#poor zander
spookyboywhump · 1 year
Day One- Sick
Hello! I'm going to do my absolute best to participate in @ailesswhumptober this year! I know I'm already late on day one but. better late than never asdfghjk
This is technically the third (and last) part of These Two pieces, however I wouldn't say they're especially necessary to read this one, just know Wren had an incident with some barbed wire and cold weather.
Fandom: OC's/Original Work
Word Count: 2,533
CW: pet whump, sick whump, emeto, mentions of infections, nonsexual- nudity
Something was wrong. Zander was used to waking up in the middle of the night, sometimes for no reason at all, but he woke up that night immediately feeling like something was just off. Almost instinctively, still half asleep, he sat up and looked around the darkened room, before finally looking down at Wren, finding the source of his unease.
 Wren was still fast asleep, but he didn’t exactly look peaceful. He was curled up, arms pulled close to his chest, his eyes were squeezed shut tightly, like he was having a bad dream, and he was trembling. For a moment Zander thought he really was just having a nightmare, he hated to see him so distraught, but as he reached down to brush his hair back from his face he felt his forehead, he quickly realized the poor kid was absolutely burning up. His hair was soaked with sweat, Zander was immediately more awake and alert, his only priority taking care of Wren. 
 “Hey… kid, you need to wake up…” He said, gently shaking him awake. Normally he’d just let him rest but this felt really bad, he felt he needed to do something now. He knew Wren was a heavy sleeper, but after a bit of nudging him he finally stirred, opening his eyes and looking around the room, confused as to what was going on.
 “Huh…? Wh-what’s wrong…?” He murmured, reaching over to push Zander’s hand away. 
 “You need to get up, come on.” He said softly, trying to help him into a sitting position, but Wren just seemed to be confused.
 “Why…? ‘M tired… and I don’t… feel good…” He murmured, trying to lay back down, but Zander was already climbing out of bed to help him up. 
 “Wren, you’re burning up. You have a high fever and I need to cool you down, okay?” He told him. Wren seemed to understand him, or at least he understood that he was being very serious, and he allowed Zander to help him out of bed. He was swaying on his feet, Zander had to hold him steady to guide him to the bathroom. Once he had him under the light he could see just how flushed his face was, he was bright red and simply put, he looked completely out of it. 
 “Do you think you’ll be able to shower on your own?” Zander asked him, turning the shower on but letting the water stay cold. 
 “I… think I need help…” Wren said slowly. At least he understood what Zander was trying to do for him. “Will-will a shower help…?” He asked. His voice was hoarse, Zander wondered if his throat hurt too, but he needed to focus on just the one thing for now.
 “It’s going to be cold, but it’s to bring your fever down. Are you alright with me helping?” He asked, and after thinking for a moment Wren nodded. He got undressed and Zander helped him into the shower, he immediately flinched away from the water but after taking a few moments to get used to it he relaxed. He had to kneel on the floor, too unsteady to support himself, and Zander took the showerhead down to help him better. While he mostly intended to cool him down, he was able to help him clean up as well, washing the sweat out of his hair and giving him some relief. 
 Once he was done he helped him out of the shower and helped him dry off, he mostly just helped him dry his hair though. The last thing he needed was him getting even sicker because he went back to bed with wet hair in a cold room. As it got colder outside their room would also get colder, he didn’t know what was wrong with the way it was built but it was never kept at a comfortable temperature like the rest of the house. Then again, that may have been intentional, he wouldn’t be surprised. He helped him get dressed, he could hardly stand on his own, and then let him get back into bed. 
 “I’m sorry for waking you up, I know you probably wanted to sleep, but… I was worried when I felt how hot you were…” Zander told him, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
 “It’s alright… thank you…” He murmured.
 “Do you feel sick? Aside from the fever, I mean.” Zander said, putting the back of his hand to Wren’s cheek to check on him. He was still incredibly warm, the shower seemed to have brought it down a little bit but not by too much. He knew it wasn’t that far off that Wren might be sick, it was only a few days since Cain had left him out in the cold for hours, but still, he couldn’t help but worry about trying to take care of him when they really didn’t have any resources there in their cell. 
 “Hm… I’m cold now… and my throat hurts… feels like I’ve been swallowing sandpaper…” He yawned. 
 “Alright… Why don’t you try to get some more sleep, I’ll try asking Cain for help tomorrow, okay?” He told him, and Wren nodded.
 “Will you lay with me…?” He asked.
 “Of course.” Zander laid back down with him, Wren cuddled up close while Zander held him in his arms, waiting until Wren fell back asleep to finally drift off himself.
 Wren woke up hours later, he thought the sleep would’ve done him some good but if anything he felt so much worse. He was hot again, he was sweating and his clothes and hair were sticking to him and he couldn’t stand it, hardly thinking as he kicked the blanket off him and pushed Zander’s arm away. That alone was enough to wake Zander, but Wren was already jumping out of bed, rushing to the bathroom, he knew exactly what would happen to him when he got sick. He’d dropped to his knees just in time to vomit into the toilet, he heard Zander come in behind him and soon felt his hand gently rubbing his back, trying to comfort him through it. 
 He still felt nauseous and sick even after he was finally done, sitting on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest, his head on his knees. He was trembling so badly he didn’t think he could stand, but Zander stayed with him, and Wren appreciated that he was willing to keep him company no matter how unpleasant it was.
 “Do… you feel better after that?” He asked him, and Wren shook his head, blinking back tears.
 “I just feel like shit.” He muttered. He gave himself a few moments to recover before struggling to his feet, turning on the sink so he could rinse his mouth out and wash his hands. He still felt too hot and overwhelmed by everything, but he desperately hoped that was the last time that would have to happen. 
 He went back to their room and flopped down onto the bed, trying to calm himself down. Zander came and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking down at him sympathetically. 
 “Hey, when Cain comes in I’ll try to ask him for help, okay? He’s often more… charitable to me when I get sick, so I think I can convince him to do the same for you.” He told him.
 “Yeah, but he-” He was interrupted by a coughing fit, bringing his arm up to cover his face, “He likes you more.” He finished, rolling his eyes. He wasn’t really thinking that hard about what he said, but it was how he felt. Usually he could reason that wasn’t true, Cain was harsh on Zander, he treated him differently but not nicely. In his miserable state though, all he could think about was how Zander could persuade Cain for better treatment, how Cain was charitable to Zander when he was sick, and how he’d beaten Wren senseless for absolutely nothing in the past.
 “What?” Zander laughed. “Cain doesn’t like me.”
 “He dislikes you a lot less than he dislikes me.” Wren shrugged. 
