#poor barba
moshuwu · 11 months
ADA Rafael Barba my beloved <3
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He’s so babygirl
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Just watched Kaidan knock a cauldron into a bandit killing them instantly and it just reminded me of that one ‘battle’ in our dnd campaign when clavicus lost all his godly power and was essentially mortal. Barbas was a regular dog, Clav was helpless, and he suddenly ran out in front of our group to beg us for help only to frighten the shit out of our Dremora (Leaf, our resident dad from oblivion who mind you was unpacking to set up camp and make us lunch) and he got slapped up the side of the head with a frying pan by said Dremora.
Now I’m just imagining clav going on his rant during his quest in game only for Kai to get pissed off and smack him with a Cauldron.
Also yes clavicus was knocked out instantly he was so very weak.
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pseudo-salamander · 2 years
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i hate barbas and his lack of understanding of personal space. But no matter how tempted i feel, i can never bring myself to kill him
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doctorwormcore · 5 months
nvm im crying. Barb ;-;
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noellawrites · 3 months
Stress Relief - stepdad!Rafael Barba x reader
requested by @rafaslittleboy
summary: Rafael comes home angry and frustrated with your mom, so he decides to use you to relieve some of his stress.
warnings: father/stepchild incest, fingering, inappropriate relationship
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Being Olivia Benson's kid had never been easy. Between angry criminals seeking revenge and never-ending cases that kept your mom away from you, you'd experienced more than your fair share of turmoil.
But even then, nothing compared to the night your mother and Rafael Barba came home and announced they'd gotten married down at the courthouse.
Somehow, taking care of Noah had always fallen on you. It didn't matter that you were working and going to school. Even though you were now in college and Noah was a bit older, you were still expected to be the responsible older sibling.
It had never been much of a secret that your mom and stepdad favored Noah over you. After all, they doted on him and told him how much they loved him all the time. You were practically invisible compared to him. Even though you were the one actually genetically related to one of them.
One night while you were doing schoolwork at the kitchen table, you were startled by the front door being flung open.
"Jeez, dad, what's wrong?" you ask, looking up at him and setting down your pencil.
"Elliot Stabler is back," Rafael grumbles, dropping his briefcase on the floor. It fell to the ground with a thud.
"I thought he was gone for good. Lizzie didn't tell me anything so she probably didn't know he was coming back, either. Poor kids," you sigh.
"Where's Noah?"
"A playdate with Amanda's girls. I'm picking him up later," you explain, looking up from your work briefly.
"Ah. Well, your mother is having a drink with Elliot. She'll be home later," Rafael spat.
"Damn. Jealous much?" you laugh, then realize it was the wrong move. You swore you saw fire rising up in Rafa's eyes as he stormed away to his and your mom's bedroom.
"Get in here, now." you hear Rafael growl from the other side of the bedroom door just a few minutes later.
A shiver runs down your spine. You were almost never allowed in your parents' bedroom. Only when you were being punished or scolded.
Even though you were in college, your parents still had absurd rules and acted like everything you did was wrong. Even though you weren't rebellious at all and spent most of your time watching your little brother.
"Dad, whatever I did, I'm sorry," you offer.
As you crack the bedroom door open, you notice your stepdad undressing himself, only his shirt, suspenders and pants remaining.
"I had a shit day and you sure aren't making it any better. Your mother and I have decided you need to learn to be more independent. I'm not even your real father, and you're not a little kid like your brother is. Grow up and stop relying on us for everything," he sighs, not even looking at you as if ashamed by your very existence.
"B-but you're the only d-dad I've ever had," you sniffle, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Stop getting emotional, don't be jealous over your brother. He didn't do anything wrong. Now get out, please. You're stressing me out," he says, rolling his eyes at you.
"What do I have to do to make you love me again? I'll do anything, please, dad."
"There's nothing you can do, I already have your mom," he states, laughing at your helpless desperation.
His words puncture your heart like a knife. He had your mom and Noah, so why were you still here? You'd always known you were useless, unloved, but now your stepdad had confirmed it.
"I can give you affection, anything you want. I-I can be better than my mom, please... please give me a chance!" you blurt, barely processing your words before you say them.
"Get out of my room. OUT!" he bellows, voice echoing through the walls. You leave, trying to preserve at least some of your dignity.
You sweep your homework off the dining table and drag it into your room. Your small, dark room. Somehow, even as the oldest, you'd gotten the worst bedroom. Of course. You flopped down on your bed and sobbed into your pillow, wishing fruitlessly for someone to make you feel wanted.
You couldn't remember when you had fallen asleep, but you hear a soft knock on your door some time later.
"Huh?" you rasp, eyes widening as your stepdad enters. Now clothed in a sweater and flannel pajama pants, he looks so much softer than before.
His sympathetic gaze fixes on you before saying, "c'mon, out of bed, sweetie."
Rafael leads you to the master bedroom once again, your mother still nowhere to be seen. Probably still out with Elliot Stabler.
"C'mon, sit in my lap. Don't worry, your dad's got you, okay? " you nod, so touch-starved as you climb onto the bed and into his lap.
"You were right earlier, we haven't been paying enough attention to you. Even big kids need love too. C'mon, cuddle with your dad," he says warmly, allowing you to climb under the blankets with him and snuggle up close to his warm body.
"I missed this," you hum, feeling his warm breath on your forehead as he wraps his arms around you.
You lean into his touch as his arm moves down your back, eventually stopping so his hand is resting on the small of your back.
Your breath hitches when you feel your stepdad's thick fingers reach down towards your underwear, gently teasing the waistband.
“Dad, w-what are you doing?” you hiss, writhing around gently to try and shake him off.
