Anyone else remember how Percy literally stole the Senate from under "Conspirator Extraordinaire, Literally Pointed As The Politician By The Book" Octavian's feet, like, my boy did that. "I'm so glad you asked!" Get rekt.
Actually, no, I'm including the full quote:
"The camp is safe,” Octavian continued. “I’ll be the first to congratulate our heroes for bringing back the legion’s eagle and so much Imperial gold! Truly we have been blessed with good fortune. But why do more? Why tempt fate?” “I’m glad you asked.” Percy stood, taking the question as an opening. Octavian stammered, “I wasn’t—” “—part of the quest,” Percy said. “Yes, I know. And you’re wise to let me explain, since I was.” Some of the senators snickered. Octavian had no choice but to sit down and try not to look embarrassed.
"You're wise to let me explain, since I was." LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Also, that dig about his loyalty earlier, that everyone likes to bring up because of Percy's outrage? A direct response to Percy making a convincing argument (convincing for his audience) for allowing the quest when they were all ranging from hesitant to scoffing about it:
Finally Senator Larry stood. “I know what Mars said, but that’s crazy. Alaska is cursed! They call it the land beyond the gods for a reason. It’s so far north, the Roman gods have no power there. The place is swarming with monsters. No demigod has come back from there alive since—” “Since you lost your eagle,” Percy said. Larry was so startled, he fell back on his podex. “Look,” Percy continued, “I know I’m new here. I know you guys don’t like to mention that massacre in the nineteen-eighties—” “He mentioned it!” one of the ghosts whimpered. “—But don’t you get it?” Percy continued. “The Fifth Cohort led that expedition. We failed, and we have to be responsible for making things right. That’s why Mars is sending us. This giant, the son of Gaea—he’s the one who defeated your forces thirty years ago. I’m sure of it. Now he’s sitting up there in Alaska with a chained death god, and all your old equipment. He’s mustering his armies and sending them south to attack this camp.”
I have to say. Does this sound as an argument Percy would find compelling? He doesn't say so in the narration, but right here he is definitely working his crowd. And then he doesn't acknowledge the veiled accusation of treason that immediately follows the above quote like I cannot overstate that Octavian saw Percy as a threat and jumped to undermine him, proving not only his awareness of when he's being provoked, but the ability to control his temper in such situations (as seen before when Chiron asks him what he'd think of being though of as a story about children who lose their mothers and when he first meets Ares, when he's feeling his influence but doesn't have any legitimate reason to resent him), and succeeds in distracting even Octavian from his attempt to throw dirt on him.
He does something similar later when Octavian argues that they shouldn't provide any aid for the quest:
An uneasy murmur passed through the crowd. Frank jumped to his feet. Before he could start a fight, Percy said, “Fine! No problem. But at least give us transportation. Gaea is the earth goddess, right? Going overland, across the earth—I’m guessing we should avoid that. Plus, it’ll be too slow."
He saw the futility of the constant arguing and negotiating in circles and 1) made a show of good faith by accepting some of Octavian's conditions while 2) including his own request. The way he phrased it, at least to me, came across as rhetorically presenting himself and his friends as stoic Roman heroes to the Senate, going off in part from Octavian's own description and in part from the appeal he made earlier (second quote), while also pushing Octavian into a position where he had to meet him in the middle with the transportation (Should he have done this instead of pushing for more help? Possibly. That's a good question that, not knowing how the conversation would have gone in that case, I can't answer. I'm pointing out that Percy was very much thinking about the best way to direct the meeting here.)
He also showed how unflinching he could be under pressure when Reyna unfairly (both to Percy and to Frank, the actual leader of the quest — although, to be fair, Percy and Hazel were the ones doing the heavy lifting with the Senate in that scene while he stood back, probably cowed by his hurricane promotion and the constant reminders Octavian made about his supposed inadequacy for the role) puts responsibility on him for defending the quest and laying out a plan for it. He even calmed her when he saw her start to flounder.
“First things first.” Percy tried to sound confident, though he could feel the level of panic rising in the room. “I don’t know who the seven are, or what that old prophecy means, exactly. But first we have to free Thanatos. Mars told us we only needed three people for the quest to Alaska. Let’s concentrate on succeeding with that and getting back before the Feast of Fortuna. Then we can worry about the Doors of Death.”
Bolding mine because Percy has to be worried. He doesn't really know what to do besides what he outlines here. In the previous paragraph he's thinking of all the awful things that could happen in monsters can't be reliably killed. However, just like in this quote, he's thinking about it in reference to how it affects other people. If it was up to him, he'd be in one of his "this is so hopeless, we're gonna die, we have no clue, the world sucks" brooding sessions, but, because he's talking to a desperate crowd —one that's deciding whether anything will be done to solve the dangerous situation at all, which is one thing Percy is always in favor of— he puts on his big boy toga and leads them all to a more optimistic, active and effective outlook.
