#poor dude was ambushed
cerastes · 11 months
Bro any time I think about Valkyria Chronicles I laugh my nipples off, the game is fundamentally flawed gameplaywise but, simultaneously, it's stupidly fun, which is the recipe for any club banger, it has a story that weaves flawlessly between "that's pretty poignant" and "this is some goofy goober shit", it's got the horrors of war but also this fucking pig piece of shit mascot, Hans,
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It's an amalgam of white and black without any gray: It exists on extremes, and it never intersects, it's playing two parallel lines and coming to terms with the fact that you'll never see cohesion but that somehow enhances the end product in ways evidently no one intended. You have narrative comparisons with the persecution of jews and, at the same time, the game ends with the bad guy getting German Suplexed.
But I think the funniest aspect of Valkyria Chronicles The First is that the main character is the farthest thing from a war hero they could possibly muster with the expertise of a stoic Japanese swordsmith from the mountains crafting a god-cleaving blade: Welkin.
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This Scout From TF2 Put Through An Anime Filter looking mother fucker was chilling in his hometown talking about how much he wanted to be a teacher and showing people his really good sketches of animals because he's also a gifted artist, when suddenly, the Dudes attack, and his reaction to the Dudes attacking is "hang on, I recall my dad hiding his actual service tank in the shed in the back" so he goes and, yeah, his dad's tank from a previous war is just there, chilling, so he takes it for a joy ride while the town baker, Alicia, armed with a rifle and infinite action economy due to the afore mentioned flawed gameplay, sweeps the entire god damn platoon of heavily armed machine gun troops.
The entire game is Welkin using his love for nature and his baker love interest to inflict insane personnel and materiel damage to an entire empire: Welkin and Alicia will come across a heavily fortified bridge, and the dialogue will go something like
"Welkin! They will pulverize us with the heaviest machine guns known to man if we step one foot in that bridge! They practically developed wooden low-orbit bombardment stations! What's the plan!"
"Well... Look at that duck over there. It's flying from the east to the west, right? Well, YOU SEE, that duck is known as a Balkunese Socioduck, and those, during this season, migrate from west to east, and they only exhibit this irregular flight path if a Matrisgel Weasel family is molting by the juniper berry bushes, their favorite food. Matrisgel Weasels only ever molt if they are put under the exact amount of stress caused to them by the sound of distant tank threads on the road, and they are known to hide in sturdy, stable soil."
"Welkin, SIR, what the fuck does this all mean?"
"If we follow the smoldering shrieking of the molting weasels, we'll find a SECRET PATH that will, as always, let us ambush, flank, and surprise our foes! Alicia, you know what to do."
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and then, invariably, no matter the level, thanks to Welkin's impressive knowledge of fauna and flora, and Alicia's literally infinite action economy in a game that wasn't properly beta tested in-house during development, they combine their powers like a piss poor Captain Planet and kill the absolute shit out of an entire Empire's worth of dudes, and it's legitimately one of the most fun and charming games you'll ever touch if you remember to not take it too seriously. I fucking hate Hans but I love this game.
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neonhellscape · 4 days
okay its no secret i dont buy into marazhai being the persona he puts on. so as i've officially met him in game now, im making a list of all the in-game reasons i think he's a bit of an idiot [which i love btw. i find him far more compelling if he's a bit stupid/weird and he's trying so hard not to be but you just know nobody in commorragh is inviting him to parties]
the very first time you get a glance of him on a rooftop and. 'deal with this' "of course" proceeds to just walk off like 3 seconds after the other two
ambushes you. has you cornered. is in optimal position to kick your ass frankly, high ground and better weapons and utilising shock against you. ...he bitches at you for a while, gets insulted, then runs off into the forest with a maniacal cackle
heinrix fired a mild insult [considering what he's like to everyone else its barely an insult] and he took big enough issue with it to start saying how he'll break him and turn him into a pet. oh sure dude you're responding super well to this mild comment from the guy who accidentally insults everyone and their entire ancestral line at some point
i think it says something that he's learned to speak your language fluently too. that Has to be some kind of Yikes moment to admit publicly in drukhari culture. buried family secret great great grandfather drukhari-georg learned to speak mon keigh and now we claim he just spoke oddly because was shot in the head as a child to prevent the shame
he also knows the mon keigh lore that says youre a super special little guy as rogue trader and actually LISTENS to the fact you're the special little guy as rogue trader. and he does treat you as more equal/with more respect than the other characters. thats not just a drukhari culture yikes thats what gets you checked for a concussion or brain damage
literally socially atrocious enough its believed he's working with you [read: with you. not using you, not manipulating, cooperating. this is a big difference i feel] and only he himself doesnt believe it
ignore the fact he eventually DOES work with you which. is its own follow up statement
challenges you to fight him, to give chase then and there. i made him wait while i went through english government simulator where i queued for multiple days, did multiple day/week voidship trips back and forth, got distracted by accidentally starting jae's romance, pasqal telling me to servitorise her, getting blackout drunk with her, shipwide broadcast tm, giving her a voidship, her getting me a space cat, attacked by pirates, dealt with a plague, explored a few extra systems.......................
he destroys your palace. ...its rebuilt effectively within a week. most of the damage is in bodies which are just sent to the poor district to rot [almost feels worse than the damage done good job imperium]
the throne has claw marks. he could've blown it up or shot it or piled corpses on it but no he wanted to sit on the fancy chair and so turned into a common housecat mauling the sofa arm
how long was he just sitting there lounging on that chair? again see how long i kept him waiting. he was just sitting there trying to find a comfy position on this [for him] kinda small chair JUST so he could briefly taunt, break your window with his space motorbike, jump off the chair in a dramatic [but not gunna lie not that impressive] feat of gymnastics, then fly out. he doesnt even shoot at you as he leaves
i will continue my list as i see more that entertain me
#warhammer rogue trader#rogue trader marazhai#marazhai rogue trader#marazhai aezyrraesh#dont listen to how he tries to portray himself hes LAME and i thoroughly enjoy that about him#like. marazhai is a social outcast on so many levels and he is trying SO hard to compensate. it makes him incredibly interesting#ive seen some stuff of him later on but not all that much so im really curious how it'll go/how well i've grasped him#my current thoughts on him? he's just. fundamentally someone who desperately wants to be understood#but in all his long life he's never found it. and commorragh isnt a place for weakness like that. so he acts over it#he pretends to be some great evil mastermind with a lot of flair which is Intentional. because he doesnt know how to act like other drukhar#so concealing that is the best he's got. he doesnt realise the yawning gaps that show it for what it is and bring distain on him anyway#drukhari hate him because he's not like them. he's odd and dramatic and takes things to heart when he shouldnt but dismisses things he shou#he's tolerated for his blood connections and how it killing him could be an invitation for feud. he's also easy to get out of the way#send him to go chat to some mon keigh he'll be so fixated on setting the stage for the meeting he'll miss the important stuff#humans hate him bc he's drukhari. they believe the way he portrays himself because it fits propaganda#hell he may've even learned how to act drukhari from human stories. it'd fit tbh. ....i want to think more on this now#either way he loses. and tbh thats why i do like the idea of him with pasqal. theyre both freaks and social outcasts despite their ranks
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 9 months
I’m so excited for Runaway Groom Soap, because all I can picture is him stumbling out of the woods looking like a mud monster in his tartan and sash and poor reader standing there like…you good man?
