#ppl mischaracterize him so bad that it's not even funny
lucyshypemaster · 1 year
there's just something about fitz vacker, a boy who was once considered perfect and the ideal boy for both girls and boys to finally snap and attempt to murder his brother. his brother who he has looked up to his whole life, his brother who betrayed him and the people he loves.
can you imagine realizing that your own brother participating in harming and torturing your friends and the girl you love? and then, your parents decided to give the traitor another chance simply because he lost his memory, as if that erased everything he's done. and if THAT wasn't enough, you were forced to go along with it.
alvar should've died. the scene where fitz stopped pressing buttons was a huge character development for him and I'm tired of people dissing it purely because of the love triangle.
fitz has done some pretty questionable things but he deserves to be angry. maybe don't direct the anger at his friends but he deserves to have a mental breakdown and scream and cry just as much as keefe.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
random rant
vil deserves to be loved im sick of ppl shitting on him acting like he's a monster a terrible person this man has never known peace he was raised in front of cameras all his life he was never treated like a normal child he was never talked to as a normal child the only person to ever treat him his age was his fucking father who was constantly busy with his career and had to raise him alone people accuse this man of the foulest fucking things known to man "racist" "ableist" "elitist" "fatphobic" what the actual fuck is wrong with yall
and not to mention the terrible mischaracterization he suffers ppl act like he's narcissist a terrible person a sadist when he's one of the most caring characters in twst, he's not a fucking terrible housewarden like yall like to pretend he is, vil is STRICT but he is an amazing housewarden that cares a LOT about his students and that's why he goes to them PERSONALLY to make a specific routine that will help them be their best self and be healthy, i find it so funny how it only happens with vil too because riddle is just as strict if not even more and nobody ever dared say he's a bad housewarden WHICH DONT GET ME WRONG i also don't think riddle is a bad housewarden and im actually glad he doesn't get the shit vil gets for absolutely no reason in this fandom, i just think it's hilarious how many ppl hate vil and worship riddle when they are extremely similar in multiple ways
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sabh0 · 5 months
What's your opinion on the anime? I find it pretty funny, but I can't say that I am not disappointed to see so many scenes missing.
For exemple, I wanted to see Dazai cry laugh at Chuuya's young mistress act, show that it was a joke shared by both of them, rather than one made to us at the expense of Chuuya. They took a genuinely funny moment and made me cringe SO hard for no reason T^T
God i could go on for hours about how Bones ruined this series. I'm obviously thankful we have an anime adaptation but. Well just compare bsd anime to jjk one or smth and yeah.
I will be complaining more under the cut,,
First the overall writing choices:
-Deleting or changing skk scenes to the point im not even shocked when ppl think these two actually somehow hate each other.
-The way they portrayed Sigma. They deleted half of his personality and backstory. And just speedrunned the Sky Casino arc like if seeing that place was giving them nightmares. No wonder he gets mischaracterized now.
-Tachihara's internal conflict about belonging to either Port Mafia or The Hunting Dogs? Bones never heard about it. It's not like IT'S A VERY IMPORTANT PLOT POINT.
-Akutagawa's whole character in the anime is just 'edgy and angry and bad grr'. In the manga he had some 'kind' or even seelf-reflection moments that were ommited in the anime. Like where he realizes defeating Atsushi didn't satisfy him (ship fight, season 1). Or when he gives files about the orphanage Director to Atsushi and says he won't fight him today because he lost someone impirtant to him. Sskk vs Fukuchi fight?? No scene where Sskk r helping each other walk. Instead we get Akutagwa just pushing Atsushi away. Won't even start on that last smile that looked more like another angry expression.
-THE WAY THEY CHANGED "DAZAI'S ENTRANCE EXAM" INTO SOME CURRENT TIMELINE EPISODES. IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY LIKE. THIS NOVEL WAS SO GOOD. Showing both Dazai and Kunikida's characters and partnership so well. But no. Let's just??? Put Atsushi there. Let's delete the fact this thing happened 2 years ago. And let's delete everything that was actually important about it, too.
