#poor george he's so tired of watching them flirt
heyidkyay · 4 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Eleven
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: Hiiiiii, it's been a while:) Sorry, had a lot going on tbh very hectic and stressy but I had most of this written out before life got all messy and so I just tried my best to finish it! Hope you all had a happy holidays, whether you celebrated anything or just had a lovely few days, also wishing you a very happy new year!! Here's hoping it'll be a good one x Alsooo, a big thank you to @procrastinatinglikeapro who's an utter angel and without this part wouldn't have been finished!<3
Onto part eleven I suppose!
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It’d been too long a day, though it had only just gone eleven. So Matty had decided to take a well earned break that no one else seemed to be fully aware of. He’d left George and Adam to themselves, the pair caught up in a heated discussion about a particular opening to a new song they’d been working on, and Ross was off in the booth playing something or other just to escape the rest of them. He’d had a late one the night before and was feeling the effects of it, poor prat.
Matty reckoned that he probably had a good while before Jamie strolled in though, or before George started getting aggy about the current chord progression, so he’d taken to one of the far corners of the studio to slink into the small sofa there and pull out his phone.
Messages now Squeaks I’m meant to be prepping for recording!! Stop distracting me.
Matty grinned to himself at the most recent text he’d received. They’d been at it since six this morning, but he’d yet to grow tired and so was already typing one back. 
Messages now Ditto babe So it would seem that you are the one now distracting me
He shook his head at the next reply that came through, but had to agree with her point; Adi seemed a whole lot scarier than the three twats he’d been burdened with. Even so, he couldn’t let her know that, could he? Or have the last word either. It was a matter of principle now.
See, it’d been a few weeks since that night at the club and the morning after in the quietness that was her flat- a place that still swarmed his thoughts during moments of the day when he felt his mind drift. He’d been so caught up in the moment back then, in her and in being allowed that close, that he hadn’t paid much mind to everything else. Too focused on watching, observing the way she behaved in a place so full of comfort. He only wished now that he had nosed around a bit more, her bedroom hadn’t given much away and neither had her kitchen, but those had been the only two places he’d been able to linger.
Still, afterwards he thought that the whole situation might’ve stirred things up for them, what with her dickhead of a mate and his waking up in her bed. Because most girls either fell arse over tit wanting to get into his trousers, or rather a chance in the spotlight, whilst others ran headfirst through the nearest fire exit door. 
Mouse though, she was something else.
She kept him at arm's length, that was for sure. Made it clear she had boundaries, even if she was open to a bit of harmless flirting here and there. But he’d just put that down to her being more mature than most of the women he’d met. She was also dead set on them just being mates, and he could do that, really, he could. He had tons of female friends, ‘cause why not, right? So he knew he could hold back. He could.
Saying that though, Squeaks hadn’t just stuck around for a short time to live within the confines of his fame-covered umbrella and, honest to God, it was refreshing just how much she didn’t seem to mind the headlines nor the fans that came along with him. She loved his music, yeah, she’d made that part known- or at least their older stuff, bit mean- but that was it. She asked for nothing but his company. 
And even then, that had been all down to him. He had sought her out. Not the other way around. So he was always wondering over it, over why and over her.
Usually, people like that were hard to come by these days, or were simply playing the long game. He’d seen it happen plenty times before, not just with himself, but with his parents too, and other people within the industry. It didn’t feel that way with her though. It was why he’d been so reluctant to share her anymore than he already had, ie. Jamie and now Danny too, he supposed. Although the latter hadn’t really asked much after her since their night out, on the low now that he feared Jamie was after his head. Matty couldn’t muster up any sympathy. 
And during the last few weeks, he had practically forced his way into her life even further. Too scared that if he didn’t, if he relaxed, that she would just play it safe and walk away, and he wouldn’t have that. So, they’d gone from texting at all hours of the day to phoning most nights now that he had a set routine in London for a short while. And sometimes, if he was lucky, they would facetime and he’d feel his heartbeat pick up at the sight of her tired smile.
It was nice. 
Made him feel like a kid again, in truth. As though someone liked him just for being himself. His pushy, egotistical maybe, but simple self.
She’d probably rib him to bits if she could hear him now, all soppy like. But even so, he couldn’t find it in himself to take any of it back.
“Oi, loverboy! Gonna tell us what new model’s got you grinnin’ like that then?”
Matty’s head snapped up at the familiar lilt of George’s teasing voice, who was still seated in the cushy chair he’d long ago claimed but had since turned in to glance over at him.
“Nothing like that, dickhead.” And at George’s disbelieving hum, Matty rolled his eyes and tacked on, “Believe what you like, man. You finished sorting that section or not?”
George mimicked the action, though with less of his usual irritated flare, and cocked his head in the direction of his laptop. “Just about. Only gotta tune shit up now.” Then he glanced back at him, leaning in the chair with his hands linked across his front, “So are you going to finally tell us what’s had you so distracted lately? Feels like every time I see you you're glued to your phone. Not back on Twitter, are you?”
Matty glared at the mention of the app, because yes he was, but who the fuck was George to judge him for it? So he lied.
“No,” He scoffed just as his phone buzzed once more in his hand, it really was a great fucking struggle for him not to just go ahead and quickly check it. “Just scrolling. Why don’t you mind your business, egghead?”
It was a cheap shot, but all the questions had left him flustered. He was only fucking human, yeah?
“Ah, leave him be! It’s nice not to have him in my ear constantly.” Hann, the backstabbing twat, laughed and shot Matty an amused smile, as though that would lessen the blow. Matty rolled his eyes once more.
“Yeah, yeah. Can we get back to work now?”
George’s eyebrows rose a tad but he blew out a long breath and simply shrugged, “Whatever. Just let us know if it’s anything serious.”
Matty withheld the petulant urge to get all huffy with the lot of them and instead shoved his phone into his back pocket so that he could grab the neck of his guitar and not succumb to the overwhelming urge to have a peek.
Fucking overbearing glibs. Always wanting in on everything. 
Though he supposed he couldn’t blame them, not really, seeing as he’d kept them on the outskirts of his life for so long now. Always keeping secrets, that it was practically now his trade. But well, a drug addiction would do that, and it wasn’t like he could go back and alter things. 
This was a real change of pace for him, sure, but after all the crap that had come with the past year, Matty guessed that this couldn’t be easy for any of them either. It was definitely a shift.
He’d leave it. For now, at least. They could let him have this.
“Nah, nah, go and play that again.” Matty spoke up once he’d made his way back on over, listening to the loop Hann had just hit play on, “Who put that shit in? Sounds fucking awful!” And in turn, received a notebook to the head.
“... So yeah, Ads ended up putting the fire extinguisher to good use- our first go of it, too!” I felt the need to tack on, grinning at the very reminder of it as I filled up a pot to boil. “There was a crap ton of foam everywhere-”
“Language!” The woman admonished me from down the phone and I rolled my eyes around a faint chuckle.
“I’m twenty-three, mam! You can't scold me anymore and besides, I could have said a lot worse than crap, you know?”
She still tutted, displeased, “And what if Teddy were to hear? You wish for him to be spouting that the next time he’s at garderie?”
Shaking my head in amusement, I flicked on the hob and turned to pick the phone back up. “Nursery’s probably already heard it all.” I snorted, remembering the most recent mishap made by Teddy’s friend, Issie, when she had sworn in front of the entire school last assembly. “Anyway, he’s not even here! He’s been hypnotised by the tele.”
“I don’t think I will ever understand the charm behind that invention. It rots brains, ma mie!”
“Eh, so they claim.” I retorted with a meagre shrug whilst shuffling across the kitchen floor to find the pasta I'd left on the other counter, “But all it’s doing right now is keeping him out from under my feet whilst I make a start on tea.”
Even through the phone I could feel her exasperation.
“Et encore,” The woman stressed and I smiled mostly to myself as I propped my phone up against the wall again so that I could measure and still see her. She seemed to let the subject go though, because her next question was, “What are you making anyway?”
I told her and whilst I allowed her to direct me (and berate my cooking skills- even though I was her best student! As well as her only, I supposed) I prattled on about the rest of my day spent at the studio and then down at the shops after having picked up Teds from school. The little weirdo had tried to lure a pigeon in after us and failed helplessly. 
So it wasn’t too long before she finally interrupted my ramblings, in fact I’d almost finished with the sauce I was mixing.
“You’ve been glowing lately.” I heard her say and I grinned around the finger I had popped in my mouth, having just tasted the creamy béchamel.
“I am?”
She hummed quietly whilst I chanced a glance over at her, “Hm, it’s new, nice.”
I snorted, unsure on how to take that. “Thanks?”
My mum merely rolled her eyes mirthfully, a small smile flickering at the corners of her mouth, “Have you thought about Noël much more?”
Pursing my lips, I leant forward to check on the still boiling pasta- not long now, I deemed. “I dunno if we can make it, mam. Last time we took the boat out Teds was ill for days after and I don’t want him spending Christmas like that, especially seeing as I have to be here up until the twenty-third, the second if I keep praying!”
I paused instantly and rocked back on my heels to frown at her, having expected more of an argument. “Okay? What do you mean, okay? Do you not want me home or something?”
Mam just shook her head, chuckling quietly, and I felt the crease between my brows deepen. “Non! It just means that the plane ticket I bought won’t go to waste.”
Blinking, I spluttered out, “Hang on, plane ticket?? Since when do you fly!”
“Since I realised that nearly a whole year has passed since I last saw my family! Too long, mon cœur.” She shot straight back at me and I felt myself chuckle softly at her, feeling my heart swell enough to override the evident guilt that stirred.
“I’m sorry, maman. I didn’t mean for it to be so long, just…”
“Life, mon cher, life carries on and it keeps us busy. You most of all, with your show and the baby.” She consoled, her face so full of warmth.
“Hardly a baby now.” I felt the urge to mumble but she simply waved me off.
“As well as this new glow of yours!” She added, confusing me enough to laugh a little and question what she meant. “Don’t play me for a fool, chéri, I raised you! There is someone, isn’t there?”
“Someone?” I quipped right back, very much bewildered by this whole new conversation we were now having. “What are you getting at?”
She clucked her tongue at me, as though she thought I was just playing at being dense, and so I watched on as she lifted her eyes towards the ceiling. “Someone new! A mystery man, peut être?”
I gawped, spluttered, and then shook my head, “No, non! Far from! God, can’t a girl just glow? I’m just happy, maman!”
“Ah, so I am right! You’re blushing.”
“Am not!”
My mum merely laughed at my petulance in return. “You are, Souris! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, if you don’t want to tell me more then I will leave it, for now. It looks good on you though.”
“Maman.” I groaned, “You couldn’t be more wrong about this.”
