#pour one out for max y'all
New Year's Kiss - p.b
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‣ paige bueckers x reader
‣ wc: 3567
‣‣ synopsis: you were known as one of the calmest, most well-tempered players on the ucon wbb roster. so what happens if you lose your cool for the first time in a game? takes place at the uconn vs notre dame game on dec 31, 2022: based off this post/req from my nonnie 🫶, and lowk inspired by paige's bloody nose at the uconn vs seton hall game!
‣‣‣ a/n: hey guys.... i'm so sorry for being so inactive but the writer's block hit me HARD. I have a few more drafts in progress I hope to release this week, thank y'all SO MUCH for the support and patience! Also, for the opponent in this game i refer to her solely as the, "marquette girl", as i don't know their players that well and don't want to use an irl girl!
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Up until the second half of the game, everything had been going decent for you. Sure, this game was one of the most aggressive of the season, but you were right in the peak of your season, so it made sense that emotions were running high with the pressure to do well.
But that didn't excuse the fact that the Marquette girl that had been assigned to defend you had been playing dirty the entire night. After the fucking hellish week you had just gotten through, this girl was about to be the straw that broke the camel's. your, back.
After Paige's acl tear in August and the work and energy you had been endlessly pouring into your game from the past two and a half years till now, you had basically solidified your place as one of the main starters on the team, which meant you were receiving a lot more consistent playing time. The thought of being a more prominent player on the team didn't panic you the way it might others, as you you were known for always being a very level-headed, reliable player under pressure, as you had been dubbed by the media as the "Silent Assassin". But tonight was proving to test your limits to the max.
Any time you were on the court for the first two quarters, the Marquette girl had been glued to you, illegally all up in your space, pushing and shoving at you, taunting you over and over again, and even tripping you once when you lunged for the ball. All of which she had done without receiving a single foul, which not only pissed you off, but also your teammates on the court, the players on your bench, and your coach.
And of course, the one time you had defended yourself against her in the second quarter was the only time the ref called a foul on both of you. She had nearly pressed herself up against you the second your hands came in contact with the ball, leaving you with no choice but to pass to your teammate Aaliyah to sink a layup, when she hooked her arm through yours and pulled just as the ball left your hands.
Her unnecessary aggression caused something to snap inside of you, as the second you felt her yank on your arm, you turned around to push her off of you, hard. She stumbled backwards a little bit, not tripping or hitting the ground in any way, but the damage had been done in the, very biased, eyes of the refs.
The two of you rapidly reacted, approaching each other as you were yelling out meaningless threats and a long string of curses. Thankfully, your teammates holding the two of you back firmly, preventing any further physical altercations.
The two of you both received technical fouls for the unnecessary physical contact and unsportsmanlike behaviour. However, the foul you received only irked you more. Why were the only fouls called on her when it involved you pushing back? Could they not see the way she was treating you the entire game?
And of course, Geno wasn't thrilled about one of his starters getting a tech in the first half of the game. While benched, he had chewed you out for losing your temper at her, especially for cursing, which was something refs never let slide. But his reprimands didn't hold the usual level of anger or frustration, as he internally agreed that the Marquette girl had it coming for her, but, he had to remain professional.
Of course basketball was a physical sport, and with aggression came some conflicts with other players, but her behaviour tonight was unprovoked and incredibly aggravating to you. Which only worsened in the third quarter.
After your tech, you had been trying your best to ignore the incredibly annoying actions of the Marquette girl, but you simply couldn't anymore after she had purposely elbowed you in the nose to make her shot.
You immediately stumbled backwards, folding over at the waist as your hands came up in an attempt to alleviate the intense throbbing your nose felt. You could feel the blood begin to dribble down to your lip as you walked over to the bench with Lou escorting you, awaiting the ref's call.
The refs decided to not call a foul on the other girl, claiming that she hadn't reached backwards on purpose, it was simply the angle of her basket and granted UConn two free throws. The call enraged you, and something inside you snapped. You very quickly forgot about the tissue you were firmly holding at your nostrils as you approached him, insisting with him that the call was blind and blatantly biased.
You hadn't noticed the blood resumed to flow down your face while arguing until it hit your mouth, but you paid no mind to the taste of iron that filled your mouth as you persisted angrily speaking to the ref.
"Paige, go get her before she gets another tech," Geno whispered into Paige's ears over by the bench.
She nodded at him, making her way over to you to pull you away from the ref who was now threatening to eject you from the game.
"Okay enough, you need to get checked out by the team medic," Paige wrapped her arm around your waist to pull you away from your heated conversation, despite your struggle against her. She wasn't that much taller than you, but the extra two ish inches she had on you were proving useful right now.
She dragged you over to the bench, ignoring your many protests. She pried the used, bloody tissue out of your fingers to toss to the medic waste bag, grabbing new ones from her hand to help your bloody nose. It was apparent to everyone on your team, even the fans watching, that your stubbornness wouldn't allow you to accept the call that easily and allow the medic to clean you up. So, Paige would just have to do it herself.
Since your first day on the Uconn campus, you and Paige had become extremely close. With the two of you being assigned roommates your freshman year, the COVID year, it would've been impossible to not become best friends, considering the fact that you spent all of your time together.
If not at practice or hanging out with the team, the two of you were trapped inside your dorm, forced to find company within each other for the entire year. And with Paige's injury her sophomore year, you were one of the only people she was able to open up to, other than Azzi, and you had become her comfort during her rehab time, both then and now. Despite no longer being roommates, you two still always hung out at each other's respective dorm, even having frequent sleepovers.
Your incredibly close relationship wasn't left unnoticed by the media either, especially social media platforms like tiktok. When Paige and Azzi denied the relationship allegations at the same time you made it clear that you liked girls, the internet quickly refocused their attention onto you and Paige, and neither of you had the heart to deny any rumors circulating. Considering that after Azzi, you were the least active on your social media when it came to anything other than basketball, it wasn't too hard to ignore the internet's speculation.
All of which to say, Paige had made it incredibly easy for you to catch feelings for her. Until her, you had never known what it was like to be completely head over heels for someone. The way your heart skipped any time the two of you made eye contact, the way your cheeks flushed when she brushed against you, and the chemistry the two of you shared on and off the court was undeniable.
Unbeknownst to you, she felt the exact same way, and for the last two years, everyone but you two could see the feelings you harbored for each other.
If only you could feel the way her heart was beating as she held your face in one hand, using the other to apply pressure to your nose and wipe away at the blood on your face, neck, and jersey as she listened to you rant about the refs and how they were cheating you guys out of fouls the entire game. Although, she wasn't able to focus on the words coming out of your mouth, only the plumpness of your lips as they moved, something you noticed as your verbal attack slowed down so you could take a breath in between your sentences.
"She's literally fucking stuck up my ass and the refs ignore her which is actual bullshit, the amount of times this girl has literally made unnecessary contact or-, Paige are you even listening to me?"
Her lingering gaze on your mouth quickly snapped up to your eyes, a sheepish smile settling onto her now flushed cheeks.
"Yeah, yeah sorry."
She wiped the remaining blood from around your nose before calling over the medic to check your nose. A small bruise had formed near the bridge, but thankfully it wasn't broken. While she was checking your nose, Paige did her best to avoid meeting your curious stares.
Of course the two of you had small moments where you could envision that Paige felt the same for you. But never one that was so blatantly obvious as her staring at your lips, especially so publicly.
Nonetheless, you barely had time to analyze the interaction before the medic was clearing you to return to the game, Paige patting your butt (this) as you jogged by her to sub back into the game, which, until the handshake line, went without any further incidents, despite your team beating them by 13 points (HVL VS TEXAS Y'ALL).
When passing by you, you heard her mutter under her breath, "fucking bitch," in response to your half-hearted, "good game". It was safe to say you didn't take that well, responding to her with, "you wanna come say that to my fucking face? Pussy ass bitch." For both of your sakes, Dorka and one of her teammates were able to keep pushing the two of you down the line and out to the lockers before the post-game conference with Lou, Nika, and Dorka, which Geno insisted you attend to apologize for your behaviour.
***Small Time Skip***
"So Y/N, the multiple incidents that occured tonight with you and (BLANK) from Georgetown, do you have anything to say about them? I mean, you're known for being a very calm and collected player, but tonight we saw a very different side of you," a reporter questioned you. The questions for you from tonight's post-game conference mostly avoided the fight, treading the waters carefully as it was unlike anything you had ever been involved in.
"I'm not gonna try and cover for myself or anything, it was unprofessional and unacceptable for me to lose my temper on the court like that. Like you said, I've always tried to place an emphasis on just basketball when playing and avoid any other personal feelings or problems, but I guess tonight I didn't do as good of a job on that as I could of. This is something that I will keep in mind for all of our upcoming games as that's not the kind of image or reputation I want to set for myself or the team I represent. I would never want this kind of behaviour to be defining moments from our games because my teammates really put their all into every single one of their games, especially tonight's, and I don't want to create any personal animosity with the girls on the Marquette team, as I have a lot of respect for them."
Your diplomatic and cordial answer had appeased majority of the reporters, along with Geno and the team publicist in the back corner of the room. Except for one nosy reporter who seemed unhappy with your tactful response and was practically feining for drama.
“This one is for y/n, but with the events of today, you mentioned that you try to keep all personal feelings off the court. Is that an implication of some external underlying tension or problems between you and number (BLANK), as the two of you got quite physical today?”
What the fuck? Now they really were trying to start something between the two of you that never existed in the first place.
“No not at all. I have no connection with number (BLANK) off the court and don’t even personally know her. As I mentioned before, I have nothing but respect for the girls at Marquette and there are no hard feelings on my end. You know, basketball is a physical contact game and that just means that there a few rough moments here and there, it’s just part of the game.”
If they ask any more stupid questions about you and the Marquette girl you were actually gonna lose your mind. Especially if they somehow tie in the fact that you like girls with the fight.
Which, thankfully, they ended up dropping the fight for the rest of the interview, and you and the others were finally allowed to go out and celebrate New Year's Eve the way they had originally planned to.
The whole team, and Kayla of course, was prepared to celebrate at your favorite local bar, Ted's. All of the girls who were taken were bringing their partners along and those of you who were single were all ready to hunt someone down for a drunken kiss at midnight. Except you.
You were far too down bad for Paige to even fathom kissing someone else at the moment, especially not while going out with her and the rest of the team, who all knew about your ginormous crush on Paige.
Nonetheless, you still did your best to get ready quickly, wearing your baggiest pair of low-rise cargo pants and a very cropped white halter tank top in an attempt to cheer yourself up from the fact you wouldn't have a New Year's kiss this year, again.
But by the time you were throwing back shots at the bar like they were water, you couldn't find it in you to care about how single you were. It was common knowledge that you weren't the best at holding your liquor, as the team often made fun of your ability to get drunk off of two to three shots, which is exactly the position you found yourself in.
Until, of course, "guardian angel Paige" decided she needed to intervene in your drinkfest, walking up to your barstool and effectively cutting you off by having the bartender replace your drink with a regular shirley temple just before midnight so that she, or any of your other friends, wouldn't have to deal with you throwing up at four in the morning.
"You gotta go easy on the shots y/n/n, you're gonna hate yourself in the morning if you keep drowning your liver in alcohol."
"Funny, coming from Storrs's resident party girl, Miss Madison," you teased. There were only about twenty minutes left until bar's tv would depict the ball dropping in New York, and the disparity of your situation had begun to sink in.
Not only would you be suffering through another New Year's with no midnight kiss, but you had no relationships since last year or even a single talking stage, no potential relationship prospects for the future, and worst of all, no Paige.
"Yeah well, at least I can hold my drinks. You, on the other hand, are the most lightweight out of all of us. Besides, what happened to your little New Years tradition, the whole eating the grapes thing to find the love of your life or whatever?"
You went off on a little drunken tangent at this, complaining that it was completely ineffective, but also, the fact that it made you look stupid in front of the entire team when absolutely nothing came out of it.
"I mean it's so dumb. I don't get why my love life is so barren, like actually non-existent, it's not like I'm super unattractive or anything like that. Right? But like, I don't even have a midnight kiss this year, again," you grumbled to Paige, unaware of the way she was staring at your lips for the second time today, mesmerized by their movements.
"You are most definitely not unattractive. You're like one of the most attractive people I know. Besides, it's not like I'm kissing anyone this year," Paige reassured you, and somehow, your drunk brain simply did not process the way she had flusteredly complimented you.
"Yeah but you're Paige Bueckers," you emphasized, "you could kiss anyone in this bar if you wanted. Men and women, single and taken, would literally form a line two blocks down if you even mentioned wanting to kiss someone," you gazed up at Paige from your leaned position against the bartop, watching as the gears turned behind her eyes.
