#practically ALL of the black ones are scented even if they don't say so
hairmetal666 · 1 year
By the grace of Robin Buckley, Steve gets into college.
She's his first real friend and it's because he knows her, loves her, learned to be a better person from her, that he's able to smile politely and take the hand of his new roommate. His long-haired, tattooed, dressed in all black roommate, who has already put up dark and menacing posters of bands Steve has never heard of and a bedsheet banner with the words "Corroded Coffin" painted on the fabric.
"Eddie Munson," his roommate says.
"Steve Harrington."
"Good to meet you, roomie." Eddie smiles so big it makes dimples pop. It's a good look. "Parents on the way with the rest of your stuff?"
"Oh, er--just me, actually."
Eddie's smile doesn't waiver. "Need some help?"
Normally, Steve would say no, but he just spent the last hour unloading Robin's stuff. "That would be great, thanks."
So, they work together to get Steve moved in, and as they work, he learns more about his roommate. He is a weirdo, an oddball, fundamentally strange, but Steve can't help but be charmed.
Eddie puts on music, something aggressive with loud guitars and drums, and Steve unpacks. He pulls out a picture of himself with the kids during one of their game nights, displaying it carefully on his desk.
"Wait," his new roommate says. "You? And the dnd children?"
Steve laughs. "They're the kids I babysit. You play that nerd game?"
Eddie's nose wrinkles. Something in the back of Steve's mind notes that it's cute. "Nerd game? Dnd is So. Much. More. It's--it's storytelling and strategy and--" Eddie stops, blinking at Steve. "You're fucking with me, aren't you?"
"Little bit," Steve smiles.
"I can't believe you know dnd. That you babysit nerds. You look like such a jock," Eddie shakes his head in disbelief.
"I am a jock," Steve agrees. "And I love those dorky little shitheads. I tolerate the game."
"Steve Harrington. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"
"Guess so." The smiles they share are wide and sweet, bringing out Eddie's dimples in way that makes Steve long to touch.
After that, they're inseparable. Robin and Eddie and Steve. They study, eat, go to parties, hangout; anything, as long as they're together.
Three weeks into the semester, as Steve gets dressed after swim practice, he pulls a shirt out of his bag that doesn't belong to him. It's a black tee, Metallica logo front and center. He chuckles, puts it on. It's soft from wear and smells of laundry detergent and Eddie--cigarettes and leather and some kind of sweet musk. The scent puts him at immediate ease.
He meets Robin and Eddie for lunch. They were early, already have their food and seats, so he walks over to drop off his backpack. Eddie gives him a bright, dimpled smile, but within seconds his mouth is falling open a little, the tips of his ears turning bright red.
"You alright, man?" Steve asks.
Eddie startles, grabs his cup, jamming the straw into his mouth to chew at the plastic."You're--my shirt?" he says.
"Oh, shit. Sorry. Grabbed it by accident. I'll wash it for you."
His roommate flushes pink. "N--no, you don't have to worry about it."
He wants to question Eddie further--he's being so weird--but Robin interrupts. "Dingus! Go get food. Hurry up!"
He does as he's told, but when he comes back, Eddie is even redder than before, and Robin has a wide smirk across her face.
"What is going on with you two?" He asks as he puts his tray down.
Neither of them answer, andEddie launches into a passionate re-telling of some music student drama, so Steve let's himself be distracted.
It's mid-October and Steve's coming home from the gym, the one place that Robin and Eddie refuse to accompany him. As he nears his room, he hears music. It's not heavy metal, but something soft and slow and acoustic.
He tries to be quiet as he unlocks the door and enters, doesn't want to disturb Eddie, doesn't want him to stop playing. He never practices when Steve is home, says he doesn't want to be a bother with the noise.
Eddie's sitting on his bed, guitar in hand. There's a battered notebook open next to him, a pencil held between his teeth. He hums a bit, pauses to jot something down, and goes back to playing.
He looks beautiful, Steve thinks, bent over his guitar.
Steve is just about to announce himself when Eddie stops playing again. He writes something in the notebook before resting his head in his head. "Pathetic, Munson. Get it together," he mutters.
"Hi!" Steve says. It startles Eddie, who jumps and almost drops the guitar.
"Stevie!" Eddie stumbles to his feet. "I--uh--you're home!" His face is crimson.
"You're really good, man," Steve says. "I'd love to hear more sometime."
"Uh-huh, uh-huh," Eddie nods his head, grabbing for the notebook and slamming it closed. "Sure thing." He stuffs his feet into his Reeboks. "I gotta--I gotta go. Back soon."
Eddie stumbles out their door, notebook clenched firmly in hand.
He is so weird.
In mid-November, Robin gets invited to a party by a cute girl. They all go.
Steve isn't trying to hook up. He hasn't slept with anyone since they started school, too caught up with Robin and Eddie. But there's a girl, wavy brown curls and wide green eyes (he has the fleeting thought that they should be deep brown, that it's wrong that they aren't), and she's smiling at him.
Flirting with her is easy.
He doesn't know what breaks his concentration, but he turns to face the rest of the room, eyes falling on Eddie. Eddie who is watching him, his deep brown eyes swimming with hurt, with anger.
It sends a shock of pure panic up his spine. "Eddie!"
Eddie turns on his heel, disappearing in the crowd. Steve follows, but by the time he navigates through the partygoers, his roommate is nowhere to be found. He hurries back to their dorm, heart pounding in his ears, mouth dry.
It's dark in the room, though, and for a second he thinks Eddie isn't home, after all. But he turns on the light, illuminates the rigid lump under Eddie's quilt.
"Eddie?" Steve says, voice soft.
He doesn't respond, though Steve can tell he's awake. He tries again, but Eddie curls deeper under his covers.
Steve spends the night wondering what he did to hurt Eddie so bad.
They're back to normal after Thanksgiving. Steve is so relieved he doesn't even ask.
They stay up all night every night studying for finals. By the time Steve's last test rolls around, he's giddy and frantic. He grabs his textbook, shoves a notebook into his backpack, gets to the English building with just enough time to take a last look at his notes.
Only, he flips the notebook open and it's not his English notes. It's song lyrics.
Steve should close it. Put it back in his backpack. It's private. But he's already reading the lyrics written there. They're sexy. The song's about a guy, one Eddie seems to be totally gone for.
A line catches his eye, "need you on every surface in our room." He reads it again and again until the only thing he can see is the phrase, "our room." His whole body is warm, heat pooling, and he's chubbing up in his jeans in the middle of his English class.
Steve flips the pages, anything to get his mind off of that song, and that's when it hits him like a ton of bricks. All those weird moments--the t-shirt, the song, Steve flirting with a girl-- Eddie likes him.
Steve wants to rush to the dorm, wants to confess everything, even starts to stand, but--he has a final to take.
He makes himself close the notebook, but catches sight of another song as he does. It's a love song. It's plaintive and yearning and wanting. And every lyric is for him, about him, about things they did together. It's also unfinished, breaking off mid-way through the second verse.
He doesn't know how he missed it before, but as the professor hands out the test paper, Eddie is all he can think of.
When he finally gets back to the room, he finds Eddie's frantic, hair frizzed around his skull. All his bedding is on the floor, the drawers of his wardrobe pulled open.
"Eddie?" Steve asks.
"Have you seen my notebook?"
"What?" Steve's heart drops.
"The black one? It's kind of beaten up?"
"I--uh, yeah. Sorry, Eds. Accidentally grabbed it on my way to class." He pulls his backpack from his shoulder, unzipping it.
"Did you--did you read it?" Eddie's voice shakes, his face painfully red.
Steve doesn't know what to say, what to do. He wants Eddie. Has for a long time, just hadn't been able to put it together. And he doesn't know how to fix what's spiraling out between them.
"Eddie," he says. Can think of nothing else, hopes his desperation is clear in his voice. "Please." He closes the distance between them, slowly, carefully. Cups Eddie's chin in his hand.
They stare at each other, Eddie's eyes wide with shock. Steve can feel the other man's breath on his face, smell the tobacco and sweet musk scent of him.
"Every surface of our room, huh?" Steve asks.
Eddie's cheeks flush. He turns away, bashful. "Something like that."
"And if I want it too?" Steve whispers.
The words hang between them for several beats, before they both move to close the lingering distance between them. Their mouths slip together, like it's nothing, like they do this all the time. Steve grasps at Eddie's curls, fists a hand into his t-shirt, totally lost to the rhythm of the kiss, the easy slip of Eddie's tongue in his mouth.
Eventually, the come up for air, both pink cheeked and panting.
"You're full of surprises, Steve Harrington." Eddie breathes.
"Just wait," Steve smirks, moves in to nip at Eddie's bottom lip. "We have so many surfaces."
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tiyoin · 1 year
♡ 🐰 wait, you’re a girl?! ✩ೃ°
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synopsis ───◌  where the twst guys find out the ramshackle perfects secret
characters ┈┈◌ jack howl ♡ leona kingscholar ♡ ruggie bucchi
cw ──♡⃝ cursing, leona’s overblot, ruggie basically black mailing reader 😭, questionable bonus,
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐥
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
You smelt sweet. Yeah, that’s a weird thing to say but it’s true. When you walked past him in the hallways, he noticed this… sweet, almost refreshing scent that softly entered his nose.  
Now he isn’t saying he doesn't like it, but he is saying that it’s odd for a guy to have such a dainty smell, and Jack's a smart guy. So he has 2 possible hypotheses of why you smell like that.  
You're from another world and things might be different there
You're a weirdo and he should avoid you at all costs
So if you see Jack eyeing you, or just tensing up around you, just know you made his radar. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
He reluctantly became your friend, let's get that clear. After the spell-drive incident, he couldn't seem to shake you, tweedle dee, and tweedle dum off his back. So there you three stayed like leeches. 
It was only when Ace and Deuce got those anemone things on their heads that Jack truly joined your band of misfits. But that's not the point. 
The moment when he found out about your little secret was when you were both hiding under Azul’s desk after trying to get to the contracts. You were squished up against either side of the dark oak deck when Jack couldn’t stop thinking about how unnaturally short you were. I mean, hey he doesn't judge, Heartslabyul’s dorm leader is short and Jack respects him. But he never noticed it until now, with his thigh completely overwhelming yours in both size and mass.
Or maybe he’s never noticed how small your hands are? Must come with the size he guessed. But the one thing that truly bothered him was your face, it was soft and delicate, so much chubbier and fuller than any guy he’s seen… and your smell… it almost reminds him of…
His eyes shot open as the door to Azul’s office opened. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
It’s been weird lately. Besides the fact that Ace and Deuce are busy working slaving away at the Monstro, Jack has also started to act more… like Jack around you. Always hovering, carrying things, and nagging. Nag nag nag nag! ‘Y/n don't do this, y/n don't do that, y/n you'll get hurt, don't go in there it's dangerous!’ He was treating you like a damsel in distress when Ace and Deuce were the real ones. 
Yet here he is babying you while treating them like normal! It’s gotten so bad that those two plus Grim started raising eyebrows whenever Jack did something for you. 
So you decided to do what all smart people do; confront him. 
So you do. 
You pull him from his track practice and bring him under one of the trees that acts as shade for the runners whenever they're about to pass out from heat exhaustion. 
Of course, you were trying to think about the correct way to go about this, because being in a school full of boys, especially teenage boys in mid-puberty, you had to learn to pick your words carefully. 
“Why have you been acting weird lately?”
Great start. 
Jack denies it, claiming this is how he treats all his friends, yet when you peek behind him to his low swinging tail, and back up to his cherry-sprinkled face, you know you’ve caught him in the act. 
You sighed, running a hand through your hair to try and claim even a little of your nerves. “You know, don't you?”
He was silent before he spoke. “I do”
You bit your lip, the two of you unable to keep eye contact any longer due to the embarrassment of the whole situation. There was a pause, yet none of you said something. You both just let the cool autumn breeze cool your nerves before you spoke. Yet Jack beat you to it. 
“I know you're wondering when I found out…” You nodded hesitantly. “Well, I’ve had my suspicions the first time I met you-“
“Was it my height?” You asked, but Jack quickly dismissed your guess which sidetracked him to commemorate Riddle and a kid named Epel. 
“They’re both short but respectable, hard-working guys. So I thought the same about you. Being a magicless human in a school full of aspiring magicians can be hard, especially with no family or friends to back you up. Though I'll admit, at first I pegged you as a fool looking for trouble more than respectable- until the spell-drive tournament that is.” He added on quickly, not wanting to increase the raise in your brow. 
“But I found out when we were in Azul’s office… I never noticed how soft you were. How… squishy you were”
You snorted “Squishy?” You repeated, causing the light flush on his cheeks to worsen. “Hey, this is embarrassing enough as it is! Just- let me finish talking alright!” He growled. Though that didn’t scare you as you kept silently laughing at his unusual choice of wording. 
“Only then did it click for me that you were a girl.”
You nodded thoughtfully, looking up at the half-naked tree, a leaf fell and fluttered to the ground, before another leaf followed, and another, and another. 
Yet kept your eyes on the tree, on the leaves as you kept thinking about everything he just told you. 
“I’ll keep your secret you would like me to, and I apologize for how I’ve been treating you…”
Your eyes were still on the tree “But?”
“But.” He completed staring at you despite the far-away look you had. “I won't change how I’ve been treating you these past couple of weeks.”
Your eyes waivered to his as a cautious tone of curiosity laced your tone. “And why is that?”
“Because” He breathed in, searching for the right words to say, searching for the proper way to say the undeniable fact in a way that won't drive you away, or make you laugh. 
“You’re not from here, you have no family or background, no nothing. You're not a beastman, let alone have magic. So there’s no way for you to protect yourself in an all-boys school. It isn't safe for you. If I know you're a girl the others will figure it out too, and where will that leave you? What will happen if the wrong people; Azul, find out? If we weren't friends” He made a face while saying it, like the word was foreign to him “I wouldn’t be doing this. But you are, so you can't stop me.”
“Jack for crying out loud! I’ve dealt with two house warden’s overblots! I can handle a few horny guys!”
He sighed, and his ears twitched. “You can’t change my mind.” That was all he said before he walked away. 
Achievement unlocked! You just gained a wolf bodyguard!
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happened after? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
You’ve gained a shadow is what happens next. Jack is practically all over you to the point where Grim and the Aduece combo felt a wee bit threatened. Claiming that he better not be trying to steal you away. But it’s fine, you’re actually kind of grateful (though you’d never admit it out loud)
People aren’t giving you scrutinizing looks or curious gazes anymore, instead, they're trying to avoid your gaze in fear of the brooding cc 6-foot buff freshman that follows you. 
He has calmed down a bit, having someone consider your opinion was nice for a change. You carry your own stuff and take care of your own problems, unless it’s on a top shelf he can easily reach. 
Sometimes you both brainstorm ways to mask your scent so you don't attract any eyes and noses. And the solution was scent blockers, usually reserved for female beastmen's heat. You were deemed the acceptance  (Those things are like fucking horse tranquilizers)
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𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Who? All he knew was that you were probably gonna mess up his peaceful school life. If being from another world didn't make that evident, then you and your pussycat almost burning down the joint did. 
He was already getting a headache from all the new scents and loud chatter, so he just wanted to go back to his dorm where his Egypt cotton-laced mistress was waiting. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out  ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
He would make it seem like he found out all on his own, but in reality, he overheard you say it yourself. Well, not outright yourself, but it was in an awkward- oh sevens that doesn't even cover the severity of how embarrassing the conversation was. 
Jack’s mom somehow found out about your little secret (looks at Jack) 
note, he slipped up when going on break, how might you ask? He forgot to shower and wash his clothes so when his mom confronted him about the new smell 👀 all he could do was curse silently under his breath.
yes there are scent blockers but c'mon, how effective can those things be all the time  
Anyways! His mother created a feminine hygiene care package for you! Packed full of feminine hygienic products, deodorants, and razors, albeit a bit cheap but you couldn't complain. 
Back to Leona, Ruggie had begged (bribed) him to at least do some of his house warden duties, like for example; making sure everyone got back safely from break, and that they were situated in their dorms. And after a hard day's work, he was on his way back to his dorm for some shut-eye when he heard a high-pitched squeal, one that made his ears twitch angrily.
He had already checked in with the freshman and assumed he just had a girlish scream despite his masculine appearance. 
“Oh my god Jack I love you so much!”
Leona’s head snapped towards the freshman’s door because what the fuck was that??
Girls weren’t allowed on campus, let alone in dorm rooms. 
Leona groaned, a gloved hand sliding down his face as he groaned again, deeper. Great. More work for him. It was too much work to get Crowley involved so he’ll just warn Jack, sternly. 