(For some reason my brain thinks it’s olden day/historical romance)
No fr that's what I want to do with it lmao - thief!reader ready to ambush someone on the road for their coin and coming across this dude looking like he's been through war; talking about how he needs to get out of the county so he doesn't get married lol.
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aristaspark · 4 months
My Chaos Theory... well, theory.
Who's the villain?
I thought about it hard, and I think I came to a pretty solid conclusion as to who's the villain.
And the best candidate is...
There are so many things not adding up with his character, but I'm going to lay out why I think that.
1: He's way.too.nice. I don't buy his whole naive persona, sorry, I still have PTSD from Tiff and Mitch.
2: The night Brooklynn "died". His story is awfully convenient and can actually seem believable from Darius and Kenji POV, but from an audience standpoint? Hell no. We know Brooklynn is alive. She was saved by someone that night (there was only a puddle of blood so it's certain she was picked up by someone with a car). I don't care how strongly he claims he covered his ears, he would have seen or heard something/movements (her screams because she lost her arm, for starters). The fact that, if he tells the truth, he would have magically waited for Brooklynn to be taken away by someone before coming out of the bushes is ridiculous.
3: His reaction when Kenji and Darius are shocked that she had a secret apartment. I swear, I found the delivery of his line suspicious the first time I heard it. "You didn't know she had a secret appartment? 🥴" It seems like he was saying "Well, how could you not know your friend was the kind of person to have a secret apartment, even I KNOW THAT since she's been after my ass for months before I tried to kill her.
4: I don't remember the line exactly, but when the DPW agents said the boss didn't like when things weren't "done right", basically, which made me sure we had already seen the villain.
5: Sorry it took me so long to give the phone of your dead friend back to you, I just conveniently waited for you to be targeted by a psychopath to do so. Just because.
6: Why did he take the phone in the first place? 😂 Even in the scenario he gave to Darius and Kenji that part isn't explained like dude wanted a new phone??? Like in his scenario he had no reason to hide it, if he was who he claims to be he would have given it to Darius right away.
7: The fact that he was the one at the crime scene is suspiscious enough. If it hadn't been deemed a dinosaur attack, he would have been interrogated by the police right away.
So my theory is that:
Brooklynn discovered that someone was doing some horrible things using the DPW to dinosaurs. She pretty much had all the informations, except for one thing: the identity of the person who was doing these things (aka Matteo). Maybe Matteo's daughter is real, and she is the one who told him Brooklynn was getting closer to him (possible she's the one Ben spoke to on DarkJurassic) (or Matteo's lying about that too and is actually really good at tech). The night Brooklynn died was an ambush and he had planned on killing her, but he wasn't actually there, only his subordinates. Brooklynn was saved by someone though, which is why now he is so hell bent on finishing things. When he arrived, he discovered her phone and took it, in case it could be of some use (and maybe to erase all the things she had on him), and that's when Darius arrived. He decided to leave the campers alone since they didn't suspect anything anyway, but when Ben started questioning the night Brook died on Dark Jurassic, he panicked. For the time being he knows Brooklynn didn't tell anything to her friends and probably doesn't know his identity, but he knows that if the campers start investigating, he's in danger. So I think he has two reasons to target them: So that they don't investigate further but the main reason: to make Brooklynn come out of hiding, and to kill her for good (he now has a personal vendetta kind of thing). Maybe he's the one who put the money in her appartment, I'm not sure about that, he might be willing to put the blame on her so that when she reappears everyone will think whatever he is doing was her doing all along (since poor Brooklynn already appears to be suspicious for faking her own death) and that's why he decided to try and gain the trust of the campers.
I think that's about it.
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silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall ep watch comments 13-15
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Keeping it real with his nickname, Loser Li doesn't have the balls to join Team Vamp
Sorry dude, this would never happen to Elena Gilbert
Fun ass escape & fight scenes as our trio trash the train and escape in a field. The search in the field of tall grass as night closes in feels very 80s-00s vampire movie
Once AGAIN Loser Li punks out. This guy 😂😭 I love his constant, unrelenting failure
Look, the way Doctor Bestie realized he had to step up, because Mi Lan was injured & his bro distracted. TIME & PLACE, thank you.
He got close to making it thru this adventure without exposing himself but finally it was clear poor Vamp Daddy couldn't handle this one his own.
I both kinda do feel for Vamp Daddy's angst about his brother in disguise but also I'm too attached to them, so I'm just impatient for him to get over it and accept his only existing (and only mildly evil!!) relative
The brown leather coat is just not as suave a look for Loser Li. Return to your roots!
Oh good.
Henchman makes potentially his only smart move in the drama, to come plead for nep baby to rescue his crush. Li Yingliang looovesssss you! so muchhhhhh! it's ALL FOR YOU.
Our unhinged, unstable cyclone of insecurity & homosexuality emerges from the dungeon to fail another day! Good job, everyone.
"What ill intentions could a young boy in his hundreds have?" lol I love mysterious old guy
Sorry I'm unreasonably & unfairly on Doctor Bestie's side - kick his ass and settle him down. Vampires gotta stick together.
So doc is "complete" and Vamp Daddy, though made with the Blood Amber Stone, isn't? 🤔 Interesting. (ok not really lol, I'm not a 'lore' person)
Doctor Bestie cracked me up with his whole, I know all about equality in the modern age! I went to university! Look, he's probably more than a il evil but I like him SO MUCH, so can you just relent Vamp Daddy?
Otherwise WE might stop being friends. And that would be sad :(
All jokes aside, I do have the lingering feeling that Li Yingliang is being written as queer and the actor is playing it that way. Look at the way he is with his henchman too! It's just.... not like the vibe we see among other similar characters. They've fucked. More than once. And henchman told himself it's all fine between 'lonely' 1930s men, because they'll eventually take wives.
idk Vamp Daddy, I would have accepted the help of mysterious ancient master guy against a pursuing ARMY.
or maybe not kicked out my powerful brother.
Mi Lan knows what's up: stop the navel gazing emo and just get warm, eat well, and spend time with your loved ones.
Flashback to aftermath of Shen mansion massacre. Awful times had by all. Nobody thought burning alive a supernatural mom and her small child might have consequences. They did. Shen patriarch is like whyyyyy. His almost barbecued wife: r u 4 real?
Similarly, in modern remains of Shen mansion a bunch of people ambush Vamp Daddy and his gf, shoot her in the chest, so he goes murdery.
Then vamps her! YAY 🙌
Now you and doctor bestie just need to make up and find a way to extend your life too.
All hail Mi Lan's vampire awakening. Good stuff. Love the goth attire.
Also absolutely adorable and glowing in the bath
This is like Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who was simply born to be a vampire and took to it like a duck to water. I want her to hang out more with the doctor. They can enjoy vampirism together.
Now that Vamp Daddy has healed Barely Legal Girlfriend, can we get (1) one more bloody kiss? Pretty pretty please? 🙏🙏🙏
Everyone but his henchman bf is hella pissed at Loser Li for being incapable.
