#post-pu yi
helpmeimblorboing · 1 year
Zhang Zongchang cannot be a real human man
He once proclaimed that he would return in a coffin if he lost a battle and, when he lost, he paraded through the city in a coffin, smoking a cigar
He was called a "General with three long legs" by Shanghai's prostitutes in reference to his penis size. Absolute chad
General 86 because his finest piece was as long as 86 silver dollars stacked on top of each other
These are some of the titles he gained :
Three Don't Knows": Based on Zhang's alleged lack of knowledge about how much money he had, how many soldiers, and how many women in his harem.
"72-Cannon Chang":This nickname might also have been connected to the alleged length of his penis.
His last words were "No good"
He wrote these:
Praying for Rain
Jade Emperor, your last name is also Zhang;
Why do you give Zhang Zongchang such a hard time?
If you don’t make it rain within three days,
First I will turn your temple upside down,
Then I will blast your mom with a big cannon
A poem about bastards
You tell me to do this
He tells me to do that
You're all bastards
Go fuck your mother
Zhang's father worked as head shaver and trumpeter, and was an alcoholic. His mother was an exorcist and "practicing witch".
Later that year, he was living quietly in Beppu, Japan, with his mother, though he was thrown into the spotlight again when he "accidentally" shot Prince Xiankai (憲開), a cousin of the deposed emperor Puyi. According to Zhang the gun he was holding while standing at his hotel window happened to go off and shoot the young prince in the back, killing him instantly, though it was more likely he killed the playboy prince for dallying with one of Zhang's many concubines. He was charged, found guilty by a Japanese court and given the choice between 15 days' imprisonment or a $150 (US) fine. He chose the fine.
His funeral attracted family members, ex-retainers, paid mourners, and "the curious"; the funeral procession stretched for 2 miles (3.2 km).
He loved to boast about the size of his penis, which become part of his legend. Zhang was a "well-known womanizer", and kept some 30 to 50 concubines of different nationalities, who were given numbers since he could not remember their names nor speak their language.
He was strongly influenced by a Daoist diviner, Tong Huagu, who had allegedly convinced the warlord of his powers by successfully prophesying that a train would derail. It was rumoured that the diviner had ensured this outcome by bribing some peasants to sabotage the tracks. In summer 1927, a famine struck Shandong particularly hard, and Zhang Zongchang was reported to have gone into a temple of the Dragon King to pray for rain. When this failed to improve the situation, Zhang returned to the temple. In his fury, he slapped the Dragon King's statue several times, and ordered his artillery to shoot into the sky for several hours. He also intended to build a shrine devoted to himself, including a large bronze statue, at Daming Lake.
Holy fuck.
Zhang Zongchang ? More like Zhang Zongchad
"the Chinese warlord Zhang Zongchang, who ruled Shandong during a turbulent period of civil war and was known for his exceptional brutality and sexual exploits, kept his elderly mother near him at all times. Even on campaign, he gave her a personal railcar to accompany his army in."
I can only dream of being this based
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koalaquarelle · 1 year
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Do you want to see me draw another character of the show ? 👀
Or even more Pu Yiyong ?
(I posted a gif version of this drawing too !)
🖌️ I love Pu Yi Yong a LOT
📝 I was really strucked by how Oh No! Here is well written (there will be absolutely no spoiler bellow)
And one of the strength of the show really is the characters
They have something almost cartoonish in their appearance which matches with the humor of the show.
👔 Like, their looks -their clothes, their hairstyle…-which are really quite stereotypical of their role they have somewhat exaggerated expressions.
📝 However ! These archetypal representations really allows the show to subvert the role they’re given and dive into their personality which goes beyond their appearance
Under their comedic surface, there’s something deeper more complex and more tragic…
🖌️ And honestly, I find Yiyong SOOO well written once again. The show makes us understand him by showing us tiny things, like, thank you for showing us with subtlety and not telling us straightforwardly
📝 I’ll stop my messy and certainly badly written ramble about how much I love Oh No! Here Comes Trouble here for today
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Current Ask Game!!
Thanks @waitmyturtles for the tag!! :))
Current time: 12:47 AM
Current activity: Procrastinating on ironing and going to bed, listening to music
Currently thinking about: The support group I'll be hosting tomorrow for my Usher syndrome community, writing a card for my best friend and mine's friendiversary tomorrow, my chronic pain flareups, taking a shower, what shows and movies I want to watch
Current favorite song: "Fntsy" by So!YoON! (feat. Jvcki Wai) - I've been listening to this song here and there for a couple months but it just came back on my playlist and now I am RE-obsessed
Currently reading: Emails, emails, and more emails. Press releases, project proposals, querys, homework assignments, etc. Enjoying a weekend with no emails, though I will have to work a bit tomorrow. Sigh. Also, all of Turtles' OGMMTVC write-ups, per usual! Been enjoying @wen-kexing-apologist's and @bengiyo's posts recently too, and always @absolutebl's weekly wrap-ups.
Currently watching: Been jumping all over the place, not committing too much to anything as I prepare to dive back into The Eighth Sense (tomorrow!! yay!!), so been dabbling here and there in Dangerous Romance, Project S The Series (finished SPIKE! the other day which I genuinely really enjoyed), Oh No! Here Comes Trouble, and Laws of Attraction (put a pause on the latter to watch with the bestie). Also have a ton of films lined up, both for the movie nights I do with my young adult group and for personal time.
Current favorite character: Pu Yi Yong and his mother, Ye Bao Sheng, in Oh No! Here Comes Trouble are GREAT, but I also love Charn, Tinn and his grandma in Laws of Attraction SO MUCH, so... Also really loved Puen and Jern (Puen's whole friend group, actually) in SPIKE! Been really spoilt for good characters lately, yay for me!
Current WIP: this! And stuff to write up for my support group!
TAGS - Never know who to tag, so throwing this out to @russiancheesemanfanaccount, do if you'd like!
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xinyuehui · 1 year
Hello! Thank you for your beautiful gif sets! I saw your tag in one of your posts that you take requests. Might you be interested in making a gif set for Ye Bao Sheng, Pu Yi Yong's mom? I particular loved her eye roll at the beginning of ep 12, but would be interested in whatever your creative mind came up with for her. Only if you are so moved, of course. Hope you're having a lovely day!
Say no more ☝ I gotchu 🤝💖✨
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marxistswiftieism · 1 year
What’s your stance on the death penalty, Wren?
Hi anon!