He did have to give kudos to the young freshman, because the last time someone tried bringing their girlfriend in, they were caught at the magic mirror and given detention. Of course, Jack could be given the same treatment, but he was feeling oddly generous… He stopped thinking as a slimy feeling crept up his back. 
As previously stated, Leona has amazing hearing, if not the best hearing in the school- and he takes pride in that, he really, truly does. 
Another thing Leona took pride in; he was hard to surprise. His aloof personality cracks for no one. Sure, there may be a quick eye raise, or maybe even a slight pause if he's talking. Other than that, nothing. Zip, zilch, nada, nothing. 
So when Leona was surprised to the point where he whipped his head back towards the freshman’s door again, he was glad no one was there. Especially Ruggie.  
“Y/N please be a little quieter, someone could be outside!”
All else was unimportant as Leona stood outside the door, frozen, hand just about to land on the door before it fell limply to his side. 
There was a few seconds' pause before he backed away and slowly slinked back to his room to process what he just found out. 
(He was conflicted because a girl helped stop 3 overblots. 
But then again, Faerina’s wife could get him out of his room…)
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
You were in the botanical gardens helping Crewel pick rare plants for next class. It was a nice arrangement if you do say so yourself; help Crewel prepare for class, grade papers and get alone time to study for your worst subject. 
So the chance to explore the gardens after staying in stuffy classrooms all day was a Hail Mary for you. 
Until you stepped on a snake. 
Shrieking like a banshee, you heard the snake protest as it darted into the bush. Scrambling a few feet away, you kept your eyes locked onto the bush, waiting for the snake to fly out and exact its revenge. 
That would have been the better scenario anyways. Instead, you were met with a towering lion beastman, tail in hand and his ears in flight mode. 
Shit. It was Jack’s house warden. Leona. 
After hearing horror stories, you knew no matter how low you bowed or how profusely you apologized, you were royally screwed. 
“Oi, I’d watch where you're going if I were you” He stepped closer. “Cause you don't know what someone could do to a herbivore like you” He stepped closer as you took a step backward. 
“So small and soft… not an ounce of muscle on ya. Makes one think if you're even a guy at all” He forced you to look up like he was challenging you not to. 
“I’m not a girl!” your eyes widened in horror as his smirk deepened. 
Uh oh. Voice crack. 
Yeah puberty, and all, but you were well past the age of voice cracks. 
“You should really keep your voice down” he whispered, leaning in on you. His breath rustled your hair which tickled your ear sending a sharp shiver up your spine and to your brain, sending it into a red alert. It was a whole chain reaction just from his breath. You haven't felt this pathetic in a while. 
“As you never know who could be listening”
And with that, he walked away. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happened after? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Nothing. Literally nothing. 
You were skittish around him, anxious about the thought of him spilling your secret to the whole school. But little did you know, Leona did not care. Not in the slightest. At most, he's probably impressed. 
I mean with 3 overblots under your belt, you were fine. So there’s no need for him to keep an eye out on you. Nope, none at all. 
It’s all the same, as you and Leona barely interacted before so why would that change now? You already got a bodyguard, and who was he to impose his morals on you? 
…yet that doesn't stop his sharp gaze from following you whenever you crossed paths. 
Where he was from, girls were fierce, dominant, and controlling, a perfect example of that was his sister-in-law. And of course, he knew not every girl was like that, as not everywhere has the same traditions as the sunset savanna. But you were a magicless girl in an all-boys school. And that didn't sit right with him. (No matter how much he tried to ignore it)
He’s basically your convenient savior, popping up if Jack isn't around and claiming he was napping there and you were disturbing him. 
Don’t be surprised when there's an unmarked package on your steps filled with a few months supply of premium scent blockers. And don't bother confronting Leona cause he’ll deny it. 
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ first impression ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Yawn, just another extra. 
He met you during the spell drive arc when you stopped him from pushing Trey down the stairs. You smelt nice, was all he remembered before scampering away. But as nice as you smelt you made him nervous and he couldn’t understand why. 
I mean, he injured heartsbyul's vice house warden, he’s stolen from men thrice his size, and he’s friends with Leona for crying out loud! All of this would make one think he had balls of steel and answered to no one.
Except for Leona.... and his grandma of course… Well I mean, sometimes his sisters too but that's it! Really!
Women in the Savannah scare the shit out of him, all strong, dominant and all that junk made him shiver.
Ruggie is observant. So the fact that you could inflict the same kind of caution women give him... Strange. He’ll have to keep an eye on you. 
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ how he found out ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹
Unfortunately for Ruggie, he's going to be a victim to a trope, sorry not sorry.  During Leona’s overblot your legs were shackled in the sand, unable to move, and unable to flee from the stalking lion. 
It was just the 3 of you, the rest of your friends outside the swirling sand tornado, standing there helplessly. 
Foolish herbivore was all Ruggie could think as you clawed up your ankles, feverishly looking between the house warden and your trapped feet. 
Your eyes were wide with fear. 
An epiphany. 
You reminded him of him, that's why he felt uncomfortable with you. You reminded him of a younger, scrawnier self. One that did anything and everything to survive, one that had to conserve food and the little money he had so he could've able to live. One that had nobody but his grandma and a few siblings.
Just a boy from the slums living off of stolen leftovers. Covered in rags, dirt, and bruises. A boy who hoped, dreamed, and prayed for a way out. 
A boy whom you shared those same hopeless shimmering eyes with.  
Ruggie didn’t know what he should do. Well, he lied, he did but he didn't know if he should do it. But as Leona hit the 10-meter mark Ruggie made a break for it 
His legs carried him as fast as the sand would let him, and endless curses spilled from his lips as he saw Leona’s head turn in his direction. Shouting something, he threw a scalding hot gust of sand his way. Gritting his teeth as the searing grains of sand were pelted at him He kept repeating to himself: It was better than someone dying. 
He didn't know why he chose to voluntarily go back into the jaws of death; he barely escaped thanks to Riddle.
Maybe it was those damned eyes of yours. 
Tackling you onto the sand dome, you both just missed death's door as you both grunted at the sagging impact. 
As much as you're both grateful for skating by the sandstorm, that couldn't bring attention away from the uh… obvious cushion. 
“ Y-you're a girl!?”
“Not the time Ruggie!”
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ the confrontation ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
Basically a cat and mouse game. You spot Ruggie in the cafeteria, and Ruggie creates a clever way to lose you, may it be a crowd of people, laugh with me, or a ‘happy little accident’. He wants nothing to do with you so if you would just leave him alone that’d be great. 
But of course you keep persisting, and eventually you catch up with him and corner him in the hallway. 
“Why are you avoiding me?”
“Good morning to you, too perfect. If you would excuse me, I have to get Leona's homework from Trein, then do my own. So I really don't have a lot of time-“
“Then I’ll join you “ You smiled, grabbing his jacket sleeve before walking towards Trein’s room. It was foolish of you to assume it would be that easy, he’s a sneaky hyena after all. 
Retracting his arms from his jacket, he expertly shimmied out of it like an octopus from a jar. He smiled as you turned around glaring at him, his jacket dangling from your clenched fist. 
“Sorry, perfect, but I’d rather not have this talk” He shrugged before walking away. He was free, the sunlight spilled through the dirtied glass windows and onto the walkway of the hallway, highlighting his path to freedom. 
“Not so fast Ruggie Bucchi! You get back here!” 
And just like that the gates to heaven closed and he was dragged back down to earth. “Shit” He whispered, already starting into a sprint as he heard you thundering footsteps behind him. He felt like Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, only he was Jack running away from the giant (you) who's ready to eat him alive for stealing his golden goose. (Over exaggeration, you just wanted to talk)
With lingering people in the hallways, he was able to disappear a few times, or purposely put them in your way. Yet each and every time you found him. No matter how hard he tried to lose you, you caught up. What was this a horror movie?
Finally, the hallway ended and he was trapped with no escape. You were stalking towards him, like a predator who had just found its prey. 
“Ruggie I just want to talk” You put your hands up in surrender. “That’s it. I want to talk about what happened during Leona’s over blot”
Ruggie wanted to smack himself. God was he stupid. Not even once had he considered using ‘laugh with me on you’. Why? He wasnt sure himself. There were a few theories that popped through his head, but he had no time to entertain them as you were less than 2 meters away. 
“Oh, real mature ruggie”
He let out the breath he was holding, the clatter of the lockers was heard as he straightened himself up. Rubbing the ‘dust’ from his knees he just looked at you. As he started to make his way towards you. 
You couldn't read him. Did he have a face of relief, conflict, worry? You weren't sure. But when he passed you in your frozen state, all he said was:
“You really think I’d tell people? Really think that low of me huh” It was rhetorical.
By the time he was far away into the hallway, you were unfrozen. Stumbling a bit as you turned to him still walking. “Though my silence comes with a price!”
Ugh great. At this point you’d rather have him tell people
⊹ ︶︶︶⠀୨ what happens next? ୧⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ 
I wanna say he’d tease you but I mean… woman…  No, he isn’t afraid of you! He knows you’re not going to be as rough or intense as the ladies back home, as you’re no beast-man, especially not a hyena beastman. 
So there’s going to be a bit of distance between you 2. I mean, there already was to begin with, cause he never met you or talked to you before the spell drive tournament situation.
But after that, he’ll probably mess with you a bit. Not a lot like how he would with others, but a good enough amount to where you interact weekly. Like he’ll cut you in line with a cheeky smile, or he’ll pluck a particular sandwich out of your hand and hide among the masses as you (grim) yell out curses. 
He will use your situation against you ngl. He would shamelessly dangle it over your face in exchange for something, mainly food. 
But I know he wouldn't do anything too callous or too mean.
Though he does keep the promise of ‘silence coming with a price’ and usually that price is an extra pair of hands or food. So now you've got 3 mouths to feed. Great. 
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𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒔! I originally wrote this for Jack but I thought it was too ooc. Then I thought about Leona but then realized he would only do this in fanon.
Your back was slammed against a tree, Jack hovering over you as you struggled in his grip. His hand encased both of yours while his other gripped your hip, keeping you flat against the tree. His leg was bent awkwardly, pinning you against the tree at an angle that should make him fall, but he didn't. No matter how hard you tried, the leg that kept him braced didn’t budge. Not even an inch. 
“Try to escape” Was all he said through your struggling and wiggling. Yet no matter how hard you tried pushing, shoving, kicking, or flailing away from him- nothing worked. You were stuck. Never once did he stop looking at you; through you as you grew more and more desperate to prove yourself. 
But he was a wolf beastman, and you were a teenage girl. 
And soon, as expected, your struggling slowly stopped, eyes downcast as you laid there, still, in his arms before he set you down. 
Your hands rushed up over your chest as you struggled to understand the situation, to understand why he did that. 
“I’m only a freshman” he spoke quietly “I don’t even have control of my magic yet, just think about what other guys would do if they found out. So please” You looked up at him, lashes heavy with locked in tears. His face was soft, gentle even which only confused your heart more.
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mattslolita · 7 months
lights down low - c. sturniolo
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in which ... chris wins another show during the versus tour so he fucks you like a champion. ( bf!chris x black!fem reader )
warnings ; smut, unprotected piv, semi-public sex, oral ( male receiving ) dom!chris, overstim
"𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊 𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒕."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
you smiled softly behind stage as the winner was announced — once again, chris had won another show and so far he was in the lead. you couldn't make it to his other shows, so you thought it was a good idea to let nick and matt know you were coming to this show to surprise him.
as the show ended and the triplets said their goodbyes to the fans, they began to head backstage, which is where you waited nervously. nick saw you first, a grin immediately spreading onto his face as he was the first one to wrap his arms around you.
"oh my gosh twin, i missed you so bad!" you gushed as you hugged him back tighter.
"there's no way, i missed you way more!" nick laughs, as the two break apart.
"y/n!" came the sound of matt's voice next, and you squealed as you pulled him into a hug.
"bestie, i missed you!" you say, hugging matt and swaying back and forth a bit, "you need to get back up on yo grind, cause you only winning one show is not it."
"how about you go shoot some hoops, then?" matt says with an eyeroll, causing you to playfully push his arm way.
"baby? you're here?"
chris's voice causes matt to step aside as you grin sheepishly upon seeing your boyfriend chris — he wore a black beanie which had some of hair soft brown hair sticking out of it and a matching black hoodie. but even with the simplicity of his outfit, he still looked so fine.
"i missed you so much, ma," chris said, immediately going to scoop you up in his arms.
you took in the scent of his dior savauge cologne, inhaling deeply as he wrapped his arms around your waist holding you close to him — he held him in by the neck, running your hands through his hair as you softly pulled as the brown locks that adorned his head.
"okay, please get a room!" nick groaned, causing you both to pull away from the sweet embrace, "and stop hogging y/n, we missed her too!"
"not as much as i missed that pussy," chris whispered in your ear, causing your eyes to widen.
"boy!" you said, smacking his arm lightly which in turn causes him to give a light smack to your ass. "you play too damn much."
"oh come on baby, don't treat the champion like that," chris grins, looking down at you hungrily. "you know, i was thinking of you to help me win."
"oh really?" you ask, your big doe eyes staring up at him innocently, "and what're you gonna do with me now that you've won?"
"enjoy my trophy."
"fuck baby, just like that," chris moans, throwing his head back as he holds a firm grip on your hair.
you look him in the eyes as you swirl your tongue around his throbbing tip before taking him into your mouth — tears brim at your eyes as he thrusts into your mouth at a steady pace, causing you to deep throat him.
"sh-shit ma, i'm gonna cum," chris groans, "you ready?"
you let out a whimper to let him know you're ready and just then his load shoots into your mouth, which you swallow entirely. with a pop, you come up from his cock and wipe the edge of your mouth with a small grin.
"get on all fours, now," chris demands, standing up so that he's directly behind you.
you oblige and strip naked, getting on your hands and knees on the bed in front of you — being that you were on the tour bus, it was hard for you to move around so you were practically up against chris.
his hands immediately went to grip your waist as your back arched, your head coming into contact with the bed as it's pushed down. chris grabs his still throbbing cock and aligns it with your entrance, pushing himself all the way inside you.
"f-fuck, chris!" you yell out, the stretch burning you.
he gives you no time to adjust, his hips already rocking towards you at an ungodly pace causing your head to be buried into the mattress.
"fuck, right there!" you moan out, his tip kissing that sweet spot in your cervix.
"this sweet pussy, all for me," chris groans out, his grip on your waist likely to make bruises later, "you're so fuckin' tight, shit!"
"mm, keep going baby," you manage to whine out, as his cock keeps deliciously hitting your cervix at the angle.
"fuck baby, you like when i fuck you like this?" chris says tauntingly, leaning down to your ear, "my beautiful trophy, all fucked out."
"b-baby, i'm so close," you whine out.
"m'close too ma, hold it," chris grunts out lowly, not slowing his pace once. "fuck, i'm..."
with a loud moan, chris shoots his loud out into you painting your walls with his seed, which at the same time your juices spurt out of you as well.
but oh, he wasn't done. "turn and face me now, ma."
"chris, i'm sensitive!" you whine out as you turn back facing the front of him.
he looks down at you with a taunting smile, clicking his tongue. "c'mon ma, i know you can give me another one. you know your safe word."
and he's aligning his cock with your entrance again, this time he throws your leg over his shoulder as he slowly enters you, causing tears to form at your eyes at the sensitivity.
"oh my gosh!" you cry out, as he slowly moves at a steady pace trying to be thoughtful to your sensitivity.
"fuck, c'mon baby," chris says as he begins thrusting in and out you.
his looks down to see his bulge in your stomach, pressing down on it as you let out loud moans as he begins pounding into you mercilessly.
"fuck chris!" you whine, your nails digging into his back.
"look at you ma, taking my cock and doing so good for me," chris praises, causing you to moan.
one of his arms takes yours from off his back as he interlocks your hands whilst leaning down to kiss you sloppily — you know you're hair dresser is gonna be so tired of you coming back to get your hair re-done, cause you're almost certain it's messed up.
his kiss swallows any moan that threatens to spill out your mouth as the sound of squelching could be heard from the both of you, nothing but pure euphoria taking over both of your bodies as you indulge in each other.
"i'm gonna cum, baby," you whine.
"fuck, me too ma," chris moans, his thrusts becoming sloppier.
with a loud pornographic moan of his name, your orgasm washes over you for the second time as your juices spill out — chris lets out a gutteral groan as he shoots his load into you for the second time. his thrusts slow as you both ride out your high, then he pulls out of you and falls beside you.
you turn to smile at him, his hair sticking to his forehead as he immediately cups your face and presses a soft kiss to your lips.
"i've missed you so much," chris rasps, and you hold his hand in your own as you look up at him.
"i've missed you too, baby," you coo, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek.
( lilly's corner 💌 )
look who finally wrote another smut ! i hope y'all liked this one. i'm gon try & get back into my lil writing groove, possibly write some shit other than smut too <3.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 6 months
Don't you agree we need more A/B/O for love and deep space?