“Shh, just let me touch you, okay?”
You look at him with wide eyes, terrified at his uncharacteristic behavior.
Now, Rafael was sniffing your hair as he pressed a finger against the edge of your hole.
You tried to shake your head, or open your mouth, or do anything, but you were paralyzed with fear.
“Don’t tell your mom about this, alright kiddo?” your stepdad says with a breathy whisper as he plunges two fingers deep into your hole, nudging your pleasurable spot.
You try to muffle a shriek as your stepdad clutches your body close to his so you can’t get away. He was older and bigger than you and doesn't hesitate to exert his power over you.
The change was like night and day. You'd always considered Mr. Barba to be your own father, as he was the closest thing you had to a dad.
"Da-ad— please, please stop!" you hiss, feeling his thick fingers plunge in and out of you, working to pleasure you like he knew you deserved.
"Nuh, uh, baby. I want to apologize for neglecting you. And all this time, I've had a cute little stepchild right under my nose just waiting to be used. I'm sorry it took me so long," he says with a chuckle, like this is all some sick joke.
"I-I think I'm g-gonna—" your breath hitches and Rafael immediately knows, can feel your orgasm about to hit you.
"Mhm, just focus on my fingers, mi amor. Daddy's gonna make you feel really, really good," he coos.
You gasp and suddenly you can feel your little hole throb, trying hard to push your stepdad's fingers out. You clutch him even closer and he pulls you tight into his chest. His scent filling your nose just as his fingers were filling you.
Everything feels muddy, slow, dark. Your dad slipping his fingers out, throwing the sheets over and licking your cum out of your hole. His gentle touches, little kisses, reassuring you of his love.
He is just dressing himself in his pajamas as your mom opens the front door. You can hear your mom talking to your little brother in a babyish voice.
"Remember, not a word to your mother. It's not like she'd believe you anyways," your stepdad laughs, pushing your face away before going into the living room, acting as if he hadn't just fingered his kid to orgasm.
"They're not feeling great, I let them sleep in our bed. Thought some pampering was in order for such a good kid," Rafael says, kissing Olivia on the cheek. It's the last thing you see before you pull the covers over your head and welcome the darkness.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
Holding on For Me ~Rita Calhoun xFem Younger!Partner!GradStudent!Reader (feat. Rafael Barba)
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Summary— Rita gets hurt badly and ends in the hospital. Her two closest people, you and Rafael, come running. But you’ve never met each other, and now your partner’s and his best friend’s life hangs in the balance…
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, then fluff, heavily implied physical assault, hospitals, near death experiences, bruising, implied scarring, crying, hyperventilating, implied anxiety attacks, happy fully ending, etc.
Enjoy (;
You rubbed your temples with a sigh as you stared at her dull computer screen and flipped the pages of your extensive notes. You was violently pulled out of your doctoral thesis research by the sound of your cell phone ringing. Eager for a distraction, you swiftly picked up the phone.
“Hi this is is Y/N!”
“Hello Ma’am. I am calling from Mercy Hospital, I have you listed as an emergency contact for one Rita Calhoun?”
Your heart dropped. Rita? What had happened? Was she okay??
“What happened? Is she okay??”
“She was brought in about 30 minutes ago… She’s currently in surgery, pretty banged up. I am just making my rounds and contacting her emergency numbers in case.”
“Ok thank you so much, I’ll be there in 15 minutes” you hastily replied.
As soon as the call had ended, you jumped up from your chair, your heart racing and your mind spiraling. You scurried around her apartment, collecting things that you or Rita might possibly need at the hospital, throwing all the miscellaneous items into a bag before storming out of the apartment. You were swift to hail a cab once out on the city streets, eagerly giving the address of the hospital. Was Rita going to be okay? What if they lose her before you got to the hospital?
The words hospital and surgery made your stomache sink. Your hands felt like they were going numb, and your mind seemed to only be able to come up with the worst possible scenarios on what could have happened to Rita. You bit at her lip anxiously, and you closed her eyes for the rest of the cab drive, too overwhelmed to bear the stimulus of sight at the moment. Did this have to do with Rita’s job? Maybe an ex-client or someone who’d threatened her? What was the last thing she said to Rita…??
As soon as the cab stopped outside of the hospital, you paid the driver and rushed inside the bustling ER doorway. You immediately found a nurse and asked about Rita, who led you to the waiting room for trauma surgery, a separate, more secluded area of the hospital. The nurse had not been able to tell you much, besides the fact that Rita was still in surgery. So you anxiously paced the little waiting room, biting your fingernails and feeling like you wanted to cry. ‘Pretty banged up’, how badly was her partner hurt? Why were you the only one here??
Memories of you and Rita flooded your mind. You remembered when you two first met, it was only a couple years ago, but you had grown so close since. You thought of all the late nights that you two had spent together, laughing and drinking until both of you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore. You remembered how much Rita worked, just how passionate she was about her job. And now in a matter of 15 minutes that could all be ripped away from you? Rita taken from so swiftly, so cruelly?
You approached the nearest nurses station and asked about your partner again. As you were trying to pry any and all information out of this poor young nurse, a man stormed into the waiting area. You had the slightest sense that she knew him from somewhere, but as he was pacing the room furiously, muttering certain choice words in Spanish, you couldn’t quite place it. Then the man came up to the desk where you were standing and spoke. What if these were Rita’s last waking moments…? How could you live with yourself if Rita didn’t make it…?
“Hi. Do you have any information about Rita Calhoun and how she’s doing?” The man asked rushedly.