“I know my own child, crois-moi.” Was all that she replied, shrugging simply whilst I stood frozen in my kitchen hundreds of miles away from her. I knew she wouldn’t budge though. “But I want to know more soon! Maybe when I visit.” She proposed.
My eyes widened and it took everything in me not to pester her any further on what the hell she’d meant by it all. Seeing someone? I mean, she was out of her mind. I hadn’t spared even a glance at anyone in that way since, well since Teddy! And she knew this.
“Now, you should probably do something about that pot, amour. It’s bubbling over.”
That was all I needed to force myself back into the present and I swore up a storm as I rushed over to save the pasta on the stove. 
“Did you see it? Did you see it? Did you see it?”
I reeled back at the sudden presence of an overwhelming Adi, who had shot up to greet me at the studio door as I walked in, curls bouncing every which way. I laughed, more than a little surprised by the intrusion as I attempted to step around her and get further inside. It didn’t work as well as I hoped though, seeing how she scuttled after me like a baby duckling who’d just learned to walk.
“Christ, Ads! At least lemme put my shit down.” I told her, all but skidding around the settee to throw my bag onto it. “Only just about managed to escape a Teddy Tantrum on the way in.”
Even with the mention of the almost meltdown from the monster that was my toddler she still powered on, bouncing on the balls of her feet, phone clutched tightly in the hand she held close to her chest. “But did you see it!” She pestered me, the stress and excitement of the situation evident in the pitch of her voice.
Looking at her, I knew I just had to put her out of her misery. “Yes, I saw it.” I smiled slyly, shaking my head fondly whilst I moved over towards the kitchenette. “Brew?” I wondered aloud and she shot me the most scathing look.
“Forget tea! There’s no time for tea! Are we doing it, or not?!” Adi immediately fired back, eyes now as wide as dinner plates.
I tried so hard to keep my growing grin from view, messing with the cups atop the fridge, but she was nothing if not adamant.
Breaking, I laughed at her and glanced over to where she stood an arms length away, practically ready to explode. “Why wouldn’t we be?” I asked and her mouth dropped open at the insinuation of my words and the hope she’d been attempting to hide blossomed into pure elation. 
“You’re serious? You’re not just messing with me? Because I will strangle you right here, right now!”
My eyebrows rose, but I was still grinning away. “I go down fighting, babe.”
“Don’t I know it- still have the scar from when we wrestled over who got to say the first hello to Bono!”
I grinned proudly but did remind her, “And I still have nightmares about your teeth buried in my left thigh.”
“Oi, that healed!”
I snorted, “And? The trauma didn’t.”
Adi rolled her eyes and then smiled over at me. “I can’t believe you’re actually agreeing to do this.” She breathed, watching me ever so closely now.
I shrugged, feeling a little sheepish but mostly just trying not to think about the circumstances of it all. “It’s for charity- and besides, they asked. I couldn’t say no, could I?”
A crease formed between her dark knitted brows, “You could. I know I’m excited and all but, if you’re not comfortable with it…” She trailed off and I hated seeing her all mopey and concerned, it rivalled Teddy’s best set of puppy-dog eyes. An art he’d mastered since before he’d been able to sit up on his own.
“I know.” I assured her kindly as I propped myself up against the counter, “I want to do it though, Ads. It’s for a good cause and whatnot. Plus, I’ll have you there with me and it’s not like we’ll be in front of any cameras.”
“Maybe not you, but I'm soaking it all up, babe!” Adi immediately retorted and she flicked her hair over her shoulder for dramatic effect, “A face like this was made to be seen.”
I smirked and continued with the task I’d set of refilling the kettle, “And who would I be if I denied the world that chance?”
“Exactly.” She said, then chuckled, moving across the floor to shoot two tea bags into the mugs I’d gathered. “Now, all we need to do is work out what to wear.”
“And what questions to ask! They said they’re still unsure on the lineup this year. What with it being all new and whatnot.” I mentioned, having been thinking on that specific issue since the ask had come through the previous afternoon. 
It wasn’t a huge gala type event, nothing like the Met or the Brits, but it was going to be a big showcase in the leadup to Christmas. Something that was going to help provide a lot to those who were going without this year. From what I’d gathered, there would be variety acts, musical performances, comedians, dancers and the like, and it was meant to be broadcasted across the entire country. So, to say this was a big deal for us. A radio show I’d started in my bedroom! Was a massive understatement.
“I mean, an actual red carpet, Mouse!” Adi finally squealed, letting loose all the obvious excitement she’d been holding in. “Come on, even you’ve got to be looking forward to that!”
I nudged her hip slightly as I went for the milk, silently rebuking that comment, but she just laughed in turn. “I am, to be fair. It’s going to be a whole lot different from what we’re used to though.”
Adi merely flashed me a bright eyed grin, “Exactly why we need to dress to the nines, babe! Gotta show these haughty celebs that we can roll with the likes of them.”
I cackled when she did and then shook my head, extra careful not to go spilling any of the hot tea we’d brewed as we made our way back over towards the settee. This was definitely going to be one for the books.
“You got all that?”
The others all gave their own variation of a confirmation to their stressy manager whilst Matty’s attention deferred, eyes jumping ever so quickly from one thing to another.
“Matty mate, you hearing me?”
A barge shook him in his stance and he turned towards Jamie and the rest of the guys with raised brows before he huffed.
“Yeah, yeah- album, smiles, don’t be a fuckhead.” He listed off, already glancing away.
Ross snorted over Jamie’s head, who in turn rolled his eyes at Matty’s blatant tone. “Don’t fuck this one up, it’ll be good for your image, alright?”
“We won’t.” Hann promised him with that gentle smile of his just as George clapped the older man’s shoulder, “Try not to have a heart attack before we make it to the end, man.”
“I’ll be fucking lucky.” Matty heard Jamie mutter under his breath just before they were herded off towards the start of the carpet where a shit ton of fans and a horde of cameras waited.
“You doing alright though?”
Matty hummed at the quiet question, dipping his chin ever so slightly. He was alright. It just felt different, being at something like this stone cold sober. It had been too long, in truth. Actually, he’d begun to wonder if he’d ever not been on something since they’d first shot up to fame and been forced to attend shit like this. He lingered on that very thought even as he replied.
“Fine, just thinking over the opening.” He clasped his hands before him to keep himself from fidgeting any more than he had been. He was always fucking doing it, drove people crazy, or so he’d been told.
“You’ll ace it.” Ross whispered to him around a conspiratorial grin, squeezing Matty’s upper arm once before they were all called into the onslaught by an usher. “Show time, boys!” He added and with it, Matty forced out a breath.
Stepping onto a carpet always felt like entering a whole other reality, whether it was a black tie event or something sweet and easy. There was just nowhere that you could possibly hide to escape the cameras or the shouts and cries of people vying for your attention. It was easy to follow their directions though, ‘Over here!’ or ‘To your left!’, but it was much harder to tune out the other shit that got thrown their way.
“Matty! Matty! How was rehab?” One shouted, “Are you lot breaking up then?” Went another. “George, where’s Charli? And the after party, what about the after party?”
Matty bared his teeth and grinned through it, knowing he’d only be making things more difficult for himself if he gave them any inclination that he’d heard, let alone a real reaction.
By the time they made it off the first half though, away from all the blinding lights and constant flashing, Matty didn’t even get a chance to regroup before he felt himself already being steered towards the next horde of press.
He dragged a helpless hand down his face, bracing himself as best he could, before dozens, if not more, interviewers came into view, all eager to get their questions in, maybe find a way to have someone slip up and earn themselves a column in some crappy rag or paper. 
Typically, he didn’t mind this part. Here he got to work his magic, charm and woo whoever it was standing behind the camera and then swiftly move on. It was everything he enjoyed in an interview; three, four questions max and then he was gone. Like smoke in the wind.
Matty smiled at the notion, then stepped up in between Hann and Ross to greet the first bloke who’d reached out for them.
Somehow he managed to persevere on through and make it nearer to the end. Normally it was there that they could evade most of the microphones stuck their way and make a swift exit into the awaiting building. But just as Matty opened his mouth to suggest it to the others, his eyes caught on something in the corner, or rather someone.
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah, it’s been a bit mental. But it’s over now though, mate.” Matty heard one of the others say in response to him as they clapped his shoulder heartily, but they obviously hadn’t realised that he hadn’t been moaning about the whole ordeal, not even moaning at all actually. No, he’d just been fucking shocked to the core and all but rooted to the red carpet in surprise and that was all the words that he could let escape.
Before he could think to correct them, or let them know, he somehow managed to unstick his feet and start hurrying in a whole other direction. They called out when they noticed but he paid them no mind, flicking at his blazer sleeves and then wiping his hands discreetly to get rid of that clammy sheen they always managed to create whenever he was on edge.
Because how could he not be? When Mouse was standing there at the very skirtings of the crowd, just behind a staged barrier. Her of all people. And Matty couldn’t quite manage to tear his gaze away. Sights set as he bulldozed on through people to get closer and closer. 
She looked incredible. There was no denying that. Different to whatever he’d gone and made up in his head- something to do with a romantic dinner and them being all dressed up- but beautiful nonetheless. He found it difficult not to wonder over how no one else seemed to be lured towards her, how nobody else had gone over and asked why she was standing on that side of the barrier and not with the rest of this sorry lot on the carpet. Because-
Fuck, she was just stunning in that getup. Wasn't she? All red and pretty. Cheeks matching the sleek colour of her dress, smile unapologetic and wide. It was honestly so fucking hard to chance a blink let alone look away, worried she might not be there at all if he did.
She was talking with someone though, who had their back to him, eyes flickering up every now and again to check on the celebs heading their way. Actually, it was just as she did so once more that those eyes of hers spotted him through the small crowd near the edge, making her stutter in her stance and blink as though he was a mirage.
Matty grinned, unable to do much else, except manage a hurried jog the rest of the way, just needing to be near, to talk to her.
“The hell are you doing here?” Were the first words to spill from her painted lips, causing his grin to slip on into a full-on beam. 
God, she sounded so startled, so sweet. He realised then that he’d actually missed her voice- and it’d only been a day since they’d last phoned. A short thing, before she had gone and fallen asleep to his senseless prattling, leaving him to watch her for a minute, or sixteen, before he’d finally hung up.
“Me! How about you?” Matty immediately countered, shaking his head at her cheek, “You never mentioned it.”
She smiled brightly, mouth moving but unable to form any real words, before she was swiftly interrupted, “You never mentioned it?!”
Her head snapped over towards the voice’s owner as did Matty’s, and he was rather bewildered to see Adi stood there, looking lovely in a white ensemble.
“She never mentioned it??”
He blinked at Adi’s almost screech, realising then that the girl had been speaking to him, and so he nodded hurriedly in answer, still grinning away at the eccentrics. “No, she fucking didn’t! So imagine my surprise, hey?”