"Anyone in the bar? Like, anyone at all?" She asked you curiously, a small smirk graced her features as she peered down at you.
"Yeah probably, but there's only like two minutes left or something, so you should pick someone soon."
"Oh I already have someone picked out, I just don't know if they would kiss me back."
"Oh?" You felt your stomach drop at her statement, and you couldn't stop the jealousy from coursing through your veins if your life had depended on it. But Paige's unwavering gaze never left your face, and you could feel your cheeks flush at the way she was intently looking at you.
"Quite the staring problem tonight P?"
"Well it's pretty hard to not stare at the prettiest girl in the room," she flirted, scooting closer to you, effectively closing some of the distance between you two.
"I-, what?" You stuttered, taken back by Paige's actions.
"How many hints does I have to drop before you finally start picking up on them? I want to kiss you y/n, I want you."
The ten-second countdown had begun as Paige confessed to you, and you were left gawking at Paige's face, your heart threatening to give out from how fast it was beating.
You yanked on Paige's belt loop, pulling her flush against your body as your eyes focused in on her lips.
Your right hand reached up to grab Paige's jaw at the end of the countdown, pulling her lips firmly down onto yours. The bar's loud chants barely registered to you as you lost yourself in the intoxication of Paige's lips. Your tongue glided across her lip as your mouths moved in unison, causing her to groan into you. You took it as an invitation to slip your tongue into her mouth, the kiss deepening with unrestrained passion.
Your built-up need for each other was apparent as you made out, sending shivers down your spine at the pressure of her mouth against yours. It felt as if she was the oxygen you needed to breathe, and now that you had her, there was no way you could let her go now.
***The next morning: New Year's Day***
Your eyes fluttered open with a pounding headache, yet, the utterly familiar weight of a certain pairs of hands around your waist provided a sense of comfort you knew only she could provide.
Paige's soft snores rung out throughout the room, and as you gently reached forward to her nightstand to grab your phone off charging, you realize it was still extremely early in the morning, not even eight a.m.
And yet, your phone was blowing up with notifications from all social media platforms, even your text messages had over a hundred notifications.
Confused, you click on the apps to check what all the fuss was about, quickly realizing what had happened.
The entire interaction between you and Paige at the game was recorded by the cameramen and had instantaneously made it's way all over the internet, only fueling the dating rumors about the two of you.
The comments and posts were going feral at the way Paige was the only one who could calm you down, the way she wrapped her arms around your waist to pull you back, her holding your face ever so delicately, her smacking your butt as you ran back onto the court, and of course, her transparent staring at your lips the entire time you were an inch apart from her.
"What are you looking at baby," Paige sleepily mumbled into your neck, tightening her grip around your waist to pull you further into her, slinging her right leg over your waist.
You put your phone down and turned in her hold, wrapping your arms around her body as you peered down at Paige's sleepy face, admiring how beautiful she always looked.
"Your fans are going crazy about how obviously down bad you are for me P," you teased, running your foot up and down her calf as Paige pressed her face into your chest to absorb your body heat.
"Let them, just go back to sleep with me for a little bit longer."
And of course, how could you ever say no when your girlfriend was asking you so sweetly?
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a/n: thank you for reading all the way through, and i'm so sorry if the ending is kinda rushed, i just wanted to finally get another fic out 🤗
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highhhfiveee · 11 months
pairing: mike schmidt x blackfem!reader summary: you’re abby’s mint chocolate-loving babysitter. mike takes notice. wc: 1.3k tags: suggestiveness, swearing, fluff. *minor movie spoiler that isn’t a spoiler fr but kind of is* a/n: oi. this is my first official piece of fanfic on tumblr and i'm excited but also super nervous. i never knew what characters i wanted to write for as most of my fandoms are obsolete tbh (teen wolf and maze runner, i'm looking at you 💔) but after watching the fnaf movie and falling in love with j hutch like i'm 14 again, i wanted to try to write for mike!  i'm sorry if this story sucks tbh. i wrote it pretty quickly, did not edit it in any way (watch for grammar and spelling errors!) and i'm still trying to establish characters and plot and do all this silly billy worldbuilding, but i'll get better! i'm also taking requests for both fluff and smut, so if y'all would like to send anything for me to write, i'll def accept! like i said in my last post, i think i'm gonna redo my tumblr layout so i can feel like a true fanfic/misc blog lmao so ignore its under construction phase ((: i hope y'all enjoy this though bc i've been thinking ab mike schmidt all night 
i have sooo many ideas, but between last night and this morning, i’ve been thinking of abby’s babysitter!reader (bc fuck max). 
you’ve been channel surfing in the living room since you put abby down, working with her to lock down a nightly routine. ideally, she’d bathe, eat dinner (god willingly), brush her teeth, and then you’d be able to get her to lay in bed and doze off. some nights, this required dessert. 
“you just brushed your teeth though. it’s gonna taste gross.”
“not if it’s one of those mint chocolate things you always have.” you straighten up, eyes squinted at the child before you; she meant the small, sometimes melted, squares of Andes mint chocolate you always kept. they’d always been your favorite, a guilty pleasure in this fucked up world. 
you hadn’t been babysitting abby for long, and you didn’t realize that she'd been watching you crush the chocolates like it was light work. they were easy to eat, and once you had one, you found out how easy it was to eat another one, and then another one, and then another one until there was a mountain of crinkled foil next to your phone and chocolate smeared on your face. 
"please, y/n. just one," you didn't exactly know if it was a lie. abby was convincing, able to break you down with her eyes, pleading and puppy-dog like. "please." 
you cave, leaning down to brush her hair back from her forehead and place a gentle kiss on the skin. with pursed lips, you whisper, "fine, but tomorrow night. i have to get some more." 
abby does nothing but smile, eyes fluttering closed. you stay with her for a bit like you always do--watching the way her chest rises and falls, and how her features twitched with slumber. features scarily similar to mike's. 
of course she'd look like mike. they were siblings, no shit, but the resemblance occupied your brain. there was sweet abby, with her colorful clothes and scribbled drawings and persuasive aura, and then there was mike. 
you shake your head, giving abby another kiss before exiting her room. you didn't need to think about mike. he wasn't what you were here for. you'd come to abby's school as an aide and after she'd privately confided in you about her home life, you knew you had to help her. you would do anything for her, even if that meant taking care of her while suppressing the overwhelming school girl crush you had on her older brother.
mike was a bit older than you, which didn't scare you at all. guys in their early 20s were rarely mature, doing anything they could just to fuck; but guys in their late 20s, mike specifically, had only ever shown you couth, surprisingly. 
for nearly two months, five mornings a week, the sound of the door being unlocked would ring out. you'd turn to see sunshine pouring into the living room, enveloping mike's brooding figure in a radiant golden glow.
he'd hang his coat on the wall hooks, drop his bag down to his feet, and give you a small but warm smile. you'd try to not to embarrass yourself as you two made small talk, packing up your things.
you always left unscathed, but recently it'd been hard. you were always thinking about him, dreaming about him even; how his hair would feel between your fingers, how his hands would feel on your face, how his face would feel between your thighs. 
the thought is washed away, drowned out by the sound effects of a loud infomercial when the door opens, and you're turning and squinting against the wash of pale yellow on your face. mike steps forward with a, "hey, y/n" and you meekly raise your hand to wave. 
he hangs his hoodie up to reveal his shoulder blades flexing under an uncharacteristically tight navy blue sweater. you can't help but stare.
"just wake up?" his voice is raspy, but he's still facing the wall, rummaging in his bag for something. 
"um...yeah. brain's still turning on," you lie, tossing the thick blue blanket off your body. you didn't sleep at all, kept up with your thoughts and the last of your Andes mints (though you loved her, you couldn't give abby your last ones).
"hm," he mutters, finally turning to you but keeping his hands behind his back. something crinkles in them and you raise your eyebrow at the tired yet amused expression he takes with you. it's enough to make your body hot and you awkwardly pull at the collar of your shirt, fanning yourself off.
"hot?" the gravelly tone sends you into a giggling fit, shaking your head as you shoot to your feet. you have to leave before you do or say something you regret. 
"uh, yeah, it was s-super hot under that...um...blanket. i shouldn't have worn sweatpants to s-sleep," you stutter, nodding your head along with mike as he steps closer to you. this couldn't be the moment something happens, right? it'd been so casual between you too, very friendly, and he'd never shown any signs of trying to do anything with you before. why would he choose right now, so spontaneously? 
he stands before you, the slightest bit taller than you. you're able to see every pore, every freckle, every microscopic detail in his eyes and lips.
you open your mouth, hoping your heart doesn't fall out, to ask what's happening, when he reveals a bag of Andes mints, one bigger than you've ever seen.
your mouth stays open in surprise. "wh-"
"abby's been talking about them. i wondered where she found out about them but--" he nudges his head towards the coffee table, where a small mound of green wrappers lay. you swear under your breath, cursing yourself for not throwing them away like you usually do. 
"i'm sorry," you whisper, blushing beyond measure as you begin to frantically pack your things. "i should be more careful with that stuff."
"god, y/n, you're saying it like it's coke," mike chuckles. he sets the bag down on the couch and reaches out to you, placing his hand on yours as you shove things into your tote. "hey." 
his voice forces you to stop and look up. you melt under his stare just like you do with abby. the puppy-dog thing must run in the family.
"i feel bad about not being able to pay you yet, and i really appreciate all you're doing. abby told me that you loved those mints, so..."
"thank you, mike," you say over the sound of your pounding heart. you didn't care about the money, you didn't need it. being appreciated by someone who made your heartbeat resonate throughout your body was payment enough. "this is really sweet." 
"thank you, y/n. you don't know how much this means to me." You scoff, throwing your tote over your shoulder and looking down at your feet. 
"i'm always happy to help." you and mike stand facing each other for what feels like hours, the air as thick as molasses between you. his eyes were squinted, low and dark and intriguing.
you wished you could read his mind. what was he thinking? did his heart do the same thing as yours, wacking against his ribcage with no end in sight? did he stay up thinking about you when he was supposed to be sleeping, imagining how you felt, what you sounded like, how you tasted---
"see you later tonight?" his voice rocks you out of your trance. he's not thinking about you. he's tired, wondering when you'll leave so he can fall into his bed and doze off. 
"yeah. tell abby i said i'll see her tonight." your smile is tight as you exit the house, cursing at yourself as you get into your car. 
you didn't know how long you could go on like this. 
ya, i know this sucks and it isn't really anything but we're gonna work our way through these fics and blurbs to really develop a cute relationship (,: i will still be writing other fics for mike, and possibly using another babysitter!reader in a different universe, but as for now, we're gonna be rocking with these two (: (thinking that we’ll label her as 🌱🍫!reader)  all notes are appreciated (: thanks for reading!
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lurkingshan · 9 months
Random BL Grievances, 2023 Edition
Listen. I was going to be nice. I was going to listen to my better angels. Shan, I said, there is no need to hate, it's all love! Just let it all go! But then my Tay Tawan was cruelly ripped away from me and @my-rose-tinted-glasses gave me inspiration. So fuck it, we ball. Hateration turned up to 11, let's go.
Worst Waste of a Good Start: Jun & Jun
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Remember when this show started and it was all about scent kink and extremely horny energy, and then suddenly that all evaporated so we could add a bunch of side plots and do four different love triangles instead? Yeah I'm still mad about it!!
Most Overused Metaphor: Dangerous Romance
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Hey y'all, did you know windmills need wind to power them?
Rudest Boy: Lomfon, La Pluie
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The audacity of this boy. The chaos he sewed. Look at this scene! Immediately after this he not only plotted a secret date with his situationship's brother, he kissed said brother without consent. He made Tien cry. I may have forgiven your lanky ass, but I sure didn't forget!
Worst Retcon: Naughty Babe
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This is not Men in Black and you can't just mind wipe me into forgetting these two already worked through half these issues in Cutie Pie. Not to mention suddenly turning a dog into a CGI tiger!! Thanks to Nat and Max for their service though those sex scenes at the end did help me cope.
Biggest Audience Betrayal: Minato's Laundromat 2
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Plot contrivance amnesia! In my painstaking slow burn self acceptance journey that I have spent two entire seasons on. I will never forgive them.
Most Egregious Lack of Threesomes: Only Friends
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You put me through all that messy drama and all those teases and I did not get to watch even one (1) threesome? Just a couple of kisses and everybody vacates the pool. I ask you, what was the point of Boeing if he wasn't here to fuck everybody! For shame, Jojo.
Most Undeserved Forgiveness: Eun Ji and Tae Hyung, The Eighth Sense
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These two assholes are really up there amongst the worst friends in drama this year. I don't care what Jae Won says, I do not forgive you. Ji Hyun should have kept that petty energy for the both of them.
