#prankster izuku
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My shift to Bnha
I’ll start with the basics. For starters my reality is a bit different. The legal age is 25, so therefore school duration is longer, and our ages are different. I start UA when I was 19 years old, which made me a year 1 student. my parents are both prominent figures in hero society, and I was an only child to them. I only add this because I think it’s important to acknowledge background information because it shapes your experience and your placement in society, especially in a world filled with heroes everything is ranked and merit based.
UA .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Contrary to popular belief, at least in my reality school is very much emphasized and just as important as hero work. For me a typical day looked like, getting up at 7:45 to prepare for classes that started at 8:30 and ending at 5. We do have a one hour lunch break, and a specific period to work on our specific quirks alone any way we see fit. A lot of people do use that time to slack off and hang out with friends, but they’ve recently become very strict about it. Credits to to Tenya Ida for informing the board of what people were really doing ! A lot of people were mad but honestly I am a teachers pet in this reality so I kind of appreciated it.
I can’t speak for the other classes, maybe it’s because of everything we went to, but we are not a class we are genuinely family. I am closest to Izuku, Sui, Ochacho, Mina, Todoroki and MoMo! Not in any particular order. I’m not going to talk about everyone but here are some of the reasons I love them <3
•Mina is just as extroverted quirky and bubbly as you would expect. Shes one of those people you meet and you can’t help but adore because they energy is so welcoming and they’re so loving. She’s kind of a prankster and a rumor starter and I find it hilarious. You can’t keep anything from her, though but once she has a narrative she has narrowed upon, you have a better chance of changing the devils mind.
For example i talked about this in a different post, but she started a rumour that bakugo is in love with izuku and that’s why he’s mad all the time. It got back to bakugo and he threatened to turn the cafeteria into a live bake oven. It’s honestly hilarious how she can make a whole room laugh. Or make anyone mad.. I guess it’s a talent regardless.
•Sui is the sweetest girl ever. She kind of keeps to herself but she’s honest and what you see is what you get. She’s also kind of emotional and I am kind of a cry baby too there so we get each other. We really just want to do our best and see everyone succeed. I would say both of us made friendships are bigger priority than hero training and we have both been called out for it too.
•Ochacho is very similar to Mina but she can also get down to business when she needs to. Everyone loves her, and her powers are super helpful in any situation, like for sneaking out quietly… but I wouldn’t know anything about that. I vividly remember having a conversation about our hero progress and she’s deeply insecure. She grew up impoverished and Monterey compensation is one of the reasons that really encouraged her to be a hero. I remember one time she was telling me how impressive I was during the first few weeks of school because I had a better handle on my quirk than her. She said something of how I was meant to be a hero. It made me sad because I admired her will and determination more than anyone. I had so many factors that put me ahead in some of my peers. My mother is a pro hero and I went to a profound middle school that molded me to be ready. I told her she was born to be a hero and I was made to be a hero. I was being honest and I didn’t think it meant anything but she always reminds me of how she thinks about that anytime she’s in a situation where she needs help. Nothing made me happier
•Momo and my quirks are very similar. My quirk is called clairvoyance somnium, and my hero name is dreamer. Kind of what she can do but I visualize whatever I need. I can also do more things that I won’t get into but a lot of it, I was inspired by my shifting methods ! Anyways she’s the sweetest and we live pretty close to each other so I’ve seen her around for a while. She’s honestly very gorgeous and we both struggle with insecurities and anxiety, so she really is someone I relate and rely on. Maybe it’s because our quirks or so similar or we have similar backgrounds and personalities but… she’s probably the person I am closest with! But I really do love everyone equally
Bakugo .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Ok lots of people ask about him so let’s go.
Yes he’s so loud and always angry. You know I thought i would be scared of him but I honestly even I even give him snarky remarks sometimes (in a nice way because I am so nice in this dr) but wow he is the loudest person I’ve ever met in any dr but his powers are amazing we all respect it
Contrary to popular belief..no one is scared of him. As angry, loud and aggressive as he is he has proven time and time again all he wants to do is be a hero. Honestly it surprised some of us but everyone knows he has kind of good intentions under his wrath ??