Now that he was right next to you and after revealing he knew Rita, it clicked for you. This was Rafael, Rita’s best friend from her college years. The two had never formally met, you had seen a picture or two of him in Rita’s apartment (from the many nights that you’d had dinner and stayed over) and you had only heard about Rafael when Rita elected to talk about him. You knew that while they were good friends, there were wounds in their personal pasts, so you never pushed to meet him. Had Rafael and Rita ended on good terms in the last time they talked? Did he know if this was work related…??
“You’re Rafael…” you managed to breathe out.
You were surprised that you had even been able to get out one word with the lump in your throat. Rafael turned from the counter to face you, giving you a quizzical and slightly defensive look. How could this have happened? It had been going all so well, and now with a simple call, life has turned upside down…
“Yes. And you are?”
“Y/N. Rita’s partner.”
Rafael’s brows raised and his eyes glistened with intrigue. He seemed to decide that you were alright, because he sent you a confirming nod, before going back to grilling the nurse for more information. Had Rita been threatened…? Attacked? Taken??
Trying desperately not to cry in front of him or the hospital staff, your knees suddenly began to feel weak. Before you could catch herself, your legs buckled and you collapsed on the cold, hard, hospital floor. Rafael was quick to turn back towards you, giving you his hands to help stabilize your overstimulated state. Your weak form managed to make it to one of the waiting room seats, where Rafael promptly sat next to you. It was then that you noticed how much your entire body was shaking. Rita couldn’t die… No, she couldn't die… It just… She couldn't it…
“I… I didn’t know Rita had a partner.” He stammered aloud, breaking the silence of the two of you sitting in the hospital, both equally nervous wrecks.
You shrugged in response, not having the wherewithal to respond to that at the moment. Silent tears finally began to stream down your face, as you started to let it all out. You curled forward, holding your head in your hands as you sobbed for what felt like hours. How would you ever be happy again? You would never move on. You couldn’t. Rita was your everything… You couldn’t face losing her…
“I don’t know what I’ll… d-do if… If Rita…” you stuttered, not able to finish your statement, as your voice returned to choked sobs.
You felt a soft and gentle touch on your back, making you uncurl and meet Rafael’s own reddened gaze.
“Rita is one of the strongest, hard ass people I know. Ever since school… I have never seen a fighter quite like her. If anyone will make it, it’s her.”
“Thanks” you croaked out.
Awkward silence took the room, the only sound being the hustling and bustling of the hospital. Rafael eventually removed his hand from your back, as it began to feel like he was overstepping. But the second you lost that touch, you seemed to only feel worse.
“Do you know w-what h-happened…? Or w-why…?” You stammered out in a whisper.
Rafael leaned forward, his forearms coming to his knees with a heavy sigh.
“I know that she’s been facing scrutiny and backlash for the last case she took. but besides that I don’t know…” he breathed out.
You pulled your knees up onto your chair, wrapping your hands around your body for some semblance of control and comfort, as you let out a shaky sigh.
“S-so it is work related…?”
“I don’t know, Y/N, I’m sorry… Truthfully, I hadn’t talked to her since she took that case, I was the lead prosecutor and we… we had a bit of a fallout over it…” Rafael gritted out.
His defensiveness seemed to have vanished, all that being left being the vulnerable, close friend of Rita’s. His knuckles were white from how hard he was squeezing his hands.
“Christ the last thing I probably did was yell at her to get out of my office…” he confessed, looking down to the ground with shame and guilt.
“I… I can’t even r-remember what the last thing I said to her was…” you choked out through violent sobs.
Rafael looked up at your wailing and his hand came out, caressing your shoulder lightly. He squeezed your trembling form reassuringly.
“I’m sure you told her how much you loved her…” he softly comforted you.
“I don’t know… I d-don’t know…” you changed in a whisper, starting to rock back and forth anxiously in the seat.
“Hey. Take some deep breaths… She’s going to be okay.”
Your glossy eyes met his reddened ones and you two just connected. All because of Rita. You were so grateful that she had found a friend like Rafael. And Rafael was grateful that she had someone like you to support her as a partner. Suddenly you were both drawn back to the crushing reality by a nurse coming up to you with a file in hand.
Rafael immediately stood and walked right up to her, demanding answers. You couldn’t get yourself to stand, so you merely looked up at the two standing adults with pleading eyes.
“Are you family?”
You both nodded vigorously.
“How is she? What happened?? Can we see her…??” Rafael demanded.
“EMT’s responded to a Good Samaritan call who found her in an alley… The ambulance brought her here to Mercy and she’s been in surgery ever since. It was a little touch and go, she has a concussion, multiple lacerations, a four broken ribs, scattered bruising, and a shattered left forearm…”
Your mouth went dry at the nurses words and you couldn’t think as tears began to stream down your face once more. Your lip trembled as you bit it, attempting to stifle your sobs.
“Can we see here??” Rafael immediately asked.
“Yes you may see her, she’s finally out, and she’s somewhat awake. I’ll take you to her, But take it slow, she has a long road to recovery…” the nurse said.
Rafael let out a sigh of relief and he quickly turned to you. Extending his arm, he helped you up and down the hall towards Rita’s private room. The nurse let you in, closing the door behind the two of you.
Rita looked peaceful for a moment, lying in the bed, but as she began to wake up, pain flooded across her face. Practically all of her exposed skin was bruised and battered, the biggest being her black eye. Her eye widened as much as she could widen them at the sight of you and Rafael.
“Holy fuck…” Rita winced in pain as we tried to sit up.
You immediately rushed next to her, sitting at the edge of the bed. The older brunette leaned back again, giving up the idea of sitting up properly for her moment, instead meekly attempting to reach out to you with her right hand, and you eagerly met her more than half-way, taking her hand and kissing it over and over again as tears of joy steamed down your cheeks.
