#power tool battery company
ellamrfr · 6 months
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mothbaaalls · 1 month
my lawnmower has died and i have decision paralysis about which manner of new one to get. aough.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
Green energy is in its heyday. 
Renewable energy sources now account for 22% of the nation’s electricity, and solar has skyrocketed eight times over in the last decade. This spring in California, wind, water, and solar power energy sources exceeded expectations, accounting for an average of 61.5 percent of the state's electricity demand across 52 days. 
But green energy has a lithium problem. Lithium batteries control more than 90% of the global grid battery storage market. 
That’s not just cell phones, laptops, electric toothbrushes, and tools. Scooters, e-bikes, hybrids, and electric vehicles all rely on rechargeable lithium batteries to get going. 
Fortunately, this past week, Natron Energy launched its first-ever commercial-scale production of sodium-ion batteries in the U.S. 
“Sodium-ion batteries offer a unique alternative to lithium-ion, with higher power, faster recharge, longer lifecycle and a completely safe and stable chemistry,” said Colin Wessells — Natron Founder and Co-CEO — at the kick-off event in Michigan. 
The new sodium-ion batteries charge and discharge at rates 10 times faster than lithium-ion, with an estimated lifespan of 50,000 cycles.
Wessells said that using sodium as a primary mineral alternative eliminates industry-wide issues of worker negligence, geopolitical disruption, and the “questionable environmental impacts” inextricably linked to lithium mining. 
“The electrification of our economy is dependent on the development and production of new, innovative energy storage solutions,” Wessells said. 
Why are sodium batteries a better alternative to lithium?
The birth and death cycle of lithium is shadowed in environmental destruction. The process of extracting lithium pollutes the water, air, and soil, and when it’s eventually discarded, the flammable batteries are prone to bursting into flames and burning out in landfills. 
There’s also a human cost. Lithium-ion materials like cobalt and nickel are not only harder to source and procure, but their supply chains are also overwhelmingly attributed to hazardous working conditions and child labor law violations. 
Sodium, on the other hand, is estimated to be 1,000 times more abundant in the earth’s crust than lithium. 
“Unlike lithium, sodium can be produced from an abundant material: salt,” engineer Casey Crownhart wrote ​​in the MIT Technology Review. “Because the raw ingredients are cheap and widely available, there’s potential for sodium-ion batteries to be significantly less expensive than their lithium-ion counterparts if more companies start making more of them.”
What will these batteries be used for?
Right now, Natron has its focus set on AI models and data storage centers, which consume hefty amounts of energy. In 2023, the MIT Technology Review reported that one AI model can emit more than 626,00 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent. 
“We expect our battery solutions will be used to power the explosive growth in data centers used for Artificial Intelligence,” said Wendell Brooks, co-CEO of Natron. 
“With the start of commercial-scale production here in Michigan, we are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for efficient, safe, and reliable battery energy storage.”
The fast-charging energy alternative also has limitless potential on a consumer level, and Natron is eying telecommunications and EV fast-charging once it begins servicing AI data storage centers in June. 
On a larger scale, sodium-ion batteries could radically change the manufacturing and production sectors — from housing energy to lower electricity costs in warehouses, to charging backup stations and powering electric vehicles, trucks, forklifts, and so on. 
“I founded Natron because we saw climate change as the defining problem of our time,” Wessells said. “We believe batteries have a role to play.”
-via GoodGoodGood, May 3, 2024
Note: I wanted to make sure this was legit (scientifically and in general), and I'm happy to report that it really is! x, x, x, x
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Car theft is a really big issue in my neighbourhood. Every couple of days, there'll be an announcement in the news about another person whose car has been yoinked by the creeps. It's easy to blame the victim, and doing so helps make us feel better about our own risk of falling prey to the same crime. And so that's what I'm going to do. This is their own fault for having cars that run.
A couple years ago, someone tried to steal the Diplomat I leave parked around the side of the house. I don't think you need me to tell you that it doesn't run. In fact, I have never seen this vehicle running under its own power. It is mostly used to store parts for the other Mopars. I thanked the universe for providing me with some free entertainment. Either this thief is a better mechanic than I am and would get it running, or they might leave some tools behind in frustration after an hour or two of trying to figure out why the choke doesn't work.
What I didn't expect was this: they went back to their car, drove off, then came back with a new battery. A new one! With the stickers still on it and everything. If you are not "into" the shitbox-ownership life, you may not understand the value of a new car battery. That value is approximately one hundred dollars, and in order to get it, you have to go to a store and spend money. Suffice it to say, my starter-battery infrastructure is a marvel of hackjob backyard engineering that would probably get me hired by a solar energy company, if any of them could write an even quarter-assed liability release.
After installing it under the hood, the Diplomat again didn't start, possibly because the 318 had been sawed in half by a self-destructing crankshaft sometime around 1993. It was at this point that my greed took over. Reaching over to my security system, I activated it. It's worth pointing out at this juncture that by "security system" I mean a moat of spilled petrochemicals around my home, and by "activated it," I mean that I dropped the candle I had been using for light into the aforementioned petrochemicals. My big tough thief ran into the night, terrified of a little fire. I stepped right through that fire, retrieved his brand-new battery, and took it inside.
For weeks after that, I wondered if the thief would come back. Maybe he did have big enough balls to sic the cops on me for taking his battery. Perhaps – and this thought excited me very much – he was dumb enough to bring me another battery. Sadly, he never returned, which made me surprisingly maudlin. I had scared off a potential new friend: someone who was willing to spend money to try and fix up a free Diplomat. In an effort to meet my accidental Mopar-pal again, I thought about going into car thievery for myself, but none of my neighbours owned anything interesting.
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m00ngbin · 3 months
So I know we all know that Toichiro doesn't actually care about Serizawa or any of the Super Five, and he makes that clear several times throughout the World Domination arc, but I wanted to look at the specific wording I noticed here:
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Oh ok.
For most people, (me included), the first time they watch this scene, they expect Toichiro to say something like, "I think very highly of You." That's the normal thing to say, that's what you would assume he's going to say.
