#popular threads
boburnhamhistorian · 2 years
Hi, everyone! Since all of my tweets as UBBH have now vanished, I just wanted to create a list of some of my more popular Twitter threads that I’ve copied onto my site:
My 13-part series about Bo and his comedic influences (based on a Facebook Note he wrote to his fans in 2010, which I use as a springboard to explore how that comic has impacted Bo and his works)
My 4-part series of interviews about Rothaniel audience members (including myself!) who were fortunate enough to attend a taping of the Emmy-winning comedy special
My ongoing series of interviews with Content Creators: Sean Himmelberg, Isabel Descutner, and Davy Kynoch
My ongoing series of posts analyzing Jerrod Carmichael and the symbolic importance of his clothing choices
Easter eggs in Inside and the Inside Outtakes you might have missed when first viewing the specials, including the MANY appearances of my beloved disco ball 🪩 and Socko
My primers on Bo’s works and Jerrod’s works, including how to watch them (planning on a Lorene Scafaria one and a Kate Berlant one soon!)
My series on Bo and food/drink preferences: peanut butter, Red Bull, breakfast cereal
My once-a-day recommendations for Inside video essays and Inside content online
And, of course, the thread that kicked off everything for me: the popular Bo repurposing his old clothes in Inside (with a bonus look at his favorite gray hoodie!)
I hope you enjoy reading my threads from the past year, and stay tuned for lots more fun! ✌️
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the-candle-slime · 7 months
*two red eyes peer at you from the dark in the woods, their teeth chatter slightly*
W-what are you..?
*I yelp a bit and jump back*
I c-could ask the same to you...?
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crowhoonter · 5 months
rating Parahumans guys on how well I think they'd be as parents
Brian: I think Brian would believe he is a great father, but there is too much repressed emotions and depression in there to properly care for and raise a child. 3/10, Not particularly good.
Alec: Alec has lacked a real positive parental unit in his life, and while I don't think he would purposefully be shitty to a kid, I think he might fall back on what he knows from his own youth. Might be a fun older brother though. 3/10, needs to focus on himself first
Danny Hebert: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. no further notes. 2/10, Danny please get it together Taylor is relying on you
Armsmaster: Would rub off his worst personality traits onto a kid, resulting in them being the average r/malelivingspace user. Might also encourage child to grow poor facial hair. 1/10, I feel bad for whatever unfortunate soul is consigned to this fate.
Coil: Coil would be an absent father for 90% of your childhood, unless you were useful for his plans. In that case, he would feed you drugs or some other unethical thing and make you work for him (child labor (bad)). 2/10, conditions are poor but you might get to meet some of the other children he has, fixing the playdate situation.
Kaiser: See in story results. -5/10 Nazis don't make good parents.
Uber and Leet: They come as a package deal obviously, and they are actually pretty okay parents, they aren't great obviously but they aren't tremendous failures either. That is until you show up on one of their livestreams and then you are the laughingstock of the school. 4/10 Don't upload your kids online.
Scion: Too sad about his wife dying to properly parent. Also not emotionally available. 1/10, get it together man people are relying on you.
Mark Dallon: Not necessarily a bad parent, but he has a laundry list of problems that he needs to work through before he can begin to think to focus on his kids. 3/10, he's trying by god. He's not doing good but he's trying.
Number Man: He would probably respond to any question his kid asks with some weird philosophical math metaphor. Is a killer cook though. Also math classes would be a breeze. Unfortunately, most of his time is dedicated to cauldron. 5/10, grades will be great.
Accord: The worst type of helicopter parent. He would make itineraries to follow any time his kid went out and would require them home in pristine condition super early. Has a rigorous study schedule and puts a lot of pressure on you to succeed, and you know he wants whats best for you but like its stifling and you aren't really living for you but for him. Sure grades are good but you just can't do it anymore. 4/10, the depression and GPA are soaring.