I am firmly against the death penalty in almost all cases, and when it is used it should only ever be as a last resort. I am going to answer this to the best of my ability, but I am coming at this from the perspective of a communist, and specifically one who is from the United States, the nation with the largest prison population on the planet. When it comes to things like the killing of dictators, capitalist or monarchical figureheads, and tyrants, such as the execution of the Romanov family during the Bolshevik revolution or the execution of Nazi officers post world war II, I am generally strongly in support. This is because I believe that in cases such as the example given, people who have immense amounts of wealth and power that they use to further the oppression of others can not, in most cases can not be taught to accept not having this power - there is no way to teach them that what they have been doing was wrong and there is often no way for them to possibly atone for the crimes they have committed. I think in the cases of populist/monarchic/dictatorial leaders who are young (any age below roughly 26) there is a much greater chance of them being willing to change and accept the new societal structure in which they now live - a great example of this is the last emperor of China, Pu-yi. There should always be an effort made to spare children in particular, whenever possible
When it comes to the death penalty as a punishment for prisoners (such as USAmerican prisoners), I am completely and unequivocally against it. Firstly, I believe the aim of any sort of prison or jail should be reformative and exist as a way to teach people how and why what they did was wrong. Secondly, a majority of prisoners in the United States, as well as globally, are non-violent offenders and many are simply victims of circumstance - like people who steal to survive or because of drug possession. Third, there is a staggeringly high number of innocent people who are wrongfully executed in the United States every year, and I believe that even one case of wrongful death means that the practice should be abandoned completely.
Of course, there are circumstances in which prisoners should be executed, such as mass murderers and torturers. However, I think this is EXTREMELY RARE and once again should only be used if no possible forms of reeducation could occur AND there is no possible way to safely detain them until they die of natural causes. I still believe they should be executed in a humane manner and as it currently stands, all methods of execution used in the United States are inhumane and unreasonably cruel and so I do not believe it should ever be practiced unless there is a way to make it so.
Sorry for the longwinded response. I hope that answers your question!
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sjdmldlfmadms2017 · 1 year
너의 이름은 다시 보기 2017 무료 보기 1080P 4K (풀
너의 이름은 다시 보기 2017 무료 보기 1080P 4K (풀 <<
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너의 이름은 다시 보기 2017 무료 보기 1080P 4K (풀
너의 이름은 다시 보기 2017 무료 보기 1080P 4K (풀
Even in the Siege of Seogyeong, Kim Bu-shik predicted a night attack by Seogyeong and dispatched 1,000 reserve troops to the rear army south of the Daedonggang River. It was Kim Bu-sik's strategy that led to a long-term battle.[12] There was an attempt to impeach Kim Pu-sik as the war dragged on with Seogyeong under siege. This is because Kim Pu-sik believed that Seogyeong's function itself should be maintained, and he tried to subdue Seogyeong with minimal damage while dragging it into a long-term battle. It is true that Kim Bu-shik kept in check Jeong Ji-sang and Yun Eon-i in a disrespectful way during the suppression of the Myocheong uprising, but apart from that, it can be said that the strategic insight required of the commander-in-chief was sufficient. After Uijong took the throne for his meritorious service, Kim Pu-sik was sealed as the posthumous post of Nakrang-gun (樂浪郡 開國侯).
After the removal of the Seogyeongpa, the Gaegyeongpa family aristocrats gained power, and Kim Bu-sik rose to the highest official position in Goryeo, Mun Ha-si-jung [13]. And the inevitable internal division begins, and the representative one is the confrontation with Yun Eon-yi, who attacked the Seogyeong faction along with Kim Bu-shik.[14] Yoon Eon-yi, who is also the 4th son of Yun Kwan, is a member of the Papyeong Yun family and was also one of the leading aristocrats in Goryeo. [15] Finally, an amnesty order was issued to Yoon Uni, who had been demoted by Kim Bu-shik, and he returned to the central political world, and Kim Bu-shik petitioned for retirement several times.
[Samguksagi] was made by Kim Bu-shik, who was about to retire, under the command of Injong to restore the lost history. Kim Pu-shik is only a general producer and director, but he did not write Samguk Sagi on his own. However, considering Kim Pu-sik's position, it is difficult to deny that the contents strongly reflected the influence of Kim Pu-sik and his forces. Choi San-bo, Lee Ion-moon, Heo Hong-jae, Seo Hwang-jeong, Park Dong-gye, Lee Hwang-jung, Choi Woo-bo, Kim Yeong-eun, Kim Chung-hyo, and Jeong Seub-myeong participated in the compilation of the Samguk Sagi. . The criteria for compilation were all determined by Kim Pu-shik, and even looking at the history presumed to have been added by Kim Pu-sik, it is assumed that Kim Pu-sik's intentions, along with the king's writing policy, acted as two major axes.
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mehmetkali · 1 year
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trikis-turntables · 2 years
Dislyte Chinese Names
alright strap in i made an entire informational post just for a thing that made me laugh and im gonna explain it
fun fact time: chinese naming convention is usually [surname-given name]
an overwhelming majority of surnames are single character surnames, with about less than 5% of surnames being compound surnames (the surname is a compound word usually associated with noble rank or is non-Han Chinese e.g Mongolian/Bhutanese surnames) or double-barelled surnames (when you mash two existing surnames together) How can you tell what's a surname or not? idk man, if it is, it is. You can check wikipedia for the top 100 chinese surnames but otherwise you're on your own. Note: common chinese surnames are a lot more common than anglophone surnames relative to population (there's gonna be a lot more Lee, Wang & Zhangs relative to population than Smith, Jones & Taylors).
Chinese Given Names depend on region:
Anecdotally Single Given Names are more common in Mainland China/Taiwan/Shanghai while most of the South East Asian diaspora usually go for double given names. It's kind of reflected in how the Dislyte team (who are based in Shanghai) name the espers, with a majority having only single surname-given name combos.
Single [surname-given name] convention Espers: Jiang Man 姜蔓 Li Ling 李灵 Tang Xuan 唐轩 Tang Yun 唐云 Luo Yan 罗焰 Lu Yi 陆羿 Lin Xiao 林啸 Li Ao 李傲 Xiao Yin 萧隐 Long Mian* 龙勉 (Long Mian is a bit of an interesting case because Long can be a surname but also it's a pretty common given name component as well, so it is Possible that Long Mian is his given name and he has an entirely different surname; however, given the convention of the chinese espers all displaying their full name, i'm inclined to believe Long is his surname) Ren Si* 壬巳 (I really cant tell if Ren Si's name is a proper name or is just a callsign cause i've personally never seen this Ren as a surname) Heng Yue* 姮月(Same with Ren Si, never seen this Heng used as a surname) Chang Pu* 菖蒲 (Never seen this Chang as a surname)
Double Given Names usually have similar middle or last characters for siblings or cousins to identify generation, though it's not always the case, this is usually in reference to their Jia Pu (Note: Jia Pu 家谱 or Chinese Geneaological Record, a lot of families still have theirs in one form or another). It depends on personal preference/local culture how double given names are written in English, rule of thumb is clarity so Xie Chuyi, Xie Chu-Yi etc are perfectly acceptable.
Jin Yu Yao 金玉瑶 Xie Chu Yi 谢楚翊 Xie Yu Zhi 谢喻之 Ye Su Hua 叶素华 Bai Liu Li 白琉璃 (Liu Li's name is interesting cause her name is very…codenamey(?) it follows chinese naming convention but it's also very literally translated to White Glass; like calling someone Hammer Smith) Unky Chai* 柴老爹 chái lǎo diē (Chai is absolutely a surname, but Lao Die is just lit. Old Man, so Old Man Chai basically; or according to Google Translate: Daddy Chai lmao)
that being said, the whole reason i wrote this post is cause amongst the non-chinese Espers, some of their sino-nized names are perfectly serviceable chinese names that follows chinese naming conventions, like Biondina 翁迪娜, Djoser左塞尔 and Lewis 刘易斯. It's funny cause Liu 刘 (unlike 翁 and 左) is the 4th most common chinese surname.