Biggest Character Letdown: Sand, Only Friends
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Eternally pouring one out for the rougher, more cynical version of Sand who was wielding a baseball bat in the trailer. I don't know what happened to you, my guy, but you live on in my heart.
Most Baffling Dropped Plot: Thyme, A Boss and a Babe
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Why was Drake even in this show? What was the point of all that plot set up in the first half if they weren't going to resolve it?? Why wasn't Thyme the mole??? Make it make sense.
Most Obvious Lack of Purpose: Between Us
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How on earth did this happen? You have literal years to write a compelling sequel story for a wildly popular side ship and this is all you can come up with?! Aside from a couple nice sexy scenes at the start, this show really had no idea what it was about and nothing interesting to say.
Biggest Waste of Everyone's Time: Absolute Zero
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New Siwaj, you're getting the triple dose on this list!! And AZ is your biggest sin this year because what the fuck was this! You had all that money, all that talent, all that time at your disposal, and this is what you did with it. UWMA squad was lined up to see you finally do another masterpiece, and you delivered this mess instead. What is going on with you, sir, I feel it's time for an intervention.
Worst Derailing of a Good Show: Step by Step
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You didn't think this post was ending without me mentioning this disaster, did you? An all-time cautionary tale in how to waste a good slow burn. Jeng deserved better and so did we.
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cod incorrect quotes #12
HEY GUYS. Just fyi, I'm back. Was gone for like a month because this account got shadowbanned (wrongly, I'd like to add) and it took this long to get it fixed but I'm super grateful everything is back to normal and I can go back to posting! Love y'all ♡
the usual jazz, mainly Y/N/Reader stuff, platonic and romantic. ♡♡♡
- Lila
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛ ♛ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´¨)
Soap: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff. Ghost: I witnessed the dumb stuff. Y/N: I recorded the dumb stuff. Alejandro: I joined in on the dumb stuff. Gaz/Rodolfo: WE TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF!!!
Gaz: You know those things will kill you, right? Ghost, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point. Soap, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process. Y/N: Nods while eating raw cookie dough
Price: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Soap: It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back Ghost: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! How did you find this old thing? Gaz: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Y/N: Mental stability, my old friend! Price: Price: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Price: What’s something you guys are better than Ghost at? Gaz: Mario Kart. Soap: Yeah, video games. Y/N: Emotional vulnerability.
Y/N: Bye Rudy! Bye Soap! Bye Ghost! Bye Alejandro! Bye Rudy! Soap: You said ‘bye Rudy’ twice. Y/N: I like Rudy.
Price: Anyone d- Gaz: Depressed? Ghost: Drained? Soap: Dumb? Y/N: Disliked? Price: -done with their work…what is wrong with you people…
Gaz: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one! Soap: Tubular AF! Y/N: Mood to the max! Price, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it. Ghost, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Ghost: Nothing in life is free. Gaz: Love is free! Soap: Adventure is free. Price: Knowledge is free. Y/N: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Rodolfo: What does 'take out' mean? Soap: Food. Gaz: Dating Ghost: Murder Y/N: IT CAN MEAN ALL THREE IF YOU'RE NOT A COWARD.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. Gaz: Shit. Ghost: Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? Y/N: OH MY GOD SOAP FELL OFF!!!
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛   ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨) “Hie thee home, little wanderer.”
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marksbear · 2 years
"Fuck you Hargrove."
  Warnings!  Cheating, being abusive, arguing, fighting, smoking and drinking, ANGST TO FLUFF, getting better, football and popular male readers
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The both of you loved each other, but wasn't made for each other.
You and Billy were sitting at an empty lunch table in silence watching other students pass by yall. Some girls walking past yall giggling and blushing to one another pointing at you or Billy. Billy smirks and checks the girls out with no shame hiding it earning a death glare from you and a knee slap.
The two of you ruled the school. Always out shining King Steve and both of you sharing a mutual hatred for him. Billy was popular with the girls and bullies and you were popular with the mean girls and jocks. 
You both used to hate each other until in the locker room you two accidentally kissed. You had slipped on some water going forward and lips landed on Billy’s own. Billy had quickly pushed you away. The both of you just stared at each other like did that really happen. Billy grabs you by your hair pulling you down for a kiss. The two of you make-out for almost half the period only pulling away from each other when other people enter.
You two became official when it was after a party in the middle of the night rain pouring down on the two of you. You were taller than Billy so you wrapped your arm around his shoulders and walked him to the park. He was confused why were you taking him to the park but didn’t argue. Once you two were at the park you walked to a bench table, took your shirt off and lay down on the table.
“Cmon blue, lay down with me.” Billy was taken back by the nickname but takes his shirt off and lays down next to you. “Aren't they beautiful?” You ask pointing at the stars while the rain hits y'all's naked stomachs and chest. 
Billy doesn’t respond verbally just giving a little nod yes. “Billy…” Billy turns to look at you. The rain makes you look hot. Well that's what Billy thinks anyway. You cup one of his cheeks with your hand pulling him closer to your heads resting against each other.
“Be mine blue. I can change your life.”
Billy looks up into your eyes like are you serious look. You take note of the look and kiss him lovely and passionately. The two of you stay like that for a long time. Kissing each other and hugging. You two stay at the park for hours until you take his hand pulling him off the table with you walking in the dim streets. That moment was the best thing that ever happened to Billy.
Too bad that the both of you were a mess. 
After that night the two of you stayed with each other most of the time day and night, never apart from each other. Well one day you wanted to surprise Billy and with the help of Max you snuck in the house.
The parents of the two were gonna be gone all week so it was the perfect time to see your boyfriend. It was music blasting in his room which you didn’t mind and opened the door. “Hey Bill, oh…” Billy was on the bed fucking some chick from your school.
Billy quickly was about to shout get out thinking it was his annoying sister but freezes when he sees it's you. He quickly scrambles for his clothes telling the girl to get out and the girl rushes out of the room. You stare at him with anger and slap him across the face. “Fuck you Hargrove!” you spat.
And this time you punch him walking out of the room ignoring your boyfriend's pleas and prays for you to stay. You walk to max room and give her a quick thank you and bye before heading out the house. 
After that day You and Billy were still together. But this time the relationship have so much tension. The two of you mostly sitting in silence drinking or smoking. Never sparring the other a glance only when needed. Sometimes when you felt petty you’d kiss a guy or a girl in front of Billy. Yall two always fought each other.
Not even as a playful way I mean full out choking,punching and kicking each other. And the arguments were heated some even turning into hate sex. 
But the two of you weren’t always like this. When one another is having a bad day it's the non toxic side of you wanting to take care of him. When his dad gives him a hard day you’ll hug him and give him gentle kisses not sharing a word. While he crys onto you holding onto you for dear life. 
Another thing yall two do with each other is just going on dates. Like taking him to movies and bowling. Billy's favorite thing to do with each other is when you just walk around town sometimes driving to a new city before coming back home. Holding hands as the two walk around the town smoking and the few words yall say is “I love you bills.” or “Y/n I love ya.” 
It doesn’t matter how much the two of you argue and fight yall still care about each other. Helping each other fight. Yall even jumped Steve in the locker room. Walking each other to class not caring if anyone sees. He used to care about PDA until he realizes that he cares more about you than his reputation. 
He begins to stick up to his dad, showing off your relationship to his friends and family and not giving a damn. You two ultimately run away with each other after the both of you graduate getting the hell out of Hawkins when things get weird.  
When the two of you get older and go to college y'all get yalls relationship act together.
No more cheating, no more fights and especially no more arguing. The both of you do great in college with you getting a scholarship in football and Billy gets a scholarship to engineering. Both of you end up buying a house together and adopting a son. 
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ninelivesastrology · 5 months
Some of y'all about to be mad at me, but it must be said.The Tortured Poets Department is her worst album and it will not age well for me. At one point in the Anthology I just started skipping songs thirty seconds in. She does sound like she's trying to channel LDR at some points vocally and the whole imgonnagetyouback, like she is not beating the Olivia Rodrigo beef allegations. Just be Taylor.
Neither Midnights or this album deserve Album of the Year. Even Midnights made me feel like she was falling off a bit. Bejeweled being a promotional single just for the Eras Tour and not a return to full on pop. I would pick GUTS over this in a heartbeat.
I think in efforts to sound more mature, refined and tortured, she sounds immature, sloppy, kind of like a teenage girl that was grounded and misses prom rather than ghosted and traumatized. There is no angst in this album. It's boring. I could fall asleep listening to it. Matty Healy is not a muse. He's a situationship you scream into your notes app about and every song should've been left in her notes app, like not even in the vault.
This whole Matty Healy thing just trashes her and her entire discography because to even imply that she's been writing about him this whole time is like getting to the twist in a movie and it ruins the entire movie. I should not be in the shower wondering if she wrote Mastermind about Matty Healy. I don't even like Mastermind.
Jack's production doesn't help at all because so many of these songs blur into each other. Like he's off his game, too, he just gets lazy when it comes to her, it's abhorrent and it looks spiteful at this point. I would 100% fire him and pay for Max Martin.
Taylor as a Capricorn Rising needs to go back to being cryptic, private and elusive. Instead of desperately trying to hold this rat's attention and exposing him to the attention he never wanted out of spite. Her way of getting even would've been so much better if she just got with Travis and didn't pour so much of Matty into that album. I could understand if it was 3 songs... But over 25 is crazy which I think is the point.
We have all pined for or stayed with someone who did us dirty for way too long. This doesn't make her a tortured poet though.
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callme-dickmaster · 2 years
Sweetheart - (eddie munson x reader)
Ch. Five - Bullshit/Mildly Attractive Men Are The Downfall Of Y/n Mayfield
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summary: nancy decides being a stupid teenager for the night is worth risking her relationship; y/n takes a sad steve harrington home. cw: 18+ (minors dni) this is obnoxiously long, unfortunate use of y/n, idk if i projected in this, it's possible in every chapter, language, high school party, underage drinking, small smutty bit, like the tiniest bit -i think that's all- author's note: y'all... this one hits different. i'm trying to push these out quick because i'm feeling okay enough to not sleep all day. it shouldn't take too long to get next few chapters out. i also took out the pairing because i don't think it fit with this chapter ;) let me know if i missed any warnings. love you <3
<<Part 4 --- Part 6 >>
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Nancy and Y/n branched off to the kitchen island when Billy and his boyfriends rocked up to shit talk to Steve. Y/n didn’t bother with the punch and grabbed the bottle of Jack next to it and poured a double into her solo cup. Nancy went straight in and started downing punch.
“Hey, hey, hey, Nancy! Slow down! Steve said, grabbing at her cup.
“We’re just stupid teenagers for the night. That was the deal, right?” Nancy snapped before dancing her way into the crowd. Steve sighed and leaned on the counter.
Y/n went and leaned against the wall and sipped her drink. She was bored and wished she had hung out with Max instead. She dug into her jacket for her prepared “stuff” to get at least a tiny bit hyped for the party. Lighting the joint and smiling to herself as she blew out the smoke.
A while later, Y/n looked up when Girls on Film started playing and she snickered to herself, “Shit, they knew you were coming, Harrington!” she said quietly. She laughed at Steve trying to make eye contact with her as he pointed to the speakers and to himself. Y/n gave him a mocking thumbs-up before puffing on her blunt again. She squinted at him and smiled goofily, earning a laugh from the guy dancing with his girlfriend.
Nancy noticed Y/n by herself and danced her way over to her. “Y/n, come on! It’s a party! You’re supposed to dance!” Nancy slurred, already drunk after guzzling punch for the last hour. Y/n shook her head with a grin, “I don’t dance, man.” Nancy rolled her eyes and pulled Y/n into the crowd.
“Steve! Y/n said she doesn’t dance!” Nancy said like she was tattling on her. Y/n shrugged, twirling her joint in her fingers. “Well, we gotta fix that!” Steve exclaimed, grabbing Y/n’s hand and forcing her to dance.
“You’re lucky I can smoke with no hands,” she said. Steve laughed and twirled himself under her arm. The dancing combined with the weed was allowing Y/n to have a good time with herself. The group shared Y/n’s joint until she finished it off during a KISS song. Y/n almost looked offended that they would play KISS while she was there. Nancy giggled drunkenly at Y/n’s anger about the band before running off to grab more punch. Steve sighed and followed her. It had been more than enough.
Y/n shrugged and continued to dance. “Hey! You’re the new girl right?!” A girl with curly strawberry blonde hair and dressed in a scratched-up white dress asked when she danced her way over to Y/n.
Y/n nodded, bopping to the music. “Cool! I’m Carol!” the girl said over the music. Y/n smiled and waved at Anna when she also danced her way over with a couple more girls. Usually, Y/n would’ve thought these types of girls wouldn’t give her the time of day, but she guessed Steve and Nancy were pretty popular around here.
