#potty the parrot
the-theartpal · 1 year
Oh hey look more of these
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Also here’s a Patchy reference sheet I made with a bonus Potty!
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theknucklehead · 9 months
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Jokes aside, I do love this anime and it's animation.
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jikothemartian-z · 1 year
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hounddreamsblog · 7 months
good morning
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@lilahsworkshop this is actually Sfw
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alanoliva2020 · 1 year
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Now for this project, I asked to have an art commission from YouTube critic: AniMat.
Consider a fun idea for him to do was a scene based around the original Updated version of The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) but with a twist...
I could tell he really enjoyed it. With Iago and Zazu in the picture, what I appreciated most was the inclusion of Potty.
Yes, Potty the Parrot joined along with the group, In which I think he would've been very fitting...
until they cut his strings
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followerofmercy · 2 years
I have one parrot that gets on my shoulder just to shit on me and another parrot that is inexplicably potty trained, but also part termite and eats the molding on the door. 
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sereniv · 2 years
How to potty train your parrot
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1. lightly harass
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2. rotate
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3. harass again until poop is achieved
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4. reward with pickle
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1. dont try this on a green bird IT WILL NOT WORK
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tiktokparrot · 2 years
This article will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about African Grey Parrots. The information will be valuable for existing owners of greys and also for those who are planning to have one.
I have covered everything about greys from how to why and discuss about what are the most common misconceptions about African grey parrots in this blog, so grab your coffee, sit back and enjoy reading! Read more at https://www.tiktokparrot.com/frequently-asked-questions-about-african-grey-parrots/
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itsclydebitches · 4 months
Still thinking about "Dot and Bubble."
Specifically, I'm thinking about how the racists of FineTime aren't just written to be cruel and entitled, but downright childish too. Lindy - in a move that dovetails nicely into the episode's commentary on social media - has the attention span of a toddler, going on and on about how boring work is even though, from what we're shown, she doesn't have to do anything other than sit there and socialize, which is presumably what she'd be doing if she didn't have to work, right? But since this is something she has to do per orders of the gross old people, she complains. "You're no fun!" she yells at Gothic Paul, the only one in her group taking a mature stance on this issue (and, notably, the only one with a very small number of subscribers).
Lindy lacks the maturity and critical thinking skills we would expect from someone her age. Again, this is definitely a layer of the social media side of the episode's thesis, but she nevertheless demonstrates a kind of emotional dysregulation that's usually only seen in younger, developing children. Lindy does not think for herself and cannot adapt to changes in routine/the way things are "supposed" to be. When told a fact - the police are unavailable - Lindy repeats, "but I really need the police" over and over as if her need is going to magic up a change in reality. She parrots rules and rejects them in equal measure, driven solely by her current desires: "We don't do that [lower the bubble]."/"I can do whatever I want!" She moves from disgusted to infatuated to angry in the blink of an eye, with her anger characterized by childish outbursts and language: "Now shut up I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" When faced with something life-threatening, Lindy's response is to a) distract herself (by watching Ricky) and b) find a hiding place. Even taking her terror into account, she responds to these situations like someone far younger would. If I cover my eyes the bad thing disappears. If I hide under the bed, I'm safe.
And of course, Lindy's body is monitored in the way you would a child's. She's constantly watched by others, both her peers and, presumably, by the Homeworld. She's told when she needs to use the restroom which for me was VERY evocative of a parent speaking to their potty training child, trying to get them to articulate when they need to go by informing them of when it's most likely. Hell, Lindy literally can't walk without the assistance of this AI parent.
Yes, there are plenty of moments that evoke the very stereotypical, entitled teenager - talk of "partying," bragging about clothes, being obsessed with the guy online - but even more, I think, evoke the child. When Lindy plays the recording of "Mummy," smiling shyly at the praise before throwing out the kind of insults you'd expect to hear on an elementary school playground - "You're stupid" - she reads like she's a kid. Which is a hell of a commentary on her racism. The episode doesn't say that Lindy is literally a child (she's not, she even snaps as much). The episode also doesn't try to claim that being childlike equals harmless (quite the opposite). But equating racism with a childish, dangerously inept, can't-even-walk-or-use-the-bathroom-by-herself white woman... damn if that's not a statement.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
Leah, London Colney, “I may aswell just retire”
legacy II l.williamson
"lee! baby we've gotta go in five have you packed her bag?" you yelled out from your daughters bedroom, sat on the bed with the three year old on your lap as you quickly braided her hair so it would be out of her face all day.