This does not seem fair, as it's his defining quality 🤔
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call-sign-shark · 10 months
Pls tell me heaven has cuteness aggression towards arthur it seems very in character for her lol
You bet she has, nonny! Damn, you know her better than I do! 🥹🖤 100% true her brain goes: HUSBAND TOO CUTE. MUST BITE.
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So yeah she has cuteness aggression towards Arthur and she usually expresses it with bites and nibbles, especially on the hands, arms, shoulders, neck, and chest. For instance, I can refer to when they are enjoying a quiet moment in front of the fireplace of the living room, Heaven all snuggled up in her husband’s arms. It’s when Arthur dozes off and he’s too freaking cute all sleepy that, suddenly, his tiny menace of a wife brings his large hand to her mouth and bites it.
She pretty much behaves like a little feral cat when she’s overwhelmed by his cuteness. With that in mind, poor lanky dude is never safe from being ambushed, tackled, bit, and aggressively hugged — which is okay because he does the same.
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✞ This reply is related to Heaven in Your Eyes. An Arthur Shelby x You series.
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howlingday · 1 year
Jaune: Wait, so this is the Fall Maiden?
Ozpin: Yes. She was critically injured in an ambush. Now she is being kept alive by these machines. Tragic, really, to think that she-
Jaune: I got this. (Plugs Amber's nose)
Pyrrha: Jaune, what are you doing?!
Ozpin: Mister Arc, if this is a game of yours, then know that is in poor taste!
Jaune: With all due respect, sir, I have seven sisters.
Amber: (Thrashes about, Shoots up panting) WHAT THE HELL, DUDE?!
Ozpin: ...
Ozpin: IT WORKED?!
Jaune: Seven sisters, sir. And we all liked to sleep in.
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fairygeek777 · 3 months
I love episodes 39-40 because its the perfect example of how ineffective Metalia's brainwashing is. BUT ONLY WHEN IT COMES TO USAGI.
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"Thanks Tuxedo Mask! Oh I knew you'd save me!"
"Don't get the wrong idea. We're still enemies. I'll be taking your Silver Crystal"
"I just have the compulsive urge to ensure you're not harmed and I don't understand it."
Poor Dendy can't fight back the urge to protect Sailor Moon for one (1) minute
My theory is that the dark energy just kinda lessened over time. Cuz he was much less kind before getting to this ep.
That or Dendy was falling for Sailor Moon as he was fighting her. Which is 100% believable and on-brand for any version of him. So he was like, "I won't help her but I'm not too keen on hurting her either."
Which is why by episode 41 Beryl was assigning him the tasks of recapturing the 7 Rainbow Youma (idk) so that he could focus on something other than the moon bunny princess.
Dendy watching as the Skater Youma duo attack SM: Sees her slip and unable to skate. "God I wish she wasn't so cute."
Sees that SM is gonna get ambushed and can't move: "She'll be fine."
Inner Mamo/Endymion: "Dude I swear. Go save her rn. wth are you doing?! That's Serenity! Gdi move over. I'm taking the wheel."
Dendy as he subconsciously skates over to snatch SM out of harm's way. "God what am I even doing?"
This is all kinda supported by the convenience of the following scene where the youma of the day are a couple and you can compare their actions to Dendy's.
Dendy when Kunzite uses his Freezing device: does not sheild Sailor Moon with his cape.
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The Youma in the same moment: basically doing exactly what Endymion would.
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Because even if he doesn't want to see her hurt, not like he's her boyfriend. Or trying to be.
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dead-lights · 4 days
the old guard: first day of school
I really like doing everyone-goes-to-high-school-together AUs and I've been working with Century Conflict-era sims recently, so what better way for me to get in the mood for my Simblreen renders than to send the old guard to Copperdale together?
We've got a full house - Tess, Ethren, Keisha, Inna, Elle, Vlad, Dillon, and Maria Volkov. I aged them down to teenagers, gave them teen ambitions, reset all of their powers, and moved them into the Price family's house. Don't ask what happened to the Prices.
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As expected, Maria started with negative relationships with all of the vampires. Despite that, the very first thing Inna did when I hit play was walk over to Maria to start making jokes. Despite their initially negative relationship, they were friends by lunchtime. They both have the good trait - I think that really helped.
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Inna's getting into photography, and Maria is happy to model for her.
I turned one of the bedrooms into a little lounge for them. I really like making study clubs, so I had Inna set one up. By the time they were done with their homework, almost everybody was on good terms, except for Vlad, who is Vlad, and Tess, who was practicing magic outside and missed all the fun.
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The next morning was their first day at school. The game kinda bugged out a bit and only Inna got event goals (and only Inna had any performance increased from going to school) but I had no time to worry about that - while the other vampires spent the previous day exploring vampire lore and were able to buy plasma packs, Vlad decided to wait for a live meal. The first thing he did was ambush the janitor.
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Apparently this awakened something within Vlad, because at that moment he stated experiencing the onset of puberty.
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Poor thing.
The students filtered into class - with 8 teens from one household all attending school at the same time, they took up the entire classroom. Most of them made it on time, with Ethren slipping in just in time for class to start. Maria and Vlad, on the other hand, were nowhere to be found.
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Maria, as it turned out, was pumping iron in the basement. She took her sweet time getting to class - she has the genius trait, so I guess she doesn't think she needs lectures. Still, she did make it to class, even if she missed the first half.
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Vlad, on the other hand, was really struggling with the whole onset of puberty thing. He flew to the bathroom and tried to give himself a pep talk. When that didn't make him feel better, he decided, fuck going to class! and flew down to the computer room to troll teh forums.
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He's going through some stuff, okay
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Keisha, true to form, couldn't help getting a bit silly.
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Though Elle and Dillon almost maxed out their relationship the first night (they stayed up playing chess while the mortals slept) Elle has a crush on Inna. A crush that seems to be causing her actual physical pain. Not sure if it's the agony of watching Inna beaming at her werewolf bestie or just the discomfort of all those teenage hormones, but poor Elle is not having a good time. She flew off to the bathroom to give herself a pep talk.
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It was at this point that I realized that Ethren was in the bathroom stall, trying to go about his business. Normally vampire bathroom ambushes involve the vampire doing the ambushing, but ok.
Elle, I know you don't show up in mirrors, but Ethren can definitely still see you.
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ok maybe he can't see you. dude just straight-up walked through her, washed his hands, and went to play football with Tess.
Vlad, in the meantime, decided it was time to learn to play the violin. Elle, who actually does know how to play violin, tried to be supportive of his efforts, but ultimately couldn't take it.
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I don't think he blames her.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
I've been thinking of an idea on and off about what would have happened if the Chain had met Age of Calamity Wild instead of BOTW Wild, at least at first. Like, I can even imagine at which point of the story it could happen! Terrako (the little egg guardian if you're unaware) has the ability to use the Song of Time, the whole premise of the game is that it went back in time to warn the Champions of the impending doom that the Calamity would bring! During the main campaign, their efforts to prevent the Calamity fail, due in part to monster and Yiga interference as any time Zelda would come close to reaching her power or pray at a spring they would ambush her, and it appears as if the events of BOTW's past would repeat itself. Until Terrako used the Song of Time again to bring the Sidon, Riju, Yunobo, and Teba (with baby Tulin) that we meet in BOTW to the past (inadvertently confirming this as a split timeline as they would likely not have existed or remembered the Link they had met if not for that). What if... instead of bringing a random group of warriors from the future, the song had instead brought a different group of Heroes that were ALREADY traveling through time at around the same time the events in the game were happening?