Y/n and Anna winced when they saw Nancy spill her drink all over her white costume. She huffed and stormed off into a bathroom with Steve trailing after her.
Carol and the few other girls around just giggled stupidly at Nancy’s misfortune in front of everyone. Yeah, exactly as Y/n thought. Mean girls who were only out to push themselves up the ladder. “So… is Billy your, like, boyfriend? Or…” one of the girls asked, swaying a little too close to Y/n.
Y/n physically gagged in disgust at the thought of dating Billy. “Hell no! He’s my stepbrother. He’s all yours!” Y/n said, waving her hand at them. The gaggle of girls squealed together and trampled over to Billy’s little circle of friends in the middle of the crowd. Anna and Y/n laughed at the girls trying to stumble over each other for Billy’s attention.
The fun didn’t last much longer when Y/n saw Steve come downstairs and go straight outside. “Uh, I think something went down,” she said, staring at the back door. Anna looked at Y/n and then to the door she was staring at when Steve came barreling back inside.
“You okay?” Anna asked. Y/n nodded, “I don’t think Nancy or Steve is. I’m gonna go check on them,” Anna nodded quickly, and Y/n pushed through the dancing teenagers to follow Steve out the front door. Y/n had to run to catch up to him. “Steve! Hey, Steve! Harrington!” Y/n yelled sharply.
He whirled around at her tone but couldn’t find it in him to say anything. Y/n jogged up to him and put a hand on his arm. “What happened?” she asked. Steve shook his head, refusing to look at her. Y/n searched for his eyes and sighed. Steve finally looked her in the eye, trembling lip and all, making her eyes widen.
“Sh-she said I was bullshit…” he whispered. He looked pitiful. Y/n didn’t know what to say. On one hand, Nancy was her friend, and she didn’t want to talk badly about her, but on the other, Steve was her friend too and he needed support. Fuck. Y/n flinched and balled up her hands when Steve wrapped her up in a hug, hiding his face in her shoulder. She relaxed and hugged him back, wincing when he started fully crying in her arms.
“Here, gimme your keys. You aren’t driving like this,” Y/n said firmly. Steve wiped his cheeks and gave her his car keys before flopping down in the passenger seat. Y/n got in the driver’s side, and they drove away. Steve sighed sadly as the house disappeared behind them. He was worried to leave Nancy alone while she was drunk, but Jonathan said he would take care of her. And there was the fact that she didn’t love him anymore… if at all…
“Steve.” He jumped and turned to the girl driving his car. Y/n smiled comfortingly, “You still wanna watch Risky Business? You can even make fun of me for being confused because it’s inevitable that I will be,” she asked.
Steve laughed and sniffled, “Yeah, sure. I’ll try and be gentle on you.”
Y/n smiled and turned on the radio. Whip It by DEVO started playing, forcing a grin onto her face. Such a Steve song to play.
Steve told her directions to his house and despite feeling like shit because of Nancy, he was smiling. He glanced down at her hand that was resting on the console between them and took it in his. Y/n looked at him to find he was just looking at her tattoos. Well, he was at first. After a minute of looking at and tracing her tattoos with his finger, he ended up just holding her hand. Y/n allowed it. He was in a rough spot and any comfort she could provide was fine with her.
She gaped a little at his house when they pulled up. It was nice. Nicer than any house Y/n had been in. If you didn’t know he had money, you would be surprised too! Y/n turned off the car and checked the back to make sure there wasn’t anything of Nancy’s to give her. Steve met her at the front of the car and quickly locked their hands back together. She pulled him up to the house before looking up at him and handing him his keys. Steve was still staring at their hands. Y/n wished she could tell what he was thinking. She made the mistake of leaning closer to find his eyes.
The silence and tension must have been too much for Steve because he leaned in and kissed her, cupping her cheek. Y/n inhaled sharply and clenched her fists at her sides, unintentionally squeezing Steve’s hand.
The pressure on his hand snapped him out of it and he pulled back, covering his mouth. “I’m sorry! I…” Y/n only laughed. “It’s chill, Steve. Sometimes you need a distraction. I get it. Trust me, I get it,” she said, entering the house. He stood on the porch for a second, stunned. How can she be so nonchalant about everything? And why was she being so nice to him? “You coming, man?” Y/n asked. Steve nodded, running a hand through his hair.
They both decided they wanted to change out of their costumes, so when Steve came downstairs to see her still in hers scanning the movie rack he was confused.
“I thought you wanted to change?” he asked.
“Ah, I didn’t bring any other clothes, so I’ll just wear this,” Y/n shrugged.
Steve hummed and thought for a second. “Hold on, I’ll get you some,” he then disappeared upstairs before she could convince him not to. (Because she easily could.) Y/n pursed her lips and sighed, sitting on the couch with the movies she picked. Steve came back down shortly after with the clothes folded and handed them to her. When she went to protest he told her to ‘shut up and change before I do it for you.’ Y/n simply nodded and went into the bathroom.
Steve finally took a second to breathe and think. It’s like she said: he just needed a distraction. It doesn’t mean anything to either of them whatever happens. No biggie. Steve looked at the tapes she left on the couch and tilted his head to read them. Halloween, Poltergeist, Risky Business, The Outsiders. He smiled and placed Risky Business on the bottom. It can wait.
Y/n came out of the bathroom after he got the TV set up, dressed in his clothes, no makeup, and a nervous look in her eye. “I thought we were watching Risky Business?” she asked.
The menu screen for Halloween was up and playing the famous piano theme on a loop. Steve shrugged, “I figured we could watch it later. I haven’t seen this one yet.” It was Y/n’s turn to gape at him.
“You’ve never seen Halloween?! This is, like, my all-time favorite movie!” she exclaimed, falling next to him on the couch. Steve laughed and shrugged, “I guess I’ve never been a horror movie guy.” Y/n squinted and shook her head at him. “Disappointed in you boy,” she said. He snickered and pressed play. “This is literally my comfort movie. It’s so good,” Y/n piped up during the opening credits. Steve giggled, tossing one of his arms over the back of the couch.
After a few minutes of watching, Steve was feeling very lonely again. “Hey, Y/n?” she hummed in response, still staring at the screen. “Could we be, like, closer?” Steve asked, opening his arms. Y/n shrugged and nodded, scooting closer to him and laying herself on his chest, wrapping her arms around him. Steve smiled, running his hand up and down her back as a thank you.
“Hey, Steve, you never told me you were, like, rich. It totally doesn’t matter, but you never told me,” Y/n said, still watching the movie. “Yeah, my dad’s money? No thanks. I would rather set myself up and do my own thing, you know? I always had this dream of a big family, big house, nice job, no worries… Stuff like that. Pretty wife to come home to… Guess it’s not like I hoped it would be now, huh?” Steve asked still playing with her hair. Y/n set her chin on his chest to look up at him. “You can still have your family dream, Steve. Just because it isn’t with Nancy doesn’t mean your life is over. It just means maybe she wasn’t the one!” she said hopefully.
Steve just nodded twirling her hair in his hands. He kept going back to the moment on the porch. Y/n’s lips were soft. Softer than he expected. He wasn’t trying to push it, but he really wanted to do it again. Just a distraction… Steve ran his thumb on her cheek before slowly leaning in to kiss her again. Y/n hesitated but kissed him back this time. Steve sat them up, making Y/n end up in his lap as they kissed. She opened her eyes and pulled away, hanging her head with a sigh.
“Steve, no. You’re not in a good place and I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you,” she said. Steve shook his head quickly, “You’re not taking advantage of me. I just… I just need this. Kinda…” he stuttered.
Y/n squinted suspiciously at the boy she was still on top of, and he squeezed her hips. She didn’t have an issue with sex, it was the situation that made her weary. “Please… please?” Steve breathed, kissing her cheek.
Y/n sighed heavily. Fuck it.
She finally just shrugged, throwing her morals out the window and kissing Steve again. He groaned, wrapping his arms around her, and returning the kiss enthusiastically. Y/n pulled away to quickly strip them both of their shirts before continuing. Steve smiled into their kiss when Y/n ran her hands through his hair, pulling it roughly as they rocked against each other. This was way faster and steamier than any other time he’d had with Nancy. Nancy always seemed nervous and stiff, but Y/n was currently taking control and moving fluidly with Steve.
He tossed his head back, gasping when she started to actually grind on him. Y/n smirked, kissing his neck, and laying her head on his shoulder. “Fuck, you’re good at this!” Steve laughed breathlessly. Y/n paused and shrugged, “I’ve had some practice.” Steve smiled, kissing her quickly before fumbling to take his sweatpants off. Y/n laughed, sitting up so he could take them off. Steve smiled up at her and brought her to him again. Steve’s eyebrows pinched together, and he groaned when her fingers touched his dick through his underwear. “B-bedroom?” Steve panted. Y/n nodded, yelping when he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Shit what did I get myself into?!
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taglist: @sisgotdemons @tlclick733 @deafeningmoontragedy @marjoriea13 @playfuloutcast @twosluttychains @leetaeilsnecktattoo @lil-quinnie @razzles-bottom-lip @originalstar1 @yessargeantbarnes @bebe0701 @shotgunhallelujah @uselessastheginlasagnaa @mynameismothra @niragis-right-hand-rabbit @shecagobaby @moviefreak1205 @munsonmunster @chonkzombie @sadbitchfangirl @screaming-blue-bagel @urdad-hot @kjaxm @xxaestheticboyxx @ok-boke @coffeeaddictednymph
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tiny author's note: yeah. that happened. you're welcome. i need it to advance the plot... nothing else... shh... <3
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wonder-never-wander · 2 years
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I posted 8,296 times in 2022
That's 5,985 more posts than 2021!
206 posts created (2%)
8,090 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,122 of my posts in 2022
#save - 303 posts
#supercorp - 165 posts
#max and will - 120 posts
#will dot hellsite - 79 posts
#sc - 75 posts
#kara danvers - 58 posts
#me - 51 posts
#z-money - 42 posts
#supergirl - 40 posts
#lena luthor - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#cat staring down at a pap shot of kara pressing lena against a wall three fingers deep and all she has to do is sigh to let kara know she’s
My Top Posts in 2022:
She's fucking here again.
The blonde with glasses. She comes in here sometimes, mostly with friends and stuff. Her name starts with a K.
Kamron? Katelyn? Whatever. Not my business.
What is my business, however, is how she always breaks something.
Every time she's in here, she leaves finger-shaped dents in the bar, or shatters a glass, or snaps a pool stick in half. Always laughing with her friends, breaking shit.
Every. Single. Time.
So you'll imagine my confusion (and, if we're being honest, relief) when she walks in by herself. She started to plop herself down, eyes downcast and face very timid.
Now, I don't know very much about reading people, and even I could see the exact moment she decided not to plop down, instead lowering herself very carefully.
So carefully, in fact, it seemed as if she was floating.
It wouldn't surprise me, at this point. Byproduct of working an alien dive bar, i suppose.
At least she didn't break any furniture.
"Your usual?" I asked her, already grabbing a glass from under the bar.
She hesitated, lifting her (suspiciously red) eyes to scan the shelves behind me, then nodded.
I don't ask questions. If I questioned every single high person that came into the bar, I would never leave.
So instead, I made her club soda and set it on the bar in front of her, picking up the 5 dollar bill she had set down.
"Thanks," she said shortly, quietly, pulling the cherry out of the top and popping it in her mouth.
I wiped down the bar where I had made her drink -- if you can count a club soda as a drink -- and moved on.
About 30 minutes later, I came back to do one last round before I clocked out and went home. Sitting next to Blondie was a woman with dark hair and strikingly green eyes.
Blondie's eyes had cleared up, no longer looking like she was stoned out of her mind. They were both smiling.
"Can I get y'all anything?" I asked, internally groaning. Blondie's Friend seemed like the kind of person to order the most complicated, time-consuming drink.
"Uh, just a scotch, please. Macgallan," she said cooly, handing me a 20.
Top-shelf. Not bad.
After it was poured and handed off, I turned to Blondie. She was staring at the side of Top-shelf's face, her eyes practically heart-eyes.
I want to say I waited patiently. It would be a lie. I waited very impatiently, in fact.
Top-shelf looked over and got Blondie's attention. Instead of her being embarrassed, you know, like a normal person, she just kept staring.
"What is it for you, Blondie?" I asked through clenched teeth, irritated, resisting the urge to look at my watch.
"Another of the same," she said, pushing her glass forward. I grabbed it and refilled her drink, all the while doing my best to conceal my eavesdropping.
"Why does everyone call me "Blondie"? My sister's ex-girlfriend, my bosses, plural, my sister when she's mad," Blondie listed, counting on her fingers exasperatedly.
