#post study work visa usa
gradstar-global · 1 hour
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gradstarglobal1 · 11 days
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credasmigrations · 11 months
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The US government has modified the visa extension policy that benefits international students by giving them the chance to pursue an internship or obtain work experience. In this detailed blog, we'll talk about the different types of post study work visa and how OPT has led to an increase in post-study employment rights for international graduates.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I read a few of your posts and want to sincerely thank you for talking about how people in the West tend to be hypocritical when it comes to Russia's imperialism/colonialism.
I'm from Georgia and I think, other than Ukraine (obviously), this war has affected our country the most. I'm honestly terrified. Our current government consists of Russia's puppets and they are literally selling our country to Russian oligarchs and elites and turning it into the Russian colony. It's honestly tragic.
And I'm especially terrified as a queer person because Russia has been influencing and sponsoring the alt-right groups in Georgia and queerphobia is getting worse and worse. Those alt-right groups claim to protect Georgian identity but our identity was never homogeneous or homophobic, what they are actually promoting is Russian supremacy in order to drive away progressive Georgians from the country, leaving only the bootlickers.
Yet the Western leftists always act like Russia today is not as sinister as the US which always enrages me.
You're welcome, and just... yeah. It's something that drives me equally insane, and while I have problems with a lot of Western Leftists (tm) for varied reasons, that's definitely one of the biggest. As a historian, and somebody moreover who has done a lot of work on Russian and Soviet history, the willful ignorance and total distortions just boggle my mind. And like, you don't even NEED to have studied it to understand the problems in cheerleading for a genocidal fascist imperial regime just because it happens to be anti-American. It only takes point-two seconds of critical thought, but because so many people's entire ideology rests completely on "the US is the cause of all the evil in the world and I, O Most Pure Shining Progressive, am so much better than all that despite having a twisted moral worldview where America is still the only country with agency ever" mental contortion, they just. Can't do that.
Anyway, yeah; most people tend to forget and/or just don't know that Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and is still occupying a good chunk of it, at least partly to make sure Georgia can't enter NATO (as having stable/uncontested borders is one of the requirements for entry; that's also why Moldova can't enter due to occupied Transnistria and why Ukraine can't enter as long as the war's going on). Likewise, because Georgia is currently one of the few countries that Russians can enter without a visa (again thanks to the Soviet colonial past), they've been fleeing there en masse to dodge the war and I know that's causing a lot of problems in terms of relations between Russians and Georgians, even before the fact that the Georgian government keeps trying to sneak pro-Russian changes through the back door and is only stopped by massive protests.
But, and here's the thing: you shouldn't have to already know these things in order to change your mind about it when compelling facts are presented to you. But so many self-proclaimed leftist champions are carrying so much water for Russia because I guess it's apparently still the Cold War and we're all in that zero-sum imperialistic game all over again? But Russian Empire Good, USA Empire Bad, I Am Very Smart, The End? Or something.
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horacemann2024 · 5 months
17 Direct Benefits to Study in Ireland for Indian Students
Do you know why a 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is sought after heavily these days?
Many courses, MS in Computer Science, IT, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Management, and Business Analytics rank among the top 10 worldwide.
Most Indian students opt for a Master’s program for the benefits we have enlisted below. Graduating with these above MS degrees in Ireland guarantees high chances of employment in Ireland.
Also, universities in Ireland boast high research outputs, the hallmark of an excellent postgraduate study destination.
Award-winning journalist, John Kennedy, calls Ireland the AI island, highlighting the nation’s advancements in technological research.
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Study in Ireland for Indian students: 17 Benefits
Ireland is the best destination for Indian students due to its top universities, affordable 1-year master’s programmes, and 2-year post-study work visas. These are just a few reasons out of many that Ireland has to offer you. 
Below are the benefits why an MS in Ireland or MBA in Ireland is lucrative and will be life-altering. Notably, as an Indian student, you get several advantages.
Some benefits grace you even before you start your journey!
1. You don’t require a GRE score…
You can still study at Irish universities such as Trinity and UCD. Irish universities, which are in the same league as the US universities, which accept Indian students even without a GRE score.
Isn’t this appealing enough to apply to study in Ireland as an Indian student?
Hence, to get into an Irish university, Indian students require an excellent academic record and scores on one of these tests – IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo.
GRE & GMAT is not required by almost all Irish universities (UCD & TCD may ask for GMAT scores for their MBA degrees).
2. English Language Proficiency Training
All English-speaking countries expect their international students to be well-versed in English, as does Ireland.
But aren’t your English proficiency test scores suitable enough to secure admission?
Not to worry. Irish universities offer Pre-sessional English language programs. These short-term courses are designed to help you gain the skills needed to prepare for exams like IELTS, TOEFL, DET, and PTE.
3. How much study gap is acceptable in Ireland?
The answer is…
Study gaps don’t matter for Irish universities!
As long as you can explain the gap between your last academic year and the time of application, you are as good as any other person without a study gap.
Various reasons, such as employment, vacation, health issues, and business ventures, can be used to explain your study gap. You can provide these reasons in your Statement of Purpose.
Sarem Education will help Indian students with their Statements Of Purpose to study in Ireland.
4. Cost of studying in Ireland is lower for Indian students
Compared to studying in the USA, UK, and Australia, an MS degree in Ireland costs less.
Cost of study in Ireland for Indian students:
Place of study EUROS INR
Universities 12,000 to 36,000 9,97,000 to 28,89,000
Institute of Technology 12,000 to 17,000 9,97,000 to 13,63,000
Colleges 13,000 to 15,000 10,80,000 to 12,00,000
Tuition fee is the most significant cost component, while other expenses like accommodation, student visa, medical insurance, and the like typically cost between €7,000 (5 to 9 lakhs) to €12,000 per year.
There are also independent colleges in Ireland where Indian students can study for lesser fees.
Provided you have the necessary work experience, colleges such as Dublin Business School, Griffith College Dublin, and National College of Ireland should be a sweet deal!
Consultancies do love adhering to “get rich overnight schemes” by giving Indian students the aforementioned options to study in Ireland. However, we do not do that here.
Here is some honest information. Freshers would find it daunting to land a job after graduation from these places. So, apply here at your own risk.
However, experienced candidates should be able to land a job thanks to their experience.
With a part-time job or a paid internship, you can further reduce your expenses to study at an Irish university. We advise that you search for the right one where you can balance your studies with your part-time work.
Just ensure you don’t do anything you will regret on your academic side.
5. Study in Ireland for Indian students: Scholarships
Here is a list of scholarships available for students looking to study in Ireland.
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme, sponsored by the Higher Education Authority (HEA)
The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme
Scholarships by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
About 60 students get this scholarship which pays them 10,000 euros per year. These Ireland scholarships make life extremely easy for Indian students.
6. The 3 benefits of studying 1-year masters in Ireland
Undoubtedly, Indian students are constantly under pressure to settle down quickly. Studying a 1-year Master’s program at an Irish university can help you alleviate this.
You can fast-forward your dreams of graduating with an MS degree and happily settle abroad sooner than your counterparts in other countries!
Let us enlist and explain the benefits below:
Return to the workforce with world-class skills sooner: Sometimes, students take a 1-year leave to finish their degree and resume work with their previous employer. This is possible if you do a Masters in Ireland. Moreover, a 1-year break for education will also be less harsh on your resume. You can also join the workforce sooner and ease off your loans.