 “I’m sure he hates us both. Absolutely despises us, even.” Zander said, reaching up to brush Wren’s hair back from his forehead. Wren knew he was just trying to comfort him but he didn’t feel comforted, he just felt sad. Of course he had to get sick here, in this awful cell, in this awful place. He was thankful to have Zander with him, but at the same time he wanted to be at home. He wanted his bed, his stuffed animals, he wanted to take a long hot bath and eat his favorite comfort food. That wasn’t an option though, and that just made him all the more miserable. 
 While he laid there simply waiting for whatever was to come, he couldn’t help scratching at his arms. He was still covered in wounds from the barbed wire incident, it hadn’t been that long ago and while most had been reduced to scabs there were still some one his arms and legs that were constantly itching and irritating him, to the point he’d wake up with blood under his nails from scratching in his sleep. He knew it was bad, he knew he should leave it alone, but it drove him so crazy he couldn’t just ignore it. 
 “Wren- stop that.” Zander told him.
 “Why? It hurts.” He told him, but Zander was already grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand away. 
 “Shit, how long has it been like this?” He asked, and Wren frowned, he didn’t know what he was so upset about. He looked at him arm, yeah that particular wound didn’t look great, it was red and swollen, he hadn’t given it a chance to heal with how often he was picking at it. 
 “It’s fine.” He told him, using his hand to cover it.
 “It’s not fine, it looks infected. Shit, I should’ve helped you take care of it better.” He looked frustrated, and now Wren felt bad for not taking care of himself better. He didn’t have too much time to feel bad though, as the door opened and Cain stepped into the room, but he seemed to immediately notice something was off.
 “What’s wrong with the pup?” He asked, his eyebrows raised.
 “He’s sick.” Zander told him. “He needs help,  he’s had a fever all night, he threw up earlier, and now it looks like he has an infection…” He said, but Cain was already approaching to assess the situation for himself. He pressed his hand against Wren’s face and Wren almost wanted to lean into his touch, for once he welcomed how cold Cain’s hands were.
 “Shit, he is warm… Do you think this is making him sick, like what happened to you?” Cain asked, kneeling down to get a better look at Wren’s arm. 
 “I don’t know… it doesn’t look as bad as that, right?” Zander asked. Wren kept quiet and simply let them discuss him and his condition, he didn’t love it but he didn’t see any sense in fighting it either. 
 “Not, but you never know… I’ll get him something for the fever and something to eat later on, and I’ll see if Andrew has time to come look at this, okay?” Cain said, standing back up. He left the door open when he left, and Wren was shocked that he actually planned to do anything at all; he hardly knew what to think of it, just looking at Zander in disbelief. 
 “Is he… actually worried…?” He asked him. 
 “He doesn’t like dealing with infected injuries… after the one I had, I don’t think he wants to risk it.” Zander told him. 
 “What happened to you…?” He asked. Zander lifted his shirt, pointing out the scar across his chest.
 “That one was from a whip. I didn’t take care of it and not only did it get infected, but I got really sick, I actually had to stay and let Andrew watch me for a few days.” He told him, pulling his shirt back down. Wren shuddered, he didn’t want it to get that bad. He almost hoped the cold symptoms were completely unrelated, that there wasn’t any infection and there was nothing to worry about. He was already miserable all the time, he didn’t want to deal with his body attacking him as well.
 Cain did what he said he would do, he brought him some over the counter medicine he had for Wren to take to bring his fever down, and even left some so he could retake it hours later, and later on in the day he brought him some warm soup. It was oddly kind from Cain, and somewhat off-putting, but Wren appreciated it nonetheless. He would rather have that than nothing at all. 
 Andrew wasn’t able to come see him till the next day, which Wren thought would be fine, but by the time he got there, Wren felt so much worse. Everyone agreed he still had a fever, but he was so cold now, he was shivering so violently his muscles ached, his entire body felt sore. Andrew was being gentle as always as he looked him over, but Wren was still trying his hardest to hold back tears, he was just tired of feeling so terrible.
 “I think he just has a cold, you don’t need to worry much about that.” Andrew said, more to Cain and Zander than to Wren. 
 “What about his arm? Does that look infected?” Cain asked.
 “I don't think it's that severe, but if he keeps scratching at it he could risk getting a staph infection. I brought stuff for him just in case, keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn’t get any worse.” He sighed, standing up from where he knelt beside the bed. “I don’t think it’s as serious as what happened to Zander, but you can’t be leaving him out there in the cold, you already don’t take care of his health very well, I’m not the least bit surprised he got sick from that alone.” 
 “Oh whatever, if he’ll be fine then it doesn’t matter.” Cain rolled his eyes, immediately becoming defensive the moment Andrew tried to tell him what to do. While Wren was thankful Andrew would try to vouch for him like that, he wasn’t surprised that Cain brushed him off like that. He also wouldn’t be surprised if this happened to him again. When he got sick, he got sick, it had been like that his entire life, if this kind of treatment from Cain continued then he very likely would end up this ill again. 
 Once Andrew was done with looking him over, Cain left the room with him to walk him to the door, leaving Zander and Wren alone once again. Though he still felt terrible, he also felt like he was finally able to relax. It was nothing life threatening, he would be fine, he’d survive a simple cold of course, but just like everything else since he’d come here, he’d be miserable the entire time he endured it. 
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zanderism · 15 days
put in a job application at a hospital in my hometown for housekeeping and my nerves are so bad over it i had a stress dream, woke up borderline fevered, slept like shit, and am now nauseous as fuck and my chest is tight
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speedydestinydream · 1 month
Post "Fight or Flight" Episode Thoughts
(general thoughts after watching episode 2 of the milliot spinoff; seeing if my predictions were right and just talking about the episode)
For reference, my pre episode prediction post
• Okay so they did show the video advertisement, and Elliot didn't really freeze up BUT he did stutter a lot which is fair, Milly didn't really speak but thats fair since it's. His gardening club
• Elliot was STRUGGLING with pulling out that fucking weed. Bro you can use a weed cutter THIS IS WHY THEY WERE MADE
• SEAAAANNNNN MOMENTTT YEAAAAHHHHH it's mostly his voice behind the camera but STILL. Also poor guy man accidentally ate compost RIP (Elliot being so apologetic for it,,, Elliot you are me and I am you.)
To be honest I thought black gold was oil tho??? Not compost? Idk
• Elli. Elliot. Elliot Thornton. Why did I just watch you bite into a tomato like an apple.
