#power rangers jungle fury imagines
amberbeach · 6 months
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gif belongs to me
The chill of the space beside him alerted RJ that you were no longer sleeping beside him and had been gone for at least ten minutes. He sat up, looking around the room, the moon outside peeking in through the curtains granting enough light that he could see you weren't in your bedroom. He glanced at the clock as he got out of bed and quietly made his way to the living space, finding it was encased in darkness.
He looked around in confusion until he heard a noise from downstairs in the pizza parlour. A smile formed on his lips as he headed downstairs to the kitchen where he found you spreading sauce on the pizza dough you had made.
RJ chuckled, startling you, and you looked at your husband when he approached you. "Let me guess, midnight snack?"
"What? I'm eating for two now." You placed a hand on your bump, and RJ smiled as he stood behind you, placing his hands on your arms while kissing your cheek.
"Here." He took over the cooking, and you helped add toppings, looking over at him.
"Did I wake you?"
He shook his head, "The bed was cold."
He didn't have to elaborate for you to realize why he had started looking for you. It had been months since the incident, but the look in his eyes told you that it was still very much on his mind. RJ could never shake the fear that overcame him when he found you were gone. It took him back again and again and revisited him in his sleep. The night you were taken by Dai Shi, who stole your animal spirit to make himself stronger, haunted him every day since.
You frowned, observing your husband, whom you had met at the academy. You got married weeks after graduation and have been together ever since, and there was no greater test than helping him mentor three teenagers who could save the world.
You couldn't imagine how it must've been while you were gone. RJ had spoken about it after a nightmare, and you discussed his need to be closer to you once you returned. You knew that if the roles were reversed, you would've lost your mind with worry. And since your pregnancy, RJ was more protective than ever.
You approached the Purple Ranger, wrapping your arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his shoulder after he placed the pizza in the oven. He smiled softly as he turned to you, and you rested your head on his chest as you stood in the lit kitchen, in his warm embrace.
"I'm sorry. I never thought - "
RJ shook his head, "I know. It seems silly now, months on, but I can't shake that feeling." He pressed a kiss to your head, meeting your gaze when you lifted your head to look up at him. "I thought I'd lost you. And I couldn't survive that." He placed a hand on your cheek, and you sent him a small smile.
"Do you remember what I told you at our wedding?"
"No matter what happens, we'll always have each other."
"Which means when - if - something happens to me, I'll haunt you forever."
RJ cracked a smile, and you smiled when he began to chuckle. He kissed you tenderly before walking to the oven to check on the cooking pizza. You placed your hand on your stomach in surprise, a smile forming on your lips.
"RJ," You called softly, gaining his attention.
He met your gaze, glancing at your hands. "What's wrong?"
"They're kicking." You told him.
He approached you, and you held his hand on your stomach. Moments later, he felt pressure against his hand, and he smiled brighter than you had seen in a while.
You met his gaze when he placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed you tenderly. "I love you."
"I love you too."
That night before time ticked by into the early hours of the morning, you headed upstairs and back to bed. RJ laid on his side while you sat with your back against the headboard, sharing the pizza you made as you added to the list of names you liked for both genders.
After the pizza was finished, RJ shifted until his head rested on your lap, and you smiled softly, combing your fingers through his hair, leaning over to turn off the lamp to allow your husband to succumb to sleep, knowing it didn't come easy to him lately.
While you still felt the void left by the absence of your animal spirit, it was nothing compared to the prospect of losing each other. And you were thankful that he and the Rangers had found you when Dai Shi went to extraordinary lengths to hide you away. He was growing stronger, but you knew the final confrontation between him and the Rangers was coming soon. And as you looked down at your husband you silently wished for him not to come to harm, and the Rangers.
Right now, you were still healing through the aftermath.
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lizzardwitch · 1 month
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noticed something so i decided to make a meme out of it (can you tell what my favorite pr character archetype is)
edit: just wanted to clarify that this isn't me calling rj dumb by any means 😭😭 he's easily one of the smartest if not the smartest character in jf and i know his hippie behavior doesn't reflect on his actual intelligence; it's just funny how all of them canonically have doctorates/have "dr." in their titles except him
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junglefurytrash · 29 days
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Hello yes I was reading over some Rangerboard posts reviewing each episode of Jungle Fury, and I came across this one, read their interpretation of the scene on the Beach between Jarrod/Dai Shi and Camille in Pizza Slice of Life, and I've nOT BEEN THE SAME SINCE-
The idea that this is all in Camille's head?? That she was literally imagining her Master and loved one appearing to "save" her and give her help she needed from him in his own unique way?? That in her mind this is what she believes he would say to her, and that this is what she WANTED to hear from somebody to FEEL BETTER and find MOTIVATION?? Oh my god???
It's the little things somebody can notice or point out in a scene that can change EVERYTHING about how you perceive it and this is one of those instances, because it never even crossed my mind up until now that this whole scene could've been all a delusion that Camille was having.
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yelldeadcellvrremix · 16 days
Netflix is gonna anounce more DMC anime news soon. I've been skeptical about who they'll get for Vergil, but since the announcements will be in 6 days...