Costs Less: Compared to a 2-year course, studying for a 1-year Masters in Ireland is cheaper. A shorter duration means you pay lesser rent, living expenses, etc.
Resume: In any Master’s course in Ireland, you must complete 90 credits within a year. Inevitably, you will be putting in tons of hard work throughout the year. Consequently, this can bode well for your resume.
7. 100% visa approval
Ireland and India faced the brunt and after-effects of British imperialism and colonization in the 1900s.
Now, both countries share cordial relations owing to which there is less than a 5% chance for your visa to get rejected for Indian students to study in Ireland.
Not impressed?
DAVID FLOOD, Director, India, and South Asia, Enterprise Ireland, shares an impressive stat. The Irish visa approval rate for Indian students has grown by over 95% in the last 5 years.
So what happens to Indian students after they come to study in Ireland?
8. Globally Ranking Universities
Did you know securing admission to Irish universities would allow you to study at one of the top-ranked universities globally? Five universities in Ireland rank within the top 500 globally, and three are within the top 1000.
Trinity College, University College Dublin, University College Cork, University of Galway, University of Limerick, Dublin City University, Maynooth University, and Technological University Dublin are the universities on the list.
9. Highly quality education
The International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) found that students pursuing an MS degree in Ireland reported high student satisfaction with their academic experience.
Of course! Why wouldn’t they?
All MS degrees in Ireland are one year in duration. You will be prepared to enter the workforce within one year.
Irish universities and institutions are globally renowned for their programs in Science, Technology, Maths, Teaching, Medicine, Business, and Finance, accredited and recognized worldwide.
Most importantly, the tuition fee is way cheaper to study in Ireland for Indian students than in other top destinations.
Also, Irish universities are ranked among the best in the world regarding gender equality and climate action as per Times Higher Education’s (THE) university impact rankings.
10. Part-time opportunities in Ireland while studying
During their study in Ireland, Indian students can work for up to 20 hours a week.
According to labour statistics, Ireland has more than 400,000 people employed part-time. As regional investment grows and new businesses pop up, part-time jobs shall also grow steadily.
Irish universities also offer teaching assistant positions where students can assist professors with their academic commitments and get paid for them.
Indian students studying in Ireland will be allowed to work 40 hours per week only from June to September & from 15th December to 15th January inclusive. At all other times, students will be allowed to work 20 hours per week while they study.
11. Hub for global corporations
Ireland’s technological ambience is nothing to be scoffed at.
Ireland houses more than 1000 multinational companies, mainly because of Ireland‘s liberal FDI policies and ease of doing business. This opens doors for talent across the world.
Many of these MNCs seek MS degree holders from Irish universities in areas like Artificial Intelligence, ICT, telecom and life sciences.
Several companies – like Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Roche, Abbott, and others – have their European headquarters in Ireland. There are several hundreds of internships for fresher Indian students studying in Ireland.
Down the road, this ups their chances of securing full-time employment.
12. Safe, friendly, party and quality of lifestyle
Consumed by excitement while applying for a Masters, one would leave caution to the wind and fail to read about the destination’s attitude towards international students.
And while Ireland’s windy climate
is often chided for being unfriendly, the locals are super sweet. Indian students in Ireland feel very safe and peaceful, and their study period is a heavenly experience.
Still, undecided to study in Ireland as an Indian student? Contact us so that we can help you connect with alumni.
13. Rich Culture and Heritage
You can earn a 360-degree, fulfilling experience from your education abroad only if you read and imbibe academic papers and the culture around you.
If you are a bookworm, a history buff, or a culture enthusiast, don’t look further into the West than Ireland.
The best part about studying in a European country is that every country is different from the others; in terms of architecture, history, race, music, etc.
Ireland is not just well known for its education but also for reasons like these as well.
Dublin, the capital of the Emerald Isle, is a popular tourist destination filled with parks, museums, and statues paying homage to literary laureates such as Oscar Wilde, Joyce Meyer, etc. Pubs that are about a 1000-year-old grace the ever-alive city centre.
Festivals such as Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day originated in Ireland.
Studying in Ireland for Indian students will be thrilling for those who like to travel to various places and capture the green garlands of nature with their photography skills.
Also, are you familiar with these famous movies- Harry Potter, Star Wars, P.S. I Love You, and Game of Thrones?
All of these films had scenes filmed in Ireland. Ireland’s landscapes breathe life into the dormant desi travel bug in you.
Ireland’s West Coast throngs with breathtaking sceneries, docks, rocky coastlines, and castles. Be sure to check out these places while pursuing your M.S. degree in Ireland.
14. A growing, dynamic Indian community in Ireland
In 2011, The Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, aimed at attracting the 100,000 Indian students moving abroad for their higher studies every year into Ireland’s workforce.
Consequently, between 2013-2017, Ireland saw a 45% increase in international students entering Ireland.
As of 2015, about 26,000 Indians reside in Ireland, of whom about 9,000 are second-generation Indians. They occupy roles in healthcare (doctors and nurses), IT, engineering, and senior management positions.
According to DBEI (Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation), the majority of work permits were obtained by Indian students than any other nationality in various fields such as IT, ICT, Finance, Medical, and Business in 2022.
You can see several local businesses in Dublin with Indian owners and managers, which may get you part-time jobs if you can get their patronage. “Muqqabla” and “Urvashi” are some music tracks that rock the corridors of these local businesses. So there is no need to forget the rice, dal, and curry after you leave India.
15. Employment rates are at an all-time high!
It is undoubtedly heartening for us to announce (with proof) that employment rates are at an all-time high. Employment figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) confidently state that Ireland is fully employed.
Lifeline for graduates in Pharmaceuticals, Finance & IT, Pharma and biotech industry in Ireland picked up after companies took advantage of the government lowering tax rates for corporates.
19 of the world’s top 20 pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies are in Ireland. They constantly attract graduates with MS degrees from Irish universities. Indian students considering where to go after a UG degree in biotech, pharma, biomedical, and instrumentation can seek Ireland for higher studies.
Accountancy and Finance are lucrative for Indian students who study in Ireland. Due to the demand level and a squeeze in supply, companies are increasing compensation packages for both attraction and retention purposes. [Source: Morgan Mckinley]
Several tech-centred Irish institutions offer MS degrees in information technology, data analytics, cloud computing, and business analytics.
The courses are tailored to tackle real-time challenges in the tech-savvy industries in the IT hub of Europe. This is one supporting point for young and ambitious Indian students to study in Ireland for their Master’s.
16. Ireland’s post-study work visa benefits make you go WOW!
So here is the answer to the much-awaited question, “How to work in Ireland post-graduation”.
The Irish government offers a 2-year post-study work visa for Indian students in Ireland to seek employment after their graduation.
Ireland has two types of work visas – General Work Permit and Critical Skills Employment Permit.
The Critical Skills Employment Permit is acquired by people in the sectors included on the Critical Skills Occupations List, such as ICT professionals, professional engineers, and technologists. This visa targets highly skilled people, encouraging them to reside permanently in Ireland.
In 2022, 63% of the 10,171 critical skill visas issued were grabbed by Indian students studying in Ireland.