“You cow!” Adi tutted, elbowing Mouse who looked a tad affronted by it all. “How could you not tell him?”
“I didn’t tell anyone!” She immediately countered, rubbing at her arm, “And anyway, I didn’t know he’d be here! Why are you here?” She looked at him then, eyes narrowed and nose wrinkled in angry confusion.
Matty couldn’t stop the soft snort that escaped him whilst she merely rolled her eyes in turn.
“Fine- stupid question. But you never mentioned it either!” Was her semi-sort-of-valid retort. He hadn’t mentioned it by name, he could admit that, just that he’d be busy tonight doing crappy promo shit.
“I did!” He argued anyway, because he couldn’t not with her.
“Did not!”
“Oh, and what have we wandered into here then?” Came George’s familiar lilt just as the rest of the band’s steady presence followed behind him, “Not starting catfights already, are you?”
Matty thinned his lips into an exaggerated smile when he turned to look up at him, “Hilarious. No, as it turns out I do have mates outside of you lot.”
George feigned a look of scandal then snapped his gaze over towards where Ross and Hann were standing, “You hear that? He’s gone and made friends all on his own!” Then, being the condescending prick that he was, he reached out to ruffle Matty’s previously styled hair.
Matty was quick to smack his arm away, huffing at the thought of what storm would now surely follow when their stylist finally caught a glimpse at the pictures of him looking a state. “She’ll kill me, you dick.”
Knowing just who he was referring to, George barked out an uncaring laugh. “Oh give over, you’ll survive.” Then he appeared to remember what had brought them over in the first place, looking away he asked, “And who might you be?”
Matty’s eyes instantly tracked Mouse, who got all flustered at having everyone’s attention suddenly on her. Her cheeks flushed further and her eyes skirted everywhere but them before they finally found his, he tried to flash her an apologetic smile. Thankfully, Adi was able to save her before Matty could think of a way out of this whole shitshow.
“Adeline Wells,” She was quick to introduce, heavy gaze flitting over George’s tall form before trailing back to the two stood behind them, “We’re from Mouse On A Mic.”
Hann appeared to blink in recognition, a flash of surprise donning his usually stoic features, but it was Ross that replied, “The radio show that rinsed Matty?”
“That was you?” George piped up, eyebrows reaching his hairline as he stared down at Adi.
“No actually, that would be me.” Mouse felt the need to clear up with a strained smile, lifting her hand as though her admission hadn’t captured all of their attention. 
George’s face wrinkled further and so Matty was hasty in his move to slip in between them, closing the distance between him and Mouse so that now only the sodding barrier separated them.
“And isn’t she just lovely?” He intervened with a grin, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and settling there even though the harsh metal prodded into his hip unforgivingly. 
George frowned in confusion whilst Hann smiled politely, dipping his head in a silent hello to both of the women. Ross on the other hand was a whole other story, he just started laughing.
“Oh shit!” He called out, hand falling to the top of his stomach whilst his mouth and eyes widened in amusement, “This is her, isn’t it?”
Matty’s own eyes grew as he shot Ross a warning look, feeling Mouse tense a tad beneath him.
Adi was having none of it though, eager to know more. “What about her?” She pivoted on a sleek heel to stare the pair of them down, eyes narrowed enough to instil a bit of fear into Matty himself.
Ross raised his hands up in a way that intended he’d meant no harm by the comment, “Nothing! Well, nothing bad at least.”
Adi raised a carved brow in retort whilst Mouse just turned to glance up at him, he humoured the thought of pretending not to notice it but couldn’t bring himself to even try.
“What’s he mean? I thought we moved past all that.” She murmured to him, looking so small under him now that he fought to wave all her worries away.
“No, no we did. Ross is just being a pillock, babe. In’t that right, Ross?” Matty’s words were pointed and direct enough that when the twat looked back over at him he saw the urgent look that headed a warning. 
Ross, though, simply rolled his eyes. “Nah, I just meant, you must be the model.”
Matty swore he was slowly losing it, was he being serious?
Meanwhile it seemed that both girls had taken to just blanching at the massive muppet. “Sorry?”
George tutted, shaking his head as he finally righted himself, and put on a charming smile, “Ignore him, that one’s on me.” He admitted and was quick to continue further when his words showed no signs of reassurance, “I figured Matty had to have been speaking to someone, seeing as he’s nonstop on his phone.”
“Well, er- no, no model, just me.” Mouse replied almost sheepishly, then chuckled faintly, “Or maybe there is a model and he’s just not mentioned it.” She teased, earning a few laughs.
“As if.” Matty rolled his eyes, squeezing her arm as he somehow managed to tug her in even closer.
“And oi! You’re ten times fitter than any model Ned Flanders here could pull.” Adi said, putting her two cents in.
Mouse merely rolled her eyes, obviously used to her mate’s brashness, and Matty found himself agreeing with Adi before-
“Hang on, Ned Flanders? Bit harsh, ain’t it?”
It was either Ross or George that snorted, could’ve been Hann too actually, but Matty was too preoccupied in his bemusement to steal a glance away from a very obviously smirking Adi. 
“Nah, she’s pretty spot on there, mate.”
“No one asked.” Matty sniped back before pointing over at the girl. But before he could get another word in edgeways, Mouse was there, patting his chest softly.
“Ah, it’s alright. Could’ve been worse actually.” She smiled at him, tittering ever so slightly that he didn’t feel too disheartened by it, “And besides, Flanders was fit! Had abs and everything hidden under that jumper of his.” Mouse tried to comfort him, though it was immediately spat on by Ross’s next sentence.
“Not gonna find that here, love.”
He was just shy enough to escape Matty’s swiping hand, jumping away with a gleeful grin to hide behind Adam. The coward.
Matty didn’t find much sincerity in the rest of them as he turned to glance them over, the guys all snickering to themselves, whilst Adi gave Ross an appraising look accompanied by a mirthful grin. 
He was only soothed by the action Mouse had made, having hidden her face in his shoulder. He was so transfixed on it that he practically forgot that the rest of them were even still there, especially when she lifted her face up to flash him a happy smile.
“Abs are overrated anyway.” She whispered to him, her chin propped up on the jut of his collarbone.
His eyes danced between hers and he found himself smiling stupidly in return. It was then though, that they were interrupted, “So come on! Ask us a question then!”
Matty watched her blink and then look away, whilst he only wanted to rewind and stay there a moment longer. Instead, he found himself swallowing around the lump in his throat and following her move.
“Yeah, go on!” He heard himself say and was almost regretful when Mouse stepped away to switch their camera on, feeling the wind more forcefully now that she wasn’t shielding his side. But then she was grinning again, eyes twinkling as she peered over at him, quirking her head to direct him further into the frame.
“Alright rockstar, this had best be better than our last interview.”
And Matty could only grin as he shouldered in closer to the rest of the lads, his eyes never once leaving hers.
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hondagirll · 1 year
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I posted 1,877 times in 2022
37 posts created (2%)
1,840 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,877 of my posts in 2022
#have you heard about queue? that's messed up right - 246 posts
#movies - 178 posts
#nancy drew - 123 posts
#cheers - 120 posts
#ted lasso - 114 posts
#bridgerton - 111 posts
#abbott elementary - 81 posts
#actors - 72 posts
#sam and diane - 60 posts
#gilmore girls - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#its them as friends but since they are both single you can also see the something more simmering underneath all their interactions
My Top Posts in 2022:
Well it happened. I finally got COVID. My parents tested positive over the weekend and I had dinner with them on Friday night before we knew it was the house of plague.
Yesterday was pretty bad, I had a high fever, sore throat, every joint in my body was achy. Today the achyness is gone but I'm still so tired. I've slept twice today and it's only mid afternoon.
And this is me vaccinated. I cannot imagine how bad I would be without the vaccine. My pulse yesterday was at 108 beats per minute and that was with me lying in bed and barely moving. It's scary stuff.
18 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Well I finally watched The Mummy (1999).
I get the hype now.
It was a rollercoaster of pure enjoyment from start to finish.
21 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
I can get over most shows (poor) choices that writers and directors make after a certain amount of time but it's been 8 years and I am still mad at the HIMYM finale.
I will be upset until I'm dead, apparently. This wound will never heal.
28 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
This is like a year and half after I promised I’d watch it but guess who finally started Nancy Drew?
I’m two episodes in and I LOVE IT. Nancy, Bess and George - I’m already digging their chaotic vibe together.Am looking forward to more
@jicklet @bethanyactually @heartunsettledsoul @acehardy @ whoever else on my dash watches this show
37 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I watched the trailer for the new Persuasion movie coming to Netflix and I have to say, I was not impressed.
Don't get me wrong, it looked cute and funny but Persuasion is not cute nor is it very funny. Persuasion is angst and regret and wondering "am I so altered that he does not recognize me?" Persuasion is watching the man you once loved flirt with your two friends and pretend you do not exist except he notices you are tired and deposits you in his sister's carriage before you can even make a squeak of protest. Persuasion is realizing that you two are strangers, worse than strangers actually because you can't be friends again and it hurts. Persuasion is a lot of missed communication, glances, doubts and heartache that lay at the base of every interaction Anne and Wentworth have. It's what makes the ending scene (THAT LETTER!) so good, we went on that long and winding journey with them.
I saw none of that in the trailer.
45 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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simpurnatural · 3 years
When I say “Winner’s!” You say “POV!”
“This is my first DSMP Football AU (SBI VS FB) FF ever posted! I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know if you want more. - Nat <3“ This is also loosely based on @/teefumz’s art on IG and Twitter! Go check her out!
Wide Awake (SBI)
Warning ⚠️: Cussing, 
Any writing errors? Point them out! Love some helpful feedback! <3
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“Touchdown by FB’s finest, Clay D! Feral High is ahead by three points!“ the commentator announces.
“Oh shit!” Cara says, watching the boys headbutt each other with glee.
“Give me an F! Give me an E!” Hannah shouts into the crowd, all of the cheer team shaking their pom poms.
“Give me an R! Give me an A! Give me an L!“ Alyssa yells as the people in the stands started shouting back.
“What does that spell?!” you holler, getting everyone in the stands riled up.
During the short intermission, Clay and Nick swap, and Ranboo and Tommy swap. You and Drista make your way over to her brother for a quick chat.
“You guys are doing really well out there,” you comment, the three of you watching everyone get into position.
“Oh come on now, it’s your guys’ cheering that’s getting us through it,“ Clay replied before taking a swig from his bottle.
“I didn’t walk over here for you guys to flirt,” Drista reminds, patting her brother’s shoulder, “Just make sure you win, I wanna keep my money.“.
“You took a bet?” You ask as the play begins “With who?” you question.
“Tommy. He thinks they’re gonna win,” she explains, pointing to the young blond out on the field.
“I mean Tech’s back in for the rest of the season since his wrist healed so they have a chance,” Clay hums with a bit of playful sarcasm in his voice.