“Rita Rita… God I’m so glad you’re okay… How are you feeling…?” you whispered, continuing your love and tender assault on her hand.
“Hi baby… I’m… in a whole lot of fucking pain, but I’ll live…” she breathed out in confession.
Rita smiled lightly back. But even that seemed to hurt her, as she winced lightly again. Rafael was standing at the end of the bed with his hands in his pockets as he watched the two of you. His eyes softeners watching your dynamic, he scolded himself for being so goddamn stubborn. Because if he hadn’t been, Rita might have introduced him to you…
“Oh Baby don’t move, stay still. Doctors orders you need to rest. Don’t want you getting more hurt…” you pleaded caringly and with much love.
“She’s a stubborn hardass. Doctor’s orders won’t stop her…” Rafael teasingly cooed, meeting Rita’s gaze.
Rita rolled her eyes at her closest friend.
“Shut up, you idiot… Now come over here and hug me.” Rita shot back with the same teasing tone.
Rafael chuckled, looked down to the ground as he made his way around to the opposing side of the bed, releasing his hands from his pockets, the man leaned over and gave his friend a proper embrace.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry… I’m so glad you’re alive” Rafael whispered to Rita, before retracting slightly, but staying close and gazing at her caringly.
Rita wanted to cup his cheek and pull him close, tell Rafi that it was all good, but her drugs were at a heavy dosage and soon they began to pull her back into unconsciousness.
“It’s… okay Rafaellll…—” she mumbled before dozing off.
Your gaze then met Rafael’s, coming to an understanding that neither of you would be leaving anytime soon.
Rita Calhoun Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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Reposting bcs poor wording.
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daddydoddsjr · 2 years
Married — Ficlet
Pairing || Rafael Barba x Female!Reader
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Contents/Warning || Angst, medical talk, hospital setting, slightly detailed heart attack
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Rafael didn’t really see the need for anyone to know his business; he had an attitude of, ‘it’s work, not social time.’ You and Rafael got married soon after he graduated law school and the two of you were happy together— just not super open about the marriage. You had a small marriage with only the closest family members present. It was sort of funny, though, when a colleague of his or yours would find out about the marriage in the present since you’d been married several years now.
Olivia didn’t know that Rafael was married, but she was there when he had what she assumed was a heart attack. He was at his desk while she was pacing the room when he suddenly started sweating. He pulled off his blazer but kept sweating, and he suddenly interrupted Olivia, “Benson…” He said in a serious tone. She stopped and looked at him, noticing the strange look on his face, “Raf?”
He blinked, putting a hand over his chest, his eyes looking glossy, “Uh..”
“What’s wrong? Should I call a bus?”
Rafael nodded. It got much worse after that, and it all became a blur to Olivia.
She didn’t know who to call while she was in the hospital, she always knew Rafael to be so work oriented and closed off about his like that she assumed he didn’t have anyone. Until you showed up. You were walking down the hall, looking for his hospital room when you spotted Olivia. You had seen her on the news a few times and knew that Rafael worked closely with her. You walked up to the place she was standing as she was texting Sonny on her phone giving him an update, “Olivia Benson?”
She looked up, “Yes?”
“Are you here for Rafael? Which room is he in?”
“The doctors are running a few tests, they won’t let anyone in the room yet,” She gestured to the room before inviting you to sit on a small waiting sofa next to the door, which the both of you did, “Um… are you family?”
You sighed in relief that he was safely in a bed and the doctors would figure out why he had the heart attack, “I’m his wife.”
That felt like a brick to the head. Rafael was married? How the hell did she not know that? She got over her shock momentarily to make small talk with you, trying to keep your mind occupied while you awaited the doctors return. It didn’t take too long for the doctor to exit Rafael’s room, and you quickly stood up, “Is he okay?”
“He should be fine.”
“Well, what happened? Why did he have a heart attack in the first place?”
“He’s in a common age range for heart attacks in men. He also mentioned to me that he’s been stressed and I believe that that was a main factor in this. Typical heart attack recovery is two weeks to three months, and I suggest after he recovers, he takes some time off of work to reduce his stress.”
You nodded quickly, “Of course. Thank you. Can I see him?”
The doctor nodded and moved aside for you to enter the room. You teared up at the sight of Rafael in the hospital bed, but he gave you a weak smile.
“You scared me,” You sighed, pulling a chair up besides the bed. You sat down and took one of his hands into yours and squeezed gently.
“I’m sorry, mi amor,” Rafael exhaled. But the two of you were just glad that the situation wasn’t any worse than it already was.
Rafael still teases Olivia once in awhile for her ‘poor detective skills’ after he recovered and found out that the two of you had met.
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taleswritten · 28 days
@thebestdefence from here
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It's been a while since Olivia has heard from Rafael. It's not as if they don't go from time to time without talking but they are friends and when Olivia texts him, Rafael is usually pretty good about texting her back in a twenty four hour span.
Not this time.
Several texts and many concerns later and Olivia had decided enough was enough, she'll just go visit him and see what's up. She knows around now is the time they take their breaks and with her unit not being too busy right now, she has some time.
Time she intends on taking to see Barba because if she doesn't, who knows when she'll have time again? Time is not a luxury the Captain of the SVU unit has.
When she arrives at his office, she passes Carmen who stops her and tells her that something is off with Raefel which only gives Olivia even more alarm bells ringing in her head. She thanks the woman and tells her she's got it from here, to go take her lunch, and she watches as Carmen leaves before she's making her way to his office.