TL;DR so im proposing that Tang Xuan and Li Ling take Lewis' surname when they get married to become Liu-Tang Xuan and Liu-Li Ling
thank you for coming to my TED talk LMAO
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jjheejz · 3 years
[WOH Concert D2 Shenanigans] - Supporting Cast Appreciation
(Long post ahead)
Dedicated to the entire cast for making the Hug of the Century happen.
Because of the individual skill showcase segment (Day 2) for the supporting casts, we got to witness a whole chunk of sweets as well as their built-up SUPPORT for WenZhou/JunZhe’s hug.
***Whatever they did below are almost/have crossed the line yet they defied and did it, all for WenZhou/JunZhe.
1. Gao Chong / Heizi laoshi
“The love of Wenzhou” (温周之恋)
“Wishing them grow old together” (白头偕老)
*On a side note, he was so good with his skill! I had the exact same reaction as ZZH! For once I felt like my reaction was broadcasted on screen!
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2. Ye Bai Yi / Huang You Ming
Chose the song <A secret that can’t be told> by Jay Chou (不能说的秘密)
Instead of singing from the chorus, he sang the verse straight away before the chorus:
“Rainy days are not the most beautiful, but hiding from the rain with you under a roof is. The most beautiful scene, swinging on the swing, the dream starts to disappear. [Chorus] You said you would...”
The chorus basically is about breaking up so he probably purposely stopped there.
- A secret that can’t be told: Assumed that WenZhou/JunZhe are together
- Rainy days + hiding from the rain with you under a roof: This is a famous CP fans insider knowledge where a group of early CP fans analysed and determined that both of them (during filming) were alone in the same caravan together (just the two of them) to avoid a very heavy rain during the set. They practically spent the entire rainy period alone in that caravan, and it turned out to be true.
*Our ancestor sings well
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3. Xie Er, Scorpion King / Li Dai Kun
Chose the song that he sang in an interview that showcased his raging voice (he sang a gentler version here). <Those risky dreams you have> by JJ Lin (那些你很冒险的梦). When he sang the lyrics:
“Those risky dreams you have,” signals the audience. 
“I accompany you to be crazy together” (crazy about having those risky dreams).
Basically he knows that the cpf are all shipping them in their own analysis, stories etc, so he is one of us. (we all know he is ever since his interview)
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4. Du Pu Sa X Qian Qiao / Zhao Xi x Ke Nai Yu
It’s okay to ship same gender together. + It’s okay to show it off. They created their own ship off set hahaha. 
*These two beautiful ladies are really sweet too!
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Bonus (not in the individual skills segment but everyone knows)
5. Zhao Jing / Wang Ruo Lin laoshi
“Take away someone’s beloved”
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This whole open shipping by the entire cast caused all the actor/actresses personal staff to be warned, who sternly warned the actors/actresses, who all knew the serious consequences of continuing sailing on stage, had the Director & backstage crew shivering, spent a HUGE sum of money to stop it from blowing up in trending - this would have been CHAOS if it trended. 
Despite all these backstage shenanigans, the supporting cast gave both of them the courage to do what they want to do on stage, indirectly.
For the Hug of the Century.
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spicyvampire · 3 years
Share your most popular and/or favorite posts from each month of 2021 (it’s okay to skip months)!
I was tagged by @liyazaki & @laowen thank you for tagging me! I might cheat a little and put more than one fav posts cuz usually I like the stuff I make a lot and can’t choose also let’s be real most of these are gonna be MoD/Woh and/or TDJ also sorry this is very long I might have gotten out of hand and also I did not reread this so goodluck
JANUARY : Most popular is “People are gay stevens” [x] which is valid but my favs of that month are “Truly there is a lot of ways to take care of someone” [x] cuz truly hilarious that Tan fell in love with Bunn and started protecting him in his quest of the truth instead of actually scaring him off the quest which is what I’m pretty sure is what Pued asked him to do  and “Honey! where is my gun?!” [x] cuz Bunn is a dumbass why would he do that
FEBRUARY : Most popular “The sandwich saga” [x] of Leverage which is very funny indeed also I’m sure if Hardison asked for a sandwich Eliot would make it for him with a lot of love and my fav is of course a MoD post and it’s my boys coming back from the death in a very surprise bitch u thought u saw the last of me way to talk to Rung [x]
MARCH : Most popular “Sirs??? This is a McDonalds drive-trough??” [x] Shi De and Shu Yi powershifting of failed office sex of forgiveness in the 2nd season of WBL and my fav is “Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?” [x] YMMD’s obsession with eggs was frankly hilarious cuz I’m also kinda obsessed with eggs but that’s a story for another day I guess
APRIL : Most popular is “Red eyeshadow and black eyeline Lao Wen my beloved” [x] rightfully so cuz he is indeed my beloved and my fav post is “Ah Xu is the magic word” [x] very self explanatory from WoH really he is the magic work even for me, but also “This is 90% of their conversation” [x] aka Bunn being bitchy to M their cat and dog relationship is always funny in MoD
MAY : Most popular is “Lao Wen cannot resist his Ah Xu” [x] literally who wouldn’t be weak in front of that face? and my favs are actually very hard to choose cuz during that month I started experimenting with gradients & fonts & colors and started finding who I was as an editmaker (sure I can be funny but sometimes I need to be ready to tap into the emotional state I’m feeling reading a text that I wanna put in an edit and trusting my instincts yadi yada) more than a gifmaker and I’m very proud of most of my first edits my fav is/could be any of those 3 WoH posts [x] [x] [x] or this MoD post [x]
JUNE : Most popular is “Alexander, I’m fine.” [x] the start of the gifing Malec and I can understand it being popular as it is an important scene for their relationship & frankly one of my favs of them because I tend to do what Magnus did in that scene yadi yada self identification & introspection and my favs posts are the 2 WoH pride month posts about Wenzhou’s hate [x] and love [x] languages and again these are a little funny but let’s be real there is emotions hiding in this
JULY : Most popular is “Creative.” [x] Leverage  we love an ot3 being sexy & saving each other and my fav post is “The little love story between xiao Yuzhen’s hand and Leilei’s face” [x] guess we are touching the touch starved part of the winter & pandemic which explains this one there but if u asked me this during summer I’d probably say it’s “Dumbass.gif” [x] xiao Yuzhen exhibiting brainless behavior
AUGUST : Most popular was the confused by thelepathie Kurosawa gifset [x] and my fav is Bunn + my brainrot gifset [x] because it’s truly is just producing all the reaction image of Bunn I wished existed with a mix of old Vines/funny videos and new tumblr/internet sayings truly just my brainrot and frankly what I learned to make gifs for
SEPTEMBER : Most popular is Yohan slamming Gaon into anything and everything [x] I mean huh yeah 👀 😳 and my fav is that very long MoD//TDJ parallel post [x] and Tan’s titties influence [x] (not mines but Tan Wirapong aafvdhfghjgfdf)
OCTOBER : Most popular is Leverage OT3 [x] of course and my fav.. ugh again it’s hard to choose for that month cuz I produced a lot of stuff that I think are good I think it’s the month where I really started to find my identity as a editmaker and leaned more into it also it was my first year anniversary as a gifmaker yadi yada emotions and who u are and so on so it could be any of these 5 posts MoD fav characters the ladies [x] & Halloween post [x] the MoD//WoH//TDJ [x] one which is still my pinned post from TDJ Sunah my beloved [x]