A General Employment Permit allows the holder to work in various occupations. Unlike the Critical Skills visa, this permit recognizes that all professions are eligible unless excluded from the Ineligible List of Occupations for Employment Permits.
17. Easy Pathway to PR
Did you know Ireland has one of the most effortless PR processes globally?
A list of countries with the smoothest PR processes would include Ireland in the top five.
A Critical skill visa allows you to apply for a PR in two years, and a General work permit will enable you to apply for a PR in five years.
A 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is flawlessly beneficial.
It is undoubtedly your gateway to finding a job in Ireland and getting a PR soon in Ireland using the 2 years of critical skills work permit.
We can connect you with Indian students in Ireland to enquire about your course and confirm all of the benefits we have mentioned above to studying in Ireland for Indian students.
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newstfionline · 7 months
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
High-profile Republicans head for the exits amid House GOP dysfunction (CNN) The GOP is facing a grand old exodus as the House of Representatives continues to struggle through one of the most turbulent sessions of Congress ever. So far, the 118th Congress has seen a historically-long race for speaker, the ousting of that speaker, an expulsion of a member, and a multitude of failed votes despite the GOP’s majority. 23 GOP Representatives have resigned or declared that they won’t be running for re-election, including five House committee chairs. Some Republicans are not concerned. “Brain drain? Why don’t you survey the country and see if there is any brain to drain in Congress. Congress has a 20% approval rating. Most of what we do to the country is bad,” said House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good. “I think the retirements are a wonderful thing … I have no concerns, zero concerns. We probably need a few more retirements.”
The Great Compression: Smaller Houses (NYT) America is the land of the free, the home of the brave, and the country where everything is just bigger. At least, that used to be true—now, as the cost of materials, land, and mortgages continue to rise, people are looking into smaller and smaller houses for a chance at home ownership. Builders have begun constructing ever-smaller homes (sometimes the size of studio apartments) in recent years as part of an effort to tap into the first-time home buyer market. “Their existence is telling,” said one economist. “All the uncertainty over the past few years has just reinforced the desire for homeownership, but land and material prices have gone up too much. So something has to give, and what builders are doing now is testing the market and asking what is going to work.” Suburban developments across the country have joined the trend, building more 800-square-foot “tiny homes” and cutting back on the 2,000-square-foot, two-story cul-de-sac houses that Americans have been sold for decades.
Why some travelers are skipping the US: ‘You guys are not afraid of this?’ (USA Today) What Uneaka Daniels experienced the last couple of times she was in the United States was enough to keep her away for a long time. Bermuda-born and raised Daniels was in Atlanta in 2019 and decided to get her hair done. On her way to the salon, she stopped a man to ask for directions. Suddenly, everyone ducked. It was a drive-by. “I could actually see the gun and see it being fired,” she told USA TODAY. “The people on the street acted…as if it didn’t happen, and I’m here trying to crouch behind a tree. I said, ‘You guys are not afraid of this,’ and he said, ‘It happens so often.’” Besides this experience and another, Daniels has been turned off by the U.S. due to the rise of mass shootings and rates of homelessness. For the past four years, she’s avoided travel to the U.S. A growing number of international travelers are opting out of trips to the U.S. There were 12 million fewer visitors in 2023 than in 2019, according to a recent study by the U.S. Travel Association and EuroMonitor International. The U.S. ranked 17th out of the top 18 travel markets, slotting in just above China, with one major factor being safety following visa time barriers and the strength of the U.S. dollar.
Pro-Israel group targets Post reporter (Semafor) Pro-Israel groups, deeply critical of American news outlets such as the Washington Post over their coverage of the war in Gaza, have been working in public and behind-the-scenes to discredit specific journalists seen as biased against Israel. The 10/7 Project, a consortium of five Jewish organizations, has been keeping tabs on reporters that it felt were reporting and tweeting unfairly about Israel, and putting pressure on major national news organizations to punish or remove these reporters from the beat. In particular, the group has singled out the Washington Post and its foreign correspondent Louisa Loveluck, who has covered the war in Gaza with an emphasis on Palestinian civilians impacted by the violence. The group has compiled a dossier complaining about everything from her current reporting to her past tweets and participation in college activism against tuition fees in the UK in an effort to get her taken off the story of Israel’s war with Hamas.
Afghans blocked from UK by special forces’ veto (BBC) Afghan commandos accompanied British special forces on some of the most dangerous missions of the war in Afghanistan. When the Taliban swept to power in August 2021, soldiers in these units were among the groups most at risk of reprisals. They were eligible to apply for resettlement to the UK. But leaked documents seen by the BBC show UK special forces rejected hundreds of applications, despite some containing compelling evidence of service alongside the British military. Dozens have reportedly been beaten, tortured, or killed by the Taliban since. “I was sure that my British colleagues and friends, who we worked for several years alongside, would help me to evacuate to safety. Now I feel that the sacrifices I made have been forgotten,” one told the BBC. “I have been left alone in the midst of hell.” At the time the applications were vetoed, UK Special Forces were at the centre of an independent inquiry, to which Afghan Special Forces members could have been asked to provide evidence, had they been in the UK.
How much is a baby worth? A $75,000 bonus, this South Korean firm says. (Washington Post) Successive South Korean governments have tried pretty much everything to try to persuade women to have babies. Now corporate South Korea is getting in on the act, trying to stave off a demographic crisis that could see the country’s workforce halve within 50 years. Some are pledging millions of dollars in bonuses for their staff who become parents. “We will continue to do what we can as a company to solve the low-birth issue,” Lee Joong-keun, the chairman of Booyoung Group, a Seoul-based construction company, said last week after awarding a total $5.25 million to his employees for 70 babies born since 2021. Both male and female employees at Booyoung are eligible for a $75,000 payout each time they have a baby—no strings attached. This development has come about as South Korea’s fertility rate—the average number of children a woman has over her lifetime—has plummeted to be the lowest in the world, at 0.78 in 2022. That means the population is aging rapidly. By 2072, half the population will be over 65—meaning companies big and small will have trouble finding people of working age to employ.
The sailor straining US-Japan relationship (BBC) US Navy officer Ridge Alkonis was sentenced in Japan to three years jail in 2021 for killing two Japanese citizens in a car accident. His release on parole from a US prison after less than two years, following a pressure campaign from his family, drew public anger in Japan. The incident highlighted the resentment and frustration Japanese people hold against the 54,000 US servicemen in the country. Since the US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) was inked in 1960—enabling the deployment of US military forces in the country—there have been hundreds of criminal cases involving US military personnel. Few have forgotten the infamous 1995 incident where three servicemen raped a 12-year-old Okinawan girl, sparking months-long protests.
Israel May Put New Restrictions on Visiting Aqsa Mosque as Ramadan Nears (NYT) The Israeli government was locked in debate on Monday on whether to increase restrictions on Muslims’ access to an important mosque compound in Jerusalem during the holy month of Ramadan, leading to predictions of unrest if the limits are enforced. On Sunday, Israeli cabinet ministers debated whether to bar some members of Israel’s Arab minority from attending prayers at the Aqsa Mosque compound, according to the two officials. Israel has long limited access to Al Aqsa for Palestinians from the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and since the start of the war in Gaza, it has imposed extra restrictions on Arab citizens and residents of Israel. Some had hoped those limits would be largely lifted for Ramadan, which is expected to begin around March 10—but the talk now is of increasing them, instead. Dan Harel, a former deputy chief of staff in the Israeli military, said in a radio interview that such a move would be “unnecessary, foolish and senseless” and might “ignite the entire Muslim world.” One Arab Israeli lawmaker, Waleed Alhwashla, said on social media that it would be “liable to pour unnecessary oil on the fire of violence.”