"You know you're... blonde, right?" Top-shelf reminded her, trying (and failing) to keep a straight face. "And no offense, but you act like one sometimes, too."
See the full post
43 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Nia: Bow down for our lord and savior, Minecraft Christ!
Kara: I only understood half of the words you just said.
51 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
i made a uquiz!!
answer some questions and i'll tell you what color i associate you with
77 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
"Dr. John Seward, the lunatic-asylum man, with the strong jaw and the good forehead."
118 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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124 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sassypotatoe1 · 2 months
I should be working but this thought is plaguing me I have childhood friends that are kinda dumb /aff who have certified genius parents and I have childhood friends that are certified geniuses with certified genius parents and y'all wanna know what made the difference? Not genetics! The patience their parents had for them.
The kinda dumb childhood friends had strict af parents. The mom is a high school science teacher who got snappy if they said or asked anything "dumb" and refused to help them with school because she got frustrated when they didn't get something. It was their dad's responsibility to help them with homework and school projects, and he's a religious nut, white supremacist and was more interested in their performance in sports. He has his own high school sports medals and trophies on display in their house. Neither of the kids are white supremacists or religious nuts but they were kinda stunted on how they could develop their world view and knowledge base because of their parents, who for all intents and purposes aren't dumb.
Their mother is a brilliant science teacher, she understands chemistry and physics like no other high school science teacher I've ever met, she frequently reads new studies and research to expand her knowledge and understanding of the things she teaches. Their father is brilliant at sport, and I don't mean strong or fit or skilled I mean he is an excellent strategist and coach. He understands the human body like no one's business and can accommodate his coaching method depending on a person's individual needs, including for disabled athletes.
They're both certified geniuses, but because they didn't have the patience or grace for their children, those children are just perfectly average and sometimes a little stunted in some areas.
The other childhood friends are certified geniuses. The daughter has like 6 degrees at this point and is a year younger than me at 23. The son is an excellent pool player, chess player, coder and programmer, and also good at art for some reason. Bro maxed out left and right brain use (a myth I'm saying this for the meme). Their parents actively participated in helping them grow and develop.
The mother has a psychology degree, a management accounting degree, an IT diploma and 35 years of experience in programming. The father is a mechanical engineer. They (with the help of the psychology degree) started supporting and developing their children early. The daughter was in lessons for like 8 musical instruments at like 4. The son started playing chess at 5. They had every resource poured into their education, both in terms of money and in terms of support. Mother and son worked together on programming, father and daughter on math.
The daughter, with the help of her mom, had like 3 jobs while studying her 6 degrees. She did house sitting, tutoring and sign language interpretation. She is paying for her current applied mathematics degree in cash on her own.
The son, after we spoke a bit about art and digital art and game design, bought his own tools and programs, joined the art class at his school, went on YouTube and taught himself how to draw. And I don't mean doodle. He learned perspective, lighting, color theory, all the techniques and shit in less than a year. His dad had him do extra chores for more pocket money so he could fund this. He's studying game design and programming this year.
They turned out like this because their parents put in the effort to focus on their needs, desires and challenges rather than their performance. They had patience and grace for them, they supported them immensely and when they couldn't they gave them the tools to support themselves.
So no intelligence is not genetic, and strict parentage don't a genius make; but support, patience and grace does set up your child for incredible success. It is your job as a parent to help your kid build a better life for themselves than you had for yourself, and it's your job to do it with kindness, not shame.
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acanvasofabillionsuns · 4 months
return of the good day list!!! it's been a minute how y'all doing ianf;skdfja
my aunt is over so i got to hang out with her some that's been nice :] we had lunch together and stuff
it was pouring rain on and off this afternoon la;kjf;alsjf i did have to go out in it and get soaked to pick my sister up from school but it was fun to listen to inside (and it was kinda fun to run out in too al;ksjdf;ldf)
texted with a friend i haven't talked to in a bit!! that was p nice
iiii ran a dnd oneshot!!!! max played it and they'd been helping me with building it some + as i ran it in a couple spots but i still got them with some of my tricks and they said they had fun so!!!!! :D!!!
my dad went to trader joe's and picked up some treats!! and got some pizza dough so we had homemade pizza for dinner!!
my aunt and i had leftover perlo for lunch it was v yummy
i made brownies yesterday and had one of them after dinner tonight :-) still have one left so i'll get to enjoy that tomorrow
dyed my hair!! (just the ends but like. still a good few inches on the ends) it's purple again!!!! my aunt helped and it was fun chatting with her while we worked on it + she said she had fun doing it :D
ordered a thing i needed to order and while i have so few moneys now i am glad to get that checked off the list
read some good fics :-)
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Crazy guy on NYC train threatens to stab passengers!!!
I'm tired of him doing this we monitor practically everywhere I don't want him doing this this is a wasted time then he has to talk to our son I mean he acts like Garth all the time this guy is a spoiled piece of s*** and so is the idiot Garth and we don't want them around this is baby stuff okay it's dangerous too to other people it's ridiculous this guy is nothing next door in a few days he will be absolutely nothing we have to figure out what's going on and why we can't get him out it's really tough I mean you turn around and then some other idiot there trying to keep him here so he says we'll get rid of them that's what we do none of these idiots are going to be around cuz it's moron and we don't want to for president nobody does so I guess you all have to go before November including the clones cuz you won't get one stupid a****** ever since face
Thor Freya
If this guy Trump wins were screwed worse everybody you have to see what they're saying get out of their face get the trumps out of here this sucks really bad and I agree if you try and do anything positive they're right on you
I've had it these complaints are pouring in from everywhere all over the world it says good you hire them and I am to get rid of these idiot trumpsters
Mac daddy
This is terrible the guys are raging f****** homo will not leave him alone thinks he's playing with him and the language out of our friend is horrendous horrendous what he's doing to this guy is disgusting and anybody would leave him alone because he's not even there anymore it's gross he says it too you have a zombie next to me it's a wild card and usually I can do what I want we have to move them out
Michael tew
If you think it's good for business you're going to be very surprised
Zues Hera
He says it to us too and we forget and we lose he's out to get all the ships he's got a ton of them the empire was taking a beating by the foreigners I mean this is not pretty they're going to be forced to take the ships out and they're trying to get them to take them out they want them the hell out of there it's disgusting this whole plan is now it's a swill hole because y'all sitting on your f****** ass doing nothing I'm tired of this s*** you're all f****** morons you too Max you want to sit there and wait till you're forced to do everything it's like their schedule you moron pilea
Mac daddy
I'll tell you what this Pontiac stuff is so rich this idiot should be all over it and he doesn't want to do anything he doesn't know he's taking over and he's a s*** head I'll tell you what we got to get the f*** out of here this place sucks and her friend says it's not that bad you have a diet you stick to it you change it up if you have a problem and I figure that out no but elsewhere you know we have to do something different and he says why don't you get the week f****** a****** moron off me the guys just sitting there suggesting I do stuff and I don't do some of it or do some of it he's a freaking loser it's like Garth he doesn't do anything the guy is like weekly said he is no power I mean now now Trump has hardly any power and so he's doing stuff and it's through the roof it is disgusting and Max said okay there's a Chinese lady with him it's not a sister so I saw that and I said wow you're a freaking moron he really is
Ben our friend says if it's the sisters see it the other way it looks so real that the Chinese are doing it they're having to do stuff stupid this is terrible
0 notes
astroluvr · 2 years
Spilled Milk
Summary: You and Jack are co-parents, and have been for three years. The night he coincidentally comes over the night of your date, the kind of feelings and milk you cry over are spilled.
a/n: my love for co-parenting jack has reached a 17k word (allegedly) boiling point. it's a little messy, but i hope y'all enjoy!
Just as you were clasping your necklace around your neck, you heard a series of firm knocks from the down the hall, sending you flying down the hall. “Coming!”  
You tugged down at the hem of your dress as you scuffled to the door with your unzipped sandals. You groaned when you stumbled over Elle’s toybox before finally getting the door open. The chipper greeting that sat on your tongue faded when you saw who was standing at your threshold.  
“Jack?” you cringed involuntarily and Jack smiled. “Hey, what are you doing here?”  
You took a step back to let him in and he glided in, throwing his jacket over the side of the couch with a curious look. “Max told me he finished that volcano he was working on and I promised I’d stop by to look at it. They aren’t in bed, yet, are they?”  
“Oh, Jack.” you sighed, putting your hand on your forehead. “I didn’t know you were stopping by today, my mom got them.”  
“Fuck, that is right.”  
“Yeah, he didn’t even mention he invited you over, otherwise I would’ve called.”  
“Nah, it’s your weekend, anyway. I’ll go ahead and dip.”  
“Wait, do you want to try these cookies I made?” you invited Jack to the kitchen where you had a plate of cookies sitting out. “I waited until the kids left.”  
“Did you make edibles?” Jack furrowed his eyebrows and you chuckled.  
“No, I’m not that cool. I just didn’t want to share.”  
“But you’ll share with me, how sweet.”  
“We’re past the bitter break-up phase, aren’t we?”  
“Mmhmm.” he hummed as he sat on your barstool and picked up a cookie. 
You and Jack had broken up after seven years together three years back. Your son, Max, was only three and your daughter, Elle, was only one. The split was hard for all four of you, especially with the kids being so small and having no concept of what was going on. Things got easier when you and Jack got into a groove of switching off weekends and eventually organizing weekly dinners, but there was still a slightly lingering tension between the both of you.  
“Hey, what are you doing all dressed up?”  
“You’re just noticing. Every time you’ve seen me, I’ve been in sweats.” you laughed, taking a bite of another cookie.  
“Well, what are you doing tonight?”  
“I’m just going out.”  
“With who? Your friends?”  
“Jack, why do you care?” you chuckled while pouring yourself a glass of milk.  
“Maybe I want to hang out with you.” you flicked your eyes up skeptically and scoffed when you saw Jack’s smug smirk.  
“I’m going on a date.” you edged out, biting back a smile.  
“A what?”  
“A date.”  
“How much did you pay him?” Jack snorted and you frowned at him. “Oh, you’re being deadass?”  
“Yes, and he’s supposed to be here in a few minutes.”  
“You found a guy that’s okay with dating you with me as your baby daddy? Damn, that’s a keeper.”  
“Can you be serious? And can you start with helping me put on this necklace?” you walked around the island with a simple gold necklace in hand, holding it out to Jack.  
Despite being a good distance away from the tall man, he stepped closer to you, nearly breathing down your neck as he made sure the center of the necklace was perfectly set on your cleavage. Over all the time you two spent together, Jack had become perfect at clasping your necklaces or zipping up the back of your dresses. When you first broke up, it wasn’t something you expected to associate with him for so long.  
“There you go.” Jack murmured, adjusting the chain of the necklace before taking a step back.  
"Thank you.”  
He gave you a curt nod before sitting back down at the island, seemingly making himself comfortable. Even when he came over to hang out with the kids, he was standoffish until something broke the ice. You made a slight show of checking the time on your phone, knowing that Jack was watching you, but instead of him clearing his throat and politely leaving, he remained sat. You watched as he leaned back in the chair he was in, slightly spreading his legs with his hands splayed on his thighs as if he were analyzing you.  
“So, how long have you and this guy been going out? First date?”  
“Well, Emmett and I have known each other for a while and then a few months ago, he asked me out and it's been sort of a... every other weekend thing since.” you shrugged, playing it off as casual as Jack puckered his lips slightly and nodded.  
“So, when do I get to meet him?”  
You couldn’t help but scoff and let out a chuckle at that. 
“I’m being for real, Y/N. I mean, it seems like y’all are getting serious. I want to meet the guy that’s going to be around my kids before they’re around him.”  
“Well, I’m sure we can work something out if it gets to that. I can try and figure out a way where the five of us can get together.”  
Jack made a sour expression at the thought of there being five of you and cringing at how nonchalant you came across.  
“No, I mean before he meets the kids.”  
At that, you furrowed your eyebrows and narrowed your eyes. “Excuse me?”  
“If you and Emmett get serious and you want to introduce him to the kids, I want to meet him first.” 
“And why do you feel the need to do that?”  
“I want to know who’s going to be spending time with my kids.”  
“Introducing them doesn’t mean that he’ll be spending time with them and by that time, I’ll know who he is and whether or not I feel comfortable allowing him with them.” you spoke sternly, growing agitated with the tall brunette. “I’m a very capable mother.”  
“I know that, but what would be the problem with me meeting him? Being a second opinion.”  
“I don’t need a second opinion on my damn love life, Jack.”  
“If you’re bringing him around my kids, then that’s how it’s going to be.”  
“Who the hell do you think you are? If you want to meet him after I introduce him, I’m okay with that, but you won’t meet him before, I’m sorry.”  
