#poor snufkin :'(
sator-the-wanderer · 2 years
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Fishing with dad
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bairmeidwhaaat0172 · 5 days
Joxter headcanon: He likes making dolls of his loved ones, in order to not forget them, or be lonely
CW: Minor horror imagery
Too bad for him, he hasn't seen his son in many years, memories can only hold so much information after so much time has passed
This is a personal little headcanon of mine!
Since he's a mumrik, he values his freedom, and just like his son he tends to miss the line between love and ownership. Making it hard for him to enjoy relationships, or want to stay for long.
I imagine he might be stubborn, or fear that If he returned he would betray his values, or maybe he fears that no one would care about him anymore.
So, to his last resort for comfort, he starts making little dolls of everyone that he once loved and cared for
Alas...since it's been so long, memories can bring only some details of his son's face...and he feels terrible about it
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Moominpappa literally looks exactly like his son without his top hat, that’s canon.
I took a break between drawing the first panel and the rest, god its noticeable 😅and yeah;; Its another style shift, and not my last;; oh well
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konkadra · 10 months
Snufkin's backstory
I have a headcanon that seems to explain the whole backstory of Snufkin. I don't know, maybe someone before me has already proposed such an idea, but personally I have never seen anything like it. In all animatics, comics and just fan clippings, I saw a baby Snufkin in a basket being carried down the river like some kind of Noah. And I have always been haunted by the question why did they do it? what were the prerequisites for this? After all, the Mymble-mom and Jokster may not be the best parents, but clearly not so much.
As a result, I remembered the very first book, where there was a terrible flood. And what if this flood got to the island of the Mymbles? In this case, Snufkin, caught up by the wave, could simply be separated from the others. And he was incredibly lucky to survive such a flood at all. Since we know perfectly well what the current is capable of, even for an adult. The Mymble-mom has quite a lot of children, so it's quite understandable why she couldn't save everyone. Perhaps a few more children besides Snufkin were lost in that flood. I'm not even talking about the fact that someone could not survive at all.
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m0ssmell0w · 1 year
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Sloppy redraw of that one AI generated image
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mew-less · 2 years
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shedding season
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characteroulette · 1 year
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In which Snufkin maybe bit off more than he anticipated in talking to luke about their mutual object of affection
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Bonus of Snufkin not getting any of the answers he hoped for
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snufkinshat · 1 year
if i had daily access to a bathtub, preferably big enough to swim in, i could sit in for hours, and rows and rows of nice smelling cosmetics, half of my problems would be gone
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lokiitama · 1 year
Broken Heart - Chapter 3
July and August were full of things that slowed my writing down- including heatwaves! But the heat didn’t win and I managed to finish chapter 3! ✨
While Sniff and Little My lamented about wasting the day away, Snorkmaiden immediately sighed in relief. A tension Moomin hadn’t noticed left her shoulders instantaneously and her nervous ticks died down before he could point them out to spare her fingertips. 
Snufkin accepted the news with no disappointment or relief to be seen. He simply answered with one of his infamous laid back nods. It wasn’t a lack of care, Moomin knew as much. His best friend just took things as they were and worked with what other information they had. This time was no exception, as he was the first to ponder who else the heart might have belonged to.
Read the rest of Chapter 3 on Ao3
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spidertroupeart · 7 months
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Poor quality doodles because art block is strong but SNUFKIN GAME
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sator-the-wanderer · 2 years
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No ethical consumption under capitalism
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elodieunderglass · 3 months
It's not really my business, but honestly it feels like it would be advisable to hire a copyright lawyer. Like I don't feel like you're in it for the money, but it might be gratifying to have the guy milking your idea at least have to formally acknowledge you. I think I'd do it just for the peace of mind to know if I've been "legally" wronged or not. Either way, hope you continue to inspire, and live out a peaceful life.
(In reference to this post about the guy who pretends to have invented “Elder Teletubbies,” specifically how he is now kickstarting DnD minis of them.)
Ha, well, it’s all a little tricky I think. I might, hilariously, post on the r/legaladvice Reddit (even though they’re all cops lol) because the only thing I want here is for him to stop selling my “transformative work,” and ideally to stop pretending he invented it (which might be difficult as he appears to fully believe his work is creatively independent.)