-also some changes in the Dark Era arc. Like. Lord. Dazai is so much more emotional in the novel. His expressions r described so well. But the anime either shows him from the back at those moments (him finding out Oda was almost killed by a sniper in Ango's room) or just deletes/changes the thing (Oda dying. This scene is so emotional in the novel. From the description u can tell Dazai was crying/on the verge of it as Odasaku died. But in the anime he looks calm and then we get a far aeay frame and he just. Gets up and that's it yeah.) They also deleted the scene of him visiting Oda's grave.
-The way they rushed seasons 4 and 5. Just to give us an episode that goes further than the manga and has the shittiest writing ever when it comes to skk's plan revelation (im so angry about this u guys have no idea. I sincerely believe that if this episode never came out, the manga would go differently bc there's no way that Asagiri who wrote things like Stormbringer suddenly thought that some dollar store vampire make up will fool a guy who's centuries old and literally lived next to vampires. But well!! Seems like these two speeches Dazai gave weren't important at all and now we can just forget about them yippiee)
I could definitely mention WAYY more examples of that but this is already long af. Like guys. I know u cant fit everything in an animated show. It takes time to make it and all but. Bro. The character's in the anime r so shallow compared to their original versions.
Now onto the artstyle of the anime.
Lord. U know? It was actually pretty in the first 2 seasons. The official arts at the time were also really nice to look at.
No idea what happened later. Why did Bones suddenly decide that those ugly turtle smiles r gonna become the main thing in the character design. Why so many fisheyes. Atp sometimes i look at the official art and i go oh lord even i could fix it. It really feels like they draw some characters ugly on purpose now (Chuuya being the main victim for unknown reasons).
Tho i must say they have their moments even now. Some last episodes of season 5 weren't really bad, especially the Meursault part (love them for animating Dazai and Sigma dancing so well. And for that 101 animation. And maybe for the heartattack they gave me with 109 and Chuuya shooting Dazai so many times.)
On some other things, i really like the music! Bsd openings and endings never miss,,,
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nightcolorz · 6 months
For the ask game: ❤️💚💙
YAYY thank u sm for the ask! these questions r so fun. I’m going off of the book fandom btw
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Louis <3 I think this is an affect of how likable and overtly sympathetic he is in the amc show but I've seen people getting genuinely offended over Louis being described in fandom (and by Anne rice herself) as a manipulative cold hearted ass who uses his perceived vulnerability and gentleness to distract from the fact that he is just as cruel if not crueler then the other vampires. Like Louis does nottt have strong morals or high empathy lmao. Book Louis weaponizes his privilege like a white woman crying to self victimize into making the other vampires look worse them him 😭 . He refuses to kill humans for a while not bcus it hurts him to take life (he actually takes more pleasure in it then most), he refuses bcus he has catholic brain the way a christians who say "how do atheists have morals without god?" do, misunderstanding that most people actually care about other people and dont need an existential threat to encourage them not to hurt others.
His moral compass is self centered and based in up keeping the appearance of self restraint and monk style lack of enjoying himself, not empathy. If a vampire killed u would u feel better if u knew he cried over how much he got off on it then flaunted his suffering over how little he indulged so that everyone knew how piosis he was 😭.
He is way worse when it comes to how he treats his victims then Armand who intentionally seeks out victims who r asking to die or Lestat who tries the vigilante approach. Louis kills innocents and he thinks it makes him better cuz he only does it sometimes and he feels really really bad about himself afterwards. As akasha said (paraphrased) he's the most predatory of them all.
To specify I love book Louis SOOOO much I love how shitty he is that's why it makes me sad when people mischaracterize him as sincere and get gen mad when ppl characterize him how he is in canon (a lying selfish bitch bless his heart). Like ik amc Louis at this point in canon is unambiguously in the right but he isn't like an accurate reflection of how he is in the books 😭 it's not like amc did what anne rice was trying to do more successfully, they just nulled what anne rice was doing in favor of a more likable protagonist. Which is fine, but like, there's no crime in preferring evil to the core horrible asshole Louis of the books.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I think the common fandom perception of Armand as the crazy unhinged "omg I can't believe he actually did that in the books??" sadistic maniac villain guy is funny but not really accurate. Armand explicitly not only tries to avoid violence but dislikes it and finds it hard to comprehend why someone would seek out violence and conflict.