“Then you won’t bring him around.” Jack shrugged, and you couldn’t fight the sneer that flashed across your face.  
“You are so immature.” you hissed at him, expecting the vapid remark to be enough to make him snap out of it, but instead he stood from the chair.  
“I’m immature?” you nodded as you busied yourself with throwing random things in the trash or shoving it into place. “It’s immature to want to know who’s around you? Who you’re bringing around my kids?”  
“Oh, my God, give up the ‘my kids’ speech. This is about your ego and wanting to keep me from moving on even though every time I open Instagram, there’s news about you out with some girl. What if I asked to meet your latest arm candy because who knows how many times the kids have seen some random girl’s clothes or a hickey or something!”  
“That’s not the same and you fucking know it.”  
“But it’s just as petty. When you dated that one girl six months after we broke up, I didn’t ask to meet her when you two took the two of them out for ice cream and the kids came back just raving about her. Do you know why Jack?”  
He went to open his mouth, but your fierce anger was enough to shut him down.  
“Because I trust your judgement and respect you as a parent, but you can’t do that same thing for me? You don’t even have any business knowing who I’m seeing because you and I aren’t together anymore. We’re not even friends, Jack.” you bit, and Jack puffed his chest up.  
“If I find out that he met the kids before I did, I am going to-”  
“You’re going to what?” you let out a humorless laugh and Jack was almost sure he saw your eye twitch. “You are unbelievable, Jack. You’re so unfair and entitled to what’s not yours anymore.”  
“I’m unfair?” he smirked, bending slightly to point a finger against his broad chest and look you in your eyes. “I’m unfair?”  
“Yes.” you mumbled quietly, crossing your arms.  
“You know what? It’s always been me that’s unfair and I’ve accepted it. I’m always unfair when I’m trying to do the right thing by us and I’m fucking tired of it.”  
“There’s no us anymore, Jack. We can’t talk about that stuff anymore. The only “us” is the kids, me, and you. There is no us.”  
“I fucking know that!” he yelled, making you flinch. “I know that when this guy comes into your life for good, I’m being replaced. I know that, but you cannot blame me for trying. You were my first fucking love, Y/N, you’re still the only woman I’ll love like this. I know I’m the bad guy- I know I’m the guy that couldn’t be bothered to make it home on time because he was drunk. And I know that you’re this angel that I didn’t fucking deserve. I know you found Mr. Perfect; I know you found the guy that’s not going to put you through what I did, but when you figure that out, when you’re sure of that, what we had, the smallest bit of what we had, is gone. It’s going to be gone and I won’t be able to do anything about it!”  
At the end of his rant, his fist crashed to the counter, rattling the glass of milk and sending it to the floor. There wasn’t a shadow of doubt in your mind that Jack would ever hurt you, but it didn’t stop you from taking a step back and swallowing before looking in his murky blue eyes.  
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” he sniffled, dragging his hands down his face and cursing to himself. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m acting like this. I’ll leave.”  
“It’s okay.” you shook your head, blinking back your tears to keep his guilt away. “No, we can talk.”  
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” you nodded in understanding but kept your eyes on the milk dripping onto the floor. “C’mon, look at me.”  
You sniffled when Jack stepped closer and allowed him to cup your cheeks and tilt your head up towards him. The sob you let out started in your chest and as soon as Jack saw the hiccup and quiver of your lips, he pulled you into his chest, one hand against the back of your head and the other on your lower back.  
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.” he whispered, and you pulled back.  
“It’s not you, Jack. I just miss you and I-it's been three years since we’ve broken up and I still don’t know how to deal with it. I have no fucking clue how to do what I’ve been doing since we broke up.”  
“Me neither.” he admitted softly, making you shake your head. “I know I’m being unfair, but I don’t know how to play nice when I’m fighting for you.”  
Your eyes softened in the same way his voice did as he kept his hold on you, savoring it for what it was. “Sometimes I don’t think I tried hard enough.”  
“You did, Y/N. By the end of it, it was me who was slacking.”  
“I think we were both just tired and maybe we did need the time apart.”  
“Not three years, though.”  
“Hey, you’re the one who kept your mouth shut for all those years.” you teased, poking his chest with a smirk and Jack chuckled. “Are we going to try again, Jack?”  
“I’m ready.” he told you, stroking your head softly and looking at you pensively. “Are you?”  
“Yeah.” you breathed out, smiling softly. “I want you back.”  
Jack opened his mouth, obviously to say something, but you didn’t give him the chance. You hooked an arm around his shoulders and pulled him down, causing the two of you to take a few steps towards the counter behind you. You gasped when your back hit the hardwood and Jack immediately placed a soothing hand there while he took the chance to lick into your mouth.  
Every part of you was on fire, that resistant spark that burned in the pit of your stomach was lit by the match of your and Jack’s revelation. Your grip on him tightened like he was only an apparition that could be whisked away if you let him go once more. The kiss became intertwined with emotions of lust and longing as your bodies were in a matter of seconds. You were attempting to untuck Jack’s shirt the same way he was struggling to tug up your dress.  
“Right here?” he breathed out, and you shivered when you realized the lower part of your body was exposed to Jack.  
“I don’t care, wherever.”  
“Fuck, okay.” Jack grunted, as he helped hoist you to the counter, undoing his fly between your legs while kissing the side of your neck while you tugged at his hair. “Damn, you smell so good.”  
“Jack, we need a-”  
Your sentence was interrupted by a knock at the door. You and Jack looked at each other- your eyes were wide and his were filled with annoyance as he returned to your kissing your neck.  
“Jack, that’s Emmett.”  
“Just don’t answer. He’ll go away.”  
“No, that’s not- fuck, Jack.” you gasped, squeezing your legs around his hips through his determined advances. “Jack!”  
“Y/N!” he exclaimed back to you, gripping your thighs. “Come on, baby.”  
“Move.” you whispered, and Jack rolled his eyes before letting you down.  
Your heart pounded in guilt, but the rest of you pulsed in pleasure as you looked to the man who could give you what you needed. Under his blue glare, you almost felt yourself go weak in the knees, but you knew you’d fight with a conscience if you left Emmett to knock on your door any louder.  
“Tell him Daddy’s home.” Jack said smugly behind you, and it took more effort than it should’ve to not drag him into your bedroom.  
With another tug at the hem of your dress, you opened the door and smiled sympathetically at Emmett who looked nervous. “Hey, Y/N, I thought something was wrong. I saw another car parked outside.”  
“Emmett, I’m so sorry.” you huffed, hearing Jack clattering in the home behind you.  
“I understand if you need a raincheck.” he smiled, and you wanted to yell at him for being so understanding.  
“Actually, I don’t think we'll be going out again anymore. I’ve had so much fun with you, and you’ve been so sweet to me, but there’s someone else. And it’s new! Very new.”  
“I don’t understand? You string me along for how fucking long just to drop me like this?”  
“I swear, I wasn’t trying to string you along. I promise.”  
“That makes it so much better. When were you going to tell me? I mean, what kind of bitch does-”  
“Aye!” Jack yelled, storming from the kitchen to the threshold the angriest you’d ever seen him. “Who the fuck are you to come and yell in her face like that? You better get ahold of yourself, man.”  
Emmett hardly seemed threatened by Jack who towered over both of you and kept a hand on your stomach to hold you close to his chest. “Your ex, Y/N, seriously? It doesn’t get any worse than that.”  
“You got something to say to her, you look at me while you say it.”  
“Jack.” you whispered, grabbing his hand to pull it away from you. “I can wrap it up.”  
Jack was bound to hold his place until you turned around and looked at him in a way that left no more room for argument. With another threatening glare that ultimately did make Emmett blush, Jack walked away as he mumbled something along the lines of, “Punk ass.”  
“I understand that I seem like a terrible person, and maybe this does make me a terrible person, Emmett, but Jack is and always was it for me. I also know that saying that makes it worse, but we weren’t it for each other. We had fun and I hate that it’s ending like this, but your person was never going to be me.”  
Emmett sighed and scratched his head. “I do understand that. I’m glad you’re happy.”  
“Thank you.” you smiled, reaching out to give him a friendly hug. “Have a good night, Emmett.”  
“You, too.”  
With a deep breath, you shut the door behind you and saw Jack leaned over the counter with a cookie in his hand and a new upright glass of milk next to him. You smiled back at him, and he sauntered over the counter.  
“Can I tell you something?” you murmured, placing your hands on Jack’s chest when he was close enough.  
“I want to hear everything you have to say to me.” he obliged, wrapping his arms around you.  
“When you bought up him meeting the kids, I knew we were over. Me and Emmett, I mean. I don’t want to share our babies growing up with anyone else or share this part of myself anyone else. I’ve been looking for someone to fill the hole you left, but I know that if I don’t find it with you, it won’t be anyone.”  
“I’ve tried to explain that to people, that feeling that’s left when you lose the love of your life and they nod and they say they understand, but I know they don’t. It only makes sense that it’s you that gets it, though, right?”  
You smiled and shrugged. “I guess it does.”  
You and Jack shared another kiss, this one mutually slower and softer. Your hands trailed as if you were trying to mold one another and remind yourselves what the other felt like. “I know you don’t feel like it tonight and I’m perfectly okay with that.”  
“Thank you.” you softly brushed the sides of his face, and he pecked your lips. “Now, it is still a child-free night, so my vote is that we go get in my bed and watch something that isn’t a Disney production?”  
“You are so lame.” Jack laughed, and you gasped to feign shock. “I mean, this is our first night back together and that’s what you want to do? It’s seven o’clock!”  
“What do you suggest, then?”  
“The fair is still in town.” he suggested, and you grinned. “And we can get on all the rides we want because we don’t have two kids with us.”  
“I love you, Jack Harlow.”  
“I love you more.” he said genuinely, and you scrunched your nose as you accepted the kiss he left on your temple before you went back into your room to change.   
You weren’t sure what lulled you out of your sleep as you held a sleeping Jack against your chest. He slept soundly, light snores disturbing the air. As you stroked his hair and kissed him delicately, you looked over at your door to find the three stuffed animals he won along with the new photobooth strip that now sat amongst the few framed pictures of you and your children.  
You and Jack made yourselves feel like teenagers again, running around the dark fair and getting sugar rushes from cotton candy and spending way too much money on rigged game booths, but Jack’s ego could not be disturbed. Not to mention the night ending much better than you expected when you stumbled through your front door while Jack talked about how much better he was than any guy that would've come along against your lips.  
It was no wonder why you could drift back to sleep so easily. That was until your eyes flew back open at the loud banging of the door and a phone buzzing from somewhere. Jack shot up, narrowly missing your chin and looking around.  
“What the fuck?” he grimaced, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sat up, looking down at you and smiling proudly. 
“Jack, go see what it is.” you urged him, pushing at his side. “I’m naked.”  
“Stay like that.” he told you as he rolled out of bed and tugged a pair of sweatpants up his long legs.  
You threw your head back to the mattress and pulled the sheets up, hoping that it was someone looking to borrow an egg or two for breakfast. You listened out for whatever noise there was, only to hear two excited voices.  
“Daddy!” Elle squealed, jumping into Jack’s arms as you scrambled to get dressed.  
“Hi, pumpkin.”  
“Dad, what are you doing here?” Max asked, jumping in front of Jack happily while your mother stood at the threshold.  
“Um, your mom made some cookies last night and I wanted to come taste them.” he explained dully, looking at your mother who had a knowing look as you came down the hall with a robe covering your backwards clothes.  
“Hi, my loves.” you greeted, kissing both of their cheeks before looking up at your mom. “Hi, Mom, thanks for keeping them last night, but it’s a little early, isn’t it?”  
“No, it’s three o’clock in the afternoon.”  
You and Jack laughed awkwardly, and she smiled. “We must’ve overslept.”  
“There’s a ‘we’?” she asked, as Elle clambered down Jack.  
“We’re going to work on some things, of course, but yeah.” you nodded, placing a hand on Jack’s back happily.  
“I’m happy to hear that. Two grandchildren aren’t enough.”  
"Right, well, on that note.” you reached out to hug your mother who let out a hearty laugh.  
“I’ll see you all later.” she told you and Jack smiled politely as you guided her out the door and to her car.  
When you returned, Jack and the kids were already in the kitchen and you were dreading the pending conversation you expected to have, but their clamoring was only about what they wanted for breakfast. 
“Okay, I have one vote for French toast and the other for pancakes!” Jack stood behind counter, and you came up behind the two kids with a smile, a hand in each of their curly heads. “What do you want, Mama?”  
Your cheeks warmed at the charming nickname that hadn’t graced his lips in far too long before humming. “I’m in the mood for waffles, honestly.”  
“Me, too. Waffles, it is.”  