Luke passes the ball to Nick who bolts his ass towards the end point. Tommy, however, catches up and pounces on him. Both sides of the stands oohed at the thought how much that might’ve hurt.
“Aah!“ Nick yelps, noticeably thrashing about “Get off me!“ he says as Clay stands up and runs onto the field.
Him and Techno trying to pull Tommy and Nick apart. That task seeming fairly hard since both captains almost almost gave up for a second.
“Is Tommy biting him?“ a voice asks, that voice belonging to Alex, who had somehow been quietly sitting on the bench this entire time. “What?” he says, noticing you looking at him up and down.
“Are you benched the whole game?“ you ask, realizing he hadn’t played yet.
“It’s fricken’ Bad dude. Called me a muffin-head for missing practice and said that I couldn’t play,“ he grumbles, nodding to the six-foot coach on the field.
“That’s okay,” Drista shrugs, “You kinda suck.“
“Quackity, you’re in!” Bad shouts a second later, Nick using George and Karl as a human crutch.
“Fuck yeah!“ Alex cheers, putting on his helmet and jogging towards the team.
“Do you think I’ll need to get checked for rabies, George?“ asked Nick.
“You only get rabies from wild dogs or something,“ George chuckles as the younger teen roles his eyes.
“Did you not see the teeth on that thing?” He asks in an disbelief, face painted with sweat.
“Oh we did.” Karl nods, helping him take a seat on the bench. “Very vicious,” he exaggerates.
“You doin’ okay SP?” you ask, looking at the half-ass wrapped bandage around his calf.
“Yeah,” he huffs with a pout like a sad dog, watching the rest of the team play without him.
At the end, after the game went into overtime because of a tie in points, Callahan helped bring home the trophy. Who silently basked in the praise and cheers as his friends tossed him into the air.
“That was a good game,” you say to Minx, a cheerleader from SBI High.
“It would’ve been good if we won,” she counters with a tired smile. “I’m pretty sure my right ear ‘s been blown out,” she adds.
“Oh. The crowd was a bit much?” you ask her, she let’s out an annoyance filled groan in response.
“No, Toby’s dad just kept yelling at our coach the entire time,” Niki explains, pointing to the six-footer with side burns and a ball cap.
“Poor Phil,” you chuckle as both teams go to shake each other’s hands.
As Tommy was going through the line, he let out an exaggerated sob with each shake. Wil and Jack right behind him, patting his back and shaking hands with the others. 
“It was his first game,” Lani mentions as you catch a glimpse of Drista running in the distance with a fistful of cash in her hand. “He’s taken it pretty hard,” she sighs.
As the stands started to clear and everyone began to leave, Clay and the rest of the team approached you and the cheer squad. 
“Hey fellas,” you grin, “Nice work out there,” you compliment with a wink.
“Really kicked ass,” Cara adds, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
“Thanks. You ladies coming to the party later or...?” Luke asks.
“Hmm,” Alyssa says, stroking her imaginary beard, “Maybe,” you all shrug. 
“Basically all of student body is gonna be there!” George says.
“You guys have gotta go,“ Karl whines.
“Why?” Drista blinked “Not much of a party person,” she sighs.
“Party is gonna be legendary, end of discussion.” Alex says briefly before they all turn to walk away.
“Hope to see you ladies there,” Nick hollers over his shoulder.
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Spell It Out (Oliver Wood x Reader)
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Request: could you do an oliver wood x female reader where they’re like friends and she’s really little (like thin and short and she’s insecure abt it by the thinks it’s cute) so he’s like kinda protective over her but she’s oblivious and idk maybe like he gets jealous or something (?) idk u can make the plot but they get together in the end and maybe it’s a lil steamy (?) thanks sm!!! i love ur writing 🥺
Pairing: Oliver Wood x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Heavily implied smut and maybe language? I’ll say language to be safe.
Word Count: 1652
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted! I really struggled with thinking I wrote Oliver too OOC. That being said... I apologize if this is too OOC >.< As always here’s a reminder that requests are still open! - S 
Oliver Wood took quidditch quite serious, and would never fault anyone else for doing so. His chest swelled with pride when he found his team already on the pitch practicing, before their scheduled time. Maybe it was that they’d be playing Slytherin next week that had them finally taking the game as seriously as he did (they were Gryffindor’s biggest rival). His chest deflated when he saw (Y/N) playing keeper. How could they let her play?!
It wasn’t that he didn’t like (Y/N), they were good friends. Fred and George often said it was quite obvious he fancied her. Maybe, that’s why he had such a problem with it, quidditch could be a dangerous game! Of course it wasn’t against the rules for students not on the quidditch team to play around on the pitch and fly, but it should’ve been... at least for her. His first game on the team he took a Bludger to the head 2 minutes in and was out for a week!
Oliver found himself just watching for a bit; annoyed but distracted, he was fond of her smile and the wind catching her hair. Well, he was fond of it until Fred was hovering beside her, both laughing as her smile grew. Oliver couldn’t hear what they were saying so he had to make it up in his head and he was irritated that Fred had the nerve to suggest such. Oliver was quite glad he heard George yell and break his trance, “MUM’S HERE NO MORE FUN AND GAMES!”
Oliver tried to seem normal, as they all settled down and got ready for practice. He brushed off a friendly greeting from (Y/N) and tried to ignore the thoughts of her all together while she put the broom away. It wasn’t going to be the easiest task, given the fact that she usually settled in the stands to watch them practice.
It was a brutal practice... he had the tendency to do that: take out his frustrations on the pitch. It was pretty obvious that he was having an off day, but the team knew it was best to just suffer through it and hope next practice he would be in a better mood. Poor Fred seemed to get the brunt of the abuse.
(Y/N) was a bit concerned. It’d been awhile since she’d seen Oliver work himself and them this hard and that was after a particularly hard run in with Marcus Flint. (Y/N) just worked on her potions homework and waited for practice to end. It ran longer than usual, and her worry only grew when she didn’t see Oliver exit the locker room with the rest of the guys. She waited a few minutes before deciding to just walk right in.
“Oliver, you still in here?”
Oliver’s eyes widened at her intrusion, he’d just gotten out of the showers and wore only a towel around his waist, “Bloody hell, (Y/N)! Just barge right on in, will ya?”
She rolled her eyes at his tone. “What’s wrong with you today?”
He thought about responding with a simple: nothing, but they knew each other too well for that. It wouldn’t work. “Why were you out there playing today?”
“Is that what you’re mad about? We were just messing around, practice hadn’t even started yet. It was just a warm up.”
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have been warming up with them.” Oliver approached her and as he sized her up, he really didn’t feel like he was being silly. She stood a good head or two (maybe three) shorter than him, and all around the girl was just tiny. A good gust of wind could’ve knocked her right off that broom, “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
(Y/N) was used to this, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating. She wasn’t a child, even though everyone seemed to think she was. It was rather disheartening actually to be treated like this by him... she wondered if she was a bit taller and a little more filled out if this was the conversation they’d be having while he stood before her basically naked. “Oh, sorry. I thought something was actually wrong, I wouldn’t have bothered had I known you were just being a git. It’s not different than you playing! You could get hurt, in fact out of the 2 of us you’re the one with more quidditch related injuries.”
Oliver ignored her, they wouldn’t reach an agreement on the subject anyhow. He decided to go in on something else bothering him, “What are you doing here anyways? I figured you’d be back in the common room with Fred or whatever.”
Fred? He was two years younger than her (granted you definitely wouldn’t realize that by looking at them) and sure he flirted with her. It was Fred, he was flirty and goofy. It was the boy’s personality and had nothing to do with anything. “Honestly, Oliver you are too much sometimes! You’re going to act like I’m a child and then turn around and act jealous in the same breath?”
Did she really think he viewed her as a child? That wasn’t it at all. Maybe he needed to get over himself and finally come clean. “I don’t look at you like you’re a kid... and you call me thick.”
“Okay,” Sarcasm dripped from her tongue, “You act like I can’t do anything for myself, you’re mean to any guy that pays me any mind, you hardly let me carry my books for myself!”
“And there’s no other explanation for that?” Oliver’s eyes widened in disbelief when she didn’t speak up. He’d called her thick as a joke, but maybe... “Oi! Just make me spell it out, why don’t you? I fancy you, (Y/N)!”
Oliver Wood just confessed attraction to her. Was it some sort of joke? (Y/N) obviously had a crush on him, plenty of girls in their year did. She felt a little silly for being so oblivious, but most guys adopted her as a little sister of sorts. She’d had a few boyfriends here and there, but it wasn’t like they were lining up for her. And there she stood shocked and confused, “If this is a joke it’s not very funny.”
Oliver chuckled at the girl, she was still there so that must’ve been a good sign. “I’m not joking.”
“Why would fancy me? You guys said I looked like a first year yesterday.” She crossed her arms. Of course she wanted Oliver to like her, but something didn’t seem to add up.
“That one was a joke! And I didn’t say anything I just laughed,” He defended himself, but he supposed that didn’t make him sound much better. “I like your size... I think it’s cute.”
Honestly, (Y/N) had grown tired of being called ‘cute’, but she didn’t mind it that much when he said it. There was only one logical response to this in her mind (although there probably were a few more ways in all actuality). She grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to one of the benches where she promptly stood on top of one. Oliver smiled a bit, catching onto her plan, "You know you could've just asked me and I would-"
(Y/N) cut him off, he was being annoying anyhow. Her lips crashed against his and Oliver immediately a wave of relief crash over him. The doubt that had still lingered in his mind was long gone and all that he could focus on was what happening. He'd held the desire to kiss the girl in front of him for so long and now that he could feel her lips against his, he didn't want to feel anything else.
(Y/N) placed her hands on his chest, firm and still damp (up until that moment she'd somehow forgotten about the lack of clothing he was wearing). She knew this was highly inapproptiate and if McGonagall had any idea what her two students were currently up to she'd have their heads.... or at least a month of detention and quite a few house points. Call it teenage rebellion or maybe just lust, but it only fueled the desire to keep going. Oliver felt the same and pulled her flush against him, his hands felt so large against her clothed body that she shuddered to think what they might feel like against her skin.
For a first kiss, it was quite efficient, their mouths moved in tandom like they like dance partners that had been working together for years. Before she even really aware of what she was doing, (Y/N) found herself shedding her clothes (Oliver helping her out), it wasn't long at all before she'd practically caught up with the boy. She stood before him in nothing but her knickers, and perhaps she might've felt a little embarrassed baring herself in front of one of her closest friends, but Oliver didn't give her much of chance to even think those silly thoughts before his hands and lips were exploring her body.