“i have snacks, her blanket, her mini ball, her teddy, her inhaler, her water bottle, her headphones, her beanie, her rain jacket, a change of clothes and a story book.” leah recounted as she burst into the room with the bright red backpack in hand.
"gunner!" mila chirped as you tied off the second braid and your wife looked like she could have exploded with joy. "yes you are, mummys little future gunner." leah cooed, tickling her stomach as you rolled your eyes.
"she means the dinosaur einstein." you pointed to the bright green mascot sat on the desk as leah turned.
"you are so mean to me when we have early morning training darling, i've half a mind to tell jonas you aren't allowed to train until eleven." leah sighed with a shake of her head as you stood and hoisted mila onto your hip.
"you love it mrs williamson." you grinned, pecking her lips and breezing past as she followed suit with the backpack in hand. "maybe only a little mrs williamson." you stiffened as her hand smacked against your ass.
"leah! the baby." you hissed in warning, your daughter in a critical parrot phase as you'd both lovingly dubbed it, repeating nearly everything and anything she watched either of you do or say.
and with your wifes potty mouth and tendency to gossip it had gotten the pair of you into hot water more than once in the last few weeks.
like just yesterday when leahs mum had tried to put her down for a nap and was promptly told to fuck off, something mila had heard leah shout at the tv while watching a premier league game when you both thought she was asleep in bed, not hovering by the doorway with eager little ears.
"im not a baby!" mila protested with a scowl that was scarily similar to the blonde standing behind her. "yes you are, you could be forty and you'll still be my baby." leah shrugged as your daughter huffed and you cleared your throat.
"our baby." leah corrected with a charming smile as you hummed, taking your daughters backpack out of her hand and grabbing the car keys as leah made sure to take both of your gym bags as the three of you headed out.
"shark song!" mila cheered as you buckled her into her car seat and leah slipped into the drivers side after tossing all the bags in the back. "bubba isn't there any other song you'd like?" leah asked hopefully with a pained winced as you closed your door and sat in your own seat.
"shark song! shark song! shark song!" the three year old chanted pumping her fists and kicking her feet out as if she'd just won the world cup and you grinned, phone connecting and clicking play on baby shark as leah groaned.
"i'm going to murder kyra." leah stated bluntly toward the culprit behind milas obsession with the overtly catchy kids tune, shifting the car into reverse and backing out of the driveway as you leaned across the console and kissed her cheek.
"just look how happy it makes her baby." you chuckled nodding behind you as leah glanced to your daughter who was wiggling and dancing in her seat, screaming along to the lyrics.
"she's lucky she's cute." leah shook her head, smile tugging at her lips as she faced forward and sped onto the main road.
"well she gets that from you."
"leah! there is no way she's going to eat all that." your eyes widened in disbelief as the blonde placed down your daughters breakfast plate in front of you before sitting on your other side with her own.
"mama i'm a growing girl!" mila protested, echoing leahs exact words from dinner last night as you shot your wife a filthy look who wasted no time pecking your lips apologetically.
"me!" mila craned her head back as leah grinned, attacking the three year olds face with kisses as everyone at the table visibly melted at the sound of her giggles echoing around the room.
"hey mila can aunty beffy have some bacon pretty please?" beth asked with a smile from across the table. "good luck." leah mumbled with a shake of her head. "no! my bacon." mila frowned and covered her plate protectively.
"well if there was ever any doubt she's leahs, thats squashed it." kim shrugged as your wife grinned and pushed her playfully. "but mila im so hungry! i might fall off my chair from starvation." beth groaned dramatically, collapsing into her girlfriend who looked down at her unamused.
"didn't ask don't care." mila chirped your own words from dinner last night as leah choked on her eggs and kim whacked her on the back. "that ones on you!" your wife warned as you blushed, mumbling a gentle reminder to your daughter about manners.
"hey mila can aunty wally have a piece of bacon please?" lia asked from your other side as mila nodded, pushing her plate closer and wiggling herself up from your lap as you hurried to steady her as she stood on your knees.
"mila!" beth gasped in betrayal, lia scooting her chair back as your daughter clambered over to sit with her now instead, seemingly more than happy to share her breakfast with her godmother who gave the blonde across the table a victorious smirk as she bit down on a piece of bacon.