• Did he change shirts into the exact same shirt after that take cause he definitely had tomato juice on his shirt lol 😭
• Elliot practicing conversations in the mirror 🤨 Giving me huge Jake vibes here JUST LOOK AT HIM
• Milly has a father‼️‼️
• oh god cyberbullying... Elliot NOOOOOO
also for the students that were typing those replies. How stupid do you have to be to cyberbully someone on THE SCHOOLS OFFICAL GACHABOOK POST. WHERE THE FACULTY CAN SEE IT. USE YOUR BRAINS PLEASE
• Also... Bradley's last name is Buckley I think? Bradley Buckley? (the @ on one of the replies of the post)
• "Nothing will change. I'll always be pathetic." ELLIOTTTTTT NOOOOO
• "Stop fighting this isnt you 🥺" - Elliot, probably
• Ms. Cherry is PISSSSEDDDD
• I WAS RIGJT WE DID SEE NEW STAFF (the nurse!!) She seems nice :3
• Elliot: "Oh lord... I wanna die...!"
Milly: "Yeah, he's ok. He's back to normal." LMAO. poor Elliot bro
• He PASSED OUT and still doesn't wanna go home??? Elliot take the free go home excuse it's ok
• awwwwwhhhj he's blushinggg
• Faye and Dominic wanted to be friends with Elliot but thought he was avoiding them and Elliot wanted to be friends with Faye and Dominic but was too scared to talk to them,,,, awwhwwhwhw friiieeennndddssshiiipppp
• damn these two are PASSIONATE about their animals
• He sounds like a really sweet guy
• Bradley. Is blushing. Oh my god
• Man these guys all LOVE Elliot. Treating him like Jake 2.0 LMAAOOOO (seriously tho I'm so happy Elliot has 4 friends now WWOWOOOOO)
• His height compared to Milly I. He's SO FUCKING TALL WHAT. He's gotta be a senior atleast right???? Jesus christ how old is he
• "Who died and made you president of this club?" Dominic you are going up the ranks of my favorite tmf characters at an alarmingly quick rate I'm afraid that when I'm done typing this you'll be in my top 5
• Clozy Crunch? Wonder if it tastes good 🤔
• So real Hailey, princess is a stupid nickname fr
• "Hate is a strong word-" Jake bullied you for 2 years???
"Hate isn't strong enough of a word for me." Real Zander real
#letzandersayfuck2024 rip 😞
• awwwhh Elliot's symbolism with the pink cactus flower that's cute
• God they're so awkward I love them
• Milly you are blushing RED girl
• Hes just gonna. Leave the paper towel on the floor?? 😭 I mean I wouldn't wanna touch it either but atleast kick it to the bathroom??? Jake???
• Jake reprimending himself for embarrassing himself in front of someone and Elliot celebrating the fact he built up the nerve to talk to someone... oh how the tables turn
• Aww butterfly on Bradley's nose
• They're all BUDDIES
• Good ass episode and I was right with a lot of my predictions omg. How did that happen 😭
• Elliot I wanna see more of you and your club YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME
Anyway that's all I just had to talk about this episode cause it was SSOOOOOSOSOOSOO good. I was literally screaming while it was premiering I was so overjoyed
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gigabyte-flare · 7 months
Unto Ashes
(A Gigabyte Flare One-Shot)
Summary: What begins as a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Hero of Wutai in the flesh, suddenly turns into the ultimate nightmare. He was supposed to be there to help. How could things turn out like this?
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Sephiroth x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Depictions of violence and gore, murder, hurt/no comfort, angst
A/N: *Crawls out of the writer's block pit* Hello! Long time no see! I have been playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, which unsurprisingly put me back into my Sephiroth era. While Leon Kennedy got me posting my fics publicly, it's Sephiroth who's my "first love" (well over 20 years, we're practically married! [For legal reasons, that's a joke]). Most of my Sephiroth writings never saw the light of day, however, until now; and what better way to start than with some good ol' angst!
A quick reminder that I no longer do tag lists
Divider by cafekitsune
This does contain Final Fantasy VII spoilers, reader discretion is advised
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In that moment, everything leading up to this nightmare runs through your mind:
You had a massive crush on Sephiroth. To be frank, you didn’t know a single person who didn’t. All the women wanted him, and all the men wanted to be him. He was the epitome of elegance. You remember sucking in a breath when you watched him climb out of the back of that truck as he stood nearly a foot taller than the hyper spiky haired fellow that accompanied him, who by all accounts had to be at least 6ft tall himself. 
Horrific fiends had been coming from the area around the old Mako Reactor nestled halfway up Mt. Nibel and each day they wandered closer and closer to town. The mayor reached out to Shinra for assistance and they insisted on sending their absolute finest; both figuratively and quite literally. Even the excitable young man with Sephiroth was quite the looker himself; however, your eyes were only for Sephiroth.
You tried your hardest not to stare too much, however, as you imagine he was unfortunately quite used to all the attention he was receiving as he followed Mayor Zander into a building to get a briefing on the situation with the Mako Reactor. To your surprise, you recognized one of the troopers that accompanied the SOLDERs; Cloud Strife. 
So he hadn’t gotten into SOLDIER after all… poor guy…
You watch as he goes into the Strife household; Claudia will be happy to see him, at least. That next morning, Tifa Lockhart led the SOLDIERs into the mountains and they were gone for several hours; way longer than anyone had anticipated. When they finally did return, you noticed Sephiroth wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone as he headed straight for the inn and from what you had heard from the grapevine, he locked himself into his room, not once stepping out, much to the mayor’s dismay as he had been planning a celebratory feast upon their return.
At some point, Sephiroth had come out of the inn and gone into the large Shinra manor located just outside of town. Years ago, the manor had been used for Shinra research but later had become abandoned once the Mako Reactor was up and running. He was there for a week, so naturally everyone, including you, were concerned for his well being; several people had gone in to try to find and check on Sephiroth, however, searches came up fruitless.
That was, until, the dark haired SOLDIER finally went in to find him. Thinking back, you wish he hadn’t.
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You are awoken by the smell of smoke; subtle at first, but quickly growing stronger. Your eyes flutter open, only to find your bedroom is completely engulfed in smoke, making your eyes sting and water. You stumble out of bed, staggering over to your bedroom door to open it. As soon as you open it, you are blown back by a burst of flame, knocking you to the floor with a scream. Picking yourself back up, you rush over to your bedroom window, throwing it open.
Your eyes widen at the sight, Nibelheim is completely aflame. Your immediate suspicion is that fiends had attacked the town. You throw one leg over the window sill, balancing yourself before throwing the other one over. You begin to try to carefully lower yourself down from the window, however the house buckles, crumbling down from the flames, causing you to fall to the ground.