All of this to say... I can see why Reyna sought to recruit him after this.
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yonemurishiroku · 10 months
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I don't know why but this part just cracked me up
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tuxebo · 7 months
when water meets wine. | (pjackson)
the blessing of hera includes violet eyes and slightly elongated hair, which is easy to miss. also sensing emotions and using feathers as weapons aren't really useful to any capacity, neither is a blessing in marriage for a thirteen year old, the real blessing of hera comes in the goddess's intentions.
now, i'm not saying hera is a good person, far from it, but it's never bad to be a powerful person's favorite. from putting leo in a fire as a baby to tampering with percy and jason's memories and making them switch places, what if she did a little more.
being a child of one of hera's friends was the easy part, receiving the blessing was not. various challenges since the day you were born, think leo but worse. your father has found you rolled up in a hallowed out cabbage of lettuce in his green house, as if you grew from the seed; bundled in a blanket stuffed with atropa belladonna, the plant made you (an infant) fly for days much to your father's dismay. might i note, he couldn't take care of the sores you got because you were in the air.
none of this was normal. all of this only had one possible culprit, your mother. their poor relationship only grew more strained, her visits were nothing more than a screaming match. of course, there was another woman there to comfort you, someone you never told your dad about. you ran to her like a sheep to its shepherd, not realizing you were running to the very root of your problems. she was the dirty water to your seed, no good but water no less. her hands ran down your hair with a gentle smile, eyes boring into you with intentions you could never quite place.
when you got to camp, she disappeared. it was so strange, you began to believe it was all something you made up in your head to deal with the nightmares, until zeus pisses hera off yet agan.
before your mother even claimed you, you were invited to stay in hera's cabin — by the goddess of marriage herself. in hindsight, she probably might have killed you if you took up that offer. in other words, you denied it but did get punished for it once more. a child of demeter who killed everything they touched, how fitting.
furthermore, to be tasked as one of percy's peer mentors? a mockery.
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blessed by hera and punished by her as well, you saw the world through violet eyes.
coincidently, the only thing percy jackson could remember were violet eyes. he thought those might've been his eyes, though his reflection told him that wasn't the case. no one had violet eyes but you, hera made sure of that. she knew the son of poseidon would stop at nothing to find that exact shade, even if he had no clue who you were (at least right now.) if there was someone, however, she paid off the mist to change the color when percy saw them.
when hera placed him in camp jupiter, everywhere he searched for those eyes. he became praetor, wanting to get an eagle's eye view to hopefully spot them. the closest he got to finding you was when he ran into aphrodite, the goddess with violet eyes. there was no way the only person he could think of, though, definitely not after talking to her.
when he was at camp, you taught him many things. even if he couldn't remember, plants came easy to him, which ones to steer clear of and which ones would give him exactly what he needed. you, daughter of a forester who was a former biochemist, taught him all this and it came to percy very naturally.
you were one of the demigods sent to retrieve percy, from camp jupiter. your (peer) metorship with percy earned you a spot on the argo ii, also hera but whatever.
once you were standing before the long line of curious roman demigods, and percy jackson, a gush of water pushes you forward and interrupts any thought you might have had. you were pushed into the son of poseidon's arms, much to everyone's (except hera's) confusion.
there must've been a dryer way he could've done that, at least.
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rey-diem · 3 months
okay so, i want to know what you guys think
is the praetor cape purple or red??
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astraeajackson · 24 days
y'all I'm lowkey SO happy that rick gave reyna a happy ENDING, or rather, a new BEGINNING, at the end of the tyrant's tomb.
i mean, look at her JOURNEY. from being a handmaid in circe's island, to somehow, in the span of four years, becoming the PRAETOR of the twelfth legion fulminata.
and then, just when you thought you might find a lifelong partner in your fellow praetor, he fucking VANISHES off the face of EARTH and you're left to MULL over your supposedly TRAGIC love life... all while babysitting CAMP and its blond, anemic PLUSHIE SLAYER.
seriously, after the whole war thing with the dang greeks, AND finding out that the guy you NEVER got to ask out has gotten himself a girlfriend and is fighting AGAINST you, then later finding out he's DEAD, AND having to spend a rough few days with a rather violent satyr and an emotionally exhausted and not exactly CHATTY son of hades, I'm honestly so happy she finally found her true calling and joined THE HUNTERS OF ARTEMIS.
reyna avila ramirez-arellano, you are defo gonna make one HELL of a hunter. PERIODT.
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sodamnbored · 4 months
Jason: Alright, ready to power through this paperwork?