If this poll is still active even after they announce the voice cast BRING IT TO MY INBOX WHERE I WILL PROMPTLY IGNORE YOUR COMPLAINTS
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regaliasonata · 9 months
Also character ask ZIGGY
Character Ask: Ziggy Grover
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First Impression
-Definitely falling under the average green ranger stereotype of being the silly but less engaged member of the team, though that is quite alright cause he'll probably give some positivity to the team due to the state they are in via the season
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-.....I love this twink and honestly me and everyone else should love him, the fact that he was in a mafia, managed to escape, gave medicine and supplies from said group to orphans in needed AND GOT OFF SCOT FREE WITH HIS TOASTER BOYFRIEND speaks volumes.
Favorite Moment
-So far has to be that scene between him and the cartel where he's got that serious face, I'll have to go back and fully complete RPM but seeing Ziggy look so cold is amazing.
Idea For A Story
-okay think of this....Ziggy as a Peter Pan type character who was reborn in another world that raises orphans or children who've passed early and they live in this alternate world with magic, at the same time he's an assassin that's teaming up with Dillon and Tenaya(who also have powers based on fairy tales) to steal ancient treasure from a tyrant king in order to rule the rule, Once Upon A Time walked so this can run.
-Ziggy/Dillon....obviously, can't have a happy twig without his grumpy muscular emo boyfriend.
-Ziggy/Scott, Ziggy/Flynn. Both these work really well in my opinion.
-Crackship idea if this crossover was ever a thing...Ziggy/Jarrod/Dillon/Casey, imagine all that chaos together with those four like(I'd pay to see a one shot of this tbh). Heck not even a crossover needed because JKP exists in the RPMverse and assuming the entire team is alive then this could fly, crazy twinks and the emo duo.
-Ziggy/Dr.K, honestly feel like he understands Dr.K and they are really close when it comes to hearing each other out, plus Ziggy might actually get her to enjoy some hobbies.
-Ziggy/Casey...seriously Disney fucked us over from ever getting this interaction, be happy with marvel I guess but imagine the send off you could've had.
-Ziggy/Tenaya, she needs earplugs every time he talks about Dillon...
Unpopular Opinion
-Kinda wish we got even more of a backstory for him or seen Ziggy encountering other green rangers. I feel like both him and Trip would get along quite well to be honest.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-....We serious? That Jungle Fury/RPM crossover obviously because ALL THOSE INTERACTIONS AND SUCH WOULD'VE BE LEGENDARY.
-Even if he didn't end up with Dillon we should've had Ziggy kissing some guy.
-Imagine a scene of Ziggy hacking Venjix down with his axe after he found out the program's intention for Dillon, or if Venjix succeeded and Dillon died...it would've been brutal like Ziggy would be shown Venjix why the cartel kept him around🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡
-The RPM team technically has sentient zords because in reality they hold secret Engine Souls like their Go-Onger counterparts. This is actually a result of humanity evolving and without the vitality from Earth's nature so their animal spirits evolved into Engine Souls, thing is the team hasn't unlocked them but when they do the zords will be able to talk(a little fib of my JFAU movie arc idea with RPM cause we deserve that crossover).
-Ziggy's fingernails can turn dark green because of Venjix exposure, some humans after being exposed to the virus during their apocalypse developed small traits via their survival(Scott having sharper canines, Summer being able to detect metals for tools, Flynn when growing out his hair has white highlights and can absorb radiation, Gem and Gemma can see people's dreams and Dillon can purify dirty food and water).
-Ziggy sleeps with a huge dolphin as a pillow or just something to hold whenever he's sad. If he can't morph then he'll fill it with rocks and beat down venjix monsters with it.
-Sometimes when he would leave the dome(before the world began to return to normal) he'd walk miles until making it to the ocean since it wasn't fully destroyed and enjoyed watching the waves. Plus that spot is the only one in the world where the stars in the sky are still viewable.
-After RPM Dillon, Tenaya and Ziggy ventured out into the world to see what needed to be fixed, they built a railroad and it oddly began to glow with energy. This led to the team getting powers via trains and soul power with imagination, humanity's will to keep going(ToQger adaption), villains born from the deceased malice of humanity aim to take advantage of this world and others leading to the team having bigger stakes than last time.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Power Rangers Masterlist (TV Shows + 2017 Movie)
Fics are below the 'read more', do not repost my fics anywhere, this is my only writing account and website, reblogs are allowed but do not claim my writing as your own.