How they’d gone all this time without each other seemed like a mystery that couldn’t be solved at the moment. Oliver lifted her up, a task easily accomplished given her stature and his training, and instinctively (Y/N) wrapped herself around searching for stability that she easily found. She arched herself into him involuntarily when her back hit the cold wall; the action earning a groan from Oliver.
Fred and George waited and watched from behind the stands. When (Y/N) and Oliver both exited the locker room hand in hand and foolish grins on their faces, their faces lit up. Oh the material they’d have to torment them! Honestly they hoped the couple wouldn’t even bother trying to deny it, they didn’t seem to bother trying to cover it up, or at least the twins assumed by the state of their hair. “Georgie, you owe me a galleon!”
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callme-chaos · 3 years
Tommy SMP (DSMP)
H-hello? How did you get in here? Tommy doesn’t usually let randoms in. Uhhhhh lemme just consult the list real quick. What’s your name?
Huh. Doesn’t sound familiar. Buuuuuuut there you are. On the list. What’s your purpose here then, pal?
A tour? Well, the person who usually does the tours is out in the moment… But I guess I could show you around. If you would like to follow me – yeah just ignore the holes and stuff. They’re just remnants of a couple of wars we’ve had.
What kind of wars? Bro, where have you been?
Not from around here? Evidently. Well, first there was the Disk Wars. You see, Dream had these cool disks but Tommy really wanted them, you know? And this is /Tommy SMP/ and not /Dream SMP/ after all so there was all that. Then there was this Quackity kid who tried to start a nation and Tommy didn’t really like the look of that. And so Tommy and this Ranboo guy decided to blow it all up – I don’t remember the details. You see, I’ve been away… uhhhh… travelling so I don’t really see too much of what goes on here. That and I seem to be forgetting a lot of things… I really should fix that-
Huh? You’re confused. Buddy – I haven’t even told you about the Egg yet!
Yeah! An Egg! I can show you it right now actually. Just follow me.
The vines? Yeah! They’re a nice shade of blue but they’re a real pain to cut down, you know? They just seem to grow back stronger. Now, just pop down this hole here – yeah just straight down.
Oh! Ah. I really should have warned you about the fall damage, huh? I’m sure we can pop into George’s bakery later and fix you up. Providing George is in his bakery… He stopped baking a while back.
Why? I don’t actually know. I’m not really too involved in the politics around here (travelling and all that) buuuuut I heard a rumour that him, Ranboo, Charlie Slimecicle and Technoblade have started like a secret club. Not sure exactly what they do but if Ranboo is involved it can’t be good. Anyways! Here’s the Egg. Don’t step too close though – I’ve heard it has some serious manipulative powers. Niki’s best friend Foolish got transformed by it the other day. She was quite upset. I think she runs a cult in the Egg’s honour with Ponk or something now. She’s nice but pretty scary when she wants to be, I’ll tell you that much.
The Egg is giving you weird vibes? Yeah. You and me both. The blue is giving me shivers actually. Shall we continue our tour elsewhere?
Next? Hmmmmm. I know! I’ll take you to Hannah’s castle and museum. They’re a great tourist spot! Follow me.
Yes we have a museum! History has been made here on the SMP, I’ll have you know. This SMP was founded by the Tommy Team made up of the hot-headed, dashingly attractive Fundy; the greatly popular, widely enjoyed Bad Boy Halo; and, of course, the 1000IQ man himself, TommyInnit. Though, Tommy… hasn’t been about much… lately… not since… you know…
Well, if you don’t know I hardly have the time to explain now! (I’ll maybe show you later if we have time…) Anyways! Here we are: Hannah’s museum. This miserable little dark room here is a recreation of L’Manberg’s Final Control Room. Back in the first L’Manberg verses Greater Tommy SMP war, L’Manberg’s founding fathers (Schlatt, Sapnap, President Quackity and Vice President Dream) were all betrayed by a member of their own battalion: Hannah-Rose. They were dark times, kid.
You want to know more about President Quackity and his right hand man Dream? Well, they were incredibly close – practically brothers. They both went through a lot together. Until Quackity finally blew up L’Manberg and was subsequently killed by his own father, Charlie Slimecicle.
I didn’t say they were dark times for nothing, you know? Dream took it harder than anyone. And Tommy took the opportunity to traumatise and manipulate the fella further. Tommy even managed to convince Dream’s best friend, Schlatt, that he was the root of all problems on the SMP.
We couldn’t believe it either. Dream did have one friend, Ranboo, for a while. But they ultimately disagreed on their ideas of justice and went their separate ways.
Sad times, indeed, kid. Anyways, where to next… Oh! Hello, Eret! How are you doing?
Ah. He’s busy. Off being cracked at bed wars I suspect.
What’s the big black building over there?
Uhhhhhhhh… Have you seen HBomb’s hotel? It’s great this time of year! Just this way, matey. Technically it belongs Dream but HBomb briefly took it over. There was some kind of dispute between the two guys – nobody here really takes HBomb that seriously. (Personally, I blame the ancient skin he still wears. Kid really needs an update, you know?)
That? Oh, I suppose you can still see some of the remnants. That used to be Punz’s UFO. Someone blew it up but I’m not entirely sure who…
How do I know it was blown up? Look, I’m just taking Quackity’s word for it.
He did die but then he was recently brought back to life. He spends most of his time with Dream outside Las Nevadas.
Las Nevadas is basically the Tommy SMP version of Las Vegas. It’s pretty cool actually – wanna check it out?
Cool! We’re actually heading in the right direction for that anyways. So, where are you from?
Yeah, I gathered you weren’t from around here but where are you actually from?
…Not gonna tell me? Fine. So be it. You sure are a mystery, huh?
I’m not flirting! I just- I… Ah! Look at that! We’re already here! It’s pretty dramatic, right?
You should see it at night. Everything lights up and it is magnificent.
It belongs to Wilbur. He’s the head honcho around here. He’s here alongside Puffy and Phil. Oh! Speak of the devil, if you squint a little bit you can see Phil down there now, bouncing around. He’s a cutie really – though his puns do get tiresome.
What do you mean “you don’t get tired of puns”?
…Are you human?
…What a terrifying answer. Okay! Moving on!
I’m aware that it’s one of the ugliest structures in existence – but you can’t blame Wilbur and Las Nevadas for /that/ abomination. That’s what Quackity and Dream installed last time they were here together.
I know it’s phallic but you don’t have to say that out loud! Come on, man, have a little class.
That up there? That’s Schlatt and Techno’s “cookie castle” as I like to call it. When Dream was exiled, Schlatt met Techno and they started getting really close. They’re everybody’s favourite couple now. I think it’s a friendship that will last a long time, you know? They seem to have a lot in common.
Like what? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh They’re both American?
Look, if you know, you know.
Alright! Next – shall we have a change of scenery? Las Nevadas can get quite… heated, so perhaps we can give the snowy biome a visit, yeah? Now, when we get there it’s important to tread carefully: the forest is enchanted, practically everything there will eat you and, worst of all… Ranboo lives out there.
Ranboo? He’s a terrifying force of nature. I heard he slayed an entire army all by himself, owns a pet polar bear and he helped Tommy take down the entirety of L’Manberg. Ranboo and Tommy – they’re one formidable duo.
No no! There’s no need to be afraid! Apparently Ranboo’s arsonist days are over and he has his carer Charlie Slimecicle watching over him so he’s been relatively quiet recently. I like to think their neighbour Technoblade has been a good influence on them both.
Technoblade is a gentle soul. Poor kid just wants to make everyone happy, you know? I wish everyone was more like Technoblade sometimes – the world would be such a different place…
Nah, nobody can really sleep soundly – not when Antfrost and Purpled are still out there. The Eggpire and Las Nevadas never really rest when it comes to their members. Oh! But by far the worst person to come across – the real reason I haven’t slept in weeks on this server – is… Oh. Oh dear. I think I’ve summoned him. Walk this way – quickly! – and don’t make eye contact…
…Alright, no need to look at Jack like that.
Jack Manifold in a cat-maid- no. Don’t make me lock you up in Pandora’s Vault along with- uhhhhhh.
Forget I said that. Speaking of Skeppy, he built Schlatt and Techno a beautiful mansion around here somewhere-!
He also built an extraordinary diamond sculpture a while ago-
Please no.
…I guess you leave me no choice then, huh? I guess, I can show you the prison – but we have to be really, really careful, okay?
Who’s inside? Well…
I didn’t forget! It just… Tommy. Tommy is in the prison right now.
Well, of course I didn’t want to tell you! It doesn’t really look good on the server when the person its named after is locked up for life for doing unspeakable things.
No! I’m not gonna tell you what unspeakable things he did – it wouldn’t make them unspeakable then, would it?
…I don’t believe anyone else is in there, no. Why?
Ranboo? Nahhhhhh! Ha ha! What do you know, you silly goose! Well, before we go into the prison, we’ll have to get Puffy’s permission. She’s really strict about who she lets in and out of the prison and takes her role as prison warden very, very seriously. No one has ever died or been injured or brought back to life or wrongly imprisoned while the prison has been in her care.
What do you mean – “not convincing”? If you don’t trust my word, then that’s a /you/ problem.
…The prison is this way. Now, when we get in let me do all the talking… You know what? Perhaps you should stay outside. I’ll go in, talk to Puffy and try to get permission to go in – but I make no promises, understand?
…Alright, wait here.
Puffy said no.
No, it was a pretty definitive no actually. Wh-where are you going?
You can’t! Puffy hasn’t given you permission!
There’s nobody in there /to/ save. Tommy deserves to be in there-
There is nobody else in the prison!
You’re insane.
No, I won’t let you.
…I don’t think so, matey. Feel that sharp object between your shoulder blades?
I figured you did. That’s my sword. I am not afraid to push it through your chest if it means keeping you out of that prison. Understood? Now, step away from the prison.
Thank you.
…I think that concludes our tour. Perhaps it’s best you- oh! Karl is here! Karl Jacobs! Over here!
Yeah. He doesn’t talk ever but he’s still a great guy, you know?
Oi. Wave back. It would be rude not to wave back.
My name? Oh my goodness! I totally forgot to introduce myself! (Though, you never really asked until now anyways…)
It’s okay! I know I talk a lot – it can be difficult to get me to shut up sometimes – ha ha!
My name is Callahan.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
A Peaceful Birthday - Erik Lehnsherr x Male!OC
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Fandom: X-Men
Pairing: Karmel Rosenstein (OC) x Erik Lehnsherr
Warnings: Gay, Fluff, OOC Erik but that’s just because he’s happy, Swearing, NSFW insinuations,
Notes: If you’re seeing this, that means it’s September 16. In other words, Karmel’s birthday! So happy birthday to this dumbfuck, I love him so much. Hannibal references below.
Karmel stared down at the desk calendar on his bedside table, tugging the sleeves of his grey sweater. “September sixteen...” He barely whispered the date, re-reading it again and again. “Birthdays are overrated.”