A sharp pain irradiates from your shoulder upon landing. Instinctively bringing your hand to your shoulder, your fingers graze across the jagged surface of a shard of timber that had pierced through your shoulder. You slowly stand up on your bare feet, grasping the timber in your hand and ripping it out, screaming as you do so. Standing there with your hand now covering the gaping wound in your shoulder, you take in your surroundings in horror. The sounds of people screaming echoing along with the smell of smoke and death hanging in the air.
As your eyes scan the town, they settle on a welcoming site: Sephiroth with his sword, Masamune, in hand. Letting out a sigh of relief, you begin to run towards him, calling to him.
“Sephiroth! Oh thank god you’re here, what happ--”
You stop dead in your tracks once you see a number of bodies laying at his feet, the long blade of Masamune dripping with human blood. You stand there, hand still grasping your bleeding shoulder, completely frozen in disbelief at what you’re seeing. Your mouth goes completely dry; you can hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears.
Sephiroth, this beautiful adonis of a man standing before you, did all this.
You swear your blood goes ice cold when you watch Sephiroth slowly turn to face you, his silver locks and leather coat swaying gently through the breeze, further stoking the fires raging through the village. The look in his emerald eyes is unlike anything you’ve ever seen; almost like you were staring death himself in the face.
“Why…?” you whimper as you start to stumble backwards, a million questions flooding through your mind but that one is the only one you manage to get out. 
Sephiroth doesn’t reply, a devilish smirk manifesting on his lips as he steps towards you, gripping Masamune in his hand with resolve. You shuffle backwards a bit before stumbling as you turn around and run. Not once do you look back as you bob and weave through the crumbling remains of your village, the smoke and the heat causing your eyes to water, obscuring your sight, which would explain why you never saw the debris in your path that you catch your foot on, sending you straight into the ground; your leg now completely useless as your foot is now bent in a direction it was never meant to go in.
You cry out in agony, using your arms to crawl slowly across the ground in a desperate attempt to get away, knowing full well that Sephiroth is still in pursuit. Your hoarse voice calls for help, however the only response you get is the fellow cries of the other villagers. The sound of boot steps ever approaching, you attempt to get yourself back onto your feet, but your twisted ankle makes that impossible and you quickly find yourself back onto the ground. 
Movement to your left causes your gaze to shift and you watch in horror as the boots walk into your view, now standing in front of you. You lift your head to look up, only to find Sephiroth standing in front of you, staring down at you like you are some kind of vermin. With renewed determination to live, you manage to push yourself up into a sitting position, using your arms and hands to push yourself backwards away from him; however he simply stalks towards you as you try to push yourself away from him.
“No!” you cry as you shake your head, your lips trembling, “please don’t do this… I don’t want to die!”
Your heart sinks when your back makes contact with a large pile of debris, blocking your way to escape. Sephiroth stops in front of you, his eyes filled with utter hate. As you stare up at him, you can’t help but admire him still. He is absolutely beautiful, the light of the flames creating an aura of absolute power around him, making him appear angelic. You watch Sephiroth draw his blade back before plunging it straight into your heart; an eruption of your own blood spilling from your mouth on impact. 
In that moment, everything leading up to this nightmare runs through your mind. You had a massive crush on Sephiroth. To be frank, you didn’t know a single person who didn’t.
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coyotiii17 · 6 days
Honestly, the ending scene of episode "Race on Tatooine" from the Freemaker Adventures, gotta be one of my favourites when it comes to this show.
Just the fact that everyone's celebrating and praising Naare, even Kordi, while Rowan just stands there and has no idea what to do with himself. Poor kid must have been absolutely terrified, but he couldn't say anything. Not when Naare was there. But then
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"Fortunately, we're all safe. But it could have turned out much differently. That is why you must never, ever go anywhere without me, Rowan. You never know what dangers await you."
What she said is absolutely spine-chilling, especially now that Rowan knows who she really is and wants to stay as far away from her as possible. You can even see in Rowan's body language that he's actually leaning back, trying to back off, because he's NOT feeling safe. He knows that he's in danger. They all are. But he was always her main target, because of his powers to sense Kyber crystals. And now that Naare won the trust of the others (and especially Kordi) she decided to go even further with her evil tactics and try to literally CONTROL Rowan's life, basically not letting him out of her sight. I actually think that this was Naare's first step to completely seperating Rowan from his family in order to manipulate him more and more. And honestly, there's the possibility that Kordi and Zander would let Naare keep an eye on him, because Kordi finally trusted her and they would think that she's just being a responsible and protective mentor. It was fortunate that Rowan found out just in time to stop this from happening. But it doesn't erase the fact that this scene is still really scary.
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The fact that she's so close, literally standing over a 12 year old child, who's probably in full panic mode inside, but NEEDS to keep his cool down to keep his family and himself safe. She's playing the same nice Jedi as before, but now Rowan knows that it's an act. He knows she's extremely dangerous. That if she decided to stop pretending right then, she would totally slice up his family, like the Emperor advised her. And nobody would be able to stop her.
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Not to mention, Naare was thiiiiiiis close to finding out that Rowan knew. If she got suspicious and actually noticed that Rowan is hiding her real lightsaber behind his back, I'm pretty sure if's safe to say that it would be over pretty quickly. Kordi and Zander would most likely not survive this and Rowan would get kidnapped afterwards. Terryfing.
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taempteng · 3 months
【 Avallum Delusion 】 Xianxia/Ancient China AU
Gale is an emperor, wearing all gold and a mianguan atop his crown. His wardrobe contains a vast range of outfit. From the finest silk for indoor casualness, to the domineering armour of war discussions
He sits upon his throne with a smug expression on his face, overlooking his subjects that bow beneath his feet
Zander is a concubine. As the emperor’s favourite, he dons purple attire to stand out among the harem. Though not scantily dressed, he shows just enough skin to make any onlooker drool with desire
He’s a beauty to never act upon lest they incur the emperor’s wrath
Cassian is a xian, known far and wide for his benevolence and prowess. Though qualified to be an immortal, he chose to remain in the mortal realm to help the poor and weak
His entirely white attire only further establishes his status as a divine immortal, pure and righteous
Lucien is the master of a demonic sect. Despised by all, yet never laid a finger upon, for they feel equal amounts of fear
His dark attire exudes danger, while the splashes of red warns opponents. His paleness only adds to his supernatural aura, beautiful but deadly
Rosco is a commoner, wearing duan da clothes for easier work manoeuvre. His job is to bring farm goods to the town centrals, selling them at good prices
He’s an easy-going and carefree boy, preferring to sunbathe while chewing on a straw. He’s friendly and loves to banter
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
Alrighty <3 we have the second part to This Right Here!
