#pop mart Blythe
alittlebitbethany · 9 months
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Hi everybody for day 17 of A Very Dolly Christmas Countdown 2023 we have a photo of Wendy my Pop Mart Blythe doll that I took whilst having Christmas dinner with my family. The photo was my Mum’s idea. I hope that you like my photo. Image Description a photo of a Pop Mart Blythe doll dressed as a fairy standing inside of a lantern decorated with holly that contains battery powered candles.
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6boolett · 4 months
I wish I could get some #moots but I don’t really know how to,,,
I am going to tag everything I like and see if it does something
I’m 18 yo and I’m a literature student
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azkat62p · 7 years
Quartzite, AZ - 88 Shades RV Pk
 Month 1 
Week 2 November 19 - 25
Out the door (46 degrees) and over the border to Blythe, CA for Sunday breakfast at Denny’s - 22 miles. We left the house at 7:00 and got to Denny’s at 6:24 - darn time changes. Now I miss my hourly steps - argh.
We even brought puppy some bacon. He’s lost some weight from his daily walks (even had to buy him a new harness since he kept walking out of the one he had). It was a nice treat given all the anxiety he’s had since this journey began.
On the way home we stopped at a convenience store to get a Sunday paper. Yippee! It had the AZ Republic. I had been all kinds of upset because the manager at this park had never heard of it so I thought it wasn’t sold out here (were we really that far from civilization?) I was so elated to find it.
Denny’s and the AZ Republic - life is good.
Then it was off on another day trip - to Lake Havasu to get some insulated wrap for the outside hose - don’t want it freezing up from the cold. That was where the closest Lowes was since we couldn’t find anything around here.
I really wanted to see the London Bridge. I could not believe how jam packed with tourists the area was so we only saw it from afar. I was really upset. Dave and I had gone to Lake Havasu many years ago and no way it was it like this. It seemed that it was a lot smaller and there wasn’t much there. Maybe it just seemed that way or there was a massive construction spree. It’s amazing how much it’s changed.
That’s the news for the day. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Today is our 43rd anniversary - hand in hand walking this next chapter with the love of my life.
The day was fairly quiet. I did, however, help Dave rehang the overhead cabinets that had been attached to the bunk he took out in the front of the RV. It looks more specious up there without it.
We went to lunch at a local mom and pop restaurant. Those places always seem to have the better food.
Oh, and I found another place in town here to get the Arizona Republic. Simple things, huh? I had read an article about the Cardinals losing the following of local fans. I was upset with it because you support your team win or lose if you are a true fan. I actually posted my thoughts regarding that article on FB and the Arizona Cardinals Fan HQ page.
That was pretty much it.
Last 2 mornings have been in the 40s - brrrrr. The days have been 30 or so degrees higher - actually comfortable. But according to the weather we have some possible record breaking days coming up - please stop - this is the end of November already.
Victory is mine! We had purchased a laptop in September before starting our new life. After less than 2 months we were having internet connectivity issues. The issue was confirmed by Best Buy. At that point I contacted the Wal-Mart we purchased it at and was told that we were over the 15 day return period so there was nothing they could do. I angrily hung up on them and promptly sent an email to the company. After not hearing anything back (24 hour reply was indicated after the email was sent) I was going to send a follow-up email and somehow ended up in a chat. After an hour back and forth, the guy told me they would refund the purchase price. Dave was not going to pursue it but I was sure going to try - wasn't going to lose over $300 on worthless laptop. Being tenacious pays off.
Nice breakfast this morning before heading to Phoenix for Thanksgiving with Stacy, et al. It was a beautiful morning - low 50s.
Why can't men ever listen. The gas station was busy and I told Dave to wait for the lane with the pumps on the correct side of the RV - no sense in moving since vehicles kept coming. Did he listen? NO. So when he was ready to get in anothet lane a car zips in front of us. If he had listened to me....... I was pissed!
When we got into town it was back to the casino to park a few days. Then we had to get the laptop we were sending back to Wal-Mart packaged up at a UPS store.
It was darn hot here - almost 89 degrees. It is November already. This is a little much. Even in the heat I managed to get all but 1 of my hourly steps done and pass my 10,000 steps.
Relaxing with a little Charlie Brown.
Happy Thanksgiving! Join me in Phoenix for record breaking temperature for the day - 87 degrees - a tie for this day in 1950.
We joined my daughter, her boyfriend and his daughter and boyfriend and one of the daughter's friends for a grand meal. Our granddaughter had to work so we didn't see her and her boyfriend until later in the day. The food and company was great - fun time had by all.
I went home feeling entirely over stuffed. I took a few tums, watched a little tv and then off to bed.
Did I tell you it has been too darn hot?
Black Friday - we didn't want to be out but we had to take puppy to the vet. He has an ear infection and the vet also wondered about his thin coat. SO bloodwork and a steroid shot along with the ear treatment AND $500 later - puppy you need to get a job with benefits. On a good note he lost 6 lbs - the vet was happy.
We spent time with our granddaughter and her boyfriend since we didn't get to see much of them last night. We went to dinner and had a nice visit afterward.
Another too hot day. When will this end? We went to breakfast and then headed back to Quartzite.
I got some laundry done and then we were off to Wal-Mart. The RV across from us had a small tree on their dash so I wanted one, too. This is my favorite time of year so I was depressed about not having a tree. We got a small flocked tree (about 14") for our dash. Dave even saved our tinsel and I kept a few special ornaments. We got some garland - will wrap some lights that we kept around it. I bought a Christmas CD for more mood setting. I guess this is better than nothing although I wasn't sure we'd have any decor.
The evening was quiet.
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