Omegaverse Scenarios with the Boys
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Content warning: Omegaverse, jealousy, marking, scenting, fluff, mild sexual content, no pronouns, MORE ABO! MORE ABO!
Original Post
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“You’re back.”
You whip your head around to see Xavier standing at the balcony door, looking serene as ever in the mid-morning light. The soft look the sunlight gives him brings a smile to your face. However, it quickly strains and breaks, collapsing into a frown as Xavier steps out onto the deck. There’s nothing scary about his demeanor; he seems calm as usual but there’s a subtle tension in the air that fogs heavy from him.
Wordlessly, Xavier scans you up and down, focusing on…something. You’re not sure what he’s searching for, but you suspect he’s found it when his forehead creases and his voice drops.
“Did you visit Philos while you were out?"
"How'd you guess?"
"You smell like Jeremiah,” Xavier concludes coldly, which causes you to hold on tighter to the little packet of plant food clutched between your hands. “What were the two of you doing?” he follows up; this time he fixes his face and flashes you that sweet smile.
You’re smart enough to not be fooled by the innocent expression he puts on whenever he tries to pry information out of you. However, you have nothing to hide and answer honestly.
“My friend has been sick, so I wanted to send her some flowers.”
“Is that all?”
"I also got plant food for the strawberries," you add, flashing the green packet of nutrients. 
"That's not what I meant."
Your suspicion tipped off, you raise your eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
Xavier closes in on you, each step making your heart pound as he boxes you in between himself and one of the large ceramic pots homing the strawberry plant. Raising your hands to your chest, your knuckles brush against the tassels of his hoodie as you try to make some space between the two of you. It's clear you have no room to run, and a part of you isn't sure you want to escape.
Xavier reaches out to you; his hand sweeps under the collar of your black turtleneck, sending jolts through your body when his fingertips hit the sore bruise in the soft junction of your neck. The way he immediately finds that tender target reminds you of the way he hunts down wanderers with precision, persistence, and unfortunately, pinpoint accuracy. Despite the severe shivers being coerced in your soul, it doesn’t frighten you as he traces around your scent gland.
“You’re practically shaking,” he mumbles, gripping the neck of your shirt and giving a gentle tug, exposing your bond mark. “Are you cold?”
“No," you answer immediately, watching his snooping hand from your periphery, "and don’t change the subject.”
“I’m not,” he says with a shake of his head as he continues to fumble with your clothing. “I was just wondering why you were so covered up.”
“There’s no reason,” you breathe out, distracted by the fierce concentration reflecting from dark pools of blue so different from the soft glimpses and angelic gazes he normally shares with you. They strike you so deeply, peering through you so sharply that memories from how the mark was made begin to flash through your mind, fumbling any other excuses you might have said.
“None at all?” he comments, making your face warm. “If the mark hurts, it’s nothing a hot bath won’t fix.”
“It doesn’t hurt.”
“Then, why are you covering it up?” he asks; this game of cat and mouse quickly unravels when he brings up, “Did you not want Jeremiah to see it?”
“That’s not it,” you deny with a sigh, pushing his hand away.
You never understand how Xavier can be so jealous. Jeremiah is a friend to both of you; he has been for centuries from your understanding. Even if there was some point in those decades that Jeremiah possibly had feelings for you stronger than friendship, you didn’t hold those same feelings for him. You only desired to be bonded with one person, the one standing in front of you. Even when he was being a needlessly jealous dummy.
“It has nothing to do with him.”
“Do you not like the way it looks?” He questions instead, his demeanor softening only slightly with regret. With a slight blush, Xavier pouts and rubs the back of his neck. “I admit I was a little out of it when I did it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with it! It’s pretty,” you finally yell, which causes him to clamp his mouth shut enough for you to explain better. “This is the first time anyone made a bond mark on me, and it’s a little embarrassing cause then everyone knows, we’re um…” you start to lose your concentration when he looms over you. You take a sudden step back, stopping only when the pot behind you threatens to fall over when you bump it. “Doing things…together.”
Chest aching, you hope your explanation is satisfactory. You never want to make him insecure but the idea of people knowing intimate details of your love life makes you sheepish.
“So, you don’t want him to know.”
“Xavier, did you not listen to what I said?”
“I did but isn’t what you said still a roundabout way of saying you’re hiding it?” He teases with a small laugh. There’s a pleased curve in the smile on his face and a shimmering light like stardust in his eyes; unbeknownst to you, that’s from knowing he’s the first and only one to ever mark you. How proud he would be if everyone was aware of that fact. “You don’t have to be embarrassed by something so natural. Everyone, especially him, should know you’re mine and I’m yours.” 
You open your mouth to protest but you’re interrupted by him grabbing your wrist in one hand to prevent you from squirming away as he hooks a finger into your turtleneck. Pulling your collar, he presses an open-mouth kiss to your bond mark then higher up to nip the soft flesh under your earlobe, higher until he's breathing into your ear. 
"I'll fix it," he murmurs and kisses your neck again and again until all you can make sense of is the heat blooming along your throat with each touch of his lips. 
His kisses lack his normal gentleness; they’re filled instead with a desire that makes your knees shake and buckle. You’d fallen if he hadn’t held you closer, squeezed you to him like letting go would be the end of him, as if he finds joy in feeling the aftershocks of your fluttering heart against your ribcage.
“Xavier, what are you-you-ah."
You desperately hold in the moan that builds up in your chest as he continues to bite into your skin and the sound of his kisses fills your ear smooch by smooch. Xavier chuckles against your flesh.
“Relax. I’m not going to do anything bad to you. I’m simply making a few minor adjustments to your  first  mark." He hums, tongue sliding along your neck to mark its target. “I think this is a good spot,” he whispers before sinking his teeth into your pulse.
It burns in a searingly blinding way, and your eyes roll up when he sucks onto your bite-broken skin. He doesn't stop until he manages to ring out a strangled moan from your throat. He cements his work with another swipe of his tongue then pulls away to admire it.
He paints that innocent smile back on his face as he locks his eyes with yours. His voice is light and airy like a weight is off his shoulders when the fresh mark peeks from your turtleneck. "This time I gave you a mark you can’t hide."
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It’s another day at the arcade and another day Zayne watches you spend an exorbitant amount of money winning a plushie you could’ve easily ordered cheaper online. The Tinkle Toy you win this time is cuter than the normal fare at least. It’s a bright candy streamer rainbow, with smiling pink cotton candy clouds.
“I did it!” you cheer and hold out your prize to him in search of his approval. He congratulates you on your well-earned victory. With a smiling face, you push the toy closer to him rather than hug it to your chest in your normal possessive manner.
“What is it?”
You wave the toy back and forth. “You know.”
“I’m afraid I don’t.”
In truth, Zayne knows exactly what you want, and it makes his neck hot under the collar. He presses his pointer finger to the bridge of his glasses and pushes them further up his nose as an excuse to avoid your slowly narrowing gaze. Your previously cheerful smile flattens into a stern line and your tone becomes more demanding.
“Zayne,” you repeat ominously, like a parent scolding their child for not finishing their chores. Somehow, it always works to earn his attention, and he briefly glances over the toy again; it looks much less cute this time, the carefully stitched smiles now a mocking grin.
Zayne examines his surroundings: the kids running around the overly decorated and gaudy arcade, the bored and drowsy-eyed employees behind the gift counter, the many older siblings and parents trying to win tickets for the little ones, and, well, you, glaring him down. That look tells him you’re not going to be willing to let this go despite how crowded the arcade has become in your short time here.
“You want me to scent your toy for you?” he questions, adding for emphasis, “Right here?”
“Rainbow Candy can’t join the other plushies in the nest without being christened by the leader.” Poking out your lip, you give him the biggest puppy eyes you can muster. It doesn’t move him enough to give in, not until your eyes start to gloss like stained glass and you softly plead, “Please, Dr. Zayne.”
Ice quickly breaks and chips in the mildest bit of sunlight, dissolving into warm puddles, and it’s just like that when Zayne finally breaks and melts at the smallest insistence from you. Grabbing the toy, Zayne quickly shoves it against his throat, ignoring how plush the toy feels against the underside of his chin. He trails it up and down the column of his neck, swiping it one final time under his chin. It’s a simple motion, done quickly and precisely to efficiently cover the toy in his scent in the least amount of time possible, yet it still feels so inappropriate to do here under your watchful, yearning gaze threatening to make his body stiff.
As he feels his limit about to be broken, he hands the rainbow back to your waiting arms.
“Is this satisfactory?”
You squeeze onto the toy as if someone could snatch it away. You press your face against it, smelling deeply, and when you look up at him from under your brow it’s with the sweetest smile he thinks he’s ever witnessed.
“Your best work yet, Dr. Zayne. Good job!” you giggle, and he has half a mind to pinch your cheek and wipe that childish grin off your face. “Now, I’ll have something to remember you by while you’re at work today.”
“Is that why you demand I scent all your toys?” he asks, and you nod slowly.
“You’re always so busy that I hardly get to see you outside of the hospital, so when I get lonely I just cuddle with these guys,” you confess. You press your nose deeper into one of the garishly pink cotton candy clouds; this time when your eyes waver like watery skies, it isn’t to sway him. “When the teddies smell like you, it’s like I’m holding a piece of you too.”
Those words connect everything that has ever happened between the two of you together, stringing the moments like a red line of fate. Despite the words  I love you  never leaving your lips, it excites the same effect that can make a sane man an idiot, an effect not even Zayne is immune to when you so innocently and freely express your feelings to him.
It’s a skill he struggles with; though for you and your happiness, he’s willing to give in and let loose the restrained mask he wears on his face as he listens to the one person he’s longed for all this time admit that they get lonely without him beside them.
“I think scenting you before my shift would be more comforting,” he offers; the adoration glowing in your irises makes him weak enough to stroke your forehead with the back of his hand. There’s a little whimper muffled into your plushie while your forehead feels hot to touch before your face falls into shock and your eyes dart around the room, like his before. As sweet and innocent as you can be, you can also be very easy to read. “You’re thinking inappropriately.”
“I wasn’t—”
“Not here.”
“I wasn’t going to ask.”
Zayne gently pokes your forehead to clear your head of the improper thoughts running through it causing you to whine and rub the spot, which only reminds him how you’re much, much cuter than any plushie. 
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You hold in a giggle as Rafayel shoves his face against the crook of your neck. Since you came over to his studio, he hasn’t been able to tear himself away from you, which left you sitting on the couch, covered in little splotches of dried paint, trying to discern why he feels the need to drag his hands down your arm and audibly sniff your hair.
His breath is heavy and ragged as he sucks in a breath, or rather your scent, and continues to trace up your skin until his finger can finally sink into the collar of your button-up. “Did you do something different today? New lotion? Bath Soap?” 
“I did what I normally do every day.”
Rafayel groans against your skin again. You haven’t seen him hot and bothered, face soaked and flushing red with fever, since his last ebb day, which already happened earlier this year.
“Are you sure?” His lips on your skin feel so familiar that your body is immediately on edge and reacting to every stuttered exhale he makes whenever your leg so much as brushes against him. He sinks closer to you, removing any space in between your bodies. “You smell delectable.”
“I just want a taste.”
“Rafayel, are you rutting?”
“No, I’m not,” he groans, laps your shoulder without any care for the fabric covering it, then pricks his canines against vulnerable, pulsing skin. You can tell he’s about to lose it when he pops the first button on your shirt, not even paying attention to the way his nails draw across your upper chest. “I’m just…admiring you…there’s nothing wrong with that.” 
There’s a whimper melting from his mouth when you press your hand to his chest and push away. Your confidence is quickly rising thanks to the pitiful expression on his face, highlighted by parted, puffy lips and wide violet-pink eyes fogged with hazy lustful clouds.
“I charge by the hour for appearances.”
Rafayel huffs lightly in response. Something about him is different today; something that your experience tells you is due to the rut he fails to explain away. He misses the usual flare he has, the coy seduction that he uses to draw you in. He trades it for brute force, spurred by the mind-numbing need to have this fire in him quenched inside of you as he grips your wrist and forces you closer to him.
“Just send any charges directly to the studio,” he pants out in desperation between sporadic breaths. His voice hitches, forming a short gasp when you grip his chin and focus his sights back on you. He follows so readily at any touch you offer him no matter how rough. Your mind was becoming fuzzy with how much power you have when he’s like this.
“I only take payments in kisses, but I’ll be sure to let Thomas know.”
There’s a moment where his eyes narrow, perhaps in frustration, before they drop and lock on your mouth; specifically, he's memorized by the motion of your tongue glancing across your lips. Rafayel is only consumed with thoughts of how gravely he wants to be the one wetting them despite doing so hundreds of times before. His body wildly craves yours like the months before he was graced with a taste of you, or maybe this yearning is because he knows exactly how it feels to be touched by you as you are now. Rafayel isn't sure which it is anymore, the lines fade and blur, becoming harder to trace by the second. It hurts being this vulnerable, his body uncontrolled by himself, but if you’re his mate then there isn’t anything to fear, at least not this time.
“On second thought, I really should settle my own debts.”
“Are you sure you can afford it?”
“I’ll gladly pay you with interest, darling,” he barely manages to force out in his last single coherent thought. “Now, let me taste you already.”
Rafayel leans closer, aiming for your lips, but is stopped by your nail dragging up the center of his neck, unhindered by the thick gulp he takes to stop his heart from jumping into his throat. You creep your finger up his chin, stopping at the point to force his head up and eyes to lock with yours. The smile on your face is torturous, the look in your eyes out to kill as your lips purse and part to form one simple word,
The arrogant smirk on your face says you know he will; Rafayel knows he will; anything for a small taste to quench this thirst built in him since eternity for you, but he also knows he’ll have you in his trap instead very soon.
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qtboni · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are having a great day.
I haven't been able to get Slasher König and his reading wife out of my head for days. It's a scenario where he comes home from killing someone and asks his wife if she's proud of him, to which she says yes and some HUGE obscenity ensues.
Also if you can include something like the reader is madly obsessed with how strong König is (especially his arms) and how tall he is.
Thanks 🙇‍♀️.
A/N: hello!! this rlly took me so long to write but i hope you don't mind i made this into hcs >< can u guys tell that this is inspired by brahms from the boy 2016 😇😇
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PAIRING: Yandere Slasher!König X Reader
C/W: MDNI. yandere vibes + mild nsfw, love obsession, gore, mentions of blood bcz m*rder, sprinkle of dubcon, manhandling, name-calling, groping, itty bitty size kink, perverted thoughts.
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⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who marched back home to you with his hood and clothes drenched in blood, each droplet of the crimson liquid staining the pavement. The blood plopping down on the ground didn't reach his ears, nor could he smell the sweet metallic scent it gave off.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who usually has his expression blank, as it always was when he returned from a kill, had something off about it. His mouth curled into a smile and his gaze was as narrow and chilling as a predator's. God was he so glad that he got rid of that pest once and for all.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who couldn't help but to fidget everytime with the knife in his hands whenever you tell him the stories about that dumb fuck who gets into your nerves. What? He was itching to just sink his knife into that petty excuse of a human, and it was unbearable.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG whose lips slowly curved into a sinister grin as he remembered how much that dumb fuck begs for their life, to be spared. As if he would be nice, after what they've done to you. He enjoyed and relished in the sounds of their groans and cries of pain as he twisted the knife plunged inside of their chest.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who cuts their skin more as he remarked about that's what they get after betraying you, insulting you, and even had the extremes of inflicting mental damage that made you in distress every day. They had it coming.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG whose smile turned into a giddy one, blushing as he imagined the warm welcome that awaited him once he comes home to you. You, who would be overjoyed to welcome him home, would undoubtedly not raise an eyebrow at his bloodstained attire.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who went up to you from behind after he saw you cooking dinner in his favorite black sundress on with a cute little apron you have. "You proud of me, hase?" he asks into your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin, causing your thighs to clench together. "Kein Stress mehr..."
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who practically purrs when he heard you coo of a 'yes, i'm proud of you, baby,' as you laid your head against his large chest. His words dripping with a promise of bloodshed. The feeling of your body against his excited the hunter in him and he savored every inch of flesh he touched.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who got rid of the bloodstained gloves he was wearing, as to not taint your beautiful skin with blood. He didn't mind the mess himself, but he couldn't bring himself to stain you with something he considered precious.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who appreciated every part of your skin, caressing and gripping your hips firmly into his front, while groping your breasts through your clothing. His eyes twinkled with appreciation as he took in your flawless skin beneath your dress that hugged your curves perfectly.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who absolutely melts into your body from behind when you told him that you love how he's so strong, dreamily whispering how you love his big meaty arms, his tall frame that completely engulfs you, and how the mask he wears drove you mad with lust.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG whose heart was beating wildly as he thought of taking you to bed and pinning you beneath him. He relished the thought of manhandling you and taking advantage of your helplessness. He couldn't help but feel excitement and anticipation coursing through his veins as he imagined the different ways he could show his love.