An arm wrapped around Karmel’s waist from behind, Karmel feeling someone’s chest press up against his back. Their other hand cupped his face, turning it to make him face the right.
Karmel met eyes with Erik, smile shining like the sun.
“Happy birthday, my love.” Erik greeted, quickly kissing Karmel.
“Birthdays aren’t that bad.” Karmel immediately thought. “Thanks, buttercup.” He giggled against Erik’s lips, then feeling something cool slide onto his finger. Karmel looked down, seeing a silver, metal ring on his right ring finger. He cooed softly, looking back up at Erik.
Erik, who had pulled away from Karmel and was now offering him a rose. “I also have George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm waiting in your library, along with a few of William Faulkner’s works; I know how much you like them.” explained, tugging on the collar of his black turtleneck. “With pretty covers.”
Karmel took the rose, twirling it between his fingers. “You’re doing too fuckin’ much.”
“I feel like I’m not doing enough, actually.” Erik shrugged, sitting down on the bed. “I don’t know how many gifts could amount up to what you’re worth-”
“Erik,” Karmel laughed, turning away for a moment.
“I’m serious, Karmel” Erik urged. “I don’t know if any will ever be enough.”
Karmel looked down at Erik. “Y’know what, no amount of gifts in the entire fucking world will ever be enough. But y’know what would be enough?”
Erik blinked his gaze up at Karmel, a slight smile growing onto his face. It was just barely noticeable. “Now you’re the one who’s doing too much.”
Karmel put the rose down on the bedside table, moving to stand directly in front of Erik. He started to slowly crawl onto him.
Erik leaned further and further back, stopping when he was leaning on his elbows. He looked up at Karmel. “I quite enjoy this view,” Erik flirted, using Karmel’s suspected embarrassment to his advantage by flipping them so that it was now him pinning Karmel down. “But I like this one so much better.”
Karmel kissed his teeth, covering his face with his hand in a poor attempt to hide his blushing state.
Erik chuckled and got up, outstretching a hand to pull Karmel up with him. He slid an arm around Karmel’s waist, his other hand holding Karmel’s. 
Karmel tossed his free arm straight over Erik’s shoulder. Though he always enjoyed holding Erik’s hand, he pulled his hand away to snake around the back of Erik’s neck and hold his own forearm.
Erik had both hands around Karmel’s waist, but both of his eyes lay on Karmel’s lips.
Long enough for Karmel to notice. “Are you staring at my lips again?” He questioned.
Erik grinned lazily, dropping a hand.
“Honestly, Erik-” Karmel’s tone sounded either annoyed, tired, used to it, or somewhere in between. No matter how negative he may have sounded, he didn’t mind where Erik’s attention was currently focused; he never did.
Erik let go of Karmel, sliding past him and sitting on the bed.
Karmel turned around, watching Erik lean his back against the headboard, his legs straight out. He still couldn’t believe that this man in front of him was the reason he’s finally having a peaceful birthday for the first time since before his parents died.
His feet almost touched the foot of the bed.
Karmel crawled onto Erik, straddling him and putting his hands on his shoulders. He slowly rubbed Erik’s shoulders, “y’know what else would be enough?”
Karmel looked at Erik with blue puppy-dog eyes and a pout, hands slowly dragging down Erik’s chest. He watched as they got closer and closer to Erik’s crotch.
Erik caught on quickly, swiping Karmel’s hands away. He tutted softly, wagging his finger. “We’re saving that for later, darling.” Erik told, kissing Karmel’s neck. “Riling you up throughout the day is fun, I consider it free entertainment.”
Karmel whined, automatically tilting his head up. “C’mon, Erik. It’s my birthday, I shouldn’t have to wait.” He complained. 
Erik repeated his earlier actions by flipping them, pinning Karmel down once again. “Keep whining and pouting, dear, see where that get’s you.” He whispered, holding Karmel down with a mischievous glint in his darkened eyes.
Karmel’s eyes went wide with what could be fear; mark him down as scared and horny. His lips parted a bit, breath becoming heavy as he stared up at Erik. “Sh-Should I fuckin’ say ‘please’ or something?” Karmel suggested. His experience of Erik’s attention is so profoundly harmful, yet so irresistible, it undermines his ability to think rationally.
Basically, Karmel likes Erik so much it actually makes him stupid. 
Erik had an amused grin on his lips, eyeing Karmel intently. He raised his eyebrows, a knowing look in his eyes.
Karmel rolled his eyes, groaning silently. “I need you, Erik.”
Erik waited patiently.
Karmel huffed. “Please.” The begging in his tone was crystal clear to both Erik and himself, only making him that much more needy to get what he wanted today.
Erik scoffed. “There, now was that so hard?”
“You shouldn’t be addicted to riling me up, you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up.” Karmel grumbled.
“You wanna fuck me so bad, it makes you look stupid.” Erik teased.
“Now c’mon,” Karmel whimpered, “I said please, give me what I want.”
“And also because it’s your birthday?”
“Duh, because it’s my birthday.” Karmel reminded.
Erik smiled. “How can I say no to that, darling?” He rhetorically asked. “You can relax, now, Karmel; you’re in good hands.”
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weasleyheir · 5 years
Double Trouble
Pairing- Weasley Twins x Muggle-Born Reader
Length- 1,501
Warnings- none slight bullying
Summary- Name Soulmate AU, future soulmate’s last name is written on your inner left wrist. You’re friends with the golden trio. Closest with Hermione but you are worried over the fact you both have the same last name on your wrists. 
Y/N - your name Y/H - your house Y/L/N - your last name
You walk slowly through the halls trying to not think about your destination, Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Which just happens to be your worst subject. You’ve always preferred Advanced Transfiguration's. 
“Hey Y/N”
Hermione’s voice rings out clear as a bell. You turn to see her jogging wanting to catch up with you.
“Hey Hermione”
The two of you sit down pulling your thick books out immediately getting ready for the start of class. Ron and Hermione have been together for a few months now after she revealed her soul mate mark to him. You on the other hand have never showed your mark to anyone before. The soulmate mark on your wrist is always on your mind, often you find it hard to think about anything else. 
Spelled out in a beautiful script fits perfectly on your wrist, but seeing it often scares you. You’ve quickly figured out that of all the Weasley’s Ron was not your soulmate. Printed on his wrist clearly state Granger, but you’ve never had a chance to meet any of his siblings before. It could be any of them and there are so many on top of that!
Lots of students share the names on their wrists in the hopes of figuring out their soulmate, you on the other hand tend to keep to yourself. You don’t want your friends to see the name on yours when you are feeling so insecure about it.
Class finishes as quickly as it had started, you having not paid attention to a single part of the lesson at all.
You and Hermione walked towards the dining hall. Laughter fills the halls after a large bang the two of you turn to look towards the sound only to see the Weasley twins causing a ruckus with one of their pranks once again. 
“Every time those boys are loud you know you’ll find trouble” Hermione exclaims with annoyance in her voice. 
You don’t even turn to look at her, as your eyes are stuck on the boys with matching, messy, bright orange hair. You can feel the heat rush to your face. Hermione taps you on your shoulder getting your attention. 
“What has gotten you so distracted today?”
“Do you know the name of their soulmate mark is?” You ask her in a low voice.
“The twins? Why? It’s not like they are your? Wait?” Hermione looks at you with heavy suspicion in her eyes “What name is your mark anyways? You’ve never shown me before” She pauses collecting her thoughts. “It’s not you have ever spoken to them before right? They don’t even know your name”
“Yeah so what?” The two of you find your seats seeing Harry and Ron are already waiting for you both. You sit down next to Harry as you always do as Ron and Hermione sat across from you.
“What’re you guys talking about?” Ron quickly asks.
“Nothing” you say in too loud of a voice that starts to catch the attention of other Gryffindors. You notice the twins sneaking into their spots not too far away from you.
“We were talking about our soulmate marks”
“Hermione!” you yell at her hoping that the conversation soon comes to an end.
“Now that I think about it I’ve only ever seen Hermione’s” exclaims Ron “Harry what’s yours?”
“Oh uhh.. It’s um it says Weasley actually” Harry mumbles
“Oh! We match” Hermione pipes happily.  
“Yeah we all seem to match” you spit out bitterly realizing that there is one more person who can take another one of the Weasley’s from you.
“What” “What” “What” all three of your friends yell at the same time.
Now everyone is looking at you giving you way more attention then you have ever needed. Your eyes start to dart around the giant table immediately finding what your were looking for. Both of the twins eyes lock with your, quickly you blush and look away. Ron reaches over the table grabbing your wrist, before you have a chance to process what he is doing your soulmate mark is laid bare for everyone to see. ‘Weasley’ is clearly printed for everyone to see. You glance over to Fred and George wishing for them to have lost interest and not been looking. To your demise they had seen it. 
You’ve never before spoken a single word to either of them and now you have their complete attention on you. The two of them continue to observe the conversation without involving themselves, you can tell they are just watching to see how things played out.
“Ron have you seen any of your siblings marks?” Harry inquires wanting to solve his own curiosity about his mark.
“No we’ve never shared the names of our marks with each other”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore” you say peeling your arm back out of Ron’s hand. “I think it’s time for me to go to bed. I’m very tired” you stand up leaving the table as fast as you can, basically running at this point. You feel the eyes of the Weasley’s on your back but you don’t dare attempt to look back. Not noticing Fred and George starting to follow behind you. 
You’re basically running through the halls, without looking you hit something, and you hit it hard. Landing with your back on the ground, you look up to see Draco standing in front of you backed by a group of Slytherins. He’s given you plenty of trouble before for being muggle-born, even to go as far as to call you out on being muggle-born. He has made you cry multiple times before but today was different, you were already close to the verge of tears after the conversation during dinner.
“Well, well, well, if isn’t the poor little mudblood Y/L/N”
“What do you want Malfoy” you manage to say with your voice shaking heavily as you begin to feel tears stream down your face. 
“Bugger off Malfoy” George says startling everyone.
Fred and George step in between you and Draco. You look up to the boys, vision slightly blurry, you wonder why the two of them are defending you in the first place. You’re aware that the Weasley’s don’t share the same view on muggle-borns as the Malfoy’s do even if both their families are pure-blood wizards. 
“Whatever Weasleys you should know better than to patronize with mudbloods”
“Call her that one more time and you’ll be punched in the face harder than last time” Fred warns as George starts to laugh thinking of Hermione’s story of a few years back.
Draco leaves with a huff. The rest of the Slytherins following behind right on his heels.
George helps you to your feet. You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Come on, let's go to the common rooms” Both of the boys lock arms with you on each side, making it impossible for you to get away from them. You reluctantly let yourself be pulled along by these beautiful boys. 