"i play now?" you looked down with a smile as a tiny body clung onto your leg, mila recognizing the sound of the whistle to mean she was now able to run around the pitch freely with her aunties as training was over.
"you play now. who do you wanna kick with today bubba?" you squatted down and brushed a few loose strands of hair out of her face. "aunty lessi!" your daughter held her arms up at your best friend whose face lit up.
"now how could i ever say no to you?" the blonde picked her up right away before tossing her in the air and catching her, pulling a face and making mila giggle. "careful less." you warned sternly, the girl waving you off as she grabbed a ball.
"whose on the other team?" alessia whispered to your daughter as a few of the girls lined up, mila frowning as she looked them over. "lots, steffy, mummy and kimmy!" mila decided, simply naming all four girls who lined up making everyone grin.
"okay. remember what we practiced at our sleepover?" alessia placed mila down and squatted to her level, hands on her shoulders as your daughter nodded. "no mercy!" mila yelled making a few of the girls snicker.
"that was aunty mary, not me." alessia teased, pulling down mila's beanie over her eyes as she whined and quickly fixed it as her ball was placed by her feet. "okay. go!" alessia clapped, jogging beside her as your daughter gave it a kick.
one by one she kicked past her defenders, the girls all falling dramatically to the ground making her giggle as alessia continued to coach her forward, now only leah standing in the way of the goal.
"leah!" you called out in warning, recognizing your wifes competitive drive ran deep and she had no problem teaching your daughter 'how to lose gracefully' despite the fact it wasn't a lesson you'd say leah actually knew herself.
though if the blonde defender heard you she didn't acknowledge it, smirk on her face as the girls all cheered for mila who had an adorably concentrated frown on her features now.
"shoot shoot shoot!" alessia encouraged with a clap, mila kicking the ball as hard as she could and you held your breath knowing it had been a long morning and with your daughter due for a nap soon it wouldn't take much to set her off if leah chose not to let her have this goal.
though you breathed a sigh of relief as the ball rolled through your wifes legs and she fell to the ground with a dramatic cry, a soft smile on your face as mila jumped on top of her with a cheer.
"goaaaalll!" alessia cupped her hands over her mouth and cheered, scooping the tiny blonde up and hoisting her on her shoulders, sprinting around on a victory lap and assuring she held on very tightly.
you grabbed a bottle of water and made your way over toward leah who sat up, accepting your hand as you helped her up and were quickly drawn into her hold.
"does it still hurt she's following in my footsteps and not yours?" you teased, squealing as leahs cold hands crept up your top and she playfully bit your neck.
"with a goal like that under her belt i may as well just retire." leah sighed, arms wound around your neck as she gently swayed the two of you side to side, both of you watching on fondly as your daughter raced around with her auties.
"shit its past her nap time isn't it?" leah realised, training having had a delayed start due to a sprinkler malfunction as you nodded and your wife groaned, seeing mila was still very much so wide awake which would throw her off her regular schedule.
"oh she's going to be a nightmare to get down tonight."
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l3irdl3rain · 2 months
Don't remember ever seeing Gonzo before so just read his tags to see when he was adopted, somehow never saw him all these years!
Reading the tags led me to a question, does he still have salpingitis?
Also; I've always wondered, how do you stop flightful birbs from pooping everywhere?
I know Joey is flightless but that's always been a question that pops up when I see indoor birbs (and then forget to Google or ask)
He does not have salpingitis. Thankfully doc ended up being wrong about that. Salpingitis is basically a death sentence. The little man is still doing very well. I just cover his cage every night to try to discourage him from laying more eggs.
In regards to the pooping, you can potty train parrots to only poop in their cage or while on a perch. That being said, parrot poop has basically no smell (unless you let it accumulate for a long time) and it’s relatively easy to clean up. For hard floors you just wipe it up. And even if it gets on something like a couch you can just use a wet cloth and a little scrubbing to clean it off.
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disteal · 1 year
not to rain on the parade but i think more people should be aware that current info about the burning man going around, especially on here, is about as credible as playground rumors about pokemon in 1999 from that one guy whose dad works at nintendo like, go have fun if you want to obviously but also be aware that a lot of people are just making shit up or just unintentionally parroting misinfo (i'm probably going to wait until almost after the fact when most of the info has been properly vetted to have fun with it. because i want my comedy material to be factual i suppose lol)
Wow thanks, but actually I was referring to primary sources/press releases or explicitly speaking abt word of mouth as hearsay.