Power Rangers RPM: Ranger Pink Series Masterlist
Overprotective - Tori Hanson x Sister!Reader - Mystic Force
Secrets and School Projects - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Chipped Nail Polish and Broken Bones - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Yellow and Purple - Z Delgato x Tate!Sister!Reader - Power Rangers SPD
Rangers Together, Sisters Forever - 2017 movie x Hart!Sister!Reader, Part 2: Rangers Together, Forever - Trini x Hart!Sister!Reader
You're Allowed to Care - Summer Landsdown x Fem!Reader - Power Rangers RPM
Ice to meet you! - Lauren Shiba x Twin!Reader - Power Rangers Samurai
Worth Your Weight In Gold - Power Rangers SPD - Z Delgado x Sister!Reader
Hesitation - Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Fem!Reader
Buy One, Get One Free - Power Rangers RPM - Summer Landsdown x Twin!Sister!Reader
In the Name of Love - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Vow to Protect - Power Rangers Mystic Force - Maddie Rocca x Sister!Reader
Power Rangers 2017 - Trini x Younger!Sister!Reader - headcanons
Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Sister!Reader - Imagine being Tenaya 7′s sister with her on the side of Venjix and she’s protective of you
Fusion Force  - Power Rangers x Fem!Reader
Light and Dark Rangers - Power Rangers Dino Super Charge x Morgan!Reader x OC
Two Reds and a Purple - Power Rangers Samurai x Shiba!Sister!Reader
Cursed - Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai - Emily x Fem!Reader
Dimensional Wormholes - Power Rangers SPD x Manx!Daughter!Reader x Lily Chilman - Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Spirit of the Ocelot - Power Rangers Jungle Fury x Hanson!Sister!Reader x Lily Chilman
Panic Attack - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Hex Girl - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Knowing Her - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
White Ranger - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
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ironpatriot2099 · 2 years
Bad to the bone
story inspired by the chapter of the same name of power ranger jungle fury.
Today has been a horrible day, first I had to take care of everything in the pizzeria because I don't know how to say no, I faced an attack by a greasy pig monster, then my friends laugh at my good girl attitude and to top it off there was an attack by a porcupine monster that pierced me with many painful thorns, what else can go wrong today.
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time later at the base
well lily I think that was the last thorn, do you feel any more they are poisonous you have to remove them all
-I still feel one that RJ didn't remove, but the sensation it causes in my body feels incredible- no that's all I'm fine
relax lily it's only for your health
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Don't meddle in what you don't care about little blue balls
wow relax lily that was really rude, I think you owe Theo an apology
you are also with me
giving orders today, I'm tired of your pathetic complaints, well I'm out of here.
It feels good to no longer listen to the moans of those assholes for not behaving like a good idiot, two shoes for a change, what's more, I don't want to be that kind of girl anymore. I like to be bad and I won't change for any bastard, but not seeing me I look like a bad girl in these stupid martial arts pajamas I'm wearing, need to make some style changes.
a theft of a motorcycle and new clothes, later
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Lily with her new style went to have fun like a bad girl at a biker bar, after the fifth beer she felt that she was missing something, which she would soon satisfy
This is life, without anyone telling me what to do.
hello baby I saw you here alone drinking and she asked me if you want to join me to have fun.
Lily was going to fuck the subject but when she realized how sexy he was  and the big bundle that she kept in her pants she decided to accept his offer
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It will be a pleasure, stud
in less than 5 minutes lily and the biker were fucking loud and rude in the bathroom
ah ah ah, that she feels good, come on, stick it harder, she destroys my pussy with your cock
I had never met a virgin as whore as you
Ah, ah, well I'm not a stupid virgin anymore thanks to you.
They continued like this for a couple of hours, without realizing that her morpher was ringing constantly, after they finished Lily kissed her new fuck friend goodbye and added him to her contacts, only to see all the missed calls from his morpher
apparently the pair of useless can't do anything without me, I think I have to go help them... after buying weed and getting some tattoos and piercings
When Lily arrived at the battlefield, she only found the porcupine monster badly wounded and her two friends dead.
pathetic, well it's time to finish the job these two couldn't, well thorny it's time to have fun pulling out your thorns.
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After doing her job and removing their morphers from the corpses of the dis ex-ragers, Lily returned to the base.
Lily, where have you been, I'm very worried, I can't contact the boys, because they're not with you and what happened to you because you look like that, you look like a criminal, answer me
Already fed up with Fran's moans, in one quick movement I nailed one of the monster's thorns.
Don't worry, Fran, it hurts at first, but soon you'll see life like me.
and as lily said, soon fran became a mean biker like her.
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After breaking her kiss between them, Lily gave the red morpher to Fran.
ok cutie now you're the red ranger my red ranger it's time to take this world for ourselves and mold it in my image we just have to find whoever is blue and i have the perfect stud for that.
While Lily called the cell phone of the guy who fucked her to recruit him and have a night of wild sex for the three of them, humanity could not imagine the dark fate that lies ahead at the hands of these three.
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smolpumpkinpaws · 5 months
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Just a fun idea I had. I imagine Casey from Power Rangers Jungle Fury as a pet regressor, mainly as a tiger, and sometimes as a cat.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 2 years
Follow up to the last ask: Wait, you like the "this could be good" series? That's how I found out abt the book, too! Which fic did you like the best? What was your favorite season of Power Rangers? Your favorite ship?
Sorry to get so excited- Power Rangers is one of my favorite fandoms and "this could be good" is one of my favorite series and it's so rare to find someone else out in the wild!