But he doesn't. He specifically chooses to say "your Potential" instead. He's making it very clear that he doesn't actually view Serizawa as a person on the same level as him. He doesn't value his humanity or his presence, he values his Power. Toichiro is Only interested in what Serizawa's powers can do for him and how to make them stronger, and it's obvious to everyone.
Everyone except Serizawa. Serizawa, who was so deep in denial that he had convinced himself that he was working for a company instead of a terrorist cult organization. Serizawa, who devoted every minute of his time to Toichiro from the moment he left his room, until the very end of the organization. Serizawa who truly and wholeheartedly believed that Toichiro did give a damn about him as a person and not just his powers.
Serizawa who, even though he heard Toichiro say that he could lose all of the Super 5 and not feel a thing, still believed that Toichiro would.
Before the panel below happens, Serizawa begs Toichiro to stop what he's doing and tries to insist that he's not betraying him. Obviously that doesn't matter to Toichiro, because Serizawa has expended his usefulness and is actively going against him.
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That's part of the reason I think that Studio Bones should have added this scene into the anime, I think it would have made Toichiro outright telling Serizawa that he didn't really care about him more impactful. Not just for Serizawa's character, but for his intentions for all of the Super 5. It helps show just how little he cares for other people and how he only sees them as tools, a means to an end. (Even if that was already clear before, it just drives the point home).
Also also also I think that would have made the one line from, (I think), Hatori stand out more. After Toichiro attempts to blow Serizawa, Shigeo and Reigen up, Hatori says something to the effect of, "so the president finally cast Serizawa aside, huh?" Everyone knew it was coming, everyone knew what Toichiro was after, except for Serizawa.
Tldr: Toichiro wanted Serizawa to become stronger not just because he would be more useful to him, but because there would be more power for him to take if need be, and the spare batteries panel should've been added to the anime because it would've made everything more impactful imo
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Electricity consumption at US data centers alone is poised to triple from 2022 levels, to as much as 390 terawatt hours by the end of the decade, according to Boston Consulting Group. That’s equal to about 7.5% of the nation’s projected electricity demand. “We do need way more energy in the world than we thought we needed before,” Sam Altman, chief executive officer of OpenAI, whose ChatGPT tool has become a global phenomenon, said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week. “We still don’t appreciate the energy needs of this technology.” For decades, US electricity demand rose by less than 1% annually. But utilities and grid operators have doubled their annual forecasts for the next five years to about 1.5%, according to Grid Strategies, a consulting firm that based its analysis on regulatory filings. That’s the highest since the 1990s, before the US stepped up efforts to make homes and businesses more energy efficient. It’s not just the explosion in data centers that has power companies scrambling to revise their projections. The Biden administration’s drive to seed the country with new factories that make electric cars, batteries and semiconductors is straining the nation’s already stressed electricity grid. What’s often referred to as the biggest machine in the world is in reality a patchwork of regional networks with not enough transmission lines in places, complicating the job of bringing in new power from wind and solar farms. To cope with the surge, some power companies are reconsidering plans to mothball plants that burn fossil fuels, while a few have petitioned regulators for permission to build new gas-powered ones. That means President Joe Biden’s push to bolster environmentally friendly industries could end up contributing to an increase in emissions, at least in the near term. Unless utilities start to boost generation and make it easier for independent wind and solar farms to connect to their transmission lines, the situation could get dire, says Ari Peskoe, director of the Electricity Law Initiative at Harvard Law School. “New loads are delayed, factories can’t come online, our economic growth potential is diminished,” he says. “The worst-case scenario is utilities don’t adapt and keep old fossil-fuel capacity online and they don’t evolve past that.”
archive.today article link
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mothandpidgeon · 1 year
Aunt Flo's First Visit [pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader]
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Pairing: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: After Sarah gets her first period, Joel is determined to be a supportive parent despite the fact that he doesn't know the first thing about menstruation. But when he goes to the pharmacy to shop for supplies, he finds himself in way over his head.
Words: 2k
Rating: G
Warnings: period stuff and everything that comes with it
a/n: This is really fluffy and a little silly. I saw a tik tok by a menstrual product company about a customer trying to find the right thing for his daughter and it just gave me such Joel energy this happened. I haven't finished any fic in MONTHS because I'm working on my book and that's not finished either so it feels really good to complete something. (If you want to keep up with my publishing journey, I'm mainly documenting it here.) Please enjoy.
Also, I challenged myself to write in present tense bc I never do and I really was struggling so pretend the grammar is all correct. Thank you.
Joel knows how to do a lot of things. He can manage a crew, change a flat tire, and build just about anything. He never considered himself smart by the classical definition but he knows how to make a car battery from scratch despite the fact that he got a C in chemistry. 
If somebody had told him a decade ago that he’d one day be paralyzed with fear in the feminine hygiene aisle, he would’ve laughed. But right now, Joel would give all his knowledge along with his left arm if he could just figure out what the hell he ought to buy for his daughter.
He knew this day would come eventually. It’s his own damn fault he never prepared himself. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he must’ve expected Sarah to just know how to handle it. Being a single dad wasn’t a walk in the park but he couldn’t imagine how much harder it would be if Sarah wasn’t so damn self sufficient. Even at 13, she can get herself fed and dressed and off to school without help. Of course she could figure this out on her own.
But Joel was reminded that Sarah’s still just a kid when she finally told him that she’d gotten her period for the very first time. She was so embarrassed to admit it, Joel practically had to drag it out of her. 
He was angry with himself. He should’ve been ready, wished that he knew the right words to say. Joel promised himself he would put things right so she wouldn’t feel like she ever had to hide anything from him. 
That was a lot easier said than done, he realizes now.
Joel stands in the aisle overwhelmed and confused. Boxes and soft packages in friendly, pastel colors stare at him from the shelves. He’s never spent much time with the feminine hygiene products, not unless he was scooting by them to pick up a little carton from the family planning section. He hasn’t bothered to learn about that stuff. Women’s stuff. He’s not disgusted by menstruation, isn’t afraid of it. It’s just one of those things he never had to deal with. 