⟡ SLASHER!KÖNIG who was obsessed with you, to the point of resorting to violence means to make you his. He didn't mind getting his hands dirty or covered in blood if it meant keeping you safe.
"The things I do, I do it all for you. I won't let anyone harm you, mein hübscher Schatz."
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a/n: hi! if u guys know where the first fanart is from, pls tell me ty! would love to credit the owner (google and pinterest couldn't help me track down the source 😭)
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moonferry · 2 months
OKAY here's part 2 of the "how the stardew marriageables would feel to hug" once again will be in alphabetical order !!
bachelorette version HERE
the bachelors (and krobus)
alex: alex loves working out and is obviously very strong. with this in mind, i think he'd be another person who accidentally hugged far tighter than he meant to. his hugs feel like sitting in a reclining chair - like one of the demo ones at a furniture shop. despite how tight he hugs you, you find yourself relaxing into him. plus, i just think it would be nice to bury your face in his chest, alex gently rubbing the back of your head and you telling him about your day. i think alex would smell like leather and maybe musky cologne. a bit more overpowering than the rest (his smell literally latches onto you, your clothing, or even the air around you.) it's not a bad scent tho, just very "masculine" in a way?
elliott: elliott's hugs are lovely! i imagine he has the softest hugs of all the marriageables (likely do to the copious amounts of skincare products/lotions he purchases, but that's just an added bonus.) hugging elliott would feel similar to hugging a silk pillowcase: nice, soft/gentle, and an overall enjoyable experience. elliott's hugs are the perfect "i just want a simple hug right now" kind. i imagine he'd enjoy wrapping his arms around your waist and complimenting you as the two of you hugged. elliott probably smells like an inkwell, with some pomegranate and maybe some ginger (and the ocean, of course!) very light and fruity (honestly you might steal his cologne a time or two.)
harvey: the man who brought this entire spiel to life.. harvey definitely gives the best hugs. his hugs feel like being wrapped in a comforting blanket or feeling the wind gently blow across your face as you sit outside and watch the sun set. i've mentioned this before, but i think harvey loves back hugs. something about having his arms wrapped around you, drawing small shapes on your stomach, and gently kissing your cheek just draws him in. i imagine harvey smells like coffee, a warm chocolate cake, some sandalwood and fresh pine. his hugs are perfect for when you both need to unwind after a stressful day. something about them (maybe it's his doctorly aura) makes your body feel calmed, like it's being healed in a way. legend says that harvey's hugs tend to have healing properties so 👀
krobus: he doesn't exactly have arms, so hugging you back isn't an option. at least not physically, that is. he somehow manages to transmit the feeling of hugging you into your mind and it causes your skin to tingle. however, if you were to actually hug krobus, i imagine it would feel similar to hugging a stuffed animal or a mystical cat. i imagine krobus would be very soft (possibly fluffy!) and his little wisp at the top of his head would rest against your shoulder. as for smells, krobus is a bit difficult. (obviously, coming from a life in the sewers, it's not going to be the greatest thing to smell) HOWEVER i imagine he would smell like black cherry or the "black ice" car air freshener.
sam: oh sam gives amazing hugs. unlike alex, sam crushes you on purpose. he's just very excited and full of love - he needs to share it by squeezing you until you pop! (not literally, of course). i think it's primarily a case of "cuteness aggression" where he just gets so overwhelmed with positive emotions from seeing you that he has to let them out by hugging you tight enough to crack a rib. you don't mind though, and even joke that he could take up practice as a chiropractor because, after hugging him, your spine always seems to become board straight. i imagine sam smells like strawberries, soda, and the beach, maybe a slight hint of desert mist. i like to imagine he also uses his height to an advantage and often picks you up when he hugs you, probably spinning you around as well.
sebastian: another one who i don't think is much of a hugger, especially if he doesn't know you that well. if he does warm up to you, though, he prefers side hugs or he prefers to be the one being hugged, not the other way around. full contact hugs always result in awkwardness and he'd rather avoid that. his hugs are a bit "colder" in a way and usually are finished within a few seconds. it's not that he doesn't like you, he just isn't a big fan of physical touch. however, if you decide to hug him, he will happily lean against you for as long as you want him to. if you drape your arm around his waist and let him lean into your side, his head on your shoulder, he may end up falling asleep. (yoba knows he needs it...) i think sebastian would smell like the outdoors: like a smokey campfire, like peaches, like the crisp, fall air, and faintly like motor oil.
shane: oh another amazing hugger. shane's hugs are very pillowy and sweet, also slightly addictive. it's very easy to sink into him and enjoy the moment. on the other hand, i feel like shane also enjoys being hugged. he loves having your arms around him, your head resting against his chest or shoulder (or in between his shoulder blades if you're back hugging him, this one's a real favorite). bonus points if you trace shapes onto his stomach or lower back, he goes crazy for that sort of thing. (but he'll never admit it, obviously). i like to imagine shane smells like cherry cola, maybe something outdoorsy or something light (ie body wash or soap). i don't think he would go out of his way to make himself a certain way. however, i do think it's hilarious that he has that line of dialogue where he's like ""Sniff*... *sniff*... mmm... what's that wonderful fragrance you're wearing? Eau de pepperoni?”" <- goober.
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kill4luvina · 10 months
"Who's that?"
Plug!Armin x Plug!Reader x Plug!Eren
Summary : Eren and Armin go out to a party to find out who this mysterious "Stunna"(Y/n) is after she's stepped in the game they've been losing mad business and at first they were going to jump you, until they saw you. Instead they decide they were tag/double team you.
Warning : SMUT, Car sex, just sumin nasty for the girlies because i said so, not proof read, ngl eren and armin get a lil intimate(they on some gay shi ngl), use your imaginationn if sumin don't make sense.
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The room was awash in a spectrum of colors, pulsating neon lights flickering and casting a glow hue of different colors. The walls throbbing in the same rhythm as the heavy bass as the room was filled with bodies pressed up against each other – some grinding, others chatting it up. The vibe was wild, a crazy energy swirling in the air, getting everyone hyped. Smoke twisted up towards those neon lights, adding this trippy scent to the mix.
The air was thick with the mixed scents of sweat, perfume, and the distinct earthiness. Eren and Armin had only popped out to this party because of some info someone dropped, thinking they could catch the mysterious "Stunna" who had been stealing their costumers. "Bro, what if this shit was a set up." Armin whispered, eyes scanning the crowd, getting jumpy at any sudden moves. "Relax, man. You're incognito with that ski mask, nobody knows it's you,dumbass" Eren shot back, pushing through the crowd, Armin following close behind with his hand under his shirt holding onto his glock.
"Oh damn, Luvii!" You greeted your bestie as she practically dove through your car window for a hug. "I was starting to think you weren't coming!" Luvina would say as she pulled away. "And you popped out with the all black hell cat? Okay I see you!" You chuckled, stepping out with your tote bag as she acted all surprised, though she had the same whip in pink. "Come on, girl, quit playin'."
"Luvi, you look so fine stop fuckin playin wit me..." A guy would come up to the two of you at the party, he'd start talking to luvina as he started touching up on her. "Ew, girl get a fucking room.." You'd say walking away, wandering throughout the party giving them some privacy. "Yo, Stunna!" You'd hear one of your favorite costumers yell out, making your quickly turn your head. "You got anything on you I can buy?" He'd ask, you'd nod your head opening your tote bag pulling out a few carts & vapes. "Lemme get that one, how much?" "75." "Aight, take 100 and I'ma put the 25 into the next thing I buy."
Then, out of nowhere, some dude grabbed you and pulled you outside. Caught off guard, you clocked they were both rockin' ski masks, so you didn't waste time, pullin' out a gun from the waistband of your jeans. "Who the fuck are yall?!" You demanded, sizing them up, outnumbered but ready. Armin lowered his mask, checkin' you out before speaking up. "Ease up, mamas, we ain't here to cause trouble, we on your turf remember?" Armin would remind you making your ease up a tiny bit. Eren would pull his off too, you had seen them before on Instagram but damn they looked finer in person.
"Fuck yall doing on my turf anyway?" you questioned, gun still raised, keepin' your distance, looking for answers. "Damn, chill mamas, we came to see if ya shit as good as we heard." Eren would lie, both of them knew they wanted to jump your ass but as soon as they saw how fine you were they couldn't. Now they both just wanted to see if they could could hit it before they left. You'd put your gun down staring at the two silently for a moment before walking past them to your hellcat. The two would silently watch you before dabbing eachother up and follow you in excitement.
Honestly, you don't even know how it happened but it started off with you 3 in the back seat smoking up a storm. Not even 20 minutes into your smoking sesh, your body started heating up at the sly comments the two would throw at you. You'd pussy throbbing at the sound of Eren telling you how fine you were and Armin touching you in all the right places at all the right times, what a duo. In about 10-15 more minutes you found yourself making out with Armin's lap, Eren giving you kisses from the side making your overwhelmed not knowing who to kiss.
"Mmph!" You'd cry into Erens mouth as kissed you, not even being able to think straight. You were completely drowned in bliss as you felt Armin lap up your juices with his tongue. You've never been eaten out the good before, and it was a complete game changer when you felt him sink his fingers into your brown and pink fat pussy.(im such a troll for that one) Your eyes would roll to the back of you head as you pulled away from eren moaning into the crook of his neck as your nails scratched him looking for something to grip on. "Doing so well for us." You'd hear eren say softly as he held you, continuing to praise you.
On the other hand, Armin was fucking your pussy up real good. He was nose deep, not able to even contain himself and just you moaning made it even worst. You'd feel your eyes fill up with tear as you cried out even louder cumming all of his face as you held onto Eren even tigher, trembling as you came down from your high. Armin would pull away licking his fingers as he wiped his face. "My turn." you'd hear Eren say, you were to tired to even complain feeling yourself getting moved around. "Mamas, be a good girl and arch for daddy." You'd hear Armin's voice now from infront of you, you'd look up from your fluffy lashes to see his pretty blue eyes looking right back down at you.
He'd smile, his sliver braces showing as he'd whip out his dick as it hit you head in the center of your face making your slightly flinch. Not knowing who to pay attention to you'd feel something poke at your entrance. "wait-Fuc--" you'd be shut up by two dicks filling you up from both sides, your moans muffled by Armins dick. You'd start tearing up again but this time you'd actually start crying, the amount of pleasure you were getting at once was insane. Your make-up getting completely messed up as Armin kept face fucking you. Eren on the opposite side ramming your shit.
"look at you go mamas." Armin would say pulling his phone out as he started to record you, with his hands now away you'd quickly pull away coughing as you looked back up to the video. You'd could help but start moaning loudly again from eren as you started to pump his dick from the base spitting on it. You'd start sucking him off harder making a sloppy mess with bubbles every wear not taking your eyes off the video. "Fuckkk, so good for us.." Armin would whimper, voice slightly cracking as he moaned. Eren letting out groans as he picked up his place leaving you a moaning mess not even able to focus on the task at hand.
Armin would stop recording as he went back to face fucking you, but he was looking behind you this time. You'd feel both ends slow down as you looked up once more to see the two kissing. Your pussy couldn't help but twitch and suck Eren in even more from how hot that was. Slightly shocked, you assumed it was just the weed kicking all 3 of ya'll differently. But this didn't last long because after a few seconds they were both back to abusing your holes. The game ender for you was when Eren brought his fingers down and start rubbing on you clit, you came so fucking hard you started squirting tear rolling down your eyes.
Armin was next pulled away as you brought your tonuge out and he came on your face leaving you a mess. Eren would do the same after a few more thrusts cumming your ass and back. You'd fall, your body fully limp as you caught your breath. "Damn, if your drugs ass addicting as you are i might have to switch over." Armin would joke as pulled you up giving you a kiss as eren laughed at his stupid joke. "ngl, being opps stupid asl, why don't we conjoin and just become sumin bigger?" Eren would ask, but you were sound asleep leaving the two.
"Eren, did we kiss?" Armin would ask "Shut the actual fuck up idk what your on."
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midnightloversmusic · 5 months
"A Kiss?"
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Sirius Black x Reader
"It's not that you don't like Sirius, you do, that's the problem.
that's why being chest to chest with him in a cramped storage closet is not the most ideal situation for you right now."
It's not that you don't like Sirius, you do, that's the problem.
that's why being chest to chest with him in a cramped storage closet is not the most ideal situation for you right now. Especially when you can smell his woody cologne, the leather of his jacket, and the lingering scent of the cigarette he smoked earlier.
How I got in this situation? A Marauders prank gone wrong. You never really cared about the pranks they loved to pull because they never concerned you. This one went wrong, very wrong, Hence your current situation.
There were only supposed to be a few fireworks outside apparently, of course you didn't know that when loud popping noises disrupted you in the middle of your walk to charms. Professors all came running out of their classrooms, students were shrieking and ducking down, you were just plain confused because, what the fuck? No really, what the fuck?
You were even more confused when Sirius Black, of all people, came hurdling towards you and virtually flung himself onto of you hurdling you both towards the ground. Narrowly avoiding an off track flaming firework that went off into a dazzling explosion resulting in colorful sparks just mere feet away from you. Covering the hallway in a thick fog that made your eyes water.
The shock of it all made you not fight when two strong hands plucked you up off the floor and pushed you into the nearest storage closet.
When you finally come back to your senses and realize, really realize, that you're practically glued to a guilty looking Sirius's chest, lets Just say you flip out to put it lightly.
"What the fuck was that!"
"Those were fireworks."
"No fucking shit Black, why were they inside?"
You don't hear him sigh as much as you feel the breath softly brush against your neck
"Because Remus messed up the spell that he's been working on for months and gave James the wrong instructions causing the prank we have been planning for months to fall apart. I honestly can't believe them, I for one would have never-"
"Sirius! I Don't care about your stupid prank! I care about the fact that I just got tackled to the ground like I was in a quidditch match, burst both my eardrums from the noise, and went blind for at least 2 minutes out their, and you're complaining about how your prank didn't work? Are you serious right now?"
He smirks, and well you pretty much walked yourself right into the next thing he's going to say. It doesn't make it any less annoying.
"I'm always Sirius" he says with the goofiest, boyish grin on his face, and if it weren't for your situation right now, you probably would have smiled back considering Sirius Blacks smile is as close to a beam of sunlight as humanly possible.
you internally scream and give him a deadpan look. He goes back to looking sheepish.
Now that you are calming down, or at least not absolutely fuming anymore, you get a chance to really look at Sirius. You notice the freckle on his cheek, the slight crease in his eyebrow, the scar on his upper lip. He's very pretty, though you'd never say it to his face. Not willing to inflate is already massive ego.
You find yourself slowing your breathing down to match the breaths you feel him taking against your chest. And god his chest, its firm against your body and now you are picturing all the times you saw him by the lake in the warmer months in nothing but his swim trunks and- god is it hot in here? when did it get so hot?
there really isn't much room in here.
Sirius must sense the sudden shift in the room because he opens his mouth to say something, then immediately shuts it.
"Have you seem Sirius, James, Remus, or Peter? I know they had something to do with this. Once I find them they are dead meat. All of them. Detentions, perhaps for the whole year. Find me immediately if you see them. That goes for all students, If you see something say something! I will get to the bottom of this!"
You feel Sirius’s chest start to shake against yours and muffled giggles start coming out of his mouth until he can't hold back anymore and starts cackling.
“What are you doing? its like you want to get caught! Sirius be quiet. I'm not kidding! They are going to hear you!" You quickly give up your antics when you realize they are no use to sirius's implacable case of the giggles.
So you take your hand and promptly slap it over his mouth.
His eyes widen, but then go back to their normal devious state of unmistakable mischief and he licks your hand. He. Licks. Your. Hand.
"ugh, gross" You snatch your hand away immediately and wipe it down on his shirt without thinking. The problem with not thinking? You're rubbing your hand that was over his mouth on his chest. You are rubbing Sirius Black's Chest.
When you look back up you expect to see his teasing gaze ready to poke fun at you for touching his "Magnificently toned pecs" but his face is, pun not intended, serious. His cheeks are even tinted a little pink, and that just can't be right because Sirius doesn't blush. He gets flirted with by the hottest girls and boys at school and doesn't even bat an eye. There is just no possible way you could have made Sirius black blush, but yet here you are.
Looking up into his eyes you find him staring right back at you.
"You know your eyes are really pretty up close, its kinda hard to see them from across the classroom in potions" Sirius says quietly, voice almost a whisper
and you practically melt on the spot because that was such a nice thing to say. And he said it to you. Perfectly average you.