Oh wow, yeah. Ever since reading it I've been wishing I could write a series of that scope but no. Uh.... The fic I like best is... 'my words are wrapped in barbwire (my actions speak for what I can't say)' the Mike/Kevin fic. My favorite season of PR, hard question bc I'd say I day dream about the Zordon era the most but my head tends to make it a lot different, RPM is just the best, but if we're talking about which season I would most enjoy watching... Jungle Fury? I had the most dvds of that series growing up so it's special to me just how it is. My favorite ship... I mean, I daydream about Rocky/Adam a lot. I've read a lot of Bridge/Sky fanfiction. When I was little (but a bit older than my days from watching a few episodes a season on tapes and DVDs) I would tune in to Samurai every week to ship Emily/Mike, but according to the Internet, they came across as friends, so I guess I was just a really heteronormative kid. Jen/Wes bc of course I ship it. I also really, really, really ship Eric/Taylor (as much as I love 'this could be good' and can see why they put Eric with Jen/Wes, for the life of me, I cannot imagine Taylor with Dax). I also really like Jayden/Antonio and Mike/Kevin as they're portrayed in 'this could be good'. Like, those fics are top tier.
Yeah, I was so surprised the one time I clicked onto a blog for a Taylor Jenkins Reid fan and found one of your asks about that one Power Rangers writer's book, like ??? What a coincidence.
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amberbeach · 1 year
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gif belongs to me
You leaned against the Red Ranger as he guided your arms, smiling when his breath tickled your cheek, listening as he passed on experience he had gained during battles, closing your eyes when he brought your body closer to his.
"You know, if you want me like this, all you had to do was say so."
Casey broke away, chuckling as he looked over at you, lowering his gaze to the ground. You grinned as you stepped closer, your footsteps silent due to your animal spirit, and he shook his head when he saw a smirk on your lips.
"You're supposed to be focused."
"I am. On you."
Casey held your gaze for a moment, laughter leaving his lips, as he glanced away. A squeal left your lips when he suddenly brought you to his chest, pinning you to the leafy ground. Your chest rose and fell as you stared up at him, the cub that became the master in a matter of months.
"Not focused enough."
You smirked, raising your eyebrows when he leaned down to kiss you, freeing your hands to place them on his jaw, closing your eyes as he deepened the kiss.
Casey remembered he was supposed to be teaching you, but the thought faded quickly as your noses brushed. "God, I've missed you."
"I missed you too." You murmured against his lips.
Casey buried his head in your neck and you ran a hand through his hair, a smile on your lips when he left kisses along your skin. Your tiger spirits had sought out each other while he was still a cub at the Academy, but Master Mao kept you separated, knowing it was the only way you could both advance during your training. Now that you had found each other again, there was no holding back and you savored every second together.
When Casey invited you to join him for training, you should have predicted it would end this way. His mouth captured yours, silencing your thoughts, the woodland drifting away into empty space as you kissed. RJ had mentioned it before to Casey who had brushed it off, claiming you were two good friends in a similar situation - before the Dai Shi threat began.
Tiger spirits were strong and always drew their counterparts, which explained how you and Casey always seemed to reconnect. Everything else faded away as your fingers unbuttoned his jacket. There were no expectations in the woodland, just two people, and two spirits connecting on a higher level, as you lost yourself in his kiss and each caress,
It was rare to have two tiger spirits in one area, and RJ knew it was due to the invisible force that brought them together. And understood why Master Mao kept you and Casey apart. It was because when you were together, your spirits made it appear as if nothing else mattered. And when facing Dai Shi, it was a mistake that could end a life.
But right now, in the sanctuary of the woodland Casey had brought you to, intending to teach you moves he had learned fighting against Dai Shi, that it became true.
The world faded away as you kissed, clothes falling around you as you lost yourselves in the moment. Tiger spirits were strong-willed and passionate, and when they found a pairing, it was for life.
It was always difficult to say goodbye, but you knew that you would only serve as a distraction to Casey's training and you had your own mentor to help you hone your skills, even if your heart resided with Casey Rhodes. It was always difficult to pull away from his kiss, making him promise to survive, so you could meet again, and live the future you had both dreamed of.
While Master Mao believed you were a distraction, RJ believed you reminded Casey what he was fighting for - a future. In the end, he was always certain of one thing, the two tigers would find each other. And it was proven when Casey sought you out after the final battle and you reunited, remaining side by side every since - even decades later.
The tiger spirits were fierce. Especially when they had something to lose. And when Casey left to fight against Dai Shi and his monsters, he knew exactly what he was fighting for - a future where all he saw was you.
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imagine going to a fly fishing competition having perfected your cast only to have some hippie who smells like garlic and dough go hee hee hoo hoo splish splash in the water
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vintagepinkranger · 5 years
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you know. i went to school for english and i just landed a writing job but im never. im never gonna fuckin top the dialogue in this show. the monster theyre fighting just did the worm at them for twenty uninterrupted seconds.  
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regaliasonata · 2 years
So we've had a lot of dinosaurs/ninjas/cars... but whats a theme YOU wanna see explored in power rangers??? Personally i'd love another martial arts or magic focused season tbhhh
Ohhh I got lots of idea but mainly I want to see something supernatural.