Without Sarah’s mom, though, he’s had to figure out plenty of girl things. He can remember the lesson on managing Sarah’s curls from the kind woman at the hair salon. Names of Shampoos and oils that felt foreign were now routine and he’s mastered using the combs and clips that looked more intimidating than some of his power tools. But he struggled for a good long while before that kind stylist took pity on him. 
And here he is again, flying blind into the female whirlwind. 
There’s so many options on the shelf. Words like HEAVY and gentle and sport. And the prices. Christ! He thought the hair stuff was expensive.  
Joel’s head is spinning but he has to get it together. He’d vowed long ago that he would be Dad and Mom too. That’s what his daughter deserves. 
Just a year ago, he hovered outside of the dressing room at the mall as Sarah tried on training bras. 
“Did you find one? You were in there for a while,” he said when she emerged.
“Dad,” she replied in that tone she was using more and more often, the one that told him to shut up.
It isn’t the changes to her body that scare him, all of the subtle ways she’s becoming less familiar. His little girl is growing up and he mourns her childhood. It won’t be long before she’s driving, going off to college. Maybe she’ll have a daughter of her own but Joel hopes she’ll wait longer than he did, have a chance to make a life for herself.
Speaking of which, he realizes he’s going to have to sit her down for a real talk about boys next. He better get ready for that one. Explaining where babies come from hadn’t been too difficult. Condoms and venereal diseases are a whole different ball game. Teenage boys are gremlins– he’d know– and Sarah’s so smart and pretty, she’s going to have to be careful. 
Joel doesn’t know how long he’s been staring at the shelves when a woman appears in the aisle, another shopper. She’s got her keys looped around a finger, headed straight for the tampons, her flip flops smacking against the bottoms of her feet. Joel has a box in his hands. He doesn’t even know what he’s picked up, it’s just got the least intimidating packaging and the price is reasonable. He can’t help but catch the woman’s eye and the look she gives him is a little wary. It must be obvious that he’s out of his depths. But she gives a polite, tight lipped smile and proceeds to ignore him as she approaches the pantheon of period products. 
He watches as her eyes dart around the shelves and quickly she makes a selection, plucking up a box clad with pink and purple silhouettes. So easy. Well, it must be easy for her. He wonders how many times she’s visited this part of the pharmacy, if her mother brought her to the store when she was Sarah’s age and showed her all the options. 
His free hand fidgets at his side and he swallows dryly. He feels like an idiot but he reminds himself that he’s got to do this. For Sarah. The woman is already half way back to the end of the aisle by the time he’s found his voice. 
“Excuse me, miss. Could I trouble you for a second?” you hear from the man behind you. 
You turn around, confused, but there’s nobody else that he could be talking to. Here you thought you could get in and out quickly. You’re cranky and tired and all day you’ve had toe curling cramps. It hits you like a ton of bricks every month. All you want to do is get home to your couch to watch some crappy reality tv. 
But this lumberjack of a man– broad shoulders wrapped in a flannel shirt– is giving you puppy dog eyes. You’ve never been hit on while holding a box of Tampax Pearl but there’s a first time for everything. 
“I apologize. This is real awkward,” he says, rubbing at the back of his neck with a big hand. “I’m trying to get something for my daughter but I’m a little lost.”
His voice is warm and sweet and he’s handsome as hell but you keep your distance. 
“Didn’t she tell you what to get?” you ask. 
His expression grows even more bashful and his voice lowers. 
“I’m afraid it’s, uh…well, it’s new territory for both of us,” he admits. 
You can’t help the sympathetic smile that forms on your lips. Some poor preteen girl just got welcomed into the cruel arms of womanhood. It will be all downhill from here. Wild mood swings, angry breakouts, blood leaking through her favorite pair of pants. At least, it seems, she’s got her dad on her side. It takes a lot of balls for a guy to pick up a box of tampons let alone stop a stranger and ask for help. 
You’d like to tell him that you’re too busy to help– you can hear your Haagen Dazs calling you all the way from the freezer– but you at least owe it to this kid to help him out. 
“What’ve you got?” you ask, nodding towards the powder blue box in his grasp. It looks so little in his big hand. You walk back towards him and take a look. “Oh. Nice try but I wouldn’t go with that.”
He regards his choice again. It’s kind of adorable, the way the corners of his mouth frown as he squints at the words on the front. “What’s wrong with these?” His words aren’t defensive, he’s genuinely curious. 
“Tampons can be pretty tricky when you’re that age. And those don’t even come with an applicator,” you explain. You remember trying to use a tampon that first time. You’d never put anything up there before and it stung like hell.
“Applicator?” His brows furrow and you can see fear in his brown eyes. 
“So you can put it…in,” you tell him and motion with your finger, jabbing your pointer upwards. 
His cheeks go pink. Ears too. You try to suppress a giggle as his brain short circuits for a second. His throat works as he swallows and places the box back on the shelf— gingerly, like it might explode. 
“Which are the ones that don’t…go inside?” he asks. 
It’s impossible to keep from grinning. 
“Pads,” you say. 
He nods. 
You choose a package and place it in his hands. It’s a multipack, everything from light to heavy, and no wings so she doesn’t feel like she’s wearing a diaper. 
“Try this,” you say. “She might not like them. It takes some trial and error.”
He reads over the circle in the corner that claims it’s 100% Leak Free! You can see he’s still overwhelmed but he’s far less nervous. He really is good looking and you have to wonder how he doesn’t have a woman in his life to help him out.
“This many?” he asks. 
“She might need more.” You shrug. “Just stay away from the scented ones. And you have Tylenol at home?”
“I think so.”
“How about a heating pad?”
He shakes his head. 
“Go get one,” you advise. 
He blows out air and then steels himself with a nod, ready to face the red menace. 
“I’m awfully grateful for your help,” he says and you can tell by the look on his face, he means that. 
You feel your own cheeks heat. 
Joel ends up behind her in the checkout line after securing an electric heating pad and grabbing an extra bottle of Motrin. 
“What do you think?” he asks, showing her what he picked.