The reason he is always doing fucked up shit isn't out of a lestat-esc desire to cause chaos, it's bcus his highly strung ptsd brain has him convinced that the world is a battle ground and he must always be defending himself and acting out in violence.
Since acting out in violence is a reaction hes been taught throughout his life to be standard and necessary, as violence is something so normalized to him he considers it more of a tedious chore then a last resort measure, he usually reacts to conflict in ways that are objectively extreme to anyone who isn't thinking from his perspective. In qotd he even asks Daniel why men choose to fight in wars, explaining that he doesn't understand the draw of violence (bcus he's not a man) and he can't comprehend the supposed thrill of it.
Then he says this in pl to Gregory
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💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think they are?
i was going to say Marius but I figure that's too obvious since everyone at this point knows I don't like Marius 😭 so here's an even hotter take,,,,, Lestat ‼️
Only to a degree, I think Lestat is hot and deserves the hype, but i also think he's hot in a different way then a chunk of the fandom does. Based on his book description he's kind of wonky looking, mouth too big for his face, vaguely unnerving shallow pale skin, starved 1700s peasant build but also kind of buff in the unhealthy "i dont eat regularly but I'm strong enough to carry a wolf for miles on my back" sense, weirdly small fucking feet. He def has creepy ass florescent blue doll eyes too. my point is I think when drooling over Lestat the fandom tends to forget this wonkiness in favor of blonde bombshell, Sam Reid chizzled jawline and abs, or conventionally beautiful anime twink, when they should be appreciating lestat in all his weird as shit glory.
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stardustdiiving · 4 months
You!! YOU!!! AUGHHH YES XIAO MY SAD LITTLE RESILIENT BIRD BOY YOU GET IT!!! (Side note, kinda funny how often I see people go down the insane about Xiao to the insane about HatRadish pipeline.. There are overlapping themes with them but I'll choose to stew on that later) but THANK YOU oh my GOD I cannot fathom how often Xiao is mischaracterized by the fandom when the quests like. Spell it out for you. Oughhhhhh all the people who reduce him to some edgy mean guy get on my nerves. Him learning how to live is very important to me (I go insane every Lantern Rite) ty for your service against bad Xiao takes ✨✨
Response to this post
I feel like Perilous Trail corrected a lot of Xiao mischaracterization but this just makes the people who don’t get it even more obvious JUSNXJXN. Also you need to introduce me to the xiao —> hat radish pipeline ppl bc I don’t think I’ve ever met one I’m so sad. I think ur right in that there are common themes between the two though bc genshin overall has a theme of the relationship between the divine/immortal and humanity. All three characters deal with being molded/forced/etc into something they “should” be as a being that isn’t human and punished for their sense of humanity. Effervescent
I have also been going bonkers every lantern rite i understand. 2023 lantern rite was my Roman Empire as someone who is just obsessed with all dynamics between Venti/Zhongli/Xiao. I love Xiao he’s like if the conquerer of demons was a 5” little skrunkly with a deep air of perpetual gentleness and sadness enveloping him . Thank you for the ask !!!
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bl00dalchemist · 17 days
Since you're sick (ME TOO GET WELL IDIOT) Imma ask for ALL of the questions for Genshin :3c
SADISTIC MF (ilu get well soon too baby)
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
At first the jokes about him being a fuckboy were absolutely funny but now i think they absolutely fucking suck and people have taken it as if it is canon AND I HATE IT.
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
I normally dont check too much into theories bc honestly they just carry the same ones and in a very good way, so i actually can't think of one rn sorry JFJFBF
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Haikaveh, if i wanted to watch a hysterical blonde and a stoic mf bicker, i'd go watch a white couple fight.
But fr i dont like it bc they always fuck up their personalities so absolutely bad it makes me go ewww, also they reduced kaveh to being alhaitham's stupid friend who can't do shit right and its just?? Ewww x2
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Tough one bc I don't like to say 'WELL EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT THIS BUT AM RIGHT' bc everyone has their headcanons BUT- I really hate the way some people treat Dottore as if he was just a boyfailure who sets trashcans on fire bc he cant get his phd.
