#pov tag tbd
lovinggreeniehours · 4 months
↳ faruzan × arin × sethos (though this is more arin-centric than shippy)
↳ 600+ words
↳ trying to conceptualize arin's character more, and i ended up with this. now there's angst with no resolution🥳 (so far) i might rewrite this for something bigger but i wanted to get the idea out of my head first. im not sure how well people might understand this without context but. i hope there's an inkling at least?
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Everything hurt. From the pounding in Arin's head to the soreness of his legs. He expected that, having only woken up several hours ago. But there he sat, late in the night, already dressed to leave. He just had one thing left to check.
Watching Faruzan wake up beside him, he imagined she was feeling somewhat similar.
"Hey, dummy."
Faruzan grimaced, cringing away from even the barest streaks of moonlight from her window. She turned left and right in confusion, hair mussing up around her head.
"Wh-What? Arin?"
Arin simply shook his head. He released a gentle wave of Cryo energy to his fingertips, ghosting his hands over her forehead and scalp to help her relax.
"We're fine, we're fine. I just wanted to see if you'd.." He paused, then shook his head. "Nevermind. Just go back to sleep."
When he was confident she had fallen back asleep, he spoke up once more, now more or less just playing with the uneven strands of hair framing her head. He retracted his hand, reaching to his side to pick up his sheathed sword.
"Sorry, Paruparo. I won't be here when you wake up, I don't think."
He caught a glimpse of the view outside the window. A city perched atop the gargantuan Divine Tree, and the rainforest that surrounded it. None of which was familiar anymore. As far as Arin could tell, everything he knew was inside this room. And he hoped she was sleeping well, despite his intrusion.
"I will return tomorrow. After they've.. told you everything." He secured his sheath to his belt, turning to leave.
"Hey." Someone said. Arin was too entrenched in sleep to care who, though they're only could be one person. The bitter remains of a forgotten dream clung to the recesses of his mind, ruining his mood before he could decide what it was even supposed to be. "You're burning up."
Sethos's light eyeroll was audible in his tone. "Come on.."
Honestly, he was probably right. Arin did feel more exhausted than usual. Maybe warm. He wasn't sure. Wasn't it always warm in Sumeru?
"I think we need to camp out a bit longer."
That got Arin's eyes open. He shook his head as much as he was able (which was, very feebly).
"I'll be fine."
"No, no, no." Sethos held him down him by the shoulders just as he was about to get up. Sunbeams poured down over Sethos's head, resembling a halo with the soft lavender skylight of Vanarana. "No."
Arin had to squint at him to filter out the light. "I'm fine."
"No, you are most definitely not."
"We need to help Rana.." Arin groused.
"We do." Sethos nodded. "But, no offense, you're not going to be much of help to her or anyone trying to travel in your condition."
Arin could only muster a huff. To his own dismay, he already found himself too tired to continue his argument, and all too willing to slip back into slumber.
"We need to help Rana." He repeated, considerably weaker than before; more rueful than anything.
"This is just one obstacle." His companion reassured. "Just rest well. We'll be back on the road in no time."
Sethos's knuckles pressed against Arin's forehead to gauge the temperature. His skin held a soft sort of warmth.
Sethos began to mumble to himself as Arin drifted off. The words were lost on him. Something about Sumeru City being too far. Something about the sky. Something about vision.
"Sorry." Arin murmured in his drowsiness. Notably, Sethos went silent. "I did it again."
"Did what?" Sethos asked.
"Stepped.. I stepped on the pressure plate." Arin mumbled. "I hope we don't stay stuck here too long."
Sethos paused, eyebrows knitting together in thought.
"You know.. it's not your fault. For getting sick."
Arin only hummed, Sethos's voice echoing as he finally fell asleep.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[07 Don and, everyone I guess? xD it's a big announcement]
Don was giddy as he waited in the lair, standing next to something that he had covered in a white tarp. About half his height, but quite stocky in build. When everyone was finally here, Donatello proudly began to explain what the Hell was going on,
"Ladies and gentleman, and Mikey," A joke he's told a dozen of times, "I'd like to present to you-"
He grabbed the tarp, dragging it off and revealing his latest, and arguably most intricate invention of them all,
Made of whatever metal Don had found, painted with licks of yellow paint for their plastron, and green on the shell, and with eyes glowing bright blue, the metal Turtle tilted his head, scanning the family over as they adjusted to the new brightness,
"I first drew up his blueprints back in two thousand and three, but getting all the right parts and fixing all the bugs took a little longer than expected," He admits, "Originally, he was going to help us fight the Foot Clan, but, since that's all quietened down for the most part, Metalhead is here to assist us in anyway he can."
He's beaming, similarly to how he smiled when he found out about Ariel. Don looks to the robot,
"Metalhead, please introduce yourself."
And as commanded, the robot turtle's head lifted, and addressed everyone else,
"Hello. I am Metalhead. I was created in a lab by Donatello. I am here to assist you."
"I still have a few more things to tweak, but, I thought it was about time that you met him," Don goes on, "Sooo, what do you all think?"
| Muse interaction
Donatello could for sure be on the more dramatic side, and for once Mikey didn't mean in terms of their mood or expression. Which some may think didn't quite fit when it came to the purple coded on of the four. If anything Mikey could see others thinking he was the more dramatic one in the bale. Mikey was supposedly 'over sensitive' which was rude and also wrong because Donatello was the the more dramatic one of them all. As he once more had his latest gadget, or project all ready to be shown off hidden behind a trap. With pretty much everyone Don could get to come and show this whatever off to. Just said a few things one that Donnie was in fact finished with this and two it was something they were beyond excited for. With how visibly giddy Donatello was in the moment it was hard to miss.
"Ladies and gentleman, and Mikey,"
Mikey simply stuck out his tongue towards Don's joke, he has used it many times over the years after all. So Mikey had grown used to the teasing way that Don sometimes refereed to him. Jokes on him it worked for Mikey anyway.
"I'd like to present to you-"
Everyone present in the room at that moment shifted their gazes from Donatello who was speaking to the trap as Don finally went and tugged the fabric pulling it free from the latest invention. Showing what seemed to resemble a robot turtle.
If anyone hadn't been invested before this moment they were now that's for sure the case for Michelangelo. As the robot seemed to stare back at the small crowd. Splinter let his ears twitch slightly as he observed Don's latest build. Raphael didn't seem all that phased, arms still crossed over his plastron as he looked over the robot himself. Lameo. Summer seemed to share in Mikey's excitement as she stood near by Ariel seeming to be saying something to her as she even tugged on their sleeve and went about the robot. Eyes wide as she looked it excited because hey a real robot! Least some in the crowd could see how cool this was. But of couirse Donatlloe being Donatello he had far more to say about it all.
"I first drew up his blueprints back in two thousand and three, but getting all the right parts and fixing all the bugs took a little longer than expected,"
Mikey had checked out on the technical part of the conversation honestly hes sure most of them had slightly checked out when Donatello went on to ramble on just then and there.
"Originally, he was going to help us fight the Foot Clan, but, since that's all quietened down for the most part, Metalhead is here to assist us in anyway he can."
Mikey offers a tilt of his head catching how Don beamed suddenly, hmm that a familiar look, shifting his own gaze towards Ariel before looking back. Don's always took some extra pride in what all he invented but seems this might be the second time that pride was just a bit more. That just Mikey to smile a bit more himself. Guess the long time it took Metalhead to finally be finished was more than a simply project something with more heart put into it than Don's brain was. That would explain the need to gather this crowd to see his little bot here after all. Sure showing him, Leo and Raph made sense if it was something like Don mentioned but this was far more like a family announcement. And gathering all of them together was not easy to do these days.
Dons being a dork again. Was basically the best way to sum all of that up with.
"Metalhead, please introduce yourself."
"Hello. I am Metalhead. I was created in a lab by Donatello. I am here to assist you."
Mikey offered a wave of his friend to the robot once they spoke up, maybe it was due to hoe Don address and looked towards them but Mikey had to admit he wasn't really seeing this as like Shelltank or whatever else, in truth kind of was like the day Ariel was born. So their was a fondness settling over the turtle already.
"I still have a few more things to tweak, but, I thought it was about time that you met him,"
There's a shared glance between Raph and Mikey at that a silent little 'of course you do between them before they look back.
"Sooo, what do you all think?"
"I 'hink ya really need to work on ya to do list Don." Raphael was first to pipe in with. Happy to tease Donnie over that ever growing to do list that always made some thing be put off for later and such.
Mikey themself walked over closer to the robot for a better look "I think ya gotta work on your showmanship skill Don." Mikey chimed in with as well because of course, neither could allow their brother a moment of peace. "ya make a robot and you only put him under a trap? that's lame Dee even for you." Mikey continues with moving to throw his hands out to present the robot "I mean look at you Metal! your a robot right? That fucking awesome!" Mikey continues on to hype it all up with.
"Don't worry Mikey sure 'hat's on his to do list too" Raph adds in.
Mikey moves to be near the robot now hand on their shoulder as he looks over to Don "Tell him Metal! I want a cool introduction too!" Mikey plays along more with. Pretty sure that the robot wouldn't but right now he was annoying Donnie so that part didn't matter much.
Raphael made his way over next seems to grow more interest now in the robot "Nah Don probs tried to give poor bot some good behavior chip or whatever."
Mikey smirks "I mean I think any program can be changed right? Look at Ari after all." As if Ariel was a trouble maker at all. "Don't worry Metal auncle Mikey and uncle Raph won't let you be all stiff like your Dad." Raphael tilted his head at Mikey's comments now, not having picked up on Don's apparent parental fondness towards the robot. Looking back at them as he rub at his chin a bit. "nah I think metals safe for now," Raphael adds with picking up on the nickname Mikey was using. "Still no where near as stiff as Don is" And the teasing continues because Raph and Mikey can't truly like Don enjoy anything with out a bit of it. "Clearly Splinter didn' give ya a wooden stick as a weapon for nothin' "
Mikey snorted a little at that "We helped Ari now we gotta help Ari's brother too before it's too late! the spread of Don's geek is too strong. It's amazing Von been spared so long!" and they were ready to give in anytime soon at that.