Reyna: Sorry, I have to run. Got a doctors appointment.
Jason, concerned: Oh no. What’s wrong with you?
Reyna: Nothing. It’s just my annual checkup.
Reyna, on second thought: When did you last have one of those?
Jason: Never. I have never been to the doctor.
Reyna: Well that can’t be smart.
Jason, shrugging: Pssh. I am the picture of health.
Jason, grimacing: *every bone in his body popping as he stands up*
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knightofthenewrepublic · 11 months
Percy would have worked with Octavian, but the Augur never gave him a chance
(or Why Octavian's actions weren’t justified)
As people spend more and more time critically examining the Riordanvese (often to a fault, it must be said) one of the most common revisionist arguments is to try and absolve the mortal villains of the consequences of their action; usually by exaggerating their motivations. That includes the argument that Octavian was so quick to war partially because he was treated poorly by the Greeks. Particularly by Percy Jackson. 
But does that actually hold up?
People will argue that Octavian was not evil, because attacking Camp Halfblood was justified from his perspective; he thought they had broken a truce with New Rome and attacked it. And that would be a fair argument, IF that was the only bad thing Octavian had done, or even the worst thing. It wasn’t. And Octavian had begun trying to trigger conflict well before that. Percy, on the other hand, did his best to prevent it.
The first scene where Percy meets Octavian, is also the first time we see his sinister side. And that is of course when he tries to blackmail Hazel into supporting him for Praetor.
Now there is an aspect of the context of this scene that I think a lot of people overlook; their ages. Octavian is 18, or near enough, and Hazel is 13. This is a guy old enough to vote, (the only one of them who isn’t a child soldier) blackmailing a girl too young to get a learner’s permit. Just before this, Percy says Octavian reminds him of someone; which is obviously a reference to Luke Castellan. This type of nearly grooming behavior would have really reinforced that impression; which explains Percy’s hostile reaction to it.
Percy slipped his hand into his pocket, and grabbed his pen. This guy was blackmailing Hazel. That was obvious. One sign from Hazel, and Percy was ready to bust out Riptide and see how Octavian liked being at the end of a blade.
But Percy keeps these urges internal. He doesn’t voice his anger, and doesn’t give any visible reaction. The other two keep talking like he’s not there. This is a pretty good demonstration of Percy’s hard won self control; on his first day at Camp Half-Blood he doused Clarisse with toilet water for less, without even meaning to.
The next interaction he has with Octavian isn’t much better.
“Recruit,” he [Octavian] asked, “do you have any credentials? Letters of reference?” Percy shifted. “Letters? Um, no.” Octavian wrinkled his nose. Unfair! Hazel wanted to shout. Percy had carried a goddess into camp. What better recommendation could you want? But Octavian’s family had been sending kids to camp for over a century. He loved reminding recruits that they were less important than he was.  “No letters,” Octavian said regretfully. “Will any legionnaires stand for him?”
Now just asking this question is obviously standard practice, so Octavian isn’t wrong for that. It’s his condescending reaction that is the unsubtle putdown.
But then things come to a head very quickly, when that night’s game of capture the flag ends in a visit from the god Mars, and the command he delivers; a quest to retrieve the legion Eagle, and free Death.
Now what’s really important here is that, while people often think of Leo attacking Camp Jupiter as the point where Octavian turned against the heroes, THIS is the actual point. THIS is where he goes from being a nuisance to being an antagonist.
It starts in the Senate meeting the next day, when Percy tries to make sense of the situation:
“This Giant, the son of Gaea--he’s the one who defeated your forces thirty years ago. I’m sure of it. Now he’s sitting up there in Alaska with a chained death god, and all your old equipment. He's mustering his armies and sending them south to attack this camp.”
Percy is just repeating what Mars literally told them the night before. Octavian’s reasonable reaction to this is:
“Really?” Octavian said. “You seem to know a lot about our enemy’s plans, Percy Jackson.”
Him, and everyone else who was conscious at the end of the war games.
In spite of being almost outright accused of treason, Percy still keeps his cool. This shows a lot of growth on his part, compared to where he was in the second book of the previous series:
This was so completely unfair, I told Tantalus to go chase a donut, which didn’t help his mood.
After a bit more discussion, Octavian makes his move. First he gets in another insult. 
“Mars has clearly chosen the least likely candidates for this quest. Perhaps it is because he considers them the most expendable.”
And then he argues that the senate should not give any of the support that would normally be given to a quest. The odds of them succeeding are already so low; better to use their resources to protect the camp.
It’s pretty easy for us, the readers, to overlook what a dick move this really is. Of course WE know that the heroes are going to come back alive; but in universe, there is nothing to guarantee that. Even a small magical trinket could be the difference between life and death. And Octavian is trying to deny them that.