Terrako summing the Chain would be both hilarious and amazing. Can you imagine, poor Mipha’s about to die and right dudes who nobody recognizes just show up and are like “what the—how did—“ before seeing a giant monster and jumping into action and utterly wrecking Waterblight just as Age rushes in. Everyone would be so confused lol
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mydadleft471 · 2 months
Hubby-non! 💙✨ here to gift you with prompts! >w<
Route A) Messmer has a little whoopsie and sprains his ankle (poor guy has little to no actual vision since his snakes mostly help him to see) and his lovely husband takes care of him! If he needs to get up husband reader picke him up and either piggy backs him or carries him bridal style! He brushes Messmer's hair out, helps him get dressed and of course- feeds him in bed! His sweet little Messmer (maybe they are the same height- so thats a stretch xD) is just too flustered to oppose because when has he ever been pampered? (At first he fights it of course because hes Messmer and thinks he can do everything all the same as if his ankle wasn't sprained but the moment he takes a step he immidietly is in pain and falls- right into his husbands strong loving arms ❤✨) Messmer gets babied and honestly enjoys it? But he won't ask for it ever again.. He's so embarrassed he likes being taken care of!
Route B) Husband gets greatly injured after protecting Messmer from a surprise ambush assassination attempt! And ends up getting a nasty fever from an onset infection- Messmer tends to the bandages himself, cleans and lovingly re-wraps the wound! He helps husband sit up to eat and drink water (maybe wipe the sweat from his brow with a cool rag) and lay back down to rest more. The whole time husband (though feverish and sick as hell) is looking at him like he's an angel and just doesn't stop talking about how much he loves Messmer and how he's so damned lucky that Messmer loves him in return, and how he would challenge the gods and face their might if they dare oppose their love.. Messmer just thinks he's being silly and chuckles at him "hush.. Thou art feverish- though thy words flatter me so.." Before giving him a forehead smooch and combing his fingers through his sick hubbys hair 😚 hubby begs him not to leave yet and Messmer obliges.. Staying until he falls asleep ❤💙✨
And Route C) The two are taking their first bath together! Maybe dirtied from a sparring match, or just being out in the field.. But either way! Neither are going to sleep like this.. Messmer is VERY self conscious and can't even look at his husband- his husband laughs at him and calls him adorable and says he's allowed to look along with there is nothing for him to be ashamed of! Just a whole session of appreciation and love, Messmer gets washed with the most tender and caring hands which soap and rinse him all the same! Practically melts as his husband combs his fingers through the sopping wet red mop that has become Messmer's hair.. Maybe he's got his back facing his husband, so he can lean against him, and just.. Ends up falling asleep by the end of it! Husband has to wake him up so they can dry off and then head straight to bed where Messmer lays atop his husband and listens to his heartbeat- maybe having a lovely heartfelt conversation of love and adoration of each other (Messmer being embaressed that his husband is so straight forward with his feelings while Messmer is the exact opposite-) before falling asleep ❤💛💚💙💜✨
Anon… anon I love you so much. This shit is like an ESSAY. I have so much to choose from oh no 😭 I love the idea of his husband getting hurt protecting him (poor bby) and Messmer getting all upsetti-spaghetti and feeling like this is his fault, and the best husband ever is like “shut up and bring me soup idiot.” But I ALSO love the idea of carrying this lanky dude! Fuck. I’m in a pickle anon. Thank you so so much for this!!!
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melrosing · 1 year
MBO Robert's Rebellion: Episode 9
If this were like GOT this would be the big WOW episode. I guess it is in the sense of ‘WOW Tywin and Aerys FINALLY get divorced’.
btw we have skipped one year since last time. next is harrenhal go figure
Prev: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8
Next: Episode 10
title for this one: irreconcileable differences babes
Sumner Crakehall (+ retinue) & Arthur Dayne ride through the Kingswood: they’re here to take out the Kingswood Brotherhood, a band of outlaws. SUDDENLY: ambush!!!
Ringing steel, 20-30 dudes fighting it out under the trees. Lord Sumner Crakehall, battling a foe, has his back to an outlaw of great stature wielding an equally sizeable warhammer (that’s Big Belly Ben of the four line wiki fyi)
Just as BBB takes aim, a young Jaime Lannister  (15) leaps between the two, and with alarming alacrity manages to fight off the outlaw in Sumner’s defence. Their fight is shortly interrupted by a smaller man, dressed in what look like rags: he wears a half-crazed smile, and is eager for a challenge
Jaime vs the Smiling Knight etc. Both are extremely fast, and the Smiling Knight laughs every time he comes close to landing a blow. Jaime holds his ground impressively, till one blow comes close to taking his head off; in an Epic Move, Arthur Dayne abruptly intersects
SK and Arthur circle one another, Crakehall holding young Jaime back at the sidelines; the Smiling Knight announces he would like Ser Arthur’s Sword for himself - Arthur declares that he shall have it, then. This is the first time we see Arthur kill, and he is deadly efficient about it
When the Smiling Knight lays dead, all stand around in stunned silence, till Arthur approaches Jaime. He states that he would make the boy a knight, and Jaime wears his delight like a kid
Opening creds ⚔️
Jaime kneels in a tiny sept, lit only by a handful of candles. He’s praying earnestly to the Warrior. Arthur arrives and places a hand on his shoulder. Jaime is knighted in half a daze, and we see his white tunic turn red at the shoulders as the blade cuts him (I ask again GRRM: what the fuck). He rises, and Arthur looks him dead in the eye, pronouncing him a knight: somehow it sounds almost like a warning
Jaime on horseback, grinning like a fool, reaches a crossroads - he can head back to the Westerlands, or to the capital to visit Cersei. Buzzing with his excitement, Jaime chooses the latter
In King’s Landing: Elia Martell lies in bed, receiving a visit from her brother Oberyn: he holds her daughter Rhaenys. Rhaenys looks some months old, but it seems Elia isn’t recovered from the birth. Oberyn says that Elia ought to come home to Dorne where the air is cleaner, Elia smiles but won’t indulge the notion. When Oberyn tries to push it, she grows impatient at his insistence, and then fatigued; a nearby maester suggests that Oberyn ought to leave the Princess to rest
Cersei in Tywin’s solar; her father sits at his desk, writing in silence. Cersei pokes at the correspondence on his desk to see if anything is of interest, finds nothing. Eventually Tywin speaks to her, saying she’ll have heard of Elia’s poor health. Cersei says she has. Tywin suspects that Elia is not long for this world, and that Rhaegar will soon be in need of another wife for that all important male heir. Cersei smiles, taking the hint; Tywin looks like he’s almost smiling. Cute father-daughter moments <3
Tywin says he is also close to making a match for Jaime. Kill Bill sirens
Cat (17) and Lysa (15) at Riverrun, Cat braiding Lysa’s hair with flowers. The sisters are aware that a betrothal is impending, and Lysa is anxious - Jaime didn’t seem very interested last he was here. Cat assures her that both he and Lysa have grown now, and he’ll surely fall in love next he sees her - and in any case, he’s a far greater prospect than Petyr Baelish. Lysa considers this :/
Jaime rides up to King’s Landing, and is greeted at the Keep by Cersei. Jaime is hardly off his horse before he’s informing her of his knighthood, and a fugue look passes across Cersei’s face - another thing she’ll never have. Abruptly, she dismisses Jaime’s news and warns him of an impending threat. He must meet her in Eel Alley tonight, and she’ll tell him everything. Cersei rushes away, leaving Jaime perplexed
