#pov I walk into my dad’s room and am basically watching him transform from a Level 20 Paladin/Cleric to a Level 20 Barbarian
landfilloftrash · 5 months
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[Saint Barbarian Rollo Enters The Fight]
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oh yeah normal church occurance dw about it
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thewidowsghost · 4 years
Fox - Chapter 7
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Previously on Fox:
"You're asking a professionally trained pilot to be you're co-pilot?" (Y/n) asks teasingly.
"Good, you completely understand," Clint says and she shakes her head playfully.
"So," (Y/n) asks when the jet was in the air. "Where are we off too?" she asks.
"Missouri," Clint answers.
(Y/n)'s POV
As Clint pilots the jet, it begins to get darker outside.
"Go to sleep," he murmurs. "If you're not up before we get there I'll wake you up."
"You sure?" I ask, and he nods.
3rd Person POV
As (Y/n) nods off, Clint wonders her her powers had come from. Glancing at his (E/C) eyed partner, he sees that she had shifted into a fox.
"Fox," Clint murmurs, "that's a good code name."
Looking over, Clint examines (Y/n)'s fox form. She is a fiery orange with black paws and a white muzzle and a white tipped tail.
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Two hours later, (Y/n) wakes up, shifting back into herself.
"I think I've figured out what your code name should be," Clint tells the (H/C) haired woman, and her bright (E/C) gaze turn to look at the blond haired man. "I was thinking Fox," he says and (Y/n) nods thoughtfully.
"I like that," she responds simply. "What's your code name?" she asks, knowing he had to have one.
"Hawkeye," he answers. "I don't see too well up close, but I can see just about everything far away. I think that's what makes me such a good archer in Fury's eyes - or rather, eye."
(Y/n) laughs, then she says, "I've always wanted to get into archery, but I've never been good with aiming things like that."
Clint is silent for a moment. "So how are you so good with your projectile powers?" he wonders aloud.
"I think it's an instinctive thing," (Y/n) says. "I've wondered that before too," she adds.
"You wanna sleep?" (Y/n) offers. "I can pilot for a while, just put in the coordinates, an I'll keep an eye out."
"I guess," Clint says, shifting in his seat. He punches in some coordinates and relaxes in his seat.
Clint sleeps for about five hours. (Y/n) nudges his shoulder as she notices the jet descending in a field behind an old-style farmhouse.
"Clint," (Y/n) nudges him again, and the archer sits up in his seat.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"Nothing, I think we're here," (Y/n) says, noticing that the jet had become stationary in the air and was moving gently down towards the ground; Clint jumps to his feet.
"Grab you're stuff," he calls over his shoulder as he moves towards the back of the jet.
(Y/n)'s POV
I grab my guitar and sling it over my shoulder and pick up my suitcase.
I walk over to stand beside Clint as the back of the jet opens.
"Let's go!" Clint says, looking - and sounding - excited.
We step off the jet and I look around to see a barn and an old-style farm house.
The two of us cross the field towards the house and we walk up the steps and Clint opens the door to the house.
"Come on," Clint urges, gesturing for me to walk in.
I take a tentative step in and Clint closes the door behind us.
Clint leads me into a living room/ kitchen where I see toys scattered around.
"Wait here," Clint says and I stay put as he walks up a set of stairs.
A few minutes later, Clint walks back down the stairs with a woman. She has wavy chocolate brown hair and warm brown eyes.
I wave a little and she smiles warmly. "Hello," I say shyly.
"Laura, this is (Y/n), my new partner. (Y/n), this is my wife Laura," Clint says and I smile at the woman.
I walk over and shake Laura's hand. "Nice to meet you!" I say brightly.
"Let me show you where you can put your things," Laura says, and she leads me up the stairs.
Laura takes me to a spare room and gestures for me to put my things in the room. I set my suitcase and guitar on the bed. "Thanks," I say and Laura smiles; she leads me back downstairs where Clint is beginning to make pancakes.
"Feel free to have a seat at the table," Laura tells me, pushing me gently towards the table. Smiling softly, I sit down and Laura sits down in the chair left adjacent to mine. "So," Laura begins, "where are you from?"
"Well, before I joined the Air Force four years ago, I lived with m dad in Malibu." Laura nods, then asks when I had met Clint. "Yesterday," I answer. "My four year contract was up on Saturday, but Director Fury and Clint came by, asking me for a job as Clint's partner. I accepted, and my Commanding Officer, Ryan, let me leave early."
"What attracted SHIELD to you?" Laura asks.
"Ha, I knew someone wasn't going to call it the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division," I say, smirking a little at Clint; but I then answer her question, giving her a brief explanation of my abilities.
"So you basically can control the elements and you can turn into animals?" Laura asks.
In response, I shift into a fox - the same on as the flight to the Bartons' house.
"That's really cool!" Laura says once I shift back into myself.
3rd Person POV
"I can turn into people, though I have to see them first," (Y/n) tells Laura.
Laura watches interestingly as (Y/n) closes her eyes and transforms into ten year old Wanda, then into Laura herself, then into Clint, and then back to herself.
"Wow!" someone exclaims from behind (Y/n) and she turns around, looking startled. "That's so cool!" the little girl says. She has brown hair and hazel eyes and standing beside her is a little boy, about three, with brown hair and brown eyes.
"(Y/n), this is Lila and Cooper. Lila, Cooper, this is (Y/n), but if (Y/n) is okay with it, you can call her Auntie (Y/n)," Laura says, studying the (H/C) haired woman. She sits there for a moment, silent with shock, before she nods, her (E/C) eyes sparkling happily.
