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BACK IN STOCK! Verehrtes Phantom, – Kat Dogtok
Almost ten years ago the author Kat Dogtok for the first time discovered the zig-zag-lined signature in a forest on the outskirts of Leipzig, Germany in 2012. A deeper meaning of the rather casual and random looking symbol was unknown to her back then, but started a chase for the logo which led the ethnologist and social scientist into a situation, where the more she looked for the sign, the more signs seemed to appear.
In the following weeks and months Dogtok tries to research the mystery, its creator and a possible story behind the logo. Soon she discovers a scheme concerning the places where the line can be found, even spots which are visited and marked regularly seem to exist.
The sign’s omnipresence reminds of works by Joseph Kyselak, Walter Josef OZ Fischer or the New Yorker PRAY, although in this case no letters are used and the logo is not signed, but maybe is a signature itself. During her meticulous research she compares the zig-zag to crook tines, the spiral series OZ did in Hamburg, the morse code and finally indentifies it as graffiti-like I was here-phenomenon, although there is a lack of stylistic development.
Verehrtes Phantom, is an homage as well as a letter to the creator, at the same time an invitation to the reader to look out for the logo, follow it and pay attention to eventually existing local similiar signs for comparision. To not destroy the ongoing hide-and-seek game, the book is not about demasking the originator, but more on the fascination of the mysterious game. The chase is better than the catch.
The 3rd and final edition was released in June, includes 14 additional pages (a larger photo part and a 2021 epilogue by the author) and has a new designed dust jacket.
Now available at www.hitzerot.com  
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animecinnamonroll99 · 5 years
Past Matters in Love 1
I looked up at the house that could be considered a mansion. The 'house' was six stories tall and over a football field wide. I looked over to my raven haired boyfriend. "Which relative did this belong to again?" I asked my Norwegian accent showing through in my worry. He slowly tore his eyes off the building giving me a slow smile as his deep voice rang out across the five feet that separated us, "My mom's twin brother...", his voice faded off as he walked up to the house. He was wearing ripped black jeans, a hoodie that has black and neon green designs, and solid black DC shoes. His hair was covered by his hood which was a normal occurrence and his sleeves were pushed up to his elbows because his hands and forearms were preoccupied by the many bags of our combined clothing. Sending a glance towards the sky, I notice that there were many points in the roof of the house and that the sky looked like it was about ready to rain at any second. I could almost physically hear the little voice of reason in my head saying that this place was a very bad idea and that we should go back to the little bungalow of a house two cities to the West. Just as I contemplated this appealing idea, my boyfriend's voice drifted through my mind breaking my concentration on the image of us leaving for our old home. "Hey Baby, (god I hated that nickname) you have got to see the inside. It has that Victorian Era look to it that you love so much!" With a small sigh, I slowly meandered my way over to the dry wrought porch and carefully climbed the 10 or so steps up making a mental note to go to a hardware store, soon, so that I could fix them. Once to the top, I looked behind me seeing, other then my boyfriend's 2005 matte black Mustang, nothing but trees. The nearest town was separated from us by about 10 miles of road or more. Turning to face the house again, I couldn't shake off the feeling of eyes on my back and after throwing a glance back, only to see nothing there again, do I get the feeling that there's more here than my boyfriend and me?
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An assassin and the royal child he has been hired to kill form an unlikely and unstable alliance as the plots of human sorcerers, elven pirates, and dwarf revolutionaries threaten to overwhelm the airborne kingdoms of Arianus. Long-time collaborators Weis and Hickman (``The Darksword'' trilogy; ``The Rose of the Prophet'' trilogy) have embarked on their most ambitious project to date in this first of a projected seven-volume cycle. The authors' combined talents for innovative world-building and sympathetic characterizations find ample outlet in this epic fantasy. Recommended for most libraries.
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BACK IN STOCK! What Do One Million Ja Tags Signify? – Dumar Novy  
What do one million JA tags signify? What does it mean, when a writer is present through his tags and pieces since 1985 in a city like New York? On 100 pages Dr. Dumar Novy describes and analyzes not so much the work itself, but what JA’s stuff means to him, without having ever met him in real life.