Rhaegar and Elia in Elia’s bedchambers. Rhaegar plays the harp for Rhaenys, and is pleased by his daughter’s interest in the sound. Elia thanks Rhaegar for coming to see her, and says she’s feeling better than she had the day before. Rhaegar agrees that is good. He tells her he has dreamt again, of a boy with silver hair - they will have a son. Elia says she’s not sure she’s ready for another child just yet; Rhaegar agrees, now is too soon, but when she is healed, she must tell him so. Elia, uneasy, agrees
Evening: Jaime wandering Eel Alley, checks the name of a tavern - enters, takes a room apparently by instruction and waits, confused. Eventually Cersei arrives in common garb, and before Jaime can ask further questions, she kisses him. From Jaime’s surprised expression, it looks as though this is a habit they’d almost fallen out of - but just as quickly they fall back into it
Aerys in some kind of dungeon with the pyromancers. He asks that they show him again how the substance works - can it be controlled? The pyromancers demonstrate, using a rat. Aerys is enchanted. He says there are prisoners at the Keep of no import, they can test on those next
Morning: Jaime wakes besides Cersei, looking deliriously happy. Cersei breaks the mood by informing him of the impending betrothal. Jaime isn’t thrilled: he supposes it could be worse, but Lysa’s sister was more - stops, catches himself. Cersei says it doesn’t have to be that way: Jaime’s already proved himself a great knight, so why doesn’t he prove himself greater still and join the Kingsguard?? Cersei’s stuck in King’s Landing after all and will probably be married to Rhaegar just as soon as his wife dies, so surely it all makes perfect sense?? Jaime is in two minds; Cersei kisses him over and over until Jaime, laughing, agrees
nice one jaime I’m sure this will work out well for you
We see Cersei whisper something to one of Elia’s ladies in the waiting; game of telephone begins, till this information is in the hands of Varys, who delivers it to the King himself
Skip forward some weeks: Tywin, apparently managing some dealings at the Rock, receives a missive from the King. He opens it, and looks STRICKEN
We watch Tywin walking through hallways in a single long shot (yes im the director here as well xo). His face is a fucking storm
Tywin goes to his son, demanding how this came about. It’s the first we’ve heard him shout. Jaime says he has no idea, insisting still under Tywin’s furious gaze, looks like a kid again. But, he suggests that perhaps he could simply decline? Tywin knows that’s not an option anymore: he walks out
A silent scene, in which we see Hoster break some news to Lysa; Lysa crumples on the spot
Later, in Tywin’s solar: there are many and various broken ornaments (probs priceless) lying about his desk. Tywin summons his maester, and tells him to write to the King that he finds himself unwell, and cannot return to King’s Landing: he must resign
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goldenzx · 10 months
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Specialized Super Spectacular Squadron Spider-Man / SSSS Spider-Man
Decided to make a group of Sentai Spidersona Goofballs, It was pretty hard to adapt the eyes into a visor design. Also was pretty hard to find out who would make up the team and what colors they would be (So many of Spidey's villains wear green, probably because of contrasting colors schemes?). As for why I decided to genderbend Rhino?.... dunno, really just seemed natural at the time.
Here's a bit of backstory and characters, but I don't have alot. I'd appreciate suggestions from people more familiar with Spider-man.
Spider Protector V and Spi-D Machines - 5 alien warriors from Planet Spider use the sentient transformation devices called the "Spider Protector V" to tranform into the Spectacular Squadron "Spider-Man". Fighting evil using their special combat suits and weaponize giant vehicles called the "Spi-D Machines".
But while patrolling a far away Solar System in-search of the dangerous Iron Cross Army, they are ambushed and ended up landing near a prestigious stem school called "Osborn High". With four of the warriors out of commission with both their Spider Protectors and Spi-D Machines heavily damaged, And their leaders losing faith in his skills, they decide to accept help from the shady headmaster and billionaire, Norman Osborn.
The four machines and changers are repaired, and all five suits and machines are given a few Osborn™ improvements, and the Spider Protector V are sent out to find a new group of heroes to fight the Iron Cross Army and their leader, the evil Doctor Monster. Although while Osborn seems be helping them to prevent the Iron Cross Army from conquering the earth, he seems to be plotting something behind the scenes.
The Hero's backstory (This is what I've thought of for now);
Peter Parker - Chosen to be the "Spectacular Red/The Spectacular Spider" or simply Spider-Man. A promising young lad who got accepted into Osborn High after disabling a sabotaged machine that was being shown off by scouts. He lives with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben.  He's always been a huge nerd, but started going to the gym when he entered his first highschool in hopes of deterring bullies, although that hasn't seemed to be working thus far. (and because of encouragement by Uncle Ben). Surprisingly snarky and more confident than the average dweeb.
Otto Octavius - One of Parker's classmates and first friend in this new school. A genius inventor Peter met at Osborn High, they both get their suits on the same day, he transforms into "Spectacular Green/The Spectacular Ock" or just Doc Ock. Quite intelligent, But often victim to his own hubris.
Herman Schultz - Becomes "Spectacular Yellow/The Spectacular Shocker" or Shocker. A self-taught engineer, after having to drop out of his first high school because of his parents' financial situation, he tried using engineering and inventing prowess to rob crack safes. While in Juvie he was chosen by the Spider Bracelet, and because of this and Osborn being impressed by his inventing talents, he is out of Juvie in exchange for attending Osborn High (And fighting Dr Monster). Although he can be quite greedy, he's actually quite a kind and caring and pretty peppy dude. Just don't ask him to borrow a couple bucks.
Alex Sytsevich - She's "Spectacular Grey/The Spectacular Rhino" or Rhino, and Peter's second friend at Osborn High. A Russian American from a poor. She can seem dimwitted at practically everything else. Short-sighted and easily deceived, combined with her near inhuman stature and strength caused her to fall into the wrong crowd. She is enrolled into Osborn High after being chosen by the Spider Bracelet, where she learns she's surprisingly great at physics. Wants to make an honest living for her and her parents, but is afraid the crime life may be all she's truly good at. Appreciates Peter Parker's friendship and honesty, and has a slight crush on him.
Max Dillon - He's the final member, "Spectacular Blue/The Spectacular Electro". He's solely motivated by money, studied hard to make money, entered Osborn high to get a better job to make money, and when he gained his suit he used it as leverage to be paid when he fights against the Iron Cross Army. Some may think it's because he wants a good life for his sister, and maybe that's partially true, but spend any amount of time with him, and you'll find that he's generally just a money-hungry guy. He is easy to anger and pretty rude. It's unknown why the Spider Protector V chose him.  Although he gets the job done well, probably the best fighter among them and the most adept at using his suits abilities, always getting vexed at when his teammates play around during battles. He wishes him and Schultz hero names weren't so similar and has been asking Herman to rename himself "Shockwaver" or something.