CW: pet whump, dehumanization, quite a bit of bleeding, Wren is a big baby about everything
The cold air outside did make Wren question his choice just a bit. Not enough to change his mind but, he had wished he;d been given a moment to change before they’d gone out to the backyard. He couldn’t be sure what month it was exactly, but the weather had been colder lately, he stood there with his arms crossed over himself, rubbing at his arms to try and keep himself warm. If he had to choose, he would say that he preferred this over the sweltering heat of the summer, if he had to choose how he’d be miserable, he’d take the option that left him shivering, trying to keep his teeth from chattering together.
He tried to assure himself that this wouldn’t be that bad, but he really had no idea how bad it could possibly be, he didn’t know how he could prepare himself for this. The idea had seemed somewhat bizarre to him, but that was what made him think Cain would like it so much. It had only occurred to him because he’d spotted the barbed wire in the shed when Cain had been forcing them to do some yard work. Now, it was in Cain’s hands, he wore gloves to protect himself. Wren wouldn’t be granted such a luxury, but he couldn’t exactly complain. He had begged for this, after all.
“Did Zander give you this idea?” Cain asked casually.
“N-No sir…?” He asked, tilting his head in confusion. Zander had never mentioned anything like this to him, he didn’t know why Cain would be so surprised if he’d already done this before.
“Really? Then how the fuck did you come up with this?” He laughed. “My father did this exact thing to him back when I first got him, I’m almost concerned you of all people came up with the same thing.” He said. It made Wren’s skin crawl to think about, he hadn’t known that, it made him regret this even more knowing he’d have to face Zander after this.
“I-I just saw it, um, when we were working, and-and it… It looked like it would hurt…” He said quietly.
“Oh, it will.” Cain assured him. “Now, up against that tree, arms above your head.” He ordered. They were in the back garden, he’d been chained to this particular tree before but, certainly not like this. His stomach was in knots as he did what he was told, legs shaking as he approached the tree, pressing his back to it and raising his hands above his head. He hoped he didn’t look as scared as he felt, sick to his stomach while his heart pounded in his chest, but he knew that was unlikely, he could just picture himself pale as a ghost, eyes wide and teary. He felt pathetic.
Cain started by wrapping the wire around his wrists and the trunk of the tree, pulling so tight the sharp points of the wire dug deep into his skin, already cutting into him and causing blood to run down his arms. He squeezed his eyes shut, biting back a whine. He wanted to keep a brave face, he knew he couldn’t be as strong and stoic as Zander would be, but he didn’t want to break down crying either. Not until Cain went inside, anyway. Cain worked quickly, the wire wrapped around his arms, he avoided his face but didn’t spare his neck, while he didn’t pull it tight it was still just uncomfortable enough to bother him, to remind him it was there and that it could be much, much worse. Cain wound the wire along his torso, down his legs, he’d be forced to stand for the duration of this, however long that would be. Once again he sincerely regretted not changing his clothes first, not because of the cold now but because of the points digging into his bare legs. He knew pants wouldn’t have really protected him, but surely it would’ve been slightly less painful. That’s what he told himself, anyway.
When Cain was satisfied with how he was secured to the tree, he stepped back as if to admire his work, smirking as he looked Wren over. Wren couldn’t bring himself to look at him, trying to stay as still as possible so as not to make this any worse than it had to be.
“Do you think this is enough?” Cain asked him.
“I-I… I don’t know…” He answered honestly. He didn’t know what more Cain could want from him, what more he could do like this. He didn’t know what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t for Cain to ball up his gloved fist to punch him in the stomach, forcing the wire to dig further into his skin. His body jerked involuntarily in an instinctive but useless effort to get away or protect himself, and he cried out in pain, the wire digging in deep all over his body. Cain laughed at his reaction, drawing his fist back just to hit him again, forcing a scream out of Wren. Tears ran down his face, there was absolutely no use in trying to be calm now. He could feel the blood staining his shirt and the fabric sticking to his skin, the wounds may have been small but every time Cain hit him it only made more appear.
He couldn’t keep up with how many times Cain hit him, he just knew it was several, enough to make him sick, his stomach ached and the puncture wounds stung. Cain even kicked at his legs a few times, Wren struggled to remain still as he couldn’t stand the feeling of blood running down his legs to his feet. While Cain found this absolutely hilarious, Wren was almost relieved, he may have been in serious pain and discomfort, but Wren knew he had achieved what he’d set out to do. Cain was over what happened the night before, Zander would be safe from any punishment, even in the midst of this he felt like it was worth it just knowing it wasn’t Zander in his place.
“Poor pup, you look so fucking pathetic like this!” Cain laughed at him. “I think I’ll leave you here for the day, think you can handle that?”
“Y-Yes sir…” He choked out. He didn’t know if he could handle it, but he didn’t know what else to say.
“And I better not hear any whining or wailing from you out here, understand?”
“Yes sir…” He whimpered.
“Good boy!” He told him. Wren watched him as he turned to leave, heading back to the house. He wondered if he’d tell Zander what he’d done, if he’d bring him out to show him. Wren hoped so badly he wouldn’t. He just wanted Zander to rest, for once he just wanted him to have a break. He knew he’d feel guilty that Wren had done this no matter what, he couldn’t stop that, but at least his body would have time to recover, at least it wasn’t him enduring some horrific punishment. He hated to see Zander punished either way, they both hated to see the other punished, but they also both knew they couldn’t constantly do this, no matter how badly they wanted to. The vast majority of the time, they simply had to accept their own punishments and move on, but Wren couldn’t do that after watching Zander sob like that the night before. He’d seen Zander emotional before, they didn’t really hide it from each other, but there were times it felt different, more desperate, and he knew Zander could only take so much. He just wished that Zander knew that too.
As the day went on he felt sicker and sicker. He was forced to stand but it hadn’t taken long before he couldn’t any longer, but he also had no other choice. There was no way for him to sit or kneel, relaxing in his barbed wire restraints just caused him even more pain, but it was the only thing that would soothe the burning aches in his legs and his hips. Any movement could cause more stabs or scrapes, which would lead to more bleeding, the wounds may have been small but there were many, leading him to feel dizzy and lightheaded as the day went on. The cold was really the least of his concerns, but it certainly wasn’t helping, his fingers and toes felt numb, he couldn’t stop shaking. All he could think about was going inside and sitting under a warm shower, the thought almost made him start crying all over again simply because he wanted it so badly.
As the sun sank lower and lower in the sky it only got colder. He had hoped that once it got dark Cain would come back for him, he had said that it would only be for the day after all, but that soon proved to not be the case.
Eventually the sun went down completely, Wren was silently crying, he couldn’t help it, he just wanted to go inside, he was hungry and tired and he was starting to think that Cain had just forgotten about him. It wouldn’t surprise him, but it was devastating nonetheless, the idea of spending all night out there made his heart ache. He would’ve begged to come inside if not for the fact it would’ve just gotten him in more trouble. He was far enough from the house he would’ve had to shout to be heard anyway, and that was exactly what Cain had warned him against.