“Good job,” she tells him. Her smile is tinged with amusement but his chest still swells with pride. Maybe he’s not such a failure of a father after all.
Now that he’s less bewildered, Joel can’t help but notice how pretty this woman is. She’s dressed for comfort without any make up as far as he can tell but that smile and the kindness in her eyes is what does it for him. If they met under different circumstances, maybe he’d try to flirt. Not that he’s had the opportunity to practice recently. It’s for the best, though. There’s absolutely no way the combination of bumbling idiot, single parent, and menstruation makes for a romantic connection. Besides he’s here on an errand for his daughter.
Joel tries to keep his eyes from wandering over her as the teenager behind the register rings her up, the pink box and two bags of M&Ms. She gives Joel one last smile before leaving the store. 
He thought he might feel embarrassed buying nothing but period supplies but he’s too busy thinking about how helpful she was. Sarah would just about die from mortification if he told her a complete stranger gave him a crash course in maxi pads. He chuckles to himself. 
“Hey!” someone calls as Joel approaches his truck.
It’s her, the woman from the pharmacy, crossing the parking lot. Joel smooths his hair.
“These are for her,” she says, handing him one of her bags of candy. “Chocolate helps.”
Joel gives a soft laugh as he weighs the M&Ms in his hand. “That I knew,” he says. 
“And, uh, here,” she tells him, holding out the long receipt. 
Joel takes the paper. On the back she’s scribbled her name and phone number. 
“You know, I don’t know. I just thought– if she has any questions. Or maybe if you do,” she says, shrugging. She’s much less confident now than she was in front of that endless selection of menstrual products. It’s cute and makes Joel feel a little less like an idiot for the way he was fumbling a few minutes ago. 
“I owe you one,” he says.
She shakes her head. “Just be patient,” she warns. “She’s gonna be a bitch but don’t take it personally.”
Joel grins. 
“You’re a good dad,” she tells him and he doesn’t know how to respond to that.
She’s already backing away towards her car and waves again. 
Joel looks at her number, once again finding something he doesn’t know. He’d give his left arm to figure out how soon is too soon to call. 
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cathode-raygirl · 8 months
Salvation for a Broken Bot (Chapter 1)
An amateur repair girl finds a severely damaged android abandoned in a junkyard.
This first chapter is sfw but subsequent chapters will be 18+ only. Content warning for a description of a character in a state of disrepair with implied eye trauma.
If you have any questions or feedback feel free to comment or send me an ask!
Rose had visited the abandoned junkyard several times before, but this was the first time she'd come with the intention of stealing.
Half a mile away from anywhere of note, the only sign of civilisation was the distant hum of cars driving down the A22 in the distance. The sound felt relaxing to her, like the waves of the ocean.
She approached the chain link fence surrounding the complex. Someone had repaired the hole she used to enter last time, but she had come prepared. She rummaged around in her backpack and retrieved a pair of bolt cutters. Expertly praying apart rusty segments of fence with her tools, she breached the defences and found herself in a sea of discarded garbage.
From handheld items like phones and radios, to larger appliances like televisions and fridges, the junkyard had it all. But there was one particular prize she was looking for: A robot. It was rare but not unheard of for companies like Ashdown to dump their decommissioned workers in facilities like these, and she was planning on...
She wasn't really sure what she was planning on doing to be honest. Selling one for parts? Repairing it as a passion project? She told herself she'd figure it out later. There wasn't even a guarantee that there *was* anything here anyway. Better to not get her hopes up too early.
She gripped the scanner in her left hand. She'd spent the past week building it, the perfect device for combing for artificial life. The android designs that Ashdown Logistics pioneered had distinctive battery designs to accommodate for their intense workload, and it quickly became the industry standard. If she was able to locate a power supply with the scanner, she *should* be able to locate a bot. In theory. The scanner wasn't picking anything up yet though.
She turned on her torch and began walking deeper into the facility. The scanner's range wasn't particularly good due to the sensor she'd opted to use so-
Her eyes lit up in excitement. A figure! In the distance! Unmoving!
She crept up towards it, her eyes filled instantly with recognition: The body of a robot, slumped backwards over a pile of broken televisions, a steel rod driven perfectly through its left eye, pinning it in place. Most of its pure white hair had been torn away, the few remaining patches blowing gently in the wind.
Its chest had caved in as well, and the silicone plates that covered its rusted internals were covered with dirt and mould.
Rose wondered what had happened to it, how it could have gotten this damaged. It was hard to make it out in the state it was in but it seemed to be some kind of worker bot? Definitely not anything that would normally have combat experience, that's for sure. If any robot rights groups found out about this they'd be having a field day. But more than that... She wondered how her scanner never picked it up.
She ripped the steel rod out of its head and flipped it over. Its charging port was missing, a large cavity in its place. By the looks of it, someone had forcefully removed the battery and several other key components by the looks of it. What *happened* here?
A mystery like this was irresistible to her. If she could somehow repair it, she could interrogate it, and then she potentially had a story she could give to the press, or even one of the robot rights groups. They'd been springing up a lot recently and she was sure at least one of them would take interest. 
She dragged the bot through the muddy ground, through the hole in the fence, and loaded it into her car.
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Rose sat on a chair in her workshop, staring at the android in front of her in contemplation. The first thing she needed to do was assess the damages and figure out if it was possible to salvage the bot. A more talented maintenance girl would probably know by now, but Rose was just a hobbyist, so she *really* needed to know what model it was. 
The sticker with this valuable information on had long since been washed away by rain, so she had no choice but to begin disassembling its head in the hopes of finding a motherboard. 
After half an hour's work, the bot's head laid sprawled out in pieces on her desk. She admired the beauty of the intricate mechanisms in front of her, how so many tiny parts could come together to form a believable imitation of a human face. At least, they would if they were in good condition. She could already tell that most of them had either rusted beyond repair or been badly damaged by the blunt force of the steel rod, so they'd have to be replaced. Still, the process should be simple enough once she got the model number.