So magic definitely like I've been wanting that to have another season. Cause like I had an idea of a Norse mythos seaosn for power rangers(like loki could be an anti hero and Hela could possibly be an Antagonist but she becomes a pink ranger) stuff with ragnarok etc
Lately I've been thinking of the aspect of angels and maybe other mystical realms(kh and genshin have been swirling in my head for a while.) Like imagine a season that takes a dark turn where the rangers get their powers from godlike angelic beings (say they were the original rangers before the main cast). They did something terrible to humans but maybe one ranger didn't comply and they banished him to earth (major lucifer vibes with ff15's ardyn inspired). And the rangers really have to decide what true justice lies within the world. Also cue this lucifer like villain killing the original rangers as revenge, sorry I started to ramble
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But overall another magic based season, heck maybe a ghost one where their powers come from spirits or even them taking visits to other realms. (My inner jungle fury and persona are speaking😭)
So yeah that's what I was thinking.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Dimensional Wormholes - Power Rangers SPD x Manx!Daughter!Reader x Lily Chilman - Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Idea: Oh my goodness, imagine a purple (?) SPD ranger who disappeared pre-rangering then appears in SPD times and it's Dr Manx's missing daughter, the reader
I got bored and realised I needed something that was SPD and Jungle Fury chaos so this now exists, you’re welcome
Kat’s demeanour had been worsening all day.
She’d snapped at Boom, (who ran away to continue gadget testing away from her), argued with Cruger several times and shocked all of B-Squad with what was going on.
“Okay? Who angered Kat? She’s been fuming all day-” Sky began, leaving Cruger to sigh.
“It wasn’t any of you. Today just happens to be the anniversary of the day Dr Manx’s daughter went missing.” Cruger explained, leaving B-Squad to freeze.
“She has a daughter?”
“What happened to her?”
“Labratory testing of a morpher went wrong, Y/n disappeared in the explosion.”
“Wait, Y/n Manx... I remember meeting her when I was a kid. She was really shy, quiet, but she was really smart, we once built-”
“We once built a dimensional hole generator by accident, Y/n just wanted to build something so she could talk to her mother about it, she felt like she wasn’t smart enough to be Dr Manx’s daughter.” 
“Oh... sorry...” Bridge immediately stopped rambling at Syd’s warning, all of B-Squad having now spotted that Dr Manx had heard what Bridge had said.
“Kat...” Cruger murmured but it went unheard as the alarms began to go off.
“Dimensional wormhole detected.”
“A wormhole and one of Grumm’s goons attacking the same place, can’t be a coincidence.” Z remarked as the B-Squad Power Rangers rolled out to the location.
“We need back-up!”
“Omega Ranger has been sent the location details.” Kat explained over the comms.
“Commander! Something’s coming through the wormhole!” Jack exclaimed, leaving Omega Ranger to realise.
“Not something. Someone.”
“What? Do you know them?” Z asked as she took out the nearby krybots.
“Not exactly. Unlike the rest of B-Squad, I exactly... haven’t met them yet.” Omega Ranger replied before the bright light of the wormhole covered the entire district.
The revving of a car caught the rangers attention as it drove out of the wormhole.
“What the-”
“You’re a fool to follow me here.” Grumm’s goon laughed as a Purple Ranger exited the car.
“You’re under arrest for destruction of public and private property and endangering the planet!” You exclaimed, pointing your blaster at the goon.
“Don’t forget blowing up a ranger base.” The goon chuckled, leaving you to glare, but this wasn’t seen due to your helmet being in the way.
“Getting angry, purple? Because I hurt your precious-” The goon shrieked as you blasted it to shut it up, leaving all the SPD rangers in shock.
“Don’t test my patience. You’ve already been found guilty in one dimension, but it seems like you’ve made it two-” You gasped as you spotted the SPD logos, realising where you were.
“What is it little purple? Shocked to be back in your home dimension?”
“Confinement mode activated!” Your voice interrupted the goon as he was confined to a containment card.
“Wait-” The SPD rangers began before you walked over to the Green Ranger, giving him the containment card.
“Do I know you? Wait, do we know each other? Did we know each other-” 
“I’m just somebody you used to know. Once upon a time.” You replied before leaving to go back over to your car, driving into another wormhole.
“What... what just happened?” Sky asked before the rangers were asked to return to the base.
“What happened out there?”
“Another Ranger drove through a wormhole, Gruum’s goon apparently attacked another dimension before ours-”
“Another wormhole opened... in the delta bay!” Boom exclaimed, interrupting the B-Squad as they all hurried down to the delta bay.
“It’s them! The purple ranger from before!” Syd exclaimed as you parked your car in an empty spot.
Exiting the car, you ignored the SPD rangers and other cadets pointing blasters at you, heading straight past Cruger to Dr Manx.
“Kat-” Cruger began but Kat just stared at you, watching as your hand went to the morpher on your wrist.
“Power down.”
Your voice had Kat’s eyes widening before you de-morphed, revealing your identity.
“I’m sorry I’m late, mum.”
“Y/n?” Kat whispered, staring at you as memories of your 13 year old self flickered into her mind.
“7 years later, sorry it took so long.” You chuckled, shrugging off the looks as you kept your eyes on your mother.
“Y/n Manx. You have a lot of explaining to do. Kat, Boom, you also have tests to run to verify if this really is Y/n Manx.” Cruger stated, leaving you to roll your eyes before walking to your car.