He also makes everything a competition and he’s actually good at eveything. He’s good at school I’m pretty sure he placed after me in mid terms ! I got third and he got fourth. He’s a great cook and baker. We had a baking competition and he placed after sato. We made ramen and he made the best ramen ! Like he’s not as dumb as he looks. He’s also in a one sided competition with Todoroki but as we have all noticed he doesn’t give a fuck.
Powers .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
This may be egotistical but I could not imagine not being a hero in a world with 80% hero. Don’t let the league of villains hear this it will fuel their fire. 🥲 in all seriousness we are lectured that we are not better than anyone, and we are simply stronger than other people and that is it so we shouldn’t let it conflate our egos. The only way we would be given the green flag to pat our own backs is when are abilities begin to save millions of lives. But then I guess if we’re only being heroes to look good then would that really make us heroes. At least that’s what I wrote about in my English essay. Present mic did in fact eat it up, I got an amazing grade on it. But that’s not the point. The point is it’s easy to get a big head but we were simply genetically lucky, not better, smarter, etc.
Now that philosophy is behind us, having powers is so cool and coming back here the limits of other realities having no bounds never fails to amaze me. Our quirks are an extension of ourselves and literally are us. It’s not second nature, it’s first nature after having these abilities for so long. Especially my quirk, if I wanted I could “dream” 500 million yen, and well I wouldn’t be able to put it in the bank but I digress. Finding out what your quirk can do and how far your cbs push your limits always allows us to be going through moments of self discovery. Having a quirk is honestly it’s own life alone, and I genuinely could not be happier.
My favorite classes .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
As a student in this incredible universe, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to pursue many amazing topics of study.
One class I took was Hero Studies, where we learned about the many different hero theories and methods of justice, as well as what it takes to become an effective hero. We also discussed the history of the hero world and its evolution throughout the years. It was a fascinating subject and definitely one of my favorites!
The next class I took was Quirk Studies. Here we learned all about quirks, their effects on people and how they can be used to help protect civilians and stop villains. We even discussed how to best work with a partner with a different quirk, and how to combine two quirks to create a unique and powerful attack.
Finally, I also took a class called Combat Training. This class taught us all about combat techniques and how to use the environment and our natural abilities in order to survive any situation. We learned how to effectively dodge and block attacks, as well as how to use our quirks to create powerful attacks.
We of course also had the general classes of math, English, science, math, and music
The classes at UA High were some of the most interesting classes I have ever taken and I am so grateful for having the opportunity to explore them. Not only did I learn a lot about the world of My Hero Academia, but I also grew as a person and as a hero.
Random funny story .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
I’m going to tell you one of the funniest most embarrassing things that happened during the UA sports festive. This happened during the third event, when we were in teaams.
I was with Izuku, mei, Ochako, and fumikage. Everyone is trying to steal the headband from us because Izuku has all the points ! Everyone was targeting us and it was so unfair. during the last few seconds I started running to dream us a tower so we can hide and to grow into to the skies. Then someone came so they threw me the headband and i I was waiting for them but then they got attacked and they told me just go without them !?? I was literally shaking and my anxiety was at an all time high time so I quirked my tower or whatever and made it grow and then the time ran out! I had the headband and we thought we won and we were cheering but umm no. I was the only winner technically because I wasn’t with my team. BUT because that took away FROM the point of the team work part I was deducted points from my own Individual points because that wasn’t the point of the challenge. Honestly you win some you lose some. It was a fun experience regardless.
Also honestly i shifted here around the time of the World Cup, which I could not care less about, but I get the hype of sports witnessing Izuku’s fight against Shinso (manipulation guy.) it was so awesome !!! I was at the edge of my seat the entire time!!! So I guess Now I understand how some people feel about sports lol. By the end of the festival, I got third place overall and my mom was so proud of me. It was the honestly a great feeling.
Random dump with no correlation
my mother (Uwabami’s) Quirk gives her a trio of live snakes growing from her head. One of the snakes have acute senses, allowing her to locate hidden criminals and disaster victims.one snakes also has a scent that can make her victims mindless slaves, one snake produces poison and attacks her victims.
my father who also attended UA with my mom has Squirmy Fingers (can precisely bend and control his fingers, giving him great dexterity) As well as a High Scientific knowledge Skills IQ in engineering. I found this interesting because usually children are a combination of their parents quirks or either or, and mine has nothing to do with either lol.