Inspecting the motherboard, she noticed a peculiar chip with a pink heart on it. She'd never seen something like that before. She took a photo of it and made a mental note to reverse image search it later. Turning the board over, she was met with an unfortunate sight: The Ashdown Logistics logo, and the model number 4MB-3R. 
Ashdown's androids were known for being made with parts that were as closed source and proprietery as physically possible. They refused to release any data sheets or schematics, and the parts that *could* be bought were insanely expensive. No one, not even the smartest engineers of their rival companies had been able to figure out how to create even an imitation of their personality chips, so they held a complete monopoly over the robotics industry. 
Not only that, but the 4MBs were several generations ago. In fact, Rose was almost certain that they had been discontinued in 2002. By now, they were onto the 8MB range, which were mechanically unrecognisable from their 34 year old counterparts. 
Rose slumped backwards into her chair. There was absolutely no way in hell she would be able to buy any replacement parts for this, and she doubted that she'd be able to find any more 4MB units, let alone a 4MB-3R. She had no idea what the difference between the sub units even was, but she was certain it would be significant enough to hinder her progress.
She sighed. It looked like she'd need to take matters into her own hands. There *was* a crude accessory that was compatible with most androids she'd encountered before: A modified cathode ray tube screen could be used to visualise a robot's thoughts. With some training, she was sure that the 4MB-3R could teach itself how to use one as a face. It wouldn't be a great solution by any means but it'd definitely be better than having a caved in, unmoving face. And it wasn’t like the bot would be stuck with it forever, just until she found something better to use.
As for the rest of the body? She could replace the charger port with an external charging system she had lying around, and she was sure she had some spare torso pieces buried *somewhere* in her workshop. There were obviously a lot more parts missing but it'd probably be best to get the basic functionality working first. After all, she wouldn't want to put effort into building a body for an android that might not even be capable of turning on anymore. 
She gazed out her window wistfully, watching the cars pass by below her. In a way, Brighton looked like a giant circuit board, the roads forming tracks between the various buildings, which resembled cathodes, diodes and chips. Or perhaps it was the other way around, and circuit boards looked like cities. 
Despite living in a bustling city, she could never shake away the loneliness she felt in apartment. She was a single, lonely electron in a vast uncaring circuit board, but perhaps she'd be able to find a companion in the form of this bot. And if not, it'd certainly give her something to take her mind off things for a while.
[ Chapter 2: Reconstruction ]
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verdemoun · 4 months
can I get some timewarp Charles or Dutch? I love your au 😭
cracks every bone in my hands lets fucking gooo
charles blessed and beloved. he died of illness in 1908 but it was so peaceful he died in his sleep in a warm bed and as got sick he accepted it with a very similar flare to hosea talking about bessie where he was quietly hopeful he would get to see arthur again and instead of being jolted to the present like the more violent deaths he just woke up peacefully to an arthur that got to age and looks healthy and is smiling at him so affectionately because he missed him so much
they're in love, your honor
arthur already has his own place (very close to hosea's, of course) so charles immediately moves in with arthur and they fall into domestic bliss without actually having the conversation of 'i know we were close friends and confidants with unaddressed feelings in the past and it's been almost a decade and you had to mourn me but do you want to be my partner for the rest of our natural lives btw i have an adult son'
charles is still awkward though he didn't understand life and people in 1899 sometimes modern era is just too much they'll be grocery shopping and someone will say a new sentence so stupid he has to go sit in the truck and just disengage with society for a while.
he has zero social media presence and cannot handle the constant depression of tv news media. what do you mean people are still fighting over civil rights and racism back in my day you could throw a stick of dynamite at a kkk meeting or shoot a eugenicist in front of the law and no one cared. if he's home alone he's listening to cds on through an actual cd player
charles smith would absolutely fuck with a home depot helping john build beecher's hope awakened something in him. the garage is almost as big as their house on one side you have arthur's eclectic collection of passing interests including the car he's working on and on the other side you have precision organised charles's expanse of every kind of tool you can imagine. hand tools power tools different kinds of wood organized by tree and then grain
he might be a little in love with the customer service guy at the tool shop who is similarly awkward and accidentally blunt with a flat sense of humor. no small talk. just 'this is my project' 'you will need this. this is the brand we're meant to promote but this is just as effective with more attachments and it's cheaper' 'thank you' 'it's literally my job'. sometimes they go to each others workshops to show off their projects he is charles 'doesn't drain my social battery' friend
charles' job title is just 'decent guy with a truck' every construction company in the local area has his number and will send him a text asking him to help out on a job or if they can borrow some obscure power tool only charles smith would have. it suits charles really well because it means he can just turn off his phone and go on a spontaneous three week hunting trip with arthur and isaac without needing to communicate with anyone. people know if you don't hear back within 15 minutes he's turned off his phone and you will hear from him when he gets back from whatever adventure he's gone on with his family find someone else to do the job
for a lot of the gang they almost have to get to know charles again like he became a lot more comfortable with himself as a person between 1899 and 1907 the first time he cracks jokes or acts downright silly they almost don't recognize him. like yass charles be happy.
admittedly he is the guy they call to help build furniture charles doesn't follow ikea instructions he just rocks up with a drill and assembles it the way that makes sense
eliza and charles are besties and arthur lives in constant fear. they go out for coffee and gossip about whatever the latest antic is. she talks to charles honestly more than arthur and takes charles to functions when she needs a plus one because they are both just wallflowers who talk shit about everyone else quietly. isaac sitting patiently in the principal's office having gotten in trouble for something stupid with the most passive aggressive slight smile on his face as he hears charles and eliza pull up (arthur got banned for threatening the principal)
i may need to part 2 this for dutch
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Children still mining cobalt for gadget batteries in Congo
A CBS News investigation of child labor in cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo has revealed that tens of thousands of children are growing up without a childhood today – two years after a damning Amnesty report about human rights abuses in the cobalt trade was published. The Amnesty report first revealed that cobalt mined by children was ending up in products from prominent tech companies including Apple, Microsoft, Tesla and Samsung. 
There's such sensitivity around cobalt mining in the DRC that a CBS News team traveling there recently was stopped every few hundred feet while moving along dirt roads and seeing children digging for cobalt. From as young as 4 years old, children can pick cobalt out of a pile, and even those too young to work spend much of the day breathing in toxic fumes.