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
Plastic Hearts – Part 1
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Pairing: Director!Dean Winchester x Actress!Reader
Series Summary: Los Angeles, 1985. Y/N’s a young actress without any success, hopping from one failed audition to the next until one desperate mistake brings her to her breaking point. Dean Winchester, on the other hand, is a grade A asshole and washed-up director at the end of his career, known for his godawful slasher movies in the 70s and his love for blow, booze, and women. Lost in the toxic Hollywood life, their paths cross when one hopeless little wrestling show changes their trajectory.
Chapter Warnings: +18, GLOW AU, self-worth issues, implied smut (reader x unknown dude 🤷‍♀️), cheating, Sam and Dean are not related in this story (--> check the series masterlist for overall warnings!)
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Truthfully, I wasn’t gonna share it because it was just a fun, silly project to get over some writer’s block (which I did!). Netflix never gave me an ending to this amazing show, so I wanted to write my own, y’know? But hey, it’s already written, so why not share it with the class, right? As my awesome cheerleader on this project @panicking-outside-the-disco said, the dilaogue screams Dean AU 🖤 (Thank you so much for your encouragement, bestie!) Fellow fans of the show, you’ll be happy to know I kept all the good stuff in there, from Steel Horse to pink, frosted donuts. Everyone else will make sense of those words soon enough. So, hopefully, you’ll enjoy this nostalgic love tribute, and let’s give ourselves a decent ending, shall we? 🤩
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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1. Holding Out For A Hero
Another failed audition.
Moving from Nebraska to Los Angeles at the sweet age of eighteen, Y/N has played the Hollywood game for quite some time. Now, at the ripe age of twenty-seven by La-La Land standards, she only has little to show for herself, though. She’s had a few background roles and starred in a handful of low-budget plays, but her big breakthrough, the role that changes everything, still remains a hopeless and seemingly unreachable daydream.
Worst of all, she is sick and tired of the simple and reduced roles Hollywood forces upon its actresses. She wants more than the shitty role of the secretary who tells a powerful man his wife is on the phone. Y/N wants a real part instead of playing second fiddle to yet another pompous dick.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
After her latest failure, she even became so desperate she hid in a bathroom stall for three hours before ambushing her casting director Josie while the poor woman was fucking peeing. But instead of the customary, unexplained rejection, Y/N wanted to hear reasons this time. She wanted to find out why she always gets pushed over for someone else, wanted to know if she could do something better, for crying out loud.
Usually, it’s the agent’s job to tell an actor all the reasons why they were wrong for the role, but she doesn’t even have an agent anymore because, as it bitterly turns out, everyone stops fucking caring about you if you haven’t worked in over two years. For once, though, she wanted some goddamn feedback.
The casting director’s response?
“Look Y/N, every director I work with says, ‘Get me someone I don’t know. Someone I haven’t seen. I want a girl who’s real.’ That’s when I bring you in, so they can see that they don’t actually want the thing they think they want. It’s 1985. Everyone wants Jane fucking Fonda. I’m sorry, honey… But listen, I have some experimental projects in the Valley, if you’re interested. Would you consider doing erotica?”
So, fucking porn. That’s where she’s at with her life.
Defeatedly, Y/N leaves the casting office in West Hollywood once more and gets swallowed by the city’s filth, lost between hellfire and demons. No matter what she does, she never feels like it’s enough. Each audition, you throw yourself against the wall and hope, this time, it’ll stick. It’s an endless game, a gamble of hope – hope isn’t an infinite resource, though, and hers is running out.
Y/N likes getting tortured. That’s the conclusion she’s come to. And because she seems to thrive on torment, she joins her best friend Joanna for a Jazzercise class – aka a room full of toned women in leotards, sweatbands, and leg warmers. The two friends have known each other since middle school and have done everything together since then, including their move to the big city. Joanna is a blonde bombshell who immediately got a role on a popular soap until she quit acting and had a baby a couple of months ago. Now, she’s a housewife and mother in Pasadena while her husband brings home the money.
Y/N loves Joanna, but admittedly, the blonde sometimes makes her feel small and insecure. She doesn’t have the big tits, the perfect curves, or the shiny hair. Jo has always been more successful than her in every aspect of their respective lives, the friendly competition leaving Y/N, more often than not, with a bad aftertaste in her mouth. She constantly tries to keep her envy in check, though, even when the blonde’s boobs exploded during their freshman year of high school. Simply put: Joanna is a sparkling diamond, while Y/N feels like a dirty lump of coal next to her.
The cheer captain versus the theater geek.
“You know, I’d actually do porn if it had a good story. Like, Shakespeare porn,” Y/N half-heartedly jokes as the women change in the locker room after their class.
Jo arches an eyebrow at her, the smile on her lips a bit condescending. “C’mon, Y/N, would you actually do porn, though? You hate being naked in front of people.”
“Things have changed since you disappeared,” Y/N shrugs her shoulders, her voice laced with rebellion, and purposely changes out of her leotard in front of her friend to drive the point home. She also tries not to sound too bitter about the fact that the blonde basically abandoned her after getting married and pushing a human out of her vagina. She knows her jealousy is silly. It’s just part of life. That’s how it goes. It wasn’t always going to be them vs. the world forever.
“I didn’t disappear. I had a baby,” Jo retorts on cue before her face lights up with an insane amount of excitement. “Which you could too! Then we’d both have babies.”
“Great idea,” Y/N snorts sarcastically and slips into her sneakers, playfully musing, “Who of the guys I randomly fuck would make a good baby daddy, huh? The alcoholic I met at the farmer’s market or the depressed stand-up with a heroin addiction?”
Jo sits down on the bench next to her and conspiratorially leans closer. “Can I tell you something that I realized recently?”
Y/N gives her a raised look that borders on amused. “What?”
The blonde has been a bit of a postpartum mess these days. It’s the lack of sleep and the fact that her boobs won’t stop leaking. Also, her kid is a biter.
“When I first was cast on Paradise Bay, I was thrilled, okay? I mean, it was so exciting, remember? And then they put me in that year-long coma, and I was just lying there in this hospital bed, feeling powerless. And then when season three came, and they graduated me to that wheelchair with that blanket–”
“I’m sorry… Is this going somewhere?” Y/N interrupts her because the last thing she needs to hear today is another one of Joanna’s success stories.
“I’m getting there,” Jo frowns and continues straightaway, “Anyways, I was so relieved when Sam asked me to marry him and told me to stop working. He was right. It was completely ridiculous. Why would I do this to myself, you know? I swear to God getting pregnant and written off that show was the best decision I ever made,” she tells her enthusiastically.
Y/N just twitches her shoulders and ignores the guilt that’s bubbling in her gut. “Well, we’re different people. I choose work. I can have a baby once I win an Oscar.”
Jo lets out a deep sigh, “But you’re not even working, Y/N. Don’t you wanna be happy and have a family?”
“Of course I do.” Y/N’s not sure that answer is the whole truth. She knows she’s supposed to want the supportive husband, the cute kids, and the white picket fence, but all those things come with the end of your career. She’s not ready to give up and pay that price yet. She wants to make it on her own first, not needing a hero to save her like some damsel in distress. “‘Sides, don’t I need a boyfriend for starters? Isn’t that how it works?”