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ghoulphile · 5 months
janey's dad | c.h./the ghoul | teaser
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➥ pairing | cooper howard/the ghoul x f!reader ➥ word count | 465 for the teaser, overall wordcount tbd ➥ overall warning(s) | 🔞 smut; age gap (i hc reader to be late 20s but i tried to leave it vague enough), cowgirl position, biting, hair pulling, choking, squirting, teasing, pining, lipstick kink, breast/nipple play, masturbation (m), porn w/ feelings, porn w/ plot, mild angst w/ happy ending, coop's pov to start - rest of the fic will be in reader's, divorced!coop, babysitter!reader, pre-war/bomb ➥ summary | "We really s-shouldn't - oh fuck - be doing this." ➥ notes | here's a teaser for the fic i took a poll on, some people wanted more info 😊 coop is a big dick dilf fite me. feedback is always appreciated ❤️ lmk if you want to be tagged feel free to send in thots, questions, requests! | masterlist
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Divorce is hard, but being a divorcé is downright hellish.
Ugliest thing in the world, if Cooper Howard has any say.
It's not like being a Marine with a gun in hand, being told where to point and shoot, or an actor reading off a script. There's no guidebook, no crash course. These people aren't nameless threats coasts away or co-workers following a cue.
In fact, his 'enemies' aren't enemies at all.
They have names: Barb, so smart it hurts, and sweet little Janey, his very own North star. Sometimes looking at them rips open a hole in his chest that'll never close, edges jagged and sore. The phantoms of family, of happier times, found in the glint of a smile or a peal of laughter.
See, war's something he understands. Something he's good at.
But these domestic battlefields where he's gotta look his ex-wife in the face, and struggle to meet his daughter's eye? Barter this weekend and that holiday? To pay for the privilege of his child's presence (he does, he will, she's worth every goddamn cent he's ever made)?
To look down the barrel of a smoking gun only to find the woman he loves staring back; he doesn't, can't, comprehend that. Because once upon a time, he was happy (with her) and life was sweeter than pie.
Now he's nothing but a washed up actor who struggles to land a call back let alone make his monthly alimonies. His marriage has failed, his reputation is in shambles, and his bank account is dryer than the Mojave.
Barb gets the house. He gets the dog.
And caught in the middle of it all is his little girl; the only thing he’s got left worth while. He wants to protect her, provide for her the way she deserves — only he seems to fall short every goddamn time.
The mistakes and missteps keep stacking up against him; such is his new life in all its raw, unglamorous glory.
Look how far the mighty fall.
Lucky for him — the first bright thing that's come his way in a long, long while — a sweet, young woman moves into the apartment next door. Of course, it isn't long before Janey takes a shine, always so friendly.
Thankfully, you're just as good with her.
It only makes sense you'd watch her when a gig runs late. Rustle up some grub and put her to bed whenever he slinks in through the door, stripped to the bone.
And if he takes himself in hand late at night, stroking his cock to the thought of you down on your knees in that pretty little sundress? Imagines the wide stretch of your lush mouth as you peer up at him from between his thighs when he cums hard?
Well, what you don't know won't hurt you.
After all, he promises to keep his hands to himself.
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part 01 of full fic
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toxic-libra · 3 months
moth to a flame pt.2 (teaser, m)
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pairing: soobin x fem!reader word count: tbd, but up until now, 5k genre: friends with benefits-ish (he helps her with dating tips and stuff), angst if u squint really hard, smut, fluffy, inspired a bit by moth to a flame - the weeknd warnings: 3rd person pov (as always), mentions of reader in love with another guy (haechan <3), slight fwb dynamic, mature content (big dick!bin ofc, oral sex, mirror sex hihihi, i might add something else oopsy) tagging: @once27, @pageriviera, @gyuzlover, @kookley77-blog, @sendhelpiloveyeonjun, @bunnyspeach, @pagesoobinie, @acidsoju, @cheekycountesschoi, @pinkbabi
part two out now!
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Soobin’s hands trembled a bit as he took her dress off. Her skin was ablaze, although goosebumps rose everywhere his fingers touched. He kissed her shoulder, cupping her boobs and pinching a nipple – the moan she let out was pornography, reaching his dick and making it twitch. “Lay down and close your eyes, love.” He ordered, reaching for the lights. “Now open.”
Y/N was met with her reflection on the ceiling. “A mirror?”
“Got it installed yesterday.”
“Because I liked it?”
“That’s… Very kinky of you, Choi Soobin.”
The dimples showed up, warming her heart at the sight of his boyish smile. “You’re the first one to see it. I didn’t think much when I bought it, but you’re here and it makes sense now… You were right. Everything makes sense with you.” His knee dipped the bed. “Wanna try it?”
Thank God she was laying down, or else her wobbly legs would give in.
Everything makes sense with you.
“Of course I do.”
He gave her another one of his cute smiles, those that didn’t mirror any of his naughty intentions, and Y/N felt her heart tug at the sight. “Then keep looking up and see the magic happen.”
She giggled, for his words were a bit cheesy, but her smile died as soon as his mouth touched her collarbones. He left some tender bites while his hands kneading her boobs, then, as her fingers threaded between his dark locks, his lips circled a nipple, sucking and licking the hard bud. Y/N moaned, eyes begging to close, but too entranced by their reflection to do so. She could see his tall frame over her, the way her legs rested at each side of his hips, her own face filled with pleasure.
Soobin kept trailing her body with kisses, until he reached her navel. His teeth scraped near her panties’ waistband, his large hands fondling her chest before coming down to her thighs, grabbing them and keeping them open. Y/N held her breath, attention fixed on the mirror – his head was so close to where she wanted it, she could even feel the warmth of his breath. Then, he sucked her over the fabric, and her back arched, heart fluttering at the sensation… But it still wasn’t enough.
“Fuck, Bin.”
“Is everything ok?” His voice was tinted with mirth.
“It’ll be when you take my panties off.” She confessed.
“So impatient.” But his fingers rolled them down, tossing it somewhere on the floor. Before Soobin could dive in, he glanced above, seeing her now naked body splayed on his bed. “Isn’t it such a nice view?” He mused. “I wish I had eyes behind my head to witness everything.”
And then his mouth was on her, not wasting even a second.
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jeewrites · 7 months
Hold Fast | Ch. 1 Will Squat for Dinner
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Series Master List
Inspo: In an IG reel @ tashabraziliano asks a guy at the gym to play a game where if she squats him he has to buy her dinner at Nando’s.
Rating: M for this one shot, but this blog is 18+ MDNI
A/N: Thank you to @bloviating-vy for being my beta and my write or die! Grateful to everyone who voted in my poll and @katareyoudrilling for encouraging me to post. In the Hold Fast AU all the guys make it back from S. America, additional details TBD if this ends up being a series
Word Count: ~4.0k
Tags: no y/n, gymbff!Benny, alcohol, swearing, reader is a powerlifting girlie described as short, Tom is alive unfortunately (we hate Tom), alcohol, brief body insecurity and Frankie being down on himself, Tom owns a bar, Pope owns a gym, alternating POV with one brief Benny POV
next chapter >>
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The first time you went to train at Pope's Gym, Benny wouldn’t stop talking your ear off during your workout. When you finally got a word in edgewise, you made a bet with him that if you could squat him, he would shut the fuck up and let you finish your workout in peace. To his amazement, not only did you squat him, you repped him 3 times before setting him down to raucous applause. You’d been gym besties ever since. It didn’t hurt that he was nice to look at with his dirty blonde hair and penchant to go sans shirt so he could flaunt his abs as frequently as possible. Plus, his big golden retriever energy never failed to brighten your day.
Benny liked to tease you about the gym you used to go to that had vanity lighting, a smoothie bar, and chilled eucalyptus-scented towels. While Pope's had the most lifting platforms of any gym in town, you were adjusting to the lack of central A/C and other amenities you were used to. Pope’s was housed in a large warehouse space, bare metallic bones, with multiple commercial rolling doors instead of a proper HVAC system. Besides the rows upon rows of platforms, a selection of assault bikes and ergs lined one wall of the gym, while a section of accessory machines collected dust in the corner.
You learned which platforms got the most airflow depending on which rolling door was open and which ones the massive fans covered best. You had made the switch because you had outgrown your old gym which catered to the general public. The bougie public, Benny liked to remind you. You had started lifting heavy and wanted to lift heavier, so you found yourself signing up at Pope's after Pope himself had given you the tour around the space. You learned that Pope had started the gym after coming back from Colombia wanting to promote health and strength in the community while getting into better shape himself. Looking at the peach shape of his ass you could bounce anything off of, you knew Pope had been putting the work in.
Benny worked the front desk at Pope's between training and fighting MMA. His older and blonder brother Will would come by to work out, but he was often leaving when you were arriving so you didn't know him well beyond a friendly wave. Plus, it seemed like Benny used the majority of the word quota between the Miller brothers. Pope's grew on you and you got to know the regulars who trained the same time you did; enough that you gave them cute identifying nicknames in your head (often without knowing their actual names) and worried about them when they missed more than a session or two.
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Benny was surprised to see you walk into Pope's one night an hour before closing since you always trained in the mornings. You had given him a short head nod instead of your usual big smile before stalking to a platform and slamming your bag down.
"Yooooo, everything ok?" he asks as he walks over.
"Does it look like I'm okay," you huff, aggressively wrestling your knee sleeves on. Glancing at him, you immediately apologize when he hesitates and takes a step back.
"Sorry, Benny. I'll be a lot better after I pick up some heavy things and put them down."
"Might help if you want to talk about it?" he ventures leaning against the barbell.
You finish tying your squat shoes before looking at him again with dejected eyes and sighing.
"I just went on a crappy date with a guy from one of those dating apps," you sigh again. "He spent the whole time talking about himself and how much he works out. Then he had the fucking audacity to question me when he asked how much I could lift."
"Fucking asshole!" Benny feels himself getting steamed.
