#poor lae'zel is trying so hard and the whole thing just comes crashing down around her ears
blackjackkent · 5 months
The guards inside the creche entrance round on them with startling rapidity the moment they show their faces.
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"Sentries! To arms!" one of them snaps. Her eyes fix on Rakha in a sharp glare like that which she has often seen in Lae'zel's expression. "Istik. State your purpose - quickly."
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"Stand down, gish," Lae'zel snaps back, equally sharp. "Is it not Vlaakith's command to welcome her faithful?"
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"I expected no visitors, faithful or otherwise," the guard says coolly. "Why have you come?"
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Rakha's eyes narrow warily. The antagonistic tone sends a flicker of irritation through her, something that could easily spiral into something more. But for Lae'zel's sake, she keeps her tone even with an effort of will. "I was infected by an illithid," she says. Little point in dancing around the subject; Lae'zel has made it clear that this is something the gith know of already - along with how to deal with it. "And was told to seek a githyanki creche."
She waits for the gish to direct them - but instead, the other woman's eyes widen and her mouth sets in a thin line.
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"You are infected?" She spits the word out like a curse. "A ghaik thrall is something to eradicate, not reason with."
Her hand is already going towards her sword, and Rakha feels her pulse start to thump in her temple with the sense of impending battle. But Lae'zel's voice cuts across the moment, shattering it.
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"The faithful may be purified!" she snaps. "This is Vlaakith's protocol!"
(A/N: I remember being a little baffled by this on my first playthrough - that Lae'zel seems so confident about this while it seems like literally every other githyanki clearly already knows the score. It makes sense for Voss to be like 'nah actually you're gonna die' - he's already rebelling against Vlaakith - but even this random guard goes straight past the cleansing concept and straight to 'time to eradicate this thrall.'
I find it kind of interesting tbh.
On the one hand - clearly this is partly a manifestation of how young Lae'zel is under all that confidence. The implication seems to be that yeah, it's hammered into you in your training that you need to report to a ghustil and get "purified" if you're ever infected, but that once you're actually out on duty it becomes an open secret that "purification" is just another word for death; Lae'zel just didn't happen to get that far before the nautiloid picked her up.
However - this leads to other questions. How are there not more rebels, if it's common to reach a point where you realize the purification lie is nonsense? What is the party line within these more adult units? Alternatively - is K'liir unique (and uniquely cruel) in framing it as a salvation, and every other creche treats it like a necessary sacrifice on behalf of the greater group?
IDK, I'm getting rambly here but it's intriguing to ponder. The whole creche sequence, if I'm honest, isn't always entirely clear in its writing, but if some of the minor holes are extrapolated I think it gets kind of interesting. :D )
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The guard stares at Lae'zel for a long moment, reading her expression very carefully. Then she nods slowly, her lip curling with evident disdain. "Chk. Fine. Let the ghustil carry out your fate. Report to the infirmary at once."
Her eyes move over Rakha and the others briefly, then back to Lae'zel. "And step carefully. Creche Y'llek watches you."
"She did not expect us to request purification," Rakha mutters matter-of-factly as they walk on further into the creche.
"I know," Lae'zel says curtly.
"You said it was a protocol. A standard procedure."
"It is," Lae'zel hisses. "That she did not honor it is no fault of mine."
"Voss also did not."
"Voss is a traitor. Should I find him again, I shall feed him pieces of his own skull."
Rakha tries hard to ignore the way the beast in her head shivers at this mental image. "But why do they deny it?"
"I don't know!" Lae'zel snaps at her; her voice whips out like a weapon, sharp as the blade on her back. "These inane questions serve nothing. Let us find the ghustil and finish matters."
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