NOVEMBER : Most popular is “When you are in love with an idiot so you gotta baby proof your whole kitchen” [x] don’t think the best way to use ur head is to knock it in stuff mate and my favs well that month was the one that was leading to me saying goodbye to MoD at the end of it after gifing MoD for an entire year and it was kinda emotional for me because I was losing this thing that had been constant in my life for the past year every monday so a lot of my fav edits were emotional (well emotional for me anyways) we have “Start Here” [x] The TGD quote [x] the last one less emotions and more funny but yeah “Fuck it” [x] but even if they aren’t MoD related they were emotional TDJ "Do not fall in love with people like me" [x] which I love dearly
DECEMBER : Most popular is “Get you a man who will kill people for you without hesitation” [x] manslaughter is sometimes a solution and my fav posts is “#HateWins” [x] because it was produced out of horniness and that’s hilarious
Bonus JANUARY 2022 : If for some reasons I don’t do this next year I already know my fav post of this month is “Yok has a lot of skills, some of them are not like the others” [x] I frankly do think I might have peaked on this one like that’s insane I have not loved one of my posts like this in a while I’ve been staring at it for 3 days hence the reason why I’ve self reblogged it like 5 times already I am Narcissus and that gifset is my pond
Tagging : idk who has done this yet or not but @magnusedom @thelaziestmotherfucker @sunsetandthemoon @yohankang @badprophetvx @pran-pat @pavel-chekovs @intricatecakes @mymycorrhizae @punnweir no pressure to do this or put all that explication I put in, I was just feeling very chatty when I started filling up these for some reasons, also this can be gifs/art or text posts really idk why I focus on gifs but anyways that's it bye
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] You Draw, I Guess
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a feature which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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From 12 - 19 December 2020, there’s a feature in CN where the love interests will draw something and players have to guess what it is! 
Answers are at the bottom. Don’t worry if you can’t get them because some don’t translate well into English e.g. idioms! We can just appreciate their art skills and my attempts at explaining :>
[ 1. Guess a “very difficult” term  ]
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[Hints] The word at the bottom, 大, means “big”
South is 南 (“nan”), which shares the same pronunciation as 难 (which means “difficult”)
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[Note] Words on the paper: IOU. Return 500000,000
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[Hints] Man is 男 (“nan”), which shares the same pronunciation as 难
Belly is 肚 (“du”), which shares the same pronunciation as 度
很大 (“hen da”) means “very big”
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[Hint] The phrase he’s pointing at is “very difficult”
ANSWER: Very difficult
[ 2. Guess a praise for a male ]
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ANSWER: Handsome
[ 3. Guess an occupation ]
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ANSWER: Worker
[ 4. Guess an idiom ]
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ANSWER: 小鸟依人 ( “xiao niao yi ren”)
This idiom directly translates to “little bird relying on a person”. It’s used to describe a timid, helpless-looking and lovable young girl
The reason why Shaw drew a shirt is because in Chinese, shirt is 衣 (“yi”), which shares the same pronunciation as 依 in the idiom!
[ 5. Guess an adjective ]
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[A hint which gives the entire answer away but you won’t get it unless you know Chinese LOL] Lucien drew two elements from the periodic table, Lithium and Plutonium
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[Note] The words on the document: Your Proposal
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[Note] The words on the faces are short forms of Eli’s and Minor’s names respectively
ANSWER: 离谱 (“li pu”)
When used in slang, it means something like “a lost cause”
Officially, it means “excessive”, “beyond reasonable limits”
The reason why Lucien drew those two chemical elements is because Lithium (Li) and Plutonium (Pu) are the pinyin for the answer 
The reason why Kiro and Shaw drew musical notes leaving the sheet music is because “sheet music” in Chinese is 乐普 (“yue pu”). So it’s a play on words, where if you say 离普, it literally translates to “leaving the music score”
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koalaquarelle · 1 year
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Do you want to see me draw another character of the show ? 👀
Or even more Pu Yiyong ?
(I’ll post it in a notgifversion too)
🖌️ I love Pu Yi Yong a LOT
📝 I was really strucked by how Oh No! Here is well written (there will be absolutely no spoiler bellow)
And one of the strength of the show really is the characters
They have something almost cartoonish in their appearance which matches with the humor of the show.
👔 Like, their looks -their clothes, their hairstyle…-which are really quite stereotypical of their role and they have somewhat exaggerated expressions.
📝 However ! These archetypal representations really allows the show to subvert the role they’re given and dive into their personality which goes beyond their appearance
Under their comedic surface, there’s something deeper more complex and more tragic…
🖌️ And honestly, I find Yiyong SOOO well written once again. The show makes us understand him by showing us tiny things, like, thank you for showing us with subtlety and not telling us straightforwardly
📝 I’ll stop my messy and certainly badly written ramble about how much I love Oh No! Here Comes Trouble here for today
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thescentoflavender · 4 years
MLQC CN: What mythical creatures do the guys transform into?
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I decided to write this encyclopaedic entry post because I saw someone reblog the PV I translated with a comment in the tags about it being “sum (sic) mythical creature ancient china nonsense”. I don’t think the person meant any harm by it, but I feel like some clarification is in order. These mythical creatures are a treasured part of my culture, and I hope the non-Chinese audience here on Tumblr can appreciate them for what they are as well. 
The theme for the Qixi event this year is mythical beasts, and is probably inspired by the ancient Chinese collection of texts, Classics of Mountains and Seas(《山海经》 )。This is organised in two large volumes: the Mountain (《山径》)and the Sea(《海经》). The Mountain volume describes the myths, mythical creatures and religions in ancient China, while the Sea volume describes interesting findings in oceans and in places outside of China. 
Mythical Creatures and the Guys
Xu Mo = Baize (白泽)[pronounced “by-tsuh”]
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The Bai Ze is regarded to be an auspicious creature. Its appearance differs from text to text, so I figured I’d refer to the Qing dynasty text 《渊鉴类函》which quotes from the Classics:
There is a beast named Baize in Dongwang Mountain* which is capable of human speech. Only if the king is virtuous will he be able to see it. 
*Some believe that the Dongwang Mountain refers to the famous Kunlun Mountain.
N.B. There’s some contention as to where this creature first appeared in ancient Chinese literature. The passage above is specified as being quoted from the Classics of the Mountains and Seas. However, modern-day versions of the Classics do not include this passage, possibly because it had gotten lost over time. 
Bai Qi = Qilin(麒麟)[pronounced “qi-lin”]
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Yet another auspicious creature, on the same level as dragons. 