Israel orders new evacuations in northern Gaza, where UN says 1 in 6 children are malnourished (AP) Israel ordered new evacuations from parts of Gaza City on Tuesday, as a study led by the U.N. children’s agency found that one in six children are acutely malnourished in the isolated and largely devastated north of the territory, where the city is located. The report finds deepening misery across the territory, where Israel’s air and ground offensive, launched in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, has killed over 29,000 Palestinians, obliterated entire neighborhoods and displaced more than 80% of the population. On Tuesday, the military ordered the evacuation of the Zaytoun and Turkoman neighborhoods on the southern edge of Gaza City, an indication that Palestinian militants are still putting up stiff resistance in areas of northern Gaza that the Israeli military said had been largely cleared weeks ago.
Crew abandon UK-registered cargo ship after Houthi attack off Yemen (BBC) On Sunday night, a Belize-flagged, British-registered cargo vessel was struck by Houthi missiles, causing the crew to abandon ship. According to security firms, the ship was carrying “very dangerous,” highly explosive fertilizer. A spokesman for the Houthis has claimed that the ship was forced to a “complete halt” thanks to the attack, and the owners are reportedly considering towing the vessel.
Big stink in Cape Town (AP) What stinks? Authorities in Cape Town launched an investigation Monday after a foul stench swept over the South African city. City officials inspected sewage facilities for leaks and an environmental health team was activated before the source of the smell was discovered: a ship docked in the harbor carrying 19,000 live cattle from Brazil to Iraq. The ship was due to depart soon, likely to the relief of residents.
When Eyes in the Sky Start Looking Right at You (NYT) For decades, privacy experts have been wary of snooping from space. They feared satellites powerful enough to zoom in on individuals, capturing close-ups that might differentiate adults from children or suited sunbathers from those in a state of nature. Now, quite suddenly, analysts say, a startup is building a new class of satellite whose cameras would, for the first time, do just that. “We’re acutely aware of the privacy implications,” Topher Haddad, head of Albedo Space, the company making the new satellites, said in an interview. His company’s technology will image people but not be able to identify them, he said. Anyone living in the modern world has grown familiar with diminishing privacy amid a surge security cameras, trackers built into smartphones, facial recognition systems, drones and other forms of digital monitoring. But what makes the overhead surveillance potentially scary, experts say, is its ability to invade areas once seen as intrinsically off limits. “This is a giant camera in the sky for any government to use at any time without our knowledge,” said Jennifer Lynch, general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “We should definitely be worried.”
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theilustrado · 11 months
How to be a US Pharmacist if you’re a Philippine Registered Pharmacist.
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(Overview of the process ⬆️)
Maraming nagtatanong sa page ko kung paano daw maging US Pharmacist as a Filipino Pharmacist. Kaya, I'll just create a one big post about it. Oo nga pala, it's really hard to get a work visa/sponsorship from the US kung foreign pharmacist ka.
So, kung wala kang way na makapunta ng US to legally work (like a petition, etc) it'll be difficult (Unlike sa mga nurses). I'm no visa expert and won't be able to answer any at all.
but if you're already in the US (as a citizen/permanent resident) and you have a BS Pharmacy degree from the Philippines, here's for you!
First, let's talk about qualifications:
1. You have to be a licensed pharmacist in your home country first. kailangan, board passer ka muna sa Philippines. HINDI REQUIRED ang ANY work experience to qualify for the exam.
2. Your education should be a MINIMUM of 5- years if you graduated after Jan 1, 2003. Kapag 4 years lang natapos, you'll have to go back to school for another year (CLINICAL PHARMACY) or PharmD (plus 2 years). NO EXCEPTIONS. again, di naman mandatory ang pharmD. Okay na yung clinical pharmacy. Also, Not MS/PhD kasi i-evaluate siya case by case and hindi guaranteed to qualify.
Pero kung grumaduate ka before ng Jan 1, 2003, you can take the exam with a 4-year degree as long as you passed the other requirements like TOEFL, good standing w/ your license sa PH, etc.
After meeting the education requirements, no need to study again in the US.
For me, I graduated sa CEU-Manila noong 2015. Kulang yung 4- years na degree ko kaya I went back to school noong 2020-2021 (Clinical pharmacy). I'll link below my experience a full-time student sa Philippines while also working full-time in Texas.
Let's talk about the exams you need to take:
1. TOEFL (ENGLISH TEST) - there are minimum scores you need to achieve. Kahit offered ang TOEFL sa Philippines, it's only acceptable by the US kapag tinake mo siya mismo sa US territories or parts of Canada. You can take this exam with a US tourist visa. TOEFL ha, not IELTS. You can take this anytime kasi 2 years naman ang validity niya.
2. FPGEE (Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Exam). Itong exam na ito ay para sa mga Pharmacists educated outside of the USA. Kahit sa Philippines ka grumaduate, or UK, or Canada, Australia, SAME EXAM for EVERYONE. You need to pass this exam in order for you to INTERN sa desired state mo. This exam is usually administered ONCE A YEAR DURING FALL. You can take this exam with a tourist visa. Btw, it is important to say na kahit na qualified ka na to take the FPGEE, it doesn't guarantee your US tourist visa acceptance. kaya plan accordingly.
question about how to apply? please join the PH FPGEE support group. I already posted the detailed instructions on how to file your application. here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/filipinofpgeesupport/
Next step is INTERNSHIP. Once you passed TOEFL and FPGEE you're given an FPGEC certification which is a requirement for foreign pharmacists to start Internship! With internship, US tourist visa is not allowed anymore. You need to have a work visa na. Yung required hours ay depende sa state kung saan ka mag-wwork. Example sa California ay 1500 hours. Sa Texas ay 1740 hours. CHECK your RESPECTIVE state's Board of Pharmacy.
3. NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination). Ito pa lang mismo ang US Pharmacy Boards. I've shared to you my experience when I took it. Ito yung exam na tinatake ng mga FPGEE passers after internship and PharmD graduates ng US. Please see my posts about sa details ng exam and my experiences. I'll link them below.
4. The last exam is MPJE/CPJE. Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination® aka the LAW EXAM. Kahit naipasa mo yung NAPLEX pero hindi yung MPJE, you won't be able to practice as a US Pharmacist. This is a very tricky exam and it should not be taken lightly.
after you take these exams + Internships, you're now a US Pharmacists!! Good luck everyone and I encourage you to read the official BULLETINS only from the NABP site. Sila lang ang naglalabas ng official requirements and wag maniwala sa mga sabi-sabi.
If you have any questions except VISA, feel free to message me as I have taken all the exams na. I'm here to help yo Pero before you ask anything, please read this "frequently asked questions": https://theilustrado.com/faqforcc Any repeating questions won't be answered kasi nakalagay naman na diyan. 🙂
Here are the links: I included the review duration, review materials, prep, experience, etc.