It was just as he was starting to accept he wouldn’t see Cain until the next morning that he finally saw him come outside. He almost started sobbing with relief, but he tried to hold it together, he didn’t want to do anything that would cause Cain to change his mind about letting him back in.
“How do you feel, pup?” Cain asked him as he approached him.
“C-cold…” He whimpered, and Cain laughed.
“Yeah, I bet you are. I thought about leaving you out here all night, you know.” He told him. “Consider yourself lucky I’m feeling generous tonight.” That little bit of self control he’d had disappeared in an instant, he broke down crying all over again, wailing in relief knowing that this was all finally over. Cain just let him cry, using wire cutters to free him from the barbed wire. At times he had to pry the spikes out of his skin, which would cause Wren to yelp and whine in pain. Once he was completely free, he collapsed to the ground on his hands and knees, shaking and shuddering.
“Th-thank you- thank you sir…” He said in between gasping breaths, struggling to calm himself down.
“You always have the best manners.” Cain snickered. “Come on now, stop your crying and get up, otherwise I’m leaving you out here.” He said, nudging his leg with his foot, Wren tried to quickly scramble to his feet but he was shaking so badly he stumbled as he followed after Cain on the way back inside, he was surprised he made it back in at all. “Try not to get too much blood on the carpet by the way, you’ll have to clean it up yourself.” He reminded him as he led him back to his cell, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him along when he was falling too far behind.
He just about collapsed with relief just from seeing the door to their cell, the moment it was opened Zander had jumped off the bed to come and meet him as Cain pushed him inside.
“You can stop worrying about him now, he’s fine.” Cain told him.
“What did you fucking do to him?!” He snapped, catching Wren before he could hit the floor.
“Only what he asked me to do.” Cain shrugged. “Calm down, he’s alright. You might want to clean him up, though.” He advised him. Zander looked like he wanted to snap at him again but Cain let the door shut before he could, which Wren honestly preferred, he was ready for this to just be over. Zander helped him over to the bed at first, letting him lay down as he looked him over, he seemed confused at first until he was holding Wren’s arm in his hand and looking over the marks, his eyes widening.
“Wren, what did you ask him to do?”
“I-I’m okay, it’s okay-”
“What did you ask him to do?” He asked again.
“I… I saw uh, barbed wire, in uh, the shed… when he had us out there working… I thought… I thought it would be enough…” He sighed.
“Are you kidding me?!” He snapped at him. “Fuck, why would you-”
“I just- I just wanted to help…” He whined. “Wanted you to rest… please-please don’t be mad…” He said, looking up at him, trying to hold back tears.
“I’m not mad, I’m just worried.” He told him. “This looks bad…”
“Can you j-just help me into the shower, please?” He asked him. “I’m tired, and it’s s-so cold outside… it’ll help, I-I think…” Zander seemed to hesitate, but then he sighed.
“Alright, fine.” He said. He helped Wren out of the bed and into the bathroom, turning on the shower for him and getting it warm before leaving him alone to undress and get cleaned up.
Wren didn’t have the energy to bother with standing, but sitting under the warm water was exactly what he’d hoped for. It stung all the fresh wounds, but it allowed him to finally warm up and relax. The water ran pink as he finally washed away all the blood that had dried on him, he finally felt clean again. Now all he wanted was to get into bed.
He took his time in the shower, until the water started to go cold. He finally dragged himself out and dried off, going back into their room to get dressed. Zander helped him back into bed after that, by this point he’d mostly stopped bleeding so they weren’t especially concerned by it. Zander sat down on the edge of the bed, he still looked upset, but Wren knew he couldn’t easily fix that.
“I-I’m… I’m really cold…” He said quietly after a moment, and he saw Zander’s expression soften. He got up and grabbed his red hoodie for him, coaxing him into sitting up so he could put it on, before laying down with him and pulling him into a hug.
“I don’t want you to get hurt for me…” He told him.
“I know… I just… couldn’t let you be hurt… do you feel better than you did last night…?” He asked.
“I… I guess I do… but I don’t want that to be at your expense.”
“I know that. I didn’t… see any other way, I guess… I had to help you…” Wren said, cuddling up closer to him for warmth.
“Thank you…” He told him. “I don’t want you to do it again, but, thank you.” He said, and Wren couldn’t help but smile.
There wasn’t a lot he could do in their situation. His end goal was getting Zander out of there, but that would take time, he couldn’t even guess how much longer, so for now, he would do whatever he had to, even if he had to sit outside being stabbed with barbed wire. If that was what he had to do to help, then so be it.
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
Who tf is this zander person
A poor excuse for a “controversy journalist” who does nothing but spread lies and disingenuous figments of situations that have no reason to be talked about in such a way. He has a raging hate boner against dteam and has gotten into deep fights with a member of our community who has publicly called him out for spreading dangerous lies about Dream and George. Forget him and block him- he has shown to be completely unresponsive to criticism and is convinced dteam are all predators
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That Wrestling Moment: Mitch Colby pushed over the edge (Mitch v Jobe Zander bgeast.com)
What happens when the good guy snaps?  After enduring the relentless punishment from one of wrestling's most notorious heels, Mitch Colby summoned his inner strength and fought back.  For this wrestling moment I bring you Mitch Colby v Jobe Zander, or that time when the hero turned heel. 
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SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
Mitch always did the right thing.  Ever the leading man, our hero worked hard and played fair.  He had the reputation of being a straight shooter and at times, unfortunately, paid a price for his morals.  
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The Action
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Jobe: This is what greatness looks like. Damn, I'm the definition of greatness.  
Brimming with confidence Jobe overplayed his hand and slipped up.  Our hero, Mitch Colby, the Dudley-do-right of bgeast, quickly taught him a lesson and humbled the heel.  
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Jobe humiliated and forced to climb up our hero.
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Mitch's victory was short lived however, as a low blow quickly leveled our poor hero. The man's anguished cries echoed throughout the ring, a testament to the overwhelming pain he endured.
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Poor Mitch paying for fair play. 
The Moment 
Around the half hour mark, Mitch had done the impossible.  Despite the barrage of dirty tricks and cheating, he had achieved the upper hand and was on his way to multiple submissions.  As our heroe's mighty arms crushed any resistance left, Jobe deployed a series of low blows so devastating it caused our hero to snap... 
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Mitch could taste the win and victory was within his reach.  That is until ...
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That wrestling moment: Mitch pushed over the edge ...
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Mitch: That's.the.centerpiece!