"He just stormed out of the restaurant and left me with the bill when I refused to change my answer," you shrug, but Benny sees your jaw tick. "Apparently, I squat and deadlift more than he does and he couldn't date someone who could do that." You roll your eyes and huff.
"WTF! What a total loser. You don't need a guy like that who doesn't appreciate you," Benny replies incensed. He sees your face fall for a moment, eyes downcast and tight.
"I just — I've been trying to put myself out there again and it sucks," you mumble, cheeks flush with embarrassment. "It's also been kinda lonely since I moved here, and I guess I could just use more friends, too."
"Yeah, my gym friend! We don't do anything outside of this hot, sweaty box Benny," you remind him with a small smile and playful shove to get him off your barbell.
Benny decides this is completely unacceptable and immediately remedies this by inviting you to the next hangout with him and his ex-Delta Force friends at Redfly's, a local bar nearby. "You know Pope and Will already," he reassures, "Tom's the owner of the bar and he's an asshole, but he's our asshole. And there's Catfish — we call him Fish for short. We've been trying to get him to come work out here, but he's been busy with his new pilot job for the hospital. And he shares custody of his 3-year-old daughter with his ex."
He could see your brain turning over all the information he was throwing at you. You don't seem to react either way to the news that Fish has an ex and a daughter. As you adjust the bar height you respond, "You sure? Don't want to crash a regular thing that you have with your guys."
"Nah, it'll be great! They'll love you!" Benny's determined to get you to come.
You hand him your phone. "Well... okay. Text me the details?"
With your phone in hand, Benny puts his number in to text himself and then convinces you to show him your dating profile. Between sets of squats you both take turns swiping on possible matches, Benny teasing you on your picks. Ever observant, Benny notices your preference for profiles with tall, brown-haired, brown-eyed candidates. As you work through your next set, Benny sneaks his phone out and immediately texts Fish.
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Redfly's was what you expected for a bar run by an ex-delta force asshole. Dimly lit, buncha mismatched tables and chairs, lots of dark grain wood, and an air of neglect despite being quite clean. It was mostly empty except for a few grizzled guys who screamed regulars, nursing beers at the bar. Lots of beers on tap, but not so much for cocktail options. Not that you were a big drinker anyway. If anything, all the training made you an extremely cheap date. But damn, if you were going to drink, you wanted it to be a solid cocktail.
"THERE SHE IS!" Benny bounds over to you before grabbing your hand and dragging you over to the table in the corner. He introduces you to Tom who was standing by the table chatting with the guys. Tom gives a half-hearted greeting before stalking off back to the bar. Pope gives you a big smile and hug, "Good to see you hermosa, don't mind Tom. That was downright friendly for him." You snort as you settle into your seat next to Pope. Will also greets you with a small wave and an offer to pour you a beer from the pitcher.
"That's okay, I'm not much of a beer drinker." You wince, wrinkling your nose.
"I thought you said she was cool," Pope teases Benny who rolls his eyes and looks at you with faux betrayal.
"How about I buy shots for the table? Would that make me cool?" you smirk, getting up to go to the bar.
"Only if I get one too," says a warm, baritone voice from behind you. A tall, handsome man slides into the last vacant seat across from yours. Soft brown curls threaten to escape the Standard Oil cap nestled on his head. The warmest brown eyes smile at you as he holds your surprised gaze. "Hi, I'm Fish. Sorry, 'm late."
You want to trace the golden skin stretched deliciously along the column of his neck. Run your fingers through those curls that look so, so incredibly soft. And the strong curve of his nose... You snap out of your reverie before you respond with your name. "Better get those shots then," you say, trying not to trip over your unexpectedly shaky legs. Holy shit, why the fuck didn't Benny mention his friend Fish was gorgeous?
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When Benny bugged him to come to the Friday night hangout at Redfly’s, Frankie hadn’t given it a second thought. The exuberant text from Benny, “You coming this week right? Got someone from Pope’s coming to meet you guys!!!” had two too many exclamation points for his taste. He figured Benny had a new lifting partner he wanted the guys to meet and his attendance had been pretty spotty between the new EMS pilot gig and balancing shared custody with Vanessa.
So when he walked into Redfly’s and overheard you say “… shots for the table?” He just assumed Tom had finally hired some help in the form of a very cute new waitress.
It wasn’t until he asked the guys when Tom hired you, eyes not leaving your form as you walked away, did he realize the absolute error in his assumption. “That’s my friend from the gym, Fish. SHE’s from Pope’s,” Benny rolled his eyes.
“C’mon hermano, you know Tom’s too cheap to hire help and too much of a pendejo for help to stick around,” Pope added.
Frankie pulled his cap low over his eyes and slid down his seat. He could feel himself flush. Fuck, he thought. Just made an ass out of myself demanding a shot from a total stranger.
You had frozen for a moment after he introduced himself before offering your name with a bit of a grimace. He thought you were gorgeous though and smelled incredible, fresh and citrusy with hints of something sweet and floral that lingered even after you had walked away.
“So, whaddya think, Fish?” Benny prods. "She’s smart, pretty, super strong, and a total sweetheart. Should ask her out."
Frankie flushes a deeper red. “S’outta my league Benny.”
“Aw, c’mon Fish, you gotta get back out there,” Benny persists. "Made it easy for you too. I happen to know you’re exactly her type."
“What, she into out of shape, 40-year-old, divorced, single dads with a toddler?” Fish grumbles. He hadn’t dressed particularly well tonight either, just his usual worn khakis and old faded navy t-shirt. Hadn’t suspected Benny was going to try to set him up tonight, although with Benny you never knew what you were getting yourself into.
“Might’ve mentioned summa that to her. She didn’t even blink, Fish. You got a shot and you should take it.”
Frankie finally tears his eyes away from you. You had just said something that made Tom smile ever so briefly and he wanted to know what you said. Frankie didn’t even realize Tom smiled anymore.
He sees Pope giving Benny that look that said Pope knew Frankie was indeed interested in you, but needed some extra encouragement and to get out of his head. How a single look conveyed all of that spoke to the years and shit they’d all been through together.
“Gonna help her bring over the drinks,” Benny says, popping out of his chair before Frankie could tell him to keep his big mouth shut.
He lifts his cap and runs his fingers through his hair. He hadn’t even tried to comb his fucking hair before coming out tonight. He slides the cap back on hoping it catches the more unruly curls.
“You’re a total catch, Fish,” Pope says, pouring him a beer. “Don’t count yourself out before even shooting your shot.”
“Could just be a coffee date. Don’t overthink it,” Will seconds.
Frankie takes a big pull of his beer. Easy for these two to say. Both Pope and Will worked out regularly at the gym and had the physiques to show for it. As much as Frankie had insisted everyone needed to get back on their game when they got back from Colombia, he was the only one out of the five of them who hadn't.
At least it didn’t feel like it with his achy back and bad knees. Sure, he had finally gotten his pilot’s license reinstated and now shared custody of his daughter. But he was self-conscious of his soft stomach, especially next to Benny whose abs were definitely the example given in the dictionary next to “rock-hard.” What did he have to offer you besides a mountain of baggage and PTSD? Maybe if he just kept his mouth shut everything would be fine and he’d survive tonight without embarrassing himself.
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At this point, you are willing to brave Tom the asshole to collect yourself before sitting across from Frankie and his big brown eyes again. Tom raises an eyebrow when you order six shots ("One's for you asshole," you say to Tom with a teasing glare) and ask if he could make an Aviation. You swear he gives you the faintest smile before grumbling about ridiculous froufrou cocktails, but he wasn't born yesterday and yes he could make you one.
Benny sidles up to you at the bar as you wait for Tom to finish making your drink, offering to help you carry the drinks back to the table. "You doing ok? You seem nervous," Benny observes as you tap your fingers on the bar.
"Why didn't you warn me Fish is fucking hot?" you pointedly whisper back.
Benny grins at you as he leans back on his elbows against the bar, "Fucking knew it. Totally thought he'd be your type, girlie."
"You trying to set us up??" you glare at him.
Benny shrugs with exaggerated innocence. "Maaaaybe."
You huff, "Does he know that? Am I even his type?" You cringe inwardly at your insecurity.
"Well considering he hasn't taken his eyes off you since you left the table makes me think you are," Benny smirks. The smug look stays on his face.
For once you're glad you took more than five minutes to put yourself together before walking out the door. You picked a pair of jeans that hugged your curves and a fitted top with a very complementary neckline. Black-heeled booties gave you a few inches and made your legs look longer than they were. Worth the hassle of walking in at least for one night. The lightest dusting of make-up, mostly eyeliner and glossy lip balm, highlights your facial features.
"So maybe I should shoot my shot then, hmm?" you wink at Benny with a knowing smile.
"If you're thinking what I'm thinking…," Benny grins thinking back on the day you two met.
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"That's very purple," Fish observes as you and Benny set down the drinks for the table.
"It's an Aviation. You might like it considering you're a pilot, mmh?" you respond with a smile. Okay, you've collected yourself. Sort of. Let's see if you remember how this flirting thing goes.
"What are we taking shots to celebrate?" Pope asks.
"How about to new, strong, friends?" you quip.
"I'll cheers to that!" Benny raises his glass.
Conversation is light and fun with the guys. You marvel at their connection and closeness as they teased and talked like people who have been through some shit together over the years. You convince Fish to try the Aviation to which he declares it a "very fancy purple" and keeps sneaking sips much to your amusement. They fold you into their conversation, asking about your training, and what competitions you might try this season. They praise Pope about how the gym has flourished and rib him about his ever-revolving door of beautiful women.
"What about you, Fish? You thinking about getting back out there and dating?" Benny asks before flicking his eyes over to you. You remind yourself to thank Benny profusely for being the best wingman ever.
"'Dunno. Not sure where to even start," Frankie mumbles into his beer, casting his eyes down.
"I have an idea," you give Frankie your best coy smile.
"Yeah?" he breathes looking up at you. Those damn brown eyes.