A phenomenon every writer is familiar with: you see other people’s graffiti, you read it, you follow their traces while being part of the target audience he or she maybe had in mind. By not knowing the creator a myth begins to form in your mind and you wonder who the writer is and his or her intentions while doing tags and pieces. In the case of JA, a writer who is up in the streets of the graffiti Mecca for more than 30 years, you idolize this guy and a legendary status emerges, the bombing archetype.
„NYC is Vatican City & JA tags are those Swiss Guards protecting our sacred sites.“
This reader is a manifesto in which the author takes us on a journey into his world of thought in eleven chapters. He is analyzing and interpreting actions of the manic writer which makes this book an homage, heroization and urban poetry. While once New York City was a glorious place for the graffiti culture in the 70s and 80s, it morphed into a unreal, artificial and destructive city due to repressive politics and foreign investors. Novy sees JA as last remaining fighter from the good old days, somebody who represents the original New York citizens, the John and Jane Does, the soul of the city.
„He is keeping alive the most revolutionary movement of our time inspiring some to write their existence & pushing others to join in shaping their world.“
The author’s thoughts on JA include abstruse visions of the future in which JA tags are mantra-like repeated and ritualized, dialogues with god, prayers, thoughts on racism, the criticism of society and capitalism or intimate stories on Novy’s passed dad. JA is part of every aspect of life whether he or she is inspiration, role model or companion.
This book is proof that graffiti is more than trivial writing of names, more than primitive communication between anonymous representatives of a (sub-)culture. Graffiti can affect, influence, help to reflect on yourself and open your mind. What Do One Million Ja Tags Signify? is an entertaining and fascinating insight into the effect writings of a single person can have, although the actual creator is never really in focus.
The dayglow orange edition will be the final one. If you already have the first edition in your collection, you might want to get this one too because of a completely new (ninth) chapter and some smaller changes here and there.
Now available at www.hitzerot.com  
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Finally back in stock²: “Verehrtes Phantom,” by Kat Dogtok
Get it now at Hitzerot.
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spurloser · 7 years
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Possible Books will be at the independent book fair Miss Read 2017 happening this weekend at HKW. Depending on which time you come by, you can talk to either Joachim Spurloser, Dumar Brown, dddddddumar Fukunovo, Dumar Novy or Matthias Hübner. We will have some new titles and a new secret not yet released one. See you there!
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spurloser · 7 years
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Buchvorstellung am Freitag, den 2. Juni um 20 Uhr im Zabriskie-Buchladen (Manteuffelstr. 73. 10999 Berlin). Nena Lord wird Ausschnitte aus Kat Dogtoks Brief an ein “Verehrtes Phantom,“ lesen.
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Hitzerot x Possible Books: Dumar Novy - What Do One Million Ja Tags Signifly?
Wir freuen uns ab sofort einige Publikationen des Possible Books Verlag mit in unseren Sortiment anbieten zu können! “What Do One Million Ja Tags Signify?” von Dumar Novy erzählt vom Einfluß den das seit über 30 Jahren andauernde Schaffen der New Yorker allcity Legende “JA” auf den Autoren hat. Dieser hat ihn selbst nie kennengelernt und doch ist er Motivation, Begleiter und Kämpfer für ein New York wie es mal war. Und noch viel mehr... Jetzt erhältlich auf www.hitzerot.de.
Was bringen eine Million „JA“ Tags zum Ausdruck? Was bedeutet es, wenn ein Writer seit 1985 kontinuierlich durch Tags und Pieces in einer Großstadt wie New York in Erscheinung tritt? Auf 96 Seiten schreibt, beschreibt und philosophiert Dr. Dumar Novy über das Werk eines Writers, dessen Schaffen er seit den 1990er Jahren verfolgt ohne ihm jedoch jemals begegnet zu sein.