Walking into the Gryffindor common room the boys finally release your arms taking their heat away with them, and you wish for them to be beside you again. You sit down on the couch closing your eyes trying to make yourself as comfortable as you can, even though you can feel their stares on you. Fred sits down on your left and George sits on your right. You’ve stopped crying for a while now. Finally you open your eyes and look from one boy to the next, curious as to what they’re doing.
“What did Draco call you?” asked Fred
“You know what mudblood means” you say quietly
“He meant say your name again”
“Y/N, Y/L/N” you give George a questioning look
At the same time both boys revealed their left wrist to you putting their hands in your lap. Easily you can read Y/L/N on each of the boys wrist. No thoughts were forming in your mind, it was completely blank. You couldn’t think. 
You stumble through your words struggling to get a full sentence out. “But.. but both of you?”
“Yes we’re both your soulmate” Fred and George say in unison. 
Hugs come from both sides and you’re wrapped in warmth. There isn’t words to describe the happiness you feel at this moment. You’ve finally found the one or the ones. 
“But we’ve never spoken a word before now”
“Then I guess we should start huh?” George suggests voice full flirting.
“I’m a muggle-born though’
“You know we wouldn’t care about that” George continues, getting closer.
“Besides that just means our dad will approve even more” Fred explained
Before you realized both boys are close enough that you can feel their breath on your face. Each planting a kiss on your cheek, you blush as red as a rose, and the boys burst into laughter.
“Oh this is gonna be fun” smiles Fred.
“Agreed” George says through his teeth.
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avengerofyourheart · 6 years
Flour Girl {10} (Bucky x reader)
Characters: reader, Bucky (Jimmy), Wanda, Clint, George Barnes.
Summary: Discovering the cute guy you just flirted with is the heir of a rival bakery, you suddenly find yourself running into him all over the city. Can your small boutique bakery compete? And how do you deal with the guy who seems determined to make your life a living hell? Luckily you’re distracted by a secret admirer…But who is he? (Inspired by “You’ve Got Mail”, Enemies to Lovers)
Warnings: none! Mild swearing?
Word Count:  3.3k
A/N: Alright, my darlings!! I hope you’ve recovered from the last chapter. ;) So what do you think? Does Jimmy have what it takes to win her back? Will she let him? I guess we’ll find out! :D This part is pretty packed, I hope you’re ready! Thank you all for your comments and screaming and tears and I’m sorry about your poor hearts! I hope I can begin to mend it. :) As always, any feedback is appreciated!! I adore you all. <3
<<Part 9   Part 10   Part 11>> 
Flour Girl Series Masterlist
Full Masterlist
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Cringing as your alarm sounded the next morning, you shut it off and laid still a few minutes while staring at the ceiling. It felt exactly the opposite from yesterday morning’s energy and excitement. What a difference 24 hours could make. Feeling the heaviness in your heart and the tired ache of your bones, you finally rolled out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom. The mirror reflected your swollen, red eyes, so you splashed cold water on your face and went about your day.
It all seemed a bit ridiculous to be so distraught, since you hadn’t known B for very long. In fact, you didn’t know him at all and now you doubted you ever would. Your mind flickered to the text message you received last night, wondering why he was unable to show up or give you any sort of notice until then. He was still there, meaning you could still text but for some reason, meeting in person wasn’t going to happen. Your heart clenched at the thought of opening yourself up again.
Could you forgive him? Was it even worth it to continue corresponding? You felt the sadness and embarrassment of sitting in the cafe alone while watching the clock tick. Shaking it off, you got ready for your day and headed down the stairs to work. No matter what state your heart was in, there was always work to be done.
Later as you finished boxing your pastries for delivery, you thought about your last scheduled stop at the Nest. Your stomach clenched at the memories of what took place there yesterday. The thought of seeing Jimmy again made your shoulders tense, wondering how he would react after your outburst. You didn’t regret what you had said because every word was true, but doing it in a public place, especially at Clint’s place of business, gathered some warmth in your cheeks. You’d have to apologize when you saw him. Clint, not Jimmy. The cocky brunet didn’t deserve another moment of your time.
Waving goodbye to Wanda, you hopped in your car and headed out to deliver. As you later approached the Nest, you spotted the Barnes Bakery van in the closest parking spot once again.  Surprise, surprise. Pushing through the door with boxes in hand, you braced yourself to see Jimmy at the counter, but instead, there was an older man laughing and joking with Clint. You stopped short to see the man was on the taller side, his dark hair thinning on top. He had a kind, weathered face, youthful eyes, and was wearing a Barnes Bakery t-shirt.
Reaching the counter you set down your boxes and Clint’s attention turned to you.
“Y/N, good morning! Have you met George Barnes, the owner of Barnes Bakery?” Clint indicated to the man beside you.
It all clicked then, seeing the family resemblance between Jimmy and his father. “No, I haven’t. Good morning, Mr. Barnes. I’m Y/N from City Sweets Bakery. Thank you so much, again, for the flour yesterday,” you mentioned, offering your hand.
Mr. Barnes accepted it and placed his other warm palm over your joined hands. “It’s my pleasure, Y/N. And please, George is just fine. It’s so nice to meet you and Clint in person, finally. I don’t get out of Brooklyn often these days, but when Jimmy said he was sick, I thought I’d offer to deliver,” the man smiled warmly.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, too, George,” you replied, returning his smile. “Thank you again, I will return that bag of flour when I receive mine tomorrow,” you assured him.
He shrugged, unconcerned. “No rush, I know you’re good for it. Well, I better get back. Seems we’re short-staffed today. Good to meet you both,” George waved as he headed for the door, leaving you and Clint at the counter.
Clint stared after him a moment and you followed his gaze. “Nice guy. Too bad about Jimmy, though. Hope he gets better soon.”
“Yeah…” you trailed off, then turning back to the sandy-haired man. “Listen, I’m sorry about yesterday, Clint. I didn’t mean to make a scene here, it was rude and unprofessional and I apologize.”
The man finally met your eye, then taking in your contrite expression. “What, you getting into it with Jimmy?” he asked and you nodded in reply. “That’s okay, I like a little afternoon drama. So…I take it he wasn’t who you were here to meet? The guy didn’t show?” he asked in concern.
You took in a shuddered breath, shaking your head. “No.”
Clint place a hand over yours on the counter. “I’m sorry. I know you and Jimmy have a bit of tension there, so him showing up along with being stood up…I don’t blame you. Guy’s an idiot, by the way,” he gave your hand a squeeze before turning his attention to the pastries.
You were grateful for that, since your eyes seemed to be prickling with the threat of tears. Not now, you told yourself while clearing your throat. “Thank you.”
Clint signed the paperwork and you were on your way.
The following morning, all was going smoothly as usual but as you drove slowly toward the Nest, looking for a place to park, the strangest thing happened. Just as you were approaching, you noticed the Barnes Bakery van out front was about to drive away. The driver stuck his head out the window briefly and you saw that it was Jimmy, who just gave a small wave and drove away, leaving the spot empty for you. Quickly, you pulled to the curb and parked, but…what was that?
Pausing only briefly, you got out of the car and grabbed the boxes to deliver. A quick conversation with Clint and you were back on the road within 5 minutes. Wow. Amazing how a good parking spot can improve your morning. Thanks to your good fortune, you made it back to the bakery just in time to see Sam pull up in his delivery truck with all your ingredients. It was the start of a pretty good day.
Later that morning, you thought about B. You had kept yourself busy yesterday to avoid thinking about all that had happened and the hole his lack of texts had left in your life but he drifted to the forefront of your mind today. You hadn’t heard from him again, but his last text had left it in your hands. If you wanted to keep interacting, then it was up to you. As you sat down at your desk for the first time that day, a thought occurred to you so you pulled out your phone. You stared at the single letter “B” at the top of the open messages and nervously began to type. Before you could stop yourself you hit send.
FG: Are you okay? I mean….you’re not dying or anything, right? Cause if I’m mad at you and find out you had some life-threatening disease or something and you’re shielding me from it, that would suck.
Waiting a few seconds, those three dots popped up quickly and your heart caught in your throat. The thought had occurred to you that there might be a specific reason why B hadn’t shown up and your brain went directly to “worse case scenario”. You couldn’t let go of your concern, so you asked, point blank without greeting. His reply arrived.
B: Yes, I’m fine. No, I’m not dying, nothing like that. I’m sorry that I’ve left you wondering but even the truth wouldn’t make much sense right now. Again, I’m so sorry.
You felt a rush of relief as you read his words, noticing that he was still typing a second message. At least now you knew your worst fear had not come to fruition. That ache in your heart remained, but somehow you still felt that little swell of joyous anticipation as you awaited his response.
B: It’s really good to hear from you. And the fact that you were still concerned about my well-being is further proof that I probably don’t even deserve to have you as a friend. Regardless, I hope we can still talk.
Biting your lip, you considered how best to reply to that. It seemed like he really did feel terrible about what happened. You needed one more promise from him, though, just for your own sanity.
FG: You’ll tell me eventually? Everything?
B: Yes. In time.
Another deep breath.
FG: Okay.
You left the conversation there and went back to work. It felt quite like it had in the beginning because you felt that need for caution once again. Might seem like a step backward, but it was a start.
After paperwork and checking in with Wanda, you headed out for some afternoon errands. One stop even took you outside the comfort zone of your usual 5 to 6 blocks, but the benefit of that was you were able to grab a slice from your favorite pizzeria. As you held the paper plate that was quickly soaking up the delicious grease from your gooey cheesy, you smiled and pulled out your phone.
FG: Best slice in the city. ;)
You attached a photo with Capizzi’s logo in the background, just as B had a while back. Two bites into your pizza and you heard your phone ping.
B: Ooooh. Them’s fightin’ words.
You grinned at the response and took another bite. After lunch, you stopped at your accountant’s office to drop off some paperwork before returning to the bakery. You checked in with Wanda and baked a few croissants and pastries, upon her request, as business had been pretty steady all day. While she stocked up the pastry case, you pulled out a recipe for two types of cake and started baking.
Pastries were your specialty and you did have cupcakes on display most days, but full-sized cakes were only for special orders. You wanted to have these cakes baked and cooled so you could finish decorating them tomorrow for pickup the next day. Sifting the flour and greasing the pans, you got into the groove and soon the cakes were in the oven with a timer set. Wanda needed help for a short while, so you spent some time up front.
The cakes turned out perfectly, bouncing back slightly when touched and the toothpick came out clean when you inserted one into the cake’s center. The heavenly smell permeated the entire bakery, even still lingering as you and Wanda closed up for the night. Mopping the floors, you were lost in thought about how you were going to decorate the cakes when Wanda startled you with a sneeze.
“Bless you,” you replied.
She laughed with a sniff. “Thanks. I think that’s the last of it,” Wanda said as you poured out the mop water and turned off the lights.
“Yup. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you grinned, waving as she left for the subway station.