The man is a damn evil genius, even arlecchino would have thrown hands with him if he weren't also a harbinger NFJBGN
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
I was going to pick one of the girls but that might be biased since am a fucking homosexual so i will say Zhongli! Atm the guy's just some man going around working in funerals and correcting historians about rex lapis NFKFJ not that hot sorry.
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
The slutty little shorts, he goes around shirtless, he's got a spirit inside him??? HOTTIE
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad/good as everyone else seems to think?
I will merge this one and the next one bc its the same character so here we go.
Ppl always go one way or another with childe, like, come on!
They either turn him into a horny stupid dumbass or an edgelord and am honestly very tired bc the man is so morally gray most of the time! He released a beast on liyue to bring rex lapis out, but not because he's the devil, he just wanted rex lapis to come out but turns out ppl were actually able to protect themselves! terrible job supershit!
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
That people satanize it too much!
"it pushes gambling addiction!" So does every gacha out there, the point of a game made by a big company is to make money, but guess what! You can play totally for free if YOU JUST PLAY THE DAMN GAME INSTEAD OF EXPECTING EVERYTHING TO BE GIVEN TO YOU!
And if u dont want to play and think its fucking predatory and its bad for you: delete your fucking account or sell it so you can't go back. Seek help even.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
I don't think theres a major character outside the twins and dainsleif so i will say i just think sethos is pretty but so unnecessary lmao
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Arlecchino/Furina or Wriothesley/Lyney.
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
The queer circle is so absolutely wide that i dont actually think theres a single cis/straight bitch in this game ngl.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
One of the main siblings, wouldn't it be absolutely fucking painful???
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redysetdare · 1 month
I honestly love your takes on Macaque, if I’m being honest. There’s not many people who acknowledge just how shallow his redemption arc was, or how OOC the main characters are to make it work, or how many softballs the plot + writers throw at Macaque to give him the quickest ride to redemption possible, or how his flaws are sheared off instead of naturally grown out of.
But I also really enjoyed reading this post where you go into the fact that Macaque is a far worse person than Sun Wukong ever was, and there funny thing is?
Macaque agrees with that.
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Even in a self-aggrandizing retelling of their mutual story where Macaque is blatantly ignoring the nuance to their split, he still subconsciously puts Wukong above himself.
Macaque puts himself all alone on the ground, leagues below and away from the Monkey King, who is standing on a pinnacle and haloed by beams of light, and refers to him as a hero.
And it’s crazy that fans are SO insistent on “Macaque is a better person than Wukong!” when even Macaque himself internally acknowledges the fact that he’s not as good of a person as the King.
The reason people ignore how bad his arc is is because arc is very much fan service and so the fans are it up because the show played into their view of macaque instead of actually acknowledging who macaque was. The writers interacted too much with the fans and did what they thought would make them happy rather than what they think makes a good story - that's why the DBK families "arc" happened off screen and they are barely ever mentioned.
The show and the writers are held on a pedestal and when they fucked up everyone kept them on the pedestal instead of realizing it was bad writing and maybe these human beings can fuck up.
I've barely interacted with anything monkey kid related after how disappointed I was in season 3. I vaguely know about s4 and heard there was going to be a season 5 and I will not watch it. The fans have always been annoying AF when it came to macaque so the show playing into the blatant mischaracterization of it all just ruined the show itself for me in the long run.
I'm kinda surprised people are still finding my posts, I had ppl in the past getting snappy at me for those but y'know, I'm glad there are at least some sane people in the fandom who can criticize it instead of blindly praising it.
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
hey i’m the anon who asked ab the kink. completely agree w what you said. kinda shocks me how a game that’s been out for almost a decade still has ppl mischaracterizing a lot of characters.
like i had someone genuinely provide an explanation on how zen would body shame you, jumin would pressure you into being perfect and would overall be abusive, yoosung would deny you of your autonomy and force you to act like rika, seven would be very verbally abusive and neglectful and saeran would be emotionally, verbally and physically abusive. (all of their hcs take place post-after endings)
funny enough, they didn’t mention v which is surprising considering how much v slander i see
Can y'all even read the media you're consuming? Haha, I don't want to sound mean but there are definitely times when I've come across someone's perception of the Mystic Messenger characters where it's clear they want to present something as 100% canon to the Good Ending timelines—
When, in truth, it's just a byproduct of the Bad Endings where most of the choices you make are deliberately toxic and spurn the worst of the worst. You have to actively click toxic responses to get a lot of the Bad Endings like the ones you just described. Jumin's notorious Bad Ending? You are actively feeding into his paranoia and supporting the feelings he has, while also indulging in the toxicity as well.