Ein Phänomen, welches Writern durchaus vertraut ist: Man nimmt Graffiti anderer Writer war, liest, folgt ihren Spuren und ist stiller Adressat der Namen und Nachrichten. Ein Mythos entsteht und man spekuliert über den Urheber und über seine Intentionen. Ist ein Writer über 30 Jahre hinweg in einem solchen Ausmaß aktiv, dass er wie „JA“ allcity in einer Millionenmetropole ist, multipliziert sich der Ruhm zu einem Legenden-Status und der Writer wird zum Idol, zum Archetyp eines Bombers.
„NYC is Vatican City & JA tags are those Swiss Guards protecting our sacred sites.“
In dem vorliegenden Manifest lädt Novy den Leser in eine elf Kapitel umfassende Reise durch seine Gedanken ein. Er interpretiert das manische Handeln des New Yorkers zwischen Hommage, Heroisierung und Großstadtlyrik. In einer Stadt die sich durch ausländische Investoren und repressive Politik von dem Graffiti Mekka der 1970er und 1980er zu einem unwirklichen, künstlichen und destruktiven Ort gewandelt hat, sieht der Autor „JA“ als einen der letzten Streiter für die originären New Yorker, die kleinen Leute, die Seelen der Stadt.
„He is keeping alive the most revolutionary movement of our time inspiring some to write their existence & pushing others to join in shaping their world.“
Novy’s Gedankenspiele um „JA“ reichen von abstrusen Zukunftsvisionen in welchen seine Tags ritualisiert repetiert werden über Zwiegespräche mit Gott, Gebete, Gedanken zu Rassismus, Gesellschafts- und Kapitalismuskritik bis hin zu persönlichen Geschichten um den verstorbenen Vater des Autors. Überall findet „JA“ Platz und fungiert als Inspiration, Vorbild und Begleiter.
Dieses Buch ist der Beleg dafür, dass Graffiti weit mehr ist, als ein banales Mitteilen, eine primitive Kommunikation zwischen anonymen Vertretern einer (Sub-)Kultur. Graffiti wirkt, beeinflusst, dient als gedankliche Sprungfeder und lässt den Rezipienten reflektieren. Ein unterhaltsamer und fesselnder Einblick, der sich mehr mit dem Wirken und weniger mit dem tatsächlichem Urheber befasst.
Ab sofort erhätlich auf Hitzerot.
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spurloser · 8 years
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Am Freitag den 24. März liest ab 19.00 Uhr Kat Dogtok aus ihrem Brief an das Zickzack-Phantom. Die Doppellesung mit Nora Frohmann findet im INTER disciplinary SHOP auf der Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig statt, den neuen Menetekel-Band gibt es am Wochenende auch am Stand von Possible Books bei der Independent Publishing Fair It's a Book in der HGB Leipzig zu bestaunen. 
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spurloser · 6 years
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#calyba #stefanwartenberg #joachimspurloser #gedichte #possiblebooks #indiebookchallenge #ibc #metagraffiti #poetry #2autoren #nicknamepoetry #poems
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CALYBA - screen print
In Joachim Spurlosers and Stefan Wartenbergs 2015 publication “CALYBA”   you can find poems based on the pseudonyms of graffitiwriters and crews. They did note down every single name out the everyday natural habitat we see them in and rearranged the mess into poetic writings. In this hand pulled screen print you can now find more than 3000 names in alphabetical order. From AFFE, AGAIN and AGUE over KLOPS, KLOSE and KLOTZ to ZOOM, ZORA and ZRIK. Only a handful prints found their way into our shop!
Get it now at Hitzerot.
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spurloser · 8 years
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Am 10. und 11. Dezember liegt unser Gedichtband CALYBA auf der Buchmesse Friends with Books im Hamburger Bahnhof- Museum für Gegenwart am Stand von Possible Books aus. Lest Graffiti laut!
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Exiled from both the North and the South, Southron sword-dancer Tiger and Northern sword-singer Del have set sail to search for Tiger's homeland. But no journey is ever without complications for Tiger and Del. Shipwrecked, nearly drowned, abducted by pirates, bedeviled by magic and those who would use the pair to their own ends, the two finally do arrive at their destination. But before their quest is over, Tiger must face a truth about himself which may prove more dangerous than any sword-dance.
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