Most early mentions of qilin describe it as having only one horn: 
It is a benevolent beast*. It has the body of a deer and the tail of an ox, and has a single horn. According to Zhang Yi, males are called qi, and females are called lin. Guo Pu says that the males look like females, except that they have no horns. 
*Renshou/benevolent beast is another name for qilin.
Some of you might be wondering at this point why Bai Qi’s Evolved karma clearly shows him wearing two horns. This is because there are some descriptions of qilin from ancient Chinese literature which depict it as having two horns, and some even five. 
N.B. There’s a Chinese idiom, 凤毛麟角, which means that something is very rare. “凤毛” = the feathers of a phoenix; “麟角” = the horn of a lin. The latter part of this idiom is a reference to this very mythical creature, since legend goes that qilin are nearly impossible to find.
Li Zeyan = Black Dragon (黑龙)[pronounced “hey-long”]
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Fitting for Li Zeyan that he should get to be a dragon. Dragons are also auspicious creatures, and traditionally they are associated with emperors. 
I don’t think I need to elaborate on this since most people are well-acquainted with this creature already.  
--- Zhou Qiluo = Three-legged crow(金乌)[pronounced “jin-wu”]
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As with Li Zeyan, it’s fitting that they made Zhou Qiluo’s creature jinwu. It’s a mythical bird which represents the sun, which is why these two terms are sometimes used interchangeably in ancient Chinese poems. 
Let’s refer to our trusty Classics again for a description of the three-legged crow:
There is a fusang tree in the tang valley. Whenever a sun rises and whenever a sun sets, it is always borne on the back of the crow.
This is a reference to the Legend of Hou Yi and the Ten Suns. As the legend goes, there used to be ten suns sleeping under the fusang tree. They would take turns to brighten the sky. But when all ten of them appeared together, they scorched the earth. To save the human race, Hou Yi shot nine of the suns down, leaving one behind. Each sun that was shot down transformed into a three-legged crow. 
Ling Xiao = Zheng(狰)[pronounced “juhng”]
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Described to be a ferocious mythical creature, the zheng looks a bit like a leopard with five tails and a horn. Its entire body is crimson. 
Again turning to the Classics for a description:
There is a beast which looks like a crimson leopard, but has five tails and one horn. The sounds it produces is like hitting stone. Its name is “zheng”. 
I hope that’s a relatively concise explanation of what the mythical creatures in the PV are! If you understand Mandarin and haven’t already, I recommend glancing through 《山海经》。The descriptions make for quite a relaxing read. (I read the ancient Chinese version, but I believe good modern Chinese translations of the text exist.)
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huaschengs · 4 years
❃ Eastern and Southeastern Asians Facecast Help❃
Note: :D hi,  I’m tired of people casting the wrong facecast for characters in creations. So, I made a list. 
Please stop interchanging East Asians and Southeast Asians (whether between the two or within).
Even with this list and other sources, please be sure to double-check every faceclaim you use in your creations/works, thank you.
List posted 10/6/2020
Updated 12/25/2020
Please let me know if there are any errors. 
 The creator of this list doesn’t have that much knowledge of South Asian celebrities and models. Please refer to other lists, thank you.
I didn’t include people from all Southeast Asian countries.
Baifern aka Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul (พิมพ์ชนก ลือวิเศษไพบูลย์)
Bass aka Suradet PiniwatSuradet Piniwat (สุรเดช พินิวัตร์) 
Ben aka Benjamin Brasier (เบญจมินทร์ เบรเซียร์)
Bright aka Vachirawit Chiva-aree (วชิรวิชญ์ ชีวอารี)
Captain aka Kongyingyong Chonlathorn (ชลธร คงยิ่งยง)
Copter aka  Panuwat Kerdthongtavee (ภานุวัฒน์ เกิดทองทวี)
Diary (ไดอารี่)
From RedSpin
Dome aka Woranart Ratthanaphast ( วรนาถ รัตธนภาส)
FahProud (ฟ้าพราวด์) 
From RedSpin
First aka Nattapat Kapilkarn (ณัฐภัท กปิลกาญจน์)
Frung aka Narikun Ketprapakorn (นรีกุล เกตุประภากร)
Gulf aka Kanawut Traipipattanapong (คณาวุฒิ ไตรพิพัฒนพงษ์)
Gun aka Napat Na Ranong (ณภัทร ณ ระนอง)
Jackie aka Jackrin Kungwankiatichai (จักริน กังวานเกียรติชัย)
Jam aka Charattha Imraporn (ชรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
James aka Teeradon Supapunpinyo (ธีรดนย์ ศุภพันธุ์ภิญโญ)
Jaylerr aka Kritsanapoom Pibulsonggram (กฤษณภูมิ พิบูลสงคราม)
Joong [or Chen] aka Archen Aydin Winphakun (อาเชน วิรภากุล)
Kaownah aka Kittipat Kaewcharoen (กิตติภัทร แก้วเจริญ)