"I have a game for you," you offer before taking a breath. “If I squat you, you get to buy me dinner.” Your heart is thrumming in your chest and you feel your cheeks flush, but damnit, you were going to shoot your fucking shot. "But if I can rep you, I want the whole nine yards. Pick me up at my place, flowers, dinner and dessert."
"You — you think you can squat me?" Fish looks a bit surprised, "I— it's, it's not that I don't think you can. But 'm... A lot bigger than you... 'm out of shape." His ears pink at the last part as he cups one hand over the back of his neck.
"I know I can. Do we have a deal?" you smile at him with encouragement and extend your hand across the table. Fish hesitates, but you try not to assume why.
"Jesus, Fish, if you don't take her up on it, I will," Pope winks at you.
Fish glances between you and Pope for a brief moment.
He reaches out and shakes your hand. "Okay, deal." You try not to get distracted by the way his large hand engulfs yours.
"Let's go, brown eyes," you tell him as you stand up from your chair and whip your hair up into a high ponytail.
"You're going to do this in heels?" Fish asks as he gets up from his chair with a grunt. Christ, he's so tall. And broad. You shrug and look up at him through your lashes, “I mean, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.”
You move so you stand with your side towards his front.
“I'm going to put my hand here,” you gesture to his right inner thigh just above the knee. "Is that okay?"
"Alright, you ready?"
He nods.
You carefully slump him over your shoulders in a fireman's carry, gripping tightly to his upper arm and thigh. You can feel the warmth of his body pressed deliciously across your shoulders. He's so warm.
You brace.
Benny's out of his seat, whooping and hollering. Pope's leaning forward, elbows on his knees, clapping, "Let's go, let's go!" Will's grinning and shaking his head in amusement. The regulars at the bar sneak glances over in your direction.
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Frankie catches himself remarking on the particular shade of purple out loud when you return to the table with Benny bearing shots and a suspiciously purple beverage. He realizes after you respond and the dazzling smile you give him that you’re flirting with him. He thinks?? He’s so out of practice. God, he’d do anything for you to smile at him like that again.
When you slide your drink over to him to try he surprises himself by taking a sip. He’s even more surprised that he likes it. Crisp juniper dances across his tongue followed by a delicate floral sweetness and a touch of citrus with a spiced cardamom and anise finish. This very purple drink tastes the way you smell. And the giggle you give him when he calls it a “very fancy purple” blooms warmth through him, settling low in his core. He can only think about how he can elicit that sound from you again.
Which is how he misses Benny asking him if he’s thinking about getting back out there and dating. Fucking Benny and his goddamn big mouth.
But then you’re smiling at him again, telling him, single-dad, divorcee Francisco Morales, you have an idea. He’s looking at you and he can barely breathe as your eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint and your plush, glossy lips propose a game.
For a moment he’s confused. Did you not want to go out to dinner with him? Because if he’s honest, he doesn’t think you could squat him. He’s so much bigger than you. And he’s pretty sure if he tried, he could put you in his pocket. But then you’re brimming with confidence and extending your hand out to strike a deal.
It’s when Pope — fucking Pope — threatens to play your game in his place that Frankie is engulfing your delicate hand in his large one. You surprise him with a firm handshake and it’s then that he can feel the callouses across your palm. Callouses from many, many reps with the barbell.
Frankie finds himself towering over you, realizing you’re about to try and squat him in heeled booties. He vaguely hears you ask for consent to touch his inner thigh just above his knee before he finds himself suspended horizontally in the air across a set of firm shoulders, anchored by two small hands. He can feel when you brace, feel your entire core expand. The muscles across your shoulders and back flex underneath your fitted top. And suddenly he’s moving up and down, steadily with control.
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You end up squatting Fish five times before setting him back down gently with a breathless giggle. He's towering over you again and you just want to press yourself into his broad chest and envelope yourself in the smell of his body wash.
"Dinner?" you smirk up at him.
"Wow, yeah, dinner on me," Fish flushes, impressed and a little dazed.
"It's a date then," you quip, poking him in the rib before you sit back down at the table. You notice his brown eyes spark with realization at your comment.
Will, Benny, and Pope all high-five you. Cheeks still pink, Fish pulls his chair around to sit closer to you. Tom wanders back over to the table grumbling that Redfly's isn't that kind of establishment with theatrics like you just pulled. But he also sets down an Aviation along with another pitcher of beer before returning to the bar.
"He's just jealous you didn't try to squat him," Benny laughs. You giggle in response as the conversation around the table picks back up.
Feeling Fish's gaze on you, you slide your cocktail over to him. A frisson of electricity shoots up your entire arm when his fingers brush against yours as he takes your cocktail glass.
You tilt your head towards him, your eyes meeting his warm brown ones, and whisper, "By the way, my favorite flowers are dahlias."
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Frankie lost count by the time you repped him the third time. Just awed by you having the strength to carry him like this. He decides to just enjoy the rest of the ride.
When you set him back upright he almost melts into a puddle at the breathless giggle you let out. He catalogs that sound in his mind. He wants to brush back the hairs that have escaped your ponytail and he already misses your touch, wants to close the space between your bodies somehow without being creepy.
He gets lost in your eyes when you gaze up at him, he’s definitely over a head taller than you, and ask, “Dinner?”
Frankie is pretty sure he responds in the affirmative, still a bit dazed and very impressed.
It’s when you confirm it’s a date that his brain fritzes, reboots, and takes a minute to come back online. He blinks several times at the realization. He has a date. With you.
next chapter>>
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Notes: Dahlias symbolize elegance, creativity, positivity, and growth. It also represents inner strength, likely due to the plant's ability to tolerate harsh conditions.
"Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.” — Ann Richards
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🙏🏽 Thank you so much for reading my first fic! I'm bad at tumblr and new to tags/warnings/fan fics in general, so if I missed something please let me know.
I am open to constructive feedback but please be gentle with this baby powerlifting writer, yeah? I might be able to squat you, but I'm a big ol' softie.
Aaand I'm thinking about expanding on these characters and making Hold Fast into a series if anyone would want to read it. I may or may not already have a Frankie POV at Pope's Gym where he gets to see reader in her element. 👀
Taglist: @katareyoudrilling @christinamadsen @rebel-held
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loveguts · 3 months
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boything – an introduction
GENRE: southern gothic horror POV: third person limited, present tense STATUS: ongoing wip, very early stage LENGTH: roughly planning on a novella but may become longer THEMES: transmasculine main character with an exploration of (repressed) identity being a focal point of the plot / oppressive christianity and the religious horror surrounding it / trauma and grief / social isolation / horror within the family unit / psychological horror and subtle body horror / primal dormant rage / set during the summer WARNINGS: abusive and controlling parent / religious abuse, psychological and emotional abuse, physical abuse / transphobia and transphobic abuse against the main character, primarily under the lens of christianity / detailed explorations of gender dysphoria from the point of view of the person experiencing it, including negative perceptions of body parts / death of a (non-abusive) parent / suicide / gore and blood / body horror / vomit / self harm / potentially more tbd
in the wake of a familial tragedy that leaves him completely alone with his tyrannical father, twenty year old eden abernathy finds himself grappling with grief, his identity, and the desire for independence in his blossoming adulthood. with his sense of self deviating drastically from his father's strict expectations more and more over time, eden begins to wonder when – not if – he'll snap under the constant strain.
I'M SO EXCITED TO BE SHARING THIS, eden's story has undergone so many revisions and rough drafts and rewrites since 2021. it originally began as a victorian gothic setting with vampires, but after never being satisfied with it and constantly trying to make it into something that i actually liked, i've finally found what i want to do with his character after three years of work and completely rehauling everything. it means a lot to me and i'm genuinely so excited to finish this and share it with you all !!
tag / previews and snippets to be posted / absolutely feel free to give me a reply, message, or ask if you'd like to be added to a taglist for future previews and the eventual full release!!
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letters-from-dekarios · 6 months
from the desk of kore
Hello and welcome to my blog! This is an updated version of my original introduction. Lets begin!
My name is Kore, my pronouns are she/her, and I am an adult.
The masterlist is below the cut.
About the Blog:
letters-from-dekarios is a follow-for-follow blog & serves as an outlet for two main purposes.
1. fanfiction/headcanons about gale dekarios
2. letters from gale
At the time of posting this, there have already been two fanfics uploaded to this page. So what does the second outlet entail?
Letters from Gale Dekarios
Letters from Gale Dekarios are a type of ask response/fan interaction. These ‘letters’ are pov responses from Gale to any and all asks that come through our inbox!
This means you can ask things like “what’s your favorite color?” and a general response would be “dear [username] my favorite color is purple. from the desk of; gale dekarios”
Now of course the replies you receive will be much more detailed and poetic, but they serve as my interpretation of Gale’s interactions with you.
If you wish to have a response from me, and not as Gale, just note that in your ask :)
Guidelines and Rules
Any and all NSFW posts will be tagged. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. I also will not respond to NSFW asks from minors.
Requests/submissions/questions/letters can all be sent through the ‘send a letter 💌’ page. Use moral and general sense when sending anything through this page. 
That’s essentially it! Please feel free to interact however you’d like (within reason, of course). I look forward to interacting with all of you guys & hopefully you stick around to see this little blog grow :)
key: fanfiction, headcanons, letters
a blind date with a wizard
my love
dearest lia
my dearest love
dearest thalia
my sweet love
my darling love
fighting fate
dearest irisa, part two
my treasured dreuer, part two
sweet jasper
my loveliest lillium
sweet valentine
so high school
my love, bel
tolerate it
midnight tears (please read warnings!)
dearest lynneira, part two
lovely junabelle, part two
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acertainmoshke · 5 months
New Intro Post!
(If you’re mostly a Doctor Who or Batman blog I probably followed you for my side blog @autisticstevenuniverse and you might be more interested in that one than here)
Including full details for all my WIPs was getting long, so I've decided to make an abridged version with links to full intros
Updated: 9/17/24
General tag list (ask to be +/- for any or all works): @ashirisu
Published work
7 Days for Fae: A low-stakes realistic middle grade story about an autistic girl learning to accommodate her own needs, making a new friend, and helping her aunt understand that having a nonbinary parent isn't that big a deal. MC is also physically disabled and her new friend is ADHD-coded.
