#positron 400
dataentryspecialist · 3 months
Captain Picard: Lore's going to drag this out. So, Mister Data, what's his play?
Lieutenant Commander Data: He has an army of former Borg drones. They're not of the Borg specifically or any specific world. He means to lead them against the Federation. They will win him the quadrant. In return, I suspect, for his leadership.
Picard: An army? From outside of Federation space?
Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge: So he's building a transwarp conduit. To attack.
Data: Precisely
Picard: I wish to know why Lore is hellbent on this course of action. Surely he doesn't see the entire Federation as a threat.
Geordi: I don't think we should be focusing on Lore. That guy's positronic brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him.
Data: I would ask that you consider your words, Geordi. Lore is beyond reason, but he is my brother.
Doctor Beverly Crusher: He killed an entire colony of over 400 people
Data: Technically, we are not biologically related.
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greysgambling · 2 years
Matter antimatter
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The NIAC research is a preliminary study to see if the idea is feasible. The new design will use positrons, which make gamma rays with about 400 times less energy. Previous antimatter-powered spaceship designs employed antiprotons, which produce high-energy gamma rays when they annihilate. Even the nuclear reactions that power atomic bombs come in a distant second, with only about three percent of their mass converted to energy. This complete conversion to energy is what makes antimatter so powerful. When antimatter meets matter, both annihilate in a flash of energy. Anti-electrons have a positive charge, so scientists dubbed them "positrons". For example, normal electrons, the familiar particles that carry electric current in everything from cell phones to plasma TVs, have a negative electric charge. The NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) is funding a team of researchers working on a new design for an antimatter-powered spaceship that avoids this nasty side effect by producing gamma rays with much lower energy.Īntimatter is sometimes called the mirror image of normal matter because while it looks just like ordinary matter, some properties are reversed. High-energy gamma rays can also make the engines radioactive by fragmenting atoms of the engine material. They penetrate matter and break apart molecules in cells, so they are not healthy to be around. Some antimatter reactions produce blasts of high energy gamma rays. However, in reality this power comes with a price. Image right: A spacecraft powered by a positron reactor would resemble this artist's concept of the Mars Reference Mission spacecraft. While tons of chemical fuel are needed to propel a human mission to Mars, just tens of milligrams of antimatter will do (a milligram is about one-thousandth the weight of a piece of the original M&M candy). Most self-respecting starships in science fiction stories use antimatter as fuel for a good reason – it’s the most potent fuel known.
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zeravmeta · 4 years
fuck it. soma cruz fgo servant profile bc i make my own content
Servant: / Servant Class: Soma Cruz / Alter Ego
Origin: / Region: Castlevania Series / Japan, 2035
Alignment: Lawful Neutral(?) “Yeah, not sure how I classify as Lawful given my past life, but whatever.”
Aliases: The Dark Lord, Dracula, Soma Cruz
Parameters: STR (B) / END (A+) / AGL (B+) / MP (EX) / LUK (A) / NP (???) 
Class Skills: Authority of Beasts (Fake), Core of Chaos (A), One Who Severs Fate (A)
Character Info: “In order for God to be perfectly Good, there must always exist an embodiment of Chaos, a Dark Lord to emerge from the evil of humanity’s hearts.”
For one thousand years, the Belmont bloodline had opposed the terrible night that Count Dracula would bring with his powers. After generations of suffering, the Belmont’s latest mantle bearer, Julius Belmont, along with their generational allies, the Belnades clan and a nameless soldier, had managed to permanently defeat Dracula with the help of the Hakuba Clan’s shrine magics. Severing his connection to his power and sealing Castlevania, the embodiment of his power, within a solar eclipse, Dracula had finally faced his demise in 1999, prophesied by Nostradamus one millennium ago. Thus, the strongest Dark Lord had fallen, his throne empty and awaiting a new master.
In 2035, Soma Cruz had visited the Hakuba Shrine to meet with his childhood friend Mina, unaware of the birthright he would claim.
Chaos Ring A: An extremely powerful construct that channels the very essence of Chaos. It can only be found by the one who can traverse and control the Chaos Realm, the Dark Lords personal right. Wearing it grants the unlimited magical power of the Chaos Realm, but actual output depends on the user. If the Demon King’s Ring is the symbol of Dracula and his reign, then the Chaos Ring could be considered the symbol of Soma and his new beginning.
Thematic narratives aside, it’s a very convenient tool for Soma.
“It’s weird, but it feels like…it was made for me. Almost like a welcome gift.”
[5->3 Turns] [Charge NP (20%->30%), Increase NP Gain (10%->25%) (3 Turns), Gain a Delayed buff 1 turn after skill use (Unremovable): [Charge NP (20->30%)]
Armament Master D: Soma is extremely proficient at using any and all forms of weaponry. Due to Dracula’s vast reach, Soma has a vast number of different modern and mythical weapons and gear at his disposal, notable weapons including Excalibur (sealed in the stone), Hrunting, Caladbolg, Mjolnir, and even a Positron Rifle, to name a few. However, one weapon unique to Soma is the Claimh Solais, an Irish sword of light mentioned in many legends and defining the archetype of “Sword of Light.” It provides a great boost to parameters and is surprisingly light weight despite its size. Another unique weapon he wields is the Valmanway, the “Blessed Wind” that is always ‘cutting’ even when still.
(The rank is D because despite his proficiency, Soma has never had any formal training.)
“I mean, it’s just a sword, right? How complex is it? You can just swing it and things die. Though…considering I have ol’ Drac’s memories…sorta, maybe I’m just remembering it?”
[8->6 Turns] [Increase Atk (10%->20%) (3 Turns), Gain Critical Stars (5->15), Increase Critical Star Absorption (3000%) (3 Turns), Increase Critical Damage (10%->20%) (3 Turns), Apply Special Attack against Sky, Star and Beast attribute enemies (20%->40%) (3 Turns)]
Power of Dominance (EX): Soma’s inheritance from Dracula, or more fittingly, the Chaos Entity opposite to God. The Power of Dominance is a unique ability that grants a complete mastery over the abilities of any and all souls Soma can acquire from the enemies he defeats. All the monsters that Dracula unleashed in his crusade against humanity are the countless souls under his domain, even that of Death itself, and their powers rightly belong to him.
Soma can differentiate between the types of Soul Arts he uses, and this reflects accordingly in his Noble Phantasm.
“I never wanted this power, but I guess I’m stuck with it. I’ll always carry the target on my back, but at least I can look awesome as hell while doing it, I suppose.”
[5->3 Turns] [Decrease Enemy Charge by 1 (20%->50%), Select own NP Command Card’s type between Quick, Arts or Buster for 3 Turns. Effect of NP changes depending on which Command Card Type is selected. This skill is immune to debuff effects (such as Skill Seal)]
Noble Phantasm:
Advent of Sorrow – He Who Severed His Fate Against Chaos and God / Anti-Divine, Anti-Self / Rank (???)
A manifestation of Soma’s power truly made his own, separate from the title of Dark Lord and Dracula. Having defeated the Chaos Entity, he managed to sever its connection to his soul, and be saved from his Fate. Even so, he carries the Power of Dominance with him always, and the countless souls and followers of Chaos always wait and offer themselves unto Soma to lead and command them. In his own imperfect way, neither holy nor demonic.
After all, he’s only human.
(Note: If used by the true Count Dracula, this would be considered an Anti-Humanity NP)
[Type: Buster] – [Deals massive damage to a single enemy (1200%->2400%), Chance to Decrease Charge by 1 (80%->100%). Overcharge: Increases own Buster Card Effectiveness (20%) (1 Turn) and NP Damage (1 Turn) (20%) (Activates First)]
[Type: Arts] – [Deals heavy damage to all enemies (400%->800%), Chance to decrease Atk (15%->25%) and Critical Chance (20%->30%). Overcharge: Inflict Curse (5 Turns).]
[Type: Quick] – [Apply Debuff Immune (1 Time), and Restore HP each turn for self (3 Turns) (1000->1500), and Increase NP Gauge each turn for self (3 Turns) (5%). Overcharge: Apply Def Up for all allies (3 Turns) (25%->50%).]
Bond Lines: 
Bond 1: “Heh, thanks for having me! I’m still not too sure about how all this stuff works here, but if you need a monster taken down, I’m your guy.”
Bond 2: “So the rest of those dudes call you ‘Master’? Kind of awkward, but I guess they’re magical familiars at the end of the day. What? So am I? Sorry but, vampiric powers aside, I’m just a normal guy. I was even in University before I got dragged here. I’ll just call you [name] for now.”
Bond 3: “Do you like curry? Arikado said I shouldn’t be using these monster souls for dumb stuff, but they don’t mind. They always talk to me and really want to help me out wherever I am. Except Death, that guy sucks. He’s always breaking into my home and trying to convince me to become the next Dark Lord and to ‘accept my throne’ and stuff.”
Bond 4: “…It scares me, sometimes. Knowing not only what I am, but what I’m very capable of.”
Bond 5: “Y’know…you could always come back with me to my world, if you want to escape. I’ll take you to meet Mina, and Hammer and Yoko and Julius and Arikado and…Hm. Sorry. I know you can’t abandon this world, it’s where you grew up. There’s…a lot of people here who love you. You should always remember that and hold it close. It saved my life when I thought I couldn’t go on, and I know it will also save yours.”
Voice Lines:
(1): “I’m glad this place is a lot simpler than the castle. That place had so many hidden rooms and puzzles that I felt like I was going insane…No, as a matter of fact, DON’T tell me about all the secret workshops here.”
(2): “Hm? What’s up? I’m just relaxing here. Sorry if I’m taking up space. It’s nice to just take a moment.”
(3): “No, no, don’t worry. Even if I could, I’m not the type of guy to just go around stealing souls. I only do that to monsters, and even then, they become complacent once they return to me. I could show you some of the fun ones, like the Skeleton Gardener, if you’d like.”
Likes: “What I like? Curry! Oh, and Mina. She’s been with me for my whole life. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
Dislikes: “This is gonna sound cliché, but garlic. It just tastes bad.”
Event: “Whoa, a party! Let’s go, I’m super bored cooped up in here.”
About The Holy Grail: “Wish granting? No thanks, I’ve read a ton of comics and things always go wrong. What? Of course, it’s a valuable source!”
Summon Quote: “Yo! My name is Soma Cruz. I’m just a regular high school student. Um…Where am I, exactly?”
Happy Birthday: “Happy Birthday, [name]! I’m so gonna throw you the coolest party ever! I’ll even invite Mina…If, uh, if that’s cool with you?”
(King Hassan): “D-Death!? Why are you…Oh. Uh, sorry about that. You reminded me of...someone. I’m sure you’re a cool guy underneath all that armor.”
(Vlad/Vlad III (EXTRA)): “Huh. So, in this world, the legend of Dracula is just that? A legend? Well, that’s a huge relief. I’m not exactly the kingly type.”
(Gilgamesh/Gilgamesh (Caster)): “Hey [name], could you give me a hand? This gold idiot keeps saying I stole his weapons, but they’re mine! …Hey! Stay back with those portal things! Someone, help!!!”
(Scathach): “Jeez, I bet Arikado will get along with that slave driver. Seriously, Arikado’s method of teaching me my powers amounted to locking me in a room with monsters and a pocketknife. Huh? She’s stomping over here!? [name], help me!”
(Marie Antionette): “I don’t know why, but…Looking at you makes me sad. I’m sorry.”
(Sessyoin Kiara): “Master, this lady is coming onto me WAY too hard. She keeps telling me to ‘embrace what I am’ and junk. I already get enough of that crap from cultists back home.”
(Sakata Kintoki/Astolfo/Romulus/Romulus-Quirinus/Ashwatthama): “Hey, you’re a pretty cool dude, huh? Finally, someone with some style!”
(Amakusa Shirou): “Ugh, you remind me of Fortner. And stop using rosaries around me, I’m not Satan, you jerk!”
(Mephistopheles): “Please, leave me alone. I’m not evil, nor will I ever be the Dark Lord. Just because I have those powers doesn’t mean I’m defined by them. Also, the alarm clock you gave me exploded, so I don’t think you’re all that trustworthy anyways.”
(Beni Enma): “Aww, you’re so cute...Wait, from the Underworld? A yokai? Guess you’re one of mine, then. If you want, I can loan you some Skeleton Waiters for your chain.”
(Any Avenger-Class Servant): “Hey, you guys are kinda like me! Everyone says you’re evil, but you’re actually really nice!”
(Arcueid Brunestud): “Master, that girl is shooting me some pretty weird looks....Huh? Reincarnating vampire? Oh, I guess I’d look pretty weird in that case. That’s not her fault, though. Maybe I’ll go say hi.”