This could be understandable, if there was any sincerity to it. A sad but necessary sacrifice for the greater good, to protect the camp. But after arguing that all their resources have to be saved for the battle, Octavian proceeds to do nothing with them. When the giant’s army arrives, the legion simply marches out and fights them with conventional ranks and swords. Aside from a few roman scorpions (large crossbows), no specialized weapons are brought out, no magical items are used, they didn’t even build a wall or a trench. So there was no real reason not to give them anything; even if he sincerely believed the quest was doomed, that was all the more reason to help. The right magical tool might have at least given them the chance to get back alive. Depriving the questers served no purpose other than to make them fail.
You can also see this, in the fact that all Octavian’s stated reasons don’t actually win over the senate. 
The senators’ eyes moved back and forth between Octavian and Reyna, watching the test of wills. Reyna straightened in her chair. “Very well,” she said tightly. We shall put it to a vote.”
No one gives their support to Octavian before this. The senators are waiting to follow the person they see as more powerful, not the argument that was more convincing.
As for motivations, there is only one that Octavian could have; with the election just days away, he wants to prevent a rival for the praetorship.
Is the fulfillment of an epic quest a silly basis for entrusting someone with supreme executive power? Yes, in the real world, it is. But demigods don’t live in the real world; and in their world, everything revolves around quests. Quests drive every important event in the series, and are the ultimate standard by which the skill and power of a demigod are demonstrated. As Annabeth puts it in TLT:
“At camp you train and train. And that’s all cool and everything, but the real world is where the monsters are. That’s where you learn whether you’re any good or not.”
If Percy returns from a land that wiped out half a legion of demigods, with the long lost legion Eagle, the mob that is Rome will raise him up on the fanciest shield they can find. And Octavian isn’t the only one who has put that together. The very next chapter sees Reyna tell Percy that he could stand for praetor if he succeeds; and we are reminded several times that Octavian is far more politically savvy than she is. If she’s put it together, you can bet that he has.
But going back to the senate meeting itself; we see another example of Percy choosing not to start a conflict with Octavian, even when he seems to be trying to get him killed. Instead, he focuses on the important issues:
Frank jumped to his feet. Before he could start a fight, Percy said, “Fine! No problem. but at least give us transportation.”
Percy is more concerned about succeeding in saving the camp than satisfying any grudges. Octavian is more interested in how many insults he can fit into one meeting.
“A boat!” Octavian turned to the senators. “The son of Neptune wants a boat. Sea travel has never been the Roman way, but he isn’t much of a Roman!”
(The insult proves to be quite a hypocritical one in BOO, when Octavian has boats built to surround Camp Half-Blood.)
Octavian’s next attempt to start a conflict with Percy is slightly more subtle.
They were only halfway across the forum when someone called, “Jackson!” Percy turned and saw Octavian jogging toward them.  “What do you want ?” Percy asked. Octavian smiled. “Already decided I’m your enemy? That’s a rash choice Percy. I’m a loyal Roman.” Frank snarled. “You backstabbing, slimy–” Both Percy and Hazel had to restrain him.
Why is Octavian talking about being enemies? It doesn’t say Percy asked angrily, or Percy growled, or Percy glared at him. It’s a very dramatic reaction.
And Percy has done nothing to suggest that he wants to be Octavian’s enemy. Sure he has grown to dislike the augur, as most people would with someone who insults them and blackmails children:
Nico put his finger to his lips. Suddenly all the lares went silent. Some looked alarmed, like their mouths had been glued together. Percy wished he had that power over certain living people . . . like Octavian, for instance.
But he’s been keeping those critical thoughts to himself. He even avoided arguing in the senate meeting so as not to escalate things. The worst thing he’s done was knocking Octavian out during capture-the-flag which was both a perfectly fair move and a good strategy. Hardly something to base a feud on.
Most likely, this is a freudian slip on Octavian’s part. He’s already started to see Percy as an enemy, for no other reason than he might be a rival. That, or it’s an attempt at gaslighting Percy into thinking he somehow provoked Octavian into trying to get him killed. In any case, the augur hardly seems unhappy to see him, and the two legionnaires at his side, go off to their deaths.
Octavian smiled wickedly. “The last person she [Reyna] had a private talk with was Jason Grace. And that was the last time I ever saw him. Good luck and goodbye, Percy Jackson.”
If he’s happy to see them go, he’s certainly not happy when they come back alive. 
The look on Octavian’s face was priceless. the centurion stared at Percy with shock, then outrage. Then, when his own troops started to cheer, he had no choice except to join the shouting: “Rome! Rome!”