Cops drew weapons on protestors before the festival and rammed them with a vehicle. Seven Circles (org) reported that this level of violence was very likely due to an unknown attendee lying to 911 about the protestors being armed.
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Pictured on left below; Festival attendee with transcript asking people to ‘bury negative thoughts because a couple people didn’t make it last night’ [video link]
Pictured on right; Chris Rock skedaddling out of burning man in the back of a pickup, added tweet context from Diplo claims they walked out.
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One confirmed death ‘during rainfall’, information about ‘likely’ source of sickness being overflowing port-a-potties mixing in with the water that’s everywhere.
Pictured below: burning man sex plane. [sfw video link]
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hummerhouse · 2 months
My writing has slowed down considerably in the last couple of years, as those of you who follow my stories know. One of the reasons is that I've been adopting cats who have been dumped out here in the country by people who no longer want them. I take them to my vet to be spayed/neutered, tested and then given a battery of shots including the rabies vaccine.
Then I integrate the cats into the household. We've built a large catio where they spend a lot of time. These cats get the best care I can give them and have the forever home they should have had with the person who first adopted them. Plus, by birds (especially my hummers), have a safe environment from the feline hunters who would have killed them for the sport of it.
The cats now number in the double digits. Feeding, keeping water bowls and potties clean, vacuuming up cat hair, etc. eats up time. I am fortunate to have a partner who is as committed to this cause as I am. We both work. The money for this endeavor comes out of our pockets.
This post is not a "look at me and what I've done". This is 1) to explain why updates on my stories are slow. I'm not abandoning the stories. 2) to plead with people to PLEASE think hard about the pet you're considering adopting. A lot of my cats were dumped by folks who adopted during the Covid shutdown just so they could have company and now these people find it too hard to care for a pet. A cat/dog/parrot/guinea etc. is a lifelong commitment, not a cute object to be tossed aside when they become inconvenient. They are living things with souls and feelings.
Dumping them in the country because "they can fend for themselves" is wrong. They can't. I have seen too many cats eaten by coyotes or run over by cars. I have seen dogs hit by cars, bitten by rattlesnakes, or shot by ranchers for chasing their cattle. Predators abound in the country and domestic pets are their food.
Certainly things happen that 'cause people to be unable to care for a pet. The right thing to do is spend a little time trying to find them a good home. Sorry for the long winded PSA.
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em1e · 1 year
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宗谷 // PUPPY LOVE ⠀ ༝ ༝ souya kawata [ angry ] ⠀༝ ༝ 900 words ⠀ ⚠︎ fluff ! ⠀ — souya is is like a dad - says he doesn't want a pet but babies it once it's home.
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souya kawata was rarely a man of few words. 
usually, he has something to say, a quick quip always on his tongue ingrained into him from being constantly argumentative with nahoya the entirety of his life. but, as he stares at you, the bag of to-go ramen from his shop hanging loosely from his fingers, he can’t help but only stare in shock. 
here, in your shared apartment, you sat on the floor with a baby gate surrounding you. in that baby gate was . . . a puppy. small terrier, he thinks, based on what he can see. 
you perk up at the sound of him setting the bags on the counter, whispering something to the dog, who only yaps in response, following at your heel as you stand and step over the gate. 
“hi baby.” you smile, wrapping an arm around his waist and standing on your toes, “how was work?” 
“good.” he greets you with a kiss your forehead, soft in your presence, before his brows furrow and he nods his head to the elephant in the room, “puppy sitting for a friend?” 
“hm?” you pretend to be oblivious, head tilting as you turn to follow his gaze, “oh, no.” and still, despite him clearly bringing it up, you don’t clarify what the baby gate is doing there, why there’s a puppy barking from inside it as it tries to crawl out of the gate, or why there are various unopened toys, food, and puppy pads sitting on the counter beside where he’s just put the food down, “what’s for dinner?” you ask, moving past him to take the ramen out. 
“ramen,” he moves towards the gate, towering over the puppy who seems to just want to run free in the apartment, “who’s dog is this then?” 
“ours.” you answer easily, grabbing two bowls from the cabinets and chopsticks for the two of you. 
“ours?” he parrots, turning on his heel to watch you casually make you both plates, “that’s something we should talk about, isn’t it?” 