"Thank you" you breathed out "your eyes are very beautiful too."
"Are they now?" he smiled and quirked his eyebrow
you roll your eyes, "In that case I take it back-"
"No! You can't just take it back, I'm sorry! How can I make it up to you?"
"Make up what?"
"My awful teasing, and me being part of the reason you had to miss charms class and be stuck in a closet with me for twenty minutes"
"being in a closet with you wasn't that bad, but I can think of a way you can make it up to me"
"A kiss?" you whisper
He smiles. "I was hoping you'd say that" and he leans down to softly attach his lips to yours.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
So.... Hello! I'm not Very good at english since it's not my language but here we Go. I wanna to say i really love your art (from fanarts to your write style) and i Hope you have a good day today. Anyway i don't know If your ask are ope but How the Monsters trio Will react with they being your First in everthing! (Like First Kiss, First love, First s*x, etc) you can do nsfw-ish If you wanted
aww thank u!:) I am not going to go into grave detail because I am already doing a “First time” series with them but i like this request💓imma do it moreso where you’re THEIRS if thats alright
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Being the Monster Trio’s First (NSFW-ish)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Mentions of sex
I am half sleep and typing this all in one go so mb for my spelling errors im just making up for lost time not posting consistently because school and coms☹️
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Being Luffy’s First:
Crush: Being his crush is no different from being his best friend, he isn’t a very romantic guy if he likes you he will just tell you, “Y/N I think about you a lot, and I also think you may have a Lust DF power because when I think of you i get hard.” Bless him he is very blunt. BUT he does mean what he says so..be nice?
Kiss: Probably the most anticlimactic thing ever. Luffy already licks your face, hugs, and touches you a lot so when he starts running at you after a fight to see if you’re okay BAM. His lips smack into yours like a bowling ball and honestly. It’s cute. Completely uncoordinated, damn near sucked your bottom lip off, but…there was just something so addictive and attractive to his kiss that made you want more
Love: Very odd in his case. He just thought he liked you a lot. The signs were evident though, when you tell him he doesn’t deny it persay he moreso brushes it off because being in love is so new to him. However being his first love is something you can’t forget. He reminds you everyday why you’re important. Why he loves you. And why he fell in love with you.
Sexual Encounter: It was fun! You both were inexperienced. He didn’t know what hole to enter, you were shocked by how long he can stretch his dick. You both even spent the night laughing more than actually having sex, but once it came down to business it was a learning experience for you both. He was so attentive to make sure you were okay you felt yourself crying a little afterwards at how gentle he was with you.
Being Zoro’s First:
crush: He’s actually more of an asshole to you Not even on purpose he just doesn’t want to admit his feelings towards you. You’re beautiful, sweet, and charming and dammit he hates that he has feelings and how you always mess them up when you’re around him! He feels so powerless so please be gentle with him…or put him on blast. It maybe attractive to the mf.
Kiss: Awkward, awkward, awkward. He isn’t the rizzmaster okay. Yes he is pretty and he knows it but he is crap to flirting. absolutely crap. He was so hot in the face when you did the first move and kissed him he was a stuttering mess and pulled you back in for another kiss to prevent you from laughing at him. His kisses wasn’t BAD but …just practice with him. Yeah it was awkward but seeing your face so close and personal, smelling your scent. He couldn’t get enough.
Love: DENIAL IS A RIVER IN EGYPT Absolutely ridiculous how in denial he was. Everytime someone even said the word love he’d get so mad because that word applied to you in so many ways. He fell for you and he couldn’t do anything about it. You were the one opponent he could not beat and honestly, he didn’t want to. He fell for you and he fell so hard that it actually makes him nervous to be around you. He doesn’t know whether he loves you or hates you now for being so irresistible to him. Eventually he comes to terms with it and once it does and you feel the same way. Good luck getting rid of him.
Sexual Encounter: You taught him everything. He didn’t know his way from the clit to your ass. It took a lot of trial and error, sex wasn’t really NEW to him. He has seen porn but it’s completely different from films and pictures so sometimes he would back down when making out got too far, eventually he needed that release one late night while cuddling you and even though he could have went to the bathroom you stopped him and …helped him out. Let’s just say Zoro is so grateful he didn’t pussy out this go round!
Being Sanji’s First:
Crush: Sanji is an interesting guy because any woman that knows Sanji knows he is a mixture of a flirt and just having amazing manners for women. You however was just above the usual women he served to. Being his crush was an experience because you seen a side to Sanji most women don’t get to see. You seen him stand up straighter, sly comments that made your heart melt, and even kept his cool…too cool in fact. He really was Mr. Prince for you.
Kiss: The first kiss he planned it out. He knew his feelings about you and that you felt the same so he needed to plan it just right not just for him, but for you as well. The kiss was so soft and delicate you almost didn’t feel it. And that was because he shy’ed away for a moment, scared his sudden bold move would have you smack him, Luckily, he didn’t have to worry feeling your hands cup his cheek to kiss him back. He still touches his lips when he thinks about that time you kissed him.
Love: I mean man…you really are a blessed woman because out of all of the others he has seen and been with he chose you and only you. it’s insane really. He tries in his entire will to not mess this opportunity to find true love up. You being his first love he watches his mouth and actions around you more, He tries his hardest not to ruin the view you have of him and it shows. If you can just reassure him you love him for him and not who he thinks he needs to be. Sanji needs the confirmation that you love him almost as much as he loves you.
Sexual Encounter: LORD—- okay. okay. Just like Zoro trial and error HOWEVER. Much longer and worse. He really is still a pervert no matter how much in love he is with you so you have to take it very slow. Once you both are okay to be naked in front of each other he is back to being a shy boy so you constantly kiss and praise him, telling him how good he is for you, how well he is doing for his first time. You were so kind and patient with him, it never fails to leave a chill down his spine (in a good way) when he remembers that night of love making with you, and now that he has more experience he does nothing but reciprocate the same feelings back to you in bed.
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sunshyni · 8 months
big boy energy
Jisung × Fem!reader
notes: this is my first text in English, so I'm feeling nervous 😬 English is not my native language, so forgive me for any errors or mistakes like that!! And that's it!! I hope you enjoy it!!
w.c: 0,7k
tw: none
I don't even know if this is good. I write more to see how my English vocabulary is doing, but anyway!!
Good read, sweeties!! ❤️
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Your older brother's getting married in a few months, and dance lessons were scheduled for the couple and the godparents to avoid any embarrassment on the big day. Right now, you have no clue who your dance partner will be because your brother keeps saying, “Her right dance partner will show up any minute”.
You're chilling in a chair, adjusting your high heels for dancing, when you hear a noise from the salon door, and your eyes immediately snap in that direction.
— Hey guys, am I late? Sorry, my flight was delayed — Says the guy standing by the door. Jisung looks taller and stronger than the last time you saw him, but he still has that same sparkle in his eyes from when you were kids. Jisung, just two years older than you, used to mess with your braids all the time.
It was tough when he left town to study and work in Korea, his country of origin. You couldn't help but miss him, even though it seemed like he didn't give a damn about leaving you behind.
You kinda resented him for that because you've always had a thing for him, but he either didn't notice or didn't feel the same. I mean, you used to like him, but now that you see him another time, your heart can't help but race.
— Jisungie! You're not tired, are you? — Your brother asks. Jisung, dressed all black, looks even hotter than usual — I've got a mission for you.
— I'm good, let's do it — Jisung says, meeting your gaze with a nostalgic sweetness. You finally stand up, and thankfully, you don't trip and fall flat on your face.
— You'll be dancing with my sister, okay? — Your brother practically pushes Jisung in your direction. Jisung smiles at you, and all you can do is cross your arms and scowl.
— I hate you both — You mutter to Jisung and your brother as he heads back to his fiancée, sticking his tongue out at you in a teasing way. The dance teacher starts the class, and you even have the chance to complain to Jisung. He holds you tighter, causing you some agitation, but all you can focus on is trying to breathe normally while his face is so close to yours.
— Did you miss me, shawty? — He asks, leading the dance with skill, not like the same boy from years ago who learned to salsa from “Shall We Dance?” while you were sighing over the charmer Richard Gere.
— I'm not giving you the answer you want, Andy Park — You say, and Jisung chuckles softly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, but you brush them off, wrapping your arms around his neck like they were made to be there.
— I prefer when you call me Jisungie, babe.
— I preferred it when you didn't leave me alone, babe — You retort, stepping on his feet. Jisung lets out a low groan but still holds you close, dancing like there's no one else in the room.
— I'm sorry for letting you down all this time. I'm an asshole, it's true — Jisung admits, acknowledging all the times you two didn't talk when you really wanted to, even if it was just to argue, something you did a lot as kids — Can we make peace, pretty please? Go back to the way things used to be?
You hesitate for a moment before letting a small smile slip.
— Like the old times, huh?
— But this time, I really wanna kiss you — Jisung whispers in your ear, and your heart feels like it's about to leap out of your chest. You feel his cheek against yours, and if you don't answer him soon, you might just pass out.
— Andy...
— Keep calling me like that, and I'll kiss you right here, not giving a fuck about your brother and my best friend — He says, planting a soft kiss on your cheek, leaving you dizzy with his scent filling the room, making it hard to breathe. You muster up the courage to speak, looking into his eyes.
— When did you get this big boy energy?
— I don't know, but you better enjoy it, cutie.
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xllizs · 1 year
Surfs up! Lifeguard!Toji x bad surfer!Reader
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not rlly proof read / TAGS: Smut w/ plot, Age gap (reader is 22 and toji is 30) size kink, size difference, all characters are 18+, low-key bimbo coded but not rlly, pet names (ex. doll), praise, lifeguard, beach, surfer, hotel room sex, toji with a white tank top and red trunks (and a whistle), life guard tall chair things but a big one, extra character(s): gojo (ps. if toji is spelt "tori" please don't bring it up, I hate my MacBook.)
Today you were gonna surf,
At least that's what you told yourself this morning.
You got outside of your hotel with the strong scent of sea salt, remembering how close you were to the beach. You had a bikini on while holding your hot pink and white surf board.
You used to surf so much when you were younger, but after college you really haven't. You decided this vacation was it.
The hotel you booked was practically on the beach with great waves that amazed you. You had to take the opportunity!
As you strutted down the railing you spot a black haired man on his way back from the lifeguard tower,
and oh god, he was hot.
You almost trip over yourself from staring at him while walking. His tank top fit him so well and hugged all the right places. The way his whistle bounced off his chest when he walked, you swore your mouth was watering. But you can't let him distract you. You told yourself you would surf!
You sprint a little toward a nice spot to sit at, "Hey!" You hear a shout and freeze. You look towards where the noise came from "Yeah?" you shout back. You realize its the black haired man from earlier.
"You surfing?" he questions you.
You look at him, then your surf board, and back at him, "Yeah I am" your brows furrow, confused on why he's asking. "We are just trying to let everyone know that the current is really strong today, so just be careful." he alerts you with a small smile.
You look at the ocean and wince but look back at him "Ohh alright, thank you!"
its not that you aren't a good swimmer, you just aren't a strong swimmer.
Looking around there aren't too many people right now at the beach, just surfers. You assume the lack of people is because of the harsh water. You set your stuff down and sit on your chair for a few minutes.
You take off your sunglasses and grab your board out of the sand and head towards the ocean.
Stepping into the ocean, its cold but not terrible. You continue walking into the water until you're hips deep and start to swim out more
The waves were HUGE. you jump to avoid them until you find the one you want.
That one. That's the one you tell yourself
You pick up a pace with moving your arms quick. You get a grip on your board and start to stand up on it and catch the wave! You couldn't believe yourself! You're doing it. You're in the air, you lean back and forth a little but catch yourself. But you suddenly fall off. even though you just fell, that was amazing. You forgot about the thrill.
You decide to start to head back to shore but you realize you're having a hard time swimming back. Fuck me. you say out loud.
Suddenly, a whistle blows.
"She's not even that far out, Toji." Gojo says rolling his eyes at the black haired man.
"The currents pulling her," he says putting his eyes back on the binoculars, "can she not hear my whistle?" he sighs, putting the whistle around his neck into his mouth, blowing it again. He points in your direction and signals to come closer to the shore. He opens his mouth for the whistle to drop down. Toji sits down on the tall and wide life guard chair. "I don't think she can get back to shore.." Gojo says, "I'll go" he says.
"No, I got it" Toji says putting his arm in front of the man.
Toji takes his whistle off and sits it next to gojo. He stands up on one of the steps, cross his arms and takes his tank top off , he jumps off of the tower and grabs a orange rescue tube.
FUCK! Is he coming over here?? You feel the current still pulling you and you keep trying to swim, hopefully making progress. You felt terrible and embarrassed. He even warned you!
You watched as he runs quickly into the water and dives right in, he swims faster than you ever could.
"You alright?" he worries. "Yeah, I just can't swim back. Im so so so sorry!! I thought I could swim back." you say with a pout.
"Don't worry about it, doll. Its my job" he responds with a chuckle
that nickname. shit. he's even hotter up close.
He throws a orange thingy towards you and you grab on
"You got it?"
"Yes!" you reply while using the other hand to hold your board.
He holds onto the other end and he starts to swim back with you, and he's just as fast as he looked. Soon enough you were back on shore and you pause right before you give him back the orange thing.
His wet hair, his v line, his abs. he was so fit.
you realized the longer than it should've been pause and give it to him. he notices your eyes analyzing his body, he does the same too you. He thought you were the prettiest surfer he's ever seen, maybe surfer isn't the best word.
"Thank you so much again..I'm really sorry." you repeat.
His expression softens and he gives you a reassuring look, "Look, its really okay. That was probably the easiest thing Ive ever done anyways. Im glad I saw you when I did." He says again with a small smile.
"That makes me feel better haha,"
that laugh, your voice. he didn't wanna stop talking to you.
"I was so embarrassed. I haven't even- FUCK OW!" You scream out. Tojis head whips back towards you rushing to your side. something pierced your foot, the pain makes you whimper.
He says you hop up onto one foot, "Here let me see." he says. He places one hand rubbing your back and the other holding your foot. "Oooh shit. that's a seashell. Its pretty deep too, but don't panic. I'll bring you over to where the first aid kit is ok?"
You nod your head and whimper when he touches close to the cut. "Im sorry honey."
You might be in pain but that nickname makes your face heat up.
"I can't walk over there, though." you say with tears in your eyes from the pain you got when you tried relaxing your foot.
"I'll carry you, no big deal."
before you have time to speak, he lifts you up and carries you bridal style towards where he sat before.
"Yo, Gojo! Get the first aid ready!!" he shouts out
You arrive and he sits you next to his friend, who you assumed was named Gojo.
"Okay Gojo, grab her stuff and I'll clean up her cut."
"Ight" Gojo says, he couldn't have been that much older than you, he was wearing a tropical button up that was open so you saw under, and red trunks. You point towards where your stuff is.
"Okay doll, I'm just going pull it out with tweezers and clean it ok? While I take it out I want you to squeeze my hand if it hurts. The cleaning won't be any better 'cause I really think its infected."
You nod and grab his hand. He takes the tweezers and gets a good grip. "Okay, 1, 2,3.." he pulls and you squeeze while your eyes water and you start shedding tears, once again whimpering at the pain. he hears you choke up on your tears and quickly looks up and back, "its ok baby I got you, its almost out. You're ok."
You breathe in and out calming yourself, being embarrassed of the big baby you're being right now. But it hurt so bad.
You feel relief but still pain when you realize its out
"Got it!" He smiles at you while grabbing stuff to clean it with.
"Hey, lets not focus on your foot, aye? What's your name and you live around here?"
you cringe at the coldness from the cleaning product he's using, "Uhh, I'm y/n, I don't live around here, but I came here cause its been a good few months since I graduated college. I really needed to surf again cause I was so good, clearly, I'm rusty" you give a breathless laugh and sigh at yourself. "Haha, well I'm Toji. By the way, I could tell you didn't live around here already, I would've noticed a gorgeous girl like you a while ago." he smirks. Your cheeks heat up again and you don't even feel the pain anymore. you realize you should flirt back. You sigh and say "I'm glad I had such a hot lifeguard save me" smiling at him
toji swears all blood rushes to his dick as he gets a boner from what you say.
You guys talk more and you realize the man is 30, but it doesn't bother you that you guys flirted. He flirted way more in the conversation you had though. Talking about your bathing suit, the way you smiled, how your eyes were shining in the sun. He was such a sly man.
At the point, Gojo had brought your stuff back and went into the lifeguard tower.
Toji wraps up your foot. He holds your hand as you walk down the 3 large steps. "Thank you so much, how can I repay you?" you wonder and stare at him, "no need doll, let me walk you back. You said you were here for vacation right? I'm assuming its one of these hotels?" he questions you, you point to the one you were staying at.