What's life like for kids mining cobalt for our gadgets?
So, what exactly is cobalt, and what are the health risks for those who work in the DRC's cobalt mining industry?
What is cobalt?
Cobalt – a naturally occurring element –  is a critical component in lithium-ion, rechargeable batteries. In recent years, the growing global market for portable electronic devices and rechargeable batteries has fueled demand for its extraction, Amnesty said in its 2016 report. In fact, many top electronic and electric vehicle companies need cobalt to help power their products.
The element is found in other products as well.
"Cobalt-containing products include corrosion and heat-resistant alloys, hard metal (cobalt-tungsten-carbide alloy), magnets, grinding and cutting tools, pigments, paints, colored glass, surgical implants, catalysts, batteries, and cobalt-coated metal (from electroplating)," says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
More than half of the world's supply of cobalt comes from the DRC, and 20 percent of that is mined by hand, according to Darton Commodities Ltd., a London-based research company that specializes in cobalt.  
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Health risks of chronic exposure 
According to the CDC, "chronic exposure to cobalt-containing hard metal (dust or fume) can result in a serious lung disease called 'hard metal lung disease'" – a kind of pneumoconiosis, meaning a lung disease caused by inhaling dust particles. Inhalation of cobalt particles can cause respiratory sensitization, asthma, decreased pulmonary function and shortness of breath, the CDC says.
The health agency says skin contact is also a significant health concern "because dermal exposures to hard metal and cobalt salts can result in significant systemic uptake." 
"Sustained exposures can cause skin sensitization, which may result in eruptions of contact dermatitis," a red, itchy skin rash, the CDC says.
Despite the health risks, researchers with Amnesty International found that most cobalt miners in Congo lack basic protective equipment like face masks, work clothing and gloves. Many of the miners the organization spoke with for its 2016 report – 90 people in total who work, or worked, in the mines – complained of frequent coughing or lung problems. Cobalt mining's dangerous impact on workers and the environment
Some women complained about the physical nature of the work, with one describing hauling 110-pound sacks of cobalt ore. "We all have problems with our lungs, and pain all over our bodies," the woman said, according to Amnesty.
Moreover, miners said unsupported mining tunnels frequently give way, and that accidents are common.  
Miners know their work is dangerous, Todd C. Frankel wrote late last month in The Washington Post. 
"But what's less understood are the environmental health risks posed by the extensive mining," he reported. "Southern Congo holds not only vast deposits of cobalt and copper but also uranium. Scientists have recorded alarming radioactivity levels in some mining regions. Mining waste often pollutes rivers and drinking water. The dust from the pulverized rock is known to cause breathing problems. The mining industry's toxic fallout is only now being studied by researchers, mostly in Lubumbashi, the country's mining capital."
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"These job are really desired"
Despite the dangers and risks of working as miners in the cobalt industry, at least of the some miners in the Congo "love their jobs," according to Frankel.
"When I talked to the miners there, none of them want to lose their jobs or give up their jobs. They love their jobs," Frankel said Tuesday, speaking on CBSN. "In a country like Congo, mining is one of the few decently paying jobs to be had there, and so they want to hold onto these jobs."
They also want fair treatment, decent pay, and some safety, "and they would love for their kids to not work in the mines," he said.
"It's a poverty problem," Frankel said. "These parents I talked to – they don't want their kids working in these mines. The problem is that their school fees – schools cost money, and you know, food costs money, and they sort of need their kids to work in there."
Poverty also drives children into the mines instead of school – an estimated 40,000 of them work in brutal conditions starting at very young ages.
The thousands of miners who work in tunnels searching for cobalt in the country "do it because they live in one of the poorest countries in the world, and cobalt is valuable," Frankel wrote in the Washington Post article.
"Not doing enough" 
CBS News spoke with some of the companies that use cobalt in their lithium-ion batteries. All of the companies acknowledged problems with the supply chain, but said they require suppliers to follow responsible sourcing guidelines. Apple, an industry leader in the fight for responsible sourcing, said walking away from the DRC "would do nothing to improve conditions for the people or the environment."
Read company responses here
Amnesty said in November, however, that "major electronics and electric vehicle companies are still not doing enough to stop human rights abuses entering their cobalt supply chains." 
"As demand for rechargeable batteries grows, companies have a responsibility to prove that they are not profiting from the misery of miners working in terrible conditions in the DRC," the organization said. "The energy solutions of the future must not be built on human rights abuses."
An estimated two-thirds of children in the region of the DRC that CBS News visited recently are not in school. They're working in mines instead. 
CBS News' Debora Patta spoke with an 11-year-old boy, Ziki Swaze, who has no idea how to read or write but is an expert in washing cobalt. Every evening, he returns home with a dollar or two to provide for his family.
"I have to go and work there," he told Patta, "because my grandma has a bad leg and she can't."
He said he dreams of going to school, but has always had to work instead.
"I feel very bad because I can see my friends going to school, and I am struggling," he said.
Amnesty says "it is widely recognized internationally that the involvement of children in mining constitutes one of the worst forms of child labour, which governments are required to prohibit and eliminate."
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
Coal Power Defined This Minnesota Town. Can Solar Win It Over? (New York Times)
The past and the future of electricity in America are perhaps most visible in a Minnesota town surrounded by potato farms and cornfields.
Towering over Becker, a community of a little more than 5,000 people northwest of Minneapolis, is one of the nation’s largest coal power plants. It is being replaced — to the dismay of some residents — with thousands of acres of solar panels and a test of long-duration batteries.
Becker is one of the first of a group of seven Minnesota municipal areas, called the Coalition of Utility Cities, making the change from a fossil-fuel-based economy to clean energy.
“We are the guinea pig for the whole group,” said Tracy Bertram, the mayor of Becker, acknowledging the anxiety some have felt about the loss of an economic anchor. “People don’t like change. It’s the unknown: ‘What will my world look like?’”