Kayavine aka Kay Lertsittichai (เค เลิศสิทธิชัย)
Kim or Kimmon aka Varodom Khemmonta (วโรดม เข็มมณฑา)
Lay aka  Talay Sanguandikul (ทะเลสงวนดีกุล)
Lisa aka Lalisa Manoban (ลลิษา มโนบาล)
Birth name: Pranpriya Manoban (ปราณปริยา มโนบาล)
Lotte aka Thakorn Promsatitkul (ฐกร พรหมสถิตกุล)
Mark Prin aka Prin Suparat (ปริญ สุภารัตน์)  
Mew aka Suppasit Jongcheveevat (ศุภศิษฏ์ จงชีวีวัฒน์)
Minnie aka Nicha Yontararak (ณิชา ยนตรรักษ์)
Namfah aka Thunyaphat Phatrathinchaicherin (ธัญญภัสร์ ภัทรธีรชัยเจริญ)
Natty aka Ahnatchaya Suputhipong (อานัชญา สุพุทธิพงศ์)
Nine aka Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee (กรชิต บุญสถิต์ภักดี)
Noey aka Warattha Imraporn (วรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
Paris aka Paris Inthonkomansut (พาริส อินทรโกมาลย์สุต)
Pavel aka Naret Promphaopun (นเรศ พร้อมเผ่าพันธ์) 
PearPunch (แพร)
From RedSpin
Pepe (เปเป้)
From RedSpin
Perth aka Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan (ธนพนธ์ สุขุมพันธนาสาร)
Peter aka Cholapatr Jeepetch (ชลพัชร จี้เพชร)
Piglet aka Charada Imraporn (ชาราฎา อิมราพร)
Pimmy (พิมมี่)
From RedSpin
Plan aka Rathavit Kijworaluk (รัฐวิทย์ กิจวรลักษณ์)
Porsche aka Sivakorn Adulsuttikul (ศิวกร อดุลสุทธิกุล)
Porsche aka Nishapang Suksawatnachok (ณิชชาพัณณ์ สุขสวัสดิ์นำโชค)
From RedSpin
Praew aka Narupornkamol Chaisang (ฤภรกมล ฉายแสง)
Ryu aka Vachirawich Aranthanawong (วชิรวิชญ์ อรัญธนวงศ์)
Sorn aka Chonnasorn Sajakul (ชลนสร สัจจกุล)
Tae aka Darvid Kreepolrerk (ดาวิชญ์ กรีพลฤกษ์)
Taew aka Natapohn Tameeruks (ณฐพร เตมีรักษ์)
Tee aka Thanapon Jarujittranon (ธนพล จารุจิตรานนท์)
Third aka Lapat Ngamchaweng (ลภัส งามเชวง)
Title aka Kirati Puangmalee (กีรติ พวงมาลี)
Tor aka Thanapob Leeratanakajorn (ธนภพ ลีรัตนขจร)
Toto aka Thanadech Ophatthanyakorn (ธนเดช โอภาสธัญกร)
Amee (Trần Huyền My)
Annie (Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy)
Bảo Anh (Nguyễn Hoài Bảo Anh) 
Bích Phương (Bùi Thị Bích Phương)
Chi Pu (Nguyễn Thùy Chi)
Cody (Võ Đình Nam)
Duc Ung (Ứng Văn Đức)
Erik (Lê Trung Thàn)
Grey-D (Đoàn Thế Lân)
Hoàng Yến Chibi
Hong Phu (Huýnh Hồng Phú )
Ivone (Bui Diệu Linh)
J (Phạm Tiến Đạt)
Key (Võ Trần Thái Trung)
Kha Ngan
Khoi My (Trần Khởi My)
K.O. (Nguyễn Thái Sơn)
Lana Condor (Trần Đông Lan)
Liz (Ngụy Thùy Linh)
Lục Huy (Lục Quang Huy)
Min (Nguyễn Minh Hằng)
Minh Hằng (Lê Ngọc Minh Hằng)
Minh Hoang (Nguyễn Minh Hoàng)
Miu Lê (Lê Ánh Nhật)
Nicky (Trần Phong Hào)
Phuong Ly (Phương Ly)
Quang Huy (An Quang Huy)
Rosy (Mai Huyền My)
Sơn Tùng M-TP (Nguyễn Thanh Tùng)
Soobin Huangshan (Nguyen Hoang Son)
Thanh Hằng (Phạm Thị Thanh Hằng)
Tóc Tiên (Nguyễn Khoa Tóc Tiên)
Toof.P (Nguyễn Lâm Hoàng Phúc)
Tùng Maru (Hồ Lê Thanh Tùng)
Yori (Lê Võ Huỳnh Nga)
Zino (Ngô Nguyên Bình)
Ahn Hyo-seop (안효섭)
English name: Paul Ahn
Arden Cho
Bae Ju-hyun aka Irene (배주현)
Bae Suzy [or Suzy] aka Bae Su-ji (배수지)
Byun Baek-hyun aka Baekhyun (변백현)
Cho Mi Yeon aka Miyeon (조미연)
Cho Seo Young aka Ireh (조서영)
Choi Choong Hyup aka Baron (최충협)
Claudia Kim
Han Eunji aka Mia (한은지)
Han Sung Min (한성민)
Heo Yoorim aka Aisha (허유림)
Jamie Chung
Jang Eun Seong aka Dosie (장은성)
Jang Woo-young aka Ace (장우영) 
Jeon Ji-woo aka Jiwoo (전지우)
Jeon Jung-kook aka Jungkook (전정국)
Jeon So-min aka Somin (전소민)
Jeon So-yeon aka Soyeon (전소연) 
Jo Serim aka Onda (조세림) 
Jung Jae-hyun aka Jaehyun
Legal name: Jung Yoon Oh (정윤오)
Jung Ho-seok aka J-Hope (정호석)
Jung Sung Chan aka Sungchan (정성찬)
Kang Seul-gi aka Seulgi (강슬기)
Ki Hong Lee
Kim Dong-young aka Doyoung (김동영‬)
Kim Gun Hak aka Leedo (김건학)
Kim Ho-sung aka Lou (김호성)
Kim Jennie aka Jennie (김제니)
Kim Ji Soo aka Jisoo (김지수)
Kim Jin Seok (김진석) / Kim Woo Jin (김우진) aka BM
English name: Matthew Kim  
Kim Jong-in aka Kai (김종인)
Kim Jung-woo aka Jungwoo (김정우) 
Kim Nam-joon aka RM (김남준)
Kim Seok-jin aka Jin (김석진)
Kim Sihyeon aka Sihyeon (김시현)
Kim So-hyun (김소현)
Kim Soo-hyun (김수현)
Kim Tae-hyung aka V (김태형)
From BTS
Kim Tae-hyung aka J.Seph (김태형)
From K.A.R.D
Kim Tae-yeon aka Taeyeon (김태연)
Kim Ye-rim aka Yeri (김예림)
Kim Yoo-jung (김유정)
Kim Young Jo aka Ravn (김영조)
Kwon Bo-ah aka BoA (권보아)
Lee Chae-young aka Chaein (이채영) 
Lee Dong-hyuck aka Haechan (이동혁)
Lee Gun Min (이건민) aka Seoho
Legal name: Lee Seo Ho (이서호)
Lee Ji-eun aka IU (이지은 )
Lee Je-no aka Jeno (이제노)
Lee Keon Hee aka Keonhee (이건희)
Lee Min Hyung aka Mark (이민형)
English name: Mark Lee
Lee Sun-bin (이선빈)
Lee Sung-kyung (이성경 )
Lee Tae-min aka Taemin (이태민)
Lee Tae-yong aka Taeyong (이태용)
Min Yoon-gi aka Suga (민윤기)
Moon Chae-won (문채원)
Moon Geun-young (문근영)
Moon Tae-il aka Taeil (문태일)
Na Jae-min aka Jaemin (나재민)
Na Go Eun (나고은)
Noh Yoon Ho aka Ayno (노윤호)
Park Chae Young aka Rosé (박채영)
Park Hee Jun aka Ziu (박희준)
Park Ji Eun (박지은) 
Park Ji Min aka Jimin (박지민)   
Park Ji-sung aka Jisung (박지성) 
Park Jiwon aka E:U (박지원)
Park Shin-hye (박신혜)
Park So-dam (박소담)
Park Soo-young aka Joy (박수영)