For the original post, check out:
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sweetdemolitionlovers · 5 months
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Shane Zander
I was tagged by @ethelgodehel, thank you 🥺❤️
I chose Shane, my ex-street fighter, because he's my most history-laden sim (after 7 years of existence, that makes sense…) ***
$ Financial:wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper /middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education:qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet (Very minor offences, however)/ yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) (He was only raised by his mother, his father having abandoned him before he was born… And returned by chance to his life 25 years later… 😅) / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured /uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / Spiritual
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual (Basically, even if he's married to a man… Yes, I know, it's complicated 😅😂) / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / don’t care
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female (generally) / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none (Only his husband 😇😂)/ all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent (At the time, he was nicknamed "the unbeaten") / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good (Musically speaking) / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
I tag : @shaina-jacobs, @origine1975, @isaange
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johndpg · 11 months
The Spanking (2017) d. Carlos Uribe
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Psychotic big sister Grace gets her younger brother Sam into trouble by claiming that he threw her phone in the swimming pool, but it’s all a cunning ploy to get a new phone. Plus, later she tells Sam that she’s bored and will enjoy seeing him in pain. Mom sends him his room to wait for dad to get home from work, whereupon he’s duly belted over dad’s knee. But, wait, there’s a twist—you’ll have to watch the video to find out!
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The film strongly implies that corporal punishment is routine in this home, at least for Sam. Grace has come up with a crime that she knows will get her brother belted, plus she gets a new phone, so it’s a win-win for her. Sam, meanwhile, knows exactly what being sent to his room to await dad’s return means. Then, at the appointed hour, without a word being spoken, Sam pulls down his jeans and gets into position on dad’s lap. Afterwards, Sam returns to his room and with a sigh selects a pillow to sit on as his bottom is hurting, which again implies he’s done this before.
It doesn’t look as if Sam is punished privately in his bedroom. Dad belts him on the living room couch, which means Grace gets to watch and enjoy his suffering as she planned. He’s at least allowed to keep his underwear on.
I counted 13 lashes, but the sound fades out, so the implication is that poor Sam gets more (admittedly 13 is an odd number for dad to end on).
It’s a good set-up but Sam gets far too many lashes for such a young boy. Even so, afterwards he shows no signs of this; there’s no bottom rubbing or wincing when he sits down. Indeed, he’s sitting on a regular dining room chair a bit later just looking a bit dejected. In reality, I doubt he could sit down at all!
Sam is played by Zander Grable, who was 13 years old at the time. His real-life sister Alexandria Grable plays Grace—let’s hope she’s not like this to him in real life! Michael Joseph Pierce is suitably scary as the dad—be honest, you wouldn’t argue with him if he told you to bend over! It’s only Danielle Hernandez who lets the side down as mom, with acting so wooden you could chop vegetables on her.
Despite opposition from medical and social services professionals, as of 2023, spanking children at home is legal in the US. In 17 states corporal punishment is also lawful in both public and private schools.
Anyway, here’s the link to the film. No need to fast forward, it’s only three minutes long!
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mystic-hysteria · 11 months
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Poor Wren ends up catching the flu from all of those piles of trash he's been cleaning up outside!
"Time to put your secondary Family aspiration to use, Zander!"
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the-spam-specialist · 3 months
A series of giggles and some mild protesting indicated Notch's success in capturing Zander. Yet again tossed like a sack of tatties, Zander struggled a bit to right himself. Giving a small chuckle as Notch gave him some pats and watched the knight block off his only escape. What Harper said, and their tone of voice hinted at, was enough for Zander to realise now was the time to be serious.
"I don't think so" he sighed. " I get what you're saying. But to suddenly enforce rules on him while I'm trying to respect his boundaries could do more harm than good. I'd love to not run the risk of getting attacked! But I know he has reason to be distrusting of me in particular. Or rather I have to work harder to to earn his trust". Zander paused in thought as he glanced up at Notch.
"Tell me, when you first met Notch. Was there talk of using some kind of feeding apparatus? Cause we had tae use one on Chip. And I opted to be the 'villain' if you will... Poor thing was so underweight, Then again for all I know I could be the spitting image of whomever hurt him" he finished with pulling himself up from the bed he was so gingerly tossed on to.
"Chip can have this talk later. Think in the meantime I should show you the worst I've had with this line of work. Chip's actually not that bad. And he's made a good deal of progress! Both generally and with you and Notch" Zander gave his usual smirk.
Harper remembered the day after they had brought Notch to the Pokemon Center. He wouldn't eat. And Nurse Joy almost had to resort to using a feeding tube so he wouldn't starve. Granted, this was because Notch didn't know what a berry was. But Harper could see where Zander was coming from.
"Still, I should speak with him about attacking you. Or have Notch talk to him. He's a high-level Fire-Type. One well-aimed Lava Plume and you might suffer something worse than an injured leg. Something more, uh..." Harper looked at their scarred arm, flexing their hand, "permanent."
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skylertheminish · 4 months
Harper came running over, thinking there was a fire or something. And while there wasn't a physical fire, there was indeed an emotional one.
"Notch-" they gasped, quickly crouching down to get a look at his injuries. They didn't understand. Chip was so calm when they left. What went wrong?! They held Notch close, stroking his head, "Are you okay? I don't get it. Why would Chip attack you? You wouldn't try to harm or scare anyone."
Notch sniffled, the pain from his injuries taking over as the emotional weight of the situation started to crush his mind.
"My fault...it's my fault...I'm still the monster that Master made me...I deserved everything that happened to me..." Notch whimpered, tears streaming down his face as he buried himself in Harper. "My presence alone scared Chip...he was right to attack me...I'll never be able to escape what I once was. I'm sorry."
"My poor boy..." Harper muttered, unable to understand what Notch was saying, but knew he was deep in the throws of grief. He was no doubt in a lot of pain, too. They had to get him to a Pokemon Center.
Grabbing the Friend Ball they wore on their person as a pendant, they recalled Notch, and he went into the ball in a flash of red light. They stood up and glanced at Zander, "I'm going to take him to the Pokemon Center. Don't let the little ones in there. We don't know what Chip will do to them."
Harper sighed, "I know Chip has been through a lot, but...to hurt someone as sweet as Notch...I'll be back."
And just like that, they left for the nearest Pokemon Center.
Chip could hear the commotion from under his bed. It was muffled but he heard them nonetheless. Drumming up some courage, Chip crawled out from his bed and made his way to the door. Listening carefully they could barely hear Notch and the humans.
' My fault... It's my fault. I'm still the monster that Master made me... I deserved everything that happened to me '
' My presence alone scared Chip... He was right to attack me...I'll never be able to escape what I once was ' "...was I right? Was I right to attack you hunter? You didn't even try to defend yourself..." Chip reflected on Notch's and his actions prior. No Notch, he wasn't right to attack you.