Not the appropriate reaction when Percy is saving the city, not to mention Octavian’s own life. The auger doesn’t have a single kind word to say.
The Roman symbols burned into Percy’s arm: a trident, SPQR, and a single stripe. It felt like someone was pressing a hot iron into his skin, but Percy managed not to scream. Octavian embraced him and whispered, “I hope it hurt.”
Just before this, Octavian kills a teddy bear and reads the future from it, announcing:
good omens for the coming year–Fortuna would bless them!
It has been suggested that Octavian actually had a very different vision at this moment; that he saw the Argo II opening fire on New Rome, and kept that to himself, but turned against Percy and the other Greeks because of that. This doesn’t seem likely. It would serve his purposes better to share that information; and he would have seen that vision in front of hundreds of demigods hardwired to notice small details, none of whom notice him having any visible reaction to it. Besides which, this can’t be the point when he turns on Percy, since he’s already been trying to sabotage him for most of the book.
Now if there is some big conflict between Percy and Octavian, this is the time for Percy to win it decisively. To use his new power and authority to put the auger in his place.
But Percy doesn’t do that.
“Why should we trust these Greeks?” Octavian was saying. He’d been pacing the senate floor for five minutes, going on and on, trying to counter what Percy had told them about Juno’s plan and the Prophecy of Seven.
Rather than simply steamroll over the discussion, and try to use his authority to silence any opposition, Percy allows Octavian a reasonable amount of time to air his concerns, before finally stepping in with his counter argument.
When Percy lays out the details of why they must join the Greeks, Octavian never comes up with a logical counter argument. Instead, when a messenger reports the Argo II has been spotted, he resorts to paranoid rambling.
“Praetors!” The messenger cried. “What are your orders?” Octavian [who is not a praetor] shot to his feet. “You have to ask?” His face was red with rage. He was strangling his teddy bear. “The omens are horrible! This is a trick, a deception. Beware Greeks bearing gifts!” He jabbed a finger at Percy. “His friends are attacking in a warship. He has led them here. We must attack!”
Yesterday when he last read the entrails, Octavian said the omens were good. Now, they’re suddenly horrible. That pretty well justifies Percy’s growing disregard for Octavian’s auguries.
Not only that; he is accusing Percy of treachery, while at the same time suggesting they attack a ship that can be seen bearing a white flag.
And this is before a single shot has been fired on New Rome. That false-flag attack by Gaea can not be the inciting incident for Octavian’s hostility to the Greeks. Not if what he wanted to do before it happened is the same as what he wanted to do after it happened. The attack is just what incentives the rest of the camp to support him.
The last interaction between Percy and Octavian is pretty much the first two chapters of MOA, where Octavian does his best to offend the Greeks.
“You’re letting these intruders into the camp!”
When Reyna orders Octavian to go make a sacrifice to the gods, Percy adds:
“Good idea. Go burn your bears Octavian.”
An insulting way to put it; but no more so than calling the Greek ambassadors (including a Roman praetor and Percy’s own girlfriend) “intruders.” And no more harsh than the insults Octavian has used for legionnaires below himself, like Frank and Hazel. And Percy has been given enough reason not to trust Octavian’s auguries any more than he trusts him.
The last exchange between them is about the praetorship:
Octavian snorted. “Which means we have three praetors! The rules clearly state we can only have two! “On the bright side,” Percy said, “both Jason and I outrank you, Octavian. So we can both tell you to shut up.” Octavian turned as purple as a Roman T-shirt. Jason gave Percy a fist bump.
I can only imagine how long Jason has been waiting for someone to say that to Octavian. It has been suggested this is an abuse of power on Percy’s part, but there is no reason to think so. They are surrounded by the senior officers of the legion, some of whom will be on Octavian's side, and no one raises an objection. And it's not like Octavian actually treats it like an order.
“I’ll step aside for Jason,” Percy said easily. “It’s no biggie.” “No biggie?” Octavian choked. “The praetorship of Rome is no biggie?”
No need to go into detail about how the rest of the series goes. Gaea triggers a war between the Greeks and Romans, and Octavian walks right into it. There is no reason to think he was working for her; but he was plainly looking for an excuse to start hostilities.
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percable · 26 days
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the Greeks and Romans in a literal war, manipulated by Mother Earth herself to distract them from defeating her. It WILL end in many deaths.
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Meanwhile with Reyna and Annabeth. You know. The literal generals of said Greek and Roman war.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
the discord brainstormed a "HoO plot but better" au where it's more focused on being the Gigantomachy + The Odyssey (like how the first series was primarily the Titantomachy + The Iliad, particularly TLO) rather than the awkward Gigantomachy + 7 Against Thebes + Argonauts juggling, and i literally have not stopped thinking about it since. someone remind me to explain it at some point because i'm obsessed with it. it's just extremely fun.