He grabs your things and wraps an arm around you, queuing you to wrap your arm around him for support.
You arrive and you guys take the elevator. The elevator shakes a little causing you to fall towards toji. He stares at you and kisses you. you close your eyes. he kisses you so good. his mouth kisses you down towards your neck and he sucks on it, making you moan. the elevator dings once it arrives at your floor. He tries not to hurt your foot but he can't wait to fuck you, so he picks you up. You put your keycard against the lock and it flashes green. He opens the door and slams it shut. dropping you onto the bed.
He starts kissing you hard while his dick grinds against you. with your bathing suit not being heavy the feeling causes you to moan. Like he did in the elevator he moves his way down sucking hard in different parts of your neck. leaving marks everywhere he went. As he is sucking down on your neck his hand finds its way to the bottom of your bikini. he puts his hand under it and rubs your clit. you moan. he kisses his way down to your boobs and takes of ur top with one hand. you were so wet from everything he was doing. the way he touched your clit so well. the way he was rubbing circles and your nipples and sucking on your tits. the way he kissed you. you have never felt better.
"Toji- fuck!" he moves down pulling his fingers out of your bottoms so he can take them off. he spreads your legs far apart. and starts eating you out. his tongue licks your clit so well. he sticks his fingers in you, starting with 2. he thrusts in and out and finds your g spot cause of how you moaned when he touched it.
his fingers curl against it multiple times. you squeeze around them. he thrusts them in so fast. "oh my fuck! don't stop toji please aw!" you whine out.
he curls against it again and you cum.
you pant out catching your breathe
"holy fuck oh my god."
hes not done with you. not even close to being done.
he sticks his tongue inside of you while rubbing your clit with his hand.
"fuck toji! please just fuck me already!"
he takes his tongue out and stands up from being bent down.
"You gotta beg for what you want baby." he says with a smirk, his dick so visibly hard.
"Please toji. please fuck me." you beg with a whimper.
"Good girl."
He takes his trunks off and he dick leaks with precum it was so hard. it was so big. your eyes widened. "holy fuck" you whisper. toji chuckles at your reaction, "you got a condom?" you shake your head in response "im on birth control"
after you said that, he wastes no time.
he takes your legs and drags you closer to the end of the bed and pushes your legs to your chest.
he strokes his dick and moves it up and down to get some of your slick on it. he purposely moves more on your clit making you whine out.
he starts to push his tip in. you've never taken a dick this big. he keeps going until his tip kisses your cervix. you moan when it hits places your fingers could never. '"god you're so tight." he groans. "so full, toji mmmm" you slurr out.
he pulls all the way out and quickly thrusts back in "fuck oh fuck!" you cry out "feels so good"
his thrusts are a little slow, but it isn't long until he goes fast.
the speed he was going was insane. you couldn't take it. it was unreal. you squeezed around him. "your pussy is taking my dick so good." the sounds of your body connecting was so loud. the sound of your wet cunt was just as loud. you moans sync with every time he touches your g spot. "ohh..myy..fuckk" your words coming out every time he thrust back in. you couldn't even speak. he was fucking you brainless. you were seeing stars "does my baby feel good?" he says with a groan after.
you open your mouth to speak but all that came out was a moan "Can't even fucking talk, babys fucked dumb huh?" he laughs you squeezed against his dick making him groan. he slows down, teasing you. "fuck toji-im gonna- cum im fucking- summing!!!" you cry out moaning you spasm against him but he doesn't stop. he's fucking you through your orgasm. "fuckkk how are you still going oh my god!" you are drooling so much. you can't take it.
after your, you can't even remember how many times you came. he still hasn't even shown any signs of cumming.
he goes slow and pulls all the way out and pushes back in again. you couldn't take it. he goes fast, but his thrust start getting sloppier. "gonna cum. gonna fill you up." he says catching his breath. he goes really fast again with a few more thrusts. slowing down again. then he comes. it felt so good. you were on cloud 9. you couldn't even speak.
he pulls out and moves you against the beds pillows, laying next to you.
"visit here again, okay?" he says still catching his breath.
NOTES: im sorry if my grammars bad or some seems rushed!! I thought of this after I went to the beach yesterday and the Current was SOOO strong!! these girls needed help and this hot lifeguard did exactly what I wrote that toji did. also I have no experience at all has a swimmer, surfer, or lifeguard... so please don't mind anything that's strange!! again my MacBooks autocorrect keeps changing toji to tori!! pls let me know abt anything else, criticism is helpful!
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hyunluvbug · 1 year
my chef
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pairing: lee felix x gn reader!
premise: you wake up from a nap to find your boyfriend, felix making dinner.
content: fluffy!! sfw! some kissing and cuddles
word count: >1k
the covers encase your body. making your body extra warm and cozy. your head is resting amongst the many soft pillows. confusion surrounds you as you don't remember ever falling asleep. you sit up in bed and notice many sleep marks coating your arms. you stretch out your arms and move the covers off your body.
you decide to get out of bed when you hear the muffle of music and sizzling. once you head down the hallway, you see him. your boyfriend, felix is at the stove. he is flipping over what seems to be steak in the skillet. his back is towards you and you notice his black hair is tied into a small ponytail. his hips sway along to the song faintly playing in the room.
the angelic sound of his voice fills the room. he is singing along to the song, putting the original artist to shame. his voice is like pure honey and it resonates into your body.
you walk up to him and wrap your arms around his slender waist. you head rests onto his back. his comforting scent fills your nose making your body even more relaxed.
"did you have a good nap love?" felix asks and continue flipping the steak.
you nod against his back. you feel his back rumble when he lets out a small chuckle. he sets the spatula down and turns around to face you. he pulls you into his chest and kisses the top of your head.
"i'm glad." he rubs his hands up and down your back soothingly.
"you didn't have to make dinner, i was going to order takeout." you pout, suddenly feeling bad. you always feel like he's the one cooking and that you never contribute.
"hey, it's ok. i love doing this for you." he smiles down at you, his smile going up into his eyes. the smile you love oh so much. felix was always in the kitchen cooking up something delicious. he was practically your own personal chef. ever since you moved in together, he had made so many meals and desserts for you. you had turned into his own taste tester.
you move away from his embrace and roll up your sleeves, "well can i help then?"
he smiles happily at your request, "of course you can. my lil chef." he teases.
"you can help make the mashed potatoes," he says, pointing to the potatoes on the counter.
"yes sir." you salute to him and he grins. you get straight to work.
after dinner had been served, you both devoured the food in minutes. of course, the steak was absolutely amazing, anything felix makes always is. now the both of you lay on the couch. the tv is playing some random movie.
you face felix, looking all over his face. wondering how someone can be so pretty, handsome and beautiful all in one. his freckles are on full display today and they make him look even more pretty if possible.
"need something baby?" he asks, realizing you're not paying attention to the movie.
he looks down at you and you smile shyly. you lean up to place a kiss on his cheek. his nose scrunches up cutely from the surprise. but you don't stop there. you continue placing more kisses on his cheeks, trying to cover every single freckle. felix begins to let out the cutest giggle as your lips continue touching his face.
"baby." he whines. "kiss my lips before you drive me crazy."
you follow his request immediately and place your lips onto his. letting you lips mold together, his soft hand rests on your cheek to pull you closer. his lips taste like absolute heaven, they're so soft and have the faintest taste of cherry.
he pulls away to press tons of pecks all over your own cheeks. paying back for what you did to him. you are both a giggling mess as your lips crash back together. his cheeks become warm the more he kisses you, letting his hands fall down on your waist.
he pulls you up into his lap and kisses you even deeper than before. his lips are practically swollen from how hard and deeply he is kissing you. you let out some soft mumbles and he pulls away. both of you practically breathless.
"what was that?" he asks looking into your eyes.
"i was saying i love you." you mumble and looks down at your lap.
"aw is my baby shy?" he teases, his hands coming up to pinch your cheeks. you push his hands away.
"you ruined the moment."
"don't worry, i love you too." he coos and places a quick peck onto your lips.
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abbysdruidess · 1 year
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ wedding night | modern au!abby anderson smut ♥
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summary: you return from your wedding with Abby and have sex for the first time as a married couple.
wc: 2.3k
tags: smut, tooth rotting fluff, wife kink, idiots in love, Abby eats it from the bacc and she gets that gooood head, no beta we die like Joel
a/n: I was gonna upload this two days ago but real life got in the way-lmk if you guys want a part two with the morning after activities and don't hesitate to send me asks abt anything;))
this is also a continuation of my headcanons about you and abby's wedding - although this one can be read as a standalone, but you could check em out if you haven't already<3
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“Oh my goodness.” you mutter as Abby’s jeep halts in the small parking spot right outside your home. You hastily wipe some excess sweat off your brow, the adrenaline and stress from the day finally catching up to you. You slowly reach out your hand and rub your wife’s arm as she sighs softly from the driver’s seat. “Long day?” Abby asks.
 “Like you can’t imagine.” you giggle. “And we also have to unload the presents from the truck, and go downtown to get the photos, and send everyone the thank you cards-”
 “That can wait.” she cuts you off gently. She reaches out to unbuckle her seatbelt and a second later, she’s outside the car. Instead of heading towards the front door though, she appears outside of the passenger’s seat, opening the door for you and extending her arms out. “C’mon baby” she whispers to you. “It’s only appropriate that we do this right now.”
 You let out a high pitched giggle, silently agreeing. You have done this countless times with Abby, letting her lift you in this manner, usually after she fucks you in the living room or the kitchen and she carries you to bed to rest. You wrap an arm around her shoulders as she hooks a burly arm around you, lifting you up and closing the car door with her foot. You grin from ear to ear as your faces are so close, practically touching. “Hey” you whisper to your wife, leaning in to bump your nose against hers in an eskimo kiss. 
 “Hey back.” she lets out, as she carries you bridal style to the door, fumbling in her pocket for the keys. As you enter your house, you feel the familiar smell of cinnamon and something vaguely floral hit your nostrils, and you sigh in content. You’re home, with your wife-you still couldn’t get used to blurting out the phrase, your brain still in an intermediary place. You gently try to wiggle out of her grasp, and at the same time you throw your shoes off your feet, trying to ease your aching soles. “You gonna let me go, Mrs Anderson?” you ask, even though you’re already familiar with the answer. 
 “No way baby” Abby shrugs, and you feel her grip tighter around you as she heads up the stairs, discarding her loafers at the bottom of it as well. “You think now that I got ya, I’m gonna let go? I took my vows very seriously, you know.” 
“Mmm, I hope so dear” you close your eyes and nuzzle into her neck, breathing in her sandalwood cologne and something else, a musky, earthly scent you have come to associate with Abby only. You could just wish to immerse yourself in it, feel Abby’s touch, taste and smell and nothing else. Her hand that isn’t under you reaches under your gown, gently fondling your stockings and the plush skin under it, making you squirm in her grasp. 
 “Abby” you whisper softly in her neck, and start leaving sweet, sweet kisses on the tender skin, feeling her pleased hum vibrating on your lips. 
 “Getting impatient, Mrs Anderson” she teases, as you enter your bedroom and she leaves you down softly on the black bed covers. You turn around and gasp as you realize there are several rose pedals laying on top of the bed, and the nightstands now have several candles on them, all unlit. 
 “Abs” you gasp at the sight, turning around to face her. You wanted to keep saying her name, make her feel more real where she stood opposite of you, because you could never even think of letting her go, think of a time where she wasn’t all yours. “When did you do all this?”
 Abby smiles at your excited expression, and reaches for a utility lighter on the dresser. In a few steps, she’s lighting the candles, and you watch her enamored at the notion of such a romantic setting.
“At noon, while you were getting all dolled up. I thought you might appreciate the ambiance.” She leans over the bed and lights the ones on her nightstand, as you notice that her usual book is missing. Good thinking, you think to yourself. You spent so much time worrying about the wedding preparations, the last thing you need now is a house fire. 
 “I do babe.” You crawl on the bed and reach for her, straddling her lap. You tug on her tie gently, and start undoing it, as she glances up at you, giving you her characteristic bedroom eyes - which were really just what she looked when she whispered “I’m gonna fuck the living daylights out of you once I have the chance, I promise”. Once her tie is off, she sighs and rubs her fingers at the base of her neck. 
“Was that too tight, Abs? Should’ve told me.” You undo the top buttons of her shirt, exposing more and more of her toned chest.
“It’s fine baby. It’s cause of the long hours, I guess.” Once her shirt is completely unbuttoned, she makes light work of it and tosses it to some corner. You reach out to cup her tits but she quickly lifts you by the hips and tosses you on the bed. You squirm as you now lie face down on the pillows, and groan at her ministrations. Though you can’t help but notice the slight ache that grows between your thighs. 
 “Your turn to get undressed, dear” she sings, and you can practically feel the smirk on her lips while she reaches to undo the zipper of your dress. She tugs on it slightly. Abby is the one straddling you now, and you lift your ass up to grind up her crotch. She sighs pleasurably, and leans in to whisper in your ear
 “I loved seeing you in this dress. Standing there all pretty, ready to marry me. I can’t get fucking enough of you. Can’t wait to show everyone that you’re my wife, after all this time.”
She starts to drag the zipper down you back, and you can feel the relaxing feeling of the skin of your back finally freed of its confines.
“I’m your wife, Abs.” She shifts on top of you, letting an audible moan at your words, reaching hastily to drag the article of clothing off of you, the need to see you naked making her act livid.
 Once the dress is discarded, you don’t have the heart to tell her that you have to hang it and put it in the closet, letting her push it on the floor next to the bed. 
 “Fuck, no underwear? You have no idea what you fucking do to me, babe.” You smirk in the pillow, your choice to go commando having more to do with the cut of said dress, but knowing that it drove Abby all feral when you did so. You feel one hand on your front, kneading a breast in between her large, weathered palm, You slightly hiss when she pinches your nipple, feeling it stand erect between her fingertips. Her other hand inches down you back, her pointer finger dipping in between the crevice of your ass. You feel yourself clench as it presses against your asshole, and it continues its journey as it reaches the back of your pussy lips, caressing them teasingly. The hand on your breast disappears, and a second later, she’s lifting your hips off the bed just enough so she can devour you from the behind. Her thumbs are now spreading your lips, and you gasp as your wetness hits the air of the room, making you shiver. Abby’s mouth is close, and you feel her blow air from her mouth directly on your drenched pussy. She leaves a small, sweet kiss above your hole, making you moan her name in the pillow. 
“Say it again” She whispers, and she doesn’t have to tell you what it is she wants to hear. 
“Your wife” You manage to get out, turning your head to the side. You can’t really see her face from this angle, just her braid that has fallen over a shoulder. “Uhm your wife, Abs.”
 That was apparently all she needed before she dives in, and you can feel the ferocity at which she eats you out, a clash of her delightfully wet tongue, her plush lips, and her teeth carefully teasing you. You let out loud, unabashed moans, knowing how she likes it loud, wants the whole neighbourhood to know who’s fucking you this good.
“Abby, Abby, Abby”, you continue the crescendo of moaning, and feel her hand also rubbing your pussy and lightly spanking your clit. It then dips inside you with no warning, and is then joined by two others, stretching you lovely. At this point, you are so spent, there is no residual pain, just the reflexive need of your pussy to clench at the sudden intrusion. 
 “Feels so good, Abs” you cry out, feeling some drool pooling on your pillow. Your hips snap closer to her face, and the room is filled with the shockingly wet sounds of your exertions. The pleasure that gathers in your lower tummy finally comes to a halt, and the shock of the orgasm hits you like a truck with full speed. You feel yourself shake and release around her fingers, as she gives your clit one last spank that makes you whimper loudly. 
 Once you’re completely spent, you feel her climbing up at you, and you turn around so your eyes meet. You reach up for a desperate, passionate kiss, and she passes on the tangy nectar from between your legs from her tongue to yours. You both moan as the lingering taste. 
 “Abby” You whisper her name like a prayer, something you’d love to confess to her only on the altar formed from your shared, sweet agony. You reach a trembling hand to undo her belt, gazing into her deep, crystalline blue eyes.
“Lemme-” You begin to say, and she understands immediately. “You sure baby?” She asks, brushing the hair out of your face. Perhaps she thinks you’re tired, too tired to pleasure her, at least tonight. 
