#poor mrs hudson and mrs watson and irene adler get butchered to male desire and projections but god forbid the men love
devouringyourson · 4 months
sounds like yet another holmes adaptation has fallen victim to accidentally giving johnlockers hope then going "fuck! no we're not doing that sorry we wouldn't want to mess with the canon in such a way" despite already messing with canon in a multitude of ways like what is this absurd mental block about making holmes queer??? he can be a rat they can all be androids in whatever time period it's all fine. every adaptation happily mess with female character from the stories making them love interests or dead or flipped gender it's all fair game apparently but if anyone dare suggests the men who live together for decades might actually love each other it's straight to holmesian jail like the fuck??? i know I've been harping on about this for decades but it's just insane holmesian stories have been contorted to the edges of creative licence for a century and no one bats an eyelash until queerness is mentioned and suddenly it's a step! too! far! i adore the holmes canon exactly because it's inspired such love and offshoots over the years so much if modern media can be traced back why on earth is this innocent, well meanings and frankly obvious interpretation still so taboo? (queerphobia)
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