“we did.” you remind him, bringing the bowls to the table and gesturing for him to come sit, “last week, after we broke in the new bed-” 
“it was a hypothetical, us getting a dog.” his frown twitches to a scowl. of course you’d use him in such a vulnerable state for your own agenda, “we still should’ve gone together. what if i don’t like rat dogs.” despite his annoyance, he sits across from you and mumbles a quick thank you for this meal. 
“but you do,” you continue where he stopped, picking up some noodles and blowing on them, “her name is sugaoku, after the shop.” you smile, and god he really wants to be upset with you but you just look so cute. 
his eyes flit behind you, to the puppy who has mysteriously gone quiet, “yeah, well sugaoku is peeing on the floor,” he nods his head towards the gate, and you drop the chopsticks to whip around as if he could be lying, “and i will not be cleaning it up.” 
you pout, pushing back from the table to open the pack of puppy pads and grab a wad of paper towels while mumbling i knew i forgot something. 
he grins, when you can’t see him, blowing on his own bite of noodles before putting it in his mouth. he couldn’t stay upset with you if he tried. 
and, despite telling you ‘you got the dog, she’s your responsibility’, souya still finds himself taking her out when his alarm goes off. like clockwork, he’d open the door to her crate, hook the leash onto her collar, and take her down the three flights of stairs so she could go potty - a cup of coffee in one hand, leash in the other, while he fantasized about staying in bed with you a little longer. 
it’s really domestic, settling into a new routine of taking care of a plus one, with the work split between the two of you. 
“do you have everything?” it’d be hard for a normal person to pick up on his worry, but you catch it easily with the slight way his brows furrow in, with the way he grips the bag holding all the puppy supplies. you laugh a little. 
“yes, souya, everything is in there. three bottles of water, the portable bowl, snacks, some toys, her collar if the harness gets too hot, and the poop bags. can we go now?” 
he peeks into the bag, scanning over everything despite you already checking it yourself two other times, “okay, yeah. i just want to be sure.” 
“we’re bringing more stuff for her than us.” you point out, taking the leash from his hands to hook it to sugoaku’s harness, “you’re worrying for nothing. s’not like we’re gonna be there all day.” 
he scowls, “i know that, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” he pulls the bag over his shoulder, and souya honestly looks really cute, despite the face he’s making, with the bright bone-print of the backpack contrasting greatly with the rest of his vibe. 
you pinch at his cheek, leaving him to scowl further and swat your hand away, “let’s just go already.”  “aye, aye captain.” you mock salute, picking up sugoaku to make the trip out of the apartment quicker, and souya scoffs at how you seem  to baby her.
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for @cu7ie !!
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toopaletogotojail · 1 year
Harry potter: animagus forms
Warning: possibly fantastical, even for the universe at hand, take my hc with a grain of salt (ROMIONE, DRARRY) (everything is ok au)
HARRY POTTER: he'd wish so much to be like his dad, to get a stag but he'd probably get something funky like an owl (like Hedwig) or a bear (from one of my fav fics)
HERMIONE GRANGER: definitely a grey parrot or a crow (IQ go brrrr) or a grey cat (I just like this one) and she can use this to her advantage (how? Idk)
RON WEASLEY: I want it so bad to be a weasel (ginger fur and all) or a squirrel (haha undercover squirrel spy) where both can climb up to Hermione and demand cuddles
DRACO MALFOY: saved my favourite for last, and I know deep inside me I wished it were a platinum white ferret or an albino peacock so he can suffer under humiliation, but I could see him as a meerkat or a raven (besties with mione) I feel like if he got a meerkat he'd be all 'i do NOT like this' but then figure out the trouble he could causes and go '😈 hehe watch out potty'
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turtle-steverogers · 1 year
what about steve with a parrot though. captain america walking around with the shield, and a huge colorful bird on his shoulder just randomly cursing (it picked up the dirtiest ones from bucky)
The parrot's name is also Steve. It was originally Kent, but there were so many conversations where Steve repeated, "I'm Steve, you're Kent." That the parrot picked up the phrase "I'm Steve" and now repeats that whenever anyone else is around.
So the parrot-- much to Steve's chagrin-- is named Steve. They gossip together and indeed Steve the Parrot has the worst potty mouth in the house due to picking up phrases from both Steve and Bucky.
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