Zander nodded as he watched Harper take off with Notch to the nearest Pokémon centre. He would have taken them himself but with his leg still badly injured from previous events with Chip, Zander was in no state to drive his manual transmission car.
Worried about little Chip. Zander opened the door gently and was greeted not by a hiss or growl, but a startled little chirp from the little Charcadet. Not wanting to stress Chip even more, he gave a soft smile to the Pokémon before leaving.
Hours had passed since the attack. To pass the time and figure out why Chip lashed out so aggressively, Zander searched the record database of Pokémon previously used by hunters. There had to have been something that caused Chip's violent outburst. He kept looking at the recorded footage, what was left of it anyway, Chip managed to destroy the camera Zander had set up and thus corrupt the file. The audio was nothing but noise and the video cut out after a point.
Many coffees and cups of tea later Zander found something. A similarity. In the database was a record of a hunter Pokémon with a notch in their left ear where a tag of sorts used to be. Other results showed Pokémon with a wound similar to this in their left or right ear, horn, antenna or wing...
"....Chip's seen that notch before... Oh Arceus..."
With this discovery Zander scrambled to get his phone, clouting his bad leg on the coffee table in his hurry. "Come on Harper pick up the phone. Please don't have it turned off" he groaned while pacing back and forth. The little knights watching from the safety of the play pen, worried about what happened before.
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normystical · 4 months
Yeah lmaoo
And here's this other thing I drew of Zom/Zander and Kevin a while ago jddnmd
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jsjsj poor kid
and poor kevin he did not expect this hes like mortified from this information </3 /silly
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Introduction Post
Hello, my name is CJ Nightingale, and this is my blog dedicated to my OCs, their story, and the development of said story!! I'm making this blog for the sake of having a designated place to talk about my OCs, and so that I have some people to hold me accountable for actually making story progress, since I've been struggling a bit to actually sit down and make progress on getting the comic going. I think having a blog about it will help me stay motivated. Hopefully. Lol
A little bit of story related information:
This story has over 36 very important characters, not including antagonists and "true" side characters. This story takes place over the course of about 7 or 8 years, in 5 acts, taking the characters from middle school into early college. It's based in what I believe would be described as an "urban fantasy" setting, which looks similar to our world but is quite different. The story is meant to be mostly lighthearted, but there will be very intense moments and emotional damage (and a little blood sometimes too, as there will be fantasy violence).
I will make proper posts describing things in more detail as I go, but for the time being here's a brief introduction to each of the main characters:
Skylar: Acts 1-5, sarcastic, takes no BS, a bit of an enigma, Lukas' twin
Jesse: Acts 1-5, scatterbrained, just out here doing his best
Rin: Acts 1-5, mischievous, enjoys trying new things
Zander: Acts 1-5, smart, unbothered, designated "responsible dude"
Tabitha: Acts 1-5, bubbly, arguably too much faith in humanity
Lukas: Acts 1-5, looks more chill than he actually is, emotionally intelligent (most of the time), Skylar's twin
Lydia: Acts 1-5, too smart for her own good, very good with power tools
Marcus: Acts 1-5, quiet, listens a lot and knows more than he should, arguably drinks too much caffeine
Jules: Acts 2-5, highly approachable and talkative, likes poofy dresses
Dillon: Acts 2-5, skeptical of people, likes roller derby, hates group projects
Takuma: Acts 2-5, Ambitious, sarcastic, has doodled on every piece of clothing they own
Mariah Mae: (Kind of a side character) Acts 2-5, wildly peppy, a bit of a nerd, highly authentic person
Rea: Acts 2-5, perpetually has her head in the clouds, bewildered by humans
Dani: Acts 2-5, highly intuitive, knows all the things, likes music and their service dog
Booker: Acts 2-5, tends to accidentally run his mouth, likes basketball, bass guitar, and his friends
Ollie: Acts (1) 3-5, a little bit reactive, closed off, terrifyingly good at sleight of hand and at lying (do not play poker with him)
Meklit: Acts (1) 3-5, levelheaded, blunt, likes people and dislikes shoes
Gavin: Acts 3-5, both lawyer smart and a bit naïve, cellist, keeps putting himself in situations by accident
Goldie: Acts (1) 3-5, a bit shy, puts a lot of pressure on himself but looks really really chill at all times, chronic doodler
Blake: Acts 1-5, very antsy, very tired, very full of nervous energy, makes some poor decisions
Zaahira: Acts 4-5, genuinely nice person, cares about people, prefers plants
Wulf: Acts (3???) 4-5, impulsive, giggly, just happy to be here, on the run from the government
Akachi: Acts (1) 3-5, extremely ambitious, aesthetically inclined, color coordinated at all times
Selene: Acts 4-5, high tolerance for shenanigans, very bubbly, just out here having a good time
Sakura: Acts 4-5, detail oriented, loves stickers, can borderline read minds/hj
Remi: Acts 4-5 (probably??? gonna have to figure that out a bit more), very smart, very sarcastic, very giggly, very happy to be here
Leah: Acts 1-5, insomniac, a bit pretentious, makes some poor decisions
Sylvi: Acts (1) 3-5, borderline annoying theatre kid in the best way possible, very good singer
Karim: (Arguably a side character) Acts 4-5 (maybe idk), arguably too much faith in humanity, enjoys puns
Jono: Acts (3) 5, loves music, loses his train of thought frequently, looks more nervous than he is
Ivanna: Acts (3) 5, tough, good at water polo, believes in doing the right thing
Sovanna: Acts (3) 4-5, super chill, loves stickers, loves travelling, detail oriented
Ash: Act 5, under a ton of pressure, a bit reactive, out here trying his best
Coral: Act 5, can be hard to talk to, big listener, takes herself very seriously
Sib: (arguably a side character) Act 5, way too much energy at all times, good sense of humor, Ari's twin
Ari: (arguably a side character) Act 5, tired, quiet, talks more to animals than he does people
So that's a brief introduction to the non-antagonist characters, I'll make actual introduction posts for them later, but also if y'all want to ask questions about any of them before I get to that lmk!! Also feel free to ask questions about anything related to this story, I'd be happy to talk about it, and it might motivate me to help get stuff done.
If you found this blog just randomly and not from my fanart page, you can find that at @cj-the-random-artist , and you can find my website which has more art of my OCs at the link down here:
If / when I start uploading this story as a comic, I'll update this post with that information as well. That's all for this long introductory post, and I hope y'all enjoy this long winded thing and enjoy this little blog here!! Have good day lovelies :D
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