Todoroki’s pretty smart though he places after Bakugou in the mid terms. he also loves to read ! He’s also politically educated and actually had profound knowledge on the history of heroes and how and why he believe hero’s and villains came to be so.. surprisingly he is more philosophical than I would think. He doesn’t really talk about it or bring it up because if you have a good conversation with him and get him to open up it is always worth.
Tbh to no surprise the food options were eclectic and varied. There was something for everyone! I had everything from traditional Japanese dishes such as ramen and sushi, to western and American-style dishes like pizza and burgers. I even had access to a variety of international cuisines like Indian, Chinese, and Korean.
One of my favorite places to get a good meal was the school cafeteria. Every day it was full of delicious options, from freshly-cooked dishes to the convenience of pre-packaged items. There were also lots of drinks and snacks available. On certain days, the cafeteria also served special meals such as curry or tonkatsu.
If I was looking for something a bit more fast-paced, there were several food stalls and restaurants around town. I could find an assortment of things like ramen, takoyaki, and okonomiyaki. There were also locations that offered more unique dishes such as Japanese-style hamburgers or omurice (Omelette Rice).
Although I often ate at restaurants, I also cooked meals in my dorm room. I could make simple dishes with ingredients from the local grocery store, like fried rice, or make something more complicated with ingredients from the nearby specialty grocery store. I even tried my hand (well with sato as well) at making dango, the traditional Japanese dessert.
Tbh No matter what type of food I was looking for, UA had it though. With all of the different options available, there was something to satisfy whatever cravings I had.
I also write and speak in English so don’t ask any language questions because I do not know
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I'm doing the profiles for the bnha next gens SO. Let's just. Let's fucking go.
Only note before hand is to remember that the current year in Canon is 2X66 so their birth years are based on that!!
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Umi (海)
Born: 2X70
Gender: Demigirl(she/they)
Quirk: Mermaid - The user has a fishy appearance, with fin-like ears, webbing between fingers, scales on their body, sharp teeth, and eyes with split pupils. They also can breathe in water and have some hydrokinesis. 
Parents: Izuku, Katsuki, Ochako, Eijiro, Shoto(adopted)
Personality notes: Very dramatic. Absolute theatre kid.
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Miku (ミク)
Born: 2X70
Gender: Female
Quirk: Time Jump - The user can transport themselves or others through Time. Those affected will be sent to a different point in time for 3-5 days(spending both 3-5 days in the other time and reappearing the same amount of time after their departure). Though the affected people can change past events, they will just create a new branched Timeline and will be returned to their own Timeline so they cannot truly effect things(it doesn’t keep people from wanting to try). Those effected will be sent somewhen along their own Timeline, but it is currently randomized. In theory she could strengthen her Quirk to be more accurate, to be more used at will to jump around, or to 'return' people to altered Timelines. But it would take practice.
Parents: Izuku, Katsuki, Ochako, Eijiro, Shoto(adopted)
Personality notes: Quiet and shy, but just as willing to cause chaos as the rest of the family
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Little Menace/Miyuki (光幸)
Born: 2X76
Gender: good fucking luck (she/they)
Quirk: Inheritance - User can pull any Quirk out of their DNA. This must be the Quirk of a direct ancestor. So they can pull a grandparent's Quirk, but they can't use an uncle's. They must have the Quirk active to gain it's passive effects. For example: if they have a Quirk that provides passive fireproofing, they are only fireproof if that Quirk is active.
Parents: Izuku, Katsuki, Ochako, Eijiro, Shoto (biological to all five, made through a Quirk)
Personality Notes: Always down to cause problems, but a good person at heart
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Gear Gremlin/Gumi(紅深)
Born: 2X76
Gender: Female
Quirk: Quirkless
Parents: Mei(bio), Tenya(bio), Hanta
Personality Notes: Also down for chaos and experimentation! You ask 'what if-' and she's already building something.
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Kanade 花奏
Born: 2X77
Gender: Female
Quirk: Techno-Screen Teleportation - The user can essentially use screens as portals. They can take items with them, but they cannot take other people. (She also has her mom's ear cords, but the picrew doesn't have anything for me to add them lmao.)