Jack Slash: As seen in Worm, he is an absolutely killer parent. Has a fun family vibe? check. Engages with his children's interest and allows them to pursue it? check. Keeps his child intellectually and creatively stimulated? check. Takes his family all over the country to see new exciting places and people? check. Dude is simply top tier on the parenting skill. Sure the family dynamic is a bit unorthodox, but when the results look this good can you really argue? 10/10 Jack Slash has got it going on.
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fanyeline · 4 months
people love hating on lore olympus for like, inaccuracies regarding the myths & it's like that is a feature not a bug. also people hate lore olympus for being vapid, girl. it's doing a lot of work on sexual & parental trauma that I have NEVER seen any other medium do, while ALSO having a plot, while ALSO having the cutest fashiony outfits, while ALSO making references to pop culture & the world at the time it's made....while also being funny and cute......
have y'all made anything in your entire life?
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jajanvm-imbi · 26 days
Hey remember when I said that this was the most frustrating thing about being a Helluva Boss enjoyer?
Yeah I was wrong.
The most frustrating thing about being a Helluva Boss enjoyer is explicitly stating multiple times that I like show and then get called an anti and homophobic and media illiterate when I complain about the direction it has taken.
I LIKE the comedy
I LIKE the animation and artstyle
I LIKE the more serious plotlines like the government agents plot and the Cherubs plot
I LIKE the themes of friendship and found family
I even like most of the songs!
And ofc the voice cast slays every time
But just because your show has angst and tears and drama and sad music doesn't automatically make it "good".
Just because your characters are queer doesn't automatically make them good or well written characters
This fandom is so frustrating to deal with when you want to express your more nuanced takes of it
This is probably gonna be the last post I make about this subject and about Helluva Boss in general, this shit is too stupid to deal with
#still cant get over how i got called an anti and homophobic and media illiterate for saying:#'damn i wish the comedy show written by comedians had more comedy in it'#you can absolutely 100% write a comedy show with a more serious plot thread running through the whole thing#some of the most memorable and popular animated shows are just that#you got Gravity Falls The Owl House the Tales of Arcadia trilogy She-Ra ATLA etc....#fuck it even the first few seasons of Voltron for crying out loud#but the problem im having with HB is that its not a comedy with a serious plot thread anymore#its all drama all tears all angst with the occasional joke thrown in here and there#most of the shows I mentioned start off with episodic comedic adventures with hints towards the more serious stuff here and there#but the Stolitz drama started in the FIRST EPISODE#(in my opinion) the best eps of s1 are the ones that have little to nothing to do with Stolitz when we're given time to get to know the team#because we got to have FUN first we got to see the team dynamic in action#if the “serious plot thread” in HB was Blitz's relationships why didnt he apologize to Moxie and Millie in Apology Tour? or Loona?#or his FUCKING SISTER??????#the government agents and the Cherubs plotline makes x100 more sense as a serious plot thread for the premise of the series anyway#i could go on and on about this but I wont cause Im tired of thinking about this#this is stupid#im gonna ENJOY HB when I can#but that doesn't mean that there arent SERIOUS narrative issues with the series#and if you enjoy Stolitz good for you#peace and love#but its not something I can overlook#helluva boss#helluva boss critical#helluva boss criticism#helluva boss critique
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ardentpoop · 13 days
also im sorry but you guys are SO stupid about dean. like 90% of you or something crazy like that. and you keep thinking youre delivering breaking news when you say things like Havr You Considered That Sam Is The One With More Power as if everyone here (EVERYONE!!!) isnt constantly spewing dean apologia on top of the narrative's calcified layers of the shit.
this fandom has never understood dean and never will at this rate let alone sam who is SO much more difficult for the average viewer to truly empathize with past the biases of the narrative. i know i sound like a broken record lol but it genuinely makes me feel so fucking angry and hurt sometimes. i literally can't get away from it!
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
One of my favourite little things about Apollo is how casual his and the Fates' relationship was.