Park Su-jin aka Swan (박수진)
Pony or Pony Park aka Park Hye-min
Seo Su Jin aka Soojin (서수진)
Seo Ye-ji (서예지)
Seo Young Ho aka Johnny (서영호)
English Name: John Suh 
Son Dong Ju aka Xion (손동주)
Son Seung Wan aka Wendy (손승완) 
Yeo Hwan Woong aka Hwanwoong (여환웅)
Bai Jingting (白敬亭)
Bai Lu (白鹿)
Cai Xukun (蔡徐坤)
Cai Zhuo Yi aka Joey Chua (蔡卓宜)
Cao Lu (曹璐)
Cheng Mengchen aka Shen Mengchen (沈梦辰)
Curly G (希林娜依·高)
Deng Lun aka Allen Deng (邓伦)
Dilraba Dilmurat (دىلرەبا دىلمۇرات)
Mandarin Chinese: 迪丽热巴/ 迪力木拉提
Dong Sicheng aka WinWin (董思成)
Gulinazhaer Baihetiyaer aka Gulnazar (古力娜扎) (گۈلنەزەر بەختىيار)
Mandarin Chinese: Gulinazha/Guli Nazha (古力那扎尔·拜合提亚尔)
Fan Bingbing (范冰冰)  
Fan Chengcheng  (范丞丞)
Fernanda Ly (利献灵)
Gao Yuanyuan (高圆圆)
Guan Xiaotong (关晓彤)
Huang Guanheng aka Hendery (黄冠亨)
Huang Renjun aka Renjun (黄仁俊)
Jia Fu aka Fingal (付嘉)
Jia Nailiang aka Jerry Jia (贾乃亮)
Jike JuanyiJike Junyi aka Summer (吉克隽逸)
Other name:  王隽逸   
Jing Tian (景甜)
Li Bingbing (李冰冰)
Li Qin (李沁) 
Li Xiaolu aka Jacqueline Li (李小璐)
Lin Xinru aka Ruby Lin (林心如)
Liu Shishi aka Cecilia Liu (刘诗诗)
Liu Yangyang aka Yangyang (刘扬扬)
Liu Ying (刘颖) aka Ying Er (颖儿)
Lu Han (鹿晗)
Luo Yunxi aka Leo Luo (罗云熙)
Ma Sichun aka Sandra Ma (马思纯)
Madina Memet (مادىنا مەمەت )
Mandarin Chinese: 麦迪娜 or 麦迪娜·买买提/ 买地娜·买买提
Meng Ziyi aka Zoey (孟子义)
Merxat (米热夏提▪亚里坤)
Ni Ni (倪妮)
Ouyang Nana (欧阳娜娜)
Qian Kun aka Kun (钱锟)
Song Yuqi aka Yuqi (宋雨琦)
Song Weilong (宋威龙)
Song Zuer aka Lareina Song (宋祖儿)
Sun Li (孙俪)
Sun Bohao (孙博豪)
Tang Yan aka Tiffany Tang (唐嫣)
Tang Wei (汤唯)
Ten aka Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (เตนล์ ชิตพล ลี้ชัยพรกุล)
Li Yong Qin (李永钦)
Ethnically Chinese 
Tian Yitong (田依桐)
Tong Liya (佟丽娅)
Father: Tong Jisheng (佟吉生) of Xibe ethnicity from Xinjiang 
Mother: Mao Haiying (毛海英) of Han ethnicity from Gansu
Wang Chuanyi aka Kingone Wang (王传一)
Wang Jiaer aka Jackson Wang (王嘉尔)
Wang Likun aka Claudia Wang (王丽坤)
Wang Yibo aka Yibo (王一博)
Wang Yifei aka Faye (王一菲)
Wang Yiren aka Yiren (王怡人)
Wang Ziyi (王子异)
Wang Zhuocheng (汪卓成)
Wu Qian aka Janice Wu (吴倩)
Wu Tianming aka Constance Wu (吴恬敏)
Wu Xize aka Caesar Wu (吴希泽) 
Xiao Dejun aka Xiao Jun (肖俊)
Xiao Zhan aka Sean Xiao (肖战)
Xu Ke (徐可)
Yang Mi (杨幂)
Yang Wei Ling Hua (杨魏玲花)
Yang Zhiying aka Katherine Yang (杨之楹)
Yang Zi aka Andy Yang (杨紫)
Ye Shuhua aka Shuhua (叶舒华)
Yu Shuxin aka Esther Yu (虞书欣)
Zhao Liying (赵丽颖)
Zhang Liyin (张力尹)
Zhang Xinyuan (张辛苑)
Zhang Yixing aka Lay/Lay Zhang (张艺兴)
Zheng Shuang (郑爽)
Zhou Dongyu (周冬雨)
Zhong Chenle aka Chenle (钟辰乐)
Zhou Jieqiong aka Kyulkyung (周洁琼)
Zhu Zhengting (朱正廷)
Abe Haruno aka Haru (阿部春野)
Adachi Yuto aka Yuto (足立湯と)
Alice Hirose- Hirose Arisu (広瀬 アリス)
Aragaki Yui (新垣 結衣)
Hamada Asahi aka Asahi (浜田朝光)
Hirai Momo aka Momo (平井 もも)
Hirokawa Mao aka May (廣川茉音) 
Honda Hitomi aka Hitomi (本田仁美) (ほんだ ひとみ)
Ishigami Kuniko (石神 国子)
Kanemoto Yoshinori aka Yoshi (金本芳典)
Katsuno Rise aka Remi (勝野莉世) 
Kiritani Mirei (桐谷 美玲)
Birth name: Sayasa Matsuoka (松岡さや紗)
Komatsu Nana (小松 菜奈)
Lyrica Okano
Minatozaki Sana aka Sana (湊崎 紗夏)
Miyawaki Sakura aka Sakura (宮脇咲良)
Mori Koyuki aka Yuki (もうりこゆき)
Myoui Mina aka Mina (名井 南)
English name: Sharon Myoui
Nakagawa Taishi (中川大志)
Nakamoto Yuta aka Yuta (中本悠太)
Okamoto Tao (岡本 多緒)
Osaki Shotaro aka Shotaro (大崎将太郎)
Sasaki Nozomi (佐々木 希)
Satoh Takeru (佐藤 健)
Shimabukuro Satsuki  (島袋 さつき) aka Meisa Kuroki (黒木 メイサ)
Takahashi Juri aka Juri (高橋朱里) (たかはし じゅり)
Takata Mashiho aka Mashiho (高田ましほ)
Takei Emi (武井 咲) 
Watanabe Haruto aka Haruto (渡辺春虎)
Yabuki Nako aka Nako (矢吹奈子) 
Yamashita Tomohisa aka Yamapi (山下 智久)
Yamada Ryosuke (山田 涼介)
Angel Locsin
Birth name: Angelica Locsin Colmenares
Charo Ronquillo 
Coco Martin
Birth name: Rodel Pacheco Nacianceno
Daniel Padilla
Devon Seron
Gabbi Garcia
Birth name: Gabriella Louise Ortega Lopez
Janine Tugonon
Birth name: Janine Mari Raymundo Tugonon
JC de Vera
Julie Anne San Jose
Birth name: Julie Anne Peñaflorida San Jose
Manuel Jacinto
Rita Daniela
Birth name: Rita Daniela De Guzman Iringan
Sam Concepcion
Birth name: Samuel Lawrence Lopez Concepcion
Teresita Marquez  
Birth name: Teresita Ssen Lacsamana Márquez
Yūn/Yūki Mago
Birth name: Laya
Jelita Septriasa aka Acha Septriasa
Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong aka Mikha Tambayong
Muhammad Tulus aka Tulus
Nikita Purnama Willy aka Nikita Willy
Rachel Amanda Aurora
Rizky Febian Adriansyah Sutisna aka Rizky Febian  
Sherina Munaf
Shireen Sungkar
Yunita Rachman aka Yura Yunita 
Amber Chia 
Jordan Rodrigues
Yunalis binti Mat Zara'ai aka Yuna
Aarif Rahman aka Li Zhiting (李治廷)
Of Arab, Malay, and Chinese descent
Awkwafina aka Nora Lum 
Of Korean & Chinese parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Chinese
Bambam aka Kunpimook Bhuwakul (กันต์พิมุกต์ ภูวกุล) 
Of Chinese descent, one of his grandma is Chinese.