Buster Card: 2 Hit / -Soma raises Excalibur (still in the stone) and smashes it into the enemy-
Quick Card: 5 Hit / -Soma holds Valmanway in front of him, turns around, and multiple slashes envelop the enemy-
Art Card: 3 Hit / -Soma does two horizontal strikes, then a third overhead strike with Claimh Solais-
Extra Card: 6 Hit / -Soma punches twice, does a spin-attack with Claimh Solais, then jumps back and fires his Positron Rifle-
Level Up: “Whew…I feel so powerful.”
Ascension 1: “Whoo! Good job, [name].” 
Ascension 2: “This…This is just like then…[name], maybe don’t do this anymore.”
Ascension 3: “Please…stop. I don’t know if I can pull myself back this time…”
Ascension 4: “I see. Well…as long as you’re by my side, I’ll never succumb. So please…don’t die.”
Battle Start ½: “Just how many monsters out there!? In any case, let’s do this thing!” / “I’ll carry the mantle and defeat this terrible night!”
Skill ½: “Bullet, set…Enchanted, set…Guardian, set…” / “How about some of this!”
Attack Selection ½/3: “Hmm.” / “Seriously!?” / “Nice.”
Attack ½/3: “Hraagh!” / “Take this!” / “You’re going down!”
Extra Attack: “Let’s see you handle THIS!”
Noble Phantasm Selection ½: “Are…Are you sure?” / “I’ll trust you on this.”
Noble Phantasm: “I will never be the Dark Lord…You, God, and The World will just have to deal with it!”
Noble Phantasm Damage: “I won’t…Submit...!”
Regular Damage: “Gah!”
Defeated ½: “Mina….” / “Julius…our promise…”
Battle Finish ½: “That was a close one…” / “Anyone need some healing? I have some spare spoiled milk…Oh wait, none of you have a Ghoul soul, huh?”
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amruth-ganji · 4 years
SIEMENS Service Center Bangalore The organization is an unmistakable creator of clinical diagnostics hardware and its clinical medical services division, which produces about percent of the organization's absolute deals, is its second-most beneficial unit, after the modern mechanization division. The organization is a segment of the Euro financial exchange list. Siemens built the Hydro Power station on the River Shannon in the then Irish Free State, and it was a world first for its plan. The organization is associated with its craving to raise the wages of its came up short on laborers just to be overruled by the government. Situated in Electronic City in Bangalore, it has more than 5000 representatives.
SIEMENS Customer Care Bangalore  As per records, Siemens was working practically elective or migrated producing plants. The processing plants had helpless working conditions, where lack of healthy sustenance and demise were normal. Likewise, the grant has indicated that the camp plants were made, run, and provided by the SS, related to organization authorities, in some cases significant level authorities. During the last long periods of World War II, various plants and industrial facilities in Berlin and other significant urban areas were obliterated by Allied air attacks. To forestall further misfortunes, producing was consequently moved to elective spots and districts not influenced by the air war. The objective was to make sure about proceeded with creation of significant war-related and regular products.
. SIEMENS Toll free Number Bangalore  The Indian auxiliary of German worldwide designing and hardware aggregate Siemens that centers on IT and the board administrations. Modern and force station dust control frameworks. Wind vitality, Power Technologies Inc. Schenectady, USA, vitality industry programming and preparing, CTI Molecular Imaging Positron emanation tomography and atomic imaging frameworks,  IPTV frameworks, Shaw Power Technologies International Ltd UK/USA, electrical building counseling, gained from Shaw Group, and  Ashby de la  UK, rail and other industry control and resource the board.
SIEMENS Washing Machine Repair Bangalore Notwithstanding building up the budgetary business, the fundamental concentration at the time was to expand straightforwardness for speculators by making a different financing accounting report. Since Siemens Financial Services has been the focal point of ability for money related administrations and the supplier of monetary danger the board for Siemens in the market for business-to-business budgetary solutions. These duties were extended to incorporate Siemens' protection tasks and later its investment exercises.
SIEMENS Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore  The primary divisions of the organization are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens Health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which speak to the principle exercises of the organization. The organization is a conspicuous producer of clinical diagnostics hardware and its clinical medical care division, which creates about percent of the organization's complete deals, is its second-most beneficial unit, after the modern mechanization division. The organization is a part of the Euro financial exchange file. Siemens offers a wide scope of electrical designing and gadgets related items and services. Its items can be extensively partitioned into the accompanying classifications: structures related items; drives, mechanization and mechanical plant-related items
SIEMENS Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore structures related items incorporate structure computerization hardware and frameworks; building-tasks gear and frameworks; building fire-wellbeing hardware and frameworks; building-security hardware and frameworks; and low-voltage switchgear including circuit insurance and dissemination products blowers for oil and gas pipelines; mechanical segments including gears for wind turbines and concrete plants; mechanization hardware and frameworks and controls for creation apparatus and machine devices; and mechanical plant for water handling and crude material processing.
SIEMENS Refrigerator Repair Bangalore vitality related items incorporate gas and steam turbines; generators; blowers; on-and seaward wind turbines; high-voltage transmission items; power transformers; high-voltage exchanging items and frameworks; substituting and direct momentum transmission frameworks; medium-voltage parts and frameworks; and force mechanization products. By utilizing principally sustainable power source, micro grids decrease carbon-dioxide emanations, which is regularly required by government guidelines. It provided a maintainable stockpiling product and s micro grid to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital.
SIEMENS Refrigerator Service Center Bangalore In the sustainable power source industry, the organization gives an arrangement of products, and administrations to help manufacture and work micro grids of any size. Siemens OSRAM auxiliary produces lighting items including glowing, halogen, smaller fluorescent, fluorescent, high-force release and Xenon lights; opt-electronic semiconductor light sources, for example, light emanating diodes (LEDs), natural LEDs, high force laser diodes, LED frameworks and LED luminaires; electronic gear including electronic stabilizer; lighting control and the board frameworks; and related exactness components.
SIEMENS Refrigerator Customer Care Bangalore clinical items incorporate clinical data innovation frameworks; hearing instruments; in-vitro diagnostics hardware; imaging gear including angiography related items incorporate hardware and frameworks for rail transportation including rail vehicles for mass travel, territorial and significant distance transportation, trains, gear and frameworks for rail zap, focal control frameworks, interlocking, and computerized train controls; hardware and frameworks for street traffic including traffic discovery, data and direction; hardware and frameworks for air terminal co-ordinations including freight following and stuff dealing with; and gear and frameworks for postal mechanization including letter bundle arranging.
SIEMENS Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore During the last long periods of World War II, various plants and production lines in Berlin and other significant urban areas were obliterated by Allied air attacks. To forestall further misfortunes, fabricating was consequently moved to elective spots and locales not influenced by the air war. The objective was to make sure about proceeded with creation of significant war-related and regular merchandise.  As per records, Siemens was working very nearly 400 other option or moved assembling plants toward the finish.
SIEMENS Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore The organization manufactured the primary significant distance transmit line in Europe later Sir William Siemens, begun to speak to the organization in London. The London organization turned into a branch office in 1858. During the, the organization was associated with building significant distance broadcast networks in Russia. In an organization branch headed by another sibling, Carl Heinrich von Siemens, opened in St Petersburg, Russia. Siemens finished the great Indo-European message line extending more than km from London to Calcutta.
SIEMENS Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore A comparative framework was additionally autonomously created by Charles Wheatstone, yet Siemens turned into the primary organization to construct such gadgets. The organizer resigned and left the running of the organization to his sibling Carl and children Arnold and Wilhelm. Siemens and Haskie was established by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Haskie on 1 October 1847. In light of the message, their development utilized a needle to highlight the succession of letters, rather than utilizing Morse code. The organization, at that point called von Siemens and Haskie, opened its first workshop on 12 October.
IFB Service Center Bangalore Initially the organization was known as Indian Fine Blanks Ltd, and began activities in India in. It offers apparatuses, for example, clothes washers, washer dryer, clothing dryer, dishwasher, microwave, Chimney, Air Conditioners, hobs, stacks and other cooking appliances. Proceeding, industry insiders feel it may be hard for IFB to hold its initiative situation in frontloading clothes washers because of the animosity of contenders, for example, LG, Samsung and Bosch.
IFB Customer Care Bangalore In the present relentless world, there's not really sufficient opportunity to do everything your heart wants saving time for a pastime or going on vacation to revive old guilty pleasures appears to be for all intents and purposes outlandish. Envision if there was an approach to turn this around and in the event that we could assist you with making more opportunity for yourself At IFB, we need to free you from all the dull and tedious family tasks and help you to make quality time for all the things in life that truly matter. Our scope of home machines and the clothing, kitchen and living arrangements we configuration are completely intended to assist you with investing more energy doing whatever you truly need to do – while leaving the problems of family errands to our answers.
IFB Tollfree Number Bangalore IFB Industries Limited initially known as Indian Fine Blanks Limited began their tasks in India.The Engineering divisions are situated at Kolkata and Bangalore. The Bangalore unit, aside from Fine Blanked segments, fabricates engines for White products just as automotive applications. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
IFB Washing Machine Repair Bangalore has around 39 percent esteem share in front stacking clothes washers, in front of LG India's 32.6 percent share, as per market tracker GfK's information for June that tracks deals at both multi-brand and restrictive brand stores. IFB's volume share in the class is around 40 percent. This is notwithstanding the association's negligible publicizing and limited time spend of a year over its two organizations of home apparatuses and fine blanking, while its worldwide opponents, for example, LG, Samsung. The clothes washer innovation has not advanced dissimilar to different classes, he said. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
Its advertisers, the Nag group of Kolkata, hold 75 percent stake in the organization. IFB Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore an email sent to IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated ETof his powerlessness to take an interest in the story.. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave customer base.
IFB Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore needs to augment its essence in enormous retail chains like Croma and Reliance Digital where it has unimportant presence," a senior chief with a main chain said. mover advantage in these sections, wide entrance in territorial business sectors and rehash buys from existing clients. The vital divisions of the organization are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which speak to the principle exercises of the organization.
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raulrahulme-blog · 4 years
Home Appliances Services
Whirlpool Service Center BangaloreIn  During the last long periods of World War II, various plants and industrial facilities in Berlin and other significant urban areas were obliterated by Allied air attacks.  Whirlpool Customer Care Bangalore to forestall further misfortunes, producing was consequently moved to elective spots and districts not influenced by the air war. The objective was to make sure about proceeded with creation of significant war-related and regular products. As per records, Siemens was working practically elective or migrated producing plants. The organization provided electrical parts to Nazi inhumane imprisonments and concentration camps. The processing plants had helpless working conditions, where lack of healthy sustenance and demise were normal. Likewise, the grant has indicated that the camp plants were made, run, and provided by the SS, related to organization authorities, in some cases significant level authorities. The London organization turned into a branch office in 1858. During the, the organization was associated with building significant distance broadcast networks in Russia. In an organization branch headed by another sibling, Carl Heinrich von Siemens, opened in St Petersburg, Russia. In 1867, Siemens finished the great Indo-European message line extending more than km from London to Calcutta.
 .  Whirlpool Customer Care Bangalore Siemens obtained Holding GmbH Bocholt, Germany, gears or modern drives, AB (building security frameworks, air Pollution Control, Inc.  Whirlpool Toll-free Number Bangalore Modern and force station dust control frameworks. Wind vitality, Power Technologies Inc. Schenectady, USA, vitality industry programming and preparing, CTI Molecular Imaging Positron emanation tomography and atomic imaging frameworks,  IPTV frameworks, Shaw Power Technologies International Ltd UK/USA, electrical building counseling, gained from Shaw Group, and  Ashby de la UK, rail and other industry control and resource the board. The Indian auxiliary of German worldwide designing and hardware aggregate Siemens that centers on IT and the board administrations. The auxiliary is part into four units: Corporate Technology India, Siemens Corporate Finance and Controlling, Global Shared Services, and Siemens Management Consulting.
Whirlpool Tollfree Number Bangalore The Siemens Group initially packaged its monetary exercises into an authoritative unit in October.  Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair Bangalore the notwithstanding building up the budgetary business, the fundamental concentration at the time was to expand straightforwardness for speculators by making a different financing accounting report. Since Siemens Financial Services has been the focal point of ability for money related administrations and the supplier of monetary danger the board for Siemens in the market for business-to-business budgetary solutions. From the very beginning, duty incorporated Siemens' renting and elective types of benefit and hardware financing just as venture financing and value co-operations. SFS was likewise placed accountable for Siemens' depository and installment exchange arrangements just as of the monetary administration of annuity resources. These duties were extended to incorporate Siemens' protection tasks and later its investment exercises.
Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair BangaloreThe  The primary divisions of the organization are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens Health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which speak to the principle exercises of the organization.  Whirlpool Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore The organization is a conspicuous producer of clinical diagnostics hardware and its clinical medical care division, which creates about percent of the organization's complete deals, is its second-most beneficial unit, after the modern mechanization division. The organization is a part of the Euro financial exchange file. Siemens offers a wide scope of electrical designing and gadgets related items and services. Its items can be extensively partitioned into the accompanying classifications: structures related items; drives, mechanization and mechanical plant-related items; vitality related items; lighting; clinical items; and transportation and co-ordinations related products.