Now, this isn't to understate how grave the Fates were in any way, as a matter of fact, it's written multiple times about the complex interplay between the Fates and Zeus (Stobaeus even wrote that the Fates were given the seat closest to Zeus' throne so he could better give counsel on all things from their machinations)
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Indeed, even Zeus was beholden to them and even though the Fates usually left things up to natural course (and Zeus in his position as Moiragetes - that is, the Leader of Fates could even intercede on these events, even interrupting when a someone was set to die) in a lot of ways, there are many, many things that even Zeus could never interfere with, things that were above even the King of the Heavens. Some really good examples are things like Persephone's Abduction which the Fates ruled as necessary for the propagation of the seasons and his marriages to Themis and Hera.
By all accounts really, the Fates were incredibly stern, incredibly grave deities who presided over law, order, birth and death and even worked with the Furies to punish those who broke the sacred laws!
And then you have Apollo who was also known by the title Moiragetes (In Delphi, there were only two Moirai depicted and in place of the third was Zeus and Apollo Moiragetes according to Pausanias) but who did things like, checks notes, send the Fates to be the midwives of his paramour Evadne when she had to deliver his son alone in secret (by the way, he also sent the actual goddess of childbirth to help. The Fates absolutely did not need to also be there, he was taking every precaution:
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and get the Fates drunk so they would agree to save his bestie Admetus' life:
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Keep in mind btw - this con Apollo pulled for Admetus was multi-layered and even included getting Heracles to wrestle Thanatos and keep him still so Apollo could proceed to help Admetus cheat Alcestis away from Fates when Admetus expressed regret for making his wife die in his place:
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And I cannot stress enough that Apollo faced zero consequences for this nonsense. NONE. The Fates weren't even cordial with other Gods - they're almost never referred to directly, they were often depicted apart from other deities or described as old, ugly and unable to walk (though, generally speaking they were artistically depicted as young maidens!) and apart from comforting Demeter by going to personally explain what happened to Persephone in some versions of the story, they didn't really get humanised the way most of the other gods or spirits did. Usually they're referred to euphemistically, or someone will speak distantly about a prophecy they once heard was designed by the Fates but Apollo? Apollo knew the Fates! He was good friends with the Fates! And I think it's even cooler when you consider that both instances of Apollo showing off his Fate's Favourite privilege have to deal with birth (of Iamus) and death (of Alcestis/Admetus) which were the two points most deeply associated with the Moirai and why there were usually depictions of them as a pair over that of a triad.
(Excerpts sourced from Theoi, Aeschylus' Eumenides, Pindar's Olympian 6 and Statius' Silvae; though just a note, one instance of the Fates' involvement with Apollo is misquoted on Theoi - that is the Fates being present for Apollo's birth, that's actually a misinterpretation of Evadne's birthing of Iamus.)
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enigmaticpink · 2 months
I think it's important to recognize and realize that not every vent post made by an abuse/rape survivor is a call to discuss the legal or justice system. If you see a rape or csa survivors angrily say, "All rapists should die," and your first thought is to get on your keyboard and type a think piece about how actually harming abusers does nothing, I need you to take two steps back and realize someone showing very understandable anger about their own trauma is not the same as a call to policy.
It's all well and good that you have a vested interest in what polices you actually think will bring down offending rates, or how the justice system should be. But a suvivors personal post isn't the place to try and act like a condescending jack ass or try and debate with them. Give people the room they deserve to express the anger they have.
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nuclearanomaly · 2 months
HI! Hope this ask finds you well. I'm trying to find some slide presentations you made for FFXIV, but I'm having trouble finding them - do you have them linked somewhere convenient or anything like that?
Oh I’m guessing you are referring to my ship ppt meme I did
I never shared that here and maybe I should remedy that but tumblr isn’t the easiest to share such a long document on...
I still have it saved to gslides though so here is an easy link for you!
I hope this is what you were looking for and I'm flattered u were think of it / looking for it, if so!
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pastafossa · 1 year
The Glorious TRT Gift
I needed to make this one its own post specifically so I could link it on my TRT masterlist.