That's not who Jumin is at his best and to put it in his Good Ending is an absolute disservice to his character. Listen, if you want an ending where Jumin indulges in BDSM, then you can have it. You can imagine it in the good ending where there is nothing but consent and respect to consent. You don't have to have it in a toxic ending where it is not indicative of a healthy relationship. It's one thing if you want to play around in a bad ending because sometimes that's interesting, but it's another thing to act like those qualities in the bad ending are canon to a good ending.
If you see someone utter the words: "Zen would body shame you" let me know where they're at because who the fuck do you think Hyun Ryu is?
That is a character who has struggled with body insecurities his entire life and he would never belittle another person. He knows what it feels like to be on the receiving end of people judging you just because of the way you look and he would never want to make another person feel that way.
Just because he likes to overcompensate from his insecurities by telling himself that he's beautiful doesn't mean that he's a narcissist who's full of himself. Language has power, and if you call yourself trash, you're eventually going to believe you’re trash. I'm not saying you have to call yourself beautiful everyday, but keep in mind that you can manifest what you feel just by repeating it over and over again.
Ah, yes, people who whine and cry about Seven being mean to them in the apartment. The people who want him to wear his jokester mask until the end of time. The people who cannot understand that he is having an existential crisis, and that doesn't excuse his actions mind you, but they don't want him to be who he truly is, they want him to continue to pretend.
I have seen so many people talk about the time in the apartment and the fact is simple. They don’t get it or even try to get it. Saeyoung was lied to. The promise he threw his life away to protect his baby brother was a lie, and his brother is suffering, and his sacrifice was for nothing.
Not only that, he is afraid that if you get close to him, you might suffer the same fate and he knows he can't stomach that twice. His actions in the apartment aren't healthy, that's right, but if you really look at him, you can tell but his actions are alive from the very beginning, and he can't even remain cruel to you because you make him want to live. If you treat him like a toy who only appeases you, then you're going to get the Bad Ending.
Don't get me started on Saeran.
Please don't get me started because I’ve talked about it a hundred times. I have to say this because some people lack media literacy these days, just because I can explain why Ray and Suit Saeran did what they did doesn’t mean it excuses those actions. There is no excuse for what Ray did or what Suit Saeran did. Suit Saeran tells you directly that even if he intended to hurt himself, he hurt you and Ray in the process, and he has to own that fact.
Ray realized he was wrong to lie to you, and he tried to right his wrong by making a fake elixir and lying to the Savior to protect you from what he brought you into. They carry those damn actions they committed like an anchor, and you don’t have to accept the apology GE Saeran gives you.
GE Saeran doesn’t forgive himself until the very end of his After Ending. Because, it doesn't matter if you forgive him for what he's done, he can't forgive himself for what he's done, and a part of the reason why he ends up for giving the people who hurt him has to do with forgiving himself.
In his heart, he knew that he no longer wanted to choose anger and pain, and to forgive himself, he knew he needed to forgive those who hurt him so that he could live his life without carrying that anger. He doesn't want to be angry anymore, he wants to live a life of happiness and peace.
Honestly, I think since most people don't like V or Rika, they don't bother to create stories that romanticize the unhealthy aspects of their characters, or the qualities that play into the Bad Endings. For V fans, it's hard enough to enjoy him when people want to tear him apart, but at least, they seem to be free from horrid mischaracterization in this regard.
Let's see, that "Act like Rika" Ending? You did that to him! You kept reinforcing the similarities with yourself and Rika until he started to believe the delusions! You're the one who prompted that situation. You choose those actions. The RFA wanted to stop you from doing that to Yoosung! That is a Bad Ending! It's a Bad Ending because Bad Things Happen!
That's the point! Those Bad Endings variables don't effect Good Ending because to achieve a Good Ending, you have to actively choose healthy options and help not only yourself but the character you love get to a point where they can open their eyes to the what they're going through and work to be better, not just for the people they love, but for themselves!