She intends on knocking but the door is already open and when she sees the bruises, that is out the window. Instantly she opens her mouth to ask what happened.
The bruises are fresh, black and blue instead of a yellow color and so she knows these must have been from yesterday. That is why he hadn't been answering his phone, then.
She wants to move forward to steady him when she sees that he is swaying but she isn't sure the touch will be welcome so she instead walks into the office to shut the door behind her. No one else needs to see him like this.
"It doesn't look like nothing." Olivia is a stubborn woman and it shows in the way she looks at him, arms crossing over her chest as she lets her gaze run over every single bruise. If he thinks he's going to get her to go away with that poor excuse, he's deeply mistaken.
"Rafael. Come on, it's me." He's seen her at her worst, surely it can't be bad enough that she's not allowed to see him at his worst? Clearly, whatever this is, it's got him shaken up.
"What happened? Who did this to you? I'm not leaving, you know that."
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 10 months
Really Detective?
Hey everyone! This particular piece is a short one. It's Rafael Barba/Male reader. @nickamaro requested this cute little piece. It was requested that I write this imagine with either Rafael or Olivia. And I decided to do both. Olivia's one will be posted soon. I hope you all enjoy! And please feel free to request stories, either from my prompt list or just anything you would like to read.
Warnings: Swearing
Prompt list
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Rafael could hardly believe his eyes. At first he thought he had fallen asleep in his office after too much coffee and too much paper work. But no, that definitely hadn’t happened. He was in the apartment he shared with his boyfriend. His boyfriend who was currently standing on the kitchen counter with…oh jesus that was bug spray and a lighter.
“Carino, I know you said you didn’t like the curtains but this is a bit extreme,” Rafael drawled as he put his briefcase on a chair.
“This isn’t about the curtains baby,” you retorted eyes not leaving one particular spot on the floor. Rafael looked closely at you, a light sheen of sweat covered your face and your knuckles were almost white as you gripped the items in your hands. Your muscles tense.
“Okay, then what is it about?” Rafael raised an eyebrow. “And can you please get off the counter and put the lighter down.”
“Not until that fucker reappears so I can fry it,” you growled.
“Need a little more,” Rafael prodded looking around trying to figure out what was going on.
“There was a massive fucking spider on the floor there,” you explained. “And then it just vanished so now I am staying here until it shows itself.”
“A spider?” Rafael was even more confused. To Rafael you looked scared. Very scared. But that wasn’t something he had ever seen on you. “I have seen you stare down guns and people holding knives at you but a spider has you like this.”
“Don’t tease me,” you almost whined at your boyfriend. “I don’t like spiders Rafi, they’re creepy as hell with all their legs and eyes and…and there it is!”
Rafael looked over his shoulder and saw the spider. It was small, nowhere near the size he thought it would be from how you are acting. Rafael sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose as he walked over and stomped on the poor thing. He did not want to risk you actually setting things on fire. Rafael turned around just in time to have you fling yourself into his arms. You were taller than him but at this moment Rafael felt like he was taller as you curled yourself into him, burying your head into his neck. Arms thrown around his shoulders as you nuzzled into him.
“Thank you,” you whispered. Rafael wrapped his arms around your waist, trying very hard not to chuckle. This side of you was new and he found it incredibly adorable, and he didn’t want anyone else to ever see it.
“Of course, Carino,” he patted your back, squeezing you softly. He found it amusing that his brave detective boyfriend was so afraid of spiders but at the same time a small part of him was a little pleased that he got to be the protector for once. “I’ll deal with any spiders, so no need to almost burn the apartment down.”
“…Shush,” you muttered, lightly nipping his neck. “And don’t even think about telling anyone about this.”
“Ah, yes, don’t want your reputation of being one of the most badass and intimidating detectives to be tarnished,” Rafael laughed hand coming up to tug gently on your hair. A whine left your throat at the action, the man knew exactly what he was doing. You went to pull away from him but Rafael held on to you. “Aw, don’t worry Carino. I promise I won’t tell anyone you needed a knight in shining armour.”
“Don’t be mean,” you muttered being able to move enough to look at him, his green eyes shining with amusement. Rafael caught your eyes, which still had a slight hint of fear in them, the sight of that smothered the rest of his amusement. He cupped your face leaning forward to kiss your cheeks and your lips.
“I’m sorry Carino,” he whispered. “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
You smiled softly at him leaning to rest your forehead against his, nuzzling his nose. You had hoped that he would never find out about your fear of spiders. Last time someone had they made you feel so small, as if a detective of your size and demeanour couldn’t have such a fear. As if someone who charges into danger without a moment’s hesitation shouldn’t be afraid.  
“Thank you,” you told him again kissing him. “Never had my own knight in shining armour but I’m glad you’re mine.”
“Well, it’s the least I can do after the times you have saved me,” Rafael grinned. “Now how about some dinner?”
“Or we could just skip right to dessert,” you suggested pulling out of his arms and walking backwards towards the bedroom, tugging on his hands.
“If this is the reward I get every time I kill a spider, I hope I find more,” Rafael grinned untangling one of his hands to loosen his tie, his eyes darkening as he stepped closer to nip at your neck.
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15-lizards · 1 year
Not sure if you've done them already, but what do you think the mistresses of Aegon IV would have worn?