Available now as a paperback from Amazon or Booshop.org, and in paperback or ebook form from Lulu.
In Progress
Cracks in the Stone: A steampunk high fantasy following a royal bastard prophesied to save the kingdom when all they really wanted was to have a normal life. Set in a kingdom with an entirely different gender system, MC is physically disabled, important side character is intellectually disabled. No one is white.
Word count: 16,075/150,000
Story intros: Legends of Halara series, book 2, book 3, book 4, book 5, book 6
Character intros: Ko'a, Nalki, Azja, Sunka, Lila
Tag list: @amielbjacobs @starsoughtfrost @rbbess110
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Cold Iron: A dark urban fantasy set in the 50's about two adult changeling siblings on a quest to release from captivity the humans they replaced as infants. MC is autistic and both are trans.
Status: first draft done (85,039 words). Second draft in chapter 8
Current goal: have draft 2 done (typed up with narration smoothed, placeholders filled in, and details added) by the end of November
Character intros: Shaka, Kris, Maggie, Zuri, Cassie, Sparrow
Tag list: @stesierra @amielbjacobs @ettawritesnstudies @the-inkwell-variable
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Title TBD (Cold Iron book 2): A dark urban fantasy set in the 80's following the same characters from the first book and their new found family in underground queer culture as they investigate the mysterious disappearances of changelings with no one to miss them, people the authorities won't look for.
Stage: Planning
Character intros: Shaka, Kris, Maggie, Cassie, Sparrow, Vick, Mal, Megan, Jun
Future/Hiatus Projects
To Die Among the Stars: A dystopian sci fi in which people no one is supposed to miss—the poor, mentally ill, outcasts, and inhuman—are quietly stolen away to experiment on. But each of those people left behind someone who cares, and they won't rest until they've unraveled the mystery and saved their families. All of the 5 POV characters are disabled and/or mentally ill, and 2 are trans. The group is also racially diverse.
Word count: 19,569/85,000
Emerald Outpost: A sci fi thriller following a team of spies sent on a nonsense mission as punishment, only to discover that they might be the only ones who can save their planet as well as their enemies'. MC is Jewish and bi, the rest of the main cast includes a gay Muslim man, lesbian Latina woman, aro ace Latino man, and Black bi trans woman.
Word count: 392/50,000
Dragonfly Wings: A middle grade fantasy about a changeling girl who is taken back to faerieland but finds she no longer knows how to stop masking as a human. MC is autistic-coded.
Falling Petals: A historical story covering 100 years and 4 generations in a family that loves each other but is living in a world they don't fit into in very different ways and find themselves hurting each other instead. Entire family is Jewish and all 4 MCs are autistic-coded (except for the last one who is able to realize she's explicitly autistic).
After the War: An urban high fantasy following a war between the human and elfen countries, as people struggle to return to a peaceful normal after 30 years of violence. Werewolves, vampires, and mers were unwillingly affected by a conflict that wasn't theirs. No one trusts each other. But they have to move on somehow. Basically everyone is physically disabled and traumatized.
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yearninqheart · 2 months
what kind of future (teaser)
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If I could go back in time, rather than roughly but warmly, would I be able to let you go?
pairing: pansy parkinson x reader
word count: 0.8k (this teaser)
release date: TBD
series tags: fem!reader, gryffindor!reader, angst, some fluff, wlw, pansy pov, friends to something, more to be added as i finish writing this!
teaser warnings: self-doubt, mentions of worry for the future + meeting parents expectations, lemme know if i missed any!
notes: got in my feels and started writing pansy angst while listening to what kind of future instead of finishing that other reg fic my bad. anyways let me know if you’d like to be added/removed from my taglist and what you think of this pls and thank u <3
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“Have you finally got your head out of your arse?” Draco asked as he took the seat across from Pansy. Quickly, she began to miss the quietness that filled the room prior to his presence. 
“Such a kind friend you are. I’m doing well, thank you.” Pansy rolled her eyes as she picked up her teacup, gesturing to the second one reserved for Draco before taking a sip of her tea. 
For a brief moment, silence filled the room as the two simply enjoyed their tea and snacks. From where they sat in the drawing room, the sound of running water from the b fountain in the garden outside helped fill the silence before one of them was ready to speak. Unsurprisingly, it was Draco.
“Have you told her yet?” 
Pansy wished she could play dumb. Told who what? But there was a reason she had invited Draco over today, and both of them knew it was not because she missed her best-friend. 
“Or have you finally realized it for yourself?” 
At that, she slowly nodded her head, her gaze casting downwards as Draco leaned back in his chair. “Do you plan on telling her anytime soon?”
She scoffed in response to this. “And then what?” 
“What do you mean ‘and then what?’. And then you can finally have your—painfully obvious—answer that’s what!” Pansy had opened her mouth to say something but Draco continued. “Don’t you even try to deny it, all of us can see it. I don’t understand how you’re doubting yourself even after so many of us have told you it’s not just you.” 
He was right, unfortunately. All of her friends have told her in one way or another to just go for it. They all claim to see the spark but all Pansy seems to see is the aftermath of everything that could possibly go wrong. His words hung in the air for a while before she finally spoke again. 
“I’m scared it won’t work out.” She finally admitted, eyes landing on her lap as she picked at her fingernails. “And if it's not because I mess it up then it’ll be because of my family. Draco you know how they are, remember how they reacted to Longbottom? And he’s a pureblood! How do you think they’d react to a muggleborn? I don’t want her to be dragged into this whole mess.” 
The reason why Pansy was always seen as reckless growing up was due to the knowledge that everything she ever had was always replaceable. She never had to worry about damaging or losing anything because she could always simply get it back one way or another. This however, would not be replaceable if something went wrong. 
“Don’t you think she also knows what could  happen?” Draco tried to reason. When she simply remained quiet, he continued. “ Pans, it’s been a year since your friendship with them changed whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. I think she knows what she’s getting herself into and is just being the off chance everything is fine. Don’t you also want this to work out?” 
Pansy scoffed, lifting her head up to look at him. “Of course I bloody do, what kind of question is that!”
Love was something she had pushed to the deepest edges of her mind but now appears to have flooded every inch of it, turning her into, per Draco’s own words one drunken night, a “tolerable person” which had earned him a shove at his shoulder. 
“Then why don’t you try?” 
“I’m not risking her!” Pansy exclaimed, suddenly jumping onto her feet causing a plate of scones to go flying across the room. “I can’t risk losing it all, not if there’s a chance it won’t work out.”  
Draco looked at his best-friend with a softened expression, watching her struggle to calm her breathing as she stood hunched over her chair, fingers tightly gripping the back of it as she tried to calm her racing mind and heart. 
In that moment, Pansy wonders if this was all even worth it. Physical objects her parents could care less about, but the future of their family name was a different story. They tolerated her mischievousness growing up but with her graduation in 2 years, her parents had become more firm on their expectations of her and unfortunately, her little songbird is not a part of them. Not in the way she would’ve liked that is.
 “But what if it does?” Draco was now suddenly standing on the other side of the chair, the feeling of his hand covering the tops of her seemed to pull her out of her head to finally realize he had moved. “It could work out for all you know, you won’t know unless you try.” 
He was right. What if it doesn’t mess up? What if she’s just overthinking everything? What if it would work out? 
But would that be a risk she was willing to take?
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tagging, lmk if you wanna be added/removed: @with-love-anu @screennamealreadyused @retvenkos @princekooks
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 1 year
The Office of Chocolate and Pining... Masterlist
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Jim Halpert x GN!Reader
Dunder Mifflin, Scranton branch is getting its own documentary crew. Why? Who knows, but Y/N certainly doesn't think it'll turn into anything interesting. The rest of the office disagrees. A film about how ‘a typical paper office runs their business' quickly turns into an office romance drama, and things heat up rather quickly when the cameras are around.
Y/N's year anniversary of getting their receptionist job is coming soon- along with Pam's wedding just a month afterwards. With pranks, office meetings, and arguments abound, no one can predict what will happen. Though, Jim has a weird feeling that things might change soon, and he's not sure if it has anything to do with his actual job.
(This will include multiple mentions and callbacks to the actual show- but not in order! I’m also not quoting word-for-word from the episodes, so this will be all ‘new’ content!)
Tags: Gender Neutral reader (they/them), First person POV, Fic Rewrite, Chocolate loving reader, Nerdy Jim Halpert (because I said so), Flirty Pam, Jello stapler prank, Pining, Mutual pining, the reader is a fanfic author because this totally isn't just a self-insert or anything, Pam is a good guy still, Oblivious Jim Halpert, Sort of asshat Roy, Michael is Up To Something, 
Warnings: canon compliant cheating (if you count Pam flirting while engaged), mentions of a concussion (brief), Confrontation, Intrusive thoughts (minor), 
Words: TBD
Key: [ ֎” ] before a scene means that it’s an interview, typical use of Y/N (your name) Y/L/N (your last name) and Y/N/N (your nickname), ‘—‘ is a pause in the scene which will be continued following a second ‘—‘, 
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PART ONE (rewrite)
PART TWO (rewrite)
PART THREE... coming soon
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web-novel-polls · 7 months
Trans WN Character Tournament
Last Checked: September 20th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates
Submissions End: TBD
The character must be from a web novel or an adaptation of a WN (common adaptations like manhwa/manhua may be accepted, just within reason)
They don't have to be canonically transgender. The reasoning can be anything from them explicitly wanting to be a different gender/sex or just vibes 
Just stay away from offensive gender stereotypes in propaganda, especially Western gender stereotypes on Asian characters (Ex: Nie Huaisang being more interested in art and fans than fighting might be a more "feminine trait" to Western readers, but Chinese fans have explained that it actually fits with the male scholars of the time period). 
