those legs in Pool Party????
birb: 22
He has the crazy eyes, which are very deterring. Favorite skin is Soul Reaver, because his face is less of a face.
Graves bunny: 15
Graves looks more normal than some of the other dudes but he has so much chest hair. Ew chest hair. Also I don’t like smokers. I guess he looks the best in Mafia Graves, the red really brings out the flames.
birb: 18
A regular lookin’ shmuck. I guess he’s manry and all that, but why that facial hair. Mafia Graves is best, because it’s hard not to look good in an outfit like that.
13. Two-way tie - Average rank: 17.5
Xin Zhao bunny: 20
I have less of an opinion about him than I do Jarvan, which is really saying something, so he gets stuck here at the bottom. His face is boring and he’s boring. In Warring Kingdoms he has a slightly edgy thing going so he’s not all bad
birb: 15
Forgettable as hell, but not exactly ugly. I hate his ponytail, though. Most attractive skin is either Dragonslayer or Winged Hussar, more for the armor than because he looks good.
Jarvan IV bunny: 19
Uh he has a face. So I guess that’s nice. I literally have like no opinion on him. I guess Warring Kingdoms is the most attractive cus it has a nice stoic vibe.
birb: 16
I feel like without his ridiculous armor he would look okay. Sort of like the all-American soldier type vibe? Darkforge is his best skin because his armor actually looks pretty cool.
14. Lee Sin - Average rank: 18 bunny: 17
Lee Sin can’t see so his other sense are probably heightened. Every girl wants a guy that’ll listen to her for once. Traditional Lee Sin is the most attractive because he actually has hair.
birb: 19
Does the blindfold add appeal? Maybe. Traditional Lee Sin is his best look because he has hair.
15. Two-way tie - Average rank: 21
Taric bunny: 22
It’s hard to be attracted to someone else’s man. I also don’t think I could make him swing my way. Armor of the Fifth Age has the best smirk going on, so it’s definitely my favorite.
birb: 20
Off limits, can’t compete with Ezreal. He definitely looks like Fabio, though, and he’s popular on romance novels. My pick is Pool Party Taric, because it looks like he’s starring in Baywatch.
Gangplank bunny: 21
He’s a pirate so maybe he would get some booty, but not this booty. Too much beard and too rugged. Probably has scurvy. At least in Special Forces he looks a little bit younger and more tame.
birb: 21
The edgy makeover definitely gave him some positive points as compared to his old goofy pirate character. Still, he looks kinda old. Captain Gangplank is my fave because it looks like he’ll kill me if I say otherwise.
16. Two-way tie - Average rank: 23.5
Tryndamere bunny: 24
He’s a little up from the very bottom because at least his hair is on his head and not his face. But his muscles are also scary. I like Viking Trynd just because he’s surrounded by money and I’m attracted to money.
birb: 23
A straight-up ragemonster. I’d classify this guy as more of a beast than a man. He’s most attractive as King Tryndamere, because I can actually look at him like a human bean.
Udyr bunny: 23
I’m not really that into hobos. Udyr is like that guy who spent too much time in the forest and now thinks he’s magic. Definitely Not Udyr is the most attractive cus it’s the closest to not Udyr.
birb: 24
I feel like I wouldn’t be surprised seeing Udyr walking out of a dumpster. Best skin is Spirit Guard because he actually looks respectable (and because that skin costs a lot of money.)
17. Olaf - Average rank: 25 bunny: 25
There’s just so much hair!!!! And his muscles are bulging in a weird way. Brolaf maybe is the most attractive? It has the least amount of hair and alcohol.
birb: 25
Olaf is like a hairier version of Tryndamere, except he doesn’t even have a single respectable skin. His one arm muscle is like bigger than my whole body. Butcher Olaf is the most attractive, because I like meat. 
18. Gragas - Average rank: 26 bunny: 26
Uh yeah. He’s just not good looking. He has so much hair and his nose is so red. God I don’t know. Oktoberfest is the most attractive, if I have to pick?
birb: 26
Alcoholic and literally a circle with limbs. Judging by his VO, he wouldn’t even pay for drinks if you went out with him. Best skin is Scuba, because it’s the one where his face is the most covered and also there’s a possibility that he will drown.
And that’s the end of our petty list! We’ll probably rank the League girls sometime in the future, but that’s for another day.
~Stay tuned for nonsense~
- bunny & birb
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