I think if anything, my post counts as protected commentary or a transformative work of BBC’s Teletubbies, and I think it’s stinky to profit on that stuff in general (like I’m 190% okay with buying LotR fanart on stickers ! but I wouldn’t dream of trying to publish a fic with the serial numbers filed off. Why?)
I think ultimately I’m not a grifter, I’m a grownup, and I think it’s several levels of eye roll to sell fanart of a tv show on this level. I would be embarrassed to touch money made on that. I’m too fucking scrupulous and artisanal. I have toyed with a silly original novel for funsies since 2019 but keep saying things like, “oh, people will think this is too similar to something else that already exists” as if a silly original novel I write for fun has to somehow pass a Bar of Originality higher than anything salary-writers aim for.
I’m also pretty anti-intellectual-property myself in that leftist sense where I don’t believe people should be acting as if creative works are, like, oil. Like the resource extraction angle of intellectual property freaks me out, I don’t think getting super high-horse and snotty about Magical Brain Property is entirely compatible with the artisanal temperament I personally got going on here. I am like snufkin about this, simply smoking a pipe and making a flower crown saying “poor fools! Producing works for market, and serving as the guard dogs of the market, lest their work lose value if it becomes more common!” I do not have a high horse. I am not going to post 6900 words about the importance of defending fucking… Mickey Mouse. I buy those lotr stickers on Etsy! I do have a horse, but it’s a pretty low horse.
If it was his own work I would not care about this guy doing this in the least (apart from loftily calling it stinky - but hey, nerds are common and nerds are stinky, it’s not rare) IF he wasn’t STEALING FROM MY ANTI-COMMERCIALISATION DREAM TO DO IT.
That’s the bit that PISSES ME OFF too much to ignore: that and accepting compliments for being original like 😌 yes my twisted mind did this idk lol.
Like if you asked him point blank about the artistic choices he’d be like idk my twisted mind just sees the Teletubbies this way teehee! but if you ask ME why, for example, the adult Teletubbies live in the forest I’ll explain that in 2017 I was at a major life crossroads and this dream was ABOUT that. It was goodbye to my identity as a foreigner from the pine forests, and full steam ahead to settling permanently in the fucking shire (where the baby teletubbies on the bbc show live). It was about going back to work having had my first child, and saying goodbye to my various career dreams for myself (famous scientist! Published author!) as I chose instead, finally, the responsibility of working humbly as a public servant for the actual good of society. It is about witnessing the wild and saying “I am not of it, but it is my job to be its witness and voice.” That’s why the adult Teletubbies are dancing in my native forests while I’m watching them from the English hills. This guy doesn’t know that he just vaguely heard “spooky forest cryptid” and didn’t develop it at all, I do more work than that with FANFICTION in my time off!!!
So it’s really about nebulous stuff and ethics and not something worth paying a lawyer for I think!
But thank you so much for this, I think the thing that gets most perennial about it is the TOTAL GASLIGHTING of the “outside world” of the rest of the internet like, fully believing they invented this, and they DIDNT. They’re so wrong on the internet and they don’t know
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capsyst · 8 months
And here is my second animation in Procreate Dreams! This time it’s a little Moomin scene.
This started off simply as a test to see if Dreams could do multi-plane camera effects, but it quickly got out of hand and took me WAY longer than I thought it would.
The problem was that in order to have the closeup shot look decent, i had to have an extremely large canvas and had to paint the background with much more detail than I normally would. In addition, it still needed to be able to fit the much smaller resolution insert of the window opening. I’ve never had to paint a scene in 4K resolution before and that presented a lot of challenges for my poor outdated iPad. Getting the right amount of detail and aligning the two layers was much more trouble than I anticipated and resulted in a lot of trial and error.
Getting each layer of the scene to move at the correct speed to make the parallax effect work also took a lot of work. And of course animating Moomin opening the window and Snufkin playing the harmonica added to the time needed to complete the scene. Honestly I didn’t think this simple scene would take me close to a month to complete.
For those curious, using the groups feature in Procreate Dreams was a lifesaver. Once I animated Moomin opening the window I was able to just group it together with the house layer and then scale both at the same time. The same went for Snufkin on the bridge. Being able to link those layers together into one layer made adjusting the parallax scrolling much easier to deal with. I really love how much groups help tidy up your timeline.