“Oh, it’s not that complicated,” Jo huffs and rolls her eyes dismissively. “Just pick the first nice guy with money you find. It’s what I did. I mean, Sam is a complete idiot and so out of my league, but it works,” she shrugs. “Why don’t you come visit me in Pasadena sometimes if you miss me so much? I called you like a million times in the last few weeks.”
“I know,” Y/N groans in response and finishes buttoning her blouse, swallowing the giant lump of shame in her throat. “It’s so far away,” she excuses, even though it’s another white lie. A big one, this time.
Jo tilts her head at her, but Y/N knows the wrinkles on the blonde’s brow are not out of concern. It’s pity. She’s seen that look all her life. “Y/N, are you okay? ‘Cause you look sad and fucking depressing, honestly.”
“Thanks. But I’m fine,” she brushes her friend off with a bitter smile. “Just the usual, you know? I have $28 left to pay my bills, including rent, which is why I’ve been waitressing at that awful diner in Downey all week… Oh, and, uhm, I’ve eaten Honey Nut Cheerios for my last eight meals,” she lists off her miserable life and grabs her duffel bag, feigning the brightest grin, “But hey, I’m gonna do porn. Things are looking up.”
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It’s late at night when Y/N returns to her rundown shoebox apartment. Her decorations include one dead plant and two ripped posters of Angela Lansbury and Barbra Streisand, respectively. It’s a sad affair, really.
Completely beat, she checks her fridge, which resembles an empty ice cave, except for that half-full box of cheap wine. Yeah, she can’t even afford to get drunk properly. The old mattress squeaks as she falls face-down on the bed and exhaustively snatches the rotary dial phone from her nightstand, only reaching her parents’ answering machine.
“Hey, Mom. It’s Y/N. I didn’t get the audition today either, but I’ll get another one soon. So, fingers crossed… again. But I was just wondering if you and Dad could maybe wire me some money? You know, just so I can pay my electricity bill and… eat food. I’m really sorry… I know I can’t keep asking you guys for money because I’m a grown-up now… but I swear it’s the last time, okay? And I’m aware I said that the last time, too… Anyways, love you. Call me back, please? Okay, thanks… Bye.”
Slamming the receiver onto the phone, she groans loudly and is close to screaming into her goddamn pillow. When did she become such a pathetic fucking loser?
Needless to say, she imagined her life would go a lot differently.
In the midst of her nervous breakdown, her ears then perk up at a strange noise, eyes darting warily to the window. There’s an audible jam of the lock, followed by the rustling of the yellowed blinds before a large hand pops through the crack.
Shit. Someone’s trying to break in.
Anxiously, she grabs the phone and holds it up like a weapon, her heart thrashing wildly in her ribcage, the sound ringing in her ears. Then, she bravely yells with a shaky voice, “Whoever you are, I have a knife in my hand and already called the cops!”
“Whoa, whoa… Y/N, it’s just me.” A young man’s head pokes through the window, raising his large palms with a chuckle.
Her shoulders slump, the tension of fear replaced with one of annoyance as she sighs half-heartedly in relief, recognizing the intruder. Y/N lowers her makeshift weapon, tossing it on the bed. “Oh my God! What the fuck are you doing here? Why are you climbing through my window? You can’t be here! Climb back out – now!”
“You said the last time that no one can find out about us, so I took that seriously,” he explains as he gaspingly pushes his tall body through the small opening. “Can’t you just be happy to see me, Y/N? It took some effort to come here and climb through that window, you know?” A charming laugh bounces off the thin, bare walls once he’s made it into her apartment and towers over her.
Y/N folds her arms over her chest and cocks an eyebrow, “You want credit for cheating on your wife?”
He sighs and rolls his eyes back a little, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Can we please not call it that?”
“What would you like me to call it? You’re married to someone and had sex with me,” she counters sternly. She absolutely doesn’t want him here. That man is only trouble and part of the reason why her life is so fucking shitty these days.
“Look, this isn’t normal behavior for me,” he shrugs innocently as if the madness can’t be helped and adds the softest puppy dog look. “I just-, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“So?! It was a huge fucking mistake!” There’s a sharp inhale of breath as she tries to gulp down the anger, guilt, and shame inside of her. “It happened weeks ago! You shouldn’t be here… It was a party. The drinks were free… I-I was feeling sorry for myself, and you took advantage of that.”
Quietly clearing his throat, he mumbles under his breath, “I think we both took advantage of that.” As he meets her gaze, his whiskey-colored orbs mirror the same guilt she feels.
Y/N places her hands on her hips with a deep exhale, her head bobbing as the words sink in and her head begins to spin. She knows he’s right. They’re both equally to blame, but it doesn’t change anything about her regrets. “Please leave. Go home to your family,” she begs him softly, too soft, not enough strength left to fight.
“You can’t just pull the plug on this. You and me. This is real,” he tells her, his hazel eyes boring into hers. “I think you’re the one, Y/N.”
“No, I’m not,” she stresses with a heavy shake of her head, fighting against the tears that prick her eyes and cloud her mind. “I’m nothing special.”
Pensively, he nods and licks his lips, a humorless chuckle escaping between them as he rubs his mouth and ponders, “I keep thinking about what you said to me that night… You know, how there are shiny people who have everything? And then there are people like us who have to go to parties with those people and watch them get their pictures taken. And it’s not fair... ‘Cause we deserve good things, too. We deserve attention and love and… sex.”
Silently staring at him for what feels like an eternity, her mind races a mile a minute as her heart shatters into a thousand sharp daggers that pierce through her skin and leave deep scars in their wake. And then, Y/N foolishly crashes her lips against his just to stop the goddamn pain in her chest.
What is there to say that even justifies any of this? She’s fucking weak.
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The harsh sunbeams that fall on her face and blind her eyes announce another dreadful morning as she wakes with a pessimistic groan. The bed is cold and empty; the married guy is long gone, leaving right after the fuck.
Y/N is alone again – with nowhere to go.
Why did she do what she did? In all honesty, she can’t quite understand it herself, the truth too cruel and pathetic to accept it. The only positive thing she can find about her situation is that at least she can’t sink any lower than rock bottom. She’s certain she’s reached the depths of Hell at this point. Los Angeles mistakenly gets called the city of angels. Truthfully, though, it’s filled with devils who lure you to the dark side until you can’t even look in the mirror anymore without seeing a white line instead of your own goddamn reflection.
The funny thing, though? She’s never even been into drugs or booze or whatever bad habit you can catch in this city, like an STD. She has always worked her ass off and walked the straight and narrow. And for fucking what?
Y/N is definitely at her lowest of lows, but that also means there’s nowhere to go but up, right? And when the red light on her answering machine keeps blinking, her hope and good spirit return as she eagerly presses the button, restarting the endless cycle once more.  
“Y/N, this is Josie. I have an audition for you tomorrow. I’m not running it, but I thought of you. It’s in Watts. And it’s not porn... They’re looking for unconventional women, whatever the fuck that means… Oh, and uhm, if you ever ambush me in the restroom again, I’ll make sure you’re gonna be blacklisted on every casting call in Los Angeles. Are we clear? Anyways, good luck, honey!”
A loud scream echoes through the tiny apartment. Y/N can’t believe her fucking ears and jumps excitedly up and down when Josie’s message ends, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks.