Parents: Momo, Kyoka(bio), Denki(bio), Hitoshi
Personality Notes: Intimidating as fuck especially with the punk rock look but very sweet. Favorite prank is to swap places with her brother.
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Born: 2X77
Gender: Male
Quirk: Technopathy - The user can control technology. This is limited by the fact that it must have an earphone jack they can 'plug into'. (Obvs he also has his mom's ear cords, but the picrew won't let me add them lmao)
Parents: Momo, Kyoka(bio), Denki(bio), Hitoshi
Personality Notes: Seems more refined than his sister, but is the more ruthless of the two. Not that he isn't nice, of course. Favorite prank is to swap places with his sister.
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Hibiki (響)
Born: 2X78
Gender: Female
Quirk: Vocal Mimicry - Can mimic any sound. From other's voices to straight up noises.
Parents: Momo(bio), Kyoka(bio), Denki, Hitoshi(Made through a Quirk)
Personality notes: While she seems to be the voice of reason, that is only in comparison to her siblings. Absolute baby of the family
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Akiko (影子)
Born 2X78
Gender: Male
Quirk: Shadow Tongue(unfortunately not pictured for picrew reasons). The user's mouth is a void of shadow. They can control this void like a prehensile 'tongue'.
Parents: Eimi, Tsu(bio, made through a Quirk)
Personality notes: Quiet, a bit of a prankster, but also the first one to put jokes aside when they have to be serious.
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Nijiko (虹子) (art done by @rachelsshowerthoughts)
Born: 2X76
Gender: Female
Quirk: Hummingbird - the user is an anthropomorphic bird, specifically Hummingbird, with similar abilities such as speedy flight. User can also control feathers plucked off their body, though the feathers can't be reattached and will eventually 'die' and lose connection.
Parents: Fumikage, Mezo(adopted), [REDACTED](bio)
Personality notes: Shy when it comes to people, but an absolute daredevil.
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Hirokazu (博和)
Born: 2X76
Gender: Male
Quirk: Bold Wings/Hot Wings - The user has a pair of wings with controllable feathers, and is also fireproof. Doesn't initially have Fire creation, but that comes later.
Parents: [REDACTED]
Personality Notes: Seems charismatic at first, but looking under the surface you'd think he'd never interacted with another kid in his life.
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Born: 2X76
Gender: Male
Quirk: Quirkless
Parents: [REDACTED]
Personality Notes: Absolute edgelord. Can occasionally put his money where his mouth is though.
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gigglycharm · 1 year
April Fools
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Pairing: Lee!deku, Ler!kirishima
Summary: It's April Fool's Day, and Kirishima decides to play a small prank on Deku. The 'small' trick, just so happens to result in big laughs.
Word Count: 1.4k
April 1st. Also known as April Fool's Day. The dorm was full of pranksters, fooling anyone in sight, with the exception of Bakugo. Nobody had dared to even try to fool him yet... So, you would think that he would be who Kirishima was preparing to fool. But no, the redhead had his eyes on a less dangerous target—one who he hadn't had the chance to fool today. Deku. His freckled face was just too precious not to prank, Kirishima thought, alongside a train of other thoughts. 'How will I prank him?', for starters.
Kirishima stepped out of his room and tip-toed toward the living room, where he heard Deku's distinct voice speaking to someone else. The tip-toeing was unnecessary, but it enhanced the sneakiness of this prank. What even was the prank? He hadn't a clue for now. He'd figure it out once he sees Deku, which was right now. The boy was spread out on the couch, watching television, unsuspecting of any pranks for the moment.
"Deku! There you are..." Kirishima offered the smaller boy a warm smile, and in return received an even warmer grin. "Kirishima? Did you need me for something?" Deku spoke, sitting up straight. That's when Kirishima had an amazing idea. The boy remembered a situation that he and Deku were in a few days ago—Deku had splinters in his feet from these pesky sticker burrs that were growing in the dorm's yard. Kirishima, the nice guy he is, offered to help him pluck them out of his soles. Let's just say, Deku had a pair of rather... ticklish feet.