.  Whirlpool Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore Whirlpool Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore structures related items incorporate structure computerization hardware and frameworks; building-tasks gear and frameworks; building fire-wellbeing hardware and frameworks; building-security hardware and frameworks; and low-voltage switchgear including circuit insurance and dissemination products. Siemens drives, computerization and modern plant-related items incorporate engines and drives for transport lines; siphons and blowers; hard core engines and drives for moving steel factories; blowers for oil and gas pipelines; mechanical segments including gears for wind turbines and concrete plants; mechanization hardware and frameworks and controls for creation apparatus and machine devices; and mechanical plant for water handling and crude material processing.
Whirlpool Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore  Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Bangalore  vitality related items incorporate gas and steam turbines; generators; blowers; on-and seaward wind turbines; high-voltage transmission items; power transformers; high-voltage exchanging items and frameworks; substituting and direct momentum transmission frameworks; medium-voltage parts and frameworks; and force mechanization products. In the sustainable power source industry, the organization gives an arrangement of products, and administrations to help assemble and work micro grids of any size. It gives age and conveyance of electrical vitality just as checking and controlling of micro grids. By utilizing principally sustainable power source, micro grids decrease carbon-dioxide emanations, which is regularly required by government guidelines. It provided a maintainable stockpiling product and s micro grid to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Bangalore  In the sustainable power source industry, the organization gives an arrangement of products, and administrations to help manufacture and work micro grids of any size. It gives age and conveyance of electrical vitality just as checking and controlling of micro grids. By utilizing fundamentally sustainable power source, micro grids lessen carbon-dioxide discharges, which is frequently required by government guidelines. It provided a supportable stockpiling product and s micro grid to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital. Siemens OSRAM auxiliary produces lighting items including glowing, halogen, smaller fluorescent, fluorescent, high-force release and Xenon lights; opt-electronic semiconductor light sources, for example, light emanating diodes (LEDs), natural LEDs, high force laser diodes, LED frameworks and LED luminaires; electronic gear including electronic stabilizer; lighting control and the board frameworks; and related exactness components.
 . Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Bangalore  clinical items incorporate clinical data innovation frameworks; hearing instruments; in-vitro diagnostics hardware; imaging gear including angiography, processed tomography, fluoroscopy, attractive reverberation, mammography, atomic imaging ultrasound, and x-beam gear; and radiation oncology and molecule treatment equipment. Siemens concluded the offer of its listening device hearing instruments business to Santos. Siemens transportation and co-ordinations related items incorporate hardware and frameworks for rail transportation including rail vehicles for mass travel, territorial and significant distance transportation, trains, gear and frameworks for rail zap, focal control frameworks, interlocking, and computerized train controls; hardware and frameworks for street traffic including traffic discovery, data and direction; hardware and frameworks for air terminal co-ordinations including freight following and stuff dealing with; and gear and frameworks for postal mechanization including letter bundle arranging.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Customer Care Bangalore  Siemens put a sum of billion in innovative work, comparable to of revenues. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore As of 30 September 2011, Siemens had roughly Germany-based representatives occupied with innovative work and around 16,000 in the remainder of the world, of whom the lion's share were situated in either Austria, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, India, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States. As of 30 September 2011, Siemens held around 53,300 licenses worldwide. Siemens has framed a vital coalition with Universidad Darmstadt. During the last long periods of World War II, various plants and production lines in Berlin and other significant urban areas were obliterated by Allied air attacks. To forestall further misfortunes, fabricating was consequently moved to elective spots and locales not influenced by the air war. The objective was to make sure about proceeded with creation of significant war-related and regular merchandise. As per records, Siemens was working very nearly 400 other option or moved assembling plants toward the finish.The organization manufactured the primary significant distance transmit line in Europe; 500 km from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore  In 1850, the author's more youthful sibling, Carl Wilhelm Siemens, later Sir William Siemens, begun to speak to the organization in London.
. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore In 1867, Werner von Siemens depicted a dynamo without lasting magnets.  Whirlpool Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore A comparative framework was additionally autonomously created by Charles Wheatstone, yet Siemens turned into the primary organization to construct such gadgets. In 1881, a Siemens AC Alternator driven by a watermill was utilized to control the world's first electric road lighting in the town of Goodling, United Kingdom. The organization kept on developing and differentiated into electric trains and lights. In 1887, it opened its first office in Japan. In 1890, the organizer resigned and left the running of the organization to his sibling Carl and children Arnold and Wilhelm. Siemens and Haskie was established by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Haskie on 1 October 1847. In light of the message, their development utilized a needle to highlight the succession of letters, rather than utilizing Morse code. The organization, at that point called von Siemens and Haskie, opened its first workshop on 12 October.
 Whirlpool Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore   Initially the organization was known as Indian Fine Blanks Ltd, and began activities in India in 1974 in a joint effort with Heinrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland. The Home Appliances Division began in 1990-91. The plant is based at   Industrial Estate, Bengaluru, India. The organization presently offers items for Laundry, Kitchen Solution Products, Living and Industrial arrangements alongside added substances and accessories. It offers apparatuses, for example, clothes washers, washer dryer, clothing dryer, dishwasher, microwave, Chimney, Air Conditioners, hobs, stacks and other cooking appliances. Proceeding, industry insiders feel it may be hard for IFB to hold its initiative situation in frontloading clothes washers because of the animosity of contenders, for example, LG, Samsung and Bosch.
 Whirlpool Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore Industries Limited initially known as Indian Fine Blanks Limited began their tasks in India during 1974 in a joint effort with HI enrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland.  Whirlpool AC Customer Care Bangalore The item extend incorporates Fine Blanked parts, apparatuses and related machine devices like Straighteners, DE coilers, Strip loaders and others  In 1867, Werner von Siemens depicted a dynamo without lasting magnets. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore A comparative framework was additionally autonomously created by Charles Wheatstone, yet Siemens turned into the primary organization to construct such gadgets. In 1881, a Siemens AC Alternator driven by a watermill was utilized to control the world's first electric road lighting in the town of Goodling, United Kingdom. The organization kept on developing and differentiated into electric trains and lights. In 1887, it opened its first office in Japan. In 1890, the organizer resigned and left the running of the organization to his sibling Carl and children Arnold and Wilhelm. Siemens and Haskie was established by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Haskie on 1 October 1847. In light of the message, their development utilized a needle to highlight the succession of letters, rather than utilizing Morse code. The organization, at that point called von Siemens and Haskie, opened its first workshop on 12 October.
Whirlpool AC Repair Bangalore Initially the organization was known as Indian Fine Blanks Ltd, and began activities in India in 1974 in a joint effort with Heinrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland. The Home Appliances Division began in 1990-91. The plant is based at   Industrial Estate, Bengaluru, India. The organization presently offers items for Laundry, Kitchen Solution Products, Living and Industrial arrangements alongside added substances and accessories. It offers apparatuses, for example, clothes washers, washer dryer, clothing dryer, dishwasher, microwave, Chimney, Air Conditioners, hobs, stacks and other cooking appliances. Proceeding, industry insiders feel it may be hard for IFB to hold its initiative situation in frontloading clothes washers because of the animosity of contenders, for example, LG, Samsung and Bosch.
.   Whirlpool AC Service Center Bangalore In the sustainable power source industry, the organization gives an arrangement of products, and administrations to help manufacture and work micro grids of any size. It gives age and conveyance of electrical vitality just as checking and controlling of micro grids. By utilizing fundamentally sustainable power source, micro grids lessen carbon-dioxide discharges, which is frequently required by government guidelines. It provided a supportable stockpiling product and s micro grid to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital. Siemens OSRAM auxiliary produces lighting items including glowing, halogen, smaller fluorescent, fluorescent, high-force release and Xenon lights; opt-electronic semiconductor light sources, for example, light emanating diodes (LEDs), natural LEDs, high force laser diodes, LED frameworks and LED luminaires; electronic gear including electronic stabilizer; lighting control and the board frameworks; and related exactness components.
.  Whirlpool AC Customer Care Bangalore The primary divisions of the organization are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens Health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which speak to the principle exercises of the organization.  Whirlpool Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore The organization is a conspicuous producer of clinical diagnostics hardware and its clinical medical care division, which creates about percent of the organization's complete deals, is its second-most beneficial unit, after the modern mechanization division. The organization is a part of the Euro financial exchange file. Siemens offers a wide scope of electrical designing and gadgets related items and services. Its items can be extensively partitioned into the accompanying classifications: structures related items; drives, mechanization and mechanical plant-related items; vitality related items; lighting; clinical items; and transportation and co-ordinations related products.
IFB Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore has around 39 percent esteem share in front stacking clothes washers, in front of LG India's 32.6 percent share, as per market tracker Gaff’s information for June that tracks deals at both multi-brand and restrictive brand stores. IFB's volume share in the class is around 40 percent. This is notwithstanding the association's negligible publicizing and limited time spend of a year over its two organizations of home apparatuses and fine blanking, while its worldwide opponents, for example, LG, Samsung. The clothes washer innovation has not advanced dissimilar to different classes, he said. Help additionally said that being one of the old local brands IFB has kept up great business relationship with territorial retail chains, for example, his own, Vivek and Adishwar. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
Its advertisers, the Nag group of Kolkata, hold 75 percent stake in the organization IFB Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore an email sent to IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated Setoff his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
IFB Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore needs to augment its essence in enormous retail chains like Chroma and Reliance Digital where it has unimportant presence," a senior chief with a main chain said. "The brand is prevailing in section level performance microwaves which may even now sell the home machines. begun its home apparatuses division in 1991, has not once surrendered its administration position in front-stacking clothes washers in spite of rivalry from top worldwide brands, for example, LG, Samsung, Whirlpool and its previous accomplice Bosch, and remains the third biggest microwave brand in the nation on the rear of its first mover advantage in these sections, wide entrance in territorial business sectors and rehash buys from existing clients.
 TO CONTACT US:- 9494864771
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daggadshiva-blog · 4 years
Home Appliances Service Center
Whirlpool Service Center BangaloreIn Siemens acquired Holding GmbH Bocholt, Germany, apparatuses or present day drives, AB (building security structures, air Pollution Control, Inc. Whirlpool Toll-free Number Bangalore Modern and power station dust control systems. Wind imperativeness, Power Technologies Inc. Schenectady, USA, essentialness industry programming and getting ready, CTI Molecular Imaging Positron radiation tomography and nuclear imaging structures, IPTV systems, Shaw Power Technologies International Ltd UK/USA, electrical structure guiding, picked up from Shaw Group, and Ashby de la UK, rail and other industry control and asset the board. The Indian assistant of German overall planning and equipment total Siemens that revolves around IT and the board organizations. The assistant is part into four units: Corporate Technology India, Siemens Corporate Finance and Controlling, Global Shared Services, and Siemens Management Consulting.
Whirlpool Customer Care Bangalore In the fundamental divisions of the association are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens wellbeing, and Infrastructure and Cities, which address the standard activities of the association. The association is an unquestionable maker of clinical diagnostics equipment and its clinical administrations division, which produces about percent of the association's outright arrangements, is its second-most helpful unit, after the cutting edge automation division. The association is a portion of the Euro monetary trade list. Siemens assembled the Hydro Power station on the River Shannon in the then Irish Free State, and it was a world first for its arrangement. The association is related with its hankering to raise the wages of it’s missed the mark on workers just to be overruled by the administration. Arranged in Electronic City in Bangalore, it has in excess of 5000 agents.
Whirlpool Tollfree Number Bangalore During the keep going extensive stretches of World War II, different plants and modern offices in Berlin and other noteworthy metropolitan territories were wrecked by Allied air assaults. Whirlpool Customer Care Bangalore to hinder further incidents, creating was subsequently moved to elective spots and regions not impacted by the air war. The goal was to ensure about continued with formation of huge war-related and normal items. According to records, Siemens was working for all intents and purposes elective or moved delivering plants. The association gave electrical parts to Nazi heartless detainments and inhumane imprisonments. The handling plants had defenseless working conditions, where absence of sound food and end were typical. Moreover, the award has shown that the camp plants were made, run, and gave by the SS, identified with association specialists, sometimes noteworthy level specialists.
Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair BangaloreThe The Siemens Group at first bundled its money related activities into a definitive unit in October. Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair Bangalore the notwithstanding developing the budgetary business, the crucial fixation at the time was to extend straightforwardness for examiners by making an alternate financing bookkeeping report. Since Siemens Financial Services has been the point of convergence of capacity for cash related organizations and the provider of financial threat the board for Siemens in the market for business-to-business budgetary arrangements. From the earliest starting point, obligation fused Siemens' leasing and elective kinds of advantage and equipment financing similarly as adventure financing and worth co-tasks. SFS was similarly positioned responsible for Siemens' vault and portion trade game plans similarly as of the money related organization of annuity assets. These obligations were stretched out to fuse Siemens' insurance errands and later its speculation works out.