When the Sherburne County Generating Station, known as Sherco, completes its renewable project on adjacent land, it will stand as the largest solar farm in the Upper Midwest — replacing three coal units in Becker with three solar sites on the town’s outskirts along the Mississippi River.
Becker crystallizes part of the legacy of the administration of Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, and his commitment to Minnesota’s goal of 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2040. And it tests how the energy transition could unfold on a nationwide scale for jobs at decades-old fossil fuel facilities, local tax revenues and agricultural businesses.
President Biden’s climate bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, aims to cut U.S. emissions at least 52 percent below 2005 levels by the end of this decade, and his administration is counting on solar power to play a significant role in decarbonizing electricity production. One Energy Department report concluded that solar energy could provide up to 40 percent of the nation’s electricity by 2035.
Minnesota is among the states that can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act by using it as a tool to replace coal plants with sources like solar farms. Through the law, Sherco’s owner, Xcel Energy, received tax credits that reduced the cost of the solar project for the utility’s ratepayers.
Becker is also one of two sites where Xcel is installing demonstration battery systems from Form Energy, a Massachusetts company. The systems — using readily available materials like water, air and iron — can store solar and wind-generated energy as a backup, with a capacity to power 2,000 homes for up to five days.
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ellamrfr · 8 months
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Public radio reaches power-deprived areas in Brazil’s South
Battery-operated radios re-emerge in flood-stricken Rio Grande do Sul
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A device many believe to be outdated has regained its vital role amid the floods that have wreaked havoc on hundreds of cities in Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil. Following power outages and the loss of internet signals, a large portion of the state’s population have once again opened their ears to the information transmitted by the old battery-operated radio.
Aware of the potential of this crucial tool for communications, Brazil’s public broadcasting company EBC has pointed one of its shortwave transmitters at the region. As has long been the case for North Brazil, EBC has given people a chance to reunite and gain access to basic services in times of dire need since late April.
A resident of the city of Canoas, 62-year-old janitor Belmiro Prates is one of the victims of the floods. The entrance to the building where he lives was invaded by waters, leaving his car completely submerged. He was rescued on Monday 13 by a Civil Defense team. Since then, with no access to power, telephones, or the internet, Prates has struggled to stay informed and to notify his loved ones of his situation.
The trusty old devices, he believes, have the power to overcome barriers for people with no TV or electricity, and have become the main form of communication. “I only managed to keep up to date here thanks to the radio and the programs on Rádio Nacional station. I have acquaintances in Amazonas [state], and it was thanks to the interview I gave that I was able to send a message to everyone saying I’m fine,” he told Agência Brasil.
Continue reading.
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spookysaladchaos · 3 months
Global top 13 companies accounted for 66% of Total Frozen Spring Roll market(qyresearch, 2021)
The table below details the Discrete Manufacturing ERP revenue and market share of major players, from 2016 to 2021. The data for 2021 is an estimate, based on the historical figures and the data we interviewed this year.
Major players in the market are identified through secondary research and their market revenues are determined through primary and secondary research. Secondary research includes the research of the annual financial reports of the top companies; while primary research includes extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts such as experienced front-line staffs, directors, CEOs and marketing executives. The percentage splits, market shares, growth rates and breakdowns of the product markets are determined through secondary sources and verified through the primary sources.
According to the new market research report “Global Discrete Manufacturing ERP Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Discrete Manufacturing ERP market size is projected to reach USD 9.78 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 10.6% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Frozen Spring Roll Market Size (US$ Mn), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Frozen Spring Roll Top 13 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Discrete Manufacturing ERP include Visibility, Global Shop Solutions, SYSPRO, ECi Software Solutions, abas Software AG, IFS AB, QAD Inc, Infor, abas Software AG, ECi Software Solutions, etc. In 2021, the global top five players had a share approximately 66.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Ask anyone in your life who works on stuff for fun: how many different families of power tool batteries are they on? The answer for me is: four. I think. Maybe five, if I find that one drill I keep losing. All of these are totally incompatible, need their own chargers, and force you to either buy more expensive batteries, if you can even get them. Once the manufacturer gets bored, that's it for your tool. Might as well throw your perfectly-good reciprocating saw in the dumpster and go give Mr. DeWalt some more of your hard-earned tool money.
Part of the reason why these are incompatible is technology. Different battery chemistries need different ways to charge them, or they burst into flame and kill a bunch of people. It makes sense that you can't fill a gas car with diesel, right? Same thing here. Of course, virtually all tool batteries these days are using the same underlying chemistry. Probably made up of cells bought from the same company in China! That would mean – infuriatingly – these MBA scums made the batteries incompatible just out of reasons of profit. Sell 'em a drill, and then keep selling 'em batteries.
Something had to be done, and I was just the guy to do it. Using almost an entire Wikipedia page's worth of electrical engineering theory, I was able to replace the busted-ass battery in my Ryobi with a lead-acid battery. Of course, this replacement battery is very heavy, and a little weak. It also smells funny when I really give 'er, which could be because the seals on the top have broken, and it keeps pissing noxious death juice onto the floor of my garage every time I brap off a lugnut.
Is this a solution for everybody? No, because if I tell other people which storage yard I steal my RV batteries from, everyone will go there, and then I'll have to buy my batteries at retail. At that point, I might as well buy corded tools, and start paying my electric bill.
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udyamapos · 6 months
Best Billing Machines in India
Effectiveness in transactions is essential in the busy realms of commerce and retail. Billing machines, a crucial tool in this process, have advanced significantly over time, with UDYAMA POS setting the standard in India. This article highlights UDYAMA POS's ground-breaking position in the industry while examining the innovations, customer satisfaction, and variety of (Best Billing Machines in India) that are supplied. (Best Billing Machines in Delhi) are essential for streamlining billing processes because they provide cutting-edge functionality catered to various corporate requirements. The choice of billing machines can have a big impact on revenue creation and productivity for businesses of all sizes, from small merchants to multinational corporations.