One of my highlights of going to the con was finally getting to meet with @wonderlandmind4​, who I’ve been chatting with for ages after bonding over the fic. It was one of those friendships where you finally meet and you feel like you’ve always known each other. There is no awkward period, no ‘um who are you exactly’. Just boom, we’re hugging, we’re chattering, we’re getting kicked out of Panera because we lost track of time while talking and they’re closing, we’re exchanging friendship gifts. And there was one in particular that was very special. If you’ve been around on tumblr, then you may have seen my mentions of her teasing about whatever this TRT gift was. I know she told a couple other people at the con, but when she finally gave it to me, I was just... stunned, and I immediately teared up.
She'd created a funko display of black suit Matt and a custom Funko Jane she'd ordered. It was set above the streets of the Kitchen, complete with beautiful, glittering threads she'd made and attached herself, with the Hell's Kitchen skyline at night as the backdrop.
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Jane even has her key necklace, along with her leather jacket! Seriously, the fact that they have not just a red thread, but Matt also has his white thread signifying his love for his city, is just... perfection.
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Girl, this is one of the wildest, sweetest, most thoughtful things I've been given and I have repeatedly teared up when proudly showing it to friends and family. My geek friends on my socials are literally losing their minds over it. I literally carried this in the Keanu Jesus tote bag with me every time I left the car on the ride home because I wanted to make sure nothing happened to it. The second I got home, I was rearranging the Matt Murdock shrine so I could set it up front and center. And I've been looking at it and touching it on and off all day, just stunned that someone loved TRT enough to make it. It is absolutely perfect and I love it so, so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 😭
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
I, um, don't know if you were trying to find the clown dick post but here it is. https://www.tumblr.com/foldingfittedsheets/735829052371451904?source=share
Thanks, I found it too!
Mine was laboriously googling the OP and clown and tumblr then sending it to a friend so I could access the link in the app and then linking it to the last ask so that next time I can find it quicker.
Thank you for your service.
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ispyspookymansion · 7 months
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what an interesting combination?
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fredersen · 1 year
in principle i am very against “cancelling”, callouts, and other associated forms of violent social ostracism. but i can’t deny that there’s something enjoyable (in a fucked up evil way) about having a parasocial tumblr enemy who i privately seethe to myself about
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mybrainproblems · 1 year
it's like. you watch early seasons spn and you get these deeply uncomfortable moments that are just out of step with modern views and you remember that hey, s1 is approaching 20 years old, but even episodes from s7 (2011-2012) will be wildly out of step and in some cases worse than s1 (holding gamble at knifepoint)
it's a reminder how far we can come in such a short time and bc i was very much conscious and living in that era, yeah. it was just Like That. and we gotta acknowledge that the 00s and even 10s come with a "period typical" content warning and we should hold it accountable for that but we also need to take into account that it was unfortunately very period typical in its treatment of women and poc and i also think it's worth acknowledging where the show did grow and change and try to make amends (e.g. becky)
idk. spn has a long legacy and very few shows last so long nvm that it started airing during bush's second term and went through the obama & trump administrations and that its finale aired in what ended up being the final days of the trump administration.
there's just a lot going on contemporary to spn that I think folks don't necessarily take into account in their analysis and i think it's worthy of discussion.
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rizz-god · 2 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms
Thanks for the tag @cookie-druid
Spoiler alert: they're all women
1. Kaine - NieR
(I stole this photo from Hannah because I was too lazy to look one up lmao)
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2. Aloy - Horizon
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3. Shin Hati - Star Wars
(That's my wife)
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4. Caitlyn Kiramman - Arcane
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5. Ellie Williams - The Last of Us
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6. Kassandra - Assassin's Creed
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7. Malenia, Blade of Miquella - Elden Ring
(Tbh, all the Elden Ring women belong on this list)
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8. Harrowhark Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb
(I flipped a coin because I couldn't choose between her or Gideon lmao)
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9. Sophia - A Plague Tale
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10. Persephone - Stray Gods
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Hannah pretty much tagged everyone I was gonna tag but I'll annoy some of them again lol
@katiemcgrathisdaddyaf @a-little-ferret @despite-the-nora @samaelschain and anybody else that wants to join in
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