...You know what, I don't think I've ever seen someone do this Jaehee. The worst I've seen about Jaehee from the start is someone whining about her being passionate about Zen? I don't think I've seen anyone mischaracterize her romantically, she might actually be safe from this shit.
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elysiuminfra · 2 years
THANK YOU for calling out the fandom on infantilizing Hyde like oh fucking hell i though I was going insane because nobody else noticed it. Evil alter trope-ifying Hyde is also bad but it’s pretty old in the fandom like. Jekyll being Hyde is like the “Frankenstein was the scientist” of the strange case at this point. But infantilizing Hyde is 1) a recent phenomenon that I know of and 2) more annoying to me. It goes against his canon personality in a more direct way and also has a bad tint of “small adults are cute and funny haha small adults are children” thought… I see this attitude in other fandoms too like the Gotham rogues one in which Jervis (who is a dwarf in some continuities) is treated like a child even though one of his defining traits is being mad that a girl won’t fuck him. It’s so tiring and feels like spitting on the face of the character’s history.
LITERALLY ITS SO TIRING LIKE. he's a grown man. nasty as hell. please for the love of g-d treat him like one. he's a grown man who drinks and fucks and commits acts of violence because he feels like it. he's not a chaotic baby boy. he hurts people and doesn't feel bad about it. not exactly the guy you wanna hang out with. that's like. one of his biggest character traits. also even though we dont rlly see what he gets up to i think he's a freak for sure. probably does ludicrous amounts of cocaine.
also ppl that treat him as "dumber" than jekyll and while i imagine there's less impulse control he's just..... why would he be any dumber. jekyll may have poor impulse control but man's got a doctorate. hyde is just as calculating and studious.
i just dont understand mischaracterizing him when canon hyde is already interesting enough like there's no reason for this tomfoolery. absolutely none. what is the point guys........... like cmon :( we all took english class in highschool :(
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cariseca · 2 years
Tintin and Haddock for the character opinion thing
A little long to my tastes, heres a readmore
Tintin! tried to give him eyeballs but gave up bc he looked like an illumation entretainment background character lol
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He looks. Terrible. I havent drawn him years
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wasted potential: I just think if hergé hadnt been a weirdo catholic on a mission, tintin would've been more interesting and have more emotional depth even if it is clear he has some underlying personal issues it is never actually Seen bc he's suppossed to be the paragon of virtue and strenght and all that. I havent read the comics in years so i may be wrong but that was my impression then and thats my impression now
not as deep as they seem: honestly! i can see where everyones coming from bc obviously a kid going around and doing whats correct on impulse or trying to decipher mysteries etc is bound to have some trauma but he rlly isnt all that in canon. He's just a Good and Strong and Pure Catholic Boy :))))) (rage)
nothing i like about them is technically canon: yes and no. I will admit theres some aspects of canon tintin that make him likeable like hurrying to help or being pretty reckless, but it's more about the implications i can come up with??
why do they look like that: im joking i know why they look like that but still. He looks so bland in comparison to the rest of the cast....
they work better as part of a dynamic: HONESTLY you can make him interact with any character in the series and there will be a fun back and forth, even with snowy it's funny/sweet how they interact with each other. Tintin rlly needs the other characters to actually shine bc to me he's kinda bland, like theres a wall and theres nothing that bounces back against him if his family or friends arent there
they got too much screentime: im joking BUT this isnt even exclusive to the story hes in i mean like theres too much of him around and i find him kinda overhyped and overrated sdsfsdsdsfsf no offense to ppl who like him im just like "i want that kid obliterated"
i actively dislike them sorry: SORRY sdfsdfdf it's so bland to say but i think im just soured about the work itself and its transformative works featuring him! nothing against the fans whenever i see his face im like "him? again?"