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Considering the Value of Billing Equipment
Competent billing is the foundation of any flourishing company. For any type of business—retail, dining, or service—accurate and timely invoicing is essential to preserving both the company's finances and its reputation with clients. This procedure is automated using billing machines, which streamlines transactions and lowers the possibility of errors. Contemporary billing machines enable organizations to improve operational efficiency and concentrate on their core competencies by providing functions such as inventory management, sales analysis, and tax calculation.
Essential Factors to Take-into-Account:
Creative Software for Billing:
Linked billing software is the cornerstone of modern billing systems. Look for systems with powerful reporting features, user-friendly interfaces, and customizable invoice templates. These features simplify the process of creating invoices and provide useful information on sales patterns and inventory management.
Choices for Internet Access:
In today's networked environment, billing machines with several connectivity options are more versatile and easy. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled devices facilitate seamless communication with other corporate systems, allowing for real-time data synchronization and remote management.
Reliable Payment Processing:
Security is essential while processing financial transactions. Choose billing machines with robust encryption features and PCI-compliant payment processing services installed. This ensures the confidentiality and integrity of client data while lowering the risk of fraud and data breaches.
Design compactness and portability:
Small, portable billing devices are ideal for businesses with limited space or that are mobile. Look for portable devices with long-lasting batteries and sturdy construction. This simplifies invoicing in a number of contexts, including shop counters and outdoor events.
Possibility of Development and Enhancement:
Invest in scalable and easily upgraded invoicing solutions to accommodate future business growth and changing needs. Modular systems with interchangeable parts facilitate the easy integration of additional features as your business expands.
UDYAMA Point of Sale Advantages
The Indian billing machine market has seen a radical transformation thanks to UDYAMA POS's state-of-the-art technology and customer-focused mentality. A selection of models designed to satisfy particular business needs are available from UDYAMA POS. These approaches have improved the checkout experience for customers while also increasing operational efficiency.
There are many different types of billing machines available on the market, ranging from sturdy desktop models for high-volume organizations to portable devices for transactions while on the go. Every kind has distinctive qualities designed for particular commercial settings, which emphasizes how crucial it is to choose a machine that fits your operational requirements.
Features of a Billing System to Take-into-Account
Durability, connectivity choices, and convenience of use are important factors to take-into-account when selecting a billing machine. A machine that performs well in these categories can significantly improve business operations by facilitating faster and more dependable transactions.
 (Best UDYAMA POS Billing Machine) Models
A range of models that are notable for their cost, dependability, and functionality are available from UDYAMA POS. With the help of this section's thorough analysis of these best models, you can make an informed choice depending on your unique business needs.
How to Choose the Right Invoicing Equipment
When choosing a billing machine, it's important to evaluate your company's needs, budget, and the features that are most important to your daily operations. This guide provides helpful guidance to assist you in navigating these factors.
Benefits of Changing to a Modern Billing System
Modern billing systems, such as those provided by UDYAMA POS, can greatly improve customer satisfaction and efficiency. The several advantages of performing such an upgrade are examined in this section, ranging from enhanced client satisfaction to streamlined operations.
Advice on Installation and Upkeep
Making sure your billing machine is installed correctly and receiving routine maintenance is essential to its longevity and dependability. Important setup and maintenance advice for your new gadget is included in this section.
Field Research: UDYAMA POS Success Stories
The revolutionary effect of UDYAMA POS billing devices on businesses is demonstrated by actual success stories from the retail and hospitality industries. These case studies demonstrate how businesses have benefited from increased customer satisfaction and operational efficiency thanks to UDYAMA POS technology.
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All products in the Billing Machine are:
(Handy POS Billing Machine)
(Android POS Billing Machine)
(Windows POS billing Machine)
(Thermal Printer Machine)
(Label Printer Machine)
Enhancing Efficiency with Best Billing Machines in India:
The adoption of the (best billing machines in Noida) has revolutionized the way businesses manage their finances. These advanced solutions offer a myriad of benefits, including:
Simplified Billing Procedures: By automating invoice generation and payment retrieval, billing procedures are made more efficient and less prone to human error and delay.
Enhanced Accuracy: Up-to-date billing software guarantees precise computations, removing inconsistencies and billing conflicts.
Improved Customer Experience: Easy and quick transactions increase client happiness and loyalty and encourage recurring business.
Real-Time Insights: Rich reporting tools offer insightful information on inventory control and sales performance, facilitating well-informed decision-making.
Observance of Regulatory Mandates: Pre-installed compliance tools guarantee that financial reporting requirements and tax laws are followed, lowering the possibility of fines and audits.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are billing systems appropriate for all kinds of companies?
Absolutely! Billing machines come in various configurations and are tailored to suit the needs of diverse businesses, from small retailers to large enterprises.
Can billing devices accept several forms of payment?
Yes, most modern billing machines support multiple payment options, including cash, credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, and online payments.
How frequently should the software on billing machines be updated?
It's recommended to update billing machine software regularly to ensure optimal performance, security, and compatibility with the latest regulations and technologies.
Do billing machines need to be connected to the internet?
While internet connectivity is not mandatory for basic billing operations, it may be necessary for accessing cloud-based features, software updates, and remote management capabilities.
Is it possible to link accounting software with billing machines?
Yes, many billing machines offer integration with popular accounting software packages, facilitating seamless data transfer and reconciliation.
Are POS terminals easy to use?
Most billing machines are designed with ease of use in mind, featuring intuitive interfaces and straightforward setup processes. Training and support are typically provided to ensure smooth adoption and operation.
UDYA MA POS, a business renowned for its wide range of products, innovative solutions, and happy clients, is the result of searching for the (best billing machines in India). Considering how organizations are always changing, choosing the right billing system is essential. Thanks to its commitment to quality and innovation, UDYAMA POS is a leader in the billing machine industry, ensuring that transactions will become more streamlined, dependable, and fast in the future. The strategic decision to invest in the (top billing machines in Gurgaon) could have a significant effect on businesses of all kinds. These innovative solutions help organizations thrive in the present competitive market by streamlining billing processes, increasing precision, and providing insightful data.
Regardless of the size of your business, selecting the correct billing equipment is critical to increasing productivity and spurring expansion.
Visit the website for more information: www.udyamapos.com
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