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Philippine Pharmacy board exam experience 2015:
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Clinical Pharmacy 5th year 2021:
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FPGEE 2002 experience:
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US Pharmacy board exam 2023 NAPLEX experience:
Helpful Filipino US Pharmacists groups:
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Official USA Pharmacy website for FPGEE :
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kanandehradun · 16 hours
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Experience the Best Overseas Education Counselling in Sangrur with Sethi International
Choosing to study abroad is a life-changing decision that requires expert guidance and support. Among the numerous options available, Sethi International stands out as a leading provider of overseas education counselling. Recognized as one of the most experienced overseas education consultants in Sangrur, Sethi International offers comprehensive, unbiased, and personalized services that make them the go-to choice for students aspiring to study abroad. Here’s what sets Sethi International apart and why they are the best choice for overseas education counselling in Sangrur.
Extensive Expertise and Industry Knowledge Sethi International boasts years of experience in the field of overseas education counselling. Their expertise spans a wide range of countries, courses, and universities, making them a valuable resource for students looking to explore their options. This deep industry knowledge allows Sethi International to provide accurate and up-to-date information, helping students navigate the complex world of international education with confidence.
Unbiased and Transparent Counselling One of the key aspects that make Sethi International a standout among overseas education consultants in Sangrur is their commitment to unbiased counselling. Sethi International prioritizes the needs and preferences of the student above all else, ensuring that their advice is always in the best interest of the student. This transparent approach helps students make informed decisions about their education and future, free from the influence of hidden agendas or external pressures.
Personalized Approach to Student Success Sethi International believes that every student’s journey is unique. That’s why they offer personalized counselling services tailored to each student’s academic background, career goals, and financial circumstances. Through one-on-one sessions, Sethi International’s expert counsellors work closely with students to identify the best universities and courses that align with their aspirations. This personalized approach not only increases the chances of admission but also helps students find the right fit for their academic and personal growth.
Comprehensive Range of Services From the initial stages of career counselling and course selection to application assistance and visa processing, Sethi International provides a complete suite of services. They guide students through every step of the process, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. The consultancy also offers support for standardized test preparation, scholarship applications, and financial planning, making the entire journey smoother and less stressful for students and their families.
Strong Global Network Sethi International’s strong network of partnerships with leading universities and colleges worldwide is another significant advantage for students. These connections allow them to stay updated on the latest admission requirements, course offerings, and scholarship opportunities. This network gives students access to a broader range of options and increases their chances of gaining admission to their desired institutions.
Proven Track Record of Success The success of Sethi International is reflected in the achievements of their students. Many have gained admission to top universities around the world, including in the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia. Positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied students highlight the consultancy’s role in making their overseas education dreams come true. Sethi International’s proven track record of success sets them apart as a trusted and reliable partner in the journey to study abroad.
Ongoing Support Even After Admission Sethi International’s commitment to student success extends beyond admission. They provide ongoing support, including pre-departure orientations, travel assistance, and post-arrival guidance. This continued support ensures that students are well-prepared for life in a new country and helps them settle in smoothly.
Conclusion: For students seeking expert overseas education consultants in Sangrur, Sethi International offers a level of service that is unmatched in the industry. Their extensive experience, personalized approach, comprehensive services, and dedication to student success make them the best choice for overseas education counselling. By choosing Sethi International, students can confidently embark on their journey towards a successful international education experience.
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internsipgate · 4 days
How to Find Your College Abroad for MBA & Masters: A Comprehensive Guide
Pursuing an MBA or Masters abroad can be a life-changing decision. Not only does it enhance your academic credentials, but it also opens doors to global opportunities. With thousands of universities across the globe offering top-tier programs, finding the right college can seem overwhelming. Don't worry, though! In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to find the perfect college abroad for your MBA or Masters.
Why Pursue an MBA or Masters Abroad?
There are plenty of reasons to consider earning your MBA or Masters degree abroad. For starters, studying in another country exposes you to a new culture, broadens your perspective, and challenges you in ways that local institutions may not. You’ll get a taste of global business practices, learn from diverse peers, and gain insights into international markets—all while improving your problem-solving and leadership skills.https://internshipgate.com
Additionally, many students find that a degree from a foreign institution dramatically boosts their career prospects. Top universities abroad are often well-connected to global corporations, offering you a chance to network and secure higher-paying jobs upon graduation.
Factors to Consider Before Choosing a College Abroad
Before you start your search for the perfect MBA or Masters program, it’s important to have a checklist of things to consider:
Accreditation and Ranking: Make sure the school is accredited by recognized bodies (such as AACSB or EQUIS for business schools). Check global rankings like QS or Financial Times.
Curriculum and Specializations: Look for programs that align with your career goals. Whether you’re interested in finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, or healthcare, ensure the college offers relevant specializations.
Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate how much the program will cost, and weigh it against your potential earnings post-graduation. This includes tuition, living expenses, and the opportunity cost of leaving your job (if applicable).
How to Identify the Best Countries for Studying Abroad
When deciding where to pursue your MBA or Masters, the country you choose matters just as much as the college. Some factors to consider:
Job Market: Research which countries have a strong demand for graduates in your field. For example, tech-related Masters programs might be more beneficial in the USA, while management roles are highly valued in the UK.
Post-Study Work Visas: Some countries, like Canada and Australia, offer generous post-study work visas that allow you to stay and work after graduation.
Cultural and Language Preferences: Think about where you’d feel comfortable living for an extended period. Would you prefer an English-speaking country, or are you open to learning a new language?
Top Countries to Study MBA and Masters
Some countries stand out for their world-class MBA and Masters programs. Let’s take a look at the top contenders:
USA: Home to top-ranked business schools like Harvard, Wharton, and Stanford. The USA offers a vast array of specializations and strong job opportunities post-graduation.
UK: Known for prestigious institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, and London Business School. The UK also has shorter MBA programs, typically lasting one year.
Canada: Affordable tuition and post-study work visas make Canada an attractive destination. Schools like Rotman and Ivey are highly regarded.
Germany: Offering affordable education, many German universities like Mannheim Business School provide high-quality programs with a focus on engineering and management.
Australia: Boasting schools like Melbourne Business School, Australia combines strong education with work-study opportunities.
Researching Colleges for MBA and Masters
Start by checking global rankings such as the QS World University Rankings or the Financial Times MBA Ranking. While rankings can give you an idea of a school’s reputation, don’t rely solely on them. Look at alumni success stories and job placement rates. Visit university websites, take virtual tours, and attend online information sessions to get a feel for the campus.
Using Online Platforms and Resources to Find Colleges
There are several online platforms where you can search for colleges based on location, tuition, and program. Websites like QS Top Universities, US News, and The Economist offer detailed reviews and rankings. You can also use forums like The GradCafe or GMAT Club to get firsthand reviews from students.
How to Evaluate MBA and Masters Programs
Once you’ve narrowed down a list of schools, evaluate their programs based on:
Program Length: Full-time MBA programs typically last two years, while some countries like the UK offer one-year programs. Decide what suits your timeline.
Internship Opportunities: Does the program offer internships or corporate projects to help you gain practical experience?
Industry Connections: Check if the school has partnerships with companies or if they host recruitment drives on campus.
Financial Considerations for Studying Abroad
Studying abroad can be expensive, so make sure to budget accordingly. Tuition fees vary by country and school, ranging from $20,000 to over $100,000 for top MBA programs. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of living—housing, food, transportation, and personal expenses. Many students secure scholarships or financial aid to help reduce the burden.