I yes I’ve done some Here! That one includes Sereni, Barba, Bellegere, and Mellisa (plus Naerys) so I’ll do some more here (also idk if I’ll do Jeyne since there just isn’t much to go off on for her)
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Falena Stokeworth is the first mistress, the first to make a “man” out of Aegon when he was 14. Since she was ten years older than him, she doesn’t wear the frivolous fashions of the younger ladies, though you can still tell she spends excessively on fine fabrics and intricate lace. I think she always held some bitterness ab what happened at the Maiden’s Day Ball, and always tried to dress as “elegant and unassuming royalty” . Plenty of embroidered bodices, silk overskirts, lace collars, puffy under sleeves, etc etc. She almost looks nouveau riche as she tries to fit in with royalty
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Poor Meg dressed in common clothes for most of her life. As a blacksmiths wife, she wore the proper clothing for her station and work. Her hair was covered in a cap, her clothing consisted of an old shift, a kirtle, maybe an extra skirt and her apron. All made of rough wool and homespun cotton. When Aegon took her, she suddenly began to dress like a minor noble’s wife. She enjoyed light, gentle colors that she never got to wear when she was a common woman. She likes to make all of her own dresses too, small pleats and puffs, pretty bows, and slimmer skirts than the average noble woman being fancy enough to suit her taste. Once she got sent back, she probably took them with her but never got to wear them again :(
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Cassella Vaith was probably a silly young girl when she was taken as hostage during the submission of Dorne, and thus adapted to Kings Landing nicely and enjoyed life there. She enjoyed the fine silks and brocades that the ladies wore, but also incorporated her own culture into her clothes, with thin cottons and looser fitting fabrics that caught the wind. She liked pink and cream and gold, dressing more like a frivolous princess than anything else, because Aegon gives her whatever she wants. Even after she gets sent back to Vaith she still dresses like a young royal mistress, even into her old age, convinced that Aegon is her true love and will call her back eventually
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Bethany was probably not as eye catching as her elder sister, and her status as a younger daughter meant she was not given as fine clothes as Barba did when she was trying to become Aegon’s mistress. However she was pretty and young and fresh faced, and her gowns were still suitable for a noblewoman, though perhaps not the fanciest at court. Essentially all of this was good enough for Aegon in his old age, and her style did not change much at court besides the inclusion of more detailing and more expensive fabrics. Bethany was disgusted by the king, and probably did not put much effort into her appearance for him, but did for Terrence Toyne, and this sudden effort for a kingsguard was probably what got them found out and executed
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what are your thoughts (and potential headcanons) about aegon iv's nine mistresses?
Ouffff well I gotta be honest I probably won’t have as many headcanons about them as I did for the daughters in law of Daeron and Myriah- but I’m more than happy to share my thoughts about them!
Falena Stokeworth
Thoughts: Groomer!!! Get lost lady you’re literally his dad’s age!!!!! Should’ve locked her up in Harrenhall and thrown away the key maybe!
Headcanons: Honestly I think canon already kind of spells it out for us given her age relative to his own, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was preying on Aegon’s whole mommy issues deal in order to get into a relationship with him. Pain and suffering all around.
Thoughts: Honestly poor girl she deserved sooo much better :( pretty sure her whole deal was supposed to be another commentary on how nobility don’t actually give a shit about the smallfolk even when they’re lovers and all that, but goddamn I just feel bad for her :(
Cassella Vaith
Thoughts: Ngl another girl who deserved so much better- it’s kind of weird how they give her a description but not the other mistresses but hey who am I to judge- makes her easier to draw ig?
Headcanons: Oh she was absolutely psychologically tortured during her time with Aegon because that man is notttt capable of being nice to any woman. I imagine the reason she wasn’t married off after being returned home was because of how traumatized she was
Bellegere Otherys
Thoughts: Okay this may sound stupid as hell given all the shit I talked about Aegon prior to this but like…. Idc, I support her decisions in choosing one of the most rancid men in Westeros to be her lover. In her defense!!!! Pickings for royalty were very slim- her only other options were a former teen dad who’s still hung up on his ex wife and is always busy trying (and failing) to keep his nephews from dying, a member of the kingsguard who’s obsessed with his own sister, and Baelor, of course she was gonna go for Aegon! Bellegere can get the one exception because I think pirate women are really cool and tbh I think she’s also the only one who was with him for funsies before dropping his ass like a sack of potatoes when he got too annoying for her
Headcanons: Ngl I kinda like to think her daughter Nahra took up the whole trading/smuggling/pirating business after her, and Bellegere got to retire and chill in Braavos watching all the shit go down with the Blackfyre rebellions. Good for her <3
Barba Bracken
Thoughts: I mean…. She’s a bitch, but tbh she kinda deserved better too. Even if she is meant to be a bad person, she was also just a teenager when Aegon began sleeping with her and was mostly pushed forward by her own dad, and its sad that she then continued the cycle of abuse to her own sister :(
Headcanons: I kinda like to think she and Daena had a very toxic frenemy-ship, that’s my main reasoning to explain why Aegor was so loyal to Daemon lmao
Melissa Blackwood
Thoughts: I mean, she’s one of Naerys’ only canonical female friends so she gets an automatic like in my books. And also kinda funny that the Bracken/Blackwood slap fight actually caused another Targ civil by just pushing their female relatives in front of a horny king. She absolutely deserved so much better
Headcanons: I refuseeee to believe she died in childbirth, in my head she’s also retired chilling in Raventree Hall with her daughters and occasionally got updates from Brynden about the war crimes he was committing <3
Bethany Bracken
Thoughts: Deserved so, SO much better. Mr lord Bracken sir I will see you in HELL!!!!!