Free Space: the tibet adventure could easily be an adventure/romance movie like just thinking of the implications of dreaming of someone u havent seen in a long while and going by your gut that they are in danger... IT EATS ME how dedicated tintin is to his friendships in general but i will always think him and chang would develope something more.... (sighs) young love (cries)
Haddock! I just drew him from memory too
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Now I didnt score but heres a little explanation to each space:
they are soooo cool looking: I just really like how hes so scruffy looking and has that blue/black color scheme is very simple but effective :) i also just like sea themed characters in general and middle aged characters with Issues:tm:
everyone but me is wrong about them <3: NOT really true im just thinking of common mischaracterizations i used to see or seen in bad fanfiction bc otherwise i think theres a lot of ppl that really "get" haddock's essence
if they were real i would be afraid of them: half true, i would be more irritated by him than afraid of him. Like shut your mouth old man! type of way
they are like a blorbo to me: for a long time haddock was a blorbo to me, im not tht attached to the character anymore but i do think of him fondly
not as deep as they seem: i had to repeat this to myself bc even if he is plenty fleshed out in the actual works i think as fans we see More than there actually is.
free space: pretty sure ive said this before but i will always see haddock's personal journey as healing from the abusive rship he had with Alan Thompson (which was a catalyst to substance abuse) and seeing value in himself bc the people around him value him (his cat, tintin, prof calculus) basically that found family goodness lol
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Who's your favorite Matsu? How would you rank them?
Number one is definitely karamatsu… I love them all equally except karamatsu, he is a bit higher up than them.. there is something about him.. he tries so hard to be charming and cool (when he obviously isn’t) but he ends up being charming and adorable to me anyways lol (I also apparently have a thing for his nap. VA since all my favs end up having the same VA it’s funny.. EX; hawks, kurro, bruno, gojo)
Number two is always so hard for me to place because it changes so much. I always end up switching Osomatsu and Ichimatsu around (at one point Choromatsu and even Jyushimatsu was there) but for now I’ll place number two with Osomatsu. Out of all the matsus I relate to him the most so I’m placing him here! I’m extremely childish and selfish like him and hate the idea of growing up and rely on my parents too much. He’s a comfort to me for these reasons, and just the idea of an ass like him being soft gets to me.
Next is Ichimatsu! His love for cats is extremely relatable, in fact I remember back in 2016 he was my favorite because of that reason alone lol. I suffer with depression so naturally he’s one of the more relatable ones, he dresses more baggy or more “lazy” if you will, with his baggy pants and hoodie and fucking flip flops. This mf dresses just like me fr. I’m shy irl so it’s nice to see this dark and brooding character actually be a pussy deep down, very funny and relatable since ppl irl find me scary lol.
Next up I’ll place Choromatsu here. Man it does make me sad to see so many people hate on my boy! One thing I tend to notice is that with my top favs I have a very popular fav and then a overhated fav, it’s funny. But seriously love this guy wtf! I’ll be honest, at one point he was probably my least fav but he has climbed up on my ranking. I can appreciate that he at least tries to be better than his brothers, being self aware is an admirable trait at the very least. I like how he’s mainly good hearted and seems to value honesty (more than the others) also I find it so funny his VA is the same as levi… like what 😭
Next up is Jyushimatsu! Absolutely adore this guy. I feel bad he’s so damn low on this list:( I hate ranking them my goddd.. love him though! He is so comforting and so sweet man wtf. Also I love projecting onto him and giving him the hc he’s autistic just bc it’s fun and he’s a comfort character. I project a lot of my favorite things onto him (ex I love Pokémon so I hc he likes playing Pokémon, I absolutely love Steve lacy so I like to hc he loves Steve lacy and etc.) I would just love to hug this guy, it really doesn’t help that he’s probably a perfect match for me (and Kara too lol) because I’m so shy and quiet.
And finally totty:( my boy I AM SO SORRY HES LAST TOTTY FANS I ADORE HIM ALL THE SAME ;( I think he’s a very funny character and I find him relatable in the aspect he kinda tries hard to have a social life and to fit in, it’s really hard for me to fit in :0 I think I relate more to ichi in that aspect but it still counts right?! love his god awful fashion and I can always adore a character that seems cute but is actually the devil. I hate his mischaracterization with people acting like he’s actually heartless, when he shows he does actually care for people (like totoko) but his brothers too of course (even his father when he was in the hospital?) I don’t like how people write him to actually not give a shit about his s/o when I think while he has his moments he’d be very caring !
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