The redhead took a seat beside Deku, putting his arm around his shoulder. "I heard from... er- Kaminari! That there's something on the bottom of your feet..." His tone lowered as he spoke. Deku raised a brow, pulling a foot up onto his knee, and checking the sole. "Ahh, I don't see anything, Kirishima. How would Kaminari even know what's on my feet?"
Kirishima thought for a moment, then asked Deku to put his feet in his lap. Deku was hesitant to speak. "What? Well-well why?" He scratched his head, ruffling around his green hair. Kirishima pulled his arm from Deku's shoulder and scooted to the far side of the couch. He patted his lap, not explaining anything further. It was a motion for the boy to give Kirishima his feet. 'What is going on?' Deku thought.
A moment of awkward silence passed before Deku complied. He slowly raised an ankle and placed it on Kirishima's thigh. He did the same for the other ankle even slower. Kirishima smirked as if he saw what he'd been expecting on Deku's soles.
"I'm sorry to tell you, but you have some writing on your feet. What the hell does this say..." Kirishima leaned his head down to get a closer look at his soles before continuing. "Hm? Tickle my feet -From Izuku Midoriya?" The freckled boy stammered. "Wh-what?" That was all he could say.
Deku was beyond confused... His feet surely didn't say, 'Tickle me', right? And was he the one who wrote it? Kirishima did say that '-From Deku' was there also. The puzzled boy suddenly put the pieces together. This has to be a prank!
"Ha-ha, funny! Kaminari must have fooled you into fooling me... What a prankster." He had a sarcastic tone. He hadn't quite put the pieces together, actually... Hopefully, it'd become more clear with time.
Kirishima shook his head, disagreeing. "No, no, your feet do say 'Tickle me'... And it seems you wrote it yourself? You don't have to be shy! Here, I'll help ya out." He wrapped an arm around Deku's two ankles, turning his back to the greenette. Deku was in shock but was quickly pulled from it when he felt some fingers lightly scratch up and down the arch of his left foot.
"GAH!- Wohohoah, Kahahirishima!" Deku reached over to try and grab Kirishima but was quickly put back in his place by a rough clawing motion, covering the area of both his soles. "GYAH!- AHAha, fuhuhuck, oho myhaha gohosh!" He'd never been tickled like this before by Kirishima. By the rest of the dorm, of course! But for some reason, the boy who was now wrecking Deku's soles was growing more and more needy for that cute laughter he produced—since he'd never had it before.
"Am I doing it right? Hm?" Kirishima hummed, looking back at the mess named Deku. He was flailing all about, already starting to turn red in the face. Kirishima slowed his hands down, trying to keep the boy in a comfy state. He wanted Deku to enjoy what he'd asked for... even though he may have not asked for it at all.
Deku sighed, relieved that the tickling had come to an end. He finally knew what Kirishima was up to and was ready to have a chuckle about it. But Kirishima had other plans... Now that Deku seemed to be fine, he would continue to push him to that ticklish breaking point, not going over, but sure as hell getting close. He gently dug his fingers underneath the boy's toes, causing him to wiggle them around. He began to squeal and shout and beg for help. "Puhulease! I dihidnt ahask for this-uhaha!"
"Yeah, ya did! It's fine, Deku. You don't have to be embarrassed~..." Kirishima became rougher with the wiggling of his fingers, which made Deku squeal even louder. He laughed and laughed, then laughed some more. Kirishima, proud of himself for fooling Deku, decided to let this prank last a little longer... He skittered his fingers down to the ball of Deku's foot, then rapidly dashed across his arch, and up to his toes. He went up and down, quicker and quicker, until the boy behind him was thrashing around on the couch. Deku had managed to throw a few pillows off the couch and even alert some of his dormmates.
Bakugo poked his head into the living room, his ears smoking like a fire. "Keep it down!" He shouted, glaring at Deku. He hadn't acknowledged Kirishima, who was causing all of this. Did he really expect Deku to just be quiet while having his feet crazily tickled?
"Kahachahan! Plehease, hehohelp!" Deku cried out, writhing around on the couch. He needed someone to help him fight off Kirishima. His weak attempts at pulling his feet back weren't enough, obviously.