How to Apply for an MBA or Masters Program Abroad
The application process for MBA or Masters programs typically involves:
Entrance Exams: Most business schools require a GMAT or GRE score. Additionally, you’ll need to take language proficiency exams like TOEFL or IELTS if English isn’t your first language.
Statement of Purpose (SOP): Write a compelling essay explaining why you want to pursue the program and what you aim to achieve.
Letters of Recommendation (LOR): Secure strong recommendations from professors or employers.
Importance of Networking and Alumni Connections
Networking is key when applying to international schools. Use LinkedIn to connect with alumni and current students. Attend virtual open houses or alumni events to get insights into the school’s culture and career services.https://internshipgate.com
How to Secure Scholarships and Financial Aid
There are various scholarships available for international students. Some are offered by governments (e.g., Fulbright, Chevening), while others come from universities or private organizations. Craft a strong scholarship essay that highlights your achievements, ambitions, and how you’ll contribute to the program.
Visas and Immigration: What You Need to Know
Once you’ve been accepted, the next step is securing a student visa. Requirements vary by country, but you’ll likely need an acceptance letter, proof of funds, and health insurance. Prepare for visa interviews and ensure all your paperwork is in order.
Balancing Personal Preferences with Practicality
While prestige and ranking matter, you should also consider personal preferences like the size of the campus, city life vs. small town, and available extracurriculars. Think about where you’ll feel comfortable living and studying for the next one to two years.
Finding the right college abroad for your MBA or Masters is a process that takes time and thorough research. By considering factors like ranking, curriculum, job prospects, and financial aid, you can make an informed decision. Remember, this is a life-changing experience, so choose a program that aligns with your career goals and personal aspirations.
What is the best country for an MBA abroad?
The USA, UK, and Canada are among the top destinations for MBA programs due to their strong economies and top-ranked business schools.
How much does it cost to study abroad for a Masters?
The cost varies widely depending on the country and institution, ranging from $20,000 to over $100,000 for top programs.
How can I find scholarships for studying abroad?
Scholarships are available through governments, universities, and private organizations. Start your search early and apply to as many as possible.
Is it better to study MBA in the USA or Europe?
The USA offers a broader range of schools and industries, while Europe typically has shorter, one-year MBA programs. It depends on your goals.
Do I need work experience for an MBA program abroad?
Most MBA programs prefer applicants with 2-5 years of work experience, though some may accept fresh graduates for specialized programs.https://internshipgate.com
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study-abroad-delhi · 8 days
Your Gateway to Global Education: Top Study Abroad Consultant in Delhi
In today’s interconnected world, studying abroad is no longer just a dream but a tangible reality for many students in India. The prospect of gaining an international education is immensely appealing due to the exposure, world-class faculty, cutting-edge facilities, and a broad range of career opportunities that come with it. However, navigating the path from deciding to study abroad to successfully enrolling in a foreign university can be overwhelming. This is where study abroad consultants in Delhi step in, offering professional guidance to help students achieve their global education aspirations.
The Role of Study Abroad Consultants
Study abroad consultants provide invaluable services to students who are often unfamiliar with the nuances of the international education system. From helping students choose the right university and course to managing visa applications, financial planning, and even post-arrival assistance, these consultants serve as a one-stop solution for all the complexities involved in studying abroad.
Here’s why working with a top study abroad consultant is critical:
Expertise and Guidance: Consultants are well-versed with the admission criteria, application processes, and deadlines of various universities across the globe.
Tailored Counseling: Each student’s academic and financial background is unique, and consultants offer customized solutions, matching students with universities and courses that suit their profiles.
Test Preparation and Documentation: Consultants assist with standardized test preparation (such as IELTS, GRE, or GMAT) and help craft standout statements of purpose (SOPs), essays, and recommendation letters.
Visa Assistance: Navigating visa regulations can be tricky. Consultants help streamline this process by providing end-to-end visa counseling, ensuring that students have all the required documents and information.
Financial Planning: Whether it's applying for scholarships, financial aid, or education loans, consultants provide comprehensive financial guidance to make studying abroad affordable.
Grace International: A Top Education Consultant in Delhi
Among the leading study abroad consultants in Delhi, Grace International stands out for its holistic approach and commitment to helping students turn their international education dreams into reality.
About Grace International
Founded with the vision of simplifying the complex process of studying abroad, Grace International has established itself as a trusted name in the field of overseas education consulting. Over the years, they have helped thousands of students gain admission to top universities in countries such as the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Europe.
Grace International operates with a student-centric approach, ensuring that each student’s individual goals, preferences, and academic background are taken into account. Their team of experienced counselors offers comprehensive services that cover every aspect of the study abroad journey, from initial counseling to post-arrival support.
Why Choose Grace International?
Wide Network of Global Universities Grace International has established strong relationships with prestigious universities across the globe. These partnerships enable them to provide students with exclusive opportunities, including scholarships, fee waivers, and streamlined admissions processes.
Personalized Counseling Grace International prides itself on offering personalized attention to every student. Their expert counselors take the time to understand the student's academic history, career aspirations, and financial capacity before recommending the best-fit universities and courses. Whether a student is interested in STEM fields, business, the arts, or humanities, Grace International ensures that the options provided align with the student’s long-term goals.
Test Preparation and Application Support A crucial part of the study abroad process involves excelling in standardized tests like the IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, or GMAT. Grace International offers comprehensive coaching services, providing students with study materials, practice tests, and expert tips to help them achieve their target scores.Additionally, their team provides hands-on assistance with application materials, ensuring that students submit polished essays, SOPs, and recommendation letters that stand out to university admissions committees.
End-to-End Visa Assistance Navigating visa requirements can be one of the most stressful parts of studying abroad. Grace International’s visa experts guide students through every step of the visa application process, from filling out forms to preparing the necessary documents and even conducting mock interviews.
Financial Counseling Studying abroad can be expensive, but Grace International helps students explore scholarships, financial aid options, and education loans. Their counselors work closely with students to find the best financial solutions, ensuring that the cost of education abroad remains manageable.
Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival Support Grace International goes beyond just securing admissions. They offer pre-departure orientation sessions to prepare students for their new academic and social life abroad. From understanding the culture of the destination country to settling accommodation and travel arrangements, their team provides full support. Even after students arrive in their new country, Grace International remains available for any assistance they might need.
Countries and Programs Covered
Grace International specializes in helping students apply to universities in some of the world’s top study destinations, including:
United States: Known for its diverse range of programs, cutting-edge research, and vibrant campus life.
United Kingdom: Home to some of the world’s most prestigious institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, and London School of Economics.
Canada: A popular choice for its high-quality education system, friendly immigration policies, and affordable tuition.
Australia and New Zealand: Offering excellent education standards and post-study work opportunities.
Europe (Germany, France, Netherlands, etc.): Known for innovation, especially in fields like engineering, business, and the arts.
The Grace International Experience
Students who have worked with Grace International consistently praise the organization for its professional yet empathetic approach. From the first counseling session to the final visa approval, Grace International ensures that the process remains smooth, transparent, and stress-free for both students and their families.