Belle aka Jin Hyeon Ju (진현주)
Of Korean and Filipino parentage
Mother: Filipina, Father: Korean
Brenda Song 
Of Thai & Hmong parentage
Chanmina aka Otomonai Mina (ちゃんみな)
Of Japanese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Japanese 
Elaiza Ikeda
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino of Spanish descent, Father: Japanese
Haley Tju
Of Chinese and Indonesian descent
Hari Won  aka Lưu Esther 
Of Vietnamese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Vietnamese 
Hashimoto Tenka (橋本 甜歌)
Of Japanese and Chinese parentage
Mother: Chinese, Father: Japanese
Heart Evangelista aka Love Marie Payawal Ongpauco-Escudero
Lucas aka Lucas Wong/Huang Xuxi (黄旭熙)
Of Thai & Chinese parentage
Mother: Thai, Father: Chinese
Manika aka Manika Grace Ward
Part Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, and Spanish
Nichkhun aka Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul (นิชคุณ หรเวชกุล)
Mother: Chinese, Father: Thai/Chinese descent
Takahashi Yu (高橋 ユウ) 
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino, Father: Japanese
Tomo aka Visava Thaiyanont (วิศว ไทยานนท์)
Of Thai & Japanese parentage
Mother: Japanese, Father: Thai
Yuki Anggraini Kato 
Of Japanese and Indonesian parentage
More resources: 
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@/ kpopfcs- Tumblr
@/ japanesefcs- Tumblr
@/ herorps- Tumblr
@/ rphlix- Tumblr
@/ h4nb1ns- Tumblr
Check Wikipedias (+ their sources) that are in other languages.  Google translate them or ask for help to translate/read it.
Disclaimer---> tw: weight for Italicized bolded sites
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ziseviolet · 5 years
Do you have recommendations for places to buy hanfu— either irl or online?
Hi, thanks for the question!
Yes, I have recommendations for places to buy hanfu, both online and offline. Please check out my “Where to Buy Hanfu” page, as well as my Q&A Masterpost which has a section on buying hanfu. I also have a “Hanfu Recommendations” tag for my previous recommendations on where to buy hanfu. With that said, here are several additional recommendations for online hanfu shops on Taobao, with lists of the types of items they offer (Women’s hanfu, Men’s hanfu, Children’s hanfu, Wedding hanfu, Modified hanfu, Hanfu accessories). Some of these brands also have offline stores (click name for link to Taobao page):
1. 汉尚华莲/Han Shang Hua Lian - The #1 hanfu brand on Taobao in 2018 by sales value (source). Offers a wide variety of colorful designs. Women’s, Men’s, Accessories:
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2. 重回汉唐/Chong Hui Han Tang - The #2 hanfu brand on Taobao in 2018 by sales value. Bold colors and clean, chic designs. Women’s, Men’s, Children’s, Wedding, Modified, Accessories:
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3. 十三余/Shi San Yu - The #3 hanfu brand on Taobao in 2018 by sales value. Cute, casual, fun designs. Women’s, Modified, Accessories:
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4. 流烟昔泠/Liu Yan Xi Ling - The #9 hanfu brand on Taobao in 2018 by sales value. Known for its matching/couples’ designs, and has a wider variety of options for men. Women’s, Men’s, Children’s, Modified, Accessories:
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5. 衔泥小筑/Xian Ni Xiao Zhu - Elegant designs with intricate embroidery. Women’s, Men’s, Children’s, Wedding, Modified, Accessories: 
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6. 司南阁/Si Nan Ge - Has an aesthetic that can be best described as “ethereal”. Sheer fabrics, billowing sleeves, and lots of layers. Women’s, Men’s:
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7. 宴山亭/Yan Shan Ting - Very similar to Si Nan Ge, sharing the same ethereal aesthetic (and even using the same models). Women’s, Men’s:
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8. 菩提雪/Pu Ti Xue - Feminine designs with exquisite details. Women’s, Accessories:
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9. 锦瑟衣庄/De Ti Yi Zhuang - Classic designs in bright, contrasting colors. Women’s, Men’s, Accessories:
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10. 春拾记/Chun Shi Ji - Simple designs paired with elegant traditional Suzhou-style embroidery. Women’s, Accessories:
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11. 踏云馆/Ta Yun Guan - Refined designs with minimal embellishments that focus on the beauty of color and fabric. Women’s, Accessories: 
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12. 瞳莞/Tong Guan - Classy designs that marry traditional aesthetics with modern sensibilities. Women’s, Men’s, Accessories:
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13. 汉客丝路/Han Ke Si Lu - Ming dynasty designs with authentic patterns and high-quality fabric. Women’s, Men’s, Wedding:
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14. 游园惊梦/You Yuan Jing Meng - Flowing designs that seem to come out of a fairytale dream. Women’s, Modified:
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15. 远山乔/Yuan Shan Qiao - The more traditional spin-off label of well-known modified hanfu/hanyuansu brand 川黛/Chuan Dai. Like its sister brand, whimsical designs for the inner girly girl. Women’s, Accessories:
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16. 竹里馆/Zhu Li Guan - One of my personal favorites, having bought two outfits from here. Fine fabrics and solid craftsmanship. Women’s, Accessories:
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17. 乔织/Qiao Zhi - Casual, versatile, eminently wearable designs. Women’s, Accessories:
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18. 织造司/Zhi Zao Si - Many casual and dressy designs, with an especially large selection of mamianqun. Women’s, Men’s, Children’s, Wedding, Modified, Accessories:
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Of course there are a lot more great hanfu shops out there, but hopefully this gives you a place to start. Hope this helps, and have fun! ^^
Bonus - For non-Taobao hanfu shops, please check out my post here. I also have a list of recommended brands for modified hanfu/hanfu-inspired designs (hanyuansu) here and here; a rec list for hanfu hair accessories shops here and here; a rec list for weimao here; and a rec list for qipao here ^^
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linchxpin · 4 years
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i’ve made a post regarding this once before but i’m not sure anyone saw it so let me try again l mao
haru: [is japanese, lives in japan] natori: [has a japanese name but is dressed in a changshan and has ‘pu yi’ glasses] the cat kingdom: [ostensibly is connected to All parts of the human world and not just japan, even tho we only see them ‘open up’ to japan in the span of the movie bc haru is the main character]
i feel like there’s either a stereotype or visual shorthand of some type going on with natori’s design but i don’t know what it is bc there’s all these Conflicting things l mao 
i mean i thiiink maybe it has something to do with more misleading information regarding his true motives, etc., bc the specific type of shades natori is wearing i know are mentioned as often being worn by ‘collaborationist traitors in chinese media’ on tvtropes, but i honestly don’t know if that subtle misdirection was the intention lmao. I’M BASICALLY JUST A BIG BUNDLE OF INSECURITY i have no idea what’s trying to be said with his design (if anything in particular) and what i can get away with
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