Kacchan cackled and returned to his room. Deku was almost offended before realizing that it was Bakugo he'd asked for help. He'd have a better chance at asking a shark not to eat him. Or even asking Kirishima to stop tickling him. If he could have clearly spoken, asking for him to stop the tickling, he probably would have considered it. But, Deku's words were entangled with giggles and shrieks, making his words incomprehensible to the human ear.
Kirishima pulled back Deku's toes and scribbled against the ticklish skin, unprepared for the scream that Deku was about to unleash. It was more of a giggle-infused shriek, but nonetheless, it startled Kirishima. He continued to wiggle his fingers underneath his friend's toes, watching as he pleaded for help.
"Kihi-HEHAHEHIHI!- KIHIHIrishihima, puhulease, I cahant!-" Deku was a mess... His face was red, his feet were tingly, and his hair was all messed up. All of that shaking around had made his head look like a bird's nest. Kirishima didn't care about how much of a mess he was, though. However, he did care about exploring Deku's ticklishness even further. He snaked a hand up Deku's leg and onto his inner thigh, lightly clawing at the pale skin.
Deku went berserk. This wasn't a surprise to Kirishima, he knew that the boy was ticklish nearly everywhere. He still held Deku's ankles in an armlock, rapidly prodding the insides of his thighs. The boy was out of breath and couldn't even form incoherent words. Everything was laughter!
"Had enough?" Kirishima teased, digging a few fingers into the pit of Deku's knee. His reply was laughter. Loud, yet cute laughter. He took that as a yes and let his friend's feet go, getting accidentally kicked when he pulled them into his lap as fast as he could. Deku held them in his lap, still giggling from the tingly feelings underneath his toes. Nobody was touching his feet, but even the thought of being tickled made him laugh.
Deku glared at Kirishima, who was grinning from ear to ear. He looked down at the soles of his feet again, even though he knew they were blank. There was no 'Tickle me' on them. "April Fools..!" Kirishima exclaimed, a little worried. The look on Deku's face was suggesting that revenge was soon to come... Maybe next April Fools Day, though.
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akari-ku · 1 year
The Hero of Ouran
What if Midoriya Izuku had a quirk? What if our All Might loving fanboy wasn't our All Might loving fanboy?
Follow Izuku on his journey through Ouran Academy, as he is adopted by a commoners-coffee loving rich boy, 2 mischievous pranksters, a Light Yagami wannabe, a 5 year old who could absolutely kick your ass, a 6 foot 2 giant and a vase breaking commoner who was forced to be here.
How will our Izuku handle the application process? And how will his best friend react to this? And most importantly how did he end up in Music Room 3!?
(Returning Soon: Sunday, April 16th)
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
And the Award Goes To…
And The Award Goes To… by itsclowreedsfault
"Izuku is definitely gonna win," Ochako pipes up. "There wasn't a single week when we were filming season five when someone wasn't falling for one of his pranks."
"Hey!" Mina protests. "I did not replace Hizashi's entire stash of coffee with decaf coffee for nothing. Victory will be mine!"
"That was you!?" Hizashi screeches, and this time it's Shouta who shows him sympathy through a friendly squeeze of his arm.
Just in time to save Mina from Hizashi's caffeine-deprived confrontation, Horikoshi's voice sounds through the mic, sending the audience into an abrupt silence.
"And the Biggest Prankster on Set award goes to…"
Words: 1307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 29 of Zine Works
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Horikoshi Kouhei
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Actors, Behind the Scenes Vol 2 Zine
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43679889
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 1 day
Mischief: Variants
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IyZ7bVY by KageNekem Funny extra material for the fanfic: Mischief It can be Omakes, alternative scenes and story bits, deleted plot threads, or anything really. I thought it was finally time I do something with all the saved funny and outlandish scenes either I’ve thought of or others have suggested to me that I couldn’t fit into the main fic. There’s unfortunately too much to for a cohesive story but makes it perfect to have some fun here with! Words: 2836, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Mischievous Misadventures Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Marvel, Thor (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Eri (My Hero Academia), Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Asui Tsuyu, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia) Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Tokage Setsuna, Asui Tsuyu/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Jirou Kyouka/Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina/Shinsou Hitoshi, Tokoyami Fumikage/Yanagi Reiko, Hadou Nejire/Shimura Hana, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Everyone Additional Tags: Omake, What-If, Alternate Universe, Alternate History, Prankster Midoriya Izuku, Fluff and Humor, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Breaking the Fourth Wall, non-canon, Don’t Think Too Hard About Anything in Here read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IyZ7bVY
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ladysunamireads · 7 months
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ao3feed-tododeku · 8 months
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
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Their Space
Their Space by Hiddenwriter1028
Denki is a prankster and hiding in his boyfriend's room is always a good escape. It's especially a good idea when cuddles can happen when the person he pranked leaves them alone.