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frozenrose20 · 1 month
Telling my kids this was Octavian.
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chasing-that-jackson · 3 months
Look, I didn't want to be praetor. Or be responsible for people, but here I am!
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Hey, before you ask. Yes, my dad's the famous Percy Jackson, yes, my mother is Annabeth Chase. But I'm not going to live in their shadow! I'm making my own path! But before all the epic monologues, I'm Charlotte Sally Jackson, but you can just call me Charlie. Or anything other than "Da Big C" (I WILL fight you, Cassie). I'm the praetor of New Rome, along with Ambrose Asher! Now here's some stuff about me !
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Name: Charlotte Sally Chase - Jackson.
Alias: Charlie, Char-char , Goldfish (come on, dad.), Praetor Jackson, Jackson, Lottie.
Age: 16 Sexuality: Bisexual :D
Weapons: a trident named "Thalassa" (the sea) given to her by Poseidon. It can change shape at will, as it is made of pure water, her mother's Yankees cap.
Relations: Perseus Jackson (father) , Annabeth Chase-Jackson (mother), Cassandra Hestia Chase (sister), Sally Jackson (Grandmother) , Poseidon, Athena.
Personality: changeable like the sea" and hard to predict — with the important exception that she is extremely loyal to her friends and family. Sarcastic and goody at most times, but works great under pressure. Doubtful in her own skills but she believes a hell of a lot in others. The occasional temper is present, of course, but she wouldn't be a Jackson without it, amirite?
Fatal flaw: Overly giving/overly dedicated. She gives every part of her to a task, to a person. Even if she doesn't have anymore to give. She'll die trying.
Relationship with family: HUGE daddy's girl, but they always just roast each other. Loves her mom too, of course, but sometimes she's just too..overbearing. Too strict. Gets along great with her sister, who is 1 year younger than her. Her relationship with her grandma and grandpa (Sally and Paul) is also pretty good, they spoil her rotten (in a good way!). Vibes with Poseidon, kind of vibes with Athena until..a certain event. Now she's steely towards her. She's fond of Hestia and Apollo as they resonate with her.
Fears: small spaces, loss of loved ones/family, tests, drowning.
Sexuality : Bisexual, demiromantic
Hobbies: playing the guitar, occasional drawing, surfing, listening to audiobooks, joking around and learning new things. My sister, Cassandra is 15!
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"You are too giving. You will give yourself to save others, to make others better, to make others feel better, even if you are great danger. In pain, you smile at those around you because you know they'll hurt if you dont. And in the end, legacy of Poseidon, it will be your downfall."
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Songs that play constantly on my battered headphones (dad, buy me new ones , please :()
Seven nation army - The white stripes
Teenagers - MCR
Run, boy Run - Woodkid
What's up danger? - Blackway and Black Caviar
And many, many more! Feel free to come ask for song recs, because my music taste is as amazing as my fighting skills, haha.
People I know!:
@percy-jackson-xxx - My super amazing cool dad whose kinda stupid .... (I love you please don't throw me into the pool 😔)
@ineedtoescapefromreality - Echo and Rosalyn Mclean! (Rosalyn, teach me how to be as cool as you :[ and Echo just like. High five, dude ✌️), Auntie Piper and Shel's kids!
@daffy-not-a-duck - Daphne (I am not writing your complete name dude it's so long???) Uncle Nico and Will's daughter! (I like your parents, but you?? ew..........)
@iggy-mini-miny-moe - IGGGGGGYYYYY AYYYY (adhd bestie frfr, let's go commit arson) Uncle Leo and Jason's son! (Uncle Leo's tacos are amazing btw) @violent-cinnamonroll - Aria!( i appreciate chu bestie <333) Auntie Clarisse and Silena's kid! (Auntie clarisse scares me. pls dont pummel me to ground :()
@olivernotfound - Ollieeee! (Better than his sister :D) Uncle Nico and Wills second kid! (Who I like a lot more. High five, bro)
@notwillingtobefound - Will Valdez!! (Bros music taste is top tier?? How??) Uncle Leo and Jason's kid! @the-poison-and-the-sky - Belldonna Jackson-Chase! My older sister! (she hears everything/j) @daredevil-larue - Lucine La Rue ! Auntie Clarisse and Auntie Silena's other daughter! (super cool blue hair hehe <33) @praetor-ambrose-asher - Ambrose Asher, My fellow praetor! (muscles. end sentence. thats it. MUSCLE-)
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Ooc notes:
Occasionally, other characters will appear on this blog as I imagine them. This will include Percy , Annabeth, and Cassie! (Any post by them will have their name at the end)
praetor charlie on the chase - Charlotte ic
cassie snoops around - notes from cassie
parents are parenting - notes from Annabeth or Percy
the jackson two - both Cassie and charlie together!