“Hey!” Max exclaimed, pouting. “You and Mama can’t team up!”  
“Yes, we can.” Jack teased, sticking out his tongue.  
Elle, of course, followed his example and mimicked the action to her brother. “No pancake, no pancake.” 
“You’re not getting your toast either.”  
“Don’t care.” she blew a raspberry, to which Max dramatically responded, leading to the both of them leaping from their chairs and running into the playroom.  
“No running!” you and Jack yelled at the same time and shared a look with one another. You got closer to him and kissed his cheek softly.  
“I could get used to this.” he murmured as he pulled down the waffle maker.  
“What’s that? Waking up at three in the afternoon to make waffles?”  
“That and being home with my favorite people.” he winked, earning your smile.  
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind you getting used to that.”  
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
A/N: Here's part six! I couldn't leave y'all hanging. I believe this will be the last part! Thanks for all the love and support on this fic, I'm excited to move on to something new, maybe an original character story, so let me know what you guys think about that. Enjoy!
ps: sorry it's so short ;( I feel like I've been lacking y'all, so so sorry
Warnings: Language, angst
Day to day life had become meaningless for Y/N. She held a front for Mauve and attempted to console the damaged child but nothing was working thus far. It had been a few months since Alfie's departure and Mauve had said all of ten words max. She had gone almost completely mute, the only one to hear her few words was Cyril, who was also left behind.
Y/N had taken her to the doctor in concern, but was told she was just struggling to face her emotions, and therefore was struggling to speak. Y/N's heart broke even more watching Mauve become mute. She had to be pulled from school for the time being, given that she refused to do any of the work or play with any of the other children. Even when Y/N told her she would be getting something she always wanted, Mauve could only nod.
"What do you think about fish and chippy's for dinner my love?" Y/N questioned, looking to Mauve who sat at the dining room table coloring a portrait of Cyril. Mauve shrugged and continued coloring. Y/N sighed but began preparing the dinner nonetheless, ignoring the ache in her back and feet.
Staying in Alfie's home was not doing Y/N or Mauve any favors. Alfie had sold Y/N's flat, so they had no choice but to reside in the house that left both in pain. Mauve didn't understand why her father left, and Y/N didn't know how to explain it to her. All Mauve could wrap her head around was that her father broke her mothers heart and left them alone.
After dinner was prepared, the pair sat and ate in silence the same as every other night. Every now and again Ollie would drop in which was nice, but it still didn't fill the gaping hole in the house.
One morning a week or two later, Y/N was retrieving the mail as two women walked by, chatting amongst each other.
"Did you hear about Alfie Solomons?" One woman spoke. Y/N's attention was caught as much as she tried to ignore his name.
"Got shot he did, I heard he only has a few weeks at most to live, quite a shame he really did a lot for the community, gangster or not." The other woman finished up the gossip. Y/N dropped the mail to the grass, rushing into the house and breathing heavily.
She entered the study, a room she had avoided since Alfie left. After rooting around his desk she found the deed to a house in Margate amongst other things. The envelope attached held a spare key and she pocketed it, hoping this house was where he resided.
After loading Mauve and Cyril into the car, they were off to Margate. While Y/N had convinced herself she despised Alfie, she knew deep down in her heart she couldn't let him die without telling him.
Pulling up to the house as the sun was setting, Y/N shuttered in anticipation at seeing Alfie again. With much difficulty, she lifted Mauve's sleeping body from the back seat, also allowing Cyril to hop out. A loud shot rang out and Y/N jumped. Mauve stayed snoring as not much could disturb her.
Y/N traced the loud noise to a dead seagull that lay in front of the house, blood pouring from it's body. She furrowed her brows in confusion and entered the home, using the spare key. She walked into the home and up to the living room, where the man she once love lay upon a lounge chair, binoculars in one hand and a gun in the other.
Y/N adjusted Mauve, her legs wrapped around her waist and arms strewn about Y/N's neck. Mauve's body covering Y/N's entire front, given that she had grown a few inches in the past months.
"So the rumors are not true, you seem to be as alive as ever." Y/N spoke, breaking the silence. Alfie turned to face her, the scar jagging down the left side of his face making her gasp quietly.
"This look lively to ya?" He grunted, standing to his full height. Y/N examined him, his beard was fuller, his hair shorter. Even with the scar and ghostly white eye, Y/N found him to be just as handsome as when she first laid eyes on him. She let out a sigh and reached into her bag while holding Mauve with one arm. She pulled out an opened envelope and dropped it to the floor. Alfie glanced down and recognized it to be the letter Tommy sent him all those months ago.
"Is this why you left? You broke our hearts, Mauve has gone completely mute because of you. She doesn't understand why the man she called her father left her." Y/N spoke, tears forming. Alfie glanced away.
"I knew about the Italians long before I hired you. I lied so you'd hate me an' let me die alone the way I deserve." Alfie responded.
"Oh fuck you Alfie." Y/N growled, keeping her voice low to not disturb Mauve. "That's a load of bullshit and we both know it, you left because you were too fucking scared to tell me what was going on. We could have worked it out together but instead you broke me." Y/N spat, tears streaming down her face.
"Thomas Shelby would have killed you. I betrayed him and he was seeking revenge, right, I gave him what he wanted for you." Alfie spoke, anger clear in his tone.
"Am I supposed to give you a fucking reward? You are fucking ridiculous." Y/N responded. She grunted in pain from carrying Mauve, her back erupting in aches.
"Give 'er to me." Alfie instructed, stepping closer. Y/N quickly stepped back, almost flinching at him.
"Do not touch my child." She growled. Alfie's eyes filled with hurt as he pushed back tears, looking at the woman and child he loved despise him.
"Set 'er down then, you look well tired." Alfie tried again, worrying for Y/N. She sighed before placing Mauve gently on the couch, putting a blanket over her and standing once again. Alfie felt all the air in his lungs leave his body. There stood the woman he knew he still loved, her stomach swelled up to accommodate the child growing inside of her.
"I'm seven months today, I came to tell you before you died so my conscious would remain clear, but clearly that was something else you lied about." Y/N explained, gently rubbing her bulging stomach. Alfie practically fell backwards into his armchair, in disbelief.
"Why didn't you come sooner?" Alfie questioned, regretting his daft inquisition when he saw anger flash on her features yet again.
"I didn't even know about this house until today, and the last time you saw me you called me a whore and my child a bastard, I only came to reap my sows before you fucking died." She spoke, malice filling her tone.
"I don't expect your forgiveness, but please let me be here for our children." Alfie practically begged. Y/N sighed heavily.
"We'll see Alfie."
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wildrangers · 2 years
The Moon & Her Sun // Josh Kiszka {4}
Chapter Four // The Lovers
Josh Kiszka x fem! musician reader
Word Count: 2.2K
start here!
Hi y'all! This will be a multi-part, slow burn story so buckle up. Also, the titles will be very tarot-based but I am by no means an expert.
Warnings: SMUT (oral f&m receiving, protected sex), swearing, drinking
*18+ only, Minors DNI; seriously this chapter is almost exclusively filth*
You spent the rest of the day bouncing from stage to stage, taking in as many shows as you could. Josh stuck by your side the whole time, even when you went to see musicians you knew he wasn’t a huge fan of—like the current show you were waiting to get started.
“Josh, I appreciate what you’re doing but you really don’t have to stay with me, I know you don’t like this band.”
“Well, that’s not totally true, they’re alright, I guess” he fibbed.
“Joshua. Every time their songs come up on my playlist you change it, even if you’re in a different room. Seriously, you can go see another show if you want, I’m totally fine now.”
Despite your assurances, he shook his head as he replied, “And I’m fine too. I just feel better staying with you, okay? I know I couldn’t do much if he tried something but I’d be stressed otherwise. Can we drop it?” he asked, his cheeks pink-tinged.
“Sure, consider it dropped” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Can I at least get you another drink for your trouble?”
“You’re not a trouble but I will take another one of whatever you just had, it tasted exquisite” he smiled, pinching your hip lightly as you turned to go.
“Don’t make me change my mind Kiszka!” you called over your shoulder, drawing another laugh from him. You pulled out your phone as you waited in line, sighing at all the texts from your bandmates that had poured in since one of the boys had filled them in on the Max situation. The news had sent them all into a tizzy, which you understood, but you now kept having to stress you were okay. A little shaken up, but okay—plus, that’s where the drinks came in. Staying a bit buzzed was keeping the nerves at bay and as much as you teased Josh, you were grateful for the company.
You finally made your way to the front, ordering 4 drinks so you wouldn’t have to wait on the long line again. As you climbed up the stairs, Josh met you at the top, grabbing two glasses as he shook his head at you. “We’re double-fisting drinks now, Y/N/N?” he laughed, sipping his drink.
“Unless you want to wait on another long-ass line, yes” you replied, rolling your eyes. He set the two extras to the side, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as the band finally began their set. You contentedly sang along, quickly finishing your drinks as the band played through their set. You cheered, jumping up and down as the starting notes of your favorite song began.
Josh pulled you back into his chest so you could hear him better over the music, “I do have to admit I like this one. I even let you play it sometimes.”
“Well then dance with me, Joshy” you replied, grinding your backside into him suggestively. It was too loud to hear the sharp intake of his breath but you felt it. You smirked before he quickly recovered, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you flush into his chest. One of your hands rested on his forearm while the other looped behind you, fingers tangling in his curls as you two began dancing against one another.
The feel of him pressed against you was intoxicating and you let yourself get lost in the simple pleasure of him. His head stayed buried in your neck as you danced against him, singing along to the song as you felt him start to harden against you. The promise of what could happen if you just let go for once was overpowering your normal doubts and trepidation.
You definitely weren’t drunk but you didn’t think you’d have the guts to say this without some liquid courage: “Want to head back to the hotel?”
Josh paused his dancing, turning you around so he could look you in the eye. “How many drinks have you had?”
“Really, dad?” you half-joked, fidgeting nervously in his arms. His hesitation was sobering you up by the second—maybe you’d waited too long to make a move.
“Yes, really. And wipe that look off your face, I obviously still want you. I just don’t want to do this if you drank too much because you’re upset over the Max thing, which I would totally understa—”
You shut him up by pressing your lips to his, pulling him flush against you. Your heart soared as he returned the kiss, his hands squeezing your hips. Your body felt like it was on fire as your tongues explored each other before you finally pulled away, desperate for air. Josh still had his eyes closed, forehead resting on yours.
“Wow” he mumbled, a soft smile lighting up his face, making your heart flutter.
“I appreciate your concern but I am more than capable of making a decision. Also, if you mention that fucker’s name one more time, I’m calling this off.”
Josh’s thoughts were fuzzy as you pulled him down the hallway towards your hotel room. He had barely had anything to drink that evening but he was absolutely intoxicated by the thought of what was about to happen. Still, he had a nervous pit in his stomach that he couldn’t quite get rid of—that maybe you would regret this in the morning, maybe you weren’t in the best place to make this decision. But you had made it plenty clear side stage that you wanted this, so who was he to project his worries onto you?
Josh returned to the present moment as he heard your door beep and you quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him in behind you. Your lips found his as soon as the door clicked shut and he felt his breath pulled away from him as you dragged him towards your bed. His hands slipped under your shirt, desperate to touch your skin as your lips crashed together.
You giggled as you fell back onto the bed, pulling him with you. He took the pause to pull away enough to place gentle kisses along your neck, drawing a soft moan from you as he sucked just below your earlobe. He felt your hands eagerly tugging at his shirt and he moved back enough for you to yank it off. As he lost himself in the taste of you, you two quickly shed the rest of your clothes. His lips eagerly found your chest once he’d removed your bra, sucking lightly, drawing heavy sighs from your mouth. He switched to your other breast before trailing kisses down your stomach to the waistband of your underwear.
He paused then, fighting between his urges and his feelings. His eyes met yours and, seeming to sense his hesitation, you pulled him up to you, placing gentle kisses on his face. “Say whatever you need to say Josh.”
“I just need to know what we’re doing here. Because if we do this, I want the whole thing, Y/N. I know I said I’d be happy with whatever you gave me but so much has changed over the last month or so—if we do this, I want all of you. Do you understand?” he asked, eyes desperately searching yours.
“I’m yours Josh. All of me. Everything.”
It was apparently all he needed to hear. He placed a sloppy kiss to your mouth before quickly removing your underwear, settling between your thighs, “Beautiful” he murmured, placing a gentle kiss to your center.
You tightened your fingers in his curls, desperate for more, and he quickly plunged a finger inside you. You felt his hot breath as he groaned against you before adding another finger once he realized how wet you were for him. Your back arched as his curled fingers found your spot just as his lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue deftly stroking.