You can still submit any character, but remember to be respectful & conscientious
Tournament Tag: #trans wn character tournament
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Jang Hayoung / Jang Hayeong from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Gender Identity: Transfem / MTF
Canon Pronouns: she/her (she gets misgendered for a big part of the novel in the unofficial english translation, but when we're in her pov it's she/her)
Submission 2: a woman that got isekai'd into a boy body. learns female swordsmanship, is always correcting people about her gender
Submission 3: She's so fun and silly, unfortunately doesnt get as much time in novel as the main cast, but shes genuinely so funny
Wiki Link
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Ling Fengxiao from The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path
Gender Identity: transfem & nonbinary
(tw: transphobia)  i am not claiming that this a good novel by any means & this is kind of nonsense but hear me out: main romance lead of this novel spends like 90% of the time happily presenting as a woman, and this is a vague spoiler but at one point mc and his wife are both "pretending" to be women (ngl i could also submit mc here. much gender to be had but it really has to be unintentional bc of later transphobic plot points) and come across a plant that only blooms valuable flowers when attended to by two beautiful women (ok. whatever) and they're both like "well IM pretending to be a woman but lin shu/ling fengxiao ISNT so she'll carry me across this finish line" and it does bloom! like, it does! the author is like "ohhhh its sickly and this is forcedddd" <- but it does bloom. and the flower spirit that comes of it is fairly explicitly a trans woman, even if she's an object of ridicule. my grasping at scraps theory here is that all of the "you're actually a boy. accept it" said to the spirit is a projection of internalized transphobia. there are three women here but only one of them is willing to say so. if the author was willing to write where the previous characterization led we would have a different story. 
Luo Binghe from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Gender Identity: Transfem / MTF
Canon Pronouns/Gender: He/Him, Male
Submission: Scum Villain is a satirical transmigration novel where the protagonist transmigrates into the in-universe novel Proud Immortal Demon Way, which is a male-fantasy novel. Some themes/topics include toxic masculinity, not putting people in boxes and the harm thereof, abandonment, motherhood, identity, and there are several instamces of body snatching/changing. During the plot, due to both the toxic masculinity themes and the author poking at gendering in danmei novels, both the protagonist and binghe are described very femininely. Instead of a usually anti-toxic masculinity plotline where instead it talks about healthy masculinity, scum villain basically just says that the mc and ml should instead stop repressing their natural feminity so they can be happy. Also the novel has transphobic parts but somehow they even wrap around to implying that these two are trans women. Binghe is indirectly described as a trans woman (in a transphobic way) dont get me wrong the transphobic parts are transphobic and shouldnt be in there but its still pertinent. After a certain point, binghe is constantly called maiden-hearted, described as a younger sister reaching out to her elder sister pleading for help (the elder sister here is the protagonist) and is described as being very much like his biological mother in appearance and personality, and as a pretty boy. (His mother su xiyan is described as having the aura of a tyrant, cold and ruthless, as well as masculine, especially in comparison to his biological father, who is described as the runaway young miss in comprison to su xiyans wealthy young master. Also binghe is described as physically similar to her, including her tall height, except for his fathers eyes which makes him not too feminine.) Binghes bio father is described as maidenhearted like binghe. Uses his special blood, which is compared to menstration, in text, for many purposes. When asked his gender he refuses to answer (intext the unreliable narrator says that its due to it being a simple and obvious question but unreliable narrator so who knows for sure) and he is also called bingmei, or younger sister binghe to distingiush him from the original timelines toxically masculine, unhappy bingge, or elder brother binghe.
Wiki Link
Mui Lysander from Unlucky Clover
Canon Pronouns: they/them
Submission: Mui is a canonically nonbinary character in Unlucky Clover. Their existence as a nonbinary person is never a focus of the narrative, but rather just an accepted fact about them. They have a complicated relationship with their family but it doesn't have anything to do with being trans but rather to do with their family having unreasonable expectations of them. Mui lives their life happily as a librarian and lends their strength either in defense of books or for their friends. They appear to be feminine presenting but it is never established what their assigned gender at birth was. It is also unclear whether they always present in a feminine way as there is limited art of their character and limited descriptions of their clothes. 
Image Link
Nirvana Moebius from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint / ORV
Gender Identity: Nonbinary, agender
Canon: pronouns indifferent in canon, agender
Submission Propaganda: a reincarnator that had incarnations of so many genders and entities that identity isn't real to them anymore. 
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Ruan Nanzhu (阮南烛) from Kaleidoscope of Death
Gender Identity: transfem & nonbinary
Canon Pronouns: he/him outside of the doors, she/her in drag
This might be considered spoiler-y, but I can't think of another way to bring up important details here. It's part of the premise of the novel if that helps: there are other worlds that the protagonists have to survive for [REDACTED] reasons, and in these worlds there's a certain amount of identity obfuscation—basically, you'll look a little different from your real appearance no matter what you do, but the way that you dress will also affect the appearance that you end up with. Ruan Nanzhu takes every opportunity to dress in feminine ways when they go to these worlds. Yes, there is a secret identity reason behind it, but there's also this clear difference in how Ruan Nanzhu acts as a "man" and a "woman" that it just reads like a form of gender euphoria to me. The novel itself isn't always kind about it (could be that it just depends on the translation you're reading! I couldn't tell you what connotations the original Chinese wording has) but I think it's fairly undeniable that it's a freeing experience for her. So it's not exaaactly canon, but Lin Qiushi (林秋石) uses the right pronouns out loud and in his thoughts as it is signalled to him at the time, so that's nice.
Carrd Link
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Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Gender Identity: transmasc / FTM
Canon Pronouns: he/him
he invented xianxia panty liners also he was literally obsessed with a stallion novel that was supposed to be like. be a power fantasy about a cool strong man. I'm not saying he liked pidw I'm just saying he did make the choice to read a stallion novel and was obsessed with Luo Binghe. Sometimes gay thoughts can also be gender envy. SVSSS also looks a lot at like. masculinity and its performance and perception in a way that really slaps if you, like me, think Shen Qingqiu is the Worstest trans guy ever of all time. I'd like to be clear that he is not good representation. He is literally the most dogshit rep. He's homophobic and gay hes transphobic and trans hes the most insufferable trans person youve ever met. He's probably definitely a transmed. Instead of medical transition, sqq got that transmigration transition, and he is absolutely has a weird ass superiority complex about it. also he's a TRANSmigrator its literally right there in the name. Do u see my vision.
Shi Qingxuan from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Gender Identity: Transfem / MTF, Nonbinary, Genderfluid
Canon Pronouns: She/Her and He/Him
Submission 1: Canonically switches between female and male forms due to personal preference. Also theres alot of gothic doubling on her plotline as well. 
Submission 2: 
Genderfluid rep Goes by any pronouns depending on form
Xie Lian from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Canon Pronouns: he/him
Gender Identity: Transmasc / FTM 
Submission: He's been trans in my head for so long that it's just kind of part of his character now. 
Yoo Joonghyuk (The Punisher) from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Canon Pronouns: he/him
Gender Identity: Transfem / MTF
Submission 1: 
1. inexplicably fights with the strictly girl-only sword fighting technique. is the only 'guy' to ever learn it and the only other person who is a discipline is a canon trans girl so 2. has an ability where he can become a woman and when he uses it it's said 'it was still Yoo Joonghyuk. No, it was even more than before' ??? there's no cis explanation for that. also he's canonically the hottest person in the entire universe as a woman based on MC's attractiveness rating 2.5 described as feeling 'conflicted' over the gender changing thing when thinking back on it. I THINK he's conflicted bc he likeeeeed ittt 3. whole arc is about breaking free from her chains and gaining autonomy over her own life and story despite what other people think she should be (trans narrative) 4. there's a binary in the universe (incarnation/constellation) to which everyone is forced to confirm to, but there's a special category of people who refuse to be a part of this and carve their own path in life (transcenders). guess what Yoo Joonghyuk is. thats all i remember shjfjsk she's just in general VERY transfem coded story wise 
Submission 2: his girlification canonically allows him to access a level of power he can't as a man (this form is called The Punisher). brokers a deal at one point where he must undergo transformation into a girl for a certain amount of time every day for a week. goes out of this way to hide said girlification from the main character (Kim Dokja)
Wiki Link
Nimona from Nimona
Reason: Not from a web novel
Honeypaw from The Exiled
Reason: Not from a web novel (fancomic)
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
Scars and Stretch Marks (Eddie Munson x female!Reader) Part 2!
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Gif found here, if anyone finds the original artist lmk so I can credit!
Chapter: 2/? (in progress) Read part 1 here, part 3 TBD
Synopsis: This chapter is pure fluff with smut to come! You and Eddie Munson try to tame a little black kitten with a missing ear and scar over it's eye. This fic deals with body image, body scars and body confidence!
Dedication: Miniseries for the lovely loony tunes @alienthingstwo💙 hope you enjoy, more parts to come!
Word count: 1.9k (second chapter)
Smut will be included in later chapters so minors please do not interact! 18+!
Warnings/Content tags: Scars, stretch marks, body insecurity, body worship
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Eddie Munson sat on the front step, one hand on his knee the other holding a cigarette between his two fingers. Today he wore a light grey muscle shirt to escape the heat. He was careful that it covered every pink scar on his torso, lest it be seen especially by a pretty girl.
The thick black tobacco smoke dispersed into the sky as he tapped his foot against the gravel.
It still felt surreal to be here and alive but it was less like a dream now. He was glad to get some alone time after being bombarded with questions and hugs as much as he appreciated them.
Dustin and his uncle had of course the biggest reactions. Ones enough to make tears well in his eyes but he was sure to blink them away as quickly as possible. Even Steve and Nancy who he barely knew were relieved to see him alive and well.
After the reunions a cigarette was deemed necessary along with some fresh air. The moment he stepped outside though he spotted the empty cat dish.
He sat on the trailer steps wondering if the scarred beauty from yesterday would be here again. Perhaps that part was the dream or hallucination. How she was so comfortable with her own scar Eddie had no idea. He figured he’d never be that comfortable to show his own, instead hiding them beneath the fabric of his shirt. 