The following morning, Wanda greeted you less enthusiastically than usual. She looked a little pale, but she assured you all was well as you left for deliveries. You weren’t so sure about that as you closed your trunk and drove away.
Approaching the Nest, once again you were surprised to see Jimmy in the van’s driver’s seat about to leave. Not that you weren’t grateful to have a timely spot in front the cafe, but now it seemed like he was actively avoiding you, which was odd. He offered a wave as his brake lights lit up, but you honked your horn loudly and Jimmy paused, surprised to see you climbing out of your car. The driver behind you honked as well, but you ignored them.
You quickly ran up to the Barnes Bakery van as Jimmy pushed the sunglasses off his nose and up to rest in his tousled locks.
“Y/N, hey,” he greeted, confused.
“Hi,” you replied, breathless. “I, um…I have a bag of flour for you. I mean, for your dad. I was wondering if you could take it back to Brooklyn with you? It’s a bit of a drive…”
Jimmy caught up to your meaning, so he opened his door and hopped out quickly. “Yeah, sure. I’ll grab it.”
Popping your trunk, he lifted the 50 lb bag with no trouble and held it in one arm as he opened the back door of the van to set it inside.
“Thanks,” you said, noticing the honking getting more frantic behind you.
“No problem,” Jimmy replied with a smile. “I’ll see you around.”
You watched him climb into the van and drive away as a honk startled you out of your reverie. Quickly, you climbed back into your own car and parked, carrying out your delivery to Clint.
Returning to the bakery, your morning quickly went downhill. One look at Wanda, and you knew that she wasn’t okay. Her usual bright eyes and rosy cheeks were dull and pale, respectively. She sneezed twice into a nearby napkin before you watched her step into the back of the bakery to loudly blow her nose away from customers and food. Feeling torn but sympathetic, you knew what you had to do.
“Wanda, you’re sick. Go home and rest,” you ordered her softly.
“No! I’ll be okay! You shouldn’t have to do it all and I’m fine—“ her protesting was quickly cut off by a long coughing fit. Not only did she look and sound awful, it was unsafe for her to be around food.
Grabbing Wanda’s things from a hook inside the kitchen, you forced her to untie her apron and nudged her toward the door. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Go home and get better.”
The pretty brunette continued to fight you weakly, but eventually she gave in and left. This new development really put a wrench into things. Without Wanda, you were the only person to man the counter and do the baking, not to mention a million other things you had to do for orders and to run the business. The bakery was currently empty now that the morning rush was through, so you turned off the music so you could hear customers enter and also put out small silver bell with a sign so people could ring it if you missed the door chime.
The entire day was a hurricane of helping customers, baking, answering phone calls, and even locking the door with a “Back in 5 minutes” sign so you could use the bathroom and shove some food in your mouth. You tried your best to keep your calm, but it was all just too much. You almost cried when 2 trays of cookies and a tray of croissants burned when you forgot to set a timer. It was the last of those items, so you just had to go without the rest of the day.
Locking the door finally at closing time, you collapsed into a chair with your head in your hands. Most of the time, having only one employee was just fine. Wanda was amazing and could handle it all with a little help from you, but being without her a full day made you realize how much you depended on her. Of course, she asked for time off once in a while, but it was well in advance and you were able to plan your baking and special orders around it. There wasn’t a lot you could do on such short notice, though.
Although retail hours were over, your day was far from ending. Finishing the necessary cleaning up front, you could now finally focus on all the baking you needed to finish. Cookies and croissants you had run out of, cinnamon rolls, and not to mention your special order cakes for tomorrow, it all felt like too much. All you could do was make a list and get to work.
An hour later, your phone pinged and you took a second to open the message. You hadn’t even looked at your phone all day, so it wasn’t a surprise to see several texts from B, all unanswered. Most were silly food photos that made you smile and a meme or two, but the last one caught your attention.
B: Everything okay? If you’re busy, I completely understand. Just wanted to check in.
Your eyes prickled with exhaustion and you felt a slight scratchiness in your throat. Obviously, you were overworked but there was also a chance you had caught whatever sickness Wanda had. You didn’t have the luxury of going home, though, so you just washed your hands at every opportunity, wore gloves when needed, and kept working.
It wasn’t often that you wished you had a partner of some sort. You were fiercely independent and had no doubts that you could make it on your own, given how well your business was doing. Sometimes, though…you just wished you had someone to help carry the weight. Someone to vent to or have a shoulder to cry on after a hard day. Those days were rare, but today was definitely one of them. Quickly, you sent out a reply.
FG: No. Not okay. Today has been disastrous and it’s far from over. I’m sorry, can’t talk now.
Hitting send, you walked over to plug in your charger. There was no need for you to have your phone nearby, anyway. A message arrived just before you stepped away.
B: I wish there was something I could do to help.
Me too, you thought, leaving the message unopened on your lock screen. There was nothing he could do, though. Tonight, you were an island. Putting on some music, you rolled your neck and shoulders and got to work.
Some time later, you heard a rhythmic pounding that you almost missed over the loud music. You ignored it the first few times, but after the third, you finally brushed your hands on your apron and poked your head around the corner to see a surprisingly familiar face through the glass door.
Stepping forward, you reached for the lock and then hesitated. This was crazy. What was he doing? Finally, you flipped the lock and opened the door just a crack.
“What are you doing here, Jimmy?” you shouted over the loud roar of thunder overhead. You didn’t even know it was raining until just now.
“I saw the light on as I walked past and just wanted to make sure everything was okay,” Jimmy replied, holding his jacket over his head. It was doing little to shelter him from the downpour. “Could I come in for a minute?”
You eyed him carefully and then swung the door wide to allow him entrance before locking the door again. Jimmy shrugged off his drenched jacket, draped it on an overturned chair, and ran a hand through his damp, curly locks. How he still looked good after coming in from the rain was a mystery. You always just looked like a drowned rat.
“I’m working, Jimmy. Everything’s fine,” you replied, trying to convince yourself as much as him.
“At 10pm?” he asked in shock. “Why?”
You huffed out a sigh. “If you must know, Wanda came to work sick so I sent her home, I’ve been working like a madwoman all day helping customers and baking, I burned 4 trays of pastries, have two huge orders due tomorrow and it all has to get done. That’s why. So, I don’t really have time for—“
“Do you want some help?”
Choking on your words, you nearly went catatonic at his offer.
“What?” you finally squeaked out.
He talked slower with a genuine smile. “I’m offering my help. I mean, I’m a fair baker and at the very least, an extra set of hands. Plus, you get to boss me around for a while. So, what do you say?”
Part 11>> 
Oooooohhhhh SNAP!!! How do you like them apples?? Jimmy’s avoiding her and then shows out of the blue to help? Hmmm. Do you think his offer to help is genuine? And how sweet is his dad? Hardly seems like they’re related from behavior alone. ;) Poor sick Wanda! Certainly makes things a lot more difficult. I’ve definitely been there. It sucks. Do you think she’ll accept Jimmy’s help? Would you? That would make things interesting. ;) Another cliffhanger, I know, but this part got extra long! Hope you don’t mind. :D I love you all!! Please let me know your thoughts, I always love your feedback. <3
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heartsunholy-a · 5 years
‘You nearly died’ kiss (oh no perciett post Battle of Hogwarts)
Another Kiss Meme // @voiceofmany // accepting
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She’s kept up, a little. How could she not? Her life these days is nothing but running drills with the Harpies during the day and curled up with the radio at night, wondering if Harry, CJ, and Bridget are safe. But she hasn’t seen the extent of the tragedy. No, not until the Battle of Hogwarts itself does she see how truly how horrific things have become. Harriet isn’t really sure how word gets to them, what sort underground information networks exist through the Isles to reach Harriet all the way in Wales. Merlin knows Harry and her sisters couldn’t contact her directly with anything important, without risking their own necks.
The “how” doesn’t matter. Because Harriet’s there with Angelina at her side - a friend, a teammate for the last few years - and Oliver at her other - once an enemy but they’re too old for Quidditch rivalries now, aren’t they? And they’re fighting, watching their school crumble around them as they throw hexes and curses and hope that they have enough fight left in them to make a difference.
Voldemort grants them an hour’s reprieve to rest and gather their dead. And wandering through ruins, searching for her siblings, Harriet catches wind of a fallen Weasley amongst the casualties. Her mind immediately sees a deep-set frown, cheeks as red as his hair and her heart aches at the idea that he could just be…gone. She wants so badly to find him, in this mass of bodies, but…but no. No, she…she needs to find her siblings, to make sure they’re okay…
It’s not until the dust settles - when the battle is won, when Harry’s limped off to check on Uma and Gil, when CJ’s curled up in a blanket with EJ Andersen, when Bridget and Cynthia sit close and bask in each other’s warmth - not until then that Harriet goes off in search of Percy Weasley and hopes to every goddamn deity in the world that she finds him breathing.
And she does. 
But she hangs back when the picture widens to more than just Percy’s heavy shoulders and tired face across the hall from where Harriet stands. She only sees one of the twins. Ginny’s curled against their mother, who has a hand on George’s knee - she’s pretty sure it’s George, anyway. He’s always had the softer eyes. Percy sitting next to his father with the same weary, grieving expression on their faces.
Oh. Oh Merlin…Poor Fred…
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She…She can’t bother him like this. Her worries mean…nothing, compared to what Percy must be going through. So Harriet ducks her head, takes a deep breath, and prepares to leave. To go back to her siblings, to Angelina or Oliver, just…anywhere but here.
But when she looks up, Percy’s noticed her. He always has, hasn’t he? People noticed Hook - the trouble maker, the halfbreed freak, the siren flirting her way through life. But they’ve never seen her the way he has. And it leaves her rooted to the spot because the way he looks at her, like he’s seen some sort of ghost as he pats his father’s shoulder and stands up…He looks at her and he sees-
And then he’s right in front of her and her blood runs hot with a thousand different emotions. She’s…scared and relieved and nervous and elated and she…can’t say any of that. So she doesn’t try. With tears building in her eyes, Harriet Hook reaches up, takes hold of Percy Weasley’s face and pulls him in for a kiss. There’s years of unspoken tension, unspoken kinship, unspoken desire and worry all rolled into the single act of pressing her lips to Percy’s.
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When she pulls back, with a quiet rush of air, Harriet still can’t find the words but she tries. “Fuck. Merlin’s fucking beard, Percy, I’m so…you’re okay, you’re…fuck, I was so scared, they, they said…” No. No, this isn’t about her. Percy’s safe and her worries are assuaged. So now, Harriet needs to shift her focus away from herself and her thoughts and fears. Her thumb stroke against his cheek, ignoring the tears that finally fall from her own eyes. “’m here, okay? ‘m here. Tell me what I can do, Percy. Tell me whatcha need right now.”
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