The organization’s dedication to student success is evident in its high placement rate and long-standing relationships with top universities worldwide. Their attention to detail, personalized counseling, and comprehensive support services make them a standout choice for students in Delhi looking to study abroad.
In a city like Delhi, where the competition for overseas education is fierce, working with a top study abroad consultant like Grace International can make all the difference. With their expert counseling, global university network, and commitment to student success, Grace International is the ideal partner for students seeking a seamless and successful transition to global education. Whether it's selecting the perfect university, preparing for standardized tests, or securing a visa, Grace International provides everything a student needs to embark on their international education journey.
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gradstar-global · 1 day
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gradstarglobal1 · 24 days
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pavitrapavi · 11 days
Achieve Your Study Abroad Goals with Hyderabad's Best USA Visa Consultants
Are you aspiring to pursue higher education in the USA but overwhelmed with the processes involved? Worry no more! Kadmuss Overseas is here to assist you every step of the way. We are one of the most trusted study in usa consultants in hyderabad, offering unparalleled guidance for students eager to study in the United States. From choosing the right university to acquiring your visa, our services are designed to help you achieve your academic dreams.
Why Choose Kadmuss Overseas?
At Kadmuss Overseas, we understand that studying abroad is a major life decision. We stand out as one of the best USA education consultants in Hyderabad, providing personalized counseling to match your academic goals with the right universities. Our team is well-versed in all the requirements for securing a study visa, making us top-tier usa student visa consultants in hyderabad. We offer full-fledged support to ensure that the entire process—from application to acceptance—is hassle-free.
Study Abroad with Confidence
Choosing the right consultant is crucial to ensuring your USA study plans proceed smoothly. At Kadmuss Overseas, we pride ourselves on being leading usa study abroad consultants in hyderabad, offering insights into the education system, lifestyle, and potential career opportunities in the USA. Whether it’s advice on academic programs or financial planning, we ensure that you are fully prepared for your study abroad journey.
Personalized Counseling Services
We understand that every student has unique academic and career aspirations. That’s why we offer tailored services as study in usa education consultants in hyderabad, guiding you through each step of the application and visa process. Our expertise in matching students with the best universities has earned us the reputation of being among the best education consultants for usa in hyderabad.
Comprehensive Overseas Education Services
In addition to being well-regarded overseas education consultants for usa in hyderabad, we offer a range of other services, including pre-departure briefings and assistance with accommodation arrangements. Our team of experts also provides insights into scholarship opportunities and post-study work options, helping you make informed decisions about your future.
Trust the Best for Your Study Visa Needs
Kadmuss Overseas is the name to trust when it comes to obtaining your USA study visa. As one of the best consultants for usa study visa in hyderabad, we understand the importance of timely and accurate visa submissions. Our consultants guide you through the entire process, ensuring all requirements are met for a successful application. Additionally, our reputation as a top usa education consultancy in hyderabad speaks for itself, as we’ve helped numerous students fulfill their dreams of studying in the USA.
Choose the Best for Your Future
If you’re looking for the best consultancy for study in usa in hyderabad, Kadmuss Overseas is the right choice. Our exceptional services and experienced consultants are committed to making your study abroad experience as seamless as possible. From visa applications to post-arrival support, we’re here to ensure you have all the tools necessary for a successful academic journey. As the best consultancy for usa student visa in hyderabad, we’re dedicated to helping you turn your aspirations into reality.
In conclusion, whether you need help selecting a university or navigating the visa application process, Kadmuss Overseas is your go-to partner for all things related to studying in the USA.
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nehakumarr · 13 days
Why Indian Students Prefer Australia for Higher Education in 2024
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Australia has become a top destination for Indian students seeking higher education abroad. In 2024, the trend is only growing stronger due to various factors. From proximity to weather and visa policies to job prospects, Australia is highly attractive to Indian students. Let’s explore why.
Proximity to India
One key reason why Indian students prefer to study in Australia is the proximity to India. Flights between India and Australia are shorter compared to those to Europe or the USA. This makes it easier for students to visit home during holidays or family events. Additionally, Australia’s time zone is closer to India’s, making it easier to stay in touch with family and friends. Proximity also means that cultural similarities are more pronounced, helping students feel more at home while studying abroad.
Favorable Weather Conditions
The weather in Australia is another significant factor. Unlike the cold climates in many European and North American countries, Australia enjoys a mild and sunny climate, especially in cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. Indian students often find it easier to adjust to the warm, temperate climate, which is similar to many parts of India. This is a crucial comfort factor for students who want to avoid harsh winters while focusing on their studies.
Streamlined Visa Policies
Australia’s student visa policies are known to be relatively straightforward and favorable. The Student Visa (subclass 500) allows international students to stay in Australia for the duration of their studies. Moreover, the visa process is simplified with the help of study abroad consultants who specialize in assisting Indian students.
The Australian government has also been proactive in offering post-study work visas, allowing students to gain valuable work experience after completing their studies. This makes Australia an attractive choice for students who want to build a career overseas after graduation. Many overseas education consultancies in India help students with the entire visa application process, ensuring a smooth transition to studying in Australia.
High-Quality Education and University Reputation
Australia is home to some of the world’s top-ranked universities, including the University of Melbourne, Australian National University, and the University of Sydney. These universities offer a wide range of courses in fields like engineering, medicine, IT, and business management. For Indian students seeking high-quality education, studying in Australia opens up opportunities to learn from world-class faculty and access state-of-the-art research facilities.
Australia’s education system is recognized globally, and degrees from Australian universities are highly regarded in the international job market. This global recognition makes Australia a top choice for Indian students aiming for high-quality education and a strong academic reputation.
Lucrative Job Prospects
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One of the main attractions of studying in Australia for Indian students is the potential for good job opportunities. Australia’s booming economy offers numerous job prospects in sectors such as IT, healthcare, engineering, and business.
Thanks to the post-study work visa, Indian students can stay in Australia for up to four years after graduation. This allows them to gain practical work experience and explore career opportunities. Many companies in Australia are open to hiring international graduates, especially in high-demand industries.
Overseas education consultants often guide students on how to find internships and job placements during their studies, making it easier to transition into the Australian job market. The support from study abroad consultants can be crucial in navigating the job search process and maximizing post-study work opportunities.
Cultural Diversity and Safe Environment
Australia is known for its multicultural society, where international students are welcomed with open arms. Indian students find comfort in the diversity, as Australia is home to a large Indian community. The country offers a safe, inclusive environment for students from all over the world, making it easier to adjust and thrive.
In 2024, Australia continues to be a preferred destination for Indian students due to its proximity, favorable weather, streamlined visa policies, world-class education, and lucrative job prospects. The support provided by overseas education consultants helps Indian students navigate their journey, from choosing the right university to securing a visa and finding job opportunities.
If you’re considering studying in Australia as an Indian student, reach out to a trusted study abroad consultant to make your dream a reality.
Also read :
The Role of Technology in Australian Universities: A 2024 Perspective
How Australia’s Education System Prepares You for Global Careers in 2024
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jrimmigration · 15 days
Top Immigration Consultants in Gurgaon: How Jr Immigration Makes Your Dreams Come True
Jr Immigration is the ideal partner to help you navigate the immigration procedure if you are based in Gurgaon and intend to relocate to Canada. Being the best Canada immigration consultants in Gurgaon, they have built a solid name via their extensive knowledge, attentive service, and successful track record. Jr Immigration offers thorough assistance for each stage of your immigration process, from eligibility evaluations to applications for permanent residence. Selecting the appropriate immigration advisor might be crucial to warranting a seamless and fruitful application procedure. You know that you are in good hands when you work with Jr Immigration. Make contact with Jr Immigration right now to begin living the Canadian dream.