You walked down the road clutching your fingers around your tote. Within it held the metal tin of cat food you purchased before heading over. You were hoping that the cat would show up, lest the food be going to a raccoon instead. You also had a selection of cat toys and flea shampoo in case you ever did manage to catch the sly kitty. It was better to be prepared but at the same time you didn’t want to get your hopes up.
It was still shorts and tank top weather, at least if you wanted any kind of relief. The sun was beating down against your skin and you were grateful you remembered to apply sunscreen.
You wondered if Eddie would be there today, hopefully with less mysteriously dried blood on him. Still, he had seemed normal as ever. As normal as Eddie Munson could be anyways. Not that you minded.
You thought back to your experience in school with him. He never gave a shit what anyone thought of him and his hobbies. That always intrigued you and inspired you, you tried so hard to fit in for a long time that perhaps you were starting to realise that it was doing more harm than good. That maybe without his viewpoint you were about to reach a point where your entire personality wasn't personal at all. Just a mash of pop culture and hobbies deemed acceptable in a desperate plea to fit in. You were thankful things were different now.
Every encounter with him had been memorable in some way. You recalled him catching your gaze from across the cafeteria. It was a look of caution yet intrigue, perhaps that he knew you were a lost sheep but in disguise as someone who didn’t need saving.
Now, especially with your first year of university underneath your belt you decided to accept yourself for who you were. You wondered how much of that had to do with Eddie, but shook it off. Surely not, you weren’t even really friends in high school. Not that you never wanted to be, maybe it was fear of rejection that stopped you. Not anymore.
With every step down the road somehow you didn’t feel nervous. In fact, you felt excited and curious. You wanted to learn more about this ex-suspected-murderer. Normally this is something people would run away from yet you were far from normal.
He sat on the front step of his trailer smoking a cigarette. You felt a gentle tug on the corner of your lip as you spotted him before he saw you further down the road. He looked nervous, an expression you were never used to seeing on Eddie Munson. The moment he noticed you though it seemed to mostly melt away in a facade of awkward confidence he always wore.
You could feel the heat soaking into your body from the sun as you walked down to greet him. He held a beer bottle in his hand that he tapped his index finger against nervously. The thought of him being nervous to talk to you made you a little giddy.
“Hey, Eddie,” you folded your arms as you looked down at him. 
“Hey, y/n,” he spoke curtly. “Back for your kitty?”
You couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes hesitated over the scar on your hip before he met your gaze. It had to be half a second at most but you didn’t miss it.
“That’s the plan.” You smiled before nodding to the beer in his hand, “you didn’t get me one?”
“Oh- I uh, yeah I could-“ he turned to get up before you interrupted.
“I was just teasing. It seems like you need it, you’re as on edge as our cat.” You offered a sympathetic smile. 
He nodded and shrugged “yeah, well, been through a lot the last, uh, week. Long story.” 
You moved to sit on the wooden platform of the other entrance that held a chair and sofa. You placed your bag of cat things next to you as Eddie watched curiously. 
“Well, I’ve got time.” You crossed your legs as you pulled out a tin of cat food, opening it and dumping the contents on the dish you brought.
“That’s disgusting,” Eddie watched the cat food plop onto the plate amused. 
“Oh yeah, it tastes great on sandwiches.” You smiled at him mischievously as he looked at you in horror. 
“Kidding,” you shook your head at him. “What’s got you so jumpy?”
There was a bit of a pause as he hesitated, perhaps wondering if he should make up a lie or tell the truth. It seemed he picked the latter.
“Do you believe in monsters?” He asked nonchalantly, big brown eyes trying to read your expression.
You put a finger to your chin thinking for a moment. “Depends. Werewolves? No way. Bigfoot? Yes. Moth man? Definitely.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow unable to tell if you were joking or not. 
You smirked, “I keep an open mind but the real monsters are people.”
You hopped off the platform carrying the cat dish with you. You could tell Eddie was trying hard to avoid watching you as you placed the dish on the ground. Instead he brought the bottle to his lips, his adams apple bobbing as he drank. 
“Well, you got that right.” He nodded nonchalantly.
He seemed to hesitate as if holding something back. Instead of pushing him you returned back to your spot on the wooden platform letting him take his time. 
“Ever hear of the cult of Vecna?” He asked, staring blankly into the sky before looking at you with sad brown eyes. 
“Vecna Lives! from the world of Greyhawk?” You asked and he looked back at you pleasantly surprised.
He nodded, “well it seems Vecna does live. Some kind of time and space multidimensional being that gets inside your head and uh, you can guess the rest.”
“I see,” You kicked your feet against the ground slightly. “Is that who caused your arm to bleed?”
You weren’t sure if he was telling the truth or not but you didn’t want to deem him a liar. Who would make up a lie like that?
“No,” his gaze fell to his arm. “Those were demobats. Still think my explanation is sane?” He looked up at you. 
You shook your head at him. “I’ve heard worse. Not sure what a demobat is though.”
“Well, it doesn't matter because in the end they were no match for me!” He smiled as he put the butt of his cigarette out on the dirty ashtray.
You did your best to not make it seem like you were staring but it was hard to not notice the muscle tone in his arms as he moved.
Truth is Eddie Munson amused you and interested you at the same time. He seemed like a simple guy that did what he pleased yet he was perplexing at the same time. What was he hiding?
A small black spot in the corner of your eye moved. Your eyes darted over to the plate of food noticing the kitty happily chowing down.
“Don’t make any sudden movements,” you warned. 
“What, is there a spider?” He asked suddenly with a tinge of fear.
“I sure hope not,” you did your best to suppress your laughter.
You nodded to the plate of cat food as Eddie’s large eyes followed yours.
“What do we do now?” He asked, a little surprised but trying not to be too loud.
“Not sure, I honestly didn’t think I’d get this far,” you replied honestly as his serious expression turned into a heartfelt smile that made your heart race.
“Psspsspss!” Eddie tried to call him over.
The little black kitten looked up at him, twitching his ripped ear cautiously at the noise. He just finished the last of his food and was looking for more. His hungry tummy must’ve got the better of him as he slowly started to make his way towards Eddie.
“Awh,” You say quietly as if to not scare him. “He likes you.”
“I don’t know about that,” Eddie whispered as he held his hand out.
The kitty cautiously sniffed his hand, seemingly annoyed when there was no food in it.
You swiftly reached into your bag pulling out some cat treats. The kitten looked over nervously as soon as he heard the bag crinkle and you tossed a couple in front of you. His eyes darted quickly to the spot on the ground where the treats landed. He crouched down low giving an adorable little butt wiggle before pouncing on one of the treats.
“Man has his priorities in order,” you laughed. 
Eddie smiled genuinely at the sight and it seemed to be the most relaxed you’ve seen him. His shoulders were lower as if he had released the hidden tension as he leaned back. He brought the beer to his lips drinking the last of the liquid while the scene before him unfolded.
The kitten slowly started to make his way towards you, his tiny paws cautiously padding across the gravel. The little black kitten rubbed against your leg graciously, you figured it to be a thank you for the treats.
You leaned down holding your hand out with a treat in the palm of your hand. At first he was apprehensive but then he graciously accepted the treat. You ran your fingers over the soft fur on his head as he chomped down on the treat.
The kitten seemed less scared of you now so you scooped him up into your hands. Somehow, some way it worked. You could even feel the soft vibration of him purring against your arms. 
“Look at you, cat whisperer,” Eddie rolled his tongue over the words.
“It’s the food, that’s how you win his love.” You smiled scratching the kitties head.
Eddie nodded “Yeah well, little buddies got the right idea, don’t ya Scar?”
“Scar? A little on the nose don’t you think?” Still it made you smile. “Are you a fan of the lion king?”
“I still cry at the movie,” he admitted. “So now what do we do with the rascal?”
“Well, we can bring him inside but he’s dirty. I’ve got some clear shampoo with me.”
“Sounds like it’s time to give him a b-a-t-h,” Eddie whispered as if the cat could understand. “We can give him one here.”
“I don’t think he knows the word bat-“ you started. 
“Shhh! Don’t say it, you'll freak him out.” Eddie protested. 
You laughed as Eddie stood, turning to open the door. Now it was time to enter the home of Eddie Munson for the first time.
Thanks so much for reading, likes, reblogs & comments are much appreciated!
Hope you have a lovely day my reader!
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ubiquitouslyme · 3 months
WIP Game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Thank you for the tag @suebswrites @siobhanbooks @alexandia03 - you all inspire me and are such amazing writers!!
Fourth Wing FanFic (AO3):
Xaden POV - Year 2 at Basgiath
Garrick POV - Companion Chapters to Year 2
Imogen POV - Companion Chapters to Year 2
Bodhi - Companion Chapters to Year 2
Game On (Bodhi / Liam)
Xaden/Violet AU - Under Cover (coming soon!)
SUPRISE Gift Exchange Work
Original Fantasy
TBD Fanfic
From a new series I just found and fell in love with...I may be obsessed...hoping to post more on this soon!
Rhys POV of UTM that will probably never see the light of day
Rhys / Az / Cass scenes that will probably never see the light of day
Tagging: (no pressure and sorry if you already posted - I am way behind on posts!): @hockeyspiral23 @greeneyedwildthing @bestbookfriends
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hischiersjohnston · 3 months
wip tag game
tagged by: them @guentzel for the tag!!
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
i gotta play pretend
let me show you the shape of my heart
heaven is not fit to house a love like you and i
i was made for loving you baby; you were made for loving me
side story 1 tbd (jack hughes & jonas siegenthaler)
side story 2 tbd (redacted & redacted)
on the outside always looking in (mitch marner outsider pov of john gibson x wyatt johnston)
the beginning
the first mission
the side heist
wrath of vengeance
tbd (joe pavelski x claude giroux; criminal au)
don’t call me kid
untitled (ghostface!john gibson x wyatt johnston)
tbd (a/b/o verse; roman josi and mason marchment; collaboration with lucy)
tbd (a/b/o verse; jack hughes & nico hischier)
tbd (a/b/o verse; william nylander & mitch marner)
tbd (wyatt johnston; john gibson & roope hintz; the hamilton gastropub)
tbd (jack hughes; jonas siegenthaler & nico hischier; the hamilton gastropub)
tbd (anton lundell x sasha barkov; the hamilton gastropub)
tbd (dougie hamilton x ryan graves; the hamilton gastropub)
tbd (sidney crosby x claude giroux; the hamilton gastropub)
tagging: @coffeehound91 @offside-the-lines @ryangravytrain @gayhughes @hischierlovebot @jonassiegenthighler @barkovsasha and anyone else who would like to do this!