The essential divisions of the association are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens Health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which address the standard activities of the association. Whirlpool Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore The association is a prominent maker of clinical diagnostics equipment and its clinical consideration division, which makes about percent of the association's finished arrangements, is its second-most gainful unit, after the cutting edge automation division. Whirlpool Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore The association is an aspect of the Euro budgetary trade record. Siemens offers a wide extent of electrical planning and devices related things and administrations. Its things can be widely apportioned into the going with characterizations: structures related things; drives, motorization and mechanical plant-related things; imperativeness related things; lighting; clinical things; and transportation and co-appointments related items.
Whirlpool Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore  clinical things join clinical information advancement structures; hearing instruments; in-vitro diagnostics equipment; imaging gear including angiography, handled tomography, fluoroscopy, alluring resonation, mammography, nuclear imaging ultrasound, and x-pillar apparatus; and radiation oncology and particle therapy hardware. Siemens finished up the proposal of its listening gadget hearing instruments business to Santos. Siemens transportation and co-appointments related things fuse equipment and systems for rail transportation including rail vehicles for mass travel, regional and huge separation transportation, trains, apparatus and structures for rail destroy, central control systems, interlocking, and automated train controls; equipment and structures for road traffic including traffic disclosure, information and course; equipment and structures for air terminal co-appointments including cargo following and stuff managing; and rigging and systems for postal motorization including letter group orchestrating.
Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Bangalore imperativeness related things consolidate gas and steam turbines; generators; blowers; on-and offshore wind turbines; high-voltage transmission things; power transformers; high-voltage trading things and structures; subbing and direct energy transmission systems; medium-voltage parts and systems; and power automation items. In the manageable force source industry, the association gives a course of action of items, and organizations to help collect and work miniature lattices of any size. It gives age and transport of electrical imperativeness similarly as checking and controlling of miniature networks. By using chiefly maintainable force source, miniature networks decline carbon-dioxide radiations, which is routinely required by government rules. It gave a viable accumulating item and s miniature framework to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital.
The association fabricated the essential noteworthy separation communicate line in Europe; 500 km from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main   . Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Bangalore Whirlpool Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore In 1850, the creator's more energetic kin, Carl Wilhelm Siemens, later Sir William Siemens, started to address the association in London. The London association transformed into a branch office in 1. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses. , IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years
Siemens put an aggregate of billion in imaginative work, practically identical to of incomes. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore As of 30 September 2011, Siemens had generally Germany-based agents busy with inventive work and around 16,000 in the rest of the world, of whom the lion's offer were arranged in either Austria, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, India, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States. Starting at 30 September 2011, Siemens held around 53,300 licenses around the world. Whirlpool Refrigerator Customer Care Bangalore Siemens has encircled a crucial alliance with Universidad Darmstadt. During the keep going extensive stretches of World War II, different plants and creation lines in Berlin and other huge metropolitan zones were wrecked by Allied air assaults. To prevent further adversities, creating was thusly moved to elective spots and districts not impacted by the air war. The goal was to ensure about continued with production of huge war-related and customary product. According to records, Siemens was working practically 400 other alternative or pushed amassing plants at the completion.
. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore clinical things join clinical information advancement structures; hearing instruments; in-vitro diagnostics equipment; imaging gear including angiography, handled tomography, fluoroscopy, alluring resonation, mammography, nuclear imaging ultrasound, and x-pillar apparatus; and radiation oncology and particle therapy hardware. Siemens finished up the proposal of its listening gadget hearing instruments business to Santos. Siemens transportation and co-appointments related things fuse equipment and systems for rail transportation including rail vehicles for mass travel, regional and huge separation transportation, trains, apparatus and structures for rail destroy, central control systems, interlocking, and automated train controls; equipment and structures for road traffic including traffic disclosure, information and course; equipment and structures for air terminal co-appointments including cargo following and stuff managing; and rigging and systems for postal motorization including letter group orchestrating.
Indian Fine Blanks Limited began their tasks in India during 1974 in a joint effort with HI enrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore The item extend incorporates Fine Blanked parts, apparatuses and related machine devices like Straighteners, DE coilers, Strip loaders and others. The Engineering divisions are situated at Kolkata and Bangalore. The Bangalore unit, aside from Fine Blanked segments, fabricates engines for White products just as automotive applications. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
Whirlpool Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore Its advertisers, the Nag group of Kolkata, hold 75 percent stake in the organization  IFB Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore an email sent to IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated Setoff his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
Whirlpool AC Repair Bangalore In the manageable force source industry, the association gives a game plan of items, and organizations to help assembling and work miniature frameworks of any size. It gives age and movement of electrical essentialness similarly as checking and controlling of miniature networks. By using essentially manageable force source, miniature lattices diminish carbon-dioxide releases, which is often required by government rules. It gave a legitimate amassing item and s miniature lattice to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital. Siemens OSRAM helper produces lighting things including shining, halogen, littler fluorescent, fluorescent, high-power delivery and Xenon lights; pick electronic semiconductor light sources, for instance, light radiating diodes (LEDs), common LEDs, high power laser diodes, LED structures and LED luminaires; electronic apparatus including electronic stabilizer; lighting control and the board systems; and related precision parts.
Indian Fine Blanks Limited began their tasks in India during 1974 in a joint effort with HI enrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland.     Whirlpool AC Service Center Bangalore The item extend incorporates Fine Blanked parts, apparatuses and related machine devices like Straighteners, DE coilers, Strip loaders and others. The Engineering divisions are situated at Kolkata and Bangalore. The Bangalore unit, aside from Fine Blanked segments, fabricates engines for White products just as automotive applications. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
Whirlpool AC Customer Care Bangalore needs to augment its essence in enormous retail chains like Chroma and Reliance Digital where it has unimportant presence," a senior chief with a main chain said. "The brand is prevailing in section level performance microwaves which may even now sell the home machines. begun its home apparatuses division in 1991, has not once surrendered its administration position in front-stacking clothes washers in spite of rivalry from top worldwide brands, for example, LG, Samsung, Whirlpool and its previous accomplice Bosch, and remains the third biggest microwave brand in the nation on the rear of its first mover advantage in these sections, wide entrance in territorial business sectors and rehash buys from existing clients.
IFB Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore Its advertisers, the Nag group of Kolkata, hold 75 percent stake in the organization  IFB Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore an email sent to IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated Setoff his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
IFB Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore In the manageable force source industry, the association gives a game plan of items, and organizations to help assembling and work miniature frameworks of any size. It gives age and movement of electrical essentialness similarly as checking and controlling of miniature networks. By using essentially manageable force source, miniature lattices diminish carbon-dioxide releases, which is often required by government rules. It gave a legitimate amassing item and s miniature lattice to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital. Siemens OSRAM helper produces lighting things including shining, halogen, littler fluorescent, fluorescent, high-power delivery and Xenon lights; pick electronic semiconductor light sources, for instance, light radiating diodes (LEDs), common LEDs, high power laser diodes, LED structures and LED luminaires; electronic apparatus including electronic stabilizer; lighting control and the board systems; and related precision parts.
IFB Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore  Which may even now sell the home machines IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing Chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated Setoff his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
TO CONTACT US:-9494864771
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asif160302-blog · 4 years
Home Appliances Service Center
  Whirlpool Service Center BangaloreIn In the fundamental divisions of the association are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens wellbeing, and Infrastructure and Cities, which address the standard activities of the association. The association is an unquestionable maker of clinical diagnostics equipment and its clinical administrations division, which produces about percent of the association's outright arrangements, is its second-most helpful unit, after the cutting edge automation division. The association is a portion of the Euro monetary trade list. Siemens assembled the Hydro Power station on the River Shannon in the then Irish Free State, and it was a world first for its arrangement. The association is related with its hankering to raise the wages of it’s missed the mark on workers just to be overruled by the administration. Arranged in Electronic City in Bangalore, it has in excess of 5000 agents.
 Whirlpool Customer Care Bangalore During the keep going extensive stretches of World War II, different plants and modern offices in Berlin and other noteworthy metropolitan territories were wrecked by Allied air assaults. Whirlpool Customer Care Bangalore to hinder further incidents, creating was subsequently moved to elective spots and regions not impacted by the air war. The goal was to ensure about continued with formation of huge war-related and normal items. According to records, Siemens was working for all intents and purposes elective or moved delivering plants. The association gave electrical parts to Nazi heartless detainments and inhumane imprisonments. The handling plants had defenseless working conditions, where absence of sound food and end were typical. Moreover, the award has shown that the camp plants were made, run, and gave by the SS, identified with association specialists, sometimes noteworthy level specialists.
 Whirlpool Tollfree Number Bangalore Siemens acquired Holding GmbH Bocholt, Germany, apparatuses or present day drives, AB (building security structures, air Pollution Control, Inc. Whirlpool Toll-free Number Bangalore Modern and power station dust control systems. Wind imperativeness, Power Technologies Inc. Schenectady, USA, essentialness industry programming and getting ready, CTI Molecular Imaging Positron radiation tomography and nuclear imaging structures, IPTV systems, Shaw Power Technologies International Ltd UK/USA, electrical structure guiding, picked up from Shaw Group, and Ashby de la UK, rail and other industry control and asset the board. The Indian assistant of German overall planning and equipment total Siemens that revolves around IT and the board organizations. The assistant is part into four units: Corporate Technology India, Siemens Corporate Finance and Controlling, Global Shared Services, and Siemens Management Consulting.
 Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair BangaloreThe The Siemens Group at first bundled its money related activities into a definitive unit in October. Whirlpool Washing Machine Repair Bangalore the notwithstanding developing the budgetary business, the crucial fixation at the time was to extend straightforwardness for examiners by making an alternate financing bookkeeping report. Since Siemens Financial Services has been the point of convergence of capacity for cash related organizations and the provider of financial threat the board for Siemens in the market for business-to-business budgetary arrangements. From the earliest starting point, obligation fused Siemens' leasing and elective kinds of advantage and equipment financing similarly as adventure financing and worth co-tasks. SFS was similarly positioned responsible for Siemens' vault and portion trade game plans similarly as of the money related organization of annuity assets. These obligations were stretched out to fuse Siemens' insurance errands and later its speculation works out.
 The essential divisions of the association are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens Health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which address the standard activities of the association. Whirlpool Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore The association is a prominent maker of clinical diagnostics equipment and its clinical consideration division, which makes about percent of the association's finished arrangements, is its second-most gainful unit, after the cutting edge automation division. Whirlpool Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore The association is an aspect of the Euro budgetary trade record. Siemens offers a wide extent of electrical planning and devices related things and administrations. Its things can be widely apportioned into the going with characterizations: structures related things; drives, motorization and mechanical plant-related things; imperativeness related things; lighting; clinical things; and transportation and co-appointments related items.
 Whirlpool Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore structures related things fuse structure computerization equipment and systems; building-errands rigging and systems; building fire-prosperity equipment and structures; building-security equipment and structures; and low-voltage switchgear including circuit protection and dispersal items. Siemens drives, computerization and current plant-related things fuse motors and drives for transport lines; siphons and blowers; no-nonsense motors and drives for moving steel industrial facilities; blowers for oil and gas pipelines; mechanical sections including gears for wind turbines and solid plants; automation equipment and systems and controls for creation device and machine gadgets; and mechanical plant for water taking care of and rough material handling.
 Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair Bangalore imperativeness related things consolidate gas and steam turbines; generators; blowers; on-and offshore wind turbines; high-voltage transmission things; power transformers; high-voltage trading things and structures; subbing and direct energy transmission systems; medium-voltage parts and systems; and power automation items. In the manageable force source industry, the association gives a course of action of items, and organizations to help collect and work miniature lattices of any size. It gives age and transport of electrical imperativeness similarly as checking and controlling of miniature networks. By using chiefly maintainable force source, miniature networks decline carbon-dioxide radiations, which is routinely required by government rules. It gave a viable accumulating item and s miniature framework to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital.
    . Whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center Bangalore clinical things join clinical information advancement structures; hearing instruments; in-vitro diagnostics equipment; imaging gear including angiography, handled tomography, fluoroscopy, alluring resonation, mammography, nuclear imaging ultrasound, and x-pillar apparatus; and radiation oncology and particle therapy hardware. Siemens finished up the proposal of its listening gadget hearing instruments business to Santos. Siemens transportation and co-appointments related things fuse equipment and systems for rail transportation including rail vehicles for mass travel, regional and huge separation transportation, trains, apparatus and structures for rail destroy, central control systems, interlocking, and automated train controls; equipment and structures for road traffic including traffic disclosure, information and course; equipment and structures for air terminal co-appointments including cargo following and stuff managing; and rigging and systems for postal motorization including letter group orchestrating.