“Not changed a bit, have you Cruger?” You glared, taking a bag out of the boot of your car.
Cruger growled at this, leaving you to keep glaring as you walked towards your mother’s lab.
“Do you want to tell us what happened?” Kat hummed as Boom took a saliva sample, Kat focussing more on the blood sample being taken as you just stared straight ahead at the watching B-Squad Rangers.
“Morphing sequence malfunctioned, the dimensional hole generator Bridge and I made when we were children activated in the explosion. I went through the wormhole and arrived on another dimension. Took 7 years to get back since I had to build another generator from scratch whilst helping the Ranger teams from that dimension.” You explained, wincing slightly as Boom made the blood sample device move.
“What species are you, Y/n?” Kat glared at this question but you just replied almost without thinking.
“Half this planet, half another planet.”
“That was-”
“Not exactly an uncommon question. Especially with my appearance, y’know.” You replied, gesturing to your ears as your mother made a noise under her breath.
“What? I spent 7 years in another dimension where people were being turned into robot-human hybrids by a computer virus trying to destroy the world. There’s prejudice everywhere, mum.” You retorted, standing up to go to the retinal scanner.
“Wait, what?” Z exclaimed, leaving you to put your hand up to signal for a minute.
Kat raised an eyebrow at this, remembering the timid insecure 13 year old you were and trying to recognise her in the now 20 year old you.
With the retinal scan complete, you sighed, walking over to your mother’s computer.
“Hey, you can’t just-” Boom began but you had already gained access, typing away to find something in the archives.
“In case you need a history lesson. The DNA results will be done in about ten seconds, then you’ll no doubt want a psychological assessment.” You retorted, smirking as the machine beeped, showing the DNA result on the screen.
“I don’t like how you know what’s going on before we do.” Sky interjected, leaving you to roll your eyes.
“Yeah well, I prefer Dr K to Cruger because Dr K doesn’t flirt with my mother-” You retorted before your morpher began to beep.
“Y/n?” Your mother’s voice was harsh as she gave you a warning but you just glanced up at her before flicking up the morpher’s screen.
“Hey, did you get that monster?”
“Yeah... I may or may not have ended up in my original dimension.”
“Why do you sound so unexcited? Y/n, you’ve been trying for years to get back there, you spent so many nights working then fighting alongside two different Ranger teams across seven years the next day. You cried so many times because you just wanted to see your mum again-”
“The SPD rangers and my mother happen to be in the room so you talking about this, it’s really exposing-”
“You trained with Pai Zhuq in secrecy with me and the others for ages but can’t escape from a room to answer a video call.”
“Lil, Pai Zhuq was up in the mountains and the upstairs of a pizza parlour. SPD is a high-tech HQ where I had blasters pointed at me before I could even park my car.” You retorted, glancing around at the SPD Rangers who tried to look like they weren’t listening as your mother and Boom were working on the computers doing the same thing.
“I’m coming over-”
“You’re, you’re what?” You stuttered as the alarms began to go off.
“Dimensional wormhole detected.”
But you had already darted from the lab after seeing where the wormhole was.
“SPD, GET IN GEAR!” You shouted as you morphed, confusing the hell out of the SPD rangers but you’d already taken off in your car to get to the area of New Tech City that Lily was arriving at.
The SPD rangers arrived in time to see a Jungle Karma Pizza delivery bike with a yellow ranger riding it.
All the SPD rangers along with Kat and Cruger could hear you laughing over the comms.
“The JKP delivery bike, you’ve got to be kidding me!” 
Lily grinned under her helmet as she ran over to you, hugging you as you laughed into her shoulder, the two of you morphed and looking slightly ridiculous.
“Hi!” She hummed as the two of you stared at each other, calming down.
“Hi.” You smiled back, feeling your mother’s eyes on you somehow.
“I think your mum is watching us.” Lily whispered, making you grimace before talking a step back so you and Lily weren’t so close.
“Did you tell her-”
“Honestly, I didn’t get to that part yet.”
“You didn’t tell her we’re dating?”
“I got as far as explaining the RPM rangers.” You admitted, leaving you to grimace as someone spoke over the comms.
“Y/n?” Your mother’s voice had you paling as you just looked at Lily, who sensed your panic.
“Uhhh, we’re, we’re dating!” You blurted out, leaving Lily to freeze as the comms went silent before you were all requested to go back to base.
“One of the bravest people I know, but we’re both freaking out over meeting your mother...” Lily chuckled under her breath, trying to keep calm as you took her hand to stop her flexing her fingers.
“Let’s just get this over with, love.”
“Okay, kitty.”
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karenjacksons · 2 years
Power Rangers
I’m doing every season I’ve seen 😜
Zeo/Turbo 1
Favorite male: jason
favorite female: kat
Least favorite: idk?
Prettiest: kat
Funniest: rocky could be pretty funny ngl
Favorite episode: any gold ranger episode
Favorite romantic ship: jason/kat…….