Jeyne Lothson
Thoughts: Only thing I have to say is…. Absolutely gothic horror girlie because holy shit. My god. Was George intentionally writing her story to be horrifying or was it a weird fetish- I’m hoping to god it was the former. Anyways she absolutely deserved so much better than all the adults in her life
Headcanons: For added flavor aka more horror! I do headcanon her to actually be Aegon’s daughter, and I believe Danelle was either her daughter or granddaughter because- well, we do definitely need to sprinkle in some more cursed bloodline shit to the house that’s already doomed cause they’re living in Harrenhall, yippe :))
Serenei of Lys
Thoughts: Boring as hellllll that she died from childbirth like- COME ON!!! Let the lady die from implosion, or slipping on a banana peel or something!!! Also kinda sucks that we barely know anything else about her! I want the lore George!!!
Headcanons: Due to lack of lore, I’m stealing someone else’s previous headcanon that she’s actually a Hightower bastard because 1. Absolutely hilarious and is absolutely the level of hustling scam-artistry that I would expect during Aegon’s reign, and 2. Kinda explains her whole deal- why Jon even brought her to court, why we know nothing about her past, why she’s so distant and kinda secretive. Shout out to whoever came up with that headcanon cause that lives in my head rent free forever now
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vivaciousoceans · 2 months
Can we talk about the scene where Barba finds out Benson lowkey dating Tucker? Our poor baby was devastated and angry, rightfully so.
We can talk about this scene all day, I rewatched that episode like a week ago and the devastation in Rafael’s eyes caused me physical pain. He was so hurt, and I think that was worse than the anger. Like when he said, “when were you gonna tell me” I wanted to scream!!! It wasn’t just that she was dating Tucker, it wasn’t just that he felt like he missed their chance, it was the fact that she didn’t tell him, and they were supposed to be friends. At the very least, she should’ve told them because of the case, it could’ve blindsided him in court. Raul did such a good job expressing a range of emotions with just his eyes.
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nophunleague · 2 months
stare decisis: chapter five - amica
amica: latin for friend
wc: 1142
rafael barba x original female character
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Quinn holds a hand over her mouth as the squad watches the vile poor excuses for audition tapes recorded by Brubeck that had been turned over by his attorney. 
“This is horrendous,” Carisi says as Barba stops the most recent tape in their viewing session. “But it’s all legal, every movie he’s shot since Forbes died was in a state with a low age of consent plus a mistake of age defense,” the steam is virtually blowing out of everyone’s ears, frustrated with the unbelievably smart pedophile.
Barba and Quinn have both removed their blazers, Quinn was surprised to learn that he’s a suspenders man. Quinn chose a button down and pencil skirt combo for the day, the first two or three buttons of the top remaining unbuttoned so it didn’t choke her. 
“He’s methodical,” Barba flips through the DVD booklet, every DVD is labeled with the actress’s name, date of birth, and the state it was filmed in. That is until he reaches the last one, his finger rests on it as the gears in his mind turn quickly. Quinn, who had been sitting next to him, cranes her neck to be able to read the writing on the DVD.
“Winnipeg,” they say simultaneously, glancing at each other then to Liv. 
“Did he ever make a movie in Winnipeg?” she asks the squad, Carisi responds that no, he never did. Amaro and Rollins are suddenly racing out to hitch a plane ride to Canada which leaves a confused Carisi. 
“Winnipeg isn’t in our jurisdiction?” he asks, and as Rafael is winding up to make a comment on the young detective’s lack of legal knowledge Quinn swoops in.
“Barba, save him the torment, he would have to take a class on international law for him to even know the statute we’re talking about,” Quinn stands and pats Sonny on the back, she explains, “traveling to another country for the sole purpose of having intercourse with a minor is a federal crime.”
Once Liv and Sonny have left the office Rafael and Quinn return to their respective offices, working on finding everything they can about this movie that was supposed to be filmed in Canada. She’s just finished typing a subpoena for the Writers’ Guild requesting the script for the Winnipeg movie. She leaves her desk and ventures to Rafael’s office. His head is down, well until she throws the document down on his desk. 
“Can I help you?” he huffs. 
“My subpoena for the Writers’ Guild. Proof read it before I file it? I’ll do yours,” she offers. Of all the things she’s faced in life, a typo in a court document is one of the most harrowing things to experience. He looks to the document, then to her, then to the document again.
“You’ve already finished your subpoena?” she nods.
“And I called a friend that I have at DOJ, she’ll be here in an hour. Figured we could loop them in, since it’ll be their charges,” again, eyes to the file, to her, then to the file. 
“You’ve done all of that in,” he checks the rather large watch on his wrist, “an hour?” She moves forward, placing her hands on the edge of his desk, leaning on it. 
“Asked and answered counselor. And I would have gotten more done if you had already finished your subpoena,” she kisses her teeth and pushes herself back off of the desk. “I’ll see you in an hour, it’s my friend, so in my office,” he watches her walk away and calls after her.
“That wasn’t asked and answered, it was two separate, distinct questions!”
“Hi there, I was paged here by some big shot ADA.” a woman’s authoritative voice permeates through the closed doors of both Quinn and Rafael’s office’s. Rafael doesn't recognize the voice, but Quinn does. She's instantly sticking her head outside of her door. 
“Sahar al-Kazmi, look what the cat dragged in,” she crosses her arms over her chest as she leans against the doorframe. They’re both beaming as soon as they make eye contact but they stay unmoving. 
“That would make you the cat would it not?” Quinn shrugs.
“I’ve been called worse,” she looks up as if she were exploring the filing cabinets of her mind. “Like bitch.”
The pair laugh then finally hug, it’s been seven or so years since they worked together. Rafael finally peaks out of his office.
“Is this your pain in the ass co-counsel,” Sahar stares him down as she asks. Quinn wouldn’t believe it save for the fact that she saw it, Rafael actually shrunk back into his clothing. 