Lila and Cooper walk over and (Y/n) stands up. "You can turn into animals?" Cooper asks.
"Can you turn into a cat?" Lila adds.
"Yeah, watch!" (Y/n) says, and concentrating for a moment, Lila and Cooper look down at (Y/n) who had turned into a brown, white and black Maine Coon kitten with amber eyes.
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Purring, Kitten (Y/n) walks over and places her brown paws on Lila's knees. The brown haired girl laughs and she two kids sit on the ground, Cooper pulling Kitten (Y/n) into his lap.
Clint and Laura watch, smiles on their faces as they watch their two kids play with the kitten.
"She's going to be an amazing aunt," Laura murmurs, leaning into her husband. Clint nods as Maine Coon (Y/n) jumps out of Coopers lap and she shifts into a black-and-white border collie puppy.
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The children laugh in delight as (Y/n) jumps around, wagging her white tipped tail, licking the kids' fingers.
(Y/n) shifts back into herself, sitting on the floor, and she smiles as the kids wrap their arms around her. (Y/n) rests her head on Cooper's head, feeling extremely happy.
"When do you have to be home?" Laura asks when the five sit down for breakfast.
(Y/n)'s POV
"My dad's friend is supposed to pick me up from the airport on Saturday," I answer, but then I see Cooper and Lila's expressions and I hastily add, "but I'll come back to visit as soon as I can." At my words, Cooper and Lila relax and they continue to eat their pancakes.
Once breakfast is finished, I help Laura clean the dishes, and we talk, getting to know each other.
It doesn't take me long to feel at home with the Bartons' - literally a few hours. Each day - except for Saturday - I would help Clint make breakfast, hanging out with Lila and Cooper - I was taking my naming of honorary aunt very seriously - and then help Laura make lunch. After that, I would help Clint around on the farm, and then help Laura make dinner.
"You're too helpful for your own good," Laura teases as I help her clean up the dinner dishes on Friday night.
"I feel like I owe you guys," I answer, stopping drying the dishes for a moment. "I am staying in your house," I continue at Laura's questioning look.
"You don't owe us anything," Laura says. "Just protect my husband out in the field, and you're good," she says, and I laugh.
"I'll do my best," I tell Laura and she smiles.
The next morning, I wake up the Clint nudging my shoulder.
"Breakfast is ready if you want to eat before I have to take you home," he says and I sit up.
"Okay, I'll be down in a second," I tell the archer and he nods, leaving the room.
I get out of the bed, and walk over to my suitcase, pulling out a blue, green, and purple tie-dye shirt, a pair of gray skinny jeans and a pair of black-and-white Converse.
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I put on the clothes and zip up my suitcase. I carry my suitcase and my guitar downstairs and set it beside the front door before I walk into the dining room where Clint, Laura, Cooper, and Lila are already up.
3rd Person POV
"Morning!" (Y/n) says cheerfully, walking into the dining room.
"Good morning Auntie (Y/n)," Cooper says running over to the (E/C) eyed woman. She bends down and pulls him into a hug, Cooper resting his small head against her shoulder. Lila walks over and joins the hug.
Clint and Laura stop what they are doing to watch their children cling onto (Y/n) as though their lives depend on it.
"I'll come back soon," (Y/n) murmurs when the two children let go, letting (Y/n) stand up and carry the two to their seats at the dining room table.
"I think the three of us are going to miss you a lot," Laura say, referring to her and her two children.
"If Clint doesn't get annoyed with me at work, I'll come back as often as possible," (Y/n) says, shooting a teasing glance at her partner.
The five laugh and joke around through breakfast and it sees like everyone is dreading (Y/n)'s departure in the next hour.
After breakfast, everyone moves towards the front door. (Y/n) bends down and Lila runs and wraps the woman in a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you, kiddo," (Y/n) murmurs to the little girl and Lila giggles a little at (Y/n)'s words. They pull away and Cooper runs over to take Lila's place in their aunt's arms. "See you soon, Coop," (Y/n) says. Cooper lets go and goes to stand beside his slightly older sister.
(Y/n) straightens up and Laura walks towards her and the two hug warmly. "Keep an eye on Clint for me?" she asks, and (Y/n) smiles.
"Of course," (Y/n) says, and Laura smiles, the two pulling out of the warm embrace.
"Hey!" Clint exclaims and Laura and (Y/n) laugh.
"We'll see you guys soon," Clint says, hugging each of his children and then his wife.
(Y/n) slides her guitar case on her back and picks up her suitcase. Clint leads the way out and (Y/n) follows, the other three Bartons' following her out.
The five walk across the field to the Quinjet and (Y/n) walks in, setting her guitar and suitcase in the storage area. She walks back out of the jet and gives Laura, Lila, and Cooper one more hug before joining Clint in the jet. The two sit down in their respective seats and start the jet. The two partners wave out the window at the Bartons' standing on the lawn; and they fly towards Malibu.
On the flight there, (Y/n) gives Clint the chance to sleep as he had gotten up before her to make breakfast.
While he is asleep, they end up in Malibu. "Hey, Clint," (Y/n) says, nudging the blond archer, and he jolts awake, looking around.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"Nothing, we're here," (Y/n) says and Clint nods.
Word Count: 2198 words
I'm really loving the direction of this story, and I hope you guys love it as much as I do.
See y'all next time!
Love,          Kaitlynn ❤😍
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