The song Snufkin is playing is a 90’s Moomin harmonica cover by Bat-Hen Zarfati.
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Quarterfinals, Match 3
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Stanford Pines and Fiddleford McGucket (Fiddauthor) from Gravity Falls vs. Moomintroll and Snufkin (Snufmin) from Moominvalley!
Propaganda for Fiddauthor:
very very close guys who do mad science together and also lived together for a little while
1. College roomies. 2. Ford called Fiddleford later on, asked him to cone to Gravity Falls, and they temporarily moved in together (on account of Fidds having a wife and child back in Palo Alto or something).
They Were Roommates. And DnD nerds, unhinged scientists (one of them made a deal with a demon and put a metal plate in their skull to prevent possession from said demon, the other builds homicidal robots and made a memory-erasing cult.), Best Friends, etc. Ford also wrote things like how they talked about their futures while star gazing, "my poor. beleaguered assistant".... stuff like that. TL;DR: roommates, played DnD one-on-one, and Ford talked about Fiddleford a LOT in his journal.
Propaganda for Snufmin:
BASICALLY. The author of the original books was a queer woman and Moomintroll kinda was her self insert. At some point she had a relationship with a man who was always traveling so they had to break up. So she made Snufkin's character, who was inspired by this man, and Snufkin and Moomintroll's relationship was inspired by both of them. But at this point of time you couldn't make queer rep in a book, so it was never canon, only ambiguous. However, the creators of the most recent cartoon, Moominvalley, are clearly aware of this backstory and made them even more ambiguous. Kind of "ambiguous best friends"... And ambiguous best friends is like, the perfect trope for queerplatonic headcanons.
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sarahwriterx · 14 days
☆꧁ⓑⒺẸ’s WƗѕ𝒽꧂☆
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The roof caved in. I held up my hat and looked at the walls were breaking, one of them destroyed totally and I could see many lighten lines in the sky, they were passing fast. Of course, stars can’t move with this speed. It was because our castle, our “wish” castle, was falling down to the unknown destiny.
“Siffrin!!!” Loop called me from above a window. They looked more terrified than ever.
“Let her to be there! We have to go out of here!” they were trying to held my hand.
I grinned, didn't pay attention to them and still stuck to girl’s body. Castle was fall even more faster but before it’s crash to the Earth, I was totally unconscious.
Let me see… what is your wish?
It may be seeming rude, cause it’s a personal request. Buuut you have to tell me! All of my buddies and I can make your wish comes true!!
I mean…
We could.
 I blinked. Soft wind bellowed in my face, I could feel wet grass under me, and the sky above me was full of stars.
“He’s awake!” Loop cried of happiness.
“Holy cow.”
I sat. I could see many trees and cutted backed bushes around us. May be we hided at some type of park or something. Cardamon’s hammer was on his shoulder.
“Now speak up… who did this SHIT?” He looked at us angrily.
“Him!!!” Deckard and Howell pointed each other with fear.
“They did this.” I pointed to Loop.
Loop frizzed of fear. Cardamon took a deep breath, came to me with heavy steps, crushed all of the grass and bugs under his feet and bended on me.
“I know YOU did this, dumb!”
“So what? Do you wanna make me a Regret?” I looked at his eyes.
“BECAUSE OF YOU, our castle fallen, and BECAUSE OF YOU all of these dumbass lost their magic!!!” Cardamon shouted.
  “I was just trying to turn off that robot!” I talked carelessly.
Cardamon slapped in his own face: “AHHH!! When you are eating shit and make us into trouble I should kill myself for the others!!!”
“Thank you, thank you, don’t mention it, I am too embarrassed~” I grinned.
“Find a person who have a simple wish. If we’ll make it comes true, maybe we can take back our powers. Now separate away!” Cardamon yelled.
“How about... that crazy inventor?” Loop asked.
Cardamon grumbled: “He’s not around. Cause here is just a park, full of children, he can’t guess that we- “
I warped up his speak:” make a children's wish comes true is so much easier than adults. So he can guess that we are here!”
“Any BETTER idea?” Cardamon controlled himself, he wanted to break my head with his hammer badly.