“Fuck, Josh” you moaned, wrapping your legs around his shoulders. As he continued working you with his tongue and fingers you felt yourself approaching a climax embarrassingly quickly. But this was months of tension and waiting, so you didn’t hold back as his third finger quickly sent you tumbling over the edge, screaming his name.
“Eager for me, huh, mama?” he smirked as he looked up at you. Normally, you’d argue back with some quick remark but you were desperate in this moment, frantic to get more, more, more of him. You pulled him up to your mouth, moaning at the taste of yourself on his lips. You quickly flipped him over, not breaking the kiss as your hands moved down to palm him over his boxers. He groaned into your mouth, hips bucking up to meet your hand.
“Who’s eager now, huh, Joshua?” you murmured against his lips before kissing your way down his torso, finally removing his boxers. You felt yourself dampen further as you took in his thickness. You ran a tentative thumb over his tip collecting the pre-cum gathered there.
“Fuck, please, Y/N” he gasped out beneath you, drawing your eyes up to his. His pupils were blown out in pleasure and the sight excited you.
“Please, what Joshua?” you asked coyly, placing a gentle kiss to his tip as your hands swept down the length of him.
“Please taste me, please” he begged. You gently stroked him, tilting your head as if in thought before running your tongue along the underside of his cock drawing a loud groan from him. “Thank you, thank you, fuck.”
You smirked at his enthusiasm, quickly taking his tip fully into your mouth, sucking roughly before bobbing your head down. You only stopped once your nose hit his stomach and his hands held you there as more groans and curses fell from his mouth. You pulled back with a pop, looking him directly in the eye, “Does that feel good Joshy?” you asked, never breaking the rhythm of your hand.
“It feels so fucking good baby” he panted, hips bucking up to meet each stroke. “But I think your pussy would feel even better.”
You felt more heat pool in your core as you eagerly dug through your nightstand drawer, quickly rolling on the condom. His fingers dug into your hips as you sunk down onto him, drawing moans from both of your mouths. You gave yourself a minute to adjust before you began rocking against him.
You were almost overwhelmed at the feel of him finally inside you, pushing away thoughts about how you two fit together like puzzle pieces. You moaned loudly as his hips snapped up to meet yours, forcing you back into the present moment, as you picked up your pace to match his.
“God you’re beautiful, Y/N” Josh murmured and your heart fluttered at the repeated praise he was giving you. He wrapped his arm around your back before sitting up and this new angle allowed him to get even deeper.
“Fuck, Josh, you fill me so fucking good” you ground out as he held you tight against his chest. You rested your head on his shoulders as your hips met together over and over again. As much as you wanted to stay like this forever, you could feel your legs giving out so you rolled over, pulling him on top of you.
You watched as he pulled away just enough to watch himself plunge in and out of you, eyes sparkling with lust at the view. He caught you looking and smirked, leaning down to give you another messy kiss. As your tongues battled for dominance, he snuck his hand between your bodies, fingers deftly circling your clit making you throw your head back at the intensity. You felt close to orgasming again and you scrunched your eyes closed wanting to focus on the feel of him working you so well.
“Are you getting close baby? I can feel you squeezing me, it feels fucking incredible” Josh groaned and you nodded eagerly.
“Yes, I’m so fucking close, please don’t stop” you gasped, as you began to meet his thrusts. He quickly placed his other hand on your stomach, forcing you to stay in place, making you whine.
“I won’t stop as long as you do one thing for me” he said, placing his forehead against yours.
“Anything, anything” you moaned, seconds away from orgasming.
“I want you to look at me when you cum, understood?”
You nodded and he picked up his pace just enough for you to quickly find your release, your eyes flying open as you cried out for him. He held your gaze as he guided you through your final orgasm and the intimacy made your heart catch in your chest. Was that…love in his eyes as he looked at you? You were distracted from this thought as he called out your name, climaxing as he held your hips in place tight against his own.
As his motions stilled, you felt yourself returning to your body, coming down from the high that he had drawn out of you.
“That was fucking incredible, Y/N” he smiled, placing a quick kiss to your lips before pulling out and cleaning himself up. You laid in a pleasurable haze as he wiped a warm washcloth against your core, taking care of you, as well. Before you knew it, you felt your eyes falling closed as he pulled you into his chest, peppering kisses along your back and shoulder.
The next morning, Josh groaned as the sun filtering in through the curtains finally pierced through his deep sleep. He reached his hand out to find your skin and felt his heart drop as only cool sheets met his fingertips.
continue on :)
A/N: Eep, sorry to leave you hanging! Next chapter will be up over the weekend, so not too long of a wait :) Thanks for sticking around through four chapters, I appreciate it and hope you enjoyed!
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
could I get some petname headcanons for the pillars from Demon Slayer?
Giyu Tomioka
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Not rly the romantic one tbh
Would rather just call you by your first name (or a shortened version of your name at max)
When he realizes that it means something to you, he'll try at least
But knowing this guys social skills, it'll be very cringe
Do you know the scene in Boruto where Sasuke calls his daughter his 'little peanut'? Yeah about that level of cringe
Won't understand why you're laughing
But in the end making you smile isn't a bad thing, right?
Shinobu Kochō
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Y'all be thinking she showers you in words like 'my pretty butterfly' right? Wrong.
She's a bully, basically
Will find every possible way to call you an 'idiot' without actually sounding like an insult
Likes to pick on sth you're insecure about and turn it into a nickname just so you get over it
Better not make her angry she knows a lot of foul words to call you, no hard feelings tho
Calls you "Boo" and a lot of other cheesy stuff just to mess with you, but she also kinda likes those names fr
If she actually uses a proper nickname on you: Run. You have fucked up big time. "Darliiiing, come here. I'm not mad at all!"
Just has a weird kinda love language, but she sure will compliment you in other ways
Gyomei Himejima
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A total drama queen
But also very romantical
Will write poems trying to describe his feelings for you, goes fully "shall I compare thee to a summers day"
Calls you stuff like "treasured angel", "precious light" and his "muse"
Isn't shy to go full monologue shall someone ever ask about you
Rengoku Kyōjurō
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A big cinnamon roll
Huge amount of love for detail, puts a lot of work in his petnames and the whole relationship in general
Nicknames will be very personal
Like your favourite color or pet, or even a feature of you he adores
Yet also a little dull and blunt, so he might overdo it sometimes
For example accidentally embarass you or reveal a secret through his nickname
I could totally see him call you random stuff like "sleepyhead" or his "ember"
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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This dude says the most sweetest shit with the most creepiest expression
I'd like to imagine he's a very big softie in private
Like, lying in bed while playing with your hair and just pouring his heart out about how much he loves you
Is very held back, serious and respectful with his words
Affectionately calls you "my love" or simply his "beauty"
Obviously not into PDA so in front of others he'll just call you his "partner, anyone of y'all got a problem with that?!"
Kanroji Mitsuri
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Loooooooves to shower you in every single nickname there is
You'll rarely hear your own name coming out of her mouth, unless it's serious
Since she's a passionate eater will probably call you stuff like "honey" "pumpkin" "muffin" "cupcake" or "sweetiepie"
She's also a bit immature so she'll also joke around with the names sometimes
When she feels more serious or just plain happy she will call you her "darling"
Iguro Obanai
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Will 100% call you his "better half" and we all know why he does🥲
Can't believe you're actually dating, totally overchallenged. Is this a dream?
So he utters sth like "holy shit" at so many occasions you already think it's your nickname lmao
Whenever you do or say sth sweet, look good or just enjoy a romantic moment together he starts cursing silently because he doesn't think he deserves it
Sometimes when you're alone he whispers something like you're his "reason to keep fighting" or his "will to live"
When he's more comfortable, his favourite nickname for you is "sunshine" since you never fail to brighten up his mood and banish the darkness in his mind☀️
Uzui Tengen
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What can I say? This man knows exactly what he's doing
He loves to brag, openly calling you his "next wife/husband/partner" in front of others
Covers the whole range from "babe" to "princess", likes variety
Creates his own nicknames for you so they'll sound extra flashy
One would think he'd tell everyone how beautiful, strong etc. you are, but that doesn't need to be said.
It's a no-brainer that the most amazing man also has the most amazing partner!
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hailbop1701 · 2 years
Not as it Seems
Prompt Drabbles #1
Hello everyone! I'm Hailey (For those of you who don't know me) and I'm pretty new to the Hawaii Five-0 Fandom. I'm wicked happy to be here and super stoked to write some fics! I have quite a few of them floating around my drive and I wanted to start getting them out there. I wanted to start small with some drabbles and work my way up from there. Get the characters right and such. I have a feeling I'm going to be picking on Danny a lot I felt drawn to his character and you all know how that goes.
Please note that I do not have a beta so there will be an odd mistake here and there and I apologize in advance for that!
The word prompt I was given for this Drabble was "Nightmares" and it turned into something very interesting which later inspired a couple of different supernatural Au's that I currently have in the works!
And I'm rambling. Enjoy the fic, I hope y'all like it! -H
words: 835
The basement was freezing and dark, the only light he could see was a flickering bulb hanging precariously from the ceiling. Swaying it cast shadows. Shadows that somehow danced and whispered to him. Laughed, wept, mocked, and growled. Danny forced back screams of his own in a poor attempt to be defiant against the demons in the dark. 
The air was tainted with copper, and something so sickly sweet that Danny had to swallow repeatedly in order to keep whatever was left in his stomach from making an epic return. The only thing left in this place was death and despair. There was no hope here for it had left long before he was even born. Cursed the locals said. A wound left to fester bitter against anything good in the world. 
The bulb flickered again, buzzing and clicking at him in warning. Danny shifted off the bottom step onto the dirty blood encrusted floor. His steps echoed like thunderclaps and voices whispering all around him hushed. As if they were a crowd quieting for a performance. Now it was much too quiet. 
The light fizzed and popped the closer he got to the center of the room. He was unwelcome there. More so than any one of the locals; he was a Haole after all. Danny’s breath caught in his throat as the light above him flared back to life. 
Settled in front of him was a barrel. 
Scrambling backward, Danny on pure reflex alone pulled his weapon from its holster. The laughter that came from the dark - churning like a vortex -  made him scowl. No matter how long it has been what happened to Mattie will forever cut him like a serrated blade. This wasn’t real. He was no longer in a basement, but his own mind. Danny watched as the small enclosed space grew exponentially. One by one a hanging bulb flickered on and beneath that light was another barrel. Names of the people he loved on the side of each and every single one of them. 
There were no ghosts here. Only parlor games. 
Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and listened. Really listened. The whispers now only tickled the back of his mind as they should. Warning him, not taunting. Thunder rumbled and rain poured down on the roof way above him. The sound of distant sirens eased some of his tension. Gripping his service weapon tightly Danny listened as another walked around him. Shifting in the dark, waiting. Breathing. Not dead like they had originally thought. 
Danny had to give it to them; whoever they were. It was pretty ingenious. Build off of a local legend and just let the stupid roll in. A never-ending feast. The air shifted around him again as the creature surged forward with only one thing in mind. Feed. Danny only had a split second to save himself. Bringing up his gun he spun around and fired. 
Looking down at the man Danny cocked his head to the side. He was sure Max would conclude after an autopsy that it was a vampire. A completely rabid one at that, it didn’t care who its next meal was or how he got it. Pressing his lips together he saw decomposing spots on the vampire's hands and face; shaking his head Danny moved on. Taking the stairs two at a time he pushed his way through the derelict house so he could meet his team. Multiple weapons were trained on him for only just a moment before Steve was on him. 
“Jesus Danny, what the hell? Are you okay?” 
Danny waved him off and shouted over to Duke to call Max and CSU. “Damn Vampires,” he grumbled to his partner and inclined his head slightly. “No offense Chin,” 
The Lieutenant smiled wryly at him. “No worries Brah, I know you love me.” 
Steve snorted and squeezed Danny’s shoulder, a sign saying ‘We’ll talk about it later,’ 
Kono grinned and the rain tapered off. She shook her head her brows furrowing in confusion,
 “Are you telling me that this was a vamp the entire time?” 
Danny shook the water from his hair and shrugged, “He had a flair for the dramatic. Rabid. I think he may have had help. Some heavy-duty witchcraft down there.” 
A tense silence fell over the team. “Damn,” it was all something they could agree on. The Vampiric disease was spreading and they had no clue how it came to be or how to stop it. All they knew was that it turned Vampires, who could be some of the sanest people left on the planet, certifiable. Psychopathic. Almost animalistic in their killing; drinking more than should be possible. They’re decaying, falling apart and the only thing that holds them together was blood. And a lot of it. The only sure thing they knew was that it was a curse. A very powerful one. 
Danny only hopes that they can find the source before the disease reaches too close to home. 
If you would like to be tagged in future Five-0 fic please let me know!
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