The game is back on – and it’s not fucking porn.
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2. Livin’ On A Prayer
Yikes! I think it’s fairly easy to guess who this mystery guy is, but let me know all your suspicions and gasps, anyways! 😉 And don’t worry. You’re getting plenty of Dean tomorrow (some would say too much Dean) 😎😈
Everything Jensen (1st part tag only): @extraterrestriali @this-is-me19 @writercole @awkward-and-indecisive @eevvvaa @imherefordeanandbones @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @jassackles @maggiegirl17 @perpetualabsurdity @deandreamernp @roseblue373 @lyarr24 @deanwanddamons @deanwithscissors @flamencodiva @chriszgirl92 @lhymer1995 @wittyboldsoul @djs8891 @snowlovespie​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @recoveringpastaaddict​ @muhahaha303​
Plastic Hearts Series: @spnexploration @jessjad @siospins2 @mrsjenniferwinchester @akshi8278 @xlynnbbyx @wayward-dreamer @foxyjwls007 @smellingofpoetry @justrealizedimmascifygurl @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @4getfulimaginator2022 @globetrotter28​
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Sighs ok Snow I’ll tell you my one and only Y/n big brother experience. TW xenophobia
*Quick info about my school upperclassman will be put into a study hall with freshman if they have poor attendance or bad grades. Second lunch is when you have the first half of class go to lunch and then comeback to have the second half of class.*
Ironically this didn’t happen with my brother, but with his friends. He was the shy quiet type but he had a lot of friends that thought he was chill. I was a freshman in Highschool at the time and I was in study hall. My brother was a senior and so we’re his friends. For context I’m first generation in the US and the teacher was going through the attendance list which can be a little embarrassing since I have a very ethnic last name that is difficult to pronounce. The man was trying his best and I politely told him that he can say it however it’s fine and I didn’t care. But sitting right behind me was this white piece of trash in my grade who was highkey xenophobic saying stuff like “Shut the fuck up. Nobody likes you go back to your country bitch” etc. He was also saying it quietly so only I would hear him. Look I’m not some soft little baby I was raised by parents who taught me to take no shit and to not worry about getting in trouble for defending myself. So I very loudly started to tell him off. Even the teacher was like “yeah man what’s you’re problem” but nothing beats the reaction of my brother’s friends in the back of the class. The class breaks for second lunch before we got up one of my brother’s friends asks me “Hey are you (my brother’s name) little sister? Dude I know that kid he’s crazy!” As we get up to go to lunch he grabs his buddy and they push the problematic guy at the front of the class. And then he goes “Ladies and gentlemen we have a special announcement to make we have a professional beta male over here just a simple beta nothing to worry about” as they kept nudging him around when the other chimes in “Can’t even talk to girls with respect.” I was struggling not to laugh and I thought it was over and went to eat lunch. Let me tell you when I came out of the cafeteria to go back to class in the big hallway/common space I was not expecting to see what they did. Those same senior guys had gotten a few more members from their football team and literally had picked up the kid that was giving me problems raised him bouncing him up and down while chanting “BITCH BITCH BITCH”. What was interesting to me is that despite how strict it was there nobody did anything about it and sort of just let it happen. Not gonna lie as a freshman who felt like everyone hated me this was reassuring. Though I doubt this was purely to defend me I also think they wanted an opportunity to rough up a freshman. My brother laughed his ass off hearing what happened and the kid never bothered me again so it was a win win. (I can picture Haikyuu boys doing something similar lol). But yeah that’s my most interesting Highschool story hope you enjoyed😂
Awww. Yeah this definitely sounds like something Haikyuu boys would do, and the first thing they'd do is body slam that brat to tye ground. Teacher or not, they're not getting in trouble unless that teacher wants to be ambushed after school and get the shit beat out of him.
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cxrsedboo · 1 year
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so i’ve done a thing-
i can’t remember how long its been since ive done an art trade holy moly but WE DID IT WOOO!!
other half of this image belongs to @toasthoneyandstardust and their art account @graveyardtoast go check them out! <3
my little historian ♡
one things for sure this dudes not flying anything, so don’t worry about him replacing anybody. he’s not interested in piloting the lions nor is he qualified to do so with his (very) poor eyesight, take off his glasses and he’s as blind as a bat. though he doesn’t rely on just his sight to see so be mindful of that before going ahead and calling the dude blind, he has ears for a reason and a very heightened sense of smell— even if his nose has a gigantic scar on it.
cosmo’s not a fighter or flier but instead a researcher! he thrives in studying arusian history and the foundation of voltron and was very upset in episode 19, 5 forged, where he learned that nobody took photos or any notes for him to go off of during their visit with the blacksmith. anything that you need to know about the lion’s history in full detail, he’ll know and will be more than willing to share what he’s learned with you (as long as you pay attention). he’s more than happy to step up and teach the cadets a few lessons about arus and more details about every lion like their ups and downs along with their strengths and what you should avoid when flying each individual lion. though.. his first classes with said cadets were a bit messy, it took a week for cosmo to fully convince daniel and vince that he was in fact older than the both of them with a whopping 10 years difference (he’s 26) despite… the fact that he’s shorter than all the cadets combined (5’6).
(its canon in the 30th anniversary book that daniel and vince are 5’8 and larmina 5’9, and along with all of them being 16)
not to mention his first meeting with each of the cadets individually was certainly something special. cosmo was born on earth but had arusian parents and when he was the right age, moved back to arus determined to study its culture and customs. where better to start than none other than with the queen of arus right? he met larmina first on his way to the castle and was greeted with a rather.. rude demeanor, as she assumed he was studying her customs for evil intentions or him being a spy of some sort. he met allura shortly after that who felt the same way if not a little more respectful than her neice. cosmo struggled with convincing the two that his intentions were completely pure and he was studying merely because it was his degree and that he enjoyed their customs and thought everyone else should but eventually time passed and the two ladies grew fond of 21 year old cosmo for his passion of their culture and his understanding of voltron’s legacy continuing to grow. and after some time, they introduced him to the rest of the pilots and gave him the title of their official historian along with a job to work alongside with them. though he preferred his identity and job to be almost hidden from the public as it was easier to work. after 5 years had passed and voltron was back in the public’s eye again, daniel and vince were brought into the force and met cosmo late at night wandering the castle halls carrying a box of artifacts he was looking to study the rest of the night… and ultimately tried to ambush the poor guy thinking he was an intruder. they learned the following morning that he was in fact NOT an intruder and was their official history teacher and when cosmo informed the other pilots about that night— hunk and keith agreed that the duo would be on latrine duty for the following week for the inconvenience.
he’s very calm and collective but also very optimistic and cheerful to those around him. he never once talks down anyone for their quirks or actions and instead chooses to deal with things in a more “logicial” way. even though he doesn’t like flying the lions, he still is suited for doing so in case of emergencies even with his poor eyesight. he regularly spends his time in his library or his room but sometimes he can be seen helping hunk and pidge from the sidelines while they work on maintaining the lions or discussing missions with keith and lance— even if all they do sometimes is argue.
he’s voiced by l lawliet from death note, loves the color purple, and regularly spends time with none other than anya (owned by toast) our lovable royal advisor ♡
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