In the praetors- ooc
Duck tales- with the idiotic (and pretty) Daffy Duck
Fireboy and watergirl - w/mah bro Iggy!!! We besties fr (stop burning down my freaking kitchen??)
Deathboy and Skatergirl - w/mah other bro ollie!! (Stop being so oblivious because Iggy clearly l- *gets slapped*) the ultimate cool girls - w/super cool girl, Rosalyn! awkward silence - w/ echo (quiet, but awesome)
Please remember, this is not a multi character blog, but just appearances by others! Thanks for reading. No nsfw . I'm a minor 😎.
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So, that's me! Ever need anything, I'm always up in the praetors office, or around the stables. Till we meet again, this is Charlie signing off!
That was so cheesy, Char. - Cassie
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kekaki-cupcakes · 6 months
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My official present to @lityersesly for the @pjo-equinox-solstice-exchange exchange!
I hope you like
more because I couldn't just pick one so I had a scroll through your blog and doodled some stuff lol
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Ethan and Drew dancing to Champagne problems which I understand isn't a very dancy song but oh well
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saw that meme you made <3
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artistofolympus · 5 months
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Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano (RARA from the last poll. Don't bring up the amount of time it took to draw this😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
Exams are around the damn corner for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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pjohoo-reclists · 1 year
Roman Percy Jackson Fic Recs
The Smart Match by greenconverses
T | 900 words | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Annabeth Chase/Jason Grace
Romance, Love Triangle, Alternate Universe
Jason's supposed to be the one for her. So why is Annabeth drawn to the dark haired son of Neptune instead? AU for Heroes of Olympus.
like slow motion by greenconverses
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Roman!Percy, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Future
“I heard it’s your birthday next week.”
Life of a Praetor by MidnightSonder
G | 2.4k | Ongoing as of 11/9/20
Eventual Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Praetor Percy, Camp Jupiter, Slice of Life
A more detailed look at Percy's time as Praetor. (Drabble series based off my story "Permanent Swap") Part 2 of Life of a Praetor
Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune by SixUnderOneXSix
T | 2.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Roman!Percy, AUs, Random & Short
Roman! Percy with a twist. Percy Jackson, Son of the Sea. He came to Camp Half-Blood, and things seemed off. Latin was more natural, then there was the annoying habit of calling The Olympians by their Roman names, and of course the whole not hating Annabeth and the other Athena kids as much as they seemed to hate him. So when his Mom tells him who his father really is things get crazier, and make more sense. Part of my Percy Jackson AU Shorts, and Percy Jackson and his Confusing Parentage Part 1 of Percy Jackson Short AUs  Part 1 of Percy Jackson & His Confusing Parentage
Permanent Swap by MidnightSonder
G | 3.8k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Praetor Percy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Son of Neptune Re-write
Hera knew she was meddling with fate, but she had no choice. However, she had no idea how permanent her actions would be. Percy Jackson was not supposed to arrive at Camp Jupiter until June, yet somehow, he arrived six months early. He was supposed to have partial memories connecting him to Camp Half-Blood, yet he remembered nothing. Hera supposed she should have known better than to try to make an unequal exchange. The fates simply evened the scales. Part 1 of Life of a Praetor
Even with just a name by 60sec400 
G | 8.6k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Neptune
Dark Percy Jackson, Poseidon is a Good Parent, Powerful Percy Jackson
Small snippets in a world where Percy chose the ocean. Neptune finds his son. Perseus Jackson has a quest for the glory of Rome and the glory of Neptune. Only, well, he's met another god. And that god wants him to find Annabeth Chase, the one name he's had in his head since he's woken up other than his own.aka. disconnected scenes that could exist in a son of neptune au Part 1 of Son of Neptune AU
A Romans Reprisal by JoeFromLegal
T | 14k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Thalia Grace
Roman Percy Jackson, Titans, Friendship
Neptune, he doesn't have the best image in New Rome. When Percy sees this, already being exposed to the cruelty of Rome, decides to take the matter into his own hands and get his father his honor back. But when New Rome, a city implemented by the gods, refuses to respect Neptune, who does Percy go to? Those that oppose them of course.
Nos Avete, Arma Deorum by insomniouscat (orphan_account)
M | 19k+ | Ongoing as of 2/6/21
Percy Jackson & Jason Grace, Jason Grace & Lupa, Percy Jackson & Lupa
Camp Jupiter Centric, Camp Half Blood Campers, Politics are hard
"Jackson, this is Grace," Lupa, taking initiative and perhaps pity on both of them, stepped in, tail twitching in a way that ordered Jason to move forward towards the other demigod. Jason obliged and stepped over creaking wooden planks to get a better look at the black haired male, instinctively scanning for signs of discomfort and tension in case he got attacked, just like how he was trained. "Yo," The black haired demigod said, ducking his head and shifting carefully in his seat, "I'm Percy Jackson."