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Why Immigration Consultants Are Essential
Immigration laws and policies are frequently intricate and differ between nations. The application procedures for citizenship, permanent residency, and visas might entail a number of complex legal requirements, supporting evidence, and adherence to deadlines. That is the role of qualified immigration advisors in Gurgaon, such as Jr Immigration. Their knowledge can:
• Ensure that the documentation complies with immigration regulations;
• Simplify the application process. • Reduce the likelihood of mistakes and rejections. • Preserve important time and energy. Having the advice of an experienced visa consultant in Gurgaon securities that you are on the proper route whether you are applying for a work visa, student visa, or permanent residency.
About Jr Immigration
As one of Gurgaon's top immigration advisors, Jr Immigration has helped hundreds of clients realize their ends of displacing abroad to live or work. With years of experience and a thorough thoughtful of immigration laws, Jr Immigration provides individualized services catered to each client's needs.
The Mission of Jr Immigration
The goal of Jr Immigration is up-front: to assist clients in having a smooth, opaque, and hassle-free immigration procedure. They fervently strive to assist clients in realizing their dreams since they feel that all and sundry should have an equal opportunity at a better life.
Why Choose Jr Immigration?
Here’s why Jr Immigration stands out as one of the best visa consultants in Gurgaon:
• Professional Advice: Jr Immigration continues abreast of the most recent modifications to visa laws and regulations through a staff of professional immigration consultants. This enables them to provide precise direction and services that comply with the most recent immigration regulations. • Tailored Service: Jr Immigration understands that every immigration story is dissimilar. Whether you want to study abroad, work abroad, or reunite with family members who are abroad, they provide tailored solutions based on your individual objectives. • All-inclusive Assistance: Jr Immigration offers comprehensive assistance from the very beginning of the procedure, including initial valuation, document preparation, final submission, and visa interviews. • Success record: Because of their careful attention to detail and in-depth knowledge of immigration rules, Jr Immigration has a high success record for visa approvals.
Types of Services Offered by Jr Immigration
Jr Immigration provides a comprehensive range of services to meet different demands related to immigration. Whether you're looking for a Gurgaon visa consultant for short-term travel or long-term job, Jr Immigration offers the following services:
1. Student Visa Consultancy
Are you thinking about studying overseas? Jr Immigration is a consulting firm that specializes on student visas, assisting applicants to get accepted into honoured universities across the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and Europe. As the best immigration advisors in Gurgaon, they help students with the following post-arrival services: locating housing and part-time jobs; filling out tender paperwork; choosing the appropriate course and university; and preparing for visa interviews. Your ambition of studying abroad can come true with the knowledgeable assistance of Jr Immigration.
2. Work Visa Assistance
Obtaining a work visa is often one of the most difficult parts of moving overseas. Jr Immigration offers knowledgeable visa consulting in Gurgaon to assist professionals in finding employment promises abroad. The group helps clients at every stage, making sure that their work visa applications are submitted quickly and correctly. Exciting career opportunities are available in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. Jr Immigration assists you in navigating the complicated documentation necessary to ensure your visa claim has the highest chance of being approved.
3. Permanent Residency (PR) Visa Consultancy
A common objective of many clients of Jr Immigration is to become permanent residents of another nation. Jr Immigration, one of the top immigration advisors in Gurgaon, has extensive knowledge of handling claims for permanent residence visas for nations like Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
Jr Immigration will assess your eligibility for various colonisation programs, such as Canada’s Express Entry system or Australia’s Skilled Migration program. They assist with:
Preparing and submitting the PR application.
Document verification.
IELTS preparation and skill assessment.
Their thorough approach and knowledge of country-specific immigration laws ensure you have the best chance of securing permanent residency.
4. Family Visa Consultancy
One of the main reasons people look for immigration services is to reunite with family members who live overseas. Whether a client requests assistance applying for a parent, child, or spouse visa, Jr Immigration can help. In order to expedite the process, their knowledgeable advisers make sure that family visa claims are handled delicately and with care, ensuring that all required paperwork is in place.
5. Investor and Business Visa Consultancy
Jr Immigration provides expert business visa consulting whether you are an investor or entrepreneur seeking to grow your firm abroad. The team assists clients in exploring foreign markets by helping them with the following visa applications: investor and business. • Establishing companies overseas. Jr Immigration will assist you in obtaining the appropriate visa, whether your goal is to launch a business in Canada, grow your enterprise to Australia, or invest in a profitable venture overseas.
Why Gurgaon is a Hub for Immigration Consultants
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In India, Gurgaon has become a major center for immigration consultation services. An increasing number of professionals, students, and business owners who want to relocate overseas in search of better options call the city home. Due to the increased demand, Gurgaon now has a large number of visa advisors, Jr Immigration being one of the most reputable names in the field. Gurgaon's advantageous locality and flourishing business environment make it a great site for immigration consultants to work. There is an increasing demand for trustworthy immigration services as more people look for chances for business, work, and education abroad.
The Importance of Choosing the Right Visa Consultant
Selecting the best Gurgaon visa expert might have a big impact on your immigration procedure. In addition to making the procedure easier, a reliable and knowledgeable advisor like Jr Immigration will raise your chances of getting your visa approved. The following elements should be taken into account when electing an immigration consultant:
Experience and Expertise: Look for consultants with a proven track record in handling various visa applications.
Transparency: Ensure the consultant provides clear and transparent information regarding fees, processes, and timelines.
Client Testimonials: Positive reviews and testimonials from past clients are good indicators of the consultant’s reliability.
Legal Accreditation: Check if the consultant is registered and certified by relevant immigration authorities.
Post-Visa Services: Good consultants provide support even after your visa is approved, such as helping you settle in the new country.
Jr Immigration excels in all of these areas, making them one of the most dependable immigration consultants in Gurgaon.
Client Success Stories
Customer satisfaction is our first focus at Jr Immigration. They have successfully helped several people and families in immigrating to the nations of their choice throughout the years. Their clientele' commendable remarks and success stories attest to their commitment and knowledge. Priya Sharma, a client, expressed her experience: "Jr Immigration assisted me in obtaining a student visa for Canada." Their advisors helped me every step of the way, from choosing a university to getting ready for the visa interview. I am currently pursuing my dream degree in Toronto because of their skilled assistance! Ravi Malhotra, a different client, said, "Jr Immigration made my journey to Australia for work so easy." They handled all the paperwork, and they had excellent knowledge of Australian immigration regulations. I was unable to complete done it without them.”
The first place you should go if you're searching for excellent immigration counsel in Gurgaon is Jr Immigration. Their knowledgeable staff of visa experts is dedicated to offering top-notch services catered to your unique immigration requirements. Jr. Immigration provides individualized advice and help at every stage, regardless of your background—you may be a professional, student, entrepreneur, or someone looking to reconnect with family overseas. Don't allow the difficulties associated with immigration prevent you from grasping your goals. To start your journey toward a better future, get in touch with Jr Immigration right now!
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