“I’ll check around, you and others can hide somewhere. And then we meet each other here, on morning!” I said.
Cardamon looked at me with suspicious but he hadn’t any idea, so took Loop and the others with himself. And me? I started to searching the park as I said, there was weird, it seemed I was in a maze made by cut backed bushes. Sometimes I was reaching to the dead end but I didn’t lose my cool. Why I should had stress? It was beautiful night. Even I could have a good sleep in here.
“I heard something!!!”
I was hide quickly.
“Yeah… I saw his shadow too.. It was HIM!!!”
“W-What do you mean?? It impossible!!!”
“Yeah dude, But the shadow has a long hat!”
“B-But… Snufkin were passed away a long time ago…”
I smirked, moved slowly among the bushes.
“I heard somethingggg!!!”
“A-And I saw the shadow again!!! NOOOO!!!”
“HOoOoOoO…~” I whispered.
They were silent both.
“If you don’t go home… I’ll coming for you…”
“And EAT you at once!!!” I jumped in front of them.
They were two old-moomins who might be park guards, they screamed and ran for their life. I laughed. Too easy!
I didn’t see any guards further, all of them abandoned their duty and ran away. I thought here were a security park but with seeing public property, I found out I was wrong. Now it seemed Cardamon does his best and here was safe at the start. Better to came back to them...
“ Stupid creatures! That wasn’t a ghost at all, He’s just a poor thieve who has a big brain in his head!!!”
“B-But.. He was scary… We should arrest thieves and campers… Not the ghosts!!”
“I repeat it to you once again, He’s not a ghost!!! He’s just a-“
“I’m a thieve who is a ghost… HoOoOoO…~ I’m going to eat you up…” I whispered with a scary voice.
The guards were scared, screamed and ran away. I laughed. May be their boss smarter than them but it doesn’t matter.
I stood. I knew her.
“I heard screams. what happened?”
“ Ha? No… it was about my stupid guards… They are afraid of their own shadow. Go inside! It’s cold outside.”
“Can we talk a little?”
“Bee... your father said- “
“Just a little! It doesn’t hurt anyone. My father doesn’t worry about me… it has another reason.”
I watched them. Space took Bee’s shoulder, as they walked. Her brown long hair were bellowing with the cold wind. She couldn’t walk easily.
I followed them but a damn branch made me to fall on the floor.
“Aha!!! I KNEW it was one of that damn star guys!!” Space pointed at me.
“Space!! Let him go!!!” Bee held his arm.
I ran quickly. But it looked like Space found out this star guy that he got is the damned Siffrin, so he pushed Bee away and followed me so fast, and finally in another dead end he could trapped me.
This story continues..
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albaqae · 8 months
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Guys guys hi :) I’m so sorry I haven’t drawn life has been very much overwhelming I dunno how I’m still standing but I’m standing so YIPEEE
I don’t think I’ll make this an AU but HEAR ME OUT OKOK modern AU
Location wise they’re in Scotland, according to google they say Berk is based on an island “near Staffa of the inner Hebrides in Argyll and Bute in Scotland” so I think it’d be semi urbanized version of Berk? Not city city per say and not suburbs either, just village-like
Hiccup has this MASSIVE fixation on dragons, and he and his friends r on a bike gang and they travel a lot and it’s always hiccup pushing them to go further and further each time, to the dismay of his dad trying to teach him how to b responsible enough for [insert plot convenient position]
For Jack I’m not sure yet, maybe he just travels a lot (dunno y, maybe kinda like snufkin but instead of following spring he follows winter and boom he stumbles to berkkk heheheheheh, he might’ve decided to start traveling out of yearning for winter winds and he lets it LITERALLY guide him, I think I’d like if in this au he willingly left his home but got a goodbye, and def comes back every now and then, in between he writes letters (there’s a movie that’s like that abt a woman who travels w her daughter letting the north wind guide her, don’t remember name tho)) he hates shoes bc it keeps him from being able to razzmatazz, and hiccup’s poor poor anxiety can’t take it. He’s just a silly guy
Dunno how they meet, why they do, or how it develops, but I just through it’d b cool to draw since i think modern hijack au would go kinda this direction too maybe
Def will work more on Jack later
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