#possibly Wesker x Blind!Oc
fallen-angel-92 · 9 months
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Rated: Mature
Summary: She had escaped. She had to run as far as she was able to with. In a all encompassing darkness with only sound and spirits to help guide her path. Now, she is another type of hell one that will once again push her to the brink of insanity.
A cold gust of wind cut through her body as she ran. All she could see was darkness, with only the sounds of the animals guiding her. Panting, she slowly came to stop. She wrapped her arms around her body and strained her ears to listen. It was then she suddenly could hear the familiar male voice yell out,
“Avania! Come back here, darling!”
She felt her hair stand on end as she quickly began to run again, unknowing of her destination, despite the noises of the forest helping guide her steps she didn’t account for the tree root that was below her feet. She could feel her body fall landing hard in the ice cold snow. She slowly pushed herself up onto her knees,sitting upon them she noticed that the sounds she had once heard were no longer there. Avania could feel the snow melting onto her bare legs, reminding her of her location. Her fear increased as she heard someone approaching her from her left.
As the person’s boots crunched the snow, she could barely make out the sounds bouncing around her.
“What the hell?” She heard a gruff voice growling out.
Avania wrapped her arms tighter around her as she meekly called out,” Who is there? Please just point me to a road and I’ll leave.”
“Calm down, kid. There isn’t a way to leave here. Names William Overbeck, but everyone calls me Bill,” The man said as she could hear a small whipping sound as if something was being waved in front of her face.
Avania picked up on the strong scent of cigarettes and pine coming from him. Slowly, she raised her hand up, and she suddenly felt it meet his  larger hand. She could feel that he had callouses along his palm and fingers signaling to her that the man in front of her lived a hard life. 
“ You can’t see. Can you, kid?” He asked gruffly as he gently helped her feet.
“Yes… I have been blind for all my life. I'm sorry… My name is Avania Ramos.” She said weakly as she felt the coldness of the snow stinging at her bare feet.
“Nice name. Wish we could have met under better circumstances, but I’ll need you to try and keep close to me. This place ain’t safe,” Bill said as he gently took her hand and placed it on his shirt or his jacket.
Avania couldn’t tell as she gripped it tightly as she replied weakly,” Alright, Bill. Will you explain to me what is going on?”
She could hear the wind blowing as she followed Bill quietly as she could hear him huff before responding, “I’ll tell you everything later. Right now we are in danger, and we have to keep quiet.”
Avania could feel her heartbeat race as felt her grip tighten slightly as she felt herself begin to shake.
“Okay,” She replied shakily, willing to wait for her answers as she was unsure of where she was at.
Avania could feel Bill lead her for what seemed like hours, however, they eventually came to a stop. As soon as they did she suddenly heard someone let out a scream, followed by the sound of something tearing into flesh. She began to shake as she felt Bill crouch causing her to follow his body movements. When she crouched she quietly and fearfully asked,” Please tell me what's going on? I heard someone screaming.``
“Dammit…” Bill growled as he began to fiddle with something.
Avania could hear the sounds of sparks emanated from whatever Bill was working on. As she turned in the general direction of the sound of a metal scraping against each other. Despite the darkness she could see with her mind's eye outlines of different items. However, she could just barely make out what each item was and is. From what she could make out it seemed that Bill appeared to be working on some kind of machine. Before she could demand anymore answers from Bill, a faint image of a blue butterfly fluttered in front of her and a small female child's voice called out softly,
“You need to hide. Hurry!” 
“We need to hide,” Avania whispered out fearfully as she gently tugged on the cloth she had in her hand.
She suddenly heard Bill suddenly stop working on whatever was causing the sparking sound she had heard. Avania could feel Bill gently pull her away from wherever they were at and slowly began to make their way to a different location. They eventually came to a stop near some type of bushes or some type of trees.
“Looks like that stupid wannabe star is gone. Look, kid, we are in some kind of other realm. There are two other’s here in this place with me and now you. We have to activate a bunch of stupid old hunk of junks to power our only way out,” Bill quietly huffed out.
Avania could hear the soft crinkly of snow underneath him as the noise waves produced a faint outline of him in her mind's eye. She could see him shift, looking around what appeared to be a plant of some kind though she wasn't sure.
“What was that scream? Was someone getting hurt?” Avania asked softly, fearfully as she shivered.
She could hear Bill shift again before he gently took her hand off the cloth she was holding. Avania instantly stiffened as she thought he was going to leave her, however, she relaxed when she felt something heavy cover her shoulders. Slowly, he helped her put it over her arms and pulled it up.
“Unfortunately, kid, we are brought in with some type of psycho. This time we are stuck with a stupid punk ass that is called the Trickster. Don’t ask about that stupid name,” Bill gripped as he gently took her hand and placed it back onto what she now knew was his shirt.
“I see. Do you know what brought us here?” Avania asked softly as she felt a pull on his shirt signaling her to follow him as he led them toward what she assumed was going to be another generator. 
As they came to a stop, Avania could hear Bill begin to work on the generator as he did so, she took the time to listen to their surroundings as she did Bill began to speak,
“We have taken to calling the thing that brought us here ‘The Entity’. Don't know much more than that. Other than it's some type of eldritch entity from what the others told me.”
“I… I understand…” Avania replied back softly as she gripped his shirt tighter.
As the wind began to pick up she could still make out the outline of several trees around them and nearby. It was completely peaceful to her, however, that illusion was shattered when she suddenly heard the sound of something thudded against the tree nearby.
“Shit. He is heading this way,” Bill muttered angrily as he stopped working on the generator, quickly, but gently grabbed Avania's hand leading her away.
Avania quietly followed as felt him stop before pushing her into a spot surrounded by what she assumed was rocks based upon what little outline she could see thanks to the wind that was blowing around them as well as the really rough texture.
“Stay here kid. No matter what you hear, don't come out from here. Until I come back or I send one of the other survivors to come for you,” Bill said with a gruff tone, however, before he could say anything he was gone.
Avania quietly whimpered as she curled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she quietly waited like Bill had told her to do. She didn't know how long she waited until she heard something go off, like a loud alarm of some kind. As she turned her head toward where the sound was, she could make out the faint outline of some kind of door.
“You are Avania. right?” A soft female voice asked her.
Avania jumped, realizing she was not focusing on her surroundings as much as she should have been before she weakly replied,” Yes I am… Did Bill send you?”
“I'm Nancy. Come on, I'll lead you to the door,” She replied as she gently grabbed Avania's hand and began to lead her to what she assumed was the door she had mentioned.
“Nancy… Is Bill okay?” She asked with a shaky tone, afraid that her first friend was injured or worse.
She could hear Nancy let out a soft sigh as she replied,” He should be at the exit, waiting for us.” 
Avania didn't say anything more as she followed behind her silently allowing her to lead her to where she assumed where the exit was. As her feet crunched against the snow she could make out the outlines of walls, and nearby buildings. Fear slowly crept up her spine as she felt Nancy come to a stop, cursing under her breath as she quickly said,
“Quick, crouch down, we'll have to be quick since the door is open and the entity likes to collapse the world. Do you think you can run?” She asked, tightening her grip on Avania’s hand, causing her to squeeze her hand back as she nodded her head. “Alright, on the count of three we run. One. Two. Three!”
Avania allowed herself to be pulled forward, getting back to her feet and quickly followed behind to the best of her ability. She didn't have time to process the sound of feet following behind them as she could feel the coldness of snow slowly turn into grass that was warm. To Avania it seemed that she had managed to escape one hell only to be pulled into another. She could only hope that there was at least some peace where they were headed to.
(Hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think!)
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