 Siemens put an aggregate of billion in imaginative work, practically identical to of incomes. Whirlpool Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore As of 30 September 2011, Siemens had generally Germany-based agents busy with inventive work and around 16,000 in the rest of the world, of whom the lion's offer were arranged in either Austria, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, India, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States. Starting at 30 September 2011, Siemens held around 53,300 licenses around the world. Whirlpool Refrigerator Customer Care Bangalore Siemens has encircled a crucial alliance with Universidad Darmstadt. During the keep going extensive stretches of World War II, different plants and creation lines in Berlin and other huge metropolitan zones were wrecked by Allied air assaults. To prevent further adversities, creating was thusly moved to elective spots and districts not impacted by the air war. The goal was to ensure about continued with production of huge war-related and customary product. According to records, Siemens was working practically 400 other alternative or pushed amassing plants at the completion.
 The association fabricated the essential noteworthy separation communicate line in Europe; 500 km from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main. . Whirlpool Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore Whirlpool Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore In 1850, the creator's more energetic kin, Carl Wilhelm Siemens, later Sir William Siemens, started to address the association in London. The London association transformed into a branch office in 1. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses. , IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years
 Whirlpool Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore has around 39 percent esteem share in front stacking clothes washers, in front of LG India's 32.6 percent share, as per market tracker Gaff’s information for June that tracks deals at both multi-brand and restrictive brand stores. IFB's volume share in the class is around 40 percent. This is notwithstanding the association's negligible publicizing and limited time spend of a year over its two organizations of home apparatuses and fine blanking, while its worldwide opponents, for example, LG, Samsung. The clothes washer innovation has not advanced dissimilar to different classes. Help additionally said that being one of the old local brands IFB has kept up great business relationship with territorial retail chains, for example, his own, Vive and Daisha. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses. , IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
Whirlpool Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore In the manageable force source industry, the association gives a game plan of items, and organizations to help assembling and work miniature frameworks of any size. It gives age and movement of electrical essentialness similarly as checking and controlling of miniature networks. By using essentially manageable force source, miniature lattices diminish carbon-dioxide releases, which is often required by government rules. It gave a legitimate amassing item and s miniature lattice to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital. Siemens OSRAM helper produces lighting things including shining, halogen, littler fluorescent, fluorescent, high-power delivery and Xenon lights; pick electronic semiconductor light sources, for instance, light radiating diodes (LEDs), common LEDs, high power laser diodes, LED structures and LED luminaires; electronic apparatus including electronic stabilizer; lighting control and the board systems; and related precision parts.
Whirlpool AC Repair Bangalore Its advertisers, the Nag group of Kolkata, hold 75 percent stake in the organization  IFB Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore an email sent to IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated Setoff his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
  Whirlpool AC Service Center Bangalore needs to augment its essence in enormous retail chains like Chroma and Reliance Digital where it has unimportant presence," a senior chief with a main chain said. "The brand is prevailing in section level performance microwaves which may even now sell the home machines. begun its home apparatuses division in 1991, has not once surrendered its administration position in front-stacking clothes washers in spite of rivalry from top worldwide brands, for example, LG, Samsung, Whirlpool and its previous accomplice Bosch, and remains the third biggest microwave brand in the nation on the rear of its first mover advantage in these sections, wide entrance in territorial business sectors and rehash buys from existing clients.
Indian Fine Blanks Limited began their tasks in India during 1974 in a joint effort with HI enrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland.  Whirlpool AC Customer Care Bangalore The item extend incorporates Fine Blanked parts, apparatuses and related machine devices like Straighteners, DE coilers, Strip loaders and others. The Engineering divisions are situated at Kolkata and Bangalore. The Bangalore unit, aside from Fine Blanked segments, fabricates engines for White products just as automotive applications. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
IFB Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated Setoff his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
IFB's volume share in the class is around 40 percent   IFB Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore This is notwithstanding the association's negligible publicizing and limited time spend of a year over its two organizations of home apparatuses and fine blanking, while its worldwide opponents, for example, LG, Samsung. The clothes washer innovation has not advanced dissimilar to different classes. Help additionally said that being one of the old local brands IFB has kept up great business relationship with territorial retail chains, for example, his own, Vive and Daisha. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses. , IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
IFB Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore  Which may even now sell the home machines IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing Chief Bigram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated Setoff his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave cuts
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applepandu74-blog · 4 years
SIEMENS Service Center Bangalore The vital divisions of the organization are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which speak to the principle exercises of the organization. The organization is an unmistakable creator of clinical diagnostics hardware and its clinical medical services division, which produces about percent of the organization's absolute deals, is its second-most beneficial unit, after the modern mechanization division. The organization is a segment of the Euro financial exchange list. Siemens built the Hydro Power station on the River Shannon in the then Irish Free State, and it was a world first for its plan. The organization is associated with its craving to raise the wages of its came up short on laborers just to be overruled by the government. Situated in Electronic City in Bangalore, it has more than 5000 representatives.
During the last long periods of World War II, various plants and industrial facilities in Berlin and other significant urban areas were obliterated by Allied air attacks. SIEMENS Customer Care Bangalore to forestall further misfortunes, producing was consequently moved to elective spots and districts not influenced by the air war. The objective was to make sure about proceeded with creation of significant war-related and regular products. As per records, Siemens was working practically elective or migrated producing plants. The organization provided electrical parts to Nazi inhumane imprisonments and concentration camps. The processing plants had helpless working conditions, where lack of healthy sustenance and demise were normal. Likewise, the grant has indicated that the camp plants were made, run, and provided by the SS, related to organization authorities, in some cases significant level authorities.
Siemens obtained Holding GmbH Bocholt, Germany, gears or modern drives, AB (building security frameworks, air Pollution Control, Inc. SIEMENS Toll free Number Bangalore Modern and force station dust control frameworks. Wind vitality, Power Technologies Inc. Schenectady, USA, vitality industry programming and preparing, CTI Molecular Imaging Positron emanation tomography and atomic imaging frameworks,  IPTV frameworks, Shaw Power Technologies International Ltd UK/USA, electrical building counseling, gained from Shaw Group, and  Ashby de la  UK, rail and other industry control and resource the board. The Indian auxiliary of German worldwide designing and hardware aggregate Siemens that centers around IT and the board administrations. The auxiliary is part into four units: Corporate Technology India, Siemens Corporate Finance and Controlling, Global Shared Services, and Siemens Management Consulting.
The Siemens Group initially packaged its monetary exercises into an authoritative unit in October. SIEMENS Washing Machine Repair Bangalore Notwithstanding building up the budgetary business, the fundamental concentration at the time was to expand straightforwardness for speculators by making a different financing accounting report. Since Siemens Financial Services has been the focal point of ability for money related administrations and the supplier of monetary danger the board for Siemens in the market for business-to-business budgetary solutions. From the very beginning, duty incorporated Siemens' renting and elective types of benefit and hardware financing just as venture financing and value co-operations. SFS was likewise placed accountable for Siemens' depository and installment exchange arrangements just as of the monetary administration of annuity resources. These duties were extended to incorporate Siemens' protection tasks and later its investment exercises.
The primary divisions of the organization are Industry, Energy, Healthcare Siemens Health, and Infrastructure and Cities, which speak to the principle exercises of the organization. SIEMENS Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore The organization is a conspicuous producer of clinical diagnostics hardware and its clinical medical care division, which creates about percent of the organization's complete deals, is its second-most beneficial unit, after the modern mechanization division. The organization is a part of the Euro financial exchange file. Siemens offers a wide scope of electrical designing and gadgets related items and services. Its items can be extensively partitioned into the accompanying classifications: structures related items; drives, mechanization and mechanical plant-related items; vitality related items; lighting; clinical items; and transportation and co-ordinations related products.
SIEMENS Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore structures related items incorporate structure computerization hardware and frameworks; building-tasks gear and frameworks; building fire-wellbeing hardware and frameworks; building-security hardware and frameworks; and low-voltage switchgear including circuit insurance and dissemination products.  Siemens drives, computerization and modern plant-related items incorporate engines and drives for transport lines; siphons and blowers; hard core engines and drives for moving steel factories; blowers for oil and gas pipelines; mechanical segments including gears for wind turbines and concrete plants; mechanization hardware and frameworks and controls for creation apparatus and machine devices; and mechanical plant for water handling and crude material processing.
SIEMENS Refrigerator Repair Bangalore vitality related items incorporate gas and steam turbines; generators; blowers; on-and seaward wind turbines; high-voltage transmission items; power transformers; high-voltage exchanging items and frameworks; substituting and direct momentum transmission frameworks; medium-voltage parts and frameworks; and force mechanization products. In the sustainable power source industry, the organization gives an arrangement of products, and administrations to help assemble and work micro grids of any size. It gives age and conveyance of electrical vitality just as checking and controlling of micro grids. By utilizing principally sustainable power source, micro grids decrease carbon-dioxide emanations, which is regularly required by government guidelines. It provided a maintainable stockpiling product and s micro grid to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital.
SIEMENS Refrigerator Service Center Bangalore In the sustainable power source industry, the organization gives an arrangement of products, and administrations to help manufacture and work micro grids of any size. It gives age and conveyance of electrical vitality just as checking and controlling of micro grids. By utilizing fundamentally sustainable power source, micro grids lessen carbon-dioxide discharges, which is frequently required by government guidelines. It provided a supportable stockpiling product and s micro grid to Engel Profusion SPA for the island of in Ital. Siemens OSRAM auxiliary produces lighting items including glowing, halogen, smaller fluorescent, fluorescent, high-force release and Xenon lights; opt-electronic semiconductor light sources, for example, light emanating diodes (LEDs), natural LEDs, high force laser diodes, LED frameworks and LED luminaires; electronic gear including electronic stabilizer; lighting control and the board frameworks; and related exactness components.
SIEMENS Refrigerator Customer Care Bangalore clinical items incorporate clinical data innovation frameworks; hearing instruments; in-vitro diagnostics hardware; imaging gear including angiography, processed tomography, fluoroscopy, attractive reverberation, mammography, atomic imaging ultrasound, and x-beam gear; and radiation oncology and molecule treatment equipment. Siemens concluded the offer of its listening device hearing instruments business to Santos. Siemens transportation and co-ordinations related items incorporate hardware and frameworks for rail transportation including rail vehicles for mass travel, territorial and significant distance transportation, trains, gear and frameworks for rail zap, focal control frameworks, interlocking, and computerized train controls; hardware and frameworks for street traffic including traffic discovery, data and direction; hardware and frameworks for air terminal co-ordinations including freight following and stuff dealing with; and gear and frameworks for postal mechanization including letter bundle arranging.
Siemens put a sum of billion in innovative work, comparable to of revenues. SIEMENS Microwave Oven Repair Bangalore As of 30 September 2011, Siemens had roughly  Germany-based representatives occupied with innovative work and around 16,000 in the remainder of the world, of whom the lion's share were situated in either Austria, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, India, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States. As of 30 September 2011, Siemens held around 53,300 licenses worldwide. Siemens has framed a vital coalition with Universidad Darmstadt. During the last long periods of World War II, various plants and production lines in Berlin and other significant urban areas were obliterated by Allied air attacks. To forestall further misfortunes, fabricating was consequently moved to elective spots and locales not influenced by the air war. The objective was to make sure about proceeded with creation of significant war-related and regular merchandise. As per records, Siemens was working very nearly 400 other option or moved assembling plants toward the finish.
The organization manufactured the primary significant distance transmit line in Europe; 500 km from Berlin to Frankfurt am Main. SIEMENS Microwave Oven Service Center Bangalore  In 1850, the author's more youthful sibling, Carl Wilhelm Siemens, later Sir William Siemens, begun to speak to the organization in London. The London organization turned into a branch office in 1858. During the, the organization was associated with building significant distance broadcast networks in Russia. In an organization branch headed by another sibling, Carl Heinrich von Siemens, opened in St Petersburg, Russia. In 1867, Siemens finished the great Indo-European message line extending more than km from London to Calcutta.
In 1867, Werner von Siemens depicted a dynamo without lasting magnets. SIEMENS Microwave Oven Customer Care Bangalore A comparative framework was additionally autonomously created by Charles Wheatstone, yet Siemens turned into the primary organization to construct such gadgets. In 1881, a Siemens AC Alternator driven by a watermill was utilized to control the world's first electric road lighting in the town of Goodling, United Kingdom. The organization kept on developing and differentiated into electric trains and lights. In 1887, it opened its first office in Japan. In 1890, the organizer resigned and left the running of the organization to his sibling Carl and children Arnold and Wilhelm. Siemens and Haskie was established by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Haskie on 1 October 1847. In light of the message, their development utilized a needle to highlight the succession of letters, rather than utilizing Morse code. The organization, at that point called von Siemens and Haskie, opened its first workshop on 12 October.