Family ship: tommy/his brother (:()
friendship: kat/tanya
Worst ship: none
Turbo 2/Space
Favorite male: andros
favorite female: astronema/karone
least favorite: elgar
prettiest: astronema hottest pr character ever
funniest: zhane
Favorite episode: the one where astronema turns good and joins the ranger. The one with no sentai footage……it’s name escapes me. And for turbo,the iconique pizza ep
Romantic ship: andros/ashley
family ship: andros/karone,ecliptor/karone
friendship: Carlos/Andros
worst ship: idk?
Lost Galaxy
favorite male: damon
favorite female: karone
least favorite: mike because……who
prettiest: karone is still the hottest pr character even without the wigs
funniest: none of them were that funny tbh but karone gets the title for her “GALACTABEASTS OVER HEEERE” moment
favorite episode: protect the quasar saber
romantic ship: leo/karone
family ship: leo/mike
friendship: karone/everyone
worst ship: idk
Lightspeed Rescue
favorite male: ryan
favorite female: Angela tbh
least favorite: vypra was hot but a terribly written character even by this show’s standards lmao. (Idek about her acting btw)
prettiest: angela
funniest: joel
favorite episode: any titanium ranger episode. Also,in the limelight
romantic ship: joel/angela
family ship: Ryan/dana
friendship: Chad/kelsey
worst ship: none
Time force:
favorite male: wes
favorite female: katie
least favorite: lucas
prettiest: Jen and Katie
funniest: nadira
favorite episode: movie madness. I have watched it three times now. I’m dead serious. romantic ship: Wes/Jen
family ship: Wes/his dad
friendship: Wes/Trip,Wes/Katie
worst ship: tbh as funny as the episode was I kind of hate Lucas/nadira
Wild Force
favorite male: Jindrax
favorite female: shayla
least favorite: viktor but he was still a great villain
prettiest: taylor
funniest: jindrax and toxica
favorite episode: the zen aku episodes,,or the one where toxica dies and the followup where jindrax saves her romantic ship: merrick/shayla
family ship: when it comes to found family you can’t go wrong with Shayla/the rangers
friendship: see above
worst ship: idk
Ninja Storm:
favorite male: cam or blake
favorite female: Tori
least favorite: none
prettiest: marah out of costume tbh……..also Sally Martin is so stunning as an adult 😍
funniest: they are all so funny…….including the villains…….
Favorite episode: wild wipeout and I love lothor
romantic ship: blake/tori
family ship: the thunders ofc
friendship: Shane/Tori,Cam/Tori,honestly Tori/everyone
worst ship: not a real ship but I noticed hunter/tori was super popular in the 2000s youtube fandom……I actually like the videos but why.
Dino thunder:
favorite male: trent
favorite female: kira
least favorite: mesogog just because I hate his look
prettiest: kira,cassidy (marah is prettier tho 😜),good!elsa
funniest: cassidy
favorite episode: missing bone
Romantic ship: Conner/kira
Family ship: trent/anton for the interesting dynamic;and tbh because there are no other families on this show……I just thought of a hilarious AU where kira and cassidy are opposite sisters tho. Imagine
friendship: tommy/everyone
worst ship: 2000s YouTube fandom with your Tommy/Kira……wyd
jungle fury:
favorite male: RJ
favorite female: camille
least favorite: ngl a lot of the evil masters got on my nerves for how they treated camille
prettiest: lily
funniest: rj
favorite episode: the one where Camille is blonde and befriends lily
romantic ship: Jarrod/camille
family ship: ig rj/finn? Not enough interactions tho….
friendship: RJ/Casey
worst ship: I sort of hate romantic rj/casey
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redthreadoffate · 3 years
you can do it all, why not? here's me sending the ask and kindly request you to answer all the ship questions 😂😂
omg! yes yes yes! thank you, sky!!
okay, so this is going to be a mix of all the fandoms i am in. as you all know, i am a ships enthusiast so get ready! let's do this!
1. first ship you remember
takeru/hikari from digimon. they were my otp before i even knew what shipping is. also, they awakened my love for the pink/green combination. the ending still makes me so bitter (who isn’t bitter about it...)!
2. your newest ship
gojo and marin from my dress up darling!! they’re so cute omg!! i love them so much!! i cannot. i can’t wait for them to get together, but at the same time, let the pining continue!!
3. favourite ship ever
...is this question even legal. um. there is not such thing as “favorite ship ever”??? don’t make me choose. legit, i’m not going to choose. sorry. THERE ARE TOO MANY.
4. favourite m/f ship
my default answer has always been ariadne/arthur from inception. but is it still? 
5. favourite m/m ship
casey/rj from power rangers jungle fury. i really want casey for myself but for some reason this ship made me feel things??? i read a smutty fic of them once, and the flames in my heart soared.
6. favourite f/f ship
gia/emma from power rangers megaforce/super megaforce. they’re gay. they’re absolutely gay. i love emma/orion but emma is gay. especially gia.
7. most innocent ship
bridge/syd from power rangers spd! they are so cute.
8. most fluffy ship
charlie/harper from set it up, and matt/jenna from 13 going on 30!! they’re the cutest <3 and like, i don’t see anything wrong with them at all.
9. most angsty ship
james and juliet from lost. ‘nuff said.
10. most smutty ship
let’s go and watch netflix, there’s plenty of there.