“M’ alright Abs” You respond and gently push her so you can change positions and straddle her once again, throwing her belt off the bed and undoing her pants and boxers in one move. You lean down and nip at her neck, savoring the little “ahh, ahh” sounds that leave her lips from the intrusion on her sensitive skin. You gradually move lower, sucking at her puffy, wine coloured nips. You lick down her toned stomach, feeling the lines of each individual ab under your skillful tongue. Abby buries her hand in your hair, encouraging your head lower and lower. She loved your pretty little mouth, she always told you so, the way your tongue had written astonishing, awe-inspiring poetry on her so adeptly time after time. You lick a long stripe over her slit, as she slowly parts her legs, leaving you room to indulge yourself. You leave small, butterfly kisses on her clit. You suck on it eagerly as a long, passionate moan escapes her mouth. You know how sensitive it gets, and always spend time between her legs to take care of her efficiently. Your fingers stroke at her entrance, testing the waters before inserting a finger in, pumping it in and out slowly. 
 “F-fuck” she mutters, leaning her head back in the pillow as she allows herself to get lost in the moment, to exist only for you and your passionate courtesy. 
“I -holy shit babe- you always do me so good. Such a good wife, aren’t you? Always making sure I’m pleased. Love that I’ve ruined you for everyone else, you wouldn’t do this to anyone else, would ya?”
You are too caught up fucking her to respond, only leaving a small “Mhmm” sound against her cunt. Her hand suddenly tugs on your hair as if warning you, and you know she’s about to come. You start rubbing her more intensely, spitting on her pussy to give you more friction, and insert a second finger, making the sounds from between her legs sloppier and sloppier. 
“Ohhh that’s it that’s-” Her whole body starts to convulse, and her pussy practically sucks you in, feeling her clench around your fingers. You guide her through it, leaving small kisses on her inner thighs and rubbing her knee encouragingly. Her moans gradually decrease, and her head falls back into the pillow, face red and dewy like she came back from the gym. You kiss up her body and wrap your arms around her. You softly press your temple against hers, as she looks at you with hazy, overcast eyes. She rubs at your sides and dips her head in between where your shoulder and neck meet, sucking on the skin there. 
“You did so good for me dear” She says, and you let out a little chuckle.
 “I wanted to, baby. Can’t help but fulfill my wifely duties, after all.” 
 “Damn right you did. I can’t believe I spent so much of my life without you. What was I doing back then?” She says as you settle right into her embrace, letting her arms wrap around you.
 “Dating men-waste of time.” You respond smiling. You reach to palm at her behind and giggle when a rose petal appears in between your fingers. “We need to get these off the bed”
“I’ll do it when I wake up” She groans, and wraps her hand around her throat to bring you closer to her. “Want me to go get the strap? The night is still young.”
You give her a sickly saccharine kiss, one that has  I love you written all over it without you having to actually say it. “It can wait until the morning, dear. I wanna get some sleep first. I’m kinda exhausted.”
She gently raises her head to blow out the candles, and you close your eyes, searching for the calming sound of her heartbeat underneath her breast. “Alright” She whispers, stroking at your hair. “Sleep tight, my wife. I’ll wake you in the morning for more.”
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c-e-d-dreamer · 5 months
Top Shelf Love: Prologue
A/N: So, if you know me, you know that I love hockey. But if there's one thing I don't love, it's hockey romances because they are always so inaccurate that it's take you out of the story SO QUICK! Like what do you mean the captain of this NCAA D1 team is undrafted? What do you mean she magically has access to an NHL locker-room in the middle of a game? So this is my response to that! A super self-indulgent Nessian Hockey AU. For additional hockey context: Cassian is a defenseman for the NY Rangers; Rhys is a center for the Montreal Canadiens; Az is a winger for the Nashville Predators; and Lucien is a winger for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Anyways! Hope everyone enjoys this prologue and this absolute meet-ugly! Happy final day of @nestaarcheronweek
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Read on AO3 // Chapter Masterlist // Next Part
Nesta sighs softly, tilting her head back against the leather of the seat. Almost instantly, she scrunches her nose, the stale scent of cigarettes, of sweat and previous occupants, flooding her senses. Eager for a distraction, she peers out the window instead. The skyscrapers loom like shadowed giants on either side of the road, a cascade of colorful lights spilling from their windows and reflecting off the wet roads, the puddles from the earlier rain. Throngs of bodies move along the sidewalks, neither the late hour or the dark clouds still clinging above deterring them clearly.
The city that never sleeps indeed.
The cab jerks to a stop along the curb, the driver not even bothering to turn around and say anything to her, merely tapping the fare display. With a roll of her eyes, Nesta fishes her wallet out of her purse to pay before finally slipping out of the cab. At least the driver pulls her suitcase from the trunk, setting it on the sidewalk beside her.
“Nesta! You finally made it!”
It takes everything within Nesta to swallow back down another sigh, takes all her willpower to force at least a hint of a smile to tug across her face. She can feel her earlier annoyance still simmering just beneath her skin, can still feel the exhaustion weighing down her bones. She’d give anything to be back in her own bed right now, anything to slip beneath her pile of blankets and curl up with a good book, but she’s here for Feyre, here to celebrate her baby sister.
So Nesta rolls her shoulders and plasters on an even wider smile before she turns around. But she should have known better, should have known that despite the physical distance between them, there’s no fooling her sisters. From the way Feyre raises an eyebrow, her lips twitching up in the barest hint of an unimpressed smirk, it’s clear she sees straight through Nesta.
“Sorry,” Nesta winces, her shoulders drooping already. “Journey from hell.”
“Sounds like you need a drink,” Elain offers with an easy smile, stepping forward and taking the handle of Nesta’s suitcase.
“Or five,” Feyre adds with a chuckle.
Nesta rolls her eyes, but she doesn’t exactly disagree. A stiff drink definitely sounds appealing after the nightmare of the day she’s had.
“I saw online that a lot of flights were just straight canceled, so I think you’re lucky to have made it at all,” Elain comments, leading the way along the sidewalk.
“I don’t know that I’d call a six hour delay lucky,” Nesta grumbles, practically shuddering at the memory of being stuck sitting and waiting in an airport for so long.
Nesta follows her sisters inside the building, but they take the elevator down, rather than up, Elain leading the way toward a black SUV. She tells her sisters more about the horrible journey as they walk. About the surprisingly long line at security. About the storms in the midwest and the delays and havoc they wreaked on all flights. About the child that seemed determined to scream for the entire five hour flight.
Once Nesta’s bags are securely locked away in Elain’s car, they return to the elevator and take it all the way up to the eighteenth floor, the doors opening with a soft ding. There’s no stopping the way Nesta’s jaw slackens as she takes it all in. A large centerpiece extends from the floor and fans out into the ceiling, the lights embedded within it casting the entire bar and its occupants in glittering golds. Live music seems to be coming from somewhere, twining and molding with the laughter, the conversations, filling the space.
But it’s the windows that really draw Nesta’s attention. Floor to ceiling windows seem to line every wall, offering a truly panoramic view of all of New York City and the Hudson. It’s a picture perfect view of the twinkling lights and night sky through the rain droplets still clinging to the panes.
“Wow,” Nesta breathes, taking it all in. “This place is definitely nicer than I was expecting.”
“If you think this is nice, you should see their venue.”
It takes a few moments for Elain’s words to register, but then Nesta is snapping her head toward Feyre. “You have a venue already? Does that mean you’ve picked a date?”
“Yes,” Feyre answers, unable to bite back her grin. “Next summer. July specifically, after Rhys’s season has ended.”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit optimistic to think he’ll still be playing through June?”
“Elain!” Feyre exclaims, reaching out to smack the middle Archeron in the arm. “I can’t believe you just said that.”
“What?” Elain shrugs innocently. “It’s true. I mean what’s their current record again?”
“Because the Leafs do so well when they choke every year?”
“At least they make the playoffs.”
Nesta snorts softly at her sisters’ bickering. “Since when did you become a sports fan anyways, Elain?”
“I guess Lucien’s been filling her with more than just his dick.”
“Feyre!” Elain squeaks out, her cheeks flooding with a blush.
“Darling,” a deep voice practically purrs, interrupting them. “There you are. I was wondering where my beautiful fiancée got off to.”
“Rhys, this is my oldest sister, Nesta,” Feyre offers, sidling up against Rhys’s side, her fiancé’s arm settling over her shoulders with comfortable ease.
“A pleasure to meet you at last,” Rhys greets, holding up the glass in his free hand in a mock cheers. The gesture is a bit sloppy, some of the amber liquid in the glass sloshing over the rim and spilling across his fingers, and Nesta realizes there’s a haze to his violet eyes.
“It’s an open bar,” Feyre mouths, clearly reading Nesta’s expression.
“You don’t have a drink in your hand,” Rhys suddenly says, as though he’s only just realized. “We need to fix that immediately.”
Rhys turns on his heel, pushing his way through the various guests gathered to celebrate him and Feyre without a care. Nesta rolls her eyes, but Feyre has a wide, soft smile on her face as she watches him go, eyes practically sparking with fondness. It’s clear this is the man that makes her youngest sister happy, so she can’t fault him too much.
“He’s right, you know. You do need a drink still,” Feyre says, looping her arm through Nesta’s.
Feyre leads the way toward the bar built around the large centerpiece. She leans over and gets the attention of one of the bartenders with ease, ordering what she tells Nesta is the couple's signature cocktail. It seems to be some sort of margarita, a deep blue in color with edible glitter that looks almost like stars swirling through the liquid.
“So…” Feyre starts, taking a sip of her own drink.
“So…?” Nesta echoes, although she has a strong suspicion she already knows where this conversation is going. She knows that expression on her sister’s face all too well.
“Rhys’s brothers are here tonight.”
“And you need to stop being such a busybody.”
Feyre sighs, turning so her hip leans against the bar, facing Nesta fully. “Why? I’m an excellent matchmaker. Just ask Elain…” Feyre looks over her shoulder, but frowns, turning in a full circle with her eyebrows pinched low. “Wait. Where did Elain go?”
“She and Lucien probably found some dark corner to fuck like the bunnies they are,” Nesta answers dryly. It’s certainly the trend with those two, vanishing for a few hours before appearing again with slightly mussed clothes and hair, pink often clinging to the apples of Elain’s cheeks and a wide, shit eating grin plastered across Lucien’s face.
“That just proves my point! At least tell me you stalked his Instagram or something.”
“Emerie and Gwyn did.”
Her best friends had been trying to convince her to get back out there for a month now. Even with how much time has passed since everything happened, it still feels strange. Of course, that hasn’t stopped Emerie from dragging her out to bars for trivia nights and karaoke as if they’re the best places to meet someone new. It hasn’t stopped Gwyn from trying to tempt her to start a dating profile on at least one of the plethora of app options.
It hasn’t stopped either of them from hyping her up after they spent so long helping Nesta to piece together the shattered fragments of herself, of her life, back together. It’s why Nesta loves them, why she doesn’t know what she’d do without them.
But when Feyre had suggested setting Nesta up with Rhys’s adopted brother, practically raving over the phone about what a good fit the two of them would be together, it had been like blood in the water for Emerie and Gwyn. Nesta had barely hung up with her sister by the time Gwyn had tracked down his social medias and had them displayed on the television ‘for the best viewing experience.’
Cassian Valdarez.
Any other emotions aside, Nesta can admit he’s attractive, that much was clear from the photos and videos on his Instagram. With his dark, curly hair tumbling down to his shoulders, his bright hazel eyes. He had been grinning widely in most of the photos, golden skin of his cheeks stretched and crinkles popping beside his eyes. But even the one where his lips were tugged up in a lopsided, cocksure smirk had Nesta staring.
Nesta had done a lot of staring.
Staring at the photo of him in sunglasses and shirtless, lounging casually on some sort of boat, wide shoulders and swirling lines of ink on full display. The photo of him in a locker room, dressed only from the waist down, showing off the tantalizing lines of his abs, his v-lines. The Reel of him working out, chest heaving and skin glistening, biceps bulging with every lift of the weights. The reel of him stick handling with just gloves, in a tank and shorts, the muscles and veins of his forearms working with each flick of his wrist.
“Okay, and?” Feyre’s voice draws Nesta back to the present.
“And what?”
“And what did Gwyn and Emerie think?”
Nesta sighs softly, fiddling with the stem of her glass. “I mean, they said I should go for it.”
“Ha!” Feyre exclaims, loud enough to draw the attention of a few others up at the bar. “See? I’m right. A perfect match.”
“Feyre, don’t you think—”
“Feyre, darling, I keep losing you.” Rhys slips into the space behind Feyre, wrapping an arm around her waist. He dips his head enough to press his lips to her neck before raising his gaze to peer at Nesta over Feyre’s shoulder. “Sorry. Do you mind if I steal my fiancée away for a moment?”
“Not at all,” Nesta assures him, but it’s Feyre’s gaze she meets. “I’ll be fine.”
Feyre and Rhys vanish into the crowds hand and hand, and Nesta settles at the bar, sipping her drink. Her eyes flit around, but she truly doesn’t know anyone here outside of her sisters. And despite her earlier words to Feyre, all the people, all the sounds and the lights, are starting to grate against her nerves, prickling and dragging along her skin like nails. Even downing the remains of her drink doesn’t seem to help, the alcohol only weighing heavy in her gut.
Leaving her now empty glass on the bartop, Nesta spins on her heel and stalks toward one of the walls of windows. She glances around at the different tables set up, the booths that line the windows and offer the perfect seats for the views beyond. Maybe she can find a dark corner to hide in for a few hours, or maybe, if she’s lucky, Elain and Lucien will decide they want to leave early to continue whatever they’ve started in an actual bed.
“Looking for me, sweetheart?”
The deep voice has a shiver skittering up Nesta’s spine, warm breath fanning across her ear. She spins around and comes face to face with a pair of hazel eyes, a cocksure smirk she’s only seen in photo-form before. Cassian Valdarez, in the flesh. He doesn’t even bother for subtly as his gaze rakes over her, and Nesta has to swallow hard as she tracks the way he licks his lips.
“And what if I wasn’t?” Nesta dares to ask, raising her chin.
Cassian chuckles, stepping closer into her space. “I think we both know you were looking for me. Why wouldn’t you be?”
Cassian’s hand reaches up in the space between them, snagging one of the stray strands of Nesta’s hair and twisting it around his fingers. Those same fingers skate down her neck, across her collarbones, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. His touch traces over her shoulder and down her arm before finally closing around her wrist, Nesta’s breath hitching at the warm of his hand, the size of it, and she can do nothing but follow along as he tugs her toward one of the booths by the windows.
He lets go long enough to fall back against the cushions, for Nesta to settle beside him, but then his hands are right back on her. This time, his palm slides against the skin above her knee, fingers teasing along the hem of her dress. His other arm stretches along the back of the booth, all but curling around her shoulders as he leans into her.
“You look gorgeous in this dress, you know.”
“But let me guess, it would look better on your bedroom floor?”
“You said it, not me, but I don’t disagree.”
Nesta snorts quietly, tempted to tell him that it was wrinkled when she yanked it out of her suitcase before she awkwardly changed into it in the airport bathroom. But she never gets the chance to. Cassian lifts his hand until his fingers curl around her jaw, tilting her chin up enough that he can slot their lips firmly together.
The kiss takes Nesta by surprise, but it doesn’t take her long to respond. She moves her lips against his, Cassian’s grip on her chin holding her exactly where he wants her. When his tongue slips into her mouth, she moans softly, fisting a hand into the front of his shirt to keep herself steady and to keep him close.
Cassian pulls back just enough that he can murmur, “Do you want to get out of here?”
“Right now?” Nesta blurts out before she can stop herself. She’s certainly not opposed to the idea, but with tonight being the first time they’re meeting, she thought he might want to get to know her more first. What exactly did Feyre tell him about her?
“You know what they say. No time like the present.”
“I should probably tell my sister I’m leaving then.”
Cassian’s eyes seem to glint, even beneath the low light of the bar. “Is your sister here? Does she want to join?”
Nesta is sure that she must have misheard him. “What?”
“It could be fun. Two sisters, one hockey player,” Cassian says easily, even daring to wink at her. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Nesta can do nothing but gape at him, her mind reeling with this turn in conversation, but then it hits her like a ton of bricks. “You don’t know who I am.”
Cassian chuckles again, that cocksure smirk of his never slipping for a moment. “Am I supposed to know who you are?”
“Do you even know my name?” Nesta snaps, pulling further away from him.
“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that, sweetheart. All that really matters is you knowing my name so you can scream it tonight.”
“You didn’t even want to ask for it before you kissed me? You don’t even want to ask for it now?”
“Look. We both know what you came here for, what you puck bunnies are always looking for, and trust me, sweetheart. I am more than happy to give it,” Cassian offers, the way his eyes dance over her frame again nothing short of a leer. It stokes the anger flaring in Nesta’s veins higher, until it burns bright and hot.
“Wow,” Nesta scoffs, pushing up to her feet. “Fuck you.”
Nesta doesn’t even wait to hear whatever sputtering response he might give before she turns on her heel and stalks away from Cassian, pushing through bodies to put as much distance between them as she can. She’s never felt more stupid, can’t believe that she allowed Feyre to convince her that Cassian was some great guy, that the two of them would be some perfect match.