IFB Service Center Bangalore Initially the organization was known as Indian Fine Blanks Ltd, and began activities in India in 1974 in a joint effort with Heinrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland. The Home Appliances Division began in 1990-91. The plant is based at Vishveshwariah Industrial Estate, Bengaluru, India. The organization presently offers items for Laundry, Kitchen Solution Products, Living and Industrial arrangements alongside added substances and accessories. It offers apparatuses, for example, clothes washers, washer dryer, clothing dryer, dishwasher, microwave, Chimney, Air Conditioners, hobs, stacks and other cooking appliances. Proceeding, industry insiders feel it may be hard for IFB to hold its initiative situation in frontloading clothes washers because of the animosity of contenders, for example, LG, Samsung and Bosch.
In the present relentless world, there's not really sufficient opportunity to do everything your heart wants. IFB Customer Care Bangalore Saving time for a pastime or going on vacation to revive old guilty pleasures appears to be for all intents and purposes outlandish. Envision if there was an approach to turn this around and in the event that we could assist you with making more opportunity for yourself At IFB, we need to free you from all the dull and tedious family tasks and help you to make quality time for all the things in life that truly matter. Our scope of home machines and the clothing, kitchen and living arrangements we configuration are completely intended to assist you with investing more energy doing whatever you truly need to do – while leaving the problems of family errands to our answers.
IFB Industries Limited initially known as Indian Fine Blanks Limited began their tasks
in India during 1974 in a joint effort with HI enrich Schmidt AG of Switzerland.
IFB Tollfree Number Bangalore
The item extend incorporates Fine Blanked parts, apparatuses and related machine devices like Straighteners, DE coilers, Strip loaders and others. The Engineering divisions are situated at Kolkata and Bangalore. The Bangalore unit, aside from Fine Blanked segments, fabricates engines for White products just as automotive applications. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
IFB Washing Machine Repair Bangalore has around 39 percent esteem share in front stacking clothes washers, in front of LG India's 32.6 percent share, as per market tracker GfK's information for June that tracks deals at both multi-brand and restrictive brand stores. IFB's volume share in the class is around 40 percent. This is notwithstanding the association's negligible publicizing and limited time spend of a year over its two organizations of home apparatuses and fine blanking, while its worldwide opponents, for example, LG, Samsung. The clothes washer innovation has not advanced dissimilar to different classes, he said. Help additionally said that being one of the old local brands IFB has kept up great business relationship with territorial retail chains, for example, his own, Viveks and Adishwar. Established in Kolkata in 1974 by Bison Nag, who had numerous years' involvement with fine blanking in Germany and Switzerland, as a team with Heinrich Schmidt of Switzerland, IFB Industries was known as Indian Fine Blanks. It forayed into the home apparatuses.
Its advertisers, the Nag group of Kolkata, hold 75 percent stake in the organization. IFB Washing Machine Service Center Bangalore an email sent to IFB Industries joint chief administrator and overseeing chief Bikram Nag didn't evoke any reaction till Tuesday press time, while his office educated ETof his powerlessness to take an interest in the story. IFB was once pronounced wiped out, however had throughout the years retaliated to gainfulness without harming its piece of the overall industry. What's more, of late even some common assets have put resources into the firm. IFB's machine business. Enthused by the achievement in front stacking clothes washers, IFB has begun business creation of top stacking clothes washers in the final quarter of 2014-15 and is presently gunning for 10 percent share inside two years, the yearly report said. It has likewise as of late wandered into forced air systems and coolers with premium items, which it intends to strategically pitch to existing clothes washer and microwave customer base.
IFB Washing Machine Customer Care Bangalore needs to augment its essence in enormous retail chains like Croma and Reliance Digital where it has unimportant presence," a senior chief with a main chain said. "The brand is prevailing in section level performance microwaves which may even now sell the home machines. begun its home apparatuses division in 1991, has not once surrendered its administration position in front-stacking clothes washers in spite of rivalry from top worldwide brands, for example, LG, Samsung, Whirlpool and its previous accomplice Bosch, and remains the third biggest microwave brand in the nation on the rear of its first mover advantage in these sections, wide entrance in territorial business sectors and rehash buys from existing clients.
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spaceexp · 6 years
The chemistry of lightning
ESA - Colombus patch. 5 April 2018 Every second, around 45 lightning strikes jolt our atmosphere, where powerful reactions in thunderstorm clouds alter the chemical composition of the air inside and around them. A suite of European instruments will soon be studying these powerful discharges from space and give us clues on their role in the climate. The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor arrived yesterday at the International Space Station to peek inside the physics of high-energy phenomena at the edge of space.
Lightning strikes
With no clouds to obstruct the view, the package will help scientists to understand the anatomy of lightning from 400 km above the planet. “We will learn more about the impact of severe thunderstorms in the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the electrical discharges happen and what powers them,” explains Torsten Neubert, science team coordinator at the Technical University of Denmark. The measurements will help us to understand how electric fields within the clouds accelerate electrons to such energies and in such numbers that, in some cases, X-rays and gamma rays can be observed from space. Impact on climate Lightning affects the concentration of atmospheric gases that are important for the climate. “The role of thunderstorms in our climate is significant, but we need to get more accurate data to estimate their influence on the variability of the climate,” says Torsten.
ASIM mounted on Columbus
Chemical changes in the atmosphere are still surrounded by large uncertainties. The new package will help us to build better atmospheric models and climate predictions. Displays of light and energy High up in the atmosphere, the electrical discharges take many forms and exist only briefly – milliseconds at most. These ‘transient luminous events’ include colorful phenomena with fairy tale names: sprites, blue jets and elves. Sprites are flashes caused by electrical breakdown in the mesosphere, between 50 km and 100 km above the surface. They resemble reddish jellyfish with tentacles streaming down. The blue jet propagates upwards into the stratosphere from cloud tops. ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen recorded a pulsating blue jet on camera for the first time during his mission to the International Space Station in 2015.
Electrical discharges in the atmosphere
The highest of all are the elves, concentric rings that often appear as a dim, expanding glow 400 km wide. Electron collisions and excited nitrogen molecules are behind it. The latest European observatory in space will also detect bursts of gamma rays from thunderstorms accompanied by energetic electrons and their antimatter partners, positrons. Related article: Storm hunter launched to International Space Station http://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.ch/2018/04/storm-hunter-launched-to-international.html A space window to electrifying science http://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.ch/2018/03/a-space-window-to-electrifying-science.html Related links: Experiment archive: http://eea.spaceflight.esa.int/ International Space Station Benefits for Humanity: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Human_Spaceflight/International_Space_Station_Benefits_for_Humanity European space laboratory Columbus: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Human_Spaceflight/Columbus Terma (DK): http://www.terma.com/ ASIM website: http://www.asim.dk/ DTU Space: http://www.space.dtu.dk/english/Research/Projects/Project-descriptions/ASIM Images, Video, Text, Credits: ESA/David Ducros/NASA/DTU Space. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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arxt1 · 3 years
Monte Carlo Study of Electron and Positron Cosmic-Ray Propagation with the CALET Spectrum. (arXiv:2111.09636v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Focusing on the electron and positron spectrum measured with CALET, which shows characteristic structures, we calculate flux contributions of cosmic rays escaped from supernova remnants, which were randomly born. We adopt a Monte Carlo method to take into account the stochastic property of births of nearby sources. We find that without a complicated energy dependence of the diffusion coefficient, simple power-law diffusion coefficients can produce spectra similar to the CALET spectrum even with a dispersion in the injection index. The positron component measured with AMS-02 is consistent with a bump-like structure around 300 GeV in the CALET spectrum. One to three nearby supernovae can contribute up to a few tens of percent of the CALET flux at 2--4 TeV, ten or more unknown and distant ($\gtrsim 500$ pc) supernovae account for the remaining several tens of percent of the flux. The CALET spectrum, showing a sharp drop at $\sim 1$ TeV, allows for a contribution of cosmic rays from an extraordinary event which occured $\sim 400$ kyr ago. This type of event releases electrons/positrons with a total energy more than 10 times the average energy for usual supernovae, and its occurrence rate is lower than $1/300$ of the usual supernova rate.
from astro-ph.HE updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/3nvfRZx
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aliens-and-shiz · 7 years
Part 37: Hellfire
More here: @aliens-and-shiz
It had been 3 months since the first Hellfire Dreadnaught had began its construction, 2 months since the attack on Earth. And still, no retaliation by the USF fleet. But that is about to change.
A massive door, covering a solid 50 square miles, opened on the Plutonian surface. What exited was the second most massive singular structure ever created by humanity.
The Hellfire was an aptly named behemoth. It was 25 miles long, 2 miles high, and 15 miles at its widest point. They decided to make it larger than previous estimates, as it would be the test ship for a new type of reactor, a quantum reactor, designed by Dr. Caiden Smith himself. The same type of reaction that fueled the apocalyptic energy found in the Abbadon cannon powered the dreadnaught.
Vice-Admiral Xu sat on the bridge, looking over his new ship. He gained the rank of Vice-Admiral when he took control of this ship, due to his heroism of rescuing those trapped at Sirius. This was the first ship of its kind, and he couldn’t help but think it looked… familiar somehow. Then it clicked. It’s strikingly similar to a ship from the classical Star Wars movies: a Super Star Destroyer.
He shook his head and chuckled, and looked up the plans for Hellfire 2 and 3. Sure enough, it was as he thought. Hellfire 2 would be the Star Trek USS Enterprise, and Hellfire 3 would be… it wasn’t there. That’s odd. He would have to talk to General Thane about that, 15 trillion dollars doesn’t just disappear like that.
But no matter. He resumed focus on his massive ship. It was able to act almost as another Torus, but with much lowering crew capacity, due to its massive hangars, and the massive antimatter and Quantum reactors that powered it. It would be manned by a minimal crew of 1.5 million, half of which would double as interspace fighter pilots, each having their own designated ship, in a massive specialized hangar bay just for them. Then there was the next 8 hangars, each of which capable of holding capital ships. In total, the Hellfire would be able to carry 4 America-Class cruisers, 8 Olympus-Class destroyers, 10 Obama-class frigates, and 2 Armstrong-class interspace carriers, not to mention the hundreds of transport ships it was able to hold as well. And it would have to carry them with it, due to The Hellfire’s one of a kind Alcubierre drive. Directly integrated into the Quantum reactor, it would be able to traverse the entire galaxy in 5 seconds flat at full power. Fully crewed, the Hellfire could carry an invasion force of well over 750 million.
It’s weapons systems were state-of-the art as well, possessing 200 massive rail-cannons that could accelerate a 1 kg shell to 99% the speed of light, capable of an energy transfer of about 132 megatons. It also had 125 huge particle cannons (the concept taken from the Az’krani fleet that was torn apart at Sirius) 1400 laser cannons of varying frequencies, 400 EMP cannons, 150,000 antimatter bombs (1 gram each), the Alcubierre drive itself, and finally the reason it was built: the Abbadon cannon. A weapon so dreadfully powerful, it could wipe out entire solar systems with ease.
That’s not even its defenses, it created so much energy from its core that it had a magnetic field that rivaled earth’s itself, which would deflect any positron cannonfire, a massive electromagnetic and graviton shield, and a laser-proof ceramic armoring that covered the whole of the ship. The only way you could potentially damage the ship would be with kinetic weaponry, and even that that depends if the shells were ceramic or not, hell if you could even see the monstrosity. It had a massive stealth drive, one that even suppressed the gravity waves emitted by its presence.
If you were going to try and fight this ship, you would perish.
Xu turned around and smiled. “Alright boys and girls, it looks like we’ve got a new flagship. Let’s go to Earth and show them what we’ve got!”
And the massive ship disappeared in a streak of light.
Humanity has built their response, and now they’ll take their revenge.
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hopeloading563 · 3 years
Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal Crack
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Creeper World 3 is what happens when cellular automata takes over a strategy simulation. Instead of discrete units that attack your base, a fluid-like substance spreads over the terraformable terrain.
Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal for PC cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need.
Creeper World 3 bends what it means to be a strategy title. Instead of heavily scripted A.I., players find themselves engaging an enemy with theoretically predictable behavior yet which is shockingly interesting to engage. Players can build fortifications and stick around forever.
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AchievementHow to unlock
Air Exclusion Tower Assassin
Destroy 8 Air Exclusion Towers in a mission.
Air Exclusion Tower Ender
Destroy 150 Air Exclusion Towers total.
Aliana Abraxis Award
Win 100 Missions.
Alpha Sector Pioneer
Enter Alpha Sector.
Win Arc Eternal:Apex:Meso building no weapons other than nullifiers.