“Agent Sahar al-Kazmi, this is ADA Rafael Barba. Barba this is Sahar, she’s with the FBI,” they shake hands, share polite greetings. “Let’s move this to my office.” Quinn sits at her desk, Rafael leans against it next to her both watching Sahar as she inventories the contents of the office, Quinn’s eyes follow her closely.
“So you guys used to work together?” Rafael breaks the momentary silence, Sahar’s head snaps toward him. 
“We did, about 7 years ago. It was a different world then,” she looks to Quinn who has started pulling files out to show her. 
“So, we’ve got this teeny-bopper movie producer who is methodical in making sure he can exploit underage girls legally. But - and our squad is working on digging up more on this - he traveled to Winnipeg a few years ago to audition an underage girl for a new movie. But the movie was never made,” Quinn explains, showing Sahar corresponding documents as she goes.
“So you guys are thinking sexual tourism,” Sahar concludes, looking to Quinn then to Barba who nods. Sahar teeters her head back and forth in thought then speaks again, “I think you guys have a compelling case, let me take all of this and we’ll pick him up as soon as we can,” Barba is immediately shaking his head.
“You unfortunately don’t know our squad, they want to be the ones to collar this guy,” he explains with his hands, probably already being able to hear Olivia’s disdain in his head. 
“I don’t know, this really isn’t your guys' jurisdiction,” Sahar starts to say before Quinn begs Sahar.
“Please Sahar, let them get him. I’ll call you as soon as we have him in custody,” Rafael watches as Quinn’s typically hardened exterior fractures just a little bit so that she can beg her friend. Sahar groans but agrees, the lawyers both thank her graciously and Rafael rushes off to call Liv with an update, leaving Quinn and Sahar alone.
Sahar takes the time to again inventory the office, it’s largely devoid of Quinn’s personal touch. 
“Nothing from the Sandpit?” she asks. 
“Like you said, it was a different world back then. It was another life that I don’t like reliving.”
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aegor-bamfsteel · 1 year
GRRM's favoritism of the Blackwoods over the Bracken bothers me a lot. The Brackens are always wrong and the Blackwoods right. In the situation Barba-Melissa, where both were in the same circumstances as lovers of Aegon IV, Melissa is the beloved, so perfect who befriended even Naerys, Aemon, and Daeron! while Barba and her son were sent away in shame because her father made a mistake. Reading Fire & Blood, the same thing can be said of Blacks over the Greens. Daemon also killed kin, but you don't see Gyldayn calling him a kinslayer or any characters from the era.
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The Blackwood favoritism and it’s sexual aspect against Bracken women is one of the reasons I’d made this blog, since at the time I hadn’t seen anyone defending them (and considering a GFM called the Brackens an evil house on par with Boltons, they still need some defense). I’ll disagree with the Brackens are always wrong because Amos Bracken was clearly in the right trying to get Blackwood raiders to stop terrorizing his lands’ smallfolk, but considering that he gets shot (allegedly by Aly Sue) while his opponents get a marriage for love or a happy long life…it’s not treated as such. Both families caused the Riverlands to lose their independence—to the ironborn for the Brackens, to the stormlanders for the Blackwoods—but the Blackwoods (Roderick and Shiera) aren’t shamed and humiliated to death in the same way (as Lothar Bracken hung from a crow cage). I agree that there’s little reason for Melissa to be friends with Naerys, especially since she’s an old gods-worshipper and the very pious Sevenites believe they go to hell; so unless she was trying to convert her, I don’t really understand the friendship based on their admittedly limited characterization (which is plainly just there to shill Melissa, as well as explain why BR wasn’t on D2’s shit list like his half-brothers). And not only were Barba and her dad/son sent away in shame, but then there’s poor Bethany Bracken. TWOIAF just heaps unreconstructed sexism on her and Barba, saying she was groomed “for the express purpose of taking A4’s interest away from Melissa”, then she’s apparently caught in A4’s bed with a Kingsguard and she and her father are executed. Again, it’s made to be all of her fault, while the fact that it’s canonical Aegon raped her is made light of both in and out of universe. Meanwhile we don’t see any “ignominious fall” (TWOIAF’s words) with the Blackwoods. Then the Blackwoods get marriages “for love” with two of the most popular great Houses (Stark and Targaryen) while the Bracken women are raped, shamed and murdered (Jonos mentions one of his daughters was raped by Gregor Clegane during his burning Stone Hedge, because GRRM can’t help himself). The Brackens deserve better treatment from the author as well as the fandom that swallows the double standard sexism uncritically.
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pinkrangersarah · 1 year
I'm once again going to be annoying everyone in the tag because the more I watch "October Surprise", the angrier and sadder I get for Barba because, man, he really takes some shit in this episode.
He no doubt had to work incredibly hard to get to where he is. They make a point to say he grew up in a shitty neighborhood with Alex and Eddie, so getting a scholarship to one of the top schools in the country is pretty damn impressive and speaks to his intellect and dedication. That said, it is constantly being thrown back in his face like it's a bad thing. Who cares about all the countless nights he chose to stay up and study rather than sleep to make a future for himself? Who cares about all of that hard work, probably sacrificing quite a bit of his social life; he's a sell-out and a lapdog for the DA's office.
Rafael wanted to believe Alex. He put his career on the line for Alex, and when push came to shove and he had to do his job Rafael was treated like the devil for it. As if he wasn't tormented the entire episode about it because, Jesus Christ, Alex is his oldest friend. Alex could have made a difference to the poor communities of New York, and there were many people who had nothing better to do than remind him of that. Rafael burned so many bridges with that case and now a huge majority of his own community absolutely despises him--all because he was just trying to do his fucking job, and was miserable the whole time he was doing it.
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