11. ship that you would never have wanted in canon but like in fanworks
arthur/eames from inception. do not count the poly ship! this is arthur/eames alone. i do not want them together at all, but their fanworks??? so pretty!!
12. character that you can only imagine in one ship
pretty much all the characters in my ships. i mostly go “no, they belong to them!”. i refuse to see most of my characters in ships that are not my ships.
13. most shippable character
i’m not too sure about this one but i see sansa stark from game of thrones, omg. i’m a huge sansa/jamie fan but i can also see sansa/theon and sansa/jon. i used to like sansa/petyr but i realized the error of my ways. i also like sansa/tyrion but more as friends. i also like dany/sansa!!
14. character that you can’t imagine in any ship
oliver wood from harry potter. and also peter pevensie from the chronicles of narnia. why? well. you know.
15. favourite poly ship
arthur/ariadne/eames from inception. i have read so many fics of them that i cannot even see them without each other. i will always love arthur/ariadne alone, and eames/robert, but this poly ship is just...wow. i also like that idea that their son takes after arthur, and their daughter takes after eames.
16. characters that you kinda ship but prefer as brotp
mmm gilgamesh/thena from marvel. i love their relationship. like, i want one. and i know some people ship them romantically but i’ve always brotp-ed them. but seeing gifs and finally watching the movie, i can see where they’re coming from. and it is cute, i admit, but i see them more as a brotp.
17. characters that you ship and can’t imagine to be friends
mulder/scully from the x-files. have you seen them?? omg you will see what i’m talking about.
18. guilty pleasure ship
zeke/celestia from my book angel rogue...for reasons.
19. ship that you never expected to ship.
ichigo/orihime from bleach. tbh i really thought i’d ship ichigo/rukia but here we are.
20. ship that you liked but don’t anymore
oliver/katie from harry potter. i loved reading stories of them before for some reason. but now that i realize oliver isn’t too shippable, and my new found love for george/katie back then.
21. ship that one day you were thinking of and thought “wait, when I started shipping it?”
steve/natasha from marvel! i know i found them cute in the avengers, especially in their first scene, but like...how did it escalate so big???? i was just looking for loki and clint but then i got romangers!!!
22. ship that you immediately fall in love with after one scene despite not considering it before.
same as #21 (copy pasted): steve/natasha from marvel! i know i found them cute in the avengers, especially in their first scene, but like...how did it escalate so big???? i was just looking for loki and clint but then i got romangers!!!11
23. poly ship that you ship despite not shipping some of the characters in it outside of poly ship.
same answer as #15 (copy pasted): arthur/ariadne/eames from inception. i have read so many fics of them that i cannot even see them without each other. i will always love arthur/ariadne alone, and eames/robert, but this poly ship is just...wow. i also like that idea that their son takes after arthur, and their daughter takes after eames.
24. biggest notp
i have many. absolutely many. but when i saw this question the first time my thought went straight to sora/yamato from digimon. like...no. i cannot stand it. it just does’t seem right. don’t ask me to explain. do not. because. just because.
25. favourite foe yay ship
all my enemies-to-lovers ships.
26. characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers, friends, enemies)
dean/jo from supernatural! more as lovers but i don’t mind them as just friends either. maybe not enemies enemies, but their banter is mini-banter is beautiful.
27. ship that you expected to ship before reading/watching franchise and you do
ron/hermione from harry potter most definitely. i’ve heard a lot about them before i watched/read hp (i think my first time to watch was 3rd grade? and my reading was 2nd year hs?). but even before that i already knew romione would be the one.
28.  ship that you expected to ship before reading/watching franchise and you don’t
ah! there was one, there was one. wait, let me try to remember. ugh, i cannot remember it. but there was one! one is clark/lexa from the 100, but i know there was one that i really thought i’d ship but i didn’t!! oh, another one i thought of is sam/ruby from supernatural.
29. favourite crossover ship
anzai from devils line and mai taniyama from ghost hunt <3 i dunno, i just think it’d be cute!
30. favourite canon ship
i will take advantage of all my ships that are canon so all my canon ships!!
31. favourite non-canon ship
sadly...way too many. i cry so very much.
32. favourite ship for hurt-comfort
i really like clint and laura/bobbi from marvel. again, i’m not sure if laura and bobbi are actually the same person but i just love reading hurt/comfort stuff for them.
33. ship that you ship in one installment of franchise but not in other (for example in movie, but not in the book this movie is based on)
finnick and johanna from the hunger games, i like them in the movies but not in the books. i just didn’t like annie in the movies.
34. ship that you never expected to ship when you were younger but here you are
huh...i can’t really think of any right now, tbh. i don’t think i never expected to ship something when i was young. i’m pretty sure most of the ships i like atm are not unexpected?? i think?
35. ship that you have kinda love/hate relationship with
daniel/daisy from marvel. i like them, they’re cute, but i super ship daisy with *ahem* ward (do not blame me! they did such a good thing in s1!!!).
36. characters that you can’t decide if you prefer as ship or brotp
fitzsimmons from marvel. i do like them as a ship but at the same time i only see them as a brotp?? but yes, i know they’re married.
omg this was so hard but i loved it so much!!! thank you!!
send me a number and a fandom (or just a number!)
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