Arc Eternal Pioneer
Enter Arc Eternal.
Finalized a Map.
Area Denial
Complete Arc Eternal:Egos:Chanson without the destruction of a Glider or a Glider Factory.
Beam Lover
Build 50 Beams in a mission.
Beam Master
Build 1000 Beams total.
Bertha Lover
Build 25 Berthas in a mission.
Bertha Master
Build 200 Berthas total.
Better Late Than Never
Completed Farbor Story Mission.
Bomber Lover
Build 50 Bombers in a mission.
Bomber Master
Build 750 Bombers total.
Born Leader
Score in the top 10 on a mission with at least 20 scores.
Box Art Mission Master
Completed Krig Story Mission.
Completed Alpha Sector:virgilw:Brain Mission.
Can't Touch This
Complete a non-tutorial story map without creeper damaging any unit.
Collector Lover
Build 300 Collectors in a mission.
Collector Master
Build 10000 Collectors total.
Colonial Space Pioneer
Enter Colonial Space.
Rate a Colonial Space Map.
Dax Joven Award
Win 250 Missions.
DMD Pioneer
Enter DMD.
Dr. Jones
Collected 500 AoO in Prospector Zone.
Dudley DoRight
Choose Skars in Arca Story Mission.
Ejection Seat
Command Node recalled to orbit due to damage.
Emitter Assassin
Destroy 20 Emitters in a mission.
Emitter Ender
Destroy 1000 Emitters total.
Failure Has Its Own Reward
Lose Farbor Story Mission.
Fine Wine
Completed both missions in Alpha Sector:Grauniad system.
Fire in the Hole
Win a Prospector Zone mission with only Mortars and Nullifier weapons.
First Air Exclusion Tower
Destroy first Air Exclusion Tower.
First Beam
Built first Beam.
First Bertha
Built first Bertha.
First Bomber
Built first Bomber.
First Collector
Built first Collector.
First Emitter
Destroy first Emitter.
First Forge
Built first Forge.
First Guppy
Built first Guppy.
First Inhibitor
Destroy first Inhibitor.
First Mortar
Built first Mortar.
First Nullifier
Built first Nullifier.
First Ore Mine
Built first Ore Mine.
First Pulse Cannon
Built first Pulse Cannon.
First Reactor
Built first Reactor.
First Relay
Built first Relay.
First Runner
Destroy first Runner.
First Runner Nest
Destroy first Runner Nest.
First Shield
Built first Shield.
First Siphon
Built first Siphon.
First Sniper
Built first Sniper.
First Spore Tower
Destroy first Spore Tower.
First Sprayer
Built first Sprayer.
First Strafer
Built first Strafer.
First Terp
Built first Terp.
First Thor
Built first Thor.
Win a mission by destroying only the inhibitor.
Forge Master
Build 400 Forges total.
Collected 100 AoO in Prospector Zone.
Released AC in Credits Mission.
Win a Prospector Zone mission with only Pulse Cannons and Nullifier weapons.
Guppy Lover
Build 20 Guppies in a mission.
Guppy Master
Build 500 Guppies total.
Happily Ever Before
Completed Arca Story Mission as Skars.
Hawking Achievement
Fire the Singularity weapon.
Industrial Nightmare
Get energy production up to 2000.
Inhibitor Ender
Destroy 100 Inhibitors total.
Junior Officer
Completed Tiplex Story Mission.
Completed Vapen Story Mission.
Machine Lover
Completed 100 DMD Missions.
MadMag's Mansion
Picked up key from MadMag's room.
Many Machines on Ix
Max all techs (10 on unlimited techs).
Master Commander
Completed Chanson Story Mission.
Mobility Award
Move a Command Node.
Mortar Lover
Build 50 Mortars in a mission.
Mortar Master
Build 2500 Mortars total.
Destroyed 20 Inhibitors in Tormented Space.
Nip in the Bud
Destroy a spore tower before it finishes building in Arc Eternal:Egos:Ruine.
No Fly
Complete Arc Eternal:Navox:Flick without using Bombers or Strafers.
Not gonna Vapen
Complete Arc Eternal:Frykt:Vapen without activating the field beam.
Nullifier Lover
Build 20 Nullifiers in a mission.
Nullifier Master
Build 750 Nullifiers total.
Ore Mine Lover
Build 15 Ore Mines in a mission.
Ore Mine Master
Build 1000 Ore Mines total.
Patton Would Be Proud
Completed Farbor Story Mission Early.
Peak of Good Living
Completed Meso Story Mission.
Positronic Brain
Completed Alpha Sector:virgilw:Brain Mission in under 60 seconds.
Projects Pioneer
Enter Projects.
Prospector Zone Pioneer
Enter Prospector Zone.
Pulse Cannon Lover
Build 50 Pulse Cannons in a mission.
Pulse Cannon Master
Build 2500 Pulse Cannons total.
Destroy a built unit on purpose.
Rain Man
Rain Anti-Creeper from orbit.
Rainy Day Reserve
Store 2500 AC.
Reactor Lover
Build 200 Reactors in a mission.
Reactor Master
Build 5000 Reactors total.
Relay Lover
Build 100 Relays in a mission.
Relay Master
Build 5000 Relays total.
Rotten Apple
Choose Loki in Arca Story Mission.
Runner Assassin
Destroy 500 Runners in a mission.
Runner Ender
Destroy 5000 Runners total.
Runner Nest Assassin
Destroy 10 Runner Nests in a mission.
Runner Nest Ender
Destroy 200 Runner Nests total.
Self Improvement
Improve score or time on an already played mission in Tormented Space.
Find all hidden areas in the Credits Mission.
Shield Lover
Build 25 Shields in a mission.
Shield Master
Build 400 Shields total.
Siphon Lover
Build 20 Siphons in a mission.
Siphon Master
Build 800 Siphons total.
Size Matters
Completed Metroid in Alpha Sector:MadMag system.
Sniper Lover
Build 40 Snipers in a mission.
Sniper Master
Build 600 Snipers total.
Spore Tower Assassin
Destroy 20 Spore Towers in a mission.
Spore Tower Ender
Destroy 500 Spore Towers total.
Sprayer Lover
Build 50 Sprayers in a mission.
Sprayer Master
Build 600 Sprayers total.
Strafer Lover
Build 50 Strafers in a mission.
Strafer Master
Build 1000 Strafers total.
Strategic Reserve
Store 1500 energy.
Surgical Strike
Completed Arca Story Mission Early.
Terp Lover
Build 25 Terps in a mission.
Terp Master
Build 500 Terps total.
The Dark Lord
Completed Arca Story Mission as Loki.
Thor Lover
Build 5 Thors in a mission.
Thor Master
Build 100 Thors total.
Tormented Space Pioneer
Enter Tormented Space.
Training Wheels
Completed Tempus Story Mission.
Take more than 120 minutes to win a mission.
Uninhibited Nihilist
Destroyed 50 Inhibitors in Tormented Space.
Unlimited Possibilities
Name a DMD Map.
Unlimited Potential
Download a Colonial Space Map.
Upwardly Mobile
Move a Command Node 10 times in a mission.
Move a Command Node 50 times in a mission.
Varro Hale Award
Win 50 Missions.
Warp Ready
Completed Starsync Story Mission.
Build 2 Forges in a mission.
Wrath of the Gods
Fire more than twenty Artifacts of Odin in a mission.
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Made by Csimbi
Creeper World 3
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Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal Cracked
Here's a new one for 2.04. It is a bit more advanced and added 'unlimited units' and 'unit unlocker'. The first will remove all limitations on the number of units (if a limitation is in effect). Things go back to normal when disabled.
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The second will enable all locked units. Units will remain unlocked for the entire duration of the current map.
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Both trigger when you place a unit/building to build. How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Lupine Publishers | Concomitant LVAD Implantation and Thoracic Surgery. Clinical Decision Making and Surgical Challenges
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In the last years, left ventricular assist device (LVAD) indications have significantly broadened including candidates with multiple comorbidities even requiring combined surgical strategy. We present a case of a 56-year old patient affected by postischemic dilated cardiomyopathy in whom a lung nodule diagnosed during preoperative CT-scan could have contraindicated LVAD destination therapy. The patient underwent through a median sternotomy concomitant LVAD implantation on cardiopulmonary bypass followed by an atypical resection of the anterior part of the right lower lobe lung. A multidisciplinary, step-by-step approach to reduce the risk of right ventricular failure, bleeding and infections is presented.
Keywords: LVAD implantation; non-cardiac surgery; atypical lung resection
Indications to continuous flow left ventricular assist devices (CF-LVAD) have significantly broadened over the last decade considering even old patients with cardiac and extra-cardiac comorbidities [1]. Concomitant cardiac procedures to LVAD implantation are well described since nowadays up to 35% of implantations require concomitant cardiac surgery including valvular surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, ventricular arrhythmias ablation, and atrial septal defects repair [1]. But the impact of these concomitant procedures is not well studied and guidelines are lacking. In particular for non-cardiac surgery experiences are limited to case series and the decision-making is driven on a single patient basis. To our knowledge, concomitant LVAD implantation and lung surgery has not been described before. We report the case of a patient who underwent a second generation CF-LVAD implantation followed by an atypical right lower lobe resection.
Case Report
A 56-year-old man mildly obese and previous heavy smoker, presented with post-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and severely decompensated heart failure (orthopnea, dyspnea, fluid retention, and weight gain) with left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) of 17%. He also showed non-reversible post-capillary pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular (RV) dysfunction: Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion (TAPSE) of 10 mm, RV Fractional Area Change (RVFAC) of 20%, Right Ventricular Stroke Work Indexed (RVSWI) of 400 mmHg/ml/m2 and a central venous pressure to wedge pressure ratio of 0.8. Few days after admission the patient developed hemoptysis. A 15-mm enhanced contrast lung nodule in the latero-basal segment of the right lower lobe (RLL) with a maximum standardized uptake value of 8, was demonstrated at the Positive Emission Tomography Scan (Figure 1A). The CT-scan showed a nodule suspicious for neuroendocrine tumor because of early contrast enhancement and a regular profile. Due to its peripheral position the nodule could not be reached with a transbronchial biopsy and a percutaneous computer tomography guided biopsy was considered to be too high risk. The pulmonary function tests were normal despite the presence of centrilobular and paraseptal emphysema.
Figure 1: (A)Computer Tomography and Positron Emission Tomography scan showing RLL enhanced contrast nodule; (B) manual palpation of lung nodule with deflated lung; (C) wedge resection of the RLL; (D) histology of the lung lesion showing a complex artero-venous malformation.
He showed a positive clinical response to an aggressive diuretic therapy with significant reduction in weight and fluid retention, and improvement in right ventricular function (TAPSE 17 mm, RVFAC 33%, RVSWI 600 mmHg/mL/m2, central venous pressure to wedge pressure ratio of 0.4) which allowed to list the patient for an LVAD implantation. Considering right ventricular improvement, favorable position of the lung nodule and the complex coagulation management of a staged approach a combined procedure was preferred. A 24 hours infusion of levosimendan was completed in the immediate preoperative period. In consideration of the presence of the pulmonary lesion, we decided for a destination therapy configuration of the Jarvik 2000 (Jarvik Heart, Inc, New York, NY, USA) with an intraoperative retroauricolar implantation of the pedestal. After fixation of the pedestal, the pericardial space was approached via a median longitudinal sternotomy. Once the driveline was tunneled, LVAD implantation inside the left ventricle apex was performed on cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and beating heart, the outflow conduit was sutured to the ascending aorta. The progression from CPB to LVAD level 2 support was facilitated by continuous infusion of epinephrine (0.04 mcg/kg/min), norepinephrine (0.05 mcg/kg/min) and 20 ppm of inhaled nitric oxide to facilitate RV function.
When surgical and medical hemostasis were carefully achieved, one lung ventilation with 5 mL/Kg tidal volumes was initiated and a positive end expiratory pressure of 8 cmH2O, inhaled nitric oxide was increased to 30 ppm. Even if the PaO2/FiO2 ratio was 100 mmHg and the PaCO2 was 47 mmHg, the TEE showed normal RV function with a pulmonary artery systolic pressure of 40 mmHg. RLL exposure was achieved through the mediastinal pleura via the median sternotomic access. Manual palpation with inflated and noninflated lung allowed nodule identification and wedge resection of the RLL with an Echelon Flex 60 Endopatch (Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc., Cincinnati, OH) (Figure 1 B,C). Pathological examination demonstrated a complex artero-venous malformation (Figure 1D). The patient had an uneventful postoperative course with weaning from mechanical ventilation and inotropic support within the first 36 postoperative hours. He was discharged from the postoperative intensive care unit on day 6 and on day 17 to a rehabilitation center. Since the lung lesion was benign the patient was eligible to enter the heart transplantation list discharged and strictly monitored with a telemedicine program previously described [2].