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triscribe · 9 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @crystalshard, which may prove to be a miscalculation, 'cause boy-howdy do I have a lot of works in progress...
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
/cracks knuckles
Star Wars: -Fulcrum & Family, the new Tano & Twins re-write -Dreamwalkers Luke and Leia -History Reversed with sequel trilogy Ahsoka, Luke, Ezra and students dropped back in the Clone Wars -Birds Fly sequel Can We Start Over, Bly's pov -Something Big is Happening (Misc/Understudies crossover) -Clone Wars Cass (DC/Batman crossover)
Marvel -The Big One (5+1 Spidey saves Morgan, Pepper meets Doc Strange, Another Chance conclusion with Wanda) -Kids Club, post-Civil War kidnapping fixit -MCU Miles Morales, title tbd -Spider Assassins AU, multi-continuity-combination -X-Fire, Laura/Wolverine, Gabby/Honeybadger, and Rachel/Phoenix -Heroes of Tomorrow re-write with way more kids from different superhero groups/families
DC -Pantheon AU -the revised Alf-verse (22 Bat-grandkids and counting) -Rotten Luck re-vamp (Young Justice season one Team in the Justice League Unlimited universe) -Continuations: The Batman "seasons six and seven" if I ever get around to re-writing the early stuff (my very first fan fic ever, I've improved a lot since those high school days) -Teen Titans meet Robin's horde of younger siblings (original cartoon) -Battorian AU (Diana is human, Clark's a demigod, Bruce came from another planet) -Mandalorian/Star Wars AU (Mando Alfred adopts orphaned Bruce. This is the Way.)
HP -Pair of Potters sequel, year two for Heather, official year one for Harry, the beginning of a long headache for Dumbledore -Founder Foundlings, reincarnation fic -Cheers to the Wish, more Guardian Ghosts Lily and James -Philosopher's Mirror, canon-divergence of the unintended resurrection variety -the third effing chapter of Muggle is as Muggle Does -Thief!Harry AU, my all-out middle finger to the Author Who Shall Not Be Named
Transformers -Terratron AU (Bee meets Dragonfly, Elita makes Artemis, Bee and Fly stumble across Megatron and Rion, Prowl and Beats, Beats finds Jazz, accidental babysitter Serrate, Hornet and her big race, etc etc) -Hard Facts and Simple Truths, humanformers AU -TFAnimated swapped 'verse, with Elita Prime and her team of spacebridge technicians: Arcee, Ironhide, Wasp, and Jazz -G1 sparkling-Starlane AU -TFPrime crossover with Hot Wheels: Battle Force Five
Atla -follow-up to A Small Condition, aka the "Monk Gyatso goes into the iceberg with Aang and Zuko assumes *he* is the Avatar" AU -continuation of Ursa leaving royal life and stumbling across a dying dragon who entrusts her with a baby and two unhatched eggs -Avatar!Yue learns airbending from Aang's grandkids and that whole big mess of world-altering changes
My Hero Academia -Doubles AU (finishing Brand New Day and getting a move on with Double Take as a canon re-write with Pro Hero Shimura Tenko) -continuation for Great Beasts of the Mountain -third chapter of Instinct, my first A/B/O attempt -more next generation fluff, the Archive and Guardian saga
Misc -Sea Beast fic where Crow gets injured, suffers total amnesia, the doctor who patches him up sends for Jacob, and there's a very awkward dance between them and Maisie and Blue as the old man slowly gets his memories back -The Faceless Wolf, a mildly (make that incredibly) ambitious Game of Thrones canon-divergence attempt -Jamie Reagan and the Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Day, a Blue Bloods whump idea I've had rattling around for a while -Milo and Claggor Survived AU from LoL Arcane -Grandboss Gibbs, a bittersweet NCIS fic that would, in my opinion, have been a better end to the series than trying to go on without the main character of the show -Storm Hawks past-and-present-collide idea with some previous generation OCs -Edge Chronicles TWIG GETS TO MEET HIS MOTHER DAGNABIT -may as well throw in what will be my second self-published book, Trials of Youth, because the current draft is definitely a work in progress
Aaand we'll call that good. Now to see if I get any nibbles...
(I know the game says tag a person for each WIP but I don't think I've got that many writing acquaintances on here, so instead I've got one person per fandom grouping)
@wafflesrisa @eirianerisdar @jinxquickfoot @theredscreech @resamille @tarisilmarwen @icarussmicarus @gallusrostromegalus
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polizwrites · 4 months
PoliZ's WIP Update: 12 Jun 2024
Busy work week, but I made my  unofficial weekly goal. I touched four fics (3 new & 1 WIPs) - for a total of 2142 words. 
On Ao3, I posted: 
 Baring His Soul -  Stucky getting-together College AU ficlet.
Chapter Five of   Love is a Thing That Can Never Go Wrong  - No Powers Omegaverse AU with Alpha!Bucky & omega!Tony (eventual WinterIron) 
A Time to Lose and a Time to Keep -  pre-war Steve POV ficlet
Coming Clean -  WinterIron PWP ficlet with bonus Steve. 
I’m juggling  19 active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the  Steve Rogers Bingo which ends on June 15th.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 3 [SRB_R3] (ends  15 Jun 2024)
Twenty-one  fills, two bingos and no WIPs at the moment  - need to focus on getting my Tumblr posts on Ao3 before this wraps up! 
* B1 - Project Rebirth -   Went with an outsider POV to fill this - Judging A Book By Its Cover is 413 words of Howard Stark’s perspective on the moments before shrimpy!Steve is transformed into Captain America.   Planning to post this on Friday.   
* B2 - Streaking - Posted  Baring His Soul  to Ao3 last week. This Stucky college AU also fills the  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF252 Spill the tea]  and came in at 634 words.
* C2 - "In order to grow, you must let go of the past" (Sarah Rogers) - Posted  A Time to Lose and a Time to Keep to A03. This pre-war Steve POV ficlet incorporates the  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF253 Pushing Up Daisies] and came in at 182 words.
* D2 - Alpha Steve - Pulled together a  crossover with  Week 2 of Hot Bucky Summer - combining  “What should I call you?”  +  Master  + Alpha - and my BBB K5 - Voice  square  for   The Business of Pleasure.  Bucky seeks out a professional Alpha Dom and - despite appearances, will be getting exactly what he needs.  It’s coming in at 970 words and, while it will be tagged as a one shot for now, has the potential of being continued. It will post on Friday. 
* E3 - Steampunk -  Squished this square to combine it with  the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF250 Rushing Train] for An Attractive Concept -  a vaguely steampunk mostly-platonic Stony ficlet where Tony tells Steve about his newest invention.  It came in at 380 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event is over.  
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 [HBS_R2] (Ends 31 Aug)
More fun from the @buckybarnesevents folks - this time weekly challenges to create a (presumably hot) Bucky-centric fanwork!   I’m starting off a bit behind the eight-ball, as I missed the reblog deadline for the first week.
* Week 1: I combined the following prompts - “Louder, let everyone hear you.” + Noisy Sex +  Exhibitionism  along with my WIB  A/B/O: Knotting and BBB KINK: Shower sex  squares for   Coming Clean - 659 words of PWP featuring WinterIron shower room shenanigans with a surprise appearance by Steve.  This may get a second chapter, if the Muse cooperates. 
* Week 2:  “What should I call you?” + Master + Alpha  see SRB - Alpha Steve above. 
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 1 Sep 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At seventeen fills and two WIPs with five months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with last week’s  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* May:  Praise Kink - planning to fill this with Chapter Six of A Little Bit Carried Away where Alpha!Bucky and omega!Tony get to live out their fantasies.  It’s sitting at 754 words and will get posted later this month.  
*June - Breeding Kink  - Filled this with Chapter Five of  A Little Bit Carried Away  which posted last Friday. Tony and Bucky share their mutual fantasies over Bucky’s home-cooked dinner.   This chapter also filled my WIB  Surprising New Kink square and came in at 1287 words.
* June: Inconvenient Attraction - filling this with Chapters Six  of Love is a Thing That Can Never Go Wrong  which is sitting at  835 words and will get posted later this month. 
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have fifteen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I1 - A/B/O: Knotting - Filled this with Coming Clean  - see HBE Week One. 
*I4 - SHIELD HQ - combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF245 You Never Cared] and wrote Fathers Don’t Know Best  -  No Power AU with Bucky working as an analyst at SHIELD who stumbles across a late night visitor to the lobby.  It came in at 407 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends.  
* N1 - Hair Pulling Kink -  thanks to a fun prompt from @scottxlogan  - I filled this square with Untangling Their Attraction - where Tony’s offer of assistance leads to mutual kink discovery (not as racy as it might sound).  It’s coming in at 544 words and will post to Ao3 before this event is over. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
* June Adoptable: Surprising New Kink  - filled this with Chapter Five of  A Little Bit Carried Away  - see BaBB Breeding Kink above. 
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event is back!   Got my card last week and am still looking over my squares  after getting a couple of them swapped.   I have one fill already, and zero WIPs.  
* K5 - Voice -  Just realized I could squish this into  The Business of Pleasure - see HBE Week Two above.     
* C4 - KINK: Shower sex - filled with  Filled this with Coming Clean  - see HBE Week One. 
* Y5 - Polyamory or open relationship - if I continue  Coming Clean, this would be an obvious square to use. 
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Six  fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on  a Buzzie the Vulture as a custom commission,  along with a Count Orlok/Nosferatu for another commission.  
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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