Hard to Compete by ReaLangston
Not Rated | 19k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Amnesia, New Rome, Post Gaea & The Second Giant War
What if Hera had gone to extreme measures to wipe Percy's memory? What if he hadn't remembered Annabeth or his past after all? Once the Second Giant War is over Annabeth does her best to cope knowing that the love of her life has no idea who she is. She is leading Camp Half Blood, living with the Jacksons when her college classes are in session, doing her best to move her life forward. Will her carefully stacked house of card fall?
here comes the sun by seaweedbraens
G | 24k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Soulmate AU, Camp Swap AU, Roman Percy
there are nearly eight billion people on the planet, and annabeth's soulmate just has to end up being the roman son of neptune who gets on her nerves in every way imaginable.
Antithesis by LooneyPeach
T | 27k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Camp swap, Romance, Angst
Antithesis (n): a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else. Or, Annabeth meets Percy Jackson and they're 100% opposite. [Roman!Percy AR]
Vas Bellicosum by CombatTombat
M | 70k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Roman!Percy, Percy semi-raised by Lupa, AU
War is coming to New Rome. When a Son of Neptune, Percy Jackson, arrives at the camp, no one knows what to expect, least of all Jason Grace, his newly found cousin. Determined to survive the coming bloodshed, the legion adapts to this new and dangerous duo. With a dark future on the horizon, only the Fates know what is coming. Part 1 of Imperator
would it really kill you (if we kissed) by greenconverses
E | 81k | Ongoing as of 21/8/23
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Past Annabeth Chase/Luke Castellan
Dark!Percy, Canon-Typical Violence, Gratuitous Smut
It wasn't like Annabeth hadn't been warned about him. In New Rome, there was just one unofficial rule to surviving and thriving for demigods and mortals alike. Avoid the son of Neptune. At all costs.
Hell Incarnate by BookDragonsUnite
E | 94k+ | Ongoing as of 26/11/22
Percy Jackson/Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano/Leo Valdez
Dark Percy Jackson, Lupa Raised Percy for Seven Years, Fluff
What if the roles were reversed? What if Jason was Greek instead of Roman? And Percy? What would have happened if he was Roman and fought on Mount Tamalpais during the Titan War? "There's a reason Perseus means Destroyer, Annabeth. In every war, driven by some instinct, the Big Three have each had one of their children participate. But there was one war, the Peloponnesian War, where Zeus and Hades had no children. So, it fell on the only living son of Poseidon to lead. "There is a reason that three children of the trio were supposed to shoulder the burden of leadership together. It balances the scales; plays off the strengths of each. During the war, only Poseidon had given into his instinct and sired a son. The imbalance of power, the weight of that responsibility, forced him to become something else. Lysander, the son of Poseidon, expunged his mortal qualities in order to win the war and nearly became a god without the consent of the Olympians. "The Greeks had Jason, Thalia, and Nico. We Romans had only Percy."
Filii Deorum by CombatTombat
M | 145k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang
Roman Percy Jackson, Preyna, Everyone is badass
Camp Jupiter is in chaos. Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, former Centurion of the Fifth Cohort, and Praetor, is missing, kidnapped out of his own home. Searching harder than anyone else is his cousin, Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune. But with war approaching, it soon becomes clear that Jason was taken for reasons that not even Percy can understand, and he has to choose between finding his cousin and saving his home. Part 2 of Imperator.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Have you ever thought about how a random camper could have felt in that campfire, after the war, when Reyna hugged Nico?
Because if I was just a random camper and this silent creepy scary Hades kid I’ve barely seen more than a few times - let alone talk to - suddenly received an affectionate hug from the praetor of my enemies-turned-comrades, I would probably be kinda in awe surprised. Like. “What he’s been there all this time why do they seem so close what did i miss?”
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hazellvsq · 1 year
reyna as the leader of camp jupiter and hazel as the outcast. neither can opt out of the system the way jason and nico, their counterparts, have, because the camp needs reyna and hazel needs the camp and neither have anywhere else to go. both so alone but unable and unwilling to help the other directly, uninterested in saving the other, instead going through the intermediaries of percy and hylla. both stoically bearing their burdens but inevitably going to crack under the strain. they have to be accommodating they have to polite and thoughtful at all times or they won’t survive in their positions. all duty little freedom and they aren’t friends and they’re both being manipulated by octavian and neither is allowed to snap in public. so strong but so lonely. roman girls <3
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