The population of patients eligible for LVAD implantation has broadened over the last years and thanks to the reported improvements in mid-term outcomes and quality of life, the number of patients scheduled for a concomitant non-cardiac surgery intervention has progressively increased [3]. Planning a combined procedure in these fragile patients requires a thorough multidisciplinary approach, a strict preoperative medical optimization and the design of an effective and safe surgical procedure. Few cases of thoracic surgery in patients with CFLVAD have been published [4,5]. In this case, surgical plan was carefully defined in consideration of the major perioperative risks. Great attention was paid to RV function and preservation since hemodynamic changes following LVAD implantation are difficult to predict and have a huge impact on results [6,7]. Since no data have been published on the relationship between the amount of lung parenchyma excised and the variation of pulmonary resistances and thus of right ventricular afterload, we have chosen a step-bystep approach. An atypical lung resection was first performed. A RLL lobectomy would be a second surgical step only in case of demonstrated malignancy, minimizing in this way right ventricular impact and allowing a gradual adaptation of the RV to increased pulmonary resistances. During the procedure RV function was evaluated through surgical visual inspection, TEE and right heart catheterization allowing for immediate pump speed variations or pharmacological support titration.
The delicate interaction between RV, mechanical ventilation and hypoxia has been largely described in the population of patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome and also during the intraoperative management of one lung ventilation for thoracic surgery, but it has never been studied in the context of LVAD support [8]. Indeed, RV disfunction after LVAD implantation is a life threating complication that can occur in 20 to 50% of patients [9] especially in the presence of high pulmonary vascular resistances. The RV showed a positive response to the increased venous return, to the geometrical adaptation of the interventricular septum and the augmented pulmonary vascular resistances. The favorable anatomical position of the lung nodule allowed to employ the median sternotomy for both LVAD implantation and lung resection. Concomitant procedure reduced the perioperative bleeding and infective risks. This case underlines the crucial role of a multidisciplinary approach, a preoperative medical optimization, a step-by-step surgical plan and a multimodal right ventricular evaluation.
For more Lupine Publishers Click on Below link
For more  Journal of Cardiology & Clinical Research  articles Please Click Here:
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kreuzaderny · 3 years
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Generation of high-energy electron-positron pairs in the collision of a laser-accelerated electron beam with a multipetawatt laser
Generation of electron-positron pairs via the multiphoton Breit-Wheeler process in an all-optical scheme will be made possible on forthcoming high-power laser facilities through the collision of wakefield-accelerated GeV electrons with a counter-propagating laser pulse of 1022–1023 W cm−2 peak intensity. By means of integrated 3D particle-in-cell simulations, we show that the production of high-density sources of ultrarelativistic electron-positron pairs is within the reach of soon-to-be-available laser systems. Under physical conditions accessible to the dual-beam CILEX-Apollon facility, we find that the generated positrons can carry a total charge of 0.05–1 nC, with a mean energy of 100–400 MeV and an angular divergence of 0.01–0.1 rad. The variations of the positron source’s properties with respect to the laser parameters are also examined.
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itswallstreetpr · 4 years
Three Stocks for the Battle Ahead (LLY, RXMD, LH)
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Eventually, there will be a vaccine.  But, according to the WHO leadership even yesterday, confidence is waning in a “silver bullet” pharma solution for COVID-19. We may be in “coping” mode for quite some time yet.  For investors, that means an increased focus on testing, PPE, and remote process management.  With that in mind, we suggest a few high-growth plays that fit this idea-map and may help investors cope with the very unique market environment to come: Eli Lilly And Co (NYSE:LLY), Progressive Care Inc (OTCMKTS:RXMD), and Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings (NYSE:LH). Eli Lilly And Co (NYSE:LLY), a leading pharmaceutical name, just announced the initiation of BLAZE-2, a Phase 3 trial studying LY-CoV555 for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 in residents and staff at long-term care facilities in the U.S. (skilled nursing facilities, commonly referred to as nursing homes, and assisted living facilities). LY-CoV555, the lead antibody from Lilly's collaboration with AbCellera, is a neutralizing antibody against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 among residents of long-term care facilities combined with the higher mortality rate for the elderly creates the urgent need for therapies to prevent COVID-19 in this vulnerable population. Eli Lilly And Co (NYSE:LLY) bills itself as a company that discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products worldwide. The company operates through two segments, Human Pharmaceutical Products and Animal Health Products. It offers endocrinology products for the treatment of diabetes; osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men; and human growth hormone deficiency and pediatric growth conditions. The company also provides neuroscience products for the treatment of depressive disorder, diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, anxiety disorder, fibromyalgia, and chronic musculoskeletal pain; schizophrenia; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, and panic disorder; and positron emission tomography imaging of beta-amyloid neurotic plaques in adult brains, as well as immunology products to treat Alzheimer's disease. While the company’s recent announcement is a clear factor, it has been incorporated into a trading tape characterized by a pretty dominant offer, which hasn't been the type of action LLY shareholders really want to see. In total, over the past five days, shares of the stock have dropped by roughly -5% on above average trading volume. All in all, not a particularly friendly tape, but one that may ultimately present some new opportunities. Eli Lilly And Co (NYSE:LLY) managed to rope in revenues totaling $5.5B in overall sales during the company's most recently reported quarterly financial data -- a figure that represents a rate of top line growth of -2.4%, as compared to year-ago data in comparable terms. Progressive Care Inc (OTCMKTS:RXMD) promulgates itself as “a personalized healthcare services and technology company”. Do a little digging and you find this is a company that has been showing strong top and bottom-line growth in the regional pharmacy services space, but is now increasingly set to expand operations into telemedicine, ecommerce, and a range of scalable growth strategies while maintaining its footprint in the Florida pharmacy services space. The company has put up impressive numbers, with consolidated monthly gross sales across all locations during May totaling $3 million, representing year-over-year growth of 67%. It was 54% the month before, and 105% in March. And it was even better before the pandemic hit. Progressive Care Inc (OTCMKTS:RXMD) just announced the expansion of the Company’s PharmCo branded pharmacy operations and presence in the Orlando metropolitan area.  According to the release, the Company is moving out of its current Orlando pharmacy location, which is a 700 square-foot mini-pharmacy operating under the “Five Star” brand designation, to a 3,700 square-foot full-size pharmacy that will open under the PharmCo brand designation. The Company is also very pleased to report that this move, which represents an expansion in property size of more than 400%, will not increase monthly lease costs. Once completed, the move will allow for a dramatic expansion in the services and products offered in the Orlando market, including the full scope of PharmCo pharmacy goods and services, as well as therapy management, patient management, cost management services, and rapid-results testing services (COVID-19 IgG/IgM) as authorized by the FDA under its Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) guidelines for conducting SARS-CoV-2 antibody presence and COVID-19 infection diagnosis testing. If you're long this stock, then you're liking how the stock has responded to this and other recent announcements. RXMD shares have been moving higher over the past month overall, rallying roughly 68% in that time on strong overall action.  Progressive Care Inc (OTCMKTS:RXMD) generated sales of $9.1M, according to information released in the company's most recent quarterly financial report. That adds up to a monthly year-over-year growth rate of 62% on the top line as of the Company’s last monthly performance update. Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings (NYSE:LH) operates as an independent clinical laboratory company worldwide. It operates in two segments, LabCorp Diagnostics (LCD) and Covance Drug Development.  It offers various clinical laboratory tests, such as blood chemistry analyses, urinalyses, blood cell counts, thyroid tests, Pap tests, hemoglobin A1C and vitamin D products, prostate-specific antigens, tests for sexually-transmitted diseases, hepatitis C tests, microbiology cultures and procedures, and alcohol and other substance-abuse tests.  Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings (NYSE:LH) just announced plans to create a program to offer total antibody testing at no charge through the patient’s doctor in support of increased blood plasma donations for use as a possible COVID-19 treatment. According to the release, LabCorp is proud to be part of The Fight Is In Us coalition to increase donations of blood plasma with COVID-19 antibodies. Blood plasma is being evaluated as a possible treatment for patients with an active COVID-19 infection. Public health authorities have asked for help with expanding the population of potential plasma donors, and LabCorp is seeking to meet that challenge by creating a program to offer total antibody testing at no charge through the patient’s doctor. Patients who are interested in donating blood plasma can speak with their doctor about the total antibody testing program during their next routine visit or treatment. LabCorp is currently working with public health authorities and the provider community on the details of the three-month program and will provide additional information in the near future. Even in light of this news, LH has had a rough past week of trading action, with shares sinking something like -3% in that time. That said, chart support is nearby, and we may be in the process of constructing a nice setup for some movement back the other way. Shares of the stock have powered higher over the past month, rallying roughly 14% in that time on strong overall action.  Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings (NYSE:LH) pulled in sales of $2.8B in its last reported quarterly financials, representing top line growth of -3.9%. In addition, the company is battling some balance sheet hurdles, with cash levels struggling to keep up with current liabilities ($557M against $3B, respectively). Read the full article
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spaceexp · 7 years
Xenon in the SPS: First tests for a photon factory
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research logo. 27 Oct 2017
Image above: The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), pictured during a recent technical stop. (Image: Max Brice/CERN). Accelerator operators can perform amazing acrobatics with particle beams, most recently in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), CERN’s second-largest accelerator. For the first time, they have successfully injected a beam of partially ionised xenon particles into the SPS and accelerated it. Before they were injected into the SPS, these atoms were stripped of 39 of their 54 electrons. During the first test, which took place in September, the beam was injected into the SPS ring and circulated for about one second. Now, the beam has been accelerated for the first time, reaching an energy of 81.6 gigaelectronvolts (GeV) per nucleon. What makes this performance so remarkable is that these beams of partially ionised xenon atoms are extremely fragile and have a very short lifespan. If an atom loses just one of its 15 electrons, it changes orbit and is lost. “The SPS vacuum is not quite as high as that of the LHC. The residual gas molecules present in the vacuum chamber disturb the beam, which explains why it is lost quite quickly,” says Reyes Alemany, who is responsible for the SPS tests. “But keeping the beam going for one cycle in the SPS is already a very promising result!” So why are accelerator physicists experimenting with these atoms? It’s to test a novel idea: a high-intensity source of gamma rays (photons with energies in the megaelectronvolt (MeV) range). This gamma factory, as it is known, would generate photons of up to 400 MeV in energy and at intensities comparable to those of synchrotrons or X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs). XFELs produce high-intensity beams of X-rays – that is, photons of an energy of less than about 100 kiloelectronvolts (keV). “A source of that kind would pave the way for studies never done before in fundamental physics, in the fields of quantum electrodynamics or dark matter research,” explains Witold Krasny, a CNRS physicist and CERN associate who founded the project and leads the work group. “It also opens the door for industrial and medical applications.” It could even serve as a test bench for a future neutrino factory or muon collider. The principle is to accelerate partially ionised atoms and then excite them using a laser. As they return to their stable state, the atoms release high-energy photons.
Image above: Particle Accelerators at CERN: LEP: Large Electron-Positron Collider SPS: Super Proton Synchrotron AAC: Antiproton Accumulator Complex ISOLDE: Isotope Separator Online Device PSB: Proton Synchrotron Booster PS : Proton Synchrotron LPI: Lep Pre-Injector EPA: Electron Positron Accumulator LIL: Lep Injector Linac LINAC2: Linear Accelerator 2 LINAC3: Linear Accelerator 3 LEAR: Low Energy Antiproton RingRudolf Ley, PS Division, CERN Image Credit: CERN. The team took advantage of the presence of xenon in the accelerator complex to carry out this first test without disrupting the other ongoing physics programmes. Next year, during the LHC heavy-ion run, the team will repeat the experiment using ionised lead atoms, which will be stripped of all but one or two electrons. Those beams will be much more stable; having fewer electrons means that the atoms are less at risk of losing them. In addition, their electrons are only found in the “K” shell, the closest to the nucleus, and therefore have a stronger link to the nucleus than in the xenon atoms. The heavy-ion beams could be accelerated first in the SPS and then in the LHC. The gamma factory project is part of the Physics Beyond Colliders study, which was launched in 2016 with the goal of investigating all possible non-collider experiments, particularly those that could be done using CERN’s accelerator complex. Hundreds of scientists are expected to attend the annual Physics Beyond Colliders conference at CERN at the end of November. Note: CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. At CERN, the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments are used to study the basic constituents of matter — the fundamental particles. By studying what happens when these particles collide, physicists learn about the laws of Nature. The instruments used at CERN are particle accelerators and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before they are made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions. Founded in 1954, the CERN Laboratory sits astride the Franco–Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe’s first joint ventures and now has 22 Member States. Related link: Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS): http://home.cern/about/accelerators/super-proton-synchrotron For more information about European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Visit: http://home.cern/ Images (mentioned), Text, Credits: CERN/Corinne Pralavorio. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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