Words: 1105, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Soft Midoriya Izuku, Soft Kaminari Denki, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Fluff, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Kaminari Denki is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Third Year Class 1-A
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42320607
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And the Award Goes To…
And The Award Goes To… by itsclowreedsfault
"Izuku is definitely gonna win," Ochako pipes up. "There wasn't a single week when we were filming season five when someone wasn't falling for one of his pranks."
"Hey!" Mina protests. "I did not replace Hizashi's entire stash of coffee with decaf coffee for nothing. Victory will be mine!"
"That was you!?" Hizashi screeches, and this time it's Shouta who shows him sympathy through a friendly squeeze of his arm.
Just in time to save Mina from Hizashi's caffeine-deprived confrontation, Horikoshi's voice sounds through the mic, sending the audience into an abrupt silence.
"And the Biggest Prankster on Set award goes to…"
Words: 1307, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 29 of Zine Works
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Horikoshi Kouhei
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Actors, Behind the Scenes Vol 2 Zine
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43679889
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bananaink · 5 years
Tumblr media
For my AU :D
Every week they go to Yagis for Izuku to meet his mom and reconnect at a nice meal. But since no one except for Present Mic has a license, he happily drives them around in his small, old car full of sticker. :D
Aizawa is still angry with Izuku for tricking Bakugou into blowing up a toilet, and no, Izuku, that’s not funny! Also, there are easier ways to determine the required amount of water necessary to extinguish Bakugous explosions. I will tell your mother about this.
Well, Izuku is definitely innocent because no one saw anything except for Bakugou and himself - and ExplodoBoy is too angry to rat him out, so good luck proving anything to mom, dumb face.
Yagi stopped trying to defuse these and other heated arguments after the third time being yelled at because he could either help a fellow colleague (and friend) and attract the wrath of a prankster - or loose the least bit of respect as a teacher in UA and be safe from said prankster. So he waits them out, surpressing his instincts to bring peace.
Yamada is just happy for the time they spend together, just like a little patchwork family. :D
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chako-chip · 3 years
fucking imagine if deku died and the voice over at the start of the series ("blah blah how i became the number one hero!") was just shinso using his voice modulator
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Their Space
Their Space by Hiddenwriter1028
Denki is a prankster and hiding in his boyfriend's room is always a good escape. It's especially a good idea when cuddles can happen when the person he pranked leaves them alone.
Words: 1105, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Soft Midoriya Izuku, Soft Kaminari Denki, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Fluff, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Kaminari Denki is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Third Year Class 1-A
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42320607
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 1 day
Mischief: Variants
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IyZ7bVY by KageNekem Funny extra material for the fanfic: Mischief It can be Omakes, alternative scenes and story bits, deleted plot threads, or anything really. I thought it was finally time I do something with all the saved funny and outlandish scenes either I’ve thought of or others have suggested to me that I couldn’t fit into the main fic. There’s unfortunately too much to for a cohesive story but makes it perfect to have some fun here with! Words: 2836, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Mischievous Misadventures Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Marvel, Thor (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Eri (My Hero Academia), Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Asui Tsuyu, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia) Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Tokage Setsuna, Asui Tsuyu/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Jirou Kyouka/Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina/Shinsou Hitoshi, Tokoyami Fumikage/Yanagi Reiko, Hadou Nejire/Shimura Hana, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Everyone Additional Tags: Omake, What-If, Alternate Universe, Alternate History, Prankster Midoriya Izuku, Fluff and Humor, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Breaking the Fourth Wall, non-canon, Don’t Think Too Hard About Anything in Here read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/IyZ7bVY
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