She can’t believe that she had started to believe her sister’s words, that that damned hope had started to bloom and put down roots in the gaps between her ribs.
Because of course. Of course, Cassian is just like every other guy, only thinking with the head between his legs without a single care for what happens once the sun rises. He’s exactly what Nesta expects from a professional athlete, cocky and sure of himself, expecting every girl to fall at his feet ready to worship him and suck his dick.
She finds Elain and Lucien in one of the other booths near the opposite side of windows. Elain has her legs draped across Lucien’s lap, giggling around the straw of her drink. Lucien seems to be smirking through whatever story he’s telling, his arm stretched across the back of the booth, fingers toying aimlessly with the soft brown curls of Elain’s hair.
“Can we go?” Nesta interrupts, looking between the two.
Elain blinks a few times, but then she starts nodding her head. “Of course. You’ve already had such a long day.”
Elain pushes up and to her feet, wobbling just slightly in her heels, but Lucien is there right behind her, his hands spanning across her waist to steady her. She smiles over her shoulder up at him before turning her attention to her purse, rooting around with a frown.
“Wait. Where are the keys?”
“I have them, my love,” Lucien answers, holding up the keys dangling from his fingers. He turns his attention to Nesta, offering her a wink. “Don’t worry. She’s not driving.”
Lucien slides his hand into Elain’s, leading all three of them through the party and back toward the elevators. Nesta keeps her head down as she follows behind her sister and brother-in-law, and she certainly doesn’t bother to look back. Besides, it’s not like anyone is watching her. She’s quite confident a certain hockey player has already found some other poor, unsuspecting girl to capture his attention.
And as they take the elevators all the way down to the parking garage and back to the car, she vows to herself that she’ll never think of Cassian Valdarez ever again.
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog @lifeisntafantasy @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld @lady-nestas @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust @a-trifling-matter @blueunoias @kookskoocie @wolfnesta @blurredlamplight @hereforthenessian @skaixo @jmoonjones @burningsnowleopard @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @ofduskanddreams @rarephloxes @thelovelymadone @books-books-books4ever @tenaciousdiplomatloverprune @that-little-red-head @readergalaxy @thesnugglingduck @kale-theteaqueen @tarquindaddy @superflurry @bri-loves-sunflowers @lady-winter-sunrise @witch-and-her-witcher @fieldofdaisiies
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jellyfishsthings · 10 months
Warnings: not my usual work but I was in the feels, really funny James, some suggestive content but not smut
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The loud, booming music from downstairs rattles the walls. Gryffindor in celebration of winning this year's tournament decided to throw a school-wide party, organized by yours truly James Potter and Sirius Black. Even after many hours, the party was still in full swing. My eyes roam the room once again and my eyes fall at him. He looks incredibly handsome in that long lazy buttoned shirt and dark trousers. His eyes shine full of mischief as he catches me staring. I don't shy away from his gaze.
He smirks as he brings his cup, surely filled with Butterbeer, to his lips and throws me a wink. His fingers move clockwise three times, our signal. He moves from his spot against the wall, saying something to Peter as he walks off towards the staircase that leads to the boys' dormitory. I wait one, two, three long minutes until I follow him as sneakily as possible. He doesn't wait for me, she knows that I will find my way to him, all the secret hiding of our relationship has given me great knowledge of the Gryffindor House. I close the door quietly behind me as I enter the room and I am engulfed by his scent.
"You look-" he starts.
"No time for that." I cut him off and slammed my lips to his. He lifts me effortlessly and throws me to his bed. He crawls towards me and positions himself on top of me. I grab his face and kiss him again as my hands fly to his shirt, trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible. My dress follows his shirt across the room and he unclasps my bra, as his lips trail a fiery path of kisses and bites down my neck, across my collar bones and onto my chest. I am lost at the feel of him, at the feel of his lips on my body, of his greedy hands as they grab me harshly. Logic flying out of my head.
A quiet moan leaves my lips and he smiles victoriously until….
A knock is shortly followed by "Mate open up I have the girl out here."
"Well I have a girl in here." Remus fires back angrily as I cover myself and he throws his head but into his pillow while groaning, as James's muffled voice sounds.
"No you don't."
I smack his chest as he pulls up his pants and hastily puts his shirt on. "We are hanging out in here."
"Which one is going to have sex in here , me or you?" Remus's face drops at that, his eyes dramatically rolling, ticking his jaw, hitting his head to the door while zipping up his pants and I giggle at his antics.
"Well I suppose I would have to say, you." He practically growls and fires me a sharp look. I simply smile at him as I slowly let go of his duvet and dress myself up. "What if we were watching a movie in here?"
"Which movie?" I chuckle at James's reply and stalk towards Remus. He pouts at me and places his hands on my ass squeezing lightly.
"I will kill him, I swear. Give me a reason not to do it." He whispers.
"Well you won't be having this in prison." I answer as I wiggle my ass while it's still in his hold and reach my face to his to rub our noses, like an Eskimo kiss.
"You are so right, why didn't I think of that." He is still annoyed but humor colors his words.
"We are watching Dead Poets Society." Remus answers calmly as he sways into an imaginary beat.
"Really? I fucking love that movie."
"Of course you do." Remus says darkly, causing a small laugh from me.
"Potter let them be." Lily's voice says and both me and Remus stop moving. To say we are shocked would be an understatement.
"It's okay, Lils, we will go somewhere else." I say before Remus tries to stop me. We check ourselves in the mirror before we exit the dorm, smiling at our friends and their shocked reaction as we head outside.
"How long have you not been… whatever you were?" Lily's quiet voice says.
"What are you talking about? "
"You can't stand each other."
"Yes but since you are all dating we are each other's only option for a decent conversation." I tell her.
"Yes I would really much prefer it if she just couldn't talk." Remus says and the last thing they see is a very smug Remus Lupin and me with fiery cheeks as I remember how exactly he can shut me up.
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yevmarie · 7 months
Light My Fire | Chapter 7
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Pronouns: you, she/her
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, swearing, mentions of physical abuse towards other people, detailed description of typical TWD violence, differences from the main plot may occur, bad English (not my first language).
Taglist: @your-shifting-gurl @bae-live-0 @richardsamboramylove55 @deansapplepie @snailss @denisecabrera @dreamtofus @duckybird101
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You were sitting near the tent, trying to occupy your mind with the book you had taken at the beginning of the outbreak when you left home. The novel was so good that you binge-read it after Rick got to the hospital. That was the only thing that distracted you somehow, almost the cure for the hours spent crying after calls with Lori, who always said the doctor's forecast had been discouraging.
Now, everything was different. Although you reunited with your friend, other things were bothering you. Thoughts rushed after every sentence being read.
Is Merle alive? Will the group come back? Should I tell everything to Rick? But that fucker Shane almost killed me today. Shit! The neck hurts so much I'd probably have bruises forming a 'necklace' in a day. Shane is scaring the hell out of me. Why is he doing that to me? Did I deserve it after all my love given to him? I think I deserve just nothing good. If any good is even left in this world…
You cursed to yourself, noticing that familiar Depression FM finding the 'right' radio wave in your mind. The host today is so cruel; he plays that shitty song with the lyrics derived from your brain. And that fucking cassette tape is broken, repeating every verse again and again. You knew what to do in such cases.
"Ms. Y/LN, there's one technique that helps to get rid of repetitive unhealthy thoughts. But it needs practice as any of them. So close your eyes and imagine a bus stop, some familiar one to you. Perhaps near your work. This must be the place you know well to add realism to your brain."
You put the book aside and leaned back on the tree to relax your body. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and imagined the bus stop near your office. This is a busy street full of office workers fussing around and cars honking.
"Good. Now imagine the bus you are waiting for."
You are standing in your uncomfortable office outfit, praying to catch the bus quicker and get home. And here it is!
"When it arrives, come up to it."
You make several steps, slightly losing balance as some teenage girl pushes you, aiming to get in faster than you to take a seat.
"The doors are opening, and you get in but notice one unpleasant thing… The people inside only talk about you. About your insecurities. They literally repeat your thoughts out loud, saying them to you in your face."
"You don't deserve love," an old grumpy lady says, looking at you with side eyes.
You take a step further, aiming for the part of the bus with fewer people, finding a man wearing total black: a leather jacket, jeans, massive boots, and bike gloves. He is saying nothing to you. He's not even looking at you, listening to whatever music is playing in his earphones.
"Love? Don't be ridiculous," the teenage girl who had pushed you before chuckled. "She just deserves nothing good."
Another step up to the man when he finally turns to you. Pale blue eyes, three-day stubble, a bit outgrown haircut, two cute moles on the face, one above his thin lips. Although his frame is wide and the outfit is brutal, he doesn't seem like that. He's calm.
"Daryl?" you whispered, standing up too close to him, the haunting scent mixed of his cologne, leather, and tobacco hitting your brain, sending waves of excitement through your veins.
"Yeah, talking about Daryl," a clerk sitting near you, reading a newspaper, caught your attention, "He thinks you are useless."
"Reckless," a woman cooing to her baby corrected the clerk.
"He talks to you out of pity," another voice said.
"He's not interested in you," added yet another.
All the hurtful voices meshed together, making your tears swell in your eyes. Daryl took off his earphones and passed them to you. You plugged them in and heard… Nothing! Except the silent echo of your heartbeat. You noticed people were still talking to you but couldn't hear them. Daryl cupped your face with his calloused, warm palms, still looking into your eyes. His gaze was calm, gentle, and loving. He leaned closer, narrowing the space between your faces, looking down at your lips; his breath tickled your sences as you savored the moment with anticipation.
"Ms. Y/LN, after hearing everything the passengers have told you, would you get off the bus?"
"No," you whispered, closing your eyes and feeling Daryl's lips touching yours in a sensual kiss.
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You opened your eyes and threw the book away towards the tent.
"So, have I fallen for Daryl?" you asked yourself, desperately sighing, as surely daydreaming about the hunter wasn't planned, when suddenly you saw a familiar woman figure approaching you - Lori.
"Y/N, can I ask you to look after Carl and Sofia?" the woman's expression was concerned, obviously stressed out by something. You only nodded in consent, not wishing to talk, and stood up to go for the children. But your hope of no dialogue with the woman was dispelled in a second when she gently grabbed your forearm.
"We need to talk, Y/N."
"Enough talking for me today," you mumbled and stepped forward but were stopped again by Lori's touch.
"Please," she begged sincerely. "I… I'm really sorry for all that," her voice shaky. "I didn't know you still had feelings for him."
"You never asked," your response was just a guillotine, cutting off all potential reasoning.
"If you had only told me before… Perhaps I'd still be devastated, but I knew you were fair to me. And after some time, I'd accept it," you looked at your crying former friend and felt the pain hit your chest.
"Look, I'm not aiming to hurt you. Just trust me, it doesn't bring me any satisfaction. I'm not a monster. I just want to let you know I've always expected some tricks from Shane but not from you. Because you know what? I've always thought friendship is stronger. Love just comes and goes. But you betrayed me."
"Okay, okay," Lori nodded, sobbing, and was going to walk away, but you stepped aside and appeared on her way.
"I could overcome it and forgive you one day. But if Rick doesn't… He just doesn't deserve all of this."
"He'll never know," her answer outraged you. She was so sure you wouldn't tell Rick.
And honestly, she was right and wrong at the same time by saying this. You face the dilemma of telling Rick everything you know and destroying his family and friendship with Shane. Or you just step back and lose another close person like Rick because you'd not be able to even look into his eyes and act like everything is going fine and finally betray him by keeping silent. You didn't know what to do, and this tortured you.
"Then I'll just be nice to you for the love of Rick and Carl. I can't offer more; I'm sorry," you turned around and walked toward the campfire, leaving Lori alone. "I'll look after Carl and Sofia." 
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Hours later, when you were spending time with the children, the camp was shocked by another event: Shane beat up Ed after he hit Carol. You felt sorry for the woman and reasoned her to have her rest, though you had planned otherwise before, and took your duty to help in the kitchen and stew the squirrels for the group. 
It was getting darker; the group was having dinner, but no one returned from the run to Atlanta. You saved the portions for the men and started cleaning the place you called the kitchen. You couldn't have your rest; otherwise, you would go crazy. Or eat as the food stuck in your throat again. Your nerves were being torn to shreds. 
But Amy's wrenching scream cut off the silence you mistakenly considered agonizing.
"Walkers!" people yelled. 
The chaos burst in seconds, resulting in fussing, cries, and shooting. The latter bothered you the most as it was uncontrollable, and you were scared to take a slug. You ran to the table and took a knife, scanning the situation around. Lori and Carl were hiding behind shooting Shane; that's good. You were looking for Carol and Sofia, who were near Shane as well but were more vulnerable to attack. 
You were going to run to them but heard upcoming rasps just near yourself. Turning around, you stabbed the walker's head, hearing the gut-wrenching sound of tearing skin and breaking skull. The blood spraying on your face and the smell almost made you vomit. The body fell on the ground when another walker approached you, snapping its teeth and stretching its arms to you. You kicked it in the chest so you had more space for maneuvering, swaying your arm holding the knife to damage the skull of the lying dead. 
You stood up, taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat off your forehead. Other shooting noises were reaching the camp. You heard Rick's voice calling his family when you fell, being pushed down to the ground. Your chest took a pasting by falling flat on the ground, and the air from your lungs was beaten away. You realized the snapping teeth were inches from your skin, so at least you needed to push it away from you to kill, but the body was so heavy you couldn't make a move. 
Suddenly, you felt the weight above was lifted from you, thrown somewhere away, and shot, so you jumped out of your skin, instinctively closing your ears. Then, your body was lifted easily as if you were a featherweight. An arm tugs around you, pushing your back into someone's body. 
"Ya okay?" you know this gruff voice.
You quickly nodded and squizzed his forearm, thanking god Daryl returned to the camp. 
"Stay behind; it's clear there," the archer freed you from his hug and continued shooting the dead. 
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Several minutes passed when the last walker was down. You were panting, trying to catch your breath, and dropped to your knees as your muscles were aching. You looked back and saw Rick hugging his family. Carol and her daughter were safe, but the field around the camp was covered with dead flesh — the bitter payment for your close people to be alive. 
"Y/N," you heard Rick approaching you, helping you stand up, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, standing up, but your legs were wobbling, so the sheriff had to help you keep your balance by holding you by your back.
"Where's Merle?" 
"He escaped, but we couldn't find either him or his body."
The hope died in your eyes, turning your gaze to as black as night. 
"Y/N, can you tell me something?"
"Hm?" you hummed, fluttering your eyes open as if you were returning from a trance. 
"Did Merle and you..?" 
"No," you cut short his question and were trying to walk away, but Rick stopped you, standing next to you, gently holding your shoulders. 
"Is it because of Daryl?" by an odd coincidence, the name mentioned made you stiffen so that Rick's touch read your tensity.
"What do you mean?" 
"Do you like him?" 
You stiffened even more, and the opportunity to lie about something faded. Considering you were talking to the sheriff, who was too good at reading people. Furthermore, when they were close ones. 
"No. We just became friends," you put his arm aside, hinting you'd like to walk away. This dialogue was leading to some strange course. "Rick, I wanna sleep, let's talk tomorrow, okay?" 
Your friend nodded and stared after you walking away. 
"So, why do you sleep in Daryl's tent?" you stopped and turned around to the man. 
"Because you got back, and there's not enough space for four of us."
"You had already moved to Dixons. There was no stuff of yours. Or you are a medium." 
"Rick, is it cross-examining?"
"I just wonder why you behave so strangely. If you like some of the brothers, it changes everything. I'll insist on searching. If you don't have feelings but still hang out with them when your family is here. Then I assume you'd had some fighting with Lori and…"
"Hey man," Shane appeared out of nowhere, approaching Rick. "Let's discuss our plans for tomorrow. We need to do something with the bodies." 
You mentally thanked your ex and quickly walked to the tent. Getting inside of it, you noticed the archer was already sleeping. Perhaps he was so tired he didn't give a damn where he was going. And at least it's his tent. You grabbed your blanket to move to Merle's, but Daryl's voice stopped you.
"Ain't sleeping. Get inside. It's better to stick together if another horde is coming. Not gonna touch ya," the hunter's sleeping voice made some magic to you as you got in and laid down back to him without hesitation. You covered yourself with the blanket, but it was too much already as you were flushed red, and all your blood was running in hot impulses through your body.
"Is it okay?" Daryl wanted to reassure himself you were fine with this. 
"Yeah," you replied. 
"So, if Rick noticed, then when will you accept you have fallen for Daryl, Y/N?" you told yourself and shut your eyes tightly as if it would help you fall asleep faster.
< Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 >
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